Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 02, 1857, Image 4

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proposing Amendments to the
Constitution Of the Common
Resolved by the Senate ant?•House of Repro.
sentalives of the Commonwealth fy . Pennsylea•
nia in General Assembly met : That the follow
ing amendments are proposed to the eonstitu•
Lion of the commonwealth, in accordance with
the provisions of the tenth article thereof.
There shall be an additional article to said
constitution to be designated as article eleven,
as follows :
Secrtov 1. The stets may contract debts, to
supply criminal deficits or iltilures in revenues, I
or to meet expenses not otherwise provided for;
but the aggregate amount of such debts direct
and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of I
one or more acts of the general 11,112 inbly, or at I
different periods of time, shall never exceed so-
Tell hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the
money arising frcm the creation of such debts,
shall be applied to the purpose for which it was I
obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted,
and to no other purpose whatever.
&mi. '2 In addition to the above limited
power, the state may contract debts to repel in
vasion, suppress ii.surreetion, defend the state
in war, or to retleetn the present outstanding
debtedness el the state; but the money arising
from the contractile of such dehts, shall be ap- !
plied to the purpoar fur which it was raised, or I
to repay such debts, and to too ether purpose
SECTION 3. Except the debts shove specified,
in sections ohe and two of this article, no debt
whatmr shall he created by, or on behalf of
the state.
SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the
present debt, and any additional debt contract•
ed as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first
session, after the adtption of this amendment,
create a sinking food, which shat' be sufficient
to pay the accruing interest on etch debt, and
annually to reduce the principal thereof by a
sum not less than two hundred and fifty thous
and dollars ; Whin!, sinking Itola shall consist
of the net annual income the public worl.,
frets time to time owned by the state, or the
proe,tds of th, ,ale of the caner, or nny pact
thereof, and of the income or proceeds of cola
of stocks owned hi the ~tote, together With oth•
er foods, or resources, that may be designated
ley law. The twirl sinking fund may be incren
snd, from time to time, hy assigning to it any
part of the taxes, or other revenues of !he state
not required for the ordinary and cllrrel.t on•
peaces governm,ut, and utile:, in e:lse of
war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said
sinking rued shall he resell or applied otherwise
than in extinguishment of the public debt, un•
tit the amount of smolt debt is reduced below
the sum of flee millions of dollars.
SEIM. 5. The credit of the coma' mwealth
bitall not in any manner, or event, be pledged,
or loaned to, any individual, ecto pany, corpora•
tion, or assoc;ation ; nor shall the common
wealth hereafter become a jointowner, or stock
holder, in atcy company, association or corpora.
Sum.. 6. The contmon•seaitit shall noL us
sum the debt, ur any part the, or, of any cuun.
ty, city, borough or township ; or of any cut•po
ration, or association unless such debt stud
have been contracted to enable the state to re
pel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection
defend itself in time of w•ar, or to assist On
state in the discharge of any portion of its pre
sent indebtedness.
SECTION 7. Thu legislature shall not outhor•
ize any county. city, borough, township, or in•
corporoted district, by virtue of a vote of its
citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder
in any company, L1,0(401011, or carpolution
or to obtain money fur, or loan its credit to, any
corporation, association, institution, or putty.
here shall be an additional article to said
constitution, to be designated as article Xll, as
OF NEW couN rws.
No county shall be divided 1,) a line cutting
*off over one.tenth of its population, (either to
forte a new county or otlatrai,,) without the
express atzient of such county, by n vote of the
electors thereof; nor shall any new county be
established containing less than fuur hundred
square wiles,
From section two of the first article of the
constitution, strike out t h e woras, "(Li lire rug
of Ph ihUld earls county rexpec!ixe
ly ;" 11 . 0111 section live. same article, stria:, : out
the words, "gf if, and ry . the sorerni
counties;" from suction seven, same artieM,
strike out the words, "neither the e!ily q' Phila
delphia nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the
words, "and no;" nod :Mike out "section firer,
aunie article," and in lieu thereof insert the ltd.
lowing ;
`'SECTION 4. In the year one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh
year thereafter, representatives to the number
of one hundred, shall be apportioned and dis
tributed equally, throughout the state, by die.
tricts, in proportion to the number of taxable
inhabitants in the several parts thewer ; except
that any county-eoutainiug at boot limp thou
sand five - hundred taxables, may be ulluwed a
separate representrition ; but no more than
three counties shall be joined, and no county
shall be divided, in the formation of a district..
Any city containing a sufficient number of tux•
abler to entitle it to at least two repro:it:Wallyea
bhull have a separate representation assigned
it. and shall be divided into convenient districts
of contiguous territory, of equal taxable port,
lation as near as may be, each of which dis
tricts shall elect one representative"
. . .
At the end of section seven, some article, in..
sett these words, "Mc cif!, cliPluladelphiu:iliall
be dicithul into single .tanatorial districts, tJ
conti f pmta territorg a 4 nearly opal in taxable
population as possible ; bet uo ward shall be
darithal to the,lm•toation lbereq:"
Tho legislature, ut its first session, otter the
adoption or this amendment, shall divide the
city of Philadelphia into senatorial and repro.
sentative districts, in the manner above provid
ed; such districts to remain unchanged until
the apportionment in the year one thousand
eight hundred and sixty•lour.
There shall be an additional section to the
first article of said constitution, which shall be
numbered and read as follows :
SECTION 26. The legislature shall have the
power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of
incorporation hereafter conferred by, or tinder,
any special, or general law, whenever in their
opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of
the commonwealth ; in such Inanner, however,
that no injustice shall be dune to the corporat
h SENATE, March 27, 1857.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the
first amendment, yeas 21, nays 7 ; on the see•
and amendment, yeas 23, nays 8 I on the third
amendment, yeas 21, nays 4 ; on the fourth a.
=admen!. yens 23, nays 1.
LE j xtiact ironi'the Journal."
11p!!'tl itei, 1857.
1, solved, That this resolutiutt pass. On the
firstwyend yeas 78, hays 12 ; us the see.
and yeas 57, nays 34; on the third
amendment, ye. a 72, nays 22 ; on the fourth
ametdment, yeas 53, nays 7.
(Extract from the Journal.]
Filed in Secretury'd office, May 2, 1852,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
11.tattasauac, Jane 22, 1b57.
PENN517.1"...1..V/A, SS:
1 do certify that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the original "Resit'.
flea proposing amendments to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth," with the vote in each
branch of the Legislature upon the final pus.
sage thereof, as appears front the originals on
file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have hero.
L. S. I unto set my hand and causedto be
tined the seal of the Secretary's • Of.
flee, the day and year above written.
A. G. cuRTIN,
Secretory of the Commonweal/h.
IN SYNATE, March 27, 1857,
The reekiltition proposing amendments to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth being under
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the first amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution, and were us
follows, vis
lit:As—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely.
Evans, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jor
don, Killinger, Knox, Laubtteh, Lewis, Myer,
Scofield, Sellers,Shuman, Steele, Straub, Welsh
Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker—V.
Nero—Messrs. Cribb, Cresswell, Finney,
Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther-9.
So the question was determined in the affir
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the second amend•
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution, anti were us
follows, viz :
YEas—lessrs. Brewer, Browne Cresswell,
Elv, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flennlen, Ingram
atirdan, Knox, Limbach, Lewis, Boer, Sellers,
Shuman, Soother, Steele, Straub, * Welsh, Wit
kits, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-23.
NAYB—ZMessrs. Colley, Grubb, Frazer, Gregg
larris, Killinger, Penrose and Scofield-8.
So the question was determined iu the alit,
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the third amend•
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions or the Constitution, and were as
fellows, vie :
TI:AS--}losers. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell,
Crab)), Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingtatn,
Jordaii, Eilling,r, Knox, Lacked!, Lewis, My
er, Scofield, Sellers Shuman, Souther, Steele,
Small), Welsh, Wickins and Wright-24.
NAYS—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Earris and
So the question was determined in the
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the fourth ainerat
merit ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions Of the Constitution, and were as
follows, viz :
YE.—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, ems
well, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, hinter, Ingram,
'Uhl:ger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Sew
field. Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub,
Welsh, Wilkins and Wright-23.
NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Finbey, Jordan and
Peeee,o -4.
.t-to the question was determined in the affir
April 29, 1857.
The resolution proposing aineadments to the
Con,ltufinn or the Commonwealth being un
der consideration,
()o the cpiestion,
Will the House agree to the first amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions thu Constitution, and were an
Mion:S i viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Baclthouse
8011, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun,
Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawrord, Dickey,
Ent, Ev,(er, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, (Hideo,
Hamel; limper, Hems, !Best:tad, Hill, Hille
cos, Hoffman, (Reeks,) Itnbrie Inner, Jacobs,
Jenkins, Julius, Johnson, Km:trawl, Knight,
Herr, Leisettring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear,
aug le, 111' Cul taunt, MI Ivain, Moorhead, Mum-
Ina, Mussehnan Nichols, Nicholson, Nunema ,
cher, Pearson, l'eters, Petrikin, Pownall, Put ,
cell, Ramey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,)
Reamer. Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,
Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson,
Talmo, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghtee,
Wither, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, With
erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker
---7 P.
NAYS—Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Ham
ilton, Hancock, Hine, Haman, (Lebanon) Le
ho, Struthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode—
So the question was determined in the affir
On the pestion,
Will the House agree to the second nmend•
meat ?
'Eke v?ms and nays wore taken agreeably to
the pre'visions of the Constitution, and were as
folk,ws, viz
I'l:As—Messrs, Anderson, 13aukhouse, Ball,
Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Catnpliell, Carty, Ent,
Fausold, Foster, Ciildea, Hamel, Harper. Heins
lillegas, Hod man, (Berks,) Housm
keeper, I mbrie, l nnes, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson
Kantfinan, Knight, Leisenriug, Long:diet:, Lm
vett, Amens., Mangle, Moorhead,
Mussel:nen, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunnemaoher,
Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell,
Ramsay, (Philath:phia,) Ramsey, (York,) Rev
mer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Talon, Vail,
Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zhu•
merman and Getz, Speaker-57.
NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus,
Benson, Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Craw.
ford, Eyster, Gibboney, Hamilton, Hancock,
Hill, flin, Hoffman, (lAginoti.) Jacobs, Kerr,
Beim, rued moot, Mumma, Reed, Smith, (Cam
irino Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struthers,
Thorn, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagonseller,
Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright-3 , 1.
So the question was determined in tho affir
On the question,
Will the House agree to the third amend•
meat ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the pravisiens of the Constitution, and wore as
follows, via :
Ys:As—Messrs. Anderson, Bathhouse, Bull,
Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Camp.
bell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dielcey,Eyster,
Ent, Pausold, Foster, Gibboney, Hamel, Har
per, Heins, fliestand, Hill, Hilieges, Hoffman,
((Denis,) Huffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper,
linbrie, loots, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kann . -
man, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Itianear,
Naugle, Moorhead, Mum:noseJos
selman, Nichols, Nicholson, - Nunnemaeher,
Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pomo:II, Purcell,
Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw,
Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Ste
venson, Tulsa, Vail, Vativeorhis, Vneghley,
Vickers, Wagonseller, Westbrook, Williston,
witherow, Wright, Zittllllerlnall and Getz,
Nero—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus,
Bishop, Curly, Doak, Gildea, Hamilton, Han
cock, Hine, Jenkins, Knight, Leisenring,
vain, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Roberts, Struth
ets, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton and Win.
So the question was determined in the stilt ,
On the question,
Will the Rouse agree to tho fourth amend.
intuit ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution, and were as
follows, viz
YE A s—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backus,
Baekhouse, Rail, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bow
er, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent. Eyster, S
old, Foster, Gibboney, Gildea, Hamel, Harper,
Hems, UM/fiend, Hill, Hillegas, (Le
banon,) Hoffman, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Itu•
Inner Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson,
Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leisenring, Longaker,
Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calmont,
Mumma, Mueselman, Nichols,Nicholson, Nn•
nemacher, Pearson, Peters, etrikin, Pownall,
Purcell, Ramsey, (York,) Ramsey, (Philadel
phia,) Reamer, Reed ' Roberts, Rupp, Shaw,
Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Ste
venson, Wan, Vnil, Vancoorhis, Voeghley,
Vickers, Wagonseller, Walter. Warner, West•
brook, Wharton , Williston, Witherow, Zimmer
man and Getz, Speaker-83.
NA YS— M essrs. Dock, Hamilton. Hancock,
Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright—?.
So the question was determined in the affir
IlAnnismnto, June 22, 1837.
Pennsylvania, es
1 do certify that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the "Yeas" and
Nays" taken on the resolution proposing am•
endments to the Constitution of the Common
wealdi, as the IMMO appears on the Journals of
the two Houses, of the General Assembly of
this Commonwealth for the session of 1857.
Witness my hand and the seal of
I L. S. I said office, this twenty-iecond day of
June, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty seven. A. G. CURTIN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Colds, Coughs, and
lion rseites . s.
.11nr . 51prp., Mr.?, 2O h 11Ca., 1a53.
the bolt remedy I 11.%, Itilli
. -
an, itud tlio
aympto . 9 , T of a 9.1;1 : yolir
my practice and my fatuity fur the holt
tat y,itrit hat ehrtt , It . to ptIA.A.,
A. B. NIORTLEY, Eau., of UTICA, N. Y., writes: "I have
used yOlll. Preror.AL myself owl 111 ES faintly ever sinew
,111 invented it, not believe it the beAt ute.lieitte for Its
purpose ever pot out. With I 1 WO COW I AliOuld sooner
pay twenty-live dollars I.E.bottle than do without it, or
take any other au.,ly."
Croup, Whooping, Cough, lufluenzn.
1.131.7N1i5q., Fel,
Il110111:11 AYER: I Will 111 , 0111iiy 01010] Otil .
lq tLo Pralt rano., we poSOO , OI fur the or
anigh. arm, end lira t host claire:l. No of
penr fraternity in tho appreciate your skill, tot
1:011111101d your int,licinc w our 100de.
A,141g Ilfg.,Montsers, Lt., wrlteq. 8.1 ,ImL,ILIIt
•• I Int,l n tetliona lutlnvnza, ictlich 00101100 i 1101 111 doors
six weeks; took many niedicluen oliliout relief; nuttily
trial your Demon., by tie n‘lvico 0f our cicrgymati.
The ilrnt dome ...loved ll' sorOleoll 111 lily throat mot
Wino; less Oran nue hail tho isetis made 1110 completely
well. Your medicines ere the cheapest Its Well I.w I.llollt
we 0011 Llty, 011.1 We 00..0111 300, Doctor, and your ruunr
dos, as the poor man, Mond."
Asthma or I.llthisie, and nronclaitin.
31,;;;7,..;;17, 1;:,
But: TORY CHERRY Pnta•uanr. Ix pet fanning IHRYYPCOIIII
cores In thin deepen. It law relieved Beyond from alarm•
lug nytoptuato of 1 . 011611111,1LM,Rd in DOW curing n matt
who low !alpaca under an affection of the lungs for the
Mat forty you". HENRY L. PARKS, hlorchattt.
write, :tout. 8, 1856: During otyyractien of many years
I have found waling equal to your emu Pecronat for
giving ease mid relief to rquotuuptive patients, or curiog
such os are curable."
We might nd4 volumes of evidence, tut the meet am•
Auden proof of the virtues of thin remedy la toned ht Its
effects upon With
Probably no ono remedy has ever been known which
cured so many and such dangerous yak% as this Some
no human old can reach; but oven to those Mu CIUIRKY
Psalms!. affords relief and comfort.
ASTOR Hoy., Nan Yraut errs. Merril 3, 183f1
Docron Arca, Watt.: I fool it a, ditty and a phi:mitre
to inform you ,vliitt your CHERRY Pccra.n has done for
my wife. She had been Ave months lithorin,
dangerous symptoms of Consuniftioii, trom which au aid
wu could procure gave her ailich.rellef. She MIN st,ellly
falling, until Dr. Strong. of this city. where WM illlVl. C.llne
for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. \lll
bless his ki,111111.1. as we do your skill, for she has rums.
oral from that day. His IA not yet tong as she used
to be. but it ht.,' troll, low com;11. tlll,l Calls herself well.
YOlllll with gralllllo anti regard,
(I , nxitniptire, do not despair till yen Imo trit AVER'S
Cocos 14:einem.. It Is loads by 11...01th° last meslical
chemists in the world, 1111.1 inn CYes all around llx bespeak
the high meritt or Its virtues.—l'llitud,Viia Lai,yer.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
VIM sole.. of Clow is. ry and Mdici. have been
taxed their utmost to ponsinee dole beet, moat perfect
purgative which 13 known to man. lonouniconide proofs
94 . 0 elitUvu that Otero Puts Ilevo virtuux which mormois in
excellence the ordinary medicines, auot thus they win ale
preecolentedly upon too esteem of ell men. They owe safe
and ploosoant to take, boot powerful to taro. Their pen.
Dating properties MI m elate the vital activities of the body,
remove the obstructions of its organ, nitrify the blood,
and expel disease. They pore° out the foul Minton whirls
breed end grow distemper, ahnuMte ohoggish or dlsor.
timed organ. Into their natural nclinn, and impart healthy
lone with strength to too whole eyes. Not only do
they curd the every-day complaints of every Maly, but
oleo formblablu and densetvus dimmed that have baled
the bed of hum. alai!. While they produce ',await!
effects, Moyer° at the same Cumin dionholdhed donut, the
afoot and boat physic that can to employed for children.
tieing sugar-coated, they ore pleadant to tutu; and toeing
morely vegetable, are free from any flak of harm. Cured
have boon made which belief woro they not nobs
Mantlated by men of ouch exulted position and cluometof
as to forbid the audpicion of untruth. folosny eminent
clorgymen and physicians haw lent their nanoea to certi
fy to the public the rollability of my remold., while otlo•
on have .nut me the awnwance of their conviction Had
toy Preparation. contribute immensely to the relief of nay
afflicted, authoring
Tho Agent below waned is pleased to furoolah smile my
American Almanac. containing direction. fur their nee awl
certificated of their cures, of the following complaints:—, Bilious Complaint., lthommatium, Dropsy,
Heartburn, Headache arising glom a foul Stomach, lu ,11
sew indigtetiun, Morlold inaction of the Bowels 11.1 Pole
arising therefrom. Flatulency, lam of Appetite. all Ulcer.
one and Cutaneous Disoaew which minim en nano iwnn
Medicine, Scrofula or King, Evil. They allo, by purify
lug tllO blood .d stimulating the uyindon, emu iceny
tom Ilalnua
anew ouch ' esql ' ent ow", would
Nervous Irritability, Demngeonente of the Liver moot Kl,l.
noys, Omit, and other kindred complaints arising from n
low Mate of the body or olutrnetion of Its functions.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with sotut
other pill they make mom prods on. Ault for Arad
Pau, and takeenothing else. No other they nut glee
yon compares with this in Its intrinsic valnu or curative
powers. The sick want the beat old Otero 13 for them,
and they should have It.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ali ER, •
Practical and Analytical Marcia, Lowell, Man
Pairs 25 Cre. Yoe Box. Iva Bo=as roc $l.
JOHN READ, Huntingdon, an dente. in
medicine everywhere.
October 15:1856.-Iy.
Joule SCOTT, SAMUEL T. Buowle
1411.0VAI D
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
011ico swum as that formerly occupied by John
Scots, Esq.
Oct. 19, 1053.
Tr I GLIC)c. g ) .> aarfil[U)Dallbo
- - aT - fohiv - i:TA7TA
Willattond to all business entrusted to;hitn. Of
ties neatly opposite the Court House
May 5,'53
TN - 12. 1. a Cif
Corner of Germantown Rand and New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constatilly on hand or made to Older, the fob
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills aud Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran bus.
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pierson's Patent Barrel Iloopaud Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr e
Calico Mill Stoues. Corn, Cole and Plaster
_ _ .
John stOsi -9 ; Patent Cast Metal Cou-
11 7 51 P — 6lj &1 ' 1 1 WAD
East and Suuttt-East of tin! Uhio and .Mississip
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from I to 2i lbs. of standard
Hour, which could not be hotted out on account
of the electrical adhesion to the Bran.
NOTICE hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons
winking, selling, or using any Brun Dusters
with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio
lation of the Lettere Patent of Joseph John
stor,, dated April 24th, 1854.
N. 8.---State and County Patent Rights for
all the above Machines fur Sale.
August 29, 1855. tf
BOOKS! 647-7 - v BOOKS!
40,000 voLUMES of new and popular
Books, embracing every variety
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Shire, and
many of them at half the Publisher's retail price,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All school books used in the county Call be
had in any 11111111 t Hies at retail and wholesale
rates. Ifoolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
IUU superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold
CRP., from $1 upwards.
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and
other,' best manufacture.
tea splindid Port Munnaiesand Pocket Books
at 20 cis. and upwards.
the tatt,t and prettiest style, just received from
lid ludelphia and New York, prices from In eta.
a piece and upwards.
500 beautifully painted and gold gated Win
dow Shades at 4410. and upwards.
The public nve - but to call and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the above stoek
they wII be pleased and also save Money. Re
member the piece, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad streets WM. COLON.
Huntingdon Foundyy
1, thud of informing their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in suceesmlel
o•ation, nod ere prepared to furnish costing of
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no
tice and most reasonable terms.
Fanners are invited to call nod examine our
Ploughs. We era msunfacturing the Hunter
Plough, (Otis plough took the premium at the
Hittaingtlon County Aoiceltural Moir. in 1035)
also Bunter's celelratc,l Cutter Plough, which
can't he heat. together with the Keystone, Hill
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stores, such as Cook,
Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood.
HOLLOW -we atz
consisting of Kettles,Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will be Sol cheap for cash or in ex
. change for country produce. Old metal taken
for mace castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness mud desire to please, we hope .to receive a
share of politic patronage.
April 30, 1856.—e.
No. 124 Woo r d n S , trx t t i , T RG,
Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Parlor
Stoves, Box Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and
Fancy Grates & Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons,
Portable Forses, Sugar, Tea and Store Kettles,
Wagon Boxes, &c.
Nur. 25, 1855.—1 y..
THE library will be open every Saturday af
ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the
Court Home. Subscription 50 cents a year.
New books have been added to the former ex.
eellent eolleetium—Gilifillen's works, Hugh
Miller's, Mrs. Ellet's &e.
By order of the
Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 1856.
$ l3 ° ° e P h e n r n m e
e7o t r h fe w ilre young j cti
s rn
r t
notice a large salary without investing a capi•
tatl. The above is no 'three cent catch-
or hutulitn: to introduce Patent Medicines,
Books, Sc. For an outfit, enclose stamps for
return postage. Address T. S. CARTLR,
Box No. 8, Lawrence, Mass.
June. 3, 'S7.'•
TTENItr W. OV EILMAN, Importer of Freui•h
n Calf Slcios , and General Leather Dealer,
No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia.
A general u.ortmeLt of all kind.; of Leather
Morocco, &c.
Murvlii,'s7.• I y.
Dr. John McCulloch,
(We, lab prat...ion al services to the citizen. ot
llinittnwint..,ml vicinity. Office, an Hill at.,
between INl.i4uniery Mid Ruth.
Iluntingnun, Aug. 1,55.
DEILLIIRs can buy
CLu'l'lilnU from mein Iluntingdon at Whole
sale as cheap us they can in thu titian, as I have
a Wholesale st see iu Philadelphia.
BLANKS...AIways buy your Blanks at t I e
"Journal Office." We have now prepared aru
ry eupnriurarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDIi,
TIGN 8, 8:c.
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters !
1.1(;1171;.V1 , 3) co.II.III'NIT :1.17,
NOT THE DI,COI - 13,'E1:
.11LST 111.: THE JUDGE
11.\ NY medicines offered for sale nro ace.,
ponied by doubtful certificates (their chief
k ;due) mid claim to be universal remedies, cu.
ring all maladies—a burlesque -on emnanon
sense. As the - discoverer of this Salt solemnly
protests against having it placed on the cutego.
ry of frauds and impositions, he has resolved
that it shall go forth to the world like the pure
gold dollar, wit, .otherpassport than its own
true value. if the public find it genuine they
will receive it—if spurious.they will reject and
condemn it. Instead of its being a panacea for
all ills it lins control over but one but
one aim and accomplishes but one thing, to
wit i sabduar inflammatory diseases—whatever
be their form or locality, whether in the head,
throat, chest, abdomen, extremeties or skin.
When the discoverer, after a long series of
laborious and costly experiments, became fully
confirtned in his convictian that the Antiphlo.
gistie Salt, which he now has the happiness to
present to the American public,was a
for Bloodletting, Leeches and Blisters, his
mind was so agitated that he could not sleep
for many nights. The cause of his agitation •
was the striking fact that the manner of its op.':
oration, like flint of the virus in vaccination,
could not bo explained upon any known pried'. •
ple. How, in what way, it so effectually sub
dues inflammatory diseases and no others, was
at first wholly inexplicable; but on further ex
periment it was proved that by its power over
the veins, arteries and glands, it equalizem the
Itoidoqf the body, the want of an equilibrium
in which is the sole cause of inflammation. it
exerts like the vaccine matter, au extraordini,
ry influence over the circulation—resulti,g in
a gradual decliac of inflammation as in
.by the pulse which soon resumes its mound
state, as the pain and heat disappear. Such is
its potency, that like the virus just mentioned,
it requires merely what adheres to the point of
n quill dipped in a solution of it to Mica the
entire system—but must be •insfuntiy used to
prevent decomposition, and secure its full vie.
tae. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic
disease every 24 hours, till the heat and liner
have subsided and a perfect cure is eff,eted.—
When it takes the place of leeches, stimulating
ointments and blisters in local inflammation,
as Brain Fever, Croup, Toothache. Pleurisy,
he., its nmde of administration to I xo•fuld.
(See directions for dissolviag, &a,)
ti...)> —The peculiar excellence of this Salt
that without the useless loss of blood aid
strength, it eftentaally cure, inflammatory dis
cuses (no others) by producing an etiniblirimii
of all ;he fluids of the body nod a cons, c,,ent
uninterrnpied circulation. The rolh.i,
f,rent forms vhich the UltbillatlClA 11111,ii
same and many not here mentioned, that have
More or I,ss fever act pain, are, as perMetly
subdued by the Antiplilogistic so tire is
extinguished by water.
I—Cases where the unbalanced fluids IX, et
the HltiLd and Throat—to wit: Brain Fever,
Headache, Fit,, inflamed Eyes, Ears and
Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Bronchl!!
2—Cases wliCte the - un . balat:ced fluid
the Chest and Abdomen—to wit: Ple,,r;
Asthma, Inflamed Leaps and Liver,
Heartburn, Coughs. Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gen
rhea, Venereal, &e.
if—Cases whore the unbalanced fluids fat,
the Extremities and Skin—to wit :Rheumatism
Gent, Scrofula, Chicken and Small Pox, Salt
Rheum, and all Itching and other Cutaneous
This Salt greatly alleviates the imflammatory
pains peculiar to married ladies (before and at
the time of confinement) and many Female
Complaints ; nod is very eilienClOUS in Fevers,
Ague, WOUIIII6, Nervous and Spinal affections,
and any other forms of (mark this) inflamma
tory disease, uttandud with heat or febrile quip.
Persons lac have a tendency of blood to the
head and heart, and who lead inactive lives, or
breathe the impure air• of manufactorie; and
it,,, poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or
live in unhealthy climates are exposed to as pe
culiar vitalion the qf the body, wlitch
one dose, without interferin_ with diet or bu:+i•
ness, once in Mr, c menthe, would invariably
prevent. It is believed to afford protection r,
gainst infectious diseases ; and therefore, it is
recommended to travellers, sailors and sal•
To protect the community from imposition
by counterfiiin, tho proprietor will employ no
Agent, and has toads such arrangements that
he can send the medicine in any quaustity, by
mull or express, to any part of the United
States or Ibreign costars. Its prime cost to
the discoverer is $1,50 per drachm—price $2
per drachm—and is put up up in drachm pack.
ages for acute disease (with directions, Ac.) at
$1 ; three drachms do., for chronic roses, ssl
and 5 drachms do. fur families, $B-11 net profit
of A i / p cents on each package.
1 11 bile many nostrum makers victimize the
good-natured and pill.ridden public by ordering
from six to a dozen box or bottles to curs 11.11 y
malady, 110 mutter what, the undersigned is
happy in being able to state thou the severest
forms of r :cent inflammatory disease are over.
' conio Lyons acute package, and the most obsti•
nuts and long standing cases by one Chronic
package. Although thirty days have not elttp•
sod since this new medicinal agent became
partially known to the citizens of Boston and
few neighboring towns, yet such have been the
results of its trial that, during the past week,
nearly 400 packages were sold in this city, and
I orders received by mail and express for 163
Family, 347 Chronic, and 385 Acute packages.
In one instance six persons clubbed together
and wrote for six packages of the `'Little Ci•
nut, as they called it,) to be forwarded to one
address, thereby saving expense to themselves
and the proprietor.
'le - Letters from clubs or individuals with
I money (if over $10) should be registered at the
pool: office where visited, us it costs but five
cents. mid will insure their safe Sc,
* * *The discoverer now ht;biy . '''''''''' his
Perfect Substitute In the lancet, leeches mid
blisters, to the tribunal of an intelligent public
reitet•uting that it does just what it claims to
do—no mute, no less: subdues inflammatory
disease (no others) whatever be its tbrin or
cal ity by restoring the lad balance be/awn Use
Ilvids and solids. Family packages N, Chro.
nie $5, and Acute $2; to be had (free of ex.
p-se,-,) wily by addressing him dining), Box
322, 13uston, Mass,, or at his Mice, No.
Winter Street.
Cut out this advertisement and his comma.
motivation in another column for the perusal
of your neighbor, nod your own future use.
Discoverer and Proprietor.
The nt iphlogh:tie salt, is for sale at the
Nos. 2.t CIIESINUT Sr., a'th side below Witter
(The Oldest Wood•ware House, in the City.)
VI Dealers ill Patent • lilachine.made Brooms,
intent (Donned Cedar-Ware. warranted not to
shrink, Wood & IVillow-ware, Curds, Brushes,
.ko., of all descriptions. Please call mid exam•
int, our stock,
rpm , . founder of this Celebrated institution,
otters the most certain, speedy, and only
effectual retneay in the %mini for Gluts, Stric
tures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loing,
Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness
oldie Back and Limbs, Affections ()Nile Kid—
neys, Palpitation of rim Heart, Dyspepsia,
nous Irritability, Diocese of the bead; Throat,
Nose or Skin ; and all those serions and melan
choly disorders arising from tint ‘lestructive
habits of Youth, which destroys both lastly and
mind. These secret and solitary practices are
more Mtul to their victims than the song of the
Syreas to tha mariner Ulysses, blighting their.
most brilliant hopes of anticipations, re n dering
marriage, be., impossible.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
thousands of young men of the most exalted
talents, and brilliant intellect, who 'night oth
erwise have entranced listening senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestaey
the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
Married persons, or young men contempla
ting marriage, being aware - of physical weal:-
nobs, organic debility, deformities, shOuld
immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
lie who places himself tauter the care of 1)1..
Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as
a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his slal!
as a physician.
Organic Weakness.
immediately cured, and full vigor restored,
This disease is the penalty roost frequently
paid by those who have become the victim of
improper indulgeneies. Young persons are too
.opt to commit excesses from not being aware of
the drendrul consequence that may ensue.—
NOW, echo that understands the subject will pre
tend to deny that the power of Procreation is
lost sooner by those falling into improper habit
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
of the pleasure of healthy ulispring, the must se
rious and destructive symptoms to mind and bo
dy arise. 'rho system becomes deranged , the
physical and mental powers weakened, nervous
debility, dYrrepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough
toms of Consumption.
t(-;1; Office No. 7, South Fredeciek Street,
vet..lours from Baltimore street. East side,
the steps. Be partienlar in observing the nao
anal utstuber, Or ,nu iiii-take the
A Cure Warro . nted. in inn Day, -
I,kinher of the ilo'eti Colletto r,f Surg,t,
tjtt,liti, from ont: Coo ino,t
Collet:es the Utlited St-oto,, :he
. , .
pa 11 ul'NVIuuC 1 t• ha, itcc II sI,C I t in tlia ti,,t 11
liiful.uf I.umlua, Paris :U: Ci
,vl.,re, has eilected ,onle lte ino,t 11,,a;
CIIVOS t1:11t Wet, Wally lruLl
Wit;, ill till; 11,1 ti
great nervousness, alarmed La slido,.
anti with frequen
attendell sunietinies with derLthgein,nt
Weise cure.' immediately.
When the tni-q;liitl,l eel imprudent votal
of pleo,nre finds he inti intbilp,l the
iiise:Die. it to Lou of,:i :
Sell6e Or shaut.., or dread of Si i , covery,
deters him trout applying to tko,
tication and ro:Slit,l.:!:Hity, harietili
ti':.,. . collStittitio.l
I:1 1::•: Imike their appettranee,
, •, .• • i ••1 ••• throat, di:it:toed no,,
node; :•: • 1., '.• end hod's,•s
of sly:lit, i, t the shin bones, end
arms, blotches of rho •• • ia,..• ••••:•. cxtreinito,i,
progressing' with fri•:•.• ; till at last
the palOte Of the tuuuth t.r ii, of the
fall iu, aunt the victim of this awful disease lie
rotnes a horrid ohject of eVentliseration, till
death puts a period to Ida dreadful bullerings,
sending hint to "that hoerve trout whence co
traveller returns, " To curb, therefore, lir.
Johnston pledges hituseli to ureSerre Its most
inviolable secrecy, and front his extensive pine.
ties in the tirst Hospitals of Europe awl A 311,,,
ea, he can rotilitleutly reetinnitecul a safe nod
Speedy cure tv flu: unthrturtate victim of this Ing
rid disease.
It is n melancholy. fact that thommthis fall vic
tims to this horrid disease owih, to the mishit
fulness of ignorant pretenders who hy the ose of
Altat deadly poison Mercury, rain the cims.i
tution. owl either send the totfostonato noti on .,
to co untimely gritve, or make the residuc or
life MitetsWic.
Take Particular Notice
Dr. J.. ethlresses 111 those who Imve Mjured
theinseiV. 1.3' improper iittlikeimies.
„. - •
These are some of the sad and melancholy
eliects pruthwed by early habits of youth,
wc g koe, of the Back end Linde', Palms iu the
head, Dimness Or Sight, Loss of Muscular pow
er, ralidtation of the I lean Dyspepsia. Nervous
Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive
Functions, 'tenured Debility Symooms of Con
sumption, &n.
MEN . rat.Li—The fearful effects on the mind
arc much to be dreaded; Loss M . memory, Coh
fusion oft leas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Fur
bodings,. Aversion to Society, Self Distrust,
Love at' Solitude, Timidity, Inc., are some ()fate
evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages, con now
ledge what is the cause of their declining health.
Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and
eautenttod,havu singular uppearaneu about the
eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption.
Dr. Johnston , s Invigorating Herne
dy for Organic Weak RICbS.
By this groat and Important remedy, weakness
of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re
stored. Thousands of the Most debilitated and
bervons, who had lost all hope, have been im
mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar
riage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner
vous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness,
or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily
cured by Doctor Johnston.
Young .%3en,
who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice indulged in when alone—a habit frequently
learned ruin evil•companions, or at school—the
effects of which are nightly felt, even when a
sleep, and if nut mired renders Narritto impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a yelel man, the /I,lyettn:!S
country, and the durling of his s:ltteht he
MllllOlOll front nll proveets and enjoyments of
hy the consequence of deviating Irout the imth
of nature and indulging in It VIII,III Suomi habit
Such persons before contemplating
Marriage, •
slietdd reflect that it suund mind end Loily urn
the most neees,try requisites to promote comm.
Mal happiness. Indeed without these, the jour
ney through lire becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becUllleS blWWlWlieti with despair, and tilled
with the melancholy red.:thin that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
To Strangers.
The many thousands cured at this Institution
within the last L 5 years, and the numerous*.
portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr.
Johnston ' witnessed by the Repurters of the pa
pers, audinany other persons, notices of winch
have appeased again and again before the pub
lic, is asudieient guarantee to the unlisted.
N. D. There arc so many ignorant and
worthless quacks adrertising themm reo no
Physicians, ruining Situ health ot the already at.
Hinted. Dr. Johns'n deems it necessary to soy to
those unacquainted with his reputation that his
Diplomas always hang in his odium
TAM: NoTtem—All letters must bo poet
paid, mid ooutuin it postage stamp for the reply,
or no 'tomer will be sent.
;;..::71. , :. , : , .•:: 7 ,',..,•:':::.,•;‘..',.:ig
,A r ((), ( co ,
( 0 ) ( 60:'
T 11 I:
.JOUR"HUNT AL."O f cg:..
4'73) 0 The 10, y , , Catolbest
t ° ,
() on-ivolini 0
ej lt,c'
~:" (A,,
01 ,
(71,9 it.:
he Cliff lilt
. ( 1\ YID
' 4 O)
0 ~ THAN
<4,13 WIT 7;.114V. L o )
FECTSATI,FACTION 16' 0 ) [l . >
(,)) 1111111 ANTED. ( c 13 2,
0 allyds of
. BLANKS (())
:1" ( ( i )
: :„tt v* 1,11
rt~uou:;JOL'ILNAL'i publi6he
the following rates
If pn id in advance $l,
If paid witMn six mem!s after the time of
subscrihim_ 1
. . . . . .
11 paid beibi• - e the expir.ttion ot'the year.
And two dollars and fifty cents if not p
tiP,.ater the expiration of the year. No subser
lion tliken fur a less period than six wont
I. All cubseriptions are continued until of
ert:iAa, tral no paper will be disconti ,
e.l, /Ga.*/ sfe . ,(,epuid, except on the opti
of the publi,her.
All mitill , er, in th
ouver AI
ne'Ve r reeLl'eld by
,t Way flre
t,~i••1 ~.~r~~ n
nt• ol' I.IIIOJCS I , f nov y
ber!i ui new year
td. :not the paper will col L c ciiscuatinitcd u.
111,1,,ye, NO. I
'i I,c Com ts hay:: ,oftoir, tot,
a 11 . UW1/1111es . i! t• 111 Or renwvi
4./1 ;111,1:1,10.1
Illlllg comities, or
whir :;t•ite,, dill Le rtiy Mr:trial
al,ove be rigialy,l
_ .
Will be charged at the l'ullowing eats•,:
nmortion. ado.
itir . ; Or 1.
Ono hytare, On 1 inco,) 1:0 75 1
Two '• (32 •i ) 100 150 2
3 no, 6 mo. 12 ii
Ono square, $3 01) $5 00 $B.
Men squares, 500 800 12
:!. el . linali, 8 0)1 12 00 18
I do., 12 110 18 00 27
il do., 18 00 27 00 . .10
1 do., 718 00 40 Cu 50
Business Curds of eiN litic ,, , 1.1. 1,01, $.1.01
Agents tor the
Th r. , llo, , ivpurions WI; 1,00 appointed
tor the 11 UNTINGI•ON .10u0001., who aru auth
WA to receive am! receipt ibr money pail un s
.1'441011, 01111 to take the names Of new sub::
he, at our publi.hed prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subs:
tors !hint, at a ili,:.011 e froai llnntingdon.
.loos \V. Tii.,•tesus, Esq., I.lollidays'meg,
th,osok, COUNLI.II•H. COOOlO,ll 101011S1.
liilllll,3oN, Clay township.
DAVID ETSHIE, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. ASIICO,I, Putin township,
J. 11.vrrt::;:., Franklin
S.llll 1:I. Sr/A . 1 , 1:1, Jackson township,
Coi..lNo. C. WA Beady township,
It sows, Springfield township,
Wer..litrrettnisoN, Esq., WarTiorsmark tp.,
Croitoi, W. WlLErelumt, l'eter,burg,
111,1, NEIT, West Barrett.
JOllO Waterstreet,
:Maj. CuAm.ns 1111:1,1,Y. Tod towno,i,„
A.. 0., townFltip,
110011,A, Wit.sos, Esq., Toll township,
101100 CLARK,
NAT:t.txtta. LYTLE, EMI., Stattee Creek..
Maj. W. Moonr, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLAce, Union Furnace.
S1511:0X WRIGHT, Union township.
DArto CLAnnsum, Esq., Cass township.
SAMUEL, IVIUTON, Esq., Franklin townshit
GEonun SHANK, Esq., Warriorsmark.
DAVID MIRAN DT, Esq., Todd township.
hit. J. ALFRED So 00, lluLliu township.
The “.1011111.11AL" has 300 Subsc
bees snore, than an other pal
in this county.
Mail T. I En. - 'l'. I Fast 'I
Train 1ea.,,, I'. -M. A. M. I'. M
Petorslair,,, 2.1. i 3.42 9.t
11 untiii;Aon, 2.32 3.57 - 9.3!
Mill erek 0, 2.11 4.07 9.4
Mt. Union, . 13.00 4.20 9.5.
Tn.uxs Gotxu West.
Train leaves P. M. A. 31 P. M
Mt. Uidon, -1.12 ...:. 6.34 8.1.
Mill Creel:, .1.29 6.46 8.2:
Huntingdon, 4.45 7.00 8.4
Petersburg, 0.0.2 7.12 8.5
11. K. NEFF, 111, D.,
T_TAiNG located himself in WM:MOM,:
-ii in this county, would respectfully otter
professional seyeiees to the citizens of that 1,
and the country najw,nt.
J. B. Laden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wlism
M. A. Henderson, '• Wm. P. Or bison, :
J. H. Dursey, ' 6 Hon. James Gerim
M. Stewart, ‘' John Scott, Esq.
Hon. Ocorge Taylor.
Huntingdon, P.
Jacob M Demmill, M. D., .4k.randrigt.
Joint •‘ atersburg.
- I - N. BALL respectfully solicits the atten
of the Gaming conanunity to a quality
Ploughs which ho is now innontncturing, and
hove ready for saleqn a few days, he is Also
pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, mrh
L i rr ows , &e., and to du all kind of royal
at the shortest mule°, nod in the most substai
Shopon N. W. conturot Montginery null IV,
ingtoti sts.
M.O. 27 1855-c.
NE YS ./72' L.RW,
renctire in the soverul Courts of Hunan.,
Blair, Cumbria, Centre, iHliu und Juniata Co
March 23, 1258,