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Which conveys the. remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the :fir passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, nentmlizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a tree and easy expectoration, heals the lungs, purities the blood, imparts renewed vit.dity to the n e rv ou s system, giving tliat tone evil energy so intlispcuseekle toe the restoration of health. To be able to state madidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation. is to Inc a source of until- Joe ed ple4setre, It is as much under the ci.n. too of medical treatment els any other formid dtile diuenso ; ninety out of every hundred ca ses cap to cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent. en the second . ; but he the third stage it is impossible to save more then five per cent., lee the Lungs are so cut up by 'he disease us to hid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary re lien° the suffering attending this fearful scourge AVhiCh annually destroys ninety-live thousand persons in tile United States Idiom ; and a emir rect. ca , cplatiun shows that of the present popu lation of the cattle, eighty millions are destined to till tl.e Consumptive's graves. . -. Truly the gnit•er of death hoe no arrow so fa tal as (.onsuntption. In nll ogee it has been the great can ley of lime, lee it MAIMS neither ago nor nex, but swell, hIl aid, 111 C 1,1,3, the beauti ful, the er,ettil et h ;Le ;iota'. lty the help of that :-.'en•rt tee it. torte tvhten r meth every geed Nal ihnaht . or!, 1 eat challea to offer to the ,Illit leti a 1:111:1:11“1,1. tel ~ ,,,,...c ell,: itt Comuinption. 'The Co, eau, ta Inhorele, in fl,lll 111/jalre 1110011, IL/I,i tho . numcd nee iate et pro thnanl by their depreitinu la Ch.: lungs hs . to pre vea.t tl, free rilnd,ion 111 :tie into the :t it cell;, NViiivil cense,' a tveaktnetl vitainy thrtugh the caber t.s..stem. Then farely it IS Illere rational , e expect glem , :too I trent the,Etancs enterin,, , the cavitie, of the lohe, ti. n tlar, ethninhnerett thrtan,h the ,totraeh ; the pat lent toill always thal the I[llllgS II Cr 411,1 111, Ll,lliiilig cat-v, !tiler Illilillillg tellivt]t..S. 'nail, il.LaiiiliL..ll . I, a 1..1 ICMC , iy, lICVCI lilrir,, it :.(.1., C,,,:it1111 , /11,ily 1111 , 1 NCilil nicer 1,0 . ,,..r tort CL'iloiLly tilall 1,11;01E , i atillillli,lell'll by litrelt/lllllCil. 'i.',l p1,V1., liir pOr,.- 7k ii Clillt (111 . .. l illlillt,llCC tor tiii . llicti, Oratilllill itill,ii ,lort,ol t hli o ..i . .,,i , ill cntit•elv de tarOV li, •ibly in at . .a .. tn!‘hre,. par tly..hrt the iutiaew ths or t ,,1., ,o that a iin.b to . hy he rthiarnted v i;:a at the .1h,,1.t . t ein ; irhalre; the orninnr;.. t in,..n..; ~-us trail 12,..ti0N . ', in a ha . le., Itoar,.. ‘4 . f I', • lAN, ill . r an.l • itc ~ ~t::!i:~, s~rin, 11e;licit, with full dil LT6.1;4 tu any I,:trt (s,r the Ut14.24 ,t2tes end ('atv....l, by riiiietas .! n . ) .11 , I , the 1.11 , 11; it.it,i 01 • to pit:scribe aitlt it tteh ;Ireater certaiity, at tl }hen the 1.11, ctLeted lug thu . 6 An AN,M.D rn (old No. 109,) Twelfth, 1111 LA DELPILIA, 1!..1 August 5, *857. -1 y. Of nll disease the proa, first cause Spring , ' from negleet of Nature's Is we, SZwroa, roT When a cure is guaranteed in all stag. of ~...„.IiCIULT DISEASES, Self-Abuse. Nervous Debility, Strictures. GleetA, tisavel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Nidney and Bhidder, 11J:reside' Mieumati,m, Serdfula, Pules in the Pones and Ankles, I) cases of the Lungs, Tissues, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers ttpun the Body us Limbs, emteers, Drup.y, Epilep tic Pits, St. Vit.i's Donee, and all ilise,es ari sing from a derangement a the Sextrd orgens• Such-as Nervot, Trembling, Loss of Memo ry, Loss of Vower, General Weakness, Dim ne,,, of Vision, with peculiar snots aratearing berme the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspeu sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Face, Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari ties, and all improper disehergesrrom both sexes. It matters net Inotu what cause the disease origi n:: however long . seeming or obstinate the ,corow is certain, alld in II shorter time tin. a permanent cure can ho ellected hy any other treatment, even after the di-case lies baf fled the skill of eminent physicians end resisted all their tre:ss of cute. The medicines are pleasant v. ithout odor, eartiiinu no sickness and free, iron. mercury ur hal,am. During twenty years ch,ve ()I I)catl. buy of IL: t: !liven up hy their physicians . to die, qltich 1 rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under lay care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret eisea,t, use the greatest enemies to health, as they are the fir. .t effuse Conhumption. Scrofula and many nth or tlis'ea.es, and should be a terror to the he nine Mundy. Asa nermanent cure in scarcely ever effected, a majority of the ca:cs lulling in to the hands of incompetent persons, who not only tail to cure the discuses but rote the con stitution, tilling the system with mcrimry, which with the disease, hastens the sufferer iutu a ra pid Comtunptiun. But ;Mould the disease and the treatmeut not cause death speedily and the victim murrics, the disease is entailed upon the children. whet are born with feeble constittaiens, and the current of life curvetted by 0 vit us which betrays itself in Scrofula, Tenet., Ulcers, Eruptions. and eth er atnetions of the skin. Eyes. Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them u brief existence of buffering anti consigning them to an early grave, Soli-Anse is another formidable enemy to health, l'or nothing,lse in Me dread cataloged of Raman diseases cases so destructive a drain upon the system, dratw lag its thousands eh ric- Celli through a few years of suffering, down to tut untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tem, rapid. wastes away the energies a .ill.l, causes mental thnangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for mar- ilr rive, society siness, and all earthly happi- 1 ness, and let the sufferer wrecked in body I and mind, orAl lisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death it self. With. the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy nod permanent cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa- tients can be restored to robust,vbtorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Mediciees, for there are so many ingeni ons snares in the colonies of the public print.; to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that Mil lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile • compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi- ! SOllOll5 ncstrums vended as "Patent Medicines." I hove carefully analyzed many of the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of, then contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one ; or the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the dis- ease disables the system for life. Three-fourths of the potent medicines non• in use arc put up by unprincipled and ignorant per sons, who do not understand even the alphabet of matcria medico , and are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the human system. having only one olject in view, and that to make mon ey regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of nodes and females hated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medi cines with full directions sent to any part oldie United :Rates end Cumulus, by patients commu nicating theit symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address .1. SUytMItItVILI, It, M. D., ()Fn., No. Mil FII.IIIiRT Sr., (Old N 0.109.) lielOW Twelfth, 111LADELIMIA. ly. `2.5 WITNESSES ; Olt THE ..\7011.0V11 cotllrlowzn. John S. Ltyc, Author, Who Las lied 11l years experience as a Bank- 1 N. and Publisher, - and author of "A series of! beet tires at.the Broadway Tabernacle," when to successive nights, over 50,000 People o..veeted him with rounds of applause, while ' 7 V. ;', exhibited the Manner in which Counter ^foiters execute their frauds, and the surest and Or detecting them ! thud: Note Engravers all say that I, \Atest Judge of Paper Money living. :L . ., Greatest discovery of the present century doteeting Counterfeit Bank Notes. lio- W,,ribing every genuine bill in existence, and exhititing at a glance every counterfeit in !! Arranged so admirably, that .otc, cm, is easy nod tleteetiou instantanebus. ju'l , to ! No pages to tint tip ! thit -e .iniolified and arranged 174 ti.lt t l\l'a'clootr, Itankerana Busine, man ,ce ail ni a glance. French and may read tho same in r: „h., tongue. • MO,t perfect Bank lishoil. Also a • 01l the r;;', I rii ate - tlankus sit Auariaa. A, complete ;.•t.ni.i..-.. of 11, c of Europe ar..l ii,ll . leii wit( hit ) , 111,1,,i1 ill .ICII tU ,•..,cther with all the important news'orthe clay. .11 , 0 a series of vile,, fr'', an old Manuscript ,nd in the East, it Ittriii,hes foe most com eilistony or “Oriental Lire." .: the 'lust perplexing positions in which S. ..• iiiilies uutl guidon'. of that Country io ortut found. ' these stories will throughout the whole year, :wit will •• most cittertaiiiing ever oll'eted IJ '• ' . .• WceLly .to subscribers only . II letters must ho addressed to ;I, „Rill:: S. 1)1'E, l'roprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. r.! _,, a Ilk- :;„st "Job Printing" °lke 40.UN7.P.L. made suck areall:muoill in our .; • • enabl, tt, to az kinds (0' a? - a - lesting at t 72,0 per cent. . _ cheaper rate - s Than any name in the (live us a call. Ii we don't give entire catislae• lion, nu charge at all will he mail, Wi, I. A I' Ic,, .% ~,, BLANKS 1 BLANKS 1 A ftenemt assortment tV . Blanks ult de. seriptions just printed and 'Ur salt, at the .. .101t1,1111 gifice." _ . . , . Appeintin't of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes StlllllllOllA, Vendun Notes, E 3' xenniim,, Constabls Sales, Strive Facia::, Subprenas, Coin plaints, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages, Conuitnienti, Bond to idemnify CorZtnide, dze. THE 1 AST SCEIIE. F; Ct FT T I 0 Q.rix,'!xxm. lIIS I,PEECII ON i4ALLOWS. We this week give the speech of Maim and fuller particulars of his execution : At a quarter of 11 o'clock the prisoner was brought down to the yard, an nscen• ded the scaffold with a firm and unfaltering step. Sheriff Port and his Deputies then aljusted the rope, after which Dr Junkie announced that M'Kiin wished to address the people present, and that his wish had been granted. M'Kim turned around, fa ced the people assembled in the jail yard, and said ; "Well, friends and fellow citizens, of the United Suites of America, I stand before your eyes a dying man, but I contend lain innocent of the murder ni Samuel Town. s 4 ad Norcross, or any human being. • Be. lure you all l say that men came hero from the tt est and swore away my Wu. They long the Holy Bible from the honorable Court and swore to tell the truth, but told everything else, ns wy soul willhe kunch od into eternity—as 1 out n dying man. '• I he first of these tnen wits u Air. At tix. Yes, fellow citizens of the United States, its I tun a dying mon—t do not ex pect you to believe it—this Attix, citizens, came here into Court before the Honorable Judges, and there took the Holy Bible and sworn to tell the truth, and I eon. tend that ho told anything but what wos truth. He said that I war at his oak , ' with Samuel Townsend Norcross, but, fel low-citizens, I was never there with Nor- cross. lie said that 1 telt! Norcross to toko walling . but American gold coin. 1 never wits in his office in my life, as I'm a dying mun. lle ulso said that he asked me if 1 was his agent. Ho never apolce to me, as LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1857. I am a dying man ; but I freely forgive him for the injury he has done me, my loving wife and child, my brother and my foursis. ters. I contend that he is one of my mur derers, who, by his false evidence, succee ded in getting this rope about my neck; when he was in the Court, he looked in my face and told these infamous lies. 'He told fellow-citizens, everything but the truth. But little did he think that he must answer for it before a higher tribunal—not a coin mon Court, but before God Almighty in (leaven. If ho does not repent. he will be damned. Now may God, Almighty have mercy upon his soul. I freely forgive him The other man wan Mr. Eaton, from Dunleith, He said I shaved Norcross with a razor produced in Court, with which, it , is said, I killed Norcross. I never shaved Norcross in my life, neither was it my ra zor they had. My razor is at Long Pond —at least I left it there. I never shaved myself while there, (meaning Dunleith,) or anywhere, until I was talc,' to the prison. May God Almighty have mercy on him. Rumbold said here that there was not much the matter with Noitioss, but there he said ire was a dying man, ts a man now in this yard (11r. Williams, Postmaster at ! Dunleith,) knows. Ile rode to the depot ,in the wagon with the trunks, and did not - walk up with Mr. Eaten. He was not able to walk, as sworn by Eaton, which was a positive falsehood. Another gentleman was here from some miles down the country—l don't remember his name—the sled man, I never saw him or rude upon his sled or anybody's. I hope I may never see the Kingdom of Heaven if ever I rode on his sled, after I left Al. t.sona, until I got on the other side of Sb ii liauwport, when I rode on a sled fifteen miles with the landlord. Every word that man spoke was u positive falsehood—not a word of truth—but may God Almighty bless hirn—may he be prepared to go to !leaven—but he can't unless he repents, or any of them. I tell you as a true Amer ican they are riot men—they have no hearts or principles of meu, and are no Chits ions. But I forgive thorn all. lan here an innocent man I care nut whist the world says. I tell you as a dying man my fellow citizens of the United :status, I • would rather die than trample upon the laws of any country. The rope is around my neck, and there is my colic, but I ne t:, murdered NurerseL 1 HOPE 1 Mee all YE!: ,E 1: Got) it I DID ! 1 keow tills is out t kouw tli,tt t am inns. cen!. It is a disgraceful death, but if all the innocent blood that has been shed were drawn into a pool, it would be enough to • drown the false hearted • men who swore false. Felluwcitizens there were men who came in here and swore to lies that they might get something from, Blair Gaiety,— What would your opinion be of such men who would swear link after link to take your life away 1 Can you say they ere Christians, or true-hearted Atueticans May God Almighty have mercy on theirs! They are cry murderers ! Tiwy are the men who got the rope itlmat Illy' iresik-- they are the murderers, and not ate. "A gentleman from Altoona came here to Court. and said M'Kim took breakfast with biol. 'This is not so, as I can prove to his teeth by a man now on the scaffold, I got my breakfast at a gentleman's who scorned tho idea of coming into the Court House and swearing toy life away. [Here he gave an accurate description of Kearn ey and Keurney's house; whore he said he breakfasted on the morning of the murder] ;slay God Almighty bless him and save him But ho can't be saved without he rep.mts, He knows that he is one of toy murderers. am u true American citrzeit, and will not haul down my colors—l would rather prefer death, 1 not an innocent roan and do not fear death. I. ill surrender to what is right, but will never surrender to whet is wrung. lam going to be launched into eternity, and lutist go to beaver) or hell, if I run guilty. I ant going to street 'Janus. lum sure IMU going to heaven. lum standing here an innocent num. I know, fellow citizens, you do not believe this, ac cording to the evidence in the Court, and I do not blame you, but I will contend for my rights. '.l was born in Chester county, near the 48 milestone, on the Philadelphia and Lan caster turnpike, on the farm of Jos. Pax ton. I don't deny inv county, there are those here from It. It was at that house lily mother gave birth to me, though it were better rite never had. I never done nothing to fetch me here; those who swore false shod charged before God us my mut , deters Ain't I got a right to speak ? I say nothing us a dying num, but what is true. 1 know that I cannot convince you of my innocence, but that does nvt inst.° it so. I don't stand before the eyes of tied a murderer. tell you us a dying man, follow-citi zens, that I did not ',larder Samuel 'rows send Norcross, neither du I know how he came by his death. "Fellow citizens, I am a true American and have fought nud bled for my country, have pressed forward with the flag of my country to the muzzles of cannons, among bayonets ' nod have carried the flag in tri umph. Now lam here to die a dishonor able death. I have been a dragoon in the t./ . 11ite!..! States service, and was wounded. Lbw, du nut boast of but it is a dishonorable death'l not about to meet. 1. was a private but was promoted sergeant major. 1 have been with Gen. Scott and Harney. nud Lieutenant Jenkins. They all knew me; and know that 1 am an honorable man, and would not cut a. man's throat with a razor, - or beat out his brains with a club. "As a dying nine, with the cuffin before him—knowing that I will go to hell if 1 any I believe iu the Bible. My aged mother taught me to read is it, and believe in it I always prayed. You know how A • she fetes She knows I was oile who ne. y VI 5 .0 Clta it it . ver would give way to wrong. God don't call upon me to confess and the reason why is because I inn not guilty. lam not :A IA 'D the murderer of Samuel Townsend Nor cross, neither do I. know how he came About three or four years ago, more or his death, Because the world is down en less, I was practising law in Illinois on a mu., is that any reason why I should con• pretty large circuit. I was called on one fess to a murder f never committed ? day in my office, in the town of C -1 ea, nothing, for the world—l care by a very pretty women, who, not with what the world says; l ast us out tears, told me her husband had been t will declare my rights so low lnv I argue can give them uuter.unco, a n d l arrested for stealing. She wished to re have t h e will to do it. It is my candid be- fain me on the defence. I asked her why lie( that some p.•rson else will yet suffer she did not go to Judge a, an en Senior tor the murder of Norcross. Por L hold of the United Slates, whose office was in that murder will not lay. Mark me. Mr. the same town. told her I. was a young Hammond, you will some day find out my innocence. man at the bar &c. She mournfully said "I go in for hanging a murderer, but that he had asked a retaining fee above not ua innocent man. I repeat to you that her means, and besides did not want to the witnesses Mlle in and swore against me as if it was a sang." touch the case, for her husband was 2U, peeled of belonging to an extensive gang 'Ling his counsel, who, he said, had done The prisoner then went on to exonera of horse thieves and Aounterfeiters, whose .heir duty; al., the jury, Judge, and offi- head quarters was on Moore's prairie. eers. He continued : I asked her to tell me the whole truth I Ida., no "tan sworn to do his duty, of the matter, and if it was true that her I husband did belong to such a band "1 me my wouldli fe,"k ao man to do ""g if it c" “Ah, sir,' said she, " tuna at . . . "I have been here three months chained, heart than my George never lived ; but and a part of the time handcuffed. Don't he liked cards and drink, and lam afraid blame anybody Mu ' myself ' and y ou all they made him do what he never would know the reason why, for trying to cut have done if he had not drank. I fear my bobbles. Here he spoke of handcuffs on his ' that it can be proved that he had the horse hands being so tight as to Wilke his arm he, didn't steal it ; another did, and parsed bleed. He then spoke in kind terms of it to him." those w h o v i s i te d hi m i n hi s ce ll and pray.' I didn't like the case. I knew that ed for him. He spoke of Dr. Rivkin and there was a grem dislike to the gang lima. Rev. iVicClean discharging their duty, say-' ted where she named, and feared to risk ing : , the case before a jury, She seemed to "They came here and prayed for me &terve my intention to refuse the case like Christian men, and have been the mit- and burst into tears. igation of saving My.soul from hell." 1 never could see a woman weep with- Ile next spoke of the Methodists, and out feeling like a weak fool myself. If it tic kindness shown him by the people of hadn't been for eyes bright: tied by ~p ea, Hollidaysburg, and called. upon God to ly tears," (blast the poets that made them bless them all, to come in fashion by praising them) I'd "I want you m think lam pleading the never been caught in the lasso of matri truth. I have scon it in the papers. lum mony, And my would be client was supposed to be the murderer of two more petty handkerchief that hid her m: u. They sever said unything about until wils u Q d streatnaig eyes didn't hide her r !Oh ,/it ' ll:1,11/ig to soy *••' .l " h.() WS that . 1 novvr . killed atuan white gull in a gale of wind at Frn . T I hope itevor to see the Kiagdo nof ilea- took the case and she gave me the ven if ever 1 killt d a WWI. Fellow citi :evils, I act ulso charged with stealing lair- The gang , of wh i ch he was nt,t a ses. I never stole a horse, or anythiog„ bur, had p ersuaded him to take the hog except fruit, and there ore kw who have 'i not done that. Never, as lam a dying• • Fly knew dm horse was stollen, ~li man, dud l steal anything but Iron. A i n't fool acknow•edged it when he it hard for a man to he accmsed when he is h a d t r o ut ' ,chained in prkon and can't help hitast2ll? Lit me say God something to say. '`• -'• evitie and tad to alter his ap! , , ~..ce, love my fellow man, hot I care not for • and the opposition could prove i . ..vhat they' when false. lum nut the ; The trial came on. worked hard to man I em repr,sented to be. I can tilt, net a jury of ignorant men, who had more without a tear, for taco " l li a g t o f e ar , heart than brain. Who, if they could not God. I have made my election sure. („thornthedept h l u h of argument, or follow Christ I have placed my temt, I leave this scoff .Id I shall go home to the lahariffiltine mones of the low, could [leaven, and hope to meet my Clod, my feel for a hollow in a bad fix, a weeping aged father, who has gone before tae, Ill3' pretty wife, nearly broken-hear:cd, and mother, wife, chill, sisters and brothers. r distracted. Knowing the use of "ef- W hat -care I fur this death? My friend, 1 her to dress 111 &op mourn care, for they have not 0 stain upon th.,ir [tol d character. It is not my fault, Clod Al- tog, and bring her little cherub of a boy, mighty knows it." only three years old, into court and to sit He then made some allusion to his at. as near her husband as the officer would tempt to commit suicide, and said he was let her. I tried that game once in a mur instigated to . do it by the devil, but was der case, roil a weep i ng wife and siver glad he did not accomplish it, for then he made a jury render a verdict against law, should hove been a murderer indeed and evidence and the judge's charge, and sa gone to lien. ; red a fellow that ought to have been hung _ i He "ArKim will soon be launched into ' The prosecution opened very bitterly, eternity, sod his soul trill go to (leaven." , inveighed against thieves and counterfeit.. • A portion of scripture was then read by ere, who had made the land a terror to Dr Junkin, and the llyinn beginning With strangers and travellers, and who had rob " Prepare ate gracious God, ; ; bed every farmer in the region, of !heir To stitud before thy hive," ' finest horses. It introduced witnesses was sung, in which the prisoner joined.— A prayer Wan then nmsle by Dr. Junkin, and proved more than I feared it would. The time canto for me to rise for de after which the clergy, his counsel , the of- . fence. Witnesses—l had none. But 1 firers and others, took leave of Lim. rope teas re-adjusted by the Sheriff and T he determined to matte an effort.—only hoping the cap placed over hie face. In a few to interest the jun° and jury as to severe words he again reiterated his innocence of • a recommendation to gubernatorial clem ency and a light sentencd. So I painted the crime for which he was to suffer,mnd- Mg with "I tell you us a dying man I am this picture : A young man enteaed into life wedded by an angel ; beautiful in per. innocent. Tall the Sheriff lilt now ready.' son, possessing every gentle and noble at- At 20 minutes of 1 o'clock the Sheriff drew the rope attached to the prop of the tribute. 'Temptation was before and all i around him. Ile kept a tavern. Guests trap, the body fell. A few upheavings of . the chest and all was over. After hang. there were many; they were well dress-1 ed ; ing twenty minutes the physicians made large bills and poid promptly. nounced hint dead, and he was lowered in. pm' At an unguraded hour, when he was in pounced sane with the liquor they urged upon to his coffin. His neck was not dislocated hint, he had deviated Irom the path of rec, —he was strangled to death. His neck utude. The demon of alcohol reigned in was a little discolored, but his tongue did his brain ; and it was the first offence.— not protrude. His face was livid but look. Mercy pleaded for another chance to save ed natural. ; him from ruin. Justice did not require There were some three thousand stran- . t h at hi s young w ife should go down sot' gars in town, and there was some drun- rowing to the grave, and that the shadow kenness and fighting, but not so much as . of disgrace and the taunt of a felm father one might have expected, * A party has should cross the path of thitiesweet child. just passed my house, sin ging in chorus : ' 0, low earnestly did I plead for them.— "To see McKim the crowd come in, ! The woman wept . ; the husbrind did the Some drunk whiskey and seine drunk gin." same ; tho judge fidgeted and robbed hi s ' So that Captain Whiskey Was about.. ' The corpse Was : takeu to the Almshouse eyes ; the jury tootled meltitim. Ii I could buriovoand , though mokuu wished o o have had Ow cicsu g spee ch he would be buried it Chetter county. have been cleared ; but rho prosecution McKim's statement in regarded to the had the close, and threw ice on the fire 1 witnesses was not credited 1;y any of those' had kindled. But they did nut quite put present at the execution. ' 't eta. The judge charged according to law and evidence, but evidently leaned on jliq side of mercy. The jury found a verdict of but unanimously recommended him to the mercy of the court. Nly client was sentenced to the shortest imprison ment the court tens empowered to give, and both jury and court signed a ',midon to the Governor for an unconditional par don, which has since been granted, bet not before the following incident occur red. Some three months after this, I receiv• ecl art account for collection from a whole sale house in New York. The parties to collect from were hard - ones. but they had property and before they had an idea of the trap laid, I had the property, which they were about to assign before they broke under attachment. Finding 1 was neck ahead and bound to win, they 'caved a and 'forked over' three thousand sev en hundred and ninety•four dollars and eighteen cents, (Per memorandum book,) in good money. They lived in Shawnee town, about ris or 40 miles southeast of Moore's prairie. I received the funds just after• bank opening, but other business detained ate until after dinner. . I then started for• C , intending to go as far as the village of Mt. Vernon that night. I had Otte along ten or twelve mile_, when I noticed a splendid team of double horses attached to a light wagon, in which were seated four time,,, evidently of the high strung order. They swe,u. past as if to show how easily they could do it.— They soon sh,tened in and allowed ne to come up with them, and hailing toe as ked me to "e et''' or in other 'words, di minish the contents o' a jug of old rye they had aboard Lot I excused myself with the plea that I bud plenty en board.— They asked me how far I was going. I told them as far us Mt. Vernon, it mug bore didn't tiro out. They mentioned a pleasant tavern ten nt• ttccit•e mtle ahead, us a liiCe and then dro, ttl:e the loot. of tbo,e fellows nor (hell' aetlollS. Lit I Wit, bound to go ttlicad. 1 had tt Innen of revolvers and a uicc kinfo ; iny inouey was not in n tali, n:y but in a brit around my body ,1%,w in hopes that they would gu should ,uo them 110 11101 . 0. it ;:tqtrly dark when I saw a t,.ern all ...;:c1 Ar the smile time 1 saw their wagon stand before the door. I wouid have passed on, but my horse needed rest. hauled up and a woman came to the door. Sh, turned as pale as a sheet when she saw me—she did nut speak; but with a meaning look, the put het • finger to her lips and' bec4otied rite in; she wan the wife of my client. Who. I entered ; the party recognized me, and haled me as an old traveling friend,nod asked me to drink. I respect• friend, and asked me to drink. 1 respect fully but firmly declined to do so. "By G—d, .you shall drink or fight,' said the noisiest of the party. "Just as you please, drink I shall not," odd I purposely showing the butt of a cult which kicks six times in succe:.. The party interposed and quelled the assailant. Ohs• e;;'!..: ,;:e cigar which I reluctantly refused but a glance from the woman induced me to accept; She advanced and profferel me a light, end in doing so she slipped a now in toy hand, which she must hare written with a pencil the moment before. Never shall I forget the words—.hey were : ' , Beware they are members o f the gang they mean to rob and murder you! Leave court ; I will detain them I" I did not feel comfortable just then, but tried to do so. Have yon any room to put up my horse I asked turning to the woman. 'What —are you not going on to night!' asked one of the men ; 'tee me." ~ .No," :aid 1, "I shall Ltay here all night." stay then, I guess, and make a night of it !" suid unotli,r of the Cut throats. , ‘You'll have to put up your own hor,e —Lore's a lantern," said the woman. tun used,to that," I said. “Gentle [nen, excuse toe a minute; I'll join you in a drink. when I come in. '.Good on your head. More whiskey, old gal," shouted they. • I wont out, glanced at theirivagrin, it was old-fashioned ; and "linch•pins" se cured tits wheels. To take out my knife and pry one from the fore and hind wLeels wa, but the work of an instant for ine, and I threw them as Inc oil in the darkness as I could. T. untie my horse and dash off was the work of a moment. Thu road lay down a steep hill, but my lantern lighted mu somewhat. VOL. XXII. NO. 35 I had hardly got under full headway, when I heard a yell from the party I had so LINCt ',non iou,ly left. I put whip to my horse. Thu next moment with a shout they starred. I threw my light away and lett my horse to pick his way, A moment later, I heard a crash, a horrible shriek. The wheels were off. Thou came the rush of the horees tearing along with tho wreck of a wagon. Filially, they seemed Le fetch up in the wood. One or two .rig ks I heard as 1 swept on, leaving diem fir behind. For some time I hur. tied toy horse—you'd bettor believe I rid it wr a Rule alter midnight when I got to Mt. Vernon. The next Jay I heard that a Mooro's prairie team had run away, arid that two men out of four had boon so badly hurt that their lives were despaired of; but I didn't cry. My cheats got their money— and I didn't travel over that rood any more. Pro Elution Claims of a Colored Kau Refusea. Wcaieutoit, A up. 20—The General Land u ice to day decided against the pre eruption claim, of a colored man to three hundred and sixty'neres of laud in Wkeutisiti. taking; the ground of the Supreme Court in the 1)r1d Scott case, shot a "free negro, of African nice whu:e alko,:or., were brou;zlit lu thiS Country and :told ,laves, it; not a oititton tri hiu thi; tocaning of the Cot,tittuitat of the United State,;." This deci,ion or the Land Oiliee applies to tit, other :;holler eases pending. We re-puhli , th to dap the above article in our yeettrday's issue with the view or cnllio PAU, attention more particular ly to its mow titre,ity. We ask in the statue or a common humanity if it is possible that party spirit ceuhl so far subjugate the glmericrp press as. to pa, ores, without a revere criticism, this out:, you our free institutions' A rive man may bar) his broad to the storm of war ,i 1 1,1k.0d like water upon the field of le—Sidf, the paito of cuttrtyrdt.m. ..1 . -11e, of 01, gr....1/ea:vatic. of Amer:• bred:roll around hi. God is his wisdom has given him a a c0n1),1,1i,,n laa a sli;ht elude darker than alvid Paul Brown, he shall be denied all even won. th ,a the horse that fixed the flyilfg :a, a patty ridden Court that aaeh a umn is not :1 citizen. Lim, tut ho may n...t havo a Vok, tu.ty Ii ~ht tho battler of is ct and t! I' daringly tha home that avo I birth, bat he may not be nommen, :0, the Mon that Las c,caped from a fur. sign hual, and, IwziiAlm, a foreign pri,un.— :•;!uitiw, oh ,haiLe ! when thy hlu,11! i, of Ow Fria', of the Dyed Scott deci6lim \Veil, all we have tk, say tardier is, tile tide of the ea, is tt proper one—it is dratqjia Goa ki,ows.—Phitt. Si llezceuur.>•r IN 1101.1.1DAY1i111 , 1M.—•••WO ~aiu!g the last ❑umber of the American pa. qt,to the t the / The !client, meeting in this place on rvening last was but I,lituly attended, and mud_ have hens rather disheartening to the would be•Governur, thou,o he here him• self very creditably under the circumstances. making a neat and appropriate speech of sane minutes dimwit.. lie is a knolook. jog Illan and a graceful talker, and in all he said ho was commons and gentlemanly. But we think he lailgd to convert anybody to the wait. tot it was wissr and better to throw away their VOte3 upon Nita — (quintessence or though he he, and "nothing else")—t ban to vote for Mr. Wilmot, who is a ge:sl American also, with a fair prospect of :teen :tail oho.;c election would hen most signal det . eat M . the "Irish Brigade" and for• eigni,in gencrat!iy. s.e 11,1,11,1 in company with H. B. Swope, Esq., a Ckarti,l.l county gentlemen, whose wa, bete before lain; and taking it a. 3 it pa,tei among,,,t us. Mr. linzlehurst was not vury It iitivantnged by the asilociation. Mr. S. ionde n speech of twice the length of Mr. litirdohtirst, in I, pitched into the Aln,rican I'.eTtiblican3 very bravely. But of hint its n'idnimile. We emiced a number of Democrats present, Among them wo may mention was our I . ..sty neighbor, Major beet, Into Supervisor on the Penna. Canal, and owner of till unsettled account, and several oons tho "Green sole." We Lupe what they heard did them good. Thu Packer Editors, says the Lebanon Curvier, are in trouble. Their candidate has ,loam tiro 't•.hite feather" in declining to meet Wilma before the people, and taxes all their ingenuity to frame excuses for him. Otto of the reasons they originally gave for Lis cowl. nati in Nlas that he was great public debater.' Where is that quality now ? The people want to hear him along with Wilmot. Pour Packer, he want's to get into the Governor's Chair wi der false pretences. lie and the LocucoM press will go around howling Le., but they are afraid to allure a fair and frank discus• shin between the candidates before the pen. plc, whir e such gammon would not stand a moment before the ponderous arguments and burning eloquence of the able IVilmot. Ltei theta new hold their peace. A Novt:t. Suer—"SAM" REPUHISTIM-114 a suit in the Court of Campbell county, ou Friday, II Shipley L' u'l rO, engravers, ugniust A. D. Swaney and Maj. Calomel!, fur studs engraved for the know Nothing Grand Cui.ell of Kentucky, and other Councils of the Suite, the couneel for defence contended that as "Sam" was dead, the suit should him beon brought against his achninistrators, but the Court overruled this, sad Messrs. S. Jt c, hod to toot ho bill, $292 50 and coot*