Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 19, 1857, Image 3

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A House and Lot in the Country
AA N KA"' and comfortable house with a lot or
one nere in extent, situate about four miles
north of and about nun tulle from
the Warm Springs, is offered fur oak, by the
proprietor, who at present resides on the prem
ises. Said house is a log building two stories
high, and very control-table; all necessary buil
dings therelo.ntlacheil. Any further intbrina.
lion can ho had by calling et the "Journal"
A tig.5,'67,
All of those Famous
slo', $5 $l, and 25 cent
RECEIPTS nttd Secret , ,wonderful money.
malting chances, together with nn epistle on
"flow to Win the Affections of the
Opposite Sex. 7
AB sent. to one . I . ltidress on receipt. of ten cents.
Box 275, Haverhill,
American Safety-Paper Planufaclueg
Company of New York.
Capital, $500,000.
A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 70 Wall St.
A /Wed Security against all 111/11111, of Fraud or
Counk,Ailing on I'rprr. To Prevent Photo
vrophs end ,Inostrair Counferfeitg, Lixosureg,
Tranliorli or Alterotiog.
Having purchased the Patent for the exclu
sive right to manufiteture and sell the new Che
tnical Paper in America, invented and patented
in England by Hex to: Gr.vxx, a celebrated
chemist, and officer in the British Army, it is
hardly necessary to say that the Paper is re
commended by Mr. Kent, Assayer of the U. S.
'lint, fir. Lyman of the New York Clearing
House, and Meade Brothel,, extensive and
skilllul phntegrai be rH, 233 Broadway, N. Y.
The latter say that no imitation can be made on
a check or hook note printed on the Safety Pa
per. Below is our list of prices
Bank Checks-35 cos per lb.
Bank Ili I I s—s 18 for WOO sheets.
Bills of Exelintige—s2s for 1000 sheets.
Pwonissory Notes-40 eta per lb.
Sight and Time Drafts—s2s tor 1000 sheets.
Insurance Policies-40 cts per lb.
Bailmil Stocks cents pee lb.
Bankand State Storks—ao eta per 11,.
llotals tnul Aliatgages-40 cts per lb.
11'ills and licedg —ln etg
Fey 'wrapping Silks and other line articles it
is excellent, as it ',revolts moths. 40 ets per
For Indentures and Agreements. 40 cent: a Ili.
All State and County Records should al
be printed or written on lilt paper, rs ilievlie
micala inserted in the pull, not only prevent
erasure or transfer, but 'nuke it lasting as time.
For Southern Climates it is excellent.
much superior to any other ; as the moistness ut
the climate does nut destroy it,—tlic properties
inserted in the ',sip being a preventive. In all
southern States, Cllllll, tics \‘' ebt Indies and the
Central Ann 'wait Sinus. 110 public I,COI'IIS 1,1111
he kept over Lill years, written tat the orditoiry
paper, white the 011 A Mid otter chemicals insert
ed in this Paper innkes it indestructible by the
ravages of time. It ds all uraid ay„ninst moths,
rats and other vet min, which resist on nod de
stroy sill [Whet paper now in toe.
Ile Company have HOW in operation Mills
in Mortis County, N. J , of about 300 horse
power. and arc aloe to till all orders for Paper
g.t th e Aim - test noise
All ortleri Mr the Pap, nmst ho nddresPod
NICHOLAS, Presi.lent of the Company
No. .0 Wall Street.
\Vm._l3ltEwsTr.i . t . ., Agent., Huntingdon
Agent ft; the purchase and stile q . Beal Es.
foie Farms and t Proltrly &mold, sad and
tx ,hi l ny,d. Alm. atone). invested stud procured
on mortgage. Those having Farms or Land
fur Sale will do well to cull or oend description.
No. lb I Slraet, Philadelphia.
Jule Irdh, 1857.-3 m.
P .111(11.1EL DEC'D.
j otters • •,*
Ilierlc,•, . . ~etittgdue
county. ' the me
till rer•
' ,• :entedinte
, • I. .1, NVIII present
to the
.• N
July 15, I-
Monday, August 3rst,
'Tuition for ten months. $25.
pigher rotes clior;,mil pnpils rinimiuing
only it port of the rear.
Guring July mid tigust,• applications innv
he 101 l with Hon. Geo. Taylor, or W. I'. Gan
soil, Esq. SARAH W. BIG ELOW.
Huntingdon, July Bth, 1857.—ti.
To Saloon and Inn-Keepers, Grimm,
and Families Generally.
To make Cider without App ; Pure Vine
gar in three days; excellent Honey , Washing
Fluid. costs only G eta per gallon , Inks, Itrendy,
Uin, Rum, Pole Port nod Champagne Wines.
1 mill send to the address of any person any
one I the above receipts, for 25 etc.
For W. A. 'MURRAY.
DAVID GROVE informs the citizons of
Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public o n•
entity, that be has opened a Grocery Store on
Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of
Wm. Orbison's residence, where ho will at all
times be prepared to supply customers with
at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas,
Molasses, Cheese, Spiess, Confectionaries,
Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segurs, Tobac
co, &c., &e.; in Met, every article usually kept
iu n Grocery Store.
As I am determined to sell cheaper than the
cheapest, I want everybody to call and examine
my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE.
Hantiqdon, July 29,
The Rev. C. S. BURNETT, while la
boring as a missionary in Southern Asia, dis
covered a simple and certain Cure for Constin.p
ttou, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nei
roes Debility, and all impurities of the blood;
also, an easy and effectual mode of inhaling the
Remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his
suffering fellows, Ito will cheerfully soul the re
cipe (free) to such us desire it, with full and•ex
plicit directions for preparing and successfully
using the Medicine. Address
80, C. S. BURNETT,
831 Broadway, N. Y. City.
,Jul 3 29,' 67. -Ctn.
11ARE infallible in removing stoppages or irreg.
ularites of the menses.
These Pills are nothing new, but have been I
used by the doctors for many years, both in
France and America, with on parallelled success;
and he is urged by many thousand Indies, who
hare used them, to niche the Pills public, for
the alleviation of those suffering from any irre•
gularities of whatever nature, as well as to pre•
vent pregnancy to those ladies whose health
will not permit no increase of family.
Pregnant females or those supposing them
selves so, nre mullioned against these Pills
while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no
responsibility after the above admonition, al
though their mildness would prevent any mis
chief to health otherwise these Pills are recom•
mended. Full nod explicit directions Recoil,
puny each !six. Price, $1 per box.
Sold wholesale and retail by
.1011 N HEAD, Genertil Agent
for Huntingdon Co., Pa.
I have appointed Dr. John Rend Sole agent
for the sale of my French Periodical Hidden
Pills, for the borough and county of Hunting.
don. All orders must. be addressed to him.
He will supply dealers nt the proprietor's pri
ces, mid semi the Pills to Indies (coVide.tiully)
by return mail, to any port of the United States,
on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the
Huntingdon post.ollice. For further part ice.
tars get a circular of the Agents—sold by drug
gists everywhere.
Se - My signature is written en each box.
Drondway P. 0., New York.
Alwr WillittliMpOlf,
undersigned, surviving partner of the
1. firm of J. R. & W. 13. Biding, offers for
sale all that valuable property situated on the
south side of the Susquehanna River, 6 miles
from Williamsport, and 3 miles from the line or
the Sunbury & Erie Railroad. The Pennsyl
vania Canal passes on the opposite side of the
River. This tract contains 660 acres, with 6
per cent. allowance. 2110 acres are cleared,
and in a good state of cultivation. There is a
large amoral of valuable Timber on the pre.
mise,; a good stream of water, and a good
Saw-Mill. The Mill is new, being built 1856.
'rho other improvements consist of 5 good
Dwelling Houses, with .int•huildings thereto.
Two large Barns, one or svtdclt it first.elass,
with a large shed attached.
The above property will he offered at Public
Sa , .. at the Corot llotHe, in Williamsport, on
,:dnesday, the I hilt of August, next at 1
o'clock, I'. M.
A portion of the purchase money iu Ca,h,
the balauce made easy, with interest, and op.
iwoced security.
Tern, made known on day of sale.
Further patticuktf.t can be obtained by ad•
Survivitig ruiner of tint firm of
J. a. a w.
Williamsport, Pa., July 8, .57.•:tin,
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.
fo• Diseases 01 ilia Lungs, Throat
nod Heart—Formerly l'llysinitot to the
Author of ••Lott••ts to Int. IS COMING,
See following ettril.
September Appointments.
1)r. Hardman, Physician for disease ol• the
(linratcrly Physician to Cincinnati :Nil'.
rine Hospital.) will he in attendance at his
rooms. follows
inplutu..inekson's liotejlfritlay Sept. 4,
Lcwist, wa, Nat:onal
pi l t,bu N h;
Dr. aiti'dinan treats Consumption, Bronchi: I
t is, Asthma, Larryngittis and all licenses of the
throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the Bromton Hospital, London. The
great point in the treatment of all li it,,,,,, nulls•
di, is to get at the disease in the direct man
ner. All medicines are estimated by their ac
tion in on the i trnti tet,nitivg relief. This is
the important fact ap n which Inhalation is ha:
sed. the stoocieli is dirisised we take
medicine directly into the stomach. lithe lungs
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
pors directly into the lungs. Medieines are the
antidotes to disease and should lie applied to
the very sent of disease. Inhalation is the LIP"
plication of this principle to the treattlient or
the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those
intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of
roach of every other menus of administering
medicines. The reason that Consumption, and
other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re
sisted all treatment has been because they had
never been approached m n direct manner by
medicine. 'rimy were intended to net upon the
lungs end yet were applied to the stomach.—
Their action was intended to he local, and yet,
they were so administered that they should not
act eonstismtionally, expenilim; immediate and
principal action upon the unogeoiling stotthich,
whilst the foul ulcers within die lungs were un
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in
direct contact with the disease, without the
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli
cation is simple, that it can be employed by the
youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not
derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de
gree with the strength, comfort, or business of
the patient...,
to the following dis rases, either when compli
cated with lung affections existing alono, I alSo
invite consultation. I usually lint' them prompt
ly curable.
Prolapsus and all other forms of Female com
plaints, Irregularities and Weakness.
Palpitation and all other forms of heart
Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
other diseases of Stomach and bowels, &c.
All diseases of the CSC and car. Neuralgia,
Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.—
No charge for consultation.
Juno 3, 1837.
PROVISIONS, just received end thr sale at the
wholesale 011(1 retail Grocery S Provision Store
of Love & McDivitt. Consisting of
Its TOBACCO, of the best quality and every
FIIENE , Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Tama
rinds, Rico, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers,
Cheese, Alnecuroni, Pickles of nll kinds, Sar
dines, Candies and Confectionpries. All of
which will be disposed of onto most reason-
able terms, for cash or country produce.
Purchasers will find it to their interest to call
and examine our stock bolero purchasing else
where, as we are prepared to sell everything in
our line of business A LITTLE LOWER than
any other establishm2nt of the kind in this lo
Mily 13, 1857. LOVE & memvirr.
Iried Beet; Bunts, Shoulders titid Flitch, for
_LI sale at the cheap Grocery Store of
Discovered at Last!
GreHtest Cure in the World for Pain
Prof. Chas. DeGrath's
gill IS Oil is the only sure remedy in the world
I for the cure of Rheumatism, Deafness, Gout,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and
Bronchial! COTllplaints, Tie Doloreux , Headache,
Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons Sprains and
Bruises, Cots and Wounds, Swelled Glands,
Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Sore Nipples,
Swelled Breast, Womb Disorders, Salt Rheum,
Canker in the Month and Stomach, Pulpit',
fion, Eruptions, Caked Breast, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers, Lock Jaw,
Heartburn, Tooth and Eir•aehe, Nervousness,
Abscess, Stiff Necks, Broken limas!, Chilblains,
Totter, Shingles ' Froited Feet, Fever and
Ague, Chapped Hands or any Diseases that
are sore and painted, is the only article ever
brought before the public that will do its work
perfectly in froth three to twenty minutes—has
been used by thousands and pronounced to be
the best remedy ever discovered.
This Oil nets on the system with electricity
—is of pure vegetable preparation. Not the
slightest danger of applying it inwardly or out
wardly. It at once gives a permanent cum—
in most eases from ten to twenty minutes.
The best physiologists of Europe have din.
covered that all organic derangement of the
animal system is the effect of an obstruction of
the physto•clectrie fluid in the organ diseased.
A skillful application ofthe Oil put.; iu immedi
ate motion the nerve fluid, and the cure is ac•
complished. No bleeding ' no vomiting, purg
ing, or blistering is resorted to.
ike•None genuine without signature of Prof.
C. DeGrath. Labels signed in writing.
Principal Depot, No. 30 South Eighth St.,
three doors below Chestnut. Philadelphia.—
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. •
Try everything else, give this one simple
Cturto.N.-13e careful to ask for and get Do
Grath's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation that my article has acquired.
The public must beware. They are worthless.
For sale by John Read, Huntingdon.
Letters testamentary on the estate of lien•
ry M. Kerr, Into of the Borough of Hunting•
don, dee'd., having been granted to the under•
signed, he hereby gives notice to all persons in
debted to said estate to make payment without
delay, and those having claims against the MIMIC
will present them duly authenticated to Joint
Reed, Attorney at Law, Ilantingdon.
July S, 1837.-Gt*,
[ESTATE 01'.10.5711;:l ll'. KERB, DECD.]
Notice is hereby given that letters of ruhnin
ist ration 1 , 11 the estate of Joshua W. Kerr, late
of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., have
been granted to the undersigned ; all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate pnyment and those haring claims
against the some will present them duly au.
thentiented for settlement to John Reed, Attar
ney at Law, Iluntingdon.....
July 8,1857.-6 t..,
suers of administration on the estate of IVil•
'u Norris, late of the township of Penn, in
the county of Huntingdon, dec"t., haciv been
granted to the undersigned, all persons 'wield•
ed to the said estate are requested to make pap
meld. and those haring claims will present
theta duly authenticated fur settlement. '
July hi, 1857.—ftt. Atint'r.
ESTATE 111 - .IIG. t 1:TNEll DECO.
Executor's Notice.
T otters testamentary on the estate of ,Tocob
ljlitungaritter, bite or Coto. township. Hunt
ingdon comity, deed., having been granted to
the undersigned, lattice is hereby given to nil
pet,ons indelatul to said estate to melte imme
diate payment, and those having claims against
the saute, will present them duly authenticated
fee settlement to
" to 4 11
July 15, 1837.-6t*. Execubie
Large 12mo. 348 pages. With a complete Ws-
tory °Nile Territory, until June, 1557. Em
bracing a Hill account of its discovery, geog
raphy, soil, climate, products, its organization
us a Territory, transactions and events under
Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis
sensions, personal eneounters,elcetion frauds,
battles and outrages, with portraits of prowl
vent actors therein, all fully anthentieated,
by JOHN 11. 01110 k, H. 1)., Private Soe'y
to Gov. Henry.
Carefully eu mpilcd from the official documents
on Me in the department of State at Washing
ton and other papers in the possession of the
author, with a Mil account of *The Invasion
of Kansas from Missouri t" the captor e, trial
and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the
character and moveinents of the Missouri Bor
der Ruffians, the murder of Bullion and others.
'The Controversy between Governor Geary
and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of tl
Territorial Legislature, oldie pro • slavery coo
-1 vention, and the organization of the Denman
-1 tic Party, with a "Sketch of Halms during its
early troubles under Goys. Reeder and Shan
ntn. ' It invasions, battles, outrages, murders,
A copy will bo sent to any part of the United
States, by mail, free of postage, on receipt of
the retail price. A liberal discount to the trade.
O — GMO agents wanted. Price in cloth $l.
Paper, 50 ets.
Inquirer Building, Philadelphia.
g 3. do ®l2'Bs@®\27 f ,
Will attend to all professional business entrusted
to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Leases nod Articles of Agree.
went, written at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms.
ildri;;;;;;;4,ii22, 187.
zuw.rniGDon4 PA.
June 13, 1837.
White Lead, (pure) $2 50 per keg,
Philadelphia Zinc 11aint,
kinds of Baumann and
building materials In proportion, nt tbo "Hard
ware Stare" of J. A. BROWN &
Huntingdon, Apr.8;57.41,
April 1, 1:07.-ly.
That all the bald and gray can be restored per
fectly to original growth, and color, so far us
their lucks are concerned, flocs not *Wink of n
doubt ; besides, it will care every possible (Ha
mm of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff,
itching or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions—
even scald head—and iu no possible case Will it
fail of curing as if by magic, nervous or perio
dical fiend-.lle, and if toed twice a week by the
young regularly, it will preserve the color, and
keep the hair from billing, tunny imaginable age.
Read and judge.
Milford, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov. 1835.
Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir: I take pleasure
in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic ef
fects of your wonderful flair Restorative. As
fitr back as 1836, my hair commenced falling or,
until the top of. my scalp became as bald and
smooth as glass, and it has continued to full Mr
a great many yea., notwithstanding I Lave us
ed many celebrated preparations for restoration,
Seeing your advertisement, I was induced to ( i ve
your article a trial, mad to my utter astonish
ment, found, after a fcw applications, that my
knit became firmly set, and assumed a glossy
and beautifill appearance ; and by time time 1
Ind used a quart bottle, my bald head WAS coy -
(wed over with a young and vigorous growth of
hair, which is now from one to two inches in
length, and growing Mgt. Yours, trulv
Charleston Muss., Aug. 9, 1855,
Gents:—Nuthing but a duty and spal. by
that 1 lbel to communicate to others that &VC af-
Meted as I have been, would induce me to give
this ',Odle acknowledgment 01 the benefit I have
received from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative.
When I first commenced using it, my hair was
quite gray, and in spots entirely bald I brave
now used the Restorative about live months, and
my hair is entirely changed to its original col
or, brown, and the new hair is over three inches
in length on the spots where it was bald. I have
also been much gratified at the healthy moisture
and vigor of the hair, which bel'ure was dry, and
it has ceased to come ant as formerly.
Respectfully yours, &r.,
From Mrs. Ingalls, it well known nurse in Dos-
Gents,. odit your regnest and being sn highly
pleased with the abets ath c Restorative, I
free to suite that my hair had become quite thin,
and entirely whim. I hare for the last tire years
been in Mc habit or using dye, bat hearing or
the extraordinary effects or this article, I was
induced is try it. My hair has been restored to
its original thickness, and elm, to its former c
ler, which is light brown
Yours respectfully
The Following is from the Poster of the Ortho
dog Chun.ll. Brookfield.
Brookfield, Aloss., Jon. 12, 1855,
Prof. Wood—Dear tiir—llaving node trial of
your [lair Restorative, it gives vu pleasure to
soy, that its etlects have been excellent in remo
ving inflammation, dandroff, and a constant ten
dency to itching, with which I have been trou
bled from my childhood, and has also restored'
the hair, which was becoming gray, to its origi
nal color. I have used no other article, with
any thing rtne the some pleasure and tomtit.
. Yours, may. J. K. BRAGG.
[From the Jersey City Telegraph.]
Whitt is it ffir—This Wood's Hair Restorative?
—ls a question asked chilly by haatbeds. We
ituswer without hesitation or rear or contradic
tion'that it is tho only article known which will
alldu it promises for the batman hair. It ciil re
new its growth—it will stop its tolling—it rill
restore its natural color ! It is not 0 Ilviv iye
but a speedy awl efficacious Hestorative.
U. 41. MA/ & CU., Proprietor:4ol2 114,,
N. Y., & 114 Morket st., St. Louis,
bob' i , n iluutingdmi by 111.1
AICAIANIGILL, cull by Drug:,;ists every , bere.
Juune 25, 1657.-311:. 81ur.25,'57.- ly.
Lti ,
as all the good qualities of a purgative mo
ll I Heine, miswering 1110 purposes of any Ca
thartic without the debilitating effects enperieti
ced from most purgatives. It acts slowly and
gently, but sorely, moving the bowels to carry
&Wall the secreted mutter, et the same time, sti
mulating the Liver to a proper performance of
its functions.
The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take
one or two teaspoonsful at cock attack, and it
will soon disappear. For on overloaded stom
ach, or when food rises or sours, take the Invi
gorator after eating, and it will not tirove dint•
greeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpi
tation, or Difficult Breathing, take a teaspoonful
once or twice doily. For Loss of Appetite, Lan
guor or Listlessness, the medieine is invalable.
It will restore the appetite and make the food
digs st well. Nightmare, lake ft teaspoonful on
retiring, and t he demons or dream-land trill all
be fables. After eating a hearty dinner, take n
dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all op
pression or fullness. The Invigorator is a Liv-
er Remedy cl unequaled virtue, acting directly
on that organ, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bi
lious Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and
Female Obstructions, for which it has no equal.
We know there is nothing now before the A
merican public, prepareo with such skill by a
scientific man, particularly for diseases «film Li
ver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Re
medy. It has attained u reputation second to no
other article in the world, simply because it rests
on its own meth. To convince all by trial that
it is all its proprietors claim it to lie, if any of
our readers see suffering from such diseases ns
are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement,
men know of no remedy that will no surely cure
them as the Invigorator.
There has lately been brought to our notice a
medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura
tive and healing properties in diseases of the Li
ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It came
to us with so many testimonials in its favor that
we have noted its effects in some of the worst el
m; of continent debility, caused by deranged li
ver, and in every instance the effect was to re
lieve or given permanent cure. Dr. Sanford's
Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is Willa we refer
to. We always have been credulous about cures
by patent medicines, but we are convinced that
this medicine for family use is not overrated by
the host of recommendations it hus. Our ad
vice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, Debil
ity or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try
it; our word for it, relief will be experienced.
Blessings to the Invalids who use Banfoid's
Invigorator, the it will relieve them of their pain
as soon as it is taken into their stoinach. rain
and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is
used, thr it will as surely drive them away, as
daylight will banish daeknoss,of this there cats be
no doubt to those who try it, for it carries convic
tion with every dose taken. Another evidence is
the thousands of certificates from those who use
it or hate been cured by it. Try one bottle, if
it does not benefit, wo are mistaken.
275 .., .F
2 40 44 ~
Y 68 " "
SANFORD & etj., 13rondway
New York. sold in Huntingdon by 11Ewnv
AlcAl.otionA., end John Read.
Dr. Geo. 11. Koycer, Whole No Druggist,
No. 140, Wood et:, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent.
June 23, 1057.-sw. Alat.2 s / 5 7.- I
be awarded by 111
Agricultural Society, ai
I , 3 00
I le,t 2 or 3 yr colt. 5 00
Hest tinder I yr., 2 00
13, st brawl inure, 5 00
2d best An., 2 50
II•st drug horse, :I 00
2il best in., 2 00
Heat riding purse I 00
Beet work oxen, 6 00
2il bent ,In., 4 00
:Id bent do., 3 00
Rent bull, 0 00
2,1 best do., 3 00
est boar, b-00
2d best do., 3 00
:Id best do., 2 00
!test sow, 4 00
Best fine.w. 1.11 , 5 00
2.1 liet do., 3 00
11,1 Seellt•clowtt 5 00
2,1 h., do., 3 00
Bost long•wooled 5 00
2,11,5 t,
11, rkow, 11 00
11, ligrrov, 2 00
eidtirytor, 3 00
Side, 3 00
Pie, Windmill, 3 00
(111 i
!lite wlt't., 3 00
do, '2 00
be,t do., 100
Hest nd wheat, :1 00
2d, best do, 200
;1,1 best do., 1 00
Best yellow corn, 1 00
24 best do., 50
Best bread, 3 00
2.1 best dn., 2 00
3,1 best do., 1 00
Best pound cake, 1 00
2d bust do., 50
Best sponge do., 1 00
2d best do.,
Best butter, 3 00
2d boot do., 2 00
3.1 best do., 1 00
Best domes. sag'r 2 00
2,1 best, do., 1 00
:1.1 best do., 00
Best apple butter 1 00
2d host do., 50
BeAt tom.ketchap 1 00
Bost honey, 1 ((0
Best jelley, 1 OU
2tl best do., 50
Best preserves, 1 00
2,1 best do., 50
Best pickles, 1 00
Best 2 bor. eatege 2 00
Best buggy, 1 ((II
du. sett sin. bar., 1 00
do. dn. farm. du., 1 00
do. bridle Jr. sad. 1 1)0
do. pair boob), 1 00
do. pair shoes, 00
do. side sole lea., 1 00
do. hip A calfskin I 00
Jo. bur. A: upper, 1 00
Ell I:
lloston, 00..191h, 1 A 55,
11111 S. INGALLS.
; 3 00
• . 2 00
di., 2 00
I . • 1 00
I; ....oder, 2 00
1 00
1 • r pettrs 2 00
d do., 1 00
tlo., 2 00
Eest imtotoes, 2 00
2,1 be,t de., 1 00
al best do., 50
Best Me-lin tome, 1 00
nest %mimeo, 1 00
Best I'M!: Eye, 75
Hest oldie polo., 75
Best red do., 00
'Jest blue, du, 50
Hest sweet do., 1 00
Best tomatoes, 1 00
2el best do., 75
2el beg do., 50
Best Purple Eggs 50
Best yelpers, 50
Best display flow•
Ts is bloom, 2 00
2.1 hest do., , 1 00
Best dis. plants, 2 00
Best pr. turkeys, 1 00
2d best du., 50
Best pr. geese, 1 00
2,1 best do., 50
Best pr. orducks, 1 00
WlTHnrf , l•'; , ..l
.. ' lf';'
- 6 - .1 -. , .:,
by the public to procure more certain seru•
rity from fire for valuable papers, such us Bonds,
Martpuges, Deeds, Notes and Borha of Accounts,
thdll the ordinary SAFES heretolbre in use eiror
ilml, induced the Patentees to devotee large pro
of their time for the last fourteen years, in ma
king discoveries and improvements Mr this ob
ject, the result of which is the unrivelled
Herring's Patent WurltPs Fair Premium
Fire Proof Safes, ,
Universally acknowledged as the CHAMPION
SAVE Or THE WORLD. Having been awarded
Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851,
and Crystal Palace, N. V., 1858, as superior to
all others, it is new undoubtedly entitled to that
appellation, and secured with Hall's Patent
Powder-Proof Locks—which were also awarded
separate Medals, (as above)—forms the most
perfect Fire fs Burghir Proof Sates ever yet of
fered to the public.
Nearly 300 'Herring's Safes' have been tested
during the past 14 sears, and more QUM 16,000
have been sold and are now in actual use.
Also on hand or manufactured to order, nil
kinds of Boilersiud Chilled Iron Bank Chests
and Vaults, Vault Dot., Money Chests for
Brokers, Jewellers, lbtlroads, private families.
I etc., for Nate, Diamonds, and other valuables:
t the next Fttir.
2d best do, $2 00
Best inotch h's, 0 00
2d best do., 400
Best trottiu2 h's, 00
24 Imsi, do., 200
Best family horse 3 00
2d best do., 2 00
Best moles, 0 00
24 best do., 3 00
T.% Tlinowar FanN CoNt,i I s inwie ar
rangement, by which all whu desire to sEttlo or
purchase a home can to so.
The Farms consist of the hest limestone soil
of the meet superior quality Mr farming, in a ra
pidly improving place, into which an extensive
emigration is new pouring, The property is lo
cated in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst
of a deriving population of some 10,0110 pops',
t ion- The climate it perfectly healthy, and the
plague of the west fever is unknown. It also
has an abon,lanee of the best quality or Coal
mid Trotn. The Arica to buy it ant is from $3 to
$2O per acre, payable by instalments, to he loca
ted ut the time of purchasing, or a share of 25
acres entiair gto locate the same I , r $ 3OO , pay
able $0 per month or 12,3 acres payable $4 per
month. Discount for every sum of $lOO and
under, paid in 'Wyatt., discount of 5 per cent.
will he allowed, and for over $lOO u discount of
10 per cent. _ .
Best cow, 4 00
2tl best do., :; 00
Best S y'r heifer, 3 10)
2‘l best do., 2 00
Best calf, 2 00
2d best sow, 3 00
Best litter of pigs 3 00
Best Ches. White 3 00
Best Berkshire, 2 00
fit considering the advantages of emigrating
to this locality the following are presented t
FtAt —The soil is a rich limestone, capable
of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which the
settlein't has attained its premnt great prosper
2,1 best ditto, , 1 00
Best 1:wool ewe, 5 00
24 beat do., 3 00
13est long wool do. 5 00
Best Santlndown, 0 00
Sccoxri--It is the retire of the great North
West Coal Basin, and is Ilestine.l soon to be
come one of the greatest business places in the
State. It will supply the great Lake market,
(preceding to population and travel in the Un.
km.) It has fire workable reins of the best Bi
tuminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to
over 22 leer, which makes 22,000 tons of coal
under cat h acre. Thi, trill in.ike the loud of
3 00
3:1 best, 2 00
4th best, 1 00 •
Best Wheat drill, 3 00
Best`Coruplanter 3 00
Best Horse rake, 2 001
Best Reaper, 3 00
Best Mower, 300 ,
Best white corn, 1 00
2:1 best do., 50
Best Rye, 1 00
2d best do., 50
Best Oats, 1 00
2:1 best do., 50 •
Best buckwheat, 1 on .
2:1 best do.. nn
N I:PAO:1_11ES
The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chas. T.
Jackson, of Boston, has mode a geological sur
vey or the land and analyzed the soil, the iron
ore and the litnestonm This report together
n•ith maps trill be furnished to inquirers.
Foun'rit—Three railroads twit laid out then'
this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad
gives as a. market for our coal to the lakes—it
runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part
of this road han been finished, and in now in
running order. A heavy force is non working
from Erie toward our land in the western direc
tion, the means for the completion of which has
been raised—it will soon be finished. The Al
legheny Valley Railroad connects no with New
York, Boit. and Pittsburg. Tim 'Penang,/
Road connects us with the West.
2d best do., 50
Best bard soap, 1 00
2d best do., 50
Jest candles, 1 0!)
22 best 20.,
Best carpet, 2 09
22 best do., 1 00
hearth rug, 1 00
21 hest 20,, :ill
livAt flannel, 2 00
22 best do., 1 00
Best quilt, 2 00
2d best do., 1 00
Best wool sock, 50
Best worsted do., .00
Best ornonumtal
ncealmwork, 1 00
22 best ditto,
Besf silk embro'y 1 1 , 0
22 best, do.,
Best shell-work, 1 WI
2.1 best do.,
.711 ES :
There are already good Turnpike Rondo run•
wing through this property, various other roads
have been opened to accommodate the emigre
don and settlement which has already token
There is no opportunity equal to it now offer
ed to the man who wants to provide himself a
home in on cosy tray, and sea e a settlement
w h i wi, be ca t, lire iu prosperity and independence
inn climate PERFECTLY 111,1,11,
No ease of the fever ever having heen known
to occur in this settlement. It is nut like going
to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps
intolerant people, where there is no society, no
or schools, where the price of land is
high, mttl where the emigrant, after being used
to the healthiest climate in the world, has to en
dure sickness mrl pain, tied perhaps ruinous
I,olth and that of his tinnily. But here is a
thriving settlement having three town 4,
etairdleS,SCll4.lolS, hotels, stones, saw mill,
tied everything desired. There i, a
ta., at hand. The lumber trade l a ,t
year unwonted to over two Icondent Milli.).
lent of lumber. In a short time, inning to the
Cool, it will borome still mere valuable as s
number of iron works end manufactories wil
soon be started I they ere at precut .tarried
them extoubi , ely at Warren. Even for then,
' wlm tie not wish to go there, the payments at,
such heat they can easily buy limns to save thei
families !tom want in the limn, erto 01/0
competence by the rise which Will take place it
the value er their lands. lly an outlay scarcely
missed, a substantial provision can be made.
Persons should make early application, apply
or write to E. Jeffries, Secretary, No. 135 Wel.
nut Sit cet, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letter,
carefully answered giving foil information.
do. lot enb. ware, 1 110
Bost and largest
. . „
von tiwware, 1 00
do. earthen SUMP 1 00
Jo. washing num 110
Best meat vessel, 1 00
Best churn, 1 00
Itest horse shoes. .50
rest marblewurk 2 00
Best cook stove, 1 00
2d hest (10., 1 00
Best quinces, 100
Bust and grenteid
liv e d 0..., when the subscriber will he fur
nisltol with books, maps, s.e. Warrantee deeds
given. Persons can ohm purchase from uur
Rome - from I'hil:W.(o!dila to Tyrone on the
Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by
stage to the land. This is a delightful unseen to
visit St. Mary's—the best hotel accummudation
is allbrded. Enquire fur E. C. Suctaz, Esq.,
the Agent for the property at St. Mary's.
variety gropes, 2 00
Best native do., 2 OU
2d best do., 100
Best doe. pad:, 1 00
24 best do., . 50
Best doe. plums, 1 00
2d best du., 50
I du. beeM, . 50
do, parsnips, 50
do. carrots, 50
do. turnips, 50
do. onions, 50
do. celery, 50
do. cabbage, 50
2d best do., 25
Best pumpkins, 50
Hest pie pun., 50
do. squashes, 50
do. water melon, 50
do. musk :melon, 50
do. beaus, 50
do. peas, 50
New Goods New Goods !I
D. P. Dwin has just retarnii from l'hilatlel•
tilde with the largest awl most beautiful as•
sortmeot of
'.':, 1, 1,j,.(.`i:J . : 'N ',lJkiii4Ell. • 50D:i•I'l
b - rwif,rt,7ll7 - nar g ,a - , - -
consisting of the most faThionable Dross GOOIIB
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and Fancy, All Wool do !mins, Manic de
Loins, *adze, (alit. colors,) lirnizu Robes,
Ilrillisolo. (.lit. culors,) Brilliant Robes, Lawn
Rubes, Chintz. Robes, Ducals, Plain and Fan
cy Dress Ginghams, • Dimmilla Cloth, Silk
Warp Loretta Cloth, for traeellingdrotwes, Mo
hair, Debaiz, Lawns and Prints of any descrip
do, var. dahlias, 1 CO
2tl best do., 50
13est Logact, 50
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Buttons, Gimps, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet
Crapes, (all rotors,) Midlands, Gloves, Mitts,
Veils, Laces, Hosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbonds
for Betting, Whalebone and Brass Hoops for
Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchielk, Silk nod
Gingham Crl VMS, Zephyr, French Working
Cotton, Lines and C,rtton Floss, Tidy Yarn.
Also the best and largest assortment of Col
lars, and Untlessleeves, in town. Bated and
Plain Jaconct, Moll Muslin, Swiss, Plain ' Fig
ured and dotted. Crinoline, Moreen and Grass
cloth for skirts, Book Marlin, Irish Linen, Li
nen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &e.
Also a fine assortment of Spring Shawls, Silk
and Borah° Mantillas, and a variety of Dress
and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
Also, Mani, Cassimers, Cassinets, Mereno
Cassimer, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Cotton Drills, for
pants, plain and fancy Linens, Marseilles and
Silk Vesting, Muslin!, bleached and unbleach
ed, Sheeting and Pillcw-case Muslims, Nan
keens, Ticken, Cheek, Table Diapers.
Bonnets 51 the latest styles and at 7ory low
prices, Moleskin, Fur. Wool and Summer Ilats,
latest styles._ ALSO,
ray :
21 best do., 50
Best pr,hickeits,l 00
2,1 best do., 50
Best dis. poultry, 2 00
2d best. do., 1 00
Boots and Shoes , HARDWARE,
Qumaresuranit, Buckets, Tubs, Bas
kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Browns, Brushes,
&c. Cacpe ts. Oil Cloths, Oit Blinds, Fish
and Suit, and all goods usually kept in a coun
try Store.
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in ere respectfully requested. to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
DA VID I'. (.1 WIN.
April 20, 1857.
014: :" .1627.1 . <4 V./211`85
Wholesale Dealer* in l' f oeWans,
- tro - mTticieciAL
ri . rrsDutill, PA.
Agents for Fairbanl,' Scales.
Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve
ry tleserivtion, tor sale at the Burtlware Steve of
.1. A. BROWN & CO.
A FA I? Al
Lgaita returned front
the I:ad witt
which they will ~ ! 11 at seri, pr:, as shall maim
it the interest et ll,wsekcerer, , , Builders,
ehanics, awl -all the rest rit 1111111161141, " to give
them a call. ,tocic colnin•ises
material, such as Locim, Hinges, Screws,
13,1 t:, Glass of all sizes, Petty, Oi:1, Varne , hes,
\\lite !Aid and Zinc
flauelsaw:, Mill & ut
Chisels, Malin':{ :lies, Hatchet,. Spirit L ee r,k,
Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches.
with an cialless vt4ty of infidel, in, wale!.
cur e
l iinpviivernnls.
Saddlers . awl CoatleMakers are invited to
call and exandue our extensive stock of 1-I,u,
iiegs 'Munnlings alto: Coach Trimmings, Puteid.
mei Common Iliti :10 varifsti, ,
Skins, Patent Leather, Enamelled
titer, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Couch and
Linings . Ilubs, Spokes, Venues, Shuitt, eTrings,
Axles, &e., &e,
Knives and Furl. timu 37.!, vent, t t3,spc
set. Silver forlt,, Silver and
Ladies' Fruit knives, Farrier' Itnivem, razor,
Poreelnine, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Tea•ket•
tles, Sauce, Frying and Steak
rote' prices
Ire liattimers. Lemon Squeezers, Butter
Prints, Butttir Ladles, Pertl . titla...cs, Bells of
all 'kinds, Guns. Pistols mut 'revolvers, Paint
Brushes, Brushes. Traces and Chains of
various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic
Pumps for cisterns, Picks, Sledges, &c.,
purehased many of our goods at
wholesale prices from manulacturers, we aro
enabled to sell both wholesale and ri.tail—ex•
tremely low. A liberal share of public patron.
age is solicited.
VaY^All orders from abroad promptly ultra•
ded to. JAB. 5. BROWN it. Cc.
(4' iftf ql
rpriECiderA g tied uwoors the Iluntin g a
inform litrmeis and the puidiegener
ly, that. they have thcir uew ranni•
order, with all the modern improvetnenta in t
water wheeli and namhinery.
tts' , P., iu tip
val ''urine Water WI:
all St:ige6 tho e•n;rr
for Sa!:. :It „„ ~t
and larn,rs 111..1 . O::11 ,1,111
ntil mice it in a 1,11111 1, 0 , it t
111,,i..11,1 ;11 CNC:ha ;.• at a 111. , 1,
ped tool.
Ina , okf,-1 a , ..1 ••.•
I:, bu:11,101 ! , roia. il,.': is
13.--The i,. • .1, i:•.
.11w,tingdon, Decendwr 10, 14.7,0.
Inclrporated by . ibe . Slate of Venn
oncy b.
in nn
Me r r e e r b e t p v 1 1 1 n d s iL l 7u .g l ? fle o l::;sl;
the tiny of withile.ovel.
i, oven every aey, from 9 o'el
in the 'limning till 7 io the evening, ;
on Monday end ThuNday evening, tin „•,1
All sums largo or small, RTO paid bacl
on dentutta without notico, to any anu
lion lIENRY L. BENNER, ['red
itoisEla SELFRIDGE, Vice l'resideir
Wm J REED, Secrutarr.
C. Landreth Arunn,,
F. Carton Brea,tnr,
Joseph B. Barry,
lien. L. Churchman
Francis Lee.
Henry L. Benner,
Edward L. Cat ter,
Robert Selfridge,
Samuel K. Ashton,
James B. Smith.
This company confines its business entirely to
the receiving of noney on interest. The invest •
menu amounting to over ONI; MILLION ANO
HALF of dollars, are made in conformity with
the provisions of the charter, in Rent Istutc
Moe tgages, Ground Runts, and such first-class
securities, as will always insure perfect security
to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give
permanency and stability to this Institation.
Feb. 20, IBM, Mar 1 . 57
A New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 per cent.
RONIAN respectfully in'imus his cost,
, titers and the public generally, that he lino
just opened et his store-room in Market Square-
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
Clothing for Spring and Summer.
which ho will sell cheaper than the same quality
of Goods can be purchased at retail i n philadel
phin or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Aloe,
flats, Caps, Hoofs, and Shoes,
which will he bOill tower than at any other e,
tablislitnent in the county.
Huntingdon April 29. 1857.
°TATAR EN I:jkN s A S,
friends and the public generally, that they
hare the above Foundry in full dust,
and are projawed to furnish castings of
ovary description. Stoves of all kind,
for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs,
Threshing Machines, and everything in theca:
Ling line neatly made. We can finish till work
that requires turning, having a good Turning
Lath. All work done cheap for cash ta rutin
try produce. Old meld taken fir en , sli,.s. lie
ing practical and nperienoed we lisp, he strict
attention to hmancss to week, a liberal ,lotro
of public patronage. McGttt & 155.
Alexandria, April 29, 1557.
itOn Allegheny Street, between
In Pa. It. It. & 11. T. 11. H. Depots.
'WM. 11. ZEIGI.EIt.
• March :5, ISs7,—litit' Piorrlelot,