fiuntinghn ournat. WILLIAM BREWSTER SAM. G. WHITTAKER.' EDITORS. Wednesday Morning, August 18,1857, "Once more our glorious Lauver out Unto the breeze we throw ; Beneath its folds with song and shout We'll charge upon the foe." FOR GOVERNOR, DAV II) WILAIOT, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONF:R, IVILLIADI NHL LWARD, FOIL SUPREME JUIU JAMES VEECH, OF FAYETTE COUNTY. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, OF CHESTER COUNTY. UNION COUNTY TICKET. FOR ASSEMBLY, LEVI EVANS, of Tod Township, FOR PROTHONOTARY. JAS. McELIIOY, of Porter Township, FOR REGISTER h RECORDER, HENRY GLAZIER, of Huntingdon, FOR TREASURER, FRANKLIN IL LANE, of Brady Tow'p. FOR COMMISSIONER, G. W. MATTERN, of Franklin township, FOR DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, PERRY MOORE, of Tod township, FOR AUDITOR, PHILIP D. STEVENS, of Cass township, The County Ticket, Tor good and sufficient reasons, which will be understood and appreciated by honest and intelligent voters, we feel it our duty to with. hold our support from a portion of the ticket nominated on the 11th instant. The hostility to the first two nominees is so wide•spread and intense, that any other course on our part, would leave the whole ticket to an inevitable for Mews. Wharton and Glasgow arefreafi from the ranks of the people, are not in any way connected with past party intrigue, and will command the support of all the friends of fair, honorable political action. Their election, which we confidently predict—in connection with the balance of the ticket-:-will be a Can tary lesson to the demagogues of all parties, and teach them that the people are, after all, capable of maintaining their rights and the in• terests of the Commonwealth. Iu supporting the ticket, as now constituted, we will make no unprovoked attack on any man or party, but hold ourselves prepared to defend our course and repel every assailant by such facts and arguments as truth-shall justify and MIMES dOlll/111d. JUDGE WILELOT T SAPPOINTMETNE. By appointment of the State Committee, Hon. DAVID WILMOT will address his fellow tilizons, at the following places: Somerset, Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 25. Greensburg, Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 26. Washington, Thursday afternoon, Aug. 27. Pittsburg, Friday evening, Aug. 28. Uniontown, Saturday afternoon, Aug. 29. Bedford, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 1. M'Connellshurg, Wednesday afterooon, Sept. 2. Chambersburg, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 3. Huntingdon. Friday afternoon, Sept. 4. ilollidaysburg, Saturday afternoon, Sept. 5. Altoona, Saturday evening, September. 5. Allegheny city, Monday evening, September 7 Kittaning, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 8. Clarion, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 9. Franklin, Thursday afternoon, September 10. Meadville, Friday afternon, Sept. 11. Waterford, Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12. Erie, Saturday evening, Sept. 12. Beaver, Monday afternoon, Sept, 14. New Castle, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15. Mercer, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 16. Butler, Thursday atteruon, September 17. Allegheny county, Friday and Saturday, Sep. tembor 18 and 19. Indiana, Monday afternoon, September 21. Johnstown, Tuesday afternoon, September 22, Clearfield, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 23. BeWont°, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 24. Lewistown, Friday afternoon, Septembrr 25. Bloomfield, Saturday afternoon, September 26. Duneannon, Saturday evening, Sept. 26 Harrisburg, Monday afternoon, Sept. 28. Mechanicsburg, Monday evening, Sept. 28, Carlisle, Tuesday afternoon, September 29. Gettysburg, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 30, York, Thursday afternoon, October 1. Chesnut Level, Friday afternoon, October 2. Lancaster, Saturday afternoon, October 3. West Chester, Monday afternoon, October 6, Media, Tuesday afternoon, October 6. Phila. and vicinity, from the 7th to the 13th. Our friends in the various counties aro re• quested to note these appointments, and take immediate steps to circulate the information, and to secure a full attendance of voters, LEMUEL TOOl), Chairman of Cimmilloe. EDWARD MTLIKRSON, Secretary. 11111" The American Republicans of Muir Couoty•met iu Convention at Hollidaysburg, on Wednesday last, and nominated a county ticket, us follows: Assembly—G. W. Patton of Altoona. District Attornoy—Benj. L. Hewitt of Dol. /idaysburg. Commissicner—John R. McFarlane. Director of Poor—George Weave,. Auditor.—Abram C. McCartney. OUR Tii;E:Er -OUR COURSE. We this week hoist to our 01:.$1 Lead the tick- et we shall support in the .Acct ion, fur county offices. It is Col, •• :nen of nn' impeachable character, stern integrity and on• doubted capacity. Such men are and always have been the very life of republican govern. teems, and with such men victory is always cer tain. For Assembly, LEVI EVANS, of Tod town ship. Mr. Evans is one of the pioneer settlers of the southwestern portion of our county; a man known to the whole community, honored and beloved for the upright, honest and consis tent course, socially and politically which has ever marked his life. Such men, in our legit 'halve halls, would be honorable to the cone.• pity, and confer lasting credit on the constituen• ey they represent. We need just such men in our Legislature as Mr. Evans,—men who will not stoop to the gratification of their iustsgror gold and silver at the expense of honor, justice and their duty as sworn representatives of the sovereign people. And where is the tone who would dare question the truth of the assertion that our Legislative Halls have often been con. verted into places for the enactment of crimes of bribery and corruption. We must eradicate this evil, sod the only way to accomplish this desirable object, is by the selection or election of men above bribery, who do not seek n num. illation from motives of "pecuniary diameter," but who will be true to the principles of jut• tire, honor and integrity, true to their constitu. ents, the interests of the Commonwealth, and to themselves. We can support no one for this office who will not come up to this standard.— Levi Evans, in every particular and point, fully fills this measure, .d we hereby enlist our ev. ery energy in his behalf and shall exert our ev cry faculty and whatever ability we possess, to secure his election; and we call upon Republi. cans, Americans, Democrats, men of all par ties who love the right, and desire to do right, to aid us. Come, one and all, and push on the column. Levi Evans will be our next Repre tentative if our people have not determined on shutting their eyes to honest, straightforward, integrity, andwinking at or openlycounienane• ing political dishonesty, corrupt nominations or political demagogueistn. Men of Huntingdon County, what say you ? For Prothonotary, JAMES McELROY, of Porter township. It is unnecessary for us to Say anything of the abilities of this gentleman. Mr. McElroy is a man known to the communi• ty as a gentleman of stern integrity, and busi. ness qualificatious second to none other in the comity. He never asked for an office, never sought one, and does not now ; he only consents to permit his name to he used in cots. nection wills the office of Prothonotary, at the earnest and urgent solicitation of his numerous friends. We place his name at our masthead with & P6figßAPii U 16191. chaff.,,l"Ur t .U m didate one of the noblest works of God---an honest man. We look upon the election of James McElroy, as a very probable if net a certain event, and to accomplish it we are rea dy to "fight the good fight." For Register mid Recorder, HENRY GLA. ZIER, of Hulitingduit. Mr. Glazier has filled this office for the past three years, with great credit to hiutself and the utmost satisfaction to the people. Honesty, integrity, nod honor, is a part of his nature. Indeed, so well and favor• ably is Mr. Glazier's probity known in thccon., munity, that it has passed into a proverb, and nhonest Harry Glazier," is the appellatieu by which be is familiarly known. With such a tune as Mr. Glazier on our ticket we have no fears of defeat. His election is beyond a per adventure, a fixed, unalterable, certain, unde niable, self evident fact. This is the same gen. tleman who carried his election over tl o co• harts of Locofocoism, arrayed against him some three years ago, and licked diem inn fair field fight, to the tune of lire thousand majority ! We are proud of such men, such nominees, and with a certain victory in view, we enter boldly the arena, and defy the whole Locofoco camp. For Treasurer, FRANKLIN 11. LANE. of Brady township. Mr. Lane is the present in cumbent of this office, hehaving been appoint. ed en decease of A. B. Crewit, and has held the office for a period of three or four mouths, rendering satisfaction to all parties, and ning troops of friends. Mr. Lane is a gentle. man, a scholar, and we have no doubt will give his Locofoco competitor, ono of the "roughest roads to travel," he ever experienced, and coup pel him to "hang up his fiddle and his bow oh. oh," in an inglorious defeat. Mr. Lane will, of course be elected, and by such a majority as will: make Mr. Lightner bear thunder and think he's struck by lightning. For County Commissioner, GEORGE W. MATTERN, of Franklin township. Mr. Mat. tern has been a lifelong opponent of Locofo• coism, and has never swerved from the line of duty, or faltered when culled into the action.— That he will be elected is "sure as fate." For Dirt ctor of the Poor, PERRY MOORE, of Morrii township. Mr. Moore has several times been elected to office by the people of the county, by large majorities, and we have not a shadow of airoubt of his success in the coming contest. The people delight to honor honest, upright citizens, and will elect him by stela. illation, almost. For Auditor, PHILIP D. STEVENS, of Cass township. We are glad to see the selec tion of goad men made for these small office. Mr. Stevens is a man well known to the com. !milky, as fully meeting Jackson's standand— he is honest and capable, and will receive our hearty support. Here is an unexceptionable ticket. It con. tains no worn oat party hack, no tool for mum. tooth corporations or rich aristocrats. Unex ceptionable in every particular, and without doubt one of the best tickets ever presented to the voters of the county. We ask the hearty co-operat inn of e very iu•lividual in the district, who i...pposed t.. 1...c..h.e..i5m.--which is only sllllth4tr 111111.1 lie til/r111.4 . It Ilnillllllllll, Mormon. ism end aid in electing it• Victory is curtain it• we are united, uttd why should we net unite in the good and glorious cau.t. lin. .I.4enting the Sbatn•Democntey ,111 . ...4.,.th•J 311, we are :are to cuu• COUNTY CONVENTION. Pursuant to a call, the delegates of the nye. ral townships and boroughs of Huntingdon county, assembling in Convention, in the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tues. clay, August 12th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of placing In nomination n County Ticket. The Convention was organized by A. W. Evans, Esq., of Cassville, President, and Col. B. C. Lytle and James Harper, Secretaries. The credentials of the delegates were then presented, and a committee on the same, con. misting of W. B. Leas, B. F. Glasgow and M. F. Campbell, Esqrs,, appointed. The delegates were as follows Alexandria—Win. Phillips, Wm. A. Neff. Brady—J. M. Stonebraker, C. It, McCarthy. Barree—P. Livingston, J. Gibboney. Birmingham—J. K. MoCahan, W. M. Lloyd. Cromwell—G. W. Cornelius, J. H. Chilcott. Clay—J. E. Glasgow, Elijah J. Heck. Cassville—A. W. Evans, Jacob Gehrett. Cass—John Crotsley, Jacob Park. Dublin—Prof. Woods, Joseph Hudson. Franklin—John Laporte, Daniel Conrail, llopewell—Jas. Entrekin, John Beaver. Henderson—Jacob Miller, Stephen Moore. Huntingdon—John Whittaker, W. K. Rahn, Jackson—L. I). Tate, Joseph Porter. Juniata—David Hawn, Thos. Dean. Mortis—Nadi. Lytle, Jos. Isenberg. Mt. Union—Col. J. A. Doyle, J. W. Shaver. Oneida—A. Stewart, A. Corbin, Orbisonia—Jas. Harper, J. H. Faulkner. Petersburg Bor.—A. Renner, G. Barclay. Petersburg Dis.—W. McClure, J, Neff. Penn —Dr. J. Aschom, Col. A. G. Neff. Porter—H. W. Swoope, Jacob Nett. Springfield—J. Baker, W. H. Gorsuch. Shirleysburg—W, B. Leas, S. L. Glasgow, Shirley—B. F. Glasgow, Peter Myers. Tell—Geo. Wilson, S. Macedon'. Tod—Col. B. C. Lytle, D. Aurandt, Esq. Union—M. F. Campbell, Esq., G. Hazzard. West--Dr. Sons'! Hill, Maj. Wm. Moore. Warriorstirtrk—P. Bucket, Dr. H. K. Net'. ' Walker—Thos. MeCohan, 'Samuel Pcigbtal. There were two setts of delegates from Tod, Petersburg and Franklin districts. A protest front the Republicans of the latter district, complaining of unfairness in the election of delegates was read before the Convention.— These matters were all satisfactorily arranged. On motion, the Convention proceeded to no• minute and ballot for a Representative to the Legislature. On the first and second ballots the vote stood : Ist. 2d. S. S. Wharton, 28 33 John Williamson, Li 11 Perry Moore, 11 20 B. X. Blair, 7 James Bell, 3 The names Of Illegal's. Blair and Bull were withdrawn after the first ballot. Col. Wharton having a majority of all votes cant, on the see• and ballot, was declared nominated. The balloting for Prothonotary resulted as follows : 10 14 9 17 .... txmaguiv, Peter C. Swoope, Levi Evans, Joseph Porter, James McElroy, M. F. Campbell, James Wilson, Whereupon Jas. E. Glasgow was declared nominated for Prothonotary. For Treasurer the vote stood : Ist. 2d. 3d. F. H. Lane, 14 21 30 Jas. Bricker, 23 25 25 David H. Bare, 18 9 3 Alec, Stitt, 5 4 D. Womelsdurf, 2 4 F. H. Lane was then declared nominated for Treasurer. The balloting for Register and Recorder re• suited as follows: Henry Glazier, 47 A. P. White, 10 Henry Glazier wan then declared nominated for Register A Recorder. For Commissioner the vote stood : Ist. 3d. 3d. G. W. Mattern, 16 29 40 John Plenoer, 14 15 16 Peter Swoope, 2 David Hawn, 5 Win. Walker, 2 IL Grallius, 5 M. F. Campbell, 10 14 G. W. Matters was thereupon declared note. hutted for Commissioner. For Director of the Poor, the vote stood: Perry Moore, 32 G. W. Cornelius, 8 Saint Eyre, G. Keith, 4 N. Lytle, 3 John Lute, 3 Perry Moore was declared the nominee fur Director of the Poor. For Auditor the vote stood Philip Stevens, 43 G. Hartley, 8 Philip Stevens was then declared nominated for Auditor. A vote was then taken by the Convention for its choice of State Senator, resulting as follows: For J. Sewell Stewart, 46 J. C. Watson, 10 Mr. Stewart was instructed to make his own Conferees. On motion th nominations were mado unn. MMus. 863'Tho shipments of coal over the How tins and Broad Top Railroad for the week ending Thursday, August 6th, amounted to 2349 tons For the season, 48,727 tons. j Prom all accounts, Bradford county, the home of Judge Wilmot, will give him a majority, this fall, that will astonish the na• tives.—Some one hae said that a six mule team would haul all the Packer men in the county. Another has suggested a different mode of arriving at the result, in October, namely, to take the entire vote of the county, and deduct therefrom twelve Post Masters. The remainder, he says, will "be iu and about' Wilmot's majority." gray- A new counterfeit has made its appear. ance-20's un Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg, Pa. Engraver's name imperfect, the letters in State of Pennsylvania on top of note imperfect. It is well calculated to du. ceive. Packer and Poltroonery. An army of soldiers with a poltroon for a commander who should issue a bulletin just'. Eying his sneaking away front the enemy when challenged to light, would be apt to bayonet him on the spot and elevate some one of re• quisite pluck in place of the lilly-delivered do• rant. But the democratic party of Peunsylva• is animated by no such spirit. Instead of tor. ning indignantly upon the fainthearted Puck• er and demanding to be led at once to the fray they turn tail with hint and slink off content, d with their voluntary disgrace. The white I • thee instead of being regarded as infamous is adopted by them as an ornament, and they march off, beaten without a fight, no if such a retreat were something to be proud of. After purchasing their victory• last fall• not by fair fighting, but by the vilest frauds, it is not to be wondered that they think cowardice a vie• tae. Base is the slave Cant fights when cites • ing will serve as well. When Packer was nominated we heard a great deal from his trumpeters about his abili ty on the stump, his immense powers no an or ator, and the certainty of his vanquishing the 'Black Republicans' by his single might. A ter Wilmot was nominated, and it was given out that he would probably challenge Packer, the democratic press was mightly tickled at the preposterousness of the idea. Wilmot challenge Packer! lie would never think of such an act of assurance ; as well put his head into the lion's mouth at once I Presently it was reported that Wilinot had challenged hint; but the locofoco leaders were incredulous and suffered themselves to deny it as a thing shot could not be. Then came the letter itself from Judge Wilmot, inviting his opponent to canvass the state with him ; and although the poor leaders were astonished at such extraor• dinary temerity, they never doubted for a me meat that Packer would accept the challenge and administer a fitting rebuke to one who da red thus confront the giant. This was the state of affairs until Pucker, the great orator and statesman, ignominiously fled affrighted from Wilmot, and took refuge behind the State Committee. The latter was thus compelled to stand up as a shield before him, and put forth a manifesto to the faithful explaining why the challege was declined.— Alas for the expectant democracy ! Instead ore fight, as anticipated, it seas a light—a base desertion of the field to the enemy without striking a blow. But they have got used to it very soon. Evidently they werel not as keen for au encounter as they pretended, or they would not fall in so generally or so meekly in this glorious back down. They have shoulder ed their arms promptly for the retreat and the party presses, which so lately were looking for ward to the annihilation of Wilmot by Packer on the stump, are now• convinced that stump, fregartt i er alinwrg6hylil that the true, way him. At nn American State Convention held nt Dayton. Ohio, on the sth, Col. P. Van 'Frump was nominated as a candidate for Governor; N. T. Ash, for Lieutennnt Governor; Jonathan Hershman, for Treasurer; John R. Arthur, for member of the Board of Public Works ; John Davenport, for Supreme Judge, and C. C. Allen for Secretary of State. The Democratic State Convention suet at Columbus on the Gth inst„ and made the fol. Governor, H. li. Payne, Lieutenant Governor, W. H. Lytle, Supreme Judge, Whitman, Treasurer of State, Morris, Secretary of State, .1. Reinhart, Board of Public Works, A. L. Backus. Resolutions ores adopted by the Convention endorsing the Bred Scott decision, approving of the administration of Mr. Buchanan, and the doctrine of popular soveigfity, as advanced by the Rioisas Nebraska act, and favoring an In. dependent Treasurer fur Ohio. sceir B. V. Sanford, who was recently Ileillii• tinted fur Congress by a Republican CJIIVCII - Wrics'h. WRY held nt NewiThrt, ley. , reeelitly °poised the campaign by a Republican speech The Mum Candidate. at the county seat of !altos' county. The The correspondence between the Democrat. I speech was listened to with great alit alum is nominee for Governor, and the Chairman i and nothing occurred duriug the day that was of the Democratic State Committee, is °by ' . unworthy of lesituckiatts. During Isis speech ously a nrisioeuvre pert Gen. Paelier Mr. Sanfiird said so verrsevere things or to present a 1111111/0111! for shrinking me 4peaking of it us a great evil. The lie from a disenssiou wide!, he dread; enter tap. phii.u. party tem, not Abulitiouists, as his on. The litir mid of "I° he ar er s laid been. it ; inure so, in• principles and policy of the two prominent odoliai, were Jeffers. and T he ro• parties the Stole, by their respective candidates cal of the Missouri Compromise he declared is a movement calculated to give to the pub. i s ) vas the "perfidy of plighted faith." He was lie mind a proper understanding the goes- of. --- not in favor of immediate emancipation. tines upon which 1110 people trill be celled to vote and to lead to a just discrimination be. par A man, who is au entire stranger 1 0 tween the merits of both platforms. As it is I the neighborhood, was found hanging to the doubtless for this very reason, that the Demo• I limb of a tree in East Goshen, on the read erotic nominee declines to meet his opponent i leading to the White Horse in Chester Coen. ill debate—he is fearful of the result, should I ty, Pa. On Thursday evening he stoped a t intelligence and unbiassed, holiest conviction Rocky Hill, and enquired the way to Philadel• be allowed untrammeled exercise in consider. phis. He then started on his way, and when ing the issues of the day. Ile knows that a he came to the paint where be was found, it fair discussion of the subject of slavery—the appears that Ito tnounted the fence, took out great question of the contest—would remove his pocket handkerchief, tied it about his neck thousands of our best informed citizens from and alter tying it to the limb, ho swung oil. his standard. The attempt to cost the respon- An inquest was held and the jury returned a sihility upon the Democratic State Committee, • verdict in accordance with the above facts. has failed to deceive the people, who ere Oro' the whole intrigue, and justly condemn the el• fort to evade a outdid and fair challenge by such unmanly means. Meanwhile. the Repub lican candidate will go before the people, and explain fully the principles involved in the easo rues—principles which his opponents dare nut discuss with bins. Yet, after all, the poor creatures who are compelled thus to vindicate their weak•kueed candidate are to pitied. Whatever they hove to do, no matter how distasteful it may be, they do it, mid change their tone and their tactics us submissively as if they were galley slaves; but it :s plain that while they submit they do not like the jibs and jeeri to which they are sub jectcd, that they march down the hill with touch less spirit than they marched up. But while we pity them, their mean-spirited coin. matador is worthy only of contempt. Ilereaf• ter Packer and• Poltroonery will be synotip mons tem, "Ask My Committee , In the old 'tinier and Marble times, the La. cofocos made o vast deal of capital by cliarg• ing that those gentlemen were in the hands of a 'Committee,' and multi do nothing without consulting their bodyguard. The letter of Mr. Packer and Mr. Duekalew are a virtual. an. knowledgement that what they falsely charged upon the Whig candidate of those days, is true in their own case at present. Gen. Pucker, in mead of accepting the challenge of his emnpet• itor, an any high.mindedgentleuian would have done, skulkingly exclaims, 'Ask my Commit. tee.' And that Committee, knowing h:s cull. bre, place as emphatic veto upon the project of free discussion. Free discussion, indeed ! —why the very principles of Locufocoisin is to enslave the mind as well as the body. Their majorities are made up by people who will lie. ten only to one side, who are held to allegiance by ignorance and prejudice. Their leaders dare not meet their opponents in a fair fight, but are compelled to skulk behind and beat about the bush. Well may the candidate of each a party when challenged by an oppoLent, show the 'white feather,' and i meauly exclaim, 'ask any Committee.' It is his only alternative to avert disgrace in every uncoliater.—Rcading harm& Ociittal Female Murders in Pennsylvania. Two men and women recently convicted in Pittsburg fur the murder of the uncle and aunt of the latter—an aged brother and sister, who had accumulated some money. Although several women have been conviete) of tour. murder in this State, at different periods, only three of them were executed, and these in "old times." There is at this time a woman in the Wayne county jail convicted of the murder during Governor Porter's Administration, an. other in Huntingdon jail convicted during Gov. crnor Biglers's term, and we believe there are altogether six or eight sentenced to death iu different jails. if our recollection serves us right, it is about thirty years since a Gov ernor of this State signed the death warrant of a woman, and there will probably never be another. About four yenrs ago, we had oe ension to examine the official papers of the State refuting to this matter, and from them we gleaned the foregoing facts -Lock Haven Democrat, The Campaign Opened. A large and very enthusiastic meeting of the friends of Wilmot was held in Bloomfield, the county sent of Perry, on the 3d of August. There were persons present from every election district in the county. W. W. Dickinson pre sided, assisted by no less than fifty vice-presi dents. The .meeting was addressed at length by the Hon. ll'. b. Kelley, of Philadelphia. The speech was lengthy and able, and was re ceived with enthusiasm. After he closed, Mr. Baer, the Buckeye blacksmith, followed The meeting passed strong. resolutions, endor sing the Harrisburg platform and nominations. Among the resolutions passed was the follow ing, whirls we commend most earnestly to the attention of the Democratic press: "Resoired, That the refusal or the Dimmer', tic candidate for Governor, Wm,.V. Packer, to accept the challenge of David - Wilmot, to dis cuss before the people the questions involved in the present campaign, is the best evidence that their candidate is either ashamed of principles, or is afraid to advocate and defend them, and for that course the people are asha med to vote for him, or to trust hint with pow- Ohio Nominations 1J The Congres4ional election in Nobras• kii territory has resulted in a poll of 1470 for Perguson, Independent, Dem., 1309 for Thay er, Republican, 1114 for Chapman, the rev. ulur Democratic nominee, and 1091 for Bank. er. Chapman was the member in tho last Congress. The aggregate vote, as above, is 4994, with ono county to hear from. ser Advices from Karns state that Co, maw Walker had returned to Lawrence with the United Status troops, the apprehensions of an attack on Fort Riley by the Cheyennes hat• ing proved groundless. The squatter multi. cipal govcrnment•ol' Lawrence met on the 27th and was engaged in perfecting ordinances.— The election returns front all parts of the ter• territory indicate a large vote, and nearly mum imous for the Topeka Constitution. kir A murderess lamed Charlotte Jones, is now in the prison at Pittsburg, awaiting public execution. A few days ago her sister expres s wish that Charlotte would send her some money to buy a new dress, that she might go to see her hipg. Sernankin, the prize fighter who fought with Bradly, has loft Buffalo for Albany. He has nearly recovered, a ad still insists that he can hooch Bradly "out of his booth." The purposes to fight for $.5000 in October. jar A Camp Meetini:Tvill be held on Friday the 4th of September, about two miles above Orbionin, on the Littleton rood. OUR BOOK TABLE, siir The Farm 'Journal has been merg, ,, l into the American Agriculturist, and the two have become one. Subscribers to the former will be supplied with the latter for the full term of their subscription. The Agriculturi,i is one of the best magazines published in the country. Orange Judd, Publisher, Nu. 191 Water•st., New York. Price $1 per annum. • - - • le - The Inventor for September has been received. It is an excellent No. and should be well pat con tend. StarGodey's Lady's Book, and Graham's Magazine for the month of September, are on our tattle; they being rival periodicals, nod both aiming nt perfection we will knee our numerous renders to decide the contest. par Returns of the Texas election indicate that Runnels, Democrat, has been chosen Gov ernor over Houston, American, by 12,000 ma jority, and that no opposition candidates have been elected to the Legislature es far as heard Jottxsox's Mar OF TOO REPUBLICS or Nowro AncteoceA. Puumsolm 1117A.J. Joax son, N. Y.—This great work, just published, is in ninny respects superior to any work of th e kind ever before issued. It embraces all North America south of the 50th degree of North Latitude, including the Canadies. States, Mexico, Central America, West hullo Islands, end a part of. South Allied.. There are indeed other maps which M.clude this same extent of territory, as Munk's Mithell's New and Colton's, but none of these works con make any pretensions to merit equal to this of Johnson's. In the first place it is much lar ger than either of these, being 72 by 80 inches in size. This large scale has enabled the author to insert a vast amount of information of the highest importance which neither of the other works were able to contain. Hence the Counties of all the States and Territories are ditinctly colored and named, the principal towns, the railroads, A., Ac. We are particu larly pleased with the Imount of recent info.- motion it contains in the new Territories. We find, for example Arnizonia, and many Lew places which we have looded in vain on othe r maps to find. It also contains a map of the World on Mercator's projection, on a much larger scale and more full, complet •, and thoroughly fin• lobed than any other we have seen. On this also u•e find something new and recent, the discoveries of Dr. Kane in Polar Sea ; all the plans discovered and named by the Dr. up to within 9 degrees of the North Pole. Of the whole word it is dillienit to speak in terms of too high praise. It is a fine copper, plate engraving; und as a mere work of tint, onsuivusseo. is Is IllustintUd with 1.4...1;raal and Costly Daguerreotype views of small cities of our Country and the splendid Capitol now erecting at Washington. For general refer• once, in the family, the °nice, the library, the seholl•room, it is 0 work which ought nut to be dispensed with. Its prieu is remarkably moderate, and we heartily cononend it to gen. erul patronage The work is to be sold wily by agents, and we aro inthrc u •d this stale is to be immediately canruss6d. Dr. a Allem gen eral Agent for the State may be addressed for agencies at Harrisburg. A. J. Moore of Coal. mon% has been appointed Agent for this Coun ty, and will commence canvit,ing immediate ly,—W e have Line of those maps in our pose. sion and can recommend them 110 the best ev.. er published. Gas Meters As our citizens are now interested in Gas Matters, the following iteta trim the New ' York on the use of G. Meters, will probably not be uninteresting to them : ut• Cr A:3 suit for rent of Gas Meters, furnished by the Gas Company, was recently decided in New York City, against the company. The court held that as meters were fur the use of measuring the quantity of gas consumed, they were for• the benefit of the Gas Companies, like the weights and meas• ures of merchants, or the meters of Water Companies. The seller and not the buyer are hound to furnish the means of ascertaining the quantity he delivers, and he is hotted to verify the de:ivery of the quantity he charges for in his bill, before ho can demand payment. The Judge said: "I am entirely satisfied that the'' companies have no legal rgiltt to charge toe the use of their jolts and weights, or the man fur his gther meter. In each case the dealer lass to adoptsotne means °lasses. tattling how much the customer has had." This cuts ofla large revenue of the Gas Com pany in New York, and will affect Gas Com panies everywhere, if it be sustained as law, as it will undoubtedly he. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS There is very little demand for Flour to-day. Standard superfine, !nude from new wheat is nominally held at $7,25, and sound old stock, and late inspected Flour at $6,50a 6,75 per bbl., without sales to tiny extent. Corn Meal is wanted, but there is very little Mock to . oper ate to, and some Ilan been picked up at $4 per barrel. Wheat is scarce, prime lots are wanted, bet are too damp mid unsaleable. Rye is in less demand and brings 95e. Corn continues dull, and we are only advised of sales of 20000 bus yellow most at 80c. afloat. Oats meet with a moderate demand al 42e pia' bushel. Parritb, In the Catholic Church, is this borough, on Monday August 17th, by Rev. P. M. Doyle, John A. Duck and Mina. Emelia Manager, both Huntingdon. Estate of Hon. Robert Allison, decd. Administrator's NOtioe. Letters of Administration, with the will an nexed, on the estate of Robert Allison, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., having been grunted to tho undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims wifl present the 311111 e duly authenticated for settlement. JAS. GWIN Affin'r„ WOOliti HAIR 11E.,08,111,--Th:g wonder. fill preparation is having an extemdre eale iu of th e Union. It is one of the few • • ut m • ;i dA, 1"11',•11 new acid over the count, that aro wally ulna their inventors eldita - fir them. Wherever it has had a fair trial. the result has hem] just 88 Wood pre tlitAs. It has am,. Wiled to turn the white hair bat to the natural color, where the diree• Ilona have been strictly followed, awl to neme• rens wows it has restored the. hair upon heads that Lad been bald for years. It is not preten ded that it. will make the hair u,row in every Coot., but where it fails there is certainly no re• medy. Thu restorative of the hair has hem elfeeted in so many instances where the ease seemed utterly hopeless ' that it IS certainly worth while for :al who have lost their hair to try the experiment of using a ;mule or two of Wood's It.Aaratire. —Mobile Workman. 41:&.• The in.( skeptical people can he con vineed by trial that nll the fitmily medicine! are :got hainbay, and Ilia! among the thousand or let hi lilt there are a few or „rout merit and alillutibted worth. Of these, lir. S:tnlbrd'F Invigorator, t r Liver Remedy, shade first and • finVIIIOSL among the remedies of the day that con he relied Oil :1:1 a medicine that, is all it is reccursmentled by its proprietors. Jt advertises itself un every trial, fur there are none who me it hat tell their friends to do no, and so it goes from mouth to mouth till all the t,cople of the Union have learned the good id' this truly medicine. It is 00000one:01ml with Lc:Aim:mi. als to prove its virtue for the cure of liver emu • plaints of. every kind, from the wool I 'pimp sia to a e oilman headache, and is particularly adapted to .lioneliee, Deranged Stomach, Itow• el Complaints and diseases of children. One or two dust, ore said to cure a cull with scarcely n failure. It is worth a trial ffir alone, It is partienlarly adapted to the use of ladies, particularly those or sedentary habits. Some ladies of the highest standing in socictot have give. their certificates of its efficacy, 81,4 WO Illy 10 Mt who Ore ailing, try one bottle of you will never be without it. "WOODLAND UREA NI"--A Hair—highly perfumed, superior t. any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies' flair it has m equal, giving it a Lrn . ..dft glossy appearan cc.-- It causes Gentlemen s flair to curl in the tuosi natural manner. It removes dandrilf, alway, giving the Hair the appearance of being free l' 811111111,00:led. Prier only fifty cents. Sum genuineunh,is signed PETItIDGE 1, (70. N. V. Pruprieturs of the Tiowidand /lowers: Fur sale by Jule• II untiugdon. fuel :t1 Draggisis. Feb.25,'37.-6m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HUNTINGDON SELECT SCHOOL. J. A. HALL Principal The next school year, co misting. otibiki exclusive of vmations, gill commoller Oil Mon day, the 24111 in.vl. The year will be divided as heretofore into ih I, 86010., eliding on the Ist day of st day of March, 1050, and lot day of July, respectively. Terms of tuition for the regular classes will be the same us last year, vie; Primary class. es, $12,00 a scholar; Fre,limen and Sopho more classes, $15,00 a schohte ; and Jolliet and Senior classes, $lB,OO n sehol sr, the one at, or bet. to the ensl ut ena session. Terms fur the l'enehea class, $5,00 month, I 2,00 a seeeiun, ur a ycnry ter able in adeanee. Huntingdon August 19ili Cersloo A MOVIIII..aa A number of gentlemen wanted to ea:iv, two or threu couitien each in an ii:.;encv i.a'. insures those properly qualitied the bigL , , compensation. They ehould be of mature intelligent, talented scud industrious ; and a, will make twice us much an in teaching, Verk ing t or tiny other businenn. Alllll,, b. A!.1.!., Harrisburg, quire at tho Adam's Express onieu. Ang.19,7,7•5ni.. Administrator's Notice - - - - --•••••• I.:•tters of Administration or the estate et Win. Rutter, late of the village of >t•hisottiit . , &c . d., !laving Lena granted to the undersigned all !whim's indebted to said estate are required to mate immediate !',meat, and those having eiainci against the same will present them du• ly authenticated for settlement. .lAS. HARPER, Adm . . A ug.1..),7,7:61.* Executor's Notice j Tesnimetttary on the estate of Us jJ tharin, (twin, late of the borough of d , e'd., having net, granted to the tindersigmtl, all permits indebted to said canto nun Lucolly notified to !natio payment, and those having (titbits to pre.imit them rut settlement. W. P. 011 BISON, Ex r• Aug.l9,s;.•fit, INFORMATION WANTED. Whereas, A certain man nioncil Matthew Garner being deranged in his mind, left ltis 11 , 1 , 13 in Woodcock Valley about the first of May last, and has Oct been heard of since tae first of June. Said Garner is about 5 iiiet or 19 inches high, gray eyes, dark complexion, 53 years of aged, and his hair is middling lung and gray. Any information of his whereabouts directed to John Garner, Jr., Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, will be thankfully recei ved. A tig.19,'57,3t. S.4 l ll'ellfdaishtirg "Whig" and 'Register," Bedford Inquirer, and Lewistown Gazette, publish three times nod charge this ollice..„M - ASSEMBLY. Beeiv.ylerisillaker By request of numerous 61ouds, I respectful ly otter myself as a candidate fat Legisla lure. LEVI EVANS. Conlmola, August I 111, 1857. PROTIIONOMAILI: Mehh Edilora At the solicitntion of my friernlq, I hereby offer myself as an candidate for the office of .Prothonotary. JAMES MuELII OY, Porter township, August 1.1, 1857. SALE OF SAXTON'S STORE The store of J. W. Saxton is now open for sale, by wholesale nod retail of the entire im• moose stock of goods at greatly reduced prices. Dealers and all others who have the cash can bo accommodated at auction prices. Terms —Cash. 1.-100 Sacks Ground Alum Salt and 30 tons Plaster to be disposed of. StOTT & BROWN. Att'ye for Creditors. A tig.5,'57. T EADPIPE for sale at the Ilitedwate St ore o JAMES A. BROWN A CO. Antiphlogistic Salt. This celebrated medicine is fur as to at the Journal Office . For all Inflammatory disc ases it is a certain cure. Get aha x and try it, 3° who are attilieted. ,lenclid assortment of Stone Creek' fur
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers