Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 12, 1857, Image 3

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American Safety-Paper Mann facturl
Company of New York.
Capital, $500,000.
A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 70 Wall St.
A Perf,ct Serra.;ill against all manner of Fraud or
Counter/Vilna on Paper. To Prevent Photo
graphs and Anastativ Counterfoils, Erasures,
Tranyers or Alterations.
Having purchased the Patent for the exclu
sive right to manufacture and sell the new Che
mical Paper in America, invented and patented
in England by HENRY GLYNN, a celebrated
chemist and officer in the British Army, it is
hardly necessary to say that the Paper is re
conimended by Mr. Kent, Assayer of the U. S.
Mint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing
House, end Mende Brothers, extensive and
skilllul photographers, 233 Broadway, N. Y.
The letter say that no imitation eau be made on
a check or hank note printed on the Safety Pa
per. Below is our list of prices
Bunk Cheeks-35 ets per lb.
Bank Bills—Slß for 1000 sheets.
Bills or Exchango—s2s for 1000 sheets.
Promissory Notps-40 ets
Sight and Time Draft,.—s22 for 1000 sheets.
Insurance Policies-40 ets per lb.
Railroad Stacks & Bonds-40 cents per lb.
Hank and State Stacks-40 etc per lb.
Bonds and Mortgages--40 ets per lb.
Wills and Deeds-40 etc per lb.
For wrapping Silks and other lino articles it
is ex,ellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cts per
For Indentures and Agreements. 40 cents
All State and County Beall& should al trays
he printed or written on this paper, es the che
micals inserted in the pulp not only prey/lit
erasure or transfer hut make it lasting as time.
For Southern Climates it is excellent, and
much superior to any other ; as the moistness of
the climate does nut destroy it,—the properties
inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all
southern Stows, Cuba, the West Indies and the
Central American States, no public records eon
be kept over2o years, written on the ordinary
paper, while the oils and other chemicals insert
ed in this Paper makes it indestructible by the
ravages of time. It is all swot' against moths,
rats and other 'rennin, which least on and de
stroy all oiler paper now in use.
The Company lowa now in operation Mills
in Morris County, N. J., of about 300 horse
power. -and are albe to till all orders for Paper
nt the shortest notice.
All orders for the Paper must be addressed
to A. NICHOLAS, President of the Company
No. 70 Wall Street.
1V M. BREWSTER, Agent, Huntingdon
- - -
A u-g.5,'57.-3m.'
Notice is hereby given that James Ellis has
tiled his petition in the office of Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon
County, fire license to keep nn Eating House
nt Worthington Station on the Huntingdon
and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, near Mar
klesburg, in Penn township.
Also—That J. A. Moore, filed his netition
for license to keep an Eating House in Miners.
vino, Toil township, which will be presented on
Thursday. August 20th.
1 . M. 1•'. CAMPBELL.
duly 21st, 1857. f Clerk.
P. 1' RETTY N respectfully announces
,to the citizens of the county, that he instill
prepared to take all kinds or Pictures, at his
room, up stairs in the Station House, in a style
1111,111.101,51 A in the Statc,:ool Lit as cheap rates
es the tightness of the times will admit. Call
and examine specimens,
lluutinnlon, July 22,
Agent tor the parrhame and male ti,l Real Es.
late Farms and City l',,,perly I,ou 9 ht, mold and
exellany,l. Also money invested and procured
on tunrignge. Those having Farms or Land
for Salo will do well to colt or send description.
No. 63, Dock
Jahr pith,
ESTATE Ul•' MICHAEL ,1111:1,'1,..); DECD.
niters testamentary on the t.state of Michael
Wlierly, lute (•,,s
county, ilea., having Loco granted to the un
dersigned, they hereby give notice to nil per•
sons intl,liteti 10 said eFtatit to itinku itninn
payment, and tlunm having claims will Fresviii
them duly authentic :Hill for s, tlkinent, to rho
JOHN MIERLY, 1 Ex ....
July 15, 1.957.-(0.
Monday, August 31st,
Tuition for teta t-tiOnthS:.s2s,
Higher rates charged fur pupils renutininp,
only a part of the year.
During July and August, applications may
be lelt with Hon. Gee. Titylor,.or W. P. Orht•
Huntingdon, dilly tttlt, 1857.—tf.
To Saloon and Inn-Keepers, Grocers,
and Families Generally. if)
Over 50 Receipts for one dollar.
To make Cider without Apples; Pure Vine
gar in three days ; e,collent Hersey , Washing
Fluid, costs 0n1y , 6 etc per gallon ,Inks,Brantly,
Gin, Rum, Pure Port and Champagne Wines.
Sugar Valley, Clinton Co., Pa.
1 — ; AVI TT (Hill VF, informs the citizens of
Huntingdon mid vicinity, and the public Aetc
crall, dna he tins opened n (l tocery Store WI
Hill y : rreet, Iltddit_don, n (Iv d iors west or
Wet, Orhison'e residence, h e w ill a t a ll
he prepared do supply customers with
at wholcealo and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas,
Molasses, Cheese, Spises, Confectionaries,
Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Sugars, Tobac
co, Ac., &c.; in fact, every article usually kept
in a Grocery Store.
As I :on 'determined to sell cheaper than the
cheapest, I want everybody to call and examine
my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE.
Huntingdon, July 29,
The Ret. C. $. BURNETT, while la
boring as n missionary in Southern Asia, dis
covered a simple and certain Cure for Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner
vous Debility, no all impurities of the blood;
also, an easy and effectual mode of inhaling the
Remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his
suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the re
cipe (free) to such as desire it, wills full and ex
plicit directions for preparing and successfully
using the Medicine. Address
Riiv. C. S. BURN*
831 Broadway, N. y.
Ant iphlogistic Salt.
This colobratoil medicine is for sale at the
Journal Unice. For all inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Got a box and try it, ye
who are afflicted.
ARE infallible in removing stoppago or irreg
ularitettof the menses. . . .
These Pills are nothing now, but bave•been
used by the doctors for many years, both in
France and America, with on parallelled success;
and he is urged, by many thousand ladies, who
have used them, to snake the Pills public, for
the alleviation of those suffering from any tree•
gularities of shatever nature, as well as to pre
vent pregnancy to those ladies whose health
will not permit nn increase of fussily.
Pregnant females or those supposing them
selves so, are cautioned ugninst these Pills
while pregnant, ns the proprietor assumes no
responsibility after the above admonition, al
though their mildness would prevent any mis
chief to health: otherwise these Pills are recess•
mended. Full nod explicit directions accom•
pony each box. Price, $1 per box.
Sold wholesale and retail by
JOHN READ, General Agent
for Huntingdon Co.. Pa.
I hove appointed Dr. John Read Solo agent
for the sale of my teeth Periodical Golden
Pills, the the borough and county of Hunting
don. All orders mist be addressed to him.
Ho will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri
ces, nod send the Pills to Indies (coVidentially)
by retorts mail, to any part of the United States,
on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the
Huntingdon postMtliee. For further pnrticu•
lo•s gm a circular of the Agents—sold by drug
gists everywhere.
ger My signature is written on each box.
Broadway P. 0., New York,
• Near Williamsport, Pa.
T t; . mti z i t titirgt,neorfreorfs the
lirm of 1. It. b
sale all that valuable property situated on the
south side of the Susquehanna River, 6 unties
from Williamsport, and 2 miles from the line of
the Sunbury & Erie Railroad. Thu Pennsyl
vania Canal parses on the opposite side of the
River. This tram contains 660 acres, with 6
per 'cent. allowance. 200 acres are cleared,
and in a rood state of cultivation. Them is a
large amount of valuable 'timber on the pre
misc,; a good stream of water, and a good
Saw. Mill. The Mill is new, being built 10.56.
The other improvements consist of ii good
Dwelling Houses, with out•buildings thereto.
Two large Barns, one of which is first-class,
with a large shed attached.
The above property will be offered at Public
Sale at the Com t House, in Williamsport, on
Wednesday, the 15th of August, neat at 1
o'clock, P. M.
A portion of the purchase money in Cash,
the balance made easy, with hiterest, and up.
proved security. _ _
Terms made known on d ny of sale.
Further particulars can lie obtained by ad•
Surviving twitter of the lien of
J. 11. k W. 11. 111:I.IN6.
WiIIifIDISpOTI, Pa., July 8,
01'0 IN VALMS..,cG
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician,
Physician (hr Diseases of the Lungs, Throat
and Ileart—Formerly Physician to the
.I . lospiTAL, also
Author of 'Lotto.' to lorolkl.," IS COMING.
See Ibllowing Cud.
September Appointments.
Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease or the
Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma
rine Illispital,) will ho in attendance at his
rooms as Follows:
_ .
I um ingtion 2aFksop' . s . notel Friday Sept. 4,
National Hotel,
Alifllin, Paitersou noun,
I . l?llidays&irg,
A Itoomi,
John. to
PittAurgh, "
Dr. liardwinn treats Consumption, Bronchi
tit. Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the
throat mid lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the Hl.OOOOOO Hospital, London. The
cr.•ot point in the treatment of all !iman mala
ities is to.get at the disease in the direct man
ner, All medicines are estimated by their ac
tion tc, on the semi requiring This is
the important fact upon which Inhalation is ba
sed. If the stotnacla is diseased we take
medicine directly into the stuntmen. If the lungs
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the
antidotes to disease and should be applied to
the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
plication of this principle to the •treatment ui
the lungs, for it gives us direetmecess to those
Nolen:0 air cells and tubes which lie out of
reach of every other means of administering
medicines. The reason tlint . Consittuption, and
other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re
sisted all treatment has hoot because they had
never been approached on a direct manner by
medicine. They were intended to net upon the
lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.—
Their action was in tended to be local, and yet,
they were so administered that they should not
act constistotionally, expending immediate and
principal action upon the unotlending stomach,
whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were un
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in
direct contact with the disease, without the
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli
cation is simple, that it run he employed by the
youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not
derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de
gree with the strength, comfort, or 'business of
the patient.
°Turn Dlsmosks TitraTro.—ln relation
to the following diseases, either when compli
cated vit h lung affections existing Mune, I also
invito consultation. I usually thud them prompt-
Iv curable.
Prolapsus and till other forms of Female com
plaints, Irregularities and Weakness.
Palpitation and all tither forms of Heart
Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
other diseases of Stomach and bowels, rlc.
. ....
All diseases of the ere and ear. Neuralgia,
Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.—
arge for consultation.
1, 1857.
Izir2v - x aaranal.
1a LOVE &
PROVISIONS, just received and for sale at the
wholesale end retail Grocery & Provision Store
of Love & McDivitt. Consisting of
& TOBACCO, of the best quality and every
PIIENE, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Tama
rinds, Rice, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers,
Cheese, Bluccaroni, Pickles of all kinds, oar
dines, Candies and Confectionaries. All of
which will be disposed of on the most reason
able terms, for cash or country produce.
Purchasers wilt find it to their interest to call
and examine our stook before purchasing else
where, as we are prepared to sell everything in
our Hue of business A LITTLE LOWER than
any other establishmsnt of the kind in this lo
May 13, 1857. LOVE & McDIVITT.
nried Beef, flouts, Shoulders and Flitch, for
1,/ sale at the cheap Grocery Sturo of
LOVE & i'vfeDl VITT.
Discovered at Last!
Greatest Cure in the &lid for Pain
Prof. Chas. DeGrath%
THIS Gil is the only sure remedy in the world
for the cure of Rheumatism, Denibess, Gout,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and
Bronchial complaints, Tic Doloreux , Headache,
Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons,Sprains and
Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Swelled Glands,
Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Elysipelas, Sore Nipples,
Swelled Breast, Womb Disorders, Salt Rheum,
Canker in the Mouth and Stomach,
tion, Eruptions, Caked Breast, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Patsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers, Lock Jaw,
Heartburn, Tooth and Earache, Nervousness,
Abscess, Still' Necks, Broken Breast, Chilblains,
'fetter, Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and
Ague, Chapped Bands or any Diseases that
are Fore and painful, is the only ankle ever
brought before the public that will do its work
peribctly in from three to twenty minutes—has
been used by thousands and pronounced to be
the best remedy ever discovered.
This Oil acis ott the system with electricity
—is of pure vegetable preparation. Not the
slightest danger of applying it inwardly or out
wardly. It nt once gives a permnuent cure—
in most eases from len to twenty minutes.
The best physiologists of Europe hove dis.
covered that all organic derangement of th e
animal systetn is the etfeet of an obstruction of
the physiomlectric fluid iu the organ diseased.
A skillful application of the Oil puts in immedi
ate motion the nerve fluid, and the core is ac
complishA No bleeding, no vomiting, purg
ing, or blistering is resorted to.
trtaY•Nime genuine without signature of Prof.
C. Definith. Labels signed in writing.
Principal Depot, No. 30 South Eighth St.,
three doors below Chestnut, Philadelphia.—
Price 25 milts, 50 cents and $1 per bottle.
Try• everything else, give this ripe simple
CAUTION.—Be careful to ask tilt and et Do
(bath's Electric Oil, as worthless laiitatiths
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation that my article has Required.
The public must howare. They are worthless.
For sale by John Head, Huntingdon.
Letters testamentary ou the estate of Hen.
ry M. lien) lute of the Borough of llu;tting•
don, tke'd., having been granted to the under•
signed, he hereby gives notice to all persons in
debted to said estate to make payment without.
delay, and those having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated to John
Heed, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon.
July 8, 1857.—th". Executor.
Notice is hereby given that letters andmite
istrntien on the estate of Joshua W. Kerr, Into
of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., have
been granted to the undersigned ; ull persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment and those having claims
against the same will present them duly au.
thenticated I . (w settlement to John Reed, Attor
hey at Law, Huntingdon._
July 8, 1E357.-1441.
linen Norris, late et the township of Penn, 111
the county of Huntingdon, deed., having been
granted to the undersigned, all per.)ns iudebt•
ed to the said estate are regursted to 'uke pay•
meld. and those having• (nlets will present
them duly authenticated ten• sonioniont.
July 0, I 557.-lit.
• a 0.
0P.1AC.131:.114'.1117NER DECD.
Executor's Notice.
Leiters testamentary on the estate of Jacob
Ultougartner, late of Union township. Hunt
ingdon calmly, dee'd., having been granted to
the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said estate to !nuke None.
dint° pat meat, and those had, elsi les uga i ns i
the onto e, will present then, du! . ;
1;:r settlement to
ly 13, !K.-T.-ill".
&IC - 04 &lILAW_Pi. : I '
Large Iffino. 348 pages. With at complete his
tory of the Territory, until June, 1857. Em
hrtwing a full account of its discovery, geog
raphy, soil, climate, produets, its organization
as a Territory, transactions and crests under
Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis
sensions, personal encounters, election frauds,
bottles and outrages, with portraits of promi
nent actors therein, all fully authenticated,
by 1011 N 11. LIMON, 51. D., Private Sec'y
to Gov. Geary.
Carefully co milk,' from the official doeuments
on file in the department at' State at Washing-
ton and other papers in the possession of the
author, with a full account or "The Invasion
of Kansas from Missouri t" the capture, trial
and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the
character and movements of the Missouri Bor
der Ruffians, the murder of Bullion and others.
.-Thu Controversy between Governor Geary
and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of the
Territorial Legislature, of the pro•sluvery con
vention, and the organization of the Democra
tic Party, with a "Sketch of Kansas during its
early 400)1..8 under Guys. Reeder and Shun
nun." It invasions, battles, outrages, murders.
A copy will he sent to any part of the United
States, by mail, free of postage, on receipt or
the retail price. A liberal discount to the trade.
(WHM agents wanted. Price in cloth $l.
Paper, 50 cts.
Inquirer Building, Philadelphia.
o Nita U\l7 fl
'Will anew' to all professional business entrusted
to his carp in the several Courts ni Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree•
meet, written at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms.
Sliiritiysburg, April 22, 1857.
Dao all:Es - s'6h a" alma,
June la, 1657.
White Lead, (pure)
tt If (extra)
Philailalphia Zinc Paint,
Best Snow White,
Oils, &c., and nil kinds of 11AnDwAnk and
building materials iu proportion, at the "Hard
ware Store" of .1. A. BROWN 1 CO.
Huntingdon, Apr.8,'57.-tt,
£N T
April 1, 1857.-Iy.
To be awarded by the Huntingdon County
Agricultural Society, at the next Fair.
• Best Stallion, $7 00 2d best do., $2 00
24 best, 4 00 Best match b's, G OU
•34 best, 300 24 best do., 400
Best 20r3 yr colt 5 00 Best trotting b's, 3 00
Best under I yr., 200 ltd best, do., 200
lipst Itruul mare, 5 00 Be3t nillllly horse 3 00
2 , 1 best do., 250 2,1 best do., 200
Mint ell the bald end grab' can he restored per- Best draft horse, 300 Best mules, 000
I. fectly to original grows , and color, so far as 24 best do , 200 21 best d0.,3 00
their locks lire concerned, does not admit of a .h, riding horse
est riding horst, 4 00
doubt; Insides, it wiil cure every possible di:,
ease or the scalp, whether developed as dandrulf, NEAT
„ -
itching or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions— Best work oxen, (; 00
anon scald head—and in lot possible Case will it . 211 best, do., 400
or liming as if by magic, nervous or perio- liedt. do., :1 00
died head-iv:11o, and if' used twice a week by Ale Best. , no
young regularly, it will preserro the color, ~„t „_
i 00
keep the hair [EMI' falling, to any imaginable age. ” ' •
Read and judge. HO
Alillrord, Worcester Co., Mass., Nor. 1835. 1 . 395 . t. boa!, 500
Prof. O. ,I. Wood—Dear Sir: 1 take pleasure ,24 best do., a 00 Bcst litter ofpigs 3 00 '
in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic et , 30 best do., 2 00 Best Ches. 11 hue 3 00
feet,' of you, wonderful Bair Restorative. As Best sow, 400 Best Berkshire, 2 00
far back as 1836, toy lair commenced falling oil.
until the top or my scalp became as bald - and
smooth on glass, ito3 it has continued to fall for I lii,it true-w. It'k ,5 00 3d best ditto, 300
a great many years, notwithstanding 1 have i, 24 Ite:4 dm, 3 011 Best It.wool ewe, 500 '
ed many (telt:Grated preparations for restoration. 11,4 Southtdown 5 00 2d best do., :i 00
Seeing y:our advertisement, 1 was induced to give 24 1,..5t do., 3 001 Best long wool do. 500
your article a trial, end to my utter astonish- Best long•wooled 5 00 1 lest Suutledown, 500
ment, found, atter a tow applications, that toy
hail became firmly set, and assumed at glossy
and beautiful appearance ; and by the time I i Best, 4 00 I :11 best, 2 00
bad used at quart bottle, sty bald head was co, F 20 best, 3 00 4th best, •1 00
ma over with a young and vigorous growth of A 1; it lut,l,TritAt, ;NI p LENLENT s :
hair, which is now from one to two inches in
•11,1 plow, 3 00 Best Wheet drill, 3 00
length, and growing fast. Yours, truly,
HENRI , (mop ittcH . 11,, Latrow, 2 00 Best Cornplanter 3 00
Ilea eultiv,tur, 3 00 Best Horse-rake, '2 00
Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 0, 1055. 11 , 6 t Hill tilde, i 1 00
Cont.—Nothing but a duty anti sympathy Best Windmill, 3 00
that 1 feel to communicate to others that are at% GRA
filmed as I have been, would induce me to give Best white 'Met., 3 00
this public acknowledgment of the benefit I hsve
received from Prof. Wood's Hair Re,t , ,r.tti Ye. hest tlo, 200
When I first commenced using it. my hair was 11h1 hest do., 100
quite gray, and in spots entirely bald I have I Best red wheat, 300
now used the Restorative about five month , . and 21 best do , 2 00
toy hair is entirely changed to its original col- i 3,1 host do., 100
or, 111 . 0,11, and the unto hair is over three ilia. Best yellow corn, 1 00
iu Ico,Oi on the shots where it was bald. 111..0 ; t„, At d ‘ ,„ 50
also been much gratified ut the healthy moisture ,
and vigor or the hair, which hoer° was dry, and :
it has ceased to come out as formerly. Best bread, 3 00
Respectfully yours, I 2d best do., 2 00
Mrs. It. A. STODDARD. 130 best do., 1 00
Best pound cake, 1 00
From Sirs. Ingalls, a well known nnrse in 2,1 best do., 50
ton. Bost sponge do., 1 00
Nokia, Oct. 10th, 1855. • 2 , 1 h t , s , do 50
Gents:—At your request and being so highly iks , !mum , 3 oo
pleased with the ofecti of the Itestorntive. I nin , 1
free to slate tint my hair had become finite thin. . '
and entirely white. 1 have for the lite, lice (11)
be. in the habit ol • using dye, lint bearing of D , "' r - 00
the extraordinary effects ot• this article, I w e; 2.1 hest, do., 100
induced to try it. illy hair has licen restor,,lto I hest do., 50
its original thickness, and also t, its former c Rest apple butter 1 00
toe, which is light brown. 2‘l best do., 50
Yours re spot:tinily,
. AIRS. INGALLS. • Ite, t, ;111. lel•,chup 100
; 11,1 1,,,,,, , v, 1 00
The following is front the Pastor of the Ortho- ' P i • II ~
1 00
les jr. oy
(lox Church. Brookfield. ! 2d•best do. 50
Brookfield, Altus., Jan..l2, 1855. ! 11 ,,, ~„ ~,,.',„„ 1 00
Prof. Wood—Dear Sir—flaring 1111111 C trial of 2 . l ' br i o ,',K, - . •: — ' , 50
your flair Restorative, it gives ma pleasure to .
say, tied its ellinfts have been excellent in moo- Best pickles, 100
ring inflammation, dandruff, and a Callnesilt 11111- ' MECHANICAL IMPI
deney . to itching, with which I have been trim- i
bled nom my childhood, and has also restored ' FACTI
Best 21tor . car', 2 00
the hair, wide!, was becoming gray, to its urigi- i i -, , • '' ' , ~,,
nal color. I have used no other article, with ''''' ''''''Y' • -
.l .. . ci sim har., 1 00
any thing line the stone pleasure nod profit.
Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG. ,1,,. ,1.,, farm. do., 100
,1,.. bridle & sad. 1 00
[Froth the Jersey City Telegraph.) I do, pair bouts, 100
—Mantic , .';:i"ra ti ,`,..e' d,'" pa ir shoes, P'9.
answer without hesitation or Sate of contr.eliel: :111. tiii i i &callskiti 1 00
tion, that it is the only article known which will do. Intr.& upper, 1 00
du all it premises fur the human hair. It will re- FIIIi
new its growth—it will stop its fallin,, , •—it will
restore its natural color ! It is not a Bair Dye Best and greatest
but a speedy and efficacious Restorative. variety apples, a 00
U.J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway 2,1 best do e 2 00
N. Y., & 114 Mai het st., tit, Louis, Alissourt. Best doz. fall du. 2 00
Sold in Iltantinglion by Jolts Besl,, and 11. 2 , 1 best do., 1 00
Aleltlaztiott.t., and by Druggnts everywhere. , Best doz. winter, 200
June 25, 1857.-am. '11i1 1 . 25, ' 57 .' , Y• 2,1 best do., 1 011
Bost wilier pears 2 00
A MEDICINE TII.VI' NEVER DEMI- 2,1 best do., 1 00
'PATES ! Best fall do., 200
U If!, .> . -, 1 LA il 1 ,- 6 A .Li ' '.. , 1 ' VEGET,atoes, 200
Best pot
'..11N A' i G()11 A:1 1 () It : ;11 l i s , ,, ,, s: t t d
c 0 ,., 1 0
d ~ 4,0
OR LIVER REMEDY . Best Nleshannoe, I 00
Best Mi,,,:in, 1 ilii
Tn! !ill the good qualities of a porgative tee- 1 , ,„t 1 , ,,,1, Ey,,, 75
i 1 &rine. answerinv the purposes of any Ca- 11,.., „1,:„. ~,,,,,.., 75
thartic without the debilitating effects experiet.- 1 . ,, ,,. ~,..i (10.. 511
cell from most purgatives. It acts slowly and 1 .,..„ ~,,, . 1 ,, ' 50
gently, but surely, moving the bowels to curry ~ ' , ' , „ r ,
off all the secreted matter, at the same time, std- ',',7 t s ''''' "::•• ! ,"" t
mutating the hirer ton proper perforate.° at ! ost tomato, s, i ti
its funetions. !el best do., itt
The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take :la best do., 00
one or two teaspoonsful at end' attack, and it llest Purple Eggs 50
w ill soon disappear. For au overloaded stem- Ilest peppers, 50
itch, or when food rises or sours, take the Invi- FLORAL DEI
gyrator after caning, and it will not prove disc- .
grecable or oppressive. FM' Heartburn, Palpi- Best display !low.
tittles, or Ditlieult Breathing, take a teaspoonful yrs in bloom, 2 00
once or faire daily. For Lies of Appetite, Lau- 2,11,e5t do., 1 00
emir or Listlessness, the medicine is invaluable. Best its. plants, 2 00
It will restore the appetite autd•maka the food POLL'
digest well. Nightmare, tithe a teaspoonful on
retiring, told the demons of drone-lend will all bt,l, pr. turkeys, 100
be Italie, After eating n hearty dinner, take a 211 bast do., 50
dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all op- Bost pr. geese, 1 00
pression or tallness. The Invigorator is in Liv- 2,1 best do., 50
er Wine tly ct unequaled virtue, acting directly Bost pr. orduelcs, 1 00
on that organ, curing Itysticii,a, Jaunt/ice, Di
llow; Attacks, Dysentery, l'ilei, Worms, and 11EIZEING , s PATENT
Fenn& Ohstruction:, hir which it has tio equal. CHA.,rariPXO IV
Wu know there is molting now before the A- ~ r., ~,
~. l- it .i,, i .• 1 r.\: , /,.... , .4 , 4 l'ilyt
mcricon public, prepares.' with such skill by a ,i , J_11.,1, I.y cji,!,.l._—_,__,, J, _i J,
scientific man, part icularly for diseases °ldle Li
ver, us 1)r. Solihull's Inviguratut, or Liver Re- SAFES.
meily. It has attained a reputation second to no
other snick, in the world, maply because it rest,
on its own merit. To convince all by trio' th a t WITHi , TiI, , ,
it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of
our readers are sotrering front such diseases /IS Hot L L 9 ~..,'ll 1 A310di ... " y 4
' • , t i
arc described in 1/r. Santerd's advertisement.
we know of tto reined) that will so surely cure- 'I
I' r
them as tic Invigorator. PATENT ri,,,,-,;„
- , _ r I.'', - 1,,,,,::,';'..i
There has lately been brought to our notice a,
-- -
medicine that seems to possess wonderful curs- ! FARRELS & lIERRING, Makers,
five and healing properties in diseases of the Li- I
ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It cane 34 WALNUT Sr., BELOW SECOND, PWILADA
to IN with SO many testinamials in its favor that ITIM cIREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED
we have noted itsetilicts in .ome of the worst es-
scs of continual debility, caused by deranged li- . by the P B Witt to procure more eettaia see.
ire, nut ; in every ; m o on , the abet was t o co - ; t . ite train tire ibr valuable papers, such as Bonds,
hove or given permanent cure. Dr. Sanford's ! 31.1!1"0., Dols, ..V. l e , esti 13 .-J , 'lf Aeesaelas
Invigorator. ur Liver Reinedy is what we refer tball this erdialtrY S.trrn beeetelbee in use Hirer
to. We always have been credulous about cures , lied, in d uced the Patentees to devote a large par
by patent medicines, but we are convinced that I albeit' time fun the Ire , learteett Year., in eta
this medicine for Month use is um overrated by king iliscevcrie , and improvements for this ob-
the host of recounnemiations it has. Our ad- 1 jest, the result or which is the unrivalled
vice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, Debit- Herrings Patent World's Fafi• freillitlin
icy or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle cud try Fire Proof Sates,
it; our word Mr it. relief will be experienced. Universally acknowledged 83 1110 CIIA.ON
•••••—••• SAVE or Tim woui.o. Hal slaving been lied
Blessings to the Invalids who use SunforiPs Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851,
Invigorator, fur it will relieve thcm of their pain an d c r ystal p a l ac e, 5. Y., 1853, 83 superior to
as soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain all others, it is new undoubtedly entitled to that
and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is appellation, and secured with Hall's Patent
used, for it will as surely drive them a w ay , . I Powder-ProolLeeks—which were 8160 awarded
daylight will banish darkness,ofthis there can ho • separate Medals, (as above)—tiirms the most
no doubt to those who try it, for it curries co W nvic- 1 pt'l Mt Fire & 13urgla • Proof Salon 08130 t of.
WOW with every dose taken. Another OVilooolB ;
ib ro d to the piddle.
the thousands of certificates from those who use I N ear l y 300 gi nn i ng , . S o r os , b urn b or n t e sted
it or have been cured by it. Try one bottle, if , & o i nk the past 14 rears, and retire than 1400
it duet not benefit, we arc mistaken• have- boen sold and aro now in actual use.
SANFORD & CU., Proprietors, 345 Broadway Alec un band or manufactured to order, all
New York. Sold in Metall:Oen by Mane kinds of Miler and Chilled Iron Dank Chests
Dlcsl.tatott.i., and John Bead.
and Vaults, Vault Doors Mutiny Chests tor
Dr. Sea. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, Brokers ' Jewellers, Ralruails, private families,
No. 140, Wood st., Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent. Sr., for Plate; Diamonds, and other valuable*.
' ,lone 25,1587.-om. Mar.25;57.51y. May2o,'s 7 .
$2 50 per keg.
275 " "
240 " "
208 44 44
Best cow, 4 00
2d best do., 3 001
Best 3 y'r heifer, 3 00
2d best do., 2 00
Best calf; 2 001
2d best sow, 3 00
. - -
i Best Reaper, 3 00
1 lies: :dower, 3 00
Hest white corn, 1 00
21 best do., 50
Bost Rye, 1 00
2:1 best do., 50
Bost Onto, 1 00
ttil best do., 50
Host buckwheat, 100
2,1 best do., 50
24 best. do., 50
Best hard soap, 1 00
2d best do., 50
Best candles, 1 00
2,1 best do., 50
Best carpet, 2 00
24 best do., 1 00
Best hearth rug, 1 00
24 best do., 50
Best flannel, 2 00
24 best do., 1 00
Best quilt, 2 00
24 best do., 1 00
Best wool sorb, 50
Best worsted do., 50
Best ornanteetal
needlework, 1 00
25 best ditto, 60
Bent silk maibricy 1 00
2.1 best, do.. 50
Best shell. work, 1 00
25 best do., 50
:,EmENTs k
do. lot cab. ware,l 00
13eAt and largest
var. theware, 1 00
do. earthen stone 1 00
do. washing mac. 50
Best meat vessel, 1 00
Best churn, 1 00
Best 2 tO
Best cook stove, 1 00
25 best do., 1 00
Best quinces, 100
Best and greatest
variety gray:lB,2 00
Best native du., 2 00
25 best do., 1 00
Best duz. peach, 1 00
25 best do., 50
Best doe. plums, I uo
2d best du.,
do. beets, 50
do. parsnips, 50
do, carrots, 50
dn. turnips, 50
50. onioes, 50
Ils. celery, 50
do. cabbage, 50
25 best do., 25
Best pumpkins, 50
Best pie pump. 50
tin. squashes, 50
do. water melon, 50
musk melon, 60
do. beans, 60
do. peas, 50
do. var. dahlias, 1 00
25 best do.. 50
Best boquet, 60
2d best do., 50
Best pr. chickens, 1 00
2d best do., 50
Bed (Us. poultry, 2 00
24 best. do., 1 00
A FAlqf
rungements by which ull who desire to settle or
purchase a home can do so.
The Farms consist of the best limestone soil
of the most superior quality fur forming, in a ra
pidly improving place, into which an extensive
emigration is now [fuming, The property is lo
cated in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst
Of a thriving population of•soure 10."00 popnia
don. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the
plague of the west fever is unknown. I: also
hua on abundance of the best quality of Coal
and Iron. The price to buy it opt is from $3 to
$2O per Acre, payable by in,talments, to be loefi
ted at the time of purchasing, ore share of 23
ncres entitling to locate the stone fr r $3OO, pay
able $6 per month or 12} acres payable $4 per
month. Discount for every SUM Of $llO and
under, paid in advance, discount of 2 per rent.
will be allowed, and for over $lOO a discount of
10 per cent. _ . .
In considering the advantages of emigrating
to this locality the following are presented :
prase—The soil is a rich limestone, capable
of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which the
settlem't has attained its present great prosper
- -
SEcoicm-s-It is the centre of the great North
West Coal Basin, and is destine.' soon to be
come one of the greatest business places in the
State. It will supply the great Lake market,
(according to population and travel in the lin
ion.) It has lire workable veins of the hest Bi
tuminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to
over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal
under eel h a c re. This will make the land of
inestimable value.
The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chum. T.
Jackson, or Boston, has !nude a geolo g ical sur
vey of tha land and analyzed the soil, the iron
ore and the limestone. This report together
with maps will be furnished to inquirers.
FounTn—Three railroads are laid out thro' •
this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad
gives ns a market for our coal to the lakes—it
tuns' from Eric to Philadelphia. A large part
of this road has been finished, and is now in
running order. A heavy force is nuts working t
from Erie toward our land in the western direc
tion, the means for the completion of which has
been raised—it will soon be finished. The Al-
legheny Valley Railroad connects us with Now
York, Roston and Pittsburg. The Venango
Road connects us with the West.
There are already good Turnpike Roads run
niug through this property, various other roads
have been opened to accommodate the emigra
tion and settlement which bee already taken
. . .
---• •
There is no opportunity equal to it now offer
ed to the man who wants to provide himself a
home in no cosy way, end makes settlement
where he can live in prosperity rod independence
No case of the fever ever having been known
to occur in this settlement. It is not like going :
to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps
intolerant people, wheat there is no society, no
slouches or schools, where the price of land is
high, and whore the emigrant, other being used
to the healthiest climate in the world, has to en-
ure •sickness and pain, and pet hops ruins his
health oust that of his family. But here is a
thriving settlement having duce towns, contain
ing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw-mills,
grist-mills, and everything desires]. There is
',ash market at ltend. The 'utiliser trade last
year amounted Os over two hundred millions
test of lumber. In a short time, owing to the
Coal, it will bacome still more valuable no a '
manlier of iron works and manullieteries will
soon be started; they are at present starting
them extensively at Warren. Even for those
who do not wish to go there, the payments are
such that they can easily buy farms to save their
tamilies from went in the future, or to gain a
compete'ce by the rise which will take place in
tho...yalue of their lands. By an outlay scarcely
Persons should make early application, apply
or write to E. Jeffries, Secretory, No. 135 Wol•
nut Street, below Filth, Philadelphia. Letters
carefully answered giving full information.
Shares or tracts of laud can be bought or se
cured by letter enclosing the first instalmentof
live dollars, when the subscriber will be fur
nish,d wills books, snaps, La. Warrantee deeds
gives,. Persons eau also purchase hum our
Route front Philudelyllitt to Tyrone on the
Pennsylvania Central Railroad, nod thence by
stage to the I..nd. This is u delightful season to
visit' bt. Mary's—the best hotel aceotninotlation
is afforded. Enquire for E. O. Snout., Esq.,
the Agent for the property at St. Allay's,
New Goods
New Goods I
D. P. Groin has just returnd from Philadel ,
phia with the largest and most beautiful ns•
sortment of
Ever brought to litatitiugdon,
consisting of the Inset fashionable Brims Goods
ihr Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks.
and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, Challis tie
Loins, Brains, (Ms colors,) Braizo Robes,
colors,) Brilliant Robes. Lawn
Relics, Chintz Robes, Ducats, Plain and Fan
cy Bross Gingham, Ilimmilln Cloth, Silk
Warp Lovella Cloth, for travellingdrosses,Alo
hair, Debah:, Lawns and Prints of any descriP
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frio
get, Buttons, Gimps, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet
Crapes, (all colors.) Rilthonds. Gloves, Mitts,
Veils, Laces, Hosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbonds
for Betting, Whalebone anti Bess, (loops for
Skirts. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk and
Gingham Crsvats, Zephyr, French Working
Cotton, Lines and Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn.
Also the best and largest assortment of Col
lars, and Undersleeves, in town. Bart(' and
Plitin Jaen:let, 'Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain ' Fig
urtil and dotted. Crinoline, More. and Grass
cloth for skirts, Book Murlin, Irish Linen, Li
nen 'ruble Cloths, Napkins, Towels, tie.
Also a tine assortment of Spring Shawls, Silk
and Bunke Mantillas, and a variety of Dress
and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
Also, Cloths, Cassitners, Cassinets Mereno
Cassimer. 'rweeds, K. Jeans, Cotton f)rills, for
pants, plain and fancy Linens, !Marseilles and
Silk 'Vesting, Jluslins, bleached and unbleach
ed, Sheeting and (sinew-ease Mullins, Nan
keens, Tick., Check, Table Diapers.
Bonnets of the latest styles and at very low
prices. :Nloleskin, Fur. Wool and Summer Hats,
latest •IN les. ALSO ;
Boot 4 and Shoes,l l / 1 11DUTAILE,
13ackets, 'rubs, Bas
kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes,
Carpe to, Oil Cloths, ( )it Blinds, Fish
and Salt, and all goods usually kept in a coon
try Store.
Sly old customers, and an ninny new ones as
can crowd in arc respectfully request.: to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
April 29, 1857.
Wholesale Dealers in Prorinions,
Pi asßuitu, P.A.
kr Agents fur Fairbanks' Scales.
Apr. 1 , 107.
Pornolain Boilers and Pans, of eve
ry description, for sulu at the Hardware Store of
The subscribers have again returnerTfico;
tl East With an eularg,ed stock of
which they will sell nt such prices as shall make
it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Me.
chanics, awl all the rest of mankind," to give
them a call, Our stock comprises B u ildi ng
material, such as Locks, hinges. Screws, Nails,
Bolts, Glass of all since, Putty, Oils, Varnishes,
White Lead nod Zinc Paints.
Planes. Handsaws, Mill & CrosSeut Saws,
Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels,
Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches,
with an endless variety of modern inventions
and improvements.
Saajers and Coach-Makers me invited to
call and examine our extensive stock of Har
ness Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent
and Common Humes, 80 varieties; Girthing,
Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enamelled Lea
ther, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and
Linin ;2, l hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Springs,
Axles, &e., &e,
Knives and Forks from 37i cents t0...t , 05 per
set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons,
Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' noires, razors,
&c.. &e.
Poreeluine, Tinned and Plain Doi Tea•ket
tica, Sauce, Frying and Baking Pans, Steak
Griddles, Dish Covers, ,te., :tt mass Sects,
Ice Hammers, Lemon S, i net zers, Butter
Prints, Butter Ladles, Port Mmaies; Bells of
all kinds, Guns, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint
Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of
various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic
Pumps fin• cisterns, Picks, Sledges, Ate.
&et-Haying purchased many of our goods at
wholesale priers from manufacturers, scours
enabled to sell both wholesale and retail—ox.
treinely low. A liberal share of public patron
age is solicited.
orders from abroad promptly atten
ded to. JAS. A. BROWN A Cu.
V E T S. 16T G .E 4 0 X
( 4 ft
4 1
111 E under6i g ima OWIWIN of the Huntingdon
Mill, inform farmers and the public general
ly, that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheels and machinery.
They have put in five of the Improved Jon•
val Turbine Water Wheals,' and con grind in
all stages of the water, anti during the coldest
weather, any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have ou hood
for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of
and fanner; can Inter their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice
an equal fin:unity of Flour and Bran or chop
ped teed.
is of an improv.•.l manufacture; and they will
insure al' r Tl'lt N OUT of suporior quail
to to etc, I,l:dr. 1 .•t• : imin left at their
11: 1 11Ell & 16e1111.71/TRIE.
N. B.—The Luck rhent stones arc not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1856.
{l'.•rlmtl Stn„ t, South- ll'est corner of Third,
Incorporated by Ihe Slate of Penn
illonev'is received in any sum large or small
an d interest paid from the day of deposit to
the day of withdrawal.
The Office is open every thly, from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursdav evenings. till 9 o'clock
All sums large or small, are paid back in gold
on demand without notice, to any amount.
Ilcm lIENRY L. RENNER, President,
Wit J REttn,Sceintry,
C. Landreth Minns '
F. Carroll Brewster,
Joseph 13. Barry,
Hen. 1.. Churchman
Francis Lee.
Henry L. Benner,
Edward L. Catter,
Robert Selfridge,
Samuel K. Ashton,
James 11. Smith.
I los company confines its business entirely to
the receiving of money on interest. The invest
ments amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A
DAIS of dollars, are made in conformity with
the provisions of the charter, in Real Estate
Mtn tgages, Ground Rents, and such first-class
securities, as will always insure perfect security
to the depositors, and w h ich cannot fail to give
permanency and stability to this Institution.
Feb. 15156. Mars'es7
2i J.!) ill'il'iil -, A
A New AssOrTmeiit:l4o—pen-ed
And will be sold 30 per cent.
ROMAN respectfully in'brins his custo
, mers sod the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room in Market Square,
Huntingdonot splendid new stuck of Ready.
liothing for Spring and Summer.
which he will srll dieltper Ilien the same quality
of Goods can he purchased ut retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to cull and examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, •
which will he ,:old lower than at any other es
tablishment in the county.
Huntingdon April 29. 1857.
.a.zonzariiiiitzA FOUNDRY
frietals and the public generally, that they
Mice the above Foundry- in full blast,
and are prepared tot urnish castings of
every description. Stoves of all kind,
for wood or coal,' Improved Ploughs, -
Threshing Machines, and everything in thecae.
ting line neatly made. We can finish all work
that requires turning, having a good Turning
Lath. All work done cheap for cash or coot,
try produce. Old motel taken for castings. Be
ing practical and experienced we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share
of public patronage. .blclilLlr 5: CROSS.
Alexandria, April 29, 1857.
OR Allegheny Stied, between
kiPa. R. R. & 11. 113. T. R. R. Depots.
Marl% 15, 11 , 57.-Am• Proprietor.