Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 12, 1857, Image 1
7.77.4,../ i. 4 .f? -,,- 1 . ~ 1 i -4 , 44 r, f ~:...,_ '' . , l ! ~.(' ~. 11 1 • I s , . 1 1 iii i , L ,),.; t i ll A Ir 11 14 . 0 H „, -1 i i 4 1 . i . 1. t; 1 I • L 1 .-. ' I ' ' l ' §•'''' - i , ,H i f t! Pe. I ' i ~ , i I W •.; , H 141 4 i i . J.O , ,\ • . 1 )‘l. '' . 1", , ,,,. / 10 ' 'o` . / I,l * / . . . WILLIAM BREWSTER, t EDITORS SAM. G. WHITTAKER, MISIEI,I,INEOUS AIIVERTISENIENTS. (15111 , 6ill'ir2itl:f ilillsiß6'Jv AIEV. I'ONSIIII VEIOI% Anil all Diseases of the ',nags and Throat, CURABLE HT INHALATION. Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and coming in direct confect with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, came,' a free and easy expectorntion, heals the lungs, purities the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sySteni, giving tout tone and energy so indispensable tor the restoration of Iteaith. To he able to. elate confidently that Consumption in rumble by inhalation, in to me a source of total .ley NI pleasure, It is no much under the con trol tit' medical treatment us any ether formid able dinceso ; ninety out el* every hundred ea ses can be cured in the first stairs, and fifty per cent. in the second ; but in the third tinge it in impossible to save more than live per cent., Inc the Lungs are sc eat lip by the disease no to hid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last singes, Inhalation affords extraordinary re lierto the nutruing attending this fearful scourge which annuelly destroys ninety-live thonsand persons in the United States alone ; and a cor rect caiculation shows that of the present popu lation of the earth, eighty minims are destined to fill the Consumptive's graves. Truly the quiver of death !tenni, arrow so fa- I tal as Consumption. In all ages it hie been the great enemy of life, for it Spnres neither age nor see, Let sweep oil alike the brave, the beauti ful, the graceful and the gifted. ISy the help of that Supreme Being from whom cosneth every gond tied perfect gilt, I em enabled to offer to the afflicted n permanent and speedy core in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate eliect pro duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre- ! vent the free admission ot air into the air cells, which causes n weakened challis through the entire system. Then surely it in more rational to expect greater geed Wm medicines mitering the rarities of tie haw than those administered ' through the stomach; the patient will always find the lungs free end the breathing, easy, after luhating remedies. Thus, Inhalniion in a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and . with snore power and certainty than renCli.s administered by the stomuch. To prove the pow- ; oriel end direct int:eon.e of thin made of admin. intretion, chloroform inhaled will entirely do stroy sensibility itt tt few minutes, paralyzing the entire !tenons system, so that u limb may be atnpntated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ortiMary burning , gas will •destrny life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse tho SVS - ern when fainting or apparently dead. fri, o dor of ninny of the medicines is pace ptible in the sktn a few minutes after bring inhaled, and may he immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the Met that sickness lo always pro • tuned by breathing foul air—is not this positive critic., that proper melodies, carefully prepar ed and judiciously administered titre' the lungs should produce the happiest results 1 During eighteen years' inactive, .ituttly thonsands direr big lioni'diienses of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which lolly satisfies mo that consumption is no longer a fit- MI disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perWct acquaintance with the nature of tubercles. &le., enables me to distinguish, readily, ilia various forms of disease Clint simulate ecnsumplion, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in n single case. This familiarity, in economical with tes ta Mpathologieal and naero, , impidliscoveries to uhies me to relieve the lungs from the ell't,ots of contracted chests, to enlargo the chest, p erily the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving and tone to the entire system. 111nieines with fail direction.t sent to cry part of the Jetted States nod Canada, by patients cuunnunicatiou their symptoms by letter. But he cure would bu more certain it . the patient nhi pay mo u vitt, which would give Ina nu • tnity to exaction the lungs and enable Inc reserthe with much grente;' certainty, and ten the cure could be virecteil without my see ing the patient again. O. w.I.IIIAIIA M, 111. ~ • OFFICE, I 131 FILUEItT ST (Old No. 109,) Below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. August 3, ' 557.—1 y. Of MI disease ; tin; greet, first mum Springs from neglect of Notoro's laws, SIIFFER AOT When a cure is guaranteed in 1111 Ono. of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Meets, (travel, Diabetes ? Discloses of the Kidney and Blnclder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, rains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bode or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep tic Kits, Bt. Vita's Dance, and 01l diseases ari sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs. Such as Nervous Trembling, Toss of Memo ry, Loss of Power, Generet Weakness, Dimness of Vision, with peeulinr spots appearing before tlw eves, Loss of Sight. Wakefulness, Dyspep sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Face, rain in the back and head, Female irregulari ties, nod all improper iliseliergesfrom both sexes. It blotters not from what rotten the disease origi nated. however long standing or obstinate the Coos, svcoresy is 'Trial's, and in a shorter time than u permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease loan baf fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free Irons mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice, 1 have rescued from the Jaws of Death many thousands, who, in the last sta ges of the above menthe:ea diseases bad hero given up by their isfiysicians to die, 'Adel' war rants me in promising to the 'afflicted, who nifty plane thesutelves undcr my care, tt perfect and most speedy cure. learnt uisoo3. are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the IRA cause of Consumption, Scrofula awl many oth er diseases, and should be a terser to the hu man flintily. As n permanent curb is scarcely over effected, a majority of the cases tailing in to the handil of incompetent persons, who not only licil to cure the diseases but ruin the con stitution, tilling the system With mercury, which with the disease, battens the sufferer into a ra pist Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily and tile victim marries, the disease is entailed noon the children, who are horn with tickle constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus .whicli Letra)t itself in Scrofula, 'Fetter, Liken, Eruptidits. and oth er affections of the skin. Eves, Throat find Lungs, entailing upon theistic brief existents of suffering and consigning thcni to an early . . Sell-abuse in another formidable enemy to f Waal, fur nothing else in the dread catalogue of bewail dinennes causes co destructive a dthio mom the system, drawing its thousand, ie %tr io., through u le tc yutt, of :AlM:ring dawn to :,11 ttatituely gt,re. It tlt,troy, the Survout. ,yt tutt,, L 1,1; cup gie. of CaUg.llllVillia Uttruttguntutt6itrovutit3 t h e proper laulupluout el the svutottfiftistiuttlilio.; for Ma- riatge, society, business, and it earthly happi ness, trod loaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death it self. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy and permanent cure can be effected, send with ! the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa tients can he is sto rod to robust, vigorous health. The nfilicted are cautioned naminst the use of Patent Medicines, for there aro so many ingeni- MIR snares in the coltunnii of the public prints to entela and rob the ttaiwnry sufferers thnt mil lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi sonous ncstrunts venalcal as "Patent Aletlicines.” I have carefully annly , ed many of the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly nit of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the dis ease disables the system for life. Three-11:1mb s of the patent medicines now in use are put up Icy unprincipled noel ignornnt per sons, who do not understand even the alphabet of material mealica, and are equally 118 destitute of any knowledge of the human system. having only one object in t iew, and the to make mon ey regardless of consequences. Irregulerities and all diseases of males and l'entales treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medi cines with full directions sent to any part of the United States Land Canadas, by patients commu nicating elicit symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D., Or nil:, No. 1131 Fannarr Sr., (Old No.l 09.) Below Twelfth, IIILAI)IL PII 1 A. Atig.5,•57.• I y. NISCELLUEOUS ,COURT AFFAIRS—August Term, 1557. summit wmm. Mernteheon vs James Entrain. J. Creswell vs Robert Baru NOM, Peter Crown ever vs Daniel Shind le, Samuel Beaty vs Wm, 11. Wharton, John Dougherty vin Abe. Taylor ct el, Weiler, Kline S. Ellis vi C. Costs. Edwards for Stunkard vs 01:15gOWS, .Joel 31dore vs 11, X. Blair et al, Gemmill & Ceeoswell vs J. IL Con, Admr. Same vs Sane, Mary E. Trout vs Wm. 11. King & Flenner, Joho W. Glasi;ow vs John 11,ewster, B. F. Glasgow vs. Same. TIVVERSE ,- .ll. 7 llollS—SteitNn Wire. George Bell, Milner, Barree, ;tunes Either, rms., Cromwell, mere David hunch-, fanner, 1 st., Jesse Conk, filmier, To George Creswell, mere lent, West, Dorsey Green, iron master, Porter, William I'. toshorn, farmeitiff ell, William Hutchison, fanner. Warriorsmark, William H. Harper, merchant, Jackson, John Henderson, Jr., former, Warriorsmark, Days Hamilton, manager, Franklin, Frederick Hoover, farmer, l'enn John leadimm..l4lneltamitir7k Jam es l!era in Ram., Egrao ~ • William Johnston, runner, W orsmark, .John S lsett, iron master, A is, James Long, fanner, Shirley, Joseph Lass., merchant, Morris, Isaac Lininger, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon, John McCartney, farmer, Henderson, Samuel K. Mutts, farmer; Brady, Jacob C. Miller, fernier, Barrett, William Meredith, carpenter, Brady, Jonathan Miller, fanner, Clay, Jacob Miller, gentleman, Huntingdon, Jacob Neff, farmer, Porter, Calvin Noble, mason, Cromwell, Henry Nearhool, farmer, Warriorstuerk, Joshua Price, farmer, Tell, Charles Porter, incrchant, Porter, ' .R 1,2141 Reacts, laborer, Shirleysburg, G. % Robison, clerk, Shirley, Geo. Sipes, Esq., merchant, Cromwell, Abraham States, blacksmith, Walker, James Simpson, farmer, Brady, David Iletitlerson, farmer, Prilliklin, ,Inlyte!,'a7. '2 5 WITNESSES ; OIL THE roßiazu, coliVtoVgn. John S. DyevolLinhor, 0 Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank er end Publisher, and author of "A series of X. Lectures nt the Broadway Tabernacle," when attar 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People 0 greeted hint with rounds of applause, while ;I? he exhibited the manner in which Counter- Miters execute their frauds, and the surest and X shortest means of detecting them . The Bank Note Engravers all say that to the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. 4) Greatest discovery of the present century O liar detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De .lseribing every genuine bill in existence, and is exhibiting tit a glance every counterfeit in $ eircalation !! Arranged so admirably, that O r .f.renee is easy nd de tec tion instantaumus. a No salvo to examine No pages to I lame up ! But so simplified and arranged .0 that - the Merchant, Banker and Business lean • .can see all at n glance. English, French and Uerua Thus each may road the mine in his orn nativa tongue. 11lost peril,. Bask Ncte List published. Also a list of all the ,m Pi ivate Bankers in Anted.. A complete summary of the Finance of Europa and A merica will be published in each edition, to .gether with all the important news of Motley. Also a series of tales, from an old Manuscript Ulbund in the East, it furnishes the must corn pinto llistory of "Oriental Life." Doserib r 'mg the moot perplexing positions in which 11 the ladies and gentlemen of that Country . have been so often found. These stories will r. continue throughout the whole year, and will .0 prove the most entertaining ever offered to S' the public. (49' Furnished Weekly to subscribers only "'sit $1 a year. All letters must ho addressed to tld JOHN S. DYE, Bitouna, Publisher & 21 Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. o April «2, 1857.-Iy. Cheapest "Job Printing" Office iGlfi WILZ COUNTY. We hare ow made Lu,.11 arrangements in oni• Jot, t• ?gee as will enable us to do all kinds ty . Job Printing at 10 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Mike in the County. Give us a call. It wo don't give entire Ballarat, tion, no charge at all sill Iw mole. al. A K 5 2 BLANKS BLANKS I IN _t ycacral aNsorininal qf /thinks ,y• all do• 80-ipleona fiat and for salt al Me. "Junraal Vice Appointot't of !telt:roes, Comnral Hutu], No:we to ILeferec.i, J udgmon t Notts Vontlue Notcs, Colixttilih%; 1:11.,h. I ict LuuLl hiLwnify eun,lulik, ge LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARALLE. HUNTINGDON, * , tlert Votttl. EARLY RISING. fly JOHN U. SAXE. "Cod bless the man who first invented sleep!" So Sancho Panza said, nod so soy I ; And bless him, also, that ho didn't keep His great discovery to himself, or try To make it—as the lucky fellow might— A close monopoly by "patent right." Yes—bless the Innis who first invented sleep, (I really can't avoid the iteration ;) But blast the man with curses loud and deep. Whate'cr the raseal's name, or ago or station, Who first invented, and went round advising, That artificial cutoff—Early Rising 1 "Rise with the lark, and with the lark to bed," Observes noose solemn sentimental owl. Maxims like these are very cheaply said ; But, ere you make yourself a fool or liswl, Pray just inquire about the rise—and fall, And whether larks have any beds at all 1 The "time for hottest folks to be abed," Is in the morning, if I reason right ; And ho who cannot keep Isis precious head Upon Isis pillow till its fairly light, And so enjoy his forty morning winks, Is up to knavery, or else—ho drinks Thomson, who sung about the "Seasons," said It W 11,3 a glorious thin; to rise in season, But then he said it—lying—in his bed— At ten o'clock, n. in.—the very reason Hi, wrote so charmingly. The simple: fact is, Ilis preaching wasn'tsanetioned by his practice. 'Tis, doubtless, well to be sometimes make— Awake to duty, and awake to ta uth— But when. alas ! a nice review we take Of our best deeds and days, we find, in sooth, The. hours that kayo the slightest came to weep Are those we've passed m childhood, or--aslcep! 'Tim; lwantithl to leave the world av i amile For the soft visions of the gentle night m And lbee, at ht3t, from mortal cor e To live, as only in the angels' sight, To deep's 3wcmd realm so cosily shut, in, Where, at the warn, we only divan! of So, let us sleep, and give the maker pi,' •.•: I like the Ind o he, when his tisther iii -ii To clip his morning nap by hackneyed • Of vagrant worms by early songster Cried,''on-rccd him right)—it's not at allsmi, i• The wean WI. punished, sir, for enEly rising!' ~~DIY LtflJ. 19 \J Virzi f,JI Y.T.O OR 'Talkie' of spree, boys, put me in mind o' my young days—l should rather guess I was in for them myself, them times !' This was said by an old man, whom we will introduce as Mr. James Waddle, or rather 'old Jim Waddle.' Everybody, (except the reader,) knows him and his penchant for yarn spinning. It is the evening of a military training day. There are a goodly number, after the company are dismissed from duty who arc loun ging around, and - nrimv all gather around the aforesaid Jim, to hear the yarn to which he had already began the, prelude and only awaits somebody to urge him to go on. This there are enough to do.— lle then enquired what they would have— ,one of his huntin' or courtin' sprees!'— The boys unanimously demanded the lat ter. Then, after requesting that none of them should laugh till after he got through with a few preliminary hems, he began [I wish I could report in his inimitable language verbatim et literatim.] 'When I war a boy, you know, daddy, moved from Virginia to Kaintuck. I'd been burn and foutched up on the fronteers and Kaintuck was a p •rfect paradise for me to hunt bars and Injins. But I forgot you wan't a courtire story. Well, altho' I was always entail' up some deviltry with the boys, yet somehow, I was a !re tie shy sad skoery atnongst the gals, I li ked the critters prodidiously, but about the only way I could show it was by cast in' sheqp's eyes in abundance at them.— We had meetln's as well as frolics some times. Vlien the preacher was a preach. in' tender heartedness, brotherly kindness and love, I wasn't a thinkin'o' notbin' else. I used to set. where I could look at the girls in the face—and then gaze at SLIM party one, till dhe'd blush as red as a pepper-pod. Then I felt so queer about the gizzard, and wished an earthquake would come, and throw me right into her lap ! I was in love, but I couldn't tell who I loved most. There was i'eggy Almenhanuney, a mighty fine gal, even in her tow-linen frock i her cheeks war as full as a China pig's and as red as a tur key goblcr's and then thar was Sally Per kins, with her gloriously stripped home made cotton frock besides her her and eyes as block as itik ; and then thar was dimple checked, blue-eyed Lottie Smith, who nl. ways toted her shoes and stockin's in hand till she got in sight of ineetin'. Well, o' these threu I cutild'iu tell for my slife which 1 liked best—sometimes sue, and sometimes another—but alias the lent one I look% at. But when Squire Crampton came to m,m,. two gals tuuk the ahiue all the ur 'eat, 'specially his ol dest one' Bets.v. 1 attempt mu des• PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1,857 cribs her, but whet I tell you she had a calico frock, with yaller flowers as big as your hand—brass ear bobs, besides nail o' dozen string o' beads as large as the end o' your little finger, you may think she was a charmer—l did anyhow. Of all the magnum bosom charmers I ever seed, she was the magnum buinctimest ! When I first seed her, 'twas at Deacon Snook's mectin'. I fastened my eyes upon her her's met mine—she looked steadfastly, then smiled a charmin' smile, and blushed and looked down. Lardy ! thar was a flatterin' then,•egual to a saw mill, 'tween my two jacket pockets. I felt I was a gon ner. From that hour I Val too big for Any breeches grandfather had been married in before the Wnr, and came oft at his knees, but as he was :all and I wasn't, they came below three or four inches, Agin the next mectin' I was prepared to out a big stiff; Sister Sal, for the purpose, starched and ironed my new fine shirt as stiff and sleek as a sheet of new tin. This shirt had the finest kind of flax linen in the bosom and collar, but the invisible part of it was course tow, with a hem that would cable a steamboat. Now while Sal wag sinoothin' the rinkles near the said hem with an iron just hot from the fire, down stairs slips one of the stoat brats, kneckin' the breath oat on't. It was Sat urday night, snd she, was she only one up, and run to it in course, but afore it come I to, the iron had very decidedly made its mark z -that is, burnt two hol it on us it Was—then true lilac then the first regular pair of shoes I'd ev er had. I was sixteen jtst, that Sunday morime, anti in my new riggin' felt my s If a man, and resolved that if Betiy Crampton was at media' I ant her for her company—and got it !—Walkin' by her side I felt as light as nothin'—l skeerely touched the ground I welled on. But I slant tell the fine things I thought and said to her on the way, and more af ter I got home. ph yes, we know said several voices.l hove as 100.01 L 1.001:1“0,1 .1111.” the story yet. She kept me up late, say two o'clock and in spite of the novelty, (it being the first time) I got sleepy. Now the Squire had just come to the parts, and out up a one-story log cabin, and the whole family, 'eept souse of the young ones, slept below. was a little bashful 'bout gets' to bed ther, - but I was three miles from home, and it rained like blue blazes. I had to do it, and did without exposhe the blanks in my linen. I resolved to be up afaro any one else in tin mornin', on the same account and some others. That was the last I Icnow'd ull waken- ed by the hounds [half a dozen of which slept under the bed] a pullin' the covers offal me. Holy Heavens! . The sun two hours high, and Lrenkfast on the table, and no abed! Jist ns I was gain' to spring out, in pops the old woman with n plats. o' venison. It was dog days you know, and she cook's in a shanty. I possom• ed sleep till she went out again, then looked for my troweers—thar they war in the jaws of the pups at the foot of the bed! I made a mighty lungs over the footboard to re-take them, but oh, horrors my head down and any feet up. What's the Mowr thinks l—but it flasht across my mind in a minute that the hole in my linen was over the post. and a tall post tu. I kick ed and floundered nod flounced, but all to no purpose, I could',,, get down. I strain ed to break the heat, but it was all no go. Jist now all the hounds commenced yel lin' so furiously that the old woman and both gals run in to see what was up, and when they seed it was me they ran out solo—one begin to holler fur the Squire, while tothurs, through the crack, battled with fishin' poles the cursed hounds that wur wullen me. Oh, I tlto't of Abstain and everybody else that ever did hang, boa lie dints% hung with the wrong end up, and that was consolation loud not. I'd cust my fate like Luston, but I remember ed I blonged to ninon' and it was asjin the rules. I did, howsomever, think some mighty hard words if I slidlit speak 'clot ! But all that firnt do no good. I coultrnt make nothin' by pullin' down'ards, so I thought I'd climb up the poet, and unloose myself that way. I had nearly succeded, what one of the unmannerly pups attack ed ate in the rear, and !eosin' my holt fell inn knot--decidedly pectin' oft my linen —the button busted Oft std coue out full length on the floor; in precisely the saute fix as Job came into the world I The next I was under the bed where the ever. Justin' pups had dragged my trowsers.i I culll theta all but every t!tue L attempted to put one lug partly on, tbu infurnal ulielp, would pull the ether, 1 svottied wily 55110, Uwe whet till; AszaK H (-• ''. ! gave way. and I fell through in a trough t And it is very unfertunat.. that many of soap under the house ! Gosh ! I tho't who profess to be Christians, W11(101'0' I was in a pit that's bottomless. I sprung they have power, imprison the Bible in the for life. but in doing this I threw myself in-! monastery or convent, banish it from com to the face and stomach of Squire Crump- I mon schools, and seal it against the people ton, who was comin' on the run, 'spectra' , by fines and imprisoninent. that the Injins tuns massacrein' the whole It is nssnmed by the enemies of reli family, The collision threw him down, gloss training, that man, by nature, is a kill, and I followed suit, heels over head 1 progressive being, and that by the unasis to the bottom. tl , re I recovered my un- led light of 'nature, he can, by human derstanding, and without any apologies, literature alone, arrive at the highest con or even one wort!, I struck a bee line for I ceivable, state of perfection. And you are tome, jist as I was, in all my native purl- I frequently pointed to the progress of the ly, at a speed that split the winds, my too ! nineteenth century as evidence of the nails striking fire at every stump. But, I fact. b'oys I never went within a quarter of a But, whilst it is freely admitted, that this mile of Squire Crumpton's afterwards— light of nature is shining round, objective nor did I over cast sheep's eyes at Betsy ly, with such grandeur as to invite the ad again, let alone gallant her home.' miration of undepraved intellectual beings • 71 1. 1. . 1%, tic 111 , 0;0 : 1,1,0 EDUCATION. --N 0.2 MESSRS. EDITORS In my last I proposed, sng,gesting what V( deem the only true system of morel* to be taught in our schools. If ti family attßetuary is properly sus tained. and proper moral training intiOvd with the education of our youth is schools, our Itepublican institutions will be perpet uated. They will constantly advance in glory and purity. They will attract attention of all nations, sup the of thruncs, drive despots Inuit their ,tr:r... break thu captive.,' bonds and rat n - 1,1 th prisoners fri2( But, it we ne. , :lect the moral trainirpz of the prea,et, and of future generations, we core not bow brillittetly the intellectual powers of the mind are unfolded, our countso distilled to become , llabylonish.' Our?*# institutions will crumble away is the hands of designing politicians, end the last lope of the political world will be lost. And instnd of handing down to future generations the glorious privileges herpes entail upon them the curse of dragging cut a miserable existenc6 under the iron hand of tyranny. lf, then, moral training is of such vast importance in our civil government, nn earnest inquiry after the best system, is the duty of every good citizen. We do no propose the sympathetic -system of Dr. Adam Smith ; the oscillating moral code of David 11 uute ; the laughing. system of Thomas Paine; nor yet the dancing, sett timental, and licentious morals of Rossetti'. Nor can we trust the more plausible sys tem of Warburton, Bentham and others, who make .conduciveness to happinc, the ground of moral obligation, and cue found the idea of the right and the useful." This low system of p.. 1. paps more dangerous codes of morals, .1 hy Ilion of lower claims to respectability. it excludes the idea of Clod Irom civil government, rejects h.s higher Into, as a rule of action, and substitutes in its place the wisdom of loan. Phis it shall be our duty to show, has ne ver been equal to a healthy performance of political duty in the absence of I)tvine direction. But we want for our schools a moral system, as durable as the throne of God, Whether considered in the abstract or con crete. And it will now be anticipated that, we prefer the Bible as.a clas;.book in all our schools. Notwithstanding many of our modern Ciceros, claim the right to educate it generation to govern the world, where the puritanical friends of the ►iible hove left the stage of action; and who repudiate the sacred volume as a thing too obsolete for their refined literary taste, and there. fore, in some instances, insidiously, and others, impudently, banish it front our • . schools. Modern philosophers, so-called, think that they have made the grand discovery, that the mind or soul is the result of phys ical organi,nion, and that the bible is a cininimyly devised fable, ivitich should be bets died lame our schools, and from the whole civilized world. But it is believed by others that this is a qu,stion of last importance. A question, the prac t ital an swer to which is to decide our future des. tiny, and the destiny of theeer !. l'he,e modern lights, with their mering satelliteo. however they may in lito:27nittide and power, t: , .ller,ly cscc this: thing, that if th. , j puwer.i are %yell cultivatvd, but little or nu atteto.iun lived be given to the tn, , rat and religious teaching ul thel3iblr. Thoy would have you believe that it tun, the (reit of put ~f (11,1gLillg prie,tliovd, cunningly devised ! it, the pronietli, or th,•ir I ew, t):, : • li i 4 , 1 1 10, ri , i, i , ii,-, .lo 0 ir I It; ) .,,.„ vh ,, j i'.4, /i, 11 T 7 .. . .7. , ,:' ',.,)%, „, • .1,:.:, and promote tho most laudable aspirations, they must have dosed their eyes upon the history of past ages, who will contend that 'non, subjectively considered, is capable of arriving at the contemplated state of per fection unaided by n revelation from Ilea- We cannot safely trust the government of our schools in the hands of those philos ophers who hate mid repudiate the Chris- Can religion because of its holiness, and the restraint:which it lays spots their own conduct; and who boast of their high teem tel attainments independent of the Nide, ignorant as they appear to he of its st.,ltit .ciety wii Ii which •c:!y. of that pot tl 111,:t 11 ,, t. be !.•1! to the tutoro;c of tit, \~'l~~l ~'C it , )at the MI.:10 111:111 i> mortal, that tiro soul re s ult of Irby. thu cc coal ,!eci) I %~~.l:011~ Ate discs uirntiou of our hoihos ; nud thus dc: troy [brit sanction of high Ileavon. the doctrine of future re• ,vithout which our highly ~1 it government would 1,• or burnt up . ,•' ii witt ni . .t d to lootel of tne mog,ress of human science in a land of Bibles, in. dependent of its influence. They might as well point us to a sturdy oak, which has braved the storms of [-leaven for centuries, to prove thus progressed and endured, without the genial beams of the sun, or the fructifying atmosphere with which it is surrounded. As well might they point us to man in the most refined condition :a prove th • rit he derived his being from s,, of the meanest earthly creatures, and that he had arrived at his present state of per fection through a succession of develop ments without a single touch of the bond r Omnipotence.; or, as well might they endeavor to satisfy us that there is no con nection between cause and effect, and con , lutnitly that our world, with all its mag nificence. might have been the result of blind chance, as to attempt to satisfy the hon,t inquirers after truth that they are under any obligations to them for their learned inovations. And they can only hope that their sophistry will tell upon the minds of those who are restless under the moral restraints of the Bible, or who have not observed it, effects upon the civilized world. And now we will proccd to interrogate ancient and modern history, for the effects of Divine Revelation upon the world.— Leaving Its religious and conicorting ten dency in the hands of theologicians. know ing as we do, that they or: sufficient to repel all infidel invasions aims their pro. vince. 13ut perhaps it is better for us to reserve what we have to say upon the subject for another communication. 1L 13. 0. d duo,/ Domestic 3b,/icine —The fol lowing is an excellent preparation of bark in the formof beer—very agreeable to the taste. A gallon of water, a handful of hops; boil fifteen or twenty minutes, then remove front the fire and add a quarter of a, potted of yellow bark, cover nod infuse ovally two floors: odd one octwo heaping table:l.l,lM of giog,er. In fifteen nun otos after strain eli, and when about as metric as ne•vprsilk add half n pint of yeast and a pint of innltsges, keep rather warm wail fermentation takes place, or froth rip rare en the surface ; bottle it, and add a fi,d, s , the c: space of winter-greon. .t ncrlla of n very eirlinyto rf , ysi 11,,e , 1 cal ,grin, of Sap Greca.---Al,, a or ,xtract of unripe Wark l..erl i, s, of ur,, ( , 114, yielding a green juice; it to ev,titolatiott ttt tt. very low heat. When the liquid hoe become i'mu• it into a mould rt,l it to rvt Ui dti w:ltcq pnrti ,vaporatp, ;old Ica VP a •40IPPI J. 4 VOL. XXII. NO. 32 Over Nits. L , ,“ -'s hoop. P, - ,1" Our hump, have generally secure , their crop, in their burnt. Gcv Sugnr is Nulling. down. It has :dread, adieu it cent und alialf on the pound. 'net, is an Lttgli,h stAtitte, where one. to thu King, nail the other hall to the fortner—the penalty being finirlati !P. tra it. v poll (Ilion ! kYFT.r• The Chicago Demerat states that eiOtt huadrol peNtins and firms ill that cily have paid the liquor liecuso of licit/ each, waking u revenue or $lO,OOO, kiiy.• When a single gentleman cannot pad, clothes-line without connting all of tha long eteekiegs, it is a di;pi he ought to get married and the sooner the better. :f"ltapera are bragging of an inveti. Lion by I e leather can be tanned in ten min. utes. We bare neon the human hide, however, tanned in five. 80100 schoolmasters can do it X. "See here, my Priced, you arc drunk." 'To be sore I am, and have been for three. yeitr, iua see , r, p 14,41,er and I arc on n tern pernnco mission ; he lecturer', and I set the frightrul exnml,le Of srventylivo negroes in Albemarle comity, Va., emancipated nailer Captain Jas. Tortrifs will, and sont to Liberia, last He• bor, nii,ctcon died in four months after land, 3.-1 of Mira. 111 6,1 al,l 1 .•.; .1;;;e1; an slept—and from his ski ' , it her maga, beauty rose ; .11(:(1 - ;;. town. Tho spealtor hoemning animated fool; with, "0 1,0,1, manifest thyself to Alight ; cone right down through the roof 11 pay for the shingles I" The effect may .;int.vl Widow C rizzle's husband lately died or I , tter:t. In the midst of the mom. acute bodi ly pain, after the band of death hurl touched idling in agony, his gentle Grizzle, you needn't kick round en and • ti the mbetts net, Iii:1), • tile St. Louis Leader, while pn::'• , cineinnati to the Railroad Celebration at Baltitnore, found some cause to imboutte tint Wit 4 a 6 0c:quite town;' whereat the Ci. :onati Commercial calls the said Leader editor a "pernicious bloat." Hol. lidaystinrg, In., may “loolcupt" a "one-horse town - is a fair notch for a "picayune" one. 175.. y. An inscription on a tombstone at La Lake Superior, reads as follows:—"John ~., : shot as a mark of affection t." This, says the North Caroli• . ..":. I- us of one on a tombstone near -.Lich runs rt.; fellows:—This yore slkrirl to the memory of William Henry Ska tap cum to his (loth by Lein shot width of the old kind brass MOW, is the kingdom of heaven," t T:te Springfiell Republican Lairs a step ry of a coal dealer and an insurance officer who wore conversing, when the latter suggested ci gars, and jocularly offered to pay if the coal don -1,1., I'., would get them. "Agreed," was tho word, and Mr. P. received ten cents, went off and bought a couple of cigars. Mr. F., the in surance man, sat still in his chair, received his cigar, and after puffing and squeezing and punching, remarked that I'. had better luck with the cigar he was puffing nwny upon, that , had fallen to his own lot. Q shouldn't sounder,' replied I', Vor /gape eight cents for nt inc, and Wily yOUrd!" Some young scoundrel who had no bet ter occupation, yesterday sent us the following parody. We only wish wo hunts his name, that w, night publish it, and sentence him to uui• venal coventry-dom, on the part of the fair sex whose dear right is “to expand" as they deem fit : 1100 P S. Roll on, ye monstrous whalebone hoops—roll on I Ton thousand squibs are launched at yon in vain Man marks the world in its resistless course, But cannot touch the hoops; they laugh to scorn, punsters, clergymen, the press and all ; And when they die—as die they surely must— 'Twill be because they have gone 'their appoiu• led rounds. it' F.3' There is is vast deal of a certain kind of ,riginality about negro composition. Take this example of an illtistration, lately used by a colored exhorter at as evening meeting not - .11 thousand miles from HuntingdoOL"My bre. 4011, (led bless your souls, Trion is like de Jo. 'lints fiber. In de spring come do fresh, and ha bring in all de ole loge, slabs, and stick dat bob been lyin• on de bank, and carries dem a down de current. Biraeby 'do water go down ; cotch here on dia island, den a slab go ,utcli, d 41, 0,1 . 0, and de sticks On do .r.l so dere eoritoi ;ion ; lIIA o[o ,iither ',aught in, tint ole back• hr0, , 711i bock ; no' oil the folks seem nh mighty good times. But, bredron, ideas your souls! Limchy 'vivnl's gone; don dis 010 sinner ii stuck on his 010 sin ; den dot backslider is cotched where he was alum, on jutt sick n rock ; den one atter anoder got gion lies len:r do ohnre.nh, and dere doy lie till noiltitir Beloved int:droll, God bless your souls sth, } tit deep in de current I" How ninny n di ine has waded through the logical "divis is, ors, 551,101 i has not, in its whole this nn, or of tic his In L rerus, minds . orone