Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 05, 1857, Image 3

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. _ . .
And all Diseases of the lungs and Throat,
Which conveys the remedies to the ciwitics in
the lungs through the air passages, and coming
in direct contact with the disease, neutralises
the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes
u free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs,
purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the
nervous system, giving that tone and energy so
indispensable tor the restoration of health. To
he able to state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation. is to men sburce of until
lo3ed pleasure. it is as much under the cdn
trol of medical treatment as any other formid
able discaso ; ninety out of every hundred ca
ses can he cured in the first stages, and fifty per
cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is
impossible to save More than five per cent.. tor'
the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid
defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the
last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary re
lief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge
which annually destroys ninety-five thousand
persons in the United States alone ; and a cor
rect calculation shows that of the present popu
lation of the earth, eighty millions are destined
to fill die Consumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa
tal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the
great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor
sex, but sweeps oil alike the brave, the beauti
ful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of
that Supreme Being from whom cometh every
good and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to
the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in
Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is
from impure blood, and the immediate effect pro
duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre
vent the free admission of air into the air cells,
which causes a weakened vitality through the
entire system. Then surely it is more rational
to expect greater good from medicines entering
the cavities of the lungs than those administered
through the stomach; the patient will always
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after
Inhaling remedies. Titus, lithalation is a local
remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and
With more power and Certainty titan remedies
administered by the stomach. To prose the pow-
erful and direct influence of this mode of admin
istration, chloroform inhaled will entirely de-
stroy ,ensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing
the entire uervotts system, so that a limb may be ,
amputated without the slightest pain ; inhaling
the urdinery taunting gas will destroy life in a
few Imo,
The inhalation of ammonia will roast, the sys
tem when ;hinting or It paarently dead. The o
dor of many of the utedicints in puce mita in
the tAttn n few minates after being inhaled, and
may be immediately detected in the blood. A
convincing proof of the tunstitational effects of
inhalation, is the feet that sickness is always pro •
<limed by breathing foul air—is not thin positive
evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar
ed and judiciously administered thro' the lungs
should produce the happiest results ' Thiring
eighteen years' practice, ?Irony tboto;mas suffer
ing from .Ih , ea,es of tie Inug• n0..1 throat, have
been under my care, and I have chimed many
remarkable cures, even after the sullerers had
been pronounced in the last stages, which fully
ratifies' tee the, CO.Illepti01; in tie longer a fa
tit! disc., My treatment . of consumption is
erigin,d, and founded on long experience and a
thottiti t . t h investigation. lily perfect acquaintance
with the tic tare of tubercles, enables hie to
aiistingwish, readily, the various forms of disease
that simulate consumption, and apply the.proper
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in u single
cave. This familiarity, in commotion with cer
tain pathological and microscopic discoveries en
ables me to relieve the huit;s from the effects of
contracted ..!:C v1:::Irg0 the chest, purify
the blood, impart to it I enewed vitality, giving
energy and, tone to the entire system.
Medicines wnh full directions mit tunny part
of the United Motes and Canada.; by patients
commtudeating their symptoms by letter. But
the cure would be more eltaisktt if the patient
should pay toe a visit, WilierMould give 1110.1111
uppurutuity to examine the lungs and enable nie
to prescribe with much greater certainty, and
then the cure mold be effected without my see
ing the patient again.
G. W. GRAHAM, M. 1).,
Ori•ics, 1131 Ifitnuirr (Ohl N. hit),)
' Below Twelfth,
August 5,'857.-Iy.
Of alpisease ; the great, first cause
Springs from neglect of Nature's laws
When a cure is guaranteed ist all stages of
Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Soles 'lre, Gleets
Grovel, Diabetes. Diseases of the history and
Bladder, Mercurial Rhelll.ti,lll, Scrofula,
Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the
Lungs, Throat, Nose nod Eycs. Ulcers upon
the Body or Limbs, Caucus, Dropsy, Epilep
tic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases ari
sing fron; a derangement of the Sexual Organs.
Such its Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo
ry, Loss of Pricer, General Weakness, Dimness
of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before
the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspep
sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Face,
Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari
ties, and till improper disehargesfrom hulls sexes.
It matters not from what cause the disease migi
nated, however long standing or obstinate the
case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter time I
than a permanent cure can be effected by tiny
other treatment, even after the disease has hal ,
fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted
all their ni eons of cure. The medicines are I
pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and s
free from mercury or balsam. During twenty
years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws
of Death many thousands, who, in the last sta.
ges of the above mentioted diseases had been
given up by their physicians to die, which war
rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may
Place themselves under my rare, n perfect end I
most speedy cure. Secret oiseases are the •
greatest enemies t o health, as they tire the first
cause of Consumption, Scrofula and ninny oth
er diseases, and should be a terror to the Is tt
man ilon,ly. As a permanent cure is scarcely
ever effected, a majority of the Cases falling in
to the hands of incompetent persons, who not
only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con
stitution, filling the system with mercury, which
wills the disease, hastens the sufferer into a en- I
pid Consumption.
But should the disease and the treatment not
cause death speedily and the victim marries, the
disease is entailed upon the children, who aro
born with feeble constitutions, and the current
of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself
In Scrofula, Teeter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and eth
er affections of the skin. Eyes. Throat and
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of
June 3 1337
suffering anti consigning them to an early ;
iI3AV&.7)JV 211FAMALL.
Sell-abuse is another formidable enemy to
health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of AT LOVE & MTIVITTS
!lumen diseases causes so destructive a drain
upon the system, drawing its thousands of vie
titus through a lbw years of suffering down to un A NEV AND ELM; ANIL` STOCK 01'
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys- intOCERIES, CONFECTIONARIES, AND
ten, rapidly wastes away the energies el life, PROVISIONS, just received and for sale at the
Causes mental derangement, prevents rho proper wholesale and retail Grocery & Provision Store
development oche system, disqualifies for mar- or Love & McDivitt. Consisting of
ridge, society, business, and all earthly liappi- FISH, SALT, BACON, FLOUR, COFFEE,
nose, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body SUGAR, TEAS, MOLASSES, SEGARS,
and mind, predisposed en consumption and a s & TOBACCO, of the best quality and every
train of evils more to be dreaded than death it- grade. OILS, CANDLES, FLUID, CAM
-self. With the fullest confidence I assure the • PIIENE , Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Tama
unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy rinds, Rice, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers,
and permanent cure ran be effected, and with Cheese, Macearoni, Pickles of all kinds, oar
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa- dines, Candies and Confectiontiries. All of
limits eau be restored to robust, vigorous health. which will be disposed Mon the most reason-
The afflicted are cautioned against the use or able terms, for rash or country produce.
Patent Medicines, for there are so limey ingeiii- Purchasers will find it to their interest to call
ons snares in the columns of the public prints stud examine our stock leisure purchasing else
to mach and rob the unwary sufferers that mil- where, as we aro prepared to sell everything in
lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile our line of business A LITTLE LOWER than
compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi- any other establishment of the kind iu this lo
sonous ncstrums vended as "latent Medicines." (se my.
I have carefully analyzed many of the se-palled May 13, 1857, LOVE & MeGIVITT.
Patent Medicines and tied that nearly all of
them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one •
To he awarded l'•i the Iluidittedon County '
of the strongest preparations of mercury and a ;
1 A 1".,A I 1?
, 1 1 I" jiiRDWARE DEPO.I I I 441: i 'if - '
deadly vols. which inshind of curing the dig-1 ' :agricultural Sodiety, at the next Pair.
, .
ease disables the system for life. 1 HORSES: i WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY MAN. - .. --.
Three-fourths of the patent medicines now in '
1 Best Stallion, $7 00 2 , 1 host do.. $2 001 Tut: min,i .,, , ,,, , . ~,,,,,,, ( - , ,,,, m ,, m ,„ has made n ,
4 00 Best. tomtit h's, . co,
use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant per-
: 2,1 list-Stallion,
sons, who do no t understand even the alphabet
! 3d host, 6 'WI rangements by Match all who desire to settle
300 2,1 host do.. 400 purchase home can do o. , i
of malaria medico, and are equally . destitute
I Best 20r3 yr colt 500 Best trotting Ms, 300 I The Farms consist (tt the best limestone .
of any knowledge of the human system. having
only one object in view, and that to make mon
i Best ander I yr., 200 2.1 host, do., 200• of the most superior quality the farming. ill a a
ey regardless of consequences. 11' IIAS WORKED MIRACLES ! i Bost broad mare, 500 Best family horse 3 001 pidly improving piece, into which an extensiv
Irreeularities and all diseases of males and T hat all the bold and gray can be restored per-
12d best do., 250 2d best tfo., 200 ; emigration is now pouring, The property is l'
' ' ' I Il' 1 I b
females treated on prom ip es este ,is le' y feet!. •,., „, ~, 'lest draft hort,a, 300 Best nodes, 0 001 cated in Elk County, Pennsylvenia in the mid,
vto original s.too ' l , nod color, ° 611 ' !'s 12 ) 1 host do 200 12d hest do , 3 (g) -of a thriving It
olsome 10,000 popal
twenty years of practice, and •satictioned by
their lurks are concerned, dues not admit, of a .. . ”
* I Li.. The 'climatic is perieetly healthy, and tic mol
thousatias of the most remarkable cures. Meth .
doubt , besides,' will
• it iv' cure every possible i N. 1
tine; with full directions sent to any part of the
ease Or the scalp, whether developed . dandruff', ! NEAT STOUR : plague or the trmst fever is IIIIkTIOWII. I, al,
1 has tin abundance of the best quality of Coo
United States and Canada% by patients comm. itching or in the shape of tattaneotts eruptions— Best work oxen, 000 Best tow, 400 I and Iron. The price to hay it out is Ina. $3 In ~„ Saud"„
ideating their symptoms by letter. Business
f i lT
, even sem i head—and in no possible case wl II it ' 2,1 best do .1. 00 2d hest do 'I 001 $2O per acre, payable by M.ll:fleets, to be Inca- : -1 • 1 !",t s • „ °'''' •••••• • •
correspondence an confidetnial. Address fail 0 ,„,.,„„ os , r ,,, o ,„„,, nervous , o „,,„ , - , ., . , , the time r , • ~ ,- , with an enon , ,,, variety ~: in,,i,.ro o
,I .SUMME 11 V 1 L L I'. M. D.. 1 ,f ic , hi ' nri ”, ' •• • ''' ' • t'• 3d hest do. 300 Best:', y'r, heifer, 3 001 tot a" a! tone o Pol r tasolg• or a /ham o ./s • • .
, le and it used twice it week by the 1 13
mires entitlirg to locate the same fr r $3OO. p a y-' and d"ll''''"l'"'`. ..
OF FICE, N 0.1131 FILBERT ST., (Ohl No. 100.) 1' ' ..„*". '• .• . the 1 . Beet bull, 5001 2d hest do., 200 .
. . Young tc„,ttlatly, it will preset.% e color, an, ,
able st; per month Or 123 acres payable $4. per . Saddlers and Ceitell-Xlake,
Below Twelfth
11 I d '' 00 I Best calf, 2 00 1
t keep the hair from falling, to any imaginable age, ! --` n ''''' l '' , ''
Aug.s,'ai.-Iy. I Read end judge. HOGS:
month. Discount Ihr every sum of ~ , , 1 00 and call aml examine our exe •
uder, paid in advance, discount of 5 per cent.messAlotititin ‘ ,:s and G nt
Millfot•d, Worcester Co., Mass. Nov. 1055. , Best boar, 500 I 2,1 best sow, 3 001 will he allowed, and ter over 5105 a discount of" and Common Ida ig,,
Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir: ;take pleasure , 2,1 hest do., 300 I Best litter ofpigs 300 1 ,, Per cent. , , nog Skins, P.- a
in bearing voluntary testimony to the tingle et'- '34 best do., 200 I b e st ch i ,. whit e 3 Ip, In considering the advantages of emigrating ;her, Oil ti , an,
'bets of your wonderful flair Restorative. As : Best sow, 400 j Best Berkshire, 2 ~,, ~.. this locality the following ate presented t Li ii i„,„.
far back . 1336, my hair commenced falling MI, 1
SifEEP: . Finsr
rai s i n—Tao soil is a 114, limestone, capable , Av i
Mail the top of my scalp beCApla us kohl and i • ~1. raising the heaviest crops, owing to which the
smooth as glass, and it has ecilltinned to fall for i Best fine-, lck ,5 00 2d best ditto, 3on -.ettletn't I,ts attained its present great prosper
a great many years, notwithstanditaii have us- I2d best dm, :I (Is Best l'Avool cave, 5 Ini dy. ,:5,,1
ed many celebrated preparations for testoration. , Best Southalown 5 flcl 2,1 best do., 3 ~.. Stmost, is the centre of the great Nord
Seeing your advertisement, I was induced to give ! 2,1 best do„ 3 tot I Best loug wool do. ,-, ,o, Y• l ost Coal
Basin, and is destined .ns to he•
your article a trial, and to my utter astonish- 11,.,,, j, -~,,,,,,,,k.,1,-, no n,..., ~ ,,,,i,.1i.,„„. .. ~, come ore or the greatest business places in flit
meat, !band, after a few appl leadoffs, that toy , ,
;state. It will supply the great lathe market.'
knit lateame firmly set, and assumed a glos 1 . I,(1 Wl'.' I'.' .
sy , .
,itctioriling to 1101,1,11216011 and travel in the CII- 'l'
and beautiful appearance ; and by the time I , Best 4 0,, :.1 !,. •. 2 I/ , ion.) It loss live woilsable .tills of the best lit-
bad used a quart bottle, my bald !iced was co, . 2 , 1 bass, 3 te : . H. : '. !, lot t talll,l , llii COOL emounting in the
ered over with a young and vigorous growth or A 0 I:mut:pup A L 1,, , : • • ! !, . os•••,' m 2 (eel, whiel, naik,,s 22,00 u toes ,' cost
hair, which is now front one to two inches in 1 , 0cc.;,.. eaelt acre. This will make the land of
length, and growing fast. You., truly, . Iles/lion',
'' 0 ' ) I '' - '"
''' ''' '''''', '' (") inestimable value.
HENRY GOOD 0 !CIL 1 I ; ( '''' I ard.'''', „ '
'l') 1 .. ''' ' l.ll l ll, ddler , 30, I The eminent state geologkt, I/T. (Iltas. 'l'.
, ,
, Best , eltivator, 3 tt(1(I1:, .• , lorsemake, 2 00 Jackson. of Boston, has made to geological stir-
,Ilißest 11111 Side ' 300 I Be. • , matter, :I 00 see of the land and analyzed the soil, the ir,ti :vu
Best Windmill, 3 Oil i li,. :dower, 300 ore awl the limestone. This IV,,Cltl. Ingednir ior
GRAIN: with maps will he fur n ished to iniptirers. „
Best white cat's. , 0 00 1 B return—Three railroads are laid out dg
Bent white corn, 1 00 this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad ,‘•
2cl hest tan, 200 2d best du., 50 gives us n market For our coal to the lakes—it air
lid best do., IOQ Best Rye,
1 00 runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part
1 - 3. t red wheat, 3 00 2d best do., 50 of this road has been finished, mid is time in 1,
2d hest do , 200 I Best Oats, 100 running order. A heavy hire, is now ..rorking
, '.-id hest In,, 100 2d best do., 50 from Erie toward .r land in the western dire,
Best vellow corn, 1 00 I Hest Intekwhent, 1 00
1 • • lion, the means ter the completien of which h.
- been raised—it trill soon he finished. The Al- 1.
24 best do., 50 I2d best do., o 0
DI /MESTIC MANIT.ICTIIIIES : leghenv Valley Railroad coal., us With NeW
Turk, o-tou an itt,,mg. ,R., en,,,,,
- 13 • d Ir 1 ' ' T' • '‘'
I 11,1 I .•.1, 300 2d host do., 50 :'Rued connects Ito with the 'Vest. l
' 2,1 lm . .1 , ... 200 Best hod seep, 1 001 There are already good Turnpike Roads run
:: 1 .., I on 2,i b, s, dm, 50Ining through this property, vane. ether rceols
' ' ....! 1 . ,, , 7,', !COI II ,•,1 1 . ,1,111!,,, I 0,1 ! have been Opened to /It'COMlllollal, t h e ~,,i i ,,,,.. :::',
I • ~.. ~ 1 1 1 2 , 1 het thc.. I d ' tion and settlement which has already Liken
' r '
.... ! ~ • , 11.. , 1,-,,•, , ., 200 } l'i'l, . o ortunect e,,
2,1 lt,:s t 1 00
• There is nnitr eqttal to it now tilf, e a
,„ ' • ' •
, ‘. , 1 ed to the man who wants to p, °ride Itiniseit'a
Best huller, • • !• 1 ' Best ' , aril , tis.; t o'' j home in an easy tsar, caul waken settlement c 1
'd best 4 °- , 'l' •. '''l 1 ' 1 " dt••• '° ylocre he can broth presperity and independent, It
:id best do, 1 " ' ,!.- ' ' , noel, 200 1 in a climate rEnrEcrt.v 111,11.T111. e
Best domes.sug',2 111 1 '2l , -1 , „ 1 odd No rose of the fever ever having !wen known •xeente II
2,1 best, do., 100 I 11. .., '''. '.' ml !to occur it: this settlement. It is init like going
lid best do., 50 2.1 i-, ,i i.. I,g • to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps
il test apple butler 100 Best wool seek, OE! I ;Jelarant Peollc,Vvltela ticsre is no surety, no
2d Ite•4 d 0.,• 50 Best worsted do.. .',.. laireltesc or sehoo.s, where the Price "I' 11. , .1 '
Best tom. ketchup 100 Beat ornameetal 1 high, and where the emi. , ,t ant, alter being lisiiil
Best lam, 1 0(1 needle.waek, 1 . 00 Ito the healthiest climate in the world, has to en.
~( 11 lure tiel and otess pain, and perhaps rains 11 1
Best jel'.i•y, 1 00 2d best ditto,
" '
2d b health and that eof his tinnily, But here 1
boast do., 50 Neat
I t silk enthro'y 100 I • .. '
„ 1 thriv ing -•-•
Discovered' at Last !
Greaeet Cure in the World for Pain
Prof. Chas. DeGrath9s
T j:i lis h
nre t
Rheumatism, st•ee
ntnct i 1
f,l, !h s : world (,out,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and
B ronch complain ts, 'f ic Dolor. , Headache,
Cramps, Croup Piles, Felons, Sprains and
Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Swelled (Bands,
Stiff Joints, Scrofula, El ysipelas, Sore Nipples,
Swelled Breast, Womb Disorder:, Salt Rheum,
Canker in the Mouth and'Stomach, Palpita•
tion, Eruptions, Caked Breast, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers, Lock Jaw,
Ifearthorn, Tooth and Es.vaehe, Nervousness,
Abscess, Stiff Necks, Broken Breast, Chilblains,
Teller, Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and
Ague, Chapped Hands or any Diseases that
are sore and painfel, is the only arthl, ever
brought before the public that will ,lo its work
perihatly in from three to twenty minutes—has
been used by thousands mil pronounced to be
the bast remedy ever discovered.
This Oil nets mt the system with electricity
—is of pore vegetable preparation. Not the
slightest clanger of applying it inwardly or out
wardly. It of once vices a permanent cure—
in most cares from tee to twenty minutes..
The best physiologi;FreFiL;o7ebLe
covered that all organic derangement of the
animal system is the effect den obstruction of
the !d , ysio.cleetric fluid in the organ iliiicas,cl.
A application of the Oil ;in,.
at.; motion the ?wove (laid, and ti,.•
complished. No bleeding ' 00 yu—i7 , ig, !• •
log, or blistering. is resorted to.
ri:eirNune genuine without
C. Deeiratlv. Labels signed in wi
Principal Depot, No. :10 Smith
three floors below Chestnut. Chiladelph; -
Price 25 cents. 50 cents and ii , "l per bottle.
Try everything else, giro this one simple
C.t 1,110 N.— lie carers' to ask for and get Dc
Grath's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations
idiom., I.
More are numerous imitations sprung up on
1110 reputation that lily article has acquired.
The public must beware. They aro worthless.
Fur vale by John Read, Huntingdon.
Hr. Hardman, Analytical Physician,
Phy,ician for Discuses of the Lungs, Throat
• and litu,rt—rtninerly Physician to the
Authorof` Lettets to Invalids," IS COMING.
Soo following Curd.
July & August Appointments.
Dr. Hardman, Physician or disease of the
Lungs,, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Mn
tine liospital,) will he in attendance ut his
rooms as follows t
Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel Saturday August I
Lewistown, National Hotel August 1.
Mifflin, Patterson House, August, 4.
ilarri,itrg August 3.
Aitcona .lulu 30.
slutrg July 31.
Johnstown July 29.
Indiana July 28.
Ilreensburg . July 57. •
Pittlntrgh July 24, 25 Ss 20.
Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bront•hi
tis, Astlttnit, Larryugittis and all diseases of the
throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the 13romton hospital, I ca on. The
great point in the treatment of all human mala
dies is to get at the disease in the direct man
ner. All medicines are estimated by their
,tion upon the t Tan requiring toilet'. This is
' the important fact upon n hick Inhalation is bit
s ed. If the stomach is diseased wo take
Medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
pors directly into the lungs. Medici]es are the
antidotes to disease and should be applied to
-the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
plication of this principle to the treatment of
tiro lungs, for it gives us direct access to those
intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of
reach of every other means of administering
medicines. The reason that Consumption, and
other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re
sisted all treatment has been because they had
never been approached in a direct manner by
medicine. They were intended to act upon the
lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.—
Their action was intended to lie local, and yet,
they were so administered that they should not
act constistutionally, expending immediate and
principal action upon the unollending stomach,
whilst the Ibul ulcers within the lungs wore un
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in
direct contact with the disease, without the
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli
cation is simple, that it can be employed by the ,!
.youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It duos not
derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de
gran with the strength, comtbrt, or business ofl
the patient.
Orstttt 1)18.51,8 T11.11f11.--In relation
to the thllowing diseases, either when complis
cated with lung affections existing alone, I also'.
inviie consultation. I usually lied them prompt
ly curable.
Prolapses and,ll other forms of Female com
plaints, Irregularities and Weakness.
Palpitation tool all other forms of heart
Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
othsF . disaases of Stomach and bowels, the.
All diseases of the ese and ear. Neuralgia,
Epilepsy. and all forms of nervous disease.—
No charge for consultation.
Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 9, 1855.
Gentst—Nothing but a duty and sympathy
that I feel to communicate to of hers that are al ,
flicted as I have been, would induce me to give
this public acknowledgment of the benefit I have
receives! from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative.
When I. first commenced using it, my hair was
quite gray, and in spots entirely bald I have
now'used the Restorative about live months, and
my hair is entirely changed to its original col
or, brown, end the new heir is over three inches
in length on the spots where it was bald. I have
also been much gratified at the healthy mokture
and vigor of the hair, which betbre was dry, and
it has ceased to comebut es formerly.
Respectfully cours e &c.,
!rs. Ingalls, a well.known nurse in I' , •
I;t,toil, Oct. 19111
, .
—,`,, 1, • , and being so highly
. • • IZestorative, lam
• • n ! bceornQ quite thin,
• ! • r the, lust lire years
• . :„... l• 11, lint hearing or
h: . ....' , :try , JI this at b ,I I,L
i o l it. his hair has bean ,stored t
it, t , i,in.ll thickness, and tll,O L, its tomer
lor, which is light brown
Yours re,peetfully
The following is from the Pastor of the Ortho
Church. Brookfiekl.
Brookfield, AIIISS, Jau. 12 1855, !
Prof. Wood—Bear Sir—llaviug neute trial or
your Hair Restorative, it gives no pleasure to I
say, that its effects have been excellent in ICIIIO.
V ing infla initiation, dandruff, and a constant ten
dency to itching, with which I have been trou
bled front my childhood, and has also restored ,
the hair, which WAS becoming gray, to its origi- i
nal color. 1 have used no other article, with
anything line the same plcasute and
Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG.
[Fri. the lersev Tetegr,pod !-
What is it liw—This Wood's Hair Restorative?
—is a question asked daily by hundreds. We
answer without hesitation or tour of contrail fic
tion, chat it is the only article known which will
do al it promises for rho human hair. It will.,
new its growth—it will stop its falling—it will
restore its natural color ! It is not a Hair Dye!
but a speedy and efficacious Restorative.
U. WOOD 6'4 CO,, Proprietors, at 2 Broadwny
N. Y., 1k 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri.
hold its Huntingdon by Jour Rnan, and 11.
MCMANIGILL ' and by Druggists everywhere.
Jane 25, 18 57.—l is t,
A 'll 9 t
frIL tl ai t me
thartic without the debilitating 'Abuts experien
ced from most purgatives. It ants slowly and
gently, hat nreir , mooing the bowels to Carry
olf all ihe secreted matter, at the same time, sti
mulating the Liver Cu a proper pert . ..mance of
its fimetiuns.
The Invigorator cures Sick I feaolache. Take
one ur two teaspounsful ut each attack, and it
will so. disappear. For an overloaded stom
ach, or when lbod rises or sours, take the Invi
gorator after eating, and it Will not prove disa
greeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpi
tation, ur Difficult Breathing, take a teaspoonful
once or twice daily. For Loss of Appetite, Lan
guor or Listlessness, the medicine is invaluable.
It will restore the appetite and make the food
digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful un
retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all
be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a
dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all op
pression or fullness. The Invigorator is a Liv
er Remedy cf unequaled virtue, acting directly
on that organ, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bi
lious Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and
Female Obstructions, for which it has no,
We know there is nothing note before the A
merican public, prupuroe with such skill by a
scientific man, part icularly fur dOseuses of thu Li
ver, as Dr. ganford's Invigorator, or Liver Ile
tingly. It has attained a reputation second to .
other article in the wurld, simply because it rests
on its own merit. To convince all by trial that
it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of
our readers are suffering front such diseases as
are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement,
WO know of no remedy that will so surely cure
them as the Invigorator.
There has lately been brought to oar notice a
medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura
tive and healing properties in discuses of the Li
ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It came
to us with so many testimonials in its Meer that
wo have noted its &Meta in some of the worst ca
ses of continual debility, caused by deranged li
ver, and in every instance the effect was to re
lieve or give a permanent cure. Dr. Sanford's
Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we refer
to. We always have been credulous about cures
by patent medicines, but we are convinced thnt
this medicine fur Mmily use is not overrated by
die bust of recutumundations it has. Our ad-
VICO is, for all troubled with Indigestion, Debil
ity or Bowel Comp lai en, to get a bottle itnd try
it; our word for it, relief will bu experienced.
by the public to procure more certain secu
rity from fire for valuable papers, such as /loads,
llorigages, mid Looks rt/ . Arrowds,
thou the ordinary Sites 112refUlbre in use tam
ied, induced the Patentees to devote it large por
of their lime fur the last fourteen ydurs, in nia
king.diseuveries end improvements Mr this ob
ject, the result of which is the unrivalled
Herring's Patent IVurlti's Fair Premium
Fire Proof Safes,
Uuiversally acknowledgel as the CHAMPION
14001, 01, TUC won.. Having Main awarded
Blessings to the Invalids who use SUllleaS Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851,
Invigorator, thr it will relieve them of Choir pain and Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, as superior to
as sow as it is taken into their stomach. Pain I all others, it is now undoubtedly entitled to that
and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is appellation, and secured with Hall's Patent
used, fur it will as surely drive them away, as Powder-ProolLocks—which wore also awarded
daylight will banish durkuess,of this there call bo separate Medals, (us above)—forms the most
no doubt to those who try it, f or it carries convic- pettiest Fire & Burglar Proof Sates ever yet of
tit's' with ovcri dose taken. Another evidence is fcred to the public.
the thousands of certificates from those who use Nearly au° 'Herring's Safes' have been tested
it or have been cured by T r y one bottle, it' during t yr o pest 11 years, mid more than 16,000
it does not bene fi t, we are mistaken. have been sold and ere now In actual use.
SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 3.15 Broadway Also on band or numulitctured to order, all
New York. Sold in Huntingdon by 11ENiti kinds of I:oiler and Chilled Iron Bunk Cheats
BleSlAniou.i., and John Read. i and Vaults, Vault Doors, Money Chests for
De. lieu. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, Brokers, Jewellers, Beheads, private Wallies,
No, 140, Wood st., Piatibur g , Wholesale Agent. I &e., for Plato, Diamonds, and ether valuables.
Julie 25, 1857.-3 in. Mer.25,'57.-Iv, May2n,'s7.
Beat 1114 , 011 , 42,, I 00
2d host do., 00
Best pickles, 1 00
Best 2 hoe. ear'ge 2 00
hest buggy, 1 00
do. settoin. bar., 1 00
do. do. farm, du., 1 00
' do. bran & sad. 1 0.1
do. pair shoes, 00
do. sble sole Ira., 1 00
do. hip &calfskin 1 ~f )
do. bar. & upper, 1 00
al best, do ,
Best shell. work, 1 00
20 best do., .50
do. lot cab. ware, 1 00
Best tool largest
vur. tio•ware, 1 00
do. earthen some 1 00
washing tone. 50
Bost churn, 1 00
lest horse shoes, 50
tuarblework 2 00
Best cook stove, 1 00
Best acid greatest 120 best do., 100
mriuy :; 00 11,6 t. quinces, 100
2,1 bust do., 200 1 Best and greatest
Best doz. fall du. 2 00 variety grapes, 2 00
2,1 best do., 1 00 Best native do., 2 00
Deg. 00z. winter, 2 Oct 20 best do., 1 00
2,1 host do., 1 00 I Best due. }much, 1 Oil
Best wint'r pears 2 00 1 20 best do., 50
20 beat do., 1 001 Best dote. plants, 1 00
Best fall du., 2001 21 best du., 30
Best potatoes, 200 du. beet.,, 30
2d hest do., 1 00 do. p u r su ip s , 30
3d best do., 50 do. carrots, 50
Best Meshannoc, 1 00 00. turnips, 50
Best Menican, 100 dn. odors, 50
Best Pink Eye, 72 du. celery, 30
'Best white pots., 75 do. cabbage, 20
Best red do., 50 2,1 best do., 23
Best blue, do., 50 Best pumpkins, 50
Best sweet do., 100 Best pie piup. 50
Best tomatoes, 1011 do. squashes, 50
2d best do., 72 do. water melon, 50
3d best dn., 50 do. musk melon, 60
Best Purpleliggs 50 do. beaus, 50
Best peppers, 50 do. peas, 50
Best display flow. do, var. dahlias, 1 00
ers in bloom, '2 00 2d best dn., 60
2d best do., , 100 Best boquet, DO
Best dia. plants, 2 00
Best pr. turkeys, 1 00
20 best do., 50
Best pr. geese, 1 00
2d best do., 50
Best pr. of ducks, 1 00
2.1 best do., 50
Bost pr. eh iclrens, 1 00
2d boot do., 50
Best dis. poultry, 2 00
2d best. do., 1 00
g M X' 'X 0 N.
V[l22 Valtilu'l22,-M1166'1?
I, . : ,
11 A L L' 8 *lllO ,_,.,, : P R 0 0 F
V.,.;' , ,„, ',l •
PATENT : •;',!' [ 2: LOCKS.
- •'...,".1 , 4-
, : i al# -
FARRELS & HERRING, .11akers,
~elyttnirah:y, tsat
thriving settlement having three towns, contain- rcterenso is ea.:y and .7,tssi Mt) GIJ IL i II I (1 -
in churches, schools, Itotels, stores, saw-milk, tc';'N'o index to evuoiss ! No nu , , s
' • • NieW:lssertinent Just Opcnvil
a inter!e.) thing de,ired. There last hum up ! But so simpitlied Businessged '
minliet and. 'Chu lumber trade "T. that the Merchant, Banker and teas I And will be sold. 30 per cent.
year amounted l 3 over two 'Mildred millions ;can see all at it glance. English, Frellth nod lEn E A ip.E tt THAN THE EHHi ArEST,
ieet of lumber. Ina short time, owing to rho ...German. Thus cash may read the same in
Coal, it will laconic still more valuable as a 'Shin own notice tongue. Most perfect Bank F 1
number of iron works nod nmmancturies will Gil Note list published, Moonlist of all the !
soon he started ; they are et present starting ,E 1 ivnte Bankers in Amorien. A complete I not " stur ':
them extensively at Warren. Even for those ; a - 0 summary of the Finalise of Europa and A-1 11 !!"' " ,1 ""• ('`
who do not wish to go there, the payments tire merisa will he published is cosh etii , ion, to-
smell that they can sandy bay tarn,, to save their „. get ;in; all the ihil,rho, ;;;',h, ; ;; ; ;, Clothing for ',spring and - ;117;:1?1 ,, r.
coMpetonce Ity thei'ke ! ; he will ' e
`-! 1 - 1.‘
the value uf their lands. By an outlay scarcely I'o .t •t /riental I,dis." I.)e,ttsd, phut or any other establishment the
missed, n substantial provision can bu made. nn, t:... . : , , ~ itions in which Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
Persons should make early application, apply ICt ad..• - that Country ! wait to collat.! examine bis stuck before purelta
or write to E. Jelfries, Secretary, No. 115 Wel. , trait, !,-•, • ' : sing chowl.vrs. A!,t,
nut Street, rotors Letters Hals, i • 1100:.i, and SIV:PS ;
carefully answered giving• full information. :mots tltv . • , ,• , rr, „OVe r abort :It any other en
Shares or tracts of land can he bought or se- I the pnblis,
cured by letter enclosing the l!r,t h.:du - lent inf .. • live . ;
dull u-., tacit the mtliscrillinr will be cue- I 'al •:n l in r oar. An , • • • •
hishol with books, snap;, Sc. Warrantee dcols CJ.I Ott N S. I
given* coo Itko Porch.e from omZ . Pn'lnvnenos; \ al!Agents.
.At ri; _O, 1•7.-13.
Route from Philadelphia to 'l)rons on the '
Pennsylvania ContrallMilroad, and thee. by gage to the Led. This is delighttal ,atson to
visit st. Alary's—the best hotel ticeuninniunlation
is alltrded. • Enquire Mr E. (~;. Suut.p, Esq., SpD11111?
the Agent for the property at St. Mt . sy . s.
DA.) kin
JUSL an expected, Purdy & Cra .
G 0041114 Nen - Goods C?!‘pti mor have restud Creel:
,AT t ,
„ r °usury, and you would be surpri-
L. P. (.WIN'S CHEAP STORE. iSal , ,E..a..v2weseti to see what a general assort
meat rat castings they are 111,111111 g Oltt tat the
Istbits. MatAitte castings 01 all Siltp. acrd
•.• • • • • ••• Gri6t nod Saw mills, Forges
1,/ , 1 , 11•1., at shorts,.
• :,.1 so . A good as,ort•
n., . tit •,e3, Caul:
• •
, tyre tlii, well.
Just call _,.-. • :
I). F. (Twin I ts
,jsst 1,111 . 10 frost Philadrl•
phis with the largest' atul must 'beautiful us•
3ortinolit or
E.,'Porin TR) ;'?- :...JIJF afilifirit.l'ffnc.:l.
consisting of thu most lashionablo Dross Goods
fur Ladies and licntleinen, such as Black Silks,
and Faucv, All Wool de Loins, Challic do
Biadze, (dit. colors.) .lirnizo Robes,
colors,) ISrillinut Robes, Lawn
Robes, Chintz Rubes, Ducals, Plain mid Fan
cy 11,00 Gingham, llimmilln, Cloth, Silk
Warp Levolla Cloth, for travellingdres,es, Al,
hair, Delatiz, Lawns and Prints of any descrip
ALSO, a huge lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Buttons, Gimps, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet
G ra p es , (all colors,) Ribbonds, Gloves, Mitts,
Veils, Laces, hosiery, Gum Belts, liibbsnds
for Batting, Whalebone mid Brass flocps thr
Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk and
Gingham Cruvats, Zephyr, Froneli Working
Cotton, Linen and C.:von Floss, Tidy Fe tn.
Also the best and largest assortment of Cel
lars, and Underslocves, in tows. 13:tr'd and
Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig
ural and dotted. Crinoline, More. and Grass
duds Mr skirts, Book .Murlin, Irish Linen, Li-
Mal Table Cloths, Napkins, ..rowek, be.
Also tine assortment of Spring Shawls. Silk
and Harai. Mantillas, and a variely
and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Coesinole, .Nereus
Cassimer, Tweeds, K. deans, Cotton Grills, Ste
pants, plain tool fancy Linens, Marseilles and
Silk Vesting, Muslins, bleached and unbleach
ed, Sheeting Muslins, Nan
keens, Tick., Chock, Table Diapers.
Bonnets of the latest styles and at 'tern iow
prices, Moleskin, Fur. Wool and Summer flats,
latest stylus. ALSO;
Boots and Shoes, 3iLazt,Dwalvi7,
QummNsw*Bac, pockets, Tubs, Bas
kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Browns, It rushes,
&c. Carve Oil Cloths, (fit I : l, mk,
and Salt, aud all goods usually key i,. .L on:.
try Store.
'My old customers, and ab many in
can CrOWU in are respectfully requt,tt, to com,
and OXilal inn my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken ii,s•
change fyr goods, at the highest market
April 29, 1557.
C. G. /11,3SEY
• ~ ` JVst
inolesale Deni:n:n in I'd,ei.,inn:
ZEY^ Agents for Fairbanks' Scales.
Porcelain Boilers and Pans, or eve
tleseriptiou, tut• sole at the Hardware Store of
. J. A. BROWN & CO.
Apr.B,'37.- y
The sirkeribers huge again returned from -.....-
r 1 the EnA with au enlarged stock or .. ,
, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,. ( ~,,, - ,, Erty , pAisTs , 4,.. , T 1111: und,rsigned 0 , ,,,., of the Ifinitiii• ! , ,
D aildar ,„ , ,m a. ly, that they now have their new will in runic
Qt. : which ,
they wilfsell .it such prices as shall make Mill, inform il,rmers and the publie gem,
i ii it the interrst f 110 n,ekeeners,
a _ chaiii,.,, and ''all the rest of ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,,..e order, with all the modero impr05,,,,,,, 1,!:
Se l them a call, Our sloe% cumpri,ses BuildMg ! "" t " wh '" la a " d " lachia " r Y•
0.. , material, such as Lucks, I lieges, Sciews. Nails, l lay have Ma in 'I" a 111 '' ImPr'". l
a,t • Will, ala,sB of ~i d! ~,,,. p a „,, ~:, , ani ,,,, t , • val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grii,,i
,- Whin, Lead and Zinc Point,.' 'all sing, or the water, aim during tin , . We',
S '
. m Ecrri T
xic. , , , ~0,.. ,4. . weather, any anal all laintiq or grain,
u' fra,,,i,,,,,,,. Mill & c,..,, • ,,, u , 5 a ,,... , They are prepared to seli, and have on Ilea
CIII,IS, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit. Levels, '''' ''''l" at all ti"''' at ".k" I."te't, all kin:!
'.. Files, Stocks and Nes Monkey Wrenches. FLOUR FE E AID STIFT
; :,,,,,,I. endless variety or modern inv,,,ti,ls
.1... i ~.. t 'j
. and impr,voinent9, . ami tsrir.ers can have :he:L. own grain gr--.
• , Saddlers and Coach. Makers are inviic,l to ; ,,,l ' a l, i, 1..,,,,, i n n ,t. n ...,, m a d, or th e y e
call at,l examine our extensive stock of liar- i-0 f,,rnisli,l
sass Alm:Ming, aml Coach Trimmings. Patent an raiimi :
and Commmi liana, :-:ll varieti, : Girthing.l,,,l
, Hog Skin=, Patent Leather, Enamelled Lea.
' ther, Oil Cloth for Carriagea, Coach Laces anti
Lining, 1 lubs, Spokes, I:elloes,Shafts, Springs,
Axles, &c... &c.
Knives and Forks trom 117 , 1 cents to $5 is,.
sot. Silver forks, Silver and eommon spoon ,
Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' I:niv.
Pcreelaine, Tirna.d and Plain
Sauce, Frying and Baking Marls, Stenh
Griddles, Dish &c., ut. ,•••••-
lee ll:miners, Letoort tiqueezt•r.i, iltotor I , ADELIMIA.
I'vints, Bill!, Ladles, Port Alottit,, Bells of lacorporated the State of Pen
all kinds, Gans, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint rylvania.
Brushes, Erusla , s. Troves and Clati,,
various kind, Chaih and MetallicA one) is received in an:,cu
Pumps fr o eislerns, Picks, Sledges. &e. Al and interebt paid Iron; the
reir raving purvhased many of Is :at day et' ithdrawal.
wholesale prices front raanuntetnrer,, we are The Mee is open every day,
,Ttliled to sell h.lh and retail--ex• I in the Ineralter till 7 o'clock in th
•-• A ~'; , Tie illonday und Thursday evening
. I All snots larreser small. are
" 4 • .I,•mand wii !,out not
tt.ilgY-111 fro, !
11,1 to.
. I
s C' C'. ..._ !~e.
t, 2'i' itN t• T .
Jou. toy,. tr.iliam,
el . 111,i
il~i ii i~~ I'~ ~~i~
••• • . •
roillithi Of • Wilk ••
„i - illii .1 11•2 “ ll ' ;i1 L e " 11111„Ilel ill „ " in"''
- reiteril exectitu their frattit, anti the : the
e"rt" '
I: "
5 ,..T 1.
, 11.„•to,t mean , of —t' I ' "
t len; :t. 1 , 1 • •
r ill , l \
‘, S . tha t I e to the , :i.puSito,, ' and
firin g . pernhuieney awl stability to this lnstit
t I coniurr E •I
- . -
fur delectin
sevibing. rr
!is' York
X911.1.1.%91 .
/ON ,
4/ Si..
jj cry, Page, um Drops, Cluicolae
Drops, I.lrainly Drops, I,i , pior dully
CA,, Clean' Chocolate, French 'lcys, White
Sugar Toys. 4 c., c.
Oranges, 1.1,1111/11N, RaitilllB,
Dutus, I.riines, Almonds, Walnuts, Fih
lolls, Cream Nuts, Crottisi Nuts, Fire Cravli•
ors, Syrups, Tainarinds, I,i.ptot ice, Duel, Can.
exatninntion of iny stuck. which will be found
equal io any in Philadelphia.
N. D.—lirder, by mail or otherwise prucript•
ly attended to.
TTORNM vir ,
~.t mi 10 101 1., ”1f..1,01 , 1i11.11111.
‘,II' Uotirt, 1l untie;
the tii, ,t notice and on the
. . 1d57.
Lois, ..A.I.IIsIDA
Juno 13, 11.57.
00 KEGS Et'All:GT,
White Lead, (pure)
" " (extra)
Plalattulphiat Zinc l'atint,
Best SHOW Whitt>,
and all kinds of 11.utuwAto, utal
building materials in proportion, at the "Bard
nare Stare" ut :l. A. BROWN 8c Co.
Huntingdon, Apr.s;s7.-tt,
pvi. keg.
L EADPIPE nale at the ffnrilwat, Story : JAMES A. BROWN CO. of
.i y H F
7.'117Z1 5/Vl.tri! 111ZACT.:2Car23
iS an Improvel amat.l4.,
las., a Ft LI, lt . lrC 4JC
Ir to CVCI'y veto
N. thlei.,Leat st,nles ars:
in, lleci•tnlicr 1. ) , 1,,
SiV - VIIG- .t'LN I)
111 :upge
duy Vi
HEI.I , INI,I;E, Vi.,
•J Secretorv.
~, . ,
!wit .!,
• ' 7 - '--1
' VIII . . ~ 4)1 SAS,V4, —
tJ . A
I,e.e. 348 pe,es. 11 complc,
turd Lhe l'ereitory, mud .Iteet, Ere
Ineeinv a 11411 tteo/1111L lor ire liiSVlPVery,,eo;,
raphy., eijiwi s t, proline,
I I,llsllCiii .11. WO 11!1 , 1 C
.I:ceder and Shannon. non tieal
.111,101tS, personal eneututters,viertion
Laub, abtl outrages, with por!raiti sit prttini
tient t . .tiort therein, sill hilly tutthentieate'l
by J(/11N i ' rivttte See:,
CUrCIIINS cut n pilcrl from the °nichtl dochtneut
on the in the department of State at Washing
ton mid other paprrs in the possession of the
author, with a full account of The Inva,ion
Karn.tts from Missouri the capture, trial
and treatment ul the Free State prisoners, the
character and movements a the Mas,ouri liar.
der Itutlians, the murder of Bonnie and other,.
'The Controversy between tiovernor fleary
and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of the
arc, at the pro-,lnvuy erni •
t!t I ..alliAlllillll at the Demoeta
;. . : ••:•1 •1,• , ,n during it.
• and
CIIAELES (l. RHODES, Publisher,
Inquirer liuiluing , Phibuielphia,
L11,06M . N1 , 011.M oLD
and the paddle generally, that•they
latt.te the above Foundry in lull blast, t+ r .
awl are pre pared to furnish castings atl
every descrtption. Stoves of :all kind, •
for wood or mel. Inarroved Ploughs,
l'lncshing Machines, and everything in the ea.r•
ling line neatly made. cue linimh all work
that revives turning, having a good Turning.
Lola. All work done cheap for mill or
try produce. Old mete! taken liar castings. Ra•
hag pea tt ita! and ex peril need we hope by strict
attent',l to trainees to rceeire a liberal shore
tot patronage. Mt:GILL CHOSn.
.I!,,tutdria, April 25, 1857.
I A (IK SON 'S 1 - 10 TEL
.";'/.. On AI leghei;,,, ixtwel:
Pa. R. & &B. T. It. R. Depo:,..
WM. U.
IMltich :25, 1857,
is hereby, given that Jonathan M'
Esti., Trustee of the estate of Wii.
ham Ingrain, bus filed hie acconnt in the office
f the Prothouutarrof the Court of (~union
tins of litintingdon (unity, and that the
same will he presentid to the said Court en . thu
first Meadny awl 10th day of August term,
item, l'or confirmation and allowance.
July r, ls3i• Pror y
,clehtitted medicine is for ax le at the
,fout . Fur ull intianfluatory disease,
it u ceriaiti ctire. Gat a has ted try it, se
who arc afflicted.