Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 05, 1857, Image 2

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    NuntingVon *unai.
Wednesday Morning, August 5, 1857.
"Once more our glorious banner out
Unto the breeze we throw ;
Beneath its folds with song and shout
We'll charge upon the foe."
Union County Convention,
Th. members of the American and Republi
can parties of the county of Huntingdon, are
requested to meet in the several townships, bor
oughs and separate election districts, (in the
townships at 4 and boroughs at 7i o'clock, P.
M.,) at the usual places of holding delegate
meetings, on Saturday, the Bth day of August,
next, to elect two persons (in each township and
borough) to serve as delegates in a Union Coun
ty Convention to beheld in the borough ofHun•
tingdon, ou Tuesday, the 11th day of August,
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of no
minating a county ticket and doing such other
business as the interest of the party may require.
Chairman Republican County Committee.
Chairman American County Committee.
July 15th, 1857.1
Messrs Brewster & Whittaker
Please announce the name of Gen. JOHN
WILLIAMSON, of Huntingdon, as a eandi•
date for Representative to the Legislature, sub•
ject to the decision of the Union County Con•
vention. TOD TOWNSHIP.
,fir We are authorized to announce the
name of JACOB WAITE, of Morris township,
as a candidate for Representative to the Legis•
lature, subject to the decision of the Union
County Convention.
Messrs. Brewster & Whittaker :
You will please announce FRANK IL LANE,
Esq., us a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union
County Convention. BRADY.
Messrs Editors
Daniel W. Womelsdolf. will ho a candidata
lar the °Moe of C7aturty treasurer, subject to
the decision of the Union County Convention.
AZ... We aro authorized to announce the
time of Peter C. Swoope, of Huntingdon, as
n candidate for toe office of Prothonotary, soh•
icct to the decision of the Union County Con•
cage is that the policy of candidates per. I .W 0 is more than half won. We trust , -
NEAT aid comfortable house with a lot of
serially stumping the State, would hurtle chose our editorial brethren, the ever -reliable semi. I'm the Huntingdon Journal. ft ono acre in ext.., situate about four miles
cm of any but orators and debaters being cam nets on the watchtower of Freedom, will soot- :pressor. Nimes:- meth of Huntingdon, and about, one mile from
didates for Governor hereafter. The true rm• sound the bugle cotes of preparation-or in Permit me space to correct an error which the ~,r,nw 7i, ,,,riu n r , r , o ) ll,z i d l l,bro , r t by the.
eon was the certain defeat of Packer in a trial oiler words, will recommend prompt organize • seems in some mysterious and tinaccounMble Proprie to r,
„,, ~,,,,. i i ,; log h'dae,i„, two i t ' e rc i m es
of strength between himself and Judge Wilmot, tion and decisive actio n , i n regar d t o th e ar al/nal. to have crept into the minds of some high, and very comfortable; all Her
Gen. Packer who, at his own request, is refused preaching State election. Should we go into of our p opts. I was somewhat surpris e d a 'liege thereto attached. Any further informs.
the privilege of accepting the challenge by the the contest determined to hang together, and short time 'dime to hear the assertion matte tion can be had by calling at the "Journal”
State Committee, thus hopes to be relieved in if need be fall together, we have no tears for that F. H. Labe who has been announced as IL °ltie '
part from the responsibility of backing out. final result. Wilmot will be the next Govern• candidate at the corning Union Convention in. •
We ask a fair and open contest, and feel con. or, and Pennsylvania, by the expressed voice this county, for the 'Alice of County Treasurer, All of those Famous
fident of a verdict of the people in our favor. of her own sons, will be where she should have is not a native of Huntingdon county. $lO, 0. sit, and 25 cent
We boldly charge cowardice, duplicity and din been years ago-on the side of Free Labor, Haying known Mr. Lane from his boyhood to DECEIPTS and Secrete, wonderful money.
n making chances, together with an epistle on
honesty on the part of Gen. Packer, in thus re. and leopposition to the dark spirit of Slavery, the present time, I deem it but just and proper
to Win the Affections of the
fusing this opportunity of appealing directly to and the train of evils that spring from it. to say that be is a native of th:e county, born "I"w
the voters of the State. We ask the Loa.. - '."w - " - and raised in this township. Why the above Opposite Sex.”
New FouNTAIN P89.-Wo have new iu our
editors who boasted that he would meetWilmot inis•statenient has been circulated lamat a All sent to one address on receipt of ten cents.
possession one of the admirable pens, sold by Add ss,
to denounce him for his cowardice. Let it go loss to determine, perhaps if he had been like A C. Mom,
G. W Heed, Esq., Philadelphia, who is agent
to the world that Gen. Packer is a coward, and some others, a standing candidate for every of. Box 275, Haverhill,
in this State for the sale of the some. It ie, MASS.
while he aspires to be Governor he fears tow!, face in the gift of the people since arriving at
mit his qualifications for tho office to the can• without question, the best invention in this the years of discretion, he might have hoes Ae g l '' ' ' ..4 * -3t.
did judgment of the pe opts. If duplicity and
line, and it fully no the requirements of the better known; I deem it but right and proper, .. _
incompetency, or milder and fitness are to sue. .1":* 1 pen. Its virtues over other peas, are however, that this error, which I trust was not American Safety-Paper Nana facliteg
teed, let the people decide, but see hope for the innifold and of such character as must bring
circulated for the purpose of injurin him or Company of New York.
it into alvanches the interests of others, be 'Promptly Capital, $500,000.
credit of the State, that an intelligent and hon• primal use. It will write a whole day i et , t , t , t , eted.
Yours truly,
eat people, will give their decided protests- ainst without using an inkstand, it obviates the use
A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 71) Wall St.
political dishonesty, and a verdict in favor of of one; the ink flows free, and it never corrodes. Brady Township, August 1, 1857. A Perfect Security against all manner ol Fraud or
far, open and sincere men and measures. It is indeed an invaluable invention. The , - -- • - Counkujeitiny on Paper. To Prevent Photo
Laying of the Corner Stone. ',rap/. noel A nada lie Coun Welts, Erasures,
Phila Inquirer sap of it: - We have had a n 'Tasfers or dllterations.
are reestie ( l , to announce that the co, Having purchased the Patent for the Educational. opportunity of examining .d trying a pen of the
rm. Helper/m.l Church vivo right to manufitcture and sell the now Cho
. carte-
Teachers snit friends of education throughout this kind as sold by George W. Heed, N. W. aar d alla o f t h e "
. will be laid in this borough, on Saturday next, mical Paper in America, invented and patented
the county will boar in mind that the Scea• corner of Scrotal and Vine streets. It corn. • in England by Ilmnv GLYNN, a celebrated
the Bth inst. at 3 o'clock p. H. The public chemist and officer in the British Army, it is
Annual Meeting of the State Teachers' Also - bines all the latest improvements, embodies an "
tiation of Pennsylvania, will be held at Chan• apparatus by which ink is constantly furnished ; or e cordially invited to attend. hardly necessary to say th at tel Paper is vi
_ commended by Mr. Item, Assayer of the U. S.
berelsurg, Frmiklin Co., on Tuesday, 11th inst. and is perhaps, the best pen of the kind ever se- The Camp Meeting fol. Cassville Cir. Mint, Sir. Lyman of the Now York Clearing
This Association comprises amongst its meat- offered to the public: Accountants and others .it will commence, by Divine permission, on I s l t T i r itt e ' t 7 . ;;;!2 1. 1:T:1 ie i::',271 3 ,.tta:Z y .
hers, teachers of every grade and from all who have tried it, commend it in the wartnezt Friday, the 28th day of August, en the old , Thu latter soy that no imitation can be made on
parts of the State, and will no doubt he inter- terms. Taylor ground is Trough Creek Valley. a check or bank note printed on the Safety Pa
, t
sting as well as instructive to every friend of Asst"eAsst"We shall give the opinions of other Pa . G. W. House, Pasha. per. Below is our list of prices
' the cause. We are informed that arrange• pent in our next. _ .....
Bank Bills-$lB for 1000 shams.
Bank heeks-35 cm per lb.
VA,- Persons desiring ono of the coolestand
curate will be made fur a liberal deduction-, .•.........--- Bills of Exchange-$25 for 1000 shoats.
llfer' We invite attention to the letter on the most refreshing drinks extant, should coil on Promissory Notes-40 ere per lb. , .
one•half from the usual fare on the railroad
Sight suld Time Drafts-$25 for 1000 shoots.
in favor of p ersons attendingthe Association'hest Dr . John I you don't believe es j u st
, outside of today's paper, from Judge Wi , .. i head. f
Insuren, Policies-40 ens per 11).
Mir Prktyman the prince of daguerreotyp. P • i . . .
The citizens of Chambersburg have generouslyt ' call 'i d d you must be convinced.
answering certain intorroga ones a ddressed to ,tigo an ) Railroad Stocks & Bends-40 cents per lb.
itits, is still engaged a his room in the Station -
proffered hospitality to all who rnay at.
- - " him by Am er Committee appointed for that purpose ''''''''''''''''''''" ww ` w Bank mil State Semks-40 eta per lb.
taking picture and is still crowded The Pill ?hide.- Who could dream of the ; Bonds and Mortgages-40 cts por lb.
by the . ican Council, which !net at Altos.' :
tend. We trust that Huntingdon County, ever !
magnitude such an undertaker as the mann. ! Wills and Deeds-40 cm per lb.
with work. We have Ho e hsitacy in declaring
na a short tune ago. It needs . comment.- ,
alive to her educational interests, may be no facture rof a Purgative nit assumes when it I For wraiming Silks and other fine articles it
that the pictures taken by Prettyman are aupe
laggard on this occasion, but that a full and Head n and judge tor yourself. , comes into general use. And hew painfully is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 ms per
riot in many respects to any we have ever seen
! do the following numbers speak of the amount mound. , ,
elsewhere. This is owing mainly to the fact fair representation be found in attendance.
Oar The Aug ust No. of the "Lathes' Jour. of htunan s i c k ness and suffering, that little ! bar Indentures and Agreunt.ts. 40 cents a lb.
that he is perfectly acquainted with his bug- We are authorized to say that certificates of All State and County Recants should al ways
ness, and understands the secret oftaking good
-, membership, which will entitle the holder tit ; ant,' is before us. This ie a new magazine, morsel f a reined goes forth to combat a nd '
subdue ' : Dr. 3. C Y . Ayer of Lowell, tnamtite. , be printed or written on this , paper, as the che
pictures. For beautiful , deer_ and ' speaking'
harice tickets on the railroad, may be pro. published by Scattergood & Magee, Philadel- ,
, tures in hie laboratory forty gross per . diem of o ' Z: ls e, inse t r ri t t e rts a fe i r n , b t i l irm ' i ' l ' l l tifi n t e lL ' ti l n d gYireTnu est .
likettemes, we say again to old and young, rich • cured from R., MeDivirr, of this phi., who is phis , and is decidedly "the cheapest 'mina. ! his Cathartic Pills, through all the year. This I -...
d poor, high and low email and g teat, go to I. e'er Southern Climates it is excellent, and
me of the Secretaries to the Association. He in the world,"•being but $1,50 per year. It is ,is eight box. a minute or one dose a second. I much superior to any other ;as the meistneli. el
SiPrettyman's. Our word for it, you will be bet- also observe a call to the teachers of the United b eaut if ul Ve thus find over 43 000-persons 'mallow this the climate does not destroy it,-the proportion
ter pleased with yourself than ever you were in States inviting . .. . _... .... a book, atid from the samp le we 1 .
thorn to ammo'. in ntaad,i , _„ , ,
__, , ~ ~
.„ , tell every day, or 1,2J6, a month! ''' 000 pi ' • • 1 - b • ' • 1 all
lee i insert. in the pulp mug upr eeentutc. n a
your life before.
phis on the 20th inst., for the purpose of ova 'lave received we ee''es".""etY Pm"... a chins, thiuk of that I 43,000 patients a daysouthern States, Cuba, the West Indies and the
Ma Ing a National Teachers' Association. The ahead of all competitors. It deserves and ere w h o see k re li e f f r om the medical skill of one Central American States, no public records can
call is extensively signed by the most distill- have no doubt will receive great patronage. ' man. Surely that man should be, us Ito is in be kept over 20 years, written on tho ordinary
guished educators throughout the Union, uud ' this ease oue of the first intelligence and of ' paper, while the oils and other cheimeals insert
ed in this Perm makes it indestructible by the
this will ne doubt be one of the largest and gesThe shipments of Coal from Breed Top the highest eharacter. His occupation entails
f ' It is all woof it , tittist moths
most talented and respectalde meetings that m• ; k d•rin him a fearful responsibility for the weal , ravages e ti' which ''
d d '
lIICS or wee en III)" urB ay,.• Th d • JulJ I "0 I
and ot her vermin,
use.(oastau an de
or ever aseembled in this State. Fiends of ' ° - " t '' or WOO of his fellow man.-Painesalle Cou- now in
education everywhere will no doubt find it to were 2662 tons, for the year 46,378 tone , r i„.. y all other pape r
' The Company have now in operation Mills
their advantage to attend. --.- -•-- ---
in Morris County, N. J., of about 900 horn
gie- Returned-Dr. Griffith from Ii SEr We have heard •
of some Astounding power. and are able to till all orders for Paper
, eljr •The Safety Paper advertised in another cures being made by Prof. DeGrath's Electric at the s h ortest notice.
David Grove has opened out a grocery column, is destined to come into general es.. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Oil. It seems to act on the diseased parts All erders for the Paper must he addressed
with remarkable effect and in "short space of to a. NICHOLAS, President a the Company
store on Hill street between Montgomery and It is, in fact, one of the greatest and most use rlollr is selling at from $6,50a7 for aaparfiaa iilaa health regains it sway. It can be had of No. 70 Wall Street.
Smith, where he is Prepared to deal out all ful inventions of the dap, Head the advertise. 57,50a8 foe extra. Whitt, whied me, red, the agents here, see advertis . cinent iu another ', Vi' m. Bur:Wails, Ageut., Huntingdon.
hinds of groceries at the lowest prices. meat and try the paper. 160 e. Rye 100 e. • Corn 00c. Oats 40e. column. ' Aug.h/b7.•3tth•
Editors Journal
Please announce John Lutz, Esq., as a sot.
tabu candidate for Director of the Poor, sub.
ject to the decision of the Union Couniy Con•
vention. UNION.
Mrs Editors
Please announce General John C. Watson,
of, Mill Creek, as a suitable candidate for the
Senate, subject to tho Union Convention of
Huntingdon County.
From Franklin Township.
Messrs Editors : Please announce the name
of Col S. S. Wharton, of Huntingdon, as a suit
able candidate for the Assembly, subject to the
Union Convention of Huntingdon County.
A Voter of Huntingdon.
ser The name of Levi Evans, Esq., of Tod
township, is respectfully offered as a candidate
for the office of "Prothonotary, subject to the de•
cision of the County Union Convention.
To All whom el may concern
We are respectfully requested to announce
CEO. HARTLEY, as a candidate for the of.
Tice of Prothonotary, subject to the decision of
the people of Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Mauna' of Practical affairs, and Guide to sec
cells in Life ; embracing the principles of busi
ness ; advice in reference to a business educa
tion ; choice of a pursuit ; buying and selling;
general management ; mechanical trades ; far.
ming ; hook and newspaper publishing ;
eelluneous enterprises ; causes of success and
failure; bow to get customers ; business forms
legal nod useful information p and a dictiona
ry of commercial terms. FOWLER & WELLS,
Publishers, No. 308 Broadway, New York.—
Price, prepaid by mail, 30 cents, paper ; 50
cents, cloth. It is eminently a practical work,
and adapted to the wattle of all classes. No
young trucshould be without it.
kr The Senatorial Conferees of our present
District, composed of the counties of Hunting.
don, Bedford and Somerset. aro to meet at the
Washington Hotel in the Borough of Bedford,
on Tuesday, the 18th day of August, inst„ at
four o'clock in the afternoon, to nominate a can.
didate for Senator.
The State Election.
The contest in Pennsylvania is narrowed
, down to a struggle between the friends of stn•
very extension and its opponents. Packer
Some time ago it was asserted by the Amer. I represents one principle, and Wilmot the other
lean Republican papers throughout the State, nod, all efforts to direct the public mind from
that Judge Wilmot would challenge Mr. Pack. the real issue of the campaign, by the preset,
or to meet him on the stump, to discuss the lotion of a third ticket, will signally fail, as the
questions involved in the present contest. At result on the second Tuesday of October will
first the Locelbeo papers denied thereport, and prove. Pennsylvania must take her position
declared that Packer was ready and anxious to on this great question, and to her action the
meet Judge Wilmot—on the authority of Mr. friends of free labor, free speech, and free soil,
Packer himself. in every part of the Union, are looking with
We here lay before our readers the challenge the most intense anxiety. The influence which
itself, as it was sent to Mr. Packer, which be i the voice of the "old Keystone" would have
magnanimously refused to accept ; he thus de-on her sisters of this great confederacy, if that
O l ared himself incapable of speaking with our voice be fairly expressed, cannot be estimated
noble champion Wilmot, and refused to confer' at this time.
the favor on the people of Pennsylvania, who Pennsylvania should array herself with the
of right should know the views and become ac- great Northern phalanx in this contest for the
quaintcd with ability or want of it, of him who eradication of the heaviest curse that ever
aspires to govern them. Mr. Wilmot will ad• I blighted the prospects of an otherwise prosper.
dress the people of the State, at all events, and I ons nation. Our good old State, whose early
his speeches will form a vade mecum for the history is a standing rebuke to Slavery, should
politician and stateeman.• But here is Judge shake off the thraldom of Southern influence,
Wilmot's Challenge in which she bad been entangled by the eon.
TOWANDA, July 11th, 1857. duct cf her own unworthy sons, who would
Hon. We. F. PACKER. : barter the fair fame of the Commonwealth for
Dear Sir—l purpose to spend some time du. I "the loaves .d fishes" dispensed by power.—
ring the summer and fall in canvassing before Pennsylvania should no longer Maintain the
the people of the State, the principles and is. : blind giant, ignorant of her own power .d
sues involved in the pending State election. resources, and subject to the contrpl of weak-
Party meetings bring out only that portion of er and insignificant rivals.
the people to whom the call is made, and the The great party which is represented in this
addresses are necessarily all on one side, where• political contest by David Wilmot is the only
as it is desirable that the whole people, so far opposing party to the pernicious and destrue.
as may be, should have both sides fairly presen-. 1 1 five doctrines of the misnamed Democracy,
Led before them at the same time. sow before the people of Pennsylvania. The
If it should meet your views, I propose that effort to place the third ticket in the field is
we canvass so much of the State as is practice• one of the shallowest schemes of Locofocoism
ble, in company, adriressing alternately the although ostensibly introduced by 'Americans'
same meetings. Should this meet your assent ' for the alleged purpose of maintaining a sepa•
please inform me at your earliest convenience, I rate and distinctorganization. These "Straight.
no that we may arrange the times and places j out" disorganizers have their warmest sympa
of meeting, order of speaking, &c., I thizers in the ranks of the bogus democracy,
Very respectfully your ob't. servaht, j and the voter who could be deceived by vtt
D. Witmor, I paltry manceuveriniz, must indeed be stupid be•
The Harrisburg Telegraph says that sifter I pond redemption.
due time having been spent in numerous cure In the 'noontime, the friends of free labor
sultations between the shrewd and prudent men should not waste their time in idle discussion,
of Packer's body guard, the challenge was pre. , but proceed with the work of thorough and cf•
seated to the Locofoco State Central Commit. fective organization, in every election district
tee, who say Packer needn't accept it. in the State. This is the right way, to go work
This silly trifl'ng of Gen. Packer would be if a final triumph is the object of our earnest
disgraceful to a schoolboy ; but what can it hopes. Let it be known, then, and remember
be called in a man who aspires to the Gilberto, ed, too, that to elect Wilmot and the Union
torial chair of the State. Vital questions are State Ticket, WE MUST WORK FOR IT,
agitating the people, which they desire their I with a heart and a will worthy of the email•
candidates to discuss personally before them, dates, the occasion, and the great MUM] in
and upon a well founded conviction as freemen which wo are enlisted. We must work !Or it
they expect to vote. Judge Wilmot, who des. ' , sewn and Christians—as Americans—in ev
piece political intrigue, and who has never made I cry county and every township, from the Del.
a fortune of half a million in the service of the aware to Lake Erie—from the head waters of
State, in order to let the people decide between the noble Susquehanna to Mason and Dixon's
himself and his rival, requests him to meet hint line I Organize NOW! Organize as if you
before the people and explain their views. Mr. I felt the great truth, that eternal vigilance is the
Packer, who secured his nomination by the pre mice of liberty. Organise closely and they
litical sagacity and experience of the most dis. oughly, and with a view to secure a large torte
reputable men in the Locofoco party, as it is a j out at the polls; for, alter all, if our friend s d e
notorious thee that he has always belonged to a ' not vote, they aro of very little 'Service to
en e eekeateu and branded as "State robbers," cause.
hopes to pass through the campaign without a Among the most effective means to conduct
public avowal of his views on any subject, car• a political campaign to a successful tumble:
rying water on both shoulders on every ques• tints is the free circulation of newspapers and
tion. documents. Give the people light—spread
The ostensible reason given for refusing the among them sound and convincing fnets—and
ah "Iv " the battle th-
Important from Kansas
The invasion
.of Lawrence—City Government
Organized—The August Elections—lan.
sas Affairs Settled on A Military Basis—
Orders from Gen. Lane.
LAWaRNCI4 KANSAS, .Tuly 24th, 1857.
The recent and last invasion of Lawrence
by the United States troops, led on by Govern
or Walker, has and will continue to cause con•
siderable excitement in Kansas. The people
do not understand the movement, for the Gov.
tenor, in his famous "Proclamation to the cit.
icons of Lawrence," announced his in•
tention to prevent the organization of else city
government. Our Mayor, Mr. Blood, informs
me that the Board has organized, and con,
menced the business of municipal legislation ;
has elected city officers, provided for the witr
tering of the streets .d cleaning of the same
in fad, done no inure nor loss than would have sw•The great natural ornament to the liii
been done if Walker and troops had .f neon ferns di
conic. vine is unqnestionablya fine, luxu.
The Mayor has deliver his address to the .
riant, healthy growth of hair. It has been so
Board of aldermen which is well known in
Hence, the
town, and must certainly have reached the all nations savage and civilized. esteemed in nil ages of the world, and among
ears of the Territorial Governor, and up to the Indian brave regards the scalp of Isis enemy
its his greatest trophy. For a similar reason,
lift time he has done nothing to prevent
th ntinuance of such "rebellious proceed
of vanity, as well as her phreneological organs
ing, only to remain in camp, reading newspa• the fashionable belle often disguises the region
pars, and denouncing certain men in and n.
He who should discover a mode of proven
bout Lawrence. i ; with borrowed locks.
We have all along considered ex-Governor ;
~. ous Time by turning prematurely gray, a nietb•
ling the hair from showing the inroads of env'.
Shannon's tiieni o t co a n d t
c in n i i i p i i t s i t b r i fi e t , i o o t s i of
account att'airs o i f i in i Kansas „„ win —.
i od by which it could be restored when falling
kennesa and imbecility. His very name has 1 off or turning white, and a way of promoting
hissed its continued and luxuriant growth, would be
' 'of the human race. Rend the testimonials in
! l e ' n e d " d7„, a ,iat i r e ll h i m a r t I.' Brit b ir e i r inost y n. ' justly entitled to rank among the benefactors
I sane act becomes respectable when compared
' another column, of the wonderful, not to say
with the threatening and last great act of Walk. .
almost miraculous effects of "Professor Wood's
I cr. Troops quartered among us in the time
Hair Restorative," and sec if he has not sc
ot' pence for the purpose of intimidating the ' all this.—[Capital City Fact.
'cum plished
people, and to„prevent the carrying out of the 1
melt vaunted. principles of "squatter sorer. I , sey• Who is troubled with any of those dis.
eignty." But netwitbstanding the threatening i
agreeable Complaints, such as Jaundice, Dyi,
aspect of Walker's armed force, the work of , epsia or Liver Disease of any kind, but would
organizing towns and cities still go on. rise '
! people accept the issue, and are determined I itations? We
. feel that we are doing our la
rike to know a remedy for these unseemly vis•
' to vindicate their constitutional rig,hts. I valid renders an invaluable service if we cnn
Mr. Walden, of Quinclare, editor of
the ' induce them to get a bottle of Dr. Sanford's
Chinclow., called upon his excellency a few, Invigorator and take it, for coo know from per
days since, arid informed him that it was the
1 sound experience that it is one of greatest
intention of the citizens of that town to organ. reme di es ter general
debility, and consequent
ize a municipal government for themselves.—
Thu Governor's reply is one characteristic of action is so perfect and complete as to give re
is another. Mr. Walden, of Quindaro mold.
i inactive bodily powers over before used. Its
I the man, and his failure to execute his threat lief the first time taken, and if it does to others
etc se city governme in nt. he will do it upper ,
; as it has to us, ludo bottle will be all that is
s't'un to the whole United States armv.'i
understand that our sister city will moil hove ;''lend
I ' needed. We know of
with such nothing we can recem•
confidence, ns a family medi
I n Mayor and other city officers, elected by the , clue, as the Invigorato
people, and we shall see whether Gen. Iliac- ' 'WoorifAxis Cacaos"—A Pomade.for beau
! Isoy a artillery is to destroy the town or net. tilqing ]lair—highly perfumed, superior to
Walker's cot.thict is regarded hero as so sin. i any French article imported, and for half the
galas. that even some of the most ultra pro. , pr i m ,. F on d ress i ng L a die s ' Hair it has im
slavery men in and about Lecompton express equal, giving it n laight glossy appearaa ee.--
their astonishment that any man who pretend• i t causes Gentlemen's flair to curl in the most
ed sanity should be guilty of it. natural manner. It removes (I:midriff, always
j My opinion is, that Walker's intention is (in giVillig the Hair the rippearance of bring fresh
making this great military display) to prevent shampoorted. Price only filly rents. None
: our election iii August for Representatives to
genuine unless signed
' Congress, State officers, members of the Gene. FETRI DGIrl k CO. N. Y. Proprietors of the
eralAsssembly, mid the readuption of the To. "Balm rf a Thous«nd flowo , s."
peke Constitption.
For sale by John Read, Huntingdon, and all
i The li/tick is rapidly going forward of pia- Druggists.
snug Kansas on a military basis. Gen. James I F r iar,,fst_e m .
H. Lane has already flooded the Torritory with
"General Orders" gos. 1,2, Ste., and Al; "A
Card," "A Proclamation'' to the Free State
men all of which set out with or recapitulate SALE Or SAXTON'S STORE
the Topeka Convention, appointing James 11.
Lane to organize the militia of the Terri. The store of J. it W. Saxton is now open for
tory. side, by wholesale and retail of the entire im-
These orders establish Divisions and Bri. incase stock of goods nt greatly reduced prices.
gales, and appoints Superintendents of Divis. Dealers and all others who have the cash
ion, Se. It Gigyeral Laos don't et Kansas eaula; accommodated 4 r-i--..i T• 44".
. thnne.,hly‘erBartaiata s, iv fit nut - tie tor the ' .... VosLi.
mot of orders and proclamations. Enough Alerloo Sacks Ground Alum Salt and 50
. this subject. tons Plaster to be disposed of.
. The Territory is to he thoroughly cativaved SCOTT & BROWN,
by fifty of our best speakers, and a large vote Att'ys for Creditors.
l is expected in the August election. Aug.s,'Yt.
! Juines Betipath, of Boston, well !mime as
A House and Lot in the Country
the Journalist of Kansas, arrived in our city
'to dry fern Quitidaro. lox. FOR SALE.
Be Wise in Time
How mans are there who, afflicted with dis
ease to an incipient stage, delay from time to
time having recourse to some remedical agent
which would effectually arrest the further pro.
gross of disease, and render the system impreg
nable to its. insidious attacks. It is unfortu
nately too true—there are thousands who sink
into an early grave—whereas at a trilling ex.
pease they might have lived to a good old age.
If there ho reliance to be placed to medicine,
and thousands of well attested doses establish
.the possibility of a doubt, the curative
properties of any ono particular remedy, then
Hurley's Sarsaparilla is unquostionalily the
greatest medicine ever introduced to an afflict.
ed community. Hesitate not, therefore to use
it, if suffering from any of the ills which flesh
is heir to.—Herabl (Galveston Texas.)
Notice is hereby given at James Ellis bus
filed his petition in the office of Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon
County, for license to keep nn Eating lions°
nt Worthington Station on the Huntingdon
and Broad Top Mountain Itailrotul, nein Mar.
Idesburg. in Penn township.
Also—Vint J. A. Moore, tiled his petiti , m
Si't licetwit to keep un Eating House in Miners.
tille, Tod township, which still lie presented on
Thursday; August 20th.
Clerks office 1 M. P. CAMPBELL.
July 21st, 1851'. Clci l.
El P. PRETTYMAN respectfully nunounios
Lila the citizens of the county, that he is still
prepared to take all kinds of Pictures, at his
room, up stairs in the Station House, in a style
unsurpassed in the State, and at as c heap cows
as the tightness of the titans wilt admit. Call
and examine specimens,
Pl untingdon, J alp 22, I 857.—"
By a resolution of the Burgesses and Town
Council or the Borough of Huntingdon, I inn
authorized to otter a reward of Two Howlred
Dollars, for the apprehension and conviction of
the person Ur persons who set lire to the build.
ing of B. E. MeMurtrie on the 12th inst.
.1011 k SIMPSON, a B.
Hunt, July 20, 11127..3t. •
. •
Agent for the purchare and sale' Nrni EN•
tale Farm,: and City Properly hough!, sold and
exchanged. Alan money invested and procured
nitortgage. Those having Farms or tarot
for Sale will do well to ec / ior:wild th,criptien.
No. , Dock Street, c ilndelphia.
July 15th, 1557.—5 m.
EST.I TE MIC11.11:1; .111L7:1.1,
T otters testamentary on the estate of Michael
liMierly, late of Coos township, Huntingdon
county, dee'd., baying been granted to the um
dersigned, they hereby give notice to all per.
sons indebted to said estate to make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
them ditty nutlicoticated for settlement, to the
3011 N
July 13, 1
Monday, August 3lst.
Tuition for ten 1000ths, $l5.
Higher rates ehrirtfpd fin• pupils remaining
only a port of the yvor.
During Jitly noel August, applications elay
he left with Hon. Gun. Taykw, or W. P. Oehi•
son, Esq. tt.\llAli W. BIGELOW.
Huntingdon, dilly tttth, 1857.--tf.
Proposals l'rten the difierent places in this
county desirous of having the coming Agricul
tural Fair held in , their immediate neighbor
hoods, may be directed to the undersigned, at
any tune plorions to t h e, neat mooting of the
Huntingdon County Agricultural Socivty, is
August. It will ho necessary in tpahing :tp
pliention, to specify the ninnunrsub,crili..l
the purpose, as by a resolution of the Societ:,
at the test meeting. the locality guaranteeing
the largest amount trill be entitled to the pn;•
ferencc. By order of the President.
SAM. G. Wil
July Bth, 1857.
6/.' JOHN Ki /,/,;(.7 ) .!
Loll Pro 0r .uminisiratioo ,:.,•
John Kerr, lute or Wafter • . • . •
don county, deed., haring kern
undersigned, ell persons knowing thew,
indebted to said estate will make payment
out delay, nod those haring claims will
them properly anthettiettled tor settleme!...
DAVID S. KER, ddn .
Hunt., July 8, 1857.-31." de touts no,
ES 7':l TR OP HENRY .31: KRIM, DEC 21,
Letters testamentary on the estate of Hem
ry M. Kerr, late of the Borough or Hunting•
don, dee'd„ having been granted to the under
signed, he hereby gives notice to all persons ite
debted to said estate to make payment without
delay, and those having claims against the semi:
will present them duly • authenticated to John
Hued, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon.
July 8, 1857.-61.*,
[ESTATE 01 7 .10S11UA IV. KEW?, DEM.
Notice is hereby given that letters of admin
istration on the evtate of Joshua W. Kerr, late
of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., ham
been panted to the undersigned ; all person;
indebted to said estate are requested to milli
immediate payment and those having elan
against the same - will present them duly au
thenticated rim settlement to John Reed, Attor
ney at Law, Huntingdon._
July 8, 1857.-fit*
Lelters of administration on the estate of Wit
liam,Norris, late of the township of Penn, it
the county of Huntingdon, dee'd., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
ed to the said estate are requested to make pay
moot. and those having claims will prey'
them duly authenticated for settlement.
July u, 1857.-Gt.
Executor's Notice.
otters testamentary on the estate of Jacob
Ijitumgartner, late of Union township, Hunt
ingdon county, dee'd., having been granted to
the undersigned, notice is hereby green to all
persons indebted to said estate to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims against
the same, will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
July 15, 1857.-W. E.:110or
The Rev, C. S. BURNETT, while la
boring as a missionary in Southern Asia, dis
covered a simple, and certain Claret'. Consuthp
non, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner
vous Debility, and all impurities of the blood ;
also, un easy and effectual mode of inhaling the
Remedy. Actuated by a desire to lament his
sulfuring fellows, he will cheerfully send the re
cipe (free) to such us desire it, with full and ex
plicit directions for prepuriug and. suceessfully
using the Medicine. Address
031 Bromlwvy, N. Y. City.
BLANKS kinds hand at
!he .kurnal Who..
To rdoon and Liii-lierper , ,i,Croceni,
and Families Generally.
To make Cider without Apples; Yore Vine
gar in three days; irgrellent Honey , Washing
Fluid. costs only it In per gallon ,Inks,rtrantly,
Gin, Ruin, Pore Port and Champagne Wines.
will aced to the address or any person any
our or the above receipts, for 25 its
For W. A, MUR RA V.
i)AVID GROVE informs the citizens of
Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public get,
errilly, that be has opened a Grocery Store nit
Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of
Orbisou's residence, where he will 01 all
limes be prepared 'o supple customers with
nt Wllol,llli, and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas,
AtolaSses, Cheese, Spices, Confectionaries,
Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Sears, Tobac
co, &e.; in fact, every article usually kept
in a Grocery Store. .
As I am determined to cheaper than the
elleapest, I want everybody to call and examine
my stock tad prices. DA V If) GROVE.
AilE • inl4llible in win “villg skipers
pii4 or kreg•
ularhes Or lilt` 1111`11,1,
These Pills are 11.11,ing new, lint have been
mud by the doctors rur many Ver,R, both in
France: old A !ocelot, with nopittallelled success;
and he is urged hy umur ;Putisand ladies, who
havetided them, lo m . lie the public, ti r
the alleviation of th,se sulfming from our irro
ot %hitter, nature, as nell ins to pre
vent pregnanty to those ladies Whone health
will not permit On increase of family.
Pregnant:" females or tho, suppOsing them.
selves so, are cautioned against these Pills
while pregnant, as the ideprictur assumes no
responsibility after the above adntonition, rtl
theaelt their mildness would prevent any mis•
chief to health; otherwise these PHIS aro recont•
mended. Full and explicit directions accent•
pany mud; .box. Prier, St per box.
Sold wholesale and r,tail by
JOHN I M :.t I', General Agent
f.O Huntingdon Co., Pa.
I have appointed De. John Head dole agent
for the sale 01 my Prenult Periodical Golden
fill., thy the horot,fh and county of ituntin g •
don. All orders Int,t I atlthessed to him.
Ile will supply denier, - at the proprietor's pri•
ers, and send the PINto ladies (roiyido y)
by return mail, to any part of the United Status,
1111 receipt of dl. eaelosol to him thrnitOt tht -
Huntingdon po,botike. Fur rtjetit t 1
181 . 8 get a circular of the A gents---sola by drw
gist; evvrywhere.
I VV.' My signature is written on cart lox
Ilrontkay P. 0., Nov Yuri;
11 . E0.401ZE.5.t0
rrson3 interested that the ['allowing an un,l
persans have .40(.1 their accounts iu the
ister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said
accounts will bo presented for confirmation and
allwance, at an Orphans Court to hr livid at
fluntiligtlim, in and far the County allanting•
awl, on Wedt.sday the 12th day or Augtmt next
.In.-..,t0 S. 'duo, Administrittor of tho
David thidson, lali! of I)ohlii.i
•_' 71acoL if aro...att.., 'Executor or the Ito.t.
Ate., of Nato -y Ncll; late I wom
i• •
Jacob net
of I low) Neil; I
d. thtu
ukt, 4.e.llettry.
tratlz, .Idillisti,lmlor of Oat I
Clia4;6elluer, late el'Crtiltv
Esq., Ex valor 1,1111
1,1. \VOL or Sanutd Stol, hale i,l 11.,,
. ,
I Esq., .Vdni:l.i;:tr,t, or
Liu: or shit.
7. John Dakes,Adniinistrator Cum
mento Annex° of timllistitte al Wm. Meyer,
imp ofJacksau township, doc'di
S. Hobert McCall, acting Adminiftramt of
lei Estate of Alexander McColl, late of Hope
wsll low'nship, dee'd.
0. Daniel Massey, Executor of the last Will,
r., of Dr. Mortleetti Massey, (who wan one ul
the Executors of Thomas Blair, dee'd.) late of
Barree township, dee'd.
10. John Shope acting Executor or the last
Will, Ae.," of Jolla Flasher, late of erIIITIVioII
township, dee'd.
11. David Rork and David (1 tiodition,
ministrators of the Estate DI Joseph Darlene,
late of Henderson township; doe'd.
12. David Clarkson, Esq , Administrator id
the Estate of John Speer, late of Cass town.
ship, dee'd.
Lb S. T. Brown, Esq., Adininistrmor of the
Estate of Elizabeth • Buehanan, Into of Brod)
township, dee d.
14. A. L. Grim, Administrator of the Est:,.
of Jacob Nmner , Into of the borough of Hun
tingdon, deed.
liegister'e OP. 1
llimeisigdon, July 15, '57 j
IVearlVilliamsport, .Pa.
/THE undersigned, surviving partite:of the
.1. tires of J. it. & \V. B. Ruling, edicts for
vale all that valuable property situated no the
south side of the Susquehanna River, 6 miles
front Williamsport, and 3 miles front the line of
the Sunbury & Erie Railroad. The Teensy!.
onion Canal passes on the opposite side of the
River. This tract contains 660 stereo, with
per cent. allowance. 200 acres are cleared,
and in a good state of cultivation. There is a
large amount of valuable Timber on the pre.
• mines ,• a good stream of water, end a good
Saw-Mill. The Mill is new, being built 1856.
The other improvements consist of 5
Uavolling Ilouses, with ,utdmildings thiv,to.
Two large Barns, one of which is tirst.class,
with a large shed attached.
The above property will ho offered at PuLlic
Sale at the Court House, in Williamsport, on
Wednesday, the, 15th ol August, neXt at
o'clock, I'. M.
A {Makin of the purchase money in CuM,
tho balance made easy, with interest, and ;ip.
proved security.
Terms made known on dny of tilde.
Further particulars can be obtained by ;,,b
Surviving partner of the firm
J. U. , W. D. 1.11 , 1.:Na.
William:purl, Pa., July 8,'57.•1m.
.___ TT
- . • ..
lieel; Hauls, Shoulders and Flitch, fur
JJ Eel, at the cheap rocery Store of