MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. I MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that James Ellis has filed his petition in the office of Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon County, for license to keep an Eating House at •Worthinggton Station on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, near Mar. klesburg, in Penn township. Also-That J. A. Moore, filed his petition tbr license to keep an Eating House in Miners. vine, Tod township, which will be presented on Thursday, August 20th. Clerks officet M. F. CAMPBELL. July 21st, 1857. f Clerk. DAGUERREOTYPE & AIEZZOGRAPR GALLERY. [AI P. PRETTYMAN respectfully announces ate the citizens of the county, that he instill prepttred to lake all kinds of Pictures, at his room, up stairs in the Station House, in astyle unsurpassed in the State, and at as cheap rates as the tightness of the lilacs will admit. Call and examine specimens, Huntingdon, July 22, 1857.—* $2OO REWARD. By a resolution of the Burgesses and Town Council of the Borough of Huntingdon, I am authorized to offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars, for the apprehension and conviction of the 'Train or persons who set lire to the build ing of 11.1. MeMurtrie, on the 12th inst. JOHN SIMPSON, c 11. Hunt, July 20, 1837:31. M. ROWE, CONVEYANCER. Agent for the purchase and oak of Real Ey • tate Farms and City Property bought, sold and exchanged. Also money invested and procured on mortgage. Those having Farms or Land for Sale will do well to cull or send description. No. 63, Dock Street, Philadelphia. July 16th, 1857.-3 m. ESTATE OF MICHAEL MIERLY, DECD. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Michael DMierly, late of Cass township, Nuntingdou county, dec'd., having been granted to the un. dersigned, they hereby give notice to all per• suns indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. .10111 , 1 MIEIII,Y, SOL. MIERLY, July 15, 1857._6t*. HUNTINGDON SEMINARY TRE NEXT SESSION WILL COMMENCE Monday, August 31st. 'fuition for ten months, $25. Higher rates charged for pupils remaining wily a part of the year. During July and August, applications may he left with Hon. Cleo. Taylor, or W. I'. Orbi• son, Esq. SARAH W. BIGELOW. Huntingdon, July 1857.—tf. AGRIUtiLTITEML, Proposals from the different places in this county desirous of having the coming Apricot. Loral Fair held in their immediate neighbor• hoods, may bo directed to the undersigned, at soy time previous to the next meeting of the untingdon County. Ayriaultua►l. August. It will be necessary in making ap• plication, to specify the amount subscribi:d Sir the purpose, as by a resolution of the Society at the last meeting, the locality guaranteeing the largest amount will be entitled to the prir. terence. By order of the President. R. ARIA VITT, SAM, G. WII ITTA K ER, } July Bth, 1867, [ESTATE OF JOHN KERR, DECD.] ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of John Kerr, late of Walker township, [lusting don county, deed., tossing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment with. out delay, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. DAVID S. tall, 1 Aditi'oB • DIARY C. ' Hunt., July it, 1857.—ilt* do Lotus non. [EST TE OF HENRY M. KERR,DECD.] EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, - Letters testamentary on the estato of Hen ry M. Kerr, lute of the Borough of Hunting• don, dyed., having been granted to the -under. signed, he hereby gives notice to all persons in debted to said estate to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the sante will present them duly authenticated to John Heed, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon. DAVIT) S. KEIt, Executor. July 8, 1857.-60% F:S'ATE OF j OSII ll'. KERR, DEC' 1.).] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin. istration on the estate of Joshua W. Kerr, lute of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to John Reed, Attor soy at Law, Huntingdon. DAVIT) S. MT, Adoir. July 8, 1857.-Gt*, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to dis tribute the assets remaining in the hands of the Administrators of William Mears, lute of jack :itun township, dee'd.. to and amongst those le gally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that ho will attend toot that purpose at his office in Huntingdon, on Monday, Mead day of August neat, at one o'clock, p. nt., when and Where all per.)us having claims against said funds are required to present the same, or thereafter be debarred from coming in upon said fund. D. BLAIR, Auditor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOVI. E. j otters of administration on the estate of Wit. tills. Norris, late of the township of Penn, in the county of Huntingdon, dee'd., having been ;ranted to the undersigned, all persons indebt• of to the said estate are requested to make pay and those having claims will present I duly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC NORRIS, Jr., Adner. uly 8, 1837.-Gt. k:STA TR OF JA C. BUJIGARTNER DECD. Executor's Notice. etters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Bunigurtuer, Into of Union township, Hunt. den county, deed., having been granted to he nudersigned, notice is hereby given to all per..ns indebted to said estate to make Mme. Hate payment, and those having claims against L t. ;mac, will present them duly authentmated fur , in...meta, to DAVID CIL A RTi.SON, Jni , I ~ 11 5 57.-tit*, Excodor. VALUABLE FARM & MILL PROPERTY Near Williamsport, Pa. FOR SALE. lIMtE undersigned, surviving partner of the 1 firm of J. R. & W. B. Ruling, offers for sale all that valuable property situated on the south side of the Susquehanna River, 6 miles from Williamsport, and 3 miles from the line of the Sunbury & Erio Railroad. The Pennsyl vania Canal passes on the opposite side of the River. This tract contains 660 acres, with 6 per cent. allowance. 200 mires are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. There is large amount of valuable Timber on the pre. miser ,• a good strewn of water, and a good Saw 7 Mill. The Mill is new, being built 1856. Thu other improvements consist of 5 good Dwelling Houses, with outbuildings thereto. Two largo Barns, one of which is first.class, with a large shed attached. The abt r ive property will be offered at Public Sale at the Court House, in Williamsport, on Wednesday, the 19th of August, next at 1 o'clock, I'. M. A portion of the purchase money in Cash, the balance made easy, with interest, and op. proved security. Terms made known on day of sale. Further particulars can be obtained by ad• dressing WILLIAM B. HWANG, Surviving partner of the firm of • J. IL & W. 11. HOLING. Williamsport, Pa., July 8,'57:1n. THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS. @CYW. @Eti2UIT.P ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS Large 12mo. :148 pages. With a complete his tory of tbe Territory, until June, 1857. Em bracing a full account of its discovery, geog raphy, soil, climate, products, its organization as a Territory, transactions and events under Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis sensions, personal encounters, election frauds, battles and outrages, wills portraits of promi nent actors therein, all fully authenticated, by JOHN H. G. 1110 1 ,1, M. D., Private Soc'y to Gov. Geary... Carefully compiled from the official documents on file in the department of State at Washing ton and other papers in the possession of the author, with it full account of "The Invasion of Kansas from Missouri ;" the capture, trial and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the character and movements of the Missouri Bor der Ruffians, the murder of Dualist and others. ".The Coiltroversy between Governor Gea;y aud Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of the Territorial Legislature, of the pro-slavery con- j i vention, and the organization of the Democra tie Party, with a "Sketch of Kansas during its early troubles under Goys. Reeder and Shan non." It invasions, battles, outrages, murders. A copy will be sent to any part of the United States, by mail, free of postage, on receipt of the retail ',rice. A liberal discount to the trade. tirlooo agents wanted. Price in cloth $l. Paper, 50 CHARLES C. RIIODBS, Publisher, Inquirer Building, Philadelphia. TO THOSE WHO WANT FARMS A FARM WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY ➢IAN. THE Rim:wily FARM COMPANY has made ar rangements by which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. The Farms consist of the best limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a ra pidly improving place, into which an extensive ,Pkwr a .re r prer-Itr- /v -ented in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10,5100 popula tion. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the plague of the west fever is unknown. I: also has an abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by instalments, to he loca ted at the time of purchasing, or it share of 25 acres entitling to locate the same fr r pay able $0 per month or 121 acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum of $lOO and 'miler, paid in advance, discount of 5 per mot. will he allowed, and fur over $lOO a discount of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following are presented : Eta:a—The soil is n rich limestone, capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to whirl: the settlein't has nttained its present greet prosper icy. SECOND—It is the centre of the great North West Coul 'Basin, and in destine,' soon to be come one of the greatest business Oates in the State. It will supply the great Lake market, (according to population and travel in the Lin ion.) It hos live workable veins of the best Ili. tutnimus Coal, amounting in the aggregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal under each acre. This will make the land of inestimable value. The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chas. T. Jackson, of Boston, has made a geological sur vey of the land and analyzed the soil, the iron ore and the limestone. This report together with maps will be furnished to inquirers. FOURTII—Threo railroads aro laid out t h ro' this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it rues from Erie to Philudelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running order. A heavy force is now working from Erie toward our land in the western direc tion, the moans for the completion of which has been raised—it will soon be finished. Tho Al legheny Valley Railroad counects us with New York, Boston and Pittsburg. The Young() Road connects us with the West. There are already good Turnpike Roads run ning through this property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emigra tion and settlement which has already taken place. There is no opportunity equal to it now offer ed to the man who wants to provide himself a home in an cosy way, and make a settlement where be can live in prosperity and independence in a climate PERFECTLY HEALTHY. No case of She fever ever having been known to occur in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps intolerant people, whine there is no society, no Aurelius or schools, where the price of land is high, and where the emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to en dure siekness..and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. But here is a thriving settlement having three towns, contain ing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw-mills, grist-mills, and everything desired. There is It Ash market at hand. 'nu lutnher trade last year amounted to over two hundred millions loon of lumber. In a short time, owing to the Coal, it will become still more valuable as a number of iron works trod manufactories will soon be started ; they arc at present starting them extensively at Warren. Even for those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they can easily buy farms to save their families from want in the future, or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of their lands. By an outlay scarcely missed, a substantial provision can be made. Persons should make early application, apply or write to E. Jeffries, Secretary, No. 135 Wal nut Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters carefully answered giving full information. Shares or tracts of land can be bought or se cured by letter enclosing the first instalment of five dollars, when the subscriber will be fur nish4d with books, maps, &e. Warronteo deeds given. Persons eau oleo purchase front our Agents. HOMO from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central %inroad, and thence by ; stage to the Loot This is a delightful season to 1 visit St. Mary's—the best hotel accommodation is afforded. Enquire for E. C. SHULTZ, Eact, the Agent for the property at St. Mary's. Jeneln,'s7.-31n. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. ( ~,,,,,ov - • .0 0 :,,. HAI R IT HAS WORKED MIRACLES ! That all the bald and gray can be restored il.per fectly to original growth, and color, so far as their locks aro concerned, does not admit of a doubt ; besides, it will cure every possible dis ease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff, itching or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions— even scald head—and iu no possible cute Will It foil of curing us If by magic, nervous or perio dical head-ache, and Waged twice a week by the young regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep the hair from falling, to any imaginable ago. Read and judge. Millfortl, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov. 1855. Prof. 0.. J. Wood—D.l'r Sir: h take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic ef fects of your wonderful Hair Restorative. As far back us 1836, my hair commenced tiding oil', until the top of my scalp became as bald and smooth as glass, and it has continued to fell for a great many years, notwithstanding I have us ed many celebrated preparations for restoration. Seeing your advertisement, I was induced to give your article a trial, and to my utter astonish. west, found, alter a few applications, that my bait became firmly set, and assumed a glossy and beautiful appearance ; and by the time I had used a quart bottle, my bald head truss coy ered over with a young anti vigorous growth of hair, which is now from ono to two inches in length, and growing hot. 'Yours, truly, lIENRY GOODRICH. Cl . llarlostorm,,Mi!ss., Aug. 9, 1955, , Gents:—Nothing but a duty and sympathy that I feel to communicate to others that are at , Meted as I have been, would induce Esc to lave this public acknowledgment in the benefit I have received from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. When I first commenced using it, my hair was quite gray, and in spots entirely Raid. I have now used the Restorative about live months, and my hair is entirely changed to its original col or, brown, and the new hair is over three inches in length on the spots where it was bald. I have also been much gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly. Respectfully yours, &b., Mrs. R. A. STODI)ARD. From Mrs. Ingalls, a well known nurse in Bos ton. Boston, Oet. Mk, 1830. . Cents:—At your request and being so highly pleased with the etreets of the Restorative, I mu free to state that toy hair had become quite thin, and entirely white. I have for the last tive years been in the habit of using dye, but hearing of the extraordinary effects of this article, I was induced to try it. My hair hos been restored to its original thickness, and also to its former e, lout, which is light brown. Yours respectfully, MRS. INGALLS. The following is from the Pastor of the Ortho• ,rux Church. Brookfield, Brookfield, Tlass., Jan. 12, 1855. . „ Prof. Wood—Dear Sir---Having made trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives mo pleasure to say, dint its carts have been excellent in remo ving inflammation, dandruff, and a constant ten dency to itching, with which I barn been trou bled from my childhood, and has also restored the hair, which was becoming gray, to its origi nal color. 1 have used no other article, with stay thing tine the same pleasuoc and profit. Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG. (From ifie r ,Tei7e7lty Telegraph.] W is it for—This Wood's Bair Restorative? —ls a question asked daily by hundreds. We answer without hesitation or fear of contradic tion, that it is the only article known which will do all it promises for the human hair. It will re new its growth—it will stop its telling—it will restore its natural color ! It is not a Hair Dye but a speedy and efficacious Restorative. 0..1. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway R. V., & 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri. Sold in Hunting,.tun by dourt ItnAli, and 11 AluNlaNiaiLL, and by Druggists everywhere. Junu 25, 1857.-3 m. 51ur.25,'57.-ly. A MEDICINE THAT NEVER DEMI• I'ATES ! S.l Ea 11 INVIGORATOR ) OR LIVER REMEDY r~ns all the good mc toi e i, s i, o rp f w a c r o t ri gu a t i i i 7 Ca thartic without the debilitating effects experien ced from most purgatives. It acts slowly and gently, but surely, moving the bowels to carry 01l nil the secreted matter, at the same time, sti mulating the Liver to a propel' performance of its functions. . _ . Thu Invigorator cures Sick Headache. 'Take one or two teaspoonsful at each attack, and it will soon disappear. For an overloaded stom ach, or when find rises or sours, take the Invi gorator alter eating, and it will not prove disa greeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpi tation, or Difficult Breathing, take a teaspoonful once or twice daily. For Loss of Appetite, Lan guor or Listlessness, the medicine is invaluable. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonffil on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve nil op pression or fullness. The Invigorator is a Liv er Remedy c f unequaled virtue, acting directly on that argon, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bi lious Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and Female Obstructions, for which it has uo equal. We know there is nothing now before the A merican public, prepared with such skill by n scientific man, particularly for diseases of tho Li ver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Re medy. It bus attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because it rests on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers aro mitlering from such diseases as aro described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement, we know of no remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. There has lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura tive and healing properties in diseases of the Li ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It canto to us with so many.testimonials in its favor that we have noted its eilhets in some of the worst ca ses of continual debility, caused by deranged li ver, and in every instance the effect was to re lieve or give a permanent cure. Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what wo refer to. We always have been credulous about cures by patent medicines, but we are convinced that this medicine for family use is not overrated by the host of recommendations it bas. Our ad vice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, Debil ity or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will he experienced. Blessings to the Invalids who use Sanford's Invigorator, for it will relieve them of their pain Os soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is used, for it will as surely drive chests away, as daylight will banish darkness, of this there can be no doubt to those who try it, for it carries convic tion wish every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousands of certificates from those who use it or have been cured by it. Try ono bottle, if it does not benefit, we are mistaken. SANFORD & Co., Proprietors, :145 Broadway New York. Sold in Huntingdon by lltamy Itlctilamosm., and John Road. Dr. Cleo. H. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, No, 140, Wood at., Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent. June 25, 1857.-2 m. Mnr.25,'57.-I,y, • MISCELLANEOUS LDVERTISEMENTS. .EMIUMS, LIST or r: he Huntingdon County I the next Fair. !SES : 2d best du., $2 00 Best match h's, 6 00 Id best do., 400 Best trotting les, 3 00 24 best, do., 200 Best family horse 3 00 24 best do., 200 Best mules, 6 00 Id best do., 3 00 To be awarded by tL Agricultural Society, al HOR Best Stallion, $7 00 2d best, -1 00 3d best, 3 OD Best 20r3 yr eult 5 00 Bost under 1 yr., 2 00 Best brood mare, 5 00 2d best do., 2 50 Best draft horse, 3 00 2,1 beet do., 2 00 Beet riding horse 4 00 TOCK Best cow, 4 00 2d best do., 3 00 Best 3 y'r better, 3 00 2d best do., 2 00 Best calf, 2 00 [IS : NEAT Best work oxen, 6 00 2d best do., 400 3d best do., 300 Best bull, 5 00 2d best do., 3 00 liO Best boar, 00 ' 2d.best do., 3 00 3d best do., 2 00 Best sow, 4 00 2d best SOW, it Ou Best litter of pigs :I 00 Best Cites. White 3 00 Best Berkshire, 2 00 SlErb Bost titte-w. , 3 00 2d best do., 300 Best Sooth•dowll 5 00 2d hest do., 3 00 Best longswooled 5 00 2d best, ditto, 3 00 Best f.-wool ewe, 5 00 2(1 best do,, 3 00 Best long wool do. 5 00 Best South•dowu, 5 00 • PLOW Best, 4 001 24 best, 3 00 AGRICULTURAL Beat plow, 3 00 Best harrow, 2 00 Beat cultivator, 00 Best liill•Side; 3 00 Best Windmill, 3 00 3d best, 2 00 4tb best, 1 00 IMPLEMENTS : Best Wheat drill, 3 00 Best Cornplanter 3 00 Best Ilorse•ral cannot l ' .i i t? g i "' . .. , i s t h e greatest Judge of Paper Moneyy th i ng. permanency and stability to this p Greatest discovery of the present century Feb. 20, 1850. IllarVs7 0 for detecting Counterfeit 1t,,, Notes. De- , ..„'-. .._ ..,,,, ,„, ~ , 5 ,., ,„ . , ~,,, ...scribing every genuine bill in existence, and i . ',lntl Elfi /WL) ' , ...-AliGhlia l li.s rme•xhibting at a glance every counterfeit in i 14 circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that , CLOTHING treferenee is easy and demotion instantaneous. i 0 C-4J , No index to examine !No pages to A New Assortment Just Opened ,liiiiit • up ! But so simplified and arranged And will be s o ld 30 per cent. .7. that the Merchant, Banker and Business man Lean see all at a glance. English, French and CHEAPERTHAN THE CHEAPEST! g German. Thus each may read the same inlj ROMAN respectfully ileums .his caste p his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank .1.1., inets and the public generally; that he has C./ Note List published. Also a list of all the j ust o p ene d a t his store-room in ma r ket s, taare ,hprivato Bankers it, America. A completo I Jlantiogdon, a splendid new stock of Ruady• (.. summary of the Finance of Enropo :111,1 A- ~,,,,i„ 4iMrtititi a ale -'' 1' : — • l— 'rt t,„ ""7"rrt.l2MTWVlTlYlrnirrnnrSTMffirrrr" - m•os.,„ Also a series ()Oates, frost an obi Manuscript found in the East, it furnishes the most corn , Mete History of "Otte:J.:l :Are." Devrib- Mg the most perplexi!,!.; positions in which re, the ladies and f,,,tlClaeli of that Counter have been so olle, frond. These stories will F. :, continue throughout the whole year, and will twi 'wove the most entertaining ever oared to the public. it US' Furnished Weekly to subscribers only at `t , i n roar. All letters must be addressed to ,161 IN 0. DYE, Biwa ms,Publisher Froprletor, 7U Wall Fitrect, New York, C. April 22, 1657.—1 y. BFWITULEXPLEISION! SPRUCE CREEK FOUNDRY. Just as expected, r J ,..jr!viner, have rented Spruce t...reely ,„Voundry, and you would be swim. eed to see what a general assort meat of callings they are dealing out to the Machine castings of all shapes and . . castings fur Grist Saw turns, Forges and Furnaces, made to order, a shortest are rice and loweA rates. A good assort• moot of Beth, Plough casting,, Stoves, Cook and Parlor, Wood and Coal, 4:e., &c. They are also prepared t furnish the world and ''the rest of mankind" with the welbknown celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friends including the runner customers of this well. known establishment. Just call and see our . _ . stocici! you please Pt RDY & 'CRAMER., 1857.—Giu, Spruce Creek, Pa, CONFECTIONARY (C. Fill STGRE 'WILLIAM N. snit:GARD, THOMAS FRY, WIIOLESALE CONFECTIONER FRCITERER, No, 191 North Third St., above Wood, HAN . UFACTI:ItEIt, OF CONFECTION atv, Jujube Paste, Ikuu Drops, Chocolat , : Drops, &allay Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly Cakos, theam CLoculao_, Frcuch Tuts, White Sugar Toys, Ac.,Ac. AND DEALER IN 0ra,,,, , e5, Lemons, Currants, Citron, Figs, - Dates, Prunes, Almond,, Walnuts, Fit berts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuto, First Crack ers, SyrupM Tamarinds, Liquorice, Cock Can dy, .he., Ac. The attention or Naiora is reqested to an examination of soy stuck, whirls will be found equal to any in Philadelphia. N. B.—Orders by snail or otherwise prompt ly attended to. @Ib4I.3.KYY/0 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree ment, written at the shortest notice and on the west reasonable terms. 2,1857. Shirleysburg, April 2 MA. GIIITIO[ti TEMILIEB t , DENTIST ItuRVXNGDON, .hue 13, UM. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve ry description, for sale et the Ilardware Store of J. A. BROWN & CO. Apr.B,'G7.-►y. 1 ried feel; fates, Shoulders and Flitch, for sale at the cheap Grocery Store of . LUVI S McDIVITT. PE 1 . 01 Baia at the iffirdNato Store of TAMES A. BROWN A co. I t ( . 1(• . which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can Lc...purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before nurcha sing elsewhere. Also, pals,. Caps, goofs, and Shoes, Which will be sold lower then at any other es tablishment in the county. IlinningdAt Al.ril 29, I t,57. WAR XX /11. - 777 ANDREA rournmar MeGll,l, & CROSS INFORM THEM WA t fri,l, and the public generally, that they ha, tie above Foundry in full blast, and prepared to furnish castings of every description. Stoves at nil kind ' „ 1 „ ... far we lor coal. Improved Ploughs, - Tbresbing Machines, and everything in theca:. ting line neatly made. We can (intuit all work that requires turning, having a good Turnieg Lath. .4111 work done cheap for cash or coun try produce. Uhl motel taken far castings. Do ing practical and experienced we hope by strict attention to 'Mallet. to receive a liberal share of publicpatronage. Mal CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, FREDERICK SEIDLE, N 1:F..4 It OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS,....4BUTTERft • motmtatmc VEIRID@VI Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. mere, .F. S. delivers work to the cam. Ho has always ready made work on hand. All orders by mail shall receive prompt attention. 28, 1857.—Gmci. JACKSON'S HOTEL HUNTINGDON, PA.. u Allegheny Street, between 4 • i . l'a• It R . SI, R.ffi B. T. R.R. Depots. WM. B. ZEIGLER, March 25, 1857.-6na• Proprietor. NOlgrOX,.. Notice is hereby given that Jonathan Me. Williams, Esq., Trustee of the estate of Wil liam Ingram, has filed his account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, and that the same will be prosiMted to thelitid Court on first Monday rind 10th day of August term,' next, for confirmation and allowance. M. F. CAMPBELL, Huntingdon, July ft, 1857. Png'o, `lt ZAWXB rt BLANKS I BLANKS a E general assortment of Blanks of all de. seriptinus just printed and for sale al the "Journal Office." Appointee's of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons,. Vendue'Noters, Executions, Constabli's Seim Esseitsss Subposuns, Complaints, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages Commitments. Loud to ideutnify Constable, &c. DR. J R. TIYETT D ALEXANOMA. HUAI'. CO., PA. April 1, 1e57.—1y. Autiphlogistic Salt. 'Phis celebrated utedicinC is for ...lc at the it it (Mice . For all inlianiraatory disenxut il is a ..ertnin tine. Oct it I, s and try it, ye who .ire attlietiul