11111 J. ~* i El MC] NEI AI [ESTATE OF JOAN NERR, DEC'D.] ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of John Kerr. late of Walker township, Hunting. don connty . dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Wowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment with. out delay, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. DAVID S. KER MARY C. KEHIt , Adn ' ' " Hunt., July 8,1867.-3 t. debonts non. [ESTATE OF lIENRY JL ERR , DECD.] EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Letters testamentary on the estate of Hen. ry M. 'err, late of the Borough of Hunting. don, dee'd., having been granted to the under. lined, he hereby gives notice to all persons in- debted to said estate to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the setae will present them duly authenticated to Johu Reed, Attorney nt Law. Huntingdon. DAVID S. HER, July 8, 1867.-Gt.. ' Executor. (ESTATE OF JOSHUA W. KERR, DECD.] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters oftulmin• titration on the estate of Joshua W. Kerr, late of the borough of Huntingdon deed., have been granted to the undersigne d ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly au• thenticated for settlement to John Reed, Attor• coy at Law, Huntingdon. DAVID S. KER, July 8, lBs7.—Gt*. Adnen VALUABLE FARM & MILL PROPERTY Near Williamsport, Pa. - FOR SALE, I H fi E rm un o r f lerpgli t e . d i z i t> j a n i g i , ne o r f af s the r :ale all that valuable property situated on the south side of the Susquehanna River, 6 miles from Williamsport, and 3 miles from the line of the Sunbury & Erie Railroad. Thu Pennsyl• vania, Canal passes on the opposite side of the River. This tract contains 660 acres, with 6 per cent. allowance. 200 acres ore cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. There is a large amount of valuable Timber on the pre. miser ; a good stream of seater, and a good Saw-Mill. The Mill is new, being built 1856. The other improvements consist of 5 good Dwelling Rouses, with outbuildings thereto. Two large Barns, one of which is first•class, with a large shed attached. The elitivre property will be offered at Public Sale at the Court Rouse, in Williamsport, on Wednesday, the 19th of August, next at 1 t:elea, P. M. A portion of the purchase money in Cash, tlut balance made easy, with interest, and op. proved security. Terms tandu known on day of sale. Fortiser patticulars eau be obtained by ad• dressing WILLIAM B. HULINO, Surviving partner dam firm of J. R. a. W. B. WILING. Wiliilsm,purt o July 8, '37.-3m, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Ti.e undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Coart of Huntingdon County, to dis tribute the assets containing in the hands of the Administrators of William Mears, late of Jack non township, dee'd.. to and amongst Otos° lo gaily entitled thereto, hereby hives notico that he, will attend for that purpose at his ollice in Huntingdon, on Monday, the 3d day of Avast next, at one o'clock, p. tu., alien and where all persons having claims against said funds ern required to present the same, or thereafter be debarred from ruining in upon said fund. D. BLAIR, Auditor .4 illy 1,'57. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTII L. j otters of administration on the estate of Wil- Lilian)) Norris, into of the township of l'enn, in the county of Huntingdon, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to the said estate are requested to make pay ment. and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC NORRIS. Jr., July 8, 1857.-6' HERRING'S PATENT It A 1 . 0 lit lIMICOIASS-IPEMP SAFES. 4.13 E .kV4rel PATENT 0 WITH POWDER UAL 1,,56 PRO 0 F LOCKS. FARRELS & HERRING, Mabera, 34 WALNUT ST., nEr.ow SECOND, PHILADA, 'TIRE GREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED I by the public to procure more certain secu• rity from fire for valuable papers, such as Bond.q, Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and Books ot• Accounts, than the ordinary SAFES heretofore in use ailbr ded, induced the Patentees to devote n largo por of their time for the last fourteen years, in rus king discoveries and improvements for this ob jent, the result of which is the unrivalled Herring's Paieni:WoWVFal;FrCnium Fire Proof Safes, acknowledged as the CHAMPION 5510 nP VIE WORLD. Having been awarded Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851, and Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, as superior to all others, it is new undouhtedly entitled to that appellation, and secured with Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks—which were also awarded separate Medals, (as above)—forms the most perfect Fire & Burglar Proof Sales ever yet of fered to the public. Nearly 300 'Herring's Safes' have been tested during the past 14 pests, and more than 16,000 barn been sold and aro now in actual use. Also on hand or manufactured to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors, Money Chests for Brokers, Jewellers, Ralroads, private families, &e., for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. May2o,'s7. o do ATTORNEY AT ri4ur Will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree. meat, written at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Shirleyeburg, April 22, 1857. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve ry description, for salo at tho Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN & CO. . . _ Apr.8,'57.-ly. L EAD PIPE fot Bale at the Minim,. Store of JAMES A. BROWN & CO. D ried Beef, Hann, Shoulders and Flitch, for Dsale at the cheap Grocery Store of LOVE & MoDIVITT. TINWARE, for sale at the cheep Store of GEISINGER ADVRATIMEMENTS. OP, WOO IT HAS WORKED MIRACLES! That all the bald and gray can its restored per feetly to original growth, and color, so far as their locks are concerned, does not admit of a doubt; besides, it will cure every possible dis ease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff, itching or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions— even scald head—and in no possible case will it fail of curing as if by magic, nervous or perio dical head-nebe, and if used twice a week by the young regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep the hair from :idling, to any imaginable age. Read and judge. Milford, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov. 1855. Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir: I take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic ef fects of your wonderful Hair Restorative. As far back us 1836, my hair commenced falling off, until the top of my scalp became as bald and smooth ns glass, ant it has continued to fall for a great ninny years, notwithstanding I have us ed many celebrated preparations for restoration. Seeing your advertisement, I was induced to give your article a trial, and to my utter astonish ment, found, after a few applications, that my bait became firmly set, and assumed a glossy and beautiful appearance ; and by the time I had used a quart bottle, my bald head was cov ered over with a young and vigorous growth of hair, which is now front one to two incites in length, and growing titst. Yours, truly, HENRY GOODRICH. ChrleStOWll, MOM, Aug. 9, 1855. Gentle—Nothing but a duty and sympathy that I feel to communicate to others that are af flicted as I have been, would induce me to give this public acknowledgment or the benefit I hese received from Prof. Wood's Hair Reetorativo. When 1 first commenced using it, my hair was quite gray, and in spots entirely bald I have now used the Restorative about live months, and my hair is entirely changed to its original col or, brown, and thu new hair is over three inches In length on the spots where it was bald. I also been much gratified et the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which bcrore was dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly. Respectfully yours, &c., Mrs. R. A. STODDARD. From Mrs. Ingitllg, a well known nurse in Boa— Boston, Oct. 19111,1855. Gents:—At your request and being so highly pleased with the effects of the Restorative, I are free to state that my hair had heroine quite thin, and entirely white. I have for the last five years been in the habit of using dye, but hearing of the extraordinary effects of this article, I was induced to try it. lily hair has beets restored to its original thickness, and also to its former for, which is light brown. Yours respectfully, MRS. INGALLS. The following is- fi:oin the Pastor of the Ortho• (tlO . x Ch.9rFl.l..l3rooktiji. Brookfield, Moss., Jun. 12, 1855. Prof. Wood—DoorSir—lluviugmade trial of your Hair Restorative ; it gives roe pleasure to any, flint its effects have been excellent in remo6 ving inflammation, dandruff, and a constant ten debcy to itching, with which I have been trou bled tVom toy childhood, and has also restored the hair, which was becoming gray, to its origi nal color. nom used no other article, With any thing lino the same pleatuie and profit. Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG. [From thq Jersey City Telegraph.] What la It for—This Wood's Hair Itustorativot —is is question nuked daily by hundreds. We answer without hesitation or fear of contradic tion, that it is the only article known which will do all it promises for the human hair. It will re new its growth—it will stop its lalling—it will restore it:: natural color It is not a Ilair Dye but a speedy and efficacious Restorative. . -- U. J. W UO . D & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway N. Y., & 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri. 801 d in Huntingdon by JOHN HEAD, and H. MeMAxioii.c., and by Druggists everywhere. Juno 25, 1837.-3 m. A MEDICINE THAT NEVER DEBILI. TATES I Oh. INVIGORATOR OR LiVER REMEDY Tras all the good qualities of a purgative me• 11dicinc, answering the purposes of any Ca thartic without the debilitating effects experien ced front most purgatives. It acts slowly and gently, but surely, moving the bowels to carry off rill the secreted matter, at the same time, sti mulating! the Liver to a proper performance of its functions. The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take one or two teaspoonsful at each attack, and it will soon disappear. For an overloaded stom ach, or when food rises or sours, take the Invi gorator after eating, and it will not prove disa• greettble or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpi tation, or Difficult Breathing, take a teaspoonful once or twice daily. For Loss of Appetite, Lan guor or Listlessness, the medicine is invaluable. It trill restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. Alter eating n hearty thinner, take a Best and greatest dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all up- varieiy apples, 300 pression er tallness. Th. Invigorator is a Lir " !2d best do., 200 er Remedy cf unequaled virtue, acting directly Beat doz. lido. 2 00 on that organ, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bi lious Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and 2d best do., 1 00 Female Obstructions, fur which it has no e quid. , Best doz. whiter, 2 00 ; . We know there is nothing now before the A- 2d brat do., 1 00 Merlotti public, prepared with such skill by a ! Bent wint'r pears 2 00 scientific man, part ieulerly for diseases of the Li- , 2:1 hest do., 1 00 ver, as Dr. Satiford's Invigorator, or Liver Re- , Best far. do., 200 wetly. It has attained a reputation second to no i VEGET other article in the world, simply because it rests ! on its own merit. To convince all by trial that Best potatoes, 200 it is all its proprietors claim it to he, if an, of 2d best do., 1 00 our renders are guttering from such diseases us 3,1 best do., 50 are described in Dr. batitutiPs advertisement, Bent Meshannoe, 1 00 we know of no remedy that will so surely care Best Ntenican, 100 them as the Invigorator. ; Best Pink Eye, 75 Beet white puts., 70 Best red do., 50 ' Best blue, do, 60 Best sweet do., 1 00 Best tomatoes, 100 2d best do., 75 3d heat do., - 50 Best Purple Eggs 50 Best peppers, 50 FLORAL DE: Best display flow- ! ers in bloom, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best dia. plants, 2 00 I POULTRY, Beat pr. turkeys, 1 00 2d best do., 50 2d best do., 50 Best pr. chickens, 1 00 Best pr. geese, 1 00 2d best du., 50 2d best do., 50 Best dis.poultry, 2 00 Best pr. of ducks, 1 00 25 best. do., 1 00 DZ. 01. LIILIMOrd DENTIST' ; lITINICZNOOOPI N FA. Tune 13, 1857. There has lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura tive and healing properties in diseases of the Li ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It came to us with so many testimonials in its favor that we have noted its effects in some of the worst ea ses of continual debility, caused by deranged li ver, and in every instance the effect was to re lieve or give a permanent cure. Dr. Santbrd's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we refer to. We always have been credulous about cures by patent medicines, but see are convinced that this medicine for family use is not overrated by the host of recommendations it has. Our ad vice is, fur all troubled with Indigestion, Debil icy or Bnwel Complaint, to get a bottle mid try It; our word for it. relief will be experienced. Blessings to the Invalids who use Sanford's Invigorator ; for it will relieve them of their pain as soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is used, for it will as surely drive them easy, as daylight will banish darkness,of this there can be no doubt to those who try it, for it carries convic tion with every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousands of certificates front those who use it or have been cured by it. Try one bottle, if it does not benefit, we are miStaken. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway New York. Sold in Huntingdon by HENRY ItloNlAniona., find Druggists everywhae. Dr. Cleo. H. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, No, 140, Wood et., Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent. June 25, 1837.-3 m. Mar. 25,'57.• ly, THE HUNTINGDON. JOURNAL. 1 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to din. tribute the balance in the hands of William Me. Nits, administrator of William Peebles, dec'd., amongst those entitled to receive the some, hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend for the purpose of hearing, fte., on Saturday, the let of August, 1857, at or.e o'clock, p. m., at his office in the borough of Huntiingd on, when and where all persons having claims against the estate of said deed., will present them fur allowance, &c., or be bar. red thereafter from receiving any share of said fund. JOHN REED, Auditor. Ju1y1;57.4t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Count ut Huntingdun County, to dis• tribute the balance in the hands of Brice Blair, surviving Administrator of the Rev. J. Y. Mc. Ginnis, deed., amongst those entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for the purpose of hearing, Ste., on Friday, the 31st day•of July, 1857, at onco'clock, p.m., at his office in Huntingdon, when and where all persons having claims a• gainst the estate of said deed., aro required to present them, or be thereafter burred from coming in upon said fund. JOHN REED, Auditor. Ju1y1,57..4t. LIST 01' PREMIUMS, To be awarded by the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society, at the next Fair. HORSES Best Stallion, $7 00 2d best do., $2 00 2tl best, 400 I Best match h's, 600 3d best, 300 2tl best do., 400 Best 20r3 yr colt 5 00 Best trotting h's, 3 00 Best under I yr., 200 24 best, do., 200 Best brood mare, 5 00 Best family horse 3 00 2d best do., 250 2d best do., 200 Beat draft horse, 3 00 Best stoles, 6 00 2d best do., 200 2d best do., 300 Bestriding horse 4 00 NEAT Best work oxen, 6 00 2d best do., 400 3d best do., 300 Best bull, 5 00 2d best do., 3 00 II O Best boar, 5 00 2d hest do., 1 00 3d best do., 2 00 Best sow, 4 00 STOCK : Best cow, 4 00 2d hest do., 3 00 Best 3 y'r heifer, 3 00 2d best do., 2 00 Best calf, 2 00 : 2d host sow, 3 00 Butt litter of pin 3 00 Best Ches. White 3 00 Best Berkshire, 2 00 ;EP: Best fine-w. , 5 00 2d best do., 300 Best South•down 5 00 2d best do., 3 00 Best long-wooled 5 00 PLOP Best, 4 00 2d best, 3 00 AGRICULTURAL Besj plow, 3 00 Best harrow, 2 00 Best cultivator, 3 00 Best Hill-Side, 3 00 I Best Windmill, 3 00 GRAIN Best white corn, 1 00 24 best do., 50 Best Rye, 1 00 2d best clo., 50 Best Oats, , 1 00 24 best do., 00 Boot buckwheat, 1 00 24 best do., 50 INUFACTUICES : 24 best do., 50 Best hurl soap, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Rest candles, 1 00 3d best do., 50 Best carpet, 2 00 24 best do., 1 00 Best hearth rug, I 00 2445 t do., 50 B flannel, 200 2,1 eat do., 1 00 Best quilt, 2 00 24 best do., 1 00 Best wool sock, 50 Best worsted do., 50 Best ornamental needle work, 1 00 24 best ditto, 50 Best silk ectiro'y 1 00 2,1 best, do., 50 Best shell work, 1 00 2d best do., 50 CEMENTS S MANI) , 'URES do. lot cab. ware, 1 00 Best and largest var. tin-ware, 1 00 do. earthen stone 1 00 40. washing iliac. 50 Best meat vessel, 1 00 Best churn, 1 00 Best horse shoes, 50 Best marblework 2 00 Rest cook stove, 1 00 ;ITS: 2d beat do., 1 00 Best quinces, 100 Best and greatest variety grapes, 2 00 Best native do., 2 00 3d beat do., 1 00 Best doz. peach, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best doz. plums, 1 00 2,1 best du., 50 ' kBLES : do. hpets, 60 do. parsnips, 50 do. carrots, 50 do. turnips, 50 do. oniors, 50 do. celery, 50 do. cabbage, 50 2,1 best do., 25 Best pumpkins, 50 Best pie pump. 50 do. squashes, 50 do. water 5010,,, 50 do. musk melon, 50 do. beans, 50 do. peas, 50 :PARTMENT : do, var. dahlias, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best boquet, 50 2d best ditto, 300 Best f.•wool ewe, 5 00 2d best do., 3 00 Best long wool do. 5 00 Best South•down, 5 00 ING: 3d best, 2 00 4th best, 1 00 IMPLEMENTS 13est Wheat drill, 3 00 Best Cornpinnter 3 00 Best II orse.rake, 2 00 Best Reaper, 3 00 Best Mower, 3 00 Best white wh't., 3 00 2:1 best do, 200 3d best do.. 100 13est red wheat, :3 00 2d best do , 200 3d best do., 1 00 Best yellow corn, 100 2 , 1 best do., 50 I;tI3IESTIC MA Bes; breml, 3 00 2d best do., 2 00 :41 best do., 1 on Best pound cake, 1 00 2,1 best do., 50 Best sponge do., 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best butter, 3 00 2:1 best do., 2 00 3,1 best do., 1 00 Best domes. sug'r 2 00 2d best, do., 100 ild best do., 50 Best apple butler 1 00 2(1 best do., 50 Best tom. ketchup 1 00 Best honey, 1 00 Best jelley, 1 00 2,1 best do., 50 Best preserves, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best pickles, 1 00 MECHANICAL IMP: FACT] Best 2 hor. car'ge 2 00 Best buggy, 1 00 do. sett sin. bar., 1 00 do. do. farm. do., 1 00 do. bridle d sad. 1 00 do. pair boots,' 1 00 do. pair shoes, 50 do. side sole lea., 1 00 do. kip - a calfskin 1 60 do. har. & upper, 1 00 Flll HAMS, Shoulder aid Dried Beef can be ob• tallied very cheap at UrEISINGER'S 1 1 / 4 1othNithetandiug the high price of sugar, I V GElilYerrlt sells a fair article at 12* cts. MISCELLANEOUS A DYERTINEMENTS. TO THOSE WHO WANT FARMS, A FA PM WITMN THE REACH OF EVERY MAN. THR RID GWAY FARM CfIMPANY iIAS inwle ar rangements by which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so, The Farms consist of the hest limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a ra pidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouring, The property is lo cated in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10,000 popula tion. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an abundance of the hest quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by instalments, to be loca ted at the time of purchasing, or a share of 25 acres entitlii.g to locate the same fr r $3OO. pay able $0 per mouth or 12i acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum of $lOO and under, paid in advance, discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed, and for over $lOO a discount of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following arc presented linev —The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which tho settleut't has attained its present great prosper ity. SECOND—It is the centre of the great North West Coal Resin, and is destinej soon to be come one of the greatest business places in the State. It will supply the great Luke market, (according to population and travel in the Un ion.) It has five workable veins of the hest Bi tuminous Cool, amounting in the aggregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tone of coal under each acre. This will make the laud of inestimable value. The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chas. T. Jackson, of Roston, has mode a geological sur vey of the land and analyzed the Foil, the iron ore and the limestone. This report together with maps will be furnished to inquirers. Founvii—Three railroads are laid out thro' this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running order. A heavy torce is now working front Erie board our land in tho western direc tion, the means tor the completion ol• which has been Will soon he finished. The Al legheny Volley Ritilrouti connects us with Now York, Boston and Pittsburg. The Vemogo Rood connects tiv with the West. There are already good Turnpike Roads run ning through this cproperty, various other roads have been opened to accoinnkalate the emigra tion and settlement which has already taken place. There is no opportunity equal to it now oiThr ed to the Mil who wants to provide himselta home in an easy way, and make a settlement where he can live in prosperity and independence in u climate PERFECTLY HEALTRY. No case of the fever ever having been known to occur in this settlemdnt. It is not like going to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps intolerant people, where there is no society, no nburchcs or schools, where the price of land is high, and where the emigrant, niter being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to en dure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. But here is a thriving settlement having three towns, contain ing ehurchmt,sehools, hotels, stores, sawmills, gristmills, and everything desired. There is at ,ash market at hand. The lumber trade last yam amounted t 3 over two hundred millions leet of lumber. In a short time, owing to the Coal, it will become still morn valuable as a number of iron works and manulacturies will boon he started ; they are at peseta starting then, retentively at Warren. Even for those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they can easily hay farms to •ave their families from want, in the future, sir to gain a competence by the riso which will take place in the value of their lands. By an outlay scarcely missed, a substantial provision can be made. Persons should•ma ke early Implication, apply or write to E. Jeffies, Secretary, No. 135 WM. nut Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters carefully answered giving full infornuttion. Slimes or tracts of land eon be bought or se cured by letter enclosing the tint instahnent of five dollars, when the subscriber will i,o fur nislmd with books, maps, &c. Warrantee deeds given. Persons cun also purchase front oar Agents. - Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by stage to the Lind. This is it delightful season to visit at. Mary's—the best hotel accommodation iv alihrdeil. Enquire for E. C. Sttcr.Tz, EsQ., the Agent for the property at St. Mary's. June I 0,'57.-itin. DREADFUL. EXPLOSION! SPRUCE CREEK FOUNDRY. Just as expected, Purdy & Cra: mer, have rented Spruce Creek . 1 " Foundry, and you would be titi rpri tied to see what a general assort meet of castings they are dealing out to the public. Machine castings of all shapes and sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges and Furnaces, made to order, at shortest no tice and lowest possible rates. A good assort. meet of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook and Parlor, 400 d and Coal, &c., tte. They are also prepared to furnish the world and ''the rest of mankind" with the well-known celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they earnostlysolicit the patronage of all their friends including the former customers of this well. known establishment. Just call and see onr stock if you please. PURDY & CRAMER., Spruce Creek, Pn Feb. 4, 1857.—Gm, CONFECTIONARY d FRUIT STGRE. • VIILLIAIN N. B►ii GAUD, THOMAS FRY, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER a FRUITERER, 191 North Third St., above We e d, Nil,. MANUFACTURER OF CONFECTION , ury, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly Cakes. Cream Chocolate, French Tcys, White Sugar Toys. fie., . - AND DEALER IN Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil berts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Creek. era, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can- Tho 'attention of Dealers is reqested to an examination of my stock, which will ho found equal to any in Philadelphia. N. 13.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt. ly attended to. • Window gash J. & W. Sa;ConVa;i7m.7on hand difTerent kinds of Window Sash, and at much lower pri ces than Nita be made by hand. They will be able ulsu to have Doors, Shutters, Blinds and everything necessary for building purposes, made at the shortest notice. UPPER TRADE AHEAD. I F ynu want cheap goods just go up to Geisin• ger's New Store, near the Juniata Bridge, West Huntingdon. He has a full assortment. May2o,'s7. LEATHER LEATHER I LEATHER HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French Calf Skins, and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Leather Morocco, &c. KEIJI AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, March4,'67.l.y. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. okr TO' INVALIDS.EG Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat and fleert—Formerly Physician to the --- CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVALIDS RETREAT, . . Author of "toilets to Invalids; I 9 COMING. See following Card. July &'August Appointments , Dr. Hardman, Physician Tbr disease of the Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma rine Hospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms 013 tblioWg Huntingdon. Jackson's Hotel Saturday August 1 Lewistown, National Hotel August 3. Mifflin, Pattersou House, August, 4. Harrisburg, August 5. Altoona July 30. Hollidayentrg July 31. Johnstown July 29. Indiana July 28. Greensburg July 27. Pittsburgh July 24, 25 cf‘ 26. Dr. Hardman trefitm Consumption, Bronchi tis, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Bromton Hospital, London. The great point in the treatment of all ',man male dies is to get at the disease in the (Meet men tier, All medicines are estimated by their ac tion ul.on the r egan requiring relief. This is the important fact mall' which Inhalation is ha s eel. if the stomach is diseased we take medicine directly into the stomach. Tithe lunge are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should be applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap plication of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach or every other means of administering medicines. Ihe reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re sisted all treatment has been because they had never been approached in a direct manner by medicine. They were intended to act upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.— Their action Won intended to he Meal, and yet, they were so administered dint they should not act conkistutionally, expending immediate and principal action upon the unotlending stomach, 1 whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct Colltila With the disease, tiithout the disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli cation is simple, that it can be employed by the youngest intent or feeblest invalid. It trees nut derange the stomach, or in terlere in the least de- . gree with the strongth,.comfert, or boniness of the patient. Omen Diseases Temtern.—ln relation to the thllowing diseases, either when compli cated with lung affections existing alone, I also invite consultation. I usually html them prompt ly curable. Prolapsus and all other forms of Female com plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of Stomach and howela, &c. All diseases of the es•e and car. Nc uralgiai Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.— No charge Mr consultation. S. D. HARDMAN, DI. D. June 3, 1857. 121E&. ,, Ar AT LOVE & MTIVITT'S. A NEW AN!) ELEGANT STOCK OF Griocums, ('oNFECTIONARIES, AND PROVISIONS, just received and for sale at the wholesale and retail Greeery F. Provision Store of Love Sr. .111 e I) iv i tt. Consisting of FISH, SALT, BACON, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, 'I FAS, MOLASSES; SEOARS, & ToßAcco, of the hest v and every grade. OILS, CANDLES, FL CAM . - POEM , . . Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Cates, Tama rinds, Rive, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers, lateciironi, Pickles of all kinds, Sar dines, Candies and Confectionaries. All of - which will be disposed of on the most reason able terms, Mr tmoln or country produce. Purchasers wilt find it to their interest to colt and examine our steel( before purchasing else- where, as we ore prepared to sell everything in our line of business A LITTLE LOWER tflan any other establishment of the kind in this lo cality. Itloy 11, 1057. LOVE & McDIVITT. , New Goods ! New Goods !I AT D. P. GWIN 9 S CHEAP STORE. 1). Gavin has just returnd from Philadel. phis with the lurgest and most beautiful ns. sort tnent of Ever brought it, llunringdon, consisting of the most tasltionablc Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, Challis de Loins, Braise, (dB. colors,) Braise Robes, Brilliants, (dh. colors,) Brilliant Robes. Lawn Robes, Chintz Robes, Ditcals, Plain and Fan cy Dress" Ginghtnos, Ilitntnilla Cloth, Silk Warp Levelly Cloth, for travellingdrosses, Mo hair, Debuis, Lawns and Prints of any descrip tion. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Buttons, Gimps, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet Crapes ' (all colors,) Ribbonds, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Laces, Ilosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbonds for Betting, Whalelmno and Brit. Hoops for Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk and Gingham Cravats, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen and C.ltton Floss, Tidy Yarn. Also the best and largest assortment of Col lars, andslinderideeves, in town. Bar'd and' Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig wed ond.dotted. Crinoline,Moreen and Grass cloth for skirts, Book Merlin, Irish Linen, Li nen 'fable Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &e. Alan a line assortment of Spring Shawls, Silk and Bands° Mantillas, and a variety of Dress and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. Also, Cloths, Cassitners, Cassinets Mcreno Casbimur. Tweeds, K. Jeans, Cotton Drills, for pants, plain and fancy Linens, Marseilles and Silk Vesting, Mediae, blenched and unbleach ed, Sheeting end Pillow-ruse Muslins, Kun io ens, Tieken, Check, Taldo Di (pers. Bonnets 01 . the latest styles nod or tery low prices, Moleskin, Fur. Wool and Summer Hats, [west styles._ ALSO; Booti and Shoes, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Buckets, Tubs, Bas kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Blinds, Fish land Salt, and all goods usually kept in u coun try Store. My old customers, and OS many new ones ne can crowd in are respectfully requester; to come and examine my goods. • All kinds of Country produce taboo in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. GWIN. April 22, 1837. c. WELLS .11_MMW 4'4 MILII4 PORK PACKERS, AND Wholesale Dealers iu Prorisions, No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, COMMERCIAL ROW, PITTSBURG, PA. 40. Agents for Fairbanks' Scales. Apr.l,'s7. 300 KEGS PAINTS, Whito Lead, (pure) " " (extra) Philadelphia Zinc Paint, Best `Snot' White, .. .. $2 59 per keg. 2 7 5 .. .4 2 40 " sae 14 ii Oils, &c., and all kinds of lIARDWARI: and building materials in proportion, at the "Hard warn Store" of J. A. BROWN & 00. Huntingdon, Apr.s,'s7..ll, MISCELLANEOUS A DVERTISEMENTE. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENT:44 TOZ AttaaliWZ4V4Xl•o4l BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! HARDWARE DEPOT The subscribers have again returned from the East with an enlarged stock of HARDwARE, curbERY ! PAINI6, & c., t i kt H h rs z t f ' which they will sell at such prices as shall make it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Me' Ile order, with all the morlern itxt have tbe;r roveelerds tl,-• runntor chanics, and Yell the rest of mankind," to give water wheels rod machinery. them a call. Our stuck comprises Building Thug h ave put in fly a the I material, such as Locks, Hinges, Scree., Nails, va t Turbine Water Whaelx, nod car grind in Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Putty, Oils, White Lead and Zinc Paints. Varnishes, all stages of the water, snit during the coldest MECHANICS' TOOLS. weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to all, anti hove on Planes,Handsaws, Mill & Crosscut SS., Chisels ' Mann's Axes. Hatchets, Spirit Levels, • for sale at ail times, at market rates all kind 0! • . Files, Stacks and DiCt3, Monkey Wrenches, FLOUR FEED ..AhD STUFFS, • with an endless variety of modern inventions • and improvements. and farmers can have their own grain ground, fflkddlers and Coach.Malcers are, incited to and take it hack in a return load, or they cute ea u an d exam i ne our ex t ens i ve s t oc k of liar. be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice nes, Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop and Com men HaIIICS. 30 varieties; Girthing, pcd feed. Hog Skins, Patent Leather ' Enamelled Lea. STD SMUT nitienxzry ther, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and is of an improved manufardure; and they w,:, Linings Huts, Spokes, Felines, Shafts, Springs, insure a PULL TURN OUT of superior quail Axles &c. &e. ty to every bushel of grail, left at their Axles, a- POCKET CUTLERY, 11,5111i1l A Knives and Forks from 371/ cents to 4i3 per N. 11.--The Buckwheat stones are not quite sot. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons, ready. Ladies' Fruit knives, Furriers' knives, razors, Huntingdon, December 10, I &c., &c. - • - - - lIOLLOWWARI Pureelaine, Tinned and Plain Do ' ilers, Tea.ket• ties, Sauce, Frying and Baking Puns, Steak Griddles, Dish Covers, &e.. &c., at manulactu• rers' prices. MISCELLANEOUS, Ice 13ammers, ' e7no ;1; ze rs, Butler Prints, Butter Ladles ' Port Monnies , Bells of all kinds, Gnus. Pistols and Revolvers, Paint Brushes, Wall Brushes. Trams and Chains of various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic Pumps for cisterns, Picks. Bledces. &Having purchased many of our goods rt wholesale prices from manufacturers, we enabled to sell both wholesale and retail—e., tronnely low. A libvral si.,:tre of public ?taro, ngc i 8 SerAll orders from abroad promptly att.° ded to. JAS. A. BROWN Co. Apr.l,'s7. 24i WITNESSES ; un 'lllO • x. 0110.1111 IZONVICVMD. John S. Dye. Author, 1 " - Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank „,aer and Publisher, and author of "A series of Z Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle,” when , :for 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People 0 greeted him with rounds of applause, while 67 he exhibited the manner in which Counter. f• eiters execute their frauds, and the surtst anti ® shortest means of detecting them • The Honk Note Engravers all suy that I e is the greatest Judge of ]'ajar Aloney living. 0 Greatest discovery of the present century piiir detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De. sot scribing every genuine 1.111 in existence, and Pr exhibiting ut a glance every counterfeit in circulation !! Arranged so admirably, Ilia "'reference is ease and detection instantaneous. • Ita - rNa index to examine ! No pages to ...bunt rip ! But so simplified and no - ranged ▪ that the Merchant, Banker and Businessman can see all at a glance. English, French anti ▪ Uerntan. 'flouts each may read the ammo in ;Ibis own native tongue. Most perfect Bank C.) Note List published. Also a list of all the I:Private Bankers in America. A complete ~i ) stionmary of the Finance of Europe awl A - tr,erica will be published in each editio,•, •gether with all the importhnt news of td ; Also a series of tales, from an old Mann Qlound in the East, it tarnishes the mu-1 • ' pieta History of "Oriental Life." 1.,• • tag the most perplexing positions in IL' the ladies and gentlemen of that C. in have been so often lased. These static, , continue throughout the whale year, and wi'i ....priira the mtst entertaining ever offered tht aT tt e. rui,lieti Weekly to subscribers au! , "at y 1 oi year. All letters must he addrvssed 41.) JOH:: S. DYE, littOKEit, Publisher :Proprietor, 7(1 Wall Street, Atm York Q April 22, 1857.-13, FRESH ARMY t L!, .:.1i..1.:ii ~LU iCLiaiLii Of Spring and Summer Goods AT THE GLOTII A ING 1 METROPOLITAN t, Opened . And will be sold 30 per cent. , N T &W. SAXTON, have just received CHEAPER TWI THE CHEAPESTI d . from the east a splendid assortment of u ItomAN respectfully in his caste• goods, such as ix, niers and the public generally, shot he he DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, , lust opened at his stare-roust in Market Square, QUEENSWAIIE, HATS AND CAPS. I Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready, BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPET, I made OIL CLOTH. WOOD AND i Clothing for Spring and Summer. WILLOW WARE, ./ which he will sell cheaper than the same quality And in fact everything necessary top lease flit, of Goode can he purchased at retail in Philadel must lastideous. Such as phis or any other establishment in the country. FINE DRY GOODS, Persons wishing to buy Clothing would de PRINTS, TWEEDS, well to cull and examine his stock before purchs- SUMMER COTTONS, sing elsewhere. Also CLOTHS, COLLARS. Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, CASSIMERS. BONNETS, , which will he sold lower than at any other ea. TRIMMINGS, e. every tahlishment in the enmity. Variety of HOSIERY, MITTS, Huntingdon April 29. 1857. UNDEIMEEVES. GLOVES, .. .._. ... .. , • -- - 1100P8 FOR SKIRTS, WAR, IN SA titSAC scre.. &c., &c., &e., &e. We are determined to sell as low, if not low. , ALEXANDRIA POUNDILY. er than any other house i alit of the Alleghe.------- ll ny. Our motto shall be "QUICK SALES & I eGILL A CROSSINFORM MEM OLD SMALL PROFITS." Gi ve us a ca n and h e : hafrientis and the public generally, that they satisfied of the fact that this is THE MOIST! I int , the above Foundry in P'll blast, ....,..., to purchase cheap goods. I un , l are peewee to linuish ca,ti..,... of 'V'. We Imre on hand . troy deseription. Stoves of ail kani, 6,1 # ,X, , r 4 Iris If &p t .A. s T - za, {; , (6. ~,,,,d or C ,, 11'. 1, 11 , M , C1P1,11i711,. -,' •• ifAms, sHo u LDERs, & FLITCH, j'l brcehing Mai.dlifieS, iln.l CVeryelliug in the ,itt, I ling lino neatly made. Wc caa finish ail w.d. ALSO—Glass, White Lead. Linseed Oil, Tar- 1 t h a "„i rc , i „,,i aig, h a ,; ai .. , , a i ,.. 00d T ari4 j ac lumina and all kinds of Pitinte. : Lath. All work dime cheap for cash ur mai May, 6, 1857. . .... try , pr r o:l e u ti c e .c : ( , ) , 1:1 motel taker;l t t ‘ tr e ~a r,p t , ,i iii - , , ;;., ,t , . GREAT BA.IIGAINS.! `,.;! . a ill t.e.:tion to business to receive a liberal sin;: .of public pittionit,,, , , .. l',lcyll,l, & C 1101 . , :, NEW GOODS f Alexandra, .1;.,,, ../. I -... . FREDERICK SEIDLE, ZS( WE si` RtY IV 1 . 1 N 0 I 704?„,, ~,.,• FA tTUIi KR OF ' 1 The undersigned announces to the public ibid. ! siSII, OLIN lus. DOORS, SHUTTERS he has opened a new store in Portstown, near XVI 0 1.11., DINAISI, ! tLe old Juniata bridge, mid has just received '; j yj :ill t( Si w , I . aa r- LEtti . one of the AND BEST liechauieshurg, Cumberland Co., P. LARGEST, CIIEAPEST, STOCKS OF , Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Pl 8” F. S. delivers work to the cars. Ile I , as Hardware, Boots t& Shoes, al w sym ready made work on hand. All orders Hats dk. Caps, die., ; by mail shall receive prompt attention. Jan. 28, 1857.—Gm0. . ever brought to this place. Almost every arti. 1 --. . ele usually kept in a country store always on 1 A 1 hand ; all of which will be sold cheaper than ' t) L. 1 ACKSOVS HOTEI the cheapest. , HUNTINGDON, PA Stir Country produce taken in exchange for goods. WM. J. GEISSING r.n. , ..1 '. f t , du Allegheny Street, between Portstown, April 15, 1857. -- I :PI Pa. R. R.& 11. &B. T. R.R. Depots, AGENTS WANTED!' lIRL B. ZEIGLER, $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 chan c e month al i w ilere is a rare I March 25, 1857.-6 M. Proprietor. e young men to . - make a large Wert. without investing a espi• , • .:27, DR i ... tat. The above is 'no 'three cent catchpenny,' , ilia_ ~.. lin. II R. HUYETT. or humbug to introduce Patent Medicines, , "11. i y xxtv . 1 6 s or Books, &c. For an outfit, enclose stamps fur , return postage. Address T. S. CAHT ALEXANDRIA, RUNT. CO., L.A. IMI, . Box No. 8, Lawrence, Mass- ! April 1 -i 185 7.-Iy. June. 3, '57.'-3tu. , ____ . -1--- - - . - - ' . .. se. A s plendid lot of Fancy and Striped Antiphloglstio Salt. ; Silks, Frimeh Merino,Cashmere, Iloneso Cleft This celebrated medicine is for sale at the ! Robes,Flinty and Striped Delames, Persia, Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases' Twills. 4160, a handsome assortment of Col it is a certain cure. Get a Inc end try it, ~e I tars, tindersleeves and Mitts, just received an.; Wh n ftre afllivtork. for sale cheap, I,s. J. a, iv. sAx•rok; 0413 , AGENTS WANTS • DLAKE'S DRA PIIICA DICTi Ihe NEW EDITION of this r which has long becu iu prepare: A: :: • 'Wier!. It. forms 1110 volume, impel,: of 136 C pages,—a contains an • the Lives of about thirteen thousand ditibrent Individuals, more than two thousand of whom were citizens of the United States. The number of Nrw Articles in the prerent . moot excellent opprtanit . , . parson who desires to en, ~• honoraLle and pr. - EtabloT arc canted for nll parts of the • please noldre..o the pablixh , ,.. it. (..!,MVP.EItTIiW . A o 211 ehescat o•t. 1 - N i) ‘TING Si OF TIM NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY Walnut Shed, South-Wcst corn, of Third PIJI!.ADELPHIA Incorporateiiiiiiiiiie• of Penn rylvania. 1\ 1 , o , n n ejiiiisterreeeset i paid proamn3i,lisonllargedeoprosmall therboy of Withdrawal. Y of 'it to. Thti . Otlice is ,pen every (ley, from 0 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Motllniind Thursday eri legs, .ti Il 9 o'eleek LREST Fl All sums large ur smnli, are paid back in gol on demand withnnt mn.ire, to any amount. Hon HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pre Unlit, Wot J LEL!), Secretary. C. Lnnt!let! F. 1'arr. , 11:;•,,,, myth ilea. L-Ci , urc Francis Lee. usineiN entirely t • T!ie Henry L. Bean Edward L. (.:art Rahort Selfridge ; I. I IC. Ashton • 3. rompanc con of 'nom • as per p111 , 1i5h.... .t ....• ; :no ein,rtet, in nral E.tate, :11,tgage • iirst-ehn‘s , reari,:ea, parti.,et security to a L., nnot fail to e penr.,renc • I aini wrli-estahlisht