Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 08, 1857, Image 3

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    Auntin g bon
AI E W fi ABOUT - H - 0 BI E .
Stir The fourth of July, the natal day of our
nation, was celebrated in the usual patriotic
style in our "ancient borough"; i. e. not at all.
All our places of business were open, but had
it not been for the "worn, fence makers" to be
seen all around, for a' that it would have paw
sod for a Sabbath. The Methodist and Luth
eran Sunday Schools had a very pleasant pie
ale at the "Cottage" and were addressed byour
talented fellow-citizen, John Scott, Esq., in his
easel happy style. This was ore of Mr. Scott's
happiest efforts, and delivered as it was in that
.1/scalier style of fervent eloquence, for which
he is so noted, commanded the breathless at
'nation of his hearers.
—At Broad Top City, our excellent friend
Morrison had a most magnificent feast prepar•
el..for his visitors. It was sumptuous. incom•
parable. But it is unnecessary to say that, as
everybody who knows Joe, omit bs acquainted
with his way of "doing things." If you want
to pass a pleasant time go to the Broad Top
City Hotel.
—At Coaltnont, a celebration worthy the day
ens held. The "Rifle Rangers" under Capt.
Reed, paraded and drilled, and acquitted them.
telms with great credit. An immense con•
course of people had come together there, to
hear au address front General Williamson, of
this place. This address was a brilliant and
aoul•etirring one ; delivered with all that burn.
sag eloquence which flows so naturally from
the talented speaker, and elicited long, loud
and deafening shouts, stirred by the power of
Long may this day be observed with relig
ious patriotism, and although no great public
demonstration be made, and each as befits
the day, still let every citizen celebrate the day
in his heart, and let every mother and father
teach their children to be thankful to the God
of universal liberty for giving to the cause of
freedom a Washington, and to the calendar of
freedom the over memorable Fourth of July,
SO. We understand from the Philadelphia
papers of last Thursday, that our old friend
John Garner, Esq., of i'darklesburg, in this
oounty, who wan stepping at the States Union,
be that city of "Brotherly Love," whilst taking
a stroll along the banks of the Schuylkill, was
stopped by two individuals who politely yet firm•
ly demanded whatever of "filthy lucre" he
might possess, together with his gold watch,
be., backing thelr demands not with their"note
at thirty days, payable at sight," but with long
.hieing pistol barrel.. The Judge deeming
discretion the better part of valor, quietly for
ked over "ye donglx" and was permitted to go
ca hie way rejoicing, a sadder if not a richer
wean. The amount taken by the ruffians was
one hundred and five dollars in cash together
an elegant gold watch.
j The Female Seminary in this place,
ender charge of Miss S. Bigelow, held an ex.
domination on Friday, the 3d i.t., which was
Emu of the most creditable affairs
to our borough that has occurred within its lint
its foLa long time. Although we had not the
pleasure of bring present, yet we are assured'
by persons who were, and who are fully compe
tent to judge, that a more creditable examina
tion, to both teacher nod pupil, they never be
fete attended. We need not, and perhaps it
would be unnecessary to particularize where all
acquitted themselves so nobly. We are happy
to state that although this institution is at pre
sent in a most flourishing condition, yet its next
session will open under still more favorable..
spices i a just compliment to and a high appre
ciation of the present accomplished teacher's
Sir It always atlhrds us.pleasure to notice
real worth and direct attention to genius of su
perior order in our felluw•citizens. Our young
friend Harry A. Miller has just completed a
piece of sculpture which, in our opinion, will
compare favorably with the productions of some
of the most celebrated masters of the art. It
is a Gothic design, being a representation of
sigures "Hope and Grief;" a magnificently car•
red cherub's bead surmounting the stone, which
is also adorned with exquisite festoons of flow
tee. Should our talented young friend contin
we to progress as rapidly in the future as in the
past, we predict that he will ere long stand
in the very front rank of his profession, and
win for himself a name which shall be associ•
aced with the greatest masters.
"Titles of honor add not to his worth,
'Who is an honor to his title."
air We have been furnished through the
kindness of our respected friend Jacob Miller,
17:1., with the following interesting table:
':ran temperature at the Penu'a Hospital at
PL::ladelphia, for June, 1857, 69i°
Highest at the name place, (on 26th,) 89°
Lowest, ditto, (on 6th,) 53°
Amount of rain during the month, 7.50 inches.
do. do, in June, 1855. 7.94 "
Mean temperature at Huntingdon for June, 68.1
Highest (on 26th) 90.
Lowest, 11 o (on sth) 45.
Am't of rain during the month, 8.526 Moho.
do. in June, 1855, 5.398 "
leir As a matter of course, we had a few
free fights on the Fourth. At a lager beer es•
tabliament down street, we saw a regular "set
to," which we cannot better describe than by
adopting the language of a Western "Poick."
"And - ho pitched into hymn
And hymn pitched into he : •
Ye wage ye fiytte it was a sin,
And horybel to see.
or. We invite attention to the Agricultural
notice in another column. We shall now be
able to judge whether the people of Hunting
don borough lack public spirit, or are behind
our sister towns. Shell out, shell out, ye old
Il•We hear great c7msplainings from dif
ferent parts of the county, of the ravages of
grasshoppers. They are said to be more nu
memos than last season, and are increasing
MrcuqeriebscOW;l - giveryplenViuW%m
0 00
That all the bald and gray can he restored per
fectly to original growth, and color, so far as
their locks are concerned, does not admit of a
doubt ; besides, it will cure every possible dis
ease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff,
itching or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions—
even scald bead—and in no possible CRse will it
fail of curing as if by magic, nervous or perio
dical head-a,lie, and if used twice a week by the
young regularly, it will preserve the color, and
keep the hair from fulling, tansy imaginable age.
Read and judge.
Millford, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov. 1855.
Prof. O. J. Wood—Dea'r Sir: i take pleasure
in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic ef
fects of your wonderful (lair Restorative. Au
far back us 1836, my hair commenced falling off,
until the top of my scalp became as bald and
smooth as glass, and it has continued to full for
a grout many years, notwithstanding I have us
ed many celebrates] preparations for restoration.
Seeing your advertisement, I was induced to give
your article a trial, and to my utter astonish
ment, found, after a few applications, that my
halt because firmly set, and assumed a glossy
and beautiful appearance ; and by the time I
had used a quart bottle, my bald head was cov
ered over with a young and vigorous growth of
hair, which is now from one to two incises in
length, and growing lust. Yours, truly,
Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 9, 1855.
Lients:—Nothing but a duty and sympathy
that I feel to communicate to others that aro af
flicted as I have been, would induce me to give
this public acknowledgment or the benefit I have
received from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative.
When I first commenced using it, my hair was
quite gray, and in spots entirely bald I have
now used the Restorative about five months, and
my hair is entirely changed to.its original col
or, brown, and the new hair is over three inches
in length on the spots where it was bald. I have
also been much gratified at the healthy moisture
and vigor of the hair, which before was dry, and
it has ceased to come out as formerly.
Respectfully yours, &e.,
Frons Mrs. Ingalls, a well known nurse in Bos—
Boston, Oct. 19th, 1855.
Gents:—At your request and being so highly
pleased with the effects of the Restorative, I am
free to state that ray hair had become quite thin,
and entirely white. I have for the 'ant live years
been in tho habit of using dye, bat hearing of
the extraordinary effects of this article, I was
induced to try it. My hair has been restored to
its original thickness, and also to its former c.”
Mr, which is light brown.
Yours respectfully, MRS. INGALLS.
The following is from the Pastor of the Ortho•
trox Church. Bruoktie:d.
Brookfield, Moss., Jon. 12, 1855,
Prof. Wood—])earSir—litt;itig mode trial of
your Hair Restorative, it gives toe pleasure to
say, that its effects have been excellent in remo
ving inflammation, dandruff, and a constant ten
dency to itching, with . which 1 have been trou
bled tram my childhood, and has also restored
the hair, which was becoming gray, to its origi
nal color. I have used no other article, with
any thing Liao the mune pleasure and profit.
Yours, truly, J. K. BRAUG.
tennti the varney %day - Acscipaspe, -
What is it tar—This Wood's Hair Restorative?
—ls a question acked daily by hundreds. We
answer without hesitation or tear of contradic
tion, chat it is the only article known which will
do nll it promises fur the human hair. It will re
new its growth—it will stop its lulling—it will
restore its natural color It is not a Hair Dye
but a speedy and efficacious Restorative.
O. J. WOOD & C 0., Proprietors, 3I 2 Broadway
y Y., & 114 Market et., St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold in Huntingdon by Jolts Heats, and 11.
Molll,4ion.L, and by Druggists every where.
June 25, 1857.-3 m. Mur.25,'57.-ly.
s 1-
(3 13 9
1 . 1 . 1151 all the good qualities of a purgative me
llilicine,e, answering the purposes of any Ca
thartic without the debilitating effects experien
ced from most purgatives. It acts slowly and
gmitiv, but surely, moving the bowels to carry
off all the secreted matter, at the turns time, sti
mulating the Liver to a proper performance of
its functions.
The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take
one or two teaspoonsful ut each attack, and it
will soon disappear. For an overloaded stom
ach, or when food rises or sours, take the Invi
gorator atter eating, and it will nut prove disa•
grceable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpi
tation, or Difficult Breathing, take is teaspoonful
' once or twice daily. For Lots of Appetite, 'aw
-1 geol . or Listlessness, the medicine in invaluable.
It will restore the appetite and make the food
digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on
retiring, and the demons of dleatti•lund will all
fairies. After eating a hem ty dinner, take a
.1 •se of Invigorator and it will relieve all op
pression or fullness. The Invigorator is a Liv
er Remo dy ci unequaled virtue, acting directly
on that °lgen, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bi
lious Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and
Female Obstructions, for which it has no equal.
We know there is nothing now before the A
merican public, prepared with such skill by a
scientific man, part icularly for diseases ofthc Li
ver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Re
medy. It has attained a reputation second to no
' other article in the world, simply because it rests
on its own merit. To convince all by trial that
it is all its proprietors claim it to he, if any of
our renders are suffering from such diseases as
are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement,
we know of no remedy that will so surely care
them as the Invigorator.
There has lately been brought to our notice a
medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura
tive and healing properties in diseases of the Li
ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It canto
to us with so many testimonials in its favor that
we have noted its effects in some of the worst as
ses of continual debility, caused by deranged li
ver, and in every instance the effect was to re
lieve or give a permanent cure. Dr. Santbrd's
Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we refer
to. We always have been credulous about cures
by patent medicines, but we are convinced that
this medicine for family use is not overrated by
the host of recommendations it has. Our ad
vice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, Debil
ity or Swat Complaint, to get a bottle and try
it our word for it, relief will be experienced.
Blessings to the Invalids who use Sanford's
Invigorator, for it will rclieva them of their pain
as soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain
and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is
nsed, for it will as surely drive them away, as
daylight will banish darkness, of this there can be
uo doubt to these who try it, for It curries convic
tion with every dose taken. Another evidence is
the thousands of certificates from those who use
it or have been cured by it. Try one bottle, if
it does not benefit, we are mistaken.
SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway
New York. Sold in Huntingdon by HENRY
Moblaxion.L, sad Druggist* everywhere.
Dr. (leo. 11. Kiva. ' holesale Druggist,
No. 140, Wood at., Pitts burg,bu Wholesale Agent.
Jane 25, 1857.-3 m, 1,1ar.25:57.-Iy.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to die.
tribute the balance in the hands of William Mc.
Nite, administrator of William Peebles, dec'd.,
amongst those entitled to receive the same,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested
that he will attend for the purpose of hearing,
Se., on Saturday, the Ist of August, 1857, at
ot.e o'clock, p. m., at his office in the borough
of Huntiingdim, when and where all persons
having claims against the estate of said deed.,
will present them for allowance, &c., or be bar.
red thereafter from receiving any share of said
fund. JOHN REED, Auditor.
J uly 1 ,'57.4t.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, to din.
tribute the balance in the hands of 13rieu Blair,
surviving Adniihistrator of the 11ev. J. Y. Mc.
Dhotis, dee'd., amongst those emitted thereto,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested,
that he will attend fur the purpose of hearing,
Am., on Friday, the 31st day of July, 18d7,
at oneo'clock, p.m., at his office in Huntingdon,
when and where all persons having claims a•
gainst the estate of said deed., are required
to present them, or be thereafter barred from
coming in upon said fund.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
To be awarded by the Huntingdon County
Agricultural Society, at the !text Fair.
Best Stallion, $7 00 2d beat do., $2 00
2d best, 4 00 • Best match h's, 6 00
3d beat, 300 211 best d0.,4 00
Best 20r3 yr colt 5 00 Best trotting t's, 3 00
Best under 1 yr., 200 2tl best, do., 200
Best brand mare, 5 00 Best family horse 3 00
2d best do., 2 502(1 best do., 200
Best draft horse, 300 I Best conies, 600
2d best do., 2 00 I 2d bent do., 3 00
Best riding horse 4 00 I
Best work oxen, 0 00 Best cow,
1 4 00
2d best do., 400 2d best do., 300
3d best do., 300 Best 3 y'r heifer, 300
Beat bull, 5 002 d best do., 2 00
2d beat do., 3 00 Best calf, • 2 00
2d beet sow, 3 00
Btst litter of piss 3 00
Best Ches. White 3 00
Best Berkshire, 2 00
Best boar, 5 00
2d best do., 3 00
3d best do., 2 00
Best sow, 4 00
Bent fine-w. b'k , 5 00
2d best do., 3 00
Best Soutb•dowu 5 00
2d bent do., 3 00
Best long•wooled 5 00
2d best ditto, 3 00
Best f.-wool ewe, 5 00
24 best do., 3 00
Best long wool do. 5 00
Best South-down, 5 00
3d best, 2 00
9th best, 1 00
Best Wheat drill, 3 00
Best Cornplanter 3 00
Beat Horse•rake, 2 00
Best Reaper, 3 00
Best Mower, 3 00
Best, 4 00
2d best, 3 00
Best plow, 3 00
Best harrow, 2 00
Best cultivator, 3 00
Best Hill• Side, 3 00 I
Best Windmill, 3 00
Best white relit., 3 00
2,1 best do., 2 00
3d best do., 1 00
Best red wheat, 3 00
:11 beat Jo., ? 00
Best yellow corn, 1 00
2 , 1 best do., 60
Best bread, 3 00
2d best do., 2 00
3d beat d0.,1 00
Rest poun cake,-1 00
2d beat do., 50
Beat sponge do., 1 00
24 beat do., 50
Best butter, 3 00
2,1 best do., 2 00
3,1 best do., 1 00
Beat domes. sugir 2 00
2,1 best, do., 1 00
Ad best do., 50
Beat apple Lover 1 00
2d best do., 50
Best tom. ketchup 1 00
Beat. honey, 1 00
Best jelley, 1 00
2 , 1 beat do., 50
Best preserves, 1 00
2,1 best do., 50
Best piekleP, 1 00
1 Best white corn, 1 00
24 best do., 50
Best Rye, 1 00
2d best do., 50
4frtWeBh, ' 80
Best buckwheat, 1 00
24 best do., '.O
2d best do., 50
Best hard soap, 1 00
24 best do., 50
Best candles, 1 00
24 hest do., 50
Best carpet, 2 00
2d best do., 1 00
Best hearth rug, 1 00
2d best do., 50'
Best flannel, 2 00
2d hest do., 1 00
Best quilt, 2 00
24 hest do., 1 00
Best wool sock, 50
Best worsted do., 50
Best ornmeetal
needlework, 1 00
24 best ditto, 50
Hem silk etubro'y 1 00
24 best, do., 50
Best shell work, 1 00
24 best do., 50
Best 2 bor. ettege 2 00
Best bitvgy, 100
do. sett sin. bar., 1 00
do. do. farm. do., 1 00
do. bridle & sad. 1 00
do. pair boots, 100
do. pair shoes, 50
do. side sole lea., 1 00
do. kip & calfskin 1 00
do. bar. & upper, 1 00
do. lot cub. ware, 1 00
Best and largest
ear. tinware, 1 00
do. earthen stone 1 00
dn. washing num 50
Best meat vessel, 1 00
Beat chars, 1 00
Best horse shoes, 50
Best lutirblewurk 2 00
Best cook stove, 1 00
2d best do., 1 00
Best quinces, 1 00
Best and greatest
' variety grapes, 2 00
Best native du., 2 00
2d best do., 1 00
Best also, peach, 1 00
2d best do.,
Best doe. plains, 1 00
2d best du., 50
do. beets, 50
do. parsnips, 50
do carrots, 50
. 50
do. celery, 50
do. cabbage, 50
2d best do., 25
Best pumpkins, 50
Best pie pump. 50
do. squashes, 50
do. water laden, 50
ddb. musk melon, 50
do. beans, 50
do. peas, 50
do, var. dahlias, 1 00
2d beat do., 50
Best boquet, 50
Befit and greatest
variety apples, 00
2d best do., 2 00
Best doz. titll do. 2 00
24 best do., 1 00
Best doz. winter, 2 00
24 best do., 1 00
Best wines pears 2 00
2d best do., • 1 00
Beat tal. do., 2 00
Best potatoes, 200
2d best do., 1 00
3d best do., 50
Best bleshannoe, 1 00
Beet llenienet, 100
Best Pink Eye, 75
Best white pots., 75
Best red do., 50
Best blue, do, 50
Best sweet do., 1 00
Best tomatoes, 100
2d best do., 75
3d best do., 50
Best Purple Eggs 50
Best peppers, 50
Best display flow.
ers in bloom, 2 00
2d best do., 1 00
Best dia. plants, 2 00
2d best do., 50
Hest pr. chickens,l 00
2d best do., 50
Blatt die. poultry, 2 00
2d best. do., 1 00
Best pr. turkeys, 1 00
2d best do., 50
Best pr. geese, 1 00
2d best do., 60
Best pr. of ducks, 1 00
ntrum SPONI PA.
June 13, 1857.
ANIS, Shoulder and Dried Beef can be ob.
tamed very cheap at GEISINGER'S
NothNithstaading the high price of , sugar,
Gemmel: sells a fair article at 121 cis.
rangements by which all who desire to settle or
purchase a home can do so.
The Farms consist of the best limestone soil
of the most superior quality for farming, in a ra
pidly improving place, into which an extensive
emigration is now paring, The property is lo
cated in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst'
of a thriving population of some 10.000 popula
tion. The climate is perfectly healthy, and die
plague of the west fever is unknown. It also
has an abundance of the best quality of Coal
and Iron. The price to buy it ant is from $3 to
$2O per acre, payable by instalments, to he loca
ted at the !Mee of purchasing. or a share of 25
acres entitlii.g to locate the same r $3OO, pay
able $6 per month or l2i acres payable $4 per
month. Discount her every snot of $lllO i end
under, paid in advance, discount or .5 per cent.
will be allowed, and ror over $lOO a discount of
10 per cent.
In considering the advantages of emigrating
to this locality the following aro presented t
FIRST —Tlie . suil is u rich linestune, capable
of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which the
settlom't has its present great prosper
Ss:co:in—lt is the centre of the great North
West Coal Basin, and is destined soon to be
come one of the greatest bushiest places in the
State. It will supply the great Lake market,
(accenting to population and travel in the Un
ion ) It Ins live workable veins of the hest Bi
tuminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to
over 22 lent, which makes 22.000 tons 'Areal
under eat h acre. This will make the land of
inestimable value.
The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chas. T.
Jackson, of Boston, has made a geological sur
vey of the land and analyzed the soil, the iron
ore and the limestone. This report together
with maps will be furnished to inquirers.
FM:Will—Three railroads are laid out tin,' I
this property. The Sunbury out Erie Railroad
gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it
rust from Erie to Philadelphia. A large ittai
of this road has been finished, and is now in
running order. A heavy three is now working
from Erie toward our land in the crescent dire,
tine, the means for the completion of which hat
been raised—it will soon he finished. The Al
legheny Valley Railroad connects us with New
York, Boston and Pittsburg. 'lice Veitango
! Ruud connects us with the West.
There are already good Turnpike Bonds run
ning through this property, various other roads
have been opened to accommodate the emigra
tion and settlement which has already taken
There is no opportunity equal to it now offer
ed to the man who wants to provide himself's
home in an cosy way, and makes settlement
where he can live in prosperity and independence
in a climate rs.scrEcviA
No ease of the fever ever having been known
to occur in this settlement. It is not like going
to the backwoods of the West among ;whops
intolerant people, Miele there is no society, no
or schools, where the price of hunt is
high, and where the etnigramt, alter being used
to the healthiest climate iu the world, has to en
dure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins his
health and that of his family. But here is
thriving settlement having three towns, contain
ing churches, schools, hotels, stores, sawmills,
grist-mills, and everything desired. There is a
earls market at hand. The lumber trade last
year amounted t, over two hundred millions
lea of lumber. In a short time, owing to the
' Coal, it will bteome still more valuable as a
number of iron wdrks and manuliteturies will
soon be started ; they are at pi esent starting
them extensively at Warren. Even for those
who do not wish to go there, the payments are
such that they can easily buy limns to save their
&finWetiokti by the rlsit - wllien' ecru lattesplaue - th
the value of their lauds. Ity on outlay scarcely
missed, a substantial provision can be made.
Persons should mite early application, apply
or write to E. Jelfri., Secretary, So. 135 Witt
nut Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters
carefully answered giving full information.
Shores or inlets of land can be bought or se
cured by letter enclosing the first instalment of
five dollars, when the subscriber will be fur
nished with books, maps, &e. Warrantee deeds
Persons can also purchuse front our
- Agents.
Route from rhiholelphht to . Tplone MI the
..... .
Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by
stage to the l..nd. i, a 111,1401110 .11S01110
visit at. Mae 's—the hest hotel 11,0111111.11illth)11
is 11111Klie.t. Et.llllll, tut t.. C. t;111;ITZ, Esq.,
the Agent for tin, ion.purty at :it. M.,ry's.
w.T., ; i7v ,„.. 1 POWDER'
HAL L'S siTAWf :,„,. PRO OF
li.' , '.`?! ;. '9'
'4 (V;
I by the public to procure more certain seen
rite front tire for valmoile papers, tundras Bands
Mortgages, Deeds, !Voles and Books qf Accounts
than the ordinary SAlrs haretofore in use attbr
led, induced the Pattenteei to devote a large par
of their time for the lie 4 fourteen years, in ma
king discoveries and improvements for this ob.
jeer, the result of whieh is the unrivalled
Herring's Pluent Walti's Fair Premium
Fire Saes,
Universally acknowledged as the CHAMPION
SAFE OF TILE Having been awarded
Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851,
and Crystal Palace, N. V., 1853, as superior to
all others, it is now undoubtedly entitled to that
appellation, and secured With HAPS Patent
Powder-Proof Locks—which were ales awarded
separate Medals, (as above)—forms the most
perfect Fire & Burglar Proof Sates ever yet of
fered to the public.
Nearly 300 'Herring's Safes' have been tested
during the past 14 veers, and more than 10,000
have been sold and are now in actual use.
Also on hand or manufactured to order, all
kinds of Boiler nod Chilled Iron Bank Chests
and Vaults, Vault Doors, Money Chests tor
Brokers, Jewellers, Balroads, private families,
&c.. for Plato, Diamonds, and other valuables.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Mary
Allison, late of the borough of Huntingdon,
deed., having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted ore requested to make
payment, and those having claims will present
them duly authenticated to
WM. P. ORI3ISON, Ea'r.
Hunt., May27;57.•Gt..
6o Lev @lagSfACMjo
Will attend to all professional business entrusted
to Isis care its the several Courts of Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agrqe
ment, written at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms.
Shicleysburg, April 22, 1857.
'I - vied Beet, Hato, Shoaldera.nad Flitch, for
.1/ 8.10 at the cheap Grocery Store of
TINWARE, for Bale at the cheap Store of
O •
Pr. Ilardman, Analytical Physician.
Physician for Diseases of the Lunge, Throat
and Heart—Formerly Physician to the 1
Author of "Lettats to Invalids," IS COMING.
See following Curd.
_ _
July & August Appointments.
Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease of the
Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cineinnati ➢in
riue Dospital,) will be in attendance at his
rooms 111: :
Iluntingdoti,Jackson'a Hotel Saturday August 1
Lewistown, National Hotel August 3.
Pniterson House, August,
Harrisburg, August 5.
A Itoona July 30.
11.41 ilit”buru July 31.
Johngtown July 29.
Indiana July :18,
Greensburg July 27.
Pitt.burgh .July 24, 2514 26.
Dr. Hardman .treats Consumption, Bronchi
t is, Asthma, Lcrryngittis and all diseases of the
throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the Broniton Hospital, London. The
grout 'mint in the treatment of all it nnan mala•
dies is to get at the disease in the direct man
ner. All medicines are estimated by their ac
tion upon the t rgan requiring relict'. This is
the imporbint fact upon whirls Inhalation is ba
sed. If the stomach is diseased we take
medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the
antidotes to disease and should lie applied to
the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
plication of this principle to the treatment or
the lungs, for it gives ae direct access to those
intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of
reach of every other means of administering
ntedicincs. The reason that Consumption, and
other diseases of the lungs, hove heretofore re
sisted all treatment has heen because they had
never been approached in a direct manner by
medicine. They were intended to act upon the
lungs and yet were epp,ied to the stomach.—
Their aebott wits intended to be local, and yet,
they were go administered that they should not
net eim,ti-Pitionally, expending intmeiliute and
principal action upon the unotlending stomach,
whil,t the tbul Meets within the lungs were un
molested. Williamt filings the medicine its
direct euntaet with, the diseit-e, without the
disadvantage Or ully t ioicht ill 11011• Its appli
cation is simple. that it ...01 be employed by the
youngest infant or leAlest invalid. It dues nut
derange the ...ay, or interfere in the least de
gree with the strength, cumlort, or ImAuess of
the patieut.
O•rimit Dictums. Timmo.—ln relation
to the billowing iiisi.eS, either when compli
cated With 11111 g affevtions exiting alone. I also
invite consultation. I usually find them prompt
ly Nimble.
Prolapsus and all other bonus of Female com-
plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. •
Palpitation and all other forms of Hear'
Disesim, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
other diseases of Stomach and bowels, &c.
All diseases of the ese and ear. :Neuralgia,
Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.—
No charge for consultation.
June 3, 18571.x~.Jy
PROVISIONS, just received and fur sale et the
wholesale end retell Grocery & Provision Store
of Love & McDivitt. Consisting of
grade. 011.5, CANDLES, FLUID, CAM
PIIENE Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Tama
rinds, Rice, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers,
Cheese. Maccaroni, Pickles of all kinds, Sar
dines, Candies and Confectionaries. All of
which will ho disposed of on the most reason
able terms, for cash or country produce.
Purchasers gilt Sod it to their interest to mill
and examine our stoek before purchasing else
where, as we are prepared to sell everything in
our liue of business A LITTLE LOWER than
any other establishnmut of the kind in this lo
Is, 1857. LOVE & meinvivr.
New Goods New Goods
D. P. Gain has just returnd from Phih u lel•
Oda with the largest and must beautiful as•
sumac. or
Ever brought to II i.ogtl2!n,
consisting of the most 1,1601.04 e Dress Goods
for Indies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and Fancy, All Wool de Loins,Challis de
Loins, (dit. colors,) rtily.° Robes,
Brilliant, ( , lit. colors,) Brilliant Robes. Lawn
Robes, Chintz Robes, Ducal, Plain and Fan
cy Drees Ginghunis, Ilimmilla Cloth, Silk
Warp Levella Cloth, for trimllitsgaretues, Mo
hair, Dallis, Lawns and Prints of any descrip
ALSO, a large lot of dress Tritnmings,
ges, Buttons, Gimps, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet
Crapes ' (all colors,) Rihhonds, Gloves,
Veils, Laces, Hosiery, Gum Beits„Riblionds
for Betting, Whnlehous and Brass Hoops for
Skirts. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk and
Gingham Crsvats, Zephyr, Francis Working
Cotton, Linos and Cotton Floss, 'Pidy Yarn.
Also the best and largest assortment of Col
lars, and Undersleeves, in town. lined and
Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swims. Plaits ' Fig
ured and suited. Crinmine, Moms and Grass
cloth for skirts. Book Mudin. Irish Linen, Li
nen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &e.
Also a line .e.sortment of Spring Shawls Silk
slid Hardly.° Mantillas, and a variety ot brens
and Fancy (mods too Illiteetoth , TO Inelilloll.
Al., Cloth, Ciissineis, Merem,
Cass:Mier, Tweeds. Awns, Cotton lur
pants. plain and tin el Linens, Murseill,, and
Silk Vesting., Musims, bledeked and unbleach
ed, slweting mid a Moulins, Nan
k. ens, Tielten,Q.e..k. Tibia Ti ipors.
Bonnets in the lon, stiles awl at 'ore low
prices, Moleskin, Fur. Wool autl Summer flats,
latest sivle•. \1,111;
Boots and Shoes,_IIARDWAREI,
QuEmAtsuraltm, Buckets, Tubs, lint
kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Broom, Brushes,
&a. Carps ts. Oil Cloths, Oil Blinds, Fin,
and Salt, and all goods usually kept in a coun
try Store.
Ily old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully request.; tb come
and exunaine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
April 29, 1857.
AND Dealers in Prorisi.s,
Par Agentsfor Fairbanks' Scales.
White Lead, (pure) • ' 50 per keg.
" " (extra) 275 CC 411
Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 24U ' 6 6,
Best Stow White, 2 68 CC
Oil,, &c., and all kinds of lIARDW tIIE and
building materials iu proportion, at the "Hard
ware Store" ut .1. A. BROWN & CO.
Huntingdon, Apr:Vs7.-0,
The subscribers have again returned from
the East with an enlarged stock of
which they will sell at such prices as shall make
it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Mo.
clanks, and "all the rest of mankind," to give
them a call. Our Stock comprises Building
material, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails,
Bolts, Class of all sizes, Putty, Oils, Varnishes,
White Lead and Zinc Paints.
P 1.., Handsaws, Mill & Crosscut Suws,
Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels,
Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches,
with an endless variety of modern inventions
and improvements,
. . . .
Saddlers and Coach. Makers are invited to
call and examine our extensive stock of Ilar.
ness Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent
and Common Hames, .0 varieties; Girthing,
Hog Skins, Patent Leither, Enamelled Lea
ther, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and
Linings, Huhs, Spokes, Felines, Shafts, Springs,
Axles, Ac., Ac.
Knives and Forks from 371 rents to $5 per
set. Silver forks, Silver mid common spoons,
Ladies' Fruit knives, Furriers' knives, razors,
Ac., Ste.
Porcelaine, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Ten.ket•
ties, Sauce, Frying and Baking Pans, Steak
Griddles, Dish Covers, &e., &c., at munufactu•
rers' prices,
Ice Hammers, Lemon Squeezers, Butter
Prints, Butter Ladles,
Port Munaies,iiells of
all kinds, GUM Pistols and Revolvers, Paint
- Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of
various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic
Pumps for cisterns, Picks, Sledges, Ac., Am.
irfr Having purchased many of our goods at
wholesale prices from manufacturers, we are
enabled to sell both wholesale and retail—ex.
tremely Inn'. A liberal share of public patron.
age 19 • Bol1^ited.
Itt4rAll orders from obronfl promptly ntlon•
clod to. JAS. A. BROWN & Co.
P. 5 OH Tile
roaorn t ISIVICIIatt.
John S. Dye, Author,
• Who has hail 10 years experience as a Bank-I
rer unit Publisher, and author of •'A series of!
Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when
Afar to successive nights, over 50,000 People
0 greeted hies with rounds of applause, while
CI? ha exhibited the manner in which Counter- '
Miters executa their frauds, and the surest and
0 shortest torsos of detecting them !
The Bank Note Engravers all say that I o
06 the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
0 Greatest discovery of the present century
0 for detecting Counterfeit Bunk Notes. De
-scribing every genuine bill in existence, and
fetexhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in
circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that
S rider.. is easy and detection instantaneous.
CrviNo index to examine ! No pages to
gLeat up ! But .so simplified and arranged
that the Merchant, Banker and Business man
can sue all at a glance. English, French and
.0 Herniae. Thus each may read the wane in
phis own native tongue. Most perfect Bank
Nato List published. Also a list of all the
,Private Blinkers iu America. A complete
summary of the Finance of Europe and A
merica will be published in each edition, to
gether with all the important news of the day.
iunnu tat it Willi/W., inso-envav , ......-
pieta History of "Oriental Life." Describ
' .ing the most perplexing positions in which
the holies and gentlemen of that Country
have been so often limed. These stories will
contieue throughout the whole year, sod will
a., prove the most entertaining ever ofihred to
-g the public.
l"ni'enveeklit"stbsbel7lyM at Tfa,elcleue.iustiealre. ,t.
41 JOHN S. DYE, Bnonsn, Publisher &
:Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York
0 April 22,1857.-Iy.
FRESH 411111 T . ,! !
Of Spring and Summer Goods
J&W. SAXTON, have just received
from the east a splendid assortment of
goods, such as
And in fact everything necessary to p lease the
most histideous. Such as
TRINIM [NOS, every
Variety of HOSIERY, MITTS,
&e., Ac., Ac., Ac., &c.
We are determined to sell as low, if not low
er than any other h wise rust of the Alleghe
ny. Our motto shall be "QUICK SALES &
SMALL PROFITS." Give us a call and he
satiArd of the fact that this is THE HOUSE
to purchase cheap goods.
We have all 11111111
A LSO—G hiss, White Lend. Linseed Oil, Tur
pentane anthill kinds of Paints.
Alay, 6, 18n7.
it't INTST 1111NlelfifIVONE
The undersigned announces to the publiethat
he has opened a new storeWortstown, near
tlx oil Juniata bridte, and just received
one of the
sTocKs OF ,
SWF. S. delivers work to the cars. He has
Dry-l a o r o d t a ti r ize m e o r o ie t s s ,llexzare,
ulw eye ready made work on band. All orders
by mail shall receive pcompt attention.
Rats di Caps, die., Jan. 28, 1857.-6 mo.
ever brought to this Ware. Almost every era.
ele usually kept in a country store always on JACKSON'SHOTEL,
hand ; all of which will be sold cheaper than
the cheapest.
Jim Country produce taken in exchange for HUNTINGDON, PA., .
goods. WM. J. G EISSING EH. l,a Ou Allegheny Street, between
------ I' ll P 5116. ll A.,13 TR R Depots.
Portstown, April 15, 1857.
I I a. • . . ••••
$l3O 00 per month I Here is a. rare March 25, 1557.---6 m• Proprietor.
• chance fora few young men to ---
make a large salary without investing a capi• ....- -r. DR. J R. HUYETT
__ ,
tal. 'The alma is no 'three cent catch-penny,' so il .: -
or humbug tp introduce Patent Medicines, --.... .1)LIVTIVID•
Books, &c. For an outfit, enclose stamps far 0,
return postage. Address T. S. CARTER,
80.1 , No. 8, L00 ,.,.., 0 „, m ai , April 1 , 1857.—1 y.
June. 3, '57.'-3m.
may- A splendid lot of Fancy and Striped
A.utipitiogistie Salt. Silks,French Merine,Cashmere, Lyonese Cloth
This celebrated medicine i 3 for sale at the' Robes, Fanl and Striped Wain.; Persian
Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases' Twills. Also, a handsome* assortment of'Col
it is a certain care. Get a box sad try it, yo lava, Undersleeves and Mitts, jut received an
wins are offlieted. fur mile cheap, by .1. & W. SA ZION
THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
- 1 - Mill, inform farmers and the public, general.
ly, that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheel.; and machinery.
They have pmt in five of the Improved Jon
val Turbine Water Wheels, and Call grind in
all stages of the water, nun during the coldest
weather. any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand
for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of
and farmers can bare their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
l'urniehed in exchange at a mernent'a notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop•
poi 11,(1.
of an improved manufacture; and they will
insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail.
ty to every Inutile' of grain left to their
11.—The Buckwheat steno are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1856.
The NEW EDIIIuN of this valuable work,
which has long been in preparation in now pub.
lished. It forms one volume. imperial octavo,
of 1361 pages,—and contains an account of
the Lives of about thirteen thousand diiferoto.
Individuals, more than two thousand of who:::
were citizens of the United States.
The number of New Article. in the prescut
volume exceed two thousand four hundred.
The publishers have determined not to fur
nigh the NVork through the general Trade; hul
to sell it exelusiody by agents.
The work is gotten up in superior style—and
as no library will be complete without it, a
most excellent opportunity is offered to any
porous who desires to engage in a pleasant,
hamirable and prtfitable business.' Agents
are wanted for all parts of the country. They
will please eAdresa.t.ho.ublisirs....._
211 Chesnut st.,
Walnut Street, South- Wea comer of Third,
Incorporated by the Slate of Penn
/ Toney is received in any sum largo or small
Aland interest paid from the day of deposit to
the day of withdrawal.
The Oftiee is open every day, from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the uvening, and
on Monday ...... ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t i ll 9 o'clock
All sums large or small, are paid back in gold
un demand without notice, to any umnunt.
Hon HENRY L. BENNER, President,
Wx J Reeu, Secrotorp
C. Landreth Munns,
F. Carroll Arewater.
Henry L. Benner,
Edward L. Cutter,
James H. Smatr.
This company confines its business entirely to
the receiving of money on interest. The invest
ments amounting to nearly two sm.tiosz ♦ND
A HALF of dollars, as per published report of
Assets, are made in conformity with the provi
sions or the charter, in Real Estate, tiongages,
Ground Rents, and such first-class securities, as
will always insure perfect security to the depos
itors, and which cannot fail to give permanency
and stability of this aid and well-ustabli.hed
Fcb. 2u, 1856.
ITJUIFM • iiVID ME511161
A fl e w AsiOrTinelialubt Opened
And will be sold 30 per cent.
ROMAN respectfully is his custo
,, nets aud the public generally, that ho has
just opened at his store-room in Nlarket Square•
Iluntingdon, a splendid new stuck of Ready
made _ _ _ _
Clothing for Spring and Summer.
• • •
which ho will sell cheaper than the same yualit s
of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the couutry.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,
Hats,. Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
which will he lull - lower titan ut auy other 06
tahlishment in the county.
Huntingdon April ttl). 1857.
IVO-lends and tho public generally, that they
hoe the above Foundry in full blast,
and are prepared to furnish castings of
every description. Stoves of all kind,
for wood or cool. Improved Ploughs,
Threshing Machines, and everything in thecae.
ting line neatly made. We can finish all work
that requires turning, having a good Turning
Lath. All work done cheap for cash or coun
try produce. Old motel taken for castings. Be
ing practical and experienced we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberal sham
of public patronage. 3lcull.L S CROSS.
Alexandria, April 29, 1857.
TaIAT/1 -
Mechanioburg, Cumberland Co., Pa,