Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 03, 1857, Image 4

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4 ILY.lliit'S
Cathartic Pills
turalid., Father., Mother., PhY•leth.•
Plellauthroplit., read their leffeolO t
sad judge of their Virtue..
Itsoclache, Sick Headnehe,Fo.l Stomach.
eterness, PA., Slay
1 , 11. J. C. Amt. Sir: I Lam been repsstsdly m i
ndrs of
alit Pont Nalloche any to ran him by a dose or too
your Plite. I t emus to wise from a but stomach, trh lob
We; ars.. at owe. If Way a 11l cum othars as they dt
ate, fun la worth Snowing.
Yours with great nspect, RD. W. PREBLE,
Clerk of Steamer Mina.
Zillions Disorders and Liver Complaints.
Der saran? or rng Irrinuon.
Wann tearer, D. C., 7 ret, 1810. J
Mar I 41,0 need your lilt. in my general and imepatal
mecum e tor nine. you made them, and CSllllOt hesitate is
soy thPy aro the bent enthettle we employ. Their reg.
siting action ru the liver le quick and derided, consegnent.
ly they are on admirable remedy for derangements of that
organ. Indeed, I have sahlom found a atm of Wiens die.
.use w obethiate that it did not readily yield to them.
trsternalty yours, ALONZO BALL, 111. D.,
Phytician of th. Marina Rowing{
Dysentery, Relax, and Worms.
Poor 0,7101, HARTLAND, Irv. CO., Mica., Nov. 18. 1814.
Dn. Arta: Your Pills are the perfectiOu of medicine.
'rhey have done ivy wife more gout% than I ran toll yen.
She had been sick and pining away for mouths. Rent
sd to be doctored at great exp.., but got no hatter. She
then rocornanced taking your Pills, which won cured he,
I' expelling large quantillos of worms (dead) !nom her
t,dy. They afterwhnia mar. her and our two children
of Moody dysentery. One of oar neighbors hod It bad. and
my wife cured him with two dome of your Dills. while
.then srounil ue paid from five to twenty dollars doctors•
tills, and loot much time, without being cured entirely
man then. Such a inallaing as your., wlikh Is actually
good ".".""t' viii
b IIVI I . ' .I. h (7I;IYFIrI. /hems.r.
Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood.
?ton Rat. J. Y Ihrw, of ..real Church, Boston.
Da. Ain: I have mind your Dille with extraonllnary
MICVOIIII In my family and among those 1 mu called to visit
o dintron. To mutat* the organs of digestion and parity
the blood they are the gory best remedy I have ever
hnown, and I can confidently recommend them to my
Mende. Tour, J. V. 1110107.
If Agnew, 3.7xotowe Co.. N. T., Oct. 24,1860.
Dent ilia: I am using your Cathartic Pilio m my pew
tics, and find them an excellent purgative to clean. the
:oakn and purify We fountnine of the blood.
JOHN 0, 6lEACIIA:11, 61. D.
Erynipelas, Scrofula, Kingly Evil, Tetter,
Tumor., and Salt Rheum.
Prom n I' ru.rdireg Jferehant of dl 10.0. 4, 103 i.
Mt. Arta: Your Pill. are the leer:won of all that to
IThitt in medicine. They have mead toy little daughter
.1 ulcerous sores upon boo halide and feet that had proved
neumble for yonn. !ter :nether boo ham long grievour
ty afflicted with blotches and pimplee on her akin and it
her holt. After our and was cured. she also tried you
and they have cured her. ASA 6i011001000..
ltheumatiszn, Nannies, and Gout.
r rrn 01, Rev. Dr. limas.. qf Gu 31filtalistRpia. Church.
1 . 1/1-tBXI tiovss, SAVANNAH, Os., Jan 0. 1806.
IloNegen SIR: nugratend for the relief your
Wahl bee brought tue If I did unt report my rase to you.
cold nettled itt my lintbe and brought on excruciating
ueuralgic polo., •hich ended In chronic rheumatism.
Notwithetanding I had the beat of phyaidans. the diet...,
rr reuree and worse, until. by the advice of your excel•
!rot agent iu Italtimom Dr. alacktusle. I Wed your Villa.
CLctr etrecte wore slow, but sure. by pereereriug In the of them I am now entirely well.
2,ZNATi CIM ma, Hoax Root, La., b Dec.. 1836.
Pa. Arra I hate been muhuly cured by your Pills of
Rheumatic Omit —a panful iliaete . "tha!ilad ef!lctad . mo
dY ean:
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Coro.
plaint, min.', An aril,' rttre, tlavy Ara ail excol
...t rowed,
For Costiveness or Comet!potion, and as
a Limner Pil3, they ere agrouLle nud erectus!.
Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflanunas
lion, nd °you Desatztesa, dud Parti al Blind
ne., baTa been cured by the iLannulve action of Li..
Most of the pill& In market contain Mercury, which, RI •
though a valuable remedy in skilful hands, Le dangerous
in a public pill, from the dreadful coneequeucee that fr.
gauntly follow Its Incautious nee. Thew contain no mer
cury or minor& nubstanco whatever.
cox] attsmoiams au Ecnistis lagsrsm-
LAZA, 1/1(0:sVIll'11 , , WIFOOPINO
t'0116111,, CltOt P. ASl'll/0 A, IN
u:d (c:. .r.l I i:lof ct conentaidivo patient. In advanced
ragas a the ...Ns.
We mewl not epoiLL to the public of its virtue..
Thromthout every town. and almost every hamlet of tie
Amerion Stolen its wonderful cures of pulrendary
have made it already known. Nay. bow sro the
a, elviliced moon,os this evlitinont without
acme femme! oxpertonee of Its effects; and front yet the
contatioltios any whom which hare not oblong them
porno Uring trophy of Its victory o.r the outdo stint Jain
gown,: t,sessea tf the throat and Tonga It hilt la the
rail eowetiol antidote in known to man for the fermi.
•Lobio and dangereut Mateo.s of the pulmonary omens, It
is also rho ploaseudest Rod Mdest remedy that can lib em•
pLoyed for Infanta and you, relent,. Parente should
hilt, it ill 1.1 . 0 ,unet tho to,d,ote CUMy that steal'
opon thorn numpar,l. We hope ebondant ground. to
Nilovr the elltliftr sotes more lives ily the con•
tumptions It provents than thew it cures. Keep It by
'mi. and cure your whin while thov sre curable, nor neg••
ttat them until no Minton 31:111 cat: master the Inosorable
Laker that. fastened on lbw vital., sate your life away.
411 know the dreadful tdality of lung diLoideis, and as
,ry know too the virtues of this remedy. we need not do
,a,ar than to assure them it 13 edit Inane the best It can
Wo spare no cost, uo raro no toil to modueo it the
.ort perils, possible.. and thus afford thoss who rely on
the ion agent which oar skill ran furnish for their cure
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, /lass
JOHN READ, Huntingdon, ani dealer. is
medicine everywhere.
October 15:1856.-Iy.
rff r•••••• Just as expected, Purdy A Cra•
mer, have rented Spruce Creek
Foundry, and you would be surpri
sed to gee what a general assort
went of castings they are dealing out to the
public. Machine castings of all shapes and
sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges
and Furnaces, made to order, at shortest uo•
tics and Mesa possible rates. A good assort•
merit of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook
and Parlor, Wood and Coal, &c.,
They are also prepared to furnish the world
and "the rest of mankind" with the well•known
celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they
.:ariteittly solicit the patronage of all their friends
including the former customers of this well.
known establishment.
Just .11 acid see our stock if you please.
BURDY & CRA Id llt.,
Spruce Creek, Pa.
Feb. 1, 1857.-6nt
No. 191 North Third Si., above Wood, Phila.
ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate
rope, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cakes, CI eam Chocolate, French Tcye, White
Sugar Toye, &c., &c.
Orangea, LeinOns, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Pa.
berts. Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack.
ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can•
dy, die.
The attention of Dealers is reqested to an
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. B.—orders by mail or otherwise prompt.
ly attended to.
A ug.6,'56.—1y.*
HENRY W.OVERMAN, Importer of French
Calf Skins. and General [miller Dealer,
No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia.
A gcreral aisortment of all kinds of Leather
EA D PIPE foi Ws at the Ilardwate Store of
For the Lancet, Level:lei and Meters !
HANY medicines offered for sale are accom
parried by doubtful certificates (their chief
value) and claim to be universal remedies, cu- ,
1 S no d hwonderful II '
ring all maladies—a burlesque on common ' ~ i
.„. don ha the most c. s Jeerers , of
sense. As the discoverer of this Salt solemnly „,aneint 4 7, e grl ' in g i r r e t " s: 'it:rci.;igri:iiill rest ore,
protests against having it pieced on the meg° • the head of the bets with a most luxuriant; limo th
ry of frauds and impositions, he has resolved remove at once all dandruff and itching, cure all
that it shall go forth to the world like the pure serisfutst, and other cuaneous eruptions, such as
gold dollar, wit no otherpassoort than its own scald head, etc. It will core, as if by magic,
true value. If the public find it genuine they nervous ur periodical headache ; make the hair
will - receive it—if spurious they will reject and soft, glossy, and wavy, and preserve the color per
condemn it. Instead of its being a panacea for . teesly, and the hair from hulling, t,, extreme old
all ills it has control over but one 111—has but j sge•
on e aim and accompliehes but one thing, to i The following is from a distinguished member
wit; subdues ittfiammatory diseases—whatever of the medical gr in sn t
ST. PAUL, January I 1855.
be their form or locality, whether in the head, PROFESSOR O. J. WOOD—
throat, chest, abdomen, extrenieties or skin.DEAR Stye t—Unsolicited, I send you this cer-
W hen the discoverer, after a long series of ,
tificate. After being nearly bald for a long time
laborious and costly experiments, became fully and having tried all the hair restoratives sxolol,
confirmed in his conviction that the Antiphlo- ' and having no faith in any, I was induced on
gistic Salt, which he now has the happiness to ' hearing of years to give its trial. I placed my
present to the American public, was a self in she hands era bather, and had my head
PERFECT SUBSTITUTE rubbed with a geed stiff brush, and the restore
for Bloodletting, Leeches and Blisters, his . live applied end well rubbed in, till the ilealp
was aglow. This I repented every morning, and
mind was no agitated that he could not sleep in
weeks the young in , appeared and grew
for entity nights. The cause of his egitati. rapidly from August lust till Me preeent dine,
was the etriking fact that the manner of its op• and is now thick, Mack and strong—sott and
oration, like that of the virus in vac, bastion, , ideation to the httleii ; ,therms, I,eMre. it seas
could not be explained upon any known princi- , harsh and wiry, what little there IVAs al it and
plc. How, in what way, it no effectually sub. ' that little was disappearing very ripiJiy. I still
dues inflammatory diseases and no others, was n.e your restorative about twice a week, and
at first wholly inexplicable; but on limber ce. shall soon have a good and perfect crop of hair
periment it was proved that by its pones over , Now, I had read of these things—and who has
the veins, arteries and glands, ii equalizes Me i .41 hat have not ... hit her to .1Y case Mt. , e
fluids of the body, the wan , of . equil ib r i um i any perso n a heir was rea lly heuefitted by any
in which is the rule cause of inflammation. It let the heir teeth' ear:, e ' a). ; ' ld a really
exerts like the vaccine matter, an extraordinte i gives me P j ° 7 te re T omme t i I l r uit ti of m rx - ,
ry influence over the circulation—resulting in 1 IT . o7l.erg, and already it has a hirl"e litel i getteral
a gradual decline of infl a mmation a s indicated ; sale throughout the Territory. The people here
by the pulse which noon resumes its natural I know Its effects. and have confidence in ii. The
state, as the pain and beat disappear. Such is i Ripply yon sent us, as wholesale agents for the
its potency, that like the virus just mentioned, I Territory, is nearly exhausted, and daily inqui
it requires merely . what adheres to the point„ofries are muds tor it. You sleet-rye creeit air
a quill dim ed in a 'solution Of it to Idea the I Pine disseuveres and I, for miss, return yeti my
entire system—but must be instantly used to , thanks fur the benefit it has dime me, for I cm.-
prevent decomposition, and secure its full vie. I miniy had it eeleared lues: Hite of ever arming
toe. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic
I smelt a result. Yours, hush!, ,
1, h . WINO, die.. everts 24 hours, till the heat arid fever
have subsided and a perfect cure is effected.— I Firm of Bond & K II v ' Druggists, Bt, P n I
When it takes the place of leeches, stimulating , •
ointments and blisters in local inflammation,
as Brain Fever, Croup, Toot' ache. Pleurisy,
&c., its mode of administration is twofold.
(See directions for dissolving, &c.)
glarThe peculiar °smell.oe of this Salt is,
that without the useless loss of blood and ;
strength, it effectually cures inflammatory dis
eases (no others) by producing an equilibrium
of all the fluids of the body and a consequent
unieterrumed circulation. The following dif
f rent loons which the unbalanced Voids me !
some and many not here mentioned. thnt have '
more or less fever and pain, are as perMetly
subdued by the Antiphlogiotic Salt, no lire is
eetinguished by water.
I—Lasee where the unbalanced fluids a fil•et CARLYLE. 1111110 is, Jane 19. 1855.
the Head and Throat—to wit: brain Fever, 1 I have used l'uole-sor Viand's Bair Restore-
Heechiche, Fits, inflamed Eyes, Earsand Nose ' five, and have aitioned its wonderful effect. My
Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Brotit•liitis, J.,. hear was l'ert , mbe, as I thought. Preinaler , ly
2—Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect gray, 1101 by Btu ti•e of his •.ftestorative," 5 tot s
resumed its original co,r, an I I I.e o ita t 1,1,
the Chest and Abdomen—to Wit: Pleurisy, !
Ast h ma, I n fl ame d L unge an d L i„,,. , e , dia, ! peituatimitly so. r x ; . 1 ., 1 . 3 ., N d 1 . .. , Y u rt . if u 1=1:1 , ....
Heartburn, Coughs, Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gaesur- _ I
rhea, Veheyeal, &e. O. J. WO( ID & CO., Votortetors, 312 Broadway
3—Cares wlaree else unbalanced finite affect N.Y., ik. Its Msthet st.. Nu Louis, Mi.suttitt.'i
the E.trerne"... 4 akin --1 . wit :Rheumatism hoist en tlinitingdon liy JOON HEAD, nod H. I
, Gout, Scrofula, Chicken and 1 4 1.11 Pox, Salt ssoMsesote, and by Druggists everywhere.
; Rheum, and all Itching and other Cutaneous .1tir.E5,'57,3111.
This Salt greatly alleviates the iniflammntory , 01%15Y ONE EOTTL •
pains peculiar to married ladies (been e and of 1Or•
, the time of confinement) and many Female ;Dla a wA RI T 3 us,© 0 ►
Ceniplainta ; and is very efficncious in Fevers, I
Ague, W mttle, Nervous earl Spinal affections, 1
.I\ T /GO R ' 0 it )
and any other forms of (mark this) .fivium ma- ,
tory,slisease, attended with heat or febrile syinp- 1
1 A I
t 0...
Persons who have a tendency of blond to the I troubled with Liver Complaims, unless the
head .d heart, and who lend inactive lives, or , woes desperate of eases, when the SECOND Can
breathethe impure air of matitifectories+ and , the will, with scam u single thiliire, restore the
the poison.s fumes of metals and minerals, or I Piffle. , to
vigor and liessels. _We wish "peen the
live in unhealthy climates are exposed to a re- "Ramie" or oil to these mete, that dm leelgor- ,
collar vita/ion cif the fluids of the body, which u!ur is emalmimikeillq a physician who has used
ii in l e i l e s , prilutet;tu he rein„,,, , tlte past
i,,, t , mt y . years ,
i t r v e it . h y
one dose, without interlering with diet or buei•
nese, once in three months, would itivariably "lTs being eaitq „ , ,, wh i wit l y
( T oms. I I !
prevent. It is believed to afford proteetion a- ve g etable,
Some idea of the strength of these gums may
pima infectious diseases ; and therethre, it is h e eirmestwhen it is known Otis bottle of the lie
recommended to travellers, sailure and not vigorator aillitillS es much strength as one hea
dier. • dead duties of Calomel without say of its delete-
To protect the community from imposition rims effects.
by counter/kits, the proprietor will employ no One bottle is the surest thing known to carry
Agent, and has made each arrangements that away the bad effects of mineral poison of .y
he can send the medicine in any quantity. by kind.
mail or express, to any part of the United Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the
States or foreign countries. Its prime cost to, system the edam. cif medicine a tter a long sick
the discoverer is $1,50 per druchin—price $2 I mess.
ne u;so uottle taken for Jaundice removes all yd.
per drachm—and is put up up in &ad. pack
.. for acute disease (with directions, &c.) at 1 lowness er unnatural color from the kn.
One dose alter eating iS Stilticient to relieve
$1; three drachms do., for chronic Mice, $6 ; the aiem„eii mud prevent the victuals from
and 5 drachms do. for families, sB—a net profit r i s i ng . „„,, .„„ r i„,
of fi /*le cents on each package. i Nils. nee deer taken beMre retiring presents
While many noetrum makers victimize the n5a 5,,,?.„,•,,,
good-natured and pill-ridden public by orderin.: line dose taken nt eight loosens the bowels
from nix toe dozen box or bottles to cure any I gently, end cures costiveness.
malady, uo matter what, the undersigned is Ono dose takes alter each meal will cure
happy in being able to state that the severest , Dyspepsia.
forme of nicest inflammatory disease are ever- Siev e Onedone H o e f a t d wo
ie tea-spoonsful will always re
come by one acute package, and the most oissti•
t b l
bottle :k; for female obstruction s e 1 THE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME
nate and long standing cases by one Chronic mows the cause of die dincese, stud make a e shod of 'Misruling their friends and the pub
package. Although thirty days have 110 t Rini). „ er , e , cure. I tic generally , th at they have rebuilt the Hunt
sed since this new media.' agent became r only one dose immediately re. ve n cl i ne s , I inp'u't Foundry, and are now in 'successful sp
partially known to the citizens of Baton and wh i le eretion, unit are prepared to furnish casting of
few neighboring census, yet such have been the th i s , d o se often re pe n t e d ie a 'nose cure for Ch o - I all kinds, of the hest finality on the shortest no
results of its trial that, during the past week, tern Models, and a , U, ' , revel:lath/0 of Cholera, tics and most reasonable term.
nearly 400 packages were sold in this city, and one dose taken litho will prevent the I.OAIII.- . Farmers are invited to call and examine our
orders received by mail and express for 163 tenet: of bilious att,cks, while it relieves .tii Plinighs.
, %ye 1 a re
.h rT o it i rig e uri r l i t iu o m lLutzr
t i s 7 u,? i , i o l n l' a l l i g ie 'p a n ' :: l o ' n 3f a i3 e A in e b u l t , e d i t i ote ' i g h7; " figf intlit O l i e l e e:o g g r t ' i t e iv ii o ibises . taken oe s' i Ily 's I Plough , ( t h is
AgriettleirA Fair. in 1855)
and wroto for six packages of the "Little GI- e," studied fur a eulit e n‘ ' Zit U ttow i n. also limier' s celebrated Cutter Plough, which
wi lta l iu t s h il ' itils . ..l entice of itiflaninwtiou and weak- can't he beat. together with the Keystone, Hill
ant, as they calla iI , ) s . , forweided too.
itreu t C. lunge have been cured by the Invig- side. and Btoshear Ploughs. We I;ave on hand
address, thereby saving expense to themselves "
orator. mud are manufacturing stoves, such as cook,
and she proprietor. One dose taken n short time before eating elves Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood.
par! Rtters from clubs or individuals with
vigor to the Liplsetite anti Makes fail diners sell. i HOLLOW -W &It'll
money (if over $10) should be registered at the , 0,, a dew mi e n repot t e d mites Chromic Dia- '
• consisting of Kettles, Boilers. Skillets, &c., all
post o ffi ce wiser° milled, as it costs but five ' That ji, its worst r o e.% Willie summer andb o wel
of which will he sold elleap for rash or in ex
cents. stud will insure their safe arrival. complaints yield almost to the first dose.
by ! change for country liroduce. Old metal taken
...The discoverer now humbly submits his One or two doses cure attacks' consul
for new castings. By a strict attention to total-
Perfect Subetituto for the lancet, leeches .d worms, elide me worms its children, there is tau
h s a s r: n o tl f d p a u s h i ti re e t p o a p tr l i e m ass d e g cs . •e hope en receive a
blisters, to the tribunal of an intelligent piiislc, surer, outer and opeedier remedy in the world, as
reiterating that it does just what it claims to it *lever Eelle• . J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO
n in these statements , 1
dc ' - ` "° l"re ' I' le": "bdna f " ' flan' "I °('Y h i v .""r r: l :trit e a x tVi g : ' , r ,r, t e ‘ r " wets tlua w eta' aivf; 't
April 30, 1856.-tf.
disease (no others) whatever be its form or lo- t....!-,2:.‘,_ to
„ ere, while
all who ... it
_ re
~,,.. , .
cality by reatoritig the lost balance between the .T h .,,,.... un ,:, iinu . te.,,,..., its iI . •a ur. . I
quids and solids. Family packages $B. Ohre. tug l
_ '
nie $5, and Acute $2; to be bad (free of ex- We wish all who ere slot and debilitated to , I 'he undersigned will attend to drawing Willa,
penile) only by addressing him through Box . try this remedy , and test it thoroughly, end soy 1 Deed. Mortgages, Articlea of Aereemeet,
32'2, Roston, Mats., or at his Office, No. 3, „ iin are milbeind i ned by its nbe w e simuld like Leases, Letters oh. Attorney, Bonds, &c. He
Winter Street.
i to hear frum, as toe have yet to hear hum the will also arrange and state Administrator's se-
Cut out thin advertisemept and his comm.- ! first persists who boa used a b ott l e o f Inoigorater counts and attend to the pausitigolthein before
munieation in another column for the perusal' alto.ut moue.% banana, f ur shen , arc encii.e. the Register. All will be done in legal form,
of your neighbors and your own future eye. toitiehiag ...ham" "au'a its a? Clot o
a ' 0 ° and good style, and at moderate charge..
F. COGGSWELL. M. D., Dialler how lung th ey have been affected, if their
Discoverer an d P ropr i etor . e i uns_ pls.!, a.r.w.e.iinfr.
deranged liver, will be i
i funtingtion, 20th January. 1857.-.
The Antiphlogietie salt. Is tor sale at the tm.F"“"ti? . "l" . i • •
ta.ll 4 :k ()lib at Co., I.4rietoii, 345 Broadway i
New Yutt. Hula to Huntingdon by Ilcrota 1 Dr. John McCulloch,
. ns 01..64. and Druggists everywhere . Sore his profeligion al services to the citizens of
--- .
JOHN 11 . ALLEN be CO . 1 Dr. (jet ,. 1 .1 . t„,, e ,., It b e k e ale Drult,giat, U Huntingdon And vicinity. (Juice, Mr. iligle-
Nos. 2a 4 CHESTNUT ST., b'th side below Water Nu. 14i), \\ end vt, Pataburg, ihhelesale Agent. brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson'.
PLULADELPIMA. 1 A1ar.25;57.•3w,, Hotel.
(The Oldest Wood.seare House, in the City.) I --- w
in — do — vi g ash. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855.
Deo.. in Patent Maebleo- male Brooms, I J. &W. Seaton base mow 0 u bend dithrent CooM Ouse ! and Get Good Bargains !!
Patent Gtooved Cedar. Ware. warranted Nat to . kinds of Window Sash, and at much lower pri. J. LW. SAXTON have received trout the ens
shrink, Wood I Willow-ware, Curds, Brushes, cot than can be mode by hand. They .. II
"i-• - b
. ' tars citics an aseorttnent of Silks. Sbnwie,Tel
&c., of all destrlptions. Please call and exam. , able also to have Doors, Shutters, Blinds and ma , Ores. Goode and Embroideries. They
Me our stock, everything aeoekenrY for building Purr.ieu , ' have adopted the motto—"quick esie and
Feb 2[.57.•1v, made At th , , ehorte3t notice. • , a , ,,,11 profit," Give then a call.
IT.= the Editor of the Held !Nieto Advertiser.]
BOMTON, 27 t , (0.001 It.. Mtueli 20, iebl.
Dear Sir tllai irig herniae prematurely quite
gray, I was iudueed, some , Ix 'leeks 8.1,, E.
make a trial at your Hestia ,tire. 1 hare used
leas than two bottles, but the gr.iy l airs bare all
disappeared ; and although my hair has nut yet
fully attained its original color, yet the pro:•ess
of change is gradually going on, and I am in
grei.t hopes that in a short titan my hair will lie
as dark as formerly. I have also !wen nin.•h
gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor IA the
hair, a hieli iiimire was harsh and dry; and it has
eeubed to coma oot as formerly.
lie,peeitulty yours,
Prolessur Wood. 1.). C. M. RUPP. I
a., BURR A
11::: - 47 MILL STONE.; -.07'
Corner of tierwantown uad and blew Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
• -•- •
Constantly on baud ur leitie it. wrier. the 11,1-
lowitg. highly approved Flour Mill Itnebinely.
Woodward'. Patent Portable Mills and Sin Hi
Machines. _ -
Tui;n;ton's Patent Iron Concave Bran Due.
Stover 's Patent. Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pierson s Patent Barrel Hempen,' Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr I
Calico Mill Stinies. Corn, Cole and Plaster
Johnston's Patent Cain Metal Con.
Yft2sl 0 Maßtlf[tY
. 4 1)
East ails South-East at th e t.thiu and t ,uutsissipt
M Rivers
Wurranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from 1 to 21 lbs. of standard
fh.ur, which could not be bolted nut on account
of the electrical adhesim, to the Bran.
NOTICE :—I hereby ware all persons ateainst
infriaging my rights, pecored by Letters Pa
teat as above, as will prosecute all persuaus
making, selling,wotakiany Bran Dusters
with an Iron or Cie) Metal Concave in vio
lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John
sum, dusted April 24th. 1854.
THOMAS B. WOOL/WARD, Proprietor.
N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for
all the above Machines forSule.
August 29, 1855. tf
4000''tU h It l S l new
; d :7;:: : oßu:L enlralnvev ,
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
many of thorn at halfthe Puhlisher's retail price,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All 6clioul hooks used in the county can be
bad in soy quantities at retail and wholesale
. rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold
! Cases, loom $1 upward..
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and
mho,' hest manufacture.
100 splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket Books
I at $0 cts. and upwards.
. --
the lower and prettiest styles, just received from
Philadelphia and Now York, prices From 10 cis.
a pica and upwards.
- .
500 beautifully painted and gold gilted Win
dow Shades at 44 eta. and upwords.
The public lave but to cull and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the above amuck
they w II ho pleased and also save money. Re
itieml,or the place, corner of Montgomery and
R t
ailroad streeu
Apr 23,'56.
Huntingdon •"" Foundry.
riltal, MEC
Greatest Medioal Discovery of
r- -
the Age
Dr. Kennedy, of hoxbury, ha; discovered in
one of our cotnntun pasture weeds a remedy that
gWEET EURO TY ligattair
from the worst tterofula down to a common pim
Be has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never
tailed except in two cases. (both thunder 'minor.)
He hub now in his possession over two hundred
certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles
of Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing
sore mouth. . . •
One to three bottles will care the worst kind
of l'impl en on the lave.
Two or three bottles will care the system of
Two bottler are warranted to cure the worst
case of Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles nre warranted to cure running of
the ears and blothea among the hair..
Four to six bottles are warranted to oure
corrupt and running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure
the worst case of ringworm.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure
the most Ilasperate case of rheumatism.
Three to tour bottles are warranted to cure
the salt rheum.
Five to eight ',tittles will cure the worst case
of seri:hile.
A benefit it always experienced from the first
bottle, and a perfect cure isivarranted when
the above quantity is taken.
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles
of this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the
effect of it in every ease. So sure as water will
extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor.—
I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another;
after a trial It always speaks for itself. There
are two things about this herb that appear to
me surprising; first it grows in our pastures in
some places quite plentiful and yet its value
has never been known until I dscovered it in
1846—second that it should cure all kinds of
In order to glee some idea of the sodden rise
and great popularity of the discovery. I will
state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold
about six hotel.' per du —in Aped, 1854, I sold
over one thousand per day of it.
. .
Swill , of the wholesale 'Druggists who have
been in business twenty and thirty years, .y
that nothing in the annals of patent medicines
war ever like it. There is a universal praise
n: it from all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly
for humor—but since its introduction as u gen
eral family medicine, great and w ',Merle! vir
tues Imre been found in it that I never suspect
Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease
which was always considered incurable, base
been oared by a few hurtles. 0. what a mercy
if it will prove effectual in all cases of that
dreadful malady—there are but few who have
more or it thou I have.
1 know of several eases of Dropsy, all of
whom aged people cured by it. Fur the vari
ous diseases of the Liver, Jick fiend mite, Dys
pepsin. Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain ill the
Side, Diseases (lithe Spine. and particularly
in diseases ut the Kidneys, &e., the discover 3
has done more good than any medicine ever
No change of diet ever neeessery—eat the
hest you ear. get god enough of it.
Ditacrtuate COB Use.—Multi' one bible
spoonful perdue—Children over ton
sert spoonfull—Chil.l,llKm‘ u n t, v6 a t n ".7: , %l , 7 ,,-
teeppoonfull. Au en ItirbuiTh n
a ll: to ailllioczonsmt.ietth:Eiatc:tiAnk,d.e.:•.sit,blll;tent to oper-
No. 120, Warr. St.. Roxbury, floss.
hire sl.ou.
T. W. Dyott, Ge n eral Agent for Penney let,
hnlesnle Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Cllek•
ner. 01 Barclay Street-11. H. Ring, 192 Broad.
w , .3 and Clark, 275 Broadway.—A.
& it. Semis, 100 rulton Street.
For sale by 0. W. Brehm% 51eVeytown
dl re. Clary Macke, Lewistown ; Read & Sun.
' And sold by Agents generally.
May 25;56.-Iy.
(iWEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re
spectfully informs the public in general that
he is prepared to manufacture at his shop on
Washington street, on the property lately and
fin in ny years occupied by Alex. Cormun.
and in short every kind of vehicle desired.—
Itockaways and Buggies of a superior manufac
ture and finish always on hand and for sale at
fait prices.
Repairing of nll kinds done ut the shortest no
tire rind most reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Roy
HAS Just returned from the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
. _
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys ' .made in the latest fashion anp
in the most durable manner. Who over wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call at W . l.Locuitay's
CLOTHING STORE, one door west of T.
Head & Son's drug eters, Huntingdon.
Call undone for yourselves
Oct. 18, 1854.
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Oa. 19: 1853.
VilOto P. g2UPEAffill.
Willatteud to all business entrusted to.hint. Of
lice nearly opposite the Court House
May 5,'59
Are you sutiering with the Piles, inwardly
or outertirdly7
If so, nee . Dr. Dupriea' Celebrated Remedy.
Warranted to cure in all cases.
The above is the only reined) that has ever
cured effectually. City rel.:renew and testi•
menials given.
If you have the Piles inwardly, ask for a box
of Dr. D. ' s Pills—only 50 cents.
Ifyou have the Piles outwardly, ask for a
boa of Dr. U.'.oiutmeat—?ply 50
For sale b) Jous RUA), Ilu'atingdon, Pa.
Juno 4,'56.
It. M . M.. 00 0 D
Having located In Petersburg, Huntingdon co.,
Pa.. reapeettully oflers his isrolessionnl services
to the citizens of that place, and surrounding
No crt:l , ct In, I ttnfi.-m.'
:----=--------.---,-,----,-. -------,..,-.-t....w,,,--7-,--, ~...-i-,-;-.l_ ---:-. -- -----,---,-
. DOC I'OR JOHNSTON. ' ; The "SkirgTfirrill ON JO MIL,' II ' , OLIN., Pt
frHE founder of Ohio Celebratedjustitution, ' the -.kneeing rates :
1 offers the most certain, specify, and only If paid in advance !• • •• • • fil,,flo
effectual remedy in the wet Id for Gleets, Stric- . if Paid within nix monfitrafter the time at
tares, Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins,; subscribing
c a n s utational Debility, Impoteney, Weak.. ' If paid before the expiration of the year 2.00
of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid- I And two dollars and fitly cents if net paid
neys, Palpitation of the Heart. tly spops i a , N ei ._ , till after the expiration of the year. No subserip -
ye. Irritability, Disense of the, lie t oi, Th roat ,
Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melon- I. All subscriptions are continued nntll nth
clio I y disorders arising from the destructive I
Allne r e w ; l; r e ur . c fn eb
: I ordere d, tro d
n i t n d x n e o l
np p u a t
ri p ip, er io,
.we w o i o l yf l I ,. . i e r,: dis i:t e n e a n . t er i a. i n ri a
habits n o
Thesel' y otlll
secret which a
and fad
:4 u p tlilio ie dy . a 4 n r d e i
en jeor,i.ii.
more fatal to their victims than the song dr the ' 2. Returned numbers are neuer rretiva by ti,
i v i e ,a rb t a o l n o i rp u r
u t n o ti t n h g alreet, to the mace o f pnh
ins brilli a n t to t lie
hopes mariner
of aUnltyjcssipitesiibolni.g,ht
rendering ltigt heir 1 1
marriage, &c., impossible.
Young Men,
i e t sf r o y ria v l i l c y . ,
, w , l h io at ha d v re e a b d e f c . o l m an e d th: en v t i r c u ti c T i s vc o h f
a S b h i l j, I
which annually sweeps to an .tintely grave I legal or a proper notice.
thousands of young men of the most exalted j 5. After one or mere numbers of a now year
talents, and brilliant intellect, who might nth - I have been forwarded, a new year hoe comnenc
erwise have entranced listening senates with ! ed, and the paper will not he discontinued wing
thet, hi
the thunders t l h i: o i n : d gr o r ofr il: s i.:e. :
t e : l teo,:qn.yugeitaiwiele:,:i
waked al
1 c e vo d :
ti t:, : e :v e
c s e t eia ti
k c y .
il l a t
o r a r sl e a r ,:nhe ig eei e r
ito s
bun a ern r are
Marriage 1 a newspaper from the aka, or removing and
Married persona, or young men contempla- of intentional fraud. !
other States, will he required to pay invariably
rase, organic debility deformities, tike.,should i
immediately commit fir. Johnston.
i, n advance.
He who places himself undtr the care of Dr. 1
Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as firma above terms will rigidly ad h erna
a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill I in in all " se '
-........._---..... -
as a physician. ADVERTISEMENTS
Organic Weakness. , Will he charged at the following rates:
I immediately cured, .d full vigor restored. ! I Insertion. 2 do. ado.
'rids disease is the penalty must frequently j Six lines or lesa, $ 25 $ 871 $ 50
mad by those who have become the victim of I One square, (16 101.0 to 75 1 0,,
improper indulgencies. Young persons are too 1 Two " ( 00 " ) 100 150 200
apt to commit excesses from not being aware of , 3 mo. 8 ton. 12 mo.
the dreadful consequence that may ensue.- : One ware, IS u 0 IT, 00 Se Oo
Now, who that understands the subject will pre- ; Two squares, 500 800 12 00
tend to deny that the power of Procreation is ' 1 column, 800 12 00 18 00
lost sooner by those falling into improper habit ' do., 12 00 IS 00 27 00
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived ,
~ do., 18 no 27 00 40 00
of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se- ; I do., 28 00 40 00 60 ta,
,ions end destructive symptoms to mind and ho- j Busines s Coeds of six lines, or less, $4.00.
dy arise. The system become, deranged , the j
Il l i v i h: C e d re author
physical and mental powers weakened, uervous
r d i e i
g b e i I s
fi , d y a s
Singe h p; ls p o ap Lit i f o r n a
e f , t c l
()u lr y t , in i t p t :
: i
fis:e Li : , einr he ili have i: E g i e v i Tnn l igic i a t p. : tid .:: :. o i r j:,? 7 64 e rA ::::::
alptlon, and to take the names of new subscri
hers at our published prices :::11t:
toms of Consumpnon.
cif Office Na. 7, South Frederick Street, se- 'used
do this for the convenience of our subthri
ven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up
the atop.. Be particular in observing the name
and number, or you will mistake the phi.. hers living at a distance f rom Huntingdon.
A Cure warranted. in Two' Days.
I Jo WT o
NO MERCURY 011, NAUSEOUS DRUGS. ' G i,"4 o .' w H u l a ::: Pqd r 11 1i e ta r. 5 :., , , f,;, ,..
1 ~
Dr. Johnston, ! HENRY TlnneoN Clay township.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, ; DAVID ETNIRE:C I OIIIIVeU township.
London, graduate from ono of the most eminent Dr. J. I'. ASIICOM, Penn township,
Colleges of the United States, and the grenter I J. SVAIIIIIIAM MATTERN, Franklin towitshlp,
part of whose life has keen spent in the first Hos- ' SAMERL STEPPE', Jackson township,
pitals of Loudon, Paris Philadelphia, and else- , Col, Joe. C. Walsox, Brady township,
'where, has effected some of the most astonish- Monett; BROWN, Springfield township,
ing cures that were over known, many troubled ; WIC Ilnycifixaos, Esq., Watkiorsmark t;..
with ringing in the head and ears when asleep. I ( Juin.. W. WHiTT , taRn• Petersburg,
great nervousness, being alarmed at authien 11 .... , N.Frp West Berm
sound':' and bashfulness, with frequent blushing • JOHN BALSLIACII, Waterstraet.
attended sometimes with derangement of mind, Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY.. Tod toweil.ii„
were cured immediately. . A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
Certain Ilisease. . Geoson Wise*, Esq., Tell township,
' -
- OAAIOB CLARK, Birmingham.
' hen the misguided and imprudeet votary 1 NATHANIEL LYTLR, EN., Spruce Cre.ti
of pleasure finds he bas imbibed the seeds of this 1
Maj. Vt'. 'MOO.. Alexandria.
parotid disease. it to too (Alen happens that ea l B, p, w A ,„,,,,,, u n i on F urnace ,
ill-tinted sense of shame , or dread of discovery, 1 Somort Wnfortx, Eaq
deters lam from applying to those who from ed- Davin Cxttrixaow, Ee" Union townalt ,
twat'. and respectability, can atone befriend ; BOWEL Wrwrotr, Esq!, " Frenklin township.
him, delaying fill the constitatkmal symptoms : Uronom SHANE, Esq.. Vt'arriorsmark.
of this horrid dieenSe...ok o thet:pm...,
DAVID AnnAtur r , Es. Todd townshlp.
an d s as uleerat.k......l,:isnintil diseased l i '' Dal J. At.rtten SIIAL, Du blin ,att,,,',
Ln.X;LriVillt i riasion tea slit. bones, italtigi;;;:i., jejeAreiri,lL ,, WWII .0 .1 . 0 " -
anew, blotches dra te head, face and extremities, • beak wore, instils oils* sither Pfilier
priest essing with frightful rapidity, till at last ! hill COUlity •
the palate uf the mouth or the hones of the nose •
__ . amesek____ _
___________ ___. sPe_if*St-Ilss.
litll in, anti the victim or this awful disease be- R. K. NEFF, 111, ?' . •
comes a 'meld object of commiseration, till
deuth puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by! "SAVING located himself in Wane., next,.
sending him to "that bolo no from whence no ' .1. 1 . in this comity, would respectfully orsi : • t
traveller returns," T. such, therefore, Dr.; professional services to the eltisecs Eft:let
Johnston pledgee hinmit to t.reserve the must . and the eountry auja,ent.
inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive pr.. I RTFFEDENCES:
Tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and ARRA- ;J. B. L u d en , M. I). Gals. A. I'. Wi1 t ,,,,,
ea, he con confidently recommend a safe Lind IM. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Or tascn. lie;.
speedy core to the unfortunate victim of this hot -I J. H. Dorsey, . " Hon. James Owinit.
rid disease. ' M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vie- I Han, George Taylor. •
time to this horrid diatom owing to the unskil- j fluntingdel, Po.
fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the tae of jJacob DI Gemmill, M. D., Alexandria. .-
hltat deadly poison Mercury, ruin the COOSA - i John SPCulloch, , f Petersburg.
Wien. find either send the unfortunate sufferer j I.li7,'Sx- 11.
to an untimely grave, or make the reside,: of his ;
life miserable. ' Si. ORAPP. T. R. GE 0 I
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. J.. addresses ell those who have injured GRAFF & CO.
themselves by improper indulgencies.
These aro some of the sad and melancholy , WESTERN FOUNDRY
effects produced by early habits of youth, viz : .
Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the ! -,, No, 124 Wood Street.
head, Dimness of Sight, Lose of Muscular pow. I , I'ITTSBURG, PA.
er, Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous I -
Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive
1 -..._
Function., leneral Debility Symptomsof Con- MANUFATUREHS OF
suntption, &a.Conking_Stovee, Coal and Wood Stove ;, Part,
MMENTALLY - The fearful e ff ects on the mind ; ;
Stoves, Box Stoves Hollow Ware, Kt'. RIRI
are much to he dreadedi Less of memory, Con- ; Faney Grates & Fenders, Snd and Doe Irons,
fusion oft leas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For- ' Portable Forges, Sugar, Ten and Stove Riffles,
bodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, ' Iti ngon B oxes, 4, .. e.
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some oft.'
i Nov. 26, 1856.-Ir.s
evils produced.
Thousattis of persons of all ages, can now ' . RAILROAD HOURS.
;edge what is the cause of their declining health. '
Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and :
emaciated, have singular appear.ce about the Mail T. I Ex. T. i Fast T.
dy for Organic Weakness. , untingdos, 3.03 3.64 9.52
' Mill Creek, 3.16 4.04 10.01
By this great and important remedy, weakness '
cl327.',;ol:ithi:tnodassY,SmlasigfoeXtrnigiiine;me. I T l" i e n te l rTu e r s g, P 2.4 i t A 3. l' 3L 'P iI. M 3I; .
Mt. Union 3.33 4.17 10.14
of the organs is speedily cured a. full vigor re- :
stored. 'Thousands of t. most debilitated and .
no, ,
methatety relieved .
os . wit( load lost all li hn ho p p e e d , im ha e v n e ta b t e o m i i ,l i o m r. . ' Tra i n
11 1e: i v: n it , P 4 . 3 b 6 1. A 7. . O M S A. M.
riage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner. Mill Creek, 5.03 7.18 12.48
volts Irritability, ']'ramblings and Weakness, , Huntingdon, 5.18 , 7.32 1.02
or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily ' Petetsborg, 6.34 7.45 1.15
cured by Doctor Johnston. .
T N. BALL respectfully solicit. the attentior,
effects of which are nightly felt, even when a- have neatly fur sale in a few days, h e is
.1 .
I " e ll eFr n iin e u i ; f ei r g o l:i n a l in v ' i d l ' companions, ll'
leli:iinv:l ab
la b t i7 s c rit h t l ig o nu l - Pe rna ti Y e j p io . i n gg f i w nn w i t i r g i i : e g i r n nl ow inu m n a i n i y ura i e l u a rin rsi an i l d Y
wi ll
sleep, and if' not cured renders marrieds imp.- pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel•
barrow., Sc., &c., and to do all 'kind of repairing
Bible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply ionediately at the shortest notice, and in the most substataial
What a pity that a younimon, the hope °this manner.
country. and the darling of his parents should I e Shopon N. W. corner ot 11fontgmery and Wash
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of i n inn ma.
life by the consequence ut deviating from the path &arch 27 1855-tf.
of nature and indulging in n certain secret habit --
Such persons before contemplating A. P. Wm.*. R. fleece PETRTRIN
Marriage. . WILSON & PETRIKIN t .
should reflect that a sound mind and body are I . lITTOILIVEYS .97' LdW,
the moat necessary requisites to promote comfit- I Id I.IIIITINGLION, Pd.
b. happiness . Indeed without these, the jeers Practice In the several Courts of Huntingdon
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mi ffl in and Juniata Coen.
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the Iles , March 13, 1554.
mind become shadowed with despair, and titled ... _
with the melancholy reflection that the happiness FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.
of another becomes blighted with our own. T HE. library will be open every Saturday of
at o'clock, in their room in the
BALTIMORE, MD. Court House. Subscription 60 cents a year.
To Strangers. New books have been added to the former ex
The many thousands cured at this Institution cellent collection:-Gillfillen's work , . /1 ,1 0
within the last 15 years, and the numenine im- Miller's. Mrs. Ellet'a Ac.
portant Surgical Operate:OM performed by Dr. 'By order
tut •
Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa- I Pr
pens, and many other person., notices of whlchl _
Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 18511..
have appealed again .d nein before the pub-
____ __ __ .
lie, I. a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. I or comine wir DziLiant o eon buy
N.H. Thera are so many ignorant and ! CLOTHING ftom mein ! l i r: h i n t :X.. l , o or a i s aa
worthless quanka advertising themselves es ; sole as cheap as they cal t
Physicia., ruining the health of the already el'. a niih n i asa i a slurs its Philadelphia.
aimed. Dr. Julattest deems it necessary to buy to Apr.o,lge. 11. ROMA N
those unacquainted with his reputation that his ___-___._____t_
Diplomas alwaya hang iu his office.
115"1" r) : T"a..---All la""a ma" ha I" 'orartiele ofBLANK DELDS, noNDR.
pant, and conta i n a wattage stamp for the reds. 9_! , 1 3 ._ .1 ..
jtttinioN,Lwilica:LAlWwa.yehgy, Icr:rpritlpell.okl.;r:
Jl.l . D P UMENT NOTES. SUMMONS`, inryfrr
0, no slower will b. nat.
I lONS, 3.t..
.lane Ili, 1856, 1..