Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 03, 1857, Image 3

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    suntingllon ioxtrual.
Ore Palt6t/TATTrr. —WO recommend to
uur fellow-citizens. the propriety of getting up
some substantial testimonial of their high air ;
preeietion of the laborious efforts in their be
halt; of their late Representative, Dr. John H.
Wintrode. We suggest, further, that said testi
monial consist of a patent leather medal, with
a median , sized hole therein, in which shall be
platted a piece of red tape. Said medal to he •
presented to said gentleman immediately. Or
if this be not approved by said constituents of
old Wintrode, then, we suggest a testimonial
of thirty (3 cent) pieces of silver. This would
be appropriate and we are led to believe more
acceptable. We offer this suggestion on the
ground that a faithful servant deserves a 'kind
.l! mention.' Aside from all jokes, we cannot,
for the life of us, see how a community could
he humbugged into working up such material
into Legislators. Had the county no better ?
To be care she has, and let her hereafter use
,t. The nomination of such men will weaken
uur strength—as the past proves—until Loco.
fucuiam shall triumph ; it must be stopped.—
Since Mr. Wintrode has now some leisure, he
van enlighten the people of the county on his
refusing to support the Opposition candidate
for the State Treasnryship. The reasons he
gave us, we did rot consider ourselves nuthori•
zed to publish. Events have since transpired,
which bring as again to the original question,
'Will Dr. Wintrode explain" to the public.—
We hare been beset by many good men titre'.
out the county for the reasons given us. We
now reiterate that those reasons are unsatiefac ,
tory from events which have since transpired.
DIJORACCFCL—Another drunken brawl oc
cured about 12 o'clock on last Saturday night,
in one of the drinking-houses of this place,
in which quite a number of our citizens parti
cipated. Dutch versus Segola ; law order and
private drinkers versus Germany and lumbago.
It appears we have a class of citizens who pay
their vows to Dachas at the "wee 'ma' hours o'
the night," behind' the door. On this occasion
they became riotous, and the consequence was
a free fight generally. "Whither are we tend
ing?" When the damning curse of inteinpe•
ranee id seizing upon the most promising of
our youth, paralyzing the faculties of our best
vitisens, converting young and old, rich and
poor, met, in high ttation3 and mon of low de
gree, in our very midst, int, beastly sots and
worthlees vagabonds, is it not time to 'Make off
our stupor and awake in the cause of temps
ranee? We bade hard drinkers, moderate
drinkers and old bruisers, and we will always
Lave them unless we act with decision. Better
far Would it be to reclaim the poor, worthless,
despised and degraded sot, who apparently has
sciVerrisYti' tWo'
than to beep l', he thi,t eaveth a
earl cove, th a multitude of slue.
THE Bona.—Last week we spoke of our bad
boy! ; we shall continue to giro some of the
. .
causes which lead to their ilhbehavour. A ve•
ry great cause is Map out at night. It is one
of the most ruinou., dangerous, mischievous'
things possible. Nothing so speedily and sure.
ly marks their downward course. We have a
gain and again alluded to these melancholy
facts, and most continue to do so while we
have strength to lift a pen. It is ruinous to
their morale in all instance , 'they acquire,
under the cover of night, au unhealthy state of
mind, bud, vulgar, and profane language,. oh.
scene practices, criminal sentiments, a !anions
and riotous bearing. Indeed, it is in the street
after nightfall, that the boys principally acquire
the education of the bad, and capacity for be.
...ming rowdy, dissolute, criminal men. Pa.
rents do you believe it ? Will you heed it ?
Will you keep your children home at night,
and see that your homes are made pleasant
sad profitable ? Or, take them with you to
the house of Clod, of prayer and praise. "Evil
communications corrupt good manners." "A
little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." Ile•
ware of the serpent.
UAL—We are glad to learn that the gentle•
roan who has contracted for erecting the gas
works at this place, has come on, and is now
making preparations to begin the work. We
bad expected when the subject was first talked
of that it would end in smoke, but we have been
very agreeably disappointed. The unusual ra
pidity with which this project has advanced
from a mere subject of conversation to a real.
ity, is owing, mainly, to the energetic efforts of
Capt. Dorris, Dr. MeMarkle, Co'. Orbison, and
others of our progressive citizens who are en•
closvoring to crowd out the spirit of "old fogy.
which has so long been paralyzing our
faculties. wiluntingdon by Gas-Light," is not,
therefore, a "dim and indistinct vision," but
will shortly become a bright reality. Clear the
track, old fogys, for the car of progress.
RINGTID.—Our worthy County Treasurer,
Col. Frank Lane, has removed his office into
the brick building opposite the Court House,
formerly occupied by Col. Doyle, and latterly
used as 'pdegtsph Office. Col. Lane is an
obligiot and attentive officer, an excellent fi
minder, and a whole smiled fellow generally.—
Nothing could afford us greater pleasure than
to bare the Col. for our nominee this fall, as we
ore satisfied a mote fathful officer could not be
named; ono who could attend more faithfully
to the public interests.
STEM PREACHINO,--Tho pastors of the
Protestant Churches of this borough have made
arrangemeute for west:thing in the streets of
this place, commencing on next Sabbath, and
to continue during the Summer, twice a math.
The first sertuou will he preached by Rev. 0.
0. McClean, cootmenoing at four o'clock next
Sabbath. The place hill be Colon's Corner,
on Railroad street.
CHICILI.B.—Iietis disappear rely rapidly in
this neighborhood by a disease which they de•
nomicate the "grab disease." Many roosts
have been wads desolate in a single night. It
is all 4 to he carding.
rionrs.—The dog star rageth not, and yet
our 'maid' population will engage in fisticuffs.
Quite an animated little batch of law-suits has
resulted from a "rough and tumble" fight be.
tween a couple of "chattles in law," some two
weeks ago, in the African church of this place.
At the kit accounts, however, matters were
progressing towards a happy termination and a
peaceable settlement of hostilities.
HOW IS IT.—Would it nut be a good move
for our town "fathers" to erect at the expense
of the borough, a place of amusement for the
rising generation ? Soy for instance a hall-al-
ley, or something of that description We ob.
serve that the Court House has been converted
into a "sort of an alley" and the yard into a
a play-ground:
A Cost:cc—The Female School No. 2, has
been awarded to Miss D. W. Bumbaugh; the
late teacher, Miss L. Hildebrand, having re
signed on account of ill health.
se- We have just printed a large lot of
blanks for premiums on Fox and Wolf Scalps.
Call and he supplied.
gar Dr. !lards.c will be at Jackson's 110.
tel July 1. See advertisement.
Flour, $7,37a7,75. White Wheat $1,85,
Red $1,50. Rye Flour $5. Coro meal s 4.—
Coro 95 cents. Oala G2eta.
In Petersburg, on Tuesday, 26th oh., MN.
Elizabeth, Wife of B. Lorenz, aged 37 years, 9
month and 14 days.
The deceased was a consistent member of
the Methodist Church, and a true Christian.--
In her early death society has lost a bright or
nament, and the poor a firm friend. She is
now enjoying ' that rest which remaineth for
the people of God."
In Franklin township, on the 21st instant,
Mrs. lean Lt..t Inv's, wife of Henry L. Hat ,
vey, aged about 27 years.
The deceased was a native of Lycoming
county, Pa., born in Jersey Shore, having resi
ded for the last few years iu this county.
Respected and esteemed by all who knew
her, a kind affectionate companion ; a devoted
and confiding friend ; a consistent and worthy
Christian ; her sudden and unexpected depar
ture has caused a void in the family circle, in
society, and in the church of the Redeemer,
Which will not soon he filled.
Mysterious, ur fathomable, and utterly be.
yond the comprehension of finite . minds, are
the ways of. All wise Providencel How lit
tle did the writer of this brief notice suppose,
when last we met. together, when sharing the
joys, and partaking of the hospitalities of that
happy family circle, that the peaceful home
was soon to be overshadowed by the darkened
ning of the * Destroying Angel, and that this
the portals of the tomb—beneath the une °ad.
ed sky of Immortality, amid the unfading beau
ties of Heaven. Happy for ilmse who are left
behind, if heeding this solemn admonition, 'Be
ye also ready' we too be prepared to meet the
pale messenger at his coming, and like her be
able to exclaim amid the last throes of expi.
ring nature, "All is well," through Him that
bath loved us and washed ua from our sins iu
His own precious blood.
"How sweet it is to think, hereafter,
When the spirit leaves its sphere, [her,
That Love on deathless wings shall waft
To all she loved and longed for here ;
And Vito higher boon were given
To keep our hearts from wrong and Stain,
Who would not strive to win a Hemet'
Where all we loved shall meet again I"
Hunt., May 30, '57. R. H.
sliiy-To INvALms. m cG
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.
Physician for Diseases of the Lange, Throat
and Heart—Formerly Physician to the
Author of "Lett., to Invalids," IS COMING.
Soo following Curd.
June & July Appointments,
Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease of the
Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma
rine Hospital,) will be in attendance at hie
rooms as fellows s
Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel Wednesday July 1
Lewistown, National Hotel July 2.
Mifflin, Patterson House July 3.
Hollidaysurg June 30.
Altoona June 29. .
Johnstown June 27.
Indiana June 26.
Greensburg June 25.
Pittsburgh Juan 19 & 24.
Dr. Hardman treat. Consumption, Bronchi.
tie, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the
throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the Bromum Hospital, London. The
great point in the treatment of all human male
dies in to get at the disease in the direct man- JUST PUBLISHED,
ear, All medicines are estimated by Weir ac
tion upon the rime requiring relief. This is THE STORY OF CITY LIFE.
the important fact upon which Inhalation is be. OLD HA UN, THE PA WNBRUKER.--A
tied. If the stomach Is diseased we take 12mo. volume 100 pages, elegantly bound is
medicine directly into the etornach. Utile lungs cloth and illustrated. - Price SI 25. This deep.
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va- ly interesting and exciting tale of the N
directly the lunge. Medicines are the fns and Miseries of New York, havitig had al.
antidotes to disease and should be applied to ready a large stile, the Publishers feel justified
the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap- in pelting to press another and still larger edi•
plieation of this pruiciple to the treatment of tion of this last and greatest PICTURE OF
the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those NEW YORE IN MODERN TIMES. The
intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of
scenes of Old Mon, though wronght into a
reach of every other means of administering
medicine.. The reason that Consumption, oral masterly. plot by one of our most powerful
other diseases of the longs, have heretofore re- American novelists, are chamete istie facts,
gated all treatment has heen because the" had and present in a vivid and most striking man•
never been approached in a direct manner by net, such startling Revelations of Crime and
medicine. They were intended to act upon the Misery, daily enacting in our midst. within the
lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.— Greed -American Metropolis, that the 'reader
Their actions was intended to be local, and yet, ' ,h u mor s w ink amazement ;t the Astounding
they were an administered that they should not Developetnents.
act constistutionally, expanding immediate and "A ' , err i n i cree ii,„ „ ten o f soc i a l lif e i n
principal action upon th e uaottending sunnault, , New York , which has had very large we
whilst the fuel ulcers within the 'wigs were un
througnout this country. he author has greet
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in
direct contain with the disease, without the power ae a writer and skill in the delineation
disadvantage of any violent actiou. Its appli- of character as well 10 dramatic abilities in
cation is simple, that it can be employed by the relating facts in a vivid manner."—Boston
youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not Transcript.
derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de- Sold by Agents oil the cars, and by all book.
gree wills the strength, comfort, or business of sellers. Seut by Mail, postpaid, on receipt of
the patieht., ON
Orusx DIBE.IIIII TUE./fn.—in relation RUDD & CARLETON,
to the thllowing dis cases, either when cumpli- 310 Broadway, New York.
cutest with lung Affections existing alone, 1 alp
invite cousultation. I usually find them prompt- sir Any Newspaper giving this whole adver
ly curaile. tisement two insertions ; calling attention to it
Prolapses and all other forms afFenaale com- eslitorily and sending en a marked paper, will
plaints, Irregularities and Weaknts.. receive a copy of the book by mail, postpaid.
Palpitation and all other tlirtue of Heart May 27, 1857.
Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all • ---------
Other dimes. of Stomach and bowels, &e. urrEK TRADE AHEAD.
All diseases of the ese and ear. Neuralgia,
Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.— IF you want cheap goods just go up to (Maio.
I No charge for consultation. I gar's New Store, near the Juniata Bridge,
S. D. HARDMAN, M. D. Weal Huntiegdon. lie has a full amostment.
June 3, 1857. 1tay20.'37,
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by theA LL persons knowing themselves indebted el-
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county /1 tber by note or book account to H. C. Wel
to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale ker, will save costs by paying the same to, or
of the personal property of William Fisher to making arrangements for the future payment
and among those legally entitled thereto, here- by note, with security, with the subscriber, by
by gives notice that he will attend for that pur- or before the 15th day, of Juno next. All per
pose at the Prothonotary'a office at Huntingdon none having claims against said Walker will
on Thursday, the 2d of July next, at 1 o'clock, present them properly authenticated.
p m., when and where all persons having' D. HOUTZ, Assignee
claims against said fund are required to present for Creditors-of H. C. Walker.
them before the undersigned, or be debarred Alexandria, May13.'57.-st.
from coming iu upon said fund. ---
June3,'s7l-4t. Auditor. !ATTOB.NZIT AT LAW,
Will attend to all professional business entrusted
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ! to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon
The undersigned Auditor , appointed by the' county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree-
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county meat, written at the shortest notice and on the
to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale most reasonable terms.
of the real and personal property of A. P. Ow- Shirleysburg, April '22, 1857.
ens, to and amongst those legally entitled there- ---
to, hereby gives notice that he will attend for ECIAIMUTIftIa BabliKto
that purpose at the Prothonotary'a office, inT ETTERS testamentary on of John
Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 2,1 day of July, 1.1 Armitage, Esq., dee'd. late of the Borough
next, at one o'clock, p. m., when and where all of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, having
persons having claims against said lends are been grunted to the undersigned, all persons
required to present the seine before the under- indebted to said estate are requested to make
signed, or be debarred from coming in upon immediate payment, and those having claims
said funds. THEO. IL CREMER, will present them duly authenticated for settle-
June3,'67.-dt. Auditor. I meat to JAMES GWIN,
Huntingdon, •May13,'57.-Gt. Executor.
$75 PER MONTH. '
THE above sums have been and are constant.
ly being made by my efficient Agenta, in
and other popular works.
I have about 150 Agents how in the field,
who are making from $25 to $l5O a month.
There arc many persons out of employment,
who, if they had the courage to try, could do
well for themselves. and do the public a greet
favor. by introducing my really excellent 'Souks.
I publish none but good and saleable works.
"The Prince of the House of David" will be
sent by mail, postage prepaid, on the receipt of
the price ($1,25.)
Persona out of employment, would do well to
send for my Catalogue! with terms to Agents
which will be sent, postage paid, on application
Address, H. DAYTON, Publisher,.
29 Ann rt., cor. Nassau, New York.
$9OO, $6OO, $9OO, $l2OO, $ll3OO, PER YEA R,
$2OO worth of Books to be Given Away
Itilat4)2l®lll MalVjlOM g
A revelation of ROII2II.ISTII, by Wm. Earle Bin.
der. This is one of the most thrilling Reve•
mations ever published and one that will have
an enormous sale. Our arrangements are such
as will enable us to supply at least 2,000 copies
per week, sod we hope thus to be able to meet
the demand. •
The book contains nearly 300 pages,
with several fine illustrations, and sells at Si,
in cloth, Full gilt buck.
.i;turn of mail, postage paid.
11111 EDIA TEL Y
In addition to the usual commission to ac
ems, we shall present the person who sells the
largest number of copies of the above work 1)e.
fore the first day of September, 1857, with a
Library of one Hundred volumes of Standard
werks, valued at One hundred dollars.
The person who sells the next largest num•
ber, with a library of Fifty volumes of Standard
works, valued at Fifty dollars I and the person •
selling the the third and fourth largest munbers
each with a 4ibrary of Twenty five volumes,
valued at Twentysfive
Here is an opportunity for engaging in a
btriness which will pay well, with the chance
of securing a valuable library, free of charge.
For iferms to Agents (tr a sample copy, ii
you wish it, for which 81.0 must .he enclosed)
address H. DAYTON, Publisher,
No. 29 Ann Street, N. Y.
Strayed from the residence of the subscriber
at Bell's Mills, Blair county, on Saturday, the
1. 23d inst., one hay
Ilene 4 years
aft. and one Rtian horse, ea u
ye a .G or 7 years old. A
litteral reward will be giien to any person w to
will give me information respecting said horses.
Bell's Millq, May' 27,
Letters testamentary on the estate of Mary
Allison, late of the borough of Huntingdon,
deed., having.been wranted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted are requested to make
payment, and those having claims will present
them duly authenticated to
W.V. I'. ORBISON, Ear.
Hunt., May27,'57..60
PROVISIONS, just received and for sale atthe
wholesale and retail Grocery & Provision Store
of Love & McDivitt. Consisting of
& TOBACCO, of the best quality and every
P HENE Nuts, Fis,' Raisins, Dates, Tarna•
rinds, Rice, Sege, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers,
Cheese, Maccaroni, Pickles of all kinds; Sar
dines, Candies and Confectionaries. All of
whirls will be disposed ot on the most reason-
able terms, for gish or country produce,
Purchasers wilt find it to their - initerest to call
and examine our stock before -purchasing else
where, as we are prepared to sell everything io
our line of bosuns's A urn. 1.: Lowlißthati
any other establishrosut of the kind in this lo
May IS, 1857. LOVE & MeDIVITT.
Public Sale
B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon County, the undersign.
ed, Committee of Benjamin Johnson, (a tuna.
tic,) of Warriorsmark township, issaici county,
will sell at public outcry, on the premises, on
Wednesday, the 31 day of June, 1857, at 1 o'c•
clock, p. in., a tract of land situate in Warrior.
mark township, in said county, (being the farm
formerly owned and occupied by Benjamin
Johnson, Sr., deed.,) wan. two miles of Ty.
rote City, and bounded by land of the heirs of
John Henderson; dee'd., Thomas Weston and
°theta, having thereon erected a dwelling
house, a good Bunk Barn, Wagon Shed, Cider
Press and other necessary buildings. Also, a
never.failing spring of g uod water, and a stream
About 180 . of which rule cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, the uncleared portion is
covered with good timber.
One-third of the purchase money to be paid
on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two
equal annual payments with interest ; to be se•
cured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur
elin6er. OALEB OUYER, Committee
of Benjamin Johnson.
ilson St Petriken, Att'ys.
Ala) 13,'47.4t.
it EH 011 DR PEON
ItUS2 WaAinblill-Ma@C).
< :i* r 7 4 ,1; COWDER
it 0 F
HALL'S ....1,;" ApiB, , P 0
' , 'l; ; , ,, ,
PATENT ,/ ~ , i ,' LOCKS. , -
the public to procure more certain seat
city from fire for ',linable papers, ouch ns Bonds,
Mortgages, Deeds, ,Voles and Books of Accounts,
then the ordinary SAPts haretoforc in use affor
ded, induced the Patentees to devote a large por.
of their dine fur the last fourteen years, in ma
king discoveries and improvements for this ob
ject, the result of which in the unrivalled
Herring's Pat eni World's Fair Premium
Fire Proof Safes, •
Universally acknowledged as the curiumo,e
aura or vita wont•,'. Having been awarded
Medals ut both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851,
and Crystal Palace, N. IC., 1853, as superior to
all others. it is sew undoubtedly entitled to that
appellation, and scoured with Dell's Patent ',
Powder-Proof Locks—which were alas awarded
seprate Medals, (us above)—forms the most
perfect Fire & Burglar•l'roof Sates ever yet of
fered to the public.
Nearly 300 'Herring's Safes' have been tested
during the past 14 years, and more than 16,000
have been sold and are now in actual uso.
Also on hand or manufactured to order, all
kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bunk Chests
and Vaults, Vault Doors, Money Chests for
Brokers, Jewellers, Ralroads, private litmilies,
&c.. fa• Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables.
East BROAD TOP Re,vatoeir.
Notice is hereby given that the Commission•
era of the "Bast Broad Top Railroad and Coal
Company," will open Books to remise aubacrip•
Cons, preparatory to the organization of said
Company an follows:
At the St. Lawrence Hotel, Philadelphia, on
Friday, 19th of June; at the Hotel of Abram
Lewis. in Mount Undoes, on Saturday, 2011, of
The friends of the enterprise are invited to
gibe their attention to these nretings.
ConuOssAoners 1_
Robert•Chall;s7,7lohn Bare, - Sam.' Eb y .
Abram Lowish Seth Benner, G. W. Speer,
J aco b 0... we 11, T. P. Campbell John Douyherty
John R. (Austell, Wnt. Bulks, J. J. JPEdhany
IVns. 11. Irwin, Wm. Reed, A. Gibboney,
A. W. Evans, David Clarkson Samuel Miller,
Jacob 11. Miller.
May 27, 1857. 20.
VARNERS, keep up your spirits, for the sweet
r times are coming. An intelligent farnierof
Cumberland County, N. J., sums up his espe•
rience thus, us the product of oust acre Cane,
46368 ;I ) . 4 juioe, 1694 gals.; ifood.thie* ayrup,
332 gals.; fodder, 1936 lbs.; seed, 90 bus. (I 0
lbs. to the bu).
Packets auffioient for iCtrial (25 rte.) east by
mail. For sale by JOHN READ,
Huntingdon, l's.
A pr.29;b7.
Of Spring and Summer Goods
J l'V . h S e A
east: 3,ri
splendid h a y e
a j
r received
goods, such as
And in fact everything necessary to p lease the
most laitideons. Su& as
TRIMMINGS, & every
Variety of HOSIERY, MITTS,
&c.. &c., &c., &c., &c.
We are determined to tell ea low, if not low
er than any other h twee rant of the Alleghe
ny. Our motto shell be "QUICK SALES &
SMALL PROFITS." Give us a call and he
initialed of the fact that this is THE HOUSE
to purchase cheap goods.
We have on hand
smir, WM'S P&ASTEII ;
ALSO—Class, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tar
pentine and all kinds of Paints.
May, 8, 1857.
New Goods 1 New - Goods :1
D. P. Go in has just ieturnd from Mandel.
phia with the largest anti most beautiful as.
sortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting or the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and Fatter, All Wool de Loins,Challis de
Loins, Braize , - (dil• colors,) raize Robes,
Brilliant, (dit. colors,) Brilliant Robes. Laws
Robes, Chintz Rotten, Ducats, Plain and Fan
cy Drees Ginghams, llimmilln Cloth, Silk
Warp Level's Cloth, for travellingdresies, Mo
hair, Debaiz, Lawns and Prints of any descrip
tion. _ _
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Buttons, G mins, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet,
Crapes, (all colors,) Ribbonds, Gloves, Mitts,
Veils, Laces, Hosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbonda
for Betting, Whalebone and Brass Hoops for
Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk and
Gingham Crivitts, Zephyr, French Working
Cotton, Linen and Caton Floss, Tidy Vain.
Also the beat and largest assortment of Col
lars, and Undorsloevos, in town. Bated and
Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain Fig
ured and dotted. Crinoline, Marren and brass
cloth for skirts, Book Muffin, Irish Linen, Li
nen 'fable Cloths, Napkins, 'rowels, &c.
Also a fine assortment of Spring Shawls, Silk
and Baraize Mantillas, and a variety of Dress
and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
Also, Cloths, Cassinters, Cassinets, Merano
Cassimer, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Cotton Drills, for
pints, plain and fancy Linens, Marseilles and
Silk Vesting, Muslim., bleached and unbleach
ed, Sheeting and Pala w-case Muslins, Nan
krens Ticken, Cheek, 'Pablo Di 'pers.
Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE,
QuElaurswAitE, Buckets, Tubs, Bas
kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes,
&e. Carpe ts, Oil Cloths, Oil Blinds, Fish
and Salt, and all goods usually kept in a coun
try Store.
Sly old customers, and as many new ones ns
can crowd ill are respectfully requested to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change fur goods, at the highest market prices.
April 29, 1857.
THE Proprietor of the Mercantile
Guide, would respectfully call the atten
tion of the Merchants, Farmers and Mechan
ics residing out of this city, to the moderate
ttrms for a yearly subscription to the Guide,
being in Mail subscribers only 50 cents per
annum, making it the cheapest Family News
paper in the United States. The columns of
the Guide will contain the usual variety of (mi.
ginal and spicy atticles, written not only to
please but to instruct. In regard to politics,
the Guide will maintain an independent tone,
and fruits time to time will advocate measures
as conducive to benefit the greatest number.
Postmasters and others arc respectfully re
quested to act as agents for this paper, to
whom we will forward specimen copies free
when desired to do so.
Parrutoss. —As an inducement tot pets°us
to interest themselves to obtain subscriptions
for the MERCANTILE GUIDE, we oiler the
following premiums. Upon the receipt of the
names, pay in advance, we will forward them
by express or otherwise if ordered to the ad
dress of those entitled to them t
Fdr 300 subscribers, cash, $35 00
For 250 subscribers, we will give a splen
did fine gold watch, (warranted) 30 00
For 200 subscribers, an vlegnut gold
locket 4 glasses, worth 15 00
For 150 subsetibers, 1 elegant bracelet
worth 11 00
For 100 subscribers, one gold vest chain,
worth 10 00
For 75 subscribers, one gold pen and
. -. . . .. .
holder, handsomely engraved, worth 8 00
For 50 subscribers, one gold pen and hol-
der, worth 6 00
For 40 subscribers, one gold pen and hot.
dep, worth 3 00
For 15 subscribers, one medium gold
pen and holder, worth 2 00
For 12 subscribers, onegold pen and hol
der, worth 1 50
All communications should be addressed to
W. Illakeney. editor and publisher of the
N. Y. Mercantile Guide, No. 163 Greenwich
St., New York.
211rNewspapere throughout the Union by
puotaWing the above appropriately displayed,
including this notice, 2 mouths, and calling
notice editorially to the same and sending MI
the paper, will be entitled to an exchange and
receive a gold pen porth 812 00.
New York, May 6,1857.-2 w.
C. WZI.L4,
110g3MW 4 WElibi;3o
Wholesale Dealers in Provisions,
Ofir Agents for Fairbanks' Scat..
Aiiiiphlogieile Salt.
S. Palmer d. Co.. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the
MARKET STREET WIEME,PIIIL',A. , Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases
Dealers iu Fish & Provisions; it is a certain cure. Get a box and try it, ,ye
Have constantly . on hand an assoriment of Who are afflict "' • _ _
Mackerel, Shad, Herriugs. Codfish; Beef, Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve.
Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, ' ry description, for talc at the Hardware Store of
Cheese, Rice, &v. J. A. iiitoWN & CO.
Starch Id, 1837.--3tri.
1111i4C - El.l.iiii - OIIiADVERTI - BEMENTS.
The sol,seribers have' again returned from
the East with an enlarged stock of
which they will sell at such prices as shall make
it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Me•
chilies, and "all the rest of mankind," to give
them a call. Our stock comprises Building
material, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails,
Bolts, Ohms of all sizes. Putty, Oils, Varnishes,
White Load and Zinc Paints.
Planet, Handsaws, Mill & Crosscut Saws,
Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels,
Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches,
with an endless variety of modern inventions
and improvements.
Saddlers and Coach.Mikers are invited to
call and examine our extensive stock of Har.
nets Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent
and Common Homes, 30 varieties Oirthing, i
Hog Ski., Patent Leather ' Enamelled Lea.
titer, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and
Linings Hobs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Springs,
Axles, &c., &c.
Knives and Forks trim 37i ccuts to S 5 per
set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons,'
Ladies' Fruit knives, Furriers' knives, razors,
/10L1,0 W•WA RH,
Porcelain°, Tinned and Plain 'killers, Tea-kct•
ties, Sauce, Friing and Baking Pans, Steak
Griddles, Dish Covers, ,tc., &c., at manufactu•
rem' price.
Ice Hammers,Lemon Squeezers, Butter
Prints, Butter adles Port Monaies, Bells of
all kinds, Guns. Pistols and Revolvers, Paint
Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of
various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic
Pumps for cisterns, Picks, Sledges, &c., &e.
having purchased many of our goods at
wholesale prices from manulacturers, we are
enabled to sell both wholesale and retail—ex.
tromely low. A. liberal share of public patron
age is solicited.
- irdy-All orders from abroad promptly atteu
ded to. JAS. A. BROWN A. Co.
John S. Dye, Author,
Who has had 10 years experience its a Bank
er and Publisher,
and author of •'A series of
=Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when
:slur 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People
a greeted him with rounds of applause, while
he exhibited the manner iu which Counter
,. biters execute their frauds, and the surest and
C shortest means of detecting them !
The Bunk Note Engravers all say that t to
7... is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
Greatest discovery of the present century
for detecting Counterfeit Bonk Notes. De
est scribing every genuine bill in existence, and
16 exhibiting ut a glance every counterfeit in
`circulation ! ! Arranged so admirably, that
reference is easy and detection instantaneous.
, No index to examine ! No pages to
a bunt up ! But so simplified and arranged
= that the Merchant, Banker and Business man
I" can see all at a glance. English, French and
German. Thus each my read the same in
a his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank
? Note List published. Also a list of all the
gather with news of the day.
Also a series aisles from an old Manuscript
found in the East, it I urnishes tins must coin
y pieta History of "Oriental Lire." Dowell..
ing• the most perplexing positions iu which
eg the ladies and gentlemen of that Country
hove been so often found. These stories will
continuo throughout the whole year, and will
.• prose the most entertaining erer offered to
ma the public.
Furnished Weekly to subscribers only
"at St a year. All letters must be addressed to
Cl JOHN S. DYE, 8R0.., PubliAller
ca Proprietor ' 70 Wall Street, New York.
April 22, 1.657.—1 y.
Bitigignattt Ns
The undersigned announces to the public that
he has opened a new store in Portstown, near
tl,o old Juniata bridge, and hue just received
one of the
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queonsware,
Hardware, Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps, &c.,
ever brought to this place. Almost every arli•
clo usually kept in a country store always on
hand ; all of which will be sold cheaper than
the cheapest.
kb — Country produce taken in exchange for
Portstowu, April 15, 1857.
iden& and the public generallv, that they
ham the above Foundry in full blest,
and are prepared to furnish castings of
every description. Stoves of all kind,
Mt wood or coal. Improved Ploughs,
Threshing Machines, and everything in thectui•
ting line neatly made. We can finish all work
that requires turning, having a good Turning
Lath. All work done cheap for cash or coml•
try produce. Old tnetel taboo for castings. Be.
ing practical and experienced we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share
of public patronage. AIcOILL A CROBB.
Alexandria, April 29, 1857.
[Estate of John Sproakle, Deed.]
buying been granted
to the undersigned on the Estateof John Spren.
kin, late of Morris township, deed., notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to said
estate, to come forward and wake payment,
and all persons having claims against rho
same, are requested to present them in prop•
er order fur inspection, settlement and allow.
noes. Hosultr TUSSEY,
Morris township, Hunt. Co.
Catharine township, Blair Co,
May 6. 1857.-6 t..
White Lead, (pure) $2 50 per krg.
" " (yam) 2 73
Philadelphia 2inc Paint, 2 40 '‘
Beat Snow White, 2 88 41
011 S, Sc., and all kinds or 114nbw.tau and
building materiels in proportion, at the "Hard
ware Store" of J. A. BROWN & CO.
Huntingdon, Apr.8,'57.41,
Vint stungrzsalson
" •
THE undersigned oirners of the Mnutir.gpon
••• Mill, inform farmers and the pablieg, 3 ,, e ral.
ly, that have their new tnill in running
order, with all the modem improvement, in the
water wheels and machinery.
They have put in dye of the Improved Jon.
vat Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in
all stages of the water, aim during the coldest
weather. any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand
for sale at all tint., at market rates, all kind of
and farmers can have their own grail] ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
ba furnished in exchange at a moment's notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop
pod fond.
is of an improved manufacture; and they
insure aFULL TURN OUT of superior q{{uali•
ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill
N. I.l.—The liticloshent atones are not quits
Huntingdon, December 10, 1656.
The NEW EDITION of this valuable wort,
which bus long been in preparation is now pub
lished. It forms one volume, imperial octavo.
of 1368 pages,--and contains an account of
the Lives of about thirteen thousand differer •
Individuals, more than two thousand of allow
were citizens of the United States.
The number of New Articles in the preset.
volume exceed two thousand four hundred.
The publishers have determined not to fur
dish the Work through the general Trade, hut
to sell it exclusively by agents.
The work is gotten up in superior style—am
as no library will be complete without
inset excellent opportunity is of to an:
person who desires to engage in a pleasant
honorable and pet fitable business. Agent:
are wanted for all parts of the country. The:
will please address the publishers
211 Chesuut ht., Philati.4
Walnut Strcet, South-West corner of Third,
Incorporated by the Slate of Penn
. rylvania. • -
Vin i le r r e o e s e t i lL a ti l d i l' i ro a m " tl::74 ,r oVde " p r oTt ' t ' :
the day of w•ithdrawat.
The Other it open every day, from 9 o'eloct
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, an.
on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'eloci.
All sums large or small, are paid back in gold
on demand without notice, to any amount.
Hon lIENIIY L. BENNFAL President,
Egaif l Ottitel'"'"F:Earrulliirewstor
Ruben Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, Ben. L. Churchman
James B. Smith. Francis Lee.
This company confines its business entirely to
the receiving or money on interest. Vic Invest
ments amounting to nearly ONII AMMON AND
HALY of dollars, as per published report et
are made in conformity with the provi
sious o f the charter, in Real Estate, Mue &gages,
Ground Rents, and inch first-class securities, as
will always insure perfect security to the depos
itors, and which cannot fail to give permanency
and stability of this old and wolf-established
La Oa Original•
1:0101 E)CILLAIII t3ta.
liatit`Y u VAIN 11V.
Prof. Goo. H. De Bar has recently returned
from Europe, and while there obtained front the
celebrated French chemist, La Salle, at an en•
ormous outlay, the receipt and exclusive right.
of the United' States and Canadas, to minute,
turn and sell this celebrated preparation called
"whisk...ode," which has never been known to
fail to pause Whiskers and Moustaches to grow
luxuriantly and heavy, even on'heardless faces
in two months atter first application. To those whose beards are light and wiry it ree
commends itself. A few applications will ren•
der it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen are
noted fur their beautiful Whiskers mind Alousta.
ehea, which many of them attribute to the ea
cellence of La Sullen Whiskerando. Price $1
per box ; seat to any part of the United StateS
or Canada* per mail, upon the receipt of $l.
Address, Prof. Goo. H. De Bar,
April 1,1867.-3 m. New York.
A New Assortment Just Opened t
- •
And will be sold 30 per cent.
'ROMAN respectfully informs his custo•
mots and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room in Market Square
lluntingdon,a splendid now stock of Read! •
Clothing for Spring and Summer.
- - .
which he will sell cheaper than the same finality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and oxamitio his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shots,
which will ho sold lower than at any other es
tablishment iu the county.
Huntingdon April 29. 1857.
bleebauiebbm, Cumberland Co., Pa•
1&-F. S. delivers work to the ears. Ito him
alw Aye ready made work on hand. All orders
by mail Amp receive prompt attention.
Jan. 1.57.-fimO.
--- DR. J R. 1-111YETT
ALEXANDRIA, 111.7 T. CO.. P A.
April 1, 1857,-ly.
bar A. splendid lot of Farley and Striped
nett Morino, Cashmere, Lyoneso Clotb
Robes, Fan:) , and Striped Delaines, Persian
Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col
tars, Undorsleeves and Mitts, just received sad
-nit efirsip, 1-v ,; W 4VT(1,•,: