Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 03, 1857, Image 1

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.: . 7f__1h...5 . ..e tfunting/bion
*eittt *tati.
or I'll shoot I Diable! the colonel was had heen, and this time a man was shot 1
positive in his orders. I was to let oath- I who was trying to make his escape front
ing pass my post without the countersien the camp. He was,shot through the head
A dog is something. You can't go. Prince When the body was brought into camp.
so now lie down. Down I soy !' it was found to be that of a Bavarian
1 With this the dog lay flat down upon his trooper who had been suspended for trench
The French army lay encamped only ! belly, and stretched out his fore paws. ery. though no proof had ever before been
about one day's march from Berlin. It was! Pierre patted him upon the heed again, I found against him. On his person was
an the 23d of October. The sentinels having duly urged upon him the necessi found the key to the cypher, which had
were doubled, and the most strict orders ty of remaining where he was he resumed been taken from th person of the Prus•
given, for the Prussian and Austrian spies his march once more.ei d ; ard now ;hat the lone
were plenty and troublesome. At mid- During the next Veen minutes, th e hind themrummer
both. he i ceu ri translate th einys• l
night, Pierre Sancoin was stationed at one animal lay perfectly quiet, and ever arid tic scroll. It prov..d in be a direction to
of the outposts. He was a stout, bold, anon, the sentinel would speak to him by Bavarinri ti lay 'h , s plaits to keep as near
'brewd man, and a good soldier. The I the way of being sociehle, as possible, af lie sh
colonel and his regiment was with the AI length the dog made another attempt and then wait ter
lot orderseubl eater Berlin,.
sergeant on this bout, having requested to to go into camp. Pierre had nearly reach 'I be mystery 4,.s exp'a . ned. The Br
be called at midnight, that he might visit ed the rook, when he heard tin movement varian had taken the vela deg away . irmi
the out posts and on turning, he could just see his un• the regiment and th livered him to the en.
'Pierre,' lie said, after the man had been easy compenion moving off epiy, and hi s s in" w ee wade the cover for
posted, 'you must keep your eyes open.— 'Diable!' the honest fellow uttered, 'I a spy to enter the sum p order. And the
Don't let even a stray horse go out or in I must obey orders. The colonel's word spy would have got in. too. but for the
without a pass.—Do you understand? Wag plain. Here! Perb/eu I Come heir! sportive order of the colonel, and the wit
'Ay my colonel, [shall be prompt,' Here Prince ! Mon Diets I You. Inset die fully faithful obedience of Pierre San
'The dogs are all around us ;' pursued if you don't !' . I coin.
the officer, 'you cannot be too careful With a fee , quick bounds the soldier Ori tile next day. Pierre was promoted
Don't trust man nor brutes without good gat near ono igh to the dog to fire, and as to the rat el Sergeant. and the Emperor
proof.' .
the latter stopped, he stripped , said to him aa be presented the hoer, :
'Never fear,' was Pierre's unswer, as .1110 n c l ue mit you must stay with I 'lt you mei, its faithful so efficer, as
he brought his fire lock to his should, - toe ! Here come beck ! 1 tenet shorn you you ha, F0v...1 your-elf a faithful senti
and moved back one pace. jif you don't Forbin: what a thing to ty I, I can ask no more.'
After this, the guard moved on the next i start the whole camp for. ta shoot n dog!' ----‘
poet, and Pierre Sancoin ayes left alone But by coaxing and threatening. the
Pierre's post was one of the most impor sent insl got the dog hack to his post. and
tout in the camp ; or /edit'. around it, there he made him lie down once more.—
and he had been placed there for that tea- ' And thus mutters rested until the tramp of
call. ' ruin ground over which he hod to the coming guard wits heard.
walk teas a lotig knoll, bounded at one I A li, now, Prince, we'll be relieved,' the
cod by a huge rock, and at the other, ski. soldier said. stopping near the dog, You
ping away into a narrow 'ovine in which shall go and see your old friend •.'
was a ropse of willows. Beyond this The trump of the coming guard drew
copse the ground was low and boggy so near and Pierre was preparing to heil.
'tint a non could riot pass it. The rock them, when the dog took a new start. and
,vas to the westward, and Pierre's walk in a new direction, this time starting to
ms to its outer side. I wads the cope.
The night was dark, huge masses of! 'Here, here, Prince! don't you run off
clouds were floating overhead, and shut- i again.'
lir lif,.. (l atlhO?to. l l.i...filtti, v5,....,-, ~.0.i5 ..,-.- • 7 - a
ravine, und, the air was damp and .Grand di,tr: This last ext.lamation.
• 1 the sal was forced from Pierre's lips. by seeing
d I to his hind leg; and run thus.
dier paced his ground, evai; and anon stop
ping to listen, its the willows in the ravine 1 1 1 i le un ' i g na " tal the truth burst upon ho,—
=tied their leaves or some night bird star- Quick as thought, he clapped his gun to
red out with its quick flapping. . Lis shoulder and took nun. Ele could just
?MR 1;3E8E73E1210
An hour passed assay. and the sentinel distinguish the dim outlines now, and fired.
had seen nothing to excite his suspicions. There was a sharp cry, and then Pierre
He had for a moment stopped clme by the I had to run, for the guard were approach
rock, when he was startled by a quick ing,
wild screech from the wood, and in a few Qui eat t ( Who goes there t') he cri
moments more a large bird flew over his ed—gfelief,' was the answer.
head. And Loving obtained the countersign,
.Parbleu!' he uttered, after the night he informed the officer what had happen
bird had flown over ; could mortal man a d
have stopped that fellow from passing?'
fie satisfied himself that lie had done you say?'
nothing in suffering the bird to pass, He 'He looked like Prince; but, diable,
had walked the entire length of his way you should have seen him run cff on his
two or three times, and was just turning hind legs!'
by the rock, when he was sure he saw 'Eh hind legs ?
some dark object just crossing the line to .y es ..
wards the copse. 'Then come; show us where he was.'
'Hold !' he cried, bringing his musket With this the officer of the mounting
quick to his shoulder. 'Hold !or I fire !' guard pulled his lantern from, his breast,
And with his gun at aim, he advanced and having restored the shade he star
toward the spot where the object had stop- ted on. Pierre led the way to the copse,
PO; but as lie caine to within a few yards and the dog was found in the last strug
of it, it started to move again towards the glee of death.
catnp. The officer stooped down aid turned
him over.
, lliable ! cried Pierre, `move any fur
ther, and I fire I Whey, Parbleu! Le
Prince. Ho, ho, why, Prince !
The animal turned and made a motion
as though he would leap upon the senti
nel's bosom, but the soldier motioned him
Bravo, Prince!' cried Pierre, reaching
f..:). his hand and patting the head of the
great shaggy beast, which had now
sut upon his haunches. Pierre .recogni
zed the intruder now as the great dog u:
the breed of St. Bernard, which had been
owned in the Regiment for over a year.
and which had been now missing for about
a week. He had disappeared one night
tram the ptckets, and all search for hits
had oeen unavailing.
'Parblen, mon Grande Prince !' uttered
Pierre (as though the dog could under
stand every word,) 'the men will be glad
to see you ; where have you been no
• The dog made no answer to this ex•
cept a low whine, and familiar nodding
of the head,
'Now, 7)1076 atta, you must just keep
your sitting there till the guard Comes,
and then we'll go to the camp together.—
:1 nd that, will you I'
And with these words uttered with sol
emn emphasis, and due meaning, Pierru
btarted upon his bout again. He had got
about half way to the rock when the idea
*truer him, and he did so. Le Prince
,vas moving towards the camp again.
liv ! Priam that won't do! stop, stop
'A dog cried the °ulcer: 'Prince, did
'Grand dicu I' he cried, 'what leg for a
dog, eh ?'
And no wonder he said so. The hind
legs of the animal were booted, and had
every appearance of the pedal extremi
ties of the genus home But all doubts
were removed very quickly, for os the
officer turned the body again a deep groan
came up, end the words 'God take me,
were spoken in the Prussiaitongue
'Diable her. 's on adventure uttered
the officer, and lie made Pierre hold •he
lantern while he ripped open enough of
the dog's skin to find the face. But they
I concluded not to sicip there to ins estignte,
so they formed a litter by crossing their
muskets and hoeing lifted the strange an
imal upon it, they proceeded on their way
When th y reached the camp. they found
half the soldiers up, waiting to find out
why the gun was fired.
Lights were now brought, and the body
placed upon the ground. The dog oldie
was removed, and within was found a
Prussian drummer. He was a small fel.
low though appalently some twenty yeara
of age; he was dead, Pierre's ball having
entered his heart or somewhere near it
His pockets were overhauled, and in one
of them was found a cypher, but no one
could tnake anything of it, The colonel
took it, and directed that the boy be placed
out of sight, for burial on the morrow.
But this was not the end. About 4 o'-
clock, just before daylight, another gun
woe fired on the, same post where Pierre
The little parish ollowdale farmers
had lung been witb..ut n tiontster One
Rev. Mr Surely visitei the village, rind
was invited t.t stay t , ver ;7;unday, and
preach for them. The people were pled-'
sed with his semiotic, and some were sax_'
lime to have him stop. A meeting was
called to know the mind of the parish.
don't see any use'n having a minister."
said Sharp, a rich old farmer; 'a parson
can t learn me anything. If we hare any
tßPAr v aithVinutTe!
not choosing to show himself convinced,
have heard tell of ministers that could
make prayer for rain, and bring it; if we
could hit one of that sun, I'd go in for hi- j
ring him!
;Ir. Sharp was a man of consequence, !
and the younger and less knowing of his
neighbors were quite taken with the idea.
'That wou'd minister worth hoeing,'
th ihonjit And alter much talk, it
was agreed to hire Mr. Sorely on this con•
diii in—that he would give them rain or'
fair weather when they wanted it; for their
ferias suffered both froin severe droughts
and heavy rains. Mr. Surely was Mime.
ciAtely wa Led upon by a committee of the
parish, wbu aeon canto back. bringing the
minister with Mein. .1 trill accept your
terms upon o e condition, said he, .that
you must agre•• • upon what kind of weath.
er you want "l'his appe.tred reasonable.
and matters were arranged for a year's
' st.iy at Yedowilale.
Weeks passed on bringing midsummer
heats. For three treoks it had not rained,
iino .l t he young corn %vas heguitung
curl with drought. No vMr the minister's
prutowc. said Shull), with one
Lor two others whose hilly limns were set
' feting. .we need ruin ; you remember
your promise 1'
'Certainly,' answered the minister:
a meeting.' A meeting was culled 'Now,
• toy friends,' said the pastor, 'what is it
)0U went
rain,' shouted fra:f a dozen voi
'Very well,' what) do ynu want ii r
very night, 311 night lung,' void
Sharp, in which ,everal assented.
'No, nu; out in...iglu,' cried 11r. Smith.
'l've six or ,ovv,, tons well•ntude hay nut,
I would nut have it wet for 'anything."
•moo have addea Mr, Peck; no rain
to night'
It you take it to morrow 1' asked the
minister.' But it wvuld tale• all to•mor
row to get it in. So oi.ji.etionx came up
for the two or three na xt days. 'ln four
days, then P said Mr purely,
'Yes,' cried ,harp. 'all LllO hay w , ll be
in, and nu mute can he cut till-'
'stop. stop I' cried Mrs. Sharp, pulling
her husband smartly by the sleeve, 'that
day we have set to go to Snowhill. It
mum% rain then,'
In ahort the !flouting resulted in no
conclusion at all, for it %vas bound quite im
possible to agree.
'Until you make up your minds,' said
the pastor, on leaving, .we ;float all trust
to the Lurd.'
Both Mr. Smith and Mr, Peck got their
hay to, but on the day the Sharps were to
go to Suowhill it seemed to rain in good
earnest. Sharp lost his visit, but his crop
-- - - - -
And so it happened 'once or twice again. I A Good Joke.
, County School Superintendents.
afro to
The year rolled by, and the people could I A correspondent of the Lambertville ' Otneral Nea l b, . 1 We have compiled what we WI
never all agree upOn what kind of weather ; (N J.) Beacon says, that a short time •
___ Ibe a substantially correct list of the neWly
they wanted. j since, while staying at the borough of E. • Arrest of D. B. Voaderamith. ! elected County Superintendents, and the
Mr. Surely. of course, had no sccasim he overheard the following, which he In rehhion to the arrest of D. B. Von- • salaries fixed by the respective Conseir.
to fulfil his contract, and the result was thinks too good to be lost :
that they hog nto open their eyes to the I A number of politicians, all of whom r • s W L Camreli.
Lancaster City, the Lancaster Examiner her 0 , ;,,,,
,c. . w ..
dersmith, the celebrated pension forger, of Lions of Directors.
fact that this world would be a strange : were Seeking offices, under the Govern- says :-..tiOur readers will recollect that in Armstrnag', ltobt. W. St: 11th, ' ; '
place if its inhabitant@ shot.ld govern rain. ment, were seated on the tavern perch, February of 1854, the whole community , ,Bra v e r, it, N . Avery, . " :3 5( 1g
11. Beckerman,
They saw that nature's laws could he safe • talking, when an old toper named Jake was startled by a series of stupendous ; - a , '
Wrn. A. Good, 942
ly trusted in the bonds of airbus s God. :D—. a person who won very loquacious frauds committed on the Pension Bureau 1 Blair, John Deao, 600
.... ... __..
said, that if the turn en had no eltjec- of the United States by Judge Yonder- l i kti f k l!,,, ,; „ ‘l,r• }111.401`441t2(0,
non, he would tell them a story. The
/minas Rlph,
Y smith and George Ford, Esq. Tho frauds B ut t er T : '
I:We butte received the following from a
told him to 'fire iiway," wbereupon he extended through a period of nine years Cambria, S. B. McCorinick, 800
gentleman of this h reueb with are.
spoke as follows:
and amounted it is said to upwards of *SO, ge a n rl t t r ' e n' i,• : .t Ihr.l3Lu'resl44:l I.
quest to pisidish It is from the Spec-
takr, and presumed to have bee. wr i t.. r•A ca min king—don't recoll ec t his 000 the great part o f which Vondersmith Chester,' .4 ' Franklin Taylor, 1,000
tun by Mr Addison . . ; name-had a philosopher upon whose judg r ece i ve d.
Clearfield 1. L. Stith - '•" 41 . 6eo
They were both arrested in Clarion. F. G. l'iii.tgo,oigle,... . 300
TutiesoAY July 20th, 1711. ' mem he Always depended. Now, it so this city and held to bail in the sum of $ l 5,- m a m a , ' J ess . a Berm 600
Air Spectator : -You have diverted the ' happened that one day the king took it 000 for their appearance before the United Columbia_ 3"i11iaat,Dari560..........,400
t. wn almost a whole month at the expense into his head to go hoopoe'. and after sant- Sia!es district Court in Philadelphia. Di. giririf:',;rd4L,, , i a l :A7l l% . - Eno
of the country, it is now high tune that . moiling his nobles and making all the n, rec,ly after giving the bail, they gave ~leg Dauphin, S. 1) Ingrain; 300
you should give the country their revenge , cessary preparations. he summoned the
Chas. 11. Early, 400
bail" and mode good their escape to Eu. Delaware, Chas. W. Deans. • 503
Siii, a y:in have withdraw n from this philosopher, and asked him if it world rope. They remained there for a long Et .
W. H. Armstrong, 800
place. the lair sex have rim into great ex- . rain. The philosopher told him it would ti me, enjoying the good things of this life Fayette, Joshua V. Gibbous, 100
travaganc e s Their dresses which began not, and he and his nobles deported.— j and passing their time pleasantly. Events I,' .n is , Cyrus Blood, 200
P. M. Shoemaker, 500
to heav e and swell before you left u.., are ; While journeying along they met a coon- i ally, growing tired of foreign customs and F r e a l ' Robert Rosa, '2OO
now blown up into a most enormous con ' try inan mounted upon a jackass; he ad- ! fashions, they ventured to return to this Greene, A. MeGltimphey, 4itlf
rave, and rise every day mor e and more, vised them to return, he said 'it is e e train' country Vondersmith domiciling himself finZiunag,d", ,1111:1:?:,:%.
In short, sir, slime our tt. a , a , a know them- to rain."l'hey smiled contemptuously ' iii'New York, and Ford locating some. Jefferson, Stunk MeElhose, 500
s. Ives to be out ,s the (le of the r , pecta- upon him and passed on, Before they had where on the pilules of the west. At J, anima, W. W. Burchfield, 600
Lancaster, J. S. Crumbaugh, . 4(05
tor, they will be kept within no compaBS. gone ntany miles however they hail rep- ; least this' was the report at the time and as raa,,,HT,teee, Thomas Barry, 505
Yoodroised them ii little ti ()soon. for the son to regret noi boring token the rustic we know it was tree in regard to one, it Lebitnon, inn. 11 Kluge. 760
H. J. Sehwarta, 600
modesty of their head - dresses ; for... the othiee. as a heavy shower comine up tin y wa s doubtless true as to the other. R.. I L t i l , r ' h '
J. L. Richards., 800
battier of n sick persoli is ultra driven out were drenched to the skin. When they ...rig for several months in New York, Dyc ze on e i l i e n'g. Hugh Richard, 300
of one limb into another, their superfluity hid ro arra .a to the plan, the King repri- Vondersinith returned to the city, where Megean, L. R. Wi , . ler,
C. . Gilfillai., it
of i.rnament., instead of being entirely inatided Ihe philosopher severely for tel ' for sever a l mouths he has lived a kind of ; TjTijj'tenr: Abram D. Hawn, 600
banished, seems only to h., fall en from hag him it would be el , •ar when it was hermit life. st;ldoin eppearing on the streets Monroe, Chas. S. Detrick. 100
their heads still !e wer , wh at th i .y hove not •I Hirt a reentry..., said he, 'and and then only at night. It was generally . 1 4 4 - ) nttg r uLerrr .. ,, phm i , ,,a L.A tn eker,
hi,,r in height, they've niaile up in hreadih be knows a great deal more than you fur kiii.wo, however, that he was here, and NlthaMptria, V. Hilburn, 600
and, contrary to all rules 01 architecture. he iold me it would ruin. whairens you we believe no secret was mode of the mat - NorthumberlandJ. itelinensnyder. 490
Theo. P. Bucher, 400
widen di , - foundation at the saute time they told me it would not The If trig then ter by his family, To a friend of his he riZ,7' Philip Fulmer, 100
shorten the superstructure But, .. we do goer hi. his walking papers, and sent for confid.mtly asserted that there was no dart- Potter . , J. Hendricks, 3OO
not yet hear any particular use in this pet- the countrytimn, who soon made his ap- ger of his being taken, and that he felt as Schuy lkill, J. K. Krewson, 1,000
Snyder, 1) S. Bover, :PO
ticoat, or that it contains anything inure pearanre. .Tell me,' said the kin ,'how safe as if no criminal charge was pending s w „ er , e t, ,T, it, Wi er ,
than what was supposed to he in th ose of you knew it weal: rain. .1 didn't know.' ag ist tom. Sullivan, P. J. 1- c! , :.....1. - ....
scantier make, we are wonderfully at loss said the rustic, my jackass told me, ' tAnd
14W ,
about it. The.wclllen give out. in. clafona,... 1...- .
VC " h . .
placed hill . ; (tar jackass)in ! god to remain until the afternoon train, wy,,,,,i„, John . q..Spalding,
f f I. as well known we nave ass o hen e
piece o. as, or i
fn the hilosopher had filled. And Vonderamith remaining in the etistutly ol ; York, _
___A 11 .... 11 ...._ 1 ir ,
.t.....TkitseCuritx_was.destinad .ha ak.., 5„ity470.9,14 6, y : k-i i rite d wi...
not had a more moderate summer these the 0.... p
made a great no take.'
!ter Examiner.
lain of cannot brio the weather; there the king .
it is certain, the hens here o bse rved Jake looking very wise. I the Marshal at Hopple's Hotel.—[Lancas• ____
' d hisauditors,
con- I Wow so ? impute
at time,' said Jake,
why they should require t Why, ever since th . .
stitutioned ladies,
every lockets*
thanit mothers before with a grin on his phiz, '
mare cooling
b 'nl e : s ; :d Y e c s °Y , l: l ul' i r no . s e
l o d t t h a a i:: ask these tender
them. I find that several speculative per. wants on lice.
sons are of opinion that our sex has of late
years beets very saucy, and that the hoop.
is 111111 e
lof to keep us at a
distance in circle within circle,amidst such
a variety of nutworks and lines of circuin.
volation A female who is thus invested .
in whalebone, is sufficiently insured against
the approuches of an ill•bred fellow, who as well think of sir George Ether-'I
ge's mode of making - Love in a mb" as
in the midst of so many hoops. •
Among these carious conjectures, there
are men of superstitinus tempers, who look
up ii the hoop petticoat as a kind of prod
igy. Some will have it that it portends the
! downhill of the French lii..g and observe
that the
farthingale appeared in England
at little bovine the ruin of the Spanish Mon
archy. (1 5 5 8 ) Others ore of opinion that
it ((Atolls battle and bl , odshed, and believe
it of the saine prognostication as the tail of
a blazing star. For my part, I ant apt to
thiek it is a sign that multitude's are corn
' hug into rather than going out of the world
The strolling petticoat smooths all dis
tinctions, levels mothers with the.dnugh
ter.. and sets maids and matrons, wives
and WideWe upon the same bottom Sho'd
this fashion get soling the ordinary pro.
pie, our public w yn would be no crowded
that We sttoultil want street room. Several
conttregations of the best fashion already
find tin insiders very notch straitened. and
if the mode increase, I wish it may not
drive tunny ordinary women into meeting
and conventions. tibould our sax at the
same tune, take it into their heads to wear
trunk breeches, (as who knows what their
indignation at this female treatment may
d ive them tot) a Man mid his wife would
till n whole pew.
You know, sir, it is recorded of Alexan
der the, that in his Indian expedition
he buried several suits of ennui, Which,
by his directions. were made much too
large for any of his soldiers, in order to
give posterity nit extraordinary idea of him
and make them believe he had commanded
an army of giants. lam perrivaded that
if 0111' of the present petticoats happens to
be hung up in any repository of curioaii•
ties, it would lead into the same error the
generations that lie come removes from us;
unless we believe our posterity will think
so disrespectiully of their great.grandino•
them, that they made themselves monstrous
to appear amiable.
Vi hen I survey this now•fashioued ro
tunda in all its parts. I cannot but think it
expansive in the extreme, &c , &c., &c.
Y°,l, humble servant,
'ts~{r;.(Za x'
Will Senator Toombs Call the Ball of his
Slaves under the Shadow of Bunker Hill
Monument 1
Mihen Senator Toombs declared that he
would yet call the roll of his slaves under
the shadow of the Bunker Hill Monument,
the people of the North raised a shout of
derision ut the folly of the remark. It Was
made, if our memory serves us right, about
the time of the passage of the Kansas-Ne
braska bill ; and the South were then war
ned, in and out of Congress, that their
continued aggressions would, era long, pro
voke the North to extreme measures, in
maintenance of their just rights. Since
that the Missouri Compromise has been
overthrown by act of Congress, and that
overthrow sustained by the Supreme Court
of the United States; and in the Passmore
1 Williamson case Judge Crier decided that
! slaves were not entitled to their freedom,
when voluntarily brought into a free State
by their master, notwithstanding State
laws to that effect. Tnese two decisions
taken together, give the sluveholder the
right to hold his slaves as his property
anywhere in the United States—corning
right up to the doctrine of Mr. Calhoun,
that wherever the Comtitmion extends,
there Slavery may of right exist, indepen
dent of any State or National legislation.
The two decisions, then, give Mr
Toombs the right to muster his slaves um
poi' the sacred soil of Bunker Hill, and
there hold them in deliaticn or any Na
tional or state laws; and that shout of de
rision ha's suddenly been turned into an
exclamation fif few and sorrow ! .
Kr An eloquent Irish priest in attempt
ing to persuudi• his flock to avoid the ball
room on S. ['muck's diy in.the evening
with this perfectly conclusive, and to an
Irishman, knock down and drag out ar•
uptent • he Irishman who goes to that
bah is no better than a Dutchman I' No
anathema could add to the force of that.
Justice in Philutielilia.—Three outra
geoua murders have been committed with
in as many weeks in Philadelphia, and
the perpetrators have not been arrested.
A poor "nigger," however, has been
caught charged with stealing s e venteen
e,pts worth of cheese, and there is hardly
a doubt that outraged justice will vindicate
itself by molting an example of him.
11111 r Hay was sold at Detroit, on Sat
urday last, at forty dollars per ton, Qin ,
lot of ten t-ti wits scut Wo,t,
Real and Personal Wealth of the
United States-1856.
The following interesting official table,
has been communicated by the Secretary
of the Treasury to accompany his annual
report on the finances :
States. Population.
Alabama, 835,192
Arkansas, 253,117
California, 385.000
Connecticut, 401,292
Delaware, 97.295
Florida, 110,725
Georgia, 935,090
Illinois, 1,242,917
Indiana, 1.149,606
lowa, 325,013
Kentucky, 1,08 , 1,587
Louisiana, 600,387
Maine, 623,8C2
Maryland, 686, 80
Massochusettsl.l3B 123
Michigan, 509,874
;11 nsissippi, 671,649
Missouri, 831,215
New Hampshire324.7ol
New Jersey, 569,499
New York, 3,470.059
N'tn Carolina, 921.652
Ohio, 2,215,750
Pennsylvania 2,542,960
Rhode Island, 166 927
S'th 'arnlina, 705 681
Tennessee, 1,092.470
Texas, 500.000'
Vermont, 825016
Virginia, 1,512.593
IV4sconsin, 552.109
Dis Co uniffia, 59,01.0
%linnet:ma . 65.000
New Mexico, 83.500
Oregon. 36.1100
IVashi ligton, 5,500
Dinh, 3,900
Kii .BE, 11,000
Nebraska, 4,500
49 461,461
411,000 198
591.936 995
1,0 1,731304
240,000 000
'rota], 26,431,312 89,R17,011,072
Add for property not valu•
ed. for under valuations,
and for the rise in the veil•
ue of property sins. 1850, 1,500,000.000
Total wealth of the U.S. in
er- A Nebraska paper given the fol.prey and from his arched bow them flies
lowing account of the mails out west : lan arrow steeped ia obscene blaspheme.,
•-liVe received a letter two cloys ago, l en d foul eorrmente . Th e f] i t,l ,jart
from Chicago, informing us that its author forth and flies from ear to lip, and from
' would he in Nebraska last September, and lip to ear, until it reaches a gentle bear,
since it woe written he hair been here, re- and that it breaks. Oh I thou foul slander
s mained a month, made a thousand dollars er, thou propagator of lies, thou hell-doom
in cash, had two fights. and gone back ed monster,
and got married."
"Blush, if of honed blood a drop remains,
! steal its lonely viay along thy veins
SW One of the relics of barbarism to Blush, if the long harden'd on th e
! ,blinds on the bridle of a horse. It is bet- Has lett true spot where that poor drop oar.
ter to learn's colt to be gentle without a
blinder, fur, whe a t once broke lie is luau lin•
Fie to It igirr. Try the pion, fernier,
- - -
;'The fruit loci; well in this county
r i g I n a 1.
Fur the Journal.
" 'Tie slander
Whose edge is sharper than tie sword; whose
0 ut.venoms all the worms of Nile ; whose breath
Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie
All corners of the world ; kings, queens and
st at et,
Maids, matrona—nay, the rory secrete of the
This viperous slander enters."--
Thou hell born spirit—breathed forth in
pits of darkness, wafted to earth by air
emanating from among devils, contamina
ted by their polluted breath. and envenom
ed by their blackest miseries—thick and
last do thy arrows, steeped in deadliest
poison, fly.
Around the sceptre of thy poser,
Ten thousand devils dwell ;
And when hearts are breaking every hour
Thy shouts. resound in hell.
Oh ! pity the man in whom this spirit
dwells, for as fiends exult over the victims
of his envenomed tongue, so will they with
I joy welcome hits to theit home io hell,
and for services rendered, place him in
hottest misery, feed him upon the fire of
Idissimulation, and for his thirst give bun
I to drink of flaming, burning horrors. Yes,
Hell yawning, will receive him, devils
will chuckle with delight, over their Tic.
tiro, and amidst the piteous roars and wail.
logs of the damned. his fit habitation, will
he spend an eternity "burning continually
yet uncousumed."
'l' he foulest murderer, ine criminal o.•
ped in crimes of blackest dye, is pct less
loathsome thou the c wept slanderer, who
goes about, secretly, but surely, murdering
I the victims of his envenomed tongue,' Ah!
even woman, whose .'boner is as nice es
I ermine, and will not bear a soil," escapes
I not the vile calumny etnanating (ruin his
heart—black as death. He ;larks his
speak 3
Tilunh to ho branded with. the Slandatter'a name.
though thou dretui'st not ain, at least dread