: • jTutailbon. 3nrnal. • ' • 0 3 7 1.C.IrikSS* , ILLIAM RIR EWNTEII, EDITORS. S Eq. G. Wednesday Morning, May 27,1857. "Once mere our glorious banner out Unto the breeze we throw ; Beneath its folds with song and shoot }Yeti charge upon the foe." TOR 00VERR OR, DAVID WILMOT, OF BRADFORD COUNTY, 10R CANAL. COMICAPICINER, WILLIAM IMILLWARD, Or rffit.ineixmA. ?OA SUPREME JUDGER. JANESVFECII, OF I tit ,1 I LSTY. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, OF CB OSTOO COUNTY. MP The Farm Journal for June has been received. It is a prime No. as usual. Price $1 per year. Emler. & Co., Publishers, Phila. THE BAKERS ARE COMING !!—We have the pleasure of announcing to our citizens that the world•renowned singers—the Baker family—will give one of their incomparable and grand concerts in this place, on Thurs day evening, May 28th. This is the best troupe now in the country, and we hope every one of our patrons and friends will avail them. selves of the oppolunity of hearing them.— Their programme presents a rich treat. We shall expect to see a crowded house ; as every. body knows these performers cannot be beat. Pennsylvania Legislature. May 20, SENATE. The Committee of Conference on the Ap• portionment bill made a report, which was adopted—yeas 20, nays 11. Messrs. Browne, Crnbb and Ingram voted in the negative, in consequence of Phifacial phia being restricted to lour Senator , , Mr. Browne stilted that lie would have voted fur the bill if it had been necessary to carry it. Mr. Wright is detained at home from sick. toss. The bill as agreed upon by the Committee of Conference and pasted by the Senate, arran ges the district representation iu the following manner SENITORI DISTRICTS. Alleghany, 2 I am, iiqd Nlltin, I Beaver & Butler, 1 I Dauphin and Laba• The City of Philo, 4 I non, 1 r2,1,,,,,F r :ti Delaware, 1 I Liincukter, - gawks. 1 I Adonis. Franklin & Lehi_h& Northamp'.; 1, I'ci;ou, Berta, Bedford 1 Somesset; Sehuvikill, Carbm, Monroe, Pike mid Hantingdon. 1 Blair, Cambria and Clearfield, Indiana and Arm and Wayne, Bewiford..Sneci., Sul liven & Wyoming 1 I loran, Dizerne, 1 1 Westml'd& Fayette 1 Tioga. Potter McKean Wuehington and and Warren, 1 Greene, I 1 Clinton, Lemming, Laerrente, Mercer, Centre & Union 1 & Venangn 1 Snyder, Nembutal:' I'd Erie & Crawford, 1 itiiiitour. Columbia 1 Clarion, Jefferson, Curober'd Perry, Juni. I Fureat & Elk I Whole number of 6enatora, 33 REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS. yiwk, 2 Cu n Berland and . 2 Adana, 1 Franklin & Fulton, 2 Bedflsrd and Som. ernes, 2 Huntingdon, 1 Blair, Cambria, 1 L time. 1 Artnstroue u Wee: f •:. c, uNl:iug 2 Allegbuuy, 5' Beaver cud Law. ernes, 2 Butler, 2 Mercer and VD. nnugn, 2 %trim) & Forest, 1 J, ff-rum, Clearfield Elk & McKean, 2 Crawford & Warren 2 Lancaster, 4 Erie, 2 Potter & Tines, 2 Philadelphia city, 17 Delaware county, 1 Cheater, 3 Montgomery, 3 Bilekm, 2 Northampton, 2 Lehigh and Carlton, 2 Monroe and Pike, 1 'Wayne, 1 imzerne, 1 ,S,.erviehannt, Bradford, • , Columbia & tour, 2 Lyotiming & Clinton, 2 Centre, 1 Mifflin, 1 Union, Snyder and Juniata, 2 Northumberland, 1 Schu lkill, 3 Dauphin, 2 Lebanon, 1 Berke, 3 Whole comber of Rei Iresentativee, A reaniution to adj.,ie morning neat, at 11 o'ci, Mr. Walton read in the act for the snit; of thi irn sine die on Friday lurk, wite passed. platen a bill to repeal ie Main Line. this bill was refused. A . mo6ort . to take op The Sunbury and 'Erie Rai!rood bill was passed finalk, the section guaranteeing' three millions of 'dollars on the port of the State having been struck out yesterday. ROUBC OF REPR RERTATI7OI The bill to establish a general system of Normal Schou!. was passed finally. The Apportionment bill was paused by the following vote:— Yeas—Metter.. Abrams Aderson, Awns tine. Babcock, blockhouse, Backus, Beck, Cal houn, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver Crawftwd, Dickey. Ent, Fausald, Foster, Hamel. Harper, Rill, Hillegas, HOEfIUM.4I of Berko and Hoffman of Lebanon Imbire, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Lebanon, Lebo, Longaker, Menear, Maw gin, NeCalinoit, Moorebeisl, klutnnta, Mussel. man,.Nieholas. Nicholson, Nunitemacher, Pro. rime, Peters. Ramsey of York, Sloan, Smith of Cambria, Smith of Ceatre, Smith of Lugerne, Eteveution, Tolan, Veil, Viukere, Voagley, Waguateeller, Westbrook, Wiutrode, Witherow, Wright—U. V7lB—Nle.4sra. Arthur Ball Benson, Bid, IPmer. 0014, Byeter, Oibbuni v, Gild., Hancock, Hem Ilimand Hine Kauffman, Knight, Leiieuraug, ow'; P, 1.',.,7eua1T . Benruler, Heed, I,abw.3, TbOr. V. Vorheed, aitur, Warner, What.. ton, Wi lliston, Tourney, Zimmerman w,,1 Getz 'Spetsaer--41. The bill to Appropriate $50,000 to the Far mere Iligb Seboot in Centre county was paned SALE OF TILE MAIN LINE. The tune result eau ile:8118WIli II reference to all the light awl valuable gieele—.l. coda that . ~ retnaperate the coo vier best—the prolitalile kind The sabieined Argument am Ana!Yant m title. fight.. • Would • a pentichof it tat this silty the bill for the sale of the Maiu Lineal the Pu. have taken the diojointed line (treated nod rail. bile Improvements, was prepared at the in• read, tied been ten days reaching its deed., stance of gentlemen favorable to th e bill, and tins, when it could pas+ direct by a railroad who wished the public to know the real groundsboth above arid below it in two I' hi by even upon which its passage was urged.) I the Pittsburg merchants would have become What is the Main Line worth? What is its . the patrons of the Maryland railroad. The real intricate value ? We do not mesa, to the building of the Pennsylvania railroad has est , Commonwealth, for to it, it has never paid ex. eut all this trade to the road owned by the Ct.- peneee. A close, fair .d lunnest examination twit wealth. These are rivets that defy eolitha• of the result of its working wi I show that over diction. We now come to the heavy and chorp since it has been built, it has been a heavy ate ' art.lee, cotton in bales, tolotece. rice nod flour runt tax upon the other resources of the 'ries. I There was 11. time whet, the Mahn Line trans tire. The yearly nett loss to the State since it ported heavily from the west these .0(1 et. sae said to be completed, has been in the neigh. Would she have still had this trade if the Priet• borhood of guarkr of a million of dollars.— I sylvania railroad hail not been built ? lt itb For the accuracy of this statement, we ask a the Ba'timore and Ohio railroad tapping the careful analysis of the reports of the Auditor 1 (Miio river below Pittsburg could net all these (lenerait State Treasurer and Canal Commit' heavy articles have pasted east by that route ? 'inners. We do not impeach their reports, but Would they—could they have passed on up to we simply wish to see their gross dist:repent:tea Pittsburg—been re-shipped to a filly toe canal reem.eiled. We merely hold that thrice reports hunt nt that point, carried east tin dishitstuevit by (and you may bring the originals from the De- the Main Line, then transferred to enrs, end partments,) exhibit, not only an inconsistency, , parsed river the Portage to IL 'ii laysburg; again but a variance so gross that suspicion at Irma , transhippe ' t o , hosts, and boated tit Columbia; is fully aroused. A compariton of the reports I chimed at that paint, and a min plsi ed on the demonstratea in the most positive form that the I rem, tied transported to Phil d •liesta ? Tap. Main Line has not only not paid ex; asses, but 1 red as the Ohio river is below Pielsbirg by our h to been a weedy and emir..s ehorge upon , southern rive' this freight would all hive gone the o her revenues of the State. More then ' hr Baltimore. The handling of these goodsuu twenty ii... a yea,. uf this management, under all th e ir tran s it four times between Philadelphia pee ties, ...ItlSfiell at :11,1, it, e , / , 1110,.. 1 , , Cull ace.::'.. , atul p i ti o le urg . nod the grea t delay mud 11111., ilf ti-s in Th.: rase, tong a,,, t h e State pay a I Witty upon a broken line inf rental lied railroad I large Leo .to get oil of it ? To the Suite it treeepe e t e tion, w o uld h a ve swept all the thin' Ihas proved a heavy and dead loss. All experi• I trade, light and heavy, palseager (lad .I ., cifild , meets have failed to correct it, But the prac• to the Baltimore en i Ohto read. The Peititsyl Itical question is, what is it worth to individual.? v.nuwt railroad has eared to the Stets read even What is its real valve under the provirises of th e he a vy articles le which cattalo are 'lnert:me the bill that passed the House of Represents• fined, except the local iron and tint isle. If tives ? That is the real queetiov. 'rhe value• en v improvement is directly el ar i ses l• with ble portions of the Main Li n e of th e Public killing the Main Line. it is the Hairline. mid Werke, are the Columbia railroad, and the Ens. Ohio rend. With the It Imeinece elleg the tern Division of the canal, from the .lunation Main Line, the P....sylvan. ',Breed any, to of the Susquehanna tamale with the M,ri.. Lite I some extent. have interfered. Bit w'i. n vita to Columbia. The Colombia nide.ad cost mi. INone to balance the met of whet t has to , ginally _tour and a liallatidioas of dollar.— I k n from the Suite wiekr, aid what it has lir e 't The common estimate of the value of the read fa them tied held for it em, the ray r ile Imine has been five millions or dollars. l'he enel, unlit tii of the indebtedness is due from the now that in a few month. thelsebation Valley and I valuable portion of the Snoe improve...lr to Reading railroad will connect Harrisburg with the Pennerlvenie railroad. This is a hitter enit• Philadelphia, by a route but three miles loader Onion hut, a true tine, not w;thstanding every and fur superior in gradett and curvature. will Retire interes t t bee erected iteetf .goiter this bring the value of the Columbia railroad dievii m a d. Its construction has saved to the Slate to its origit.al cost. It will take at least half a the vittu e of the Celielthin railroad. It has pre• million to remedy its deleetive locetion. Assts• I served to the COIIIIIIOIIWPIOI/1 sue link in the mitig then that the Columbia rearmd is worth Main Line ofthe public cue:. Why then dig flier millions and a half of dollars, and that criminate n e einet it ? Why restrict the trade the Eastern Division, 11,111 the dutictitte of the er this rend by a tonnege tax T Wrong in Susquehanna Canal, with th e ,Nliiiti Line to Co• prieciple as that tax io. and calettlated tin fetter I lumbia, is worth an edditionel million, tee have and mattnele ott. commercial enterprise, how ,I. re and a half nallions of dallaa and.' ataa• I ftagrant hi comes that wrong, white. iesteed or al value of t h e payinpportion oldie Main Line. t H ee ., th e M e i n Lin, or it intro lillitleht it Fussing west trete tine Junction tin the Multi would do when the charter wee greeted, it has Line, we find that by the provisions of this bill, be. elearly !them' that its constreetien alone the party Pnrehtilling , is required to hveliiti ney leveed the Columbia railroad fr•en heceming a igable condition furever, one hundred and tweie I t oted of mere local truth. and treffe. Theprin• ty one miles west of the dentition and reaching I elide which originated the tax is vieious awl tun the town of Hollidaysburg. This duelists weren't& Thee emend of necessity or expedi• canal has been one of the great drawbacks of suer u p e i w ide), it ono imposed lete whelk die. the Main Lim It never has ;mid and never o pp ese ed. Why then 4.111.1 the tar not beta. 1 oin pay. It should never have beet, built. It hen DT , In all justice it oh•et Id be no [toyed. is in such a dilapidated condition It, thin time Th. "esti... the., ocaiti reenre, whet does that immemie sppropriatione mutt etre, be mine's the ro, r sod a Ihtlf millions of d•illara. ...Ye to re-build decoyed parts 01'4. From tae Met,the ye tie of the Coltinthie rsilr eel. which tut that a large and valuable portion of country. I der t' is hill is the only value; le pert hut of the what is called the tipper Juniata canal would Main Line. represent ? Nut the tonita,s tax, be deprived of all facilities fur gettie I g to roar for that ie fidse in principle and ..just in pr.. wet, and thrown back to the condition it, was in 1 lice. We have now rettehoil the p.m where thirty years ago, if it were ahead.. dt it is , that exeesr suer the intr.,ic and netted value Millie 000 of the coedit.ua of the bill lee t e; al!, %t it LI, hp gie tt t.l re p resen t 'tome/ Li e[. , alit., that this line 'shall be kept tip. An exattei tangible—te , mohii4 real. By the provisi dui olefin. , of thin test of working it. will show that, of this hill she is released from her mate tax, this ono hutudred Kiel twenty one miles of tot ; too he t enmity, ettv. borinult or township tax. , l aufi ' L l e "' I' !" will mare l,aa f: b '''' .ll V' P n ' I HOW';'' l 22r4tnirig? ok i til&ViliVP4o&l4ll4 - 'll,i,iii i'li'ivr;;;e • ilititi . "iortli nothing: Yet the I ennemity, se it will he bileg..d ? By he pat. Lill regain, a ',ltr A v expenditure upon . an' meet into the Treasure, 0111111.1 v. moil 1800, finished reilread betweell the canal et fileirs• of $225,000. Th.. the ;tepee.. ofthe pritici. villa .d the Allegheny river at Free p ort, Hier- p e t or shunt Pl., fuer end a 101 l millions of der that the people ors Me West. n division Mall ; .101Invg. Is this I. eximeralitte ? Is chin a ant hate withdrawn Irma Mein any t:lllvir pm. release? Let us look at the fi tires, stud de y soil jiteilities. The finishing up of this link are open to the moat Slid acrutiey. Wltto ere gives those who live upon stud near the: canal th e State text. of thin rond ? To what de they a cumplete ratilruall communication with Pitts• greeted lit a time when the State debt io firely I burg. The party purelineing. what they con mi/iie t is? elude to abandon it, are bound to eive it to the State the on 8 per cent. dividers] i citizens of the country Through which in passes. em $12,648.000 stack, $50.584 00 We are thus, under the oevend pro a our std Do out fi per cent. mortgage conditions uif this hill, brinteht do on t, th ; CO- 1101.111 $7.831,000, . 23,553 00 lumbia rudroad astir ado& value ty the Main State at d Ninety taxer along the 'the Line. The minimum fixed in the 1.1. i. seven exclusive of Philadelphia, amid a half million., and it the Petine)lvenia I Do. do. in Philadelphia, railroad purehese, au additional million end a, say, 15,000 00 ' half ; in evesiet•rat o I of winch that cutups. 1 --- ray is to be released it on the tonnage tax, the 90,043 Oti tax on her bonds, div idettels and property. This Nthety nine thoesand and forty three mit Tars is simply the State tax, mid leaves the right of and tWYIIIy•SIX 1.01.11 is bee In It isoet , las, the cities, counties, horottAhe and townships to c o m i ty, hone, .h and Smote. We pass by th e tux, us it was. Why fix a vii liffilllll of SUMO I fort 111111, under the provisions of tire. lel , el. arid a half millions 0141 lint in a bi , l. by the is still the tubje,l of cue, couttly end loweship • provittiona of which it 000 be a 0 vu, no party 1,111. and levies. We v:Isl, to make the ease as ' Call afford to give more than tit, and what' strong no possible. She therefure pave two melee.? For the simple reason that you could heielred tied twr•lity fin, thoessed dolleis per , not pose a bill in t h e Hon. i'fitipeilienliiiirea ninitiln, Mid in itinl/ she proposes to pay the 1 stn it w Milli - Oa/M. II would imilitutitedly have re incited of this-6, millions and a hay of ! 1 ..... ....arr policy to 1,,,, 02 ' ,. . ,,, i t! ,,,, 0 "t.h• i thilbtet. Is this a 'reit.... ? She agrees to pay nut Inn at sited„ t: ,1, ,,, ~ I , c, ~ ' '• ~,,, tun.—not for the valet, of the pub ie tit, Mt. Oi elf J:,:.: .., ..... , • pr.vell:pos; tint 5i1..1.-1.. he released 11.1111. 110, nth...-. hot tit yet you to 'eke the hampers ~ir h..r trade; to unt heckle her litt.iness, and let her ii.tht a henls with het New Yuri; and Ha.. ',land rivals spun nu equality. To light a battle, the tavoralde MOP id .111.11 1111114 ter (11111141 to flue prnl,erity of il - rit vreat State, with whose soil nod Iwo •rirti p . .i,perit.V. 111 I er interests ere .0 el, a sly iritiiiiiii..d. Tne ;v. ci ple of releasing from tarots..o wh. re act ini• metier eohsideratior is offered. is a neer one. b met. be open of ohjatoitins,, D on tol ess f t to. But where a perty coulee forward. and vohnitii• ray azreea to pay more then double v 1.0 rimmed of the tax annually for Vilely years, and al the , popiratiott of tied time double the principal, ' nod that in right in $l.O f i le. of e I i , •^Peelive reductien of 01...hird ..f the pre•atitt en, ram ors debt. we 1 , ...0 .0 Sees valid obit., tint li, h. II dames spun I. tltrillig.r. 1., when we lonk at the fact that we are greting a large prive fir mu improvenietit that is every year e.t.a its immense sums—that itever I its and !lever sill nett to the treneery a diiiiiie. it names with overwhelming force when we look streight in the lame. the feet that under all political par. ties, tinder every fi r te of management, its bold rank and startling correption, lute throwir 11110 Ih e shade all ordinary peculation and fraiiii. It is ler:tele to the pectiniery adventage of the State to sell it, if she can tin an under this bill. li is of still far more iniportsnee to the morale of her people, dent this deadly blight be re. moved. ...--. -.411.....--. [Mont the P. Louis Iteimhlictin of Alny 15/11.) A Pennsylvanian Murdered at St. Louis and Another lenibly Wounded. Lest leg.. (Wedneerley, 131110 two men frightfully bruised, were brought bite the Po• lien office, about two tieleek, having been found Icing in a stone quarry, near Belcher's Suntan Befiltery, by a person, who bunting cries of dieireee, weut into the quarry and round the men. When brought to the the units, one of the men was inseusible. Ills head w...e severe. lv vut behind ihe ear, his skull traetured and his nose broken. 'the other was externally very much bruised his eye awolett .d !amended, one of his arms broken, .d one of his kneed dreply cut. The latter, although to all appearance more seri. ously hurt than his compaition, waa perli.etly sensible; and able to giVe the pardettlars of the oceurrenee which preceded their foiling in to the quarry. Ho stated that his manna was 1.1. E. Eaton, and the name of his COMpan• non R o b er t Webb ; that he is fmm Holliday,. ounars. eiftelfi title the H. 11.1. lit the 5,414 the redrontl pun:hash,' the i.e.., is tine uiiliiuuv of dollars. What dues this additional tour millions and a half., present? The that tax that is taken off her iv the tonnage tax. Lout year the t4.11113,Z0 tax a. mutinied to one hundred and ilinety-seven thou. tend two hundred and Itillttly•eight Millard and ninety-five emits. We believe this tax to he unsound and vicious in minciple ; but that pout uf it we sill nut argue. At the time that the charter of the Petinsylvania railroad Wad draw tad, this tax wax imposed to polect the Alain Line of 'the pub/in improvements front them, peldion qf the Peastsyltasaia railroad. Had the Maio Line beet. injured ?—has ite va,ae been impaired by the 1.1O1114 ;,, f1 el the Penn. ii)lvattia railroad from Harrisburg to Pitt,bare? ate nay, le. Modern improvemeets it. New York teed Mnryland, above and below it, hove destroyed its value. The Slam Line id be.t..r off duie day than it would have been ifthe Peen• eylvania tailroad had never been built. We will Limonite this tort, By the Maim Line before the construction of the l'enneylvania railroad, a peseeneer started from Philndelphia in the mornitig, and was 'm it to Harrisburg by noon, then slopped by canal boat to Hollidaysburg, is (Hamlet of woe hun • dyed and thirty live miles, at the rate of three and a half milee All hoar. In Halt a day flute he was passed ever the ten planed or, the Allis. ghee). Portage railroad to Juhnstown ; again transhipped at Johnstown to to le at. and in thirty hours more, tumid himself a: Pidsburg. The usher mode of pioutoneer transportation wan by atayee over the roughest roads for two hundred miles. from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, at the stone rate of three mid u halt 'piles an hour. If the Penniiyhmnia railroad had not been mad«, of the tboiasanda of passengers weekly, almost daily passing uver the C.,1 tmlria railroad to the western States, and eveu the western comities of our own State, not a snits ry one would at this day have passed ever it. Thiele a fact past all denial. The Halt iniore and Ohio, and !hi:New York and Erie railreade would hove taken from the Columbia reilruad the ;Free thrum , nt th.ro,O, weaved that now soli:., "it we.,. .ti-3 rt , •1114. Ilea the Penn• qicania railroad timid the Columbia reilrund in this respect ? fhe question needs nu an. i ewer. The State raw) sit !ergs debtor to the Peeinylv.ia railroad un this heed. She we'd have been at this day, if it had not been for the exteasion west, a were lucid road, doing a pea ty i cal passenger and freight hu,ineeth THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. 9,906 2 burg, Peumy'vania, and W..bb from Le town; ill the .111 Y SUPe they were on their way to Kan•na, and that Webb had on board the steamer htoeket. 1111 which they ex• peered to leave fi or their place of de.tiitation, . . . . material. fare prhatioa,, oihee, which he haten• ded a cnninionc%• in licinsae, Being out hue last eight for the purpose of having , n. mentory card to the captain of the Rocket ht• armed in the Republican. and uuL being lamil. iar with the city they lost their way while pro. eeetlitia to the liont, and watidered sumo dia. lance tin Muin street. During their nlewneu ruin the hum the hod left the landing where she . fir4 arrived, and dropped down to another position, Being at a loss in what direction they should proceed. they concluded to make enquiry, and observing alight in a drinking house, they I'll. A NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK OF tt red and endeavored to ',Nein the Gu(lmu ES. CONFECTIONARIES, ANI) lien they desired. Upon this two men stepped PIiOVISIONS..Iinq ri (Tirol mid fur sale at the up and offered to show them the boat; hut just wholesale and retail 'Or. eery & Provision Store as they sere all aboht to del ar, one of the of Love & McDivitt. Vonsi.ting of atet ; w h o had ma d, th e h fp,o r , t h at FISH. SALT. BACON, FIA 4.71 h. COFFEE, Mr. Wel•li should treat before they started.— I ..Ena R. FAS, MOLASSES. SHOARS, Mr. Weil p complied and the party left. & TI,BACcu. of the hest quaky' and every Mr. Eaton ens unable to state pea; lie), i 11 , , Nns. t lip!, 11,,iP110. Ihlte, lama. whether they all wont up or down street. but ; sum . ', pima. th nits it nos up. Ilium they hnd gone sperm] Clr ese.it tiu , rmr ,„;t , pi,.ah,„ of all kinds, ~ur s, they en re m etti c"^"th' n "'" , Coinliod and ('wirt,imidrie.. All of addressing Weld, demanded Ma %Lich sill he M. tAteti tit on toe most reasun• Webb immediately placed hi m.elf in on toti. ' aide tetnie, tor rash or country produce. lode of defence. but wen nticl&niv struck purcim.nr,, oii, find it t., their interest to call the ned , conter with some heavy stihstlinceond and canntine our •toek netore pllll.llalsillg eke. knocked over into ain't proved ask,. quarry, s a.. Inv Prerire , l nv,er 0.4; in near Belcher's toiler refitere. our ha, 1,1 Ci.l . ; )W ER [hall other mtaloislimmit uf the kind in lo- Hilton wan then either struck or pusher! over after his• companion; but tows mable, from the conftHilitt that prevoileil at the time h May 13. 1857. LOVE & MeDIVITT. to • Wale pflSitiVely Which. )3NfOrl4 reaching the I , Public Sale bon,m hr lost his consciounness, which he re• I gained some dine after his fall. rind on giving i or A • the alarm woo discovered Iry the wet, lotion of LIMESTONE FARM. th e .teenier Allegheny, who removed them f o ti the qiiiirry to the police older. • DY virtue of an order of the Court ul COIIIIIIOII He rale that riming the scuffle he heard one D Plena of Huntingdon County, the undersign or the ~,Pll aderess the other on George, a d rd, Committee of Benjamin lobos.), (a lona thinks he beard the none of Evans applied tic,) of Warriorsmurk loenslrlu..in sold coolly, to noe of them. He is disposed to believe will sell at public outcry, on the premises, nit tint persons Well. apprin•ehing at the time of Wednesday, the 3d day of June, 1057, ut 1 o the °cement, w h ich mar itlllt for their 11, cheek , p. m., n tract ut land shuttle in II in•rior sailabts falling to take the money and wotelles murk township, in said county, (being the film that were All in their persons when they were formerly owned and oveapied by lienjitinin brought to the police Mike. Johnson, Sr., detAl.,) with. two miles Dilly Dr. Shore. who happened to be in the noi-h rune City, and bounded by land of the heirs of boyhood of the police (ace when the ...lulled John Hetith,on, iiiiii as Weston mid men orrivflii there, priy render“l them mhos, haviog thereon greeted a dwelling every service that skill ciiuld suggest ; and house. n good Bnna Bora, Wagon Shed, Cider alter dressing the wounds of Emom and fito Press mid other neeessery buildings. Also, ding it' impossible bi do onything for Webb, he neverditilingspring of g haa water. and a taream hail them both removed to the flospi• running across the farm. Containing about tal. where Weld, died yesterday morning. . 270 Acres. liumn• at the 1 .1" , ace'wits , was in a very' About 180 of whieli are eleorml and in a good critit•al condition, with some mental coofuninit scare of eultiyotion, the Ulll•leitrud portion is and notch pain. HIS truther is a compositor in this office. covered with good tim Thr Coroner commenced bolding on inquest TER 13 OF SA LE. on the holy iif Mr. Webb 'esterase morning One IMO of the ponchos,. money to be paid and received thelestimony of Mr. Eaton; bat on confirmation of sole, told the residue in two the loiter suffering comiderobly from his equal mound pat netts with interest to he IR' wounds, the investigation was deferred till Ea, cured by the hoods nod mortgage ill the pm , ton shall he it, a Conditiou to undergo further chaser. CALEB GU YElt, Coutinitti e examination. of Benjamin Johnson. We have not henrd whether ;.nv clue has Wit on & Peiriken , Atiya, been olmiitted line the dim eoehry of !be villabie who perpetrated the murder, but hip. our pi • lii . will be able to ferret them out, and bring them to path*, n WOOTLAND Caesar"-4 Pomade/or bean. t;fying Mir—biddy perfinnied. superior t•t nor French article imported, and for Wl' tl e price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it hag no equal, giving it n lricht glossy appenran ee.— It onuses Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural 111/11111Pr, It-removes dou,lriff, alwave ikt i n i dis t nkl'en't u ' r lfteninilTlVlV lure tonnline node. gigue," FETRIDUE S CO. N. Y. Proprietor-x.4'ff. "Balm of a nousand Far Nola he all Druggist, NEW AUTENTISEMENTs STRAY 77--- Striker(' from the resideace of the subser'ber at Beira Mids, Blair eouttly,.on Saturday, the ?' f ld itt.t.„ . one " Tr r 0..,, !it.t:d":„p4.,'„e:,,r1„;:,..:... , : - .:•-• ,4 It , ~,.. 6or 7 years al. A Y ',IN e - ...... 10,, ral reward will he given to nn person who will give me i..f.nunti.... re,leetin i t .0a lu.rses. SA M ISEL MILLIKEN. 13.41'm Mills, May 27, '57, It. EXEI 'pro AN mrricu. te,inmoiltiry oil thy emote of %in? All , tm, late t t the 1,01,e,11 or lweit LrP.ted to the taleraigned, tiro requeattal tot make payment, Bud ciao. will present thew duly auilusoia:.ted • 11 NI. P. ORBISON, Ex r. Mny27,'57..61.* JUST musm.D, TIM taTlillll' OF ITT LIFE fit,7)l.l , :ii. -A 4 , 0 1 , 1 , ),Y5, ,legt11:11:V humid in otid illin•troied. Price I 25. TH. , deep lc and exrein, hth. of the *pier 0;,,j jes Ma• iilivitiv 6 , 1 ready it Ihrve xxlr., the Publishers feel just iff,ti in jell g io loess *tooth, Inr,er eili t•it or ilos Inyt ni.d HUI CUE OF NEW YORK IN )101 ,ERN 1 . 111....8. The e, of Old Hilllll, though erolieht into a nins,,-rit }do by I.ln or our poartful A i+el'lloU ir.velists. ore e lititarte istie ts, and prtneid io 14 vieid and 11110ta striking Inan eorli warthog. Itereltit oils or Crime find Mitiery, daily eoncioi_ in our midst. ei hill the 01,11 A Ineriellll 11Ieirorolk. flint the noeler etti , de, viii limaz...t et the Astoundieg melds. ' 6 A y..•ry imereming Wry of ',lid life in New Y.rk. which has lind a VI, large aitie throughout this coitutry. 'flat molior has great power as a writer and shill in the doh...mi. of character as well a dramatic sL.lit 04 in re'ating facts in a vivid matincr.”—Biietnn T. email, :Mid by Agents no the cars, and by ell bad, e , • 11, Sei.t by Mail. post paid, on et evii.t of price. . - RUDD do CARLETON, 310 Broadway, New York. Ater Ary Newspnpar giving this whole Mdrer: tismeht twn in6ertion3; enlliug atteotimi in it terlitorily and iwntling un n marked paper, will revive a copy id iibe beck by mail, postpaid. ! 'May 27, 11.57. -UST hOTICE A LL persons knowing themselves indebted ei• ther by note or book aeeolint to 11. C. Wel. ker, will 2111,V0 emits by panic) the mime to, or making arrmigetnetna for the future payment by nuts, With security, with the inds,rilier, by ur before the 15th day of June next. All per sans having claim. against said Walker will present them properly authenticated. HUUTZ. Assignee fur Cretliture of C. Walker. Alexandria, 11xyl:i,'SL st. . ATT b OX I NEIV A T LAW, Wl'll 104'1E1 to all profe.sional hind ncgn entrusted to Lie care in the several 0111 MM of Huntingdon county. Heeds, Lea,. cad Articles of Agree. meat, written at the ehurteet notice and on the moat reasonable terms. Shirleyshurg, Arril 22, 1857 DIM ELLANEOIig ,VIA 1211-A-E, EYSTPAtWitiDETJ aAr j T ET l Lits testamentary tit. it...• estate of John At tnititge. Esq., deeM.. Into of the Bormi,th ut Huntingdon, Huntingdon Count). having been grained to the undersigned. all persons indebted to said estate are rilit.sted to make immediate payment, stud those honing doling will preaent !hem duly uutheouimued rue settle. anent to JAMES OW'S, I !l unt A in V gdon, MayI3;S7LIE.. RMWit, Exceis 2ior. i ..t 9 r 11. AT LOVE & MTIVITTS. air To isvAr.ms.,o Dr. Ilar.man, Analytical a hyNician. I'lic.iriitn fOl . DiSrit.ell Dr the Lnewt, root, Ileert—Fmnierly l'hvAit.i.te to the CINUINN Ili/SPITAL,eIau to INN'A I.IIPS HETRSA r A utbur ol'.l.mti ra to Stu following Curl. MAY AI PVC INTMENTS, Lung,ltirmer .t 1)AI. 13 It. Mel ti 110/1 ittli.) will Ile ill iliteiltilltad tit his rum ti• " I S COMING hi,tinge'on.' . .lockson's Ibid." Scotto then, ilitty 30. I ioliNorbury,•• Exchanye Hot. I," May 22. Artnfmcr, Logo,' house, Rog 28. Johnxtown, Allay 27. /who., ibq 25.• t,t. e Ilh6 ler y. dfity 25. I 'ilisbuty allay 22, 23. and 24. ltr. itaritittan treats eianiumption, Brunclii tis, Asthma, Larrytigittis tuel all 'llse:ties of fiat throat anal lungs, by Aleilical Inhalation, lately use,' in the Bruniton Hospital. I.iliolon. 'll.e great pieta in the treannent al all 111161,011 e., i 4 to get nt. the di , eal+o in the direct All nseilieines are estiniaten be their netiun upon the tiepin requiring relief. l'lns is the tapes cisc fact upon which Iniailation is hat if th e sthethd, in iiineaseil tee till, moth eine dircrtly into the stomach. It' the lungs see Ili.emiril...l,lolie or inhale inc leslie I vapors dire, the into the lung.. Alcsheines ate the an thlutes and nhoulil he 'tippliail to the very neat ot it,ease. Itili.tiation is the applica tion ta this prinei •le to the ireannent 'At the lanes, tun it gliet. Ili threes to those taut. cafe air rens awl thin, be out of reach ul etc', ether ine.ois tit hie leutiletlit, The reset ls tiles Colit 1111pliols. diet other sea ul have heretofore re-istet all treatment lan, Isecti liecause they have nevi, bew neeroaelied in it direct timinier by ureai 1, were imended to act upon the lung, mtol et ,ero to tlo. . tint filtt•!•lu.l t , e I , t, yet, * they ware ••1 a luun,tvro.i that the. .1.1 not net 01,11. expanding the iihmeihhte 111111.11 i eell.ll 111.)11 tic 1111..11 , 11.1101,1 .11111101, lulu Ihu !MIL 111,1,1 withni GI: 11111_, were itn uite•tt.ll. )I'll4, ti , l• 1161,11121H0 ill lin ell euntuct M itlt the mahout tli , iii any violent t.ettult. , 1111ple, Illtit it Ctlll he employed lav the y uti gept Mind ur leohleAt invaint. It hut du [tinge the ' , turned, in int , ri . ere in the 1e , 11.t ite• grets with the strength, contort, ut hutincer ut the patient. Utter Lweaties Treated —ln relation to the folli,o tog tiller a Lett eomphinfell N WI lung atieetions ur eXiptilig ition.o, I nl.o {With C. , ll•Ultilliull. I Uslluil) hod them promptly cu rable. lapsus tool ull miler forms or Female l'uomlunos, Itregitho itivs owl eakue,s. hthot.thoo ami ull otner to: ol Iluart Dim • moe, Liver Ci01111.1,1i1,16, Dy.mmem, mid all ot.,oses awl Iwwnla, Sw• r. .111 t!i-uit.es IX I ov. cp. an I 0 Ni 341,11 4, Li ileiny, 4 u , 1 nil for oorvotart No .1,4140 iur cuumigi..oll. S. 1). HARDMAN, M. D. April 13, 1837.-31. EINESE SCGAII CANE. VARSIEIts, y,n4r tur the sweet time, .nuing. Au iiitelliAtnit fiirmerof Lumburlittat Cuimiy, N. J., sums Up hli e:spe. riettee thus. us the i.redtict of .e sere 49368 juice, 1694 pale i good thick 332 pls.; Judder, 1936 lbs.; stied, •51.1 bus. (411 lbs. to the bit). Packets sufficient for a trial (25 eta.) sent by mail. Fur sale by JUkIN READ. kluittingcluu, Pa. A pr.29:57 [ErAde tur Aldird B. Oxtail, died.] Executoi's Notice. Notice is hereby glveit that letters teatime', tory nu the estate Alfred B. Crean, late of the borough at Huntingdon, deed., have teen granted to the undersigned, residing in said , borough, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make papnetit, nod those having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned, duly authenticated, fur settlement. JANE. D. CREWIT. April 22, 1857.—it. Exerittria, I Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve ry description, for bate at the Hardware Store of .1, A. BROWN & CO. • Apr.ll,'Sr. • ty. rti A DItITISENI CNTS. MISCELLANEOUS Ala EIiTISENIENTS. IEIIE. 11114E1.1A I:01 FRESH ARRIV• L! Of Sprrng and Summer Goode '111i; METII()POIJITAN. T W. SAXTON, have j received J e from the east a splendid assurtnicin of goods such as DRY-(rOoD., GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Boots AN It SIIDES, CARPET, OIL El.Olll, Wow) AND W/1.1.DW WARE, d in fact every thine occes,ary to pietoe the most testi.leous. Such FINE DRY uooos, riONTs. TWEEDS. • RUMMER COTTONS. cLo ros, COLLARS. cAssimmts. Tati.vsiLlut4, ,, every Variety at IItiSIERY, NIIT 10, HNDERSLERVES, OLOVES, HOOPS FDR SKIRTS, . ha., Sc., Le.. he. We ate determined to roll as low, if not low er than any orlter anus. a 4 of the Aliewhe ey. One motto shalt ire -QUICK S LES & smA),r, pi tot . T r.:; " Give it, .t cull Anil he eati•fird of the fact that this is TUE HOUSE to purchase clime lovda• sure ZA Irs P StiOULDERS, & 1 7 1.1 RAI • 9 ALSO-01.,t. Whit. Li tit.tut.t 0.1, Tur pviitllle kiht:6 t.t .1.411118. i,tIJ7, ORPHANS` COURT SALE PaItIUDIPTOAT I [E ate of Dr. Peter I)o..nberger. an order to the Orphans' Court of the illty nod eutitityid Philadelphia, she nude, Exevuttirs of the ksittte Of Dr. Peter Siiiteitherwir, dee'd.. will bell widwut rcatree, un Ilursday, the 28th Hay 01 Nay, 1857, tit the "Logan Hotel," Hollidaysburg, the fol. loathe deseriLett prol.airt, mutate in the Coon tr ul IltodiitOon : 48 IN-wn rots in the town of Pip te.bui,, it, said euouty. atone house and lot of ground in said wait l'etersburg. Ore log house and three lots of gi• mad ia saw tws a. 40 acres cf 'and, aekining said 11.ai. plot Ut Petersburg. part u. tn.icu id with, 1;•,.t.e mid in yuud melte ut cultit•utwu. 40 acres of land adjoining said luau plot Petersburg, part ..t whitai IS Meier fence and in good state it VUlil,llloll. A tarns on shaver's l'ree. genes.. alit kI.UWII us the Fut 1”.. 1 nervs, upon which lit rn raid is Stone Paris lbws, toad stab o ; Sl,ll, with p:uud water power. Snit! tract to auid to evntaiii g.a,d $.11,111t of lien Ore, Also, all the l'estatores right, tl de ai,d iiiirrvai lit Illat Iv u ti innd !tear the Its the MU., tract, containing about 1 . 5 acres, part of which is tit, der letter, and ion good ',ante or 4.411710 km. Fur further information in regard to aide of Real Estate. in the eueutirl at liuutinAduu, Blair, I.3ittiiiiiitt and Bedford, tee handiAlli wad Blair C. :Hey Whiy. Te.n• sialoq d o all other pervhaserd then tic resolusry I...e;zatees.. their aigulits ur tiara are to One third of flit purchase money in cash on the ; , xecution and delivery of it Deed of try. mice by the tiding remuibder in two equal instalments at the expiration of tale mid two )stirs ruin tl.n date of the Deed, with intercbt. Stich put melds to be secured in the meantime by the lionds mud Murtgugcs of the property sold. siit) Omit is to be paid at the time of tale on each piece of property sold. Ylunm, cop mOl veils, exhibit of title pa pare, aux due attendance will be given un the dayn of hale by the acting. Execut.trd. Sale to commence tit 10 ul said day, Br THI: COURT, JOHN SHERRY, C.,rk 0. C. JOAN U. M11.1.:s ) Eaeca , MICHAEL UEHHY, j Said acting Executors wili also sell at the seine time mid plare the . Hewing stocks be. hinging to Mad estate, to wit' 50 SliAttEli tif Hollidayrburg and Serif.' Plank Rood pnr value 25 per , share, on which $10,50 per dillre bas beenpaid. 20 Hollidaylduirg and Bediurd Turn pike Road cutupany. 50 Hollidaysburg and Martinsburg Turnpike Itnid . • ... 50 Win.dlwrry and l'ut;o..,trille Turn piku Ruud Cumpuhy Muck. Apr.3;57. . New Goods ! New Goods D. P. (MINN ChEALP STORE. 1). P. Gn•in has just returnri from Philadrl• phia with the large.t and mutt beautiful as. s.irtinent of .'irsirrsa.v.ii a EDI2III @@ae.i Evur biunek to Huntingdon, consisting of the most inshionalile Gress thou for Ididirs nod Gentleineu.slll:ll MP Black Silks. Au W oo l de loins, Cb.tllie ,le L o i n , Sealer. ( iil. colors.) lionize Robes. lh•illiuuts, ( , lit. t iliirs.) alms. Lawn Halos. Clout Rohn, „,,,t ry Dro oft 1/high:owl, Ilinnuilla ('loth, Silk *non Levellit Cloth, Our tritvellinniloti.e, MU heir, Uuhuiz, Lawns and Prints of any descrip tion. ALM). n lame tot 01',11.01111 Trimmings, Frin ge, lintions. (limps. Butluet Silks, Bonnet ('onpeo. (all color-,) Voile. Laves. llosiery, (line for !wisi ng 111111 BM. 1111111/9 SI, lit'' , Sill and Linen handkerchiefs. Silk nod woo.. err, s, Zeplir, French Working Cotton. Floss,.Trly Also flit' Inocent Or Col. 1111 . N, 111111 llnilerslerven, in town. Bili'd and 11,011.1,1v01t., Swiss. Fig ured and ( . 1 . 111 , 1i111 . , Moreen and liraas chilli tor Mll,ir.. Book Irish Liao, Li ii,n l' o Nni n , sm. Also a use assid•inieni of Swing Shawls, Silk alai Bundle Mantilla, and a rade', at Jlrnw and Finley Coods too nuinevons to 1110111./11. AISI., Cloths, Cassimeos. Can:mints, ..tlereno l'weells. la. Jenny, Cotton Wills, tor pions. pi .in 0.41 iltory Linens, Alarseillus told Silk \'r-line, Mu.liur, 1111,:iellefl tool untilearlis ed. illn men; 111111 PlllO , O-1:11S0, 11 , 111 0 1.4, Nuu k,ens,'l' cio 0 , 'l' dde i i pros. ISianirts oi the latest sillea and at net low privets, Moleskin. Fur. Wool and duunner huts, latest * Boots and Sipes, HARDWARE, Q111:1331V6W ARIL Buckets, Tubs, ties. kola, Churns, Bolter Goals, lirOoms. lions .cs, ese. earpo to. Oil Cloths, Oil end Salt, und ill goods usually kept an a coun try Store. My old customers, and as many now 01100 as can CYOWII to are r011101:11Ully 101101.16ted to COlllO and examine my goons All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change fur goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID WIN. April 29, 1f457. . . . PERUAM OUTDO AL ! rpilE Proprietor the Mercantile j (dulde, scald respectlully end Lite tom, ttott et the Merchants. Farmers and Mektotto it, residing nut of this city, to the moderate t ruts for a yearly subseription to the Guide, being in Mail subscribers may 50 tei.ts per annum, Tasking it the t heupest Family Pews paper in the United Slides. Ihe columns of the Guicledeill-contain- the usual variety of or; gin e' and, spicy articles. .written nut unit to please but to instruct. in regaid to politics, the Guide will maintain um independent tone, and from time to time will ridsbcate measur,s as conclude° to benefit the greatest number. Postmasters end others are respectfully re quested to act its agents tOr this paper, to whom we will forward specimen copies free when desired to do so. . PRotiums.--An as inJoeentont frn rem,ne to interest themselves' to obtain 4ubscriptiutin fur the Si ERCAN FILE GUIDE, we uffer the fulloaine premiums. Cp t in the receipt of the names, pay in advance, we will torersird thert. by express or (AM-made if ordered to the ad dress of those entitled to them' For 300 subscribers, cash For 250 suit. ilxrt t )ve ail) give a aplere did fine F uld watch, ;warranted) 30 00 For 200 subseribars, an elegant quid I,.cket 4 it hisseA, Kurth F.r 150 3ubsel . ibers, 1 e,egunt brace!et - wroth Por I 00 sulAtorib.rs, ore gold vest the in, Fur 73 anneribers„ urge gold pen rand lioldor.ltodsun,,iyengroved. worth B GO For 50 Int.:fibers, one gold pen and dn. worth Fur 40 Aubeeribeke, ono gold pen and hol. dn., worth F.r.15 subwriberri, ifieditlLll gold pen and holder, efur , .h F. 4' t 1 au Ineribera; one gold pen and hol. th , r, worth All r•ummnuicntiona should be n.,iireeeetl to W. Itilstke ney, «di!, and publisher of the N. Y. Mercantile Ot,lie,' No. 163 Greenwich St.. New York. . war Newspapers thmogliout.the Uninn 'fly publishing the abut e appropriately including this indict., 2 mouths, and ,nlstigy, notice ednorinile to the same and sending i.e tlio paper, nill be entitled to an exchange end receive a gold pen porth $l2 00. New Yorh, May 96 WITNESSES; ca rac tollgrat 1101MtdVID. CJohn M. Dye, Author, Who has lied 10 years experience (V , 11 Rink • er and Publisher, and author scrie4 u f . 4 ' Lectures at the Broadway. Tabernacle." when rif„ e fn ~,,eoeisaii.e nl,zla4, over 50,000 People Curveted him with rumors of applause. while he exhilsitell the manner in which Conwer• feiters execute their frawls, and the salvo a n d shortest mean+ of detecting them t X lie honk .Note Ln K ravers all ssi that le o i 4 the gre.ste,t .lusige of Paper Money Pvin,. tirentest ,ii,,overy of the present cehtur; (0 . for detecting Counterfeit Bnh Notes. De. •crilling evn - ry genuine bill in eXistenee. anti eknittiting at a glance evert cynnterfeit to ,circulation !! A minted vu inimirably. that 0 • ecierence is elm and detection itistaintenewir• a i r Nu index to examine ! No pages t, tint lip I Bit so simplified and arranged trti that the Merchant, Hanker and linsines, titan `can ace all al a glance. English', French and ▪ Laurin.. hus each may read •the same in 0111.1.11 mai% a tongue. • Moat perfect:Bank , ar):\ 140 List pubiished. Also a ,t 1 Private Bankers America. A colitylv. •uttimitry at the Finance or Europe tint! A • nairica aid be published in each edi'ion, t,..- e_i4etlier with oil the impurtioit tie wr of theta}. ZiAlso a series ol tales, front an old Manu4crlyt 4 0 valid iv the East, it turiiishea t.m MI/et toll, pane Ilistory at t'llriental,,Lla." ina the must perplexing posi'd,a; tin woltd, ef, the lethal and gentlemen mat Connie:, „have been so Liken found. Thase tdoriet aol ~,,ataitinua throughout the echoic year, nett wt , ; ▪ , the moat entertaining ever tented to O 1111. • 1,111 , 111, k urnisiteti Weekly to inthaerihers onlv at ail a t ear. All letters must be addressed CO 411 JOHN N. DYE, linoxkx, Matthew.. 0 Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, Ave York. ;11 April 02, 1857.—1 y. Titv TEES , SALE. By virtue of an order ut the .Cutirt of Hun. tingdon enmity, we will offer at public sale un the premise: , on Saturday, the 30th lieu, 1037, at one o'clock P. M., the following rem estate, he:d hy us no Trustee:l of the Ueruian Retina. ed Church, and deeded by the order at' said to he moth! iz 10. fronting on More etrert in the for. —:_h of Huntingdon, one hundred tett Niid ex. • diny limuir ott Montgointry strout four hut , and tett liiA lot will be subdivided into roar iota h will be offered separately. A I ,SO. A lot of gnitod in swid Borough t: the North side of street being part lot No 99, fronting On said street and ex. dine L ich' thirty...ma feet tir.tritrd4 the line ltaint e thereon the preheat Germain Iteforinect Church. • Tiinus or SAtE--OneboCf npen.erinfirmr, tine sale, the liniiinen in one rear with inter. est. Rectired •hr bni.l and nwirlgage or judg. meat. By order o' the Court, DAVID .UI'NN• restskes. ELIAS IJARTUL, May6,'57..41. GREAT 13A I i NEW GOOOS. XN WEST UTINIRINGtnoy. The undersigned unnuttnees to the pubiietbat he has ' , petted a new store in Portstown, new t!te uld Juniata bridge, and has just reintivqd on, of the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND HEST sTOCK‘ OF Dry-Goods, Groeories, Qneensware, Hardware, Zoots & Shoes, Slats & Caps, dm, ever brought to this plain. Almost every art'• clu usually kept in a country more alas)a on hand ; all or which will be sold chcapur than the cheapest. 5r5 Country produce taken in exchange Per S'als, IVSI. GEIBBINGER. Ptirttotrn, April 15, 1837. C. U. 11UNSEY C. WIMI.S. aI. II B ' .i.VATI 4"/,9 COZA D DIRK PACKERS, A Whnlenalc Dealg in Prnri,ions, No. En LIBERTY coil, ni Ell (`I L How, PITTSBURG, PA. War Agents for Fairbanks' Scales. Apr.l;s7. UPPER TWO': AiIEAD. TP you want cheap gouda just go up to Geisin• j ger'a New Ettore, near the Juniata Briar/a, Went Huntingdon. He him a full mortineut May2o,'s7 $35 ti) 1R 40 10 00