OUR BOOK TABLE. NO' Graham's Magazine for June is re ceived. and is replete with interesting ren ding, &c. Now will be a good time to subscribe for this incomparable hook, as the next No. commences a new volume. Price $8 per year. Address Watson & Co., Phila. 111111 r Peterson's Magazine for June is before us, full of the most interesting inat ter. The next No. of ihis book commen ces a new vplume, end we hope to see scores of our friends send in their names for it at once. Price $2 per year. Address 'l', B. Peterson, Phila. HURLEY'S SARSAPARILLA.—For the rem), al and permanent cure of Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Affections and all cuts• noose eruptions arising from an impure or viti bled condition of the blood, it stands neap proached in the history of medicine. It may be used at all seasons with very decided advan• tage, but especially in the spring and summer season.—[lowa Republican. Sold wholesale by Scheiffelin, Bro. & Co., N. Y.; Russell, Scott S; Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Park Cin., O.; Wright A: Co., N. 0.; Bacon, Hyde & Co., St. Louis, and all extensive drug Merchants. "WOODLAND CREAM"-A Pomade for beau tifying Hair—highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it has no equal, giving it a Lright glossy appenran ce.— It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural manner. It removes dandrilf, always giving the Hair the appearance of being fresh shampoomed. Price only 114 cents. None genuine 'Wm signed run I DGE & CO. N. Y. Proprietors of the "Bala' of a Thoir;rtad Flowers. For solo by all Druggists. Feb.25,'51.-6m, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Flour is selling at from $7 to $7,75. • Wheat --White,.lBso., Red 175 e. Corn 82e. Oats, 60e. Rye, 92e. Igarricb . , Oil the 6th * inst., by the Rev. Mr. \Vest, Mr. Henry Hudson, of Three Springs, Hun. tingdon county, and MiSs Harrison, daughter of John Skinner, Esq., of Fannettsbutg, Flank. lin county. DIED.—On the 28th ult., in Dwight, 111. , of Typhoid Foyer, Sarah, wife of A. W.Clark son, formerly of Dunnville, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAST NOTICV A LI, persons knowing themselves indebted ei ther by note or book account to H. C. Nab her, will save costs by paying the same to, or making arrangements for the future payment by note, with security, with the subvriber, by or before the 15th day of June next. All per. sons having claims against said Walker will present them properly authenticated. D. HOUTZ, Assignee for Creditors of H. C. Walker. Alexandria, May1:1,'57,5t. Luv[ts3-F. TA.ifiLiwALL AT LOVE & M'DIIITT'S. A SEW AND ELEGANT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARIES, AND PROVISIONS, just received and fur sale at thd wholesale and retail Grocery & Provision Store of Love & McDivitt. Con,isting of FISH, SALT, BACON, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEAS, MOLASSES, SEGARS, & TOBACCO, of the bast qoalitY and every grade. 011.5, CAN FLUID, CA M PRENE Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Date P, TAM 11. inds, Rice, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers, Cheese. Maecaroni, Pickles of all kinds, Sar dines, Candies and Confectionaries. All of which will he disposed ot on the most reason able terms, for cash or cduntry produce. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine our Flock before purchasing else where, as we ore prepared to sell everything in our line of business A LITTLE LowEnth au any other establishmtmt of the kind in this Is entity. May 15. 1857 LOVE & MeDIVIVF or TO INVALIDS.;!,) Dr. Hariman, Analytical Physician. Physician for Diseases of tho Lungs, Throat, and Heart—Formerly Physician to the CINOINN A TI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVALID'S RETREAT, Author o Aotterts to Invalidx," I$ 'COMING See follTviug Card. MAY APPOINTMENTS. Dr. Hardman, Physician for the disease of tho Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma rine Hospital,) will he in attendance at his rooms as follows t Huntingdon,".lackson's Hotel," Saturday, Muy 30. Hollidaysburg, ' , Exchange lintel," May 29. Altoona, Logan House, May 28. Johnstown, May 27. Indiana, May 26. ,ireensbury, May 25. Finsbury, May 22, 23, and 24. Dr. Hardman treats Consumption,Bronchi tis, Asthma, Larryngittis and all iseases of the throat and lunge, by Medical Inhalation, lately used in the Brointon Hospital, London. The great point in the treatment of all human maladies, is to get at the disease in the direct manner. All medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relict. This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is ba sed. If the stomach is diseased we take medi cine directly into the stomach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated vapors directly into the langs. Medicines are the an tidotes to disease and should he applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the applica tion of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct aceess to those intri cate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of administering medicines. T. reason that Consumption, and other disea ses of the lungs, have heretofore resisted all treatment has been becaute they have never .i been approached in a direct manner by ai . m eine. They were intended toilet upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach. Their action was intended to ho local, and yet, they were so administered that they should not act constitutional!), expanding the it immediate and principal action upon the anottending stomach, whilst the 1.1 ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in directeontact with the disease, without the die advantage of any violent action. Its application in simple, that it can be employed by the yniin gent infant or feeblest invalid. It clues not de , range the stomach, or interfere in the least de : grce with the strength, comfort, or busbiesn of the patient. Other Di... Treated.—ln relation to the a following diseases, either when complicated with lung affections or existing alone, I also invite consultation. I usu ely find them prouiply cu rable. Prolapses and all other farms of Female Complaints, Irregularities and Weakness. Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Dis ease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, end all other (NC.oa of litomaeli and bowels, &e. All diseases of the aye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy, and all forms of nervous disease. No charge fur consultation. S. 1). HARDMAN, M. D. April 13, 18 ,7 . MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ATTENTION. BATTALION!! THE Ist Battalion of 4th Brigade 14th Diets. ion P. M., composing the following coml. Tans, viz; Scott Artillery, CAPT. .T. IL DELL, Scutt Infantry CAPT. It. A. STITT ere to meet in full uniform at Mount Union, on Friday, 29th May, 1837, for Battalion training. GEORGE DARE, Major. CCEKEW I S'O[V3 EO4OOO. I ETTERS testamentary on the estate of John Li Armitage, Esq., dec'd., late of the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, having been grunted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate nre requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settle. went to JAMES GIVIN, Huntingdon, May13;57..61. Executor. Office C. V. M. P. Co., • MAY, 1857. NOTICE'is hereby given, That an assessment of five per cent. has this day been levied by , the Board of Directors of this Company, on all premium notes belonging to said Company, in force on the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1857, (and not renewed) on which 3 per cent. is le vied, and all premium notes of original appli• cations taken between said dates, 3 per cent. is levied. The members of this Company are hereby required to pay the above proportion on their premium notes to the keasurer of this Compa ny, or a properly authdrized agent of the Board within thirty days front this date. By order of the Beard, JOHN T. GREEN, See'y. 11fay 1 3,'57..3t. Public Sale OF A LIMESTONE FARM. DY virtue of an order of the Court of Common D Pleas of Huntingdon County, the undersign• ed, Committee of Benjamin Johnson, (a hina• tic,) of Warriorsmark township, in said county, will sell at public outcry, on the premium, on Wednesday, the 3d day of June, 1857, at 1 o'c clock, p. ni., a tract of land situate in Warrior. mark township, in said county, (being the farm formerly owned and occupied by Benjamin Johnson, Sr., dee'd.,) withu. two miles of Ty. row, City, and bounded by land of the heirs of John Henderson, dee'd., Thomas Weston and others, having thereon erected a dwelling house, a good Bank Burn, Wagon Shed, Cider Press and other necessary buildings. Also, a never.failingspring of good water, and a stream running across the fartn. Containing about 270 Acres. About 180 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the uncleared portion is good timber. TERMS OF SALT • One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments with interest; to he se• cams! by the bonds and mortgage of the per. ehooer. CALEB (ICIER, Committee of Benjamin Johnson. Wilson 1. Petriken, Att'ys. May13,%57.—1t. _ TRV . TEES) SALE. By virtue of an order of the Court of tingdon County, we4eill offer at public sale oil the premises on Saturday, the 10th Muy, 1807, at one o'clock P. 111., the following real estate, held by us at Trustees of the German lieform• en lATUreI, directed by the miler (,f Reid Court .10 1; ,- . . 01 a ots, A Ict, fronting on Moore street in the Bot , ough of Huntingdon, one hundred feet nod en• tinding Lila on Montgomery street four bun• dred feet This lot will be subdivided into four lots which will be offered separately. ./11.30. A lot of ground in said Borough on the North side of Mifflin street being part of lot No 99, fronting on said street and es• tending back thirty• Due feet towards the line lotting thereon the present German Reformed Church. Timms or• SALE—Une Lull upon confirma• lion of sale, the balance in one year with inter. cAt, secured by bowl and mortgage or judg. meat. By order of the Coed, DA II) DUNN. 1 ma „,, , „ . ELIAS BARTOL, i7.••it, CHINESE SUGAIL CANE. EIAHMERS, keep up your spirits, fur the sweet times are coming. An intelligent farmerof Cumberland County, N. J., sums up his cope. rienco thus, ratite product of ono acre : Cane, 49368 lbs.; juice, 1694 gals.; good thick syrup, 332 gals.; fodder, 1936 lbs.; seed, 90 bus. (40 lbs. to the bu). Packets sufficient for a trial (23 pls.) sent by mail. For sale by JOHN HEAD, Huntingdon, Pa. . _ Apr.29;57- . [Estate of John Spivak, Dee'd.] Esocarg . olip mcnaam. Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the Eatateof John Spren kle, late of Morris township, tlee'd., notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said rotate, to come forward and make payment, and all persons having claims against the same, are requested to present them in prop. er order for is settlement nod allow once. ROBER r TUSSEY, Morris township, Hunt. Co. JOHN AURAUN DT, Catharine township, Blair Co. May G. 1857.-Gt. • WAR IN NANSA.S. ALEXANDRIA FOIINDILY. cOILL & CROSS INFORM THEIR OLD 11,11 friends and the public generally, that they ham the above Foundry in full blast, and are prepared to furnish castings of every description. Stoves of all kind, for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs, Threshing Machines, and everything is the cas ting line neatly made. We can finish all work that requires turning, having a good Turning Lath. MI work done cheap for cash or cone try produce. Old =lel taken for castings. Be. tog practical and experienced we hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. McOILL & CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. - • - [Estate of Alfred B. emelt, deed.] Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters teotimen tary on the estate of Alfred B. Crewit, late of the borough of Huutiagdon, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said borough, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned, duly authenticated, for settlement. JANE. D. citEwa. • April 22, 1857.—1 it. Executrix. naMCM.7O ATTORNIIIr AT LAW, Will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree ment, written at the hhertest notice and on the meet reasonable tens. Silirleyaburg, April .J, • MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. FRESH ARRIVfr L! Of Spring and Summer Goods AT THE METROPOLITAN. J& W. SAXTON, have just received • from the east a splendid assortment of goods, such as DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPET, OIL CLOTH, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, . . And in fact everything necessary to please the most lastideous. Such as FINE DRY GOODS, PRINTS, TWEEDS. SUMMER COTTONS, CLOTHS, COLLARS. CASSIMERS. BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, R , every Variety of HOSIERY, MITTS, UNDERSLEEVES, GLOVES, HOOPS FOR SKIRTS, &c.. &e., &e., &c., Bte. We are determined to minas low, if not low er than any oilier house east of the Alleghe ny. Our motto shall be "QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS." Give us a call and ho satisfied of the fact that this is THE HOUSE to purchase cheap goods. i'Ve have on hnnil SAL Ti jrZSE is SINFASICZE HAMS, SHOULDERS, & FLITCH, ALSO—Glass, White Load, Linseed Oil, Tur pentine and all kinds of Paints. May, 6, 18117.. a ORPHANS COURT SALE P lIREAWTORY ! [Estate of Dr. Peter tilmenberger. Deed.] D DY an order of the Orphans' Court of the City and County of Philadelphia, the under signed Executors of the Estate of Dr. Peter Shoenberger, dee'd., will sell without reserve, on Thursday, the 28th Day of May, 1857, at the "Logan lintel," Hollidaysburg, the fol lowing described property, situate in the Coun tv of Huntingdon : 43 Town Lots in the town of Pe tersburg, in said county. A stone house and lot of ground in said town of Petersburg. One log house and three lots of. ground in said town. 40 acres of Land, adjoining said tow. plot of Petersburg. part of which is under .fence and in good state of cultivation. 40 acres of land adjoining said town plot of Petersburg, port of which is under lbnce and in good state of cultivation. A farm on Shaver's Creek, gener ally known us the "Lang Farm," containing 1,1)8 acres, upon which is erected it Stone Farm House, and suable ;a Fulling Mill, with good water power. Said tract is said to contain it good strata of Iron Ore. Also, all the Testators's right, ti tle nod interest in and to a certain trail of hii.,l near the above farm known as the Maos tract, containing about 75 acres, part of which i, der fence, and ia a good state of cultivation. For further information in regard to sale of l i Real Estate, in the counties of Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria and Bedford, see handbills and Blair County Whig. ' To all other• purchasers than the residuary Leganam, their agents or trustees are to he— One third of the purchase money in %ash on the execution and delivery of a Deed of Convey ance by the acting Executors—the remainder in two equal instalments at the expiration of one and two years from the date of the Deed, with interest. Such payments to he secured in the meantime by the Bonds and Mortgages of the property sold. $5O Cash is to be paid at the time of sale on each piece of property sold. Plans, copies of surveys, exhibit of title•pa• pers, and due attendance will he given on the days of sale by the acting Executors. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day. Br THE COURT, JOHN SHERRY, Cltt•k O. C. JOHN G. MILES, 1 MICHAEL BERRY, f Said acting Executors will also sell at the same time and place the following stocks be longing to said estate, to wit : 50 SHARES of Hollidaysburg and Bedford Plank • Road Company, par value $25 per share, on which 818,50 per share has been paid. 20 Hollidaysburg and Bedford Turr, pike Road Company. 50 Hollidaysburg and Martinsburg Turnpike Road Company. 50 Woodbury and Pattonsville Turn pike Road Company Stock. A pr.29,'57. New Goods ! New Goods ! ! AT D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE. D. P. Gavin its just rotund from Philadel. plan with the largest and most beautiful as• sortmeut of PZIITN) MVO Ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the moat fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, Challis do Latins, B . raize, (dii. colors,) Braise Robes, Brilliants, (dit. colors,) Brilliant 12 noes. Lawn Robes, Chintz Robes, Meals, Plain and Fun- • cy Drees Ginghams, Himmilla Cloth, Silk Warp Levelly Cloth, for travellingdros:es, Mo hair, Dobai', Lawns and Prints of any descrip tion. ALSO, a large lot of dress Tritnmings, Frin ges, Buttohs, Gimps. Bonnet Silks, Bonnet Crapes ' (all colors,) Rihhonds, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Laces, Hosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbonds for Betting, Whalebone and Brass Hoops for Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk and Gingham Crsvuts, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen and C,.itton Floss, Tidy Yarn. • Also the best and largest assortment of Col lore, mid Undorsleeves, in town. lived and Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain ' Fig urn(' and dotted. Crinoline, Moreno and Grass cloth for skirts, Book Murlin, Irish Linen, Li nen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, dre. Also a tins assortment of Spring Shawls, Silk and Baraise Mantillas, and is variety of Dress and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. Also, Cloths, Cassiment, Cussinets, Merano Cassimer, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Cotton Drills, for pants, plain and fancy Lincns, Marseilles and Silk Vesting, Muslins, bleached and unbleach ed, Sheeting and Pillow-case Muslin', Nan keens, Ticker), Cheek, Table Di ipers. Bonnets of the latest style,i and at "tory low prices, Moleskin, Fur. Wool and Summer Hats, latest styles. ALSO ; Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE, QuilingswAßZ, Buckets, Tubs, Bas kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Broome, Brushes, &c. Carpe ts. 011 Cloths, Oil Blinds, Fish and Salt, and all goods seaslly kept in &coun try Store. illy old customers, and as ninny new ones as can crowd in arc respectfully requested to come and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. PAVID GIVIN. April 29, 1857. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. 111ISCEL L AA \ 1:0US ADVERTISEMENTS. PERHAM! OUTDONE! THE. Proprietor of the inercantlie Guide, would respectfull) pall the often. Sion of the Merchants, Farmers and Meehan- ' ics residing out of this city, to the moderate terms for a yearly subscription to the Guide, being in Mail sobseribers only 60 cents per annum, making it the cheapest Family News paper in the United States. The colossus of the Guide will eontaiu the usual variety of oni. ginal and spicy articles, written not only to please but to instruct. Jo regard to politics, the Guide will maintain an independent tone, j and from time to time will advocate measures as conducive to benefit the greatest number. Postmasters and others are respectfully re quested to art as agents for this paper, to whom we will forward specimen copies free when desired to do so. PREMIUMS. —As an inducement fot persons to interest themselves to obtain subscriptions for the MERCANTILE GUIDE, we oak the following premiums. Upon the receipt of the names, pay in advance, we will forward them by express or otherwise if ordered to the ad dress of those entitled to them: For 300 subscribers, cash, For 250 subscribers, we will give a splen• did tine gold watch, (warranted) For 200 subscribcra, an elegant gold locket 4 glasses, worth - For 150 subscribers, 1 elegant bracelet worth For 100 subscribers, one gold vest chain, • worth 10 00 For 75 subscribers, one gold pen and holder, handsomely engraved, worth 8 00 For 50 subscribers, one gold pen and hot- der. worth For 40 subscribers, one gold pen and hol. der, worth For 15 subscribers, ono medium gold pen and holder, worth For 12 subscribers, onegold pen and hol- der, worth 1 50 All communications should be addressed to W. Blakeney, editor and publisher of the N. Y. blerctintile Guide, No. 165 Greenwich St., New York. oar Newspapers throughout the Union by publishing the above appropriately displayed, including this notice, 2 months, and calling notice editorially to the same and sending us the paper, will be entitled to an exchange and receive a gold pen porth $l2 00. New York, May 6,1857.-2 m. 26 WITNESSES; OR THE • 111 tORGIN CONVICT an. John S. Dye, Author, 0 Who has had 10 years experience 11S a Bank- Leer and Publisher, and author of "A series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when :fur 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People 0 greeted him with rounds of applause, while ' 6) he exhibited the manner in which Counter fellers excrete their frauds, tend the sumo and O shortest means of detecting them The Bank Note Engravers nll say that le 0 the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. O Greatest discovery of the present century • detecting Counterfeit Bask Notes. De -I.lseribing every genuine bill in existence, and 7... exhibiting In a glance every counterfeit in 49 circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that reference is cosy and detection instantaneous. Eir No index to examine ! No pages to hunt np ! But so simplified and arranged I 4; that the Merchant, Banker and Business Mutt can sec all nu a glanee. English, French and • ...German. Thus each may read the same in 0 Note List published. Also a list of nil the h Plivoto Bankers in America. A complete 4.) summary of the Finance of Europe and A merica will be published in each edition, to ! • gether with all the important news oldie day. " Also a series of tales, from an old Manuscript yfound in the East, it furnishes tbe most corn. r„ l ,e,ledinl7 opfe,plOrx"lll:ghttplottio" Describ ns in which g the Indies and gentlemen of that Country su have been so often found. These stories will a continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining over offered to S I the public. da. Ur Furnished Weekly to subscribers only "" at St a year. All letters must be addressed to 41.) JOHN S. DYE, Buonxit, Publisher Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, N ow York. • April 22, 1857.-Iy. GREAT BARGAINS, NEW GOODS WZRZ AUPITINOD,Oft.' The undersigned announces to the public that ho has opened a new store in Pottstown, near tl,e old Juniata bridge, and has just received one of the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND BEST STOCKS OF Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queettsware, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, &c., ever brought to this place. Almost every arti etc usually Icept in a country store always on band ; all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. - Country produce taken in esehange for pude. IV NI. J. GEISSINOER. Portstown, April 15, 1857. [ESTATE OFJENNET STEWART DEC.] Administrator's Notice, 'Notice is hereby given, eitut letters of adm in. istration on the estate of Jenuet Stewart, late of West township, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make itnine4itte pay meta, and those having claims against thesame will present them uuly authenticated tor settle. went to WM. STEWART, April 1, 1857.-60 Adar. (ESTATE OF JOHN Me CA /1.4 N, DEC'D.) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons interested are hereby notified that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, Executors of the last will and tea• tament of John McCahan, late of Walker tp., Huntingdon county, dee'd., and all persons ha. ving claims or demands against cold estate are requested to present them without delay,—and those indebted to said estate, ni I pay the same to John K McCahatt, Birmingham, or Jas. A. Mc Vahan, Hollidaysburg. JOHN K. McCAHA N, Birmingham, JAS. A. McCd HAN, Hollidaysburg, JAS. K. MOREHEAD, Pittsburg, JOHN CRESS WELL, Petersburg. March 31, 1857.-61. . Executors. C. O. HUBBIAT mugmv PORK PACKERS, Wholesale Dealers in Provisions, No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, COMMERCIAL ROW, PITTSBURG, PA. Stir Agents for Fairbatik3' Scales. A pr.l,'Wl. - - - Aut iphlogistic Salt. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve- This celebrated medicines is for sale at the ry description, for sale at the Hardware Store of Journal (Ace. For all inflammatory diseases .1: A. BROWN F. CO. it is as certain care, Got a bux and try it, yo ho arc afflicted, Apr.8,%)7.•1y BARGAINS: BARGAINS!! HARDWARE DEPQTI The subscribers have again returned from the East with an enlarged stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, &c., hich they will sell at such prices as shall make it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Me. ct.., and "all the rest of mankind," to give them a call. Our stock comprises Building material, such as Locks, Hinges. Screws, Nails, Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Putty, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead .d Eine Paints. MECHANICS' rooLs. _ Planes, Handsaws, Mill A Crosscut Saws, Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels, Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches, with an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coach•Mahers are invited to call and examine our extensive stock of Har ness Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent and Common Homes, 30 varieties; Oirthing, Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enamelled Lea ther, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and Linings, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Springs, Axles, Ac., TABLE A POCKET CUTLERY, Knives and Forks from 311 cents to $5 per set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons, Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' knives, razors, Ac., Ac, $35 00 15 00 FIOLLOWWARH, 11 00 Porce'nine, Tinned and Plain BoHers, Tea-ket tles, Sauce, Frying .d Baking Puns, Steak Griddles, Dish Covers, tte., Sec., at manufactu rers' price. MISCELLANEOUS. Ice Hammers, Lemon Squeezers, Butter Prints, Butter Ladles, Port Munaies, Bells of all kinds, Guns, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic Pumps for cisterns, Picks, Sledges, Ac., Ac. fierHaving purchased many of our goods at wholesale prices from manufacturers, we are enabled to sell both wholesale and retail—ez tremely low. A liberal share of public patron age is solicited. IlldrAll orders from abroad promptly atten ded to. JAS. A. BROWN Co. A pr.1;57. THI SIIIRLEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY Will commence its summer session of live months, on Monday May 4th. 'The sates ex tended course of instruction, which has been pursued by the present principal during the past two years, is offered to young ladies, who, while profited by their studies, will nowhere find a more healthful or delightful location. The building is spacious and convenient, and, the means of instruction in useful and orna mental branches is on a'liberal scale. Shirleys• burg lies daily communication by stage with the eastern and western mail train of the Penn sylvania R. 11,., and three times per week with the southern part of the State. TERMS-1 Fur Board, light, &e. with English tuition, per session, $62,50 Music, with use of Piano, extra, 10,00 French Day English tuition, from S 5 to 12',00 Apply to .1. It. KIDDER, Principal, Shir loysburg Huntingdon Co., Pa. pr.8;07,.(it. VT A .11_1), , Manufacturer and Dealer in i J. 1111 Vl' LTUU I / 6 , ' Nos. 77 & 79, North Second Street. YAHL.Mraraga. We are now receiving our Spring Stock which will comprise a large and desirable assortnient of all kinds of Straw and Lace Bonnets. Our• stock of flowers will be unusually large this season, and we would invite your special atten• tiou to that department. Please calf uid exit , mine them before making your purchases. H. WARD, Nos. 77 A: 79 North 2d St. March 11,'57.-2m. SAMUEL N. BIECIACIIIEN, MILL•WRIGHT AND Bunn MILL STONE MANE. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much hnproved Smut and Screening Ma chine ; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers. Residence No. 64 Queen St., (18th Ward,) address Kensington Post Office. Shop: Ilaydock Street. below Front, Phila. Cocalico Mill Stones,Mill Irons, Smut Machines Patent Mill Bush, Portable M:lls, Stretched Belting, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed Bolting Cloths. Feb.25,'57.-3m. EtiaaluD DENTISTS KIINTINGIZONs PAv 0 1 L1 F jEn r g:t n li ° e v r e e d s ' act o r rgr s . R. Allison Miller, near the Pres• YY by terian Church, Jan. 11, 1857.-0. S. Palmer & Co MARKET STREET WILT AT, PIIIVA Dealers in Fish & Provisions; Have constantly on band an assortment of Mackerel, Shad, Herrings. Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, - . . Cheese, Rice, &c. March 18, 1837.-3 m. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received by the County: r Commissioners at their office in the borough of Huntingdon, up to 2 o'clock, r. at., on Tues. day, the 19th day of May next, for the purpose of repairing the County Bridge across the Ju• niata River, at the West end of the Borough of Huntingdon. Ar.so, for repairing the Bridge at Drake's Ferry in said county. Plans and specifications will be made known on day of letting. Persons wishing to propose are requested to examine the bridges. By Order of the Commissioners, HENRY W. MILLER, Clerk. 1 300 KEGS PAINTS. White I.,eati, (pure) 82 50 per keg. "- • " (extra) 2 75" {6 Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 240 " " Beat Snow White, 2 68 " tt Oils, &c., and all kinds of HARDWARE and building materials in proportion, at the "hard ware Store" of .2. A. B ROWN & CO. Huntingdon, Apt:13,'57.41, --- ! JACKSON'S - HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, Pk.; 0 u Allegheny Street. between • i; • l'a. It. H.& 11. & B. T. LB. Depots. Wlti. B. ZEIGLER, March 25, 1557.-600 Proprietor. MISCELLANEOESADVERTISEMENT , TERM NUNT/NGDON 0 41/ c , • THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform thrmers and the public general ly, that they now have their new mill in running. order, with all the modern improvements in the enter wheels andtnnehinery: . _ They have put in five of the Improved Ton. val Turbine Water Wheel., and can grind in all stages of the water, ana during the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and farmers can have their oa•n grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they can ho furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop. ped feed. THE SPAUT MACHINE is of an improved manutheture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali ty to every bushel of grain left at their FISHER & 111011.11TRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 185 G. AGENTS WANTED. IDLAKE'S UNIVERSAL BIOG. RAPIIICAI. DICTIONARY:— The NEW EDITION of this valuable work, which has long been in preparation is now pub lished. It forms one volume, imperial octavo, of 1311 pages,—and contains an account of the Lives of about thirteen thousand different Individuals, more than two thousand of whom were citizens-of the United States. The number of New Articles in the present volume exceed two thousand four hundred. The publishers have determined not to fur. MA the Work through the general Trade, but to sell it exclusively by agents. The work is gotten up in superior style—and ns no library will he complete without it, a most excellent opportunity is offered to any person who desires to engage in a pleasant, honorable and pre fitable business. Agents are wanted for all parts of the country. They will please address the Publishers. H. COWPI,II,THWAIT & Co., 211 Chesnut st., Philad'a. Feb 25, 57 —3m SAVING FUND OF T. NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY. Walnut Street, South- Wool corner of Third, PIII LADELPIIIA. Incorporated by the State of Penn rylvania. Toney is received in any sum large or small in and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The Office is open every day, front 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock INTEREST FIVE rER-CENT. All sums large or small, are paid back in gold on demand without notice, to any amount. lion HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, Net J REED, Secretary. DIRECI 0118. Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Manes, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, `Ja James B Francis Lee . Smith. Harr, . This company confines its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The invest ments amounting to neatly ONE MILLION AND A HALF of dollars, as per published report of Assets, are made in conformity with the provi sions of the charter, in Real Estate, Mot [gages, Ground Rents, and such first-class securities, as will always insure perfect security to the depos itors, and which cannot WI to give permanency and stability of this old and well-established Institution. Feb. 20, 1856. Mat4's7 WII I SKE RANDO, La Salle's Original. DTALLAILI vasy rex. Prof. Geo. 11. De Bar has recently returned front Europe, and while there obtained from the celebrated French chemist ; La Salle, at an en• ormous outlay, the receipt and exclusive right of the United States and Canadas, to minutiae ture and sell this celebrated preparation called "whiskerundo," which has never been known to fail to cause Whiskers and Moustaches to grow luxuriantly and heavy, even on beardless faces in two months after first application. To those, persons whose beards are light and wiry it rec ommends itself. A few applications will rea -1 der it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen are i noted for their beautiful Whiskers and l‘loussa• ches, which many of them attribute to the ex cellence of La Salle's Whiskerando. Price $1 I per box; sent to any part of the United States or Cumulus per mail, upon the receipt of $l. Address, Prof. Geo. 11. De Bar, April 1,1837.-3 m. New York. afiZEIY.O aum gSTEDIT....rfs CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! HROMAN respectfully ineorms his custo mers and the public generally, that ho has just opened at his store-room in Market Square- Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Spring and Summer. which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country, Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purcha sing elsewhere. Also Hats, Caps, Also , and Shoes, which will ho sold lower than ut any other es tablishment in the county. • Huntingdon April h 9. 1857. _ FREDERICK SEIDLE, MANUFACTURER OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, SHUTTERS MOIMPINSitt, VIIIRIV3V/ Yll2lll K.... 1. Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. lta - F. S. delivers work to the cars. Ho has always ready made work on band. All orders by mail shall receive prompt attention. Jan. 28, 1857.-6 mo. -- DR. J R. HUYETT, ttzNirrstr: ALEXANDRIA, RUNT. CO., PA. April 1, 1857.-ly. Se' A splendid lot of Fancy and Striped Silks, French Morino, Cashmere, Lvonese Cloth Robes, Fancy and Striped Da'slues, Persian Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col. lays, 'lndusleaves and Mitts, just received and fur sale cheap. by .1. k W. SA NTON. :lIISCELLANEOTS ARVERTISEMENTF AYER'S _ CHERRY (k,L,. PECTORAL, )4,,„, FOR TIIE RAPID CURE OF Colds, Coughs, and Unprrigp, )IEAsB,. 201 h Di!. J. C. A Itelltite toe, ,Ti;;n7l7,; if.;;;4l;9;:infinettn!,:o . ild the rotwotoll,nt sympti Prerna.t, ;171y &oil, PrCllr Inst Nitowta It to possem4 mope. the trratment or throw !n ,rrnnrh i~~r ~~!: tn~~e A. 11. MeIIITLEY, Hs,. of UTICA, N. Y., write; . •l nave nerd your Perron, mygolf and In my family ever since ~,,I;,,nted It, awl 1 . ... ye it the beet medicine fir ILA poirp,to ever put out. With rt had cold I should sooner t i lit o tui r iV , l .r o r tl=l .. tir bottlo than do without it, or Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. sort o, Mum. Feb. r, 1566. Ilc.rrara Arr.', I will cheerfully certify your PecrozAt, 111 liii• last reiii...ly 10 , 1"... for oho CUrrl of 157,0,i, C.O. amp, owl the chest diseases of children. We of your frotoroity in the South appreeluto your skill, and commend your medicino to CONKLIN, 11. D. AMOS TAIL Itf.Q.,lTowrgnitt. 8.1 Jan., INN I WA It tAiii”11111111n110117.11: . W . Iliell nlO to Join , nI; ;Wein; inoici;;Any Mefilelnes without relief; inn& idol your I , neToolll. by tlw advice Of 011 f elorgymati. The first done relieved the norenem In my thront and lunge lerx than 0110 half lio bottlu mod° 1110 comp letely 11 . 011. nmaielnon um the chnumit an well wt ho Imo Wl.lllll IA:y.11111110V 0.0.111 VOll, Doctor, and }lna 1,1111) 1110x.0111110 10100 ninten Mmi." Asthmit or rhthjaic, and Bronchitis, WI ST AlAII;;11.STE11, PA., Pei. 4,1,e.. PAIITOSAI. is performing uutrvotious is se,ti..n. It ling ieli..veil several trent Marin. .ms of consumption, out is now coriuK man ninler2‘2ll!l'.:l•ll . .mefpso longs Coe ii.“ SIR: Yo: min.', In 11l who has 111 ;I:;tyyem . e. HENRY 1.. PARKS, A. A. RAMSEY, M.D.. At.niox, Mom.: , lug 1g my practice of mai I have foliirl tivalting equo alviair Hoe and rebel' to rs such as aro curable." We might ful.l roluture or eviilenee, but the mom tinting proof of the Vi.oll of this remedy is found in its effect., upon trial. _ . Collllllllllptioll. . . . . , Probably no one n•medy las ever bron known wlll,ll cured so many and arch &morons corn' 11// thlo. Pomo no human ald can roach; but BVINI to those the Cneanr l'ecronn affords roller and ownfort. Anna !louse. Nsw Yana CITT, March 6, 166 , 1 Docroa Area. Loa ELL I feel it a fluty and t., in,hrtn yon what yraw Calmar l'Ecron. it. Imo aerie tbr my wife. She Inel leen five immths laboring under the clangeroun symptom. et COTIMIIIIptiOII, from which no Rift RR (Vida lawful, gave her much n her. She wan 4tcuillty until Dr. Strong. Of title city, where we hare norm for nth fee, recVmmoudea a mai e 1 your medicine. to n WPM. iliF It Incloena. on we tle your ekill. frt elm ha, rerov. Your. withµ,raattalo and rgurd, ORLANDO s±ll LIMY, nr (t11.11O11) dirt . dO IPA deSlOdl . lOIVO WM' Ant, PliEnnT VD To., 1l is 1111.1 e I, "no of the 1,,,t tru rhombi. lu the world, nu,l it. cumy around u. tlio 1411 writ, of it. Ledger. Ay er's Cathartic Pills rrillti P11'111:04 of Clietnintry and MC11 . 16110 hnvn .”M taxed their Wmnnl to produce thin bent. wort perfect purgative whirli is known to nm. Innumerable pronh .re;hown that them , lama hare virthee which mr,:ass I, excellence the ordinary medicine., and Mut they win to, preeedentolly upon the tedeent of all Molt. They are ',re Rod pleammt to hike. tot powerful to elite. Their pens• trilling properties ettnittlate the vital activities of th,, body, remove the obetruetlone of Its orgarKportry the blood. and expel disease. They pUrgootit the foul humor... Web breed and grow distemper, etlntulate elngglah or die, tiered organs Into thole Daiwa% Winn. anil Import hrslthy tone wltlt strength to the whole system. Not only body. btlt thitt 11ztV0 halled they produro i.owerful they cure the e‘ory-ility complitinta of nl+o fOrlllitllll.ll` the befit liu ,kill. While same tine, ii if ctn. they aro ta tli safest and best physic that eau he employed for children. Being sugar-coatoll, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, aro free front any rink of harm. Cures have been made which surprise belief were they not inth. terTtintedby men such exalted litho, and chanters.. ry to the public the ~...„bluitoinv.r,:n.,4l,, , , T hliVar era 110‘0 MOllt we the MittIMMICO of tits.ls couviction that My preparations contribute Immensely to the relief alllleted t .iitreong fellow-men. • The Agent Mow named to pleased to furnioll graCo American A Iman, oontninhig directions for their nor ;;;Iltleatee of theircoro.., of too following complainti __Contivoto,T : flhi a Cenlphdoln, IthoorVisto,_.l.,,, Heartburn, Headache llrloing horn a Anil Stu:ll;ok t tar TlldigOiltioll, Of the linsvolii end 1,1 arlslngthen•fintu, Flatulency, Low of Appetite, all Floe, ~,.... ;;1tiillFti1;;;;;; Viers: e . rrniihe on overlie. , Porofuln or Klug'isEell. They also, by Dn.?' Ins the blood and atimnlallug tit° system, run. cowppluinM L th ettli t ien " s?Vir:l::lll l lMl ' greleu ti ni " ? ' sh ' rencln, sorb lld nun Servons Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Pik Oont. imil other kindred complaints arising from low state of the body or olstruction of its functions. Do oat bo put on' by unprincipled dealers with Roo. other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Arm . Di us, and take nothing else. Nu other they can yon compares with this in Its intrinsic cultic or Now.. powers. The sick want the best Wd there is Sit thou, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AI ER Preetieefand Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mess Puce 23 Cr& xxx Box. firs Bon. FOR $ 1 SOLD BY JOHN READ, Huntingdon, and doalere to medicine everywhere. October 13, 1856.—1 y. DREADFUL EXPLOSION! SPRUCE CREEK FOUNDRY. Just as expected, Purdy k Cra• iner t have rented Spruce Creek „. 4 , n n« Foundry, and you would bo surpri• "."" sed to see what a general assort• 'nest of castings they are dealing out to tho public. Mar•hute castings of all shapes and sizes, castings lin Grist and Snw mills, Forges and Furnaces, made to order, at shortest no tice and lowest possible rates. A good assort• ment of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook and Parlor, Wood and Coal, Re., dc. . . . „ They are alto prepared to furnish the worlct and "the rest of mankind" with the well•kuown celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friends including the former customers of this well known establishment. Just call and see our stock if you please. PURDY & CRAM ER. Spruce Creek, Feb. 4,1857.-6 m. COifECTIOI6RT (f• FRUIT STORE. WILLIAM N. SULVARD, THOMAS FRY, ITUOLESALB CONFECTIONER FRUITERER, KO. 191 .North Third St., above Wood, Pala. MANUFACTURER OF CONFECTION. ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jolly Cakes, Cleam Chocolate, French Toys, White Sugar Toys. Sc., &c. AND DEALER IN Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fit. beets, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire crack ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can dy, &c., Ac. The attention of Dealers is reqested to an examination of my stock, which will be found equal to any in Philacle!phiti. N. IL—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt ly attended to. Aug.6,'56.—1y.. LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French Calf Skins, and General Loather Dealer. No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Leather Morocco, &c. RED AND OAR SOLE LEATHER.. March4;s7,ly. I J EAI) PI fot sale at the hardware Store ill .1 A MES A. BROWN & CO.