; Aluitingbon NEWS ABOUT HOME. -... • ..... ELOQUENT Seamen.—On last, Sabbath even ing, Rev. S. H. REID, preached in the Presby terian Church of this place, to a very large and attentive audience. His subject was the refu sal of the three Jewish youths to bow down to the image which Nebuchadnezzar in his sinful and unholy pride, had set up for adoration.— The discourse was divided into two general beads, showing the difference in Christians from principle and those who embrace the creed from motives of policy. He showed that our duty to the laws of our God, should never be forgotten ; that where civil law conflicted with hod's law, our path of duty was simply to op. pose such law, in the manner, spirit, and with the energetic decision of these Jewish youths. The whole discourse occupied an hour in its delivery, ale' never was an hour more profita bly and agreeably passed with us, and we be. here with the entire audience. Rev. Reid al• ways prenchei eloquent sermons, but on this occasion, lie went fat bey 3nd his usual eloquence. It was a sublime, a glorious discourse, as the enraptured stillness of the audience attested. We are free to say, and we any it without a fear of contradiction, that in eloquence, delivery and effect, it equals if not surpasses many of the greatest efforts of the greatest minds. We hope that Mr. Reid will consent to have it pub• lished, as we feel satisfied' that it would be the means of doing a great muount of good. NVe should be much pleased to lay it before the eyes of every Chrisltan in this community, and hope we shall have the pleasure of giving it to our readers. Tim .11UNTINgDON POSTMASTM—Having discharged our duty to the public and ourself, we can take no further notice of this official in our paper. In mentioning him at all, at this time, our object is merely to correct an error I in our last article. We then, impliedly at least, expressed the opinion, that, lost as he is to all sense of honor, he could not be so 109 t to shame I and the spirit of manhood as to suffer us to go unwhipt of justice, if an overwhelming fear of consequences did nut restrain Wm. This int- • plies that he might bo selfdeceived, ignorant of the criminality of his acts, nod blind to the clearest light of truth. But his refusal to seek redress before a legal tribunal—where nothing could prevent a full and fair investigation of our charges—proves not only his guilt, but his complete conociousuegs of that guilt. Ile is, therefore, sunk lower than we were prepared to conceive, ar.d WO owe it to our self-respect to leave him to fester in his corruption. A few bigoted partisans, whose political prejudiees will not permit them to real our statements may Lanny receive his, and console him with their sympathy. But the great main of out people ore honest nt heart rind will nut fail to radon conviction on the wily culprit. We leave him to their judgment, which he nano/ nhi le, howe• ,critocccsafu . lly h,, novavoid tic judi.ocut of a Court and Jury.. II":6"In gpeaking, el' our Attorney the Oh, of :Rat wed:, say '•l@e would hove the distinguished lawver to understand Mat we have not forgotten 11;3 memo ness, to use nu bomber term." We need not inform the Utah,' that 'iv distin guisbed lawyer has never been guilty of the "meatiness" of eneoura,:ing t for 113. gal advice to maim a tun -statement of his case, and then coolly informing the victim of his treachery, "that he emdd not net for him as ho was the counsel for the other silo:' of s u c h meanness our lawyer is incapable, as every one wloi knows the mon would readily believe. 11, the GUe adviser been eq u ally innocent of spvcies of.mpivms professi.mal meanness? 11 we toktake not, events are in pragess which will answer thin question to the confusion of the legal puppy who has induced the Globe to make dark insinuations ngninst the character of ono of the ablest lawyers and purest men in Ltuntingdon County. Ile may learn, too, fore very long, that oven lawyers who live in glass houses should not encourage their toadies to throw stones at honorable members of the profeassion. tir The Court last week appointed John P. Ramey County Surveyor. It will be remem bered teat the vote for this office lust fall, wan a tie between Mr. Ramey and J. S. Africa, Eta., and that an appointment was overlooked amid the hurry and confusion of .the winding up of the January Court. Mr. Rainey is a de serving man and his appointment is right. Mr. Africa is a splendid surveyor, and hoe filled the office to the satisfaction of all parties. Unfortunately for hint, he belongs to the wrong side of politics. If it was not for this serious objection, we would have been gratified to have soon Li., retain the office he filled with so much credit. But we believe in carrying out princi ple to the strictest letter, hence rejoice at the appointment of our excellent townsman Ra mey. Sir Ou Saturday, the School Directors of this district reappointed all the female teach• ors in that departmend of the public schools of this borough. The teachers are Miss Currance T. Benedict, Ist School; Miss Lucretia Hilde brand. 21 ; Miss Eunice Africa, 3d, and Mrs. Black, Primary Department. Messrs. It. F. Brown and R. Turbott, take charge of - the Male Department. We have now 7 Public Schools, 1 Select School, 1 Academy, 1 Seminary, iu operation in our town. HUNTINGDON GAS COSIPANY.-011 Saturday tbs 25th inst., an election was held for liana. gers of this corporation,, which resulted in the selection of Wut. P. Orbison, Win. Dorris, Jr., John Scott, Evers., Dr. B. E. MO'nark and J. Simpson Africa. The board was then or• ganized by the election of Wu. Donau, Jr., Eaq., Presided, and J. SIMPSON AFRICA, See• retary and Treasurer. OW Garden-making is progressing In this locality, and we think it time. Summer will be on us before we have seen anything of the Spring. We think the clerk of the weather should he petitioned to set thing, right. COUNTY 80PNRINTENDENOY.—Measra. Editors --It is right that the qualifications of aspirants to any responsible position in the gift of the people should be properly canvassed and .made known, so that those on whom devolves the du ty of determining the matter may act under standingly and in accordance with the best in terests of the community. But when a cones pendent scribbles for the public press for the mere sake of scribbling, or for the purpose of slandering the character of a rival, or deprecia ting moral or intellectual worth, an intelligent community generally soon discovers the motives of the writer, and the stigma which he wishes to fasten upon another inevitably recoils upon himself. Such surely will lie the case in refer. ence to some of the correspondents of the Shir leysburg Herald, a little sheet that can wield about as much influence in the matter of Coen. ty Superintendency as Billy Dunn. Where is the Director in the county that would listen to the froth of the phrensied brain of a notorious sot, or even waste his time in reading the com munication of a maniac aspirant himselfl— specimens, indeed of humanity, to endea vor to dictate to the School Directors of Hun tingdon county whom they shall elect as Super intendent to take charge of the moral and intel lectual training of the youth of our county I Better abolish the office entirely than listen to he insane ravings of such h•rwk. "Civis" and "Cass Township," correspondents of the Herald, that filthy little sheet in the lower end, had bet. ter turn their attention to their respective call. ings than to be meddling with things they are' , not fit to touch. The majority of the Directors in the lower end, I am satisfied, will not sup• port Mr. Owen, because they well know his elec tion would prove injurious to the prosperity of the Common Schools, and drive every compe tent teacho' out of the county. The man that would make arrangements with the citizens of a certain village to locate a Normal School in their midst, and at the same time give his name as teacher of Mathe matics in a rival institution ten or fifteen miles distant, for the purpose of reciving the support of the friends of that Seminary, should not get one vote in the Directors' Convention. And 1 mistake very much if Mr. Owen obtains much support in that Convention. The directors ate not blind that they cannot see, neither are•they fools that they cannot act on the decision of their own judgements. I have been connnected more or less with the Ccmmon Schools lbr the last eighteen yearn, and have taught not a little in theta, and I must say, from what I have seen and learned, the system would by no means tend to a healthy condition in the hands of Mr. Owen. He is not the nuts for the crisis. The subject of the. I Superintendency should receive the candid con sideration °revery director in the county. It is one that should come haste to the hearth-stone of every citizen, because it is a matter of no ordinary magnitude to the parent at Inset, to 1 I know Who is to be the guide in giving dime. Lions to the tender mind of his child. The Coin. mon School should be the nursery to train the youthful intelleesin acquiring proper religious cr moral impressions as well us others, fur there is Mail in the saying that "just us the twig is I bent the true' is inclined." It should thee be I the duty of the Directors to see to tiff!. The Superintendent should not only be a man of scion( e and literature, and nn experienced ten ! cher, tut he should he a Christian in no hypo. critical sense of the word, and such a man .s Robeter McDivtcr, whom the Directors would do well to elect. SOCRATES. April 25, 1857. A.:le-Dave Gwin announces front his new and splendid store, his spring art ival. Such a way of doing things as Dave has; is really astonish ing. Ile has actually brought down the price I of; gum's su low, that you can almost get any quantity fur the fun of carrying them away.— We can leisure our readers that Dave can't be heat in low prices, good articles, and polite at tention to customers. That's emphatically so. Kr The coining comet will "smash the old world to Hinders . ' in June next. It will create a "lute,' no doubt, but not Maas much as will the opening of J. & W. Saxton's stock of spring and summer goods, at the "Metropolitan." We shall attend to them in our next. *fir Geisenger in Portstown is doing ahand• some business. His stork being entirely new, is going off like hot cakes, and he will have to go East for a fresh stock ere the summer comes if the rush continues. Hurrah for Bill. girCuuninghtun & Dunn, are revolutioni zing the prices in this community. Their spring stock will be on soon, and then •'clar do kitchen" for the grand rusk. We shall notice them again. leir Roman's Clothing Store, we recoil, mend to our friends. He sells the best zoods, and at cheaper rates than dny other Clothing Store in the ten counties. Call on him and be convinced. Aar Several communications, original poe try, &c., have been crowded,out of to•dny'e pa per. Some we reject. "Omicron" in our next, certain. iffir`Winter still lingers in the lap of Spring' and won't be driven off. Two months of Spring passed and no sign of her coming yet. * *The shipments of Coal from the Broad Top Mine for the week ending April2lst, were 2068 Tons. Total for the year 13,993 tons. PHILiDELPHIA MARKETS. There glut little movement in Flour to day owing to the difference in the views of buyers and sellers, and we are only advised of a sale of 200 bbls. extra at $673 per bbl., which is an advance; standard brands are also better, and $6 is generally reported; the stock on sale is very light, and sales are confined to the wants of the trade at from $6 12 to $6 25 for common, and better brands bring $6 50a6 75 for extra, and s7a7 30 per bbl. for fancy lots, as in quality. Rye Flour is held at $4. Corn Steal $3 10 per bbl. Wheat-9000 bus were disposed of including 3000 bus prime Penns red at 150 c ' • 3500 bus white at 161 e, afloat, and 1500 bus do choice, on terms not made public. Rye eontinues steady, with further sales of 500 , 1000 bus at 82e. Corn is scarce and wanted, and all offered, some 3000 bus South• ern yellow, have been taken at 71e, afloat in. eluding a lot in the cars at 72. Oats continue in request at 52c, and very few offering. HEA I,ll.—Hurley's Sarsaparilla enters the MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. circulating fluid—"the blood"—increases the red globules necessary for perfect health, and eradicates all taint or diseasefrom the condi. tulion.— Chicago Pentocrat. Sold by Sei;iefflin Brothers & Co., N. Y.; Russel, Schott Co., Philadelphia iJ. D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio, and all extensive medicine venders throughout the Union. A ntiphlogisti c Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For nil inflammatory diseases it is a certain cure. Oct a box and try it, ye who are afflicted. glarrieb,. In this borough on the 24th inst., by Rev. R. Fletcher, Mr. Thomas McCalian to Mrs. Sarah C. Peightal, all of this borough. . On the 27th ult., by Rev. S. H. Reid, Dr. Tobias Harnish to Miss Augusta, eldest daugh- ter of Anthony J. Stewart, Esq., deceased. Pitb . , At Warriors:nark, on the 22nd ult., of scarlet fever, HARRIS MILLER, eon of Dr. H. K. and Mary M. Neff, in the 7th year of hie age. In this borough on Friday the 24th inst., Miss Elizabeth Ramsey, aged about 50 years. CHINESE SUGAR. CANE. FARMERS, keep up your spirits, for the sweet times are coming. An intelligent farmerof Cumberland County, N. J., sums up kis expe• rience thus, as the product of one acre : Cane, 49368 lbs.; juice, 1694 gals.; good thick syrup, 332 gals.; fodder, 1936 lbs.; seed, 00 bus. (40 lbs. to the bu). Packets sufficient for a trial (25 etc.) sent by mail. For sale by JOHN HEAD, Huntingdon, Pa. A pr.29;57. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received by the County Commissioners at their office in the borough or, Huntingdon, up to 2 o'clock, P. M ' . on Tues. day, the 19th day of May next, for the parpose of repairing the County Bridge across the Ju• 'data River, at the West end of the Borough of Huntingdon. Arse, fur repairing the Bridge at Drake's Perry in said county. Plans and specifications will be made known on day of letting. Persons wishing to propose are requested to examine the bridges. By Order of the Commississnets, HENRY W. ItIIf.LER, Clerk. [Estate of Alfred 11. Crewit,'elec'il.] Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters testimen tary on the estate of Alfred 11. Crewit, lute of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., have beets granted to the undersigned, residing in said borough, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned, duly authenticated, fur settlement. JANE. D. CREWIT. 1 April 22, 1857.—tit. Executrix. l ASSYILLE MALE & FEMALE SEMINARY 11EV. A. S. HANK, A. M. Principal, Assisted by compt,telit instructors. This institution, remote from scenes of vice and dissipation, is healthfully located among the mountains of Huntingdon Co.; Pa. Cus;• silk is 15 miles from Mill Creek Station, Pa. R. It., and is accessible by stage on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. The Tt tone. have made arrangements for a Sum mer Session, in order to accommodate young gentlemen and ladies who Lave been engaged in teaching during the wittier months. The Summer Session will commence May 4th, and continue 21 weeks. Eighty students were in attendance during the past year, and more can be neeomniodaiej. TERMS :—Board, washing and .room rent per week, . 82 00 Tuition in English branches per Session, 18 00 Ancient and Modern I.tingua2es. Music and Ornamental branches, extra, Incidental the, per session, 2 00 April 22, 1857.-2 t. Of WITNESSES ; Olt THE ronots tONIFICVID. John S. Dye, Author, Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank er and Publisher ' and author of "A series of ,Q Lectures at the Broudway Tabernacle," when a' for In successive nights, over 50,0110 People 0 greeted hint with rounds of applause, while Vhe exhibited the manner in which Counter ,. feiters execute their frauds, and the surest and X shortest means of detecting them ! • The Bank Note Engravers all say that I e nis the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. fQ Greatest discovery of the present century litr detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De tl scribing every genuine bill in existence, and 16 exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that relerence in easy and detection anstantancous. thr No index to examine ! No pages to Chunt up ! Pot so simplified and arranged me Milt the Merchant, Blinker 111141 Business nu. can see all at a glance. English, Freneh and German. Thus each may read the same in Ins own notice tongue. Most perfect Bank CO Note List published. Also u list of all the I:Private Bankers in America. A complete initiatory of the Finance of Europe and A merica will he published in each edition, to • ', gether with all the important news of ilia day. O Also a series of tales, front an old Manuscript found in the East, it furnishes the most corn y pane History of "Oriental Life." Deutrils. ing the most perplexing positions in which fl the ladies and gentlemen of that Country have been so often found. These stories will O continue throughout the whole year, and will INN ' , rume the most entertaining ever odered.to . 4 ; the public. „t Furnished ['eel! m ly ust ' ll l's s e d i l b r !s r : :t i l l to lY • JOIIN S. DYE, BliOHlilt, Publisher & Q Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York • April 22, 1857.—1 y. GREAT BARGAINS NEW GOODS IN WES% Outfit:lN/WON. The undersigned announces to the publicthat be has opened a new store in Portstown, near toe old Juniata bridge, and has just received one of the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND BEST STOCKS OF Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots dit. Shoes, Hats dd. Caps, &a., over brought to this place. Altuoss every arti cle usually kept in a country store always on baud i all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. oar Country produce taken in exchange for goods. WM. J. (11:1ISSINGER. Portstown, April IS, 1857. Et•, ATTOIINIIV AT LAW,I Will attend to all protemional business entrusted to bin care in the several Hearts or Huntingdon county. Deeds, Leases and Artieles of Agree• • ment, written at the shortest notice and on the most reusonallle terms. Shirleyabarg, April 12, 1857. Di 04112. rpo the School Directors of Huntingdon coon ! ty. GENTLEMEN I. pursuance of the 43d sec tion of the Act of Bth May. 1854, you are here. by notified to meet in Convention, at the Court House in Huntingdon, on the first Monday in May, A. D.. 1857, being the _Aura day of the month at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select, viva rove, by a majority of the whole number or Directors present, one person oflit erary aid scientific attainments, and of skill and experience in Teaching, ns County Super. intendent, for the thrae succeeding year ; tv. termitic the amount or compensation for the same, and certify the result to the StalirSuper intendent at Harrisburg; as required by the 39th and 40th section of said act. ALBERT OWEN County Superintendent of Huntingdon County. Huntingdon, April 8, 1857. THE SIIIRLEYSBURG .rE MALE SEMINARY Will commence its summer session .of five! months, on Monday . , Mug 4th. The same ex tended course of i nstruction, which has been pursued by the present principal during the paid two years, is olfered to young ladies, who, while profited by their studies, will nowhere find a more healthful or delightful location. The building is spacious and convenient, and the means of instruction is useful and orna• mental branches is on a liberal scale. Shirleys burg has daily communication by stage with the eastern and western mail train of the Penn sylvania R. R., and three times per week with the southern part of the State. TERMS— For Board, light, &c. with English tuition, per session, $62,50 Music, with use of Piano, extra, 20,00 French, 10,00 ._....., Day English Tuition, from $5 to 12,00 Apply to J. B. KIDDER, Principal, Shir leyoburg Huntingdon Co., Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! HARDWARE DEPOT! The subscribers have again returned from the East with an enlarged stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, Sc., which they will sell at such prices as shall make it the interest of housekeepers, Builders, Alm chanies, and the rest al mankind," to give them a call, Our stock comprises Building material, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Patty, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Zinn Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS. Planes, Handsaws, Mill & Crosscut Saws, Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels, Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches, with an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coach-Makers are invited to call and examine our extensive stock of Har !less Mountings and Conch Trimmings, Patent and Common Heine, 30 varieties t Girthing, Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enamelled Lea ther, Oil Cloth for Co,:tages, Coach Laces and Linings. Hillis, Spc,A lueN, Shaft., Springs, Axles, &c., &c, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, Knives and Forks from 37i cents to $5 per set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons, Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' knives, razors, &c., &c. HOLLOWWARE,. Pore°laine, Tinned and Finis Boilers, lea•ket tles, Sauce, Frying and Baking Yaws, Sieak Griddles, Dish Curers, &c., lie.. at munition rers' prices. MISCELLANEOUS. Tee Hammers, Lemon Squeezers, Butter Prints, Better Ladles, Port Mutinies, Bells of all kinds, liens, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of variftus kinds,. Chain Pinups and Metallic Pumps fur cisterns, Picks, Sledges, he., be. Mr-Having purchased many of our goods at wholesale priers from inanutaeturers, we are enabled to sell both idiolesale and retail—ex. treinely low. A liberal share of public patron. age is solicited. frorAll orders from abroad promptly atten ded to. JAS. A. BROWN & Co. Apr.l,'s7. 300 KEGSPAINTS. $2 50 per keg. 2 75 " 2 4U " 268 " " White Load, (pure) " (extra) Philadelphia Zinc Paint, Beet Snow White, and ill kinds of HARDWARE and building materials in proportion at the "Hard ware Store" of J. A. B ROWN & CU. Huntingdon, Apr.8;57.-tl, Ra3inr.t PORK PACKERS, AND Whoßesole Dadvrft in Provisions, No. 825 LIBERTY STREET, COLO NI EIWI L ROW, PITTSBURG, PA. seir Agents fur Fairbanks' Scales. Apr.l,'s7. JACKSON'S HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA.: On Allegben) Street. between PA. R. R. & 11. It. T. R. It. Depots. ITTI. B. ziwa,Frt, March 25, 1 857.-6ln • ProprielOr. [ESTATE OFJEANET STEWART DEC.] Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that letters of admin istration on the estate Jennet Stewart, late of West township, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate pay. mem; and those having claims against the sante will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to WM. STEWART, April 1,1857.-6 t. (ESTATE OF JOHN IIIeCAI.IIN, DEC'D.) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. An persons interested are hereby notified that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, Executors of the last will and les• lament of John Afoeuhan, late of Walker tp., Huntingdon comity, deed., and all persons ha. ving claims or demands against said estate are requested to present them without delny,—and those indebted to said estate, tri l pay the same to Joint K. tliceishun, Birmingham, or Jae. A. .Me Cuban, Hollidaysburg. JOHN E. 111eCAHAN, Birmingham, JAS. A. AIeCAILI2I 7 , Ilolliduysbarg, JAS. K. MOREHEAD, Pillsbury, JOHN ORESSIVELL, Petersburg.• .Unapt 31, 1857.4 t. Ereetteos, MILNWOOD W. H. WOODS, A. M., Proprietor and Principal. J. A. f E f D, A. /111.,,Professor of the Latin . J. ALFRED SD A DE, M. D., Lecturer and Greek Language.. on Anatomy and Hygeana. Rev. W. 8. OR BISON, Lecturor on Ev.- - Teacher in Preparatory Depart idences of Christianity. meet. Aesistant in English Department. ph e next session of this Institution will open the first Wednesday of May. Peculiar induce .' ments are held out by this Institotion, to young men desiring en education. The Board of Instructors is composed of gentlemen of high literary attainments, and skilled in Itch dons. The locution is (Oct, secluded and healthy ; situated among the mountains it enjoys the pure mountain air. There has never a single ease of Ague originated hero, and those subject to it would find this a desirable location. The course of instruction is such as is best calculated to prepare young men for business, for teaching, and for taking a high stand in college. A Nor mal ch•.as is formed for those desiring to become teachers, in which, practical instruction will he given in the art of teaching, hearing recitations, and the proper mode of managing and condo, ling a school. The course of study in the Commercial Department, is such as to give thorough instruction in Single and Double Entry Bookkeeping, Mercantile Calculations, Penmanship, tte. The time occupied tofinish the course, will vary from 3to 10 weeks, depending on the students diligence. Students can take up this branch of study either in connection with other tud ice, or devote their whole time to it alouo Shade Gap is situated on the mail route betw and Chitinbt rs built, from which places there is Terms of session of five months, $52 5 0. W try Book-keeping, full course, time not limited, limited, 88 M. Payment halt in advance, baba Academic Department, studying Book-keeping, . . . A deduction of [en dullarsis lade for minisZei Isrs, address, March 18:1857.-6t. gyourara (II ()THING ! A New Assortment Just Opened I And will be sold 30 per oent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! HHOMAN respectfully in'ornis his eusto , thrs and the public generally, that he hto last opened itt kis store-ruunt in Market Square lluntingdun,a splendid new stook of Ready wade Clothing for Spring and Summer. which ho will sell cheaper then the same quality of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would du well to call and examine his stock before purcha sing elsewhere. Also, flats, Caps, Roots, and Shoes, which will be sold lower thau at any other es tablishment in the county. • Huntingdon April 29. 1857. -- • Will SKI.I,ItANDO. La Salle's Original. @DE DTA., IIV Ell.r. 'lffy nr. Prof. Gen. 11. De Bar has recently returned from Europe, and while there obtained from the celebrated French chmist, La Salle, at an en• (gluons outlay, the receipt end exclusive ripbt of the United States and Canadas, to manuMc turn and sell this celebrated preparation called no s kcearunsved cWhisk er l s thas c Mou r s t b a r ,. . , e h n e R la t t o o ti t o p ro : ‘ luxuriantly and heavy, even on beardless faces in two months after first application. To those persons whose beards are light and wiry it rec• ommeeds itself. A few applications will ren der it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen are noted for their beautiful Whiskers and Mousur ches, which many of them attribute to the cx• valence of La Salle's Whiskerando. Price Si per box ; sent to any part of the United States ur Cauadas per mail, upon the receipt of SI. Address, Prof. Geo. 11. De Bar, April I, 1857.-3 m. New York. Gas 1 Gas-Lights are Coming I AND SU ARE cg s7 o ‘ 4 3 NOT WITH GAS! But with uu entirely now Awl well assorted stock FALL Bi, WINTER Go_o DS, - San AS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUM XI NS WARE HARDWARE SOOTS A. SHOES, HATS tir. CAPS, BONNETS, CARPETS, and Oil Clothe. WOOD, WILLOWWARE and every other article usually kept in a coun try store. We have one of the hest selected stocks of DIM GOODS ever offer , d to the citizens of this place and vicinity, and are deter mined to sell lower than can be purchased cast niche Allegheny. Give us a call and be slit's tied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at cost. Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan before purchasing at any other House. We also purchase and store Grain, and it is admitted by all that we have the safest place of unloading in town. All kinds or produce taken in exchange for Goods. SAMUEL M. DIECUTCHEN, AND BCIIII. 5.111.1. STUNS MATC• Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and touch improved Smut and Screening Ma. chine ; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster, the Prvinitun Machine for Millers. Residence: No. 64 Queen Sc., (18th Ward,) address Kensington Post Office. Shop: Haydock Street—below Front, Phila. ()malice Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Smut Machines Patent Mill Bush, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed Bolting Cloths. Feb.2s, 57.3tu. [ESTATE OF JOHN WILSON, DEM.] Administrator's Notice. NOM.. E is hereby given, that letters of admit, istration on the estate of John Wilson, late of CMS township, Huntingdon county, deed., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly au• thenticated for settlement. LEWIS STEVER, I Adrar's, RACHEL WILSON Cass tp., March 18, 's7.—Gt* 52[111.2M, VIAAgIIE D DENTIStS; 9 ORTINGDO4, IFFIOE removed to the rooms lJadjoining the residence of Dr. R. Allison Miller, near the Pres• "•••• by terian Church. Jan. 14, 1857.—tf. HOW'S THIS ? J. & W. SAXTON are now receiving their Second Full and Winter Stock of New and Fashionable Dry Goods Enumeration is unnecessary, but what every body says must be true—and everybody says the place to find the best assortment of Dry Goode, in these parts, is at J. W. SAXTON'S. Dec. 1 0,'.56. Ant, DR. N J R. HUYETT, 0, AILEXAN uu.,T. co., I'A. April 1, l --ly. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve ry description, fur sale of ti.e llurdwaro Store of J. A. BROWN & CO. Arr.8,'57.-ly ACADEMY. een Mt. Union Station, on the Penn's, nallroad, it regular line of Stages. hishing anti tight extra. Tuition in Double En , $20 . 00. In Single Entry, lull course, time not once at the middle of the session, Students in ,are only charged bolt the above prices. ors' sons. For catalogue containing full particu- W. li. WOODS, Shade nap, nuntingdon Co.,Pu. N. WA.AUT Manufacturer and Dealer In STRAW GOODS, Nos. 77 & 70, North Second Street. :43[IlatoLtEimplikr,x. We are now receiving our Spring Stock which will comprise a large and desirable assortment of all kinds of Straw and Lace Bonnets. Our stock or flowers will be unusually large this season, and we would invite your special atten tion to that department. Kase cull and exa• mine them before making your purchases. H. WARD, Nos. 77 & 79 North 2d St. March 11,'57.—'1m. OU . Narti4OZON - 11 TEE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon infirm farmers and the public general ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels god machinery.. They have put in live of this Improved Jon ' cal Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, ants during the coldest weather, any and gill kinds of gram. They aro prepared to sell, nail have on hand for sale at all 'laws. at market rat, all kind at FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and tamers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop• ped feed . THE SMUT ETILIDIZINE is of an improved manuhicture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail. ty to every bushel of grain left at their FISHER & N. B.—The Buckwheat stones arc not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 105 G.. AGENTS WANTED. • BLAKE'S UNIVERSAL BIOG. RA PHICAL DICTIONARY:— The NEW EDITION of this valuable work, which has long been in preparation is now pub- It forms one volume, imperial ovum), of ifniti pages,—and contains an account of the Lives orabout thirteen thousand different Individuals, more than two thousand of whom were citizens of the United States. The number of Vow Articles in the present volume exceed two thousand our hundred. The publishers have determined not to fur nish the Work through the general Trade, but to sell it exclusively by agents. . . . . , The work. is got wn up in superior style—and as no library will be complete without it, a oust excellent opportunity is offered to any person who desires to engage in a pleasant, honorable and pre &able business. Agents are wanted for all parts of the country. They will please address the publishers. H. CowPERTa WAIT Co., 211 Chesnut st., Philnd'n. Feb.25,'57.-sm. SAVING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY. Walnut Sired, South- W t corner of Mini, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the State of Penn rylvania. loony is received in any sum large or small in and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. • The Office is open every day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till o'clock INTEREST FIVE I'ER CENT All sums largo or small, are paid back in gold on demand without notice, to any amount. Hon HENRI' L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRII)OE, Vice President, Wee J lieeu, Seeretnr,, . DIREC2 ORS. Landreth Moons, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Ilen. L. Churchman Francis Leo. Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Ci r ter, Hubert Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton, James B. Smith. This company confines its huSiness entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The invest ments amounting to nearly ONE DIILLION AND A Thus of dollars, as per published report of Assets, are made in contormity with the provi sions of the charter, in Real Estate, Mottgages, Ground Rents, and such first-class securities, as will always Insure perfect security to the depos itors, tint which cannot fail to give permanency and stability of this uld and well-established ' Institution. Feb. AI, 1856. 81ar4'57 FREDERICK SEIDLE, MANUFAUTISII. SASH. BLINDS, Doom, KHUTTERS MOULDZISI634 Wiki2)6T/ 112Ca.t Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Cu., Pa. Slier. S. delivers work to the ears. He has alw sys ready mode work on hand. All orders by mail shall receive prompt attention. Jan. 28, 1857.-6 mo. J. Palmer & Co.. MARKET STREET 'MARI', Deniers in Fish & Provisions ; Have constantly on hand an assorlineut ul Mackerel, Shad, Herrings. Codfish, Beel; Pork, Lind, Shoulders, Maw" Sides, Cheese, Rico, &e. March 18, 1857.—:fiu. 40Ton. of Anthricito Coal just received and for sale by Cunningham & Dunn. L EAD PIPE tot solo at the Hardware Storu or JAMES A. IfflOWN & CO. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AYER'S CHERRY 4 PECTORAL, FOR TUE RAPID Zia. OF • C 111111%; Coliklis, and Illoarfmness. Ram tara.n, Alarm. 29th hen., 1866. It. J. C. MEI: I du aut haehtgamiety he hoar remedy I have i•Ver Ail/11.1 for TI.1,111!!!!. ,nll , lervt, and the • • nut symptom of a Cold, iv yonr PXCTU:IA, LA roaelmit me in 1;mill:hi. the hilt has thotOrt It to poweoas ellpe. 4 • for the tmittuout t. 4 ties° ElttlN .1. 11. *MiNNI.NY, YNI.. of Unot. N.Y., rH.: "I hen •14e.1 and In IP, faulty ever slues you iuvottle..l It. and behave It the Lot medicine for It i, ,•v..r pat ont. IVlth a bad cold I obottltl 'wooer pay twenty-fry... Wm. fl.r n I,ttle than do reitbout It, or ta,e any , niter remedy:' Cro . up,WhoOping Cough, Influenza. B:IIINUFIELD, Mos., Fob, 7, 1866. 11,71tfal A rci : T will doter/ally certify your PE,FORAL I. lite bo+t r. mod, we posoont for the cur. of Whooping ditleafi. of rhlldron. W. a . S.uth npproclitto your (kill, and ronoutool your ukoilici no to oar people. • 1111(.0.1 CONKLIN, 11. D. 1.F.1:, MONTLIMY, lA, writes, Jan., Itis6 "I had a ti 0i11:3 Intlacintii i which contlacd me In &Ws toOk many modleinteiaitlsont rend: Anal, ii s ti " :; t ;t r Atrr, M I ZI *. I4 limp; logo than one half the liotthi made ma complinctv wail. Your maillainon n o tho writ an pichaint can bay. and eiiteiim VOll. Ductor, and your roma. no the poor immix Meml. e ' Asthma or rtithlsic, and pronol!i9A., •-• wr neticliwaiEß, PA.. Feb. 4, 1b46, Y.nr iv 1.1 1 . ..111111g VIM v , 11.,.• von , 111 thin v , tinn. I e I . l.4. ,, rd•neveral 1.1.1111 , lig pyniptonin 1111,11,1 11:1.1 . t ilLNII , C . it . pu t; trot I,rty A. A. 11 111qtY. 111.11.. itint 3('l\toir Co.. Tow, • tlopt. 6, 1,155: "Doting iny proottro of,tany yearn lts, (onto] nothloK e.tor.l to ~, 1 11 CULIMI 1,1. U., lot ,Iving OLIO and roller to counutuptlou iIIR t4.21t no two citrablo.ll We might add volontee of evidence, Lot the most eion• vlnehig proof of the ell tune of this remedy le found In ite uncle upon Consumption. Pmlwbly nn one tenioly has over been known which cured en many Anil such dangerous MPH. As this. Some no 'lumen ale can reach; but even to Moe, the Count Peoloneb allot& relief and comfort. Adroit liotp,z, S YORK CRT, Mury 5, !AM DoeinnAW.l7.ll;la: T fret It n dtty and n plemotra to Intomt yon wing ,yrntr CIIRRRT PECTORAL hoS 'WOO for my will. Alto hail Wm, five wonting Interltoi tovtcr the Ilangoronn ,ytoptomn of Connontiltion from which no nict wo could pounno ove 11, smolt mull, Elfin 1011.4 fatting. unt il Dr. Atroog. thlt city, where, we, hare con. tr. .11, to be, Yoi rom thttt blit is fl grutltudetilt.ll ,, ,rd. ORLANDO SIMLIIY. Rauerrirt not despair till youl.v. Vied AT It Ls wads by one LI the lAyst sld. and its cows utl isesssa Philadelphia Lnlyr. Clossump riIZP.PY PE 11 Ow W the high urn. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rpliE orirtsePß of Cheinieiry and :sled!eine illt•• twee I taxed their ittmoot to produce this beet, moat p..ria,r , purgative which in known to man. Inininicruide pro,* ire shown that these Pn.o hare virtues which ear Nu. oar excellence the ordinary medicine., and that precedentedly upon the esteem of all MOIL and piennant to take, but powerful to cure. Their Arno tilting prvmerties ntim ul at e the vital act lvlt ien of the body. remove the obstructions Its ermine. purify the blood. and expel disease. They muge out the foul haulms %Lich breed end grow dintemper. Miamian, nlucgi B li or dlaoi• dere.' manna Into their matinilacelon, and iumad healthy tone strenctli b , the whole myetem. Not only do they mire the every ley complaints of every inely, bet also Girmldable and thintrerows dieeance that have Defiled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they aro at the 1,1110 limo, fn dlmisifshed doom. the Rifest rtn.l bent phyple that can be employed for thilib e Ilona; sugar-coated, they are pleasant to lake: end Leh, purely vegetable, are free from any rink of harm. Cum. hare been made which ironies., Tyner were they int ••11. stantlated by men of tech exalted puellton and shora,tur an to 101b1U uw SU,ICIoII ur mural,. - AI, ...H..... clergymen and phytileintin have !cut their lintues fy to the public the rellobility of my renanlies, w Iti:A ern 113,0 sent ine thin onntirance or C. , IIVICt 103 my Preimmtfon“ contribute immensely to rho of ti• afflicted, suffering fellowmen. The Agent below muffed is pleased to furnish grail: v. r Autecican Almanac, containing dlrectiona for thoir MO 404 certificatee of their Mired, of Biel . ..Bowing cmnplalule: C.llVelle.. Bilious Complaints, ifiletnatieni, Di .1., Heartburn, 'llefuloche from a foul Stoninc4, Non. flea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction an. Bowels nod Pain arising therefrom. Vl...Jeffry, Loss of Appetite., all trice, MN and Cutanvons iiiswnses wLieh m,IaX l/ I • Medicine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They abet, by purify, lug the blood and ellmulating the system, cure complaints which It would not be supp.e.l Uwe cot,:d roach. ouch as Deafness, Partial Blindnoos, Nourafein and Nervous Irritability. Derangement...A the Liver and Hi., roe, Gout. and other kindred comploltds arising hem n low state of the body or obstructiv of Its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with envo other pill they make Inure prulit on. Ask for A vs. s PILLS, and take nothing else. No other they toll gi‘ you compares with this in Ito fntrluslo Ca Coral,. 1101,4 s. The' alck want the best aid there is I t ne.of and they should have It. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AI ER !logistic and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Noes Puns 28 Cm us Box. lint So.§ rut $ 1 • BUD BY JOHN READ, Huntingdon, ani dealers in medicine everywhere. October 15, 1856.-1. BREATHE. EXPLOSION! SPRUCE CREEK FOUNDRY Just as expected, Purdy & Cra - . *let mer, have rented Spruce Creek t,:t u - ta i g Foundry, and you would be sucpri• secl to see what a general assort meat of castings they are dealing out to the public. Machine castings of all shapes and sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges and Furnacesrrnade to order, at shortest no tice and lowest possible rates. A good assort ment of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook and Parlor, Wood and Coal, &c., &e. They are also prepared to furnish the world and "the rest of mankind" with the well.known celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friends including the former customers of this well known establishment. Just call and seb our stock if you please. PURDY & CRAMFR., Feb. 4, 1857.-Bm. Spruce Creek, Pa. CONFECTIONARY C FRUIT STGRA WILLIAM N. 8111'GAIRD, THOMAS FRY, IVIIOLESALE CONPINTIONER A Fitt:MERU, IVI .Vorth Third St.., above Wood, Thi/o. NUFACTURER OF CONFECTION- Iyj ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate, Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly Cakes, Cteam Chocolate, French Tcys, White Sugar Toys. ANb DEALER IN Granges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs. Dates, Primes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil berts. Cream Nutt', Ground Nuts, Fire Cratik. ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Each Cau• The atteutiou of Dealers is rettested to an exauditation of my stock, which will be found equal to am iu Philadelphia N. IL—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt. ty totoided to. A ui.6,%16.-Iy.* LEATHER ! LEATHER 1 LEATHER ! tiEICRY W. 0 ERMAN, fin porter of French Calf Skins, mid General - Leather Dealer, o. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. ' A general usnortuteut of kiuds of Leather Morocco, PPE:/ AND OAK RULE 'LEATHER Marcll4 2 'o7.ly, . • • • 35 , 8 01.1:, ocelr dilgAltAritregt