iht [untingDoil WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 EDITORS, SAM. G. WHITTAKER, Vottrg. tVASZINGTON'S GRAVII. "Disturb not his slumbers, tread lightly around, 'Tis the grave of a hero, 'tie liberty's mound, His name is immortal—our freedom it won, Great sire of Columbia, our own Washington. Then disturb not the hero—his battles are o'er, Let him lest, calmly rest on his own native ebony Near the river's green borders, so flowery drest, With the hearts he loves fondly let Washington rest. Disturb not his 0 umbers, let Washington sleep, 'Neath the boughs of the willow that over him weep, Ilia arm is unnerved, but his deeds remain bright As the stars in the dark vaulted heavens at night. Then disturb not the hero, his battles are o'er, Let him rest undisturbed on Potomac's fair shore While the stars and the stripes of our country shall wave O'er the land that can boast of a Washington's Gram" (Oritylic,*ltttc4ts. U WA IBLIEDI3IIt3 OR, A NIGHT IN A SPORTING-HOUSE. BY A SPECTATOR. It was the height of the season, and the rooms were crowded. That evening at the party there was dan. cing on one side and playing on the other. Here the glare of wax lights, the sparkle of diamonds on the foreheads of the women, and the confused murmur of lively conver sation, drowned in the harmonious voice of the Orchestra ; there were two or three wax-lights on a table, round which were seated a group of grave, anxious-looking, and thoughtful men—a few words exchan ged at interval., and for accompaniment the metallic chink of the handeful of gold, which rolled and tinkled as they fell. When the beautiful Estelle Montgomery entered the saloon, leaning on Frank Vid cent's arm, the crowd made for her, every one admiring the handsome couple as they advanced up the ball room In a short time afterwards, Estelle, beset on evety side with invitations, wan dancing and smi ling, as if oblivious of all around her. Estelle was the only daughter of a rich merchant. and an heiress of immense wealth. Frank Vincent was an American by birth, and an officer in the navy. Es telle was his cousin, and he was to marry her. The dances were made up, and the ball room was filled to suffocation, The young men, fatigued with the glare of the light, the bustle and heat, entered an adjoining room, where tables were set for "plry," 'Come, gentlemen,' said a banker, 'there is still a stake or two to be made up.' The players sat motionless, looking at each other, but made no reply. 'Count me in for the balance,' said Frank, unconcernedly, willing to try whe- ther the sad forebodings with which his mina haunted during the .day had the slightest foundation. And then, without further thought on the subject, he leaned against the door of the saloon, searching among the crowds of faced forms, res,)lendent with jewelry, fea tures heightened with rouge, and eyes sparkling with artificial lustre, for the char suing little head and sweet look of his own lovely Estelle. The harsh voice of the banker recalled the young sailor from his reveries. 'You have won,' said he, sharply. And the banker pushed towards him a heap of gold. 'l,' said Frank, approaching the table, are you sure of that ?' 'He refuses,' cried ono of the players, leaning his elbow on the table, and eagerly deveui:eg with his eyes the glittering pile of gold. 'Pshaw ! are such things ever refused ?' sneeringly cried another. 'The young sailor cast a rapid glance at the players, whose eyes were all fixed upon him, and addressing the banker, said, 'This, air, I take it as a joke. It can't be possible that all this belongs to me V 'But it's all yours, sir! replied the banker in the same cold tone, and with a bitter smile. 'You held the blank, and the cards Pay.' 'Then, gentlemen, the deal is void,' said Frank. A prolonged murmur of astonishment ran through the assemblage. was not aware that I was playing for so high a stoke,' continued the young Bea• man, 'and had I lost, I certainly should not have paid you.' The banker was a man in the prime of life, but grown old and hardened by a long career of wickedness. . . . 'Ab,' said he, leaning back in hia chair, hie pallid lips curling with a faint laugh of worm 'indeed young gentleman, but you would most ee•tainly have paid it though, And that, too, in good hard gold, or eke you would have paid it at the muzzle of a pia• tol Frank made a convulsive spring back wards. 'Liar !' he exclaimed, in a hollow voice, The banker sat motionless, but his lips quivered with suppressed anger. The same sardonic smile played on his features, but their paleness had faded to a yet more livid and ashy hue. In an instant the players were on their feet, and grouping round the two actors of this strange and unexpected drama. Frank was standing up with his hands convul sively clenched, his eyes dilated, and his whole frame shaking with rage. The ban ker, on the contrary, was rocking himself forward and backward, in his chair, and casting on the spectators a look of self-pos session, at the 101110 time playing with the pile of gold upon his right. 'Sir !' he at last said, measuring Frank with his eyes from head to foot, with the coolest effrontery, lit is probable you do not know who I am ; that to me, indeed, is sufficiently clear. And as for these gentle. men here,' he added, with an impatient wave of his hand toward the spectators, have every reason to suppose, that, know ing them you would not have taken upon yourself to give me the lie in their pres ence. Pray, sir, what may be your name?' 'lnsolent fellow!' cried Frank, in con. centrated rage. 'Very well, if that same pleases you,'• replied the banker, with imperturable calmness : have the choice of weapons, sir. Perhaps it is well that you should know that I never yet missed my man.' 'You try hard to frighten somebody, don't you 1' said Frank impatiently. !--not in the least,' replied the ban ker, with indifference, and with the same cold sneer and smile of duplicity. 'But I cannot find it in my conscience to assassi nate you.' And so saying he drew a long rifle pis tol from his pocket, and coolly laid it on the table before him. A death-like silence pervaded the room. 'There, sir,' he continued, 'this is the best thing I have to propose—indeed, it is all I possibly can do to accommodate you. Bring the dice,' he continued, in the same tone of voice, turning half around in his chair, 'and shut that door.' The door of the play-room was closed, and the dice placed upon the table. The music of the orchestra and the hum of yoi• ces only reached the room in a suppressed and distant murmur. .Now, then,' said the banker, here we have dice and pistol. The highest thrower kills the other!' The young sailor approached the table, seized the dice-box in mere desperation, shook it with a convulsive energy, cast one furtive glance towards the ball-room, and threw. As if bowed by an electric shock, every head was bent upon the cloth. The action of this terrific drama had passed so rapidly —the end was so near at hand—that one could not believe in the reality of the atro cious scene, enacting without noise or in. terruption, and hundreds of people within call. The banker, in a loud voice, reckoned up the points. 'six and six are twelve, and one makes thirteen—a good throw, a very good throw —.upon my word, young gentleman, a very good throw !' He took the dice, and replaced them in the box with an air of the coolest indiffer ence, and addressing the spectators : 'Thirteen,' he exclaimed, 'a very good point, but it is always an unlucky number. Come, gentlemen, who bets a couple of hundred [on the life of that young gentle- man yonder 1' be continued, fixing his eye with malignant and deadly glare on the young man who quailed beneath it. The players turned pale and remained silent. Well, then,' said he, with a smile, 'as there seems to be none to bet, here's for my self l' and the dice rolled out on the table. 'Fifteen ! You've lost, sir ! It's a pity, too, with so good a point. The affair was well-contested, at all events. So then, sir, your life belongs to me. Are you ready ?' All present drew back in terror. The banker, still stretched out in his chair, was quietly engaged in adjusting the lock, and examining the priming of his pistol. 'I am ready,' replied the young man, standing motionless before him. 'A,little more room, if you please, gentle men,' said the banker, at the same time bowing to the spectators, and motioning with his arm for them to stand to one side. 'Fire said Frank, uncovering his breast his countenance beaming with intrepidity and unshrinking resignation. The banker withdrew his hand and rain. ed his head. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA„ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1857. The spectators breathed once more. The unnatural soene had been protracted too long, and for an instant there was hope. 'We have not chosen our seconds,' he remarked. 'But as for that,' he added, after a moment's silence, 'these gentlemen here may serve as witnesses in case of need.' He levelled again and fired. The young lieutenant lay gasping upon the floor in the last agonies of death. 'The cards pass, gentlemen,' cried the banker, as he laid the pistol, still smoking, upon the table. At the noise made by the report of the pistol, the folding doors of the saloon were burst open, and the crowd rushed in. There was a piercing shriek—a young girl fell senseless upon the bleeding corpse of Frank Vincent. It was Estelle. The banker is now in California. V olitirat. Front the Pittobnrg Gazette. THE WILMOT PROVISO-ITS HISTORY. Nearly eleven years have passed since this then apparently unimportant provision tacked to an appropriation bill, was propo sed in Congress by Wilmot, now our can didate for Governor, and althongh we sup pose the large majority of our readers are perfectly well acquainted with the whole history, it may not be uninteresting or un profitable to give a brief sketch of it from such materials as are in our hands. It is so pleasant to review the past and recal the names of those who may now be found preaching "Democracy," but who former ly were foremost among the 'Abolitionists.' The Mexican War, undertaken that Sla very might have a more expanded domain had, in theaummer of 1846, quite deplet ed the Treasury. On the Bth of August in that year, Mr, Polk, at that time Presi dent of the United States, in a message to Congress, naked for an additional •'appro priation to provide for any expendture .which may be necessary to make in ad vance for the purpose of settling all our difficulties with the Mexican Republic." In accordance with the desire thus ex pressed, Mr. MlCay, of North Carolina, on the same day introduced a bill into the House. This B;11 simply set forth the fact that estate of war existed between the Re publics of Mexico and the United States, and that "the sum of two milllions of dol lars be appropriated to enable the Presi dent to conclude a treaty of peace," etc., etc., to Which Hon. David Wilmot moved to add the following : " PROVIDED, That as an express and fundamental condition to the acqui4lion of any territory from th. Republic of Mex ico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ev er be •in any part of said territory except for crime, where,' the party shall be duly convicted." So reads the Proviso since so famous.— A correspondent of the Pittsburg Gazette, writing from Washington, under date of August 9. 1846, says : .The Proviso was, of course, warmly, almost fiercely opposed, but for the first time within my recollection the Locofooos of the North stood up like men, and man fully resisted the extension of Sfavery; and in so doing have committed the unpardon able sin against their brethren of the South, and mode an unhealable breach in the par ty," Our correspondent, could he have look ed forward eleven years, would have seen the breach healed by a general string of hands among the motley crew, on the then discarded and detested ground of Calhoun ism ! But to proceed ; the bill of ArKay with the Proviso as shove, passed the House by a vote of 85 to 80. The Pennsylvania Democrats voting for it were the following: —Black, Erdman, Foe'er. Loib, Thomp son, M'Lean, Ritter, Wilmot and Yost.-- Messrs. Broadhead, C. J. Ingersoll, and Garvin dodged. That makes 12 votes and 12 votes were all that the Democracy then could count upon from this State. On the last day of the session the bill went to the Senate and there died a natu ral death. Mr. Lewis, of Alabama, in that body, moved to strike out the Anti Slavery provision, which Mr. Davis, (honest John Davis) of Massachusetts, rose to oppose and spoke against time till the session was on the point of closing. The b.ll had found its way through many fiery trials up to the very point of passing. A correspondent of the New York Tribune writing to that paper in August. 1848, remarks "Mr. Davis supposed the Proviso would be stricken out in the Senate if it came to a rote, but we understand he was mista ken—that it would have been retained.— No matter—the moral force of the vote of the House remains. It to a solemn denial , ation of the United North against the far ther extension of Slavery, under the pro tection of our flag. It will stand too ! Let us see what candidate for Congress from a Free State will venture to avow himself in fnvor of receding from the po sition thus taken." The New York Express„ the Tribune. and, besides these, numbers of what were then called Democratic, but are now dub bed "Abolition" sheets, sounded the note of triumph at the spirit of oppo - dtion to the demands of Slavery, which had been thus suddenly developed in ,Congress. Mr. Wick, of Indiana, was denounced as "the meanest of the dough faces," because he moved to qualify Wilmot's Proviso by in serting "all North of 36. 30'," so as to leave all Soutb of that line to Slavery, and that was voted down by 89 to 55. Every vote from the State of New York was re corded in favor of the Proviso. For once the North stood united, and looked the braggart of Slavery fully in the face.— There were among the Democracy no re creants, except in the way of dodging.— James Buchanan gave the party its cue a little later, in his letter to*the Berks county Convention, and then the , 'faithful'' began to .‘rat," and have kept doing so until now. We shall in another article, give n little more of the history of the Proviso. We have simply, in this article, recalled the great cause and beginnings of the excite ment, which went on until it was checked by the compromise measures of 1850. The session succeeding this in which Mr. Wilmot proposed his "rider" to the three million bill, is full of instruction. We will refer to it further on Monday. We remarked in a previous article up. on this subject, that when the Wilmot Pro• vise was first proposed it was held appar ently an unimportant matter. The Tariff question nt that time absorbed the chief at. tention of the public and the press. But during the recess between the adjournment of the summer term of the 29th Congress and the re-assembling in the winter of 18. 47, the fires of fanatacism at the South, were kindled, the whole alree of the ad ministration and its servants, Mr. Buchan an being one of the chief, were pressed into service against the Proviso, it was made a test of party orthodoxy to give all below 86. 80' to Slavery, and the session began, threatening storms, which in due time followed. We have seen that the two million bill of the session of 1846 died a natural death in the Senate under the hands of honest John Davis, who little knew how great harm he was doing, for he opposed the two million bill not on account of the Proviso, but on the m3in issue. In the first session of 1847. a similar bill was reported by the Committee of Ways and Means, the sum of three millions being asked for instead of two millions as in the previous bill. A long and excited contest running through weeks of the session follotvecl its introduc. Con. In the course of the discussion Mr. Wilmot said in answer to Mr. C,.lnger soll who appealed to him not to offer his amendment to this .Sooner will I have my arm drawn from its socket than will I yield one jot or tittle of the principle I maintain aeainst the es tablishment of Slavery in a Free Territo ry. Were it a question of compromise, I might yield and advise the North to yield again as she has often done before. It was a question of abstract right, ono which ad mitted of no compromise. Mr. W. asked for resistance to the powers and usurpation of Slavery, He had voted for the admis sion of Texas, Slavery and all. We had been told that there should be two Free States and two Slave States, but there was nothing but Slavery there now, and there would be nothing else. We had been told that California, too, was now a part of the Union. So it was, and as it was Free so it should remain. It was Free from Slav ery under Mexico; let it be so under us ; now or never is the time. Mr. W. Enid Rat if Northern men yield now they would ever be compelled to yield. The South uttered a burning sarcasm up. on the North when it presented an uubro• ken front upon this subject. If the Free States thus manfully and independently united, they would present a noble front. Mr, W. was determined at all hazards to cling to his Proviso." This speech was made on the 3th of Fe bruary. On the 15th the !louse Resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, on the bill, when Mr. Hamlin moved as an a mendment, the "Wilmot Proviso" in sub• stance, though the following are the exact words : Provided further : That there shall be neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude in any Territory on the continent of Amer ica which shall hereafter be acquired by or annexed to the United States by virtue of this appropriation, or in any manner whatever, except for crones whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. The amendment was declared by the chair to be in order. Mr. Dromgoole, of Va., appealed from the decision which lat ter was sustained by a vote of 116 to 83. i 3 ) 111 1 . • ~.. ,1 ( \-' Mr. Douglass moved to amend the am endment by striking out all after the word "provided," and inserting : wl'hat there shall neither be Slavery nor Involuntary servitude in any Territory he quirecl under this act, or as the result of the existing war with Mexico, which lies North of the line of 36° 30' North lati tude, commonly known as the Missouri Compromise line, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the parties shall have been duly convicted," &a. This was offered by the present Sena tor Douglas, who had not at that time dis covered that the Missouri Compromise line was unconstitutional, who then pre dicted the continued existence of the "glo rious union" upon the preservation of this same line which he has since learned to denounce as an outrage upon "popular sovereignty !" New grace has been vouch safed to this man Douglass and the lesser lights, which follow at his heels. The great principles of the Constitution were before the year 1854 concealed f rom the wise and prudent and then "revealed unto babes." But Douglass' amendment was reject ed by a vote of 109 to 82. The amend ment of Mr. Graham involving the ex• tension of the Compromise line to the IMcific was defeated by 104 to 81. The question then recurred on the adoption of the proviso as moved by Mr. Hamlin, and it was carried, ayes 110, noes 89. The committee now rose and reported the bill as amended. Mr. C. J. Ingersoll Demo. crat, of Pennsylvania, moved the previous question, which was seconded and the main question was ordered, which was, on agreeing to the amendment, (the Wilmot proviso,) reported by tho Committee of the Whole. ,The yeas and nays were taken, and we find the follwing names of Penn. sylvania 'Democrats' among those who then supported this 'Abolition' heresy : Henry D. Foster, Messrs Garvin, Ritter Thompson, Wilmot, Yost. Black Broad head, Erdman, McClean, and Ingersoll voted "nay" this time. The ratting had fairly commenced now. The 'Democra cy' had taken a stand for the line of SIP 30' as the bound for slavery north ward.— However : the amendment was agreed to by yeas 115, nays 106. A motion was now made to lay the bill on the table ; decided by ayes 89 nays 122. So the House refusNl to lay the bill on the table. The bill was next engross ed, ordered to a third reading, end passed finally by yeas 115, nays 105. Mr. Ham.l lin moved in order to clinch the vote, to reconsider the vote on the passage bill, and then moved to lay the motion to re consider on the table. The question being put was decided by an unmistakeable vote in the athmative, and thus in a Democrat ic House with Polk President of the Uni ted Staten, did the Wilmot proviso receive a solemn sanction at the hands of men who now denounce those who sustain the principle of it as traitors to the Constitu. Lion. giiStrilartg. Col. Yell's First Court. When Colonel Archibald Yell, after ward killed at the battle of Buena Via. ta, had taken his seat for the first time up on the bench, the first case on the docket was °ailed, and the plaintiff stood ready. It was a case that had been in litigation for five years . Gen Smoot arose for the defendant and remarked in an overbearing tone : "Our witnesses are absent, and therefore I demand that the case be con tinued until the next term, in course," "Let the affidavit be filed, for not till then can I entertain a motion for continu ance," was the reply of the Judge. "Do you doubt my word as to the facts?" General Smoot exclaimed sharply, and involuntarily raising his huge sword. "Not at all," replied the Judge with his blandest smile, ' , but the law requires that the facts justifying a continuance must ap pear on record, and the court has no pow er to annuli a law, nor yet any to see it annulled." The Judge's calm and business like tone and manner only served to irritate the bul ly, and he retreated shaking his sword cane in the direction of the bench." Whatever may be the law, I, for one, will not learn it from the lips of an upstart demagogue and a coward." Judge Yell's blue eyes shot lightning, but he only turned to the Clerk and said —•Clerk, you will enter a fine of fifty dollars against Gen. Smoot, as I see him named on my docket for gross contempt of court, and be sure you issue an immedi ate execution." He had hardly communicated the order, when Gen. Smoot was seen rushing to him braridishing his sword cane, all his features writhing murderous wrath and pallid as a corpse. Every glance was fixed on the countenance of the Judge, for 1 all wished to know how he would break the coining of the duellist's fierce assault. But none, however, could detect the slight- est change in his appearance. His cheek grew neither red nor white, not a nerve seemed to tremble, his calm eye survey ed the advancing foe, with as little sign of perturbation as alchemist might show scrutinizing the efferescence of some novel mixture. lie sat perfectly still, with a little staff of painted iron in his band.— Smoot ascended theplatform, and imme diately aimed a tremendous blow at the head of his foe. At that blow five hundred hearts shuddered, and more than a dozen voices shrieked, all expect• ing to see the victim's skull shivered to atoms. The general astonishment may then be conceived, when they beheld the little iron staff describe a quick curve, as the great sword cane flew from Smoot's fingers, and fell with a loud clatter, at the distance of twenty feet in the hall ! The baffled bully uttered a cry of wrath, wild as that of some wounded beast of prey, and snatched his bowie-knife from its sheath, but ere it was poised for the des perate plunge, the little staff cut another I curve and the big knife followed the sword cane. He then hastily drew a re volving pistol, but before he bad time to touch the trigger his arm was struck powerless by his side. And then for the first time, did Judge Yell betray percepti ble emotion. He stamped his foot until the platform sh xilt beneath him and he shouted in thunder tones. ..Mr. Clerk, you will blot this ruffian's name from the roll of attorneys, as a foul disgrace to the bar. Mr. Sheriff; take the criminal to jail." The latter officer sprang to obey the mandate, and immedi ately a scene of confusion ensued which no pen can describe. The bravoes and myrmidon friends of Gen. Smoot gath ered around to obstruct the Sheriff, while many of the citizens teat their aid to sus tain the authority of the court. Menaces screams and horrid curses, the ring of im pinging and crossing steel, the alternate cries of rage and pniu all• commingled with the awful explosion of fire arms, bleu• ded together a vivid idea of Pandemonium But throughout all the tempestuous strife, two individuals might be observed as lea ders of the whirl-wind and riders of the . storm. The new Judge used his little iron cane with terrible efficacy, crippling limbs, yet sparing life. Bill Buffum, imi tating the clemency of his honored friend, disdaining the use of either knife or pistol actually trampled and crushed down all opposition, roaring at every furious blow —"this is the w•ay to preserve order in court,"—a sentitnent which he accompa nied with wild peals of laughter. In less than two minutes the party of the Judge triumphed, the clique of General Smoot suffered a disastrous defeat, and the bully himself was borne away to prison. Such was the debut of Archibald Yell in Arkansas; and from that day his popu larity, as a man, as a Judge, as a hero anti as a politician, went on rapidly increasing, till eclipsing the oldest and most powerful names, it set on the bloody eve of Buena Vista. Extraordinary Trial of Strength. 'rho Troy Times of the Bth recounts a singular trial of strength, which took place in that city on Saturday evening between James Madison, glite cast iron man," and Professor Carl, the .'strongest man in America." The challenge for a trial of strength sent by Carl, havirig been accept ed, a large assembly witnessed the per formance. 'Previous to the trial Prof. Carl gave an exhibition of magic and ventriloquism performed his celebratad guitar and drum solos balanced sixteen chairs upon his chin and performed ether feats calling for an exercise of strength, which must have wearied him somewhat. Mr. Madison then appeared,--held an anvil weighing two hundred and fourteen pounds upo n his breast, while two men struck upon it with sledges; held an anvil upon each knee; broke a number of stones with his fist; bent a bar of iron I.4th of an inch thick by Etriking it over his arm; and held an anvil weighing about two hundred pounds upon each arm, while men struck upon it with sledges. Prof. Carl them appeaied, held the anvil upon his breast; tent the bar of iron almost double upon his arm ; held the anvil upon his arms, etc., for a longer period than Mr. Madi ison had done, tie then took the large flint stones which had been rejected by his ri val and hammered them to pieces, aignali• zing his performance by breaking in two a flag stone shout largo enough to serve as stepping block for a door. After this he VOL. XXII. NO. 17. held one of the heavy anvils over his head forty-one seconds; lifted a sixty-pound weight upon his little finger and swung it around his bead, and held two men on his hair while he whirled them about, top fathion, uritil their feet stuck out at an an gle of forty-five degrees. 'Mr. Madison was then called out by the audience, and requested to give an ac count of himself. He excused himself in the matter of the stones by saying that his rival was in constant practice while be had not broken a stone for a year. Being urged to swing the weight about his head, he declined to do it on the score of inabil ity, and as Professor Carl had not held the anvils on his knee. In short, he virtually acknowledged himself a whipped man." fin Inoident for Mrs. Stowe. "Liberty or Death."—The Nashville Banner of March 20th contains the fol. • lowing : "The particulars of the most unaccount able suicides have just come to our knowl edge. Two servants of Mr. Jones, pro prietor of Union Hall, in this city one a yellow man named Levi, and the other black, named Allen ran away nn Sunday night last. It appears that they intended to get on the night train for Chattanooga, but arrived a moment too late. They took the track on foot and proceeded a few miles, secreting themselves until Monday night in a thicket. They then appeared at Antioth when the night train came along, and the yellow man purchased tick. ets for himself and servant for Chattan ooga. the trick was not detected—Levi passed as a white man, and took his sup per at the same table with the other pas sengers, ordering food for his servant at a side table. The attention of Mr. Charles Fox, merchant of this city, who was on board un his way to New York, was attract ed to Levi, and after a little scrutiny he rec ognized 'him, though disguised in a fine suit of clothes. Mr. Fox, on Tuesday morning, before reaching Chattanooga, questioned Levi and becoming satisfied that he was running away, collared him, and intimated that he o,r_ a F .; was wrapped in a blanket, and he mama. ged to draw a pistol from his breast, with out the movement being noticed, and turning the muzzle upon his abdomen fired and fell on his seat. Mr. Fox and other passengers fled in an 'opposite direction, under the impression that he was firing at them, and when they turned book he bad drawn a bowie knife and cut his throat and was a corpse." The Banner adds “Levi was an excellent servant, always obedient and traceable, and unusually in telligent,” and thinks he would not have left his master without some strong induce. meets. Courtship of a Bashful Clergyman The Rev John Brown, the well known author of the self interpreting Bible, was a man of singular bashfulness. In token of this statement, we need only state th tt his courtship lasted seven years. Six and a half years passed away, and the Reverend gentleman had got no farther forward than he had been the six days. This state of things became intolerable ; a step in ad vance must be made, and Mr. B. sumaton• ed all his courage for the deed. 'Janet,' he said, as they sat one night in solemn si lence, 'we've been acquainted now for six years and mair and I have ne'er gotten a kiss yet—d'ye think I might one, my bon• nie girl 1' 'Just es you like, John, only be becoming and proper wi' it.' 'Surely, Janet, we'll ask a blessing.' The blessing was asked—kiss was taken, and the worthy divine, perfectly overpowered with blissful sensation, most rapturously exclaimed—. 'O, woman ! But it is guid—we'll return thanks." Six months made the pious cou ple man and wife, and adds his descendant who humorously tells the story, a happier couple never spent a long and useful life together. DV" Child stealing, the New York pa. pers say, is practised to a great extent in that city. Probably on an average, two children a week are abducted from their homes while playing on the sidewalk, and are detained until the afflicted parents offer a reward for them, when the kidnappers bring their little victims to light and • re ceive the money. They ought to receive a place in the State Prison. ger A Doctor told his patient that he must take an emetic. "It's no use," said the patient, "I have tried it before, and it woula not stay on my stomach five min , uses !" ger A wealth; doctor who can help a poor limn and will not, without a fee, has less sense of humanity than a poor minus who kills a rich man to supply his 1100114. ties.