Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 22, 1857, Image 3

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    Nuntingbn *funk
-.^••• 0 6.0.7
'brief notice of Mr. Yc•Divitt in laid week's Jour.
nal, we said nothing about his claims on the
friends of education, supposing the Convention
would be governed in its choice, mainly, by the
character nod qualifications of the several can•
didates. But as the claims of other gentlemen
have been urged upon the Convention, see deem
It proper to state some of the "claims" of Mr.
McDivitt In the first place, he has been a
successful teacher in this, his native county,
,/br twelve or Xtteen years. He has bleu a
prominent part in all the approvBd educational
movements of the times. Ile is one of that
noble bend of teachers, who five years ago,
wrote and talked into being the Huntingdon
County Teachers' Institute ; he has attended all
its meetings, recorded all its proceedings—
sometimes requiring whole quires of writing
and has been a main pillar of its support from
its origin to the present time. Besides these
onerous labors, at home, he hag most of the
time held the post of Recording Secretary to
the State Teacher's Association, a very lahori•
(sus office. This report of Gov. Pollock's ad.
dress, delivered at Harrisburg last winter, is
ample proof on this point; and the very filet
that such a distinguished Indy of men selected
him for that responsible office and have thus
for continued him in it, is no trifling evidence
of his character and standing amongst the great
educators of the State. It is at least a snore
reliable evidence than any amount of tiewspa.
per recommendations, however smoothly they
may be worded.
Mr. illeDivitt has also written many sensible
article.;, practical essays, and eloquent lectures
on the subject of education. And though his
natural modesty has restrained him from seek.
ing notoriety, be enjoys in a high degree, ace
respect and friend,hip of the oldest nod ablest
teachers wherever he is known,; whilst he is
ever ready, without arrogance or an...air of su
periority," to counsel and advise with the young
said inexperienced.
This is a simple statement of facts ; and in
view of them, we can truly say, that if any other
easdiduto now in the field, has stronger claims
than these, they have entirely escaped the uo•
tice of competent, unprejudiced observers.—
We have neither seen nor heard tell of claims .
like these in the history of any other aspirant.
We Lope they may have their just weight.
&moot. TaacnEltS.—Next Saturday evening
the Directors of this district meet to appoint
six teachers for our Public Schools. This is it
ettai7 of the utmost importance. and the Direc
tors should be very careful in fulfilling it. It
necessary that good teachers bb engaged,
that the pupils should learn, as we know bad
tree `•leringctli forth evil trait,'' etc. The pub
lic schools are not alwap, we aro sorry to say,
viirtrgncrt rumpotcaramk proper teach
ers. We very frequently hear parents complain.
i•'g of the incompetency of teachers, and elicit
with just cause. This should not be, and we
hope the Directors will put an end to all mur
murings in future', by the appointment of none
but experienced tenehm•3.
Foal,—We have heard of 'the courtesy 01
the pre." Ste., km, hut we have rarely Seen
much courtesy between different.
nominations, and whet we do notice such nets
of brotherly love, we the to "waken note on't."
Last Saubutb evei'ting a week Revs. McClean
and Sheaf? exebangol pulpits without any no.
tire previously Owen to their respective congre
gations, and it produced a•very good effect on
the minds of the people, as it was done in n
"matter of course" way, without any explana
lions, Cc. , &c. Such little acts or kindly Icy
lag, have a great intluenes.
- - .
AC, DEM Y.—We are pleased to learn that the
Academy at this place opens under the most
favorable auspices. Prof AleGalliard is a gen•
t4ttan whose brilliant attainments well quali
fy him Inc the important post of Principal.—
The terms of tuition, we understanti, aro fixed
at $20,.524, and $29. We can earnestly re,
ommend this institution to our friends abroad,
and have no doubt that it will fully realize the
expectations of its most sanguine friend.
WE QUlT—Prediefing that Spring is corn
ing. On Sunday last we had a severe scow
storm, and ever since it has been continually
sleeting, spitting snow or drizzling. Our arti•
ele on Spring, will therefore be postponed this
week, "on account if the weather."
8. L. GLAsuoir, gentleman has
resumed the practice of law, and offers his pro•
fessionisl services to the public. Mr. G. is a
gentleman of learning :mil undoubted ability,
will attend promptly and faithfully to all
:in.', entrusted to him. See his card.
gals Tho excellent communication relating
to the Methodist Conlbrence, we are compelled
to omit, as it would lead us Into adilliculty with
Certain persuo.
lin. iluntingdon Journal.
Monsus EDITORS t—lt appears the Shirley..
burg Herald is out for Mr. Albert Owen for
County Superintendent, and nobody wonders at
that, fur it is well known that It is pledged to
locate the Normal School at that place, which
will be au advantage to the citizens, by helping
to sustain their Seminaries. The Herald is
right in trying to promote the interests of its
own locality. But the Huntingdon Globe speaks
of a communication front recommen
ding Mr. Owen for that oftice ; this we think
very strange. Is there really any one in our
community willing to place a was in a position
of influence, who is touching our dearest inter
ests—our Setnitutry—by his arrangements with
a rival institution 7 It seems impossible. But
if there is each a one, ho must intend to re
move to Shirley, or else he has a strange dis
regard for the prosperity of his own neighbor
hood. Whoever he is, ho may rest assured that
Casey ille aud Cabs township know how to guard
their interests, and will vote for quite as con,
patent o Teacher and acceptable a man as Mr.
0. ; and who has not committed himself tolany
measure that witlprove injurious toner interests.
ltote Ike prediction of Ate OLD OITIZI!N
For the Hunlintglosi Journal,
Nessus. EIIITORS :
A report has been started in this neighbor.
hood within the last few days that Albert Owen
is running for County Su petietondent. As I
have seen no candidate announced in the pa.
pea, Z am inclined to doubt the rumor, and to
think with others that it has been got up to in _
jure Mr. OWCO'S Normal School, as everybody.
knows that the same individual cannot be ac
ceptably connected with both these concerns.
Thus, Mr. Kerr, superintendent of Allegliany,
and Mr. Wickersham, of Lancaster county,
tried it and failed, although they are vastly !su
perior men and universally beloved and respee•
ted by the Directors, people, and teachers of
their respective counties. Mr. Wickersham
had to resign his office of Superintendent
of Lancaster county, and Mr. Kerr to drop
his connection with the Normal School of Alle.
gliany ; the former did so promptly, and the lat.
ter after a severe struggle and serious trouble.
And if there distinguished educators, eloquent
orators, and popular Christian men failed to
render satisfaction in this two fold capacity, it
is simply absurd for .t ordinary man to un
dertake it. I conclude, therefore, that some
ono hos stinted this report here to "raise the
wind" against the Normal School, or, on the
the other hand, that the Normal School has
been talked of for the purpose of "raising the
wind" ie Senor of Mr. Owen. If the former be
true, the report should be put down, and it the
latter, it should put down the party practising
the deception. I don't believe in injurhos c an •
dilates by false issues ; still less do I believe
in men obtaining office on false pretences.
Please publish this if you have room, and
perhaps it may call forth the truth, which is
whet we Want in this region.
April 17, 1857. JACKSON.
to BLoon—Mrs. Cromer's beautiful flowers.
They wake us feel like telling Miss Spring "if
you're going to come why don't you come a
long," and bring us plenty of such sweet dow
Flour is selling nt $6 per W. for standard
brands, $G 25 to 50 fur extra faintly $6 75 to
$7 50 for honey lots. Rye Flour $4. Red
Wheat $1 45 to 46 end White $1 56 to 62.
Rye, 80 to 82 cods. Curn scarce nt G 3 cents.
Oats 50 cts.
171 C
At Burnt Cabins, Fulton county, Pa., slier a
short but severe illness, Mr, John Curry, aged
28 years.
In this borough, on Friday last, Mary, wife of
John Corbin, aged about. 3 . 0 years.
In this borough on the 11th inst., Lydia' A.,
wife of John Corbin, aged 29 years, 8 months.
At his residence on Broad Top, Iluut. Co.,
on Sunday morning, the 1211, inst., after a short
Hitless, Mr. EDWIN 11. BRADLEY, aged 28 years,
months and 12 days.
Each day some pearl drops front the jewelled
thread or friendship. Some lyre to which we
were wont to listen, is hushed forever. Each
dal the chills tti death pass o'er some family
sad-circle, blights mid withilis ems- tibjuut al
the tenderest love.
Yet such is life. Man is the creature of a
moment ; as it were a flower which blonms ens
ly to decay.
In the death of Mr. Bradley; a harp circle of
relatives and friends are called to invent the
loss of one who had won the esteem and love
of all who knew him. _
We who knew him and mourn I:1.4 loss most,
enter deeply into the ftmling that he is safely
sheltered it the arms of his Savior.
Then olten.,at the close of even,
We will breathe a silent prayer ;
And lift our streaming eyes to 'Heaven,
For we know his 'Spirit's there.
SE;hl-• West Chester pap.: please c0ni.....070
REV. A. S. HANK, A. M. Principal,
Assisted by competent instructors.
This institution, remote from scones of vice
and dissipation, is healthfully located
the mountains of Huntingdon Cu:, Pa. CUM.
ville is 15 tulles from Mill Creek Station, Pa.
R. It, and is accessible by stage.on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday of each week. The
Tt tistees have made arrangements for a Sum
mer Session, in order to nccommodate young
gentleman and ladies who Lave been engaged
in teaching
during the winter 111.1.113. The
Summer Session will continence May lth, and
continue 21 weeks. Eighty students were in'
attendance during the paSt year, and more can
be acme odat ed.
TERMS —Board, washing and roan rent
per week,
. . 00
'l'nition in
English branches per Session, 10 00
Ancient and Modern Languages, Music
and Ornamental branches, extra,
Incidental-lee, per session, 2 00
April 22, 1837.-2 t.
;:, 25 WITNESSES ;
1,1 ▪ roßnrit CONVICAMIL
John S. Dye, Author,
0 Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank
er and Publisher, and author of “A series of
.0 Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when
a.for l 0 successive nights, over 50,000 People
0 greeted hits with rounds of applause, while
Cis) Ito exhibited the manner in which Counter-
C feiters execute their frauds, and the surest and
shortest means of detecting them !
'• Phe Bank Note Engravers all say that to
the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
0 Greatest discovery of the present century
0 for detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De
em ,criliing every genuine bill ill existence, and
exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in
Q circulation !! Arranged's° admirably, that
C reference is posy and detection instantaneous:
cir No index to examine Nu pages to
Lunt up ! But so simplified and arranged
0 that the Merchant, Banker and Business most
C" see all at a glance. English, Preach
German. Thus each may read the same hi
0 his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank
CO Note Lint published. Also 0 list of all the
.1 2 Private Bankers in America. A complete
seminary of the Finance of Europe and A
merica will be published in each edition, to
• gether with all the important news of thaday.
2 Also a series vital. ' from au old Manuscript
Ze' 'mind in the East, it tarnishes LllO most com
ta plots History of "Oriental Life." Deserib
' mg the most perplexing positions in which
0 the ladies and gentlemen of that Country
~_ have hoes so often found. These storiea'will
a continue throughout the whole year, and will
prove the most entertaining ever °fibre(' to
13 the public.
Q 11, 3 5 • Furnished Weekly to subacribers only
at $1 a year. All letters natiet be addressed to
G) JOHN S. DYE, Buoxicit,Publisher &
rroprietor, 70 Well Street, New York.
• April 22,1857.-Iy.
VIII attend to all professional basin°. entrust
to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Lenses nod Articles of Agree•
went, written at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms.
Shirleyshurg, April 22, 1857.
troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the
most desperete or cases, when the toucan hot-'
the will, with scarce u single failure, restore the
potions to vigor and .bealth. We wish to call the
etteetion of all to these lams, that the Invigor
ator ij compoun.led by at physician who has used
it in his practice i'or the past twenty years with
a success must credulous, and that it is entirely
vegetable, being composed.v..lmlly of gums.
Some idea ut the strength. of these gums cony
he formedwhen It in known one bottle of the In
vigorator contains as much strength es one hun
dred closes of Calumet without any of its delete
does elkets.
One bottle is the surest thing known to carry
away • the bad effects of mineral poison of ally
Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the
systent the effects of mediCine after a long sick
One bottle taken for Jaundice removes'allyels I
lowness Er unnatural enter from the skin.
One dose utter eating is stitillent to relieve
the stomach and prevent the victuals from
rising and souring.
Only one dose taken before retiring prevents I
One dose taken at night loosens the bowels
gently, and cures costiveness.
One dose taken utter each meal will cure
One dose of two tea-spocinsful will always re
lieve Sick Headache.
One bottle taken for female obstruction re
moves the cause of the disease, Lind makes a
perfect cure.
Only one dose immediately relieves Ckolic,
while, •
One dose often repented is a sure cure for Cho
lent Morbus, and a sure preicegative ot 'Cholera.
One these taken Mien will prevent the recur- i
ranee of bilious attacks, while it relieves all
painful feelings..
• fig*One or two doseslaken occasionally is '
FRUIT TREES ! 0. 01 the best remedies fo r a cold ever known.
'Plionsanils acmes of inflammation and weak-
A large assortment of Fruit trees, such as nets of the lungs lime been cured by the Invig.
Apple, Peach, Pear, Quince, Cherry, Plum, Nee. orator.
taint', Apricot and Almond, of the choicest ea- One dose taken a short time before eating gives
riches. Also Isabella and Catawba GRAPE ' vigor to the appetite and makes lord digest well.
VINES; ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry One duse ono' repeated, care- Chronic Diar
rho: its worst Ibrm,, wlii!e and bowel
plants. Also Shade and Ornamental trees—
Evergreens, and Osage Orange fur liedling
complaints yielil almost to the iirst dose.
- I Wu or tWii doses cure,S caused i t y
At the Huntingdrin NIII.TiPB of
TAYLOR, CREMER. B ‘, ,, ;o r r e it r is,... , : r • e ht r il u e n t , e i r ,l ltt d r i n e i r s t
remedy in t i h , t: o re o ll u „ ct s
Huntingdon, April it never tails.
1 There is no exaggeration: in these statements,
TO they are plain Iliad sober facts, Mai we can give
The School Directors of the Rentingdon .13o• evidence to prove, while all who use it are giv
neigh District will Oieet six leachers fur the 1 lug their tegilli.nY to I ' 3 'boon
three male and three ;female schools, in said ;
district, on Saturdity evening, 25th April, inst. We wish all who are SICK and debilitated to
Teachers wishing to apply must present their to tens " r6",dY' and ts i, t ' til'""u4/A' Lind ""Y
applications by that time. Good [(metiers aro Ito hear
urn nut oenehtlem.,y use we s fi t ,,,id
hear 'role, es we have vet to hear keel the
desired and good salaries will he given. Ike firm hansoms who u 'i tt i t , lovig ~; r
schools will lie kept open ten months, common- ree dy iug benefit, flue there me sn'e'lltittus
eing on the Ist of May. I tonishing Medic:Mal virtues in it, that all, no
M. F. CAMPBELL, Pren't. wetter how long they have been affected, it their
. _
To the. Collectors of nuntingdon
Whereas, there are quite anumber of Orders
and the expenses of the present Court to be
met by the County 'Treasury, (in which there
are no available funds at present, in rouse
quence of the death of the late Treasurer, A.
B. Crewit) you are called upon to be prompt
in your rr turns. F. H. LANE,
Huntingdon, April 15, '57. Co. Treas.
WZI.S IXlMOtrirgltol4 o
The undersigned allflol.lllCes to the pnblic that
be has opened a new store in Portstown, near
the old Juniata bridge, and has just received
one of the
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queenstvare,
Hardware, Boots clig. Shoes,
Hats & Caps,&c.,
ever brought to this place. Ahnost every arti
cle usually kept in a country store always on
hand ; all of which will be sold cheaper than
the (dampest.
,per' Country produce taken in eschnnfiefur
goods. WM. J. GEISS.INGER.
Portstown, April 13, 1837.
A. W. Bkorn cc, SCC'S. ;aonplaiitt arises Crum a deranged . liver; will be
April 8,1837.-3 t. licitetittecl, if not entirely cured.
SANFORD St CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway
1 ) 1 DVlBilh. New York. Sold iu Untaingdun by iiLtiltl
314:51Asion.b, and Drug hilts everywhare.
rpo the School Directors of Hun coun- I lie. Ge t , It K e r6er, Wholesale Druggist,
1 ty. ' No, 140, Wopd st„ Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent.
GcNTl.Emetii :In pursuance of the 434 sec- m„,,,r,, , 57 - .3 1 ,,,
Lion of the Act of Bth May, 1834, you are here- , • - - —--
byretitled to meet in ('. onvention, :1 l'AltGliNS: IItr:GAINS!!
the Court. House in iluntingdon on tie ariI HARDWARE D POT
monde). in slay, A. V. Nib?, bet)ty the jino•th
day the month at 1 o'clock in t h e afternoon, i
and select, viva core, by a majority of the wholiTl The subscribers Mine again returned from
number or Directors present, one person of lit- i t l h , e u lt: t a ly s i t v t ;‘ i_th v it , ta enlarged stock of
erary and scientific attainments,
and experience in Teaching, as CotattidYl of skill
i '
which they will sell of such prices as shall make
it the u llouselree, Me
intent-lent, for the three succeeding year ; de' I (lumina nteresand t
l'allf nim
the rest of mankind Le t o give
tenable the amount of compensation for the , t hem a , call, Our stock comprises Building
same, and certify the result to the State Super.
1 ri
al suc Lcks, ' N
intendent at Harrisburg; as required by the 1 1 1 ,1 inte .,, G 1.., h as
alkio.s.hHi.y, .S
ui,.c rews,, vaniis , ail ,, ,
30th and 40th section of said act.
ALBERT OWEN White Lead and Zinc Pitims.
MEC iiAsics"rooLs.
County Superintendent sit Huntingdon County.
Planes, Handsaws, will & Crosscut Saws,
Huntingdon, April 8, 1837.
Chisels, instat e s Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels,
THE I Files, Sticks and ties, Monl'icy . Wrombes;
SIiIitLEYSTURG FEMALE SEMIN , IRT 1 with en endless variety of me ei•n inventions
Will commence its summer session of tins i and imPr"vem l,s ".
months, on liwiday, May .lt.h. - The same ex-1 Saddlers and ConcliMakers arc invited to
tended course of instruction, which has been call and examine one extensive stock of Hai ,
pursued by the present principal during the l 'e" M''ulainf-`di and Coach Trinlining_ls Potent
past two years, is uttered to young ladies, who, and Common flames, 30 varieties ; Uirthing,
while profiled by their studies, will nowhere flog Skins,. Patent Leather, Enamelled Loa
find a more healthful or delightful location, flier, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and
The building is spacious lied convenient, and Linings Hubs, Spokes, lefloes, Shafts, Springs,
the means of instruction in useful and me, • A x1 u 8 t., 44 ,7 le t
mental branches is on a liberal scale. Shicleys j • X . ADLE & POCKET CUTLERY,
burg has daily communication by stage with : Knives mid Forks from 37.2, cents to $5 per
the eastern and ivestern.mail train of the Penn . set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons,
sylvan's, R. ft, and three times per week with : Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' knives, razors,
the southern part of the State. ' &c., &c.
TERMS— I HULLO W• '.1.11f E,
Per Board, light; &c, with English tuition, j Porcelains, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Teadcet•
per session,
$ 62,50 J ties, ,Sauce, Frying and Baking Pans, Steak
Music, with cse of Piano, extra,
20,00 1 U ridles, Dish Covers, &c., &c., nt manufactie
French, 1 0, 0 0 revs' prices.
Day English Tuition, from $5 to 1200
Apply to J. B. KIDDER, Principal, Shir
leysburg Huntingdon Co., Pu.
White Lead, (pure) $2 50 per keg
•„. , . -
` a (extra) 2 75 "
Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 2 40 "
Best Snow White, 2GS " "
Oils, &c., and all kinds of Hannwann and
building materials in proportion,at the "Hard
ware Store" of J. A. B ROWN & CU.
,L 5
Wholesale, Dealers in Provisions,
16Y Agents for Fairbanks' Scales.
rLO la Allegheny Street. between
11 1 Pa. R. It. & H.& B. T. It. It. Depots.
`41'31. H. ZEIGLER,
. _ .
March 25, 1857.-6 m• l•ropriet Or.
Administrator's Notice•
Notice is hereby given, that letters or admin
istration on the estate of.lennet. Stewart, late
or Went township, deed., have been grartted to
the undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate, ore requested to make immediate pay
ment, and Muse having claims against tin same
will present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to - WM. SlEwAwr,
April 11 1857.--Cl* Allner.
April 1, 1857.-Iy.
Tee Linnuners Lemon Squeezers, Butter
Prints, Butter Ltidles Port Mutinies, Bells of
nil kinds, Guns, Piewl9 and Revolvers, Paint
Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of
various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic
Pinups fur cisterns, Picks, Sledges, &c., &c.
aiirfinving part:based many - of our ;Mods at
wholesale prices from manntacturers, we are
enabled 10411 both wholesale and retail—ea.
tremely low. A liberal share of public patron
age is solicited.
SWAII orders from abrond promptly atten
ded to. JAS. A. BROWN & Co.
V2ll 2[P.M 1ItY11.11)1721:11
CLO'flll NG !
A Now Ass — ortuvut Just Opened !
And will be sold 30 per cent.
HROMAN respectfully leorrnS his custd
, mere and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-roorn in Market Situnro-
Buntingdonot splendid now stock of Ready
. Clothing for Fall and Whiter.
which he will sell cheaper then the name qUality
or Goods can be purehasedst retail in Philudel.
'obit or any other establishment in the entintrii
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and sustains hiestoek before purcha
sing elsewhere. Al so ,
Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, •
which will be sold lower than at any other es
tablisbment in the county.
Huntingdon Oct. 8. 1856.
All persons interested are hereby notified that
Letters Testamentary hove been granted to the
undersigned, Executors of the last will and tea;
turnout of John Afeeuhuu, lute et Walker tp.,
Huntingdon county, deed., and all persons ha•
ving elttittis or ilowatida against ettid estate are
requested to piesent them without delay,--and
thaws indebted tOataid estate, wi.l pay tho sante
to John 11:. Meadatut, Birmingham, or Joe. A.
MeCahan, Hollidaysburg.
JOHN K. Mc CAHAN, Birmingham,
JAS. A. dieCAHAN, Hollidaysburg,
JAS. K. MOREHEAD, Pittsburg,
March 31, 1857.-6/, Ereettiers.
W. 11. WOODS, A. M.,
.1. A. t E D, A. 111., Professor of tbe.Datiii IJ: ALFRED SH A DE, M. H., Lecturer
and ‘treek Leugu:tvx• ou Anatomy and 113vum,
Rey., Y. S. ORS:ISDN, Lectnrer on Ev. - - teacher in Preparatory De part
ideuces of On istiamty. meet.
Assistant in Englibil Department.
c next session of this Institution will ores
I ments ore held oat by this Institution, to ye
Instructors is composed of gentlemen of high
sions. The locution Is quiet, secluded and heult]
pure mountain air. There has never a single .0
it would find this a desirable location. The cots
prepare young men for busleess, for teaching, am
awl cltus is formed for those desiring to become
Oren in the art of teaching, hearing recitations
ring aochnnl. The course of study in the Crum
;.traction in Single and Double Entry llookkee
The time occupied to finish the course, will ion
Ciligettee. Stndents can take op this branch o!
sir devote their whole time to it alone.
Shade Gap is situated on thu until route ham
Chninhirsburg, from which places there is
Terms of session of tiro inentfis, $52 .50. W
try Book-keeping, fell course, time nut limited,
limited, $0 00. Payment boll in advance, bait
Academic Department, studying Bonk-keeping,
A tltaluetion of ten dollaeiis Made for minis
Mrs, ad,l ress,
March 18:1857.-6t.
\\Tll I SITE 1? NNDO.
La Salle's Original.
LOIDII2aI L353i,>
ViII:U Lllt'..l7tV tilf.
Prof. Gee. H. De Bar has recently returned
front Europe, and while there obtained from the
celebrated French chemist, La Salle, at an en•
ormous outlay the receipt and exclusive right
of the United Stater and Canudas, to inantilac
turn and sell this celebrated preparation called
"whiskersudo," which has never been known to
fail to cause Whiskers and Moustaches to grow
luxuriantly end heavy, even on beardless faces
in two months after brat application. To those
persons whose beards are light and wiry it rec
ommends itself. A few applications will mu
der it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen are
noted for their beautiful Whiskers and Mousta
elms, which ninny of them attribute to the ex
et:Hence of Lit Salle's Whisker:ludo, Price $1
per box ; tent to any part of the Gaited States
or Canedas per mail, upon the receipt of $l.
Address, Prof. Geo. H. De Bar,
April I, 11457.-3 tn. New York.
Always (et the Rest
lutvo in constant use that must valu ,
able manual Inn ladies—
and trout use and the other we are constantly
receiving testimony to its great usefulness ; hut.
we are anxious that it should he in wry hence
in this city, as we are sure good, substantial
food adds greatly to the health of the household.
In no way can this so certainly, so cheaply be
secured, than by using the sensible receipts in
this book. The pi.; of it —only one del lar—
will speedily be saved in the dueler's bill, the
cost of the ingredients, and the pleasure derived
front tickling the palate with the good things of
this art.
We also publish this day a truly valuable
companion to the above i a new edition, price
50 cents, of
The livuuvintusi Cook unit ►lunar
The object of which ie not to elaborate the
art of Cookery, but to give simple and econom•
icul receipts for Cookery, applicable to every
meal and every occasion; Inc everyday use in
all the duties of a housekeeper, both useful and
ornamental. With the above two books as
their companion and guide to household duties
in the parlor, the dining mom and the kitchen,
the veriest tyro may rival the oldest and best
of housekeepers.
Price of the two volumes $1,50, in cloth ; or
bound in strong sheep, with blank paper inser
ted for adding your own tinnily receipts, $2,00..
Copies of cither book sent by mail (five) ou
receipt of the
190 Chestnut St., below Eighth,
Gas Gas-Lights are Coming I
Rat, with an entirely new and well assorted stock
and every other article mually kept in a coun
try store. We have one of the best selected
stocks of DRY GOODS ever offer, dto the
citizens of this place and vicinity, and are doter
mined to sell lower than can be purchased east
oftlte Allegheny. Give us a call and be satis
fied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at
vest. Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan
before purehmiug many other Goose. We also
purchase tad store Grain, and it is admitted by
all that we have the safest place of unloading in
town. AU kinds of produce taken in exchange
far Goods.
Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved
ao much improved Smut and Screening Ma
chine ; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster,
the Preminin ltrachlne for Millers.
Itesidenee : No. (4 Queen St., (18th Ward,)
address Kensington Post Mee.
Shop: ilsydock Street. below Front, Phila.
Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Stout Machines
• Patent Mill limh, Portahlo Mills,
Stretched Belting, Cement
and Screen Wire,
Square Meshed Bolting Cloths,
Administrator's Notice.
Nom*: is' hereby given, that letters of tultnin
jai mien on the estate of John Wilson, lam of
Cuss townehiit, litintingdon county, deed., hare
been granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
'against the same, will present.- them duly au
dlhenticated for settlement.
RACHEL WILSON j '`‘""'r '
Cass March 18, '57.-60
Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve
ry description, for sale at the lieraware Sono of
J. A. 131LOWN Sr. CO.
Apr.8,'57.-Iy. . .
401. 1 0 `o r n u s t o e f b A y nth . rieit zu e n o l l g s a t in re L/L e n ii n n . nd
- -
I EADPIPE lot sale at the Hardwate Store of
loprietor and Principal.
the first Wednesday of May. Peculiar induce
mug men desiring an education. The Board of
literary attainments, end skilled in their proles
hy situated among the mountains it enjoys the
use of Ague originated hero, and those subject to
tree of instruction is suck us is hest calculated to
id for taking a high stool in college. A Nor—
i teachers, in which, practical instruction will ho
is, and the proper mode of managing nod confine
in ercial Department, is milt as to give th orough
ephig, Mercantile Calculations, Penmanship, &e.
icy from 3 to 10 weeks, depending. on the students
if study either in Connection with other tut! ies,
Ten Mt. Union' Station, on the Penn'. Railroad,
regular Hoe of Stages. _
rushing and Light exillt. Tuition in Double En
t $2O 00. In Single Entry, tell course, time not
mice at the middle of the session. Students in
, are only charged half the 111,0Ve. prices
urs' sons -
For'eutalogne containing full purlieu
Shado Gap, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Eff. 'WARP,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Nos. 77 & 79, North Second Street.
We are now receiving our Spring Stock which
will comprise n large and desirable assortment
of all kinds of Straw and Lace Bonnets. Our
stock of flowers will be unusually large this
season, and we would invite your special mt...
Lion to that tleparttuent. Please call and con•
mine them betnre making your purchases.
E. WARP, Nos. 77 & 79 North 2d St.
March 11,':,7.-2m.
( 41 -, )
bk. •
TILE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
Mill, intbrnt thrmers and the public g eneral.
that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheels and machinery.
They have put in five of tho Improved Jon
vat Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in
all stages of the water, atm during the coldest
weather. any and all kinds of grain.
They are repared to sell, and have on hand
for solo at all times, at market rates, all kind of
and tanners can have their own grniu ground;
and take it back in it return load, or tlity can
ha furnisbod in exchange at a inoinent'd notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop
ped feed.
is of an improved manufacture; and they wilt
insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali•
ty to every bawl of grain left at their ton,
N. B.—The linekwheat stones are not quite
r p a d,
inntingoon, December 0,1656.
'The NEW EDITION of this ralunblo work,
which has long been in preparation now pub.
lished. It ('wins ono volume; impenal octavo,
pages,—and contains an account or
the Lives of about thirteen thousand different
Individuals, more than two thousand of whom
were citizens of the United States.
The number of New Articles in the present
volume exceed two thousand four hundred.
The publishers have determined not to fur.
nish tl o Work through the general Trade, but
to sell it exclusively L,y ayents.
The work is gotten up in superiorstyle—and
as no library will be complete without it, a
most eNcellent opportunity to offered to any
person who desires to engage in a spices.;
honorable and pt.( litable business. Agents
are wanted for all parts of the country. They
will please address the publishers.
• 211 Chesnut st., l'hilad'a.
Feb.25,'57.-sm. -
irabmi Street, South-West conies. of Third,
Incorporated by the Slate of l'enn
.roney is received in any sum large or small
111 anti interest paid i'rom the day uf deposit to
the day of withdrawal.
The - 011ice is open every day, from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
. Monday nod Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock
All sums large or small, aro paid bad: in gold
m demand without notice, to any amount.
Hon HENRY L. BENNER, President,
Wat J Rena, Secretary.
_ _
Henry L. Benner,
Edward L. Carter,
Robert Selfridge,
Stonuel K. Ashton,
James 13. Smith.
C. Landreth Munns,
le. Carroll Brewster,
Jooeph B. Barry,
Ben. L. Churchman
Franeis Lee.
This company c.infines its business entirely to
the receiving of money on intermit. The invest
ments amounting, to nearly ONE MILLION AND
A lIALF of dollars, an per published report of
Assets, are made in contormity with the provi
sions of the charter, in Real Estate, slot tgages,
Ground Rents, and such first-class securities, as
will always insure perfect security to the depos
itors, and which cannot Mil to give permanency
and stability ot this old and wcii.establislied
Feb. 2U, 1856. Mnrd'27
Ita ti lo ntliflw
\i t .llll:o6V-1
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Cu.,
nc.p.F: S. delivers work to the cats. lie has
always ready made work on hand. ill ordors
by mail shall receive prompt attention..
J. Palmer ft Co..
31ARKET STREET 1171.11 a; PHIL'A.
Dealers in Fish & Provisions; •
Itavo constantly on hand e%, rtssnoutent of
Mtn:korai, Shad, Herrings, Codfish, Bear,
Pork, Lard, Shoulders, hiatus, Sides,
Cheese, Rice, ko.
March IF'.
pire> AYER'S
Calluirtie Pills
AEI 31.6 70
Invalids, Pothers, Mothers, Physician■
Philanthropists, rend their Mr..,
and Judge of their Vlrtitti.
Headache, Sick II entincheMoul S'imaneh.
Pver,mi,n, PA., May 1,
Un..T.C. Anew. Eir: I bor. Ikon repot:tally mod of
filo wore hea,hcho auy lauly can 110111 , by a 'toot or Vet)
of your 1.1114. It sworn* to urine fr,au n f1.L.1 w Viol;
tho; elrnrrw fit 01... If th.y 4111 cure otliorm as :toy el.
wo, ~o:1111,u,oriog•
1":‘,.; 1:11 erNlt, - ED. '.111,E,
Clerk,' St. Amer elan.
Dillon% Hit :mien nut! Liver Complaint..
nr ru. Trmudie, 1'
1.1. IoN, 1 , , C., 7 Yob., IRatt.
l'in• 1.1 my geueoril 11°1..1
11 no. snout hemzmle re
..• bewt cat we ernpl.m. Tra
heir g , :
by, awl decided. cormierpir.t.
rangrni , ..l , ewf rlytr
F:x: T ln~r :v,~..
In•l. 0.1. I hair R.. 1 Innl'tonn,l a elan of
that it did nut ri•Allily ylehl n, thool_
c.ttoroolly your, ALONZO HALL, D
Physttlan Ville 2.lnrive HlTltat
DrECUICIr., HOW, unit Worms.
voo 0,11,,. iiArTLA,7II, LI, Co., Mien., Nov. 1.:,
Dn. Am: YAmai ate th • porlimti,mi of
Tia•y have Juno 1•1) . Wife mod than I ran 1,1 zap.
hit 4 13,1 PIA and vinine•ftway for inatithft.
oft to be doctored at grant oirpen.e, I, ,t gut na,llolo,
~,. .
Thei . aft..rsetirde enrol her Ce.l .r two elladien
of 1...1,na1, Al)seloory. Ono Of our hot it I wd, sad
ntv rim .1 him nPh tiro of Si.' Pills. whys
elLera around 111,0 , 1 twat five to twenty dollars .1. shwa•
bills, and nowt much Moo, witiv.ut being ...,oI salmi♦
even 1 ho.. Evah a 3 . 01, VILICiI O actiAll,
good and lomest. On he poked hem.
110. Y. OttIFYIN, Au/stages
Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood:
Prom Her. J. V. Ilitnes, Plub,r ARDeNt elttinch, Begmt
Int. Arca, I have used your Pills uills extraordinary
Mlleregq In my I . lllllily Cid among those 1 aut,valld to VW.
in 'To regulate thee-gnus of dip...1,113:0 po,.
the blood they me tins vnry best remedy I have aons
hnoum, and l eau confidently to...atimund tit.. to I,
friends. Yours, J. Y.IIIMF.A.
WAR9,V, WlOllll.l Co.. N. Y., 0,1.24, 151.4.
Do,C 8111: 1 .1111 , 111, your Ca that tic [lll, in my pee.
Hee. and 1111 them sit excellent purgative to chase tits
system and rarity the
;LOIN 11. 111EACUIAN, it.
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Ititaa's Evil, Totter,
'tumors, and Salt Rheum.
Front n F •rwoolip g Iltrohartl 111, 4, RM.
Dn. Alm.: Your Pllls ,art. the perm,. 1.1 all shoo:
gnats in merll,ine. The. 11,11.11.2 cured my Mtle derghtas
of tdeeroto Kam upon le,. hands and feet that had
itommide for llor ntolliet has boon long ariUTOrlif
mill: blotches and pimples oa !tor sv.l is
her hair. After our child woe cured. she also tOr•I •.^.s,
Pills. and they have cued bor. 080
Rheumatism, Nensulgia., and Gout.
FI oat at gar. Dr. Muria, of Me Method*, lip,. Mir O.
1,. 1101 HAM: f1A... 1 / 1 11. IN,
llnsonetiNt I I 1111111•111 ' N. ungrateful f..r the ell. f ye,r
la..l.rotiSlit use if I did not report 1, Ca- 0 10 )%11
A cold nvllll,lltl my 111:t1 brought on .•tr.: n , isaye
ert of ph, 001... the
Dr. )1....hv0zi... I tried rear 1,i4.
nemnlui, 10,1,
Nur - 11.nd ill
Crvw wars un,1•401,..
lent n,t In 1,11in,01
rlair eff..ctA nluv
use ul tliclu 1 ton n•Av
fur sear
,11114 R,
• •
thut eftic. , . , l tau
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Cc.-
u, the le, wu un excel.
For eostireress or Conktiontion, one as
a I ..... ler Pill. y
Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, luflionnut.
Iteatittoo, ut.,l Partial blind
lq th • 4.:torauvc u,ii , ll of OA,
Mud of ilia
Rill , i•ry, rade, n.l-
,1 I:O:uly, . G 11 3016 6,43 .
C01.c,1,11. IWI fr.
COlll.Olll 110 11101 -
, a., ,-astvort.”...
. COL 0H,C11201,, A PTIRMA ITN
mid rot' rite 1 3 ,13:(331 ‘,.§tati.ptitt, I.3*llles 113 101 3 11.3 . 04
3 3:t3, etc
et ire watt.
eh,, , et every hamlet of thr
1:1.1 41,6 of tit.toitary oota•
:Nrt, are the
111, .1 , .14 N, ithvtil
et:NI r yet the
Nlnoug tLeta
, 1 141,1. 11hile It In the
La the Comp
.t 1 , 11...14t) 01,41111, li
remedy that ran he em•
',rents ehuol4
o'lo4 Weals
NVt , hate eboudatit groutuLl to
HT. I, 11110 t*R-
Itali thi it C.,. Feel: it by
AO, It ,ti tat. h: i.`
n~„nt ~.:~~ i:~.i
II ix,: LL
-•- -
01110 010 --
10:0.10, ncs.
11..r0 r.ntti butium si.d: eqn etntt.r the !rime.%
11,x1. on the ',tole, onto your We liWay.
dt• ! 1:41,2 disorder, ead
t.. 1 tho Niloo. 01 41116 0 . 1.4. 'lOO .011 no: do
th. t , t., y 011.. 0 it i 0 ,011 0.10 the 1... , et .1 eau
ept,nn c.wt. nn 01. 4 00 Wit 40 prulua.n It th•
Yet fr.t t0,.1.1....111 11,4 efforrt II oat , wlo rely Ma
mlurot usrot which our O.IIIE, furnish Cur tkle:t ow a
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Kea,
JOHN' READ, Huntingdon, and dealera ie
medicine everywhere.
October 15, 1856.—1 y.
Just as expected, Purdy & Cra
-11!!!! mer, have rented Spruce Creek
4i,„# Foundry, and you would be stirpri
sed to see what a general as.urt
went of castings they are dealing out to the
public. Machine castings of all - shapes and
sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges
iind Furnaces, nude to order, at shortest no•
rice and lowest possible rates. A good assort
ment of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook
and Parlor, Wood and Coal, dm., die.
They are also prepared to furnish the world
and "the rest of mankind" with the well•Lnown
celebrated Keystone Ploughs. ,And now they
I earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friends
including the former customers of thin well.
known establishment.
Just call and see our stock if you please.
Cob. 4, 1857.—Cm. Spruce Creek, Pa.
No. 191 North Third St., above Wood, Fho4.
nry, Jujubo Paste, Guru Dropa, Chocolate
Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cakes, Clean) Chocolate, French Toys, White
Sugar Toys, kr., &c.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil
bees. Cream Nuts, Oround Nuts, Fire Craek
era, Crops, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can.
dy, Ac., de.
The attention of Dealers is twinged to as
examination of my stock, which will his fotind
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. 13.—Orders by mail or otherwino prompt
ly attended to.
UEXltl W. OVER MAN, Importer of Franck
Calf Skins, end General Leather Dealer,
Nu. ti South Third street, Philadelphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of Loather
Mumma,. Sso,
•?!..; Sacks Coffee just received and for sale
J.-Pi-401..0e by Cl ICNINOHAII & DUNI(