Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 22, 1857, Image 2

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Auntingbou ottrual.
Acos kkn
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SARI. G. 11i 11111"I'Ali CR.
Wednesday Morning, April 22,1857,
"Once more our glorious banner out
Unto the breeze we throw ;
Beneath its folds with song and shout
Well charge upon the fits."
State Central
The President of the b
eau Convention has al
State Central Committee
late American Republi•
Lppointed the following
i Joseph Casey,
Simon Cameron,
John J. Clyde,
Geo. Bergne r ,
Wtn. D. Kelly,
J. M. Seller.,
John M. Sullivan,
Joseph : ?Iyera,
James Edwaids,
J. B. Lancaster,
Jacob L. Gossler,
Edward C. Knight ;
Edward Darlingto,
Wilson Cowell,
T. J Korth,
Henry White,
Lindley Smith,
P. C. Ellinaker,
H. L. Benner,
David Newport,
Wm. H. Keim;
Peter Martin,
Peter S. Minhler,
_ .
Sam!. E. Dimmock,
David E. Small,
B. Rush Petriken,
W. I'. Miner,
L. P. Williston,
John N. Purviance,
D. L. Eaton,
D. E. Finney,
J. R. Edie,
Thos. E. Cochran,
B. C. McPherson,
Jahn Penn Jones,
John Laporte,
D. Gille;pie,
C. B. Curtis,
Robert P. 111' Dowell,
Jobn EL Wells,
A. J. FullCr,
J. Coffey,
( Robert. M. Palmer.
John Covoi . fe,
Joseph Shantz,
The Mormons of Utah.
Judge W. W. Drummond, has sent in
his resignation to Attorney General Black,
as Chief Justice of Utah Territory. The
reasons assigned for this step, are of such
fearful character as to startle the public and
demand the careful and immediate atten
tion of the Government. Judge Drum
mond openly asserts In his tenet of resig
nation, that the authority and laws of the
United States Government are set at defi
ance by these barbarians, who look to their
leader and prophet—Brigham Young—for
all civil and religions laws by which they
are governed, openly and deliberately de-
elating any and ad laws passed by Con•
gress to be of no weight and have no bind
ing influence with them, artless sanctioned
and approved by their prophet. Lie char
ges that Young has imprisoned men from
lowa. Missouri, Ac., without those men
having violated any of the criminal laws of
the land, but merely because they were not
Mormons ; and further that Young inter
rem with the federal courts continually,
and controls the decisions of the same, by
directing the grand jury whom to indict
and whom not, Ste. , But the crowning
act of villainy which Judge Drummond fas
tens upon this people, is the murder of men
from the States. Ile says that Capt. John
W. Gunnison, and his party of eight oth
ers were murdered under the advice and di
rection of the Mormons; that Hon. Leon
idas Shayer, came to his death by being
poisoted by the Mormons ; that A. W.
Babbitt, late Secretary of the Territory,
was murdered by a band of Moutons, Ac.
The Judge concludes with the declaration
that he has always been a Democrat, and
as That party "is the one stow in power,"
it is the party which should now be held
responsible for the present treasonable and
disgracetul state of aflairs in Utah Ter
ritory. We hope that President Buchan
an will at once net things right, and re
move this second edition of Joseph Miller
—Brigham Young—from the position he
is so "eminently qualified" to and note does
disgrace. We will give the letter of Judge
D. in full, in a future number.
• China—The Land of Che•Fung.
We give on the outside of to day's pa
per the horrible intelligence of the destruc
tion of some 70,000 lives at the. bombard
ment of Canton by the British. It is her-'
tibia. France and England are strenuous •
exerting themselves to draw the United
States into their schemes on China. But
the Administration after deliberation in the
Cabinet, has determined on having nothing
to do in die aflair; refuses the appointment
of a special commissioner, and will main•
lain an entire neutrality.
Great Fires.
Itremendous fire in Baltimore last week
destroyed property to the amount of $400,-
000. Eleven persons were killed.—Fires
in Pittsburg, Georgetown, Macon, &c., last
week. destroyed
. a considerable amount of
property. Too much care cannot be taken
wring this season in the matter of fires.
a little caution was used there would not
be este.half the fires as at present.
The American State Council,—
Wilmot Endorsed.
On Wednesday, the 15th inst., a meet
ing of the American State Council was
held in Altoona, for the purpose of taking
action in relation to'the Ticket lately nom
inated by the united Opposition to the Lo
cofoco party in this State. The meeting
was largely attended, and resulted in the
hearty endorse] of the American Repub.
'man Picket. With the exception of an
atom named Moses or Methuselah Jolly,
the notorious Butcher Swoope, and other
pupils of the "side door" school, to the
number of a dozen, the endorsel teas unan
imous. This seals the compact and unites
in a glorious combination, the great oppo
sing elements of Fraud, Foreign Influence,
Slavery Extension and Border Ruffianism,
as emdodied in the Cincinnati Platform and
unreservedly endorsed by the Locofoco par
ty of Pennsylvarda. The language of
Council is, "That we deem it inexpedient
" to make distinctive nominations, and that
we will not issue a call for a separate A.
merican Convention. * * * * We there.
" fore inasmuch as the nominees of said
Convention approve of our principles,
" recommend them to the support of the
" members of the American party at the
" October election." This is the language
of men sincerely opposed to Locofocoism,
and we heartily approve of the sentitnent,
There is now no hall-way ground to be oc
cupied by ultraism ; no special excuses to
be urged on the plea of "sacrifice of prin
ciple." The American party endorsed the
call tor a Union State Convention ; it en
dorsed it by sending delegates to that Con
vention, and now it openly and unreserved
',ly ratifv the nominations by that Conven
don made, in its State Conncil. We make
these stalements with but one dhject, viz :
to show that there is now no shadow of an
excuse , for "straightoutism." The nomi•
ones, the principles laid down in the plat
form, and the entire action of the Union
State Convention meet the approval of I
the American Council, and they call upon
all good and loyal American Republicans
to stand by them. Brethren of a kindred
cause, warring against a common enemy,
the two opponents of Border Ruffian Lo
cofocoism, should not be divided by hick
erings, nominations and recriminations.—
If we are all sincere in our desire to over- I
throw the corrupt powers with which we
have been so long ruled, let us lay aside
those petty feuds which come between ds
and which originate in Locofoco cunning,
and deceit, and form a phalanx of friends
hanrina having hat nee
cause and one end to accomplish.
That all the real spinners of Locofocoism
in II untingdon County will pursue this
line of action, we earnestly pray. That
such will be the case we as earnestly be
lieve, and those who refuse to support and
stand by the ticket whether they be Amer
icans, or American Republicans, we thank
God will be driven to the very place they
rightly belong, and to which their natures,
habits, and principles peculiarly fit them;
we mean to the diseased, rotten. putrily mg
hosom of the Locofoco party, from whence
they have sprung. Such men are not A
mericans; they disgrace that holy, that
sacred title ; we ask not their deceitful
smiles; let them return to the foul carcass,
from whence they came only to infect our
ranks with their loathsome disease. The
glorious Opposition will then be pur lied,
in being freed from this plague spot, and
in the Keystone of the Federal Arch, we
shall wave the proud banner of victory
ver a conquered enemy, and shout the glad
tidings to our sister States that Penns} lea
nia is indeed ' , redeemed, regenerated and
disenth rolled."
Crabbed Down—Fizzled Out.
The Pittsburg Gazette, says that Chief
Justice Lewis has been compelled, by the
outside pressure upon him, and the almost
certain prospect of defeat, to decline the
nomination for re-election to the Supreme
Bench. His ostensible reason for decliuing
is, that he lives in the same county with
the Locofoco candidate for Governor.
We are sorry to lose the anticipated plea
sure of defeating this political Judge. Ilia
unrighteous and pitiful decision in the Pass
more Williamson case made him the em
bodiment of Looofocoisin in its pro Slave.
ry position, and the people ought to have
had the chance of rebuking him for that
decision. But the inanagert of the party
dare not meet frankly and fairly. the issues
they hove raised. We present a candidate
for Governor who first put the ball in mo
tion against the extension of Slavery ;
while they, when they have chanced to fall
upon a candidate who has not scrupled to
carry the principles of his party upon the
bench, hurry him out of the way ; and
the) wilt endeavor in every possible way
to shirk the real issue of the campaign.—
The policy thus adopted indicates fully the
timidity that has seized upon that party.
It betrays whet they would fain conceal—
art apprehension of defeat. The appro.
itenstou, we take it, is not without founda.
D'Arreet's Comet.
It can now be seen with a telescope of
moderate power. It is now in the constel
lation Perseus. It presents the usual cant,
etary appearance. The nebulous head is
about a minute in diameter, and the nu•
ohms to as bright as a star of the seventh
6tutral Prim
Confession of a Wife Murder—Burning
of the Body by the Husband.
We learn from the Toledo Commercial of the
Gth inst., that R. J. M. Ward hus made an en.
reserved confession of the murder of his wife.
Being premed for room, we simply make the
fiillowing abstract:
On Tuesday evening February 3d, Mrs.
Ward and myself bad some words, during which
Mrs. Ward struck me on the head with a fluid
lamp, aloe on the right side of the nose cause
leg the same to bleed freely. I begged her
not to strike me, took the lamp, away from her
and went to bed. We arose between six and
seven o'clock on Wednesdny morning. I spoke
to her about the blow she had given see r show•
ing her where she bad struck me on the eve.
ning previous, also the blood on the bolster
and tick. She said she wished I had bled to
death. and, picking up a stick of hi( kery wood
she attempted to strike me. I warded oil the
blow which fell upon my right thumb, laming
it severely. The stick fell from her hand, .d
as she stooped to pick it up, I seized a flatiron
and in the heat of passion, struck tier with it
on the right side of the bead, upon and under
the eras. driving the car ring into the flesh.—
She fell to the floor, exclaiming, "Ohl Ward,
you have killed the l" I dropped the this iron
and went to her; she was lying on her side; I
turned her over on her bock, and placed a
petticoat under her head, supposing she. was
only stunned. I used all meats in my power
to restore her, but in half an hour she died,
having only spoken once, 'O, my Holly,' mean
in.', as I suppose, her little girl.
After she was dead, I wrapped her head in
a petticoat and drew the body under the bed
to conceal it in case any one should come in.—
'About halfpast 8 o'clock, Wm. H. Nathan. a
mulatto boy, came to the door with some milk
I took the milkand he left. I then went to Liba
Allen's grocery, bought a pound of sugar, told
him I was going away. I then returned to
the house, and atter a short time commenced
cutting up the body. I tore the clothes from
the throat d ,wn. I then tools a small pocket,
kiln and opened the body, tools nut the bow.
els first and, then put them in the stove, upon
the wo , ,d; they being filled with air, would
make a noise in exp'odin,, so I took my knife
and pricked licdes through them, to prevent
the noise; then took out the liver nod heart,
and put them in the stove; found it very diffi.
cult to burn them ; had to take the polier and
frequently stir them, before they could be des
troyed, found the lungs very much decayed.—
I then took nut the blood remaining in the can
ity of the body, by placing a copper kettle
close to the same, and scooping it out with my
hands. I then dipped portions of her cloth
ing in the same, end burnt it together, fearing,
if I put the lAsiod in the stove alone, that it
might be discovered.
I then etude an incision through the flesh
along down each side. broke off the ribs and
took out the breast bone, and throwing it into
a large boiler, unjointed the arms at the shout.
ders, - doubled up and placed them in the boi•
ler ; then severed the remaining portions of
th e body by placing a stick of wood under the
back bone over the same, cutting away the
flesh and ligament with a knith. Then tried
to sever the head from the body; it proving
iseffeetual, I put the whole upper potion of
the hotly into the boiler. 'Then took a large
carving knife and severed the lower portion of
the body, tinjointed the legs at the knee, and
again at the hip joint ; out the thighs open
they burned very rapidly.
On Thursday night I commenced burning
the body, by placing the upper and back por•
Lions of the same, together with the bead, in
the stove. On Friday morning, finding it hod
not been consumed, I built a large fire by pia.
cing wood around and under it, and in a short
time was wholly consumed; except some small
portions of the larger bones and of the skull.
The remaining portions of the body were kept
in the boiler and in tubs, under the bed, cov
ered up with a corded petticoat, and were
there at the time the first search was made on
Saturday, by Constable Curtis.
Hearing on Saturday evening that the citi•
zees were not satisfied with the search made
by Mr. Curtis, I proceeded on &witty morning
to destroy the remainder of the body, by burn.
ing the same in the stove, cuttting the fleshy
purl of the thighs in small strips, the mote
readily to dispose of them. On Monday mor
ning I took up the ashes in a small keg, sift.
ting out the larger pieces of bone with my
hands, placing the same in my overcoat pock.
ets, whichd scattered in various places in the
field at different times. Also took the major
portion of the trunk nails, together with the
hinges, and scattered them in different places.
I then burned her trunk and every vestige of
her clothing, disposing of small portions at a
time, to prevent their creating too mach
We need simply add that the guilty wretch
has been sentenced to be hung.
An Old Settler Gone.
HENRY EARNEfir, eightpsix years of age,
died in Hempfield township; Westrunre'and co.,
on the 30th inst. Ile was two in Bedford co.,
in 1772. His father's rude house, one morn.
ing before day, is the year 1780, was attacked
by five Indian warriors. The first alarm given
to the sleepers was - by the barking, of their
watchful dog; the father jumped front his bed,
but before he could seize his lire-arm, was shot
through the window by one of the Indians, and
instantly killed. A stranger, who had stopped
over night, was sone after shot ist the door, se
that the mother, with her six helpless children,
was left without soccer. She, however, effec
ted the escape of four of her children through
the clap-board roof of their cabin, and could
have escaped herself, but being possessed of
that heroism no peculiar to the frontier mothers
of our race, and being unwilling to desert her
two youngest sons—Henry and a still younger
brother, who were , in bed below--she aurren-
dered herself and two boys to the Indians. Tine
dead were then scalped, and the house robbed ;
but while the warriors were engaged in secur
ing their plunder, they left their trophies—the
scalps—un a Dutch chest. nod the wife, unwil
ling to leave her husband's scalp in their rod,
legs hands, and, being unobserved by her cap.
turn, slipped it behind the chest, so that it was
never regained by the Indians. But the stran
ger's scalp having two crowns, and the British
at that day paying their allies a premium for
each, was severed fu two, that they might so.
cure the foil price of their bloody deeds. Alter
this, the Indiana took up their trail for Detroit,
leading their primness. who cultured mu oh en
the way from fatigue and hunger. But the
mother, whu curried her youngest son nearly
the whole way, fared better than she would
otherwise have done, as the Journey was not
accomplished with the usual rapidity of the red
man, owing to the extreme age of two of the
warriors. At Detroit the prisoners were given
into the heeds of the British, with whom they
remained about eighteen mouths, when they
were exchanged, and returned to their home in
Bedford county. Here Henry remained until
his twentydhird year, whets, bring married, he
sought out for himself a new home in West.
moreland county, and has continued from that
time up to the day of his death upon the same
farm. He died in his 86th year, having had
eight children, fifty grard-children, forty-five
great grand.ehildren, and one great.great.grand
child—nearly all of whom survive bon,
The Original Dred Scott a Resident of
St. Louis.
Sketch of his History.
Franc t Sl. Louis NCIOS, Ay; i/ S.
This distinguished colored individual who'
has made such a noise in the world in the case
of Scott against Sanford, and who has become
so tangled up with the Missouri Compromise
and other great subjects—Deed Scott—is a re
sident, not a citizen, of St. Louis. Ile is well
known to many of our citizens, and may fro ,
gauntly be seen passing along Third Street.
He is an old inhabitant, having come to this t
city thirty sears ago.
Bred Scott was born in Virginia, where he
belonged to Capt. Peter Blow, the hither of
Henry C. Blow and Taylor Blow, of this city. t
He was brought by his master to St. Louis
about thirty years ago, and is the course of '
flow became the property of Dr. Emerson, a
surgeon in the urmy, whom lie accompanied on
that trip to Rock Island and Fort Snelling, on
the ground of which ho based his claim Si''free•
dom. The wife of Dr. Emerson was formerly
Miss Sanford, and is now Mrs. Chaffee, with of
the lion. Mr. Chaffee of Massachusetts. He
has been married twice, his first wife, by whom
he had no children, having been sold front bins.
He has had four children by his present wife—
two boys, both dead, and two girls, both living.
Deed was at Corpus Christi at the breaking out
of the Mexican war. as the servant of Capt.
Bainbridge, whom he speaks of as a 'good
On his return from Mexico he applied to his
mistress, Mrs. Emerson, then living near St.
Leek, for the purchase of his family, offering
to pay part of the money down, and give an em
inent citizen of St. Louis, an officer in the ar
my, as security forth° payment of the remain
der. Ilis mistress refused his proposition, and
Dred boing informed that he was entitled to his
freedom by the operation of the laws regulating
the Northwest Territory, forthwith brought
suit for it. The suit was commenced about ten
years ago, and has cost Dred $5OO iu cash, be
side lab& to nearly equal amount. It has gi•
ven him a 'heap o' trouble,' he says, and if tee
lead known 'it was gwine to lust so long,' he
would nut have brought it. The suit was de
fended by Mr. John Sanford, as executor of
Dr. Emerson's will.
Dred does not appear at all discouraged by
the issue of the celebrated case, although it
dooms h:in to Slavery. He talks about the af
fair with the ease of it veteran litigant, though
not exactly in tedinieat language, and is huge
ly tickled at the idea of finding himself a per
sonage-of such importance. He dues not take
On airs, however, but laughs heartily when talk
ing of "de fuss dey made der in Washington
'bout de ole nigger."
He is about fiftv-five years old, we should
think, though he dues not know his own age.
He is of unmixed African blood, and as black
as a piece of charcoal. For two or three yours
past he has been running at large, no one ex
ercising ownership over hint or putting any re
'straint upon his movements. If he were dis
posed to make the attempt, he could guilt his
freedom at a much less rust than even one
tenth of the expense of the famous suit. lie
will not do so however,
insisting on abiding by
the principles involved in the decision of the
suit. Hu declares that he will stick to his mis
tress as long as he lives. Die daughters, Eliza
and Lucy, less conscientious about the matter,
took advantage of the absence of restraint on
their movements, a year or two since, to disap
pear, and their whereabouts retnains a mystery.
Deed, though illiterate, is not ignorant. Ile
has travelled considerable, and has improved
hi s stock of strung-cionnion Sante by 111.11 ill.
ItURIOU to know Who owns fntj, icing ignorant
whether he is the prupefty tit Mrs. Chaffee or
Mr. Sanford, though, we presume, there is no
doubt that the former is his legal owner. He
seems tired of running about, with no one to
look after him, while nt'the same time he is a
slave. He says, grinningly, that he coukl make
thousands of dollars, if allowed, by travelling
over the country and telling who he is.
Eleven Years a Slave.
The following paragraph is from the West'
Chester (Pa.) 17/(clue Record:
"We mentioned iu the last Record that
James Henry, a colored man, born in West
Chester, had been kidnapped, sold as a slave,
and remained in bondage, in Virginia, until he
made his escape, a period of eleven years.—
Since our publication Henry hes culled ut our
office, and detailed a considerable portion of
his experience. He is a light.complected Jim
gro, and his father being a preacher, he was
taught to read and write. He has a good ad.
dress, and is fluent mil tongue. In 1833, at ten
years of age, he entered the U. S. Navy, where
he remained eight or ten years, and was dis
charged as a first-class seaman, with a medal
for good conduct. Alter being on shore for
some time, ho engaged as a seaman on board
a vessel bound fur the West Indies. The cap
lain of this vessel having sailed, anchored on
the coast of Virginia, tools him ashore in a boat,
and telling him he would shortly be back, push.
ed off the ship, and left him on shore. The cap
tain did not return, and Henry soon found that
he was claimed and scented us a slave; he was
knocked down and ironed, and in company with
various negroes was marched off to the South
and sold. They travelled during night, from
station, being by day time confined in strung
slave peas. He everywhere protested his free
dom, but received no attention ; no man was
willing to befriend him, and ho was doomed to
bondage for years and years, until he could
find the means of cornice. How shall this man
Henry obtain redress upon those'who have en
aluved hint—beat and mauled him—and insul
ted the nutjesty:ef Pennsylvania, which was
'bound to protect him, or avenge his wrongs?
How? Can any one answer?
Book from Gov. Geary.
- -
The Chicago Tedium has the following
statement. We presume the informant of that
journal in Our. Gornian t of Minnenoto
"We are told by a Democrat of unquestioned
faithfulness to his party. himself a Governor,
that in a late commrsation with (Inv. Geary,
he learned that that gentleman in preparing,
trom his diary, faithfully kept Main , his ad
ministration, a mammary of , events in ltunane,
as they came under his own personal or While'
observatiim. IVe are turd by the name author.
ity, that in that book, when it is given to the
country, the allegatiuus of the Republican jobr
mils in relation to the fiendish atrocities prac
ticed upon the Free State Men, by their Border
Ruffian invader., will not only be confirmed,
but fully proved. It will be stated that, during
a trip on a inuch•frequented road, snot alter
his arrival in the Territory, the Governor saw
the bodies of twenty-six murdered Frde State
men. Some of these had been allot or brained,
and thrown out by the roadside to rot under
the burning sum Others bad been scalped as
ludiutis scalp their victims. One was pinioned
to a tree by a howic.knife driven through his
•heart into the solid wood at his back, on his
breast was fastened n written warning to oil
other "Abolitionists." Some were buried just
beneath the prairie nod, their arms and hands
left sticking out of the shallow holes into which
they had been thrown. Upon others, the
nameless mutilations of private parts, which
characterize the ferocious joy of the Indian,
in the moment of victory, had been commiotd.
Ist all cases, brutality seemed to have onhaua.
red itsolf in insulting what, among all eiviraod
men, whether friend or : foe, are looked upon
' with respect—tho bodies of the dead."
Marrying for 'Tun."
The Lancaster Examiner of April IG, says,
that another instance of the folly of "marrying
for fun," is just now exciting the good people
of Fonda. It seem( that abanking otlieer in
that town met at a sail a young lady from this
neighborhood, who was very good.looking,
sprightly and attractive. While waltzing with
her, he proposed in jest that they should be
married. Tho lady accepted his proposition,
and they adjourned to a aide room, where a
person present was called upon to perform the
ceremony, which he did, to the infinite amuse.
meat of all concerned. The gentleman thought
no more of the matter until the breaking up of
the ball, when the fair partner called upon bins
to conduct her to his residence. He demurred,
and thought she had better go to her own resi•
deuce. She said that the home of her husband
was her home, "whither thou goest, I will fol
low." He didn't hardly understand that she
was his wife. She insisted upon her marital
right, and claimed that as the ceremony had
been performed by a Justice of the Peace, it
was a perfectly fair and legal transaction. Gen.
tlemen inquired into matter, found that . her po•
sitions were correct, and that he was in a bad
box. He is now endeavoring to ignore his wife
.d back out of the bargain, with little prospect
of success, however. The lady has belbre been
mauled, and was, it is understood, divorced
from her former husband, but under .uch eir.
curnstances as admitted of her marrying again.
Movement Upon China.
A large military and naval force is non
about taking its departure from England for
China, a part of the vessels having sailed.—
The following summary is given of the milita
ry force, in addition 'to which there will be a
largo naval force, Consisting in great part of
steam vessels, including a large number of
"The force about to be concentrated at
Hong-Kong will consist of two brigades of in
fantry, composed of the sth Fusiliers, now on
their.passage from the Mauritus, the 59th re
giment, now at llong.Kong, the 23d, Fusiliers,
the 82d, 90th, und 93d regiments, which will
proceed as soon as the shipping arrangements
are coinpleted. This force will be further re•
inforced by four companies of artillery Iron
Woolwich, 1,000 mariners, and 10.0 men of the
royal engineers; while in the shape of assail•
iary corps it will be accompanied by one bat
mallet: of the military train and 200 men of
the medi ca l Stiff corps. The Communder•iu-
Chief will he Major General Ashbiarnham,
C. 8., who had a command in the Sutlid cam
paign. lie guile out with the rack of Lieuten
ant Ger.erul."
It is understood that France will co-operate
with a large force.
DR. WINTRODE.—We have been requested
to publish the following, which has been hand
ed to us by a citizen of this place. It is from
a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer :
"Among the memheis not yet mentioned in
my sketches is Mr. Wintrode of Huntingdon
county. He is full five feet ten inches in height,
and powerfully but symmetrically built. He is
I persume, thirty-five years of age. He has a
fine type his eyes large and blue. He is one of
the finest looking men in the House. Gen.
tlemanly and kind in his deportment, yet he is
withal somewhat quiet and reserved in his man
ner. His step and bearing are firm, and indi
cate that he is a man of resolution—one who,
when he determines upon anything will be cer
tain to carry it out—only gathering strength
from opposition.
When he speaks, which is seldom, without
any metensions to oratory, he explains himself
has represented fhithfully the interests and
wishes, of his constituents. He is, in poll-
tics, an American, and adheres strictly to his !
party. II viltingdon would do well to room
him a third time. Ile having acquired that
experience will certainly be more useful than
one who has that experience to acquire.
Distressing Affair.
It is our painful duty, this week, to chroni•
clo an accident resulting in the death of a young
neon named James Devine, son of Mr. Benja.
min Devine, of this place, which occurred in a
very singodar manner, and should serve as a
warning to thoso who are iu the habit of sport.
ting with pointed and edged tools. From what
we can learn, it appears that on this day two
weeks since, the deceased and a young man
named George Levan, employees in the con,
pany's shop, were amusing themselve by throw.
ing chips at one another, when Levan picked
up a screwdriver and made 'notions as if about
to throw it—not intending to do so, however,—
when unfortunately it slipped out of the handle
and the point struck the deceased on the back
of the head, causing a slight wound.—Alluorta
OREGON AS A STATE.—The bill pending in
the last Congress. for the admission of Oregon
into the Utlion, no a State, mode the eastern
boundary the one hundred and twentieth me
ridian of longitude; thus reducing the area of
the State to fine third the extent of the terra°.
ry. This, however, is quite sufficient, the tne
ridian mentioned being the same which forms
the casters boundary of California. Advices
front the territory say that the people are now
much aitated by the State questions, that it is
believed' they will now vote fora constutional
convention, and will reject slavery. The latter
is doubtful.
gir California Salaries during the preva
lence of the gold fever were so extravagant that
the pay of all the public officers had to be fixed
at enormous rates. Thus, the Governor re
ceived ten thousand dollars a year, the Judges
of the Supreme Court eight thousand each, and
so or.. Since then things have come down
to something like reason in ordinary life, and
last year the Legislature paused a new law fix
ing the salary of the Governor at six thousand
dollars, of the supreme Judges at the same,
and so on in proportion. Now, it is proposed
to make a still further reduction all around, as
the State Treasury is embarrassed.
ExraLstox or A SPIR TVA!. Mcuirm FROM
HARVARD UNIVEIIBITY.—It appears that a
student o divinity at Harvard University, pro.
leasing to be a spiritual mediate, ventured to
invite several members of the faculty to witness
his 'surprising feats which are said to have
surpassed any similar performance of this
nature. At this "sitting," however, the disco,
cry was made by a professor of the Scientific
School, that the tables were moved by a trick
of his feet. A meeting of the faculty was
convened and the matter thoroughly investiga•
ted, which has resulted in the expulsion of the
delinquent, who has hitherto sustained an tin.
blemished reputation-among his fellow students
who mainly believe him to be self-derived.
131 T BY A Dtm.—col.Curtir, Secretary of the
Commonwealth, we understand, was bit by a
large dog in Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, oq
the 2d inst. The dog flew at him in a savage
manner, and seized him by the leg. Fearing
that the dog wue mad, eminent surgeons were
called in and the wounds were cauterized.—
Great anxiety is felt for the result
The lowa Election.
CHIOAGO, April 14.
The election returns-from lowa indicate tho
success of the Republican candidates for State
officers by a majority equal to that obtained at
the November election.
ter dated Ebenezer, Morgan county, Ga, says:
"We had a sharp frost on Tuesday morning.—
Nearly all the fruit is destroyed—blue plums,
magul plums, quinces, cherries, peaches, and
pears, aro all killed, and very few apples are
eft. Our corn was mostly up, and is bit to the
ground, but it will come out again. Wheat
crops in this section are very promising, not
being quite forward enough to be injured. Our
exchanges from all sections of Georgia, Flori•
dn. Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana bring
us the same accounts.
DESTRUCTIVE Woams.—One of the San Fran.
cisco piers, laden with 50,000 feet of lumber,
gave way recently, nod the whole tumbled into
the bay, together with four persons who happen.
ed •to be on it at the time. One of these, a
merchant of Seattle, Puget's Sound, named
Phillips, bad his leg broken. All four were,
however, rescued alive. The piles supporting
the pier had only been in the water two years,
but they wore eaten through by the salt water
worms which infest that harbor. As several
similar occurrences have happened, it would he
advisable to build the piers of mere durable
material than wood.
ObrA ramrod was shot through a boy's
head at Rockland (Maine) last Tuesday, a gun
hnving gone off while another was loadening
it. Tho rod entered near the right angle of
the right eye of Johu L. Craig, came out at
right of the greatest prominence in the back
part of the head, the, point protruding about
four inches, and it struck so closely to the bones
that a hammer was used to drive it back.—
Notwithstanding the severity and delicacy of
the wound, the boy may recover.
TIM CRIMRAN WAn.—Colonel Tullock has
issued in London a pamphlet on the Crimean
War, - in which it is proven that out of 10.000
British soldiers who died during seven months
in the Crimea, 800 were slain in battle. 1200
were cut oil' by the epidemic. 8000 perished,
not in battle, not by pestilence, but by "disease
produced by causes most of which appeared
capable at least of mitigation," The Crimea,
it should be noted, is naturally as healthy as
issued ut East Deer township, Allegheny comi
ty, Pa., for the arrest of six young ladies char
ged with riding She schoolmaster of that dis
trict on a rail. It appears that the 5ch001....
ter refused the use of his schooldrouso for the
purpose of holding singingechools, which gave
the young ladies grent offence. So great is the
excitement that the young ladies have secreted
themselves to avoid arrest
the attention of those who ore bald headed,
and those who are afraid of becoming so, to
the advertisement of Prof. Wood's Hair Rea
toralive in to-day's paper. We are not in the
habit of puffing every quack nostrum that is
advertised in our paper, but we felt it our duty,
when we come across an article that is good,
to let the people know it. We have no fears
of h [tying soon to "scud under bare poles,"
therefore have not used the Restorative, but
thirk, if the coati icates of honest men can be
relied upon, that it must be a first rate article.
Try it, ye whose natural wigs need rejtivent,
tion.—Rearille Republican.
igir John Read is agent,
Ser It has become an established fact that
Dr. Sandford's Invigorator will cure Liver
Complaint, Jaundice and General Debility:—
Many people, personittly known to us. whose
word cannot be doubted, have given their cerjif•
tomes to prove this, and with such a mass of
evidence who can doubt.
It is truly the invnlid'; friend, and will give
relief when all other remedies fail, and some
instances that have come under our observa•
tion it seemed the means of snatching its vie•
time from the grave, we wish all our readers
who need medicine would try one bottle, for it
will surely give relict.
"WOOLLAND CREAM"-A l'buiade for beau
tibing Hair—highly perfumed. superiur to
any French article imported, and for half the
price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it has nu
equal, giving it a Liven glossy appearance.—
It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most
natural manner. it removes dandrilf, always
giving the Hair the appearance of being fresh
shampooned. Price only fifty cents. None
genuine unless signed
I. O ETRIDGEI St 00. N. Y. Proprietors of the
"Balm of a Thousand Flowers.'
For sale by all Druggists.
A ntiphlogistic Salt.
This celebrated medicine is fur sale at the
Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Get a box and try it, ye
who are afflicted.
How TO TALK.—A new pocket manual of
Speaking, Conversation and Debating ; with
Directions fur acquiring a Grammatical, Easy,
and Graceful style. By Fowler and We 116,308
Broadway, N. Y. Price iu paper, 30 ets; mug=
lin, 50 etc. This is the second number of their
new "Hand BOoks for Home Improvement,"
which aro emphatically "books for the million,' ,
and should be in every family.
Two MontuaL PeatonicaLsFrect of Postage,
for five dollars per annum. The Anerimi
Journal of the Medical Sciences, edited by
Isaac Hays, H. I)., is published quarterly,
on the lirst of January, April,. July and Ott.
tober. Each number contains at least two
hundred and eighty largo octavo pages, ap•
propriately illustrated, wherever necessary :
The .Medical News 'and Library—ls publish.
ed monthly, each number containiug thirty.
two large octavo pages.
Terms.—The animal subscription to the "A.
tnerican Journal of the Medical Sciences." is
Five Dollars. That of the "Medical News and
Library," required invariably in advance ; but
tor some years past the publishers have given
the "News" without charge to all subscribers
to the "Medical Journal," who remit live Dol.
larg subscription money in advance. They
now, however, offer 'further inducements,' by
agreeing to pay the postage on both periodicals,
but only when the armlet subscription is remit.
tad in advance. Those subscribers, therefore,
who do not pay in advance, will bear in mind
that they are at the e;cpenee of their own too.
Cage on receipt of each number, and that their
subscription of Five Dollars will entitle them
'to the Journal only. Geutlemen, therefore,
who remit their subscription in advance, will
receive, for the small sum of five dollars, both
works. Address, Blanchard & Lea,
Philadelphia, Pa.
[Beide of Alfred B. Crewit, deed.]
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters testimen•
Lary ou the estate of Alfred B. Crewit, late of
the borough of Huntingdon, doe'd., have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in said
borough, and all persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make payment, and those
having claims against said estate aro required
to present the same tn , the undersigned, duly
authenticated, for eettletnout• .
April 22. 1R57.---6t. Erert,tri.e,
mil Batts.
A chief's ammo ye takio' notes,
And faith, he'll prent
Al6r A lady naned Tyler died in Richmond,
Va., recently from the bite of a spider or some
other. poisonous insect.
Kir The official vote for Mayor, In Cincin•
nett, at the late election, was, for Thomas,
Rep., 8,785; Smith Democrat, 8,545. Repub•
lican majority, 240.
Mir The Chicago Democrat mays the resig
nation of Gov. Geary, and the decision In the
Dred Scott case, have destroyed all that was
left of Judge Douglas.
Wise is ltc7—The boy is now living who will
be President in 1900. Of his precise residence
we are not informed; but hopele is carefully
qualifying himself by cultivating only good
How to manage a balky Horse.—lt is said,
that if you tie a handkerchief over the eyes ut
a horse that balks at a hill, ho will step on us
if he were blind, and as if there were'ao bill
before him.
Hoops Denounced is the Bible.—The follow
ing is an extract, from Isaiah iii. 18:
"In that day the Lord will take away the
bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their
feet, and their combs, and their round are like
the moos."
SW— Wni. S. If, Keys, who was convicted
of assault and battery at the last Court in Blair
county, and sentenced to three months iutpris.
commit in the county jail, was discharged en
Friday the 3d hist, by a pardon from the Gus.
Pious Durkey.—Sam, why don't you tali
to your Massa, and tell hint to lay.up his treas•
are in heaven?
Iractical Saw.—What's de use of his lay
ing up his treasure dere, where he never sea
um again?
@ Packer, the Denwermio candidate for
Governor, has been mixed op with the policy
that has taxed our people with 'forty millions
of dollars of tax. He was Carol Commission•
or under Porter's corrupt administration, and
also Auditor General.
1710'Tlic Democrats are becoming (naafis
fted with their candidate for Governor and an•
other Democratic candidate will soon be brought
not. It is like!y to be the Hon. C H. Straub,
the Democratic Senator from Schuylkill coon.
ty. How harmonious I
"A Solemn Fuel' —The Southern Cu'firmer
nays : "It is a solemn fact that not one mar.
liege:da girl in twenty can make a really good
cup of coffee." A fart so serious as this should
immediately engage the attention of all ma,
riagenble girls. Should'ut it?
s?ee l'ait of a Totcer.—The Chinese Herald
confirms the report that the fur famed pores
loin tower at Nankin was destroyed in Novem•
ber, during a bloody =mere of 5000 to 6000
imperial troops by the insurgents, who tad
gained poesersion of the city by treason.
air Gov. Pollute has accepted an it.vitn •
lion to deliver the annual address before the
alumni of Jeffers. College, Caunonsburg, at
the commencement in July next. Although
not alumnus of Jefferson Cellcgo, Gov. Pol.
Ink was at one limo a student at that iustita.
A Deniocratic P,•eaclrcr of the Ompel.—la
a discussion in the Bogus Kansas Legislature,
her weeks ago, the Rev. Mirrtin White a
member, made a ferocious speech, in which he
admitted that he killed l'rederiek . Brown, who
our readers will remember was slaughtered last
summer on the highway while traveling.
pay - McCarty, of the Bardstown (Ky.) Ga.
sate, says that any good•looking young lady
can get him by applying soon, provided that
she can support him in the style to which he
has been accustomed—three meals a day, a
plug of tobacco per week, and a clean shirt an
Sunday. We hope they won't all spark
once, it might embarrass the young man.
A Practical Application of the Dyed' Seep
Decision.—The Democratic canvassers iu the
town of Ulouccater, R. 1., struck the names of
the colored voters in that tows kora tho lists
before the election, alleging that they wore jua.
titled in this action by the decision in. the coma
of Dred Scutt. The Providence Journal
mates that legal proceedings will be coronae.
(Jed against them.
Suicide.—Wm. Burnside, of Potter's Mill,
Centre county, committed suicide on Thursday
last in an outhouse near his residence, by cut
ting his arm with a knife. He was a tanner
by trade, widely known and highly esteemed,
but was unfortunately one of those who in pa.
cuninry matters immagined the worst for hint
self, and conjured up difficulties in the future
of the most unlikely kind.
se- In DeWitt, Clinton county, 111., lent Or
total) loner IVyaut killed a man named Rush
by shooting him four times with a revolver.—
•Wyant's trial bus just closed at Bloomington,
when it was proved that be had had u previ
ous difficulty with Rusk, and was inanely
afraid of being killedby him. This n onam.
ania. was shown to be so strong that the jury
acquitted him and recommended his committal
to a lunatic Ruins).
Shod his Si*, —We learned yesterday at•
ternoon that a little boy, 6 years old, named
William Small, residing with his parents iu
13uckstown, Somerset County, shot his sister,
8 years old, on Saturday last. The children
went up stairs together into a room where
there was a loaded gun, which the boy tunic
in his hands, :Aid 'pointing it at his sheer,
managed to discharge it. The ball passed
through her heart killing her instantly,
Cornered hint.—!'What has brought yo u
here ?" said alone woman who was quite "flus
trated," the other morning, by en catty call
from a bachelor neighbor who lined opposite,
and who she regarded with peculiar favor.
"I came to borrow matches ?"
"Matches I that's a likely story I Why don't.
you malty a match yourself? I know what
you came for," cried the exasperated old virgin
as 66 backed tho old bachelor in a corner—
" You came hero to kiss me almost to death I
But you shau't without you are the strouseet,
and the Lord kn., von are