bintingtion ournal. NEWS ABOTIT HONE. THE MIINTIN - OgN POSTMASTER. The reader, of the Journal will remember that after I had eutiured injury and insult at the hands of this unprincipled official until en durance bud become intolerable, I, last .Jana' ary, entered upon a proper defence of my char acter, and consequent exposure of his villainy. Although -hardened in iniquity and dead to ebame, my first article dispelled his dreams of impunity in guilt; and quailing under the up lifted lash, he next day issued a card demand ing an investigation of his conduct, and,lesuit like, feigning to desire it! Against this advice of friend., who predicted what has since been recited, I accepted his hypocritical challenge on condition that the investigation should em brace "all the charges I felt justified in milking against his conduct ns post ter;' To this he conserved in writing, and 11%41te of acceptance is in my possession. I then drew'up three gem oral charges embracing a number of particulars, and sent a copy of them to Lewis by a reaper table crtizen—whose name can be given if call ed for--and immediately began to collect the necessary testimony. In this, I found no diffi culty, but readily obtained evidence to sustain, folly and completely, each of my three charges. At this stage of the case I notified one of my members of the Committee who lives at some distance, and was about to serve notice on Leicis and announce, in the Journal, the time nod place of meeting, when I discovered that a por cine of my evidence was liable to technical ob jectiorts, and might be rejected on strictly legal grounds, it not having been taken in accord ance with the particular forms of law in such cases required. To obviate this difficulty it was necessary to obtain Lewis' connect to the mode of taking testimony; and fur this purpose I ad dressed to him a respectful note, asking .4whe thee he would agree to admit, as evidence, offi cial letters from the Post office Department at Washington, and the affidavits of witnesses li ving out of the county of Huntingdon, faker before as Alderman or Justice of the Pence." This note, he, at first, peremptorily refused to answer ; and on being applied to a second time, and an answer insisted on, he again virtually refused to accept this, the only possible mode of taking testiniony in a trial of this kind where there in no authority to compel the attention., of witnesses by legal process! This refusal is couched in the following words, written by Lewis on the 9th ult.: “In the absence of the day of meeting being named, I cannot say whether I could meet you with the Nam kind of evidence.” • WM. LEWIS. • In answer to this note I informed Lewis that he might hare two, three, or four weeks "to meet me with the same kind of evidence if he desired it." To this he made no reply, and here the matter rested len days. Lewis mean• while discovering that all his artifices had fail• ed to . conceal his true position, but served en• thee to make transparent the sole object of his card to the public —escape front merited expo• pnwe. Finding himself toiled then fur, but Irr. silo is expedients to baffle justice, as all exp,ri• .need transwessorit are, he now tried another 'live more impudent than the first. On the 19th cit., he sent me a common:cation by his friend, .I.lex'e Port, saying at its close: "I accept your propoeition (of the 9th ult.,) of taking evidener buluu e Althrineu,.luetiers of the Pence, ,te." This looks like coining up to the work, rea. 'ler. But, what do you suppose Lewis wanted me to prove by the evidence thus taken? My charges, of course; the three general cliel•ges presented to . him, in writing., when I accepted his proposition to submit the matter to a Coin. nilitee. Nay, verily. Not the three ctiiirges I had promised to make good againit him. No• thing like it. But he asked me to establish nine other charges nearly all entirely different front miss—or forfeit $l2O !! To establish these charges, by such evidence as he was p!ea sad to indicate, he agreed that testimony might be taken before Aldermen and Justices of the Peace) You will say "is this possible?" It is. And incredible as it may seem to persons not acquainted with Lewis, it is the unvarnished truth—the document is question is in toy pos• session, in Lewis' handwriting, and over his signature I Let us look at this a moment. Lee's rejects the only ineans of tatting testi• monp to prove the charges I find offerekto make good against him, and then attempts to escape the consequences of this refusal by ask•l ing um to establish three fold as many charges of his own framing. What would be thought of a criminal arraigned for trial on an indict ment containing three counts, if he should re• fuse to appear or admit competent witnesses, but insist en writing hie.own accusation it: nine counts t,. sit his own taste, and then demand a trial? NI mild not such a culprit be acquit ted of every charge on a just plea of insanity ? Certainly he would. But this is precisely what Lewis has done. Can lte set up a plea of insa nity ? Not until our locetbee Courts shall rule that moral insanity is a plea of innocency—"a consummation devoutly to be wished by such scoundrels as Lewis ; and one by no means un likely in view of recant absurd, unrighteous and infamous decieione of some of our high Judi cial tribunals. But, however low may sink the neural sense of locofoco courts, the locofoco par. ty and its officials generally, thauk God, there is still virtue in the mass of the people in every community, and to their sense of right and love of justice, I confidently appeal for a judgment on the facts here presented to their considera tion. Ido not, of course, expect locofoco par tisans to stake an impartial &Idaho of this rase. Alen who can knowing/y vote for the ex. tension of human bondage, tho traffic in human blood and muscle; who can support and lead a party that upholds a system of unmitigated ty ninny, unbridled lust and unrestrained cones. hinage ; a system which authorizes man to lash and lacerate the quivering flesh of woman, to seduce his own diughters or sisters, and tear their helpless infants, the fruits of his lust, from their frantic embrace and sell them to the high. net bidders ; such men, however venerable in years and respectable in their private relations, cannot be expected to hare a conscience in unit ten affecting their party friends or party inter ests. I do not claim their verdict. Let their sympathies console, "aid end comfort" Lewis; and as far as possible, cover up his rascality. Party fealty, according to pru•Slavery ethics, both out of the church and in it, requires this unholy service and subserviency. They must obey the power they serve or be kicked out of the communion of dongh•faces. Hard lotl— But the honest mass of that corrupt and corrup ting party will yet see the venality of their lea. ders and aid in crushirg them beneath the mighty hand of truth, abused confidence, in jured, indignant patriotism. But to resume. Lewis' communication of the 19th ult—substituting his own charges for mine—fully satisfied my mind, as it must con vine° every candid mind, that Lewis was and is determined either to change the issue between us, or avoid it entirely. I resolved, however, to make one more honest effort to hold him to the investigation before a Committee as origi• sally proposed by himself and accepted by me, because 1 could not induce him to venture his case and official character before a higher tri bunal. For this purpose 1 addressed to him, on the same day, the following respectful note: HUNTINUDON, 31arch 19, 1857. if, Wm. Lewis: Your letter of today seems to be an attempt to change the matter in controversy; and by your introducing charges not specified in our preliminary correspondence, and requiring me to establish all of them, looks like evading the true issue. In answer to my note of the 2•tth of January, 1857, you any, "name your charges nod I will undoubtedly accept." Accordingly I named the charges in my note of the 2d Feb. runry, and have been endeavoring to make pre. partition to establish these charges; and simply wanted you to say whether affidavits taken on notice as proposed, and Department Letters should he evidence on these charges Please answen Respectfully, &c., WM. BREWSTER. This note he returned with a virtual refusal written on the margin and closing with these gentlemanly words : * * * But as you arc a tol and can't dance, it is throwing away time in answering your in sane communications. Wu. Lewis. With this delectable specimen of his style and temper, and a little squib having no h•nr• ing on the questior., our private correspondence closed ; and after a brief notice of the charges 1 did offer to establish before the committee, our public correspondence will be closed also, at' least on my part, unless he shall afford no the opportunity of proving his official miscon duct before a court and jury. This I hold my. self prepared to do at any time, and lie knows if. My origival charges, three in number, were, as altendy stated, presented to Lewis, in writ• fag, at an early stage of this controversy. They are general charges, the first and sewed each susceptable of proof by a number of special facts, each conclusive in itself. The first re. bites to his euppressing, or attetnpt ing to sup. s press newspapers passing through the mails.— The truth of this charge is clearly established by his order on the Postmaster at Coffee Rana ; • mid as every body knows it to be true,' Lewis • has ceased to deny it. My third charge declares that Wm. Lewis, by a false representation of facts in the cese, e xtorted I'min me a fine of five dollars in a prosecution before Esquire Snare. Fell proof of the main facts adds charge are in cry pos. session. Dui...this prosecution was Lt pre.. of, and not gjliciul net of Lewis, it is of cots I parutively little consequence. It is not the pri• vale character of Wm. Lewis, but his condoct as postmaster. ns the servant and tool of u rut• ten party, that I felt bound, and still feel bound us the conductor of a newspaper, to hold up to public contlemation. My second charge—in some respects the most scrim of the three—is in the following words: I charge you (Wet. Lewis,) with demanding unlawful postage ou books and other mail mat t. left at your office for delivery, and of enter. Ong payment for the same. This charge I here reiterate with all the 0111. phasic that conscious truth can inspire ; and stake my character and my property on my ability to prove it in a court of justice whenever called on •to do so. Can any sane nuut , friend or foe, think me such a fool as to invoke, hi this unqualified manlier, the pains and penal. ties of a prosecution it' I did not knew beyond the. possibility of mistake, the entire, absolute truth on which my case is Jimmied? Cain any man, possessing ordinary self•respect, suppose fir a moment, that Leads is so debased that he would spare the scorpion lash of the law if he did not fear its rebound upon himself'? If COI, Beim guilt did nut make him crouch and cow. er in helpless terror? Nay, can even the ortho. don gentlemen who have been slyly endeavor ing to bolster up Lewis' official reputation, con. template the present aspect of the case without some slight ruffling of their pious complacency? Let every man's reason, common MIRO and conscience answer to his own heart. W. BREWSTER. Huntingdon, April 13, 1857. akar Mr. F. H. Lane, of this borough, has been appointed County Treasurer by the Cont. missioners, in room of A. 13. Crowit, deed. This appointment renders perfect satisfac• tion to all parties, so far as we can judge. Mr. L. is a gentleman well•qualified for the station. 16^ The "Sermon to the Young," delivered on last Sabbath &fiery.. by Rev. Reid, was an able discourse, and wee listened to by a largo andintelligent audience. the beginning of the year, - and I have found no reason to regret the change. Until some bold re• SW The weather has again underwent a ' fernier shall arise and supplant all the present change, and it now "smells of Spring." • absurd systems of English Orthography and 0r ...,-........----____._ thdepy, and bless the world with a complete r__ Land Warrants ate in active demand ir. ,Pl tem than Worcester, umelic oysters, l shalt expect no better rl , l shall use no other. eye- New York, but as the market is better supplied Hunt., March 24, 57. J. A. HALL. the sellers have reduced their asking price one Nom—Worcester's Royal Quarto Diction. cent per acre. They are quoted as follows : ry is now in press, and scholars who have ex- Buying price Selling price. i mined the proof sheets seem to agree "that it per UM. per a I will bo the Meat, most accurate, and most Cre .10 11 10 $1 12 i , comprehensive dictionary of the English lan • .801 oo 1 IV"' ever published." I have not seen this 120 95 983 'edition which corresponds with IVebster's Qua, 160 100 102 I to, but there is no reason why it m,,,ila not sus train the reputation of the several smaller ecli• Orr The Charnbersburg papers confirm the tints. It will, however aeon be in market and J. A. H. report of the safe of the Franklin Railroad to I I have its merits tested. I _.,......_ the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company for 1 ser We roll attention to the advertisement tho sum of $30,000. To repair it and put it I T h il o t o b i e ; c a ' lu t Z'b°l ont tr; u tf ee r o i 4; 0 . 2: in good running order will require, ft i ,, said, ' ery,' extan t, andwe recommend them to the from 5100,000 to $170,000. public. Canva.itter , are wanted for this county, For 11w Huntie9don Joni nat. ,may. Ben Perley Poore. whose a le let. The County Superintendency fete have appeared in the Boston 'l, has MESSRS EWTOBS I>een invited to a pertuauef.t place in t io Wash• jO3ioll Ui‘iO3, but has declined.—Roston Tra- Aa the time approaches for electing a Lleon- yeller. ty Superintendent, the subject begins to attract We do net wonder, says the Louisville Jos e attention in this locality, and the importance of nal, at the Major's declining to undertake the electing a suitable officer is being freely disco., work of the Washington Union. lie acquitted ed. And whilst we forbear any unfavorable . himself very well in wheeling a barrow of op notice of other candidates, re wish to express. plea 30 or 40 miles, but he has no idea of wt.,• through your columns, our preference for MR. I ling what Falstaff calls 'a barrow of butcher's ROBERT MCDIVEIT, long and well known, in o iy a Lt th . d (hi dl ' :lOU I his unit .ie adjoining districts, as a sum friend of our Common School System; a man se- Court is now in session, and our town of sterling integrity, modest and affable i .is presents a lively appearance. Our hotels are pretty well crowded, and our business places manners, a good public Speaker and a (ens. tian gentleman. These are all indispensable ! urn doings rushing "skim. qualifications for that office, and strongly in. !listed on in an able article in the last School Journal. We are so well satisfied of Mr. Mc- Divitt's fitness for the office and his integrity as a men that we beg leave respectfully, to re. commend him to the favorable attention Mauch Directors ns may not know him, and . carnestly hope the Convention may select him to preside over the educational interests of our County fur the coming three years. MANY CITIZENS. Franklin, April 11th 1857, get" We republish the following the put.. pose of correcting some ridiculous errors we made—or rather the types made—in it last week. We beg our friend Hall's pardon for the mistakes we so blunderingly made. For the Huntingdon Journal. Messas. EDITORS : About a year ago my attention was directed to the growing popularity of Woreestee's Die. tionuries. At first I attributed their rapid rise iu the public lavor to the enterprise and energy I of the present publishers, favored by the known predilection of educationists generally for chan ging school books, as well SS the methods of us• iearGraliam's Magazine for May in the best ing them. I had long regarded Webster's Die I number we have seen for some time. The en. tionary as the standard of accuracy, his Ortho• I gravings in this book arc worth three times the graphy and Orthoepy as almost universally re. price of subscription ; and it you don't believe ceived by scholars in the United States. No j it, subscribe for it and judge for yourselves. ordinary evidence could have changed my opi' ; nion on that point, or induced me to investigate I the claims of any rival work. But soon after the time above referred to, evidence fell into my ; hands which no reasonable mind could resist. I found that Bancroft, Prescott, Everett, Quin- I cy and Washington Irving; lion. John McLean, Bishop Potter, Professor Hart, of the Philad'a. High School, and a hoot of leading literary men and Teachers in the different States, have adop. ted Worcester's Dictionary as their standard, and have voluntarily and strongly recent tuend• ed it to the public! As nothing short blind prejudice could reject such testimony, I proof'. rod copies of Worcester and by a patient and careful comparison with corresponding copies of Webster, Walker and Cobb, for many years used in my school, fully satisfied myself of the superiority of Ileorceskr over any uric of the others ; and Unit he combines everything vales ble in all of them, while he avoids some of the inconsistencies of each. His vocabulary is more eitensiv6, his definitions equally satistao: tory, and his orthography more conformed to present good usage, 0. either Cobb's or if hr's. His system of notation is equally situ. Ipie, and more accurate than Webster's, being founded *on a complete analysis of the 000 ci i sounds, as every one versed in phonetics will see at a glance. As one of the principal noes of a Dictionary in the schaul.rootp is to deter mine the proper pronunciation of words, a cor rect system ta notation is of much imp. tance. On the subject of Orthography I will not pre• tend to say thatt if Orcester is always right said Webster wrong when they dater. None but those who have devoted their lives to the study of our language can be considered competent, ' in all cases, to decide between theta ; and pro. liably even such umpires would, in some cases, • differ as widely as the authors we are consider. • lug. Bat it requires no great eruilltion to dia• cover that Worcester's rules and principles of Orthography are more consistent, .d lose con fused and contradictory than IVebster's. Of this %fly intelligent teacher, or other petson tolert, bly acquainted with the subject of Orthography eau be fully assured by a very limited exami nation and comparison of the two authors. The cause of this consistency in the one case and confusion in the others is, I think, very obvi ous. Worcester has evidently taken the lan- I as Ito 'Mind it used by the best writers in England and America, and adapted his rules to that usage. Hence his principles and prae t/co are consistent .d natural. Whereas Webse er has, as we all kn., attempted to re form our Orthography, Be has laid down new rules which sustain bin innovations on certain words or classes of words. But his application of these rules is limited, and his practice fre quently comes in glaring conflict with his prin. ciples. This inconsistency his more eandia ad mirers will admit, and many of them will pro bably attribute it to the inherent imperfections of our language, as I confess I did until I ex amined Worcester. Whether the perusal of this work will change other minds as it has mine, I certainly cannot say. I can only speak for myself and ask others to examine for them selves. lan now thurouchly convinced that a consistent system of the Orthography .d Or thoepy of our language as it is, is preferable to La partial change which iuvolves contradiction and confusion. Acting on this conviction, I supplied my classes with two dozen and a half of Worcester and excluded all other Dictiona ries. We have been using the n e w work since tirQur worthy young friend, Allison, of the Altoona Tribune, paid no a visit on Tuesday. We understand he has instituted a suit for li• hob against the man Lewis, who publishes the Globe of this place. 11.. V. Head the übtliract of Judges Curtis MeLenii'd opinkns, on our outside. OUR BOOK TABLE. der The Schuul Journal 14 April has been received, and is filled with very interesting read• lug. Terms $1 per year. Address T. H. Burrows, Lancaster. /liar Godey's Lady's Book fur May is already before us. We cannot, for the life oT us, coo how people can live without subscribing for and reading this incomparable book. The pre• sent comber is bmagniticont one. Sidi—Peterson's Magazine far May has been received. It is unnecessary to say anything in recommendation of this star magazine. If any one will examine the present No., ho or she will subscribe at once. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. IS, no doubt, the most wouderfal discovery of this age of progress, the it will restore, per manently, gray hair to its original color, cover the head of the bald with a most luxuriant growth remove at once all dandruff and itching, cure all scrofula, and other cll ,1111M114 Ortlilti 011,, such as scald head, etc. It :will cure, as if by magic, nervons or periodical headache ; make the lode soft, glossy, and wavy, and preserve the color per- Melly, and the hair from extreme old . . . - The following is from it distinguished member of the medical professi so ; Sr. l'Aul., January I, 1855. PROFESSOR 0. J. Woo.o— Sin :—Linsolleited, I send pin this cer- , - titicate, After being nearly bald for a long time , HENRY GLAZIER, Register. aol having tried all the hair resin rodeos extant, Res/islet's ()(lice. / and having no with in Any, I was induced on Ibtilinydon, March 14, '57 j Bearing of yours togive it a trial. I placed en give In the hands ore harbor. nod had my head ! NOTICE. i.„,,,,,, with a good stiff brush, and the restart- The following named persons have filed with nee applied anti well rubbed in, till the scalp : was aglow.. ')'his I re p c m c d every mornin g , end : the Clerk Or the Celia of Qiinvter Sessions in in three weeks the young hair appeared and grew and li, the county of Huntingdon, their per rs,id ly from August lust till the present time, titions for license to keep Dins ur Taverns, and a itd is now thick, black and strong—soli:nal 1 Eating Houses; and the said petitions will be pleasant to the touch ; whereas, before. it was I presented to said Court on Saturday, the 18th lairs' , nod wiry, whet little there won of it. and ! day of April next, &r., to tail f that little was ,Ikaggearitig very riphily. I sit 111 1 INNS OR TAVERNS i Andrew Johnstoo, Huntingdon borough. me your restorative aloft [[vice it week, and , shall soon have u good find pericet cr op of hair i Wiiliam 11. Zeigler, do. Nett, I had mall or these things—.il who has ! joi, S. )Miller do. not ! but have not seen hitherto any i i "'f a i" liara 1 Nat h an i e l Williams do. nil) . 110,011 . , hair Was really Oelle(ittOl. by anyf fit' the hair tonic, etc., of the the ; and it really Henry Cornpropst, do. gives me pleasure to record the result of my ex- i AndrewNlohns, do. perience. I have recommended your preparation , Urine Hill, Henderson township. to others, and already it lois a large and general 1 , James K. Ilampson, Brady township. sale throughout the Territory. Toe people here i Juhn Montgomery, do. know its effects, and have confidence in if. Tho S amue l G . snit peon, do. supply you sent us, its wholesale agents for the Henry Helfright, Petersburg borough. Territory, is nearly exhausted, and daily ingui- Edwin J. Neff ; do. ries aro made fig It. You deserve er.lit fur James A . B e ll , W est towns hi p. your discovery; and I' for ono, return you "U George Randolph, Barron township. thanks for the benefit it has done me, for I cer- ^ • . dens wilily had despaired lortg ago of ever affec t ing , I . ala* , a 1.-,.lamiag' Jackson , . such a result. Yours, hastily, TiO mrt m!c'wart, towns hip. J. IV. BONI), I Samuel Steffy, do. do. Firm of Bond & Kelley, Druggists, St. Paul. ! Joints Edwards, Tod township. Jane, Haan, do. Ezekiel White, do. John Me,,than, Penn township. William Templeton, Orbisunia borough. James Chamberlain, Warriorsmark township. Marlin Mcsl urtrie, Green Tree, West tp. Joseph Morrison, Tod township. Abraham Lewis, Mt. Union, Shirley township. It. F. Llaslott, Morris township. Jonas Stettler, Birmingham Borough. EATING HOUSES. Henry Africa, Huntingdon borough. George Thomas do. John 11. Helms, Alexandria borough. Christian Lutz. Shirloysburg borough. Rudolph Nell', Petersburg borough. John Donaldson, Uniou township. [From the Editor of the Beal Estate Advertise•.] BOOTON, 17 School St., March 20, 1855. Dear Sir t Having become prematurely quite gray, I was induced, some six weeks since, to make a trial of your Restorative. I have used l ess than two bottles, but the gray bairn have all disappeared ; and although my hair has not yet fully attained its original color, yet the process of change is gradually going on, and 1 uni in groat hopes that in a short time my hair will be as dark as formerly. I hove also been nisch gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was harsh and dry; and it has ceased to come out as Mrmerly. Respectfully yours, Professor Wood. D. C. 21. RUPP. CARLYLE, Illinois, June 19, 1855. I have used Professor Wood's Heir 'Restora tive, and nova admired its wonderful °fleet. My heir Was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his "Restorative," it has resumed its original rotor, and I have no doubt, permanently so. SIDNEY BREESE, Ex -Senator United States. O. J. WOOD & CO., l'roprietors, 312 Broadway N. Y., & 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri, Sold in Huntingdon by HENRY MCMANIGILL, and by Druggists everywhere. Mar.25,'b7.-3m. • Gas f Gas-Lights are Coming I AND SO ARE do G"Jo gIANITCIE D NOT, WITH GAS! But with au entirely new and well assorted stook of FALL OOD W I S NTER G, SUCH AS bitlC GOODS,GROCERIES, • QUEENSWARE iIARDWARE HOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, CARPETS, and Oil Cloths. woon, VITILLOWTJVAR33 and every other article activity kept in a coun try store. Wo have ono of the best selected stocks of HIRT GOODS over orferettartne citizens of this place and vicinity, and ure dater nailed to sell lower than can be purelmsed east of the Allegheny. Give us a call and be satis fied of the fact. We will soli our old stork at cost. Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan before purchasing at any other House. We also purchase And store ()rain, and it is admitted by all that we have the safest place of unloading in town. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for Good, KILN WOOD W. 11. WOODS, A. M., J. A. ti E AD, A. M., Professor of the Latin J. ALFRED $ll AI)E, M. D., Lecturer and Greek Lituroutto. tiii Anatomy and* timeana. Bev. W.B. , t Olt BISON, Lecturer nu Ey. - - Teacher in Preparatory Depart idences of Christianity mot. Msistani in Englisli_Pepartment Ti c next session of this Institution will open mews are held out by this Institution, to yoi Instructors is composed I,r gentlemen of high I sions. The location is quiet, sedated and Imlth pure 111.11111111 air. There has never a single as it would find this a desirable location. The coin prepare young men for husiness, for teaching, am mat Oros is turmoil fur those desiring to become I given in the art of teaching, hearing recitations ting a school. The course of study in the Come instruction in Single and Double Entry Bookkeel The time occupied tofinish the course ' will ear diligence. Students can take up this b runch of or iterate their whole time to it alone. Shade Gap is situated on the mail route hetw•e and Chemin is burg, from which places theta in n . .. Terms of session of five months, $52 50. W try Book-keeping, full course, time not limited, limited, $8 On. Payment self in advance, bale Aeademie Department, studying Book-keeping, A deduction of ten dollars is made fur ntite nddress, March 18, 1857.-61. AXG.ISTAIL , O NOT - LC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Reg ister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and fur the County of Hunting. dun,. Wednesday, the Lith day of April next, to wit: 1. John R. Hunter and GeorgeP. Wakefield Executors of the last will and testament of J ohn Wakefield, late of-Barren tp., deed. 2. Thomas Weston and Martin Weston, Ex ecutors of the last will and testament of Wm. Weston, late of Warriorsmark township, deed. 3. Samuel MeVitty, Executor of the last will the., of James Ramsey, Esq., Into of Shirleys burg, deed. 4. Benedict Stevens, Executor of the last Will, &c., of Benedict Stows, Sr., late ofSpriog• field township, deed. 5. George C. Bucher and Samuel Work, Ex• eeutors of the last will, Ic., of Joseph Work, Into of Porter tp., deed 6. Abraham Iliesswell, Guardian of Anna Mary Borst, a minor child of Jacob Borst, late if West tp., deed. 7. Thomas E Orbison, Administrator of Da vid Burke', late of Shirley township, deed. 8. Peter Swoope, Trustee appended by the Orphans' Court, to make sale of the real estate of Peter Swoop°. Sr, late of the borough of If untingdon, deed. it. George Gellman, Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court to make sale, of the real es tate of Gee. Madera., late of West tp., deeM. . , 10. Peter Stryker, Administrator of the es• tate cf John Stryker, late of West tp., deed. 11. Samuel T. Brows, Esq., AdminiAtrator de bolas non, of the estate of W Buchanan, late of Brady tp., dee'd. , 11. John Wareham Matters and Sus. Mat. tern, (now Susan Wills,) Administrators of the estate of Jacob S. Matter., late of Franklin tp., dee'd. 1:1 Dr. John McCulloch, Administrator of the minim of Alex. McKibben, late of the bur °ugh of Huntingdon, dee'd. 11. John 11. Given, Executor of the last will, Ac., of John Shultz, lute of Hopewell tp., deed.- SAMUEL M. DIECUTCHEN, AIbIeIVRTURT AND BURR Nlim. STONE itANU• FACTU Mu. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much improved Smut and Scremung Ma chine; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers. Residence: No. 64 Queen St., (18th Ward,) address Kensington Post Office. Shop: itayduek Street. below Front, Phila. Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Smut Machines Patent Mill Bush, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed Boltindeloths Feb. 25 ,1 57,3a1. AGENTS WANTED. lI,A.KE'S UNIVERSAL BIOG. RAPHICAL DICTIONARY:- Ihe NEW EDITION of this valuable work, which has long been in preparation is now pub. lished. It forms one volume, imperial octavo, of 1365 pages,—and contains an account of the Lives of about thirteen thousand different Individuals, more than two thousand of whom were citizens of the United States. The number of New Articles in the present volume exceed two thousand four hundred. The publishers have determined not to fur. nish the Work through the general Trade, but to sell it excbmively bg IlgenlB. The work is gotten up in superior style—and as no library will be complete without it, a most excellent opportunity is offered to any person who desires to engage ha a pleasant, honorable and pr. Stable business. Agents aro wanted for all parts of the country. They will please address the publishers. H. CO WPERTII WAIT & Co., 211 Chesnut at., Philad'u. Feb.2:.;57.-5m VCADEMY, Proprietor and Principal. n the first Wednesday of Mar. Peculiar induce mug men desiring an education. The Board of literary attainments, and skilled in their proles hv ; situated among the mountains it enjoys the ase of Ague originated here, and those subject to true of instruction is such as is lima calculated to id for taking a high • stood in college. A Nor— teachers, in which, practical instruction will ho , s, and the proper mode of managin g and comb, inertial Deportment. is each as to give thorough ;ping, Mercantile Calculations, Penmanship. &c. ry front 3to 10 weeks, depending on the students f study either in connection with other tudiee, ten Mt. Union Station, on tho Petite,. Railroad, regular lino of Stages. 'ashing and tight extra. Tuition in Douhlo En , $OO no. In Single Entry, toll counie, time not once at the middle of the session. Students in urn only charged half the above prices. Is' km. For catalogue containing full partieu g' W. 11. 'WOODS, Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co., l'a. LEsiate of 1'1111;p (ut/leon Dec . (l.l EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the Estate of Philip Curfinati, Jr,, late of Union town. I ship, Huntingdon County have been i granted to the undersigned ' • notice is hereby ,• given to all persons indebted to said estate to I make payment immediately, awl those having claims against the saute, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH A. CURE:ll2lNi, Tomato . JOSEPH I'ARK, s Feb.25;57:6t.* N.WARD I Manufacturer and Dealer in STRAW GOODS, Nos. 77 & 79, North Second Street. nanaDatomaa. We are now receiving our Spring Stock which will comprise a large and desirable assortment of all kinds of Straw and Lace Bonnets. Our stock or flowers will be unusually large this season, and we would invite your special atten• lion to that department. Please call and esa• mien them before making your purchases.... 11. WARD, Nos'. - 77 Sc AI North 2d St March It '57.-2m. t'xZCIUTOSI. I g NOTICE, UPIEREAS, letters teAtamentary on the (1A• VV tote of David Jeffries, late of the village of Shade Gap, dee'd.., have been granted to the undersigned, NOTICE Ii HEREBY GIVEN, to all persons indebted to said estate, to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same, to present them duly authen• ticated fur settlement. 11. C. ROBINSON, ) ..... ALEX. APPLEBY Executors, W. J EFFRIES, ) .11, UNT2NGUOW `4ll ;1 3' TIII: undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, infurinfarmers and the public general. that they nor: have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the Water wheels and machinery. - - They have put in five of the Improved Jon• cal Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all singes of the water, aim during the coldest weather. any and all hinds of grain. They are prepa red to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times, at market rates, nll kind of FLOUR; FEED AND STUFFS, and farmers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they enn be furnished in exchange at a moment'a =hie an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop• ped teed. THE SMUT MACHINE{ is of an improved manufacture; and then will insure a FULL TURN OUT of lerim quali• ty to very bushel of grain left at eir FISHER & ,RTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. SAYING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, owma Sleet!, South-West corner of Third, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Stale of Penn rylvanla. lir °pep is received in any aum large or small n and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The Office is repro every day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and i on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CIsNI'. All stems largo or mm 111,11113 paid bark in gold on demand without moire, to any amou n t. Hon HENRY E. BENNER, Prominent, ROBERV SELFRIDUE, Vine President, I Woe J Ituram, Secretary. DIREC2 ORS. floury L. Benner, C. Landreth Munns, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K. Ashton, lion. L. Churchman JIIIIICS B. Smith. Francis Leo. This company confines its business clitirelf to the receiving of money on interest. The invest ments amounting to nearly °Nu LIt•LIOS ANL A HALF of dollars, as per published report of Assets, are made in conformity with the provi sions of the charter, in Real Estate, Mot tgages, Ground Routs, and such first-class securities, as will always insure perfect security to the depos itors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability of this old and well-established Feb. 20, 1850. Itiart's7 FREDERICK SEIDLE, MANUFACTURER OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, SHUTTERS 511: 6 18411N4S, M12111)1M Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. tike-F. S. delivers work to the cars. He has alw tys ready made work on hand. All ordera by mail shall receive prompt attention. Jan. 28, 1857.-6 mo. Z. Valmer & Co.. MARKET STREET WHARF, PHIVA, Dealers In Fish & Provisions; Hove conatantly on hand an assortment of Mackerel, Shad, Herrings. Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hauls, Sides, Cheese, Rico, Ac. March Is, 1857.-3 m, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, AYER'S C ITERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE RAPID CURB OP Colds, Coughs, and Hoarseness. `ll r nnimmt,o, IlAss., Nth Doc., DM. • Do . .r. C. Area : Ido n o t lit,lll. dewy _ 01.4 tho pourely I have ever found for Coughs, Iloureroneu. I tbtenvt, and the rm.otnitnnt myundolux ofa C1A1146 your euNtarr Pit,ontt.. Itn ouistaitt ume la - my pranko Anti Illy rib fur yt'll. mhoWn It to liCalt. qapo coo. Nino, for thP trooDneols , of them mplaint, MIEN H.U. A. D. ItTLEY, of ITirica„ N t., writea "than ewer P1T1 , 6 triyivilf and In my 6willy ever elute 1011 invoiced It. and believe it the boot medicine Its purpose titer phi 60. With 6 has 614 I 6110416 sooner nay twoity.llvo dollars ttir a battle than 6o without It, or tale any other ren.rly." Croup, Whooping. Cough, Influenza. SPPINPIPIPLD, ,iIIIP., PP,. 7,180. ur.n An, 1 will cheerfully certifyyour PrctuanS th.• wu p eomen for the Clll3 of irb,,,vog lb. cheat of children. Wo of or (1,04.1,11 y in the South /wpm.. your shill, aud 31110,11 d yollr MIAMI:10 1., our Ixxpin. VI 'IA 1.111,, NIONTEtIf. lA., writes, NI Jrut..lNA; .• t hn I 3. teJlmis ludo. inzx. old, b ronatt, too iu doors sir A.. 11, took tunny fu.dielto.s ultlsont re.ft tlaulty tried your Ptlcronat. Ly tli+ IVIVI.I of our ett.reyuts.a. rhe firxt dose relieved 'lto xorrrwn M My (hr. auJ . . . . 11110,3: 1 , 410,a1l 0110 111111 . the ItEmlo nm, mn , omplatoly aoll. Toni. M001( . 11104 aro the ell.arest nr wt.!! 01 tnel,t iVn can lely. 111111 we 0 . 111 , 111 on, ',eta, and your row. p. p.; iwr own a friend. Aethin4 or phthApic, nadjironokrq.i!i, MAN, utaraa. bob. 4, ISI.II. Stu: Yonr rnattnr Pi,rt. la '1.1,11,11;1a niovrellous eznr, thla n. It h ool a. rell•Ye , l aorend ?rel. skarn• toptoola nf conanniptiorn and la now curing a MID nhu it.til.lborOd 1111.1er all all..,tion of the mean for the but forty yearn. lIENIIT I. PAP M•qrhant. A. A. lt A.,1 91,V, M. It., Al.ntov, MeNr.oc writes. Stilt. V. my inmetka of mnn, ioan have (WIWI Ilutithig equal to yi ,, ir CUERIIf PCCTOIIit for giving aloe awl relief to CullStilliptiVo 'WWII., or man, inch as are curia& We m!ght null of ealence, but the ta,et eon vincing proof of the virtues of thin rem•dy Is found In Us effect. upon Wel Consumption. Probably no one remedy bee ever been known whirl, cured Ito many and melt danger., awes ea We Porno uo human Rid can nvtrh ; but even to Uwe. the C.A. PIICTORAL affords yeller nut comfort. Aston House, NRW Sluts User, March 6,19110 DorTon Arch. LORI.: I Mel ft n duty end a p!swouse to illtbrln yOll whet fair CRE.RT PI,TORAIL. lIM dJae Oat Illy wild. SIIO hwl Leon fire 1110iltili laboring under the dangerous symptoms of ConsomptMss, from %WO, no aid we could procure gars her lunch relief. She ens failing. until Dr. Strong. of this city. where we here enMsl for ethic% recommended a trod of yule . !swamp,. WO, Moss his kindness, no we do your shill. Mr vies has recov ered from that day. She lo not yet s.t st ran; as oho URA to la, but is free Ism her cough, awl calls Itersolf well. Yours with it till you iIAVO Arr.K.l Itt ' itd; 11,; 1.14 t nled. In the V,1 to cum. 011,1110.1 , 041Mi1k the Illgh ',nit° Itz /AA,. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tau ch”,,oitry and ?(orlon, hr., Ire. toxod their utmost produce host. nzo. psrf, porgalisu will., ix known to 1110.11. 1111111111111,110 priOd AV°WWII that ther.o l'ati Lnye virtual which ntrpnr in u.celleuce the ordinary ...toe, nod that 'hay win un• pre:edontedly upon the emovot of hit 11110. They RIO Nificil and plomant to but yoneicul to rum. Their paia► int n proportioa :diondoto th••riutl activi t to, of tLu Ludy, diti!fiVO Of id Warily 14141 to ho httnkors kulme alnl;gL•h or