ttingba - \ , 31 1 // \ ~~ y ' , Ns• • V' sLLIWII BREWSTER, 2 EDITORS. NS. 11. G. WHITTAKER. Wednesday Morning, Aprills, 1857. Once more our glorious banner out Unto the breeze we throw ; Beneath its folds with song and shout We'll charge upon the foe." FOR GOVERNOR, .01 VI I ) WILMOT, OF BRADFORD COUNTY. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM MILLWARD, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR SUPREME JUDGES, JAMES VEECH, OF FAYETTE COUNTY. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, OF CHESTER COUNTY. U. 8. Supreme Court. ile recent , decision of the U. S. Supreme . iurt is attracting attention throughout the ,antry to the peculiar construction of that Court. It is composed of nine members, four from the North and five from the South—that It to say 6,000,000 of white men in the South hove a greater preponderance in the judicial .lecisione of the country than 12,500,000 in the North. The following figures show this matter to a nicety, and demonstrate. clearly vain effectually and surely the Slave Power has ent7enehed itself behind the whole machinery of our Government to control and direct its peratioas: White No Mem's population. H. Rep's lot , Cirevit—hfaine, New Hampshire, Massachu setts, Rhode Island . . 2nd Circuit—Vermont, Connect irut, New York 3,724,896 3d Circuit—New Jersey, Pcnnaclvsuia. . . . 2,723,669 47 Circuit—Delaware, Ma. ryland, Virginia.. 1,383,912 illt eircuit—Alabama, Lou isittna 682,005 20 2,028,504 22 61/1 Circuit—North Caroli• us, South Carolina Geor• gin. . . . . . . 1,394,163 Circuit-Ohio.lndiana, II nuis, Michigan, _ WI. Circa it—lieutucky,Ten , riesgpe, . . 2,110,253 27 Dth Ar• littneat 4,173,309 457,907 7 GEORGE HUM, ESQ. On Monday last, on motion of A. W. Bone diet, Esq., Geo:Houtz, Esq., was admitted to the practice of law. Mr. H. sustained a most creditable examination, and evinced talent of the highest order. It is the intention of our friend Houtz of taking up his residence, per• manently, in Kansas, whither• he intends s renic, ring in the course of a few weeks, carrying with him those principles of truth and justice which are eternal, and which we feel confident must eventually triumph over wrong. The talents and ability of the gentleman are of the highest order, and fully warrant the pre diction winch we make with lull confidence in its fulfillment, that he will be an ornament to his profession, and will become a leading men• her of it. We wish him all the success imagi nable, and that he may eventually electrify Sen. nates and win the pre•emincnce which men a. ward to the majesty of genius. TROIIIILE IN CENTRE COUNTY.-The Belle• fonte (Pa.) Whig says:—The hands at the dif ferent forges in this county have 'struck," not far higher wages, but for better pay. At the Convantion of Forgeman, held at Tyrone in the early part of the winter, they resolved not to work any longer than the first of April for "truck or trade," but thereafter to demand the "cash" for their work. Accordi ugly, when the first day of April came, the hands at the forge. where the proprietore were not willing to comply with their terms, quit work. At some of the forges the difficulty has been set. tied and the hands are at work; but at oth er places the terms have not been complied with, and, consequently, the worke are stall. ding idle. ear We have on our exchange list all good and well-conducted papers with one exception; and as we have Ito desire to exchange with a sheet destitute of news, &c., and whose pub. lishers are of that easy virtue displayed in 'side door' interviews, we do with this number close that exchange. Henceforth, the Lkne.ister Cit. izen, "shall see our face no more, forever," as an "a." Please send no more Citizens to this office. We have a dread of the cholera, and we wish to keep our office free from polluting articles. Bins DOOR Timm—The miserable clique of politicians in Philadelphia, having for their organ the Daily News, are trying to get up a "eide•door" Convention to nominate candidates fur Governor, Canal Commissioner, &r. The speculation will probably not "pay" quite a e well this Fall as it did last. There are precious few who will consent to be humbugged a second time by these "aide door" factioniets. mir We ere pleased to learn that our excel. lent young friend McDivitt, is a candidate for County Superintendent, and that he is highly recommended for the office by prominent indi• viduale in all parts of the county. It is our bumble opinion that no better selection could be made for the important and responsible of. Bee of County Superintendent, and we hope he may be the choice of the Convention of Dime. tors. a■ The tided etuTiistion to the West from this county, *WU natolon. There ii gill a Oro* curia State Debt to be Liquidated. We live in an age of progress and gi gamic financiering on the most approved basis of judical morality and constitu tional ethology. As an evidence of this, says the Times we learn from the Venus- go Star that a large and enthusiastic meet. 1 ing of the Democracy of that county was held, at Riceville (named after the editor of Pennsylvanian, we presume,) on Monday of last week, for the purpose of endorsing the decision of the Supreme Court in the Deed Scott case. Eloquent speeches were made, which are not reported, and must, therefore, be lost to the world, but James F. 11 nod offered a resolution "that the Black Republican party, by its malignant rinse of the venerable members of the Court, has shown that its real aim and ob. ject is to subvert and destroy the very foundations of this glorious Republic," and Col. Holland immortalized himself by presenting another, that "the State Legis lature be requested to inquire into the ex• pediency of liquidating the debt of the State by the sale of persons of color stow residing in Pennsy'vania." The Star tells us that Col. Holland, in supporting this resolution, said that although this prop osition might seem to be a Startling one, yet a little reflection would convince every thinking man that the plan was not only perfectly in accordance with the declaims of the United States Supreme Court, but was also perfectly feasible. He spoke at considerable length, developing the details of the proposed plan. His remarks were listened to with profound attention, and at 1 1 their conclusion the meeting adjourned until the 27th instant, when final action will be taken on the resolution. IVe shall await final action with some anxiety, but in the meantime suggest to Col. 11. the propriety of modifying his resolution, so that the surplus cash shall go towards buy. ing every white wan a farm, and should it fall short, let us include it] the sale all nth- j er persons whose complexion is of the ~ b urnish livery of the inn"—the white 40 I slaves who hove to work for their livings, to the great disgust of the South. We 30 ee cheering signs of the speedy advent 20 'of ' , the good time coming " KANSAS. All the accounts from Kansas teem with des. criptiona of the vast tide of free emigration rushing into the territory. But moat of the letters to northern papers also mention that thonsandspf the well known Missouri border ruffians have made fraudulent claims on the In dian lands, in order to vote at the ensuing elections. The somber of these spurious vo ters whose residence is in Missouri, is said to be 3500. A person who has recently come from Leavenworth, informs the editor of the Pittsburg Gazette that the census of that place under which the voting is to be dune, is being taken in the following manner. The ce n sus taker, a drunken ruffian, has his quarters at a tavern, where it would be unsafe list any free State man to venture. He does not go round to the houses, but only sets down the names of such as apply at the tavern. A mob of ruffians is always there to take care that too many "ab• olitionists" are not down, so that, from w seru• tiny of the list, the itnformant of the Gazette thinks, it is mostly composed of bogus vo. ters. In some of the border districts, where there are not 300 residents, not less thou 3000 votes are said to be inscribed on the census. All these lists aro to be completed before Gen. Walker get. out, as • ho is not going before the Ist May, and his instructions being to enforce the territorial laws at the election, he can do no thing to remedy the exclusion of the free State citizens from these voting lists. The popular sovereignty inaugurated in Kansas is beautiful to contemplate. Pome persons are undef the impression it is sheer fully for the antislavery voters to abstain from taking part in these elec. tions, if they are, as is alleged, so largely in the majority. This is allowing too much sincer ity and good intent to the pro slaveryites. Indeeed it is asserted that at some of these bogus elections the latter have returned no less than 6000 votes, when they never had, at any time, in the territory, 500 real voters Now, if each of these GOOO votes represented a man, and if all were armed as it is well known all were who went front Missouri, it would be Wily for the scattered Free Sailers to attempt to measure strength with them. If on the ether hand, every man voted two or three times over, it is plain that the election officers were Mil as no honest men ought to trust. The latter is pretty clear in any ease, or else these election frauds could never have been perpetrated.-- With no chance of a true return of votes, or of a rejection of dishonest voters, what induce. mem is there for the Free State party to vote? So far as we can now see, the election under the law passed by the bogus legislature will be held with the sanction of the U. S. authori ties, will be a fraudulent affair from beginning to end, will be entirely managed so as to re turn none Lut pro-slavery men, and a State constitution legalizing slavery will he formed. No provision has been made for submitting such a document to popular vote, but if there bad it would not amount to much, as the same fraudulent lists of voters used for the election of members of the Convention would serve the purple of excluding all votes against it. What the consequences of these proceedings are likely to he we are unable to geese. Ono thing is clear. No such imposition as this will be submitted to by the bona fide majority of the territory. Should Congress admit this bo gus State into the Union, the State officers can look to the national government for no further aid in the enforcement of their designs. They must then fight the battle with such forces as they can get from Missouri, and once more Kamm wit 100 plantindintassivil +Par.—Mod Ansericnn, Throwing Sand in the 1 üblio Eyes, Th. following is a paragraph telegraph• ed all over the land, by which the adminie• tration hopes to get credit for acting fairly in Kansas : '•lt having been repeatedly asked how iudo pendent suffrage can he exercised. if the laws of the Territory are to be regarded as valid, the reply from the best sources of inthrmation is, that the law providing for the election is a fair one, in explicitly declaring that all free white male citizens of the United States, over 21 years of age, residents of the territory on the Ist of April, shall be entitled to vote for delegates to the Constitutional Convention.— This law is to be administered without regard whatever to any test oaths." This is portly true, but it suppresses the material part of the truth. The law or daring the Kansas Convention, declares with a mocking effort to be just, that "all free white male citizens of the United States, over 21 years of age, residents of the territory on the Ist of April, shall be entitled to vote for delegates ;' but it itnme• diately proceeded to nullify this declaration by providing that not one of those residents shall vote unless his Caine is upon the poll lists, and as it confides the framing of these poll lists to a pack of irresponsible, pro slavery officers, who have neither motive nor obligation to be just, they both can and will disfranchise all who are obnoxious to their own views and purposes. Gov. Walker is instructed to enforce this law—not in parts, but as a whole, and its enforcement in the spirit of its enactment, cannot fail to make Kansas a Slave State in the very teeth of the wishes of the in habitants. As a further evidence of the persecut ing spirit of the administration towards the free State men of Kansas, it is to be noted that Whitfield has been appointed Register and Woodson Receiver of the principal Land Office. No step more hostile to the Free State men could possibly be taken than Oda. Both are unprincipled Border Ruffians, and can do more wrong to the Free State men in the land office than in any other position in the Territory, by an noying Free State settlers in regard to their claims, by deciding all cases against them, and 'by favoring the Border Ruffian settlers. That they will do this, unscrupu lously and unyieldingly, their previous history leaves no room to doubt —Gazette. FLOUR AND GRAIN AT THE WEST.—There is much impure in regard to the stock of Flour and Grain at the West, and on this point we condense the following from a private letter to a leading house of New York, dated Chicago, March 21. There one in store at Chica,:t, 37, 000 barrels Flour, 730.0011 bushels Wlwat, 150,. 000 bushels Corn, and 144,000 bushels Oat, At Milwaukie, 50,000 bible. Flour, and 503.000 btishels Wheat. At Kenosha between two and three hundred thousand bushels. Wheat nt Racine about the same quantity. The writer also expresses the opinion that half the wheat crop of Wisconsin is not yet marketed, while the quantity in Illinois, is much larger than is generally stated. At Chicago, corn was taken at 43a44e for June, and 50c for July. The crop of Wheat on the grotmd is also said by the same authority to be very promising. Flow THEY RECEIVE IT.--The Lancaster (Pa) Express says, that when the news of the confirmation of Gov. tseary's resignation, with the appointment of a sonthern pro-slavery man in his place was received, the Democrats of Honesdaleplaced their flags, with the Buchan. I 11N@Vnt. an steamer, at half. mast. This was one of the ! filo the School Directors of Huntingdon co.. counties in which Senator Bigler "was author. 1 ty. i iced to say that Mr. Buchanan was in favor of I GENTLEMEN :In pursuance of the 43d see. freedom in Kansas." tins of the Act of Bth May, 1854, you me here. by notified to meet in Convention, at A loose WITH A Cons Leu.—We take 1 the Court House in Huntinedou, on the first I: l l4id l a i v i i ke n h n l i tt o y . , , A 4 lp o U..s ,2 7 i b i e n irg e cht , ilrf n is the following from the Adelaide (Australia) Register i We have recently seen Mr. Collin's and select, viva core, by a majority of the whole Mare, Jewess. It will be remembered that number or Directors present, .e person of lit. she broke her near fore leg on the race course in easy and scientific attainments, and of skill April last, while mining for the town plate.— ~,,d e a P i e i ; :i 7 bl ir " C i t i e n T M ili s n u t ee a e s d ( i : i r, lit y ' Y ea S r 11) ::: Amputation was performed by Mr. Grabb, an• I Lorraine the amount of compensatirit . for the der whose care she has completely recovered. 1 same, and certify the result to the State Super. Her condition is excellent, and the cork foot I intendant at Harrisburg ins required by tho seems to answer admirably. i 39th and .10th section of said act. ALBERT OWEN --.......-.....-- - - i County Superintendent of Huntingdon County. Michigan Election. Huntingdon, April 8, 1857. DETROIT, April 8. . Always Get the Hest ! ! Incomplete returns which have be. re ce ivA HOUSEKEEPERS IN PH I L'A. indicate the election of the Republican State 4 000 have in constant use that most valu• Judicial ticket by at least ten thousand majori- able manual for ladies— ty. Six or the eight Circuit Judges, and the , Regents ut the State University elected are Re• COOKERY A S IT SHOULD His ; and trots one and the other we are constantly publicans. Not mere than two thirds of the lull vote was polled. receiving testimony to its great usefulness; but we are noxious that it should be in envy house CONNECTIUET ELEUT....—As far as heard in this city, as we are sure good, substantial from, the vote for Governor stands thus foorFailds greatly to the health of the household, t In no way cat this so certainly, so cheaply be Holley, Republican, 27,969 ; bighorn, Dem., I secured, than by using the sensible receipts in 26,953. The vote tor Congresa in the First I thin book. The pricer of it—only one dot lar— District is, Clark, Republican, 8413; Hubbard, I will speedily be saved in the doctor's bill, the Democrat, 7957; Clark's majority, 456. In cost of . t he ingredients, and the pleasure derived from tickling the palate with the good things of the Second District, gydney Dean, Republican, , ~,,,, L .,. is elected by a large majority. In the Third .District, us far as heard fro\n, Arno'd, Dem., , has 353 majority. The Fourth District is in again. The Legiolature is largely Republican, Ai" The Portland, Maine, municipal else• lion indicates a great popular change thero. A year ago the yolk for Mayor stood 1837 Repub. lican to 1530 anti. The City Council last year was four Republica. to 24 ai.tis. This year it will stand 24 Republicans to four antis. *'The Emancipationists in St. Louis bave swept everything before them in the Into municipal election. Ifir England has finally obtained the open. ing of the four great powers. A battle had been fought between the British and Persians, the latter being routed. JI:DWI4L APPOVTMENT.-000. I'oll.4lms appointed James K. Arrustong, Esq. of Ly coming county, to fill the vacancy in the Su. preine Court of Pennsylvania. ger Chas. 13. Penrose, member of the Log. ielature from Philadelphia, died in llarrisbu re lest week. Ile was an able and eloquent man and hie death will be keenly felt is many part of the Commonwealth. JUDICIA6NLECTION IN WISCONSIN, • 7tIIRIOA 00, Tuesday. April 7, 1857. Scattering returns •from Wisconsin, indicate the reelection of Whiten, Republican Its Chief Justice, by a decided to4],,rity. The Remedy of the Age . At this season of the rent, it is prudent, if not necessary, to tune a tenable and good mod 'tine for the purification of the blood and slit. notch, and among the numerous compounds le. titre the public (all claim to possess this virtue) flarlels Sarsaparilla is the only one which can he depended upon.-St. Louis Herald. Sold by Sehieftlier Brothers & Co., N. Y., Dyott & Son, Philadelphia. WHITE ETIL PERFUMED BREATH AND BEAUTIFUL Crium.ExtoN—can be acquired by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers."— What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by w ing "Balm of a Thousand Flowers" as a den tifrice, would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth white as alabaster ? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the sub ject is so delicate their friends will never Mem tion it. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure each bottle is signed. FETRIDGE S Co., N.Y. Fur sale by all Druggists. Feb.18;57.-6nl. , On the 12th inst., bb Simeon Wright, Esq., Mr. ROGER SHAVER, of Juniata township, to Miss SARAH EYLEIt of Union tp. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Flour—The market is rather firmer, in eon' sequence of the falling olf of the receipts mid increased export demised. The sales for ship. meat comprise 1500 barrels extra fatally at $0,50 pep barrel. For standard brands most holders now refuse $5,75. Rye Flour is firm at $4, and Corn Meal dull at $3,12 per barrel. There is more inquiry for Wheat, but prices are unchanged. Sales 1500 bushel prime Southern mid Pennsylvania red at $1,40ti1.42 per bushel t 1100 bushels white at $1,55 and 15110 bushels to arrive on private terms. 800 bushels Rye sold at ii2ao;k•., at which figures it is wanted. Corn is in demand, and we ad• %mum our quotations one cent per bushel.— Sales of 8500 bushels new yellow at tine, afloat sod 2000 bushels do ist store at 64e. Oats arc in demand—sales 2000 bushels Poinsvlvania, 800 hush. Is Delaware, and 100 bushels Wes tern at 48e. per bushel. NEW. ADVERTISEIFIENTS. To the Collectors of Iluntingdon County Whereas, there are quite a number of Ciders and the expenses of the 'present Court to be met by the County Treasury, (in which there are no available fluids at present. ia rouse. quenee of the dh•eth of the late Treasurer, A. H. Crewit) you are called upon to be prompt in your returns. F. H. LANE, Huntingdon, April 15, '57. Co. Trees. GREAT BA IGAINS NEW - G 1033 TM VIZOT 74IXTINVI:10g. The undersigned announces in the pni,lic that he has npennd anew Wire in Prirtstown, near Ca; old Juniata bridge, and has just received nee nf the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, Ail) BEST STOCKS OF Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Roots Lk Shoes, Hats di. Caps. dtc., _ . ever brought to this place. Almost every arti• de usually.kept in a country Store always on band ; all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. WY" country produce taken in exdotoge fur goods. • WM. J. GEISSINUEII. Portatown, April 15, 1857. WHAT I KNOW. We also publish this day a truly valuable companion to the above ; a new edition, price 50 rent, of . The Economical Cook and house Book ; The mbject of which is not to elaborate the art of Cookery, but to give simple and mamma. Mal receipts fur Cookery, applicable to every meal and every OCUIUitIII j Mr everyday use in all the duties or a housekeeper, both useful and ornamental. the above two books us their companion and guide to Imiteliold dui ics in the parlor, the dining' room and the kitchen, the veriest tyro may rival the oldest and best of housekeepers. Price or the two volumes $1,30, in cloth ; or bound in strong sheep, with blank paper inner• tad for addles your own family receipts. $ 2 ,00. Copies of• either book soil by mail (free) on receipt of the prier. --- WILLIS P. kI,AZARD, 190 Cheatuut St., below Eighth A pr.15,'67.. DR. J R. HUYETT, 14 . 4 •••• $211011V10117-: ALEXANDRIA, DUAT. CO., PA. April 1, 1857.--ly. Porcelain Boilers and Pans , of eve y do.criptio% for stile at the S toreUardffort of 4. A. BROWN & CO. AWAVST , Iv MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, ELLINEOES ADVERTISEMENTS. . , FRUIT TREES ! A large assortment of Fruit trees, such as Apple, Peach, Pear, QUilleC, Cherry, Plum, Nec• toner, Apricot and Almond, of the choicest vs. Hades. Also Isabella and Catawba GRAPE VINES ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry plants. Also Shade and Ornamental trees— Evergreens, and Osage Orange for hedging At the Huntingdon Nurseries of TAYLOR A CREMER. Huntingdon, April 8 1857.-3 t. IIg.MJTIIECODad GAS COMPANY. A meeting of the "Huntingdon Gas Compa ny" will be held nt the Court louse, on Smut , day, the 25th day of April, inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing. five mans: gore for said Company, who nre to serve until the first Monday of January, 1858. The stoelcholders will be - Ontitled to one vote for each share of stock, bona fide held by hint, her or them at the time of holding said election. James °win, James Saxton, A. P. Wilson, David Blair, Win. Lewis, John Scott, Alex. Port, . B. E. McMurtrie J. S. Africa, W. P. Orbison, Wm.Dorris,Jr., David Black April 8,1857.-2 t anporators. ---- SOTICZ TO EA.CIEMILL The School Directors of the Huntingdon Bo rough District will sleet six teachers lbr the three male and three female schools, in said district, on Saturday evening, 25th April, inst. Teachers wishing to apply must present their applications by that time. Good teachers are desired andkwed salaries will be given. The schools will be kept open ten months, commen cing on the let of May. M. P. CAMPBELL, Pres't. A. W. BENED ce, Sec'y. April 8,1857.-3 t. ' SIIIRLEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY Will commence its summer session of five months, un -Vonda.t h May •tth. The same ex- tended course of instruction, which has been pursued by the present principal during the past two years, is offered to young Indies, who, while profited by their studire, will nowhere find a more healthful or delightful location. The l uildiog is spacious and convenient, nod the imams of instruction in useful and aeon• mental branches is on a liberal scale. Shirley; burg has doily communication by stage with the eastern and western mail train of the Penn. sylvania R. it., and three times per week with the southern part of the State. TERMS-- For Board, light, &c. with English tuition, per session, $62,50 Mndie. with use of Piano, extra, 20,00 ....,..... ....''.. l• Day Lug isl t Tuition, from ils to 12.00 Apply to .1. B. KIDDER, Principal, Shir• leystutrx Huntingdon Co., Pa. Apr.B,•o7Ait. 300 KEGS PAINTS. Le e , ( (pu t re) Philadelphia Zinc l'ttint, Best Snug White, $2 50 per keg• 275 " " 2 40 2 63 &e., and all kinds n! ILA DWAHE and building: materials in proportion, at t "Hard ware Store" of J. A. 1311OWN#. CO. Iluntingtlou, Apr.8;57.41, C. G. trusser C. WELL 111.1il.clgAW PORK PACKERS, Wholesole Dealers in Provisions, No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, COMMERCIAL ROW, PITTSBURG, PA. ser Agents for Fairbanks' Scales. Aprl;s7. JACKSON'S 1-I()EEL, HUNTINGDON, PI, , On Allegheny Street, between 11 Pa. R. R. &N. &D. T. R.% Depots. ZEIGLEI2. March 25, 1857.—0ne Proprietor, [ESTATE OF JEANET'§TE RT DEC.] Administrators Notice. Noticieis hereby given, that letters of admin. intention on the estate of Jenuet Stewart, late of West township, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, aro requested to make immediate pay meet, and those having claims against thesame will present them duly authenticated for settle. went to WIL STEWART, April I, 1837.—Gt• Abler. [ESTiTE OF EOR GEBORST, DRG"D.) Administrators , Notice. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George Borst, late of West township, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate pay. meat and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated lilt settle. meat, to W. B JOHNSTON, B. HARTMAN, March 25, 1867.-6t* Wll I SIZE RAND). Za Salle's Original• Oldia Irtav Vida Prof. (leo. 11. 1)e Bar has recently returned from Europe, and while there obtained front the celebrated-French chemist, La Salle, at an en: minims outlay, the receipt and exclusive right of the United States and Cumulus, to numulac• tutor and tell this celebrat6d preparation called “whisher-,0d0,” which has never been known to Mil to rause IV hidiers and Moustaches io prow luxuriantly and heavy, even on beardless faces 111 two months alter first application. To those persons whose beards are light and wiry it reir women& itself. A few applications will rea der it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen are noted tar their beautiful Whiskers and'Alonstm ohms, which ninny or them attribute to the ex cellence of La Ssttle a Whiskerandm Pkic, per box ; sent to any part of the United States or Cauudas per Mail, upon the receipt of St. Address, Prof. Geo. 13. be Bar, April 1,1837.--3 m. New Yorh. [ESTATE , 1,1 • Administrator's Notioe. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration en the estate of John Wilson, late of Coss township, Huntingdon county, deed., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to Make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly aa• thenticated lbr settlement. LEWIS STEVER, RACUEI, WILSON 1' tp.. March 1 ONLY ONE BOTICL 4i ala INVIGOR ATOR OR LIVER REMEDY )1 'TES REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE I troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the most desperate of cases, when the SECOND bot tle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient to vigor and health. We wish to cull the attention of all to these lacts, that the Invigor ator is compounded by a physician who has used It in his practice for the past twenty years with a success most credulous, and that it ts entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of guise. Some ides of the strength of these gums may be formedwhen it is known one bottle of the In vigorator contains as much strength us one hun dred doses of Calomel without any of its delete rious effects. One bottle is the surest thing known to carry awoy the bad effects of mineral poison of any kind. Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after a long sick ness. Ono bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yel lowness cr unnatural color from the skin. One dose after`eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the victuals from rising and souring. Only one dose taken before miring prevent. nightmare. One dose taken at night loosens the bowels gently, and cures costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will cure Dyspepsia. One dose of twp tea-spoonsful will always re lieve Sick Headache. One bottle taken for felhale obstruction re movee the canoe of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. . . . Only one dose immediately relieves Cholle, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cho lera Afortius, and a sure preventative of Cholera. Ono dose taken ulten will prevent the recur rence of bilious attacks, while it relieves all painful feelings. lie°ae or two doses taken occasionally is ones the best remedies fur a cold over known. Thousands of eases of inflammation noel Weak. miss thelungs have been cured by the Invig orator. One dose taken a short time before eating gives rigor to the appetite and makes food digest well. One dose ones repeated cures Chronic Dia, rime in its worst ibrms, while summer and bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. Ono or two doses cure utteeks caused by worms, while for wines in children, there is no surer, bider and speedier remedy in the world, as it never Wis. There Is no exaggeration in these statements, they are plain and sober facts, that we can give evidence to prove, while all who use it are giv ing their unanimous testimony in its favor. We wish nil who ere skit and debilitated td try this remedy, and test it thoroughly, and any who arc not benelitted by its use we should like to bear bony as we have yet to hear from the first person who has used a bottle of LA:orator without receiving benefit, for there ore such as tunishing medicinal virtues in it, that all, he mutter how long they hove been afflicted, if their complaint arises trout a deranged liver, will be hem:tined, if not entirely cured. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway New York. Sold in Huntingdon by llnnov MUMANIOILL. and Druggists evcrywlure. Dr. Um 11. Keyser, Wholautle Druggist, No. 140, Wood at., Pitthurg, Wholesale Agent. Mar.25,'57,3m. BARGAINS! BARGAINS I! HARDWARE DEPOTI The subscribers have again returned Boni the East with an enlarged stock of HARDWARE, . CUTLERY, PAINTS, &e., which they will sell at such prices as shall make it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Me. chart eu, and "all the rest of mankind," to give them a call, Our stock comprises Building material, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Dims elan sizes. Putty, Oita, Varnish., White Lead and 'Zinc Paints. - MECHANICS' TOOLS. Planes, Handsaws, Mill & Crosscut Sans. Chisels, Mann's Axes. Hatchets, Spirit Levels, Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches, with an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coachliakers are invited to call and examine our extensive stook of Hai , seas Mountings and Couch Trimmings, Patent and COMMOII Humes, 30 varieties ; Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enamelled Let, thee, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces rind Linings 1 lobs, Spokes, Felloes, Shells, Springs, &r. TABI.E& POCKET CUTLERY, Knives and Forks from 371 eeuts to per set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons, Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' knives, razors, &e., &e. 110110 WAVARIi t Porcelains, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Teaket tles, Sance, Frying and Halting Pans, Steak Griddles, Dish Covers, &c., &0., at inanufactu• rers' prices. MISCELLANEOUS. Ice Hammers, Lemon Squeezers, Butter Prints, Butter. Ladles, Port Mosaies, Bells of all kinds, Cutts, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint Brushes, Wall Brushes. Traces and Chains of various kinds Chain Pumps and Metallic Pumps fur cisterns, Picks, Sledges, &c., atc. pay.flaving purchased many of our goods at wholesuM prices from manufacturers, we are mailed to sell both wholesale and retail—ex tremely low. A liberal share of public patron age is solicited. 'All orders from abroad promptly alien. ded to. JAS. A. BROWN Ji Co. Apr.l,*s7. • it all A1E14.) CLOTHING ! A New Assorttueut Just Opetiedl And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! LT ROMAN respect:oily Worms his Costa. mars and the public generally, that he has just opened at his sture-rourn in Market Square fluntingdon,a splendid new stock of Ready , made ilollilugfor Fall and Winter. which ho will sell cheaper than the 551110 quit tiY of Goods con he purchased at retail in Philadel phia or tiny otker estublishment in the country. Persons wisMig to buy Clothing would tlo well to canoed examiue his stock before purcha sing .21sewliero. Also, !las,. Caps, Boots, and Shoes, which will be .1,1 lower than at any other ea• tablishment in the county. Huntingdon Oct. L. 1 kin. (ESTATE OF J 011 N McCALIAN, DEC 'A) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE._ All persons interested are hereby notified that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the • undersigned, Executors of the last will nod tea. tamest of Julat illeCaltati, late of Walker tp., Iluntingdon county, deed., and all persons ha. clog olai,ns or demands against said estate aro requested to present them without delay,—and those indebted to said es tate, wi.l pay the came to John K. MeC'aban, Birmingham, or Jut 4. NoCahan, Hollidaysburg. .101 IN K. AIaCALIAN, Birmingham, .148. A. ItIr'CABAN, Ilullidtkushurg, TA ti. K. MOREIIEAD, Pittshurg, ,JORN OBESSIVEI.I. I Petersbur g . • March 81. 1857.-lit 11116CELLAIVEOUSADURTISEMEN - TB: ANTIPICLOGISTIC SALT. A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE • For Ilie Lancet, Leeches and Blisters I OF ITS' INTRINSIC VALUE THE EN LIGHTENED COMMUNITY AWL) NOT THE DISCOVERER MUST BE THE JUDGA' ANY medicines offered for sale are augg{{rrnr• partied by doubtful certificates (their Filet value) and claim to be universal remedies, ca ring all maladies—a burlesque on cbromou sense. As the discoverer of this Salt.soleronly protests against having it placed on the omega. ry of frauds and impositions, he has resolved that it shall go forth to the world like the pure gold dollar, wit nu other passport than its own true value. If the public find it genuine they will receive it—if spurious they will reject and condemn it. Instead of its being a panacea fur all ills it had control over but one ill—has but one aim and accomplishes but one thing, to wit ; subdues inflammatory diseases—whatever be their form or locality, whether in the head, throat, chest, abdomen, extremeties or skin, When the' discoverer, after a long series of laborious and costly experiments, became folly confirmed in his couvicti.m that the Antiphlo. gistie Stilt, which he •now has the happiness to present to the American t•ablie, was a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for Bloodletting, Leeches and Blisters, his mind was so agitated that he could not sleep for many nights. The cause of his tikitation was the striking fact that the manner of its op• eration, like that of the virus in vaccination, could not be explained upon any knownprinci• ple. How, in what way, it so effectually sub dues inflammatory diseases and no others, wits at first a holly inexplicable; but on further ex• periment it was proved that by its power over the veins, arteries and glands, it equalizes the fluids of the body, the want of nn equilibrium in which' is the sale cause or inflammation. It exerts like the vaccine matter. an extraordina• ry influence over the circulation—resulting in a gradual decliae of inflammation as indicated by the pulse which soon resumes its natural state, as the pain and heat disappear. Such is its potency, that like the virus just mentioned, it requires merely what adheres to the point of a quill dipped in a solution of it to elle& the entire system—but meet be instantly used to prevent decomposition, and secure its full via tue. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic disease every 24 hours, till the heat and fever have subsided and a perfect cure is effactcd.-- When it takes the place of leeches, stiniulttting ointments find blisters ie local itiflammation, as Brain Fever, Crony, Tout!:tiche. Plaurisy, &c., its 'node of administration is ten-fold. (See directions fur dissolving, &c,) Sfalt`..The peculiar exceflettue of this Salt is, that without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effectually cures inilatntnatory dire eases (no others) by producing en equilibrium of till the flehis of the body and a consequent uninterrupted circulation. The folios M.• trout forms v. hid' the unbalanced fluids as sume and many not here mentioned, that hone more or loss fever and pain, are as perfectly subdued by the Antiplalogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by , water. I—Caves where the unbalanced fluids affect the Bead and Throat—to wit: Brain Fever, Headache, Fits, inflamed Eyes, Ears and Nuts Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas,'Bronchitis, dc. . , 2—Cases svhete the unbalanced fluids effect the Chest and Abdomen—to wit: Pleurisy, Inflamed Lungs and Liver, Colic. Coughs. Dyspepsia, Gravel, Oonor rhea, Venereal. &e. 3--Cases where thir unbalanced . fluids affeet the Extretneties and Skin•—to wit :Illieutuatisin Gout, Scrofula, Chicken and Small Pox, Salle Rheum and all Itching and other Cutaneous Eruptions. This Snit greatly alleviates the imilammatory pains peculiar to married ladies (before and at the time of confinement) and nanny Female Cotnplaints ; and is very ellierteious in revers. Agne, Wounds, Nervous and Spleal affections, and any other fbrins of (mark this) in In PAT disease, attended with Lent or ktrilc symp• toms. Persons who hare n [mkt, of bloat to as head and heart, mid who lead inactive lives, or breathe. the impure air of inanufactorica and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerala, Or live in unhealthy climntas are exposed to it re• cuther rile/ion of the fluids of Me botty,'whwh one dose, without interlerinet with dint or busi. nest, once in three menthe, would invariably prevent. It is believed to afford protection a gainst infections diseases; and therefore, it it recommended to travellers, sailors and del. diera. To protect tho Collllllllllily from imposition by counterfeits, t h e proprietor will .employ tut Agent, and hair mad.- nrranrenients 'that he can Send the medicine in any quantity, by mail or express, to !any part of the :United States or threw. countries.. Its prime cost to the discoverer is $1,50 per drachm—price $5 per drachm—and is put ti t , up in drachm pack. ages for acute IIiSCW (with directions, &c.) at $1 ; three drachms do., fir- chronic eases, $5 ; and 5 drachms do. for fsmilies,sB—a net profit ofAM, rents on each package. IVbile many rostrum makers victimize the good•natured and pill-ridden patine by ordering tnm six ton dozen box or -bottles to cure. any UltilUdy, 110 matter what, the undersigned is happy in being; able to state that the severest forms of mom Inflammatory disease ore over. come by one acute package, and the most Obsti. oat and long startling cases by one Chronio package. Although thirty days have cot dap tied niece this new medicinal 14,mit became partially known to the catmint' of Boston and few neighboring towns, yet such have boon the results of its trial that, during the pist week, nearly 400 packages were sold in this city, and orders received VI mail and express for 163 Family, 347 Climate, and $B5 Acute packages. In one instance six persons clubbed together and wrote for six packages (of the "Little Oi• art, us they called it,) to he forwarded to one address, thereby saving expense to themselves and the proprietor. filirLetters from clubs or individurls with money (if over $10) should be registered L. the post office where mailed, as it costs five cents, and will insure their safe arrival. ***Thosliseorerer now humbly, submits his Perfect Substitute for the lancet, leech, and blisters, to the tribunal of•an intelligent public, reiterating flint it does just what it °Minis to do—no more, no less r 4utdircy inflammatory disease (tto others) whatever be its form or lo eality by restoring The loot balance between the fluid, and solids. Fatuity packages $B, Chro :tie $5, and Acute $2; to be had (free ex• pensel only by Addressing him through B. .t 22, Boston, ifasc, or at his Office, No. 't Winter Street. ' Cut put this advertisement and his vomtnti• munication in tutothor column fork osal of your neighbors and your own future ase. F. COGGSM'ELL. M. D., Diseovgrer and Vroprietor. The Antiphingistie salt, is for sale et the II UNTINgDos JOURNAL OFFICE. Mar.1T,'57..6t. JOII H. ALLEN & CO. Nos. 2 .t 4 eftgarsi, ST., s'th side below Water PHILA DELPHIA. . (The Oltiest Wood•ware House, in the City.) P'aAN (YVAcTUREHS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Patent Machine.rmle Brooms, tent Out:awed Cedar• Ware. warranted 'lot to Aria, Wood & Willuw•ware, Cords, Hruabe6i &c., dull description,. Please call and 47 , ..41 lice our stoek.