Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 15, 1857, Image 1

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From the Knickerbocker.
Do they miss me at home I—do they miss me ?
'Twould be an assurance most dear
To knOw that my name was forgotten,
As though I had never been there.
To know that the tailor and landlord,
And the banks where my paper is due,
And hosts whom I now cannot mention,
Had banished my form from their view.
Do they miss me at home!—do they miss me?
When the market for money is "tight."
And collectors with haste are pursuing
Their debtors by day and by night ?
Do the friends who once loaned me a "fifty,"
And others who loaned me a "ten,"
Heave a sigh of regret as they miss me,
And wish they could see me again?
Do they miss me at home I—do they miss me?
When no longer I'm teen upon 'Change.
And to those who were wont to assist me,
Say, "His conduct's infernally strange?"
Does the Shylock who loaned Inc his money
To bear me to regions unknown,
Look in vain for occasion to dun me,
And wish I again were at home ?
Do they miss me at home !—do they miss me ?
'Twould be an assurance most dear,
To know that my name was forgotten,
As though I had never been there.
But I know that my memory lingers
Around the dear place as I roam,
And while I've my wits and my creepers,
They'll miss me, they'll miss me nt home.
600 b.
From Dr. Harilett's Anglo-Saxon.
['cahoot remember the time when I was
not in loirewith Kitty Pleasanton. It must
have begun when we were both babies I
am sure 1 loved her as we sat togeteher by
the roadside soaking our dandelion stems
in the little puddles of water to make them
curl. My passion was to nowise abated,
when somewhat later, I climbed cherry
trees at her bidding ; nor, later yet, when
at dancing school I awkwardly made my
new-learnt bow, and asked her to be my
partner; nor, I am sure, was my boyish
passion at all dampened, when, on my re
turn from college;I found my sweet little
Kitty changed, by some undefinable altera
tion, from a lovely child to a bewitching
young woman. She was almost the same
as when I parted from her three years be
fore—the woman was like the child—there
were the same rosy cheeks, 'he same pout
ing innocent mouth. the same curling hair,
but some charm, grace or sentiment was
added, which snide my heart thrill with
new emotion as I gazed at her.
'Kitty,' said I to her. one day, after I
had been at home a week or two, and I
found I could restrain myself no longer,
'Kitty, I'm very much in love with you,
as you know as well as I do. I've always
been in love - with you, and I fancy you are
in love with me.' I paused, but Kitty
made no answer, and I said, 'You like
me, Kitty, don't you 1' .
'First tell me,' said Kitty blushing, and
an odd mixture of delight and bashfulness
in her face, 'if you've made me what is
called an offer?'
, To be sure I have, my darling,' I replied
an oiler which I trust and hope you'll ac-
'Don't . be too sure of that,' said Kitty
Kitty. you love me !" I exclaimed.
''That's my secret,' replied the provoking
little thing. 'But at any rate,' she conti•
nued, could not possibly think of accep
ting the very first offer I ever received—l
should be mortified all the rest of my life if
I did. No, indeed ;no girl of spirit would
dream of accepting her first offer, as if she
were afraid she would never have another.
Excuse me Jami e, 1 can't possibly accept
you till I've had at least one other offer.'
.But, my dearest Kitty,' I began.
'Kitty ! Kitty ! Kitty !' she exclaimed,
'will Mr. llrant learn to oall me by my
proper name? I confuss 1 did hope that
on receiving my 'first oiler,' the person lea
king it would address me with proper cour
tesy, and in a manner befittingehe occa
sion, giving me my name of Catharine, but've gone and spoiled it all
'Oh, I suppose you wanted a -Ad, cere
monious proposal in form,' 1 observed; 'but
I'm no Sir Charles Grandison, Kitty—Ca
therine, I would say; therefore, don't be
foolish ; be content to know, in plain words,
that my whole heart is yours ; and have
the good sense to a ccept
. your first offer,
since your second may not be so good.'
But in vain were my arguments and rea
soning. Kitty was determined not to ac
cept her first offer, and finding her resolute
I changed my tone, and acquiescing in her
views, confessed that, after all, I too had
a certain prido on that point, and should
be rather mortified to know that my wife
had never had any offer but that I had my
self made her ; and so I promised to sus
pend my suit till Kitty should be so fortu
nate as to receive an offer froin 801110 other
Now, not far from when, Kitty dwelt,l
therm was a favorite dell, or bower, or some
thing of that kind, to which she daily re-
paired with some chosen volume to sit and
read. All my endeavors to persuade her
to allow me to accompany her thither had
always been quite in vain. Kitty was
firm in preferring her undisturbed solitude
and I was daily doomed to an hour or two
of the mopes during her wood land visit.
In pursuance with this custom Kitty set'
out soon after the conversation I have
sketched, declining, as usual, my offer of
Not more than half an hour had elapsed
after she had reached her favorite seat, ere
her attention was attracted by a young gen
tleman who was fishing in the brook which
flowed near her. Kitty drew back a little
on seeing him, but her curious eyes wan•
dered occasionally towards the stranger,
The latter no sooner perceived his fair ob
server than he 'bowed with an air of great
politeness, and advancing a few steps, ven
tured to address her a few words of com
monplace greeting. The young man's
words were indeed commonplace. but his
eyes were far more eloquent than hls
tongue—they plainly informed the fair
Kitty that she had found a new admirer.
Kitty, highly flattered, received the stran
ger's advances graciously, and the youth
being by no means bashful, half an hour
found them chatting easily and gaily on
various topics of interest. Kitty's stay in
the woods was something longer than usu
al that afternoon.
'What is the matter, Kitty ?' I asked, on
meeting her soon after her return home.
'Your eyes sparkle, and you look as plea
sed as though you had meta fairy in your
afternoon ramble '
'lt is better than a fairy,' cried Kitty,
breathlessly, 'it's a young nm.'
'lndeed 1' I ejaculated,• with a whistle.
'Yes, James,' she replied, end be is no
handsome—so agreeable-co delightful,
that 1 can't say how things might go if he
were to make me, some of these days, my
second offer.'
'You can't impose on me in that kind of
way, sweet Kitty, so don't attemp, it,' I
exclaimed. 'l'll be bound the impudent
fellow, whom I won't object to speaking a
bit of my mind to, is not handsomer or more
agreeable : han I am myself.'
Kitty laughed aloud in derision. 'He's
a thousand times handsomer.than you are.'
she cries, scornfully, 'and as much more
entertaining us he is more handsome.'
'Come, Kitty, don't be too cutting, too
cruel,' I began ; but Kitty drew herself up
with dignity.
'They cull me Catharine, who do speak
to me, sir,' she said.
'Catharine, fiddlesticks !' I cried. 'Kit
ty is the prettiest and sweetest name in the
world, and comes most natural to me--do
not bother me with your Catharines.'
'[ dare say you may like it,' said Kitty,
pouting, half angrily, •but I don't. It's too
free. How would you like it if I persisted
in calling you Jim I declare I'll call you
Jim, if you go on calling me Kitty.'
'Do so if you like,' I replied,'and it will
soon sound to me like the sweetest name
in the world. But may I presume to bog
from my fair and gracious Lady Catharine
a description of this wood-Adonis, she has
been encountering ?'
'He's tall,' begun Kitty.
'Taller than I?' I interrupted. Kitty
almost annihilated tne by a look.
'By at least half a foot—and of an ele
gant figure,' she continued, with a marked
emphasis. 'He was dressed in a fishing
costume, which greatly became him.'
''l hare an old fishing blouse up stairs,' I
muttered, sotto voce ; 'I think I'll get it
'The young man's manners were un
commonly easy and gentlemanly, and with
al perfectly respectful and deferential,'
continued Kitty. 'Having once ascertain
ed my name, he never once forgot himself
so far as to abbreviate it—his conduct con
trasting favorably in that respect with some
of my friends.'
'Well, Kitty, said I, 'what other perfec
tions has your hero ?or havVou exhaus
ted your list I'
'Far from it,' said Kitty, indignantly—
'He wears his hair parted down in the mid
dle like a poet, or that charming Signor
Pozzolini in the part of the Edgardo—
.Or a Methodist parson,' I observed.
'And besides all that,' continued Kitty,
'he has a moustache.'
'A. lost best gift,' said I ; 'but, Kitty,
that perfection, I hope, will not be very
difficult of achievement. I'll begin to-mor
row. Let, me see—tall—handsome—a
greeable—good manners—elegant figure,
and a moustache t On the whole, Kitty,
I think I'm very much afraid of my new
, You have cause,' Kitty replied, with
grave dignity.
The next day when Kitty reached her
little retreat, she found the stranger again
in its neighborhood. I must do the little
coquette the justice of confessing that she
did look startled, and indeed, vexed, when
she saw him; but perhaps thinking it too
late to retreat, she advanced timidly. The
youth met her with many apologies, and a
plausible pretence for his intrusion, which
she could not gainsay, while something
flattering in his manner made her blush
ingly divine that the hope of again seeing
her had been the true cause of his reap.
pearance. Be that as it might, the stran
ger, perhaps to give Kitty time to recover
her confidence, immediately sauntered off
in pursuit of his sport, and Kitty, fancying
she had seen the last of her new admirer,
drew forth her book, and setting herself in
a mossy corner, began to read, She, how
ever, had scarcely succeeded in fixing her
attention on its pages before the pertina
cious stranger ro-appeared, and declaring
that fishing was dull work, and the fish
would not bite, he composedly seated him
self at Kitty's feet, and begged to know the
name of the book she was reading. 'fenny
'son's Princess,' replied Kitty, curtly.
The imperturable stranger declared the
book a great favorite of his, and began to
talk so entertainingly of books and authors,
that warmed by the subject, she forgot to
be dignified, and an animated discourse of
favorite authors ensued. Afterwards the
young man begged permission to read her
a few admirable passages from the book
she held in her hand, and it so happened
that tne passages he had selected were ve
ry ones Kitty loved best; he read them
well, too, and Kitty's bright eye sparkled
with delight as she listened. Turning at
Itiet to the exquisite concluding interview
between Ida and the young prince, the
stranger's voice became more and more
earnest as he read, till coming to the words
"Indeed I love thee ; come,
Yield thyself up; my hope and thine are one;
Accomplish thou my machood and thyself ;
' Lay thy sweet hands iu mine and trust to me"
he suddenly flung the book aside exclaim
ing, ly hat words ! what words ! What
would I not give for courage to utter them
to the being I love best on earth ! The
stranger paused a moment, and then broke
forth impetuously. "This forced silence
is all in vain ; the words I would repress
will come. In vain have I wriven to he
prudent—cautious—to allow you time—
not to startle you—lovely, bewitching Miss
Catharine—you are yourself the object of
my secret adoration, to whom I would say
much if [ dared ," and thereupon the
youth rather mole dmmaticallyafell on one
knee, and forthwith proceeded to make
Kitty a very plain offer of his hand.
Meanwhile Kitty had risen from her
astonishment, she drew herself up with
dignity, and replied, hardly know, sir,
what you mean by your very strange
words and conduct. The liberty you
have taken has made me very sensible of
my own imprudence in havineallowed
the advances of a stranger so presuming—
an error I shall bo careful never to repeat.
So saying, my proud little Kitt) turned
from the stranger with a distant bow, and
and walked directly home.
I did not soe Kitty till some time after
her return ; perhaps she was recovering
her spirits in her own room, when I met
her she was as full of mischief as ever she
' , Well, James, why don't you ask the
about my adventures to-day ?" she inqui
..Because," I replied, " I do'nt suppose
you would be so imprudent as to go again
today where you would be likely to en
counter the insolent puppy who presum•
ed to address you yesterday."
'I didn't in the least expect him to be
there,' said Kitty, blushing, and somewhat
confused, 'but he was there.'
, Of, course,' I replied gruffly.
was your Adonis as handsome and agree
able as ever ?"
'Mare so!' cried Kitty, recovering her
composure ; 'he looked more Massaiello•
like than ever in his fishing dress; and
for entertainment, he first read me all the
finest part of Tennyson's Princess, and
then made a marriage proposal, and I don't
think any man could be expected to do
more in one afternoon.'
'I should think not, indeed,' said I ;
quay what reply did you make to the ras
cal I—that you had a friend at home who
would be happy to kick him well for his
'Far from it,' said Kitty ; 'what my re
ply was, is my secret—and his; but for
you, my poor James, I'm sorry for you—
it's all over with you and your offer.'
'Why, you good•for.nothing, little, de
ceitful puss !' cried I, losing all patience
'there never was a more arrant dissembler
living. Behold how plain a talc shall
put you dowll—for 10--1 myself disguised
merely by a little paint—a blouse, a false
moustache, and a change in the arrange
ment of my hair, was in my own person
this elegant, handsome, agreeable stran
ger, whose praises you have so lavishly
sounded 1'
Poor Kity was completely confounded.
'How could I have been eo stupid 1' she
murmured, 'and the voice, too which
sounded so familiar all the time!'
'Yes, you're caught,' said I; 'and to
punish you for attemping just now to palm
a wicked falsehood upon me, I shall im
pose a two fold' fine. First, you shall kiss
me; and then fix our wedding day, which
must be very shortly, for I am going to
Paris in a month, and you must go with
Kitty gave a little scream, and decla
red that she would never submit to ei
ther of my penalties; but in vain she
struggled and protested—l had her in my
arms, and finding at last all her efforts to
release herself fruitless, her jests and .
laughter suddenly changed to earnest ten
derness, and closing her arms around me,
she said, as you will, dear—dearest Ja
mie !'
'One month from to Joy, Men, my own
sweet, darling Kitty,' I began.
'Catharine !' whispered Kitty !
'Catharine, then,' I repeated, smiling
at her pertinacity on this point, 'one month
from to-morrow, my Catharine."
'You never put any adjectives before
Catharine,' murmured Kitty, evasively,
hiding her blushing and pouting face.
"My own dear, gracious, winning, be
witching, most kissable Catharine,' said
I, 'shall It be as I say ?'
'lf mamma chooses ' whispered Kitty.—
And so I persuaded the sweetest and pret
tiest girl in the country to accept her first
and only lover; and though to this day
my merry little wife often complains that
I defrauded her by my tricks of her natu
ral womanly right of breaking two or three
hearts at least ere she made one man su
premely blest still she generally concludes
her reproaches in ',manner most flatter
ing to my vanity, by declaring that she
had two offers in all, and that each of them
was worth a thousand common ones.
Dissenting Opinion oqudges Mc-
lean and Curtis.
We give below an abstract of the opin
ions of Judges McLean and Curtis, which
will well repay a perusal. Judge McLean
expressed his views, as follows
After stating the facts relative to the sub
ject, the plea as to jurisdiction is radically
detective. It had never been held neces
sary that to constitute a citizen a man she'd
have the qualifications of an elector, Fe
males and minors may sue in the Federal
Courts, and so may any individual who
may have his own domicil in the State in
which ho may sue. The most general de.
finitton of a citizen is a freeman. The plea
does not show Dred Scott to be a slave. It
does not follow that a man is not free whose
ancestors were slaves. it was said color.
ed citizens were not agreeable members of
society ; but this was more a matter of
taste than of law. Several of the States
had admitted such persons to the right of
suffrage, and recognized them as citizens;
and this has been done in slave as well as
free States. On the subject of citizenship
we have not been very fastidious. Under
the late treaty with Mexico, we have made
citizens of all grades, combinations and co
lors. The same was done in the ease of
Louisiana and Florida. No one ever doubt
ed, nor a Court held that the inhabitants
did not become citizens uncle) the treaties.
They have become citizens without being
Throughout the continent of Europe,
without exception, it has been held that sla
very can exist only in territory where it
has been established, and beyond that the
master cannot sustain himself save by some
express stipulation. There is no nation
in Europe which considers itself bound to
return the m'astei his fugitive slave, under
the civil law or the law of nations. The
slave is held to be free where there is no
treaty, obligation or contract to return him
to his master. In the case of Prigg a
gainst the State of Pennsylvania, the state
of slavery is deemed to be a mere 'mini
cipal regulation, founded and limited to the
range of the Slate which enaots it. This
was the decision in the case of Surnersett
in gn g la n d, which was decided before the
American ft evolution. Congress has no
power to interfere with slavery in the States
or to regulate what is commonly called the
slave trade in the several States, We do
know that James Madison—that great and
good than—was particular to regard slaved
~,,...; ~.„..
~ ,
. , 4..: -. ,
escaping from service or labor as 'persons'
and not property. While he (Judge Mc-
Lean) agreed that this government was not
made for the colored race yet many of them
in the New England States, exercised the
right of suffrage when the Constitution
was adopted ; and it was not doubtod that
its tendency would be to ameliorate the
condition of that race. Many of the States
took measures to abolish slavery ; and it is
a well known fact that the belief was cher
ished by leading men, both of the South
and the North, that the institution of sla
very would gradually decline, until it aho'd
become extinct.
All slavery has its origin against natural
If in making the necessary rules and re
gulations respecting the public lands, ter- '
ritorial or temporary government is requi
site, Congress has no power to establish it,
The power to acquire carries with it the
power to govern. Congress can exercise
no power prohibited by the Constitution,
nor has it power to regulate the internal
concerns of a State. If Congress deem
slaves or free persons of color injurious to
a territory, it has the power to prohibit
them from becoming settlers therein.—
Where a territorial government has been
established on slave territory, it has uni.
form ly remained in that condition; so when
the territory was free ; and this was ittten
ded with satisfactory results. The sever- ,
eignty of the federal government extends ,
to all territory of the United States. If we
have the right to acquire territory, we have
the right to govern it; and this has always
been exercised. The Constitution was
framed for the whole country, and the pro
hibition of slavery north of 30 deg. 30 min.
was constitutional. Where there is no lo
cal law establishing slavery, the master
cannot control the will of the slave by forcu
and the presumption is in favor of freedom.
The master in going into a territory, does
not carry with him the law of the State
from which he removes. Slavery, or pro
perty in human beings—does not arise
from the international or common law, but
from a mere municipal regulation. There
was no just grouud for the argument that
this was exclusively a Missouri ques
tion. Dred Scott and his family were free
under decisions given within the last twen
ty-eight years. A slave who acquires his
freeinoval to another State, cannot be redu
ced to slavery by his returning to the State
from which he emigrated. So far from this
being merely a Missouri case, it is one
which comes under the twenty-fifth section
of the Judiciary act and therefore may be
brought for the revision of this court from
the Supreme Court of the State of 3lissou
Associate Justice Curtis gave his rea
son for dissenting from the majority of the
court. The question is, whether a person
of African descent can beta citizen of the
United States. The constitution uses the
language, "citizens of the United States
at the time of the adoption," of that in
strument ; referring to those who were
citizens under the confederation. It may,
therefore, be safely said, the citizens of the
United States under the Constitution. It
is a fact that all the free native born sub
jects of New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
New York and North Carolina, descended
from the African race, were not only citi
zens, but possessed franchise of electors
on equal terms with other or white citizens.
Those colored persons were not only in
cluded with the body of white persons in
the adoption of the Constitution, but had
the power to and did act in its adoption.
Under the constitution every free person
born on the soil of a State is made a cit
izen by force of the Constitution. Hav
ing stated the ground of his opinion and
explained the provisions of the constitu- 1
ties, he said that every citizen at the time
of the adoption of that instrument was so
recognized, and no power was conferred
to discriminate between color or deprive
any ono of her franchise. It is true in
point of fact that the constitution was made
exclusively by and for white people. The
preamble openly declares that the ponsi
tution was formed in order to secure to the
people of the United States and their pos
terity the blessings of liberty, and as for
the colored citizens in five of the States
they were among those for whom the con
stitution was ordained and established.—
Color, in the opinion of the framers of the
Constitution, was not necessary to consti
tute citizenship under the constitution of
the U. States ; and it might be added that
the power to make colored persons citi
zens has been acted upon in repeated in
stances—in the treaties with the Choctaws
and Cherokees, and Gudalupe
in 1848. And lie arrived at the following
conclusions :
1. That the free native born citizens of
cacl! Statu at the formation or thu Consti.
tution became citizens of the United
2. That the free colored persons born
within some of the States, and citizens of
those States, were also citizens of the Uni
ted States.
3. That every such citizen residing in
any State, has the right to sue and to be
sued in the federal court of the State in
which he resides.
4. As the plea of jurisdiction in this
case shows no fact except as to African de
scent, and as this fact is not inconsistent
with citizenship of the United States, the
decision of the Circuit Court for Missouri
was incorrect. Ile therefore dissented
from the opinion of the majority of the
Court that a person of the African race
cannot be a citizen of the United States.—
He did not believe the opinions of the
Court on questions not legitimately hefore
it, to be binding. He believed however
that the Court has jurisdiction in this case,
and maintained that, under the law of
Missouri, Dred Scott and his family were
free persons on their return — to that State.
There was nothing in history or in the
language of the Constitution which res.
trains the power to make all needful rules
and regulations respecting the territory of
the United States, to such territory only
as was owned by the United States at the
adoption of the Constitution. lie was
not aware that such a suggestion had ever
before been made. Four distinct nequisi
tions of territory have been made, and six
' States formed dpon them have been admit
ted into the Union. Such a contracted
construction as that to which he referred
was inconsistent with the nature and pur
-1 pose of the Constitution as expressed in
its language. He would construe that
clause of the . Constitution thus—Congress
slain have power to make all needful rules
and regulations respecting those tracts of
country without the limits of the United
States, end have or may acquire by ces
sion as well of jurisdiction as of soil, so
far as the soil is the property of the patties
making the cession. Congress has the
power to legislate with regard to the Ter
ritories until they shall apply for admis
sion into the Union as States. The laws
must be "needful," and are left to legis
lative discretion, There ore two classes of
acts; and in eight distinct instances, be
ginning with the first Congress and com
ing down to 1848, Congress has exclu
ded slavery from the Territories; and
there arc six distinct instances in which
Congress has organized governments for
Territories, and recognized slavery and
continued tt therein ; also, beginning with
the first Congress and coming down to 18-
22. These acts were signed IT seven
Presidents, coming regularly down from
Washington to John Qincy Adams, thus
including all who were to public life when
the Constitution was adopted. This should
have much weight on the question of con
struction, and tt would be difficult to resist
the force of the acts to which reference
was made. His opinion was the decis
, ion of the Circuit Court for Missouri
should be reversed, and the cause remand
ed for a new trial.
For tho Journal.
'Tis fine to be talking of wedding,
With nothing at all in the purse
But I'm not to be easily led in
Exchanging a butte; for worse.
E'en nature herself gives ys warning,
If we look ere the warning slip by
For its scarcely at all like a morning
'Unless there's 80010 "gold" in the sky.
Only look at the ways of creation,
And learn while its truths you behold,
Hills and valleys will tell you no station
Can shine in this world without gold.
Then cease to be talking of wedding, Sc.
Life's beauties, alas I are depending
On gold•light and sun-light alone;
And beauty comes soon to on ending
When the sun•god has quitted his throne.
Then cease to be talking of wedding, &e.
April 7, 1857. M. X.
Seven Deadly Sins.
1. llefußinu to tgke n fist class newspa ,
2 ; Taking a newspaper and not paying
for it.
3. Not advertising, when your business
would be greatly benefitted thereby.
4. Getting married without sending the
printer any wedding•cake.
5. Making the printing office a loafing
6. Reading the tnanuscript on a oompo•
actor's case.
7. Making it a practice of visiting tho
printing-office for the purpose of reading
exchange papers, talking to the editors,
when busy, and otherwise troubling them.
. ear A miss .Steed' a lady of brief
stature, having lately married a man by
the name of 'Curry' after a week's ac
quaintance, Brown remarked that it was
an exemplification of the old proverb—
'that a short horse is sushi curried.'
A Witness from the other Side.
We had a friendly call yesterday from
Dr. Leib, of Chicago, formerly of this city
who is on his retura from Washington,
where he had been to see the powers that
be. The Doctor was a strong Buchanan
man, and had stumped Illinois for him du
ring the last campaign, Be also publish.
ed a German prper which had a wide cir
culation and great influence, and was
probably the cause of giving that State to
Mr. Buchanan. Ile says thet in his pa
per he pledged himself and the Democra
cy that Mr. Buchanan would make Kan.
sas a Free State, and give the North her
full rights. Such was his own belief.—
But he finds that he was deceived. Ile
says that the appointment of Walker, hia
Secretary, and those ultra pro-slavery bor
der ruffians in that territory to offices, has
settled the matter, and that Kansas 1,
doomed to be a Slave State; for these men
will go all lengths to accomplish that pur•
pose, and the Administration have clothed
men with power to carry out the object.
Th.? Doctor was in Kansas when the troub
les in that territory commenced, and la
well acquainted with the condition of thinge
there. He knew Mr. Buchanan, and
was in the belief that he entertained the
same opinion of hostility to the extension
of slavery that he bad avowed some yearn
ago; but he finds himself most grievously
mistaken; and he prophecies that the
course of the new Administratoin on this
subject will utterly annihilate the Dela: ,
cratic party, so called, in the North, which
was so terribly shattered at the election
last year.—Lan.
Augural! and Mary.
Thrilling accounts are given in the MA
rysville papers of the chase of two 'lovers'
by an enraged third party (the parent,)
who, as we take up the story, was follow
ing them across the Yuba river :
'Augustus saw the fury depicted in the
old man's face, and deeming discretion the
better part of valor, made a dead halt in
the road and concluded to surrender. Mt•
ry was frantic. Leaping suddenly from
her horse, and walking through tnud three
feet deep, she gathered her husband by
the legs and dragged him to the ground.
Then grasping him tightly around thu
neck, she shouted to her father, who was
now in speaking dismisses :
'You shan't part us. Right hove up to
our knees in mud wu will live and dm to•
The old man started back in amaze
'Yes,' muttered tho half-used up Augus.
tus, 'we'll die right here in the mud.'
'But Maria, my ehild'—groaned the old
man, 'are you not my daughter sill ?'
'Yes,' was the redly, 'and I'm his wilt
And aro you married r
'We are,' exclaimed both ,
The old man looked daggers for a nip
ment, closely scrutinising the couple as
they clung to each other in the mud, and
turning his horse's head toward the city,
he started off, saying—
'That's all I wanted to know. You can
now get out of the mud and come home P
Invasion in Kansas.
A correspondent of the Boston Travel
er; writing from Kansas, mentions a ru
mor that there has been secretly organized
in Missouri about 3,600 armed men, to in
vade Kansas and take possession of thu
Shawnee, Miami and other Indian reserves
that will be opened this spring for settle
ment. The Shawnees have made their
'selections, and the remainder, containing
about two thousand claims of 160 acres
each, comprising some of the finest land
in Kansas, 001 be open early in March.
The Missourians it is alleged, have been
selectieg claims for a month past.
'LAY STILL, GRANNY.' -A boy got his
grandfather's gun and loaded it, but was
afraid to fire ; he, however, liked the fun
of loading, and so put in another charge,
but still, was afraid to fire. Ho kept on
charging, but without firing, until he had
got six charges in the old pieoe. His
grandmother, learning his temerity, smart
ly reproved him, and grasping the old con-
tinental, discharged it. The recoil was
tremendous, throwing the old lady on her
back ! She promptly struggled to regain
her feet, but the boy cried out, •Lay still
Granny, there are five more charges to go
on yet.'
SorAn honest Dutchman, in training
up his son in the way ho should go, Ire
quentlyexercised him in Bible lessons.—
On one of these °cessions he 'asked him i
was dat wint44 no sleep wit Roil.
phe's wife 1" “Shoseph." "Ditt's
gord boy. Vol vat sae de reason lie •vonld
no sleep mit her 2" Don't know; 'spo,c
he vase's shicepy."