Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 08, 1857, Image 4

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..tTle mach to say, yet Truth to say it:.
By S. G. Goolinion, the veritable "Petei: 1`.••••
ley," author of 'Alm !Esters of all N . •
&e. In two volumoi, ' . 4) pp. burr
25 engravings, incliiihe,• a a .: •
- Portrait of the Author. 1.. wo, ,• • •
let Cloth, 83,00; Scarlet cl ih. ,•
Half calf, marble edges, 55,00 ; Gil , 1. a. •
This work ethbraces the prominent public e
vents of the last halt century, both at home and
abroad ; a complete autobiography of the author
—his early days, education, and literary career;
and an amount f original curious, and valuable
personal incident, anccdote and description, sel
dom, if ever, met with in a single work. It is
the author's life-long work, and nothing superior
if equal to it in blended amusement and instrue- 1
Lion, has ever been published. Mr. Goodrich is
the author and editor of 170 volumes, of which ,
seven millions of copies have been sold 1 and this
the great work of his life time, embodies the con
densed substance of his ample literary and prac
tical experience: the war with England in 1312- I
14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private sant:ill
the Hartford Convention, whose operations took
place under his immediate observation, and with
most of the members of which ho was personally
acquainted. Embracing curious and interestiog
details respecting old Jeflersonian Democracy,
Old Federalism, and Connecticut Blue Lights;
curious and marvellous events connected with
the rise and progress of religious sects in the
United States ; with descriptions of the French
Revolution of 1838, and Louis Napoleon's Coup
d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed.
Also, a full account of the 'Peter Parley's Tales,'
of which four millions have been sold.
In the course of the work will be found pen
and Ink pormaits of over Two Hundred celebra
ted persons—Presidents. Vice-Presidents, Kings
Queens, Emperors, Soldiers, Poets, Wits, En
thusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Dip
lomatists, &c.—all described from personal ac
quaintance or observation. For sale by
MILL CRUM Bunt. Co., Pa.
Published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, No.
25 Park Row, N. Y.
Encyclopedia of Animated Nature.l
Living Nature in all its Forms.
►only book of its kind ever published,
I which gives Pictorial Representations and
Popular Descriptions of the History, Habits and
modes of life of all the classes of living beings
on the earth, in the ocean and in the air. Uni
form retail price.
In Ono Quarto Volume 1350 Illustrations,
Muslin Gilt Back and Center, $3 00. The
Same—Marble Edge, Blamed Morrocco,
Gilt Back and Center,l3 00. The Same
—Extra Red Turkey Morrocco, Gilt Edges
and Full Gilt Sides $5 00
Books upon almosl ' every other subject have
been circulated among the people, except those
relating to the vcry interesting and important
one of Natural History. The books which have
heretofore been published on this subject, have
been adapted, to mere children, or to those
who made it a thorough study. Hence, very !
few of the millions Of readers in this country
have, within their reach, anything satisfactory
upon this subject. 'rids indicates a great and
an obvious want, as no subject is more intense
ly interesting, and none more improving, than
that of the living beings that people the globe.
This want we are confident we hilly meet, in
the work we here oiler to the public.
G ir This Book is not for sale in Bookstores
but can be, ordered from us direct, or obtained
Rom our Canvassing Agents.
Published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, New
York, and for sale by
MILL CREEK, Bunt. Co., Pa.
"No Library is Complete without it."
Testimony of Sixteen Thousand PUr-
Magnificent Work of History! A whole Libra•
ry in Itself!
Cost $ll,OOO-70 Maps-700 Engravings.
From the earliest period to the present time,
the history of every nation, ancient and mo
dern, being separately given. By S. G. Goon-
RICII, author of several works of History, 'Peter
Parley's Tales,' fir.
it is believed that the above work will be ve
ry acceptable to the American public. It is the
result of years of toil and labor, assisted in his
researches by several scholars of known ability,
and has been got up at a great expense by the
proprietors. No pains have been spared in the
execution of the Illustrations and Maps, which
are prepared expressly fur this work. Indeed,,
all the other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich,
sink into insignificance, when compared to this,
the result of his riper and maturer years. It is
admitted that one hundred dollars could not
purchase the same matter in any other shape ,
and the publishers confidently expect, in consi
deration of the great literary value of the work,
the large sum expended in preparing it for the
press, and the exceedingly moderato price at
which it is offered, that it will be favorably re
ceived by every lover of good books. Many of
our first scholars, divines and gentlemen ? who
have examined the work, have given it their un
qualified approbation and commendation, which
it richly deserves.
UotJorm Retail Prices.
In I vol. Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Gilt
Back and Sides. 56,00
4, 66 lt tf tt tt a Full
if ft 5,00
It 2 st
4I• 44 44 tt
and Full Gilt Sides, 10,00
. heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprinkled
Edge ti,oo
Many of our Agents having been told when
soliciting subscribers, that this work would soots
be sold iu Bookstores, and at a reduced price,
we hereby give notice, as Solo Publishers of it,
it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price,
and will be offered by our canvassing Agents
only, who have the sole right of sale in their re
spective districts , except that where we have
not appointed an agent, WE will send copies by
mail, postage prepaid, to any pima the United.
States, upon receipt of the retail price.
N.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over
four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail,
but the two volume copies can be mailed as two
Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Publishers, No. 25
Park Row, N. Y. For se by
MILL C exult, Bunt. Co., Pa.
And a large assortment of other books may be
had, very low, by addressing
MILL Cloak, Hunt. Co., Pa.
The foregoing work' con be had of Gec,. Berg
!dresser only, who is the Canvassing Agent for
this county, and who will shortly call on the
citizens of the county.
[Estate of Eathan Chi!coil, Dec'd.)
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad.
ministration on the estate of Eathan
Chilcott, late of West township, Huntingdon
county, deed., have been granted to the under.
signed all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to snake immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them for settle.
Huntingdon, Fet.25,'67.—f1.
TRIAL I.lti'f—Flß.ST
Robert. Wilson YR. \Vol. Fmter's Ex'rs.
Ilunting.lon county to Anarcw Robison's Ex',
pumas vs Jantes 'Porter.
Shoonberger's Ex'rs vs A. P. Wilson et al
for use ol Itivton Stnith & Remy.
rlerninr• vs B. X. Blair, et nl.
, - • ! 'l4+ NVils , ,:t.
N. C. Del . ., ~ !;,..
John G. Grimly vs Gable's Elers,
John Penn Brock vs John Savage.
Same vs Satne. — .
John hl. Walter vs Dash! Varner.
Union Trans. Co vs Penn. & Ohio Trans. Co.
Leonard Weaver vs Luck & Snyder.
Samuel Caldwell vs Michael J. Martin.
John Dougherty vs Taylor, Wilson & Petriken.
Weiller ' Kline & Ellis vs Christian Couts.,
(image Couch vs Far. Insurance Co.
Matthew Truman for use vs. Robert IL Pond.
Peter Long & with vs Daniel Roberts' Adm'r.
&dee & Baugher vs James Bricker.
Mary E. Trout vs Mitrtin Manner et al.
Matson Walker vs Andrew Walker.
; L. & S. liecthi vs John Jamison.
Ettinger & Theedman vs Ilnyett.& Seeds.
Bancroft, Beaver & Co. vs josh. R. Cox's Ad.
Noe M. ASlllea, vs. Same.
I Same vs. Same.
Brice BIM, fernier, Dublin.
Michael Baker, carpenter, Porter.
Alexander S. Briggs, farmer, Tull.
Philip Crouse, tailor, eassville.
James B. Carothers, farmer, Morris.
John EL Cunninqhmn, carpenter, Iluntingdon
William L. Couch, termer, Barrio.
David Enyeart, homier, Walker.
John Foster, farmer, Shirley.
John Gt.:Ails, tinner, Warriorsmark.
Jacob }lmmo, farmer, Penn.
Robert F. Ilaslett, innkeeper, Morris.
Gee. W. Ilazard, farmer, Union.
Robert Johnston, farmer, Jackson.
John Lee, miller, Walker.
Thomas Osborn, farmer, Jackson.
IsAtar Oatenkirk, limiter, Brody.
John F. Parsons, farmer, Tull.
Livingston Robb, farmer, Walker.
Wm. Stapleton, farmer, Tod.
David Swoope, Jr., carpenter, Clay.
Andrew Smith, farmer, Union.
Willie m Walker, carpenter, Porter.
I Elias B. Wilson, J. P., Classville.
William Africa, shoemaker, Huntingdon.
Alexander Appleby, farmer, Dublin.
Samuel Bowman, farmer, Shirley.
Jacob Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn.
John C. Bolinger, farmer, Cromwell.
Richard Cunningham, farmer, Jackson
Isaac Curfman, farmer., Tod.
Joseph Cornelius, humor, Cromwell..
;Jacob 11. Dell, farmer, Cass.
John Duffey, mason, Springfield.
Gideon Eli., surveyor, Tod.
Martin Flenner, wagonmaker, Walker.
Robert Fleming, farmer, Jackson.
Jonathan Frazier, tanner, Jackson.
Michael Flasher, farmer, Jackson.
James Goodman, carpenter, Huntingdon.
Hiram Grady, farmer, Henderson.
Austin Green, mechanic, Cassville.
John Griffith, farmer, Tod.
John Ilewit, farmer, Porter.
Thomas Hamer, jr., farmer, West.
Samuel Harvey, farmer, Shirley.
Solomon Houck, farmer, Tod. •
Daniel Knode, farmer, Porter.
Charles H. Miller, tanner, Huntingdon.
Abraham McCoy, briekmakcr, Huntingdon.
William Morgan, farmer, Shirley.
William C. McCauley, tanner, Brady.
Am Price. farmer, Cromwell.
John S. Pheacant, farmer, Union.
Char'. Rhinchart, farmer, Clay.
John Shaffer, Farmer, Morris.
Philip Silkifitter, farmer, Barree.
Peter Shaver of Samuel, clerk, Shirley.
Peter Shaffer, farmer, Morris.
David Snare, J. 1 3., Huntingdon.
Jacob Snyder, tailor, Huntingdon.
Simes. clerk, Franklin.
Thomas Weston, J. I'., Warriorsmark.
Thomas Wits., J. I'., fleeces.
F. B. Wallace, blacksmith, Huntingdon.
Armstrong Willoughby, tailor, Huntingdon,
Leonard Weaver, farmer, Hopewell.
Themes Whittaker, farmer. Porter.
Jacob Walters, fanner, Franklin.
Samuel Wall, merchant, Penn.
.101111 Kirsch, blacksmith, Franklin.
John Hung, gentleman, West. •
James Bell, farmer, Warriors:mark.
William Cramer, farmer, Tell.
James Um, fanner, Dublin.
Met Cunningham, homer, Porter.
David Colenleek, Corner, Huntingdon.
John Dud; firmer, Jackson.
Thomas Duffey, farmer, Springfield. ,
John Eberly, farmer, West.
Martin Fleming, farmer, Brady.
David H. Foster, merchant, Hopewell.
John Glighotan, carpenter, Porter.
Joshua Green, farmer, Barren.
John Grafton, laborer, West.
Caleb Greenland, farmer, Cass.
George Hight, forma, Tod.
John Ilewit, farmer, West.
Jacob 11. Knode, flormer, West.
Hugh King, tunnel, Shirley.
James Kerr, farmer, Brady.
Jol n P. Murphy, shoemaker, West.
George Myerly, farmer, Springfield.
Franklin B. Neely, farmer, Dublin.
John A. Nosh, printer, Huntingdon.
Henry F. Newingbam gentleman, Huntingdon,
Christian Pcightal, tailor, Barree.
Jacob Spanogle, hornier, Shirley.
John Simpson, fanner, Huntingdon.
I Henry W. Swoope, farmer, Porter.
Samuel Smith, former, Union.
Valentine Smittle, fanner, Tell.
James Stevens, armor, Choy.
William P. Taylor, carpenter, Clay.
John Weston, farmer, Union.
John Whittaker, gentleman, Huntingdon.
Richard Wills, eabinut-maker, Warriorsinark.
Michael Ware, farmer, Weer.
Huntingdon, March 25, 1857.
Gilt ~
J. e W. SAXTON are now receiving their
Stroud Fall and Winter Stock of
New and Fashionable Dry Goods 1
Enumeration is unnecessary, but what every
body says must be true—and everybody says
the place to find tie best assortment of Dry
Goods, iu these parts, is at
, zurristivoi, VA.
(IFFICE y removed to the rooms
V./adjoining the residence of Dr.
It. Allison Miller, ucar the Pres. ""
byterian Church.
Jan. 14, Iss7.—tt.
500 Chesnut Posts for sale by
A n Bushels Cloverseed, just received and
picor sale by J. & IV. BAXTON.
ti,fi TONS Broad Top Coal just received'and
UU (or sale by CUNNINGHAM & BUNN.
1 J EADPIPE fmsnle nt the Trardwnie Store of
o Tons Anthrieito Coal just received and
Mr sale by Cunningham le Dunn.
The Lost is Found;
'l' TO LIFE.
4 c. manila. with,, t•• inform I . &
Ittt friends and lite p oi Pc getteittlt. • .-,.
that he has bought the altove-named
Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its
contents, and front his long experience in the
business he hopes to obtain a share of the public
patronage. As he has the Foundry in full ope
ration, he can furnish all who may give hint a
call with all kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling
Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill
Casting, improved 1 hrashing Machine Casting;
and in a short time will have Cook Stoves °rya
'ions suer and improved patternS fur wood and
coal; also ten-plate 10,7011, Air-Tight, Parlor,
and Bar-room stoves, of till sizes for stood or
coal. Also Castings for house; cellar grates ;
such as Lents's, Sills, Sash-Weights, he. Plows
at every description of the latest and most im
proved style. Also steel soles, witgon boxes,
~,,,,, n•aiime, large bells and cast water-pipes.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn
ing -lathes, ho will be able to furnish any of the
above-named articles, either wood or iron; and
he has all kinds of Castings tuo numerous to
mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than
ever for essh and all kinds of country produce.—
Also old metal will be taken in exchange for cas
ting. Burry up yiair old metal and country pro
duce when any a,ticles are wanted.
11. C. McGILL.
Nem Goods New Good.' !I
D. P. Gw•in hns just received from yhilndel.
phin n largo and beautiful assortment of
'NVINTZR 00.01)0.
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
Chameleon Se Futcy Silks, French Merino.,
All Wool de Loins, Persian Twills, Coburg
Cloth, Lovella Cloth, Alpacca, Debalz, Madon
na Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of
Fancy Bo's'ns. Prints of any description.
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, dress
Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts,
Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undersleeves,
Chiumzetts, Mohair head dresses,Gum Bolts,
Whalebones for Skirts, Silk an Linen Hose,
French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls,
and a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous
to mention.
. . _
Also, Cloths black end blue, black and fancy
Cessimer, Owl/lets, K. Jeans, Yestings, Flan
nels,' Wt. Red and Yellow, Sack Flannels of all
colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills, Nan
keen, Linsey, Muslius, bleached and unbleach
ed, Tickeu, Checks, Table Diaper, Woolen and
Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin ni yaras
wide, Woollen Coats, Caps and Comforts,
Woollen yarns cf different colors.
Billtlicninets (0 the Intent styles of every color.
Largest assortment in town and at prices that
cannot be beat.
flats di. Caps, of the latest style 9,
Boots and Shoes, ELARDWARE,
QummivirwArtmi, Buckets, Tubs, Bus
kets, OH Cloths• Groceries, ,f the best
quality, Salt and all goods usually kept to a
country Store,
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requester; to come
and examine my goods. No charge for looking.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
Oct. 13, 1856.
*: AGAIN 1
Huntingdon Foundry.
• , Egalc
I thod of inlorrning their trimls and the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful 3p
eration, and are prepared to furnish cooling of
all kinds, of the hest nunlity on the shortest no
tiee and meet reasonable term..
Farmers are invited to cull and examine nor
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (thin plough took the premium at the
linutingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 11455)
also Iluntor's cclArated Cutter Plough, which
can't he heat, together with the Keystone, Ilill
side, and liarshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and arc manunteturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and office stoves fur coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will by sold cheep fur cosh or in ex
change fur country produce. Old metal token
for new castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive o
share of public putronage.
April 80, 1851.--tr.
uN Z lrn &DiINN I reciLei ca : set ,tockotm and lior
Guo,ls, consisting of
Dry Goods, Ilard-ware, Groceries,
queens-ware, Cedar-Ware,
Hats, boots and shoes.
Crockery-ware, stone and earthen
Ready Made Clothing always fin hand,
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
count, store. • .
kept concitnntly for Sale. •
Call and oxamine our Quota and judge for
All kinds of country proctors taken in ex
change for Goods at the highest marketpriees.
The highest market pikes paid for all kinds
of Grain.
Promptattention paid to storing andforward
lag allkinils ofinerehandise, produce,&e.
Huntingdon, Nov, 14, 1806.
T h. undersigned will attend to drawing Wills,
I Deeds, Mortgages, Articles of Agreement,
Leases, Letters of Attorney, Bonds, Ac. lle
will also arrange and state Administrator's ac•
counts and attend to the palming of them before
the Register. All will be done in legal form,
and good style, and at moderate charges.
Huntingdon, 20th January, 1857.—*
VGefikdow Sash
J. dr W. Saxton have now on band different
kinds of Window Sash, and at much lower pri
ces than con be made by hand. They will be
able alto to have Doors, Shutters, Blinds and
everything necessary for building purposes,
made at the shortest notice.
gr. A splendid lot of Fancy and Striped
Silks, French Morino, Caslunere, llonese Cloth
ltobes, Pawl and Striped Datums, Persian
Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col
lars, Undersleeves and Mitts, just received and
I 1 r sale clump, by A. W. SA rm.
4 1) o . .
! 4 1 - !, „ Jliti UPI' ibi l i „ ~,!
11 (t) OF THE
C :14 0 6, 11EN1 1 . JOUItNAL." o [i:.:>
4' Il
i: Pic t, t ic ,/ and i,st i: ( (ICI'
4 f ') (,), JOB OFFICE] ((), 1,0
4' ' (,), IX TILE COUNTY. 1 ) L;>
ia4 ' 0
~ JOB-WOUK 0, '›
0 OF 11 ‘S.
t ,
4.. (1211 lIKILLW...IO , P !"
?, EXECUTED 0- •
1 ii ~ 1 Cheap a 4 the Cheapest, ° , li>
( 12 ; aliiiD r.IJETt7BA g re
4 0 THAN- ° Z.t >
4, (()) ~ cug ozoor.• ';') 11›
4,1 : I , PERFECT sATlstmrtow 10 0 0 EA>
4% 0 WARRANTED. o f
4 ' 4 ' ( All kinds of ( 0 )
0 BLANKS g •
0 . ,
130 CONST A r TLY ON 11024.).0 ''''''
fI , rOVVVY, V i t t `t_
11.1211 1 ,1@h•AtTeC):Tctro
Corner or Germantown Road and New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly on band or made to order, thefol•
lowing highly appro44 Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills andStuat
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran DUfl
ten. •
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns:
Pierson's Patent Barrel lloopand Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr &
Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con-
East and Soath•East of the Ohio and Mississip•
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from 1 to 21 lbs, of standard
dour, which could not be bolted out on account
of the electrical adhesiou to the Bran.
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters
, with en Iron or Cast Metal Concave in via
lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John•
got., dated April 11th, 1511.
N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for
all the above Machinep for Sale.
August '29, 1855. It
r; t
,ois eaievry variety
usually kept in a Phibulelphia Book Store, and
many of them at half the Publisher's retail price,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All school hooks used in the county can he
had in any quantities nt retail and wholesale
rates. Forilsegi, Letter and Wrapping taper,
wholesale or by the ream. •
. .
Wu superior Gold Pens vitth Silver and Gold
Cases, treat $1 upwntds.
too Pocket and Yen knives of Rogers' and
others' beet rnanuftteture.
100 splendid Port Monnatcsund Pocket Books
ut 2it etc. and upwards.
3,000 ricers WALL PAPER, of
the latent and prettiosl styles, just received from
Philadelphia and .New York, prices from 10
a piece and upwards.
We beautifully painted and gold gilled Win
dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards.
The public I aye but to call and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the alcove stock
they Nall be pleased and al., save money. Re
member the place, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad streete WM.. COLON.
f rt: No. 224 Wood Street,
Cooking Stoves, Cool and Wood Stoves, Parlor
Stoves, Dox Stover, Hollow Ware, Plain end
Fancy Crates & Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons,
, Portaide Forges, Sugar, Tea and Stove Kettles,
Wittrun Boxes, &d.
Nov. 20
Are you suffering with the Piles, inwardly
Or outwanily?
irso, use Dr. Dories' ei leitrated Remedy.
Warranted to cure in all tises.
Thu above is the only remedy that has ever
cured clliictually. City references and testi•
munials given.
If you hove the Pileu inwardly, ask fur a box
of Or. ll.'s Pills—only 60 cents.
If you have the Piles outwardly, ask for a
box of Dr. ids Ointment—truly 50 cents.
For sale by JOAN READ, Runtiegdon, Pa.
June 4, Till.
Adams & Co.'s Express.
T. R. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
Money, Packages, and goods of all kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at t he risk of the company,
to all the citios and principaltowns in the United
State May 1,'52.
Dr. John IVlooullooh,
nffers hisprofessional services to the citizens or
liuntingdonand vicinity. Office, Mr. Mode
brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson's
Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855.
Boom Ouse I and Get Good Bargains I!
.1. k W. S.:ITN have received from the cos.
tern cities an assortment of Silks, Shawls, Tat.
Inas, Dress Goods and Embroiderie3. They
have adokted the motto—"quielt tittles and
small profit," (live them a cull.
Discovery of
Greate;i.t Medical
the A ft.
.L 1
!1.,.:1i :ii ! ,luxe tu a L.llllllOll p:I/1
lie has tried it O. MO cases, and never
failed except in two • - (Meth thunder humor.)
lie hue now in his m,sseision over tw,u hundred
certificates of its virtue, all within twiatty miles
of Boston.
Two bottles aro warranted to cure a nursing
sore mouth.
One to three bottles will cure the worst kind
of Pimples on the foam
Two or three bottles will cure the system of
Two bottles aro warranted to cure the worst
ease of Erysipelas.
Ono to two bottles are rearrested to cure all
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles arc warranted to cure running of
the ears and blothes among the hair.
Four to six bottles are warranted to cure
corrupt and running ulcers.
Ono bottle will cum scaly corruption of the
skin. . . .
Two to three bottles nro warranted to MO
the worst ease of ringworm.
Two to throe bottles are warranted to cure
the most desperate ease of rheumatism.
Three to four bottles are warranted to rare
the gleit rheum.
Fiveto ei g ht bottles will cure the worst case
of scrofula.
A benefit it always experienced from the first
bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when
the above quantity in taken.
Bender, I peddled over a thousand bottles'
of this in the vicinity of Boston. 1 knew the
effect of it in every case. Sb sure as water will
extinguish tire, so sure will this cure humor.—
I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another;
idler a trial it always spooks for itself. There
are two things about this herb that appear to
me surprising; first it grows in our pastures in
some places quite plentiful and yet its value
has never been known until I discovered it in
1846—seetand that it should cure all kinds of
In order to give some idea of the sudden rise
and great popularity of the discovery. I will
state that in April, 1N53, 1 peddled it and sold
about six bottles per day—in April, 1954, I sold
over ono thousand per day of it.
Some of the wholesale Druggists who have
been in business twenty and thirty years, say
that nothing in the annals of potent medicines
was over like it. There is a universal praise
of it from all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly
for humor—but since its introduction us a gen
eral family medicine, great and wonderful vir
tues have been found in it that I never suspect-
Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease
which was always considered incurable, have
been cured by a few bottles. 0, what a mercy
if it will prove effectual in all Cities of that
dreadful malady—there are but few who have
more of it than I have.
1 know of several cases of Dropsy, all of
whom aged people cured by it. For the vari
ous diseases of the Liver, Sick ileadtehe, Dys
pepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in th e
Side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly
in diseases of the Ridnoys, &c., the discovery
has done more good than any medicine ever
No change of diet ever necessary—eat the
best you can get and enough of it.
Dutecnone FOR Use.—Adults one table
spoonful per day—Children over ten years des
sert voonfull—Children front five to eight years
teaspoonful!. As no directions can be applica
ble to all constitutions, take sallicieut to 010,
ate on the bowels twice a day,
Manufacturea Ay
No. 120, Warren St., Roxbury, Muss.
Price $l.OO.
T. W. Dyott, General Agent for Pennsylva
Whole4ale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click
tier, 01 Barclay Street—B. H. Ring, 192 Broad
way.—Rushton and Clark, 275 Broadway.—A.
& D. Sands, 100 B ulton Street.
For sale by G. W. Branum, McVeytown ;
Mrs. Mary Marks, Lewistown; T, Read k Hun,
And sold by Agents generally,
May 28;56.-Iy.
MANUFACTORY\VEN BOAT , thankful for ~ .
pa i t t s , t
w ft i t t l e •t r t i r i ii
he ia prepared to manufacture at hitt shop on
Washington strut, on the property lately and
for many years occupied by Alex. Cannon,
and in short every kind of vehicle desired.—
Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manullto
tare anti finish always ou hand and for mile a
fair prices.
Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest no
Lice and most reasonable terms.
Iltigingdon, May 28,1856.-Iy.
HJust returned from the east with a large
- 11 . 1 and ,:plentlid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion ants
in the most durablomenuer. Who ever wants
to be dressed bettor and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him eall at W,LLouorruy s
Cases' CLoyrima STORE, one door west of T.
Heed & Son's drug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see for yourselves
Oct. IS, 1854.
gqieTte 1111VVE r ,
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Once smear that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
_Oct. 19, 1853.
Talo. P.
Wil 'attend to all business entrusted to:him. 01
flee nearly opposite the Court House
May 5, '53
Something New at Huntingdon,
The colebratod Centro County Iron for sale
at the following prices:
Four cents per lh fur common assorted from
$ inches square and round up. 4.1 cents fur
Horso.shoo and Spike-rods, including $ and 11
inches square, and 5 cents for Nail-rods, at the
cheap store of
Having located in Petersburg, Huntingdon
Pa.. respectfully oilers his professional services
to the citizens of that place, stud surrounding
November 19, 1856.-in.'
11.%11011eitE 1•ICK HOSPITAL.
k n. t . f s :,lll . i Institution,
speeav, , awl only
Mr.. 111,11 ivneify in the, fnn Style-
Pnin in th..
C htli,otey,
~Itl,e do;
nevi, Palpitation or the a:, . ay. Ner-
YOUS Irritability, Disease al the head, 'lhrh:tt,
Nose or Skin ; and all thuso serious and inclatt
eholy disorders arising runt the destructive
habits of Youth, which destroys both hotly and
mind. These secret and solitary practices are
Intro fatal to their victims than the song of the
Byreus to the mariner Ulysses, blighting . their
most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering
marriage, &c., impossible.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol-
Vary Vice, that dreitdful and destructive habit,
which annually sweeps to, an untimely grave
thousands of young men of the most exalted
talents, and brilliant intellect, who might oth
erwise have entranced listening senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cestacy
the living lyre, may call with nil confidence.
Married persons, or young men contempla
ting marring°, being aware of physical weak
ness, organic debility, deformities, &c., should
immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
Ho who places himself' under the care of Dr.
Johnston truty religiously confide in leis honor as
a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill
as ft physician.
- -
Organic Weakness.
immediately cured, and foil vigor restored.
This disease is the penalty most frequently
paid by those who have become the victim of
improper indulgencies. Young persons are too
apt to commit excesses from not being aware of
the dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
Now, who that understands the subject will pre
tend to deny that the power of Procreation is
lost boomr by those:falling ; into improper habit
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
of tire pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se
rious and destructive symptoms to mind and bo
dy twine. The system becomes deranged , the
physical and mental powers weakened, nervous
debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp
toms of cousumption. .
No. 7, South Frederick Strout, se
ven doors front Baltimore street, East side, V
the steps. Be particular in observing thu twine
and Panther, or you will mistake the plane.
A Cure warranted, in Two Days.
Dr. Johnston,
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
London, graduate from ono of the most eminent
Colleges of the United States, and the greater
part of whose life has been spent in tho first Hos
pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else
where, has effected some of the most astonish
ing cures that were over known, many troubled
with ringing in the lend and ears when asleep,
great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden
sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing
attended sotnetimes with derangement of mind,
were cured immediately.
A Certain Disease.
When the misguided and imprudent votary
of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this
painful disease. it to too often happens that an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery,
deters him from applying to those who from ed
ucation and respectability, can alone befriend
him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms
of this horrid disease make their appearance,
such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose,
nocturnal pains in the heed and limbs, dimness
of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones, and
arms, blotches on the head, itte and extremities,
progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last
the palate of the mouth or the hones of the nose
fall in, and the victim of this awful disease be
comes a horrid object of commiseration, till
death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by
sending, him to "that bourne from whence no
traveller returns," To such, therelbre, 1)r.
&Marlton pledges himself to (.reserve the most
inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive pm
tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and Ameri-
m, he eau conlitinntly recommend a safe and
speedy curd to the unfortunate victim of this hot
rid disease.
It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vic
tims to this horrid disease owing to the unskil
fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of
that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the cons.i
lotion,. and either send the unfortunate sulteem•
to an untimely grave, or make the reside,: of his
life miterahlm
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. .1.. addresses all these aim have injured
themselves by improper indulgenei es.
These are some of the sad and melancholy
effects produced by early habits of youth, yiz
Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pmts in the
head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow
er, Pulpitation of [bulletin Dyspepsia, Nervous
Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive
Functions, — teneraiDebility Symptoms of Con
sumption, &z.
IguscrAm.y--Tho fearful effects on the mind
are much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Con
fusion oft lees, Depression of Spirit, Evil For.
boffins, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, Er., are some of the
evils produced.
Tibousands of persons of all ages, can now
; t og° Mott is the cause of their (tatting health.
Imsing their vigor, becoming weak, pule and
emaciated, have singular appearance about the
eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption.
Dr. Johnston , s Invigorating Moine
dy for Organic Weakness.
By this great and important remedy, weakness
of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re
stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and
nervous, who had lost all hope, trans bout im
mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar
riage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner
vous Irritability, Trembling:s and Weakness,
or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily
cured by Doctor Johnston.
Young :►Ten,
who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice indulged in when alone—n habit remittently
learned from evil companions, or at school—the
effects of which are nightly felt, even when a-
sleop, and if not cured renders marriage impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, and the darling of his patents should bo
matched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence ordevititing from the path
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit
Such persons before contemplating
should reflect that a sound mind and u•ody are
the most necessary requisites to promote connu
bial happiness. Indeed without these, tine jour
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the new; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled
with the melancholy reflection that the happinet,
of another becomes blighted with our own.
To Strangers.
The many thousands cured at this Institution
within the last 1.5 years, and the numerous im
portant burgical Operations performed by Dr.
Johnston, witnessed by the 'Reporters of the pa
pers, and other persons, notices of which
have appeared again and again before the pub
lic, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
N. B. There are so ninny ignorant and
worthless quacks advertising themselves as
Physicians, ruining the health of the already af
: flitted. Dr. Joliandesins it necessary to say to
ti irs° unacquainted with his reputation thou hi,
Diplomas always hung in Li. office.
7Aon NUTICE.—AII letters must he lust
paid, and c,mntiu a iiwitugti amp for the milli,
or no answer will be scut.
Jane In, 1t456,-I,y.
The"llu,rixono , l tiettNAL' is publisheti et
the following rates t
If paid in advance $1,50
. If.paid within six montlis&er the time uf
I , abgaribing
If paid 1,e0), the expiratir of the yens, 2,00
nJ ctrl , dollars iii fifty 'coats if not paid
ill oiler 01, e\pi.,tien of the yedr. Nu ,tihserip.
t;..n fel: , it far a 1,1, period thSll cm,: months.
I. All itthscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and nopaper will be discontinu
ed, unfit arrearages arc paid, except at the option
or the publisher. •
2. Rammed numbers are never receiver/ by us.
All numbers sent us in thtt way ere lest, and
never necomidish the purpose of the sender.
Persons wishing to their subscriptions,
must pay arroarages, and send u written or
verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub
lieation in Huntingdon.
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
legal or a proper notice.
5. After u ne or more numbers of a new year
have been forwarded, a new year Inns commenc
ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until
arra:raper are paid. See No. 1.
The Courts have decided that refusing to take
a newspaper atom the office, or removing and
leaving it uncalled for, is NUM, eerie evidence
of intentional fraud.
Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will be required to pay invariably
in advance. ,
(Wpm above terms will be rigidly adhered%
to in all eases.
Will be charged at the following oaths
.. . _,
1 insertion:. 2 do. 3 .10,
Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 371 $ 50
One square, (16 lines,) .50 75 100
Two " (02 " ) 100 150 200
3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo.
One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
Two squares, 500 6 50. 12 50
I column,
do., 800 10 00 16 00
15 00 20 00 30 00
i do., 20 00 25 00 40 00'
1 ' d 0., 25 (10 30 00 50 00
Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00..
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the Ilox,tsoooo Joun:rxo, who aro author
ized to receive end receipt for money pabl on sub
scription, and ro take the names of new subscri
hers at our phhlished prices.
We do the fin• the convenience of onr subscri
bers living stn distance from Huntingdon.
JOHN W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
Huonoo W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
lluxor lltioSON, Clay township.
DAmo ETNIRE, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Ammon, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MITTLRN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL BTEFFEY, Jackson township,
Cul. Jou. C. WATSON, Wady township,
Mounts Bnons, Springfield township,
WM. ERTURINSON, Esq., Warriursmark tp.,
Gonnow WnorrluintPetersburg,
lltetotm Nurm•, West Barr..
JOHN BALSEACII, Wittorstreet,
Mikj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
Gooton Wu.sox, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK', Birmingham.
Maj. W. MOORE, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLA., Union Furnace.
SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township.
D.tvin CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township.
SAMUEL WIOTON, Esq., Franklin township.
Dictum SHANE, Esq., Warriorsmark.
Dmin A VRANDT, Esq., Todd township.
Do. J. ALFRED SHADE, Dublin township.
The ".EOI.3INAIP has 300 Subseri.
hers more, than any other paper
in this county.
U. K. NEFF, M. li.,
HAVING located himself in Wall MOB Man K.
in this county, would respectfully otter his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the country adjacent.
J. 13. 'lden, 31. D. Gun. A. P. Wilson, •
51. A. Henderson, " Win. P. Orbison, Esti
J. 11. Dorsey - , " Ilan. James
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
lion. George Taylor
Huntingdon, Pa
Jacob M Gcmmill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, " Petersburg.
Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast T.
Truitt leaves I'. M. A. M. P. M.
Petersburg, • 2.46 3.38 9.36
Iltmtingtlou, 3.03 3.64 9.62
Mill Creek, 3.16 4.04 10.01
Mt. Union, 3.33 4.17 10.14
Train tomes P. M. A. M
Mt. Union, 4.46 7.05 12.34
Mill Crook, 5.03 7.18 12.48
Huntingdon, 5.18 7.32 LO2
Peterhburg, 5.34 7.45 1.15
JN. BALL respectfully solicits tho attention
*of the farming community to a quality of
rionqam which he is now manufacturing, 111111 will
hare ready fur sale inn few days, ho is also pre
pared to stoke harrows, wagons., oasts, wheel
barrows, Som, and to do all kind of repairing
at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial
Shopon N. W. corner of Montgniory and Wash
ington sts.
March 27 1855—tf.
A. P. Wilms.nue,: Prrnutin
Practice in tho several Courts of Huntingdon
Blair, Cantbria, Centre, and Juniata Coun
ties. March 93, 1853.
THE library will be open creep Saturday of-
Mime., at 3 o'clock, in their room in the
Court blouse. Subscription 60 cents a year.
New books have been added to the former ex
cellent cullectiom—Oillfillen's works, Hugh
Miller's, Mrs. Ellet's
_ _
By order of the
Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 1836.
~'L~iID~'J~ :M ~dS :. ~t ~~' iR N
rl , l-1E partnership heretofore existing hetwuen
Myton and Musser is by mutual consent dis
solved, and all persons knowing themselves in
debted to thu said firm, will please call and set
t' 'lade accounts without delay.
Smithburg, April 2, 11355.-tt
DlRsolution of Partnership.
The rartnerelly heretofore existing between
the undersigned, is this duy by mutual consent
dissolved. The busied, will be canted on
hereafter, by John Rayon, Jr. at the old stand.
0::t. 31, 1855.-tf.
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
sale 410 cheap us they eau in the cities, as I have
a Wholesale st an in Philadelphia.
11. ROMAN.
11111ANKN...Alwaya buy your Blanks ut the
"Journal (MC," Wo bare now prepared a ve
ry iutoriortirtiolo ul BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
TIDES, &v.