Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 08, 1857, Image 2
ffinntingon WILLIAM BREWSTER, EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER. Wednesday Morning, April 8, 1857, a Once more our glorious banner out Unto the breeze we throw ; Beneath its folds with song and shout We'll charge upon the foe." FOR GOVERNOR, DAYI D WILMOT, OF BRADFORD COUNTY. FOR CANAL. COMMTSSIONER, WILLIAM MILLWARD, OF PIIII.ADELPRIA.' FOR SUPREME JUDGES, JA.MES VEECH, OF FAYETTE COUNTY. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, OF CHESTER COUNTY. David Wilmot, our Candidate. We rejoice at the hearty response with which the nomination of Mr. Wilmot is met, by the American Republican press of the State. It argues a glorious victory.— It is true a few uninfluential and unimpor tant journals, such as the Daily News, Lan caster Citizen, and one or two other Loco• foco sheets, in disguise, are "kicking a gainst the pricks," but their opposition a mounts to nothing;—they have no influ ence.t the people have found out that they are always in the market, and like Hes sian soldiers, always ready to fight for the highest bidder, Principle with such a set of men is a secondary consideration. The N. Y. Triblne speaking of our nom inee, says that his nomination is a bold step on the part of the Republicans, Mr. Wilmot's name is a landmark in the histo ry of our age. It was he who in 1846 moved in the House the famous Proviso, that the blood and treasure of the Ameri can People, should not be poured out to add to the Slave Territory of this Repub lic. It was he who in 1848 led in Penn s.ylvania. the Democratic revolt under the standard of Van Rttren•and Free Soil.— His speeches for Free Labor and Fremont were among the most cogent and effective of the many good ones which irradiated the late Presidential canvass. An earnest and tenacious Demoerar, he did not hesi tate to renounce the party organization to which he was devoted when he found its further support irreconcilable with his al legiance to vital Democratic principle. Mr. Wilmot ought to be the next Governor of Pennsylvania, and his election would re dound to her enduring honor. It would show that the indignities heaped on Reed er and on Geary by the Slave Power are not unresented—that she is not unmindful of her sons who have been subjected to outrage and apoliotion in Kansas for mere ly seeking to make her a Free State. The election of David Wilmot would be the proper response of the Free States to the atrocious Dred Scott decision. If Pennsylvania is to be carried next October for the principles of the American Revolution, the work must be commenced now—not by mass meetings and by exci ting speeches, but by quiet organization and the systematic diffusion of important truth. We trust the favorable reason will cot be suffered to pars unimproved- The Late Elections, The elections which have been held since the Presidential contest closed show very favorably for the Republican cause. To the result in New York and New Hampshire we have allu ded before. Rhode Island has ,just come forth thoroughly revolutionized. The figures we give iu our telegraphic columns conclusively attest this -, hut to render the matter plain to the reader, we give below a comparison of the vote for Lieut. Governor last year, as compared with the same this year : 1856. 1857. Brown, Am.,7990 Mason, Am., 33:19 Robinson, ep., 1828 Turner, Rep., 5947 Pell, Dem., 7146 Hall, Dem., 1652 This was the test vote on both occasions, as the rest of the State ticket was the same, The redaction of the American vote from 7990 to 3339, and the increase of the Republican vote from 1828 to 5917, must be considered as in• dieative of the general decay of the former par tl,e andrem Presidential rapid . It a r . e . ad of theta: p l u att l e ie r.. U p t , t y o was a mere shadow. Everywhere throughout the North a sympathy was felt in its main prin ciples, but the masses did not seem ready to join in the organization itself and desert all oth er political ties. The nomination of a distinct Republican ticket for President and Vice Pres ident, produced . immediate effect on public affairs, which was increased and continually stimulated by the relative positions.of the Ame rican and Democratie parties. They are in a great measure responsible for the present erica , mous size and influence of the new movement. It has eaten largely into *both. Since Novem ber the Democratic party has been making vi gorous efforts to trecover its losses, while the American party seems to be practically in a state of dissolution. This explains the result in Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Glad to Hear It. The Philadelphia Daily News takes the nom Motion of the Union Convention terribly to heart, and scolds like a very drab. After pitch. ing into them like "a thousand of bricks," the "side door" operators says In speaking thus freely, and snaking known our determination not to support thew candidates, we wish to be understood to speak only for ourselves." Now, this we call eminently selfish, and entirely or a piece with its operations last year. It de sires others to help it to kick up a MUSS, but it is not willing to share with them tho price which it hopes to get for holding itself quiet. As to the fact stated, that the News will not support the nominations, we arc really glad to hear it. Popular as our candidates are, we do not think they could bear up under the, odium 'which such a support would inflict on them, and it is kind of the Neuss thus early to relieve -them of any suspicion on that scare. Governor of Kansas. The Telegraph informs us that Robert J. Walker, Se cretary of the Treasury under Pres. idett Polk, and of late fancy financier and Railroad speculator, has been appointed Gov ernor of banns, with F. P. Stanton, of Ten nessee, as Secretary. Both of these appoint ments coming from the South, we may fairly conclude that we are reaching the last act in the drama of outrage, blood and murder, which has been enacted in that territory. Mr. Buch anan has been completely subdued by thetilavo Power, and the fair promises that were made for him by his friends daring the late Presi dential contest, have vanished into thin air.— l'Buchanan, Breckenridge and free Kansas" like "Polk, Dallas and the Tariff of 18.12," has now passed into an historical and political lie, and the issue has again been thrown upon the people where it must be encountered and final. ty decided. _ _ The Dreiliet;it Case gar Some of the Locofoco Editors refer "to the decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in Prigg vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and also to the opinion of the seine tribunal recently delivered in the "Dred Scott case," as setting forth the law on the subject of Slavery. These editors are illy dogs, and decidedly face tious. The joke in this case consist 4 in the fact that the law laid down in one of these ca ses is exactly contradictory to that laid down in the other. In Prigg vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania it is decided, as it always had been decided, that slavery is the creature of the local or State law, and coterminous with the boundaries of the States in which it is es tablished ; while, on the contrary, in the Dred Scott ease, Judge Taney decides that the right of property in a slave is expressly conferred in the Constitution ; that the Constitution recog nizes the right of master and slave, and makes no difference between slaves and other proper. ty ; and that, consequently, slaves may be held as property outside of the Slave States, as well as within them, like any other property. This nationalizing of Slavery in a Democrat ic Republic, by a government founded "to es tablish justice promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty," appears to us a sorry subject for a joke, even by the "nig ger worshipping" Democracy. According to the decision, of Judge Taney, Slaves may he held, and bought and sold, as well in Pennsyl vanin as in Smith Carolina, in as much as the Constitution is superior to any State laws, and the Constitution guarantees to citizens the protection of their rights and property. 511.731P1N0 one STAT..—it is stated that Judge Wilmot, our candidate for Governor, has addressed a note to Gen. Packer, the Deiny ocratic candidate, requesting him to name a convenient time and [dace to begin the can vass ofthe State, in company. Should Packer decline, it is the intention of Judge W. to commence the canvass alone some time in May, to be continued until the election. fee'rhe Norristown Oliveßranch has been succeeded by the Norristown Republican, one of the nentest looking and ably conducted pa•. pers in the State. It is a staunch frien9 of freedom, and deserves success. Long may you wave, Mr. Republican. War The Antiphlogistie Salt advertised in another column, is recommended as one of the very best remedies for inflammatory diseases, ever offered to the public. It is for sale at the "Journal" Office. (general BtiU. — derA man named Samuel if. White, aged 25 years, was brutally murdered, in Washing. ton county, Pa., last week. His head was bro. ken in six places, and the axe, with which the deed was perpetrated, was standing by his bed. side. The murderers were instigated to the committal of the act under the supposition that he had a great amount of money in the home. The villains have not yet been arrested. Withdrawal of Public Lands.—ln amt.- dance with the provisions of the act approved March 3, 1857, granting lands to various rail roads in the Territory of Minnesota, the Com missioner of the General Land Odic° has w;th drawn front solo and location, until further no tice, all the lauds now in market west, together with a strip about thirty miles broad, cast of the Mississippi River, with the exception of se• veral townships north of the halfhrecd Sioux Indian tract.— Washington Litton. ANOTHER PUTNUNI An VENT VRE.--A few weeks ago, Thomas Evans, of Chest Creek, Clearfield county, Pa., while oat on a hunting excursion, observed a ledge of rocks, which his experienced eye detected as being the haunt of a hear. It being late in the evening, he went home, but returned next morning ac companied by his brother. They soon found a narrow passage between the rocks that led in to a dark and dismal cave. On arriving at the mouth of the cavern, Thomas, after throwing. down his gun, and divesting himself of limiting accoutrements, crawled in through the narrow entrance, and after groping about in the dark for some time, had the pleasure of laying his hand upon bruin's back. Having ascertained the position of the animal he returned to the entrance of the cave, and got his gun, then went back into the cavern to visit his new ac• ctuaintance, while his brother remained out side to act as sentry, provided the animal at tempted to escape. Having Caine up to the bear again ho placed the muzzle of his gun against the animal and fired. A furious growl from the the beast accompanied the report of the gun, and young Evans hurried out of the cave as soon as possible. He however, put an• other load into has gun and scrambled back in. to the cave again. This time he succeeded in putting a ball through the vital part of the animal's body. It was dragged out and weigh. oil over three hundred pounds. -. Mn. NOSICROSS.—AII uncle of Mr. Norcross, the young man murdered at Altoona, and for which M'Kini is nov arrested, gives some very interestiug titcts. Ile states that the parents of the young loan, although of high respectability, are in very moderate circumstances, and were so at the Limo the eon Norcross, departed for his Western tour. At the date of that departure, great commotion existed in his family, and a mong his friends, for his demeanor had won universal favor, and they were loth to part with one so universally esteemed. His two sisters were school teachers in East Lexington, and helped to support the family. When their brother expressed his intention of going west, they gave Mau all the money they had been enabled to save, by a long course of labor.— He received $4OO front each, and bid his home farewell. As Duuleitb, so well did young Norcross improve his opportunities, that in his short stay he obtained no less than $3,500 in money, and the two bonds for $BOO each. But an abeess in the side trouble,' him, and lie de. carmine(' to return home to give some account of his success, and to restore to his kind sisters their earnings. He wrote home just before leaving Dunleith, to this effect: "I have found a friend, (WKim) who is to be my traveling oompattion homeward, and whom I believe to be a friend indeed. Ho dresses my wound and attends td mo like a kind brother.' When the murder was committed near Altoona, it was about eight o'clock in the morning. Al. ter being struck, the victim did not instantly die, but until noon reposed in 1113 1) , 00 , 1, with the thermometer at 12 degreev bolow zero, A New Expedition to Central America: It is rumored that an expedition is fitting out at New Orleans for some point in Central America. It is supposed to be the intention to make the first demonstration on Veragua. a Province of New Granada, between Costa Rica and Panama. The expedition is said to be friendly to General Walker, and that it is to net in concert with him. It is also reported that provisional Government tins been formed, and th..t there are considerable funds raised. A New Political Movement at Harrisburg —Another Candidate for Governor Pro posed. ITAnnisnuno, April A new political movement is on the tapis in this city. Strange as it may appear, there are strong indications that a third candidate for Governor is about being brought out. A strong conservative element is strongly at work in tho eastern part of the State looking tows•ds this object. Semites Straub hes been strongly urged to give his consent to the use of his name as can. /Eclat°. but up to this time he has refused to give hie assent. lie may yet yield to the soli. citations of his friends, however. The whole movement will soon be developed. From Nicaragua, The steamship Texas has arrived at New York from Aspinwall, with later news from Nicaragua. Walker is said to have attacked the allies at San George and retreated to Rivas, where Gen. Henningsen and his men had meantime repulsed an attack made by the allies. The latter were met retreating, by Walker, and being thus placed between two fires, suffered a loss of 327 killed and 300 wouti&d, while Will. ker lost 2 killed and 21 wounded. There were reports that President Rivas had been assassi nated, General Canes arrested for making over tures to Walker, the alliies retreated to Mae. says, General Chillen had raised a force in Le on to join. Walker, Col. Lockridge had received reinforcements, and that the Costa Ricans had opened the transit route to the English. Rhode Island Election. PROVIDENCE', April 2. Tho following is the whole vote for Governor castyesterday ,—llyer, Republican, 0600 ; Pot. ter. Democrat, 4300. There were'three candidates for Lieutenant- Governor, and there has been no election by the people. Turner, Republican, will be elec ted by Assembly. The State Senate is composed of 26 Repub. limns, 5 Democrats, and no choice in two dis tricts. The House, Republicans GI, Democrats, 8 ; two districts no choice. In the first Con. gressional N. B. Benfees' majority is nearly 3,500. In the Second District Win. D. Brayten has 800 majority. Both are Republicans. G115¢1706,-,..1111113,ft1f alliailda.tra- OtorrtsprolVtnre. A VOICE FROM MISSOURI. Editors of the Hontinp,don Journal With the close of the Presidential campaign, we thought' would cease the barbarious and ne. furious plottings of the Missourians, Kansas squatters, and Northerners. But in this we have been disappointed. The spirit of discord, which appeared so threatening to the perpetuity of the Union, prior to the November election, still exists over our country—and in Kansas, designing and unprincipled men have been bu. ally at work laboring to overthrow the privile ges granted to American freemen. The Kan. sae Legislature, so.called, closed on the 21st alt., and with it closed a dark and arrogativei scene. Doubtless you have already been ap prised of the immaculate body passing a law conflicting with all notions of justice i snaking murder a bailable offence The farcical enactments imposed upon the people of Kansas by the legal (1) Legislative power, have even been rebuked by the people of Missouri. The hotheads of Kansas have been usurping the power vested within them, and are trying to make it appear that Governor Geary has been acting partially in the discharge of his executive duties. Continually complaints are rife in our own State, (Missouri,) that Gov. Geary has been favoring unjustly the Free State party of the Territory; but the mature judgment of many of our citizens will not give any credit to such rumors, inasmuch as they are only put in circulation to rouse and give impetus to the already existing sectional feel ing. We repose sufficient confidence in the Governor to rest assured that he wall do no in justice and not he guided or prompted to mea sured not conforming with our republican sys tem of Government. As there has been much said relative to Gov. Geary, and Rd there hove been meetings held in the Territory denouncing his official c nin; I will here append the reso- lutions passed at n meeting held in Lecompton; and here, perhaps, it would be proper to re mark, that pro and anti-Slavery voters took part in this meeting We, the citizens of Lecotnptott, without din tinction of party, in view of the recent personal assault upon our worthy executive, for at act done in his official capacity, and fully justified by all circumstances, and necessary to pre serve the peace of the Territory, and the rights of the people in public meeting assembled, du hereby Re;o/ve, That wo express our unqualified approbation of Governor Geary's official action; that to his impartial and vigorous administra tion, we are pleased to attribute the present peace and prosperity of the Territory; and that we believe ho has not only saved us from un• fortunate and destructive domestic feuds, but has also preserved the Union from a bloody civil war. Resolved, That we hereby tender Governor Geary, the people's friend—our earnest sympa. thy in the discharge of his responsible duties, and we pledge him the support of all the actual Lona fide settlers of Kansas, without distinction of party so long as he shall continue to admin. ister the government upon the principles above declared. After the reading of the above, a man by the name of Sharrard, rose and denounced every individual who approved of the resolutions and the course taken by the Governor, as a d-d set of scoundrels, liars and cowards. These epithets were baffled by a man of the name of Shepherd and an extraordinary melee shortly ensued, terminating by a pistol shot front J. A. W. Jones, which killed instantly the intrepid Sherrard. Moro anon. Ixonx. Savannah, Mo., March 15, 57. *We have no room for the resolutions, and hence omit all hut one or two. Commun loation (Steamer Emigrant.) Sr. Loris, March 31st., 1867. Dear Aurnal:—Sly Itia t letter was irom tort Wayne, a most beautifully situated city in the north western part of Indiana. Fifteen years ago there were but four or five houses there, now there are 15000 of a population, and some beautiful residences and business houses. Every religious denomination appears to be well represented with fine churches. We rem ted on the Sabbath, and on Monday morning we took the ears for St. Louis, via Logansport, Lafayette and many smaller and quite respec table towns in Indiana. From Fort Wayne to Springfield, Illinois, the railroad passes through all kinds of country, from swamps to lakes, from lakes to water and timber land and then as we near the State line, we come irio the meadow land, a dead level all along as far as the eye can see. The cannily is well improved and shows great richness and signs of pro• gression, and especially in Illinois, where most of the fences are made of willow or wire. The transition from the Heaven-towering, mountains and beautiful valleys of the Neystono ' State, to the slues and marshes of Indiana and the broad, rol!ing prairie of Illinois, is so rapid ' 'and the contrast so very great, that I can scarce realize the fact that the distance is Only about i fifty hours ride. Front the State Line, after we come into Illi nois, the timber becomes very scarce, which is not the case in Indiana—there they have too much, in Illinois not enough. But so it is in this world, everything appears so unequally di. vided. From the railroad, passing through Illinois, oo neither shin can you see timber,—' but one vast and lmundless flat piece of mea dow land, with hero and there an occasional marshy tract full of wildclueks and geese. Night overtook so at Springfield. This is is beautiful town with a population of 12000. It has, almost by magic, arisen to be an impor• tart and good business point. A few years ago several citizens from your place, in passing through the west, stopped at this place, and were then offered laud in the central pot , tion of the town for $5O per acre ;11011 , the same land is in lots, compactly built upon, and could not be purchased for any prices this side of-- a pretty big sum. The reason those old gen. tletnen from Huntingdon did not purchase was, that timber was do scarce they were afraid they would freeze to death in the winter. list, not. withstanding all those early objections, Spring field is now one of the largest and most impor tant towns in this State, or the West. From Springfield to St. Louis, it being night, I can say nothing of that portion of the country, only what I glean from passengers who got on by the way. The land for 10 miles along the Wabash .he St. Louis Railroad, ranges from $l5 to $5O per acre, according to improvement; before the completion of the Railroad such was not the CR.. Then, the farmer could scarcely make a ving by raising produce; now he gets the high. est market price for everything he can raise. One old gentleman told me that a few days ago he sold fifty head of fat cattle, foe on tho hoof So you seo these railroads are not only a blessing to contractors and Irish, but also to the farmer. In passing through this vast and beautiful country we are astonished that your Ridge far , tours do not sell out and come to this country, or some other part of the west, where they can make a living easier than on the rough peaks of the Keystone State. Perhaps it is because they are afraid of the ague. Well, it is en. ough to be frightened at; for it is really sicken ing - to look at the poor, emaciated creatures along through Indiana and Illinois. An Illi nois gentleman, who got on the ears at Spring. Geld, told me that he did not think there were ten in one hundred men, who had been in that State two years, but whose lungs were decea sed. I could not help believing it, for he and all of them looked quite spare. Indeed, I felt quite corpulent when I lqoked upon them. Arrived in this city latit night, and took this boat this morning; it is the only one we could get berths in. Fare to St. Joseph, $15,00. All well.. Good bye. Plana:. StEa - There is an article selling throughout the country that has attained the widest celeb rity. ever known as a remedy for Liver Com plaints. We have reference to Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy, that has per formed cures almost too great to believe, were it not for the undoubted evidence that accom pany the testimonials. It is, in truth, the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Jaundice, or a general debility that so Often baffles the skill of our most eminent physicians. Dr. Sanford has been fora long time one of the eminent physicians of New York, and it i s said, moat of his cases were treated with the Invigorator with such invariable success that he has induced to offer it as a family medicine, and let the world have the benefit of his dis covery. If those who a e troubled with debility, headache languor, or sow lingering fever will try a bottle, we think they might euro physi cians' bills, and days, perhaps years of suffer ing. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE—Prof Wood, the renowned discoverer of the invnlu able Hair Restorative, still continues to labor iu behalf of the afflicted. His medicines are universally admitted by the American press to be far superior to all others for causing the hair on . the head of the aged that has been silvered for many years, to grow forth with as much vigor and luxuriance as whoa blessed with the advantages of youth. There can he no doubt that it is one of the greatest discoveries in the medical world. It restores inamanently gray hair to its original color, and makes it assume a beautiful texture which has been desirable in all ages of the world.—[St. Louis Morning Herald. "WoonLANn CHEAM"—.ei Pomade for beau tifying Hair—highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it has no equal, giving it a Lright glossy appearance.— It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural manner. It removes dandriff, always giving the Hair the appearance of being fresh shampooned. Price only litty cents. None genuino 'unless signed FETILIDGE & CO. N. t. Proprietors of the "Balm of a Thousand Mowers." Fur sale by all Druggists. munvarsnam GAS COMPANY. A meeting of .lic "Huntingdon Gas Compa• ny" will be held at the Court House, on Satur. day, the 25th day of April, inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing live maim. gems for said Company, who are to serve until the first Monday of January, 1858. The stockholders will be entitled to one vote for each share of stock, bons, fide hold by him, her. or them at the time of holding said election. James Gwin, James Saxton, A. P. Wilson, David Blair, Wm. Lewis, John Scott, Alex. Port, B. E. McMurtrie J. S. Africa, W. I'. Orbison, Wm.Dorris,Jr., David Black. April 8,1857.-2 t. Corporafors. NOTICP. TO TZAC,,HI:IIS. The Scheel Directors of the Huntingdon 80. rough District will elect six teachers for the three male and three female schools, in said district, on Saturday evening, 25th April, inst. Teachers wishing to apply must present their applications by that time. Good teachers are desired and good ealaries wilt be given. The schools will be kept open ten months, columns. ring on the Ist of May. M. F. CAMPBELL, A. W. liuNaarcr, Sue). .April;, 1,57.-3 t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. * 4 1'44 „. • , FRUIT TREES ! A large assortment of Fruit trees, such as Apple, Peach, Pear, Quince, Cherry, Plum, Nec- Wine, Apricot and Almond, of the choicest va rieties. Also Isabella nod Catawba GRAPE VINES ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry plants. Also Shade and Ornamental trees— Evergreens, and Osage Orange for hedging • At the Huntingdon Nurseries of • TAYLOR A CRFiMEIt. Huntingdon, April 8, 1857.41. SIIIRLEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY Will commence its simmer session of five months, on Monday, Iffay 4th. The same ex tended course of instruction, which has been pursued by the present principal during the past two years, is alibied to young ladies, who, while profited by their studies, will nowhert, find a more healthful or delightful location. The building is spacious and convenient, and the means of instruction in useful and orna mental branches is on a liberal settle. Shirley. burg has daily communication by stage with the eastern and western mail train of the Penn. sylvania and three times per week with the southern part of the State. For Board, light, &c. with English tuition, per n6'001611; $6 2,50 Music, with use of Piano, extra, 20,00 French, 10,00 Day English Tuition, from $5 to 12,00 Apply to J. B. KIDDER, Principal, Shit , leysburg Huntingdon Co., Pa. Apr.8;57.-6t. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve ry description, for sale at the Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN SD CO. . . Apr.8,'57.-Iy. 300 KEGS PAINTS. White Lend, (pare) — " " " (extra) Philadelphia Zinc Paint, Beat Snow White, $2 50 per kcg. 2 75 " " 2 40 " 68 " " Oils, 8.c., and all kinds of HARDIVAIIE and building materials in proportion at tho "Hard ware Store" of J. A. BROWN & CO. Iluntingdon, Apr.8;57.41, _DR. J R. HUYETT, I NS 044 zaTrusw; ALEICANDMA, HUAI% CO, PA. April 1, 1857.-ly. PORKPACKKRS.It D I . V t lits wish ntetry i I , ' L il t? t e st i ' t k tlio n r i ot!ig a l e ti t y 'l :t t irLl; An, who are not benelittml by its use we should like to hear from, as wu have yet to hear from the W holesale Dealers in Provision., : first person who has used a bottle of Invigorator No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, i. via t ii l t rnt i a b it t iii f : In i Tt e , %nil', ",,, COMMERCIAL ROW, mutter how long they have been affected, it their PITTSBURG, PA. complaint arises Irian a deranged liver, will be bcaulittud, if not entirely cured. 2Pr Agents for Fairbanks' Scales. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 "headway Apr.l,'s7. Now York. Sold in Huntingdon by !Oster' Mcllmintiu., and Druggists everywlwre. JACKSON ' S HOTEL Dr. Gee . H. Keyser Wholesale Druggist, 11l No iii l4o .) , \V , i i nal a st . .,Pitts . burg, Wholesale Agent. HUNTINGDON, PA.; an On Allegheny Street, between:! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS I! _ . Pa. R. R.& 11, & MLR.% Depots. ! HARDWARE DEPOT ~ ! w.. 11. ZEIGLER, The sitbscrihers have again returned from March 25, 1857.-6 m. Proprietor. , the East with an enlarged stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, &c., which they will sell at such prices as shall make it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Mc. ebonies, and "all the rest of mankind," to give them a call, Our stock comprises Building material, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Putty, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Zinc Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS. Planes, Handsaws, 51111 & Crosscut Saws, Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels, Files, S t acks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches, [ESTATE OP GEORGE BORST, DECD.] with an endless variety of modern inventions • v Adand improvements. Notice, Saiddlelements. and Coach-Makers aro invited to Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Ad- call and examine our extensive stock of Her ministration on the estate of George Borst, late ness Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent of West township, deed., have been granted to and. Common :10 varieties; Girthing, the utfolersigncl. All persons indebted to said , Hog, Skins, Patent Barnes, mather, Enamelled Lea estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ' they, Gil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and meat and those having claims against the same . Linings 'fobs, Spokes, Felloes,Shafts, Springs, will present them duly authenticated for settle-I Axles, tic., &m. !tient, to W. B JOHNSTON, 1 , I TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, A, m B. HARTMAN, jAd m , . tli Knives and Forks from 371 cents to ir':,per March 25, 1857.-60 I set. Silver forks, Silver and common spoons, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALT:. ! i Ladies' Fruit knives, Farriers' knives, razors, k , & e The ut.dersigned being desirous of removing I HOLLOW.WARR, to the Weet to her children, offers for sale her , Poreclaine, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Tea-hot- Lot, situated in Jackson township, Huntingdon 1 ties, Sauce, Frying and Baking Pans, Steak co., Pa., on the public road leading front I'o. , Griddles, Dish Covers, &e., &c., at manutiou tersburg, and intersecting the road leading frow rers' prices. Pine Grove, Centre co. to Lewistown. There MISCELLANEOUS. are erected good two story frame 1 Ice Hammers, Lemon SqueezeN, Butter '., -2 ' l , House, Kitchen, Smoke House ! Prints, !latter Ladles, Port Mutinies, Bells of i1::1 ". ;.-- and Stable. There is a Well of all kinds, Gans, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint -4-.. good water at the door. Also a Brushes, Wall Brushes, Traces and Chains of young orchard of choice fruit, consisting, ofttp- various kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic ple, peach, plum, rind cherry trees. T he Lof Pumps for cisterns, Picks, Sledges, &c., &c. contains ten acres; about seven cleared and the I Ake) having purchased many of our goods at balance in good timber. Persons wanting a wholesale prices from manufacturers, we aro neat home should call before purchasing else- j enabled to sell both wholesale and retail—ex. where. Proposals received until April 20th.--. tretnely low. A liberal share of public patron,. For further particulars address. age is solicited. RACHEL WILSON. Sej--All orders from abroad promptly mien. March 25, 1857.-30' Jackson tp. i ded to. JAS. A. BROWN & Co, I Apr.l,'s7 WH I SKE RANDO. ' [ESTATE OF JENSET STEWART DEC.] Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given, that letters of admin. istration on the estate of Jennot Stewart, late of West township, deed., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, ore requested to make immediate pay meat, and those having clai ins against the same will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to WM. STE WART, April 1, 1837.—Gt* A duel, La Salle's Original. 0512 DOILADI 4 [60330 wer ulr. ulr. Prof. Geo. H. De the has recently returned from Europe, and while there obtained from the celebrated French chemist, La Salle, at an en. ormous outlay, the receipt and exclusive right of the United States and Canadrts, to manufac• tore and sell this celebrated preparation called °twhiekerando," which has never been known to fail to ClLnoe Whiskers and Moustaches to grow luxuriantly and heavy, even on beardless faces in two months after first application. To those persons whose beards are light and wiry it rec ommends itself. A few applications will ren der it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen are noted for their beautiful Whiskers and Meusta• cites, which many of them attribute to the ox. cellence of La Salle's Whiskerando. Price $1 per box • sent to any part of the United States or Cumulus per mail, upon the receipt of $l. • Address, Prof. Geo. H. De liar, April 1,1857.-3 m. New York. [ESTATE OF Jon\' 11•/LSO\; REcb.j Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration on the estate of John Wilson, late of C. 12.3 township, Huntingdon county, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly au• thenticated for settlement. LEW N ST EVER • . RACHEL Hi LOON March N, 's7.—fit-•• 1 ;i1,4 t MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ONLY ONE BOTTLI: _ or D v& rill EV6 Th) INVIGORATOR, • OR LIVER REMEDY T 5 REQ,untED TO OCHE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the most desperate of eases, when the sEcoao but tle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient to vigor and health. We wish to rail the attention of all to these facts, that the Invigor ator is compounded by a physician who has used it in his practice for the past twenty years with a success most credulous, and that it is entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of gums. Some idea oldie strength of these gums may be formedwhen it is known one bottle of the In vigorator contains as much strength AS one hun dred doses of Calomel without any of its delete rim; effects. One bottle is the curest thing known to carry away the bad effects of minerul poison of any kind. Only one bottle is needed to throw out or the system the effects of medicine alloy a long sick ness. — One bottle taken for Jaundice removes nil yel lowness cr unnatural color from the skin. One dose after acting is sufficient to relieve the stomach and proveut the victuals from rising mid souring. Only one dose taken before retiring prevents nightmare. One Joao taken nt night loosens the bowels gently, and cures costiveness. . . dose taken after each meal will cure 'Dyspepsia. One dose of two tea-spoonsful will always re lieve Sick Headache. ' One bottle taken fur female obstruction re moves the cause of the disease, and makes perfect cure. Ohly one. dose immediately relic ves Cholie, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cho lera Morbus, and a sure preventative of Cholera. One dose taken often will prevent the recur rence of bilious attacks, while it relieves all painful feelings! ilhrOne or two doses taken occasionally is one of the best remedies Inc a cold ever known. Thousands of eases of inflammation und weak .. Or the lungs have been cured by the Invig orator. OHO dose taken a short time.hefore eating give, vigor to the appetite and undies foot ) digest well, Thne close olicn repented cures Chronic lliw•- rhut in its worst forms, while summer and bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. Oil° or two doses cure attacks caused by worms, while (or worms in children, there is no surer, safer and speedier remedy in the world, us it never fitils. There is no exaggeration in these statements, they urn plain and sober lads, that we eau give evidence to prove, while all who use it are giv ing their unanimous testimony in its fairer. T• 2116 AttlDi ViLIEVTIM CLOTHING! A New Assortment Just Opened And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! ROMAN respectfully informs his casts , niers and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store-room in Market Square- Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Fall and Winter. which he will sell cheaper than the sense (plftlitY of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purtha sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, which will bo sold lower thou at any othor es• tablislnnont in the county. Huntingdon Oct. 8. 1856. (ESTATE 01'.1011N JInCALIAN, DEC'D.) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons interested are hereby notified that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, Executors of the last will and tee• tament of John Ibreahan, late of Walker tp., Huntingdon county, deed., and all persons ha. ring claims or demands against said estate are requested to present them without delay,—and those indebted to said estate, will pay the same to Alin K. :11cCahan, Birmingham, or Jar, A. :lb:Cohan Hollidaysburg. JOHN K. McC.(11:1 :V, Birmingham, .IAS. A. .1/00.1/LIN, 11°111,140;1)11,v, monEHEAD, Pitt;hirrg .101/N, 'IIEBS I VELE., Pttershmw MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMEN ANTIPIII.OGISTic SAL' A 19.:1:1 , 111 . sI"I3STITUTE Zor the Ime!!!!!. Lev(hr3 and Misters ! op ITS INTRI.Vsir • l'.11,11! TUE i LIIIIITEN Ell f, ,v/ i . ) - NOT THE I , lscr , l EREIi iLST!JETIIEJUDGE! DAANY medicines offered for sale are acre parried by doubtful certificates (their ch value) and claim to be universal remedies, ring all maladies—a burlesque on comm sense. As the discoverer of this Salt solemi protests against having it placed on the cram ry of frauds and impositions, he has resolv that it shall go forth to the world like the pt gold dollar, wit' 110 other passport then its ry true value. If the public find it genuine th will receive it—if spurious they will reject w condemn it. Instead of its beings panacea I all ills it has control over but one ill—has b one aim and accomplishes but 0110 thing, wit; subdue.v inflammtiory di.,,vwd—whatev be their lira or locality, whether in the bet throat, client, shdranon, extremetics or skin. When the discoverer, after a long series laboriotts and costly experiments, became lel confirmed in his ...tett. that the A ntiphl gistic Salt, which he now hes the happiness present to the American public, was a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE fur Blood.letting, Leeches and Blisters, mind was so agitated that he could not slot for many nights. The canto of his agitatic was the striking fact that the manner of its o oration, like that of the virus in vaccinatio, could not be explained upon any known princ ple. How, in whet any, it so effectually sit' flocs inflammatory diseases and no others, wt at first wholly inexplicable; but on further e: periineut it was proved that by its power ovi the veins, arteries and glands, it equalizes ii of the body, the want elan equilibria' in which is the mule 041(8C of inflammation. exerts like the vaccine matter, an extraordim ry influence over the circulation—resulting i a grtidual decline of iia.imue,on as indicate by the pulse which soon resumes its nuturi state, as the pain and hest disappear. Such its potency, that like the virus Jest mentione it requires merely what adheres to the point a quill dipped iu a solution of it to abet th entire system—hut must be instantly used t prevent decomposition, and secure its full vi. toe. Three quills is nefhe, and two in chruni disease every 24 hours, till the heat and feve have subsided and a perfect cure is effected.— When it takes the place of leeches, stimulatin ointments and blisters in local inflanunatior no Brain Fever, Croup, Toothache. Pleurisy the., its mode of administration is twofold (See :Erections fordissolving, &c.) lileir"The peculiar excellence of this Snit is that without the useless toss of blood aim strength, it effectually cures inflammatory dim eases (no others) by producing an equilibrium of all the fluids of the body and a consequen uninterrupted circulation. The . fullowing dit forent tureen hielt the unbalanced fluids as stone and many nut here mentioned, that halm more or less fever and pain, are as perluctl; subdued by the Antiphloqistic Salt as lire i • extinguished by water. I—Cases where the unbalanced Ileitis Ittrec the Itend and '.l:llyeat—to wit: Biala Fever Headache, Fits, inflamed Eyes, Ears and Noe Canker, Nettralgin„Erysipelns, I.lronebitis, ‘tc , 2—Cases where the unbalanced fluids afti et the Chest and Abdomen—to wit: Pleurisy, Asthma, Inflamed Lungs and Liver, Colic, Heartburn, Coughs. Dyspepsia, Gravel, Goner. rhea, Venereal, Ste. B—Cases where the unbalanced -fluids area the Extremeties and Skin—to wit: Rheumatism Gout, Scrofula, Chicken and Small Pox, Salt Rheum, and all Itching and other Cutaneous Erupt ions. This Salt greatly alleviates the imflantmatory pains peculiar to married ladies (before and at the time of confinement) and many Female Complaints ; and is very efficacious in Fevers, Ague, Wounds, Nervous and Spinal affections, and any other forms of (mark this) inflantma• tory disease, attended with heat or filbrile spin, tomlf. Persons who hare n tendency of blood to tie howl and heart, and who lend inactive lives, 01 breathe the impure air of manufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, ol live to unhealthy . climates are exposed to pe collar citation ef the fluid qf the body, which, one dose, without interfering with diet or bush neon, once in three inonthx, would M 1161161) .prevent. It in believed to afford protection a gainst infectious diseases ; and therefore it it recommended to travellers, sailors and sol Biers. To protect the community from imposition by counterl;:ils, the proprietor will employ or ilyent, and has made such arrangements that he can send the medicine in any quantity, by mail or express, to any part of the United States or foreign countries. Its prime cost tc the discoverer is $1,50 per drachm —price $2 per drachm—and is put up up in drachm pack. ages for acute disease (with directions, &c.) at $1 ; three drachms do., for chronic eases, $5 ; and 5 drachms do. for Families, sB—a net profit of JA, cents on each package. While many nostrum makers victimize the geod•natured and pill•ridden public by ordering 'from six to a dozen box or bottles to care any malady, no matter what, the undersigned is happy in being able to state that the severest forms of scent inflammatory disease are over• come by one acute package, and the most obsti• eats and long standing cases by one Chronic package. Although thirty days have not elap. sad since thin new medicinal agent became partially known to the citizens of Boston and few neighboring towns, yet such have been the results of its trial that, during the past week, nearly 400 packages were sold in this city, and orders received by mail and express for lffii Family, 317 Chrome, and 385 Acute packages. In one instance six persona clubbed together and wrote for six packages (of the "Little Gi• ant, as they called it,) to be tbrwarded to one address, thereby saving expense to themselves and the proprietor. Star Letters (corn clubs or individuals with money (if over $10) should be registered at the pose. office where mailed, as it costs bet five cents, and will insure Choir sofa arrival. * * *The discoverer now humbly subunits his Perfect Substitute for the lancet, leeches and blisters, to the tribunal of an intelligent public, reiterating that it does just what it claims to do—no more, no less: subdues lallammalory disease (no others) whatever he its form or lo cality by restoring the lost balance between the fluids and solids. Family packages $B, Cliro. nic $5, and Acute $2; to be had (free of ex prose) only by addressing him through Box 222, Boston, Mass., or at his -Unice, No. 3 Winter Street. Cut out this advertisement and his commu munication in another colunin for the perusal of your neighbors and your own future use. P. COGGSWELL, M. I)., Discoverer and Proprietor. The Antiphlogistie salt, is for sale at the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL OFFICE Mar.11,'57.44. . . JOHN H. ALLEN & CO. Noe. 2s 4 CHESTNUT Si,. side below Waal PHILADELPHIA. (The Oldest Iroodaea re House, in the City.) 'MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE M Denter3 in Patent Machine•nnule Beams, Patent 0 t uored Cednr•Ware. warranted not Ic shrink, Wood Is Willow.ware, Cords, BruAllos, &c., o. all , loseriptiuue. Plea.) call and exam iuu our r.toek, s. y. 71 T