Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 01, 1857, Image 1

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*tittt ottrg.
The Village Blacksmith.
Under a spreading Await tree
The village smithy stands ;
The smith, a mighty man was he,
With large and sinewy hands ;
And the muscles of his brawny arms
Are strung us iron bands.
Hi, hair is crisp, and black and long;
Hit face it like the tan ;
His brow it wet with honest sweat ;
T 3 e earns whate'er he can,
And looks the whole world in the face,
For he owes not any man.
ek in week out, from morn till night,
You can hear his bellows blow ;
You can him swing his heavy sledge
With measured beat and slow, -
like n sexton tinging the village bell
When the evening sun is low.
'red childron, coming home from school,
Lock in at the open door;
They lora to see the flawing forge.
And hear the bellows roar,
And catch thelurningspurks that fly
Like chaff from a thrnshing•flooi.
Ire goes on Sunday to the church,
And ails among Lis boys;
He hears the parson pray and preach,
Ile Leers his duitgliter'A voice,
flinging in the village choir,
And it wakes his heart rejoice.
It sounds to him like her mother's voice,
Singing in Paradise!
lie.needq to think of her once more,
Bow in the grave she lies;
A L.l with a hard, rough hand he wipes
A tear out of Lin eyes.
Onward thriAgli life he goes
lila morning seen some task begun,
Et - Tit evening sees its close;
i.mething attempted—something done,
Lie, earned a nighty repose.
'1 tem:: s, thanks to thee, my worthy Went],
Ft, the 19srt thon host taught!
Thus nt the flarnitig forge of life
Jo; toilettes must he wrought,
Thus on its sounding anvil shaped
Eueh burning deed and thought.
on *tarp
11 - bn ali - 1 :17@rk..C.11112D,)
''l'h•'y put everything on runners while
the snow hats ; for it does not fast long.
bugny seats, carringe tops, crockery seats
are all in question. And I even saw one
of the finest horses in the city drawing a
hogshead on wood runners, in which were
seated a gentleman and lady. They were
a fine looking couple, and bore off the palm
for fast driving as well as the most ludri
cnus sleigh conveyance.'--Letter front
" • • • -
'AI, reader ! and thereby hangs a tale.'
It was a New Year's day in that far-fa
teed city of the West—even the New
'fear's day of '56. Since Christmas, min-
ter had set to in good old fashioned earnest.
Snow had fallen to the depth of several in
dies, and being firm and hard,,made ex.
uellent sle'ighing—a rare thing in the city
Indeed, ear winters seem sadly degener
stud of late, being much more odd and
tree from ,now, than the days of our fa.
thers, perhaps to accommodate thorn to
our failing health and strength ; for this
latter fact is ton apparent.
Yet this Now Year's day seemed more
a typo of the old titne. It was cold, yet
not too cold, and the sleighing was excel
lent. Everybody that had a suitable con
veyance, or could get one, even at any
price, out enjoying the rare sport ; on•
ly more keenly to be enjoyed for its
very rarity. It was indeed a gala day,
Aright and beautiful over head, brighter
and more beautiful still in the human hearts
beating so joyously underneath !
Earnest Hammond sal in his counting
room, busily engaged in attending to the
reception of a largo quantity of goods, just
arrived. He was young yet, but fast ris
ing in wealth and position. Born in the
East, he had brought with him all the ha
bits of strict attention to bwiiness which
there generated. While there was aught
of that to clam his attention, pleasure must
be waived. Therefore, when he did give
himself up to himself to his enjoyments, it
was with a double zeal. Naturally warm
hearted and impulsive, and social withal
as such - persons must be, lie keenly enjoy
ed society. And when he entered it, he
was ever a welcome companion, both with
his own and opposite sex. And now clo.
sing his books with a look of satisfaction
and relief, he determined to give himself
up to the pleasures of this annual gala
While business was pending he had
closed his ears and eyes to all else ; but
n•r.v ha could hot WI to irnr the twig*
stir in the streets, and feel that'while ha
had been engaged within doors, all had
been life and commotion without. When
he came forth the street presented a most
novel s;ght. A more motley, incogruous
lot of vehicles it were not easy to imagine.
Such lite and hilarity are always infections
and Earnest soon caught the spirit.
He inquired at several sniffles for a
sleigh. Not one to be had. Yet he was
not easily daunted, and, moreover, had an
unusual share of perseverance. He owned
one of the finest horses in the city ; of that
he was sure. He remembered, too, that
in a remote part of the stable, where he
had usnally kept him, he had one day no
ticed a pair of wooden runners. lie would
see if in some way a conveyance might
not be planned. His Yankee ingenuity
must be brought to the service.
He soon reached the stable. - The run
ners were found and in good order. But
now for the part. A hogshead that for
some reason or other had been sawed apart
and nicely cleaned, stood before him In.
stantly a part of it was upon the runners.
In a few minutes n comfortable sent was
added, and he was ready for a drive.
But notv arose another difficulty, un
thought of before. He must have a com•
panion—n lady., of course ; else half the
I enjoyment would Ito lost. But who would
it be ? Who would be' seen, even with
him in such 11 convey.ance as that ? Ex
case his vanity, render, mind. He knew
he was a favorite. Indeed, he could not
help knowing it. But this was a special
occasion. "All the world" was out. He
must see.
There were two or three young ladies
who had long claimed his special regard,
and he felt sure he was not ent;re;y
ferent to. them. He had even been obser
ring them of late, striving to learn the true
chaiacter'ot each. This he found. as gen
tlemen and ladies usually meet in city life,
rather a difficult mutter. How he yearned
to see thr mgh the false surroundings into
the true and inner life beneath !• Ile was
rather old fashioned in his notions, it must
be confessed ; hut he did care more. for the
real than the artilicial—more for the mind
and heart thnn the outer adorning. But
how would it end ? Would he be wiser
than his sex ? ft was indeed a difficult
question. but he did not quite despair
Ella Canybell had long been one of thi
first in his esteem. But recently lie had
thought her vain and superfic al, caring
more for the outer than the inner man, and
had been dauttous in his attentions to her.
lie would test her now.
Driving briskly to the door, and throw
ing the reins over his horse, lie qiiicidy
rang the bell. A servant rt once ushered siairs
him into the parlor, where sat the Indy of , In a moment she was ready; and gaily *.
his thoughts. She greeted hint warmly; bidding her sister good bye, she was coon
but on hearing the object of his visit and sea ed h side E.irnest, and they drove rap
the unique conveyance he had brought, idly away.
she plead a previous engagement, and at Clinrlotte half repented her tnotnentary
once excused herself. i pride when site saw the tender glance of
Earnest Hammond was gifted with a l Ea, as he placed her carefully upon
good share of penetration ; and when not the seat, nail drew closer the folds of her
previously blinded. read character well lorge wenn shawl, in which she had shown
Now, instinctively feeling how it wa s , he ,the grind sense to wrnp herself. But it was
politely withdrew. And while he ro d,. too bite new ;so taking n book site prepa.
gaily away, Ella Campbell sat petite] , in red to spend the morning alone. In the
the roost, unthought of, uncured fur by q r . meantime Earnest and Bella had jotted
moving mass withont. 'wily throng now moving so rapidly
Earnest's next visit was to the house of through the city.
Squire Reed. Here he had long been a Now they drove down close to the wa
frequent visitor, and was always received- "-,•!! edge, where fur as the eye could
like one of the family, as the Squire often reach, one saw nothing but the clear blue
said, looking knowingly at his two girls, waters of the lake, with its meets and suds
Charlotte and Bella. makingone thttik he was on the Atlantic
Charlotte was the older and handsomer roust, instead of so many miles in tae in•
of the two; and beauty is alway attractive, tenor. Anon they looked upon the wide
especially With the men. She was the fa- spreading prairies now pure and white
vorite in society, too. But at times Earnest with the new fallen snow, and stretching
had turned from her, to the gentle, grace- far away till it was lost where earth and
ful Bella, with her pure heart and piquant , sky seemed to inert. Then again they
innocent ways, almost with a feeling of love were passing through the wide and level
for the latter. - streets of the city
Her's was indeed tt character to study. j Oh ! There to is life and exhilaration in
Timid and retiring when in the presence giving one's self up the enjoyment of the
of strangers, she was singularly finless and hour ! Nature is a good mother to us all;
confiding with those she best knew. I and when we give ourselves into her keep.
There was a dash of independence, too'', I tag, she will ever fill the heart with joy
and vein of rotnunce in her heart, pleasing and gladness. tt ould that more such et.
and refreshing to meet. She was graixful eroises—more such out-of door exercises
and pliant it-is true, but there was a char I were freely enjoyed by all ! Thre shut.
acter and strength there also Though ting one'e sell up so completely within
her sister might best please in a crowd, doors, as some do in Winter, is enough to
site would be better known and loved at drive all the roses from the cheek, and all
home. : joy and gladnes from the eye, and all
All that Earnest felt; still beauty fasci. freshness from the heart, making one old
noted him. Not that Bells was ugly. Oh, and dead before his time.
no! She was riot beautiful either; at least, I The apelltif the hour was upon them;
save in the loving eyes and hearts of those as they sped merrily along, Earnest felt
wbo best knew her. Earnest liked them his heart warm more towards the pure
both. ,It was difficult indeed to deternijne and artless girl by his side. Ile had
which was the favorite. known her long—he 'had known her well;
Ae he neared the door, he said within and she had ever seemed theism. inge.
himself, uotte often will, in cues of doubt. nious. truthful, and good. He wondered
look or a word shall decide between how, even for a moment, he had ever
them. If one or both refuse to ride with thought of another; she seemed to
me, it ;shall he s sign that all is over. But ' biro, ten, all that hie hoer! roeld ever
if one accepts—why. then. what may come
of it ? I twenty eight now ; "old e
nough," as :ny partner told me yesterday.
eto he married. and have a home of my
own." And soli am. We shall see— we
shall see !"
The face 4 w; , re at the window as he
drove up. One brightened visibly, and
the others as visibly poled , while a min
gled expression of scorn and disappoint
ment passed over her features,
Good morning,ind ies, good morning!::
exclaimed he ns he entered their presence.
•1 find inxself in rather an awkard position
jug now, and need some one to help me
nut. I must have a drive unable to obtain
any conveyance save the one you saw ns
I drove up. What shall I do!' and he
looked t. Charlotte for an answer.
'.%n awkward position, indeed!' an•
swered she. , You had better drive a
'But must 1?' he asked somewhat sor
Bella looked up quickly; but she did
not speak.
'Surely you do not think a lady would
be seen in such a conveyance!' continued
Charlotte, with a slight toss in her beauti
ful head.
Again Bello looked up, while a painful
flush suffused her cheek. She was sorry
her sister had thus spoken—sorry for her,
grieved for Earnest. She felt sure, too
that she could not have denied hitnL-that
whatever he should ask would not he im
proper or wrong. flow then could her
sister speak thus!
Charlotte noticed the expression, and
half its meaning. She did not touch the
the reproof it conveyed ; and, turning to
her she said somewhat scornfully:
•Perhaps my sister would go with you
Will you Bella?"
'Will you 13ella ?' the young man repen
ted earnestly, as he bent on her n glance
which thrilled through every part of her
For a moment the blood rushed over her
brow and neck. the next it receded, nt.d
jjte nrlt3lys_liql rril I I
' A nil why net, indevd
uhll-you go, le.lta ?' again nokf•rl
Earovot, in that sirn;ght forward nrinnnr
•which fiver characterizvd
'1 should like it. of 01l thing.s,' answer
ed the enthusiroic forgetting the emo
tion of the moment before
'But remember how we are to go,' eon•
tinued Earnest quickly.
'You will he the observed of all obser
vers,' added Charlotte
'And what of that?' culled back the de
lighted girl, as she was half war up the
wish or desire. Bei could she ever be lashed from her dark eyes and reigned su. as had always been my custom, without : ~! Z 4 . 4
his ? The thought made hint desperate. prerne in the deep reeeeSes of her glourt- being announced. I ran immediately to X' kcl - t 15 ral•
The question must be decided e , once, and nun soul. I have sat entranced, listening' Alice's room. Oh! whet a sighs met my 1.. .- - -- - - _ .__ ___ _
with him. to resolve was to act. to her conversation. There was It strange wondering eke. There lay the beautiful : Militia of the United States.
They had been talking gaily of the wild bitterness in her thoughts and expre s • form of
e n n , d '} Alice, let, e already stiffened in d e ath, ' The following is an exhibit of the militia
of f ro - the
utthe several t
~. State r ,ttt i:
ie ' r i r t i e t
ve r i e h s: t a i k r e e n
scene around them-or 13ella had been sions, that sometimes startled me. There and by her side a vial labelled, , 'Laudnunt":
talking. he listening, for amid the multi was a mystery hanging over her life that I moved it hastily away ; I would not have ceived from the War Depertinent, •and
a i d e of vehicles in street each had to none could solve. She had been for some' her mime abY word for the vulgar crowd• which have been co nnn unierited by that de.
attend pretty carefully to his own ; when time the resident of a beautiful town in a' No one that gazed on that calm, fair face : pertinent to Congress. It +v,ll be perceived
es. l . ent!. No. amen.
turn.. to her with another of those glen- neighboring state, but from whence she as she lay cold in her coffin, none but my.
that:l .
- • reports are by. no mean_ complete:
ces which thrilled through every fibre of came, none knew. She was an heiress, self dreamed or knew that site ` 4
e had been , miiiii , -t , ,
1856 73,552
her being, he said, his voice was low and beautiful and accomplishes, and yet, oppa. guilty of a double murder. 1 severed one ' New .11 sin p s hi te; • 1854 3,5:18
earnest nihe spoke : rantly an orphan and friendless; none had long raven ringlet frorie its companions,' ;!!.(Z7o"lmsetill, 1856 15,031
gained her confidence except myself, andnt, 18!l3 23M85
"13ella, lam a business man, and shall and as I gaze on it, I wonder, what wan 111, island, 1856 15,894
do up things in a business fashion. I love to me she had never revealed her early be my fate 7 Connecticut, 1856 51,565
1856 337,235
you. Will you be my wife ?' , history, nor in any manner referred to it. They laid Alice in a oeautiful cemetery N N !`„,' T e ? r r e k e '.., 1852 81,984
The young girl looked up astonished.- l "Alice," I esker!, endeavorin r to lend 'in P---. Should you ever go there, ran- • I,„„„ sy t e „, ) ,i„, 1555 164,678
her to an unburthening of her cares, T 827 ,229
She had long liked him-liked him better el der, you will perceive, in a distant corner, I±, ,, l r a ) %et ii ,
1838 66,864
than any other on earth; but she had nee. know that souse secret grief is resting up- a tall marble column, surmounted by a gil Virgi nia, 1854. 125,531
tied cross, at the base the name of r•Alice" : North Caroliea, 18-15 79,448
et dreamed of being his wife. He was on you ; I have with pain observed your
so much wiser than she-for she was 1 South Carolina, 1856 30,072
cheek growing pale, and your step feeble; is recorded. •
1 Georgia 1850 78,699
Thiel is a sad tale, but man • man • sad- Florida .scarce eighteen, and in her hear: a very reveal to me the painful secret , and per- : ! 3, 3 I 1845 12,122
child-why did he not tole,. her si s t er ? haps I may relieve you."der ones I could' toll. and vouch for the I Alabama,
,1851 76,662
186 90,732
She could not comprehend it all ; and al- She cast on me a look so full °languish truth of them. Would teat I could forget! If i. " ,, i .:' , !: i t' p ß p , i,
1838 36,084
most doubted if she heard aright. and yet in which remorse, anger and pride the past, but there is Tennessee, 1810 71,252
1852 88,858
For many moments she did not reply.- were so strangely blended, that ns these ' " Una memo,. robed me everywhere, • . let . ititelq i
Ohio, 1845 176,455
One task in silence set me.
Earnest observed her closely, and read! passions chased each .other in rapid sue• ' The ever, ever thinking or, Michigan, 1854 92,063
half in her hme the uttered thought. She cession over her countenance, it gleamed : That doth for eye oppress me." Indiana, 1832 53,913
_____..,,,,. lllinois, 1855 257,420
was eb, tit to speak, when the whole ludi as with the dark expression of a demon. ' 1855 51,321
Death of • a Mighty Mean Man. Wisconsin,
1954 118,0:16
crousness of the scene burst upon her and Astonished, I gazed in silence on her; but
the late Moses Sheppard, oi Baltimore .ri'.'„,"„"er'', . 1854 36,054
she laughed outright. It was his turn t o , shortly the paroxysm passed away, and ar
is thus spoken of by a correspondent of T,,,ne,' ''' ' 1817 19,766
now look astonished. sing calm, but very pale, and seating her. Califisnia, 1856 209,125
the New York Evening Post :
;Why, Bella, what is the molter?' he i self beside me, spoke sadly- • Minnesota Territory Ihsl 2,003
~ '' . . ''The circumstances revealed Utah Territory, 1853 2M21
soon risked, somewhat hurt. I "You wish to hear icy history, Lizzie?"by the death of this extraordinary man, 8,201
'Only think ! making Inv, in n line._ . I replied, if the rehenisal would not be : ! Dis. of Columbia, 1852
are no extraordinary as any of that loci - • 1,,,,,,,,, ----,--
head r bombed the mischi e vo u s girl, mere 1 pninful to her, 1 desirted it.
dents,of his life. His morbidparsitSony
merrily then before 'Who ever heard of • ' , lll should tell you, Liezie," she began There are no returns from the State of
not only adhered to him up to his bops. lowa, an d the Territories of Oregon, Wash ,
such a thing I' and this Earnest joined her 1 leliat my life was stained with crime, the
breath, but isperpetuated by his viii - , ington, Nebraska, Kansas, and New Mete
even at his own expense. love you bear me wonld be turned to hate.'
11e was worth over half a million of dal- CO.l
, Well, well, no matter where.' centime. "No, never, Alice," 5 t answered, "tho'
ed he, taking the little hand that lay f or ait should he so. I shall lovd you still." .
; lars, the bulk of which he dedicated to PRICES OF FLOUR
the establishment of au 'insane asylum, Diet THE rinsT TIIIIEE NIONTIIS OF
moment nuit•ile her shawl. 'Do you love I .'1 shall trust you, then," she answeredYEAß FltOM 1796 To 1855, INCLIi•
and It-ft not a single cent to the poor old wo- ' TI- 117
me, Belle? and will you he iny wife ?- , ae she began her sad narrative,"l wan , SIVE.
man who kept house for him on starvation yen, Jemmy. February. March.
Answer ine truly ; will you be mine ?' I born in the sunny south ; the land of meg- Hr ;1;12 nib $l3 50 $l5 00
board and wages for many years. e ITII4
'Yes Earnest, yes? but I must le a ch' nelias and ortinee blossoms, and of fiery :
but a mwerahle pittetnee to his man l? 7 10 00 10 00 10 00
8 50 8 50 8 50
nevertheless. The scene is entirely 1 passions. Our Family were wealthy and serva i
~ i
nt, and only $5OO to his nephews. i ',
I 9 50 9 50 9 25
and wholly ludicrous. Quitea new order I respectable. I haul an only brother whomll 50 11 25 II 50
who were his nearest relatives, and poor. " 0
of roinaace?' anal again her laugh rung 1 I loved, as one should the good and gifted. ,
Only two or three weeks before his deuth ret,l). 11 00 7
0 ll 25 11 50
7 no 7 00
out load and clear as the song el a bird 1 the first years of my life I can lore back
he culled his old house-keeper to his bed-' 1803 6 tin 6 50 6 50
And this time Earnest joined in it tit upon us a green oasis in the misty years
side to bay that milk had risen to eight I 1804 • e.,'',7!eue, s - ' 7 5 0 700
. , • 180 - *.,.. !,',-. '' , 5 „4/4„,,,„
hen tile n, , I”. IL f , .. , - 1 ...., , e1tt.14.10,4....14.1 ,1 ,t. IM, par,t,i voce th 1.11,.. 4, 0 441 1 k4+ 1 ,.. 060 44 .6 " 00 .4. otowity,w7 - -,.,.--i , ,..,•
for hod she not promised to he his r ..i4O f -w? ••••,••-• "'Y "'" raw m ""r ag ' t e unite. ee t quite a tiumber . c) . 480 t, ~ ...:,:,,
~ , . ~,,,:+,%,.. ;So
moaner; where the promise had been made i niece to reside with tie. She was so beau- ,
' poor relations, whom a small bequest I .t!Tt' ''",,barg'',7 8 e ° ,.? ' "' . 75
no neuter how; she was his, all his. And ! blot, with her golden ringlets and dark 7OO
would have ma t t e. comfortable. Ile gave I c li; (,1,,1„ TT„.
ne he pressed her hand at parting, h e i hlue eyes. I could have loved her us a away, considerable money, however, yet f e eil 1E; $l2) 7 75-
soid . : sister, hu4 she repulsed my every advance.
never under the impulse of personal feel. ,'!:, (war) ggg
'Laugh, now, as much as you like; but : ":ells was insinuntaig and deceitful, and us , s n e
1 g but as he scot seised, according to 1,6 Iwar) 11 00
Cr, night I shell come to appoint the tied-' time passed on, she slowly but surely es- svetem. He has; at times bestowed smell i'''' ' !war) 9 25
ding day, and arrange for its ceremonies. 'ranged my parents from me. They once sums towards the colonization cause Which, l i l e , I ' m ' ) 8 iii
g,ocl moiming, dearest, and in a moment were kind and tender, but now every lord, for ninny years has been the constant , I •!:
he was gone. and word was harsh end severe. My fir the ., o f his conversation. He ~,m , ,t- 1 •
, i-! , .. ,
That night all was arranged; 'Squire cry temper was aroused, and I vowed to however to have recently lost confidence 1-e,,
Reed and his wife giving a full and free he revenged. Shy precious brother knew in .he utility of that movement, for, I un- i :" ,,i
Consont ; tind in just six \ceche from that illy stitite•ings, and his sympathy and love derstand, be has left the society nothing '!!':',
time Bella Red became Mrs. Earnest. ;dime made life endurable. But consuinp. of conseque . nce. Mr. Latrobe, the Tres- 1, ,
I lammond. r tine haul long preyed upon him, and he fit ' ident of the society was one of ins most Ire,.
-------"''''....."....! . ded and died. I cannot tell you the agony familiar friends Ir
I fait wisest they bore him from my sight. : "lie never indulged himself in more I.
I longed to lie beside him ; that the same' shun two meals a day, and one of these !!H''
clods might cover us both. hut the boon consisted usually of bread and milk, Ills I ' ; ','
was denied me ; would God it,had not; for letters of which I have several were writ.. I- T 2
then would we have met in heaven. But ' ten on the cheapest and coarsest kind or ' 1 :', : l
there is an inseparable barrier between us. paper. The sheet was also cut off close , 1 , 15
with the built of human blood upon my under the signature, so that uone of it ielt,
heud." She paused, her lips quivered and ' should be wasted. Ido not remember to '';:,
her features worked convulsively. have ever received in whole sheet from I-, e
.t S,
"Dear Alice, it is enough, say no more :" him in the course of our correspondenc ~- ' : ' i l l '
4 25
but she continued, without heeding my'
The Poisoned Water at Willard's. I's' .'-, 25
1.-E , 3 73
The. Epidemic at Washington; or, the' let . t d 4 62
mysterious sickness which attacked every- le I , 25 4 25
4 87 62
body stopping at Willard's hotel, just pre- ' i ; iit.7; 487 612
views to the inauguration, and the cause of 1- to 5 50 5 94
which had been traced to the ureter taken l'4, 4 87 4 81
front the cistern of the house, into which , ieed 475 462
4 50 437
a number of rats, who had portal:A of, tor' en 4 IS 4 0
:, 25 5 25 5 00
arsenic had plunged, is of a more serious L'''' - ::i i l
9 25 el 75 7 50
character than is generally supposed.- ! lee:, s 75 8 50 9 00
Mr. Lenox, of phin, died lust week from ! In fottr years-1850 to 1851-the 'fn.
its effect, and we see by the New York pa-1 bune says the average price of flour was
pers that the wife of Mr. Jay L. Adams. ' not less than $5 a barrel; and in 1853 it
wh'o stopped at the hotel on his way 'mine was but $1,55-less than it had been at
from Savannah e has also died from the any time for,twenty years. In the years
sickness contracted there. A post-mortem of the hying tariff flour fell to $:3,47 a bar
examination of Mrs, Adams revealed the rei.itt one time it scarcely averaged $4,25.
tact "thin the stomach had beep partialle"lhe time of ihe greatest depression was
eaten away ; the bowels manifested symp in the year 18.18-before the repeal of the
toms of violent inflarsation ;, the lungs Corn Laws.
, Open T
for settlement
s .
were congested, and the kidneys severely
effected." These appearances indicate the The
presence and action of arsenic the etom. !, . There arc
,• 1 territories of Minnesota, Oregon, Ne
ea. Mr. 0. 13. Nlatteson, member of i
brnska, Washington, New Mexico and
Congress, is suffering severely. Many Kansas. These Territories contain. ac
other persons in New York, Newark and cording to the tonependium of the census
in Philadelphia, besides the President 'of 18 0. she following area :
himself, are e tnuch erefeebledly the attacks ! T l i ' ll ' s ' " '. 6. :': 0- ;'' , ' 7 "'"'m i l"•
of diarrhea, having their origin, ns is s'up• ! Nebilei, 335,882 "
i P3o2'
posed, in the poisoned water which they , \ ,,T, a ,:',;',',e,; . 2 6' 7, ', 0 ,, . ~ '
drank. 'rho New York Post calls for an rush, . 209,107
investigation by the Coroner, that the pub- : The fi rst named six territories Colltalli,
lie may asetottun the precise extent and ! 1,286,130 square miles of land , and a to,
nature of the culpability, it any, en the' Sal urea l
'I of all the etatee and :
belonging tett. , Union is 1,963 Territories
,166 square
part of the proprietors of the hotel. stiles ; they comprise nearly one-half of
BlirYoung ladies to he healthy should the who le. . They run through some nee
see the sun rise every morulfig.
Not, eut:iti?ieenhe
l d egreeso acres
e f
o l l at t i i t t ude e ihaenedt
laud, e and b r ace
however, returning from a ball, but from mineral deposits, in the finest climate, and
their elnueber windewe• on the finest rivers in the world•
Listen to the Mocking 11111%1
I'm dreaming now of llally, sweet Holly, sweet
Polly ;
Fin dreaming now of finny ;
For the thought caller is one that never dies:
She'ssleeping in the valley, the valley the valley;
Ws sleeping in the valley,
And the mucking bird issinging where she lies
Chorus—Listen to the mocking bird; listen to
the mt. eking bird;
The melting bird still singing o'er
her grave ;
Listen to the mocking bird ; listen to
the mucking bird ;
Still singing where the weeping wil•
lows wave.
I'm dreaming—yet remember, remember, re•
• member ;
Ah well I yet remember
When we gather'A the cotton aide by el.
'Twee in the mild September, September, Sep.
tember ;
'Twas in the mild September,
And the mocking bird was singing far and
Chorea—Listen to the mocking bird, &c
When the eharms'of spring awaken, awaken,
awaken ;
When the charms of spring awaken,
And the mocking bird is singing oti the bough;
1 tee: like one forsaken, forsaken, forsaken ;
1 feel like one forsaken,
Since my }Sally is no longer with me now.
Churns—Listen to the mocking bird, &e.
For 11, Militingrion Journal.
By "1,17.21 E,
It was a beautiful afternoon in the leafy strangers, and it was to ;heir advantage to
month of June, when I sat with Alice in make no inquiry respecting me, I. came
her elegant boudoir Everything betoken• to this place, you have known me ever
ed the wealth us well es the taste of the since. Leave ale now, Lizzie, call to•mor•
possessor ; but I forgot the elegance with row."
which I was surrou,ded. as I guzed on the I I made no reply, I could not trust my
beautiful creature before me. On her fair I self to speak, but left her.
brow intellectuality eat enthroned ; coiled the next morning, and ewe' .:(1,
wl'hey laid hint beside a gentle stream
let, and beautiful flowers grew over him ;
and every evening at sunset I knelt by his'
grave and prayed that the angel spirt of
my brother might be near to guide and
bless me. So long as I did that the demon
in my bosom was stilled ; but Stella suc
ceeded in persuading my parents that I
went there to meet some forbidden lover,
and I was no longer permitted to visit the
grave of my brother. I cursed Stella in
any heart and vowed revenge. Oh ! bow
fearfully I kept that vow.
"Time passed on and my grief abated
and I learned to love, or think I did; but
the olijee t ‘of my love tens unworthy, there
was no equality of soul between us. Stel
la thought I loved, and it was enough.
She gradually won his affections from me
to herselt and learned [inn to despise me.
'•All tny former wrongs arose before me,
and that-one desire of revenge filled every
I thought. At length, when opportunity of
fered, I poisoned her. It was universally
believed that I thd tt by mistake, and 1 re
ceived ouch sympathy ; but the thought
that 1 murdered her, haunted me day and
night. I was very far from being happy.
At length my parents died, and I left
the brills of my ancestors, iniinbiteCl by
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