Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 25, 1857, Image 3

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• RlOTt—Since the liquor laws have been re.
pealed, our borough—and 'tin with shame we
confess it—has represented nothing so well as
the ancient Sodom. It is useless to deny that
disorder and arturkenwess prevail to an alarm•
extent in the community, because the evi
dences of the one aro to be fell daily, rind the
ovidencee of the other to be seen hourly, on the
atreets and corners. Boys, young, middle aged,
and even old gray.hended men, we have seen
`..leering, and reeling, and staggering, and fah
!'ing along the streets, all affected with the fear•
tal epidemic. We have seen some of our young
lads drunk, and tottering upon the streets en
v,aging in fisticuffs, and the officers, whose du
ty it was to arrest them, pans quietly by "on
tits other side." Two. fights occurred on Fri
day last, through the agency of Capt. Whisky;
on* of which resulted ip the parties being ar
tested and bound o'er for appearance at court.
In this last affair, a little boy who wan standing
rear the scene of action, was severely wound
ad in the head by a large stone thrown by one
,f the rioters.
When men will knowingly indulge in that
which destroys them.—after repeated and re-re
i.eated warnings, they deserve hut little sympa•
thy when "tripped up" at last.
For the Journal.
iCCOEBTPII BY 111 h: DEATU or Jun . ,: P. KEnn
And art thou gone, denrboy, and are those eyes
Beaming with love and intellectual fire, _
Forever closed in death ? And ban the Spoil.
fr . .? hand
Been laid on that fair brow ? 'Tis Cocci no ;.
And o'er thy early grave. affection weeps;
But not the bitter tears of those who have no
Thy path of life though short, was luminous
With. purity and truth ; thy Saviour's voice was
"My son give me thy heart?' An unseen hand
r] aided thee safely through life's dangerous war,
Into the haven of- eternal rest. Sweet be thy
• sleep,
Until the resurrection !nom shall call thee forth
From out thy tomb, to meet thy. Saviour in the
And be forever with the Lord.
March 23d, 1857. M.
Star We have heard frequent complaints of
late of annoyances caused by ill•natured curs,
',rho rush out at passcrs•by, on our atrects. At
time. they are as furious as famished wolves,
and pitch in without regard to the age or sex
of those assailed. Actual injury has already
resulted ft.= these ferocious beasts, and unless
the brutes are killed off, chained, or disposed
of in some manner, may he one of these fine
nights the lee lalioni* will be applied in a way
beneficial to the community and to the great jay
./ sausage makers.
THE Et,ECTION.—The election in this place
on 'Friday last, resulted as follows
Inspectors—John Simpson, Win. K. Rabin.
Assessor—David Black.
School Directors—BratTins Miller, Wm. P.
Orbison, Alexander I'ort.
Auditor—John W. Matter.
Constable— S.S. Smith.
`We invite attention to a card of the well
known "Jackson Hotel," elm:where. The pre•
sent proprietor, Sheriff Zeigler. has made and
Is now making extensive improvements about
the hotel, and is now prepared to meet the
wants of the whole community. The Sheriff
IA a prince of good fellows, and a perfect mod•
el of a landlord.
pie. We hope our friend Hall, will excuse
the non-appearance otitis communication in
this week's Journal. It shall have a place in
our next issue. We would be pleased to hear
frOm him more frequently, on subjects that
have a hearing on the educational interests of
°Ur country.
CONVENTIOX.—The Convention called in the
K. N. newspaper, met in this place, on Monday
Inst. But very few delegates attended. David
Blair, Esq., was appointed delegate, and in•
eructed to support Isaac Fisher, Esq., of this
borough, for the Supreme Bench.
h'tsteueu.—Tho new bridge is now complc•
ted over the river• ut thin place.—lt is a magni
ficent structure, and confers groat credit on its
ifirFriend “Lizzie," your fttvorshall appear
in our next ; that's certain. Don't be angry.
A general assortment of Blanks of all de•
seriptions just printed and for sale at the
"Journal Office."
Appointm't of Referees, Common Bond,
Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes
Summons, \'endue Notes
Executions,' Coustabh's Sales,
Seire Facies, Subprenas,
Complaints, ~ Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages,
Commitments, Bond to idetnnify Constable, dc.
Cheapest 'Job Printing , ' Office
R'e have now made such arrangements in our
Job Office as will enable us to do all kinds of.
Job Printing at 90 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Olney ip the County.
Give use call. If we don't give entire eatiefac
tion, no charge at all will be diede.
[Elate of Philip Curfmam Dee'd.l
Whereas letters testamentary on the Estate
of Philip Curfman, Jr., late of Union town.
ship,• Huntingdon County dec'd., have been
granted to the undersigned f notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to said estate to
make payment immediately, and those hiving
claims against the same, to present theM duly
authenticated for settlement.
JOnPH PARK, Execetorn.
v , ov ,_, sop, v ., 0 , 0 ,
HAIR ‘ 7
-"ro R NV Vsj
15, no doubt, the most wonderful discovery of
this age of progress, for it u‘.lll restore, per
manently, gray hair-to its original color, cover
the head of the hold with a moat luxuriant growth
remove at once all dandruff and itching, cure all
scrofula, and other strincom erupti ons, such as
scald head, etc. It will cure, as if by magic,
nervous or periodical headache ; make the hair
soil, glossy, and wavy, and preserve the color per
fectly, and the hair from falling, t extreme old
The following is from a distinguished member
of the medical profession r
ST. PAUL, January 1, 1855. I
DEAR Srn :—Unsolicited, I send you this cer
tificate. After being nearly bald for a long Limo
and hosing tried all the hair restoratives extant,
and having no faith it any, I was Induced on
hearing of yours to give it a trial. I placed my
self in the hands ore barber, and had my head
rubbed with n good stiff broth, and the restora
tive applied and well rubbed in, till the scalp
was aglow. This I repented every morning, and
in three weeks the young hair appeared and grow
rapidly from August last till the present time,
and is now thick, black and strong—soft and
pleasant to the touch ; whereas, before, it was
harsh and wiry, what little there was of it. and
that little was disappearing very rtpkily. I still
use your restorative about twice a week, and
shall soon have a good and perfect crop of hair
Now, I had rend of those things—and who has
not t lint have not seen hitherto any case where
any person's hair was really bencfitted by any
or the tale tonic, etc., of the day ; and it really
gives me pleasure to record the result of my ex
perience. I have recommended your preparation
to others, and already it has a large and general
sale throughout the Territory. The people here
know ire effects, and have confidence in is. The
supply you sent us, as wholesale agents for the
Territory, is nearly exhausted, and daily inqui
ries are made for rt. Yon deserve credit for
your discovery; and I, for one, return •you my
thanks for the benefit it has done me, for I cer
tainly led despaired long ago of ever affecting
1 such a result. Yours, hastily,
.r. W. BOND,
Firm of Bond & Kelley, Druggists, St. Foul
.(From the Editor of the Real Estate Advertiser.]
BosToN, 27 School St., March 20, 1853.
Deur Sir t'llaving become prematurely quite
gray, I was induced, some six weeks since, to
make a trial of roar Restorative. I have uses!
less than two bottles, but the gray hairs have all
disappeared • and although my hair has not yet
fully attained its original color, yet the process
of change is gradually going on, and lam in
great hopes that in a short time my hair will be
as dark as formerly. I have also been much
gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the
hair, which before was harsh and dry ; and it has
ceaseti to come out as formerly.
Respectfully yours,
Professor Wood. U. C. M. rtUPP.
LE, Illinois, Juno 19, 1855,
I have used Professor Woo d'.; Hair 'Restora
tive, and have admired its wonderful eflbet. My
halr was becoming, ns I thought, prematurely
gray, but by the sob of his "Restorativo," it hue
resumed its original color, and I have no doubt,
permanently so. SI DNEY
^Ex Senator United Stoics.
O.J. WOOD & CO.,Propriotors, 312 Btwndw•ay
N.Y., & 114 Market st., St. Louis. fdissowl,,
Sold in Iluntingdon by linniir MOLtmotta.,
and by Druggists everywhere.
13 tt)
I troubled - with Liver Complaints, unless the
must desperate of cases, when the 555001) but
do will, with scursa a single failure, restore the
patient to vigor and health. We wish wool' the
attention of all to these lasts, that the Invigor
ator is compounded by a physician who has used
it in his practice for the past tu'euty years with
a success most credulous, and tint it is entirely
vegetable, being composed wholly of gums.
Some idea orate strength of these gums tray
bo ibrmedwhen it is known one bottle of the In.
vigorator contains as much strength its ono hun
dred doses of Calotnal without any of its delete
One bottle is the surest thing known to carry
away the had effects of mineral poison of any
Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the
system the effects of medicine after a long sick
ness• •••
One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yel
lowness cr unnatural color ti•om the skin.
One dose after eutieg is sufficient to relieve
the stomach and prevent the victuals from
rising and souring.
Only ono dose taken before retiring prevents
One dose taken at eight loosens the bowels
gently, and cures costiveness.
Ono dose taken after each meal will cure
One dose of two ten-spoonsful will always re
lieve Sick Headache. _ _
One bottle taken for female obstruction re
moves the cause of the disease, and makes a
perfect cure.
Only one dose immediately yea) ves Cholic,
One dose often repeated is a cure cure for Cho
lera Morbus, and a sons preventative of Cholera.
Ono dose taken often will prevent the recur
rence of bilious attacks, while it relieves all
painful feelings.
sir One or two doses taken occasionally is
one of the be 4 remedies for a cold ever known.
Thousands of eases of inflammation und weak
ness of the lungs have been cured by the Invig
orator. . . _
One dose taken a short time before eating gives
vigor to the appetite and makes food digest-well.
One dose often repealed cures Chronic Mar
.:ha; in its worst forms, while summer and bowel
complaints yield almost to the first dose.
One or two doses cure attacks caused by
worms, while (or worms in children, there is no
surer, safer sad speedier remedy in the world, as
it never fails.
There is no exaggeration in these statements,
they are plain and sober facts, that we can give
ev idence to prove, Willie nil WIIO use it are giv
ing their unanimous testimony in its fitvor.
We wish all who are nice and debilitated to
try this remedy, and test it thoroughly, and any
who are not benefltted by its use we should like
to hear from, as we have yet to hear from the
first person. who has used a bottle of Invigorator
without receiving benefit, for there ore such as
tonishing medicinal virtues in it, that all, no
mutter how long they have been affected, it their
complaint arises from a deranged liver, will be
beuelitted, if not entirely cured. •
SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway
New York. Sold in Huntingdon by limtv
hiadAsteALL, and Druggists everywhare.
S. Palmer di Co..
Dealers in Fish & Provisions;
Have constantly on hand an assoriutent of
Mackerel, Shad, Herrings. Codfish, Beef,
Pork, Lard Shoulders, Hams, Sides,
— dhow., Rice . kr
March 18, 1857.-3al.
W: H. WOODS, A. M.,
J. A. It E ID, A. M., Professor of the Latin J. ALFRED SD ADE, M. D., Lecturer
and Greek Languages. en Anatomy and Hygeunit.
Rev. W. 9. ~ onn NON, Lecturer on Ev- —.— Teacher in Preparatory Depart
idences of Christianity... ment.
- - tin English Department.
T he next session of this Institution will open
tnents are held out by this Institution, to yot
Instructors is composed of gentlemen of high I
sions. 'fke location is quiet, secluded and h2alth
pure mountain air. There has sever a single sal
it would find this a desirable location. Tho coot
prepare young Men for business, for teaching, tun
mal dram is formed for those desiring to become i
given in the art of, etching, hearing recitations,
Ling a school. The course of study in the romn
instruction in Single pad Double Entry Bookkeei
The shim occupied tofinish the course. will ear
diligence.• Students can take up !his branch of
or devote their whole time to it alone.
Shade Gap is situated on the mail route betwe.
and Chamb, rsburg, from which pluees there is
Terms of session of Hee months, $52 50. Ws
try Book-keeping, fnll course, time not limited,
limited, $8 00. Payment halt in advance, halal
Academic Department. studying Book-keeping,
A deduction of ten dollars is made for minister
jars, address,
Starch 18, 1857.—0 t.
persons interested that the following named
persona have settled their accounts in ths Reg
ulter's Office at Huntingdon, and thfit the said
accounts will be presented for confirmation and
allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at
Huntingdon, in and for the County of Hunting.
don, on Wednesday, the 15th day of April next,
to mit :
1. John R. Hunter and George P. Wakefield
Executors of the lot will and testament of Joh n
Wakefield, late of Barree tp., deed.
' 2. Thomas Weston and Martin Weston, Ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of IVrn.
Weston, late of Warriorsmarlc township, dee'd.
3. Samuel McVitty, Executor of the last will
&c., of James Ramse , Esq., late of Shirleya
burg, deed.
4. Benedict Stevii Executor of the last
will, ice., of Benedict Stevens, Sr., late of Spring
field township, deed.
5. George C. Bucher and Samuel Work, Ex
ecutiirs of the last will, ice., of Joseph Work,
late of Porter tp., dec'd.
6. Abraham Croswell, Guardian of Anna
Mary Borst, a minor child of Jacob Borst, late
tf West tp., deed.
7. Thomas E Orbison, Administrator of Da
vid Bucket, late of Shirley township, deed.
8. Peter Swoop°, Trustee appointed by the
Orphans' Court, to make sale cattle real estate
of Peter Swoope, Sr, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, dee'd.
9. George Hallman, Trustee appointed by
the Orphans' Court to make sale of the real es
tate of Geo. Henderson, late of West tp., decd.
10. Peter Stryker, Administrator of the es
tate cf John Stryker, late of West fp.. dee'd.
11. Samuel T. Brown, Esq., Administrator
de bon is non, of the estate of W Buchanan,
late of Brady tp., dee'd.
12. John Wareham Matter!) and Susan Mat
tern, now Susan Wills,) Administrators of the
estate of Jacob S. Matter,,, late of Franklin
tp., deed.
13. Dr. John McCulloch, Administrator of
the estate of Alex. McKibben, late of the bor.
ough of Huntingdon, dac'd.
14. John B. Given, Executor of the last
will, ike., of John Shultz, late of Hopewell tp.,
Register's Office.
Ifuniingdon, March 14, Ter
Sole Prop . rietor ot Johnson's highly approved
nod much improved Smut and Screening Ma•
chine ; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster,
dm Premium Machine for Milletoe„
Residence No. 64 Queen St., (18th Ward,)
address Kensington Post Office.
Shim: Ilaydoelc Street. below Front, Phila.
Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Smut Machines
Patent Mill Bush, Portable Mills,
Stretched Belting, Cement
and Screen )Vire,_.
Square Meshed Bolting'Clotlie
Administrator's Notice.
NOTIuE to hereby given, that letters of admin
istration on the estate of John Wilson, late of
Cass ttiwnship, Huntingdon county, dee'd., have I
been granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims.,
against tho snob will present them ditty au
thenticated fur settlement.
LEWIS STEVER,I ".„ r .,.
Cam tp., March 18,'37.-61a
Notice is hereby given that George W. Speer
has filed his account, as Assignee for the bens.
fit of creditors of John Spangler, in the of
lice of the Prothonotary of the Court of Com.
mon Pleas of Huntingdon County, and that the
same will be allowed and confirmed by the said
Cuurt, on Wednesday, the. 15th day of April
next, unless cause be shown why the same sho'd
not be allowed. M. F. CAM'BELL,
Prot'y Office, • Prof.
March 14th, 1857.1 14t.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Nos, 77 & 79, North Second Street.
We are now receiving our Spring Stcick which
will comprise a large and desirable misortment
of all kinds of Straw and Lace Bonnets. Our
stock of flowers will be unusually large this
season, and we would invite your special attem
tion to that department. Please cull and con
mine them before making your purchases.
H. WARD, Nos. 77 5: 79 North 2d St.
March 11, '57.-2m.
WHEREAS, letters testamentary on the es.
fate of David Jeffries, late of the village of
Sbado Gap, deed., have been grunted to the
to all poisons indebted to said estate, to make
payment immediately, and those having claims
against the same, to present them duly sedum.
ticated for settlement.
ALEX. APPLEBY}Executors.
HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importe,s of Freneh
Calf Skins, and General Leaflet. Dealer,
No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of Leather
Morocco, &c.
35 Sack. Coffee just received find for iale
wholesale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN.
'roprietor and Principal.
tho first Wednesday of May. Peculiar induce
iung men desiring an education. The Board of
literary attainments, and skilled in their proles
by ; situated among the mountains it enjoys the
sse of Ague originated here, and those subject to
trse of instruction is such as is best calculated to
for taking it high stand in college. A Nor—
teachers, in which, practical instruction will be
1, and the proper mode of managing and condor
merciol Department, is such as to give thorough
ping, Mercantile Calculations, Penmanship, &c.
ry from 8 to I 0 weeks, depending on the students
study either in connection with other studica,
at Mt. Union Station, on the Penn'. Railroad,
regular line 0 . 1 Stages.
tsatig and tight extra. Tuition in Double En-
S2O 00. In Single Entry, t oll course, time not
went the middle of the session. Students in
are only charged half. the above prices.
- . - -
so.. For cutitiogue eontaining toll partacu
W. 11. WOODS,
Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co., Pu.
Cat bailie Pills
( s, , GA ('OATED ' )
Inca lids. Father*, Mother, Phygleinklin
Plallanthroplotti, rend their Effect*,
and Judge of their Virtues.
Headache, Nick licadacbc,Foul Stomach.
, w
Act,. Sirl ho lace apathetic aced of
Ow wont hczolarbo noy }ldly van bare by a thrn ur two
14 your Pins. It tIeOPIA Warta troll is fool totuumula, which
ti..; ...Mose at once. I r they will cno• mars RI tiny dc
For, th.: fawt In worth knowing.
Your. with grunt inspect, ED. W. PEEBT.E.
Clerk Strome,. Clarion.
Bilious Dieorders and Liver Complaint..
W.tantsurox, D. C., 7 Feb., IStia.
Sta : I have used your In my general HIM hospital
practice ever since yOlllllllO. Ihem, 1.1•1111111101. !WWI./ IV
say they 1111 , the be,t cathartic wil employ. Their r,
Inthtg .11011. the liter 14 quick and decided. conaeqeut•
ly they are nu admilltide remedy fort deraugeineuts of that
organ. indeed. I have aehlont follnd it 111, or mu... die
rade so obstinate that it did not readily till to Moto.
:11 4 ,,t,'•;11,„Daa,
I)yttentery, Relax, and Worms.
pner (WI,. ItAR5Ltu5,, lac. Or., Sirs., tinr. 10, 16,15,
Int. Area: Vonr Mlle ore the perfection of medicine.
They have done my wife more tex..l than 1 con tell Tue.
She holl been Ark and pining rune for months. 11 cm
oIT to be doctored at greet expoine, Ind got noledter. She
then rudiment:ell tithing your 1 . 1114.1.11 . 11 X 4 ,1111 cured her,
by expelling Neg., quantities of mottos (dead) 15ont her
afterw:mln cured her and our two children
. - . . .
of bi..litlifflentery. One ofonr neigligorsluel It biVl:nnii
iny wile cured hint with two doves of your Mlle, while
°titers around us paid front five to twenty donut.. do ettne .
hills. end lost touch tittle. Nelthout being cured euttrely
even them Sinth n mmildtie to yunn, which le sctually
pm.) end honest, will
Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood.
Bent Rec. J. r. Actor of rent Church, Ltustert.
Dn. Avrw: I Imre need yqur fills with 0[, ,
eureess In my family Ittel rowing hove
h 1 iim culled In visit
in &from. To ..gulato tirgnii. of illgeotlon awl purify
the 1.10.1 they ere the very best remedy I have ever
known. end 1 can coddidently rvcommeEll them to my
friends. Yours. J. V. 1115158.
WARSAW, Wvomixo Co.. N. Y.. Oct. 24. 15.51,
Due Sin: 1 Ain owing pins . Canuirlie HIM ie iliy prne•
dm and Iln.l then] no excellent pttrgstlvo to eleenve the
system and purify the fonntitt!
Erysipelas, Scrofula, King , ‘Evil, Totter,
Tumors, nod gait Rheum.
Prim a P7r;;;;;;/t4',11(TetTaet;„7,1;.EaVit:.F1 h. 4, 18a6.
DR. Arta: Veer I , lllt.,are the paragon or nil that la
greet Itt medicine. Thetpheye cured ley little daughter
tilcerotta .101,11 and Mutt hedmded,
fiteuralde the pant, er IfWiflßr hni heen Inng (cr .
ly afflicted with bletebea mad itheidet on-her Ride end It
her hair. After our child sena cured. she Rlen tried you.
Pill, and they bare eared her. ABA MODEIHTINI R.
Rheumatism, It enualght, and Gout.
k,ont lit 1.,v. Dr. !Mug. 41 it. Allethadist Apia. Church.
PULASICI IrOl`eiß, &VANS., Mi.. J.. 8, 1856.
TIONUTIZU s Ein should I,e ungrutelbl for the relief your
dal! hos bnloglit tito if I did not report !ay awe to yo.u.
A cold settled In nay limbs and brought on excruelnllng
ormulgle pad.. M 111101 ell in Chrlll.l[l2 rhemoathou.
Notwiti,..mlin, 1 I.llbr brbt or phybicint, the Mecum
grow WON.' Mid Wog!, by 1110 flllike of y0111'1..11.
lent ,gent Zr, Baltimore, f.r. 31ockeux1o, 1 tried your
.rbeir offeeb• wore slow, hot fury. by tom:voting In the
eve of them I etU .w entirely
SXNATZ e 11.01111.111, Ibuon Daum LA, 5 Dec., 1055.
Da. Aux: I hero been entirely cured by your Pills at
Rheumatic iluat that had afflicted toe
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Coin.
idntx , .h., 5 MI Heti,' Org., they are all excel-
For Cowtivrness or Comdipation, and an
a Dinner Pin. 114 itre ngirmblv mud varetttni.
Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, hifliontmt.
don, null ev..11 Deafness, mod Partial H
sans, have be. cured by the tater,tiv.• wk. of Him
Moat of the plltd lu 111111 . 1.0 t contain Mercury, nt•
though a 1111Inble relltOtiy iu 311:11111 liallibi, In ttungeroue
In a public pill. from the 4r,rultul rottu.itteoceit that fn••
qUellny fuliow WI lurnuliona Lv. neat, rouMlu uu wrr•
eury ur mineral auhatattec whatever.
and for the relief 14 conetimplive pntients in 111111MClili
'taps of the disvium.
We need not speak to the pultac 14 Its virtue..
Throughout vs - cry town. told almost every hamlet vf lir
Amprieau Olaf.. 1. notelerful runs of polinrotery COM•
plaints bore nok, It already known.. Noy, few are the
(atonic. In may cis iilued cotillll,ll 01i...0111.'1 without
1101110 permuted I.S pee knee of its eifevis; and fewer yet the
...tinsmiths env ober.. whirl hare not ultiong them
some living tn.pity 14 its victory aver the toddle and thin.
'moos tha'n'es of the thomt and Intel. Ithile if le the
most powerful Ruth.e yet known to limn for the form,
aside nod dottgenow likca.we,of the pulmonary omens, It
Is also the plotwontest nod nth nt t eittody that 1.1111
gloved for Junto. Biel p.n.,: pert.otng. Parente skoild
hove It in .tort apt. the luvi.llotu enemy that steals
opt. them unprepoted. We hose nhoullunt ground. to
believe the thiaittr l'ccrou.u. 110 en ihen by the eV.
entniptione It prevents that Oisee it enros. Keep It by
von. nod core your colds while they ore eunthle, nor neg.
feet ti., milli no lotutan cint muster (hr inexorable
canker that. 101 tit' vitals. eats your life city.
All know the drew:Cul fetid. of lung diel.lll,lb. and so
they know too the chines ,4 Il i. remedy. wit nerd not do
mow than to nese., thou it is still made the hest II ran
be. it, 1 , 111 W• 1101:04, no cure. no tOit 11l produce It the
tenet perfect posdble. ntel thee afford those who rely on
It the bold agent whirl, our skill can runlet] for theft. cure
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mau
JOHN ItliAD, Huntingdon, ani dealers in
medicine everywhere.
October 15; 1856.-Iy.
4 S : $1,13 N SN4DO
THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
Mill; inform farmers and the public general
ly, that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in tin*
water wheels and, machinery.
They have put in five of the Improved Jon.
val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in
all stages of the water, ana during the coldest
weather, any and all kinds of gram.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand
for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of
and farmers can have their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they rip
be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice
lan equal quantity of Pour and Bran or chop
ped teed.
is of an iinproved manufacture; and grey will
insure anti. TURN OUT of superior quaii.
ty to every 4ealtel of grain left at their reill.•
N. B.—The Buckwheat atones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 1(, 18#6.
For the Lancet, Leeches and Blisters !
ANY medicines offered for sale are secant.
parried by doubtful certificates (.heir chief
value) and claim to be universal remedies, cu.
ring all maladies—a burlesque on common
sense. As the discoverer of this Salt solemnly
protests against having it placed on the catego
ry of frauds and impositions, he has resolved
that it shall go forth to the world like the pure
gold dollar, wit no otherpasaport than its own
true value. If the public find it genuine they
will receive it—if spurious they will reject and
condemn it. Instead of its being a panacea for
all ills it has control over but one ill—has but
ono aim and accomplishes but one thing, to
*it; subdues inflammatory diseases—whatever
he their form or locality, whether in the head,
throat, chest, abdomen, extremeties or skin.
. .
When the discoverer, after a long series of
labor Mus and costly experiments, became fully
confirmed in his couvudian that the A utiphlm
gistic Salt, which he now has the happiness to
present to the American public, was a
for Illoodletting, Leeches and Blisters, his
mind was 50 agitated that he could not sleep
for many nights. The cause of his agitation
.suss the striking fact that the manner of its op.
erasion, like that of the virus in vaccination,
could not be explained, upon any known prinei- I
pie. How, in what way, it so effectually sub
dues inflammatory diseases and eo others, was
at first wholly inexplicable; but on further ex•
peritneist it was proved that by its power over
the veins, arteries and glands, it equalizes the
fluids of' the body, the want of an equilibrium
in which is the sole cause of inflammation. It
exerts like the vaccine matter, an extraordina
ry influence over the circulation—resulting in
a gradual decline of Maturation as indicated
by the pulse which soon resumes its natural'
stifle, as the pain and heat disappear. Stich is
its potency, that like the virus just mentioned,
it requires merely what adheres to the point of
a quill dipped in a solution of it to affect the
entire system—but must be instantly used to
prevent decomposition, and secure its full sir.
tae. Three quills in acute, and two in chroniC
dieense every 24 hours, till the heat and fever
have subsided and a perfect cure is effected.—
When it takes the place of leeches, stimulating
ointments and blisters in local inflammation,
as Brain Fever, Croup, Toothache. Pleurisy,
&c., its mode of administration is two-fold.
(See directions for dissolving, &c.)
/IfirThe peculiar excellence of this Salt is,
that without the useless loss of blood and
strength, it ellbctually cures inflammatory die.
eases (no others) by producing an equilibrium
of all the fluids of the body and a consequent
uninterrupted circulation. The following dif
f-rent forms which the unbalanced fluids as
sume and many not Isere mentioned, that have
more or less fever and pain, are as perfectly
subdued by the Antiphlogistic Salt, as fire is
extinguished by water.
I—Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect
the Bead and Throat—to wit: — Brain Fever,
Headache, Fits, inflamed Ey., Ears and Nose
Canker,Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, &e.
2—Cases whet e the unbalanced fluids allbct
' the Chest and Abdomen—to wit: Pleurisy,
Asthma, Inflamed - Lungs and Liver, Colic,
.ileset.born, Coughs. Dyspepsia, Gramel, Gnaw
rhea, Venereal, &c:
3—Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect
the Extretneties end Skin.—to wit :Rheumatism
Gout, Scrofula, Chicken and Small Pox, Salt
Rheum, and all Itching and other Cutaneous
This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory
pains peculiar to married ladies (before and at
the time of confinement) and many Female
Complaints; and is very efficacious in Fevers,
Ague, Wounds, Nervous and Spinal affections,
and any other forms of (marls this) in flamma
tory (licence, attended with heat or febrile sysnp•
Persons who have a tendency of blood to the
bead and heart, and who lead inactive lives, or
breathe the impure air of manufactories and
the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or
live in unhealthy climates are exposed to a pe•
collar citation c 7• the fluids of• the body, which
one dose, without interferins with diet or busi•
ness, once in three months, would invariably
prevent. It is believed to afford protection a•
going infectious diseases ; and therefore, it is
recommended to travellers, sailors and sol•
To protect the community from imposition
by counterfeits, the proprietor will employ no
Agent, and has made such arrangements that
he con send the medicine in any quantity, by
mail or express, to any part of the United
Staten or foreign countries. Its prime tomato
the discoverer is $1,50 per drachm—price $2
per drachm—and is put rip up in drachm pack
ages for acute disease (with directions, &c.) at
$1 ; three drachms do., for chronic cases, $5 ;
and 5 drachms do. fur ftmilies,sB—a net profit
of Op cents on each package,
While many nostrum makers victimize the
good•natured and piltridden public by ordering
front six toe dozen box or bottles to cure any
malady, no matter what, the undersigned in
happy in being able to state that the severest
forms of rlcent inflammatory disease are over•
come by one acute package, and the most obsti.
tat and long standing cases by one Chronic
package. Although thirty days hove not elap
sed since this new medicinal agent became
partially known to the citizens of Boston and
tew neighboring towns, yet such hove been The
results of its trial that, during the past week,
nearly 400 pack9ges were sold to this city, and
orders received by mail and express for 163
Family, 347 Chronic, and 385 Acute packages.
In one instance six persons clubbed together
and wrote for six packages (of the "Little Gi
ant, as they called it,) to be tbrwatded to one
address, thereby saving expense to themselves
and the proprietor.
stip'Letters from clubs or individuals with
money cif over $10) should be registered at the
post °thee where mailed, as it costs but five
cents, and will insure their safe arrival.
* * *The discoverer now humbly submits bis
Perfect Substitute for the lancet, leeches and
blisters, to the tribunal of an intelligent public,
reiterating that it does just what it claims to
do—no more, no less: subdues inflammatory
disease (uo others) whatever be its form or lo
cality by restoring the lost balance between the
fluids and solids. Family packages $B, Chro
nic $5, and Acute $2; to be had (free of ex
pense) only by addressing him through Box
;322, Boston, Mass., or at his Office, No, 3
' Winter Street.
Cut out this advertisement and his comm.
muoication in another column for the perusal
of your neighbors and your own future use.
Discoverer and Proprietor.
Du. tilillln VIIIAM[ar,
OFFICE removed to the roma
adjoining the residence of Dr. ,
R. Alison Miller, near the Pre,
byteriau Church.
Jan. 11, 1 , t57 lf,
Walnut Street, Sotah-Wed earner of Third,
Incorporated by the State of Penn
M :1 1 1 er d
Y i ' l i s t L e e ' s Pi e t i d
i L a nTt hgellndia la rgo
deposit or t
the day of w•ithdraw•al.
The Office is open every day, from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursday evenings, till,o o'clock
All sums large or small, are paid hark in gold
on demand without notice to any amount.
......... .....
Hon HENRY L. BEN ER, 'President,
Wee J limas, Secretary.
_ _ • DIIIEC2 ORS.
C. Landreth Muons,
F. Carroll Brouwer,
Joseph B. Barry,
Men. L. Churchman
Francis Leo.
Henry L. Banner,
Edward L. ratter,
Robert Selfridge,
Samuel K. Ashton,
James B. Smith.
This company confines its business entirely to
the receiving of money on interest. The invest
ments amounting to nearly was MILLION AND
A HALF of dollars, as per published report of
Asse is, are made in conformity with the provi
sions of the chiseler, in Real Estate, Mortgages,
Ground Rents, and such first-class securities, as
will always insure perfect security to the depos
itors, and which cannot &it to give permanency
and stability of this old and well-established
Feb. 20, 1856. Mar4's7
In the course of the work will be found pets
and Ink poimits of over Two Hundred eelebre •
test persons—Presidents. Vice-Presidents, Kings
Queens, Emperors. Soldiers, Poets, Oats, En
thusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Dip
lomatists, &c.—all described from personal or
tittaintince or observatiOn. tor sale by
MILL GMBH, Hunt. Co., Pa.
Published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Nu
25 Park Row, R. Y
The number of New Articles in the present I Jun 21,'57
volume exceed two thousand four hundred
The NEW EDITION of this valuable_ work,
which has long been in preparation in now pub
lished, It forms one volume, imperial octavo,
of 1366 pages,—and contains an account of
the Lives of about thirteen thousand different
Individuals, more than two thousand of whom
were citizens of the United States.
The publishers have determined not to fur.
nioh the Work through the general Trade, but
to cell it exOtsinty by atritts.
The work is gail . en upitt superior style—and
as no library will be complete without it, a
most excellent opportunity is offered to any
person who desires to engage in a pleasant,
honorable and prr Citable business. Agents
aro wattled for all parts of the country. They
will please address the publishers.
211 Chesnut st., PhilarTa.
[Estate of Nathan Chi(colt, Dec'd,l
otice is hereby given that Letters of Ad.
11 ministration on the estate of Eathan
Chilcott, lute of West township, Huntingdon
county, deed., have been granted to the under.
signed all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them for settle.
Huntingdon, Feb.2s,'s7.—Gt.
Nos. 2 k 4 enssTNuT ST., s'th side - below 'Water
(The Oldest Wood-sure House, in the City.)
El Dealers in Patent Maehine•mado Brooms,
Patent Ctuoved Cedar• Ware. warrautc,: rot to,
shrink, Wood & Willow ware, Curds, Brushes,
&c., aid! descriptions. Please call and cram•
inn our stock,
F0b.25,'57. 1 1y.
Just as expected, Purdy t Cita.
1! ' pri g► mer, have rented Spruce Creek
Foundry, and you would be surpri
sed to see what a general assort
anent of castings they are dealing out to the
public. Machine castings of all shapes and
sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges
and Furnaces, made to order, at shortest no
tice and lowest possible rates. A good assort•
meta of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook
and Parlor, Wood and Coal, &c., Sc.
They arc also prepared to furnish the world
and ''the rest of mankind" with tip well•known
celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they
earnestly solicit the patronage 01,4 their friends
including the former customers of this well.
known establishment.
Just cull and see our stock if yea please.
PURDY & lAA kf Ell.,
Feb. 4, 1857.-6ni. Spruce Creek, l'a.
...MS. TO ,
No. 191
.North Third Si„ above Wood, Fl;ila.
M A ary,
ory, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate
Drops, Broody Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cakes, Cteam Chocolate, French 'reps, White
Sugar Toys. dc., Ac.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Caron,
Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fit.
ber6, Cream Nuts, Uround Nuts, Fire Crack.
era, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can!
dy, Sc.
The attention of Dealers is reciasted to an
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. B.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt.
ly attended to.
Has been removed to a large and commodi.
one room in the "Town Hall, and is open day
and evening for the reception of Students.—
The course of instruction, embracing Single
and Double-Entry Book-Keeping, is accompa
nied by daily Lectureson Commercial Sciences.
A dapartment has also been opened which is
devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by
Prof. MoattisoN, of Pittsburg.
Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and
Political Economy are delivered periodically
to the students by meMbeni of the Huntingdon
Vor any other particulars address personally
or by letter T. 11. POl:l.,99X,rrhieipal.
Assistpee given wino regivred i opening
and closing books. [April 2,1856.—1 y.
iffetTlMElNGig i
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
netri , . S. delivers work to the care. Ire bai
alw lys ready made work on hand. All orderx
by mail shall receive prompt attention,
Jan. •!.$, I R57.-Gme.
foTis much to say, yet Troth to say it."
By S. G. GOOURICII, the veritable "Peter Par
ley," author of "The History of all Nations"
Be., Bt. In two volumes, 150 pp. large IStno.
25 engravings, including an accurate Steel
Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scar
let Cloth, $3,00 ; Scarlet cloth, gilt edges $4;
Half calf, marble edges, $5,00; Gilt Edges, $7.
This work en:brims the prominent public c
' enta of the last halt centnry, both at home and
abroad; a complete autobiography of the author
—his early days, education, and literary career;
said an amount of original curiotft, and valuable
personal Incident, antedote and description, gel
.1010, if ever, met with in a single work. It is
the author's life-long work, and nothing suporiur
it• equal to it in bleuded amusement and instruc
tion, has ever been published. Mr. Goodrich Is
the author and editor of 170 volumes, of which
seven millions of copies have been sold ! and this
the great work of his life time, emßodies the con
densed substance of his ample. litentry and prac
tical experience: the war with England in 181i
-14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private soldier;
the Hartford Convention, whose operations took
place under his itemedinte observation, and with
most fpf the members of which he was personally
acquainted. Embracing curious and interesting
details respecting old Jeffersonian Democracy,
Old Federalism, and Connecticut Blue Lights;
curious and marvellous events connected with.
the rise and progress of religious sects in the .
L'oitcd States; with dcseriptigns of the French
Revolution of MB, and Louis Napoleon's Coup
d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed.
Also, a full account of the 'Peter Parley's Talcs,'
of Third: four millions have been sold.
Encyclopedia of Animated Nature.
Living Nature in all its Forms.
THE mill' book of its kind ever published,
1 which gives Pictorial Representations and
Popular Descriptions of the History, Habits and
modes of life of all the classes of living beings
on the earth, its the ocean and in the air. Uni
form retail price.
'ln Ono (barto Volume 1350 Illustrations,
Muslin Gilt Back and Center, $3 00. The
Same—Marble Edge, Embossed Morrooco,
Gilt Back and Center,s3 00. The Same
—Extra Red Turkey orroccu, Gilt Edges
and Full Gilt Sides, $5 00
Books upon almost , eves): other subject bars
been circulated among-she people. except-those
retailing to the very interesting and importune
one of Natural History. The books which have
heretofore been published on this subject, have
been adapted, to mere children, or to those
who made it a thorough study. Hence, very
few of the millions of readers 'in this country.
have, within their reach, anything satisfactory.
upon this subject. This indicates a great and'
au obvious want, us uo subject is more intense
ly interestinU, and stone more Unmoving, than
that of the living beings that people the globe.
This want we aro confident we fully meet, In
the work we here oiler to the public.
Or This Book is not fur sale ici Bool:gt6rest ,
hut can be ordered tram us direct, ec
flom nor Canvassing Agents.
Publiiihed by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Neo
york, fted ior sole by
i4EI.). BERG.. e • ,
MILL CnEpt, Hunt. Co.,
No Library is Convicts without it
Testimony of Sixteen Thousand
Magnificent Work of History! Awhole Libra.
ry in , Itself!
Cast $ll,OOO-70 Maps-700 Engravings
From the earliest period to the present time,
the history of every nation, ancient and too
'derv, being separately given. By S. G. Goon
afro, author of several works of History, 'Peter
Parley's Tales,' &c.
' It is believed that the above work will be ve
ry acceptable to the American public. It is the
result of years of toll and labor, assisted in his
researches by several scholars of known ability,
and has been got up at ti great expense by the
proprietors. No pains have been apered in tha
execution of the Illustrations and Maps, which
are prepared expressly for this work. Indeed,
all the other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich,
sink into insignificance, when compared to this,
the result of his riper and maturer years. It is
admitted that one hundred dollars could not
purchase the same matter in any other shape
and-the publishers confidently expect, in consi
deration of the great literary value of the work,
the large sum expended in preparing it•for the
pros., and the exeesidingly moderate price. at
which it is altered, that it will be favorably re
ceived by every lover of good books. Many of
our first scholars, divines and gentlemen, who
have examined the work, have given it their un
qualified approbation and commendation, which
it richly deser,ves.
Uniform Retail Prices.
In I vol. Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Gilt.
Back and Sides. $6,00
ac 46 Full
Gilt "
“ 2 "
.6 66 7 , 00
Gilt "
41 46 14 46
and Full Gilt Sides, 0,00
t 4 44 44 Heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprinkled
Edge 6,00
Many of our Agents havine been told when
soliciting subscribers, that this work would soon
be sold in Bookstores, and at a reduced . price,,
we hereby give notice, as Solo Publishers of it,
it will nut, be sold in Bookstores at any price,
and will be olibred by our canvassing Agents
only, Nho have the sole right of sale in their re.
spbctive districts except that where we have
not appointed an agent, WE will send copies by
mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United
States, upon receipt of the retail price.
N.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over
four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail,
but the two volute copies can be mailed as two
Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Publishers, No, 25
Park Row, N. Y. For sale by
Mar. Camax, Hunt. Co., l'a.
ARCTIC szrzorricocr
And a large assortment of other books may be
had, very low, by addressing
11,111.4 Oman, unt. Co., Pa.
The foregoing works ean be, h a d of B ea. B erg .
stresier only, who is the Canvassing agent for
this county, and wino will.shortly call on the
citizens of the county.
J. & W. SAXTON aro now receiving them
Second Fall and Winter Stock of
New and fitedm,
Enumeration is unnecessary, but what every.,
bod L s a ays must be true—and everybody says
the ia co to find the beet assortment of Dry
Guo s, in their parts, is at -
.1. ,t NT( Ot'S
. . .