griiultur al. Ile that by the plough would thrive, Biraself, must either hold or drive." CRIMP IN CALVES.—Knielrisch obser ved a case of croup in a steer nine months old. As there was imminent danger of suffocation. tmchetomy was performed, and a mass of piirulent mucus, tolerably firm, about the thickness of a finger and five inches long, passed out, and had the appearance of having filled a bronchial ramification. As soon as this corpose ex udation had been expelled, all sort of as phyxia. disappeared, and the animal was inctanteously restored to health. As a singular occurence, Gros-Claude i relates a case of angina membranscea (pseudo•membranous croup,) in a nine year old ox ; the disease has hitherto on ly been described as occurring in young animals. The false membranes in ques tions occur in the air-passages. Sticker has seen cylindrical masses of semi•organ ized lymph. measuring from ten to four teen feet in length;- and another German veternary surgeon, Prehr, has seen por tions, from three to four feet in length, pass oat with the dung. On a recent visit in Aberdeenshire, I was several times consulted about laryn gitis in calves, which not uncommonly ends in death, and the mucous mem! brane of the air-passage is then found covered with semi organized lymph. I saw two of these cases,'like croup of in fants, and the dyspnma was very marked..' The act of breathing was audible at a long distance. These might justly be ewes of stridulous laryngitis, or catarrhal croup.-- The cough was not so marked, as the so norous respiration, and the appetite of the animals was at first almost undistur bed. lam not aware that croup has been unusually prevalent in Aberdeenshire of late, but I trust to collect further informa tion on the subject. WHEN AND How TO SOW CLOVER.- Judging from experience as well as obser vation, we think decidedly the best season is during the months of March or April, according to the latitude. Some sow up on the scow—as it is easily to see whether the seed fall evenly, and when the snow melts away it in part washes the earth up on the seed. But even this is objec tionable, since some of the seeds will re main uncovered, and in the event of a sud den thaw or rain, currents of water will be produced, which will wash the seed into furrows or low spots. Our most successful practice has been to wait until the snow has departed, and choose a morning or evening, when the ground is frozen an inch or so deep, and when there is little air stirring, and then carefully sow the seed as evenly as possible. At this time the surface of the earth is filled with little crevices formed by the frost, - Into these the seeds fall, and when the ground thaws again, most of them are thoroughly covered as if planted by hand.—Ex. • THE ORIGIN OF WHEAT.—The origin of wheat which we now cultivate, is invol ved ;n considerable obscurity. Nowhere is it found to exist native. In a paper in the 'Edinburgh Review,' the author of it takes the ground that all cereals have been developed, by cultivation, from grains hav ing, in their natural state, scarcely any res emblance to those now cultivated, and he asserts that the particular plant from which wheat has originated is a grass growing wild on the shores of the Mediterranean, and known to botanists by the name of og ilaps. if this is true, it will afford some clue to solve .the question, "does wheat ever become cheat." HAVE You A MANURE SHED ?—The advantage of covering manure is urged in strong terms. The best cultivators re-' cognize utility in it. We would remark that the roofing of this shed must be suffi ciently open to admit of sufficient moisture to ensure decomposition. Or if entirely tight, a better plan is to supply it from a tank into which all liquid manure of the stables and yard is conveyed by the use of a pump, 'fhis system makes most ele gantly decomposed and very strong man ure. VENTILATINO HAY ST...cane—The Brit. lab farmers have a method of ventilating their hay, oat and barley stacks, which we may frequently adopt with advantage ; and in stacking corn-stalas it would be al ways beneficial. They fill a beg, say 3a feet high, and 20 inches in dtamer, with straw, and place it vertically in the centre of the stack, putting the barley, oats, or hay, whichever it may. happen to be, a round it. As the stack rises they lift the Back; and so on to the top. In this way there is a chimney formed in the centre of the rick or hay, into which the steam or gases generated find their way and escape rapidly. WOUNDS IN SHEEP.—Take the leaves of elder tree, and make a strong decoc tion, and wash the parts affected two or three times a day, and you will not be troubled with flies or worms. It also re moves fever !rout the wound and is heal. ENRICH THE 501L,..11 should be the object of every tiller of the soil to leave his land in good condition after the remo val of a crop, and, at the same time, ob tain as remunerating returns as possible. This can be dune only by husbanding all the sources of fertility upon the farm, and adding thereto in every available scanner. This IS the Alpha and Omega of progres sive agriculture. CAMPHOR A REMIDY FOR biros.—Any one desirous of keeping seeds from the depredations of mice, can do so by mixing pieces of camphor gum in with the seeds. Camphor placed in drawers or trunks will prevent mice from doing them injury. The little animal objects to the odor, and keeps a good distance trout it. eglr A good farmer never leaves his stock sutler. ALMANAC FOR TEAM 1857, - 4 12 7* ✓ L 6' 5 2 it .14 1 " i t; ti Fs' MONTHS. t'a : : JAXUART, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 let Mo. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25' 26 27 28 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ft.:II ' RUARY, 2d Mo. MA nu, 3d Mo. Arun., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 4th Mo. 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 sth 510, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Arse, 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6th Mo. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '29 30 31 7th Mo, AUGUST, 1 2345 6 7 8 Bth 3ro. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SeTTENHIEn 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9th Mo. OCT.ER, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1234 5 6 7 8• 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10th Mo. Nov cm nER, 11th Mo. Dnozmuett, 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "II 12 12th Mo. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 •21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. IN BLAST AGAIN ! Huutthgdon , Foundry. non.' uzu 9 1 HE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME-' thud of informing their triend&and the pub lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op eration, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on the shortestno tice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's cplebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be beat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and office stoves fur coal cr wood. HOLLOW-WaRE consisting of Kettles,Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which will be sol cheap for cash or in ex change for country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a slide of public patronage. J. H. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April 30, 1856.-ft. Gas I Gas-Lights are Coming I AND SO ARE o. a Cn7o gliAßVCsliqt, NOT WITH GAS But with an entirely new and well assorted stock of FALL% W INTER GOODS, SUCH AS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAREHA.RDWAREI BOOTS Si. SHOES, BATS & CAPS, SONNETS, CARPETS, and Oil CIoths.WOOD,WILLOWWARXI and every other article usually kept in a awn try store. We have one of the beet selected stocks of DRY GOODS ever often dto the citizens of this place and vicinity, and de deter mined to sell lower than can be•purchased east ofthe Allegheny. Give us a call and be satis fied of the fact. Wo will sell on old stork at cost. Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan before purchasing at any other House. We also purchase and store Grain, and it is admitted by all that we have the safest place of unloading in town. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods. TONS Broad Top Coaljust received and CA/ for rale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. T J BADPIPE fog eale at the Hardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN A CO. MISCELLANEOUS RDVERTISEMENTS. itPitglailt DOVERIA. The Lost is Found; TUE DEAD HAVE COME TO LIFE, ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY .01VN ED BY ISRAEI. OILAFFIUS, ESQ. RC. MoGILL wishes to inform his . friends and the public generally, that he has bought the above-named Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its contents, and front hie long experience in the business ho hopes to obtain a Aare of the public patronage. As he has the Foundry in full ope ration, ho can furnish all who may give him a call with all kinds of Castings ; curb as Rolling Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill (Inning, improved Thrashing Moohine Casting; and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of va rious gine and improved patterns for wood and coal; also ten-plate ate 7135, Air-Tight, Parlor, and Bar-room stoves, of all mos for wood or coal. Also Castings for house ; cellar grates ; such as Lentels, Sills, Sash-Weights, &c. Plows at every description of the Intent and roost hit prnved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes, oven frames, largo bells and cast water-pipes. lIOLLOW—WARE consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn ing-lathes, he will ho able to furnish env of the above-numed articles, either wood or iron; and he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to mention, all of which be sold cheaper than ever for cssh and all kinds of country produce.— Also old metal will be taken in exchange for cas ting. harry up your old metal and country pro duce when any articles are wanted. It. C. MoGILL. A pr.23,'56.—1 y. New Goods ! New Goods ! I AT D. P. GWIN , S CHEAP STORE. D. P. Gain has just received from Philadel• phia a lrirge and beautiful assortment of railtrc WINTTR GOODS. consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, Chameleon & Fancy *Silks, French Memnon, All Wool de Loins, Persian Twills, Coburg CMth,Levella Cloth,Alpiteen, Debaiz, Madon na Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of Fancy Detains. Prints of any description. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, dress Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undersleeves, Chimazetts, Mohair head dresses. Gum Belts, Whalebones for Skirts, Silk and Linen Hose, French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls, and a variety of Fancy Goods too flamer°na to mention. 1 2 Also, Cloths, black and blue, black and fancy Cassimer. Cassinets, IC. Jeans, Vestings, Flan nels, Wt. Red and Yellow, Sack Flannels of all colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills, Nan keen, Linsey, Muslim., bleached and unbleach ed, Tithes, Checks, Table Ihaper, Woolen and Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin 2i yarns wide, Woollen Coats; Caps and Comforts, Woollen yarns cf different colors. Silk Bonnets al the latest styles of every color. Largest assortment in town and at prices that Cannot be beat. ALSO; Hats & Caps, of tha latest styles, Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE, QUXIIINSWAILII, Buckets, Tubs, Bat bets, Oil Cloths. Groceries, Drib() best quality, Salt and all goods usuallykept-in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods No charge for Thoking. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change forgoods, at the highest market prices. Oct. 1856. The Kansas Question Settle? PEACE RESTORED! BY latest arrival from the East, the subscri bers have just received and are now opening the largest and most judiciously selected assort went of Hardware, ever brought to Huntingdon. bur stock con. sista in part, of 'Building Mdterial, such as locks, hinges, screws, butts, glass, sits, and paints, (White lead, fire proof and zinc 'paints.) Mechanics , Tools, in groat variety ; including many new inven Lions and tate improvements. • We invite the attention of Saddlers and Coach-makers to ourlarge 4nd splendid steel:of Saddlery & Coach Trimming such as saddle•trees, gig -trees, selfadjustirig pad trees, hames, of 20 kinds, latest styles . of buckles, stirrups, &d :t Birthing Hog skins, pa tent and enameled leather, enameled muslin, coach lace, h übs, spokes, fellows, shafts, springs, axles, &c., Le. Ladies and housekeepers generally, will find it greatly to their advantage to call and exam ine our new stock of silver and common spoons, fine table cutlery, scissors, hellow•waro, lamps, patent sausage grinders, and all other house. furnishing goods ; including many new and use ful inventions. In our recent purchases, we have bought at such rates as enable us to sell even lower than heretofore. No charge for showing goods.— All orders promptly-attended' to. JAMES A. BROWN & CO. October Bth, 1836. LATEST ARRIVAL OF T'ala, atm VJUZIMLII tb®TO AT THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. 21An & DUNN hi jus receiedClectstocko; all aulvi;ter Goods, consisting of Dry Goode, Hard-ware, Groceries, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and shoes. willow-ware. Crockery-ware, atone and e9rthen Tin-ware, Ready Made Clothing always on hand, and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. BACON, SALT, I , ISII AND PLASTER, kept constantly ;or ball and exiimiuo our Goode and judge for ,ourselves. Allkinds of country produce taken in ox change for Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market prices paid for all kinds of Grain. Promptattention paid to storing andforward ing all kinde of merchandise, produca,&c. Huntingdon, Noy, 14, 1116. SCRIVENERS' OFFICE. The undersigned will attend to drawing Wills, Deeds,_ Mortgages, Articles of Agreement, Leases, Letters of Attorney, Bonds, be. De will also arrange and state Administrator's ac counts and attend to the passingof them before the Register. All will be done in legal form, and good style, and at moderate charges. JACOB MILLER. Huntin;clort, 20th January. 1867.-. N9itlMEtt6ll4eS at.l 41 ) 4T ) 41: 1 4 0 coNBTANTLY ON HAND.° 0 .00C.T.C.00.000A. " .1 6 4;4 j n2. I L, - - avkS v _ o A, 0 es Er , 0 JOB OFFICE 0 0 0 • 0 0 • OFTHEi 0 0 . 6 1IUNT. JOURNAL." o o a o The largest and best a C o l JOB OFFICE g 0 ° IN THE COUNTY:: o JOB-WORK 0 O 0 O OP 0 gigRIDC; 0 EXECUTED 0 0 0 A. Cheap as the Cheapest, 0 : avc) 1312 1 742% : A 0 THAN •0 '!! uu. o () PERFECT SATISFACTION IS t o ) 0 WARRANTED. o o All kinds of o LANK'S 0 0 IVC)CMTLIMPZi MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH A,BURR issq -- - -7MILL STONE, Corner of of Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand or made to order, the fol• lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills aud Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Duo. tors. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoop and Moulding Machines. Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. a WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr & Calico Mill Stones. ' Corn, Cola and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF Johnston 9 s Patent Cast Metal Con- §12.1 ; cave DEII East and South• East of the Ohio and Mississip. pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from 1 to 2} Its, of standard flour, which could not he bolted out on account of the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights r sccured by Letters Pa. tent as above, as prosecute all persons making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vie• lotion of the Letters •Patent of Joseph John. stor., dated April 24th, 1854. THOMAS B. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. R.—State and County Patent Rights fur all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. tf 4 11 Y BOOKS! 1 BOOKS! 40,000 VOLUMES of now and popular Books,embraeing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and many of them at half the Publisher's retail price, the subscriber now offers to the public. . All school books used in the . county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the ream. 100 superior Gold Pens with Sliver and Gold Cases, from $1 upwards. 100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers and others' best manufacture. 100 splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket Books at 20 ets. and upwards. 8000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of the attest and prettiest styles, just received from Philadelphia and Saw York, prices from 10 cis. a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and sold gilled Win dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards. The public I eve but to call and examine, to 'be convinced that in buying of the above stock they w,ll he pleased and also nave money. Re member the place, earner of Montgomery and Railroad street WM. COLON. Apr.23,'50. M. GRAFF. GRAFF & CO. WESTERN FOUNDRY; UNo. 124 Wood Street, • • PkITSBURG, PA. • MANUFACTURERS OF Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Grates & Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Portable Forges, Sugar, Tea and Stove Kettles, Wagon Boxes, &c. Nov. 26, 1856.—1 y, PILES! PILES! PILES I Are you suffering with the Piles, inwardly or outwardly? • If so, use Dr. Duprios' Celebrated Remedy. Warruuted to cure in all cases. The above i;' the only remedy that has ever cured effectually. city references and testi• moniuls given. If you have the Piles inwardly, ask fora box of Dr. D:l3 Pills—only 50 cents. If you have the Piles outwardly, ask fur a box of Dr. D:6 Ointment—only 50 cents. For sale by JOHN Roan, Iluutingdon, Pa. Juno 4,'56. Adams A; Co.'s Express. T. B. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, end good. °fall kinds, re ceived and forwarded at the rick Of the company, to all the cities and principaltowne in the United State May 1,.52. Dr. John McCulloch, Offers his professional services to the citizens ot Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. Hilde brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 185,5. Coom Ouse and Get Good Bargains 1! J. & NV. SAXTON gave received from the eae• tort cities au assortmeut of Silks, Shuw•ls, Tal mas, Dress Goode and Embroideries. They have adopted the motto—"quick miles and small profits." Give them u call. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. , Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. Dr. Komie.lY, or Roxbury, bat Aliseovered in ono of our common pasture weeds a remedy that CUM %WWI ERA Cff TREPOIAD from the worst scrofula down to a common pier He has tried it in over 1100 cases ' and never hilted except in two eases. (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over fwu hundred certificates of its virtue, ail within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the lave. Two ur three bottles will cure the system of Biles. - 1 7 t;o hottica aro warranted to aura the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to core nil humor in the EStes. . Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blothes among the hair.. Four to six bottles are warranted tp cure corrupt and running ulcers One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst ease of ringworm. Two to three ' , ogles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. . A benefit it always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. Header, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. 1 knew this! effect of it in every case. eo tare as water will extinguish tire, so sure will this cure humor.— I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another; after a trial it always speaks for itself. There tare two things about this herb thus appear to me surprising; first it grows in our pastures in some places quite plentiful and yet its value has never been known until I discovered it in 184 h—second that it should cure all LIMN of humor. _ . In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery. I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1834, I sold over one thousand per day of it. Seine of the wholesale Druggists who have been in business twenty and thirty years, say -that nothing in the annuls of patent medicines was over like it. There is a universal praise s: it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept-it strictly for humor—but since it introduction as a gen eral ti mily medicine, great and w tudertul vir tues have been found „in it that I never suspect ed. Several eases of epileptic fits-r-a. disease which was always considered incurable, have been cured by a few bottles. 0. what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all cacao sr that• dreadful malady—there are but few who have more of it than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of whom aged people cured bv it. For the vari ous diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dys pepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side, Diseases of the Spine. and particularly in diseases of tie Kid.) s, he., the di,wvery hes done more good' than any • medicine ever known. No change of diet over necessary—eat the best you can get and enough of it. 14uuscvions colt MM—Adults ono table spoonful 'per dav—Children over ten ears des sert bpuainfull—:Children front live to aught years teuspoonfull. As no directions cue he upplien. Ole to all constitutions, take sadi.tiont to over ate on the bowels mice it day, Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120, Warren St., Roxbury, Price $l.OO. T. W. Dyott, General Agent for Wholeside Agents.—N. V. City, C. V. Click ncr, 01 Barclay Street—B. H. Ring, 122 Broad way.—Rusliton and Clark, 275 Broadway.—A. & 1). Sands, 100 2 ulton Street. For sale by G. W. Brehm., kleVeytawo ; Mrs. Mary Marks, Lewistown; T, Read & Son, Huntingdon. And sold by Agents generally. May 28;56.-Iy. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE & WAGON M AN UFA C io ll p ' e E c i t l ful ß lv O i A till t i h s a tt l e fu p l ul f , l li r c p' in st get v e o rt r il , tl n i o a; he is prepared to manufacture at his shop un Washington street, on the property lately and for many years occupied by Alex. Cannon, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, GERMANTOWN WAGONS, and in short every kind of vehicle desired.— Roekuways and Buggies of a superior manufac ture and finish always on hand and fur sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds dons at the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 28, IRS6.—Iy. A SPLENDID FALL AND WINTER coavenn, ♦T THE HUNTINGDON CLOTHING STORE A. • WILLOUGHBY, HAS just returned from the east with a large and splendid assortment of Fall aced Winter Clothing, for men and boys, made in the latest lashion cop in the most durable manner. Who over want to be droned better and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at W•l.t.ouuttuy's CHEAP CLOTHING STone, one door west of T. Read & Son's drug gtore, Huntingdon. Call and no for yourselves Oct. 18, 1854. JOUN SCOTT, Seam. T. Duo 'Ali man wavozni f , Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa,, Office eame ae that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1853. MCA. P. ttalaeL3ml; ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'Willattend to all business entrusted to;bim.of lice nearly opposite the Court House May 5, '53 Something New at Huntingdon. The celebrated Centre County Iron fot salb at the following prices : Four ceuts per lb for common assorted from 4 inches square and round up. 4} cents fur Horse-shoe and Spike-rods, including 3 and I inches square, and 5 cents for Nail-rods, at the cheap store of CUNNINGIUM & DUNN DR. D. R. GOOD, Having located in Petersburg, Huutiegdon co., Pe.. respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of that place, and surrounding country. November 19, 1859.-in MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I TERMS OF, THE JOURNAL. BALTIMORE ..LOCK 110SPITAL. • TERMS I ... DOC TOR JOHNSTON. The "linwrixonort JounitaL" is published a rprlE founder of this Celebrated Institution, ho following 'atoll; I offers the most certain, speedy, and only If paid in advance $1,60 effectual remedy in the tooth! for Gleets, Stile- If paid within six months after the time of taros, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, 1 subscribing Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness If paid at the end of the year 2, 01) of the Back and Limbs, Affectionshl the Kid- 1 Ana two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till nem Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner- ofter The expiration of the year. No subscriptio, will be taken for a less period than six months, vans Irritability, Disease of the head, Throat, Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melon- , and no paper will be discontinued, except at the eholy disorders arising from the destructive option of the Editor, after it has went over the habits of Youth, which destroys both body and I time or subscribing, until the end of that rear, mind. Those secret and solitary practices are ! Subscribers living in distant counties,orin other more fatal to their victims shun the song of the States, will be required to pay invariably its Syrens to the inarinerlllysses, blighting their advance. most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering 10" The above terms will be rigidly adhered marriage, ite., impossible. to in nil eases. -..... ........,..........,... ... Toting Men, . ADVEnTISEMENTS especially, who have become the victims of Sol- Will be charged at lbe following. Hite.: itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, 1 insertion. 2to 3 do. which annually sweeps to an untimely grave si x lie„ or le„, $ 25 $ 37,1 $ 50 thousands of young men of the most exalted One square (16 lines,) 50 75 1 011 , talents, and brilliant intellect, who might oth- Two ~ (32 ,‘ ) 100 •t 50 2Ou erwise have entranced listening senates with i Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300 the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy , BusineAs men advertising by the Quarter, Halt the living lyre, may cull with all confidence. 1 Year or Year, will lie charged the following rates: Marriage ' 1 3 mo. 6 inn. 19 nun. _ Married persons, or young men contemplat One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00' wig marriage, being aware of physical weak- Twn ;Nun., 500 650 12 50' ness, organic debility, deformities, fix., should Three Elmira, 750 10 00 15 04 immediately- consult IX. Johnston. Four squares, it 00 14 00 23 00 He who places himself undtr the care of Dr. , in , o .q.nre,,, 15 00 25 00 38 00 Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as , Ten square., 25 00 40 00 60 OD a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill 1 Business Carla not exceeding air"; int ,, , One a a physician. year, $4.00. Organic Weakness. Agents for the Journal. immediately cured, and full vigoi• restored, The following persons we jutve appointed Agents • This disease is the penalty must frequently cur the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author /Ad by those who have become the victim of iced to receive and receipt for money paid on sub improper indulgencies. Young persons are too seiiption, and to take the names of new subscri apt to commit excesses front not being aware of bers-at otthpublished prices. the dreitdrul consequence that may ensue.— We do this for the convenience of our subsivi- • Now, who that understunthi the subject will pre- hers living at a distance from Huntingdon. tend to deny that the power of Procreation is i Join, Hollidaysburg-, lost sooner by those tilling into improper habit GEORGE W.VOICCELIUS;..dromweII township. Rum by the prudent. Besides being deprived IlEffnv HonsoN, Clay township. of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se- DAVID ETNIIIE, Cromwell township. rious and destructive symptoms to mind and be- . Dr.J. I'. Mucus!, Penn township, dy arise. The sys,tem becomes deranged , the J. WAREHAM Marren:, Franklin township, physical and incntal powers weakened, nervous SAMUEL. STEFFY, ' Jackson township, debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in- Col. Jteo. C. \Val's" Brady township, digestion, a wasting of the &mite, cough symp- , MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township, • toms of Consumption. • ' WM. HUTCIIINSON,Esq., Warriorsuntrh tp., Office No. 7, South Frederick Street, se- Moue. W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, ven doors from Baltimore street. East side, up NEUF, West 13arrec. the steps. Bo particular in observing the name ' JOIIN BALSBACII, IVnter-ir t. and number, at you will mistake the place. Maj. CIIARLES MICKLEY. Tod by.thship, A Cure warranted, in Two Days. ! A. BLAIR, Dublin township, NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS. GEoncg IVILSON ' Esq., Tell township, Dr. Johnston, JAMUS CLanu, 13irminghain. NarnaxictaLTTLE, Esq., Spruce ('reel..Memiter or the Royal College of Surgeon,, . Maj. W. Mounp, Alexandria. London, graduate from bne or the.most eminent B. F. WALLACE: Union Furnace. Colleges or the United States, and the greater I SISI , LON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township. part of whose life has been spent in the first that. ! Davio CLARKSON ' Esq., Cass township. pituls of Londory Paris Philadelphia, and else- I :..;AMEEL WIGTON, Esq., Franklin township. where, has effected some of the most astonish- , G , L ,„ ‘; silAmc, big cures that were ever known, many troubled DAVID AURANDT Esq., Todd township. with ringing in the bead and ears when asleep, • ii J. A LIItED SIUu6, Dublin tot •usi i t . great nervousness, being alarmed at .sudden sounds ' and bashfulness, with frequent blushing The "Join:NAL" liras 300 Subscri attenditd sonrethnes with derangement of mind', hers snore, than any -other Favor ! were cured itnmediately. 11l this county. A Certain Disease misossgsarm,77.sionlogyp When the misguided and imprudert 'wary ' . H. K. NEFF, M. D., of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this T I AVING located himself in Wanittottmaso: lo•inful disease. it to to. 0110[1 happens that ma • r i is this county, would respectfully utter his ill-timed sense of shai[e, or dread of discovery, professiunal services to the citizens of that plat, deters Wan from applying to those who from esl- ~,,,, th e euuntry adia ,,,,,,. multi. and respectability, can alone haricot] """ ...BENCE. Isiiii, delaying till the constitutional splint.. J. B. Laden, M. 5). Gen. A. I'. Wilson, of this horrid dike.° make their appearance, M.A. ll end ... fi, „ . Wet. F . orb ,. E,,i, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, ! J. 11. Durt4ey, „ • Lou. James Gw e n.. e ue tyroul pains in tits head and limbs, dinners , m. s tewart , ~ John Scott, Esq.- anus, sight, deafness, nodes on the slate tunes, anus, blutelses . tin: head, face and extrefnit7e ' ; L , I I "'' Gu°rg' Taylor, //oath., progiessing with fright's!' rapidity, till at last : ;Jacob M Gem:Dill, 51. D., Alexandria. the iodate of the mouth ur the bones of the nose this awful disease be. ip7,'52-, comes a horrid. object of commiseration, till ' • __ ! John 111'Culloa, . 4 l'tfroburg. fall iii, nod the victim of death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by , RAILROAD HOURIF sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns," To such. therefore, Dr. , 11,Aiss GUINO EAST.; Johnston lilUdges himself to itreserve the most Nail T. I Ex. T. I fife[ 't inviolable secrecy, and from his extinsive prat. Traits leaves P. M. A. M. 4 1'. 51. hue in the first hospitals of Strops and Arneri- , Petersburg. 2:40 3,38 9.90 ea, he can confidently recommend a safe and I Huntingdon, 3.03 :1.54 9.52 *needy earn to the unfortunate victim of this hot- .Mill Creel:, :3.10 4.04 • 10.01 rid disease. ' Mt. Union, . 3.33 .1.12 10.1 It is It melancholy fact that thousands fall via , . Tall:. Cif/MU West. tiles to this horrid disease owing to the unskil- I T ra i n 1,, : „. o , 1.,. m . A. It A. fulness Of ignorant pretenders who by the use .11 .m t. Imi t ,„ , d.,,,..; 7.02 12.: that deadly poison Mercury, ruit . the amid - Mill Creole 5.09 '7.18 12.4 tution, and either send the unfortunate potterer „ main don, .., 18 . 7.32 % 1.02 to . untimely grave, or make the residua of his .!t! g . , • _... 1.15 life mit erable. I etethburg, !. 0..4 74, 'rake Particular Notice. ' 'ER. Dr. J.. addresses all those who)urve injured INDUSTRY MUST PROS themselves by improper indulgencies. IT N. BALL respectfully solicits the attention These are some of the sad and melanchol , •of the farming community to a quality at y Plouglin which he is .w manufacturing; and All of produced by early habits of youth,. via t have ready fur sale ill a few days, be is glee pre- Weakness of the Bisek and Limbs, Pains in the pared to make harrows, wagons carts, wheel head, of of Si g ht ' L ' s of Mn "" 1 " P ° " - barrows, &c., site., and to do all kind of repairing er, Palpitation of.the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervws at the shortest notice, and in rho most substantial Irritability, Derangements of the Diges t a manner. Functions, lenersti Debility Symptoms of Con- Shopon N. W. conierut Montgusery and Wash , sumption, &.3. ' ingtun sts. NIEnTALLY—The fearful e ff ects on the mind Alarell 27 11325-0. are much to be dresitledk Loss of memory, Con fusion oh leas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For. bodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Loie of Solitatly, Timidity, &e., are some ethic evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages, caw now fudge what is the cause of their deelning health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pule and emacilad, bavii . singular amieuraum; the eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating 'Reme dy for Organic Weakness. By this great end important remedy, weakness of the organs is speedily cured and fall vigor re stored. Thousands' of the most debilitated and nervous, who iiad lost all hope, have been im mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar riage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner vous irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Doctor Johnston. Young Men, who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alune—a habit ftegtiontly learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when a sleep, and it' not cured renders Marriege impos sible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope ofhis country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence ot deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit Such persons before contemplating , Marriage. should reflect that a sound — mind and hody are the most necessary requisites to promote coons-, bial happiness. Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALT4MORE, MD. To Strangers. The many thousands cured at thin Institution within he last 15 years, and the numerous im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa pers, aud many other persons, notices of which have appealed again and again before the pub lic, in &sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already af flicted. Dr. Jolins'n deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with Ids reputation that his Diplomas always hang in his office. • OWL.. Novicc.—All letters must he post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sect. l'' A. P. WI t.sosr. - It. Button PETHIAIN WILSON & PETRIKIN, ./17'7'01LIV EYS .IT *Law, „HUNTINGDON, P.A. Practice in the several Courts of 11 unting4lon Blair, Cambria, Centre, Main and Juniata Coun ties. - March 23, 1853. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 11l library will be open every Saturday T ternoou, at o'clock, in their room in the Court House. Subscription SO cents a year. New Look's have been added to the former ex cellent collection.—Gilllillen's works, Hugh Miller's, Mrs. Ellet's rte. By order of the Pmident Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 1856. DISSOKUVION. THE partnership heretofore existing between Myton and Messer is by mutual consent dis solved, and all persons knowing themselves in debted to the said firm, will please call and set tle their accounts without delay. MY roN & MOSSER. Saulsburg, April 2, 1855.—tt Dissolution of Partutirbhip. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. The business will be carried on hereafter, by John Huyett, Jr., at the old stand. RoIImaCUNNINGHAM, JOHN lIUYETT, Jr. Oat. 31, 1855.—tf. Window Sash. J. W. Saxton have now on hand different kinds of Window Sash, and at much lower'pri• ces than can be made by hand. They will be able also to have Doors, Shutters, Blinds and everything necessary for building purposes, made at the shortest notice. liar A splendid lot of Fancy and Striped Silks, French Merino,Cashmere, Lyouese Cloth Robes, Feu!) , and Striped Delames, Persian Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col. hers, Undersleeves and Mitts,jull received and for sale cheap, by J. 8; W . SAXTON . ea-COUNTaIr DEALERS can buY CLOTHING from me in Hunthwd,on at Whole sale, as cheap as they can in cities, as I have a Wholesale st me in Philadelphia. Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN. BLANKS.-.Always buy your Blanks at the "Journal Oflice.” We have now prepared aye ry superior article of BLANK DEEDS, BOND}, JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXECI: T lON S, do.