Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 11, 1857, Image 3

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    " lir tkA
• • 311 tA 51,g3
A general assortment of Blanks of all de.
seriptiOns just printed and for sale al th,
"Journal °lke
Appointm't of Referees,. Common Bond,
Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes
Summons, 'endue Notee,
Executions, . Constabls s'Sales,
&ire. Facies, Subpoenas,
Complaints, Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages.
Commitments, Bond to idemnify Constable, &e.
Cheapest ""Job Printing" Office
We hare now made such arrangements in our
Job Office as will enable us to do all kinds of
.Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any. Office in the County.
'Give us a call. If we don't give entire satialac-
Ftion, no charge at all will be made.
- .1!! 7
The subscribers olfer at Public,Sale on li edgies.
day, the 25th day of March, 1857, the valuable
property known as
Located in the midst of the Juniata Iron Re•
giou, in Cromwell Township, Huntingdon Conn•
ty, Pennsylvania, on the State Road leading
from Chambersburg to the Penn'a Railroad and
Canal Station, tat Mount Union, about 10 miles
from the ; in the midst of a good
Farming community, where produce and labor
can be had at reasonable rates. The Stages
between Mount Union and Chambersbutg puss
the name daily. In connection with this For•
naeris about
Six Thousand acres of Land;
the greater part of which is well timbered with
good coal timber. The• Furnace is well sup•
plied with rich Trun Ores. There is a large
vein of Fossil within 200 purls of the Furnace;
a vein of Hematite onMhalf mile distant, both
of which tiro now in good working order, and
several other veins not now being worked. The
Furnace is also in excellent working condition
and now in blast. Persons wishing to purchnse
are invited to come and examine the property
before day of sale, when every information and
satisfaction In regard to same will be given.—
Terms easy, and made known on day of sole.
Also at the same time and place will he of.
fered the- following
4 Teams consisting of 24 head of large and well
broke Moles: 8 he ad of Horses, among tchich are
several excellent Saddle and Harness Horses; 30
setts of Wagon Harness; 8 Wagons (3 inch trend,)
o Ore Beds; 6 coal 21ed8; I Word Bed, and Hug
Ladders; 1 two horse .Wagon : 2 Carts, and Cart
Harness; 2 setts Blacksmith's Tools: I sot Cari,en
ter's Tools ; Ore Bankand Collier Tools; a frill sett
of Furnace Tools; 4 setts nj Steer Patterns ; 30 ten
plate Stores; I Cook and 2 Card Stoves; a lot gf dry
Folly Plank; Axletrees; Ilminds and Bolsters; new
and old Bur ham ALSO, a large stock of
1i1MA,100.03 S G.ROOE SINS
and u mak& or (wicks too Nitotts to eoraarr•<ae.
Side to continence at ii o'clock, A. M. I , fhaid
Jay, and continue front di, to city until all is
disposed of. ISETT, moToN t CO.
Rock Hill Furnace, March 4, 1 31.
Philadelphia Daily San, Lancaster Ex.
miner, Harrisburg Weekly Telegraph, Mutt.
bersbury Repository tC , Transcript, Lewistown
Gazette, out Hollidaysburg Whig, publish the
R bove twice, and Rend bill to this °thee lime.
Walnut .Street, South- IVest corner of Thin!,
Incorporated by the State of Penn
t ylvanta.
ra n nl Y i n te l t . . e e7t i p ' L e ti d .l iLam"yt sour
sla i ro g i F d deposit tosmall
the day of withdrawal.
The Office is open every day, from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock
All sums large or small, are paid back in gold
on demand without notice, to any amount.
Hon HENRY L. BENNER, President,
Wm J REED FleCreDll7.
Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth MMUS,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, loseph B. Barry,
Somuel K. Ashton, Hen. L. Churchman
lames B. Smith. Francis Lee.
This company confines its business entirely to
the receiving of money on interest. The invest
ments amounting to nearly ONE MILLION AND
A lIALF of dollars, as per published report of
Assets,.are made in conformity with the provi
. Mons of the charter, in Real Estate, Mot tgages,
Gruuml Rents, and such first-class securities, as
will always insure perfect security to the depos
itors, and which cannot fail to give permanency
and stability ot this old and well-established
Feb. 20, 1856.
[Estate qf Eathau Chileotl,
XTotice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
-111 ministration on the estate of Eathan
Chileott, late of West township, Hunting don
county, dee'd., have been granted to the under
eigned all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them for settle
Huntingdon, Feb.2s,'s7.—Gt.
Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved
and much improved Smut and Screening Ma
chine; Improved Iron Concave Dean Duster,
the Premium Machine for Millers.
Residence: No. 84 Queen St., (18th Weed,)
address Kensington Post Office.
Shup : llaydock Street. below Front, Phila.
Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Smut Machines
Patent Mill Bush,Portable Mills,
Stretched Belting, Cement
and Screen Wire,
Square Meshed Bolting Cloths.
40. Bushels Plllyereeed, just received *Da
le by J . k W. SAXTON.
Nos. 2 a 4 CHESTNUT ST., s'th aide below Water
(The Oldest Wood•ware House, in the City.)
ni Dealers in Pateut Muchinelnade Bro Oms,
Potent Gtooved Cedar Ware. warranted not to
shrink, Wood & Willow-ware, Cords, Brushes,
&c., of all descriptions. Please call and exam- ,
ins our stock,
HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French
Calf Skins, and General Leather Dealer,
No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia.
A general assortinent of all kinds of Leather
Morocco, &e.
[Estate of Philip Curfnian De 61.1
Whereas letters testamentary on the Estate
of Philip Curtmau, Jr., late of Union town
ship, Iluntingdon County deed., have been
granted to the undersigned p notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to said estate to
make payment immediately, and those having
claims against the same, to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
SARAH A. CURFMAN, J Executors,
mIIHREAS, letters testamentary on the es.
VV tate of David Jeffries, Into of the village of
Shade Gnp, deed., have been granted to the
to all persons indebted to said estate, to make
payment immediately, and those having claims
against the same, to present them duly Maher,
ticated fur settlement.
ALEX. APPLE BY Executors.
The NEW EDITION of thin valuable work,
which has long been in preparation is now pub.
HAM,- It forms one volume, imperial octavo,
of 1351 pages,--and contains an account of
the Lives of about thirteen thousand different
Individuals, more than two thousand of whom
were ekisens of the United States.
' The number Of New Articles in the present
volume exceed two thousand four hundred.
The publishers have determined not to far
ni4h the Work through the general Trade, but
to sell it excbmirely by arils.
. . .
The work is gotten up in superior style—and
an no library will be complete without it, a
most excellent opportunity is offered to any
person who desires to engage in a pleasant,
honorable and prr fitable business. Agents
are wanted for all parts of the country. They
will please address the publishers.
211 Chesnut at., Philacra.
Orphans' Court Sale
By virtue of en order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon County, there will be exposed to
public sale in Cassville, on Saturday, the 28th
day of March 'next; One undivided half of a
tract of
situate on Broad - rug, Huntingdon county, con
taining 55 ACHES, more or Icon, known as
the 'Rhode's' tract.
TERMS OF SALE :—One-third of the pur
chase money to be paidon confirmation of sale
at the April CJurt following, and the remain
der in two equal noneh payment, with inter
mit, secured on the ' , roper, in the usual man
ner. D. CLARK ON, Mister,
Estate of Robed Speer, deed.
The following property will he sold, without
reserve, on WEDNESDAY, the llthof March
next, at Rough k Ready Furnace', 17 miles
lrurn Huntingdon : on the 'Broad Top Railroad
viz :
One splendid six horse team, young and in
prime order, one tine horse do.; one brood
mare; one tine young mule team ; ive wagons;
one road bed; one cart ; 30 sets harness; a num•
bur of cooking and ten-plate stoves; ono milch
cow; nagon.maker's tools and stuff; furuace
and ore bank tools; barrows, scrap iron, and
other property too tedious to enumerate. There
will also be sold at the same time a fossil ore
bank, situated within a mile of the Railroad,
opened and in working order, with aslope of 70
feet of ore above the drift. A comfottable house
for a miner is erected upon the property. Terms
liberal. L. T. WATTSON. •
Just as expected, Purdy A Cm.
mer, have renied Spruce Creek
i Foundry, and you would be surpri.
• sea to see what a general assort
went of castings they are dealing out to the
public. 'Machine castings of all shapes and
sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges
and Furnaces, made to order, at shortest no.
tice and lowest possible rates. A good assort.
merit of Belle, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook
and Parlor, Wood and Coal, Ac., Ac.
. .
They are' also prepared to furnish the world
and "the'rest,of mankind" with the well•known
celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they
earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friends
including the former customers of this well•
known establishment.
Just call and see our stock if you please.
Feb. 4, 185t.-6m. Spruce Creek, Pa.
Til[llll2lll . _V 7 3 Nll2Mrif>
OFFICE removed to the rooms
kiadjoining the residence of Dr. I
R. Allison Miller, near the Pres.
byterian Church.
Jau. 14, 1857.—tf.
Ur 7`
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
B#IIPF. 8. delivers work to the cars. Ile has
alw rye ready made work cm band. All orders
by mail shall receive prompt attention.
Jan. 28, 1857.-6 mo.
O Sucks Coffee,just received slid for said
, Juvwholesale bUNNFNGRAM 6 DUNN.
40Ton. of Authricite Coal JIM* teceiV•d and
for sale by Cunningham Dinka.
trHE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon AND AMEMCA.
Mill, inform farmers and the public general. By S. G. Goonnicit, the veritable "Peter Par
ly, that they now have their new mill in roofing ley," author of "The history of all Nations"'
order, with all the modern improvements in the &c., &c. In two volumes;lso pp. large 12mo.
water wheels and machinery. 25 engravings ' including an accurate Steel
They have put in five of the Improved Jou- Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scar
val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in let Cloth, $3,00 ; Scarlet cloth, gilt eilges $4;
all stages of the water, ana during the coldest Half calf, marble edges. $5,00; Gilt EJges, 37.
weather, any and all kinds of grain.
This work embraces the prominent public ,
vents of the last halt contnry. both at home and
They are repared to sell, and have on hoed abroad ; complete anoabiography of the author
for sale at a r I
times, at market rates, all kind of
—hs early days, education, and literary career;
FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and an amount of original curious, and valuable
personal incident, anecdote and description, sel
and farmers can have their own g rain ground,
dom, if seer f met with in a single work. It i
and take it lima in a return load , or they can "arbor's ite.l "" "" k, and ""thing !"P"iur
it equal to it in blended amusement mid instruc
be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice tion, h. ever been published. Mr. Goodrich is
em equal quantity a Flour and Bran or chop.
, r the author and editor of 170 volumes, of which
ped feed.
I seven millions of copies have been sold ! and this or
TEE SIMIII7I. MACHINE the great wk of bin life time, embodies the con
is of an improved manufacture; and they will dented substance of his ample literary and prat
insure "FULL TURN OUT of superior quail. I tii4c:Oin.snliedrer 6,ll4dwiti;',,l.E:pgil.!:,n.adteinsollTet-;
ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill.
FISHER & McMURTRIE. the Hartford Convention, whose operations took
N. 13.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ; Pluco under his immediate ebsenutiun , and with
ready. most o f `" e lue,'"e.members u l w hi c h 6 o ""1'"u?
acquaint. E mbracing curious and interesting
Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. .
details respecting old Jellersoni. Democracy,
Old Federalism, and Connecticut Blue Lights;
curious and marvellous events connected with
the rise and progress of religious sects in the
United States; with descriptions of the French
Revolution of 1838, end Louis Napoleon's Coup
d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed.
Al so , a full neerdint of the 'Peter Purl ey's Tales,'
of which four millions have been sold.
In the course of the work will be found pen
and Ink portraits of over Two Hundred celebra
ted persons—Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Rings
Queens, Emperors.. Soldiers, Poets, Wits, En
thusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Dip •
lomntists, &e.—all described unto personal ac
quaintance or observation. For sale by
MILL Cukka, Hunt. Co., Pa.
Published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, No.
25 Park Row, N. Y.
Eneyclopedia of Animated Nature.
Living Nature in all its Forms.
rrlIE only book of its kind ever published,
1 . which gives Pictorial Representations and
Popular Descriptions of the history, habits and
modes of life of all the classes of living beings
on the earth, In the ocean and in the air. Uni
form retail price.
In One Quarto Volume 1350 Illustrations,
Muslin Hilt Back and Center, 53 00. The
Same—Marble Edge, Embossed Morrocco,
Gilt Back and Center, $3 00. The Same
—Extra Red Turkey Morrocco, Gilt Edges
and Full Gilt Sides, $5 00
Books upon almost every other subject have
been circulated among the people, except those
relating to the very interesting and important
one of Natural History. The books which have
heretofore been published on this subject, hove
been adapted, to mere children, or to those
who made it a thorough study. Bence, very
few of the millions of readers in this country
have, within their reach, anything satisfactory
upon this subject. This indicates a groat and
an obvious want, as no subject is store intense
ly interesting, and none more improving, thtin
that of the living beings that people the globe.
This waft we are confident we hilly meet, in
the work we here otter to the public.
Ijkir This Book is not for sale' in Bookstores
but can be ordered from us direct, or obtained
from our Canvassing Agents.
Published by
,Miller, Orton iv Mulligan, New
York, and for sale by
MILL Cnsoix,Hunt. Co., Pa;
DY virtue of au order of the Orphans' Court ;
D of Huntingdon County, I will expose to pub-
he sale on the premises, ou
IVEDNESDA Y, tie 18111 day of March,lBs7,
the following described Real Estate, to wit: i
A lot of ground situate in the village of Mar.'
klesburg, bounded and described as follows, to
wit Fronting on the southwest sixty feet on
the public road leading from Huntingdon to
Bedford, thence on the west running back one
hundred and sixty feet, bounded by lot of Dan
iel Harris to a street fifteen feet wide, thence on
the north sixty feet along the said street
by lot of Samuel Kerr, dee'th, and thence on
the east one hundred and sixty feet by the said
lot of the said Kerr, deed., to the said public
road the place of beginning, having thereon
erected a storynnd'athalf house, blacksmith
shop, stable other improvements.
'I EMS OF SAL - E.—The one-half of the
purchase money to be paid on the confirmation
of the sale, and the other half in one year there-
after, with interest, to be secured by the hoods
and mortgage of the purchaser.
of Thos. H. Gorsuch, dec'd.
Colds, Coughs, and
Mmis„ 20th b.c., 1905.
!m. d. C. ATKR: 40 not liemitnto Ws,
the ben I litre ever rotiti.l for
Cough., !unman., infnanrn, owl the
vurnwiMnt symptuniß of . cat, ix your
ennilnY l'En Wit %L. IN Colnnant line In
niy pmetlce awl my rumily ta• the lot
.ten ynn luvo eltnwn It to polasetut
. .
A. IL MORTLEY, Veg., of UTICA. N. Y., write.: lIRTII
mad yonr Prevottat. myself and In my family ever mince
you hire:dal it, mut honey° It the bent medicine for Its
pure se ever put out. With n haul add 1 should manna
pay twenty-five dollars fit a bottle than do without It, or
take any other remedy."
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza.
SPRINOTIRLD, 511xa., Feb. 7_, 1856.
BROTHER A ratt: t will cheerfully certify your PECTORAL
14 the howl retnody we posies', tbr the COM of 117 spin
the chest 4114011.4 e• of children. ,of
your fraternity to the South approelate your skill, and
commend your medicine to oar temple.
AMOS LE It, Eno., Ihrrreaer, lA., write., 9J Jan.,1866:
had a hullo. 'Mitten., which confined me in dares
aiE VE.N.RA; tank tonny medicines without relief; finally
tried your PECTORAL IT MO advice of our clorgymetn.
The find doet, ',loved the soreness in my throat mild
lotto; ICU than due half tho bottle 58811 me cool dourly
well. Your ntedielnas are the cheapest u weal me the heat
we can buy, and we esteem yea, Doctor, and your rem.
dies, as the poor ma, friend."
Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
WEST MAN, HESTER. PA., Feb. 4, 1858.
SIR: Your CIIRRRT PECTORAL Is perfernting marvellone
cures in this section. It Ilan relieved twvend from alarm
ing mytoptonut of consumptin, and is now vertu, man
who has laboted under an affection of the home for the
lent forty yearn. HENRY L. 1.1111(8, Merchant.
A. A. lIA3I9EY, 31. D., ALM., 111orturm Co., lowa.
mites, Mpt. 6, 1865: "During my practice of many palm
1 MVO folltitt nothing ennal to your CHERRY PECTORAL for
giving ORAO RIRI relief to comtumptivo patlouta, or curing
selclt LLlAnre (nimble."
We might add voletues of evideure, bet the most con•
educing proof of the virtues of this remedy Jis found in its
effects upon trial.
p r o * biy nn one rented 3 has eVer heel. known which
cured no mony nod ouch dengerone cameo se this. Some
no lumen aid con reach; but stun to them the Court
PEcronAL affords relief and comfort.
Aiwa hens', New Ynee erre, March b. 1850
Dome Aye. Lownee: Ifb It a duty RINI . ',lmmure
to Inform you what your CIIKRRY PECTORAL has dam' for
my wife. She had been tire months laboring nutter the
dungen'''s symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid
we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily
failing, until Dr. Strung, of this,city, when' we huva opine
for mirky, recommended a trial of your medielue. We
WAY his kinduess. II we do your skill, for she has ream.
MITI from that du y. She is not yet RR strung MI she used
to he. but Is free from her rough, and 111111 honed( well.
Years with gratitude and regard,
3115N11611Iittilli, or Sturtorm.s.
rbtotimplive, do not despair till you bare tried A. 11,5
CIIIRAT PEMBA, It It, made by 01le of tilt, best medieul
chemist. In the world, and Its cures 1111 around on bespeak
the high merits of it. PAihnkiphia I,edyrr.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Tilt: Chemistry and Medicine have been
taxed their ohm* to prod.ce thi. best. moat perfect
purgative which Is known to man. inutimerable proofs
are shown that these hare viatica which sampan in
excellence the ordinary medicitim, and that they win tim
precedentedly upon the esteem Drell men. They ere safe
and plemmut to take, but powerful to cum. Their pone.
Crating properties el. ol ate the vital ',Wein. of the body,
remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the bloat,
'and expel dlawee. They purge .tubo font hunkm which
tweed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or dia.
dared organ. Into their natural action, and import healthy
tone w:th strength to the whole 'piton'. Nut only do
they cure the every-day complaltda of every body, but
also formidable and danger.," diseases that have battled
the beat of hum. IVltile they prothwe powerful
effect., they are at the same Dine. diminished doses, the
mint and beat physic that MU be employed fur children.
Being sugar-comet), they am pleasant to take; and being
purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Corm
have been made which aurpam belief were they not Pub
eMutiated by men of such exalted position and character
aa to forbid the clinician of untruth. Many eminent
Clergymen nod pliyeichthe have lent their mune. to co.'.
fy to the public the reliability of My remedies, while nth.
ere 1111‘11 mut me the eseurance of their conviction that
my nreparetions contribute Immensely to the relief of my
afflicted, 'suffering fellow•men.
Tb.. rigout below named 1. pleased to funded' gratis 111,
Ammicaul Almoner, containlog directiMis for theu '. and
certificates of their Clll, of the following complaints :
Contiveneas, Milieus Complaints, Rhotimatism, Dropsy,
Heartburn, headache arising from fool Stomach. Nem
ilea, I ntligeetlon, Morbid inaction oils,. frowelellllll l'ont
arising therefrom, Flatulency, I.ttes of Appetite, all UN.-
on. and Cutaneous Diseas which require an eVItCIII2III
Medicine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purify
ing the blind and etimulatiug the system, QM' 11111113
eomplatala whloh It would not be soppiest they mild
reach, such ea Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia met
Nervous Irrinibillty, Derangement. of the Liver and Ebb
nays, Gout, and ,that kindred complaint. arising fmm n
low state of the laxly or obstruction of it. filmdom.
Do not Is put off by unprincipled dealers with !Mr
other pill they make more profit on. Ask for A van's
Slim, and take nothing e'er. No other they tan give
you compare. with this in its intrlthilo value or comb , .
powers. The sick want the boot aid thaws is ftir them,
and they should have It.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER,
Practical end Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mess
['ma 91) Cu. ma Box.. Hiss Box. rov, $l.
JOHN READ, Huntingdon, ani deniers in
medicine everywhere.
, o Pis much to say, yet Truth to say H.
No Library is Complete without it."
Testimony of Sixteen Thousand Pur-
Magnificent Work of History! A. whole Libra
ry in itself!
Cost $ll,OOO-70 Maps-700 Engravings.
Front the earliest period to the present time,
the history of every nation, ancient and mo
dern, being separately given. By S. G. GOOD•
mon, author of several works of History, 'Peter
Parley's Tales,' Sc.
It is believed that the above work will be ve
ry acceptable to the Anicriean public. It is the
result of years of toil and labor, assisted in his
researches by several scholars of known ability,
and has been got up at a great expense by the
proprietors. No pains have been spared in the
execution of the Illustrations and Maps, which
are prepared expressly for this work. Indeed.
all the other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich,
sink into insignificance, when compared to this,
the result of his riper and maturer years. It is
admitted that one hundred dollars could not
purchase the same matter in any other shape ,
and the publishers confidently expect, in consi
deration of the great literary value of the' work,
the large sum expended in preparing it for the
press, and the exceedingly moderate price at
which it is offered, that it will be lavorably re
ceived by every lover of good hooks. Mussy 01
our first scholars:, divines and gentlemen, who
have examined the work, have given it their un
qualified approbation and commendation, which
it richly deserves.
_ L:niforja Retail Prices.
In 1 vol. Torkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Gilt
Buck and Sides. $6,00
it o 44 i 4,, " Full
Gilt " " " 8,00
1c 2 cC Cc "
" " 7,00
CC 46 44 C 6 Gilt "
and Full Gilt Sides, 10,00
" " Heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprinkled
Edge 6,00
Many of our Agents having been told when
soliciting subscribers, that this work would soon
ho sold in Bookstores, and at a reduced price,
sea hereby give notice, as Solo Publishers of it,
it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price,
and will be offered by our canvassing Agents
only, who have the solo right of sale in their re
spective districts except that where we have
nut appointed an agent, WE will send copies by
mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United
States, upon receipt of the retail price.
N.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over
four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail,
but the two volume copies can be mailed as two
Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Publishers, No. 45
Palk Row, N. Y. For sale by
MILL Camas., Hunt. Co., Pa.
AlLeine 112C111111121011.
And a large assortment of other books may be
had, very low, by addressing
Mitt CREEK, punt. Co., Pa.
The foregoing work , can be had of Geo. Berg
stresser only, who is the Canvassing Agent for
'hie county, and who will shortly eaU on the
citizens of the county.
J. & W. SAXTON are now receiving their
1 Second Fall and Winter Stock of
New and Fashionable Dry Goods !
Enumeration is unnecessary, bet what every-,
' body says must be ttue--snd:eseribiairaftye
the place to find the beet assortment of:pry.
Goode, in these parts, is at
J. 1. W. SA.X.TON'S.
Deo.lo '66.
List of Outstanding
Due at Settlement with the Auditors, for
e /tee Names,
rf,trush ips.
Walker, 1811. A. 13. ISangarno,
Union, lt,W. James Hampson,
Franklin, 180. Jobe H. Stonehraker,
Jackson, 1818. David S. Bell,
Tod, 1851. Jesse. Cook,
West, " Charles Green,
Walker, 1853, John Coulter,
Henderson, 1853. Luke Vociorbees,
Cass, " Joshua Greenland,
Franklin, 1851. John Laport,
Barren, " William Couch,
Brady, " John McDonald,
Cromwell, " Michael Myers, •
Porter, " William B. Shaw,
Walker, " Joseph Douglass,
Barren, 1855. John Smith,
Cromwell, " David Etuier,
Franklin,* " Alexander Ewing,
Hopewell, ' " John Beaver,
Jachson,l• ' " Thomas Osborn,
Morris, " Abraham Isenberg,
Todit " Benjamin F. Baker,
Walker, " Jobs Thompson,
Wurriorsmark, " William Wray,
Burree4 1856. Joseph Forrest,
Bratly,t " George Rupert.
Coss,t " Samuel Pheasant,
. n
Casseille, ." Nicholas Corbin, w
.. ... .... .
Clay,t ' " David Heck,
Crumwell,' " Frederick Harman,
Dub " Jacob Hunt,
Franklin,t " Samuel Wigton,
Huntingdon,' " William Rothrock,
Hopewell,j• " Jacob Summers,
Jackson,f " Solomon Hamer,
" B.F. Wallace,
Penn,' " George Garner,
Porter,f i 0 JoheN. Swoops,
Shirley.' " Joseph Miller,
Shirleysburg,t " Benjamin Long,
Springlield,t " Jacob Booker,
Tell,l- " Samuel Iluckedorn,
1 .061 ,t " A. J. Dunlap,
Union,f " David Pheasant,
Walker 4 " Joseph Isenberg,
Warriorsmarkt" Henry Grazier,
West,t ' 6 William Moore,
*Since paid in fun.
'Mince paid in part.
Given undor Seal of Mike, 10th January,
February 11, 1857.
oirooktial SALV.
Dl' virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
D of Huntingdon County, I will expose to pub.
he sale on the premises, on
Wednesday, the ISth of March, , 51,
the following described real estate, to wit
A lot of *mild situate in the village of Mar.
klesburg, bounded on the south-west by the
public road leading from Huntingdon to Bed.
ford, thence on the west by lot of Thouls Gm ,
such, deed., to a street fifteen feet wide, and
thence on the north by the said street to an al
ley, and on the east by the said alley, to the
place of beginning, having thereon erected a
story and a-half house, a cabinet•maker's shop,
stable and other improvements.
Two other lots, adjoining, unimproved, in the
said village of Marklesburg, bounded on the
south-west by the public road leading from
Huntingdon to Bedford, thence on the west by
a lot of Julia E. Kerr, to a street fifteen feet
able, thence un the North by the said street, to
a cross street, and thence on the east by the
said cross street, to the place of beginning.
One-third the purchase money to be paid nn
confirmation of sale, and the balance in two
equal annual payments with interest, to be se•
cured by the bond and mortgage of the purcha
ser. •
of Samuel Kerr,.dec'd.
_ _
Cad GI~I~J 7/C1242111
A New Assortment Just Opened !
And will be sold 30 per cent.
ROMAN respectfully inrorms his rusts
-I-10 niers and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room in Market Square
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
made •
Clothing for Fall and Winter.
which he will sell cheaper than the smile quality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
which will he sold lower than at uny other ca•
tablislinient in the county.
Huntingdon Oct. 8. 1856.
No, 191 North Third St., above irooa, Flaila.
ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate
Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cakes, Clem Chocolate, French Tcys, White
Sugar Toys. &c., &c.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fit
bells. Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack
ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can.
dy, &c.
The attention or Dealers is resented to an
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to any in Philadelphia,
N. B.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt.
ly attended to.
A trg.6,'s6.—ly.*
COMMlllMtatti $4llOOl.
Has been removed to a large and commotli•
ous room in the "Town Hall," and is open day
and evening for the reception of Students.—
The course of instruction, embracing Single
and Double• Entry Book:Keeping, is accompa•
nied by daily Lectures on Commercial Sciences.
A department has also been opened which is
devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by
Prof. Monaisox, of Pittsburg.
Lectures on Comn3ercial, Law, Ethics and
Political Economy are delivered periodically
to the students by members of the Huntingdon
For any other particulars, address personally
or by letter T. R. POLLOCK, Principal.
Assistance given when required in opening
and closing books. [April 2,1858.-Iy.
James Murphy, in account with the
Zuntingdonliounty Poor *onse•
To 60. Treasury, tor orders drawn at sundry
times, $2194 17
"lie W t . . G. W.Sletiffer, rent &c., re•
euived from
" J. Brewster, for 56 lbs lard sold him 7 00
" J. B. Kidder, for 54 11,10100, 6 75
'" Rev. 0, W. Shaiffor n for'eash,reo'd •11 37*
Cast, ticeirecl from a pauper, 1 60
" Blair Co., Alms Bowe for cash roc'd 10 60
" 1:), W. 0. Baldwin, for pauper labor 100
" Samuel Backus, Esq., cash for fines, 366
the Tear 1856.
Slate I'a.. Militia Fines,
County Tax,
)5 14
37 81
49 34
123 56
70 70
27 07
377 03
140 20
225 32
136 60
49 76
123 01
282 07
260 26
117 43
54 47
16 08
101 92
106 26
74 14
28 09 .
927 59 563 44
557 07 518 14
103 32 88 01
7 70 47 68
234 67 123 24
700 60 378 03
364 71 270 09
1481 85 942 02
1289 66 618 28
109 65 61 25
8271 28 739 54
901 30 461 32
478 47 270 00
1706 57 1001 66
1181 83 746 18
169 95 56 89
193 39 80 88
320 G 7 316 72
680 06 488 74
231 94 180 31
1045 51 741 26
768 53 300 78
1746 98 921 60
$9944 06
" Laucaste Poor House, fur rash,
"D. Bergstrresser, cash refunded, Cr-
ror in settlement. 11 00
" Wm. Giles, Esq., for cash for tines, 2 138
" K. L. Green, 3 axe handles sold him 31
" C. Wigton, cash for 1 pair gloves, 371
" Westmoreland Co. Alms House, for
keeping Susan Davis,
" $l. G. Collins, foe coopering, 30
" Mrs. C. Fruiter, for cuw sold to her, 20 00
" Wm. Bell, pauper for his land war-
runt, 80 acres, 9 . 0 e. per acre, 72 00
" Abm. Lewis, for horse sold to him, 50 00
By sundry Expenditures, /or nee of House, ,l c.
By ballance due at last settlement, as pirstate-
mont, $433 02
" J. Lutz, for bill printing per recp't, 3 00
" A. Lewis, freight on Lamb's goods, 4 25
" J C. Sealers, for charges on do. 2 6 -
" Samuel Bowman, for lot of carpent
er s tools '
" dona. Davis, for stocking yarn,
" Rob't McCormack, for labor done,
" Isaac AleDonathen, for shoemaking,
" Cash paid for shaving soap,
" Walker & Bons, for doz. Iron bed.
" Cash paid for„use of House, 2 En.,
66 6.
" R. Lamb, for cash sent to N. York
to redeem her goods, to 00
" L. A. Myers, carpenters work, bat, 1 40
" Cash paid for use of House, .._
I( lt it • ("
" Mrs, Smith for stone crocks, I 00
" Sam'l Curts, for altering hogs, 88
" Cash paid kir use of house, 112,{
4 . Ellen Smith for kitchen labor, 1 00
"John Smith for removing graveyard, to 00
" Wm. Plum, for assisting in do. 3 00
" Cash paid fur use of House, 08
. 44
..4 64 44 35
" 7. McDonathan for shoemaking, cash
on account,
" D. Bergstrasser, for leather, on act.,
" Ab. Miller, for whitewashing, debt
of 1855.
Cash paid for use of House,
" Samuel L. Glasgow, fur printing,
" Cash paid for use of House,
John C. &elder ; for thight,
" Eph. Doyle, Mr each paid on sun'ds.
"Jane Hagons, for kitchen labor in full
" Cash paid for use of House.
" Doyle, for repairing furniture,
" Sarah Burket, for interest on draft,
" 1. llellonuthau, shoemaking, on ae't.
in lull,
" Mrs. J. Templetm, for cash paid in
full, debt 01 1855,
" Abu, Caruthers, for cash paid bal.
lance of account,
" J. C. Sechler, freight on bedst'ds, &c.
" Cash paid for uncut House,
" A. L. Rickets, fur plank per hill,
" Expenses for attending Hunt. Co.
Ag:Fair, .
" Cash paid for ale of House,
" J G. Long, for advertising &c. ,
J. C. Seeger, for freight, 1 72
" John Lutz, for Horse Ointment, 20
"I. McDonathan, shoemaking on net. 570
" Samuel Bucher, for stocking yarn, 2 25
" Cash paid for use of House, 1 20
"E. Hoyle, cask paid for coffins on ac. 500
" Cash paid for use of House, 2 En., 1 26
" Allowance for Raising dead bodies, 25 00
" Mrs. Hoover, for stocking yarn, I 20
" Mrs Mc/I ite, ditto 2 621
" Cash paid for um of House, 91
Peter Burka, for ballanee of uce't in
full, debt of 1855, 3 02
"E. Doyle, for cash paid on ac. (cot.) 15 00
" Cash paid for use °Mouse, 25
" Walker & Sons, Phil., doz. beds'ds 42 05
" Wm. Colon. for Purdores Digest &c. 6 , 62
" Cash paid for use of House, 2 En., 2 90
" Use Horse & Buggy for use °Mouse
21 years, &r.,
Marg't Mosey, for cash paid at sun
dry times, kitchen labor,
"James Anderson, for money paid on
Horse. 1855,
Hanjamia Boyle, ' for money paid on
acct. 1855.
17 00
" Cash advanced for ace of Bowe, in II L
1955/ omittted at last settlement. 50 nO
" Bill of shoes furnished for use of P., 16 06
" Sundry furniture for use of Ilimac,
bought of him at leaving, 52 00
" AllowaPve Made for use of same, 26
years, 40 00
" NVm. Pier, farmer, for cash paid him
at sundrrtimes, 159 26
" Jno. McKinsirey, for taxes paid him. 195
" Dr. 3,A. Shade, for 1 wagon 8; bed, 95 On
" E. M. Lutz, for straw, 150
"J. B. Foster, for cash paid on IL tax, 5 01:1
" A. H. Lars, for set plough harness, 1 75
" Hall & Spear, Pitts., for 1 plow, 15 95
" John Garbe r,lor 3 bus. seed point's, 155 1
" J. McKinstry, for hay ladders, 2 50
" J. Arnold, for labor on farm, '55, 7 65
" John Lcng, for school tax, 14 90
" Jelin Foster." road taxes, 4 22
" Cash paiiliiir repairing plow, . SIJ
" James MoKinstry, V bas. rye, 4 50
" George Swine, for 1 plow, 13 33
.. Cash paid, tor.nund. for ass of farm ; 2.25
" H. L. Cook, Git 22} bus. cora, 11 at
6 , James NteDouell. for 1 how, 1i o UV
35 79
" Asher Drake, for lahor nn farm,
" Samuel Cats, for altering hogs,
John Borne, for labor on term,
" Doyle, Fouid, /1. Co., I tom dun. ;
and expenres,
" John Long for school and road taxos,
‘. 1). MeKillip, for making pont and rail
" Bucher & Porter, for keeri2i; Juno
Morgan, O. D.
lA'Allarer, ditto ?Ara. MrNab,
" George &linens, do. the Linn fam
ily. Balance,
" Lanvin& Chilcote, do. Jar:. Emery,
" J. Luce, for med. and attendance on
Jane Irwin,
" J. liAly keeping Polly Kelly, a. & p.
" Baml Thompson, for dig. grave,"
" K. Patterson, keeping ftencer,
" Susan Yingling, " E. Taylor; "
'• D. J. Mitz, & Son, fur medv cud at.
per Wilson Meradirk, 0. d. p.,
"'A. Harrison; Esq., kir keeping Hicks
and family,
"Jacob Lana, fordigging grave, perJ.
Hockenberry, o. d. p.,
" M. F. Campbell, for burying L. Null,
" J. Gray, keeping and at. J. Burin,
" Blair Co. A. H., for keeping Mar.
Creswell, o. d. p.,
" Cash pd: for exenzer, going to thin tingdon,
tingdon, on O. . business,
" do. do. do. do.
0 do. do. do.
. do. do. do.
" do. do. do.
" do To Huntingdon end Pet'bg,
.. do. expenses ertending to e. cr. 69,
. do, do do do
. do. do do do
" do. for visiting 0. 1). Paupers,
do. for attencluig to o. door banjoes.,
" do. do do
" do. do
do 2 En.,
" do. do
" do. do
" do. Going to Hunt., to attend suit,
" do. attending to 0. 1). Busium,
" do. do do
Wm. Christy, for attending J. Iler.
o. d.
J. P. Forliee, med. for Crawford u. p.
By Dr..l. McCulloch, fur visit to see E.
Chambers, o. d. p.
do Daniel tic Gabey, for keeping it.
Chambers, o. d p.
do 11. Fester, for keeping D. Zent, bal.,
do Rob't Gill, for judgment on Esq'r.
Snare's docket,
do John Simpson, for delivering 3 pau
pers, to Huntingdon,
do Wm. Jordan, for deify. 7 p. to I'. 11.
do 1). Snare, Esq., for official fees; or -
der& for relief, &e„
53 00
38 00
de Exp. deliv. ipanper to State L. .0.. II II
do Cash paid for delivering pauper, 50
do do for deli, 31'. Walker tp., 5 10
do do do 2 Tod tp., r, 77
do do do P. from Huntingdon. 871
do do for sending sway paupers, 325
do do removing Marg't Hays from
Blair CO. Alms House,
do Exp. for sending away pauper,
do do do do
do du for going to Harrisburg,
do do for sending away pauper,
do Sirs. C. Fraser for cash paid receiv
ing and sending away paupers,
do Expenses for sending away pauper,
By expenses for sending away pupal.,
do. Isaac Port for delivering I pauper,
do. Expenses for rem. , log 1 do.
do• do. for sending 1 pauper to
Huntingdon. Hatfield,
do. Ex. for removing from Blair Co. A.
House Cresswell,
do. D. 'Teague, Esq., official fees, ord.
do. Ex. tor removing pauper to House, 100
do. T. Homy, delivering l pauper, 4 77
do. Ex. for going to Harrisb'g andLan•
caster, 12 9C
do. A. Harrison, Esq., for official fe cc, GC
do. Ex. for sending away pauper, 70 ,
do. do. do. do. 021
do. Mrs. C. Esker, stage fare for path, 25
do. do. do. do. I 75
do. John Grafts for removing 1 pan., 673
do. St. Lu. As. keeping T. Conaway, 63 5;
do• do. do. P. Henderson, 32 '57
do. do. do. W. 11PFerran, I4n
do. do. do. T. Conaway, 44 05
do. do. do. J. Witter, July 13, 64 12
do. do. do. do. to Dec. 21, 4.1 69
do. do. do. MeFerran in fall, 460
do. do. do. R. Ilentlermn, 34 u
do. do. do. Jacob Wisqr, 4
do. J. R. Hunter fur socks for paupers,
do. Waterman 'Fr, Youtig, 2 bbl. meek.
do. W. Hart for hauling mer. from river,
do. S. L. Glasgow, foil do. ballauce,
do, D.l.lmhonlioar for hallance on beef,
do. David Knepp for beef; bal. debt '23, 4 __
do. S. 1). Elliott kir bacon, 24 Su
do. Samuel M. Eby for bacon; debt '55, 1 66
(10. C. S. Elliott, bacoli and ap. butter, 710
do. do. do. per bill, 21 26
25 00 :
21 50
$2485 68i
42 00
3 20
1 10
ARY 6th 1857.
To sundry persons,
101 bus. wheat, 24 bus. buckwheat, 221 bus.
oats, 470 bus. corn in ears, 224 bus. potatoes,
6.1 bus. onions, 2 bus. boots, 1954 lbs •wrlt, 23
loads of hay, 4 loads corn fodder, 200 bends of
mottle of the Poo• House Jim the Year 1856.
47 dresses, 37 chemise, 35 aprons, 26 sun bon
nets, 63 pair socks, 35 pair stockings, 20 sacks.
18 skirts, 20 night caps, 87 shirts, 12 pair mit
tens, 28 pair men's pants, 7 pair boy's pant's,
3 boy's rounabouts, 4 dos. towels, 17 haps, for
beds, 11 chaff ticks, 21 sheets, 8 shrouds, 4/
bus. dried apples, 130 lbs hard soap, 350 gal.
soft soap, 650 lbs. of butter, 300 lbs. candles.
3 doz. brrad baskets, 42 split brooms, 15 corn
brooms, 36 axe handles, 12 coal baskets.
STOCK ON HAND, January 6th, 1857.
horses, 1 yoke of oxen, 7 milk cows, 14 stock
cattle, 2 breeding sows, 28 stock hogs. 37,i bus.
wheat, 40 bus. corn, 80 bus. oats, 14 bus. buck
wheat, 120 bus. potatoes, 16 tons of hay, 3
loads corn fodder, 4500 lbs. pork, 1500 lbs. hi.,
0 tons stone coal, 1 wagon, 1 cart, 3 ploughs,
cultivator, 1 harrow, 1 windmill, 663 lbs. lard.
Hoeae on the WA January, 185 L
32 males, 29 females, aggregate, 61. 8 of these
are under 10 years of age 2 from 10 to 29 :
6 from 20 to 30 ; 10 from 30 to 40 ; 6 from 40
to 50 ; 6. from 50 to GO ; 7 from 60 to 70 ; 11
from 70 to 80 ,• and 5 from 80 to 90.
NATIVITY.—Of the above, 27 were born in
Huntingdon county ; 16 elsewhere in Penn :
7 elsewhere in the United States; 8 in Ireland;
3 iu Germany ; 1 iu Scotland, and 1 in Eds•
50 00
46 011
40 00
Included in the above list are 4 persons of
color, tiz 2 men, 1 woman and 1 boy.
INSANE, 8, viz : 2 men and B women.
IDIOTIC, 8, via : 4 men and 4 women.
In testimony of the correctness of the oho,:
accounts, we have hereunto set our hands,
this sth day of February A. D. 1857.
We the undersigned Auditors of the County of
Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we have
examined the orders, Sc., of the Directors of
the Poor of said County, and find the same
together. with the vouchers to he correct, as
above stated. Witness our hands, this sth
day of February, A. D. 1857.
Feb. 11,
4 4:
1 11
;-,:;` 5 ,
17 7,
LI 1,4
4 09
13 50
2 50
2 95A
1 12A
1 20
91 i 00
I I 2
9 07i
2 00
18 50
1 00
1 44.
$2455 68
$122 9;