Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 25, 1857, Image 3
Anittingbn *runtal. NEWS ABOUT ROME., --.e•e-- For Mc Jounitil. MESSRS. EDITORS :••••As the public mind is becoming awakened 'to the necessity of adop. Ling some plmr to render the system of Com. ' mon Schools inure efficient, and l'er HOMO of the • citizens of Huntingdon talk of resuscitating the Academy, I have thought the publication of the following letter from Wm. V. Davis, Princi- pal of the Lancaster High School, might throw some light on the subject, and aid iu directing • public sentiment in the right channel. Mr. Davis is recognized by the friends of ovation over the whole State, no one of the most experienced, popular nod successful Teachers in the Commonwealth. Permit 'Me to enquire whether the amount of money paid annually by the citizens of the Boning!' of Huntingdon lee educational purposes, as school tax, salary of the Jimmie teacher in Seminary, amounts paid for boys cent out of town to Aeadetnies, by pa• tents and guardians living in the borough; add to this the cost of proposed building, Lc., to start the Acadcmy—would not all this thrown together Make a fond of nearly live thousand dollar's a year ; and would not this amount be sufficient to pat. into sueeesstul operationthe system of graded schools, such as they have in Lancaster. Washington and other places. • Yours truly, .D. B. LANCASTER, Feb. 11, 1857. D. SLAM. ES Q.: • Dear .4f. .'L--13y a "Union School" in my last to you, I meant one similar to the High School of this city, and elsewhere. In such a school, boys and girls of the proper age and qualifica tion are admitted, free ,f dative, and who re vive a good and Substantial education. The JiTerent languages, such as Latin, Greek, French and German, together with Music and Drawing, are taught to the children of such pn rents as desire it. Now to ex/at/id/a a school of this character, in your place, it would ho neces sary fee those pumons,: who might desire their bons to study tho languages, or their dp,m_rhiers to learn ittusie, etc., to agree to pay a sum in addition to their regular Sehir tax. Besides, boys front the county or elsewhere might he Permitted rmitted toent, upon paying a specified stun. SUM which your citizens would.havc to pay to keep up a classical 'School it) } - cur , Acade my would t., ouwl, than sulticinat to establish a “17nion Saliool:' Your .I.ntrotigh tax, I,..dre sume.,.would justify a salary of 5110 or COO larxto du! Principal el suet, a.sehool. 'rho great advi:nta;e of a 4 'l:Mon School' IA that it renmvea that ludividnom distinction be. tween the rich and poor its a community. and unites all in the support of wet good s e h ei d. Our school here werica admirably, and the whole city is muted in its snpport. The tax here, hirmer, is satEeient to defray all expensii,i, witniiat an extra nie, mile, up. alt 111. , 00 or the city. In Wit,liititsai, Pa., and in loam/ other townaprey hate oro'shtd suitable building-sand hays a School al this chanteter. The children pars regularly through the Prim ary and 'Secondary schools, and those properly ipmlified then ante!' the ltiglt `'School. Hymn. citizen; think of coatis_ it new why not put up in. capable of accommoilming till your children, :tale teal female, and have them all carefully trained and instructed,under the liapervision of ono .head ? .1Y ith three or four pond female assistants I could teach all the chil dren you bave.of au ape suitable to study grate !ear, geography and arithmetic.. 1 say Amide assiatants, because abetter article as a teacher can be procured of that sex at a less coat. It wonld coat, in your Academy, nearly $lOOO to sustain a small lirllool at' buys. Yon tell me it ousts $5OO to teach 25 girls! . There is common oort, h on urged by many parents against a "Uni en Sch.s.l,” viz: that it brings into contset withqhcir children the ri chte and worthless. This is not correct. The Aaracter of the studies pursued by the different classes regulahs this matter. A poor man's son may, for instance, take up the study of La tin—bat should he do so, he is always such a boy, that nu person would object to their chit dres associating with him. The same remark is applicable to the girls. In all my experi ence 1 have found this to be the fact. In our largo school .of 230, mule mid female, every thing is conducted with more propriety and greater attention to everything , which the most fastidious might • demand, than in the private schools with which have bees connected ; and .1 am certain, with much more metho. is our female seminaries. I have thrown thi,e remarks together in great haste, and 'written them with a bad pen. Thanking you for your kind attention to my lust, I remain, Yours truly, IV. V. DAVIS. L 211744 EoucATiusAL.— Editors:—Having lately attended a meeting or the teachers of Morris and adjoining townships, together with a number or other friends of education, held in Shaltersville, near Water Street, io this county, commencing on Fridav the 13th inst., and con tinning in session till Saturday evening follow ing, 1 have thonght that a short account'of the same, together with a few thonghts suggested in the occasion, might not be uninteresting to your numerous readers, aad theretbra subunit the same for your ethtsideration ' all tn. a part of which you ate at liberty to publiSh if you think proper: The me,ting teas organized by appointing William Wieman President and MreJohn Shaffer Viee-Prwitlent, Mr. A. R. Miller being Secretary of the Association., and opened with prayer by Rev. S. Reid. An oration was then delivered by A.R. - Miller, subject, 'lle influ ence and reward of the teacher,"a copy of which' was requested for publication; after which rho us' iect for discussion was anuouneed, !The mt. duties of teachers, :elm) direetnrs and . parents. , • Mr. R. MoDivitt being reqn voted lb . open the subject, responded in un address (dame length ' and was followed by 1). F. Tussey, Rev. S. 11, Reid, A. It. Miller, .1. D. Brown, W. 0 utinaN G. I'. Eldrige and other; the remarks being somewhat leugthr occupied. th e attention of the AssOciation untif ' a late hour, When, - on ditlttin adjourned to meet at it o'clock on Satarday morning. SATURDAY MORNING SESSION. Or ,, aniaid by apointing Mr. Win. Walters to the chair thedispute of thu President. Sublet of iv:telling Unography, opened by A. I{. }liller t and continued by Messrs. thethes, Sharrar, Lat-han, 13. F. ltrotyft, Outman,. \thin, and MeDiritt. Soule 'very appropriate remarks were also made by the eintippatr at the t e of the Session, when the AS,ociaiiou ash journal to tucettn tit 'adleinutin ut AIITEI:NOUN 5i.:66165. 'Vito subject of teaching, Atithmetie . was open. ed by Mr. TosSey, who illustrated his method of teuching-Mental and written arithmetic, and as 3to evidence of its efficiency introduced one or hi 4 pi ilu,, Al4of as ,years uf, ago, wime en. tire 'readiness in suiting correctly :Lila, almost instantly all questions proposed, is mental and written arithmetic, astonished nll present. I have frequently visited School Exhibitions, so called, And have seen pupils of almost every are introduced on the stage r to stammer over, in a hurried and awkward manner, a "piece," which has cost weeks of labor, and tune, to the exclusion of other more valnableittidiee, *lieu perhaps that same pupil Lad never been taught to connect two original ideas and 'commit :them to paper. and hove been convinced of the fart that the time so spent had been needlessly and eritninally. wasted. We are told, howeVer, by the advocate:l,of this sy;tem,,that they,are i t c. pessary in Ord* to discipline the mind—to ac quire habits of self-reliance, and a ready com mand of language; but here was a boy, a mere child, before an audience, computed almost en tirely of strangers, with the most perfect self confidence, without betraying the slightest em barrassment, and scarcely pausing for a reply, solving problems without difficulty, that would have tested many a atom mature mind, an evi dence of what . may lie accomplished by a skil ful and laborious teacher, with an intelligent rind industrious pupil, far inure convincing to site the least of it, than any of the popular school exhibitions I ever witnessed. It must be remembered also that Mr, T. has received n course of instruction at the Millersville Normal School, and this fact speaks volumes in favor of this Institut*. In the language of his Ex cellency, Coy. Pollock, ''just so lung as mind and intellect, with their far-reaching energies are superior to the things of earth, so lung will lustittitiunxof this. character be known.aud,ap prociated." The remarks on this subject were participa ted in by all the teachers present, and a free in terchange of opinion on the different methods of teaching suggested, wee elicited, together with many appropriate and useful remarks, which want of space compels me to pass by, but which I should be happy to notice more at length. The session on Saturday evening was opened with prayer by lb, McDivitt. A similar meet ing wtts then appointed at the "Loop" School house near Alexandria, to commence on Fri day evening .20th inst., and one at Mechanics ville, Franklin tp., on the 27th. Mr. Tussey tl;en introduced to the audience Master S. P. McDivitt, (not quite eight years of age,) the boy previously alluded to, who deliv ered an oration on wile Character of Napole on," which for clearness of style, natural elo quence, and distinct ennunciation, - would have done honor to many an older and much mote experienced speaker. A round of applause gteeted the youthful orator as he resumed his seat, And many were ready to predict fur him a splendid car v er. may ho so—in this free and glorious, and happy laud, the path to fame, honor, and distinction is open to all—but there will never arrive a period in his history ulnas he will not lea: hitch to the faithful, patient and persevering efforts of that teacher as being mainly instrumental in laying the untlatain of Ititurti usefulness, and claiming the tribute of his gratef u l remendwanee and lusting grati tude. The subject of the County Septrintentleticy. it i cite, nod ultieetosas intrOiliteed iiir discas. sion, 110 opened by Mr. Tosscy, who was ful. lowed in his retnarks by a number of ether tea. chore and directors present. At the dose of digeossionthe follewingresolution . slot Oft,- ed by R. Mcf)ivitt, and unanimously adopted.: Pc.volre,l,. That we consider the otlice 61 County Soperinteorlent, properly administered, as the right arm of our Public School System ; sod ilia it is the ditty of this Assuriscion to use all honorable tneutis to secure its continuance, as well as the election of an experienced and true man, to that imperious 0111 e:, The following resolutions we:, uls) offered and adopted : That it is the ditty of each and ev ery member of this Association, to use all hon or:tide means to seoure a Inure extensive ;intro s:lgo of the Peawylvania School Jourool, is his own particular locality. ------ - That the utility of teachers and friends 01 education holding township associa tions for mutual improvement, is now clearly demonstrated, and that we consider them a ne cessary acemnpriniment of our school systeth. .I:,xolecd, That while our thanks are clue, and are hereby tendered to that portion of thee put lie press which has from time to than, published fide and impartial accounts of our, pruceedilith we regard the occasional efforts made by 11110- . I.ller portion of the press to injure the cause of education, by wilfully misrepresenting our pro• oeedings as an Institute, as beneath the reach of contempt, and unworthy of further notice, having already received a sufficient rebuke front an intelligent community. . . Resolved, TGtit t h e thanks of this Associa tins are deo to the citizens of this place for the interest and attention shown by them in our proceeding's, and roe their courtesy sod hespi• tali!y it: gratuitously entertaining the teachers during the present meeting. The meeting was well conducted and inter. esting throughout, the large and a4teetive dienco in attendance stench sessio- ; the inter est and attention in:stilt:stud by the citizens in all the proceedings, together with the spirit pod energy shown by the teachers; clearly demon• straw that the cause of Education is not• retro grading in that locallity, and that the old fogy system is rapidly declining is favor of a better. The degire manifested by every teacher present evidently was to rise to a higher place iu his profession, nod why should not this desire be realized ? It is true that mach yet remains to be done, but the proper step has already been taken in the right direction, to 'accomplish this Important result. We have, in this county, us good material sot of which to manufacture tea chers, as can he.found in the State,. and all that is required is n little, of the right kind of train ing. Heaven speed the day when our Common School System shall be so perfect that nu high.. er inbtituticns will he required in our laud— when the streams of knawledgealiall Sow ttee us air, and when all classes,' the high and the low, the pour ss well as the rich, shall comet. getter . and drink from its streaming fountain, and enjoy the tall its unfailing beauties. • Touts truly, • • REPORTER. • For the , Journal. MEAN, EtCEEDIN,LY.—The condno6 of the Professor, at the:concert at NeNburg, on Thurs day evening the 12th inst. Cod save us from . that Christianity which consists in disturbing the peace of the community, iu Paying violent hands ulon peaceable CiliZell6, 7611(1 in open Viola4eus of the laws of our country ; and save I.lle, 'poor, :infatuated and deluded being who nets thus un.ler the garb of Christianity. how proposksons.tbr•peNons to profess the religion of the "meek and lowly Saviour" and be guilty of such. conduct. • J. D. D.. Feb. 21. 1056. TANA BLES UP LIUNTINOUON COVNTY.—From a ".11essage of the Liorermw, transmitting a list of the lambiee of the Commonwealth,' we extract the following statistics of this county : Barreo township, 300 51urris township, 148 Brady, Ay., 210 Penn , d 0.,, 215 Vans f . du., 126 Porter, do., 313 Ctuisvillu boro', 55 Shirley; do., :172 Clay township, 178 Shirloyshurg boro'•280 (Jr:pitmen .do., , 322 Hpringfield top., 160 Dublin du., . 2(71. Toll do., 212 Franklin do., 205 Tad do., 800 Header:on twp., 122 L'i.ion, do,, 155 Huntingdon boro' 380 Walker, do;, ' 3',21) liOitewi.,ll top., 183 Warriorsnekdo., 325 441:50u do., 356 WEst township, 402 Whole number of ,03Ies, Par', Thu public works alung the Juniata ri ver have beeu most seriously injurcd by there• cent freshet, aid the repairs necessary to be mode will probably delay the time in opening them. This will be a serious drawback upon the receipts, as this sprlug carrying trade must seek other channels olcommunication with the t . List of Outstanding Balances, Duo at Settlement with the Auditors for the Tear 1856 - COileCiOrB . Aiwa,. .ntsltips. Walker, 1844. A. B. Sangarce, llnion, 1845. James Dampens, • Franklin, 1847. Juhe H. Stonebraker, Jackson, 1848. David S. Bell, Tod, 1851. Jesse Cook, West, " Charles Green, Walker, • 1952.' • John Coulter, Henderson, 1853. Luke Vcioorhces, Cass, • " Joshua Greenland, Franklin, 1854. John Import,' Barr., " William Couch, Brady, " John McDonald, Cromwell, • " Michael Myers, Porter, • " William B. Shaw, Walker, " Joseph Douglass, Barter, 1955. John Smith, Cromwell, " David Etnier, Franklin,. " Alexander Ewing„ Hopewell, " John Beaver, Jackson,f " Thom. Osborn, Morris, • " Abraham Isenberg, Tod.f " Benjamin F. Baker, Walker, " Juhn Thompson, Warrioremark. " William Wray, Barree,f '1855. Joseph Forrest, tired y,f " George, Rupert.. Cass,t " Samuel Pheasant, Cassville, " Nicholas Corbin, Clay,t • " David Heck, Cromwellif " Frederick Harman, Dublimf " Jacob Hunt, Fr#nklin,f 'Samuel: Wigton, Huntisgdon,f " William Rothroek, HOpewell,f " Jacob Summers, Jatiltsomf " Solomon Darner, Morris,f " B. F. Wallace, Pen tt,f " George Garner, Purter,f " John N. Swoope, Shirley,f " Joseph Miller, Shirleysburg,f " Benjamin Imag, Springtield,f ." • Jacob Booher, Telhf • " Sant.' Hackedoru, Tod,f " A. J. Dunlap, Union " David Pheasant, I Walker,f " Joseph Isenberg, I Warrior ;markt" Henry Grazier, West,f " William Moore, *Since, paid its full. fSince paid in part. Gives under Seal of dice, 16t15 Janttat•y, Arr., HENRI' W, NIILLEII, (lisle. February I I, 1858. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON, EE FIG IFTH ,1)..1 3' OF ✓.4 ?VF.J.I in - tsSG. To THE TENTH y 0E 'AEI 1657, including both chlys. RECEIPTS . . Amount in Ti misery at last settlement 5474 86 1881 Charles (iron. West, 87 00 1853 110: . ,ert Pcler,on. Dublin, 2 00 do, Wilburn Smith, Colon, 09 45 1084 William Cocci, Emcee, 153 62 do. John Import, Franklin, 30 00 • do. Joseph Douglass. Walker, 75 00 do. W. Hutchison, Warriornek, 9 47 1855 John Smith, Barren, mn 00 du. Christian Miller, Brady, 347 .92 do. John Cowman, Cass 139 52 do. Wm. Cunningham, Cass, 5)2 22 do. David Etnier. Cromwell, 310 65 do. Win. Appleby. Dublin. 395 01 do' Alex. Ewing, Franklin, 718 92 And. Decker, Henderson, 23 19 • do. .1.31. Simpson Huntingdon 329 44 do. John Beaver, Hopewell, 250 00 do. Thos. Osborn, Jackson, 640 50. ,10. Alan. Isenitc rg, Morris, ~ 054.22 do. Aim.. Grubb, Penn, 120 20 • do. Peter Piper, Porter, 722 11 4 9 . John Meliinstrey, Shirley, 559 09 Boned. Stevens Springfield 194 84 do. Samuel Parsons, Tell, 250 32 do. Benj F. Baker, Tod, 578 20 do. William Chileote. Union, 37 05 do. John Thompson, Walker, 601 00 do. Wm. Wray Warrriorin'k, o l4 71 do. Mordecai denry, West, 1320 15 9753 1056 jtempb Forrest, Barrem 300 1111 (;wrge Hopert, Brady, nn, Samuel Coon, 325 1/11 do. David Heck, Clay, 200 00 do. Fred. Harman, Orornwell, 221 32 do..Jaeob Hunt, Dublin,.2Bo 00 54. Sam'l Wigton, Pralin, 609 no do. W. Vs Minor, Henderson, 418 12 do. W. Hothrock, Huntingdon, 754 . 61 do. Jacob Snwmrrs, Hopewell 870 48 Solomon Hamer, Jackson. 141 00 - ! . do. Benj. F. Walhwe, Morris, 461 00 do. Cejago Garner, Pcno, 616 40 do. .lolWtr. Swoope, Porter, 5:16 24 Joveph Miller, Shirley, . 547 08 do. Benj. Long, Shirleysburg. 106 95 do. Jacob kosher; Springfield; 118 80 do., Sitml Dackcdorp, Toll, 200 00 , do. And. 1)111111111, pno 00 '- do. David Pheasant, Union, 225 00 do. Jos. Isenberg, Walker, 347 00 do. 11. Grazier, Warriormark, 815 00 du. • WIT, Moore, West, 710 65 • . do. Rich. Corbin, eassville, 86 73 649333 Am't of County tax on 'unseated lands,' 419 59 do. School dd. - . do. 200 57 do. Road to. do. 263 76 Redemption Motley ofi on. lands. 1(0 52 1052 44 Fines, Jury tees, Oq., collected by 011 . 11 Greenland, , 584 43 Fine!, eel/6MM by Justice Snare 26 34 590 77 Of Samuel Wigton, to pay oft the Bend for Poor House farm, 750 00 Seignor Blitz, for use of C. House, 3 00 thane° duo County Treasurer, 1274 58 ' 823,427. 62 EXPENDITURES. Atty'lly Gen., Prot'y., Shelf., dud witnesses foes 00 crimiunl Proseeutious, $363 00 Constables for making returns, adver tisil‘i.4pring Elections, Er., 381 92 Grant Traverse Jurors, Court Cri er, Er., 2.168 37 Judges, Inspeciors and Clerks of Rice • liens, 1305 34 • Assessors! Orders,-• • 966 25 Inyikitions on dead bodies, 62 69 Road and Bridge Views; 417 00 • ' 4 damages, Jos. Forrest, 100 00 I"4"...igiltal, .10 00 557 00 Bridge Orders George Q. ouch fur bridge 41. Neirs.:4ll 749 49 • Cunninglagin It artioon, for • bridge across Btopo Creek,. 875 (10 D. Blair, fur bridge at lilac's Mill. • • 1,60 : ta4 Jobs' Gaghtigau, for repairing bridge below Alexandria, 266 60 George Lamp, fur securing lum ber of bridge at Iltmtingdon, ' carried away by ooriii,ll;ll.lde. • 'heeling it at Huntingdon, 150 OU 2601 09 Thomas Hamer, 206 00 Benjamin K. Neff, 131 00 Jacob Baker, 162 50 lion& Jor MoOtrtity,. • •• •, 18 , at Auditopi fm• 1655, 46 00 Clerk to Cum's. in full for 1855, 75 00 for isiia, d 25 00 John Bpad Es4.,Att'ily to Cont. in full for'lBss, 10 00 Do. OIL account for 11856, 20 00 993 50 Interest On County Bonds :. William, B. Loss, 247 50 William Orhison, Esq., Mu 00 William P. Orbison, Esq., 60 no Gourgs C. Bucher,• ~ l' '. , 110 00 . .I.diu R. Guanoll, 105 72 Thomas Fiahor, 114 ou A.B. Crowet, 15 SD J. S. litowart, Esq., 7 50 830 22 5,726 statetill,' Fin, atin/y 15 14 37 81 10 34 123 5G 4 3, 77 0, 70 76 27 07 :t77 140 20 225 32 1:15 60 49 73 12:1 01 2+42 07 250 20 117 43 5-1 47 16 OS 104 92 106 26 74 14, 28 81) $99.1•1 Oti BENJ. K. NEFF, ACOII 111. IN 1,. AIM:ARTILY, County bonds paid as follows: William B. Le., 2500 00 Jaws 0, Doyle, 532 00 :1092 00 'Ctcasuret• of State Lunatic Asylum, DsMd Brotherline, . 217 09 .IMIn Madden, 135 12 382 01 For Cool, Wood, Light, 3c,, for Court Hume iota 173 19 Fisher & MeMortric murehandise fur Coati !loose and :13 1,2 Sunilre individnak fitr repair to same, 6:1 .:(1 Mediool:,/endaneetm prisoners in jail, o 25 Levi Mtirrels attending sirk in jail, it 00 Samuel Attica. burying' Mrs. Harker, •I on M. F. Campbell, Esti:, Jitr Patty's re., stationary for rear! smF blink books for . Proty's office, 173 17 Assessment books and Duplieates fur counn's Unice, and blank bunks fur llegister's Mike, &e., 27 Joshua Greenland, Sheriff,for sututno nia.g jnro,o,eonveyingeonricts to Pe netentiary, hoarding prisoners, lit. 1110 years 1839 nod 159,, 1154 03 Grafllo4 Mitler, SllOllll, on ts.doount for 5 same, 0 00 Per flaunty Printing, William Lewis, thr 1856, 96 50 . .john A. Nash, • • 129 75 Wm. Brewster, for '55 and '56,205 55 432 20 Postage, William .Lowi, 30 76 Wild Cat and Fox Scalps, premiums of 1833, 370 74 School tax on unseated lands, paid in 1856, '254 26 Road tax, on same, 159 76 Redemption Money, on same, 140 52 574 54 Refunding orders to sundry peitons, 122 80 Insurance on bridge at Huntingdon, 7 80 Scrubbing and cleaning Court House, and Privy, 25 00 Washing for prisoners in jail, 23 00 rat no Directors of the Poor, for the year 1856. 559:1 as Treasurer's commission on $.15414 58, 681 22 In testimony of the correctngss of the above we hereunto subscribe our ensues and nllix the seal of said county, this Seth day ofJanuary, A. I). 1857. BENd. K. NEFF, JACOB BAKER, H. 1.. McCARTIIY, . . Attest, H. W. 111m.on, Girth. Commissionent. We the undersigned auditors of Huntingdon' County, Penn'a tileefed and sworn•ae6Oiding to law, report dint we met, didaudit, settle and adjust according to law, the account of A. B. Ctewit, Esq., Treasurer of said county, and the eiders of the Commissioners, and the receipts fiir the same, for and during the past year, and find a balance due the said Treasurer by the County,, of twelve hundred and seveotyfour dollars and liftymight cents. Given under our bands at the Commissioners' attire in the borough of Huntingdon, the 10th day of January, 1857. PERRY MOORE, • WM. MOORE, } Auditors. JAMES CREE, Feb. 4.1857 CONFECTIONARY 4 FRUIT SR:RE WILLIAM N. SHIMARD, SUCCESSOU TO THOMAS FRY, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER I FRUITERER, 191 North 'Third St, above Wood, PUN, IIANUFACTURER. OF CONFIsCTION IV! Jujube Paste, Gum Dropsi Chocolate • Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly Cakes, CLeam Chocolate, • Freneh Toys, White Sugar Toys, Ac.,Ac. A I/ DEAL ER IN Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil berts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack. ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, neck CaM dy, Ac., Ac. The attention of Dealers is reqested to an exam inqual ation ,of toy steels, whichwillbe found e in Philadetphin. N. 13.—Orders by snail or otherwise prompt. ly attended to. HUNTINGDON COlttliVlrßtrAt StILOOL Has been removed to a largo and commodi ous room in the !''town Hall,- and is upeh day and evening fur the reception of Students.— The courae of instruction, embracing Single and .Dottble•Entry Houk-Keeping, is necum pa. nied by daily Lect uree on Commercial Sciences. A department has also been opened which in devoted to ileptuanship,,,and is.coudustml by Prof. Monate., of Pittsburg. , Leeteree on Cornmerciel Law, Ethics and Political F.conomy urn delivered periodically to the students by members of the Huntingdon liar. For auy other particulars, address personally or by letter T. H. POLLOCK, Principal. Assistituie given when required in opening and closing books. [April 2, 12.56.-Iy. D0c.3,'56. 50 0 '"" ulUi4 & DUNN Receipts and Expenditures OP TUE HUNTINGDON lOUNTY POOR HOUSE:, From January 2,1850, uni it January 6, 1857. RECEIPTS County Treasury for ain't drawn to ])ac. 6th, lly. for tn't drawn on onion:, Jan. n, To Jas. Murphy, former Steward, sum dry items detailed in his account, W. Glasgow, preseht steward, cash received for lines, " W. Glasgow, cash received from J. Lute, oil acc't IL McCormick, 13 77 W. Glasgow, Levi Evan's Due Bill, 12 39 EXPENbITU'RES Cu. By sundry expenses on form and for farming viz: By Geo. I'. Wakefield, for eloyerseed and locust posts, 37 50 " J. 1.. Jitukin, for harness and repairing, '• 20 00 " 11. Brewster, 1 ton of plaster, 7 121 " Israel Grain. .1 plow, &c,, 14 73 " J. 0. Lightner, fur corn, Oats and bran, 32 24 " D. Whittaker. 1 yoke oxen, 'JO 00 " Thos. MeGarvev, wheat and rye for seed, 11 30 ' " * Wm. hleNite, rye and corn for feed, 14 00 " David Douglass, 1 stock hog, 3 13 ' " Sundry persons blacksmithing 49 301 . 0 D. Myers, bleeks,,,io; tog debt of 1855 ' 19 93 I "Jas. durphy steward, sundries detailed in his account. 380 74 890 20 EXPENDE/) FOR PA'Ol . /SIONS : By T. B. Grids., for 1217 lbs Pork at 7c., debt of 1833, 85 19 " Jno. Jacobs, beef, mutton &c., debt of 1835, 49 30 1 " Wm. Melf ite, ,33, 1 bus. wheat I 125 e. 191 40 " Same, bal. doe, Ist Jan. 1856 3 30 ".f. L. Junkin, grids in ground 22 50 ' "'l'. McGsrvey, butcher, meat' through summer, 6G 601 " J. Jacobs, meat till,' summer 31 59 " J. Cres.kell & Co., Lassen, 4e. I U 50 "Sundry P^r•ions 469 , 5 lbs. ht'. 0:53 BO : " do. 3771 " ph. 240 00 . " D. Umbenhoor, bill of meet, ' ballance, 3 86 " J. Murphy, steward,. sundries • detaik.l is his account, 59 991004031 : &inky persoasfor Merchundise : By. Jas. G. Lightner, for merchaudise, i per bills, in turn debt of 'a9 2ID 41 '• .0.•1111 Bare, Mr same. 150 94 I " 1 , 41 e, Foust & Co., Same, 109 62 •• Wm. TS. JAWS, ' 4. . 99 43 •• ismancl Matters, " 44 Ito, •• 1. & W. Saxton, " 15 si - ' Silllllll-1 1.. 11111,401 r, ' ‘• 13 34 `• dole! Long & Cm, " 30 vu ' '• John W. Smith, " . 014 10 . : " Wm. A. Pi akor, " 10 01 " John 11. Lightner, " de'gs 11 291 " Josh. Greenland 1k4.:. • :18 04 " David Enikr, " 16 00 ' Lett, Wigton & Co., " bal. 6 23 .1 " T. E. Orbison, " " 39 28 " J. ' Murphy steward, sini. tie • . demiled in h is account, 22 94 8.17 49 Enterr' for OW Ls,or Pattprrs : . I By MITI. persons for med. 0, attend: o u, Oil 1/. 11.1', 224 581 1 " do. for 11 coffins, &c. for o. p. 53 60 I " do. Mr relief and support fur. ....1. p. about 56 eaves, 099 691 : "Jas. Murphy, steW., unnary .e, prunes, for do., por !dunce% 2092911.187 171 1 Remorois to and pogo the lioase : 1 By S. S. Solidi, Iltttingdon, delivering paupers, at sundry times, 27 47 " J. Graffiti, Petersburg, do. 1.8 35 " A. Isenberg, Morris, 2 pan, 'Ol 12 "J. 11. St onerotal, Bit. 1 " 8 17 " David Kinch, 1 " 7 97 " David Shoup, Tod, 1 ' 6 6 10 "M. Householder Alex. 1 " . 5 77 "A. Isenberg, Morris, I '' 5 17 " Sundry persons, 9 " 38 79 • " J's. I'. for official fees, orders of removal, 12 201 " Jas. Murphy, stew., for sundry charges detailed in his neett., 109 921 253 06 &tic Loofah, ANyloot at Ileirrishierg : By J. 'Murphy, steward, cash paid Mr keeping 4 suldeets, as per ttee't. ron., 472 37 held. idol mot Ifiscellaucoos Expenses : By sum per.. cash Pd., debt '53, 103 55 9 Mrs. S. Bucket, cash pd. sun. 249 121 • " Sundry persons, printing, 54 75' " M• S. Harrison, tin-ware, 24 OS " Jona. Davis, stocking yarn, 18 92 "1). Blair, Esq., leas in procur ing hind warrants, 20 00 " Sundry persons, shoemaking,4l 09 " Peter Myers, tailoring, 7 481 "D. Bergstrasser, Feather, 38 04. " W. A. Budsou, lnsu. fees, 10 50 " Jos. Hough, coopering, 10 37 " Eph. Doyle, 111111,1111, on act. of making coffins, &e., 5 20 " E. Brewster, stove rout, &c. 3 45 " Slur. Mosey, kitchen labor, hal. on account, 33 22 6 • Sund. persons, repairing, &e. G 53 • " J. Murphy, stew., sundries as detailed in ids accoun i t, 597 801123313 SALM:MS: 1 By Dr. J. G. Lightner, liar salary, as At. Physician, debt of 1859, 52 50 " J. P. * Murphy, 1 year's salary as -leek, debt of 1855, 40 00 " 1). Blair, Esq., 1 year's sala- . ry as Counsel, debt of '55, 00 00 " Same for 1856 20 00 , " Dr. W. 0. Bahlwin, 9 mos. as attending physician, 1850, 150 00 " M. 1. Itleliention, 3 mo. do. 50 00 " J. Murphy, I year, as steward 1836, . 400 00 " 11. Brewster, do. clerk, 50 00 " Samuel Slattern, services, as Director, up to Out. 7, 1856, 100 89 " J. A. Shade, do. to Jan. 6'57 68 00 " K. L. Green, do. to Jan. 6 '57 59 60 " J. Gibbony, do. to Jun. 6'97 38 40 1055 :10 ".1. Murphy. Malance due him at lust settlement, • 433 02 '‘ Wm. 11;lasgow, believe of his account to square, : 134 53 503 55 53 00 58 00 $22427 62 1857. January 0, To Win. OfaVg;.;', Ste;: ard, for bal. of acc't as per contra, $132 53 Steward 44 Statement. James Murphy, in account with the Huntingdon County Poor House. To Co. Treasury; fur orders shown at sundry times, $2194 17 " Rev. G. W. Stouffer, rent &e., re ceived from Hint, • 36 70 " Brewster, fus,s6 lbs turd soldhim 7 Ott " .1. B. Kidder, for 52 Ills ditto, 0 75 '• Rev.: O. Vs'.•Slutitter,for rash rou'd 11 378 Cash received from u pauper, 1 90 " Blair Co.. Altos !louseler cosh ree'll 10 82 " I), W. O. Heidi, in, for pauper lul.or 100 " Samuel Backutt,Fant,eash for Hinz, 369 laincuster Pour !louse, or cash, 25 00 " 1). Bergstresser, cash refunded, er- • ror in settlement, 11 00 Wm. Giles, Esq., for cash foe fines, 268 " Saxe handles sold him " C. Wigton, cash for 1 pair gloves, 37,i " Westmoreland Co, Alms House, for keeping Susan Davis, 21 50 " al. G. Cellists, for coopering, • 38 " Mrs. C. Fruiter, for cow sold to her, • 29 00 .• Wm. Dell, pauper tor his hunt war rant, 80 acres, 90e. per were, 72 00 " Abm. Lewis, for horse sold to him, 50 00 Clt. Lin,m,l Erp,ml:l arcs. um: Q% , n By balhince Inc et last settlement, as pur ,atc. ment, • fiat;:) " J. Lot; fur bill ',hiring per rcep't, " A. Lewis, freight on Lamb's goods, .1 2: " .1 C. Seelders, for charges on do. " Samuel Bownum, for lot of ratrpent er,s tools, " Jone. Davis, for stocking pun, " McCormack, fi, labor done, " Isna, Mel )(uttily., fur shoemaking, " Cash paid for shaving soap, " Walker S., Sous, for A du; Iron bed steads 55:103 TE ISSO 95 291 51 Cash'pai.l for use or Ihm.e, 2 Eu. " E. Lanthjor cash sent to N. y,,d: to redeem her goods, " 1.. A. Myers, carpenters work, but. " Cash paid for use of House, S7TOS 31 " Mrs, Smith for stone crocks, " Sam'l Carts, for altering hogs, " Cash paid for use of house, " Ellen Smith Mr kitchen labor, " .fohn Smith Mr removing graveyard, " Wm. Ph., Mr assisting in do. " Cash paid for use of Muse, I. McMundian shoemaking, rash on account, " Bergstresser, Mr leather, on art., " Ab. Millet, fur elutewa.laing, debt of 1855. " Cash paid for use of House, 46 Samuel L. Glasgow, liar printing, " Cash paid for use of House, " John C. Sealer, Mr freight, " Epli„ Coyle, lor cacli paid on sends. Jaae llagens, fur kitchen labor in full 44 Cash paid for use of House. if 4 , it 4, Eph. Doyl, for repairing ftirniture, " Sarah Bucket, for interest on draft, " 1. McDonathan, shoemaking . , un tte't. " tu full, " Mrs. J. Templet at, fur cash paid in full, debt of 1855, " Abut. Caruthers, for cash paid bal lance of account, "J• C. Sealer, freight bedseds, " Cash paid Mr use in Ilonso, " A. L. Rickets, liar plank per bill, " Expenses for attending Jinni. Co. Ag. Pair, " Cash paid for use of Ilonse, " J. G. Long, for adrerthing, " J. C. Sechler, liar fiTight, " John Linn, Mr Gorse Ointment, " I. McDonathan, shoemaking on art. " Samuel limiter, Mr stocking yarn, " Cash paid for us., of Home, " E. Doyle., cosh paid liar coffins on an. " Cash paid for use of House, 2 En., " A lloaimee fur raising dead bodies, " Mrsi. hoover, fur stocking s.,rn, ".lies MeA ite, ditto " Cash paid for use of house, " Peter Market, for ballaneo of acre in full, debt of 155.5, " E. Doyle , for cash paid on ac. (col.) " Cash paid for use of House, Walker & SWIS, bedS'di fur Pardon's Digest Er. " CAI paid for use of Ilmeir, 2 Co., " Use llogsc E Baggy for use anon. 24 years, &c., 1.. " sarg't Mosey, far cash'paid at sun dry times ' kitchen labor, " James Antlerson, for money paid on Morse. 1855. • Lieniamin Euler, fur money paid on acct. 1855. " Cush advanced for use of House, in IR5',; outlined ta lust settlement. 50 Ott " shoes furnished for use of P., 10 00 " Sunary furniture for use of House, " -" ' • - - bouulit "of him at loaning, 12 0" 4 . Allowance made fur use of same, 2, }'ears, 40 00 r° Woo. riper, farmer, for cash pail him at sundry times, 159 36 "'No. MrKinstrev, fbr taxes paid him. 195 " A. Shade, for 1 wagon & bed, 55 00 " E. M. Lore, for straw, 1 50 " .1. B. Fostor,for, ensli'paid on It. tax, 500 "A. 11. Lutz, tbr set plough harness, 175 " & Spear, Pitts., for I plow, IS 25 " John Garbo r, for 3 bus. seed potat's, 125 "J. MeSinstry, for hay ladders, 2 50 " .1, Arnold, for labor on farm, '55, 7 65 " John Lents, (Sr school tax, 14 60 " John Foster. " rood taxes 4 23 " Cash paid thr repairing p low, 50 "James Nleliinstry, 9 bus. rye, 4 50 " tleorgo Swine, for I plow, 13 33 " Cash paid, for smut. for one of form, 225 " 11. L. Cook, for 22% hos. earn, • 11 2S " James WI/O.AI, Kw I horse, 145 00 " Asher )(rake, for labor on Form, 4 25 " Samuel Cuts, for altering hogs, I till " John (Burns, for labor oil to 1 a t " Doyle, Foust, & Co., 1 ton Guano, and expenses,s9 El • John Long dir school and road taxes, 17 70 " 1). slcEi tar making post and rail • 960 " Bucher & Porter, for keeping Jane Morgan, O. 1). I'., 4 09 " IVm. Wilister, ditto Mrs. McNeil, 13 50 " George Schwarts, do. the Lion fam ily. Balletic e, 234 " Lamina Chileote, do. Jac. Emery, 1 25 " J. Luce, for med, and attendance on Jane Irwin 2 00 '' J. Sally keeping Polls Kelly, o. d. p. 23 40 S:o,i'm Thompson, for dig. grave," 1 00 It. Patterson, keeping Spencer, " 5 20 Susan Yingling, " E. Taylor, " 6 35 D. J. Mite, & Son, fur mod. and at. per Wilson Meredith, o. d. p., 5 OU " A. Harrison, Esq., 6w keeping Hicks and Imuily, 4 00 " Jacob Lane, for digging grave, perJ. liorkenberry, a. d..p., 1 00 "M. F. Campbell, tbr burying L. Nail, a5O "J. Gray, keeping aud at. .1. /Bans, '4O 00 " Blair Co. A. 11., for keeping Mar. Creswoll, o. d. p., 4 29 " Cash pd. for expanses, going to Plans tingdon, on O. 1). business, 1 64 " do. do. do. do. a 00 do. do. do. to. 2 79 " dm do. do. do. 3 1211 _ ._.. t. do. do. do, do. 2 63 " do To Huntingdon anal l'et'bg., 2 03 " do. expenses attending to o. d. busi. 160 " do. do do du 2 50 " do. do do do 2 05. " In, for visiting 0. 1). Paupers; 1 1211 . do. tar attending to o. door business, 1 ei " dn. do do I 20 " dm . do. • do 2 20 " do. do 00 3 55 " do. do do 2 Ea., 1 37i ‘‘ do; do ' alp • 150 ",;,,,,,, to Hunt., totittelial suit, 2 Co " do. attending to 0. 1). Business, . " do. du do • 1 tao " Win. Christy, fur attending J. ller -cilia,' . d. p., 2 :,t, k J. r: Forbes, med. for Crawford o. p. luo Be Dr. J. McCulloch, for visit to scull. Chookbers, 0. d. 13.. • 2 30 do Daniel MeDuhey, for keeping It. Chaunbers,o. d. p. 20 Oa do IL Fester Mr keeping D. Zent, bal., I 121, do Rob't Gill, for judgment on Esq'r Snare's docket, do John Simpson, for deliVering 3 put, pers. to Huntingdon 2 03 do Wm. :Jordan, for deli, 7p. to P.ll. 350 do D. Snare, Esq., for otHeial fees; or— ders Mr relief, Or., 1 SO du Exp. dcliv. 1 pauper to State L. A., 15 It do Cash paid for delivering pauper, 50 do do fur deliv. 3P. Walker tp., • 1 0 do du do 2 'Did tp., . 077 do do do P. from Huntingdon. 971 do do for sendingt, away paupers, 325 do do removing Slargi Hays team Blair Co.•Alans House, do Exp. for sending away pauper, do du •do .do do do for going to Harrisburg, Its do for mauling away p.p.', do Mrs. C. Framer for mash paid receiv ilig and sending sway paupers,. do F. 3 1 ,51155, 101 . . 01itling 'may proton $779, , 77 $2115 Ily expensec fur sending away pauper, 2 25 .10. Port tor delivering I pauper, 5 5: do. Expense., for removing i do. 6 - .10. du. fur 1 raliper 10 Ilittlieltr die. Ex. Cr removing from Blair Co. A house Cre.,,wol, do. I). Teague, Esq., oliieial fees. ord. 44) do. Ex. for removing pauper to ]louse, 100 do. T. Homey, delivering I pauper. 4 77 do. Ex. for going to Ilarrieldg and Lan , caster. &c., !' 17 941 do. A. 11arri,oit,Fs9., for Galan' re it. EN. finr sending away pniiiier, do. do.. . - •, do. • do. 621 ' do. Mrs. C. Fraker, stage fare for pan., 25 do. • do, • do. do. I 71, do. John Grants for removing I pan., 67 , ., do. St. I.n. As. keeping T. Conaway, (15 3s do. do. do. P. Henderson, 32 57 do. do. do. W. :Wl:errant, 140 26 do. du.. do. T. Conaway, 44 05 do. do. do. J. Wiser,July 13, 62 19 do. do. do. do. wpm 21, 41 69 do. do. do. McFerran in full, 468 do. do. do. H. Henderson, :14 00 do. do. do. Jacob Wiser, 47 55 do. J. n. Hunter for socks for paupers, 200 do. Waterman & Young, 2 bbl. mock. I 5 50 do. W. Hart for hauling 0100. Isom river, 100 do. S. L. Glasgow, for do. ballance, 1 44 do. Drmbenhour for intllance.on beef. 47 do. David Knepp for beef; bal. debt '55, 4 . 20 do: S. D. Elliott for bacon. 24 Se do. Samuel M. Eby for bacon; debt '55, 1 (if; do. C. S. Elliott, bacon and op. batter, 710 do. do. do. per bill, 21 3$ 42 (H) :1 ss 4 56 1 00 OUTS T. , INBIN(; 1 , 1:131. IT TO J.INL IRV Gth 1857. 1 85 $74 1 3i 5 00 PROCEEDS OF FARM POR I suc. 101 bus. wheat, 21 bus. buckwheat, 221 bus. oats, 470 bus. corn in cars, 221 bus. potatoes, 1.1 ; bus. onions, 2 .bus. beets, Millis pork, 23 loads of hay, .1 loads en , fodder, 200 heads of cabbage. 84 2 00 I 85 ARTICLES DIANUFA CT ('/:h'/) by the in mute, ry'' the Parr Home the nat. 185 n. 47 dresses, 37 (loud., 33 aprons, 23 sun bon• net, 1;3 pair sort., pair stool:lugs, 20 sacks, 1 , 4 skirts, 20 night caps, 07 shirts, 12 pair !nit. tens, pair wen's punts, 7 pair :1 buy a rouilubui,!a, 1 dos. towels, 17 haps, for beds, 11 ehaff tieks, 21 sheets, 0 fthroxidsHl has. dried apples, 1311 lbs hard soap, 350 gal. soft soap, 050 lbs. or butter. 300 lbs. candles, 3 doz. bread basket, 42 split brooms, 15 corn booms, St; axe handles, 12 real baskets. ~ T o CA: ON //A AP, fawner!, nth, 1857. Y horses, I yoke of oxen, 7 tnilk cows, 14 Mock cattle, 2 brooding Sows, 2 , stock hogs, 37 bus. wheat, 10 lin, corn, 00 bus. oats, 14 bus. buck. wheat, 120 bus. potatoes, IC tons of hay, 3 loads emit foddor, 1500 lbs. pork, 13110 lbs. bf., li tons stone coal, 1 wagon, 1 cart, 3 ploughs, 1 cultivator, 1 harrow, 1 windsnill, CO lbs. lard. I :II 1:1:11I.11 IN!: IN THE POOl/ flow, 4 , 1! 11(4' 111/: .lawrtiril, IS5i, .:2 males, 2tt l'enialed, aggregate, Gl. 8 of these are mult, , r 10 carol age ; 2 tiom 10 to 20 ; 0 from 20 to :to t 10 front 30 to 10 ; 6 from 40 to 50 it from :t0 to GO ; 7 from 00 to 70 ; 11 loon nil 5 front ;• , 0 to 90. N :,l a 27 were horn in 11untitG,;.lon Col. ; I C he who, in Penn'a ; T in tito . rnittql Stat.,: .9 in Ireland; 1 in B,ollantl, :Ma 1 in Ans. In (1 tn•ina• I nelnded in the aim,: ii3t are I persons of nix men, 1 woman and I boy. INtiANJ 9, td:r. : 2 men and 6 women. 110 . 11 ', S. OA : m, , n234 women. • Iu trielitiony of the correctness, of the abov e ae,ottats, We have hereunto set our hands, this sth (ley of Febreary, A. 1). 1857. .1. ALFRED Si : LIDE, K. L. 01O?,ENE, IrlittEuTuns JOS. GIBBONEY, We the undersigned Auditors of the County of Iluntingdon, do hereby certify that we have I, Xit mined the orders, Ac., of tho Directors of the Poor of sushi County, and find the same together with the vouchers to be correct, as ohm e stated. Witness one hands, this 5111 Cal• of February, A. D. 1e57. P. MI MM.:, WILL! \M Idnotzt.:, t'1;1:11, Itch. 11, Disi. jj-& it.ri The Lost is Found; THE DEAD HATE co:KC TO LIFE, ALEXAORIA FOUNDRY OWN ED OW ISRAEL GRAFFII,B, C. McGILL wishes to inform his .., • friends and the public generally. that he has bought the above-named Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its contents, and from his long experience in the business he hopes to obtain tt share of the public patronage. As ho has the Foundry in full ope ration, he can tarnish all who may give him at call with all kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting; and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of ra nk/Ile size. , and improved patterns for wood and coal; also ten-plato stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor, itrolliar-room stoves, 01 .all sizes tbr.nood or coal. Also Castings for house ; cellar grates ; such as Lentels, Sills. Sash-Weights, &c. Plows at every description of the latest and most im proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes, oven frames, large bells and cast water-pipos. HOLLOW WARE consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn ing -lathes, he will be able to furnish any of the above-named articles, either wood or iron ; and be has all kinds of Castings too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than crer for cash and all kinds of country produce.— Also old metal will be taken in exchange ;breas ting. Ilt u •ry up your old metal and country pro duce when any articles are wasted. R. C. McGILL, A p,23,'A1;,1y• HOW'S THIS ? .r. W. SA NTON arc now receiving their Sv, owl Fall and Winter Stock of ew and Fashionable Dry Goods! is unnecessary, liut what ovary. body say; must be true—anti everybody says the Flue, to find the best assortment of Dry (..”s l, in these fart's, is nt J. & W. SAXTON'S. 24 :VI ir hin,‘ Pk I dee'd. i l AUDITO NOAt li„„ quail: mos,,ijeed Auditor, appointed by the j Orphan,' Court of Huntingdon County, to distribute the balasiec ht the hands of Levi Evans, Esq. and Samuel Yingling, executors of the lust will and testament of William Flinn, late of TA township, dee'd, amongst those entitled therets, hereby gives notice to all per sons interested., that he will attend for the pur pose of snaking suitl distribution, ut the Regis 'ter's' ollice, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Sati l wav the'lBlle of Alamos?, next, EA clock, A. U., when and where all persons inter e,tetl are required to present their claims to the undersigned auditor or ho debarred from cora • ing iu upons:;ssidfond, 7 N 1 75 871 071 1 or, '1'111.14). I:I,,t2REMEI:. Atiditur . ;7 I On 6 80 52485 684 $122 93