Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 18, 1857, Image 3

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Itor We would remind our readers that a
National Sermon will be preached in the Bap.
list Church of this place, on the evening of the
24th inst setting forth the actual evils and the
evil tendencies of slavery in a republican go,
ernment. Go, every one and hem it.
This is right. Let the men of God uphold
that principle in true Christianity—that truism
that Slavery is an institution of Satanic origin.
Let the people know it from the sacred desk.—
What, though a few of the Christian ministers
of this enlightened age, to whom the clank of
the bondman's chains and shaeliles, and the
hiss of the overseer's whip, is music, denounce
it as a desecration ; what though these men
who hid us send the Bible to heathen abroad,
while they countenance the very agent that is
destroying souls at kome,'should call it a "use•
less agitation," remerube; that it is a duty.
We have no faith iu a minister or a man who
can Feu no evil in Slavery. We donbt any one's
piety who tells us that the Bible sanctions it.
The ISihle itnnetion tyranny and oppression !
The Bible sanction ignorance, cruelty, and a
system of evil as pernicious as Satan himself
Preposterons. They tell US that God Almighty
permits it to exist as an evil. If so, is that an
argument why a Christian Minister should, by
supinely folding his arms, and studiously clog•
ing his ears, and not daring to open his lips on
the subject, endorse the system as of Heavenly
origin? In the strum sense might disease and
pestilence be said to be of like origin, because
the great God permits them to sweep over the
globe, messengers of destruction. Oh, no.—
Disease, and famine, and pestilence, and
very, are of Hell and the Devil, and it is as
much the duty of every one to pray and work
for the cheek of the one as for the other.
kW- It was generally believed by the people
of Altoo;a, that M . Kini, the ninglierer of Nor
cross, secreted the proceeds of his horrid botch.
cry near the spot where the deed Was commit
ted, and that he would cne day return to get it.
On last week the town was thrown into a state
of intense excitement, by the appearance of a
man answering the description of M'Kim.—
Some fifty men, armed with revolvers, and °tit
er weapons, pursued him first to Kittanning
Point, and front thence to Hollidaysburg,. where
he eluded his pursuers on Monday. It is said
that the Governor of Massachusetts has offered
a reward of $l,OOO, for his arrest, and the Free
Masons of Altoona $5OO, the' relatives of the
deceased $2OO. Gov. Polloek has also issued
a proclamation, offering $5OO to any person
who shall apprehend and secure the murderer,
and Ile enjoins all judges, justices, eo•oners,
sheriffs, constables, and other otlicers within
this Commonwealth, to be attentive .d vigilant
its enquiring after and briuging to justice the
perpetrator of this awful crime. This makes
up $2200 vrhiclr is now cattrdd - forlfflClnt's ap•
prehension ; and we hope he, may yet be acres•
ted and punished.
T E undersigned Auditor app 3
ointed bythe
Ur' We have received from our friend Orphans' Court of Hutitin,,klor. to
therow of the Perrin Legislatml, a copy of the distribute the balance in the hands of Ge t o. , M.
"Auttual ItepOrt of 'the Superintendent of the Green. Esq., and Henry S. Green, Administra
Counnon Schools, for 1831;." It is a very inter- tort ut. William Ileuck, late of Tod township,
fives uutice to hese enti s tlf.d then:, hereby
satin g document embracing very full particulars decd„
of the operation of thu School System through attend for purpose ers°n oTm W a rl ic s i t n e n. l' sa ti a t
ont the State, with reports from the local Sn. tribution ' at the Register's office, in the bor.
tperintendents of every County. We gather the ou h.of Huntingdon, on Saturdagbthe 28/A of
following details of the system, in relation to
our County : I present them to the undersigned Auditor, or be
Whole number of schools, 170 ! d . chimed. froth coining in neon said fund.
N unilwr y,' t. required, 12 1 . TIIF.O. 11. CREMEIt, Auditor,
Average No. of Amain; taught,.. t . 11 1 Jan.:IS:S7.AL
Number of male leachers, . t. 152 I
do. few& do., . "2 Vx r xtrlN T 111 . 0 fl o N
Average salaries of males per month, $25.71 I
do, females, do., 17 89
Number of male scholars,
.4,3:15 1 ( # l :i .
do. female d0.,3,355
__ . .
Average No. oholars attending school, 6,457 j
THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
Cost of teaching each scholar per mo.,
• Alin, inform farmers and the public general..
Amt. tax levied for school purposes, $22,009.00
ly, that they now have their new mill in running
do. for building.. do., 2,062.00
order, with all the modern improvements in the
Received front State Appropriation,
water wheels and machinery.
From Collector of School Tax, 21,643.28
They have put in live of the Improved Jon
roloskl a appsietwi Majorl 4' nr• val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in
roe Raymond, of this place, and Into of the we athe r ,
r es a o n f t a h i e d w a te i t c • ii :t d o s n o t t !uring the coldest
Nicaraguan Army, mid to his Excellency, with They are)trepared to sell, tu g l i d a P l t:ve on hand
(ho rank of Dicta. Colonel. The Colonel is a for sale at a l times, at market rates, all kind of
gentleman well worthy this mark of favor flmtn FLOUR FEED AND STUFFS
Gov. Pollock; wholeeouled, liberal leartcd ,
and farmers can have their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop.
ped feed.
TEEM SMUT ivrAcranvz
is of an improved manufacture; and they will
insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali•
ty to every bushel of grain WI at their
N. 11.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. .
_ .4.--
Sir The protracted meeting in the Metho•
dist Church of this place is still in operation,
making a period of seven weeks since its com
mencement. Scores have been added to the
church, and many are yet seeking their eternal
good at the foot of the altar. God Speed the
good ;cork.
tier. A Mr. Hoover, of Hollidaysburg, Las
been appointed Supervicor of rtis division of
the tonal, in place of Mr. Gadd, deed. The
happy trio who'went a boring" from this place
came backma la whipped epaulet." It is said
that the little man with the large masticators
threatens a "protest." •
Wllir The new bridge across the Juniata nt
this place, is almost completed. It is an excel
lest piece of workmanship, and we feel confi
dent will be able to stand firmly against the
"storms that assail" and the "winds that arise."
i re. In a fracas on Friday evening last in
this place, an individual was very seriously in
jured by being stabbed seven times, with a
knife, in the hands of an Irishman sawed Kel
ly, who has made his escape.
ter On last Sabbath Rev..A. B. Still, bap.
tired four persons by immersion in the Juniata
river, immediately oppositg, the Presbyterian
Church, in presence of a largo assembly of 100.
Par We understand that our fellow•towns
man Win. Dorris, Sr., is un applicant for the
Post Office of this place. A. better selectiou
could not be made.
Uir Our thanks at; duo Messrs. Witherow
and Wintrode of the House, and Cresswell of
the Senate for various public documents.
ahirßead the articleT4Ciaease and Crime'
in to day'4 pap..
Cheapest "Job Printing" Office
Tor c 0 tr . NVIL
We hare now made such arrangements in our
Job Office as will enable us to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per tent
cheaper rates
Titan any Office in the County.
Give us a call. If we don't give entire misfile.
Lion, no charge at all will be made.
The. County Commissioners will receive pro-
posals for building a frame stable at the jail
20 by 26 feet, 12 feet high. Also for a brick
orivy in the Court House yard. Proposalewill
be received up to 1 o'clock on Friday the 20th
inst. Plan and specifications can be seen at
the Commissioners Office on said day.
By order of Comma,
,I}. 11, 1857.
To Teachers and all whom it may
The undersigned arc making preparations,
to open a Normal School in Huntingdon Coun
ty; and we design making it a permanent In
stitution. The Instructors will be persons,
who have I,lcen educated in Normal Schools
and are known to be eminent in their profes
sion—in the didactic-fun. Our adverttsment
will appear as soon as our correspondence with
the Faculty can.he completed. iVe desire to
open our School in April.
. F. H. LANE.
- Feb, 11, 1851.
The undersigned will attend to drawing Wills,
Deeds, Mortgages, Articles of Agreement,
Leases, Letters of Attorney, Bonds, &c. Re
will also arrange and state Administrator's ac
counts and attend to the passing of them before
the Register. All will be done in legal form,
and good style, and at moderate charges.
Huntingdon, 20th January, 1857.—*
132 o g 11 1 42 la ,'•Y
InficE removed to the rgonut
Usdjoining the residence of Dr. a
It. Allison Miller, near the Pres. " ll '
byterian Church.
Jan. 11, 1857.-6.
0 0 No. 124 Wood Street,
_ _
Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Parlor
Stoves, Bon Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and
Fancy Grates & Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons,
Portable Forges, Sugar, Tea and Stove Kettles,
\Yageu Hoses, &e.
Nov. 20, 1.856.—1 y,!
(Estate of William Houck, dee'd.]
27uanD tow
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
WirF. S. delivers work to the care. He has
always ready made work on band. All orders
by mail shall receivo prompt attention.
Jan. 28, 1887.—Gmo.
A New Assortment Just Opened I
And will Le sold 30 per cent.
T_T ROMAN respectfully informs his custo
-LA, mere and the public generally, that he has
Lust opened at his store-room in Market Square
fluntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
Clothing for Fall and Winter.
which he will sell cheaper than the same quality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or !my other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to callcud exaction his stock bolero porch..
sing elsewhere. Also,
Bats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
which will be sold lower than at any other es
tablishment in the county.
I Huntingdon Oct. 8, 1856.
4lyfons of Antajioita Coal just reoeivoti and
utor sale by_ Cuunumpam & Dunn.
List of Outstanding Balances,
Due at Settlement with the Auditors, for the Year 1851,
Collectors' Names.
Walker, 1844. A. B. Sangaree,
Union, 1846. James Hampson,
Franklin, 1847. John H. Stonebraker,
Jackson, 1848. David S. Bell,
Tod, 1851. Jesse Cools,
West, " Charles Green,
Walker, 1852. John Coulter,
Henderson, 1853.• Luke Vooorhees,
Cass, " Joshua Greenland,
Franklin, 1854. John Laport,
Barree, " William Couch,
Brady, " John McDonald,
Cromwell, " Michael Myerii,
Porter, " William B. Shaw,
Walker, " Joseph Dougliati,
Barree, 1855. John Smith,
Cromwell, " David Etnier,
Franklin,. " Alexander Ewing,
Hopewell, " John Beaver, "'
Jul:6011J " Thomas Osborn, •
Morris, " Abraham Isenberg,
Tod,j• " Benjamin F. Baker,
Walker, " John Thompson,
Warriorsmark, " William Wray,
Borree,t 4256. Joseph t'orre;i,
Brady,f ,
" George Rupert.
Can't " Samuel Pheasant,
Cassville, " Nicholas Corbin,
Clay,t " David Heck,
Cromwoll,t " Frederick Harman,
Dublinj " Jacob Hunt,
Franklin,t " Samuel Wigton,
Huntingdon,t " William Rothrock,
Hopewelht " Jacob Summers,
Jackson,t " Solomon Hamer,
Morris,t " B.F. Wallace,
Pennj " George Garner,
Porler,t " John N. Swoope,
Shirley 4 " Joseph Miller,
Shirleysbur,t " Benjamin Long,
Springfield,f " Jacob Booher,
Tell,t " Samuel Huckedorn,
1 '.( 1 ,f " A. J. Dunlap,
Uniou t t " David Pheasant,
Walker,t " Joseph Isen'oerg,
Warriorsmarkt" Henry Grazier,
Weat,t ."
Wililuin Moore, 1746 98
*Since paid in full.
tSince paid in part.
Given under Seal of office, 10th January,
February 11, 1857
JANUARY 1857, including both days.
Amount in Treasury at settlement $474 86
1851 Charles Green, West, 87 00
1853 Robert Peterson, Dublin, 200
do. William Smith, Union, 99 45
1854 William Coach, Berree, 153 62
do. John Laport, Franklin, 30 00
do. Joseph Douglass, Walker, 75 00
do. • W. Hutchison, Warriorin'k. 9 47
1855 John Smith, Barna, 510 06
do. Christian Miller, Brady, 347 92
do. John Bowman, Criss, 139 22
dn. Wei. Cunningham, Clay, 312 22
do. David Rimier, Cromwell, 310 65
do. Wm. Appleby, Dublin. 292 01
do• Alex. wrin g, Franklin, 718 02
do. And. Decker, Henderson, 53 19
do. J. M. Simpson Huntingdon 366 44
do. John Beaver, Hopewell, 250 00
do. Thos. Osborn, Jackson, 640 50
do. Alm. Isaac rg, Morris, 654 22
do. Mtn. Grubb, Penn, 128 28 •
do. Peter Piper, Porter, 722 11
do. John Meßinstroy, Shirley, 559 09
do. Benet]. Stevens Springfield 194 04 •
do. Samuel Parsons, Tell, 256 32
do. Benj F. Baker, 'rod, 378 20
do. William Chileote, Union, 37 85
do, John Thompson, Walker, 601 00
do. Wm. Wray Watrriortn'k,6l4 71
do. Mordecai Henry, West, 1320 15 9788 44
1856 Joseph Forrest, Barree. 300 00
do. George Rupert, Brady, 508 23
do. Samuel Pheasant, Cass, 325 00 •
do. David Hoek, Clay, 200 00
do. Fred. Harman, Cromwell, 221 'l2
do. Jacob Hunt, Dublin 250 00
do. Sam'! Wigton Franklin, 669 00
do. W. V. Miller,llenclerson, 418 12
do. W. Rothrock, Huntingdon, 754 21
du. Jacob Slimmers, Hopewell 570 48
do. Solomon Hamer, Jackson. 141 00
do.• Benj. F. Wallace, Morris, 466 00
do. George Garner, Penn, 613 00
do. John N. Swoope, Porter, 330 24
do. Joseph Miller,Shirley, 547 00
do. Benj. Long, irleyeburg, IN 95
do. Jacob Booher, Springfield, 113 80
do. Sam'l Hackedorn, Toll, 200 00 .
do. And. Dunlap, Tod, 360 00
do. David Pheasant, Union, 225 00
do. Jos. Isenberg, Walker, 347 00
do. 11. Grazier, Warriormark, 815 00
do. Wm. Moore, West, 716 65
do. Nick. Corbin, Cassville, 80 73 9493 53
A m't of County taeon unseated lands,
419 59
do. School do. do. 208 57
do. Road do. do. 263 76
Redemption money on on. lands, 160 52 1052 44 '
Fines, Jury lees, at., collected by Sb'ff
Greenland, 564 43
Fines collected by Justice Snare 26 34 590 77
Of Samuel Wigton, to pay ofr the Bond
for Poor House farm, 750 00
seignor Blitz, for use of C. House, 3 00
Balance due County Treasurer, 1274 58
$29,427 62
A tty' ny Gen., Pray., Shen:, and witnesses fees
on criminal Prosecutions, $363 00
Constables for making returns, adver
tising Spring Elections, &c., 381 92
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Cri-
or, &c., ,
2468 37
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elec
lions, 1305 34
Assessors' Orders, 966 25
Inquisitions on dead bodies, 62 69
Road and Bridge Views, 417 00
" damages, Jos. Forrest, 100 00
. Isaac, 40 00 557 00
Bridge Orders
George Couch for bridge at Neff's Mill
749 49
Cunningham and Ilarrison, for
bridge across Stone Creek, 875 00
D. Blair, for bridge at Blair's
Mill. 560 00
John Gagbagan, for repairing
bridge below Alexandria, 266 60
George Lamp, for securing lum-
her of bridge at Ihmtingdon,
curried away by storm, and de
livering it at Huntingdon, 150 00 2601 09
Commissioners t
Thomas Hamer,• 206 00
Benjamin K. Neff, 131 ('0
Jacob Baker, 162 50
Henry L. McCarthy, - 18 00
Auditors for 1855, 46 00
Clerk to Com's, in full lot 1855; 75 00
" fur 1856, 325 00
Julia Reed Esq., Att'ny to Com.
in full for 1855, 10 00
Do. on account for 1856, 20 00 993 50
Interest on County Bonds t
William . % Loan, 247 50
William Orbison, Esq., 180 00
William P. Orhison,Esq„ 60 00.
Geure C. Bucher, 60 00
Jahn X. Gosnell, "
'Thomas Fisher, li 00 •
A. B. Crewel, , 1 50
J. S. Stewart, Esq., 7 50. 650 22
State Mx. Militia Fines.
13 50
1 50
33 00
14 00
9 76
70 53
52 50
75 05
6 50
54 50
39 54
20 18
49 00
46 55
51 60 •
21 50
58 00
56 50
36 50
28 00
6 'OO
46 60
9 15
33 00
37 50
5 50
7 00
32 00
28 00
18 50
39 00
45 00
37 00
35 50
24 60
46 00
43 60
84 00
8 00
17 50
22 33
22 50
19 50
County flux.
15 14
37 81
49 34
123 56
4 35
77 08
70 76
27 07
377 03
140 20
225 32
135 60
49 75
123 01
282 07
250 20
117 43
5.1 47
927 59
$9944 06
1857. IiENJ. K. NEFF,
County bonds paid as follows:
William B. Leas, 2560 00
James G. Doyle, 532 00 3092 00
Ti ensurer of State Lunatic Asylum,
David Brotherline, 217 69
John Madden, 135 12 352 81
For Coal, Wood, Light, &c., for Court
House and jail, 173 19
Fisher & Mekturtrio merchandise for
Court House and Jail, 33 62
Sundry individuals fur repair to same, 63 46
Medical attendance on prisoners in jail, 50 25
Levi /duffels attending sick in jail, 5 00
Samuel Africa, burying Mrs. Harker, 4 00
M. F. Campbell, Esq., for Prot v's lees,
stationary for ecurt and blank books
for Proty's office,
Assessment hooks and Duplicates for
Comm's Office, and blank books fur
Register's Office, &c.,
Joshua Greenland, Sheriff, for samtno
n in gjurors, convoying convicts to Pe
netentiary, honrdtug prisoners, &c.,
for the years 1053 and 1856, 3 054 03
Graffius Miller, Sheriff; on account fur
For County Printing,
William Lewis, for 1856, 96 50
John A. Nash, 129 75
Wei. Brewster, for '55 anti '56,205 95 432 20
Postage, William Lewis, 30 76
Wild Cat and Fox Scalps, premiums of
School tax nu unseated lands, paid in
1856, 254 26
Road tax, 011 same, 159 70
Redemption Money, on same, 160 52 574 54
Refunding orders to sundry persons, 122 80
Insurance on bridge at Huntingdon, 7 80
Scrubbing and cleaning Court House,
end Privy, 25 04
Washing for prisoners in jail, 25 00 50 00
Directors of the Poor, for the year 1856. 5593 98
Treasurer's commission on $45414 58, '6Bl 22
$23427 62
In testimony of the correctness of the above
we hereunto subscribe our names and aflix the
eel of mid county, this 10th day ofJanuary, A.
D. 1857.
:Clerk. Commissioners.
We the undersigned auditors of Huntingdon
County, Penn's, elected and sworn according
to law, report that we met, didaudit, settle and
adjust according to law, the account •of A. B.
Crewit, Esq., Treasurer of said county, and the
orders of the Commissioners, and the receipts
fur the same, for and during the past year, and
find a balance due the said Treasurer by the
County, of twelve hundred and seventy-four
dollars and fifty eight cents.
Given under our hands at the CoMmissioncrs'
office in the borough of Huntingdon, the 10th
day of January, 1857.
WM. MOORE, } Auditors.
Feb. 4. 1857
No. 191 Korth Third St., above Wood, Alla.
ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate
Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles,Jelly
Cakes, Cteam Chocolate, French Tcys, White
Sugar Toys, Ar., Ac.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil•
beets, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Piro Crack.
ems, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can•
dy, &c., Ac.
The attention of Dealers is reirsted to an
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. B.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt•
ly attended to.
41101611111RICIAZ 114Iti)01.4
Has been removed to a large and commodi•
oun room in the "Town Hall," and is open day
and evening for the reception of Students.—
The course of instruction, embracing Single
and Double• Entry Book• Keeping, is aecompa•
nied by daily Loctureson Commercial Sciences.
A. department has .alim.been opened which in
devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by
Prof. lifountsim, of Pittsburg.
Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and
Political Economy are delivered periodically
to the students by members of tho Huntingdon
For any other particulursouldress manually
or by letter T. IL POLLOCK,Principal.
Assistance given when required iu opening
and closing book, [April 2,1068.-Iy.
500 ch """'lntisNtri & Duta,
Receipts and Expenditures
From January 2,1866, until January 6,1857.
County Treasury for ain't drawn to Dee,elth,
1856, $5593 38
Do. for anet drawn on orders, Jan. 6,
Jas. Murphy, former Steward, sun
try items detailed in his account,
W. Glasgow, present steward, cash
teeivcd Ihr lines,
W. Glasgow, cash received from J.
:,utz, on ace't R. McCormick, 10 77
W. Glasgow, Levi Evan's Due Bill, 12 39
By sundry expenses on form and for forming viz:
By Gm. P. Wakefield, for cloverseed and locust
posts, 37 50
" J. L. Junkie, for 'lawless and
repairing, 20 00
" 11. Brewster, :I ton of plaster, 7 121
" Israel Grafting I plow, &e., 14 75
" J. G. Lightner, for corn, oats
and bran, 32 24
" I). Whittaker. 1 yoke oxen, 90 00
" Thos. McCarver, wheat and
rye for seed, 11 50
44 Wm. MeNite, rye and corn for
feed, 14 00
44 David Douglass, 1 stock hog, 3 15
" Sundry persons blacksmithiug 49 30}
4 ' D. Myers, blaeksmithing debt
of 1855, 15 95
" Jas. Murphy steward, sundries
detailed in his account, 580 74 880 26'
By T. 1 4 1.. Orbison, rm. 1217 lbs Pork at
7c., debt of 1853, 85 19
Jno. Jacobs, beef, mutton Bte. '
debt of 1855, 49 30
" Wm. MeNite, 1531 bus. wheat
125 c. 191 46
" Same, bal. due, Ist Jan. 1856 3 50
" J. L. Junkin, grain in ground 22 50
" T. MeGarvey, butcher, limn
through summer, 66 601
" J. Jacobs, meat then , slimmer 31 59
" .7. Creswell & Co., bacon, &e. 10 58
" Sundry persons 4685 lbs. Id. 233 80
" do. 3771 " pk. 246 06
" Cmbenhour, bill of meat,
buttoner, 3 86
"J. Murphy, steward, sundries
detailed in has account, 59 59 1004 031
Sundry persons for Merchandise :
By Jas. G. Lightner, fur merchandise,
per bills, in part debt of '55 205 41
" Bare, for same. 150 94'
a Doyle, Foust & Co., Same, 109 62
" Win. B. Leas, " 99 43
" Same I Matte., " 44 I6i
" J. & W. Saxton, " 15 81
" Samuel L. Glasgow, " 13 34
" John Long & Co., " 30 88
" John IV. Smith, " 34' 10
" Wm. A. Fraker, " 10 01
" John 11. Lightner,' " dr'itS 11 29,1
" Josh. Greenland Esq. " 38 04
" David Ender, " 16 00
'I ben, Wigton & Co., " hal. Ii 23
" T. E. Orbison, 139' 28
" Murphy, steward, sew as
detailed in his account, 2g 04 . 847 49
Eqiensesfee Out Da,,,
By MI. persons for med. & attendance
on 0. 1). P. 224 581.
" do. for 11 coffins, Or. fore. p. 53 60
" do. fur relief and support lur.
o. d. p. about 36 cares, 999 691
' "Jas. Murphy, stew., sundry ex
penses, for ,10., per his scent, 209 99 3 . 1487 (71
Removals to and from the Hens,
By S. S. Smith, Huntingdon, delivering
paupers, at sundry times, 27 47
" Graffiuv. Petersburg, do. 18 35
" A. Isenberg, Morris, 1 pan., 1 3 12
" J. H. Stoneroad, Bit. 1 • " 8 17
" David Kinch, 1 • " 7.07.
" David Shoup, 'rod, 1 " 6 10
"M. Householder Alex. 1 " 5 77.
"A. Isenberg, Morris, I ‘ 5 17
" Sundry persons, 9 " 38 75
tt J's. I'. for official lees, orders
of rembv al, 12 261
" Jas. Murphy, stew., for sundry
charges detailed in his acc't., 109 921 253 06
Slate Lunatic Asylum ut llarrisburg
By J. Murphy, steward, cash paid for
keeping 4 subjects, as per are't. ran..
Incidental and Misedlancous Expenses
By sun. per.. cash pd., debt '55, 103 55
"Mrs. S. Barbet, cash pd. sun. 249 121
" Sundry persons, printing, 54 75
" M. S. Garrison, tin-warn, 24 08
" Jona. Davis, stocking yarn, 18 92
"D. 13Iair, Esq., fees in procur-•
ing land warrants, . 20 00
Sundry persons, shoetnaking,4l 09
"Teter Myers, tailoring, 7 49.
"1). 13ergstresser, leather, 38 041
W. A. Hudson, Insu. tees, 19 50
" Jos. Sough, coopering, 10 37
" Etat. Doyle, Whale° on act.
of making coffins, Or., 5 20
" it, Brewster, stove rent, Or. 3 45
" Mar. Mosey, kitv.hen labor,
bal. on account, 33 22
" Sand. persons, repairing, Or. 6 53
" J. Murphy, stew., sundries as
detailed in his account, • 597 801 1233 13
By Dr. J. G. Lightner, fin salary, as
At. Physician, debt of 1853, 62 50
" J. Y. 'Murphy, 1 year's salary
as rterk, debt of 1855, 40 00
" D. Blair, Esq., 1 your's sala
ry as Counsel, debt of '55, 20 00
" Santo for 1856, 25 00
" Dr. IV. 0. Baldwin, 9 mos. as
attending physician, 1856, 150 00
" M. J. McKennon, 3 nice. do. 50 00
" J. Murphy, 1 year, as steward
1856, 400 00
" H. Brewster, do. clerk, 50 00
" Samuel Mattern, services, as
Director, up to Oct. 7, 1856,
106 8()
a J. A. Shade, do. to Jan. 6 '57 68 00
"K. L. Green, do. to Jun. 6 '57 59 00
tt J. Gibbony, do.lo Jan. 6 '57 38 40 1055 30
" J. Murphy, battenee due him
at last settlement, 433 02
" Wm. Glasgow, ballanee of his
account to square, 132 53 565 53
53 00
58 00
173 17
03 27
50 00
370 74
1857. January 0, To Win. Glasgow, Stew•
_an!, for bat. of acc't as per contra, $132 53
Steward's Statement.
Zanies Murphy. in account with the
lluptingdon County Poor souse.
DR, _ - • • -
To Co. Treasury, for orders drawn at sundry
times, $2194 17
Rev. G. W. Sliaiffer, rent &c., re-
coived from;
"J. Brewster, foi 56 lbs lard sold him 700
" J. B. Kidder, for 52 lbs ditto,
6 75
" Rev. G. W. Shailfer, for cash reed 11 371
" Cash received from a pauper, 1 90
" Blair Co., Alms }louse for cash reed 10 82
" Dr. W. 0. Baldwin, for pauper labor 100
" Samuel Backus, Esq., cash for fines, 368
" Lancaster Poor House, fur cash, 55 00
" D. Bergstrasser, cash refunded, er
ror in settlement
" Wet. Giles, Esq., for cash for fines, 268
K. L. Green, Saxe handles sold him 371
"'C. Wigton, cask for I pair gloves, 37
" Westmoreland Co. Alms House, for
keeping Susan Davis,
4 4 AL G. Collins, fur coopering, 36
44 Meat. C. Fraker, for caw sold to her, 20 00
5' Win. Bell, pauper for his laud war
taut, 80 acres, 90e. per acre, 72 00
'• Abel. Lewis, for horse sold to him, 50 00
CR. By expenses for sending away pauper, 2 2%
By sundry Expenditures, for use of llousr, i f T. it.: Isaac Port for delivering I pauper, 557
By ballance due at last settlement, us per state- do. Expenses for removing I do. 367
Mont, $433 02 do. do. for sending 1 pauper to
"J. Lutz, for hill printing per recp't, 300 Huntingdon. Hatfield,
.A. Lewis, freight on Lamb's goods, 425 do: Ex. for removing from Blair Cn. A.
.J. C. Seehlers, for charges on do. 267 HonsaPresswell, 680
" Samuel Bowman, for lot of earpent- do. D. Teague, EN., official fees, ord. 40
er,s tools, 540 do. Ex. for rettioving pauper to House, 100
. Jonn. Davis, for stocking yam, 5 00 do. T. Mornay, delivering 1 pauper, 4 77
. Bob% McCormack, for labor done, so do.. Ex.. for going to Harrish'g and Lan
. Isaac McDonathen, for shoemaking, 375 eager; &c., 12 90
" Cash paid for shaving soap, 23 do. A. Harrison, Esq., for official foes, 260
" Walker & Sons, for i doz. Iron bed- In. Ex. for sending away pauper, 70
steads, 42 00 do. do. do. do. 621.
.. _ ___ _ - ten. do. Rlrs. C. Frakr - ..e far- 3 25
1880 95
291 51
Cash paid for use of House, 2 En.,
E. Lamb, for cash sent to N. York
to redeem her goods,
L. A. Myers, carpenters work, bal,
Cash paid for use of House,
tr 44 si
$7793 37
" Mrs, Smith for stone Mocks,
" Sarn'l Curio, for altering hogs,
" Cash paid for use of house,
Ellen Smith for kitchen labor,
"John Smith for removing graveyard,
" Wm. Plum, for assisting in do.
" Cash paid fur use of Ilouse,
4; 44 4 if ti
" I. McDonathan for shoemaking, cash
on account,
" D. Bergstresser, for leather, on act.,
't Ab. Miller, for whitewashing, debt'
of 1855.
. 6 Cash paid for use of House,
" Samuel L. Glasgow, fur printing,
" Cash paid for son of House,
" John C. Sechler, for freight,
" Eph. Doyle, for cash ;mild on sun' ds.
"Jane linens, for kitchen labor in full
" Cash paid for use of House.
6S ti
"'Eph. Doyle, for repairing furniture,
" Sarah Burket, for interest on draft,
" I. McDonathan, shoemaking, on ee't.
" in lull,
" Mrs. J. Templeton, for cash paid in
full, debt of 1055,
" Abm. Caruthers, for cash paid bal
lance of account,
"J. C. Seehler, freight on bedst'ds, &c. I
" Cash paid for use of House,
" Rickets, for plank per bill, 4
" Expense for attending Hunt. Co.
Ag. Fair, 5 27
" Cash paid for use of House, 1 75
6 6 J. G. Long, for advertising, &c., 2 00
" J. C. &elder, for freight, 1 25
" John Lute, for Horse Ointment, 25
"I. MeDonathan, shoemaking on ac't. 5 00
" Samuel Bucher, for stocking yarn, 2 25
" Cash paid for use of House, 120
"E. Doyle, cash paid for coffins on an. 500
" Cash paid for Use of House, 2 En., 1 26
" Allowance for raising dead bodies, 25 00
" Mrs. Hoover, for stbeklbg yarn, 1 20
"Mrs McNite, ditto 2 621
" Cash paid for use of House, 91
" Peter Burket, for ballance of ace't in
fell, debt Of 1855, 3 02
"E. Doyle , for cash paid on ae. (col.) 15 00
" Cash paid for use of House, 25
6 6 Walker & Sons, Phil., idoz. beds'ils '42 05
" Wm. Colon. for Purdon's Digest &c. 662
6 ' Cash paid for use of House, 2 En., 2 90
" Uso Home &Muggy for use of House
21 years,&e.,
Alerg'thlosey, for dash paid at gun
dry times, kitchen labor,
" James Anderson, for money paid on
Horse. 1855. -
Benjamin lCuylcr, for money. paid on
itee't. 1855. 17
it Cash advanced fur use of Home, in
1855; minted at WO settlement. 50 •
66 Bill of shoes fin•nislied• for use of P., 16 06
" Sundry furniture for use of Hoes°,
bought of him at leaving. 52 00
" .Allowance made for use of same, 21
years, 40 00
" IVm. Piper, farmer, for cash paid him
at sundry times, 159 36
" Jim°. McKinstrey, for taxes paid him. 195
it Dr..l. A. Shade, for 1 wagon & bed, 95 001
" E. M. Lutz, fur straw, 1 50 1
"J. B. Foster, for cash paid on R. tax, 500
"A. H. Lutz, for set plough harness, 175
" Doll & Spear, Pitts., for 1 plow, 15 25
" John Garbo r, for 3 bus. seed point's, 135
"J. Meginsti7; tor hay ladders, 2 50
" J. Arnold, for - labor on farm, '55. 7 65
" John ang,Tor school tax, 14 80
" John Foster." road taxes, 4' 23
" Cash pnid for repairing plow, 50
"James MrKinatry, 9 bus. rye, 4 [at
" George Swine, for I plow, 13 33
" Cash paid, for sand. for use of farm, 225
" 11. L. Cook, for 221. bus. corn, 11 25
" James McDnncll, for 1 home, 145 00
" Asher Drake, for labor on farm, 4 25
" Samuel Carts, for altering hogs, 1 00
" John Burns; for labor on farm, 1 31
" Doyle, Foust, & Co., l ton Goose,
and expenses, 59 g:
" John Long for school and road taxes, 17 76
"1). Meltillip, for making post and rail
fence, 9 GO
" Bucher & Porter, for keeping Jano
Morgan, 0. D. P., 4 09
" Wm. 111'Alister, ditto Mrs. Mend', 13 50
" George Schwarts, do. tho Linn fam
ily. Reliance, 2 34
" Lanvina Chilcote, do. Jae. Emery, 1 25
" J. Luce, for med, and attendance on
Jane Irwin 2 00
J. Kelly keeping folly Kelly, o. d. p. 23 40
" &WI Thompson, for dig. grave," 1 00
" K. Patterson, keeping Spencer, " 5 20
" Susan Yingling, " E. Taylor, " 6 35
6 . 1). J. Mite, & Son, for med. and at.
per Wilson Meredith, o. d. p., 5 00
A. Harrison, Esq., for keeping Hicks
and family, 4 00
" Jacob Lane, for digging grave, perJ.
Hoekeitherry, o. 11. p.. 1 00
"M. F. Campbell, Mr burying L. Nail, 350
"J. Gray, keeping tont at..l. Bums, 40 00
" Blair Co. A. 11., for keeping Mar.
Creswell, o. tl. p., 4 25
" Cash pd. for expenses, going to Hun
tingdon, ou 0. I). business, 1 64
" do. do. do. do. 3 00
" do. do. do. do. 2 79
" do. do. do. do. 3 121
" do. do. do. do. 2 65
" do To Huntingdon and Pet'bg., 2 03
" do. expenses attending to o. d. busi. IGO
" do. do . do do 2 50
In. do do do 2 951
" do. fur visiting 0. D. Paupers, 1 121
do. for attending to o. door business, 167
" do. do do 1 20
" do. do do 2 20
" do. do do 3 55
" do. do do 2 En., 1 371
" do. do do 1 501
" do. Going to html.,n to attend suit, 2 60
" do. attending to 0. 1). Business, 2 25
.‘ do. do do 1 00
" Wm. Christy, for attending .7:Har
kens, m tl. p., 2 50
J. P. Forbes, med, for Crawford mp. 100
By Dr. J. McCulloch, for visit to sco It. •
Chrinibers, o. d. p. 2 50
do Daniel MeGabey, for keoping R.
Chambers, o. d. p. 20 Ott
do H. Fester, for keeping D. Zest, bal., 1 121
do Rob's Gill, for judgment on Ester.
Snare's docket, 24 53 1
do John Simpson, for delivering 3 pau
pers, to Huntingdon 2 03
do Wm. Jordan, Mr delis. P. 11. 350
do I). Snare, Esq., for official fees; or
ders for relict, for., 1 160
do Exp. dcliv. 1 pauper to State L. A.. 11 11
do Cash paid for delivering pauper, 50
do do for delis. SP. Walker tp., 5 10
do do do 2 Tod tp., ti 77
do do do P. froM Huntingdon. 874
do do for sending away paupers, 3 25
do do removing Marg't Heys from
Blair Co. Alms House,
do Exp. for sending away pauper,
do do do do
do do for going to Harrisburg,
do do for sending away pauper,
do Sirs. C. Freeer for cash paid mei,
,and sending away paupers,
do Expenses for sending away pauper,
472 X
$7799 37
36 70
11 00
21 50
$2185 titq
n nn do., stage fare for pau.,
1 10 do. do. do. do. 1 75
do. John Graflius for removing 1 pan.,
I'oo db. St. Lit. Ai. keeping T. Conaway, 05 38
4U do• do. do. P. Hondurson, 32 57
9.6 do. do. do. W. Al'Ferran, 140 20
21 do. do. dm T. Conaway, 44 05
04 de , do. do. J. VViser,July 13, 62 19
00 do. do. do. do. to Dec. 21, 41 69
88 do. do. do. McFerrnn In full, 4 68
2i do. do. do. H. Henderson; 34 00
/0 do. do. do. Jacob Wiser, 47 55
10 do. H. Hunter for socks for paupers, 2OD
0 do. Waterman & Young, 2 Lb!. mark. 18 50
1 do. W. Hart for bit ling mer. from river, 100
do. S. L. Glasgow, fbr do. balfunee, 144
do. H.Hmbenhour for Wilmot, on beef, 47
do. David Knepp for beef; bul. debt '55, 42u
do. 8. H. Elliott for bacon, 24 80
do. Samuel M. Eby for bacon; (161'55, 166
do. C. B. Elliott, bacon and ap. butter, 710
do. du. do. per bill, 21 36
2 25
2 50
4 56
1 00
7 14
1 85
ARY Gth 1857.
It'.:llllCh7 1,,,f5-0T19;
101 bus. wheat, 24 bus. buckwheat, 221 bui.
oats, 470 bah. corn in ears, 224 bus. potatoes, •
GI bus. onions, 2 bus. beets, 1924 lbs pork, 23
loads of hay, 4 loads corn fodder, 200 heads of
mates of the. Poor House for the Year 1556.
47 dresses, 37 chemise, 35 aprons, 25 sun bon.
nets, 63 pair socks, 35 pair stockings, 20 sacks,
18 skirts, 20 night caps, 87 shirts, 12 pair mit.
tens, 28 pair men's pants, 7 pair boy s panCs,
3 boy's rounabouts, 4 doz. towels, 17 Maps, for
beds, 11 chaff ticks, 21 sheets, 8 shrouds, 44
bus. dried apples, 130 lbs hard soap, 350'gal.
soft soap, 650 lbs. of butter, 300 lbs. candles,
3 sloe. bread baskets, 42 split tirbents, 15 Cora
brooms, 36 axe handles, 12 coal baskets.
STOCK ON 1/AND, January OA; 1857.
2 horses, 1 yoke of oxen, 7 millccoifs; rfstock
cattle, 2 breeding SOWS, 28 stock hogs; 374 bus.
wheat, 40 bus. corn, 80 bus. oats, 14 bus. buck.
wheat, 120 bus.
,potatoes, 16 tons of hay, 3
loads corn fodder, 4500 lbs. pork, 1500 lbs. bf.,
6 tons stone coal, 1 wagon, 1 cart, 3 ploughs, 1
cultivattir; 1 harrow, 1 windmill, 663 lbs. lard.
House on the 6th January, 1857.
32 males, 29 females, aggregate, 61. 8 of these
are under 10 years of age ; 2 from 10 to 20 ;
6-from 20 to 30 ; 10 from 30 to 40 ; 6 from 40
to 50; 6 from 50 to 60 ; 7 from GO to 70; 11
from 70 to 80 = tool 5 from 80 to 90.
NATIVITI.-01 the above, 27 were born in
Huntingdon county ; 16 elsewhere in Penn's ;
5 elsewhere in the United States; 8 in Ireland;
3 in Germany ; lin ScotlGOd, and 1 in Ans.
46 00'
40 00
Included in lbo above list, aro 4 peruone of
color, eiz :-2 men, I woman and I boy.
INSANE:, 8, viz : 2 men and 6 women.
IDIOTIC, 8, win : 4 men and 4 women:
In testimony of the correctness of the abOyd
accounts, we have hereunto set our hands,
this 3th day of February, A. D. 1857.
We the undersigned Auditors of the County of
Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we have
examined the orders, &c., of the Directors of
the Poor of said County, and find the same
together with the vouchers to be correct, RS
above stated. Witness our hands, - this sth
day of February, A. P. 1857.
Feb. 11, 1857.
1?2(g112110 RIC)4BUt.
Tha Lost is Found;
RC. MoGILL wishes to inform hii
• friends and the public generally,
that ho has bought the above-named "°..
Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and allits
contents, and from his long experience in the
business he hopes to obtain a shore of the public
patronage. AS he him the Foundry In full oper=
ration, be can furnish all who may giro him a
call will' all kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling
Mill and Forgo Casting, Urist and Saw Mill
Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting;
and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of va
rious size( and improved pattdrns for wood and
coal; also ter+late swiss, Air-Tight, Parlor,
and Bar-room stoves, of all sines for mood or
coal. Also Castings for house ; cellar grates ;
such as Lentels; Sills, Sash-Weights, tic. Plows
at every description of tho latest and mostim
proved seyle. Also steel soles, wagon bozos,
io miffraMes, largo bells and cast venter-pipes.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. honing turn
ing -lathes, he will be able to furnish any onkel
abore.named articles, either wood or iron; and
he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to
mention, all of which will be sold cheaper thau
over for cosh and all kinds of country produce.—
Also old lintel will betaken in exchange for eas
ting. Hurry up your old metal and country pre-
duce when any articles are wanted.
J. 3; W. SAXTON 'are now receiving their
Second Fall and Winter Stock of
Newited fashionable Dry Goods!
Enumeration • is unnecessary, but what every
body says must be true—and everybody says
the place to find the beat assortment of Dry
Goods; in those parts, is at
[Estate of Willson Flinn, deed.]
Attilkiiolll l lll
uuderogned Auditor, appointed by the
I • Orphans' - Court of Huntingdon County, to
distribute the balance in the hands of Levi
Evans, Esq. and Samuel Yingling executors
of the last will cud testament ot William Flinn,
' late of Tod township, deed, amongst those
entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all per.,
sons interested, that he will attend for the pur.
pose of making said distribution, at the Regis.
ter's ()dice, in the borough of Huntingdon, ou
Saturday the 281/s of February next, at 10 o'.
clock, A. M., when and where all persons inter
ested are required to present their claims to the
undersigned auditor or be debarred from con-.
Mg in upon said fund.
THEO. 11. CREMER, Auditori
7 86
I 75
9 07
1 00
$2485 681
$122 93