Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 11, 1857, Image 3

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There is very little inquiry for flour to-day,
but the market is without change under the
late news from abroad, and only some 300 a
400 bbls have been disposed of at $6,37ia6,50
per bbls, mostly at the latter rate for better
brands; holders generally are free sellers at
war lowest figures, which is the uoiforrp as
kiug rate for standard broods ; the stock on
sole, however, is light. For home use prices
range at from $6,370087 and $8 per bbl for
common to extra and fancy brands, according
to quality. Corn Meal and Rye Flour are
very quiet at previous rides.
I.lrain--There is a steady demand for Wheat
and some 3000 bushels found buyers in lots nt
150 e for good Pennsylvania red, and 162 e fur
White, in store—mostly nt the former rate.—
Rye is wanted, and about GOO bushels have
been sold at 82c. Corn is steady, with a small
Lusinem only to note at 68 cents for old and
file for new yellow—the latter in the cars.—
Oats sell slowly at. 47 cents for Pennsylvania.
On the 3d inst., by p.m J. W. laugbawout,
Mr. IV...sander Allison, of Mill Creek, to Miss
Mary Waltlstnith, of West tp., Runt. Co.
. ,
On the sth inst., by the same, Mr. Joseph
Jobnst .n to Miss Arabella J. Rupp, all of Pe
tersbiir t, llunt. co.
On the 3d inst., by Rev. A. B. Still, Mr.
ITettry Summers, of Marklesburg, to Miss Eliz•
abet ti Shultz, of Spruce Creek.
On the Pith inst., by the same, Mr. John
Swituser, of Runt. C0.,•t0 Miss Rachel Burgen,
of Mifflin, Juniata Co.
Cheapest ""Job Printing" Office
We hare now made §nek arrangements in our
Job °Sire on will enable us to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County.
Glie us n call. If we don't give entire satisfac
tion, no charge at all will be made.
Ilphe undersigned will attend to drawing Wills,
1 Deeds, Mortgages, Articles of Agreement,
Lenses, Letters of Attorney, floods, Se.
will alto arrange and state Administrator's ar•
•eounts and attend to the passingefthem before
the Register. All will be done in legal form,
and good. style, and at moderate 4:barges.
untittplen. 20th Jaen:try. 857.—'
All persons indebted to Henry C. Walker,
either gy t,ore or bouk account, will take no
tice that they ore in toy hands and that it will
boa matter of economy on their part to settle
the same in IS reasonably short time.
I). lIOUTZ, Assignee
or 11 . 1. %Val ker.
suivitrzpvow„ PA,
UPEKE, removed to the rooms
Vinci jvi ning the residence of Dr. •
IL Allison Miller, near the Pres.
tylerian Church.
.10n. 11, 1637.-tr.
i t taii
No. 122 Wood Street,
Cenbing Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Parlor
Stoves, Box Stves, llollow Ware, Plain and
Fancy Crates b Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons,
Portable Forges, Sugar, 'lea nod Stove Kettles,
Wagon Boxes. Fe. '
Nov. 26, 1P56.—1y.'
sii t xt r o
► F. undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
inform farmers end the tiblie genera l.
ly, that they now linen their new mill ie running
order, with 1111 the modern improvements in the
water wheels end machinery.
They have put in live of the Improved Jon
val Tuvhine Water 'Wheels, and can grind in
al stages of the water, Ono during the coldest
weather, any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell. and have on hand
fi , r sale at all times, at market rate, all kind of
and farmer; can have their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
be furnished in exchange nt a moment'. notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop•
ped feed.
is an improved inautifactuve; and they will
insure &FULL TURN OUT of superior quail.
17 I to every bushel of grain left at their nail!.
N. L. • .1 he Buckwheat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 18,1 G.
Meebanicsburg, Cumberland Cu., Pa.
; Dar T. S. delivers work to the oars. He has
,alwtys ready made work on hand. All orders
by mail shall receive prompt attention.
Jail. 28, 1857.-6 mo.
le2111) MB MIMS
New Assortment Jubt Opened
And will be sold 80 per cent.
HRONAN respectfully in'erms his must.,
, met a and the public generally, that he has
Lust opened at his store-room in Market Square
fluntingdonot splendid new stock of Reedy
Clothing for Fall and Winter.
which he will sell cheaper than the same quality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in rhilatlel
;lda or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to bay Clothing would do
•cell to call and examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,
hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
:hick will be sold lower than at any other QS.
,ablishment in the county.
Ilvtitingdun Ott. P. MA,.
fist of Outstanding Balances,
Due at Settlement with the Auditors, for the Tear 1856.
Collectors' Names.
Walker, 1844.✓ A. B. Sangaree,
Union, 1846. James Hampson,
Franklin, 1847. John H. Stonebraker,
Jackson, 1848. David S. Bell,
Tod, 1861. Jesse Cook,
West, " Charlei Green,
Walker, 1852. John Coulter,
Henderson, 1863. Luke Vooorhees,
Cass, " Joshua Greenland,
Franklin, 1854. John Import,
Barren, " William Couch,
Brady, " John McDonald,
Cromwell, " Michael Myers,
Porter, " William B. Shaw,
Walker,' " Joseph Douglass,
Burree, 1833. John Smith,
Cromwell, " David );trim•,
Franklin,* " . Alexander Ewing,
Hopewell, " John Beaver,
Jneksomf " Thomas Osborn,
Morris, " Abraham Isenberg,
Tod,t " Benjamin F. Baker,
Walker, " John Thompson,
Warriorsumrk, " William Wray,
Barrim,f 1856. Joseph Forrest,
Brady,t " George Rupert,
Cads,} " Samuel Pheasant,
Oxssville, " Nicholas Corbin,
Clay,f " David Heck,
emit " Frederick Harman,
Dublimf " Jacob Hunt,
Franklin,f " Samuel tVigton,
Hantingdon,f " William Rothrock,
Hopewell,f " Jacob Summers,
Jackson; f " Solomon Hamer,
Murris,f " B. F, Wallace,
Peno,f " George Garner,
Port er,f " John N. swoope,
Shidey,f " Joseph Miller,
Shirleyshurg,t " Benjamin Long,
Spriu.•field,j• " Jacob Booher,
Tell,t " . Samuel Hackedorn,
Tod,t " A. J. Dunlap,
Gnion i t " David Pheasant,
Walker,f " Joseph Isenberg,
Warriorsutarkt• Henry Grazier,
West,f ' " William Moore,
*Since paid in full.
fSioee paid in part.
Given under Seal of office, 10011 January, 1851
February 11, 1837.
JANUARY 1857, including both dup.
Amount in Tirestiry at last settlement $474 86
1851 Charles Green, West, $7 Oo
1853 Ilti . 3ert Peter. m. Dublin, 200
do. William Se t lit. Union, 99 45
1854 William Cinch, Banco, 153 62
do. John Import; Franklin, 30 00
do. Joseph Douglass, Walker, 75 00
do. W. Hutchison, Warriornek. 9 47
1855 John Smith, Dame, 510 06
do. Christian Miller, Brady, 347 92
do. Julio Boo . ma n, Coss, 1:19 22
do. Wm. Cunningham, Clay, 312 22
do. David Etnier, Cromnell, 310 65
do. Wm. Appleby, Dublin. 292 01
do. Alex. Ewing, Franklin. 718 92
do. And. Decker, Henderson, 53 18
J. M. Simpson Iluittin,,odon 366 41
110 . John Hoover, Hopewell, 250 00
do. 'rhos. Osborn, Jackson, 046 50
do. Abm. !senile rg, Morris, 654 22
do. Abm: Grubb, Penn, 126 28
do. Peter Piper. l'orter, 722 I I
Mi. Jolts MeKinstrey, Shirley, 559 09
do. Boned. Stevens Springfield 194 84
do. Samuel Parsons, Tell, 258 32
do. Brnj F. Baker, 'roil, 378 20
do. William Chileote, Union, 37 85
du. into '[hemp son, Walker, 601 00
dr. Win. Wray, Warrriornek,6l4 71
do. Mordecai * Henry, Wool, 1320 15 9788 44
1850 Joseph Forre,t, Barre°. 300 00
do. George Rupert, Brady, 508 23
do. Satimel Pheasant, Cuss, 325 00
do. David Heck, Clay, 200 00
du. Fred. Harman, Cromwell, 221 12
do. Jacob Hunt, Dublin 250 00 •
do. Sion'l Wigton, Franklin,: 669 00
do. W. V. Miller, Henderson, 418 12
do. W. Hothrock, Huntingdon, 754 21
do. Jacob Summers, Hopewell 570 48
do. Solomon Hamer, Jackson. 141 00
do. Benj. F. Wallace, Morris, 486 00
do. George Garner, Penn, 616 00
do. John N. Swoope, Porter, 536 24
do. Joseph Miller,Shirley, 547 00
do,,Benj. Long, irleysburg, 106 95
do. jacob Boolier ' Spritigfield, 113 80
do. Stool Illtekodorn, Tell, 200 00
do. And. Dunlap, 'rod, 360 00
do. David Pheasant, Union, 225 00
do. Jos. Isenberg, Walker, 347 00
do. H. Grazier, Warriormark, 815 00
du.. Wm. Moore, West, 716 05
do. Nich. Corbin, Cassville, 80 79 9493 53
Ain't of County tax on unseated finals,
419 59
do. &Moo' dO. do. 208 57
do. Road du. do. 263 76
Redemption money on on. lands, 160 52 1052 44
Fines, Jury yes, . r ke., collected by Sla'ff
Gre . e.11199(1, 564 43
Fines collected by Justice Sears 26 34 590 77
Of Samuel Wigton, to pay off the Bond
for Poor Howie farm, . 750 00
Soignor Blitz,tor use of U. House, 3 00
Balance due County Treasurer, 1274 58
A tty'ny '
Prot'y., Sheff., and wi tncssc fees
on criminal Prosecutions, $363 00
Constables for making returns, adver
tising Sip ing Elections, en., 381 92
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Cri-
er, &c.,
2468 37
Judges, Inspiscters and Clerks of Elec •
1305 34
Assessors' Orders, 960 25
Inquisitions on dead bodies, 62 69
Road and Bridge Views, 417 00
" damages, Jos. Forrest, 100 00
" Isaac Peightal, 40 00 557 00
Bridge Orders
George Couch for bridge at Neft's Mill
749 49
Cunningham and Harrison, for •
bridge across Stone Creek, 875 00
D. Blair, fur bridge at Blair's
Still. 560 00
John thigliagan, for repairing
bridge below Alexandria, 266 60
George Lump, for securing lum
ber of bridge at iluidingdon,
curried away by storm, and de
livering it at Huntingdon, 150 00 2601 09
Commissioners :
Thomas Hamer, 206 00
Benjamin K. Neff, 131 e 0
Jacob Baker, 162 50
Henry L. McCarthy, Id 00
Auditors for 1855, 46 00
Clerk to Cam's. in full fin 1955, 75 00
" for 1850, 325 00
John Reed Esq., Att'ny to Com.
in full fur 1855, 10 00
Do. on account for 1856, 20 00 993 50
Interest on County Bonds
William B. Leas, 247 50
William Orbisun, Esq., 180 00
William P. Orbison, Esq., 60 00
George C. Bucher, , 60 00
Jahn R. Hainan, 185 72
Thomas Eisner, 114 00
A. B. Crovet, 15 50
J. S. Stewart, Esq., 7 30 850 22
Stale ?'ax.
County Tax.
15 14
37 81
49 34
123 66
70 76
27 07
377 03
$9944 06
131.2 NJ. K. NEFF,•
COM m is.r inners.
County bonds paid as follows:
William 11. Lens, 2560 00
James G. Doyle, 531 00 3092 00
ensurer or State Lunatic Asylum,
David Brotherline, 217 69
John Madden, 135 12 352 81
I For Coal, Wood, Light, 3:e., for Court
House and .fail, 179 19
Fisher & Me:Auntie merchandise for
Court llouse and Jail, 33 52
Sundry individuals for repair to same, 63 46
Medical attendance on prisoners in J u il, 50 25
Levi Murrels attending sink in jail, 5 00
Samuel Africa, burying . Mrs. Starker, 4 00
M. F. Campbell, Esq., titr Pinto's fees,
stationary for mutt and blank books
for Proti's office, 1.7:1 17
Assessment kooks and Dimlimit. fur
Comm's Office, and blank hooks for
03 27
osiont Greeninnd, Sheriff, for 511Mmo.
niqgjuroi,,ennreying convict:4 to re
netentiary, boarding prisoners, &•c.,
for the venr. 1855 and 1836. 954 03
Grallitt3 3lidor, Sheriff; un account fur
tame, 50 00
For County Printing,
William Lewis, for 1856, 96 50
John A. Nash, 129 75
Wnt. Brewster, for '55 and '56,203 95 432 20
Postage, William Lewis, 3U 76
Wild Cot and Fox Scalps, premiums of
1t 1 56,
370 74
School tax on unseated lands, 1)161 in
1836, 254 26
Hoed tan, on same, 159 76
Hodemption Money, on some, 160 32 574 54
Refunding orders to sundry persons, 122 80
Insurance on bridge at Huntingdon, 7 80
Scrubbing and cleaning Court House,
and Privy, 25 00
Washing for prisoners in jail, 25 00 50 00
Directors of the Poor, for the your 1856. 5593 38
Treasurer's commission on $45414 58, 681 22
In testimony of the correctness of the above
we hereunto subscribe our names and affix the
eeel of said county, this lOth day ofJunuary, A.
I). 1857.
H. W. MILLER, Clerk. Commissioners.
We the undersigned auditors of Huntingdon
County, L'enn'a, elected and sworn according
to law, roport that we met, didaudit, settle and
adjust according to law, the nec.,unt of A. B.
Crewit, Hsi.. Treasurer of said county, and the
orders of the Commissioners, and the receipts
for the same, ftir and during the past year, and
tind a bithinve due the sail Treasurer by the
'County, of tive,ve hundred and seventylour
dollars and tiny eight cents.
Given unler our hands at the Cutnmissioners'
office in the borough of Huntingdon, the 10th
day of January,
WM. MOORE, Auditors,
Feb. 4. 1857
$25,427 62
No. 191 North Third St., above Wood, Phila.
nry, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate
Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jolly
Cakes, Cieam Chocolate, French Toys, White
Sugar Toys. Ac., Ac.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil
berts. Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Tiro
ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can•
dy, &0., &c.
The attention of Dealers is reqested to an
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to any in Philadelphia. •
N. B.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt.
ly attended to.
Has been removed to a large and commodi
ous room in the "Town Hall," and is open day
and evening for the reception of Students.—
The course of instruction, embracing Single
and Double-Entry Book Keeping, is accompa
nied by daily Lectureson Commercial Sciences.
A department has also been opened whieb is
devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by
Prof. MomtisoN, of Pittsburg.
Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and
Political Economy are delivered periodically
to the studen'ts by members of the Huntingdon
For any other particular., address pereonelly
or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal.
Assistance given when required in opening
and dosing books. [April 2,11556.—1 y.
500 Chesnut roots for vale by
Cr.NNINGHAbi Drikag.
ooTle much to say, yet Truth to sad it. , ' 1
Militia Fines.
By S. G. GOODRICH, the veritable "Peter Par
ley," author of "The History of ull Nations"
&c., &c. In two volumes, 150 po. large 12ino.
25 engravings, including an accurat. Steel
Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scar-
let Cloth, $3,00 ; Scarlet cloth, gilt edges $4;
Half calf, marble edges $5,00 ; Gilt Bilges, 47.
This work medium !he prominent public e
vents coffin, last halt Maury. both at home and
abroad ; a complete autobiography of the author
—his early days, education, and literary career;
and an amount of original curious, and valuable
personal incident, mediae and description, sel
dom, if ever, met with inn single work. It is
the author's life-long work, and nothing superior
if equal to it in blended amusement and instruc
tion, has ever been published. Mr. Goodrich is
the author and editor uf 170 volumes, of which
seven millions of copies have been sold I and this
the great work of hir lifetime, embodies the con
densed substance of his ample literary and p.c.
deal experience: the war with England in 1814-
14, in which Mr. Goodrmli was a private soldier;
the Hartford Convention, whose operations took
place under his illiillediate observation, and with
most of the members at which lie was personally
acquainted. Embracing curious and interesting
details respecting old detlersonian Democracy,
Ohl Federalism, and Connecticut Blue Lights;
curious and niervellous events connected with
the rise and progress of religions sects in the
United States; with descriptions of . the French
Resolution of 1838, and Louis Nepoleon's Coup
d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed.
Also, a full account of the 'Peter Parley's Tales?
of which Mur millions have been sold.
•• ' ERNS OF SALE t —Ono third the par-
money to be paid oa confirmation of the
a ,
c ei
one-third within one year thereafter with ,
the interest, and- the remaining one-third at I
and immediately after the decease of Margaret
Lightner widow of said dee'd the purchaser
paying to the said widow annually and regular-
ly during her natural life, the legal interest of
the said one-third part; to be secured by the'
bonds tanl mortgage of the purchaser.
Encyclopedia of Animated Nature.' Jan. 215t,'57,3t. I
In the course of the work will be Wend pen
and ink portraits of over Two Hundred cerebra•
red persons—PreSidents. e-Presidents, Kings
Queens, Emperors, Soldiers, Poets, Wits, En
thusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Lip•
lomatists, ho.—all described Irmo personal ac
quaintance or observation. Fur sale by
ithu, CHEEK. Hunt. (Jo., Pa.
Published by Miller, Orton 6: Mulligan. No.
25 Perk How, N. Y.
53 00
08 00
Jan.2l,' 57,
Living Nature in all its Forms.
MILE only book of its kind ever published,
j which gives Pictorial Representations and
Popular Descriptions of the History, Habits and
modes of life of all the classes of living beings
on the earth, in the ocean and in the air. Uni
form retail price.
- .
In One Quarto Volume I:350 Illustrations,
Muslin Oils Buck and Center, $3 uu. The
Same—Marble Edge, Embossed Mm . recen,
Hitt Back and Center, $3 00. The bums
—Extru Red l'urkey lorruceo, Gilt Edges
end Full Gilt Sides, $5 00
Books upon almost every other subject have
been circulated mining the people. except those
relating to the very inter. stnig and important
one of Natural History. The hooks which Mice
heattolbre been published on this subject, have
been adapted. to mere children, or to those
who Inside it a thorough study. Hence, very
lee of the inillions of readers in this cituntry
have, within their reach, anything satisfactory
upon this subject. This Indicate, a great dud
all Waal, ila nu subject is inure intense
ly interesting, and none more improving, than
that of the I.rorg beings that pimple the clube.
This want we are confident we lolly meet, in
the work wo here oiler to the public.
'This Book is not tbr sale in Bookstores
but can be ordered trout us direct, or obtained
biota our Canvassing Agents.
. .
Published by Miller, Urton & Mulligan, New
York, and !Or sale by
MILL CHEEK, thud. Co., Pa.
Jan.21;57.- ' i.
'No Library is Compisto without it."
Testimony of Sixteen Thousand Pur-
Magnificent Work of History! A whole Libro
ry in itself:
Cost $ll,OOO-70 ithips-700 Engravings.
From the earliest period to the present time,
the history of every nation, ancient and mo
dern, being separately given. fly S. G. (3001.
mot, author ut several works of History, 'Peter
Parley's Tales,' &c. ,
$23427 62
It is believefi that the above work will be've
ry acceptable to the American public. It is the
result or years of toll and labor, assisted in his
researches by several scholars or known ability,
and has been gut up at u great expense by toe
proprietors. No pains have been chaired in the
execution of the illustrations and Maps, which
are prepared expressly lie• this work. Indeed,
all me other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich,
sink into insigioneanee, when compared to this,
the result 1.11 his rip.' Laid )ears. It is
admitted that one hundred dollars could not
purcease the .11110 matter in any other shape ,
and the publishers confidently expect, in consi
deration or the great literary value of the work,
the large sum expended in preparing it fur the
press, and the exceedingly moderate price at
which it is altered, that it will be iiivortiblv re
ceived by every lover agouti hooks. filtiny of
our first scholars, divines and gentlemen, who
have eaainined the work, have given it their un
qualified approbation and commendation, which
it richly deserves.
I;iijor . rn Retail Prices..
• - - -
In I vol. Turkey liluri.ccu, Marble Edge, Gilt
Buck and Sidot. Sil,oo
4. k 6 .6 66 6. . ' Full
Gilt “ " " 8,02
. 4,., 2 ii ii it 46 7,00
46 66 ti 46 Gilt "
and Full Gilt Sides,
" " Heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprinkled
Edge 6,00
Many of our Agents having been told when
soliciting subscribers, that this work would soon
be sold in Bookstores, and at a reduced price,
we hereby give notice, as Sole Publishers of it,
it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price,
and will he uttered by our canvassing Agents
only, who have the sole right of dida in their re
spective districts, except that where we have
not appointed an agent, WE will send copies by
mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United
States, upon receipt of the retail price.
N.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over
four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail,
but the two volume copies can be mailed as two
Miller, Orton & ISlulligen , Publishers, No. 25
Pink Stow, N. Y. Fur sale by
MILL CREI;K, Hunt. Co., Pa.
ARCTIa EziozalltSON.
And a law, assortment of other bunks may be
had, very low, by addressing
I %
The foregoing works cue bu hed et (leo. Berg
stress, otny, who is the Canvassing Agent fur
this county, end will shortly call on the
citizens or the euuuty.
J. J, W. sAA.TON are now receiving their
Second Fall end 1% inter Stock of
_ _......_ _..._..
New and FatalnessWe Dry Goads!
Enumeration is uu.vendary, but what every
body says must be true—and everybody says
the place to find the beat assortment of Dry
Goods, in these parte, is at
Dec.l 0;56.
.... . . .. . ... ..__________ _
till PHANS' CO li RT ' 111°!!!NF EVERYBODY,
F l,:e : years I bare beenengaged
SALII in a business known only to myself, und,i
comparatively, few others '
whom I have instrue-
Iti pursuance of au order of the Orphans' ! ted for the sum of $2OO each, which averaged
me at the rate of $2,000 to $3,000 per annum ;
Court of the county of Huntingdon, there will and having matte arrangements to go t 3 Europe
be exposed to public sale,
_on the premises, on in the fall of 1357 to engage in the some linsi-
Saturday the 14th of February next, ness, Inm willing to give full instructions in the
the following describe real estate no the prop. art to any person in the United States or Cana
das, who will remit mo the sum of $l. I LIIII
er q ...f Henry L i g h( l l. - 9 ll'llat township
i n paiti County, do o 'd,
I l i,
' induced, from the success I have been favored
with, and the tunny thankful acknowledgements
Five tractsW, all ait 'te in said town.
I have received from those whom I have 'moue
sliip of West, : ed Sc., as follows: are making from $5 to $l5 per
1. The Mansion P.m of saicl.doe'd bountl• teal, a fi t u lt, '" trgive any person tin opportunity to
ed by and of Julia Wall, George Wilson, Hi' . e ' niinge in this businiOs, which is easy, pleasant,.
rant Williamson, Jacob Witters, & others; mid very profitable, at a small cost. 'There is
coutaining ninety four servo ni.d 48 perches positively No }icemen in the matter. Refitrem
and allowance ; all cleared .d under cultic. ! era of the best class can ha given us regards its
dun, .d having thereon erected a two story chnracter, and I can refer to persons whom I
frame Dwelling House, a Bank Barn and ult. have instructed, who will testify that they are
er buildings. making from $5 to $l3 per dav tit the same. It
2. One other tract adjoining the above, lands is a business in which either tidies or gentlemen
of James Porter, the heirs of Joules Stewart,' can engage , n"11,,141,,,,ratt case Taite,::,...Y.,
John Wall. Jacob Witters, and Shaver's Creek
han t ds" o " Pi;:'e le tt " : York • State Peitus b elvania and
containing state acres, at perches nit cleared
and under contention. Mi;litiol, 1010111 I have ioi:tructed are now ma
3. One other tract, containing nineteen new king from $3 to S t
ral business, (mil b per day at it. It is a
ut a few shillings is required
one hundred and tarty six perches, and all sw. to soot it. Upon receipt of SI, I will irmedi
ance adjoining lands of B. Hartman, Robert ntely scud to theft/nine:lnt it printed circular eon
and William Armstrong awl the banks ut Sha• mining fall instruetioni in the art which con he
ver's Creek. (About hall an acre of thi, perfectly understoodat once.
tract has been given oil' the mil.• cad fora All letters imot be addressed (past-paid) to
charch.) , A, 'r. PARSONS, 335 Brouilwey, New York.
4..1 tract of woodland, adjoining lauds of Dec.24,'an.-44
John Wall, Green and Dorsey .d others. eta
tsining 52 acres nice perches and allowance.
5. An Island in Shaver's Creek, near said
nineteen Rare tract, containing about lea
acres. I
Colds, Coughs, and
lintatrina, MASS., 20th Dec., 1155.
Dn. J. I nit Ido not Ite4itate to Any
tip., host remedy I have over found for
Coughs, Hoare.. se, Influenza, and the
roncontitaitt windmill ofn Cold, ix your
eninunr Prorottn. he constant use in
toy invitee end ray family for tho hot
ten ram low shown it to pus,. sare•
4.1 r villaes for the treatment of those
complaint, EBEN II NIOIIT, 11. D.
, A.ll. SI , UtTLEY, of Eric, N. Y., writer: "1 her
used year l'rerotim. no,elf and hl my family ewer since
I Esittie of Willians dee'd.j i yen Invented It. twel . i n t the
e h:wt . tyncin , o for Its
A.OO - Vroilf.% sOTrozi, I Firg,,',Z,'lritl'::!,,ii. t r,;r"„"i„,,LV,,,,.. l . l d l ,,,, b igla";:f.
THE mulersigued Auditor, appoitded by the j ° C ;":4 1 :1;;;L is ..;,;„ g Cough Infiff
Orphans' Court of Huntingdor. County, to SPRING VIZI.P, Sao., Felt. 7, WU
di str ib u t e th e h u h tnee i n th e hoods of G ee . Doers. Amt I will cheerfully mtify your INrrotuf.
the bent renolr we powow for the cum of Intoping
Green, Esq., and Henry S. Orem]. Adininistra n th.
Uvirip, and the chest iii9eaSes Of children. We of
tore of William Houck, late of Tod township, ymr•fraternity in the South eppreclate your skill, and
deed,, amongst those entitled thereto, hereby . A. ~ I sr. D.
gives notice to all persons interested, that he .AllO3 ux, Ew.,Mowrenrr, tt, writes, 3,1 .U 14,1846:
will attend for the purpose of molting said i ttr bud s Influenza, which confined so in door.
tribittion, at the Register's (ACP, in the boy ;t r v e w e r r. Tst , ty b l , o l t i vuzZl , t,e . rely . : !will" .
°null ill . Huntingdon, on Saturday 28th. Of Tl ' et t n ex t doo reliev.l . the moren4s in ni l ; ' O ‘ tront n altd
.I , britary next, m one n'dnek, P. M.,lvlion net i Innrx: leis thus one. L:df lhu huttlu mndu me completely
where all persons having claims are required to ! ;„ b uy , su d Yutu mcdicintx ore the your ‘ ,.. t0 .
present theca to the undersigned Auditor, or be di. , tltv Pew' motes 0 . 00."
debarred Iron coming itt upon said fund. Asthma or Phthlpda, and Bronglati6.
WKST MANcittsitn, Fel,. 4, Mot.
TUEO. H. CREMERt t Ste: Yon.. ent.turr Ptcruttat. le performing merrellotte
maw. is this motion. It lute relieved deveral fnS,, Munn.
! 010 symiltom3 or ci.listthipt ion, and in now cluing a Mali
Ur 1 Y BE WITHOUT MONEY 1 when it is
IJV just us easy for any one to be around with
a pocket full as not, if they mtly think to. I
have got a new article, from which from five to
twenty dollars a day can he made, either by
male or female. It is highly respectable busi•
ness, and an article which is wanted in every
tinnily in the United States. Enclose we two
dollars by mail, at my risk. and I will forward
by return mail a Circular, with full instructions
in the art. The business is very easy. Try it,
if you are out of employment, and you will ne
ver forget it ; for it wili•be better for too to pay
the above sum, and insure a good business,
than to pay twenty•five cents for a spurious ad
vertisement. This is no humbug. 2'. y it!
Try it! Try it! Address your letters to
I sent one of my circulars to an Editor in
Georgia, and he gave me a notice in his paper
like the following:
uMr. Monroe sent me one of his Circulars,
and I will just say to my readers that whoever
of you are out of employment that Mr. hlonroe's
business is a good bottoms, and money can be
made out of it by any one who engages in it,
fur it is no humbug."
METHOD has long been nought fur, to in.
sert in a durable manner, Daguerreotype
Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments.-
1 have been manufacturing these Oases for the
last two years, and can warrant them to secure
the picture for a long number of years,
The outside case is made of Parian Marble
and the box which encloses the picture and
keeps it in a state of great preservation for a
log number of years, is made of brass, a
screw box. It makes a very Lem job un
Head Stone or Monument. They are used in
Greenwood Cemetry, Mount Auburn, laurel
Hill, and many other Cemetries in the United
States. _ .
Mikan] discount toads to Marble , Dealers
and Daguerreotypists. Price firm $2,25 each
to $9,50. A circular of . engravings will be
sent to any address, free, with price list. Ad.
A. L. BALDWIN, Adeut of Mausoleum
Dug. Co., 335 Broadway, New York.
Bec. ati. 1856-3 w. 7 ' •
The Lost is Found;
C. MoGILL wishes to inform his ~
lA. friends and the public generally,
thst he has bought the above-named
Foundry, Patterns, Patterns, Flasks, and all its '
contents, and front his lung experience in the
business he hopes to obtsin a share of the public
patronage. As he has the Foundry in ope
ration, ho can furnish all who may give him a
call with all kinds of Castings ; Knelt us Rolling
Mill and Forge Cantina, Grim and Saw Mill
Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting;
and in a short time will have Cook Stoves ore.-
Hon , deer and improved patterns for wood and
coal; also ten-plate sty 'es, Air-Tight, Parlor,
end liar-room stoves, at all sues for wood or
coal. Also Castings tar hums ; cellar grates;
such as Lentels, Sills, Sash-Weights, Sc. Plows
3t every description of the latest and most im
proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes,
oven frames, large hells and cast water-pipes.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, be. having turn
ing-lathes, he will be ablo to furnish anv oldie
above-named articles, either wood or iron; and
ho has all kinds of Castings too numerous to
mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than
ever for wish and all kinds of country produce.—
/also old metal will betaken in exchange fore.-
ting. Hurry up your old metal and country pro
duce when any articles are wanted.
A pr.2x,?.56. ly.
f,;iii...6;;;,.ki ;indor nn apt:Lai. of tl,O NI,
A. A. 11l WSDY. M.D.. ALM., MOM. VO..
mites, Sopt. f,. ISt , h: "During my unveilco of uptuy yearn
I hate found nothing oinal 1.• your CHERRY PIICTOItAL fog
giving nano uu,l rollot W conemataivo patient, or outing
such as urn curahlo."
Wo might odd solmues of os.bience, but tits most cou•
sinclng proof of dm virtue. of this is found In Its
efforts upon trial.
Probably no ono remedy has err been known which
cured so twiny nod such dangerous rnFeA na this. Some
no lininan aid CAA &Atli i Ina AVM. to UAW the Casual
Pitgronst. affords relief And comfort.
Aston linos, Now YORK Ciro. March a, IS6tl
Doctor Arne, LOWCLL: I reel it a duty and n pleas ire
to littoral you what yarn' CIIERRY PY.CTORAI. 11R9 done }lv
my with. 811011 Ra !WOK IlVti mouths laboring under the
dangerous 5?,,,,pr0m0 of Consumption, from which no aid
0 Muhl proonre goo° her :mth relief. fiho was Me:illy
until Dr. su,., or 11l oft, where nn hare thine
for taloa:, t ecomuletobal a trial of your modleluo.
Wes hio hi:lances. os w,, h y o ur for she has reror•
tired Win flint day, elle ia not yet „+ .tr , ug in oho used
to be. Ina it. 11 . . e Ir.•Ilt hor cough. and calls herorlf well.
YOUTA Willi (ratan. and reoard,
olt LANDO Ixllll.llV, ur Sumton-Le.
o.lllllplil, do not despair till pm have trlod Aora . s
CHERRY (13.TolIAL. It It RIINIP ly °Wu!' the Lent MOdICRI
chemists In the world, and Its on, es all around us I se,penk
the high M. , llts of Its virtues.--
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Til is Iltiellet, of rheinis:ry and Medi. ine ha, n
I taxed their utumet to produce this loot, nowt perfect
purgative which is known hm man. Inuomorablo mote
ern abown that thew Pitrs have virtue. which mamma in
am:ensile° the onliottry medicines. nod that they oiu on.
pro edentolly upon too esteem °rat' moot They are safe
and pleasant' ty take, but powerful to cure. Their pen,
t mtiug properties stimulate the vital activities of the body,
remove Oho obstructions of its organs. purify the blood.
and expel disease. They largo tint Olio foul humors %%Oh
tweed and grow diotemper, a:hookas sluggish or diom
tiered orgasm Into their mitt.] action. and Milan healthy
tone with strength to the whole nysteni. Not only do
they cum the overyoloy.romplffluta of over,. body, lot
alto fesmidable and dangerous dinomws that hove baffled
the loot of human skill. While they produce powerful
effects. they are at Olio wane time. in diminished dotes, the
ootiot and best physic that can be employ,' for children.
Being augur-coated, they aro pleasant to take; and being
porely vegetable, arc free from iniy risk of harm. Cans
Levu been made which 'atriums boiler were tho nut solo
titan tinted by men of such exalted position and charncter
as to forbig tho enspicion of martini. ?tiny eminent
clergymen and physicians have lout their moues to emit
fy to the puLIM tile rruahnuy of MY rcwaury, while nth.
ere hoot emit mo the ussoraneo of their eolith-gnu that
my Preparations contribute Immensely to the relief of my
afflicted, maiming fellowonen.
TOot Agent below named It plowed to furnish grille nay
American Almanac, containing directions for their meowd
certificates of their cure, of the following complaint .:
Coativoneos. Bilhms Complalutea Itheittofflbm , •
Heartburn, headache arialug fans a foul Shinowl, to
sea. Indigestion, Morbid 'mason of the Bowels awl
arising therefrom, Elatillowy, Loss of Appetite, al;
OW{ and Cutaneous Dawns. with* Vitra(' au eructs,
Medicine, 'Scrofula or Minn, il. They Moo, by moil,
lug the blood anti. stimulating hin system, rite mono
complaints which it would not be nomomed they coom
reach, tort; to Mathew, Partial Blindness, Nehodels end
Nemo. Irritability, herangettiente of the Liver and hid.
mays, Gout. nod other kindled complaints arLoing too. u
low state of On, lonely or obotruction of Its 4111CtiU11,.
Do not he put tiry by unpriurlpleil dusters with was
other pill they wake 'wont on. Ask for Am'
Mu, and take nothing clan. No other they can Firs
yon compares u ith this In its luSrlude value or corn
powers. The sick rant the beat aid tit..., is la. tit.
and they should have it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, lace
Puce 25 CTS. rzn Box. ?los Bozza TOR 4 . . I
JOHN READ, Huntingdon, nail dealers in
medicine everywhere.
October 15, 1856.-Iy.
F:stale of William Flioo,,leo'd.]
Al 3 IT Olt4 NOTI.IIZ.
qua: undersii,tned Auditor, appointed by the
I Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to
distribute the balance in the hands of Levi
Evans, Esti. and Samuel Yingling, executors
of the last will and testament of William Flinn,
lute of Tod townsbip, dec'4, amongst those
entitled theret ), hereby gives notice to all per.
sons Interested, that he will attend for the pur
pose of making said distribution, at the Regis
ter's &lice, in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Soluraoy the 20111 cf . Itbruory next, at 10
pluck, A. M., whoa and whore all persons inter
wed up required to present their 0611118 to the
undersigned auditor or be debarred from com
ing in upon said fund.
THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor.
The Juniata Flour and Plaster Mills, one
mile below Alexandria, Hunting& 0 Co., Pa.,
will have on hand after the 10th of February
riext, Ground Plaster, for which Grain of alt
kinds, will be taken in exchange at mnrket
prices. Also, Salt in Sacks.
J_sih : P.'o.: 41
The Kansas Question Bettlei i
BY latest arrival from the East, the subscri
bers have just received and are now; opening
the largest and most judiciously selected assort
ment of
ever brought to Uuntitigdon. Our steels tow
sids in part, of
Building Material,
pith as locks, hinges, screws, bolts, glesq, oils,
and paints, (White Itad, fire proof and sine
Mechanics , Tools,
in great variety ; including many new inven
lions and latu improvements.
\Vu invite the 'attention el Saddlers anti
Coach•makers to ourlargeand splendid steel:or
Saddlery & Coach Trimming
:nick as saddle trees. gig•trees, selfadjusting
pail trees, Mimes, of 20 kinds, latest styles of
buckles, stirrups, &c.: Birthing Hog skins, pa
tent and enameled leather, enameled muslin,
coach lace, hubs, spokes, fellows, shafts, springs,
axles, &c., &c. - 5.
Lndius and housekeepers generally, will find
it grently to their advantage to call and exam•
inc our new stock of silver and common spoons,
line table cutlery, scissors, hollow-ware, lamps,
patent sausage grinders, and all other house
furnishing goods ; including ninny new and use
fill inventions.
In our recent purchases, we Lave hutzght
euch rates as enable us to sell even lower than.
heretofore. No charge for shorting goods.—
All orders promptly attended to.
October SO, 1836,
Ivw Coeds ! leis- Goods !!
D. I'. Gwin has just received from Philadel.
plan n huge and beautiful assortment of
'XXXI.' WlNirlat UOOO
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
Chameleon L Fancy Silks, French Mennoes,
All Wool de Laths, Persian Twills, Coburg
Clthh,Levella (Roth, A/paccn, Debaiz, Madon
na Cloth, Wool Plait* nod any quantity of
Fancy Detains. Prints of any description.
ALSO, n large Int of dress Trimmings, dress
Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts,
Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undersleeves,
Chitnasetts, Mohnir head dresses. Guns Belts,
Whalebones for Skirts, Silk and Linen Hove,
French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls,
mid a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous
to mention.
Also, Cloths, black and blue, black and fancy
Cassimer, Cast.inets, K. Jeans, Vesting., Flan
nels, Wt. Red and Yellow, Sack Flannels of all
colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills. Nan
keen. Linsey, Muslins, bleached and unbleach.
cd, Ticket, Checks, Table Diaper, Woolen and
Linen Tattle Corers, Sheeting Muslin 21 pests
wide, Woollen Coats, Caps and Comforts,
j Woolen yarns cf different colors.
Silk &nnate of the latest styles of every color,
Largest assortment in town and at prices that
cannot he heat.
flats &. Caps, of the latest styles,
Soots and Shoes, HARDWARE,
QuEsNswA3333, Buckets, 'robs, Bas
kets, Oil Cloths. Groceries, et the bent
quality, Salt and alt goods usually kept in a
country Store.
Aly old customers, and as many new ones an
can crowd in arc respectfully requesteato.come,
alit exutuine my goods No charge for looking.
All kinds of Country products taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
Uet. 8, 1856.
Gas ! Gas-Lights are Coming
; .. ;!3 Tio W‘VraTio.
Bat with an entirely now• and well assorted stock
and carry other article usually kept in a coun
try score. We have one of the brat selected
stocks of DH GOODS ever offeri dto the
eitisens of this place and vicinity, and are deter.
mined to tell lower than can be purchased east
of the Allegheny. Give us a call and be satis
fied of the Met. We will sell our old stock at
cost. Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan
before purchasing many other House. We also
purchase and store Grain, and it is admitted by
all that we have the safest place of unloading iu
town. All kinds of produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
Prof. DeGrath% Great Electric Oil.
NEw 11.tveN, May 19th, 1856.
Prof. DeGrath—My brother has been deaf
three years. After try'inj,• many things, housed
your Oil a kw times and it cured him entirely,
Ask ;Jr. &mutat, who of/crowds boughs
$3O worth to sell. My Electric Oil removes
all pain at once, Rlteutuatiem, Neuralgia, Lc.
..Ifilietett 13 rim awl Cured is one week '
Rend letter from Rev. James Temple :
Pirtr..tio.t., June 9th, 1856.
Prof. DeGrath-1 have been afflicted 13
years with Neuralgia stud other Tay painful
complaints, and I have been unable to sleep
soundly or.walk any distance for many wears
past. Last week I got a bottle of your “Elec
tric Oil." The first night 1 slept soundly and
well, and today I am like A new man. My
wife could not believe her eyes. Yonr Elec
tric Oil has done in one week what the physl
ciao of Philadelphia failed to do in 13 years.
Gratefully, yours, Rev. JAMES TEMPLE.
310 South at.
Calf b and see other cettificatea and names of
thousands I have cured for three yearn past.—
Thu public for safety, meet not believe impos
tors and imitators of my oil. My Depot is at
the sante old place 39, South Eighth street, and
not removed, as a base scamp advertised, who
is afraid to publish his real name.
I retir to 8,000 Philadelphians who have
used my Oil—and all real Electric Oil ever
cold basin name blows iu every bottle. All
others are cheats. All orders must be address
rid to Poor. CHAS. DEGRATki,
John Read AgetitiMuntingdon.
Nov. 26, 1856-3 m.
Coon Ouse I and Get Good Sawlike t
J. & W. SAXTON have received from the eas
tern cities au assortment of Silky, Shawls, Tel
teas, Drees Goods and Embroideries. They
have adoj the motto—"quick sales amt •