Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 11, 1857, Image 2

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WILLIAM enwiwsTEn'
Wednesday Morning, February LI, 1857,
Republican State 'Convention.
The Republican Slate Convention, for the
nomination of candidates for GOVERNOR
slid other STATE OFFICERS, will be held
25th of MARCH 1857. Each District will
elect Delegates in the usual manlier, equal in
number to its representation in the two Hon.
see of the Legislature; and no person will be
entitled, by substitution, to represent a district
in *inch he does not reside.
Chairman of the State Executive Committee.
tional Address will be delivered by
Rev. A. B. Still, in the Baptist Ch.
on the evening of the 24th of February, setting
forth the true principles of National greatness,
and the evil tendency of Slavery in a Republi
can Government. A collection will be taken
up at the close of the Address for the benefit
of the Speaker.
Notice to Referees, Appointm'tof Referees,
Complaints, Commitments, .
Warrants, Sciro Facies,
Judgment Notes, I Vendue Notes,
Bonds to Indemnify Constable,
&c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c.
Just printed and for sale very low at the Jour
al Office.
lerThe annual report of the State Super
intendent of Public schools shown that the se
vere weather, last winter, damaged the schools
an that the average time during which they
were open was less than the year previous.—
About half the teachers are inexperienced and
incompetent, but have to be retained because
no better can be obtained to supply their pia.
ces. Still, the improvement over previous
years in the condition of things is very mar
TOE MODERN House Doortm—Containing
practical observations on the causes, nature,
and treatment of Disease and Lameness in
Hor embracing the most recent and ap•
pro thods, according to an enlightened
spite . 'etcrioary therapeutics, for the pros.
ervation and restoration of health. With
lustrations, by George H. Dodd, M. D. Veteri•
nary Surgeon. Published by John P. Jewett,
co., Boston.
This is undoubtedly the best work ever issu•
ad from the American prus on the Claus.,
Nature, and Treatment cf Diseases and Lame•
ness in Horses. Price $l,OO. Every man
that owns a hone should own this book.. •
No CluturY.—lsaac C. Shurlook, who de
liberately shot Philip S. Clawges, in Philade'.
phia fur seducing his wife, has bean found "not
guilty." Insanity was the plea, but the jury
undoubtedly acted upon the idea that the of
fence was prop rip avenged, in the absence of
law for the adequate punishment of such crimes.
The verdict was received with great etisfaction,
by the thousands called together to hear it.
CONGRESS.—The Senate, on Saturday, agreed
to all the amendments of the House to the bill
relating to foreign coins and the coinage of
cents, and also added an amendment. Is the
Hotter, the motion fur the previous question
on the Submarine Telegraph bill was not sus.
rained. Both houses have adopted a resolution
providing .for counting tht; votes for President
and Vice President, and tellers hare
been appointed for the purpose.
By the arrival at New York, on Friday, of
the steamship Africa, from Liverpool, we have
rows from Europe three days later. The Swiss
difficulty, though nominally settled, is to be re
ferred to a Conference. The British fleet has
captured the forts of Bushire, and the island of
Karrack in the Persian Gulf. It was also ru
mored that the Russians had occupied Astracan.
The Chinese authorities at Canton continuing
obstinate, the British had taken and destroyed
another fort. The Chinese bad Urea all the
foreign factories. The Hongs were also de
stroyed, and the three print lig banks burned.
The bombardment of Cann- recommenced
just as the mail steamer was leatikg. The
London Morning Herald announce at the
British Cabinet had held a meeting Mteuss
the reconstruction of the Cabinet. Another
coalition is talked of.
bar The Rivas government of Niparagua
has made a treaty with Costa Rica, ceding to
that State all the territory south of the San
Juan river; and the two governments have
each appointed a commissioner to jointly make
a new sale of the Transit route.
HEALTH OF Do. KANE.—We are happy to
announce to our readers that the latest news of
Dr. Kano is quite favorable. The Wabash
brought the following:
Dr. Kane has almost recovered the use of his
leg, which was paralyzed, and his arm is cow
meneing to show sings of vitality. Be con
templates returning home. if health still im•
proves, in the Quaker City, which was to leave
Havanna on the 13th inst. Dr. Bonner, stir
germ of the Wabash, and Dr. Roverlan, a cele--
brated ph)sician of Havana, were his physi
clans and admirably treated-his case.
Fast Son, tv Missoont.—Mr. Palen, who
hat just been elected by the Missouri Louie's'
tore as a Director of the State Bank of Misson•
ri, is to openly avowed advocate of the aboli
lion of slavery in Missouri. He was the nom•
iuee of the anti-Benton caucus, and his own
declaration of sentiment was read in the Leg.
ielature before the vote was taken.
Preston King, Republican, boa been
&uteri U. S. Serator from New York.
Taxables in the State
The Philadelphia Bulletin contains the
In the State Legislature, on Friday, the Sem
following statements concerning the num
ate again debated the bill relative to contempts
her of taxables in the State : of court.. In the House, the revolutions relative
Part of the business of our State Legis• to the improvement of the Ohio river were a•
lature at its present session, will be the re- i mended, so as to include the Allegheny river•
construction of the Senatorial and Repre- i In Congress, on Friday, the credentials of
sentative districts, according to the enu- , Mr. Simmons, the new Senator from Rhode to.
meration of the taxable inhabitants in each land, were presented. The Military Committee
county. We have received from our Her. reported in favor of priming the durum c u ts re
risburg correspondent the stat e ment of the
alive to the pay of General Scutt. 0n this to
taxables es returned to the Capitol tram
debate ensued.
I n lon the ne
house Mr. Florence introduced a bill
every county except Luzerne and Miffliti• i to equalize the army, navy and marine pea.
Filling up three blanks from the report of skins. In the lowa contested election case, the
last year, we have the following as the committee reported in favor of Mr. Hall, the
statement of taxables in the State for the sitting member.
*ear 1557: • The Deimiemtie members of the Indiana Le.
CoumicB. T ax ed, r t , unt i es : r a , r „bk, giAlature us Friday elected .10,e D. Bright
Adams, . 5,746 I Lawrence, 5,020 and Graham N. Fitch to the U. S. Seuwe. The
Allegheny, 33,378 Lebanon, 6,992 State Senate did nut partieipate in the action
Armstrong, 6,871 Lehigh, 10,592 i the majority being opposed to it, tier did the
Beaver, 6,101 I Luzerne, 18,•417
Ile übli cat . in •umbws o f the Douse The con.
Bedford, 5,197 Lyetnning, 7;374 P 1 ' - •
Berke, 19,648 Montour, 3,1 6 5 mitten . lacked fifteen vutus of a quorum. Of
Blair 6,93sMcKean, 1,632 i course this stands tin much illegal as the lowa
Bradford, 9,714 Mercer, 7,328 election, but the Democrats expect to have the
Bucks, 15,200 Mifflin, 3 ' 450. seats a year or two before the contest is deep
Butler, 8,509 Monroe, 3,357 „
Cambria, 5,702 Montgomety, 16.790 ded.
Centre, . 6,088 Northampton, 11,235 In the Missouri House of Representatives
Carbon, 4,538 Nurth'inhTd, 6,038 during a recent political debate, General Reid,
Chester, 16,893 Perry, 4,717 who contmanded the army whirls destroyed Os.
Carlon, 6,263 1
Philadel'a, 104,000 . •
Clearfield, 4,158 Pike, 1,220 sawattae, deliberately walked up to a mem.
Clinton, 3,600 Potter, 2'145 her who was speaking, and knocked him down,
Columbia, 5,479 Schuylkill 19,380 He afterwards attempted todmw ilia bowie.knife
Crawford, 9,674 tsnyder, 3,145 on the same member, but wasprevented
Cumberland, 7,904 Sumervet, 5,2541 „
Dauphin, 9,024 I Sullivan, 1,16.1
'Delaware, 6,151 Susquehanna, 7;139 ate, on Saturday, the Speaker presented from
Elk,. 1,239 rioga, 6,618 i the Secretary of the Contatunwealth, a list of
Erie, 9,953 Union, 3,212 arts on which the enrelment tax has not been
Fayette, 7,825 V enango 4,814 .
' . paid. Charters were read fur the Philadelphia
Forest, 211 Warren, 3,769
Franklin, 8,381 Washington, 10,007 Glass Manufactory, Pennsylvania Farina Coin.
Fulton, 1,898 I Wayne, 5,775 parry, and the Connecticut and Schuylkill Coal
Greene, 5,336 Westinorel'd 11,432 and Iron Compel, In the House a number
Huntingdon, 5,720 Wyoming, '
1 1: 5 ,: 6 1 • 7 1 or local bills were introduced. Along debate
Itidiana, 6;432 York,
Jefferson, 3,401
Juniata, 3,2571 Total, 596,132 proventent , ef the Ohio river.
Lancaster, 28,168 I • Tile Lietrott QUESTION. -An effort will be
One hundred inembers of the Legislature made 4 ,
the Liquor Law of lust ses•
distributed among this number of taxable sion in certain particulars, during the present
inhabitants makes the ratio of represent, sesion, but will probably foil ofenecess. A bill
' Lion 5961. Philadelphia will thus have has already been introduced in the House to
60 venteen representatives, which will be a repeal the third section et the act of 1856, and
gain of a 0 members. Allegheny
have five members as at presets. Barks .of the State diall be returned, classed, assessed,
county will lose one member and Schuyl
andt i r i ; A l l e tr d il loth , 1 845, to e
e poi n •i t s e io a ns u of k
i the iig
kill will gain one. Lancaster will probe ae
fund, &c. This contemp odes an abandonment
id). retain her present number, five, as her of the present system. so far as relates to hrew•
State Agricultutal Society. fraction over four is large. err and distillers, and a return to the system of
The members of this Society, at their annual
It looks a little suspicious to see Philm licensing its operation before the existing law
meeting at Harrivburg, elected the following delphut set down in this table ut 104,000 was poised.
The Progress of Freedom.
The New York Times states that eight years
ago, when Gov. Seward first took his seat in
the Senate of the United States, there were
but two members of that body who avowed
any kind of sympathy with the political semi
meets he was known to represent. Next win•
ter there will be in that body twenty Senators,
acting openly and steadily with the Republi
can Party. It is not easy to believe, in the
face of such results. that the cause of hostility
to the extension of slavery, has made no pro
gress. In view of this simple fact how much
encouragement there is for the friends of hu•
man right and cause of freedom. They have
only to hold on to their faith following it up
with works, to secure in time, a perfect eman
cipation of the government from the thrall of
the slave power. We may not live to enjoy
the blessing, but the time will surely come
when the perfect rights of freedom will be res•
petted by our National Legislature.
The Contested Election Case.
The examination of witnesses, to determine
who was legally elected District Attorney in
Philadelphia, is still continued front day to day
and is likely to occupy some time before the
matter will be determined. Some rich disci°.
sures have been made, showing how they do
up things in Philadelphia. They do not seem
to have much regard for the purity of the bal
lot-box. The friends of Mr. MANN think that
he will show beyond doubt that be was legally
elected. In meantime Mr. CASSIDY, his com
petitor, continues to act act us District Attor•
ney. _
The New Tariff Bill.
The tariff bill, modified, as reported by Mr.
Campbell, of Ohio, yesterday week, embraces
the following features: The schedules of 3,
10, and 14 per cent. of the act of 1846, with
few exceptions are absorbed by the free list.—
The 40 per cent. schedule, principally spires,
is also, with the exception of a few items, car
ried to the free list, which reduces the revenue
shout $3,000,000. The 100 per cent. schedules
"spirits," is brought dodPn one•half; sugar,
molasses, lead, salt, wool, and hemp, are put
down at 10 per cent., reducing the revenues
about $7,000,000. Iron, cotton, woolen, and
silk manufactures are retained as now. The
old 20 and 25 per cent, schedules are not lipt.
terially changed. Some items in them , m•e car
ried to the free list. The direct reduction an
mildly is about $13,000, which, it is suppose,'
will be increased some millions by the abets
of the measure iu substituting home manu•
factures for those imported. •
officers for the ensuing year:
President.—David Taggart.
Vice Presidents.—District 1, George W.
Woodward ; 2, A. T. Newbold ; 3, Charles K.
Engle; 4, Joseph ]eager; 5, Thomas P. Knox;
6. A. It. ; 7, Adrian Cornell; b, Gnu.
:11. Kan :•9, John Strohm; 10, John I'. Ruth
erford; 11, Amos E. Kapp; 12, E. W. Scorch,
rant ; y,As,Packer ; 14. William Jessup;
. „.
15,11 N:ltrAllister ; 19; Jacob S. liaklemail ;
17, William Beyser; 18, Elias Baker; 19, John
M'Farlitud; '29, Joshua Wright; 21. John lur•
dock, Jr.; 22, William Martin; 23, William
Maxwell; 24, William Bigler; '25, Jus. Miles.
Additional Members of tho Executive Cour
mittee.—Frederick Watts, Jiones Bowen, A.
0. Ileister, Isaac G. Wliniley, John C. Flenui
Curresponding Secretary.—A. Boyd Bawd.
Chemist and Geologist.-8. B. Haldeman.
Sherman's Valley & Broad Top Rail
Road Company.
An election for President, nod Directors of
this Company was held at the Warm Springs
in Perry County on the 4th inst, which resulted
as follows*:
Votes polled, 1938.
President —Gen. A. P. Wilson, unanimous.
Directors.—blen. G. W. Speer, 1938 votes,
Col. J. M. Woodburn, 1923 "
John Sharrer, 1915 "
L. Beale, 1898 "
James Galbraith, 1772 "
William J. Kirk, 1688 "
Hon. H. Fetter, 1629
Thomas Morley, 1566 "
H. H. Etter, 1388 "
David Mickey, 1372 "
Gen. Wm. 11. Miller, 1847 "
George Chesnut, 1355 "
P. SHIVELY, Secretary,
Star Another development has been made .
of• the strange affair which occurred a couple
of weeks ago near Altoona. The sister and
brothcrdo•law arrived in the latter place du
Sunday the 25th January, and identified young
Narcross ; and on Monday had the body con.
vexed to the home of his friends in Alassuchu
011etts. They stated that it was known by a let.
ter they had received froM Dunleith, Illinois,
that he had $l,OOO on his person when he left
that place. The name of the man who is sup.
posed to be his murderer is David M'Kitn; of
t yilinington, Delaware, and not WKitiney, tut
"he registered his name in Pittsburg. Be is
well known to the police of Philadelphia, and
other places in the East, but had been at Don•
leith Inc sotne time working as a blind maker•.
Fox.—Mr. Wagomeller, one of the Demd.
cratic "traitors" who had the independence to
vote contrary to the orders of "Potinsylvania's
favorite Son," delivered a written speech in
r the House the other day, in which it is said he
' gave Buchanan and Forney particular gas, as
strongly impregnated with brimstone as to
I . cause some of the Democratic members to gasp
for breath I It is a funny perk.wmanee, that of
• a betn.fcritt administering, "blue•streak" to
. his fellows.
submitted to the House, at Harrisburg, which
provides that "executors and .administrators,
t o whom letters testurnentary'and of adminie•
tration have been duly granted, shall have full
power and autherity,iu the settlement of the
estates for which they have been so appointed,
to administer oaths and affirmations to the ap•
praisers of the personal estate of the decedent
under the existing laws of this Cotninonwealtb,
and also to all persons who shall present claim
and demands for settlement against the estate
which they have been appointed to settle, and
that the effect of said oath or affirmation be 'he
Came as if administered by a judge, alderman,
or justice of the peace."
in round numbers. Was the number gues
srd at, or was it thrown in just to suit the
wants of Philadelphia ?
Mr. Wagonseller's Speech—Letter from
. Mr. Buchanan.
The Speech of Mr. Wugooseller defei,e,
of his vote fur Mr. Cameron, occupies over
three columns of the Harrisburg Telegraph.—
The following is a letter from Mt. Buchanan
to Col. Mott, referred to in our Legislative rc. !
WHEATLAND, Jan. 7, 1837. 1
My Dear Sir: Although I have always re- i hapeac ,, meat 0 ... a je , t , e.— ,,,,, ~ ,, ,, ,firy
trained from interfering in the choice of Seat , . ! committee of !the lower House of Congress
tors by the Legislature, yet the highly coofi. have resolve*npon the impeachment of Judge
dented relations which a Pennsylvania Trent- IWatrons, oftexes, for high crimes nod misde.
dent ought to sustain toward a Pennsylvania , meaner.. Ilfehave not seen the specific char-
Senator, at the present torment, induces me to . Fen against him stated. This in the first im.
any a few words to you, as a valued friend, On , peaehment of a Federal judge in the lam twee.
the pending Senatorial election.
! ty-seven sears. The committee will make a
1 learn that doubts hifve been expressed ns ' „ nor , et th e fire , opportunity.
to my preference among the candidates, and rep ort et
although my opinion my be entitled to little ! SoUTH CAROI.INA.—The death of Hon. Pre , -
weight. Ido net desire to be placed in an ton S. Brooke created a ;Trent sensation in
equivocal position on this qr any other subject. South Carolina. On the, arrival of the news
When asked, I hare always said that 1 pie- at Columbia, the Mayor ordered the town-bell
ferred Col. Forney, and I should esteem it a to he tolled, and the exercises at the South '
friendly act towards myself for any Person, lil. Carolina College were immediately suspended.
or out of the Legislature, to support him. ; fit Charleston, n hire° Palmetto tree, standing
At the same time, 1 desire to express my i ,„ o ne of the streets was draped in mourning,
warm personal end political regard for Messrs. nod the fl u , of the shipping in port r „,4 !,„
Robbins, Foster, Buckalew and Wright. the public buildings were pieced at halfmnst.
From the course pursued by Mr. Brodhead The whole State appears to be in mourning.
seine years past, confidential relations between ! _ , ._
him and myself have ceased. I A SILENT CoirPLE.-111 a town in Orange
I have thus presented you my views, so that I county in the Stated New York. there are time
if you should deem knecessary, you may epeuk I living n man end his wife who have not spoken
my sentiments to such pernone as may eunsid- for eight yearn. They 'flea en to work togs.
er them of any value. ther e sleep in one bed. take their meals et the
From your friend, very respectfully, tamp table, and show not the slightest anger
JAMES BUCHANAN. towards each other. The only nelson to he ns.
signed for thelobstint;te end protraeted silence
The Indiana Senatorial Election. is, that each i to,
.prgud to speak,first.
Wssittgovfx, Feb. 5. see.
Republican Congressmen from liMitina have air The Feb ,lip, of Kennedy st Bro's
despatch. from Indianapolis that iustedi 20 .ibek yi° Bevis', '; iti T efn our table. Price $1
Senators being present et the alleged Senatorial I per 'v., nitinHily. We recommend it as on
election yesterday, but 23 out of the 58 attend. th r i th ik:_ eide.
cd, eleven less than a quorum, and only 62 ' 5 !
Reprenentatives were present, live less that: a The Inventor Mr February hen been receiv.
quorum.. i ed. We recommend this excellent work to
The Satiate , by a vote of seven majority, de- ! the (Imo:Wide notice of all nor friends. Price,
noutiet:d the' pint eunventiou us illegal :led um 1
authurized by them, und protest again:A W _ .
.e -SI per pent. Address Low, 1410611 & Co., fabi
United States Senate swearing of the senators ! Broadway, N. Y.
alleged to have been elected. The two Miami-_
cult votes east were given by Representatives The 1 srin Journal, the moot useful and en•
and not by the two American Senators, who tertaining magazine published in the State, hes
leehued silty participation it the election. been received for P r i ce $1 n year.
• -.
Address Stolen it Co., Phila.
CfrairTickets bit. the ball at the 13road Top
City Hotel. on 27th inst., will be but $3. Let
every one invited go, as it will be a magnificent
Escape and Recapture.
The Sheriffof Chicago lately started, by
railway, with sixteen convicts for the State
Prisun, in charge of a posse. '1 her wegi
hard set of wretches, and had I& t oed Rees'
cape, before leaving jail
. .4,1 0 04,k0, the plan
having been to drag the-turnkey into one of
the cells, bind and gag him, and effect an es
cape by means of his keys. But this project
tailing through on account of being started
for Alton several days timber than they expect.
ed, they trie.l to escape on the rood thither,—
Six of them snecuded in doing no, having bro
ken their .hucklus and jumped through the
windows of the cars during a stop. It woe not
discovered until some time afterward, when one
of the Sheriff's officers started back, and, after
some trouble, the whole six, were retaken.
;ger Week before net, at the raising of n
bitru below Johnstown, Pa., a man mimed
Jones fell from the top of the building and
was killed. A German named Smith, insisted
that if he had been active he might have an•
ved himself. Be ascended the building and ad.
vanced to the some place where the other had
fullen from. "Now den," says lie; 'din do eny,'
and letting go his hold, he fell to the
ground, and he lies in bed with a broken back.
His experiment Wed, though he is not yet
convinced that it would'nt work if rightly man.
By Geo. P. Wakefield, fur eloverseed and locust
posts, 37 50
" .1. L.Junkin, fur tinniest and
repairing, 20 00
" H. Brewster, I ton of plaster, 7 121
" Israel Grath. 1 plow, &e., 14 75
" J. G. Lightner, toe corn, oats
and bran, 32 24
".I). Whittaker, 1 yoke oxen, 90 00
" Thus. AleUervev, wheat and
rye Mr seed, ll 50
" Won. AleNite, rye and corn fur
feed, 14 00
" David Douglass 1 stork hog, 3 15
" Sundry person s Douglass,
49 301
" 1). Myers, blateksinitlaing debt
of 1855, 19 95
" J us. Murphy steward, sundries
Ex alt: l %ll , l \ e .]
j al
880 26 :: F s ...p r h a . h D is o u y , le k , e, f , or tb a r .er n a t i e r r tg , f o u n en d i i t .t u ir r t e , ,
By T. E. Orlsison, fir 1217 lbs Perk at " I. Alellonatlann, shoemaking, . ac't.
7e., debt at 1855,f, mutton &c., 85 19 " is lull,
" Jam. Jacobs, bee
" . Mrs. J. Templet sn, for cash paid in
debt of 1855, 49 30 lull, debt ut 11855,
" W,l. SirEite, 1531 bus. wheat
" Abm. Carothers, fur cash paid hal
-125e. 191 46 lance of account, 2
"J. C. Sealer, freight on bedst'da, &c. 1
" Same, bal. due, 180.. 1856 3 50
" J. L. Junkie, grain in ground 22 50 " Cash paid toe use e t H o u s e,
"'l'. Mel/10,0y, butcher, roes" A. L. Rickets, fur plank per bill, 4 7.
through slimmer, 66 604 " Expenses for attending, Haut. Co.
" J. Jacobs, meat thro' summer 31 59 Ag. Fair, 5 27
"Cush paid for see of house, , 5 73
" J. Creswell & CW.1111,111, &C. 10 58
" Sundry persons 4685 lbs. M. 233 80 " J. U. Long, for advertising, &c., 2 00
" do. 3771 " pk. 246 06 I"J. C. Sechler, fur freight, 125
" John Lutz, for Ilene Ointment, 25
"H. Unibenhour, bill-of meat,
bulimic. 386 "1. Al el) (median, shoemaking un ne't. 500
.J. Murphy, steward, sundries " Ssinuel Bucher, or stocking yarn, 225
. detailed in hts account, 59 5910 , 140 31 " Cash paid for use of House, 1 20
"E. Doyle, cosh paid toe coffins on ac. 500
Sundry persons jorAlerchandise a
Be Jas. G. Lightner, for merchandise
" Cash paid for use id House, 2 En., 1 26
per bills. in part debt of '35 ' 205 41 " Allowance ler raising dead bathes, 25 00
" oho Bare, for same. 150 94 " Met. !louver, Ins stocking yarn, 1 50
" Doyle, Foust & Co., Seine, 109 62 "Sirs Manic, ditto 2 621
" Wm. B. Leas, " 99'43 " Cash paid for use of House, Si
" Santee I Milltanii, " 44 164 I " Pater Burket, for balance of seat in
" .1. & \V. Saxton, " 13 81 Mil, debt of 1955, 3 02
" Sentinel L. Glasgow, " 13 34 "E. Doyle , fur °lash mild on ac. (col.) 15 00
. John Long & Cu., " 30 88 " Cash paid Ow use alio.. 25
" John W. Smith, " 34 10 '• Walker & Sons, Phil., 4 doz. heils'ds 42 05
Wne, A. 'Seeker,lo Cl ‘• Win. ("otos, for Punlam's Digest &. 663
•` John 11. Lightner, " "
degs II 29) " Cush paid for nue of House, 2 En., 290
" Josh. Greenland Esq. " 38 .04 " Use Morse & Buggy for use ofl-louse
" David Ender, " 10 00 21 seam, Be.,
'` Den, Wigton & Cu., " bal. 6 23 I " Marg's Mosey, for rush paid at sue
" T. E. 011118101, " " 39 28 dry times ' kitchen labor,
" J. Murphy, steward, sat, as " James A nderson, for money paid un
derailed in his account, 22 94 847 49 nor,. 1455.
Expenses for Unt Door l'aupent : ! " Benjamin Knyler, for money paid on
By sue. persens for need. & attendance ,cat. 1855. 17 ,
'ono.D. P. .• 224 681 i " Cash advanced for nee of !louse, in
'• du. for 11 caiffins, &e. for o. p. 53 '9) ' i 1855; omittted nt hot settlement. 50 00
" do. for relict end support lur. 4 • " Bill of shoes furnished for stun of P., 16 06
0. d. p. about 56 circa. 999 691 •'' " Sundry furnitnre for tom of House,
"Jas. Alurphy, stew., sundry ex-, bought of him et }caving,
penses, fur do., per his neat, 209 294 14634740 r, Allowance suede liar ass of saute, 21
Removals to and from the Meuse a ''''' • • years, 41) 00
i • " Wm. Piper, former, toe cleft poi,' hint
By S. S. Smith, Huntingdon, delivering
peepers, at sundry times, 27 47 I at sundry times, 153 36
"J. Gratifies. Petershurg, do. 18 33 . , " Jae. AlcKinstrey, fur taxes paid him. 195
" A. Leitherg, Morris, 2 pan., '3 Is • 1 " Dr. J. A. Shade, for 5 wag. 3.. bed, 93 00
"J. H. Bunierund, Bit. 1 " 817 I " -E. AI. Lutz, for straw, 150
" David Kinch, 1 " 7 97
" David Shoup, 'rod, t " 6 10
"M. Householder Alex. las 77 1 1
t':', J. B.
8 1 1 1 1
4 . F L o s i s t li t ti r , , , r f:o o i r r n sit i l l id f p o u : . ti i i' g i t h "n p bars ß w e: Z '
1 :1 , 0 2 7:2
" A Isenberg, Morris, 1 " 517 , "John Gerber, tor 3 bus. seed putat's, 1 :15
" Sundry persons, 9 " 38 75 ! "J. MeKinstry, for hey ladders, 250
a J's. P. fur official tees, orders i " J. Arnold, fur labor on farm, 'an., 7 65
of removal, 12 261 ' " Jelin Ling, for school tax, 14 00
" tae. Alurphy, stow., for sundry , " John Poster." road taxes, 4 43
charges detailed in Ids acc't., 109 921 233 06 " Cash paid for repairing plow, 50
State Lunatic Asylum at llarrisbury a • : "'James AloKinstry, 'J bus. rye, 4 50
By J. rMurphy, steward, cash paid ter I " George Swine, for 1 plow, ' 13 33
keeping 4 salsjems as per ace t. ran., 472 37 , " Cash paid, for send. tor use ad farm, 225
Incidental and Misc:llaneous Expenses a ' . H. L. Cook, for 221 lets. corn, II '25
By sun. per.. cash pd., debt'ss, 103 55 , " James McDaniel', tor 1 horse, 145 00
" Mrs. S. Bullet, cash pd. sun. 249 1.21 I " Asher Drake, for labor nt, farm, • 425
" Sundry persons, priming, 54 75 I " Samuel Carts for altering hogs, 1 00
" Al. S. Harris., tin-ware, 24 08 1 ...John Burns, fin labor on farm, 1 31
" Juun. Davis, stocking yarn, 18 92 j " Doyle, Foust, & Co., 1 ton Guano,
"D. Blair, Esq., leas in procur- i and expenses, 59 65
lug land weirents, 20 00 I " John Long fair school anal road taxes, 17 76
" Sundry persons, elmemaking,4l 09 i " 1). MeKillip, fur making post and rail
" Peter Alms, tailoring, 7 491 ' fence, SGO
"D. Bergstrasser, teenier, 38 044 " Bucher & Porter, fur keeping Jane
... W. A. Hudson, lase. lees, 19 50 Morgan ' 0. D. P., 4 09
" Jos. hough, coopering, 10 37 • " Wm. Itll'Alister, ditto Alra. MeNalt, 1:1 50
" Eph. Doyle, ballanee on act. •• George Schwarts, do. the Linn faun
a ntakttig coffins. &c., 5 20 i ly. Be Hence, 2 34
" li. Hamster, stove rent, &,e. 3 43. ‘• I.llllVilla Claileute, do. Jac. Emery, 123
`• Alec. Aliases, kitchen labor, - J. Luce, for toed. and attendance on
bal. on account, 33 22 Jane train, 2 00
‘• ruled. persons, repairing, igui. 6 53 I '• J. I:. Ily keeping Pulls . Kelly, o. d. p. 23 40
" J. Murphy, stew., sundries . •• ston'l 'Thompson, for dig. grave," 1 00
detailed in his au count, 59711801 (23313 ..K. a
1 ,
atterson, keeping Spencer, " 5 20
SALARIES a I - Susan Yingling, " E. Taylor,." 6 35
By Dr. J. G. MOM, r, fur salary, as '' 1) .1. Blitz, & Son, for need. and at.
At. Physician, debt or 1895, 52 50 per Wilson Meradith,.o. d. is., 500
" J. I'. Murphy, 1 year's salary " A. Harrison, Esq., for keeping Hicks
as sleek, debt of 1855, 40 00 and family, 4 00
" 1). Blair, Esq., 1 year's Bahl- • -
"Jamb Lune, tar digging grave, pert.
ry as Counsel, debt 01'55, 20 00 I Hockenberry, u. cl. p., 100
" Same Tian' 1856, 26 00 " . 111. F. Campbell, for burying L. Nail, 350
" Or. W. 0. Baldwin, 9 mos. as "J. Gray, keeping and at. J. limns, 40 00
attending physic inn, 1836, 150 00 " Muir Cu. A. 11., for keeping Ala.
‘• M. J. BleKention, 3 too. do. 50 00 Creswell, 0. il. p.,
" .1. Alurphy, 1 year, as stewitrd • " Cash pd. for expenses, going to Hun
-1856, 400 00 • tin,lau on O. 1). business,
e s 1 64
it. Brewster, dc. clerk, 50 00 " do. du. do. do. 3 00
" Samuel Menem, services, us , .• de. do. do, du. 2 79
Director, nip to Oct. 7, 1856. 106 80 , , - do. do. du. . do. 3 121
" J. A. Shade, do. to Jan. 6 '57 68 00 " do. do. do. do. 2 us
"K. L. Green, 10. to Jan. 6'57 59 60 " do 'l's Iluntingdod and Pet'bg., 2 03
"J. Gibboity, do. to Jun. 6 '57 38 40 1095 30 " du. expenses attending to o. d. haul. 160
"J. Murphy, haillance due him . " do. do do •du 250
at last settlement, 433 02 " du. do do do 2 951
" Wm. Glasgow, ballauce of his I " do. for visiting 0. I). Paupers, 1 124
account to square, 132 53 565 55 . " do. for attending to o. door business, 167
- ", d 3. do do 1 20
du. do do . 2 20
s' do. do do 3 55
' " do. do . do 2 En., 1 374
" do. do do ' 1 SO
" do. Going to Ilunt., to attend suit, 2 60
Steward's Statement. " do. attending to 0. 1). Business, 2 25
' " du. do do 1 00
James Murphy, in account with the ". Wm. Christy,.for attending J. Her
-2 50
Huntingdon County Poor House. „K .l l . ls l ' '. ° i'o d rlre . :, med. for Crawford o. p. lOO
DI R. By I), J. McCulloch, for visit to see li.
To Co. 'Treasury, for orders drawn at sundry Chambers, o. d. p. 250
times, $2194 17 do Daniel MeGahey, for keeping R.
" ltov. G. W. Shaiffer, rent &e., re- • Chanabers,o.d p. 20 00
e c ,V r li ed res i t r . lin ster t ,lo n r i' sll lbs lard sold him 1
0 7 t o ) Le y o .
b Fester, Gi e fo r
r k i e
u e , Li keeping U. ten, l i : g ei ,; ,. 1 124
" .1. B. Kidder, for 52 the ditto'
67 5 Snare's docket, 24 53
" Bev. G. W. Shaiffer, for rash rued II 374 du John Simpson, for delivering 3 Pan'
" Cash received from a pauper, 190 pers. to Huntingdon 203
" Blair Co., Alms House for cash rec'd 10 85 du Wni. J o rdan , fur deli. 7p. to P.ll. 350
" Dr. %V. 0. Baldwin, for pauper labor 1 00 do 1). Snare, Esq., fur ufficiel fees; on
:. Samuel Backus, Esq., cash for tines, 368 dens for relief, Be,, 180
" LunrnSler Pear 11mts , , for cash, 25 00 de Exp. delis. 1 pauper to State 1.. A., 11 11
" D. Bergstresser, cosh refunded, er- j do Cush paid fur delivering pauper, 50
rur in settlement. 11 00 do do for delis. 3P. Walker tp., 5 10
fore. t o b i nuti
i C u t e m a t m ir is a s i i i o ,
e n ulw b i ki l will r e o i•• , e
the i t:r s . ; a r,; i ! ::::
s i c `' , ...: w i-, .....: l , ::: E r l i f i c , d ' a . ::;: " ,.... l. ,,,, FT i c i np dll i e h ti ; l)b11:fil
f ..:' , 2 3 . 1 ! ( 41(/ do 41: P. lom 'l lrun t t P in ' gdon. 6 8 7 7"
371 do do for sending away paupers, 324
Ido . do removing Marg't Hays from
20 hy 26 feet, 15 feet high. Also for a brick ke e ping ,u.n. Davis,
21 50 Blair Co. Alms House,
privy in Om Court thante yard. Proposals will a' 51. U. Collins, for coopering, 36 du Exp. for bending away, pauper.
be received up to 1 o'clock on Friday the 2011, ‘• Mrs. C. Frillier, her caw sold to her, 16 00 do do do do
inst. Plan and .speeifictitions can he seen at 4 . Wm. Bell, pauper for his laud wat.- '`' do do for going to Harrisburg,
the Commissioners Office on said day. /ant, 80 acres, 90u. per acre, 75 00 do .do for sending away pauper,
By order of C 0181404. " Abut. Lewis, fur horse sold to him, 50 .:* ido Mrs. C. Fria er for cusp paid receiv•
Clerk. . 82• - 1 - 6 - 54 1 i do il it ' p u e d n : l e e s p! ri i • g sending ap :t u vr, T au , ,•
Agjr.A bear was brought to town lust week,
uu the Broad Top ears. It woo killed near
Ht pewell. and was but a small 'an.
We' Dr. Burden, an eminent physician'of
New York cite, was inhumanly murdered in
that plane la,t week.
Se" The he has broke up on the river, and
Water flows Chrely once more.
Sir Mr. Gadd, the lately appointed Super
visor on this division of the Canal, is dead.
tr•ar Sensible.—Sayard Taylor has 0000 to
Lapland to avoid the severe winters of this ell.
To Teachers and all whom it may
The undersigned are making preparations,
to open a Normal School in Huntingdon Coun
ty; and we design making it a permanent
stitutiOn. The Instructors will be persons,
who have been educated in Normal Schools
and aro known to be eminent in their profes
sion —in the didactic art. Our advertisment
will nppear as soon as our correspondence with
the , Faculty can be completed. We desire to
open our School in April.
Feb, 11,1857.
Feb. 11, 1867.
Receipts and Expenditures
1850, uni it January 6, 1857.
Frum January 2,
C& I I"r 8
County Treasury for ant's drawn to Dec. 6th,
1856, $5593 38
Du. for am't drawn on orders,Jan. 9,
To Jas. Murphy, former Steward, sun
Gil' items detailed in his account,
" Glmlow, present steward, caslt
received for tines,
" NV. Glasgow, cash received from J.
on acc't IL McCormick, 13 77
" Glasgow, Levi Evan's Due Bill, 12 99
$7798 37
By sundry expenses on farm and for farming viz:
1857. January 6, To Wro:Urinag;w, &ow:
ard, fur bal. of acc't as par contra, $132 53
CH. ,By expanses for sending away pauper, 225
By smithy Expenditures, for use of House, 61-. , do. Isaac Port for delivering I pauper, 557
By ball.. due at last settlemont, as pbr state- do. Expenses for rewiring I do. 367
merit, if 433 02 do. do. for sending I pauper to
"J. Lutz, for bill printing per recp't, 300 Huntingdon. Hatfield, lOu
"A. Lewis, freight on Lamb's goods, 4 25' du. Ex. for removing from Blair Co. A.
" J C. Sechlers, for eJuirges on (ft,. 267 : House Cresswell, 660
" Samuel Bowman, for.lot of earpent- ! do. I). Teague, Esq., of f icial fees, firth . , 40
er,s tools, 5 40' do. Ex. for removing pauper to House, - ' 1 00
" Jona. Davis, for stocking yarn, 500 do. T. Homey ? delivering I pauper t . 477
" Hub't McCormack, for labor done, 75 do. Ex. flir going to Harrisli'g andLso
" Isaac MeDowthen, fur shoemaking, 375 : ouster, &e., id (iv
" Cash paid for shaving soap, 23' do. A. flarrifmn, Esq., for offiaial Nea r 2 60'
Walker & Sons, for i doz. Iron bed • de. Er. for sending away pauper, ". 70
steads, 42 Ott' do. do. do. do. 52i
.. E. do. Mrs. C. Fraker, stage fare for pan., 3 23
1880 95
291 51
" Cash paid for use of House, 2 En., 320 do. Mrs. C. Fraker, stage tore .. _, . -
a o 6i 66 o 66 110 do. do. do. do. 173
" D. Lamb, for cash sent to N. York , do. John Grafting for ronioving 1 pan., 84
to redeem her goods, 15 00 110. Ss. lat. As•iteoping 'l'. Conaway, 65 58
"L. A. Myers, carpenters work, hal, 140 do• do: dm P. licndolim, 32 5:
" Cosh paid for use of (loose, or, , do. do. do. W. M'Yeeran, 140 26
do. do. do. T. runaway, 44 05
do. do, do. J. Wiserduly 121 62 19
do. du. do. do. folly, 21,• 41 69
do. Au. do. MeFerran in full, 469
do. do. do. It. Henderson, ,84 pa
do. do. do. Jacob Wiser, 47 55
do. J. R. Hunter for soaks for paupers, 200
do. Waterman & Young, 2 hhl. mock. 18 50
do. W. Hart for battling mar. from river, 100
do., §. L. Glasgow, foe do. halbance, 1 44
dollllll.l..Tmbenhour for hallance on beef, 47
do. David Knepp for beef; bob. debt 'l3, 4 20
do. S. 1). Elliott for bacon, 24 80
do. Samuel M. Eby for bacon; debt'ss, 16G
do. C. S. Elliott, bacon and up. hotter, 7to
do. do. do. per bill, 21 fIG
1 21
It it it it it
" Mrs, Smith far stone crocks, 1 00
" Carts, for altering hogs, 88
" Cash paid for use of house, 1 12,}
" Ellen Smith for kitchen labor, 100
"John Smith for removing graveyard, 10 00
Win. Photo, Mr assisting in do. 3 00
10 Cash paid for use of House, 88
it it it 35
I. McDonathau Or shoemaking, cash
on account,
I)l.l.l3:.tiretrr,esaer, for
leather,o slt 7,n act.,e
of 1855.
" Cash paid for use of House,
Samuel L. Glasgow, for printing,
Cash paid for Liss of !louse,
" John C. Sadder, for freight,
" Epla, Doyle, for cash paid on san'tle.
"Jane flagons, for kitchen labor in full
" Cash mod for use of }fosse
$779. 37
2 25
2 50
4 56
1 00
7 14
1 85
ARY OM tes7.
To sundry persons,
101 bus. wheat, 24 bus. buckwheat, 221 boo.
oats, 470 bus. corn in ears, 224 bus. potatoes.
Gi boo. onions, 2 bus. beets, 1954 lbs pork,t2
loads of bay, 4 loads corn fodder, 200 heads of
mates of Me Poor House for the Year 1836.
47 dresses, 37 chemise, 35 aprons, 25 sun bon•
nets, 83 pair socks, 35 pair Mocking., 20 sacks.
15 . skirts, 20 night caps, 87 shirts, 12 pair mit•
tens, 28 pair men's pants, 7 pair boy's pant's,
3 boy's rouimbents, 4 doe. towels, 17 haps, for
beds, 11 chaff ticks, 21 sheets. 8 shrouds, •1i
bus. dried apples, 130 lb 3 hard soap, 350 gal.
soft smtp, Gat) iba. of butter, 303 lbs. condleS,
3 doe. bread - baskets. 42 split brooms, 15 (rum
brooms, 35 axe handles, 12 coal baskets.
STOCK O.V HAND, January 6th, 1857.
2 horses, 1 yolta of oxen, 7 milk cows, 14 stuck
cattle, 2 breeding soave, 28 stook hogs, 37i bus.
wheat, 40 bus. corn, 80 bus. oats, 14 buts. bock.
whent,.l2o bus., 4iouttous, 11; tons or bay, 2
loads corn rudder, 4500 lb, perk. 1504 lbs. bk.
G tuns stone, coal, 1 wagon, I cart, ploughs, 1
eultivutur, 1 finrrow, 1 windmill, lbs. lard.
House 011 the 656 January, 1857.
32 mules, 20 females, aggregate, 61. $ of these
are under 10 yean i pf age ; 2 from 10 to 20
o froM 20 to 30 :; 10 frOm ill/ to 40 ; 6 from 40
to 50 ; O *oils 50 to 60 ; 7 from 60 to 71/ ; 11
from 70 to SO and 5 froth Q, to 00.
NATIVITI.—of the abovOrp were leen in
Huntingdon county ; 16 el,ewhere in l'enn'a
5 elsewhere in the United States ;8 M inland;
3 in Germany ; I in Scotland, end 1 in Amy
50 00
46 00
40 00
Inehnled in the :dime iist are persons of
color, elz ;-2 men, 1 women and 1 boy,
52 00
NSAN E, 8, viz l 2 men null
11110 . WW, 8, viek 4 men and 4 women.
_ . .
in testimony td the itereetness of the Isla.,
accounts, we have hereunto set our ttu&
this sth day of Februorx, A. 1/C,17.
K. L. 0 REV: NE, • 1)
We the nndersigned Auditors of the County of
Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we Imp
examined the orders, Se.., of the Directorslf
the Poor of said County, and find the SA.. e
together with the vonehers"to be correct, na.
ohm, stated. Wittman one hands, this .3thr
day of k'ebruary, A. 1857.
Feb. 11, 18.31
[PELETzt rs) MU TRICIA am 2T
VIEW.; will be *old at the residence of the
I subeeriber, iu Merritt township, near Union
Furnace, and one toile front Spruce Creek, ell
Weil needay, the 4th qt . March next, the following•
property, via:
. _
.Six head of work Horses, 2 yearling (hurse)•
Colts, 5 head of milk Cows, 21 head of young
Cattle, 20 heed of l loos, 1 four horse Vi agora,
2. two burst: Wagons, fanggy, 1 Brain Drill,.
(Moore's patent,) 1 Sled, 1 Cook and 1 ten
plate Stove, 1 Wind mill, 30 yards of Carpet.
1 set of Hamm, ) patent Straw Cotter, I .
Threshing Machine, Horse Gears, Plows and.
Hart - owe, with all implements necessary for
carrying on furming- , —Grain in the ground;
variety of Honeehold and Kitchen Furniture,
Bedsteads and Bedding, together with a great
variety of articles too tumorous to insert. Sul,
to commence at 9 o'clock of said day, when di e
attendance nod the terms of ealo will be matte
knc wn. CASPER wgwor.
4 251 Morris tp., Hunt. Co., Feb. 9, '57.
Just as expected, Purdy, Cramer
s: Co. have rented Spruce Creek
.„;„ Foundry, and yon would be surpri
sed to see what a general assort.
ment of castings they are dealing out to the
public. Machine castings of all shapes and
NW,I I castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges
and Furnuas, made to order, at shortest no•
tire and lowest possible rates. A good assort
ment of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook
and Parlor, Wood and Ceal, &e., &r.
They tun also prepared to furnish the world
and 'the rest of mankind" with the well-known
celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they
earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friend's
including the former customers of this well
known establishment.
Just call and see our stock if you please.
Feb. 4, 1857.—Gin. Spruce Creek, l'a,
The property known as "Jackson's Hotel' .
in the borough of Huntingdon now occupied
by Wm. B. 'Zeigler, Esq. A lease, on favora
ble terms, will be given for one ot• more
yenta, commencing on the first day of April
next. This has always been the beat patroni
zed !IMO in the place, and presents an excel•
lent opening to any one who is willing to keep
a good Betel. I. or further information ad
dress or• call upon, SCOTT & BROWN
Jan.:8,737,-31. Huntingdon Pu.
7 86
1 75
87 9 1
9 07
and for gale
35,v 8 a055„,c0tr,,,°,1`.40,1 , ' tied :HAM 4 DUNN.
Atialiala'Vloversccd,•joat raceivad mot
sad: IJs .J. d•. W. SAX'rON.
$2485 GBb.
$122 9: