Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 04, 1857, Image 3

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tkeapest "Job Printing' , Office
ate'row cog NTY.
Tie hue now made such arrangements in our
.7Pb Office as will enable no to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County.
Give us a call. If we don't give entire swishy , -
lion, no chnrge at all will be made.
The undersigned willattend to drawing Wills,
Deeds, Mortgages, Articles of Agreement,
Leases, Letters of Attorney, Bonds, &c. He
will also arrange and state Administrator's ac
counts and attend to the.passingof diem before
the Register. All will be done in legal form.
end good style, and at moderate charges,
Huntingdon, 20th January, 1821.—.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of the county of Huntingdon, there will
he espied to public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday the 14th of February next,
the following described real estate as the prop•
erty of Henry loghtner, late of West township,
in said County, dee'd, to wit—
Five tracts of land, all situate in said town•
ship of Weit, bounded &c., as follows:
1. The Mansion Perm of saiddeed bound•
ed by lands of John Wall, George Wilson, Hi
ram Williamson, Jacob Witters, & others;
containing ninctv four acres ru.d 45 perches
and allowance ; all cleared and wider cultiva
tion, and having thereon erected a two story
trame Dwelling House, a Bank Barn and oth
er buildings.
2. One other tract adjoining the above, lands
of James Porter, the heirs of James Stewart,
John Wall.. Jacob Witters, and Shaver's Creek
-containing sixty eters, 57 perches all cleared
sod under cultivation.
1. One other tract, containing ninetecil acres
•one hundred and forty six perches, and allow
ance avljoining fail& of B. liertman, Robert
•and Araistrong and the beaks of
ours Creek. (About halt an nero of this
:tract hits been given ott the upper end for a
, church.)
4. A iraet of woodland, adjoining lands of
John Wall, Green and Dorsey nod others, c ni•
twining 62 acres nine porches and allowance.
5. An Island in Slinver's Creek, near said
niorteen acre tract, containing about two
TERMS OF SALE:—One third the par.
sihnse money to he paid ou confiramtion of the
Cale, ono third within one year thereafter with
the interest, and the remaining one•third at
and immediately after the decease of Margaret •
Lighlrmr widow of said dee'd the purchaser
paying to the said widow annually and regular.;
ly during her natural BM, the legal interest of
the said one•third part; to be secured by the
h.indt an! inurtange of the purchaser.
Jan. 2,15t,'37,3t.
All persoMt indebted to henry C. Walker,
either oy note or book account, will take no..
t ice that they are in my hands and that it will
a matter of economy on their part to settle
Ills same inn reasonably short time.
U. •HOI Assiguor
of If. C. W.lker.
. .
( )1: 1:: removed ii.,4 it; moms
11. 1 , 1 1i j i l lj ' .1:::: 1 § . 1i1;:;t:,
,rterian Church.
Jen. 14, IHs7.—tf.
MI A F & Co.
i k a. No. 124 Woo l cl l7 ll 7 t7 n o r t . , k
Cooking Stoves, Cold and IVood Sieves, Parlor
Stoves, Box Stoves, ITollow Ware, and
- Fancy Crates & Fender, Snd and )ng Irons,
Portable Forges, Sugar. Ten anti Stove Kettles,
Wagon Boxes &e.
Nov. 26,1856.—1 y..
111 1 1 .
9,HE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
L Mill, inform farmers and the public general•
that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheels mind machinery.
They have put in five of the Improved Jtin
val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in
all stages of the water, atm during the coldest
weather, any and all kinds of gram.
They arc prepared to acll, all have on hand
for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of
and lern,er3 can have their own grain ground,
and ta I, it. back inn return load, or they can
be fur..iebed in exchange at a moment's notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop.
ped feed.
. -
is of an improved manufacture; and they will
insure aFTLL TURN OUT of superior pall.
ty to every bushel of Ip•ain left M their mill.
N. BA—The Buchubeat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 185 G.
The New Methodist Episcopal Church at
"Meeks," Space Creek Valley, will by Divide
permission be dedicated t the worship of
God on Sunday the Bth February. The Rev.
Dr. Bowman, the Rev. John Guyer of Belle.
tonic Station, and others aro expected to ofi•
Mate. The ministers, members and friende of
the M. E. Church and the public generally
axe cordially invited to attend.
Tho property known as 4 .Jaokson's Hotel"
in the borough of Huntingdon now occupied
by Wm. B. Zeigler, Esq. A lesse, on favora
ble terms, will be given for one or more
Year., corm/tem:jag on the first day of April
next. This has always been the best patroni
zed house in the place, and presents nu excel.
lent opening to toy one whq is willing to keep
a good Hotel. For further information ad.
dress or call upon, SPQTT lt BROWS
Huntingdon Pa.
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
!yy'•P. S. delivers work to the cars. lie has
rdwtys ready made work on hand. All orders
by mail shall receive prompt attention.
Jan. 28, 1857.-6 mo.
•[l,:ltate IVilltam deedd
OLVDZY 010113 17011 , 0 t.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to
distribute the balance in the bands of Levi
Ensue, Esq. and Samuel Yingling, executors
of last will and testament of William Flinn,
late of 'fod township, dee'd, amongst those
entitled theret f, hereby gives notice to all per
sons interested, that be will attend for the, pur
pose of making said distribution, at the. ltegis•
ter's office, its the borough of Huntingdon, no
Saturday the 28th of February nart, at 10
clock, A. M., when and where all persons inter
ested are required to present their claims to the
undersigned auditor or he debarred from com
ing in upon said fund.
I Estate of IFilliant Houck, deed.] .
rim E undersigned Anditer, nppointed by the
I Orphans' Court of Huntingdor. County, to
distribute the balance in the hands of Geo. M.
Green, Esq., and Henry S. Green. Administra.
torn of William Hauck, late of 'led township,
deed., amongst those entitled thereto, hereby
gives notice to all persons interested, that he
will attend for the purpose of making said dis.
tribution, at the Register's office, in the bor.
ough of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 28Th of
February next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and
where all persons having claims are required to
present them to the undersigned Auditor, or be
debarred from coming in upon said fund.
THEO. H. CRENIER, Auditor.
L'OR the hot three years I have been engaged
I in a business known only to myself, and,
comparatively, few others, whom I have instruc
ted lbr the sum of $2OO each, which averaged
me at the rate of $2,000 to $3,000 per annum ;
Bud having made arrangements to go to Escape
in the fall of 1837 to engage in the same busi
ness, I am willing to give full instructions in the
net to any person in the United States or Cane
d., who will remit me the sum of $l. lam
induced, from the success I liars been favored
with, and the many thankful acknowledgements
I have received from those whom I have instinc
ted, and who ore making from $5 to $l5 per
slay at it, to give any person an opportunity to
engage in this business, which is easy, pleasant,
and very profitable, at fl•simill cost. There is
posi lively No livstrivo in the matter. Referen
ces of the best class can be given es regards its
character, and I can refer to persons whom I
have instructed, who will testily that they are
mnking . from $5 to $l5 per Ray at the same. It
is a business in which either ladies or gentlemen
ran engage, ,tad with perfect ease make n very
handsome income. Several tamps to various
parts of New York State, Pennsylvania and
Maryland, whom I have instructed are now ma
king from $3 to $6 per day at it. It is n gene
ral ioisiness, 0114 hilt n few shillings is required
to start it. Upon receipt of $l. I will instnedi
ately send to the applicant a printed eireolar con
mining Rill instructions in the art which can lie
pertectly understoad at once.
MI letters insist ho addressed (post-paid) to
A, 'l'. PARSONS, 335 Broadway, New York.
401VMIZILatikte 0.0046Zi.
Ilas been removed to n large and commodi•
ous room in the "Town Ilall,' and is onen day
and evening for the iweepthm a Students.—
The cone, et instruction, embracing Single
awl Deab'e• nt ry llook•lieeping, is necompa•
Med by flail) !wet me,on Commercial Sciences.
A depart:wilt law a!se been opened which is
devoted m Penmanship, and is conducted by
j'ref. Mona 'sox, ni
Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and
Political Economy are delivered periodically
to the students by tnetn hell Or ho lluntingd uu
For any other particularA. address personally
it by letter T. 11. POLLOCK,Principal.
Assistance given when required in opening
and closing books. [April 2,1856.-I .
VV just as easy for any one to be around with
a pocket full us not. if they only think so. I
have got a new article, front which from five to
twenty dollars a tiny can be made, either by
male or female. It is highly respectable busi
ness, and an article which is wantetfin every
flintily in the United States. Enclose the two
dollars by mail, at my* risk, and I will fbrward
by return mail a Circular, with full instructions
in' the nrt. The business is vary easy. Try it,
if you are out of employment, and you will ne
ver forget it; for it will be better fon you to pity
the above sum, and insure a good business,
thou to pay twenty-fire cents for it spurious ad
vertisement. This is no hoisting. !''J !
.755 it ! Try it ! . Address .ynur letters to
I sent ono of my circulars to an Editor in
and be gave me a notice in ilk paper
like the fidlowing :
• . .
"Mr. Monroe sent mo one of his Circulars,
and I will just say to my renders thiMwhoever
ofjou arc nutofeinployment that Mr. Monroe.
business is a good business, and money can he
made out of it by any ono who engages in it,
for it is no humbug."
- ••• •
VOIIER MIR re. 1211,?.
wonfil offer for sole the following pro.
Perry, yin - .
farm 'of 90 Acres, of land in Germany
Valley, Hunt. co., it being one half of the Faint
formarly owned by Geo. Eby. Nearly all clear
ed and in a line state of cultivation. Choice
Limestone Land with House end Stable erected
thereon, with running water. If miles from
Shirleysbnrg and 5 wilds front Penna. Canal and
Railroad at Mt. Union.
.....411iTiliiikcretiofChoice land adjoining the
above ' on which is erected too good Houses,
small Barn, Weed House, Sc., with a never-fail
ing spring of good water, and tine Orchard, with
choke fruit. This is a very desirable property,
and would bo suitable for a mechanic, or any
person desiring to retire from active life.
ALso—A form in Baton Township, Hunt. co.,
containing 63 Acres, one half of which is
cleared, and the balance first quality of Timber
land, situated within one mile of the Penult Ca
nal and Railroad at Mill Croak.
Either of the above properties will be sold
low and on reasonable terms, apply to the sub
scribers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon co., Pa.
/61 - A spleudid lot of Faney and Striped
Silks, French Merino, Cashmere, Lyon.° Cloth,
Rob., l'unq and Striped palatines, Persian
Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col
lars, Uneersleaves and Mitts, just received and,
for sale cheap, by .1. tt W. SAXTON.
"'Tis flinch to say, yet Trull' to say it."
By S. G. GOODUIOII, the veritable "Peter Par
ley," author of "The History of ell Nations"
&c., &c. In two volumes,lso pp. large 12ino.
25 engravings, including an accurate Steel
Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scar
let Cloth, $3,00 ; Scarlet cloth, gilt edges $4;
ynif calf, marble edges. $5,00 ; Gilt Edges, $7.
This work embraces the prominent public e
vents of the last halt century, both at 110111 e and
abroad ; a complete autobiography of the author
—lds early days, education, and literary career;
and nn nmount of original curious, and valuable
personal incident, anecdote and description, sel
dom, if ever, met with in a single work. It is
the author's lif-long work, and nothing superior
if equal to it in blended amusement and instruc
tion, has ever been published. Mr. Goodrich is
the author and editor of 170 volinnes, of which
seven millions of copies have beet, sold ! and this
the great work of hi, life time, embodies the con
densed substance of his numb literary and,prac
tienl experience: the war with England in 1812-
14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private soldier;
the Hartford Convention, whose operations took
place under his immediate observation, and with
most of the members of which he was personally
acquainted. Embracing curious and interesting
details respecting old Jellersonian Demo , wttey,
Old Federalisoi, and Connecticut Blue Lights;
curious and nuirvellons events connected with
the rise and progress of religious sects in the
United States; with descriptions of the French
Revolution of 1838, and Louis Napoleon's Coup
d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed.
Also, a full account of the Teter Purl ey'a Talcs;
of which four millions have been sold.
In the coarse of the work will be found pen
and Ink portraits of over Two Hundred celebra
ted persons—Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Kings
Queens, Emperors. Soldiers, Poets, Wits, En
thusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Dip •
lumatiotz, &e.—all described from persona ac
quaintance or observation. her sole by
Published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, No.
25 Park How, N. V.
Encyclopedia of Animated Nature.
Living Nature in all its Forms.
rpnE only book of its kind soar publisi.ed,
1 which gives Pictorial Representations and
Popular Descriptions of the History ? Habits and
modes of life of all the classes or living beings
on the earth, in the ocean and in the air. Uni
form retail price.
1n One (ham Volume 1350 Illustrations,
Muslin Gilt Back and Center, $3 00. The
Same—Marble Edge, Embossed Morroceo,
Gilt Back anti Center,s3 00. The Name
—Extra Red Turkey orrocco, Gilt Edges
and Full Gilt Sides, $3 00
Books upon almost every other subject have
been circulated among the people, except those
relating to the very interisting and important
one of Natural History. Tim books which have
licretolbre 'been published on this subject, have
Imou adapted, to mere children, or to those
who made it a thorough study. Hence, very
few of the millions .of readers in this country
have, within their reach, anything satisfactory
apes this subject. This indicates a great and
an ',brimus want, as no subject is more intense
ly interesting, and none mora improving, than
that of the living beings that people the glebe.
This want we are eontident we lolly meet, in
the work we here otter to the public.
trar This Book is not for sale in Bookstores
but can be ordered from us direct, or oinsitied
floin our Canvassing Agents.
Published by Miller, Orton R Mulligan, New
York, and for sale by
MILL CHEEK, !lent. Co., Pa.
jun. 21257,
li:\ \Voter Street, Sandusky. Ohio ''
. r''''' YOlll,l, .i. V. itiNti..s. '
Iv ‘niay. li V , ATIMI 01.. N. v., 0rt.14.1,5.
Or WM. BREWSTER, /funorary Bcerctary, lii,, Fut: i .ii ioilu.,..iir Cathartic Pilk 111 111, 111:11,
Huntingdon, Dee.:l.'u.•*.hli. u....,0t., tl.l thhs MI ext!eliant par.,. to cleaner ilia
, ..y,lon a!, purify. Om Coma,. at llta blood.
.lilFfN O. 5111AC11.111. It. D.
S . :VP [tg,2l_ l :,
___ ._ ' ! ...,: j c . ' .a. rl . ya: v i Las, Reratida, Hind's Evil, l'etter,
01(0 fj cP- b .
___ __ _ Tumors.. Hod sou ithpom.
The Lost is Found;
! 1 ., ~ V.: I'm!! l'ils are we pnya• on al' all thnl is
TIIE DEAD IIAI"E COME TO LIFE. ,"'" i" °"'''''.". me , 1 "' '""'I ",, l i"' a "ug li '"'
'' ''n". : , :::',',:":.!,."'"„ ' ::;':,::::i . ?:!”;:::1 .. .;:,:n, 1 ,;' i 1'T,',..
I„ . ,
i oi Ex ilop l ipfouND[ly ~ ..., , .., , , , , . :,;!, . ..,.:i .,, . , . , , ., , ..i..., , , . , , , . ri.r:‘, . , . :, ,, , . ::.1., . ...i.:, ; ;:., ; , , , , , . ., ,, i,, , , . ., , , , , ,,, .,..
~....., ita y has.. car, her. A.. 1.1 Min:6lMM I:.
No Library is Complete without it." i NI, DT 18 .EL CrtAFFIL's, ',sq. 11 helm:Wis., ' Neuralgia, and Cont.
Testimony of Sixteen Thousand Pur-
Magnificent Work of history! A whole Lit,,
ry iu itself!
Cost $ll,OOO-70 111aps-700 Engravings.
Prom tho earliest period to the present time.
the history of every nation, ancient and mo
dern, being sop:widely given. By S. G. GOOD
sire, author of several works of History, 'Peter
Parley's 'Pales,' &c.
Is is believed that the above work will he ve
ry acceptable to the American publie. It is the
result of years of toil and labor, assisted in his
researches by several scholars of known ability,
and has been got up et a great expense by the
proprietors. • No pains have been :mitred in the
execution of dm Illustrations and Maps, which
are prepared expressly the this work. Indeed,
all the other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich,
sick into insignificance, when compared to this,
the result of his riper awl 'emitter years. It is
lidinitted that one hundred dollars could not
purchase the same matter in any other shaper',
and die publishers contitimly Capon!, in consi
deration of the great literary value of tbo work,
the large sum expended in preparing it for ihe
pence, and the exceedingly moderate prier at
which it is shored, that it Will he litvornbly , re
ceived by every lover ago. books. Many of
our first scholars, divines and gentlemen, who
have examined the work, have given i' their Illi•
qualified approbation and commended., which
it richly deserves.
Uniibrm Retail Pt . iIYPS.
In I vol. Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Gilt
Back and Sides. $6,00
' . Full
. . 7,00
Gilt "
Gilt " -
•4 2 4C
and Full Gilt Sides, 10,00
Henry Stamped Cloth, Sprinkled
Edge 6,00
Many of our Agents having been told ulion
soliciting subscribers, that this work would soon
be sold in Bookstores, and at a reduced price,
we hereby give notice, es Sole Publishers of it,,
it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price,
and will be offered by our canvassing Agents
only, who have the sole right of sale in their re
spective districts , except that where we have
not appointed an via, WE will send copies by
wail, postage prepaid, to - soy part of the United
States, upon receipt of the retail price.
\.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over
four pounds, cannot bo sent through the mill,
but the two VOllllllO copies can be mailed as two
Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Publishers, No. 25
Park Row, N. Y. For solo by
MILL CHMIK, Hunt. Co., Pa.
And a large assortment of other books may ho
had, vary low, by addressing
MILL C.., HUM Co., Pa.
'rho foregoing work• can be had of Geo.flarg
guesser only, who is the Canvassing Agent for
this county, and who will shortly call on the
citizen!, of the county.
.1. & W. SAXTON are now receiving thoir
Second Fall and Winter Stock of
New and Fashionable Dry Goods !
Enumeration is unnecessary, but what every.
body says must be true—and everybody says
the pave to iind.the best assortment of Dry
Goode, in these parts, is at
FOR THE TRIM° YEAR .I.A.suADE, Led n rer on A milt. pgean,
11l H E Managers have the pleasure of nn- JOHN N. CAUSLAND. Tea,
Hallooing that the collection of Werks .1' THE, annual exhibition will take' place the It
Art designed for Distxibuliorf among the sah• Rev.D. X. Junkin, I). D., will be delivered
scribers, whose are received precious to , ;clock, P. M. The Exhibitionsl perliirmancei
the 28th of January, 'l7, iv much larger suit aminations the week previous. These exereis
more costly than on a nyymiou s y e d,.. Among ted to attend. The next session opens on Vie
the leading wart's in Scilifilare — execall" l ill bolds out peculiar inducements to young men st
the finest marble—is the new and beautiful is composed of gentlemen of high literary attni
Statue of the,
cation is very healthy, having the puce monntt
as y (Dm E) 0 17 .9 I l'rom stnguant water and marshy grotinil. Tho
lde p no course ut is such a
The Busts a ds Three Great American States.
men, busin lace. ess fur teaching, and forinstruction
taking a !Light sit
Teachers, n Normal Class will be tliontal, in wl
CLAY, WEBSTER, AND CALHOUN, lof Teaching. To this class, lectures will be gi
Also the exquisite Ideal Dam, lions to vice. idleness and dissipation are few.
"SPRING." dent from his books, it is quiet and retired, just
improvement would seek. The societies are it
APOLLO AND DIANA, in marble, life size, '
Together with the following Groups nail brary of choice works. The buildings ttre larg
Statues in Carrara Marble—of the the course of erection, which will be finished ti
• route between Chambersbnrg and Mount Unit),
STRUGGLE FOIL HP; HEART; TERMS :—For Session of five months, 552
Venus and the Apple ; Psyche ; Magdalen j are charged from the time of entering until the
Child of the Sea ; Intiocenee vanes, balance at the middle of the session.
Captive Bird ; and Little 'Truant;
With numerous works in Bronze ' and a collo,'
tion of several hundred FINE 011, PAINT September 17, 18511.-3 m.
LAWS, h 'fladi•
by lending artist
Tho whole of which are to be distributed or
allotted among the subscribers whose names
ore received previous to the
when the distribution will take pine,
Every subscriber of area dollars is entitled to
n copy or the splendid Steel Engraving. "t,:al
urday iViald," or, a copy of any of the follow.
log $3 Magazines one your; also, a copy of
the Ala JOURNAL one your, and, a Ticket in
the Annual Distribution of Works of Art. I
Thus, for every $3 paid, a person not only
gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one
year, but also receives the Art Journal one
year, and a Ticket in the Annual Distribution,
tanking Jose doll a rs worth of reading matter
besides the ticket, by whirl: a valuable painting.
or piece of statuary may lie received in addi
Those who prefer Magazines to the Engraving ;
'Saturday Night,' can have either of the fellow
ing one year: Harper's Magazine; Gudey's
Lady's Book, United States Magazine, Knick.
erbeeker Magazine,Graham's Magazine, South
ern Literary Messemger.
No person is restricted too single share.—
Those taking live memberships, remitting $l5, I
are entitled to six Eugra dugs, and to six tick.
eta in the distribution, or any five of the flag.
mines, one ye::r, and six tickets.
Persons. in remitting funds for membership,
will please register the letter nt the Post Office. I
to prevent loss ; nu receipt of which, a certifi•
cute of lletnhcrahip, together with the Engra•
ring or Mapazine desired, will he forwarded to -
any part 01 the country.
For fertile' particulars, see the November
Art Journal, seat free on application.
For membership, address
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.,
IN Broadway, New York, or Western Wire,
, F • ., ,, + ',. 1..... Pr. If utt.,... ofthe .11,,,,,, .1::, , ,,. riowele.
1) C. Mc GILL wishes to intbrin his „ '
1 , , ,,, 11At' , E, SAVANNAS.. t...1t01. 1,, 7,0,
,t• friell.lS Mill the public generally„ - % i 1, ,,, ,0 so.: I ~boobt I. , tnewat•Nitl...n , ,.. , irrv”er
that lie has bought the above-named Atte, '', l . i i ,i l ,.;",;;',ll',V;!i i i t ,, l 1 .„ ; .; , .. , ; , g r.,.., 7 , ,, , m , ,, , :, , , r „ T ,
Foundry, Patterns, Flasks , and all its ,-- 74 • t•,,a4e r.,.. ,4i0, 1 %,,,t 17,.,,,, t .,,i',, ~,,:,,,,,,u-a,.
contents, nod from his long experience in the N0tam,,,,,,,, I i ~.1 ,I, I ~.1, r i.),,,,,,, Ilit• 11,1%..
1•11S:,e50 110 hopes to Obtain a share or the public ;i . 7" .'`.'':'' n:' ""!'''.”l.'l.!: t::•;..: . s.'' . ''' ,:''' 'p''l:
pfitroU,,, , O, AS he has the Fonndry in 11111 ope- , i i ,,.,,;:,,,,,.,„,,;;!.•,,•. r,:t• • . r ; ;,!,-:•‘,,,,;, ?,.•
ration, he can furnish all who may give him a a..., them I n n .1
r: n .1c..1 ~
call with all kinds of Civitiugs ; such as Bolling SrN,l . r. Cc •,,ic ii. 0, v lt.,:s. Li., r. r.. , ,, 77
Alin and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill , : , , , ,%., , , , , , f,":„2. - 1',... , ...,..' , ,, ~ .?7 1 i.L,.::;, , t , .1
co,ring, improved Thrashing Machine Casting; r „.,,.:,:,. ' -".”" ' "',:',..,i i 1 , , 1 , ,,, 1 5 . ,.. ii ';: . 7 . 1 ,:'"'
and in a short time will hove Cook Stoves of vit. i For nr0,,,, ri r thora, or kindred cent.
riour vizor and improved patterns for wood 111111 pi. title. ...pilling au erthr,.., Ott err on enact.
coal; also ten-plate so - -, cs, Air-Tight, Parlor, i iii i , iiiii , ...
and Bur-room stoves, et all sizes tbr stood or For Costiveness or C'oni.i iinni ion, nod us
'cool. Also Castings for house ; cellar grates ; . inun.r Fill, ~,, 3, . ~,,,,,.' ~,i *, ,,,,t 0., ,.
such as Lentels, Sills, Sash-Weights, &r. Plows Fits, Supprwshion, l'itialysis, tothittunit.
at every description of the latest and most hill. , :,',:,,' t,T, ' A L ,!t,r,,.. f ,7 " 671',,! 7 ' 7; ' , : 1 i , ' ,,..!, 1 ,,,, ii r i :t.t.
proved style. Also steel sales, wagon boxes, em, ' ,
oven frames, largo bells and cast water-pipes. 3,,,,, o rn„. „in, 1„,„„,„, ,i„,,,,,„ 0.„.,,,, ry . n i.k.k . „l.
HOLLOW-WARE ii... g h . valtn.l., Tont , y In ekilinl Irnnle, it deeper.
in a pel,lnr pill. fro„ the .11iii,rel(1,1.0,111'111'1 , 1 111. (r,
consisting or Kettles, Boilers, &o. : having tin.- ' iii , iiiiikr iiilii. ,- it, incautious in..i 1 . 1... , c ~..nlitiii tic in,
ing-illtheit, he will be able to furnish any of the r "u" r1 " " " . " 1 "" I '"" " k "'"'"
above-named . 'alleles, itlier wood or iron; and • A yERtS (TE D Dinprovn ßAL
be has all kinds of Castings too numerous to Ll tilt 1 1.1...L.1.1./
mention, all or which will be sold cheaper than Volt TIM ItAl - 11) CURE or .
over for wish and all kinds of country protluce.— • „,,,,,,,, _ , ___ _ , _
i 113 S, itt,A It s'l4:\ hrS, 1NP11.1 . -
Also old metal will lia taken in exchange for cap- ` s is ' N ....
ting. flurry Up yout old metaland country pro
comm. (1101 1 P, A S;11 • 1151A , IN
tine° when any articles are wanted.
ciP,lLna,vin PTION,
A pr.23,'56.-ly. 14. C. McGILL• RIO 1 , 1 . 0111 ll' Ilf 1,1011111l.lkl• l'lll 10101 ill 1111‘11110 . 11
Ortp.w .1' the diAva!,..
11 ;':''' 1 '
;'l:‘nl ,
';' . ''' l '":!:;'
!"i' i ::; I ':'DPORTANT TO DAGLIERIIEOTYPISTS ~,,;,,',,,1.,,,,. :,,.,,,!,-,,,, ~„,, ~.g,:;;;,,,::.
MARBLE DEALERS AND OTHERS. ' 1 ,:::`;',1::;: i . ::',:;,','.':.': - , 1i ;,, 1 :,,;;';',.':,:',',, i ;.':;:‘,':;',,,';',:;,j„'",;,7 t '‘-'.,`;,,t,,ig
11 A ME T HOD has long been sought for, to in.
sect in a durable manner, Daguerreotype it in .n.te anneal 5. InAlioas 1.11..181.e ibut xtuulo
Likenesses to Ilead Stones and Monumetits.-
1 have been manufacturing these Cases for the . 0 Ne5...J.1411 TN., to r 00.4. In.,
lash two years, and can warrant them to secure , '“i , i)
the picture for a long number of years.
The outside case is made of Parini' Marble
and the hox which encloses the picture and in a state of great preservation fur a .i
long number of years, is Made 01 brass,—te ; ""
,1 I itCdtlf .ilith 0•11 . .1,1.111411 , 11Fil t. 1,1 1:111'0
screw box. It makes a very vest job on a
Head Stone or Monument. They are used in PREPARED BY DR, J, C, AYER,
Oteeuwood Cemetry, Mount A üburn, Lut, Yra ctieal and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, taas
Hill, and many other Cetnetries in the U.nited AND SOLP BY
States. „HAHN READ, Huntingdon, and dealers in
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers medicine every 'where.
und . Duguerreotypists. Price from $2,25 each October 15, 1850.-Iy,
to $9,50. A circular of engravings will be r
aent to any address, free, with price list. Ad. coNI'ECTIOKARY FRITH' 5T0121,.;
A. L. BALDWIN, Agent of Mausoleum ; SUCCESSOR TO
Dag. Co., :133 Broadway, NOW York. THOMAS rice,
Dec. 3d. 1636-3 m. W 110 LESA LE CONFECTIONER a FIWITRRER,
ti ..211 a 1 ° 1 : 1 \ 211515111 '
I ' l7' I • 9l .. A ':c r i l ' i u T ß A L 6 ;ll 4 ' B' O'F id4 C;: i g r lV(;T F
1 A 0 7.1 .4 1 :
CLOTHING ! Blj A tt i' rj l , Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate
, Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
A New Assortment Just Opened I 1
s C ug ak n es r , T.y Ct ti. eam .ke C „ hoco e. latc, breech Aye, White
And will be sold 80 per cent. AND k DEALER IN
CHEAPEIRTHANTICIE CHEAPEST! Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
a A n i ltl r irtru e l e tli ti g t e r ti l e n r ' al r lZtta k t I C, B lTts . rl 5;1. ) ,, e at a e,s,; N P u r t i s i ? " (.4 o A o l i n TN ld o s t , . l , l- t n e ht c , t ' a l ,; l l,..
Met opened at his store-room in Market Square- crs, ,irrots, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Bock Can-
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Heady- i ~ , Sc, ' ire.
marl , a),
~, e. .
Ihe attention of Dealers i 3 ingested to an
Clothing for Fall and Winter, : examination of my stock, which will be found
which he will sell cheaper than the stone quelity equal to any in Philadefpliia.
of Goods can be purclumed at retail in Pliiladel- N. B.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt•
phia or any other establishment in the country. lv „ tioto w to. -
Persons wishing to buy . Clothing would do - A , 606 ; 4,4.
well to call and examine Ins stock Worn purelta- "• l _.
slug elsewhere. Also, Q; Backs Coffee just received and foe sale
Oils, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, 1 , -" , -"wholesale by CUNNINGHAM &DUNN.
which will be nerd lower than at any other es
tsblishment in the county. 500 Chesnut Posts for sale by
Huntingdon Oct. 8. 1856. OTINNIN,EMAAt Se 1)111N.
k bade Gap, Dahill
iy AYR'S 'S
r/ ( I, lthartic Pills
uAh. COATED, )
31.4011 10
*lnvalid., ' , al lin vs, ~,Iltywicintty
• Philnuilaropkts, rend their Eflrrels t
awl Judge of their ViEttics.
Headache, Kick II cottnche,Folit Stoinnch,
J. C.ATER. Sir : I IWO hoe
the Wor4 lielylnCllo nhy I , olly .111
t, I. %wall
uitli great nlq..t,
Ora Ninon, Chiurp.
IJllLnas I)intirders iiiid Liver Complaints,
WASIIIN...N. D. C.. 7 1•:,1....1,?;.
• ••••• •
wt. N.M..,
awl .1.. Mit
my they :we
1 . 1 3'1411011y y0urg. ,,,,,,,, :n?;g:: Lp :;,,,
I)yr . cutery t il'orms.
PONT (1,•,
Di, AI
dEO. J. tun FPI N, Itimn,veter.
ndizeNtion and Impurity of the Brood,
Ilan's, Itlelor q 1 :1 , 1+«•11 Mitre'.. l:n•G„
Dn. Avrt: I_lltive 11+1,1 yottr 14114 with 1,1111..1,1,u
nittl I ea. vo.
ingdon County, Pa.
Prcprietor & Prinoip,'
, plEv. S. CAMPBELL, Lem',rcr ou General
!her in Prummetoeg Department.
st Wednesday of October. An address by the
before the Philo and Dittynatbian Societies, at 2
is will take place at tih o'clock, P. M. The ex.
tics the friends of education are respectfully foul.
the 2hth of October, This institution
teeking an education. The Board of Instruction
Mitten's and skilled in their profession. The Jo
ni. ;sir, and free from all noxious vapors arising
use subject tongue could not find a irthre desira.
no is best ealvidated to prepare young men for
and in College. For those desiring to become
hieh practical instruction will be given in the art
.iven on the subject of Teaching. The tempts.
There is nothing to draw the mind of the slu
t such a situation too a young man desirous of
n a flourishing condition, nod each has a flue
oust commodious, an additional building is in
his fall. Shade Gap is situated on the mail
it Station on the Penn. Rail Road.
50. AVashiog, light, and fuel, extra. Students
close of the Session. Payments half in ad•
. 2'or catalogues and further particulars, address
\V. 11. WOODS,
Shade Gap, Hunt. Co., Pu.
Prospectus for 1857
Established August, 4th, 1821.
THE publishers of this old and firmly
I established paper take pleasure in calling
the attention of the public to their progt ornate
fur the coining year. Surfeited with politics,
the claims o' literature will be more than ever
appreciated by the rending world. We have
therefore already inado arrangements with the
following brilliant list of writers:
Ithwitt, of England, Alice Cary, T.
S. A rthur, Mrs. Southworth, Augustine llugane,
31. A. Denison. the Author of 'Zillah,' Ac.
We design commencing, in the first number
in January next, the following original. novelet:
Pallengtita, nr the Spatter's Home. lly Wi th
Howitt, author of "Rural Life in England,"
"Homes of the Poets," &c., Ac.
This is a story of Australian Life, Mr. Howitt
having visited 'Australia expressly with thoob.
jest of acquainting himself with the novel and
romantic aspects under which nature and Aeie•
ty present themselves in that singular region.
The following novelets will then be given,
though probably not in the exact order here
mentioned :
The Story 0' a Cotmtry Girt. By Alice
Cary. An original Noveict, written expressly
fur the Poet.
'he Withrred Reed. An original Norelet.
written expressly tor the Post, by T. S. Arthur.
Inland. Au original Move let, by
the author of "My Confession,"' "Zillah, or
the Child Medium," dm.
The Quaker Protege. An original Nevelet,
by Mrs. M. A. Denison, author of "Mark, the
Sexton," "Horne Pictures," &e.
An Original Novelet. By Apgnitine
panne,authorof"the Lost in the WildernesA,"
&c., is also in course of preparation for tho
- WO have also the promise of a Short sod
Condensed Korelet, by Mrs. Southworth, to run
through six or eight otrubcrs of the Post.
...In addition to the above list of cootribn•
tin., we design continuing the usual amount
of Foreign Letters, Original Sketches, Choiee
Selections from all sources, Agricultural
des, General News, Humorous Anecdotes.
View of the Produce and Stock Markets, the
Philadelphia Retail Markets, Bank Note,
Editorials, &c., &c., our object being to give a
Complete Record, as fur s$ our limits will
mit, of the Great World.
ENGRAVING:.—In the way of Engravings
we generally present two weekly—one of an in•
atrnetire, and the other of a lannoroua chi:true.
The Postage on the Post to any part of the
United States, paid quarterly in advance, ut
the Oita where it is received, is only 2ti cents
Terms (Cash in Advance) Single Copy $2 a
copies, . $5,00
8 and one to getter up of Club, 10,00
1,1 u 4. I. lt I. 64 II .4 15,00
20 It 41 a 64 It CI 20,00
Address, always postpaid,
South Third Street, Philadelphia,
We - Sample Number sent gratis to any one
when requested. . . . .
fa,julldit'ors publishing the above a few times ;
will be entitled to no exchange one year.
W'2ll altID ':`l7lls`l7All tCME)g.I
I C l , r , „ NN .g.. d stock G e i t i e`e',' \ e' &D o N f
Goods, consisting of
Dry Goods, Hard -♦care, Groceries,
queests-ware, Cedar-ware,
Slats, boots and shoes.
Crockery-ware, stone and earthen
Ready Made Clothing always on hand,
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
ecTatty store.
kept constantly for Silo. _
Call and examine our Goods end judge for
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
:hange for Goods at the highest market prices.
The highest market pukes paid (or all kinds
)f Grain.
Promptattention paid to storing rnd forward.
ing all kinds o f morchandisa, produce,&e.
Huntingdon, Nov, 14, 1806.
Huntingdon - Foundry.
:fin atilt
- •
thod of inlorming their friends end the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now inswicessful 3p
erasion, and are prepared to (urn isitoasting of
all kinds, of the host quality on tie shortest no
tice and most reasohable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We aro manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in tan)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't ho beat, together with the Keystone, Hill
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have ou hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and ottice stoves for coal cr wood. -
consisting of Kettles,
Hollers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will be sold cheap fey cash or in ex
change for country produce. Old metal taken
for new castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire tciplease, we hope to receive a
share of puhlic patronage.
t. 111.• CUNINCHAX & BRO.
April . • • "
'PO Ai
ad laliefitiori Settle!!
D Y latest twit& from the,East, the subseri-
Dbers have just received and hie nun opening
the largest and moat judiciously selected assort
ment of
Hardware, : -
ever brought to Huntingdon. Out' stick con•
eints in part, of
Building Materiali
such au hocks ' hinges, screws, bolts, glass, oils,
and paints, OMb; lead, fire proof and aide
Mechanics' Tools,
in great variety ; including many new invert
ni!rl late inprovemmtte.
We invite the attention of Saddlers and
Con ch.!, nk ers to our large and splendid stock of
Saddlery & Coach Trimming
such ns saddle.trees, giorees, self•adjustbsg .
pad trees, homes, of 20 kinds, latest styles o f
buckles, stirrups, &c. Birthing Hog skins, pa
teit and enameled leather, enameled
coach lace, hubs, spokes, fellows, shafts, springs,
axles, &e., Ste.
Ladies and housekeepers generally, will find
it greatly to ther advantage to call and exam
ine our new stock of silver and common spoons,
fine table cutlery, scissors, hollow-ware, lamps,
patent sausage grinders, and all other house •
tarnishing goods ; including many new and M
ild inventions.
In our recent purchases, we have bought at
such rates as enable us to sell even lower than
heretofore. No charge for showing goods.—
All orders promptly , attended to.
October Bth, 1851 t.
New Goods : New Goods !!
D. P. Gain has just receirecifrom Philadel
phis a large and beautiful' assortment of
TAU,& WISIME, Goons.
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
Chameleon & Fancy Silks, French Mermoes,
All Wool de Loins, Persian Twills, Coburg
CI.Ali, Levella Cloth, Alpares, Debaia, Madon
na Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of
Fancy Detains. Prints of any description.
ALSO, a forge lot of dress Trimmings, dress
Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts,
Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undersleeves,
Chimazetts, Mohair bead dresses, Gant Bolts,
Whalebones for Skirts, Silk and Linen Hose,
French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls,
and n variety of Fancy Goods too numerous:
to mention.
Also, Cloths, blank and blue, black and limey
Cassinets, K. Jeans, Vestings, Flan
nels, Wt. Red and Yellow, Sack Flannels of all
colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills, Nan
keen, Linsey, Mueller, bleauhed and unbleach
ed, Tieken. Cheeks, Table Diaper, Woolen and
Linen Table Covers, Sheeting- Muslin vacua
wide, Woollen Coats, Caps and Comforts,
Woollen yarns cf different colors.
Silk Bonnets of the latest styles of every color.
Largest assortment in town and at prices that
cannot be beat..
kLSO ;
mats di. Caps, of tho !alcst. styibe,
Roots and Shoes, HARDWARE,.
QUDENSWARE, Truckers, Tubs, Bar
ker*, Oil Cloths. Groceries, alai) betr
quality, Salt and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
My eld customers, and as many new onos as
can crowd in are respectfully requested to conic
and examine my goods. No charge for looking.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market pricoo.
Oct. 8, ISM.
Gast Gas-Lights are Coming
But with nn 'entirely now and'well assorted stock
and every other article usually kept in a coun
try store. We hove one of the best selected
stocks of DRY GOODS ever Oen d to the
citizens of this place and vicinity, and are deter
mined to sell lower than can be purchased east
°fate Allegheny. Give us a call and be satis
fied of the filet. We will sell our old stork at
cost. Don't forgat to call at the Metropolitan
before purchasing ninny other House. We also
purchase and store Grain, and it is admitted by
all that we have the safest place of unloading in
town. All kinds of produce taken in exclongo
for Goods.
Prof. DeGrath% Great Electric Oil.
Nur/ }TANEN, May PAIL Mil.
Prof. DoGrath—My brother has been deaf
three years. After trying many things, he used
your Oil a few times and it cured hint entirely.
Ask Scranton, who.afterwards bought
$5O worth to sell. My Electric Oil removes
all pain at once, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, lee.
Afflicted 13 years and Cured in one week !;
Rend letter from Rev, James Temple :
MIRADA., June 9th,1096:
_ . — -
Prof. DeGrath—l have been afflicted 13
years with Neuralgia and other very painful
complaints, and 1 have been unable to sleep
soundly or walk any distance for many years
past. Last week I got a bottle of your Elec
tric Oil." The first night I slept soundly and
well, and today lam like a new trial'. My
wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec
tric Oil has done in one week what the physi•
clan of Philadelphia failed to do in 13 year,
Gratefully, yours, ace. JAMES TEMPLE.
310 South at.
Call and see other certificates and names of
thousands I havo cured fur three years past.—
The public for safety, must not believe impos
tors and imitators of my oil. My Depot is at
the same old place 39, South Eighth street, and
not removed, as a base scamp advertised, whe
is afraid to publish his real name.
1 refer to 3,000 Philadelphians who have
used my Oil—awl all real Electric Oil ever
sold has my intone blown in every bottle. All
others are cheats. All orders must be address
John Hata Agent, liuntinplon.
Nov. 20, 1856-3 w.
Coom Ousel and Get Good Bargains !
J. & W. SAxToN have received frOm the eas
tern cities nu assortment of Silks, Shawls, Tat
man, Dress Goods and Embroideries. They
bane adopted t3k' motto- 4 41114k *aloe and
small prnlita, Givertlient