Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 04, 1857, Image 2

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A A , )
Wednesday Morning, February 4, 1857.
The oounty Fineness.
The annual statement of receipts and ex•
penditures of Huntingdon County for the
past year is made public this week. The
Commissioners use their utmost endeavors
to keep the expenses of the county down
to the lowest possible limit, and we believe
our county shows as economical a set of
officers as any other in the State.
Changes in the Senate.
It is remarked as worthy of note that I
not one Senator from a fra e State, who
took part in the passage of the Kansas-
Nebraska Act of 1854, has been returned
to that body. Even General Cass—poor
crazy old man—whose great personal pop
ularity, and intimate connection with pub
lic affairs, for many years, seemed to give
him a prescriptive right to participate in
the honors and responsibilities of office,
has been displaced in the Senate, and by a
new man, having forfeited the confidence
of those who so long delighted to honor
him. In no instance has popular justice
been more prominently displayed than in
his case.
Pistols and Coffee.
Messrs. J. C. Evans, Benj. Nunnemacher,
Michael Hoffman, and a couple of other iadig•
Rant democratic members of the Legislature,
have joined in a letter to Samuel Manear, of
York county, their fellow hoarder, requesting
him to remove his quarters to some other house
as they could no longer associate with him on
equal terms. Manear returned an indignant
answer, assuring them that he would no long.
sr remain in the same house with theist;
characterizing them at the same time ns unfit
associates for gentlemen. That was "giving
them their charge."
The New Coinage Bill.
Our readers will remember that Congress
recently passed a law to do away with the frae.
tional parts of the change which has afflicted
the community for years, in the shape of Span•
ssh Bps and levies. That law is now in force,
and we hope soon to see such trashy change
driven from the counters of our business con•
.munity. The government officers are required,
•by this law, to receive Spanish and Mexican
quarters at 20 cents, the levies at 10 cents, and
the Bps at 5 cents. When received at these
rates, the Post Offices, Custom Houses, &c.,
are to despatch them to tho mint, where they
are to be coined into American money.
The Democrats of Illinois seem to be carry
ing matters with a desperate hand since the
last election. Its the Rouse, they have for.
.ced themselves into a majority by the use of
violent measures in the organization, by which
they gained the control of the contested seats.
To effect this, the clerk of the House was
knocked down and dragged out of the cham
ber, and some one elected in his stead. In
the Senate, being in a majority, they endeavor.
ed to take away all power from the Lieutenant
Governor, who is a Republican. The State Ag•
ricultural Society met at the capital, and the
Democrats mustered and elected an entirely
Democratic list of officers. Governor Bissell,
Republican, having taken the oath of office,
in spite of all they could do to prevent it they
were, at the last accounts, talking of getting
a writ of quo warrant° served on him from the
Supheme Court, a Democratic tribunal, to re
quire him to show by what authority he holds
the office. All these measures are perfectly
consonant with the spirit which repealed the
Missouri compromise, but, as the people have
once rebuked it effectually, will they not do so
again? _
Foreign News.
By the arrival at New York, on Friday last,
of the steamship Arago, from Havre and South
ampton, we have advices frpm Liverpool and
LOndon to the 14th. The Neufchatel question
is definitely settled. Switzerland released the
insurgent prisoners, and Prussia, on her part,
acknowledges the independence of Neufchatel,
and suspends all military preparations. The
Russians have met with a most disastrous do
feat near 13azuk, in Circessia, where they were
attacked by 10,000 Cireaseians, and forced to
retreat with a lose of 2000 men and their artil
lery. The hostilities were continued at Can
ton, and the American vessels have become ful
ly engaged in the struggle. The explanation
of the engagement of the American forces at
Canton in the renewed hostilities, is that the
Chinese haring offered a price for the heads of
the English, some American beads were sent in•
by mistake. There are no further particulars
in relation to it• The telegraphic advices from
Canton are to the 24th of November. The
French Admiral at Macao had sent orders to all
the French vessels belonging to the station to
joie him immediately. The ship James Bucha
nan, wrecked on the Irish coast, belonged to
Portsmouth. It is rammed that Assia has
further remonstrated against the Anglo• French
occupation of Greece. Tle difficulty between
Spain and the Pope has been settled.
err We hope our Democratic friends won't
'l4* ca so" about the election of Gen. CAM.
/MON. When our side wee divided last fall,
they were delighted and joyful; now thikl
their'e to divided, they should bear up under
A f ,
'. e philosophers. From present prospects
Wall have an opportunity to tot accustom.
' Wintritsalsbaps from their frequent occur
• Severity of the Winter. The Banner Counties of 1840-
Tits “oldest inhabitants" in every part It may be interesting to many old Whigs,
of our country concur in the , opinion that and some not so old, to learn the recent v,teof
the present winter has, so fAr be e n one of those eountita, which by their overwhelming
majorities for Harrison, in 1840, were primltii
unexampled severity. '1 he snow storm
mai the banner counties of that exciting com
which swept the east on Sunday, seems ,
to hare gene ftirilfer south than usual.—
At Charleston, as the telegraph has in- 1
formed us, they had heavy gales and a
snow stone, end the thermometer indica-
Led twenty-tins degrees above zero, a thing
hitherto unknown in that latitude. At
New Albany, Indiana, the Ohio was fro
zen over, and the people were crossing on
the ice, a circumstance which is not re•
membered to hare occurred there for twen•
ty one years.
In the country West and Northwest of
us, the winter seems to have been most
trying. The Galena Advertiser states
that there has fallen during the present
season in tha: region fifty six inches of
snow. In Northern lowa and Southern
Minnesota the snow is from three to four
feet deep, and well packed down. 'I he
number of instances given where persons
have perished with the cold, is wholy with
out parallel. The history of moat of the
cases is about this : The victims are
commonly strangers in the country ; they
start for a given point, gm lost on the Arai•
ries, and.are found dead. We find the
following melancholy account in illustra•
Lion in the La Crosse Republican ;
We learn from a gentleman , residing
near Red rock or Brownsville, east of Aus-
tin, Minnessota Te;ritory, that twelve pet•
sons had perished in the snow storms this
winter, between that place and %Vest Un
ion. It• is reported that two boys were
getting wood with a yoke of oxen when
the drifting snow filled up the track and
blinded their sight on the return. Be!iv
ing the cattle would go home, they fasten.
ed themselves to the sled to prevent fal
ing off when too far frozen to help them
selves on agnin. The cattle came home,
sure enough, but the brave little drivers
had perished in each other's arms !
Loss by the Public Works.
The Pittsburg Gazette, remarking upon
the Annual Report of the Auditor General,
says that •the Public Works of Pennsylva•
nia, including the debt thereon, have cost
the tax payers within the,last year $6,500,.
000 to pay for it, leaving on the debtor
side of the account $2,294,000. According
to this the loss by the Public Works is e-
qual to the entire amount raised by tnxa
Om, mid the roplc or the 6 tato nroannu
ally called upon to pay taxes not lbr the
legitimate expenses of the government, but
to enrich a hungry set of office holders.
Notwithstanding this state of afibirs, the
Loco(ocos cling to the Public Works with
a leech-like tenacity. The party' find
them a very convenient hospital establish
ment for small politicians, while the .big
fish' manage by contract and wholesale
speculation to fill their coffers at the expense
of the State. We agree with a cotempora-
. .
ry that it would be well for the Legislature
VT" The New York Mirror says it is
to authorize an inquiry as to the entire cost I estimated that one of "our rich men" (Wm.
of the Main Line since its commencement. I B . Astor) has now a "regular income" of
We mean the original cost—and then the I $3,000 a day; or about*l,loo,ooo a year
sums invested in repairs, and in the pay llf wealth led to happiness, Astor should
rnent of salaries, &c., since it first became I be the most contented man in this world.
available as a channel of trade and travel. 'He is not. To keep away the gnu' he
Many persons believe that the State Debt I feeds himself on Graham bread ; instead of
has been thus increased to the extent of being the happiest man in New York, he
millions. In other words, that the Main is perhaps one of the most discontent-
Line is, and has been mismanaged front theed. He is in law with his tenants about one
first, and that hence the people hove been half the time, and instead of taking the
taxed every year to make up the deficien- I world kindly ho spends eight hours of ten
I in reading up the statutes on fraud. Astor's
Canada. I income is $3,000 a day, and yet we could
A new and powerful party has just been for. furnish all he consumes for $l5 a week
med in Canada, called the "Reform Alliance," I Such being the case it strikes us that the
whose creed is the abolition of the separating i man who incites $l5 a week is just as well
line between the two Cucadian provinces, and
representation in Parliament on the pare basis off as Astor. People who worship ducats
of population ; the entire separation of church place a false estimate on them. Three of
the best things in the world are obtained
and state, and the abolition of all appropria.
tions of public money for sectarian purposes . gratis—viz, pure water, pure air, and un.
national education by means of common an d adulterated health. Nearly everything
grammar school., and colleges; economy in that wealth gives us we can do without.
the public expenditure, and a thorough reform _....._„,..............----
in the departmental system. Dr The Harrisburg Herald speaks ofstem. Uniform legisla.
tion forboth provinces; curtailment of the pow- a new counterfeit *lO note on the Harris
er and patronage of the executive; a free trade burg Bank, which it says is very different
national policy so far and so rapidly as the i from the counterfeit on the Bank of Mont
maintenance of the public credit will permit; I gomery County tens. It has 'tomtits of
incorporatiop of the Hudson's Bay territory as i Washington and Rittenhouse in the ceo
a part of Canada, Ind a registration of qualified Are—canal boot on one end, and male
voters for Parliamentary elections. So says
I and female on the other—with train of
. the Toronto correspondent of 'the New York i
i i. groomie of cars at the bottom of the note. The gen-
Commercial Advertiser. The
i nine ten hits the State Capitol in the cen
this party is certainly comprehensive enough.
. .
As to Canada swallowing all the vast Hudson's tre, with the Goddess of liberty in the
Bay territory, such a gulp seems too much for foreground, seated. The vignettes on the;
t he capacity of the swallower. ends are both alike—two females.
The Westmoreland Democracy.
Both organs of the Democracy of Westmore
land county sustain the course pursued by
Gen. Foster, and his colleagues, in refusing to
support Col. Forney. The „Argue gives the
Pennsylvanian significantly to understand that
the party in Westmoreland is opposed to Col.
Forney, and the Republican says that the del
egation from that county have the thanks of
their constituents for the course they have put ,
s ued.
MORE FACTS.—According to the Second
Annul! Report of the Inspectors and Superin.
tendents of the Monroe county, (N.Y.) work
house, we learn that there were 754 commit•
Mholed dogs are plenty in Illinois. At Jo- ments during the past year, of which 233 were
Set, last week, three children and a number of I f . drunken ... ,
195 for disorder, and as ma
cattle were bitten; and at Augusta a single
ny as 143 for vagrancy, 101 for thieving, 70 for
dog bit upwards of twenty cattle, hogs and 1
asaault and battery; and of the whole number,
sheep, most of which have sinew gone mad.— 647, or six-sevenths admitted themselves to be
The stock bitten was estimated to be worth
intenrpemtc. Of this motley group of vagrant,
drunken, disorderly, and thievish men and no
se" Gov. Pollock refuse. to be e candidate ! men, no leis Man four hundred and oincly
for re-nominstion. were foreigner, and tf Max 313 were Irish !
test. Thosecounties worn, Kennebec in Mai:,
Windsor in Vermont, Worcester in Mass:win,
setts, Gennesseo, Erie and Chain:ine in Now
York. Lancaster and Allegheny in Pennsylva.
ma, and 29ifabula in Ohio. They voted as
follows, at the late Presidential el :
• ' lormont Fiffincre, Buchanan.
Kennebec, 7320 310 2487
Windsor, . 5706 60 1273
I\'orcestet, 17971 1125 4001
Chataugne, 7037 2016 1647
Gennessce,* 7686 1671 3315
Erie, 6901 5520 7536
Lancaster, , 6608 4552 8731
Allegheny, 13671 1488 9062
Ashtabula, 5108 252 975
Of these, all except Erie and Lancaster
maintained their integrity--the remaining coon•
ties, except Ciennesiee, gave larger majorities
over the united vote Of Buchanan and Fillmore,
than they did Or Harrison, in 1840. The ag
gregate in the nine counties, exhibit a plurality
over Buchanan of 38,148 votes I and a majority
over the united vote of Buchanan and Fillmore,
of 21,073 votes!!
So much for the banner counties of 1840.
Kennebec remains the banner county of Maine,
so does Windsor of Vermont, Worcester of
Massachusetts, and Ashtabula of Ohio. The
democratic county of St. Lawrence takes the
proud position which Gennessee occupied in
1890, and Chatanque and Gennessee, large as
their majorities are, have to yield the palm to
the democratic counties of Jefferson, Madison,
Oneida and Onondaga. Democratic Bradford
Whig Allegheny, and Democratic Tioga, aro
in the order named the banner counties of
Worcester, Massachusetts, was the banner
county of the union in 1810, giving Gen Han
risen n plurality of 4,773. It now gives Fre.
moist a plurality of 13,367, and a majority over
bolls his opponents of 12,2381
Vermont is the banner State, giving as in
1840, a lager majority for Fremont in propor
tion to her vote, than any other State.
"'lncluding Wyonong, separated from Gen.
nessee since 18h.
The Archbishop of Paris, while officio.
ting in the Church St. Stephen, in Paris,
was stabbed to the heart by a discharged
priest, named Verges. The Archbishop
instantly expired. Ile was performing
religious services in the Church or St.
Etvenne, when he was assassinated, the
I assassin stepping forward, lifting his cape
and plunging a catolan knife into hia heart
exclaiming, "Down with the Goddess,"
an expresston which he' afterwards ex.
plained to refer to the doctrine of 'the Im.
inactilate Conception. A Sister of Char,
ity, who bad observed the movement of
the assassin, attempted to throw herself
between him and the Archbishop, and
was wounded in her hand. Verges was
formerly a priest in the Diocese of Meaux,
and line been suspended for preaching
against the dogma of the Immaculate
Dar We see the name of John P. Sander.
son mentioned in connection with the office of
Governor at next fall's election.. If any party
wishes to be beaten worse than ever any party
was beaten in this Slate let it choose such
trash to lead it. Nothing more is required.--
John P. Sanderson for Governor. Bahl
0:1 t trill e s .
Our English Minister. • •
Our latest advises Iron) Europe informs
us of the appointment of Lord Napier is
the ministryat Washington, The,London
Times objects to his appointment on the
ground that though well fitted by.diploma
tie experience to represent die country in
the east, and at any of the despotic and
military Courts of Continental Europe, he
not the right man for the mission to
Washington, Still Lord Napier is a prac
tical diplomatist, and has served in Austria,
Persia, Russia, Naples and Turkey, to the
general satisfaction of his government.
A Good Fashion,
It is getting to be the fashion in some quar ,
ters to enclose a dollar with rfuritage notices
when sending them to the printer. The custom
is a good one, nod ought to prevail everywhere.
The etarriage fee should always be aceroupo.
vied with a dollar tar the printer.
"Six dollars for the printer and priest,
No sensible men should refuse;
Five dollars to render. him blest,
And one to . publish the news I"
i A most villainous attempt me, made to
hurt the character ef Rev. Hobbs, of Bothle•
hem, recently, by a woman and husband, nam
ed Pittinger. They charged the Rev, gentle.
men with improper communication with the
woman. After a hearing in the case, they
confessed their charge was made with the oh
jeet of obtaining, "hush" money/ Such con•
spired'es to murder reputation cannot be too
severely ptinished.
Buoetsd a St.tvt.—We learn from the Eu•
fain (Alabama) Native, that a slave faun was
burned at Abbeville, in that State, by a mob of
people numbering over four thousand. He
was taken from jail, the Sherif of no re.
sistance, and tied firmly to a stake, around
which was heaped fat pine wood, so an to make
a pile six feet iu diameter and four feet high.
Fire was then applied, and the poor wretch
was burned to ashes. The crime of which he
was guilty was the murder °this master.
the last week nine Senators have been chotien
to the Senate of the United States, from eight
States ; nail bolero the end of the present ses•
sion of Congress, nino more will probably be
chosen, to fill full. or partially expired terms.
Of the nine just chosen, four are democratsand
five Republicans. The probable political con•
plexion of the Senate on the 4th of March next,
if all the vacancies are filled as expected, will
be as follows: Democrats 37 i Republicans 20;
An ErplOien.E.r,pectql.—Land speourators
altpear hare gaFt on it full head of steam In
Kansas, and we soon expect to hear an oxplo.
sion. A letter froth Leavenworth says t bat "a
lot containing GO mores, lying half a tnile from
town, sold at private sale, a day or two since,
for 511,000. One of 03 - acres for $12,000. One•
01'16 acres for $:t000. Single Into, 24 feet by
110, are selling from $2OO to 52500. Small M.
lice buildings rent for $OOO a year.
6Y An editorial of some length in the New
Orleans Delta, which is copied approvingly by
some of the other Southern Journals of that
kidney, advocates the formation of a purely
Southern party, to prepare for the campaign of
181;0, when it is thared the Ilepublican party
must elect its candidates to the Presidency and
Vice Presidency. What they want with n more
Southein party than the present Itocofbco one,
we cannot well conceive.
ay. The Jackson Mississippian says ; "A
snake was recently caught in the town of Tully
with a head at each end. The reptile exhibi
ted its venomous instincts, with its two tongues
and double hiss, to the astonishment of its cap
tors, who attest the veracity of this fact."
1j A new marriage law, which has just
been passed in Austria, recognizes the mar•
ringe of a boy of fourteen with a girl of twelve
no valid, .but the parties are to be separated
until they are of age."
ge. A man in Waterbury, Vt., after obtain.
ing a divorce from his wife, merle himself a
Christmas present of a girl of sixteen, whom he
persuaded to jump out of a window, elope, and
marry him.
)per"" Eliza Emery warns all girls in the South
and West to look out for her gay, deceiving,
runaway husband, David. Thinks also that lie
may ho easily known; and to prove so, says,
"David has a sear on his nose where I scratch.
ed him."
021' . An enterprising but ignorant South
American has sent to an Albany locomotive
shop for a hundred "cow catchers." lie expects
to use them in taking wild cattle on the plain
of Painguay it place of the lasso.
10ir Mr. Robert Taylor, of Totnees, England
is a made man. An old stone; tossing about
his house for many nears, has turned out to be
a blue diamond, worth £50,000. •
Aar A fight occurred in the House or flop.
rescutatives or Ohio, in session at Columbus,.
on Wednesday week, its which Mr. Slough
struck Mt. Caldwell in the race with his fist. A
ebinmittee wns appointed to investigate and re•
port upon the circumstances.
SeirThe Richmond Enquirer says that, a 1
ter the 4th of' March, President Pierce will
make a tour of the southern States.
Sen'Let a man die, worth 5200,000, having
bequeathed half of it to charity, and his heirs
and friends find out all sorts of queer actions
—swear he was insane; and bring an action
to break his will.
gar The River opposite this place continues
to be crossed on the ire by the heaviest teams.
The water is very low, and many of our pumps
have given out.
tern. Abolition Convention at Worces•
ter, Mass., tarns out to be a fizzle. The same
old mug of crazy orators field forth, that have
disturbed the country for years.
WI- They are bow making candles out of
coal—we suppose we shall next hear of bread
made out of the same article.
The recent stunt:l3;4re now believed, were
occasioned by the hloWing of the democracy in
consequence of Catneron'4 election,
the ettpervisorit.
•We ore reque,ell to :•11.11 ottention of the
Soperyi-or, tl,,,to4liottt the county to the 6th
.t,tiott a the Au.. of .\ Nosed .Itiou
l:rih, In I, which rrwda as follows, viz:
-Public roads or highways laid out, approved
and entered on record, as aforesaid, 811411, as
soon as may be practical, he effectually opened
and icept iirtqlTir, nod all public roads or high.
Ways toads or to be wade shall at all seasons
bet kept clear of all impediments to easy and
convenient passing and travelling, at the ex•
pelditi of the re,pletive townships, as the tow
shall direct." •
It is therefore, the express duty of the Super .
vi,orii to open the roads, and as they are in.
(hostile for neglect of duty, tve presume the
heavy drifts will rapidly disappear before their
44. By the last Lewistown papers we learn I
that James Rom, son of Capt. William Ross,
died on Friday evening, Daft inst., in that town,
from the following cause: On New Year's day
he, with ninny other hays, woo amusing himself
on the ice, skating. • Becoming tired and haat
eil from the exercise, he and a companion lay
down on the ice to rest themselves and cool elf
a little. Soon after getting np, they mere - both
seised with violent crampings and pains. Hur
rying home, they took their beds, from whence
young ROss was carried tolls grave and where
his companion yet lingers in severe illness.
A few w Os ago we noticed that a son of
Dr. Marshall, of Blairsville, came to his death
in the same manner.
These sad cases should be a warning to boys
and young once not to practice the dangerous
experiment by which these young men were
precipitated to an untimely end. '
PAINFUL. Ac•ctot:xr.—Jest as we were going
to press (Tuesday noon) we learned that a men
named. Henry Iti'Dowell, brother of George
M. Uoweil, lute a citizen of JAIINIOWII, was kiil•
ed on Monday at Altoona. He was trying to
nneettple a train, but before he had succeeded
the lueomotive was set in motion, which knock•
ed 11110 down. and a. numberof ems passed, ever
him, cutting otF both his lets, trent the effects
of which he died in a few hours. kie was a sin
gle mau.—Joltmhoun Echo.
Oa. We have news of an earthquake
`Remedy against frosted feet—Spin at i!lantlln, by which 10,000 houses were
Tess street yarn and wear thicker shoes. I destroyed within a circuit of eight legues.
Ct Au old We els on was reecntly flogged to I Ear By the arrival at New Orleans of
death by the people of Mammon,ts for bewitch. the steamship Empire City, we hare later
tag n yonng lady of that plate. I news from Central America. C4reytown,
A f ema l e . writer says "Nothing rocks or San Juan, had been taken by the Costa
Ricans and for three weeks, cometeunica
worse on a lady than darned stockings." Al.
lion with the interior had been cut off, need
tow tea to observe that stockings which need Walker had not been heard of,
darning looks worm than danced ones.—Ex.
We publish the following to coned all
0-21- The local ' na m e on the Pen " .l "'"' n mistakes which have been made in this matter
Railroad during the past year was 288,829 tons j either hyoirrselves or others. It is a note ad
-the through tonnage 164,263 tons. I dressed by the Trustees of the, Presbytsritin
be" The gnu loving and hopping portion of Church of this place to the pastor, Rev. Mel,eno.
'The Trustees be, fence to say that in the
one citizens are having tine times now ist
late meeting of the 'congregation, those who
Mg parties. proposed and voted for n change its your salary
gel" The Toledo many Mee., says they ore laibliely disavowed any wish or willingness to
sinking a well in that city which will be 2560 l i i T„ r o T a l
I st ,, 411 1 h and aala , a.a hope Ciatt . "Truth' or PecuttEnry ch Nltis assigned
aracter to r it were
wit :the l
ina of a
bility of
will bit found at the batons of it. some of the pew.luders to pay the increased
wr' to a Presbyterian church, in :i e u n c t at h ::;P r e e l"
N° 0311 . 11 B 11 ."e euuntY. mitirelY The
Trus4eos, or of t on
hem win) were I ::sent at
of ladies. • They are twenty-two its number. the meeting, voted against the eliange in your
OFD - A lad taking is bunch of $BOO its gels .11
ll 4- I ,R e
undersi,,ned, indi% duall y i and person
"crassll ' N-ew Y ' rk ' (•"" I\k " d "Y'• Mly, as the Trustees of thi Iltuit i Lgrlon
on the ice, end the wind gave an extensive vie Preshvterinn congregation, drietvow soy wish
culation to the valuable paper; in fact only i:SO or willitigness to dispers, with your Pastoral
of it was 'merited. services s on the contrary, we beg tee assure yon
124 ,,, rh0 Repubir. hnve
theispen. o e iL i Tt i !,lll3: ) ,..7 ,, cl m a g ff ee , e u t i it , : e n i
ker in the Minnesota Legislature. I or any occurto . : separate you teem us.
e 6 .•V•' One day last week thermometer stood pa : \ m e a T r ',"“ Y' u " ,.
nun Dorris, Jr.,
IS degrees below zero, at this place. (' en . W. Garrettson, James lilagnire,
c, L'ully Brooks, tbe millets who so brotai.. Aba. MeemY y , . Miller,
ly assaulted Senator Sumner, died io Washing.
ton city, on Tuesday lust, hi the most intense
agony. He was sick lint a few days.
The Kansas Legislature hay repealed
the law prohibiting the circulation e 4 'incetedi,
ary documents.' •
tekti" Still in tone—the Scotch fiddle.
What a night last Friday was leer poor
bachelors ! Ugh 1
bar Cariosity—the gal with the pink eyes.
grar Senator Cameron is a practical printer
—so is John IV. Forney and Bigler.
farO P H—The matt with the calico shawl.
Be' Sold—The Fratiltlin House, to J. Hit.
debretnd, fur $4OOO. Ditto—ti party of young
men who visited Lewistown last week.
C Beauties—The belles of Broad Top.—
That's so too.
StarS. P.—The proprietollof the Broad Top
City Hotel. The ball on the 27th will he ajarn
up affair. Mr. Morrison spares no expense.
sta. Hemp—By it ships are guided, bells
are rung, and rogues are kept in awe.
bar In town—the man of Ross.
bar Oh dear I—The low-pressure hood is
now all the go in town.
The defeat of Forney has broken in on
the programme of the Democracy. Gen. Cass
on reading the despatch exclaimed, "what is
the country coming to !"—Ex.
Coming to 7 Why, it is evident that it is
coming to its senses.
Mr A young man by name of Davi d
Decker, we understand, was very serious
ly injured by the premature discharge of a
blast on Friday last, near Mill ;reek. He
was engaged in blasting the rocks for bat.
last on the i'a R. R
TREATISE: ON EN,..isn PeNcre.vrtos.—De•
signed for Lottor•writers, Authors, Printers,
and Correctors of the Press ; and for tho use
of Schools and Academies. With an Appendix
containing Rules on the use of 'Capitals, a list
of Abbreviations, Hints on Preparing Copy
and on Proofreading, Specimens of Proof sheets
etc. Filth edition. By John Wilson. l6mo•
Price $l. Published and for sale by Crosby ,
Nichols & Co., Boston, Mass.
We regard Mi. Wilson's rules no easy to bo
understood, and as distinguished by their corn
prehensiveness, and by unequivocal clearness
and definiteness. We regard leis examples and
exercises as a fund of the choicest thaughts of
English literature. They display well the ex• .
tongxe reading, tine discrimination, and excel•
lent taste, of the writer. To all classes for
whom alga work is designed we deliberately and
conscientiously recoupnewl Mr. Wilson' ! , vol.
._ ,
.. . ,__.
‘IIIIII 4 WS ABO VI I ,Z: 0 re .
To TUE PUBLlC.—Havingplied with the
condition on which our post ter agreed G.
include in the proposed ii
.. tigation of his
official conduct, "all the charges I am williv
to sustain against il,"ltygiviag him, htnriting,
a list of these charges . ; I feel I. : ea - by a sense
of propriety and self-respect, to pass unnoticed
the outpourings of his vulgar abuse. While
therefore, I shall continue to guard the hubby
interest by promptly exposing his future short
comings, I will nut iiiii,eate the public tasto
by replying to the stereotyped slang his fiendish
nature may proMpt hint to re-hash and reprint
every week. The past I stand pledged to sub.
mit to a Committee of my fellow-citizens, and
by their decision I am willing to abide, belie,.
ing their report will best answer the foul black
guardient of my enemy.
My preparations for the trial are in progress
and will be duly announced when complettd.
In,the meantime I shall let Lewis rave and fret,
and whinCnnd threaten, and slime and slander
to the filll extent of his depraved desire—to the
complete satiety of his delighted readers and,
admirer, WM. BREWSTER.
Huntingdon, Feb. 4,'57. • •
U. S. Senators to be Elected.
During the present month United States
Senators are to be elected in the following
New York, 1
Indiana, 2
Wisconsin, 1
California. 2
Diff" Governor Gorman has recommen•
ded the Minnesota Legislature to take the
prelimmary steps for organizing a State
government prior to admission into the
Union as an independent State.
We invite our renders to the perused of
Dr. Ayer's adverCsements. which appear in
the eolnians of our paper. They deserve at•
tentioo no treating of what interestau3 Id!, and
from a source which off have tong respected.—
The Doctor is known as one of the lea.
ding Chemists of this country, who devotes his
great acquirements to the discovery and man.
nfnctm•t of remedies for popular use. The
onparafeled success which has followed his
labors is lon well known in this community
to need any elucidation from oar pun.— Wash
ington ('a. Obserrer.
i;rt". - irThe stal int ical tablet of mortality shone
a reduction in this country of the proportion
of deaths from
. polmonary. diacusca. Duct.
it vet attributes till& result to the effect of his
Cherry Pectorale also ntserts that the
cores from his Cathartic Pills give reason to
believe they will, as they come into more gene
ra) use. materially reduce the morality from
those particular diseases for which they are
designed. From what we know•of his prepar
ations, we think he has grounds for his claims,
and if he hoe, it is an attainment of which an
Emperor might be proud. Rarely it iwperarit•
ted any one
an to know that his skill bete
towing health and life to the mimes of his
low mon. '
Such n reflection Iff worth working for, even
though he had the reflection fur bin reward.—
Springfield Dal7y Cauriin,
Flour is limited to the wants or the home
trade nt $6,37f for standard brands and extra
'.and fancy lots at high agar.. Nothing new
in other kinds. Wheat IS scarce, but there is
veer little demand for it; buyers only offer 150
a 152 cents for Red, and 0604163 cents for
White. Rye is firm at 82} cents. Corn—No
sales. We quote old at 68 cents, and new yet.
Isle at 65 cents. Oats—No sales. Gl...cries
and Provisions nothing doing and prices the
sumo. Cotton remains quiet, awl without any
change to note. Seeds—Mcire demand foe
Cloverseed, and 350 - bushels prime Seed void
at $7,25 per bushel, which is an advance.
Just as expected, Purdy, Cramer
it Co. have rented Spruce Creek
Foundry, and you would be surpri
Wil lied to see what n general assort
meat of eastiuga they are dealing out to the
public. Machine castings of all shapes and
sizes, castings for Grist and Saw mills, Forges
and Furnaces, made to order, at shortest no- '
tice and lowest possible rates. A good assort-
Mont of Bells, Plough castings, Stoves, Cook
and Parlor, Wood and Coal, the., he.
They are also prepared to furnishthe world
and 'the rest of mankind" wills the well-known
celebrated Keystone Ploughs. And now they
earnestly solicit the patronage of all their friends
including the 'former customers of this well
known establishment.
Just call and see our stock It you please.
Feb. .1, 1857.4 m. • Spruce Creek, Ps,
3.1 V , EY 1857, including both Joy,
A mount in Treasury at last settlement $474 98
1851 Charles Green, WeSt. $7 00
1811 Etimert Pelersob, Dublin,' 2 Ott
tit, William Smith, Union, 99 45
1834 William COlOll. 13nrree, 153 co
tht. John Import, Franklin, 30 00
do, ,Joseph.llottglues, Walker, :5 00
do. W. Hutchison, Wurriortn'k. 9 .1 7
1855 n td i n Smith, Barrer, 510 06
Christian Miller, Brady, 347 92
dn. John Bowman, Unto. 139 22
dn. Wm. Cunningham, Clay, 312 22
do. David Etnier, Cromwell, 310 65
do. Wm. Appleby, Dublin. 292 01
do. Alex. Ewing, Franklin, 716 92
do. And. Decker, Henderson, 53 19 •
do. J. M. Simpson Huntingdon 36G 44
do. Jolts Beaver, Hopewell, 250 Ott
do. Thos. Osborn, Jackson, 646 59
do. Alm. Isenberg, Morris, 654 23
dm Alm. Grubb, l'enn, 126 28
tin. Peter Piper, Porter, 722 11
do. John MeEinstrey, Shirley, 559 09
do. Boned. Stevens Springfield 194 80
do. Samuel ['arsons, Tell, 256 32
,in. Bcn j F. Tinker, Tod, 378 so
do. William Chilcote, Union, 37 8,
do. John Thompson, Walker, 601 09
de. Wm. Wray, Warrriornek, 614 71
do. Mordecai Henry, West, 1320 15 9786 44
1856 Joseph Forrest, Barree. sod 19t
do. George Rupert, Brady, 508 2,
do. Swum I Pheasant, Cuss, 325 Opt
do. David fleck, 200 Ou
do. Fred. Harman, Cromwell, 221 12
dn. Jacob Hunt, Dublin, 250 00
do. Sam'l Wigton ' Franklin, 660 00
do. W. V. Miller , Henderson, 418 12
do. W. liothreek, Huntingdon, 754 21
do. Jacob Summers, Hopewell 570 40
do. Solomon Hamer,Jackson. 141 o u
do. Benj. F. Wallace, Morris, 466 00 •
do. George Garner, Penn, 616 00
do. John N. Swoope, Pouter, 538 24
tie. Joseph Miller, Shirley, 547 00
do. Benj. Long, Shirleysburg, loc. 95
do. Jacob Booker, Springfield, 113.90
do. Swill Haekedorn, 'roll, 200 00
do. And. Dimity, Tod, 360 00
do. David Pheasant, Union, 225 Ott
do. Jon. Isenberg, Walker, 347 00
do. 11. Grazier, Warriortnark, 815 00
110. Was. Moore, West, 716 , 55
tio. Melt. earbin,•Cassville, 8 . 6 739493 53
Am% of County jux on uusentetlltinds
419 59
th). School do.• do. 5118
do. Road do. do. 269
Redemption money on on. lands, 169 52195`2 44
Fines. )wry tees, dir., collected by
Greenland, 564 43
Fines cc Ilecteil by Justice Snare 2G 34 500 77
Of Suninel Wigton, to pay oil the Bond
fur Poor House farm,
Seignor Illitz,for use of C. House ;
Balance due Cuunty Treasurer,
$23,427 62
Atty'uy Gen., Prot'y., Slteß,aud witnesses fees
on erintival Prost:Cations, *363 the
Con:dairies for making returns, wirer.
lasing Sp' inA Elections, ev.,
Grand and Traverse Juror, ' Court Cti•
er, &e.,
Jr4'lgoe, Inspectors and Cle Ike of Elee
Asse!.sors' Orders.
iiiiitshisirnis on dead !iodic
Road and Bridge Views, 417 00
" Carnage', JO. Forrest. 100 00
Jaime reightitl, 40 00 557 00,
Itridgo Orders
George Couch fur bridge at Netl's Mill
• 740 49
Cunningham and Ilarri,on, ftr
bridge across Stone Ureek, 875 Go
1). Blair, for la idge of Itloir's
Jahn Gaghagan, for repairing
bridge below Alexandria, 266 Go
George Lamp, few seettria:4
o.h. bridge at Huntingdon,
carried away by storm, and de
liceriilg it at limitinglna, ISO 00 2iol
' Vonimissianerm :
360 00
Thom. Hamer, 206 let
Benjoutin 10. Nvtl; 131 u.O.
Jacob linker, 163 50
Henry 1.. McCarthy, 18 00
Auditors for 1835, 46 03
Clerk to Cum's. in full Mt 1853, 75 00
" for 1856, 335 00
John Reed Esq., Att'ny to COnt
in fell for 1855,
Do. un ItCC hllitt is 165( 5 ,
Intert,t to L.A.V.AiIIY Bonds
William 11. Leon. 247 Si)
William Othison, 120 01)
William I'. Iliid,utt, Esq., 60 00
George C. Bucher . , 60 00
Jahn 1 4 . Glow/11, 165 73
Thomas Fisher. 114 00
A. 18. Cre wet, 15 50
J. S. Stewart, Esq., 7 50 830 22
County bonds paid follows:
William B. 1.e., 2560 00
James G. Doyle, 532 00 3092 00
Tie... of State Itinintie Asylum,
David Bretherhn, 217 69
John Madden, 133 12 352 81
For Coal, Wood, Light, Ste., for Court
Howse and :fail,
Flatter & Mehlurnio merchandise for
Court House and Jail, 33 62
Sundry individuals for repair to same, 6:1 46
Medico' attention. on prisoners in jail, 50 23
Levi klurrels attending sick in jail, 5 00
Samuel Africa[, burying Mrs. Harker, 4 CIC.
21. F. Campbell,l4sq., fur Protv's fees,
stationary for court and blank books
for noty's
Assessment books and Duplicates fur
Comm's OM., and blank books fur
Register's Office, &c.,
Joshua Greenland, Skeriff, for
gjurors,conveling convicts to Pe
neteutiary, boarding prisoners, &c.,
for the years 1855• and 1856,
Gnaw Miller, Sheriff, on account for
511.1 C,
For County Printing,
William Lewis, fur 1856, 96 50
John A. Nash, 129 75
Wm. Brewster, for '55 and '16,205 95 432 20
Postage, William Lewis, 30 76
Wild Cat and Fox Scalps, premiums of
School tan on unseated lands, gaud in
1856, 254 26
Road tax, on same, 159 76
Redemption Money, on same, 160 52 574 54
Refunding orders to sundry person., 122 It)
Insurance an bridge at Hnntingdon, 7 8o
Scrubbing and cleaning Court House,
and Privy, 25 00
Washing for prisoners in jail, 25 00 50 00
Directors of the Pour, for the year 1856. 5593 38
Treasurer's commission on $45414 58. 681 22
10 00
2U 00 9:13
$26427 62
In testimony of the correctness of tho above
we hereunto subscribe our names and affix the
sett of said county, this 10th 'day ofJonuary, A -
D. t 857.
11. L. hIcCARTRY,
H. W. MILL., Clerk.
Feb. 4.1857
The Juniata Floor and Plaster Mills, one
mile below Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa.,
will have on hand after the 10th of February
next, Gronod Plaster, for which Omin of all
kinds, will be taken in exchange at market
prices. Also, Salt in Sachs.
.1.n.28;57. , 11. SAM(
50 00
3 00
1274 38.
381 92
2.168 37
1305 34
900 27>
_ .G 2 60
1.73 Ito
173 17
GS 27
R 54 03
30 M.
970 74