lvatragDol TJ',0"111(11ili:. WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, opular f ix. lENTV @LIM. Oh 1 who has not seen Kitty Ude ? She lives at the foot of the hill, In a aly little nook, By the babbling brook, That cnrries her father's old mill , Oh I who does Out love Kitty Clide ? That sunoreyed rosycheeked lass, With a sweet dimpled chin,— That looks roguish as sin— With always a smile as you pass sweet Kitty—dear Kitty— Alr own sweet Kitty Chu, In a sly little nook, By the babbling brook, Lives my own sweet Kitty Clide. With a basket, to put in her fish Every morning with line and a hook, This sweet little lass— Thro' the tall, heavy gram, teals along by the clear running brook. ilia throws her line into the stream, And trips it along the brook side. Oh, how I do wish That I was a fish, • 'lO be caught by sweet Kitty elide. Sweet Kitty--dear Kitty, &e. Hew I wish that I was a bee ; . I'd not gather honey from flowers, But would steal a dear slip From Kitty's swept And make my own hive in her bowers; Or, if I was some little bird, I would not build nests in the air, But keep close by the side Of Sweet Kitty Clide, dud sleep in her soft silken hair. Sweet Kitty—dear Kitty, &c. ,sitiect tor R. JOHN TAYLOR; TUE TIMON OF TIIE B ICKWOOD9 1L( AND PULPIT. leau never forget myfiret vision of John Taylor. It was in the court house at Lewisburg, Conway county, Arkansas, in the summer of 1838. The occasion possessed terrible to terest. A vast concourse of specte.ors had assembled to witness the trial of a young and beautiful girl. on an indictment tor mu r tier. The Judge waited at the moment for the Sheriff to bring in his prisoner, and the eyes of the impatient multitude all center ed on the dour, when suddenly a stranger entered, whose appearance rivited univer sal attention. Here is his portrait—a figure tall, lean, sinewy sad straight as un arrow; a face sal low, billions nod twitching incessantly with nervous irritability ; a brow broad, souring massive, seamed with wrinkles. but not front age, for he was scarcely forty ; eyes reddish yellow, like the wrathful eagle as bright and piercing ; and finally, a mouth with lips of cust iron, thin, curled, cold and sneering, sly. intense expression of which looked the living embodiment of an un breathed curse, lle was habited to a suit of new buck skin, ornamented after the fashion of Indian costume, with hues of every color of the rainbow. Elbowing his way slowly through the crowd, and apparently unconscious that he was regarded as a phenomenon, needing explanat on, this singular being advanced, and with the haughty air of a kinn ascen ding the throne, seated himself within the bar, thronged as it was with the disciples of Coke and Blackstone, several of whom it was known, esteemed themselves as far superior to those old and famous masters. ; I" contrast between the outlundish garb and disdainful countenance of the stranger, excited, especially, the risibility of the lawyers, and the junior members began a suppressed titter, which grew lou der and aeon swept around the circle. They doubtless supposed the intruder to be some wild hunter of the mountains, who had never before seen the interior of a hall of justice. instantly the cause and object of the laughter perceived it, turned his head gradually so as to give each laugh er a look, his lips curled with a killing smile of infinite scorn ; his tongue portru ding through his teeth, literally writhed as a serpent, and ejaculated its sap like poi son in a single word ; 'Savages !". No pen can describe the defiant force he threw into that term ; no pencil can paint the infernal furore of his utterance, altho' it hardly exceeded a whispr. But he ac cented every letter as if it were a separate emission of fire that scorched his quiver. ing lips ; laying horrible emphasis on S, both at the beginning and end of the word. "Savages !" It was the growl ors red tiger in the hist of a rattlesnake. Vivo gn. The general glare, however, was imme diately diverted by the advent of the fair prisoner, who then came in surrounded by her guard. The apparationwas enough to drive a Saint mad ; for her's was a style to bewilder the tamest imagination, and melt the coldest heart, leaving in both imagina tion and heart a gleaming picture, enamel ed in fire and fixed in a frame of gold from the stars. It was the spell of an enchant. ment to be felt as well as seen. You might feel it in the flesh of her countenance, clear as a sunbeam, brilliant as the iris ; in the contour of her features, symmetrical as if cut by the chisel of an artist ; in her hair of rich auburn ringlets, flowing without a braid, softer than silk, finer than gossamer; in the eyes, blue as the heaven of a South ern summer, large, liquid, beamy ; in her motions, graceful, swimming as the gentle waftures of a bird's wing in the summer air ; in the figure, slight, ethereal, sylph's or seraph's ; and. more than all in the ev erlasting smile of the rosy lips, so arched, so serene, sn like starlight and yet posses sing the power of magnetism to thrill the beholder's heart. As the unfortunate girl, so tastefully dressed, so incomparable as to personal charms, calm and smiling, took her place before the bar of her Judge, a murmur of admiret:on arose from the multitude, which the prompt interposition of the court, by a stern order t f "silence" could scarcely re press from swelling to a deafening cheer. The Judge turned to the prisoner : "Emma Miner, the court has been m• formed that your counsel, Col Linton, is sick. Have you employed any other?" She answered in a voice as sweet as the warble of the nightingale, and us clear as the song of the skylark : ..Nly enemies have bribed all the law yerg, even my own, to be sick ; but GNI will defend the innocent!" At this response, so touching in its aim pla pathos, a portion of the auditors buzzed applause, and the rest wept. On rho instant, however, the stranger, whose appearance had previously excited such merriment, start,. d to his feet, npprna• cited the prisoner and whispered sonic thing in her ear. She bounded six inches front the floor, uttered a tiercing shrielc, and then stood trembling as if in the pres ence of a ghost front eternity while the singular being who had caused her misc• countable emotion, addressed the court in his sharp, ringing voice, sonorous as the sound of bell metal : •May it please your honor I will assume the 'ask of defending the lady." .W hal!' exclaimed the astonished Judge "ore you a licensed attorney ?" question is irrelevant and immate rial," replied the stranger, with a venom ous sneer, "as the recent statute entitles any person to act as counsel at the request of n pnrty " ..But does the prisoner request it?" in quired the Judge, "Let her speak for herself," said the stranger. "I do," was the answer, as a long-drawn sigh escaped, that seemed to rend her vs ry heart-strings. The case immediately progressed ; and as it had a tinge of romnntic mystery, we will epitomize the substance of the evi• dente. About twelve months before, the defen dant had arrived in the village, and open ed an establishment of millin. ry. Resid ing in a room connected with her shop, and all alone she prepared the articles of her trade with unwearied labor and con-inmate taste. Her habits were secluded. modest and retiring, and hence she might have h. , ped to avoid notoriety, but for the peril ous gift of that eximordinary beauty, which too often, and to the poor and friend less always, proves a curse She was soon sought after by all those fire-fliess of lash ion, the profession of whose lilt-, ever is seduction and ruin. But he beautiful stranger rejected them all with un utters ble scorn and loathing. Among these re • jeoted admirers was one of a character from which the fair milliner had everything to fear. Hiram Sh ire belonged to a fend ly at once opulent, influential and dissipa ted. He was himself licentious, brave, and ferociously revengeful—the most fa mous duellist of the South west. It was generally know that he had made advanc• cc to win the favor of the lovely E mina, and had shared the fate of all other woo era—a disdainful repulse. At nine o'clock on Christmas night, 1837, the people of Lewisburg were star• tied by a loud scream, as of one in mortal terror, while following that, with scarcely an interval, came successive reports of lire arms. They flew to the shop of the milli- tier, whence the sound proceeded, pushed back the unfastened door, and a scene of horror WWI pre•ensed. Theme 'he mood in "LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREYER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1857. the centre of the room, with a revolverin each hand, every barrel discharged, her features pale, her eyes flushing wildly, but her lips parted with a fearful smile. And there at her feet weltering in his warm blood, his bosom literally riddled with bul lets, lay the all dreaded duellist, lliram Shore, gasping in the last agony. Ile ar ticulated but a single sentence : "Tell my mother that 1 am dead and gone to hell !" and instantly expired. the name of God, who did this 1" exclaimed the appalled spectators. "1 did it," said the beautiful milliner, .1 did it to save my honor l" As is readily imagined, the deed cau• sed an intense sensation. Public opinion, however, was divided. The poorer class crediting the girls version of facts, lau ded her in terms of measureliss eulogy. But the friends of the deceased, and of his wealthy family gave a different and darker coloring to the affair, and denounced the lively homicide as an atrocious criminal Unfortunately for her, the officers of the law, especially the judge and sheriff, were devoted comrades of the slain,and display ed their feelings in a revolting partiality The judge committed her without the pri• rilege of bail, and the sheriff chained her in the felon's dungeon ! S.ich is a briof abstract of the circum stances developed in the examination of wimesses. The testimony closed and the pleading begun. L•'irst of itli three advocates spoke in succession for the prosecution ; but neither their names nor their arguments aru worth preserving Orators of the blood and thun der genius. they about equally partitioned their bowling eloquence betwixt the pi iso nor and her leather•robed counsel, as It in doubt who of the twain was then on trial. As fur the stranger, he seemed to pay not the slightest attention to the opponents, but remained motionless, with his forehead bowed on his hands, like one buried in deep thought or slumber. it the proper time, however. he audclon. ly sprang to his feet, crossed the bar, and took his place almost touching the jury Ile then commenced in a whipper, but it was a whisper so mild, so clear, •o omit tenthly ringing and distinct, as to fill the hall from door to galleries. At the outset he dealt in pure logic. separating and corn bitting Inc proven facts, till the whole muss of composed evidence looked transpa rent rs a globe of gla- s, through which the innocence of the client shoe, brilliant as a sunbeam; and the jurors nodded to each other tips of thorough conviction; that thrilling whisper, and fixed concentration, and the language, simple as a child's, had convinced all. He then changed his posture, £0 as to sweep the bar with his glance, and began to tear and rend his legal adversaries. his sallow face glowed as a bested furnace; his eyes resembled heated coals, and his voice became the clangor of a trumpet. I have never, before or since, listened to such murderous denunciations. It wits like Jove's Eagle charging a flock of crows; it was like Jove himself hurling reu thunder bolts among the quaking ranks of a con spiracy of inferior gods ! And yet in the highest temper of Isis fury, he scented mart ; he employed no gesture save one— the flash of a long, bony forefinger direct in the eyep of his foes. He painted ven• ality and unmanly meanness, in coalescing for looney to hunt down a poor, triendleas woman, till a shout of stifled rage arose from the multitude, and even some of the Jury cried— , -Shame !" He changed his theme once more. His voice grew mournful as a funeral song. anal his eyes filled with tears, as he traced a vivid picture of man's cruelties and wo ' man's wrongs, with particular illustration in the case of his client, till one half the audience wept like children. But it was in the peroration that he reached his ze nith, at once, of terror and sublimity. His features were livid a 3 those of a corpse; his very hair seemed to stand on end ; his nerves shook as with palsy; he tossed Ire hands wildly toward heaven, each finger stretched apart and quivering like the flame of a candle, as he closed with the last wards of the deceased Hiram ghore—"Tell my mother that I am dead and gone to hell:" His emphasis on the word hell embodied the - acute and ideal of all horror; it was that wail of immeasurable despair. No language can depict the effect on us who heard it. Men groaned, females screamed, and ope poor woman fainted and was borne away in convulsions. The whole speech occupied but an hour. The jury returned a verdict of ..Not Guilty" without leaving the box. and th•ee cheers, like successive roars of an earth quake, shook the old courthouse front dome to corner-stone, testifying the joy of the people, Alter the adjournment, which occurred near sunset, the triumphant advocate arose and gave an appointment : will pri.ach in this hall to night at eight o , clocic " Fie then glided o t r through the crowd, speak ing to no one, though many attempted to draw him into conversation. At eight o'clock the court-house was again throndi.d, and the stranger, accord ing to promise, delivered his version. It evinced the same attributes as his previous eloquence of the bar, the same Orning vehemence, and increased bitterness of denunciation Indeed, misanthropy re• vested itself as the prominent emotion. The discourse was A tirade against infidels, in which class the preacher seemed to in clude everybody but himself ; it wan a pic• cure of hell, such a Lucifer might have drawn, with a world in flames for his pen cil. But one paragraph pointed to heaven, and that only d monstrated the utter tin possibility that any human being should ever get there Pis cellang. Phonographically Reported by R. McDivitt. Remarks made by Gov. POLLOCK Be. tore the Pa. State Teachers' Associa. tion, at Harrisburg, Dee. 30 , 1858. I came not before you this afternoon for the purpose of making a speech—not to be. listened to, but myself to listen and learn. And what place inure appropriate than in the htate • Association of Teach ers ? In the presence of my teachers should use no other-eloquence than that of silence—but a Word or two, on the present occasion may not be inn, propitiate. It affords me no ordinary gratification, then, to meet an Associetian of this char i,oter ; an Association whose objects and purposes are the advancement of knowl edg-•, the ituprovsenent of our schools, and the improvement of that mo-t important part of every school, the teacher. .1 have un realty occasion, individually and oilictally, antinunced my. self the firm, unflinching friend of educa tion in ell its departments and varieties.— Educed in tor myself—for those I este,on dearer than myself—educatiou for you— educa.itin for ell, to whom the God of the Universe hai] given a heart to feel an in teilect to understand. I have never been the udvocate of the system which encour ages ignorance and fosters error, but on the contra y the enemy of both It is en ly by intellect.' culture, by filling the mind full of that higher knowledge that wells up from the pure fountain of Eter nal truth, that e e make the man and the citizen. You are here—and I rejoice that you ere here—for the purpose of encour aging the advent of knowledge, and of aiding in the improvement of the sys tem that will accomp WI those results what we need in Pennsylvania is a higher grade of schools ; we need the teacher to accomplish this purpose. We must have hint. Although our State is rich—al though our hills and velleya abound in ev ery thing that constitutes us a rich State yet we have a more valuable treasure far, in the minds and intellect of our, people. It is to . develope this wealth that you are here to-day. The first object of this assn. elation will be to devise •rays and means, by obich our school may be improved NI uch, very much. yet remains to oe done. 'llse progress of the past few years has been gratifying. and as an evidence of the interest telt on this subject by the people, or at least a large portion of them, this Association stands prominent, as a demon• stration of the fact that there is a desire to improve, and advance, not to stand still.— The great want of the State, so far ns edu catiunul interest is concerned, we all un derstand to be competent teachers. This want must be supplied. and your Associa tint, have taken the right ditection, to ac• cemplish this object. How are teachers to be furnished and provided 2 They do not spring up spontaneously. Although the Creator of the earth has given us minds, yet this thing called knowledge conies not by intuition; in Hie providence he has devised ways and means by which this mental storehouse must be furnished, and it is by these agents, man is elevated and reformed. We need competent teach era. 1 understand, this morning diet the question was betore you in reference to encouragement from the State ; l am hap py to learn that a resolution passed almost unanimously, favorable to the asking of the :'rate for aid. 1 am here this after• noon as an individual, and affirm only that which is known to all of you, that Conn ty institutes, as a means whereby to fur rash and provide the teacher, are much needed in our system, and the subject is one whioh recommends itself most strongly ' in the (aver of every man who perm& this system and who has its welfare at heart. We have, in the little county of Lance-ter, an ample school, a County In stitute, that I hope yet may arouse the at tention of Pennsylvania and every friend of education, to imitate so noble an exam ple. You may boast of your broad acres in Lancaster county—your stalwart men and pretty girls,' dour intelligeoce and wealth; but today there is t or a prouder monument to the enterprise of Lancaster county Institute at Millersville ; and just so long as mind and intellect, wi'h the far reaching energies are superior to the things of earth, just so long will our schools colleges, county institutes, and every means for the advancement of education be regarded as of higher and greater portance. Should the State forbid to aid County Institutes ? I say unhesitatingly. that th , . Stuto is under a tole= obligati( n:to contiibute to the support of County lutes, and every means whereby to pro mote the cause of education within it s bounds. It was intimated that we might injure the system by asking for legislative aid. Injure what system ? 'fhe system of Ouitunon Schools ? Just as soon might you expect a demand of that kiud to injure the Solar System, as the Common School System of Pt na'sylvania. Ask—you never receive without asking, You have a right to ask, to (lemma, front the Commonwealth that the intellectual wealth of her be protected aed secured in this way.— When the taus of education is to be ad van ced, when its interests are to be promoted, do not come into our legislative hulls in any other attitude than as men, erect, in all the dignity in which you were created by Al mighty God. Afraid to demand your rights ? Oh, no ! Ignorance, Error. Su peretitien,sitivering in their mouldy shroud may stand at the door and urge you back, but fear not—onward, upward, ask and you shall receive. Our Legislators are not men of that material, to reject the ap plication of the intelligence of Pennsylva nia. l'hey know the influence of the school. They understand it. They can be made to feel it, and the only limit I would assign would be the ability of the Mate or Commonwealth to aid Institutions of this character. We need Normal Schools in addition to County Institutes. It is our privilege and our duty to demand (ruin the Legislature the establishment of State Nor mal Sellouts. We require State aid in or der to accomplish this, we must have it, we will have it. Prejudice and Ignorance must vet tatter and fall. Intelligence must triumph. If those principles are not cor. rest, then I have studied the book of Na. tare and of God without effect. Our doubts are traitors. and make us lose the good by fearing to demand it. I regret to have heard, on more than one occasion, an op position to the Common School System of Pennsylvauia, made by those who ate con netted with our higher institutions of lear ning, colleges and seminaries, as if the State and the individual could not go to• gether in the prominent cause of education. In the advancement of knowledge there is no rivalry ; whether the individual or the State may superietend the system, you are but one, and the cause is one. There is no system no favorabie to the establishment of private schools or colleges as the coin non school system of Pennsylvania. It will open wide the door, and institute a de sire for more learning. I urn very much . of a progressive, and ho d e the day will come when the common school system of Pennsylvania will be so perfect that no pri vate seminary or co lege will be found in the lund—when the streams of knowledge shall flow free as the air, and the child of poverty as well as the child of affluence, may come together and drink of the stream• ing fountain. That would indeed bu the inidenium of knowledge, and who would super ? Professors of colleges and private institution 1 They would be the most be nefitted—this would enable them to trep from the private school into the public. %There are teachers best paid I In those districts where the common school has been rejected year in and year out, and never adopted with the consent of the peo ple Where they regard the teacher as worth just as much money as the man that drives their pigs to market ? No. It is in those districts where men aro educated, that the price of teaching has been eleva ted. The result would be a demand for every member of our college%; each one woulu feel that he was but a part of a mag nificent, yet harmonio” system. Private enterprise may control one dedartment, the State the other, all could then move on in perfect harmony around one grand centre, having in view one grand object. Are we to have any retrograde movement in the cause of education I—are we to go back or forward I You are here to-day to move forward the car, not to stop its pro fives& If anything is to be crushed, let it be ignorance ; we do not want truth thrown down and trampled. There must be no retrograde movement in Pennsylvania on' this topic. It may be unpopular. They may vote it down. Although I very much doubt whether the bast opponent to this system could be brought up to the polls to cast hie vote against it, without a blush of shame, that his ballot in the box would de• stray the system forever, In the Nov*, deuce of God let it be so ordered that Igoo. ranee will have to stand back abashed at Intelligence, whether they meet at the polls or in the school room. There must be no retrograde movement in this lattice rant matter. Whether the State or the in. dividual be engaged in it the cause is one, the interest must be one. Let your motto be , Excelsior"—higher yet. There is no pinnacle in this great temple of knowledge. There is a boundary to everything else— the Material Universe has its limits, but knowledge knows no board, no limit in time—none throughout the ceaseless ages of Eternity. Your progress must be up, and onward, and the higher your aim the more elevated your flight. No retrograde movement in this important matter, in the system that Pennsylvania has adopted, it there be a change, it !oust be for the better not for the worse. As an individual, lam prepared to day, if the system falls, to full with it ; but I apprehend ao such calamity. Prejudice and Ignorance may hurl their objections and , bid defiance, but the tri umph of Truth and Knowledge is as cer• tain nn.l secure as is the existence of Him who made us all, While I advocate knowledge and its prO. gross ; education in all its departments. and the developetnent of the mind's higher and mightier vitwers, there is one book I am glad to know, is not found wanting in the schools of Pennsylvania as a text book. As a history, it is without a rival ; as a poem, it has no superior ; as a book of eth ics, tt is unsurpassed by any work on the subject ever written ; as n teacher of mo rality and religion, it defies the created universe ofGod to produce its equal. Need I notate the book to which I refer ? Good old Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I re. joice to-day that you have o,'en Schools and an open Bible. Let this book adorn every bench and every desk within the walls of every school within this Common wealth. When the day conies that you find the Bible a closed book, that day will witness the doom and the destruction of the entire system. There is no security but in its principles—no strength but in the arm of Him who penned its glorious truths. THE OSTRICH. The cry of the ostrich so greatly resem bles that of a' lion as occasionally to de• ceive even the natives. It is usually heard early in the morning, and at times also at night. The strength of the ostrich is en. orinous. A single blow from its gigantic foot, (it always strikes forward) is sufficient to prostrate, nay, to kill, many beasts of prey, such as the hyena, the panther, the wild dog, the jackal, and others. The os trick is exceedingly swift of foot ; under ordinary circumstances outrunning a fleet horse. "What time she lifteth up herself on high, she scorneth the horse and his ri der." On special occasions, and for short distances, its speed is truly marvellous, per haps not touch less than a mile in half a minute. its feet appear hardly to touch the ground, and the length between each stride is not unfrequently twelve to fourteen feet. Indeed, if we are to credit the testi mony of Mr. Adamson, who says he wit nessed the fact in Senegal, such is the re. pidity and muscular poiter of the ostrich, that even with two men mounted on his back, he will t utstrip an English horse in speed ! The ostrich, moreover, is long winded, if I inay use the expression ; so that it is a work of time to exhaust the bird. The food of the ostrich, in its wild state, consists of seeds, tops, and various ahruos and other plants ; but it is often difficult to conceive how it can manage to live at all, for one not unfrequently meets with It in regions apparently destitute of vegetation of any kind.—:thiderson's Africa. The Origin of Pianos. The piano -forte, that favorite parlor in strument, now considered an almost indis pensible article in every family that can purchase it, was invented by J. C. Schroe der. of Dresden in 1717 ; the square piano was first made by Freiderica, an organ builder of Saxony,about 1758. Pianofortes were made in London by M. Zumple, a German, in 1766. The manufacture of this instrument was nommenced in thin country since the opening of the present century. VOL. XXII. NO. 5. Widow's Three Hundred Dollars. The following is the report of a cue decided at the recent term of the Supreme Court in Pittsburg, which is of a very great interest. The decision settles the law in a matter of frequent occurrence: SUPREME COURT IN BANC The widow of a decedent is entitled to three hundred dollars out of the proceeds of the sale of his real estate, in prelerence of • judgment cred:tor in whose favor the hoe. band waived the benefit of the Exemption Act of 1849. Sarah Smith took out letters of Admin• istmtion on the estate of her deceased bus. band, James smith, who died Sept 15th, 1854. In her administration account she charged herself with the proceeds of a lot of ground, sold by her under an order of Orphan's Court and retained credit forth. auto of three hundred dollars claimed by her as a widow, by virtue of the act of April 14, 1851. Joseph Spencer held a judgement against James Smith, the deco. dent, entered Jan. 24, 1864, on a bond with warrant of Attorney, waiving the benefit of the Exemption Act of 1849. Joseph Spencer accordingly filed exemptions to the administration account, and contended that the widow was not entitled to retain $3OO as against him The Court below, McClure, P. J., decided differently, and Mr. Spencer appealed. The case was argued by Mellen and Negley, for appellent, and by Hubrouck, for appellee, Lowrie. J.—We think that the learned President of the Orphan's Court decided this cause rightly. 'fhe act of 1851, al lowing a widow to take property to the amount of $3OO out of her deceased has band's estate, is plainly a restriction on the remedies heretofore existing in favor of creditors. It is therefore a restriction or qualification on any lines acquired by operations of law against her estate after the passage of the act. It is supposed that his waiver of any right of exemption alters the case ; but we do not think to. His waiver of a privi lege granted by law to himself cannot ef fect a fight granted to another. It puts the creditor in the same position which he would have occupied if the husband had no exemption to be waived. And surely this provision in favor of the widow might have been enacted and enforced, even if there had been no exemption at all in fa vor of the debtor himself. The creditor might have divested his whole estate in his life time, but not having done so, the prospective provision in favor of the wid ow comes into operation and restricts his remedy so far as to prevent it Imm inter. faring with the right granted to her, Decree affirmed at the coats of the ap pellant and record remitted. Virtue of Reading and Writing. If reading and writing came by nature, as Dogtierry says, what a blessing it would be for mankind in general. These simple arts, which are so common io some of our States, have proauced the moat re markable political results as shown in the last election. The greatest number of readers and writers turned out the great est number of Republican voters. But the effect of reading and writing was nowhere so remarkably exhibited as in Illinois. Its that portiun of the State called Egypt, which voted squarely for Buchanan, these accomp:ishments are very rare Sanga mon county, for instance, which gave a majority of 2,024 for the Cincinnati plat form, accoring to the census contains 2,. 024 adults, that can neither read nor write; while in Winnebago county, which gave a majority of 3,200 for Fremont, there are nine adults who cannot read and write. eVr ..crow, I want to ax you a con. nundrutn." "Well, Julius succeed; I've open for the question." "Can you tell me why de art of selelf defence am like a ribber in low tide?" "No, Julius,l does not see no similarity in de two subitcts, so darter I ghuve it up." "Well I'll tell you. It's simply because it developes de muscles ! You are de most ignoramus nigger I neber seed in all my life."-- "Yah yth ! I know all de time what dat was, I didn't want to say nuffin ! Jis ax me again and see if I can't tell you." ArerAn idle brain is the devil's workshop. A bad wound heals; a bad name kills. A bitter jest is the poison of friendship A bad workman quarrels with his tools. A blithe heart makes a blooming visage. A burden which one chooses is not felt. A careless watch invites a vigilant foe. A clean glove often hides a dirty hand. A clear conscience finds no accusation. A cracked bell is never sound, A fool's heart is ever dancing on his lip,. A friend is never known till needed. A gift long waited for is sold, not given. A good maxim is never out of season. A good life keeps off winkles. lir A patletuan ie this place seat our campaign Sentinel to his hrother an Illinois.— We mailed it Weekly. His brother writ*, that after the election was over the poste:l4AM landed hint the whole let.—.4lshmf , ide [O.l Sentinel, 2fth,