Cheapest eiJob Printing" nice i eon much to say, yet Truth to say it." Zit WICII 4201X8IFY. THE BOOK OF 'THE AGE! We hare note made such arrangements in our RECOLLECTIONS OF A LIFETIME, Job Office as trill enable on to do all kinds of OR MEN AND THINGS I HATE SEEN IN EUROPE Job Printing at 20 per cent. . • AND AMERICA. cheaper rates •By S. G. GOODRICH. the veritable "Peter Par- Than any Office in the County. i ley," author of "'Floe History of all Nations" Give us a call'. li we don't give entire satislac. , Bcc., Sc. In two volumes, 150 pp. large I:MM. Lieu, no charge at all will be made. ; 25 engravings, including an accuria, Steel Portrait of the Author. Pi ice, Black or Scar let Cloth, 13,00 ; Scarlet cloth, gilt edges $4; Half molt, marble edges. 15,00; (lilt Edges, 17. This work embraces the prominent public e vents of the last halt ce n tury. both at home and abroad ; a complete autobiography of the author —his early days. education, and literary career; and an amount of original curious, and veluable personal incident, anteolute and descroption, sel dom, if ever, met with in a single work. It is the author's life-km; work, and nothing superior if equal to it iii blended amusement and imtrucz tion, hots ever been published. Mr. Goodrich is the author and editor of 170 volumes, of which seven millions of enpies have been sold ! and this the great work of his life time, embodies the con densed substance of his ample literary and prac tical experience: the war with England in 1812- 14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private soldier; the Hartford Convention, whose operations took place under his immediate observation, and with most of the members of which he was personally . acquainted. Embracing curious and interesting details respecting old Jattarsonian Denmeracy, Old Federalism, and Connecticut Blue bights; curious and marvellous events connected with lie rise and progress of religious sects in the United States; with descriptions of the French Revolution of 1838, and Louis Napoleuh's Coup d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed. Also, a full account of the 'Peter Parley's Tales,' of ovlach four millions have been son!. Is the ;course of the work will be found pen and Ink portraits of over TWO Hundred celebra ted persons—Presidents, Vit e-Presidents, Kings Queens, Emperors, Soldiers, Poets, Wits, En thusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Dip• loniatists, described from personal ac quaintance or observation. Fur sale by GEO. BERGSTRESSEP, MILL CREEK, Hunt. Co., Pa. Published by Dlillur, Orton & Mulligan. No. 25 Park Row, N. Y. Jan.21;37.- Itilifil.CANE - 01J4 - ADVERTISEMENTi SCRIVENERS' OFFICE The undersigned will attend to drawing Wills, 1 Deeds, Mortgages, Articles of Agreement, Leases, Letters of Attorney, Bonds, &d. He will also arrange and state Administrator's ac• counts and attend to the passing,of them hefote the Register. All will be done in legal form, I and good style, and at moderate charges. 1 JACOB MILLER. Huntingdon, 20th January. 1867.—n 4.1101-IAN' COURT • SALE. la pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Huntingdon, there will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 14th of February next, the following described real estate as the prop erty of Henry Lightner, late of West township, in said County, deed, to wit— Five tracts of land, all situate in said town. ship of West, bounded &c., as follows: I. The Manion Farm of said dec'd bound ed by lands of John Wall, George Wilson, Hi rain Williamson, Jacob Winters, & others; containing ninety four acres ai.d 48 perches , and allowance ; all cleared and under collies. tion, and hating thereon erected a two story frame Dwelling llouse, a Hash Barn and oth. , er buildings. 2. One other tract adjoining the above, lauds of James Porter, the heirs of James Stewart, John Wall, Jacob Witters, and Shaver's Creek containing sixty, acres, 57 perches all cleared and under cultivation. 3. One other tract, containing nineteen acres one hundred and forty six perches, and alloy. afire adjoining lands of B. Hartman, Robert and William Armstrong nod the hanks ot Shil• oar's Creek. ( About half an acre of thin tract has been given off the upper end for a church.) 4. A tract of woodland, adjoining land 3 cf John Wall, Green and Dorsey and others, c taining 62 acres nine perches and allowance. 6. An Inland in. Sliavet's Creek, near said nineteen acre tract, containing about two acres. TERMS OF SALE:—Ono third the pur. chase money to ho paid au confirmation of the sale, one•third within one year thereafter with the interest, and the remaining one•third at and immediately after the decease or Margaret Ligkmer widow of said dee'd the purchaser paving to the said widow annually and reguinr• ly 'during her natural life, the legal interest of the said one•third part; to ho secured by the bonds anl mortgage of the purchaser.' HENRY LIORTNER, Tr.tee. Jan. 215t,'57,3t. No'neE. All persona indebted to Henry C. Walker, either ay note or book account, will take no. lice that they ore in my bands and that it will be a matter of economy on their part to settle the come in a reasonably short dine. D. 1101:17, Assim,e of H. C. Walker. 1110. Enogorga TIEJIMELIp DENTISTS; ittrtirnlg 0.1145 Psks OFFICE removed to the rooms r , 77" . "44 Undjoining the residence of Dr. titft R. Allison Miller, near the Pres. - byterien Church.* %len. 14, 1857.—tf. D.rDICATION. The M. E. Church in Huntingdon will be de. dicated to the service of Almighty God on Sun. day, February the Ist, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Services will be conducted by ilev's Bishop Waugh, J. A. Collins, Dr. T. Bowman, J. Poi. sal, and others. A cordial invitation is exten• tied to preachers and people ofeetaigumis char ges. D. SUOMI', Pastor. Huntingdon, Inn. 14, 1867. X. GRAFT. GRAFF & CO. WESTERN FOUNDRY, ..ii. No. 12 Wood Street, :',... PITTSBURG, PA --- MANUFACTURERS OF Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stuves,l 4 arlor Stance, Box Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Orates & Fenders, Sad nod Dog Irons, Portable Forges, Sugar, Ten and Stove Kettles, Wagon 110.3, &c. N0v.•26, 1836.-Iy.. -_--Stray Heifer, . A red heifer, supposed to he 1 year old last spring, came to the plantation of the sulncriber, living on the Raystown Branch, Juniata twp., Huntingdon County. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be dispa sed of according to law. ABM. SHENEFELT. Dc WILE HIENTICIQ4DON IA ( Y. TUB undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, heftiest farmers and the public general• ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have pot in five of the Improved Jon. val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, ana during the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS,, I and tartx.ers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at ajuoment's notice nu equal quantity of Flour 20 Bran or chop• ped feed. TUB SMUT is ofas improved manufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail. ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill. FISHER & McMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones aro not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. Window •ash. J. & W. Saxton have now on hand different kinds of Window Sash, and at much lower mi res than can be made by hand. They will be able also to have Doors, Shutters, Blinds and evaryikins neconaary for building purposes, made it the nhorteet notion. Encyclopedia of Animated Nature, A BOOK THAT IS REALLY ALL LIFE. Lit lag Nature to all its Forms. rPHE only book of its kind ever published, I which gives Pictorial Representations and Popular Descriptions of the History, Habits and modes of life of all the classes of living beings on the earth, in the ocean nod in the air. Uni form retail price. In One Quarto Volume 1350 Illustrations, Muslin Gilt Back and Center, $3 00. The Same—Marble Edge, Embossed Morrocco, Gilt Bock and Center, $3 00. The Same —Extra Red Turkey Morrocco, Gilt Edges mid Fall Gilt Sides, $5 00 Books upon almost every other subject have been circulated among the people, except those relating to the very iutertstmg and important one or Natural History. The books which hose heretofore been published on this subject, have been adapted, to mere children, or to those who made it n thorough study. Hence, very few or the millions of readers in this country have, within their reach, anything satisfactory upon this subject. This indicates a great and au obvious want, as no subject is mere intense ly interesting, and none more improving, than that of the living beings that people the globe. This want we ore confident we telly meet, in the work we here otter to the public. U'" Ibisßook is not for sale in Bookstores but can he ordered from us direct, or &twined nom our Canvassing Agents. Published by Miller, 9rton & Mulligan, New York, and liar sale be GEC). BERGSTRESSER, MILL CREEK, Hunt. Co., Pa. Jan.2l,'ST, "So Library is Complete without it. Testimony of Sixteen Thousand Pur- chasers. Magnificent Work of History! A whole Libra. ry in itself! Gust $ll,OOO-70 Maps-700 Engravings. A HISTORY OP ALL NATIONS. From the earliest period to the present time, the hirtory every nation, imeient mid mo dern, being separatoli given. By S. G. Goon. mutt, author ul several works of Ilistory, 'l'eter l'al Ivy's Sc. it is believed that the above Ivor:: will be re- ry acceptable to the Atomic., it public. It is the ninth of years of toll and lahor, assisted in has researches hy several scholars of known atinilYf and lies Leen gut up at a great expense by tae propfieturs. Nu pains have been vpareil hi the execution of the lilustratiuns and .slaps, which are prepared expressly Mr thir work. Indeed, all the other histutical writing of Mr. Goodrich, sink into insignitieunee, when cuminireil to this, the result in his riper and waterer yeti's. it is notation' that one hundred dollars could nut purchase the sante matter in any other slope mid the publishers contidenally expect, in cousi derstion of the great literary value or the wal k, the large suns expended in preparing it fur the pre., and the exeeeilingly moderate price at' whiela it is colleted, that it will be favoring re ceived by every lover of gosh books. Minty of our first scholars, divines and gentlemen, who brave examined the work, have giveu their un qualified approbtaion end commendation, which it richly deserves. Usiii6rm Retail Prices, In 1 vol. Turkey Mortceo, Marble Edge, Gilt Back and Sides. $6,00 ( it 44 6 •4 fit Full Gilt " " " 8,00 44 2 44 44 44 sf If 7 , 00 41 46 GI If Gilt " and Full Gilt Sides, 10,00 . " Heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprinkled Edge 6,00 !tinny of our Ageing having been told when soliciting subscribers, shut this work would soon ho sold in Itookstores, and at a reduced price, we hereby give notice, es Sole Publishers of it, it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price, and will he uttered by our canvassing Agents only, who have the sole right of sale in their re- VileeliVO districts, except that where we have not sppointed an agent, WS will send copies by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United Stow, upon receipt of thw retail price. N.B.—The ono volume copies, weighing over four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail, but tho two vultune.copies can be mailed as two books. Miller, Orton & Mulligan, Pub Halters, No. E 5 Park Row, N. Y. Fur sale by GEO. RERUSTRESSER, MILL CELOK, Rum. Co., Pa. Jan.21;57, DR. KANE'S ARCT &GI ZXNZI/LTZOIN. Awl a largo assortment of other books may be had, very low, by addressin,4 GEO. BERGSTRESSER„ MILL CREEK, Hunt. Co., Pa. 'rho foregoing work, can be had of Goo. Berg strasser only, who is tho Canvassing Agent for this county, and wino will shortly call on tho citizens of llia county. HOW'S THIS ? J. k W. SAXTUN are now receiving their Second Fall and Stook of _ _ New and Fashionable Dry Goods! Enumeration is unnecessary, but what every body says must be true—and everybody says the place to find the best assortment of Dry Hoods, in these parts, is at J. d.W. S 4 IXTON'S. Der.10,'66. DIISCELLANEOLSADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE OFATS. , HAVE i TOO SUBSCRIBED IMPORTANT TO - tVERVIAIDr. IN THE 1 rO . R the last three years I have been engaged a: in a business k a1 , 79, ,,,, i n1 z.:7 i :xelf, und, COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIAVN FOR THE THIRD YEAR t te corc b a r rat t i 71y, h sum few of 8200 each, which a l v n e ' re tr g u e c ti SEE THE RASE INDUCEMENTS I me at the rate of $2,000 to $3,000 par annum ; TH N Henee'ere have the p leasure of en ' ii "d th i t t itl r l i iiP l" :a r t r o u" orig e n m g e : " ;„ ' ors t . 3 ...r ir t t r nouncing that the collection of Works of :less, I am willing to give lull instructions in the Art designed fur Distribution among the snip art to any person in the United States or Cana scribers, whose names are received previous to des, who will remit me the sum of $l. lam the 20th of January, '57, is much larger nod induced, from the success I have been favored more costly than on any previous year. Among with, and the many thankful acknowledgements the leading works in Sculpture—executed in I have received from those whom I have instruc. the finest marble—is the new and beautiful tett, and who are making from $5 to $l5 per Statue of the day at it, to give any person an opportunity to Dr, : engage in'thiausine:as, which is easy, p easant, 46 T7CYDE) EIMPIIV" ' and - very profitable, at a small cost. There is The Busts of the Three Great American States. Positively No Ilumnuo In the matter. Retaren men, cos of the best class can be given as regards its character, and 1 can refer to persons whom I CLAY, WEBSTER, AND CALHOUN, ' hurt in,trurted, who will testify thin they are Also the exquisite Ideal Bust, making from $5 to $l5 per day at the same. It "SPRING." in a business in which either ladies or gentlemen APOLLO AND DIANA, in marble, life size, can engage, and with perfect case make a very h andsome meemm s evere ' LA p i , in rations Together with the following Groups and . parts of New York State, Pennsylvania and Statues in Carrara Marble—of the , Maryland, whom I have instructed are now me- STRUGGLE FOR THE HEART; ! king from $3 to $6 per day at it. It is a gene- Venus and the Apple ; Psyche; Magdalen ; re.l business, and but . a few shillings is required I Child of the Sea ; Innocence ; I to start it. Upon receipt of S I, I will immei- Captive Bird ;and Little Truant; r I ',rely send to the applicant u printed circular con- With numerous works in Bronze, and a ccillec- Wiring lull instructiona in the artwhich can be perthctly underatood at onee. ti. of several hundred PINE OIL PAINT- All letters must be addressed (post-paid) to JAWS, by leading artists. A, T. PARSONS, 335 Broadway, New York. The whole of which are to be distributed or Dec.24,'56.-4t. allotted among the subscribers whose names are received previous to the TWENTY-EIGHT OF JANUARY, 1857, when the distribution will take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to a copy of the splendid Steel Engraving, "Sat urday Night," or, a copy of any of the follow. ing $3 Magazines one year; also, a copy of the ART JOURNAL one year, and, a Ticket in the Annual Distrib u tion of Works of Art. Thus, for every $3 paid, a person not only gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine non year, but also receives the Art Journal non year, and a Ticket in the Annual Distribution, making four dollars worth of reaelina matter besiues the ticket, by which a valuable painting or piece of sta.uary may be received in addi tion. Those who prefer Magazines to the Engraving 'Saturday Night,' can have either of the follow ing, one year: Harper's Magazine; Godg's Lady's Bonk, United States :Magazine, hoick. crbocker Magazine, G raham's Magazine, South. ern Literary Messenger. No person is restricted to a single sham-- Those taking five memberships, remitting 515, ore entitled to six Etigra sings, and to six tick. eta in the distribution, or any five of the Mag. seines, one year, and six itekets. Perseus, in remitting funds for membership, will please register the letter at the Post Office, to prevent loss; on receipt of which, a certifi cate of Membership, together with the Negro sing or Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Fur further particulars, see the November Art Journal, sent free on application. Fur membership, address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., 3.48 Broadway, New York, or Western °dice, Water Street, Sandutiky. Ohio, Or WM. 13REWSTER, -Honorary ,Secretaey, Huntingdon, Dee.3,'56,2m. k>.I)AM2II TA4IIII. The Lost is Found; THE DEAD HAVE COME TO LIFE, ALEX,,NOhIA FOUNDRY OWNED BY ISRAEL ORAFFIVS, ESQ. RC. McGILL wishes to inform hiS s friends and the ;Wine generally, that he has bought the shove-named .4 4 9°, Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its contents, and front his long experience in the business lie hopes to obtain it share of the pniilic patroit,,ge. As he has the Foundry in fall opc colon, he can tarnish all cite may give bits a call with all kinds of Castings ; such as nulling Mill mid Forge Castilla!, Grist and Saw Mill Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting; and in a short titan will litre Cook Steers of va rious tint , and improved patterns for wood and coal; also ten-plate SOS tes, Air-Tight, Parlor, n o Bar-room stoves, of all sizes for wood or coal. Also Castings for house; cellar grates; such as l.entels. Sills, Sash-Weights, dm, Plows 31 every description of the latest and most im proved style. Also steel soles, wagon hones, oven frames, large bells and cast water-pipes. nOL,LOW-Vit.11.1117.1 consisting of Kettles, Boilers, gic.. having turn ing -lathes, lie will be this to furnish any of the above-named articles, either wood or iron; and he has all kinds of Castings tort numerous to mtention, all of which will he sold cheaper than ever for cosh Mal all kinds of country produce.— Also old metal will by taken in excloinge 11...5-ting. ting. Harry up your old metal end country pro duce when any articles are wanted. __ R. C. AteGILL. . pr.23,'56.-Iy. IMPORTANT TO.DAGUERREOTYPISTS MARBLE DEALERS AND OTHERS. MONUMENTAL DAGUERREOTYPE CASES. AMETHOD has long been sought for, to in. sect in a duraile manner, Daguerreotype Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments,— I have been manufacturing these Cases for the last two years, and can warrant them to secure the picture for a long number of years. The outside case is made of Purian Marble and the box which encloses the picture and keeps it In a state of great preservation for a long number of years, is made of brass,—a sorest' box. It makes a very cent job on a Bend Stone or Monument. They are used in Greenwood Cernetry, Mount Auburn, Laurel 11111, and many other Cetnetries in the United States. A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and Daguerreotypists. Price from $2,25 each to $9,50. A circular of engravings will be sent to any address, free, with price list. Ad. dress, A. L. BALDWIN, Agent of Mausoleum Dag. Co., 335 Broadway, New York. Dec. 3d. 1856-3 m. Val& &BM 7/[10722 CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 80 per oent. CHEAPER rum' THE CHEAPEST! ROMAN respectfully in'ernis his custo mers and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store-room in Market Square kluutingdon,a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Fall and Winter. which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persona wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purcha sing &sew hero. Also, flats, Caps loots and Mom which will be sold lower than at any of Os tabliklimint in the county. Huntingdon Qrt. 8, 1886. HUNTINGDON COMENSRAZAZ SOWOOL. Has been removed to a large and commodi ous room in the "Town Hall," and is open day and evening for the reception of Students.— The course of instruction, embracing Single and Doable-Entry Book• Keeping, is accotupa. tiled by daily Lectureson Commercial Sciences. A department has also been opened which is devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by Prof. Mouttisolv. of Pittsburg. Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and Political Economy aro delivered periodically to the students by members of the Huntingdon Bar. For any other particulars, address personally or by letter 'l'. 11. POLLOCK, Principal. Assistance given when required in opening and closing books. [April 2,1856.-Iy. Dec.3;56. MONEY ! MONEY!! MONEY !!! WEIY BE WITHOUT MONEY? when it is VV just us easy tier any one to be around with a pocket full as not, if thee only think so. I have got a new article, fro m . whirl' from five to twenty dollars a day can be made, either by male or female. It is highly respectable bust. ness, and an article whirls is wonted in every family is the United States. Enclose tee two dollars by mail, at my risk. and I will forward by return mail a Circular, with full instructions in the net. The business is very easy. Try it, if you are out of employment, and you will no• ver forget it ; for it will he better for you to pay the above sum, and insure a good business, than to pay twenty.five cents for a spurious ad vertisement. This is no humbug. T y it! 75y it! Try it! Address your letters to DWIGHT MONROE, New Yurk. I sent one of my circulars to an Editor in Georgia, and be gave me a notice in his paper like the following: "Mr. Monroe sent me one of, his,Circulars, and I will just say to niy readers that whoever of 3ou are out of employment thatSlr. Monroe's business is a good business, and money can be inn& out of it by ally one who engages in it, fur it is no humbug." pec.3,16,3m. RZIEIA@ aal2. TX TE would offer for sole the following pro. porty, A fatal 'of 90 Acres, of land in Gernmy Valley, Hunt. co., it being one half of the Fat m formerly owned by Geo. Eby. Nearly all cleat ed and in a hoe state „of cultivation. Choice Limestone Land with House and Stable erected thereon, with running water. miles front Shirleysburg and 5 miles front Penna. Canal and Railroad at Alt. Union. Also 16 Acres of choice land adjoining the above, on wide", is erected' two good Houses, small Barn, Wood House, &c., with u never-fail ing spring of good water. end tine Orchard, with choice fruit. This is a very desirable property, and would ho suitable for u mechanic, or nay person desiring to retire from active life. ALSO—A larni in Union Township, Hunt. co., containing 66 Acres, one half of which is cleared, and the balance first quality of Timber land, situated within one mile of the Penne Ca nal and Railroad at Mill Creek. Either of the above properties will he sold low and on reasonable tertns, apply to the sub scriliers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon Co., rit. HESSLER & 13130. Sept.lo,%l6.—tr. VAIVADAM IRON WORKS FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER AT PRIV ate Sale that valuable property, known as Tll4lflaAl v Situated in Cromwell Township, Huntingdon County, about ten miles from the Statioe on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Mount Union, and the Pennsylvania Canal at the seine point: In connection with this Furnace, is about SIX THOUSAND acres of land; mostly timber land, .principally rock oak and white oak. There is a large vein of good Fossil Iron Ore within 200 yards of the said Furnace ; a large vein of Heinetite Ore about ono mile and a half from it, and several veins not working. The first two veins of fossil and hemetite are in good working order. The furnace, also, is in excel. lent working condition, and now in blast. It is situated on the State nittl leading from Mount Union to Chambersburg, and within half a mile of the borough of Orbisonia, in the midst of a good farming community, where produce and labor are to be bad at moderate rates. The stage between Chumbersburg and Mount Union passes he same daily. This property affords an excellent opportunity , to make money to any person or persons wishing to engage in the Iron business. The property may he purchas ed either with or without tl.e Stock, and pos session of the Ore Banks and Wood Cutting will be given at any time, and of the Furnace et. nr before the Ist of March, 1857. Turns will be made easy. Application may be made to R. B. Wigton on the premises, or John S. belt at Spruce Creek, Huntingdon County.— Any persons wishing to purchase arc invited to come and examine the property, where every information and satisfaction in tegard to the same will be given. Any person wishing to ad dress us by mail will direct to Orbisonia P. 0., Hellen County. ISETT, WIGTON 1 CO, Dec.3,'56,4i. * " w North American & United States Ga. zette, Blair County Whig, Laneaster Examiner, Chambetaburg Reptalitory, Harrisburg Tele graph (w,) insert four times and send bill to this office. Itssl•• A splendid lot. of Fancy and Striped, Silks, French Merino,Cashinere, Lyonese Cloth, Robes, Fan ty and Striped Delaines, Persian Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col lars, Undersleeves and Mitts, just received and rm. We cheap, by .1. & W. SAXTON. IVIILN WOOD ACADEMY. thade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa. W. H. WOODS, A. M., Proprietor & Prinoipi'. J.A.SIIADE, Lecturer on.Analonigi llyileana, I RE, J. CAMPBELL, Leoturer on General SAMUEL CAMPBELL, Au/slant Lifrrature, .1 JOHN M. CAUSLAND. Teacher in l'raparaiory :Department THE annual exhibition will take place the hat Wednesday of October. Au address by the 1 Rev. D. X. Junkie, D. D., will be delivered before the Philo and Diaynathian Societies, at 2 is cluck, P. M. The Exhibitional performances will take place at 61 o'clock, P. M. The ex eminations the week previous. These exercises the friends of education are respectfully invi ted to attend. The next session opens on Wednesday, the 29th of October. This institution holds out peculiar inducements to young men seeking an education. The Board of Instruction is composed of gentlemen of high literary attainments and skilled in their profession. The lo• cation is very healthy, having the pure mountain air, and free front all noxious vapors arising from stagnant water and marshy ground. Those subject to ague could not find a more desire ble place. The course of instruction is such as is best culuulated to prepare young men for business, for teaching, and for taking a high stand in College. For those desiring to become Teachers, a Normal Class will be faceted, in which practical inatruction will be given in the art of Teaching. To this class, lectures will be given on the subject of Teaching. The tempts tines to vice, idleness and dissipation are few. There in nothing to draw the mind of the Btu dent from his books, it is quiet nod retired, just such a situation as a young man desirous of improvement would seek. The societies are in a flourishing condition, and each has a flee li• brary of choice works. The buildings are large and commodious, an additional building is in the course of erection, which will be finished this fall. Shade Gap is situuted ou the mail route between Chatnberaburg and Mount Union Station ou the Penn. Rail Road. TERMS ,--For Session of five months, $52 50. Washing, light, nod fuel, extra. Students arc charged from the time of entering until•the close of the Session. Payments half in ad vance, balance at the middle of the session. For catalogues and further particulars, address W. H. WOODS, Shade Gap, Hunt. Co., Pu. September 17, 1856.-3 m. A YER'S CHERRY 4{ , PECTORAL, FOR THE RAPID MIR OF '46 4. Colds, Coughs, mid •-- Hoarseness. MI1:4111U.D, MASS., 20th Dec., 1815. b., Dn. J. C. Ann:Dn.J. I do not hesitate loony •-• the best remedy I have over found for 'P. Coughs. Ifoorseness. Indust", mid the - concomitant sy:up:minor e, .Id. is your Cttrnnr l'ArroltAl.. Its constant Ilan Ms , my practice and my family for toe lest ten yours has slioivo it to possess sups. • clot virtues for the treatme n t of those ... I.,01D• complaint. ElitlN 001011 T. M.D. A. U. 31 , 1iTLEY, Leo., of UTICA, N. Y., writes: "I have mood your PICIORAL myself and lo my family ever since you Invented It, and believe it the heat medicine for IM minima ever put ont. With a bed cold I should enamor ray twenty.fiee dollars for a bottle tium do without it, or take any other remedy." Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, 'Bll4 - Norm Feb. litnoru, Aran: I will elmerfally certify yotikycerosAL I. the bed remedy we pomwm for the cure ortneoping Ough, Crtmp, awl the chest ilimaames of ehildreo. We of pour II:Worldly In the South appreeiato your skill, and f 01,11110111.1 gout meilleitio to our people. lIIRAII CONKLIN, M. D. ilod LEE, EN.,Monsual. lA., writes, Jait.,l9L6: 5 1 had n tedlowi laftitimmt, which confined me in door. wzekst took idea): medicines without relief; finally h PEPTOttAL by the advice of onr clergyman. The first done relieved the wearied 15 toy thrimt nod, Inugn: la. than otie half the bottle made the completely Your p the as well am the Lest WU fall hay. and we esteem volt, Poctor , and your rem> dlem, am the poor man'. Menlo Asthma or rhthyde, and Bronchitis. W , ar MANCITI6I , IIicI: PA: Feb. 4,1858. SIR You . CIIRRIVIr PLITOI:Al. if pet forming marvellous cures in this section. It has relieved neveral from alarm• ing symptoms of consumption, and Is now curing n nuns who ims labored under sa affection of the lungs for the lad forty yen.. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. HAMMY, M.D., Ateme, Moan. Co., lows, writes. Sept. S. 1853: During my practice of nteny yours I have found 110thIlIZ equal to your PRCTORAL SR giving ease and rear to consumptive patients, or curing such us ar, curable." We might add volumes of evidence, but the most con vincing proof of the virtues of this remedy Is found in its effects upon trhtl. Consumption. rrobsbly no one remedy has over been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases ne this. Some no human aid ran reedit but oven to those the CUM. PLOTORAL affords relief end comfort. Anon !loom. Nrw Yong err, hfarsb 6, 1866 Dome AUL LOWELL: I feel It ts duty and a plowman to inform you what your CURD. PECIOEIL has dune for nty wife. She h.I been five months laboring under the &ingot.s sYmptoms of Commtuptiom from which uo wid we COllld procure gave low much relief. She wee steadily (ninny,. milli Dr. Strong. of this city. where we have come for advice, recommended a trial or your medicine. N 1 blew Maintains, a. w e do yesr shill, fl site has rvmr• tired from that day. She Is not yet as strong as ells used id So. but Is free front /tor 0,1,41. mad rolls buried( usil. Yours tt lib gratitude and regard, ORLANDO 811}}1111', or Eitethrmer.e. Onmemplivrt. do not despair till you lame Riot Area's CTIZDRY Petwoont. It In male by one of the beet chemist'ln the world, and its cores all ground to bespeak the hie. write of its virtllCS.. PARadrlphia !Adger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, pint seloneee a Chemistry and }Mich. NMI Leen taxed their utmost to produce this beat. meet perfect pergntive which in known to man. lnneuteruldn penufs .0 /Mown that Untie PILLS haft virtues which wpm in excellence the ordinary medicines. and that they win un procedentedly upon the eateein of all men. They aro eon awl pleasant to Intro, toot powerful to 0110. Their pear. tinting propertie. ntinin late the vital act rifle. of the body, remove the obstruction. of ite organs, purify the blood, and expel titmouse. They purge out the fuel humors which brood and glow distemper, stimulate eleggish or diner tiered organs Into their natural action. and impart b welt b y tone with strength to the whole .) elem. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, bet also hernitioble and dangeroun dieewne that have bottled the hest of human skill. While they produce powerful effects. they ore at the same limn, in diminished deem. the mfest end bent physic that can be employed fur children. Doing sugar-coated, thee aro pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from toy Oak of harm. Cure. have been made which iturpaas belief were they not enb etantioted by men of such exalted petition and clutracter as to forbid the mispicion of untruth. 'Many ornincut otergytnen and pliplelons have. lent then names to feed fy to the public the reliability of my remedies. while oil, ern have sent me the oweirance of their conviction that my Preparation. contribute immensely to the relief of III) afillcted, sulfuring fellowmen. The Agent below named im pleased to ferniel, grnti. nay American Almanac, euetoi Meg direction. for their use and eortillcate. of their corm, of the following complaints Coettvenem. Bilious Complain., Ithenntatism, }northern, Headache arising from a foul Stomach, Noll. sea. Indigestion, Alorbill !Diction of the Dowels and Pain tuning therefrom, Vlatulency, Lose of Appetite. All I:41, on. and Conned. Dienewee which require an evncnant Medicine, Scronla or King's Evil. They also, by puffy bog the blood and Mho elating the aysteni, cure mem complaints which It would not lie sepposett they trout. teach, such w Deafness, Partial Illindeem, Netunials end Nervous Irritability, Derangement. of the idver awl lib, nays. Gout. and other kindred complaint. arising front n low elate of the belly or oleiftectibe of It. (Unctions. Do not be pet off by unprincipled dealer. with sooty ether pill they make more profit on. Aelt for At We PILL., and take nothing else. No other they eon ate.. yon coMparee with tide in Its intrlnele value or meanie porters. The sick want the beet aid there in for then,. and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Ilan Puce 25 Cm. en Pin. tom Bona coo $l. BOLD BY JOHN READ, Huntingdon, awl dealers in medicine everywhere. October 15:1856,-Iy. CONFECTIONARY d FRUIT STORE. WILLIAM! N. SHIGAIID, THOMAS FRY, WROLESELE CONFECTIONER t FRUITERER, No. 191 North Third Se., above Wood, TMla. ANUFACTURER OF CONFECTION• ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops, Chocolate Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly Cakes, Czeam Chocolate, Freuch Tcys, White Sugar Toys. &c., &c. AND DEALER IN Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fit. bees. Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice; Rock Can. dy, &c., &c. The attention of Dealers is roqested to an examination of my stock, which will be found equal to any in Philadelphia. • N. B.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt. ly attended to. A ug.6,'58.—1y.* 35117.F.°4re•NAVAillruZe. 500 cb"""cTIVNIIP4°Abi. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Prospectus for 1851. T 11 E SATtli EVENING:POST, Establislied August 4th, 1821, rpliE publishers of this old and firmly established paper take pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their progt AMMO fur the coming year. Surfeited with politics, [ the claims 0' literature will be more than evet [ appreciated by the reading world. We have therefore already made arrangements with the following brilliant list of writers: William Dewitt, of England, Alice Cary, T. S. Arthur, Mrs. Southworth, Augustine Dugane, M. A. Denison, the Author of 'Zillah,' &c. We design commencing, in the first number in January next, the following original novelet: Tallengetta, or the Squatter's Home. By Wm. Howitt, author of “Rural Life in Englund," "Homes of the Poets," This is a st or,. of A'ustrallan Life, Mr. Hewitt having visited Australia expressly wills the ob. ject of acquainting himself with the novel and run:untie aspects under which nature and nixie• ty present themselves in that singular region. The following noveleta will then be given, though probably not iu the exact order here mentioned : The Story of a Country Cid. By Alice Cary. An original Notelet, written expreeelv fur the Putt. . . . The Withered Head. An original Nor,:let, written expressly for the Post, by T. S. Arthur. Lighthouse Island. An original Wavelet, by the author of "My Confession," "Zillah, or the Child Medium," &c. The Quaker l'rotege. An origival Navelet, by Mrs. M. A. Denison, author of "Mark, the Sexton," "Home Pictures," &e. . . An 'Original Auld. By Augustine Da. gaunt., author of "The Lost in the Wilderness," Se., is also in course of preparation ti r the Post. Wo have also the promise ct a Short and Condensed _Yorelet, by Mrs. Southworth, to run through six or eight numbers of the Pest. addition to the above list of contribu tions, we design continuing the usual amount of Foreign Letters, Original Sketches, Choice Selections from all sources, Agricultural Arti cles, General News, Humorous Anecdotes, View of the Produce and Stock Markets, tho Philadelphia Retail Markets, Bank Note List, Editorials, &c., &e., oar object being to give a Complete Record, as far as our limits will ad mit, or the Great World. INORA VINGS.—In the way of Engravings we generally present two weekly—cue of an in. structive, and the other of a humorous charac• ter. The Postage on Iho Post to any putt of the United States, paid quarterly in advance, at the office where,' t, is received, is only 26 cents a year. Terms (Cash in Advance) Single Copy e 2 a year. 4 copier, $3,00 " and one to getter up of Club, 10,00 14 " " " " " " " 15,00 20 11 16 16 11 66 14 if .1 20;00 Address, always postpaid, DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66 South Third Street, Philadelphia. scirStlmple Number sent gratis to any one when requested. rEditors publishing the above a few times, will bo entitled to nu exchange ono year. LATEST ARRIVAL OF 11'211.6 mirna r-Bck-D3 AT THE, BROAD TOP DEPOT. (; 11 : 1 w N: 3 1 1 s G o A c 1% ,, & d ..t ll oc l . J k li o l j a n n s c lre l v in iv t e e d r Gout's, consisting of . Dry Goods, Hard -wale. Groceries, Queens ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and shoes. willow-Rare. Crockery-ware, stone and eartkea • Tin-ware, Ready Dlade . Clothing always an hand', and in short overythiug that is usually kept in n country store. BACON, SALT, P 1.511 AND PLASTER, kept constantly fur Sale. . _ Call and examine our Goods undjedge for yourselves. All kinds of country produce token in ex. change for Goods at the highest marker prices. The highest market pikes paid for all kinds of Grain. Proraptattrontion paid to storing and forward. ing all kinds of merchandise. pro,luca,&c. 11 untingdon, Nov, 14, i boll. • IN BLAST AGAIN I Huntingdon ;AM • Foundry. gmE 9 , HE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME- L thod of informing their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful sp esekion, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the hest quality on the shortest no tire and most reasonable. terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough., (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in IBM) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't he heat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Harshear Ploughs. We have ou hand and are manufacturing stoves, such an Cook, Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. _ HOLLOW•W WIZ consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., nil of which will be sold cheap for cash or in ex change fur country• produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a share of publ.ic patronage. CUNNINORAM L 1.1110. ADVERTISEMENTS. The Xansas Question. Settle i PEACE RESTORED ! D Y latest arrival from the East, the sntscri• BY have just received and are now opening the largest and most judicioualy selected assort. meat of • Hardware,. over brought to Huntingdon. Our Meek on, abate in part, of Building Material, nab o bs locks, hinges, screws, bobs, glish oik4 and paints, (White lead, fire proof and tine paints.) Mechanics' Tootle, in great variety i including many new invea tions and late improvements. ••• • • • • - • We invite the attention of Saddlers and Coach•makers to our large and splendid stock of Saddlery & Coach Trimming such as saddle.trecs, gig•trees, self-adjusting pad trees, haulms, of 20 kinds, latest styles of buckles, stirrups, &c. girthing flog skins, pa tent and enameled leather, enameled muslin, conch lace, hubs. spokes, fellows, shafts, spring', axles. Ice., Sc. Ladies and housekeepers generally, will find it greatly to their advantage to call and exam• in e our new stock of silver and common spoons, fine table cutlery, scissors, hollow.ware, lamps, patent sausage grinders, and all other house furnishing goods ; including many new and use• ful.inventions. In our recent purchases, we hare bought at such rates as enable us to sell even lower than heretofore. No charge for showing goods.-- All orders promptly attended to. JAMES A. BROWN is CO. October Bth, 1856. New Goods t New Goods tt 0. P. GSM'S CtiF tP STORE. D. P. Gwin has just received from PMWeb. phia a large and beautiful assortment of L&LL&Wi g SIOODII. consisting of the mon fealtionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentremen, such ea Black Silks, Chameleon & Fancy Silks, French Merinos'', All Wool de Lains, Persian Twills, Coburg Clai, Level's Cloth, Alpacea, Dobai:, Madon na Cloth, Wool Plaids, and nny quantity of Fancy Delains. Prints of any description. . ALSO, n large lot of dress Trimmings, dress Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Ilosiery, Laces, Veils, Collars, tinderslecres, Chimusetts, Mohair head dresses. Gum Belts, Whalebones for Skirts, Silk snd Linen Hose, French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls, and u variety of Fancy Goods ton numerous to mention. Also, Cloths, black and blue, black.and fancy Cassimer. Cassinets, K. Juana, Yostings, Flan nels, Wt. Red and Yellow, Sack Flannels of all colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills, Nan keen, Linsey, Muslim., bleacheland unbleach ed, Tickets, Checks, Table Diaper, Woolen and Linen Table Covers,Sheeiing Muslin 2i.yarms wide, Woollen Coats, Caps and Comforts, Woolen yarns of different colors. Silk Bonnets of the latest styles of every color. Largest assortment in town and at prices that cannot be beat. ALSO; Hats & Caps, of elle lama btylos, Boots and Shoes, FIAILDWA.RII, QIIIIENSWAS3.II , Bnekets, Tubs, Bas kets, Oil Cloths. Groceries, alike best quality, Salt and all goods usually Isksrt in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new Ones as can crowd in are respectfully request.; to came and examine my goods No charge for looking. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. Oct. 8, 1856. Gas Gas-Lights are Coming AND SO APE 04 bi117C352 0 SNOT WITH GAS! But with an entirely new and well assorted stock of FALL & WINTER, GOODS TII AS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE HARDWARE BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, CARPETS, and CO Cloths. WOOD, WILLOW WARM and every other nyticlo usually kept in a coun try store. We have one of the best selected stocks of DIRT GOODS ever otter' d to the citizens of this place and vicinity, and are deter mined to sell lower than can be purchased east ofthe Allegheny. Give us a call and he eatie fled of the fact. We will sell our old stork at cost, Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan before purchasing at any other House. We also. purchase Ind more Grain, and it is admitted by all that we have the safest place of unloading in town. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods. Prot. IleGrath% Great Electric 011. DEAFNESS CURED. New HAVEN, May 19th. 1958. Prof. DeGrath—My brother has been dist three years. After trying tunny things, be used, your Oil a few times and it cured him entirely. Ctrs sone It. &sorrow. Ask Mr. Scranton, who afterwards bought $5O worth to sell. My Electric Oil reniesell all pain at once, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ate. Afflicted 13 years and Cored its one week! Read letter from Rev. Jewett Temple June 9th, 1836. Prof. DeGrath—l have been afflicted 13 yeara with Neuralgia and other very painful . complaints, and 1 have been unable to 'leap, soundly or walk any distance for many pars, past. Last week I got a bottle of your "Elec. trio Oil."' The first night I slept soundly and well, and. to-day lam like a new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec tric Oil has done in one week what the physi cian of Philadelphia failed to do in 13 years. Gratefully, yours, Rev. Jeans TEMPIA. 310 South at. Call and see other certificates and names of thousands I have cured for three yearn past.— The public for safety, must not believe mines tors and imitators of my oil. My Depot is at the same old place 39, South Eighth street, and, not removed, as a base scamp advertiaed, who is afraid to publish hie real name. I refer to 3,000 Philadelphians who have used my Oil—and all real Electric Oil ever sold has my name blown in every bottle. All others are cheat.. All orders must be address. ed to Peer. CIIIAS. DEGRATII, Philadelphia. John Read Agent, Euatingdort. Nov. 26, 1836-3 m. Cooni Ouse I and Gel Good Bargains II J. & W. SAXTON hare received from the ere• tere cities au asNortinent of Silkr, Shari.,, Tal into, Dicas Goals aid Etubroiderien. They ha%,• aioploi tbo• motto--"nui.l.. ,elpq an•k