Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 28, 1857, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, January
Prospects of the Republican Party.
The Harrisburg Telegraph, one of the
ablest and most influential journals in the
State, speaking of the future of Republi
canism, says, nu man can point out to' us
any radical difference in sentiment on the
great questions of public policy, among
the intelligent men by whatever name cal-
led, who make up this opposition to the so
called Democratic party. Whether they
call themselves Americans, Republicans,
or Old Line Whigs, their views on all these
great questions are altogether similar, if
not identical. Are the A merioans opposed
to the wholesale importation of foreign
squalid paupers and vicious criminals who
crowd the avenues to the ballot-boxes, and
who make our election canvasses but a
system of fraud and perjury ? Surely
there is no honest Republican in the land
whose cheek does not burn with indigna
tion when he remembers that his favorite
and gallant candidate was b woe down in
the late contest by the votes, and many of
them illegal and fraudulent, of this sane
miserable, priest-ridden foreign rabble.—
Are the Republicans against the extension
of the area of human bondage, and the
ourtailnien t of the power of the slave oli.
gnrchy that have been “lording it over the
heritage" of freetnen for many long years?
Every genuine "American" in the State
is with you heart and soul. It is a part
and parcel of hie nature, of the humanity
within him. And he would be false to the
dictates of his own feelings and conscience
false to the teachings of his youth. the so
ber judgment of his manhood, and the in
stincts of a generous nature, if every fibre
of his frame- and every pulsation of his
heart did not rebel against the extension
and perpetuation of a system fraught with
cruelty nud wrong, to his fellow men, and
which must ir.voke upon the oppressors
the righteous retributions of Heaven. To
the 'Did line Whig" there is nothing new
fangled or strange in either of the foreuo•
hue follows the precepts and doctrines of
his great champion and chieftain, must
continue to be the cardinal principles of
his creed. ft is true, aspiring and selfish
politicians may attempt to magnify minor
or alleged differences. Political combina
tions struggling fur power and ascendancy
may be horrified at what they denounce us
an unholy alliance. It is not of such we
write, or whom we hope to influence by the
considerations we here suggest. But it is
of the honest, candid, manly individuals
composing nearly one fourth of a million
of free voters of Pennsylvania, of whom
and to whom we speak. Why, therefore,
should there be any divistr n and distrac
tion ? Divided and disjointed we can ac•
cOmplish nothing. but the success of the
corrupt and dangerous doctrines of the
sham Democracy, which we alike detest
and abhor, and the prostration of the very
principles and policy about which it would
puzzle the most acute and sagncious is
point out wherein we materially differ
That we shall be firmly and cordially
united in our future political contests, the
signs of the times appear to indicate with
almost unerring certainty. From all parts
of the State we have the most cheering and
abundant evidences that our friends will
bury their political feuds in the deep obliv
ion of the past. And were anything wan
ting to confirm the approach of dawn nn,
our political horizon, the proceedings of our
Legislature, and the perfect union and har
mony of the opposition to the Shamocracy
makes our sky radiant with promise and
hope. And the full, hearty, and cheerful
response that their action meets from the
t seople everywhere, leaves nothing on
which to cherish a doubt or entertain a
fear. We cannot refrain from congratula
ting oar friends throughout the Common
wealth, that amid all the vicissitudes and
misfortunes of the lest campaign—amid
the disaster and defeat we then sustained,
we still had the good fortune to secure such
a representation in the Legislature of the
Commonwealth, as promise by their intel
ligent and patrio ic action, not only wise
and wholesome legislation, but by their ex
ample and influence to unite and cement
the entire opposition to Locofocoism in one
common eilort to the success of the great
American Republican principles. Should
they persevere as they have commenced,
and we are confident they will, they will
not only secure such legislation as will re
dound to the interests and honor of the State
but will inspire our friends with courage
and energy, and we will hnd ourselves in
the next campaign nut only a unit in ac•
two. but triumphant in result.
Having accomplished these great results
they will have the approval of their own
consciences, be sustained by their constitu
ency, and will receive, as they will richly I
merit, the plaudits of "well done good and
litithful servants."
The Free State Legislature of Kansas
reassembled at Topeka on the 6th Mate—
A quorum was not formed, but a U. S. De
puty Marshal was on hand, who arrested
seven of the members, present, and was
prepared to arrest some twenty more, on
charges of high treason—said treason con
sisting, not in ~ levying war against the U.
States, adhering to their enemies, giving ,
them aid and comfort," as the Constitution
expressly requires, but in being sworn in
as members of the Legislature. It is to
be remarked that no acts have been passed
by the Legislature ai either of its sessions
and that all possible care has been taken
not to bring it into collision in any t , ay
with the Federal or Territorial authorities.
These arrests therefore, result from a wan
ton and wicked plot on the part of the pro
slavery leaders to raise afresh the flumes of
civil war, and give the Missourians a pre
text for another raid on the Free State set
tlers, and a fresh sack of Lawrence. The
persons arrested refused to accompany the
Marshal, and he went back to Lecomptan
empty-hailed. It is probable, however,
that they will deliver themselves up to the
Federal authorities after the Legislature
shall again have adjourned.
The Galled Jades Wince.
The earth is in Imminent danger of be
ing thrown from its orbit, by the terrible
earthquakes resulting from the triumph of
Gen. Cameron, over the corrupt and dun
gerous factions at Harrisburg. The Easton
.drgas says, the Democrats of that town
were startled and humiliated by the intel
ligence of the General's election. What
will Mrs. Grundy say? Humiliated !
Did you ever! Such a feeling could never
touch the unscrupulous spoilsmen, who
have trampled upon every principle of li.
betty and justice. We suppose that their
writhings may yet cause serious disturban
ces. We shall, at least, be favored with a
dozen of tornadoes, as many freshets, and a
few subterraneun explosions. Poor fellows,
hots badly they have been hurt—their whi
ted sepulchre contains one store victims. It
is not Mrs. Forrest orpoor Franklin Pierce
but John W. Forney ! He has met his
reward, and well has he deserved it. If
lien. Cameron is as bad as they would
have him appear, then is Forney's disgrace
the greater. Such an angst of morals, of
intellect, and Demoratio purity ! Why
should a jewel of his lustre be sent to the
dogs? Wu are sorry for poor John, and if
that would restore Ms fealings, we would
advise him to take a few more doses of eau
A Fugitive Slave Case in Philadelphia.
A colored man, named Michael Brown,
was arrested on last Thursday in Philadel.
phut as the fugitive slave of Wm. H.
flambell, of Baltimore. The case was
tried before U. S. Commissioner David
Paul Brown, Jr.
The principal witness was William 11.
Gatchell, Jr., of Baltimore, son of the
claimant, a young man 25 years of age.—
Brown, it was claimed, run away five years
ago and is now about 25 years old. He
was arrested by U S. Deputies Crossin
and Jenkins, on a warrant from the Com
missioner, on the affidavit of John Gra
ham. A police officer of Baltimore, who
acted as agent for Gatchell. This human
bloodhound, it appears, is a Scotchnian by
birth and admitted before the Commission
er that he had been einployed to seek out
fugitives before. Mr. Pearce was the
counsel for the poor fugitive. That braw
ling demagogue Dougherty, who lectured
to the Democracy of this place last fall,
was the literary bloodhound and he did
his master's business with a relish
The case has nut yet been decided.
Prom Europe.
By the arrival of the America at Hull.
fax, from Liverpool, we have three days
later advices from Europe. Iler news
fully confirms the bombardment of Canton
by the British fleet. The American fleet,
it appears took an active part in the hostil
ities. In consequence of an insult offered
to the American flag by the Chinese au
thorities, the U. S. sloop of war Ports.
mouth opene‘fire upon one of the forts
in the harbor and completely destroyed it.
The political news by this arrival is un
important. In Switzerland affairs look
less beligerent, and a speedy settlement of
existing difficulties is anticipated. The
preliminaries of the Congress at Paris
was proceeding satisfactorily. The Com
mercial news is favorable. Cotton had
advanced fully Id during the weep. The
gales were large and market active and
firm. Breadstulls had likewise advanced,
a rise of Id having taken place in Wheat
and Id on Corn. The Money market re
mained unchanged, and a slight decrease
had taken place in the bullion of the Bank
of England
The Archbishop of Paris has been as•
sassinated by a priest.
j' Harlan of lowa, and Doolittle of
Wisconsin, have been elected U. S. Sena
tors. Both Republicans.
I Our that - liearedue Gov. Geary
of Kansas, for a copy of, his message.
eir The severe storm °float week de
ranged the ..time" of the cars, sadly. No
mail was .received from Philadelphia, at
'h i , plaro, for nee week .
The Protest.
The following is the protest entered by
a portion of the looeofoco members of the
Senate and House, against the election of
Gen. Cameron :
The undersigned members of the Senate of
Pennsylvania, do hereby protest against the
proceedings of the Joint Convention which met
at 12 o'clbck, M., on Tuesday, 13th inst., in the
Chamber of the tissue of Representatives, for
the purpose of electing a Senator to represent
this State in the Senate of the United States
for six years from the 4th day of March next;
and they protest against the election of Simon
Cameron, by said Convention, for the following
reasons, viz :
Because there was not a concurrent majority
of each House in favor of the candidate declar•
ed to be elected.
Because the Senate did not comply with the
requirements of th,t act of the 2d day of July,
1839, entitled "An act relating to the elections
in thia Commonwealth," in this, that they did
not appoint a teller, and make a nomination of
persons to fill said office; nor give notice if said
appointment and nominations at least one say
previous to the meeting of said Joint Conven
It sometimes makes a mighty deal of
difference as to "whose or is gored." The
gentlemen who thus so lustily protest a
gainst Cameron's election, were all in their
seats, on the cloy, in their respective
chambers, and all voted to go into conven
tion ; they all knew that no teller on the
port of the Senate had been elected the
previous day ; they each east their vote for
Col. Forney in the Convention; and we
opine, if he had peen elected, this protest
on their behall would never have been
heard of. It happens that their ox is gor
ed, and although caused by their own act,
they now protest against it. Pshaw !
Congratulating Buchanan.
The following dispatch was sent from
Harrisburg to the lion. James Buchanan:
Lancaster, Pa.
The Rant of the above may be better ap.
prcciatt when it is known that Brodhead
has been on unfriendly terms with Buchan
an, for years, and that he was in Harrisburg
working indefatigably against Forney. As
a specimen of bitter and refined malice, the
fact of his thus exultingly telegraphing to
13uchanan the defeat of his Ret and conse
quently of himself, cannot be excelled.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Mr. Eyster, in the House on the 16th,
offered a series of resolutions instructing
the United States Senators, and request
ing the representatives in Congress, to
vote for the admission of Kansas as a free
State. He moved a reference to it special
committee, but subsequenly accepted an
amendment of Dlr. Petriken tha; they be
Mr. Foster endeavored to •vithdraw
the amendment but the Speaker pronoun
ced the motion to withdraw or be not in
The motion to refer was then bet by a
pnrty vote Yeas 42, nays 60. The reso.
lutions he over.
Down on Them.
The Locofuco papers are pitching into the
Traitors' and 'disorgaiiixers' of their party in
the fiercest style. They print their names in
big black letters, accuse them of having been
"bought,' and call them all sorts of ugly names.
There is a pospeet of a most delightful row
among the big and little glacial' over the State.
Already we hear Buchanan denounced for the
part he took in the business—and the Forneys
and Fosters, and Broadheads and Biglen, are
at daggers' points. Keep it up, gentlemen!
We amused you somewhat in the same fashion
last fall, and it is now your turn to go through
the Kilkenny cat exercises, while we sit in the
boxes and applaud the performances 1 Hum
for Buck, Forney, Foster & Co.! 'Go in Le.
Mormonism in Utah.
John Hyde, an Elder in the Chu , •ch of the
Latter Day Saints at Utah, having been sent
to the Sandwich Wanda on .a mission to con
vert the people there, has renounced the Mor
mon faith, and is vngaged iu exposing it. fat
laeies. Polygamy comes in for a share in
his denunciations, and it must be confessed,
that it does not look remarkably well as he
paints it, although there is little doubt that
the picture is true to life.
Among other charges, that of falsifying the
census of the Territorry is made. The ex-el
der says that there are not much over belles
many inhabitants in Utah as the census re•
turns would indicate. Names of deceased
persons, names of disciples who never came
there, and of those who have long since gone
away have been retained, to swell the aggre
gate to the required seventy thousand.
He instances several places where the returns
were known to be incorrect, and whore the
district reporters swore to their lists, and af
terwards boastingly acknowledged they were
extravagantly and intentionally false. On
this census, taken in such a manner, by such
men rests the claim of Utah to a place in the
sisterhood of States.
Will it be admille d under the plea that ev
ery State and Territory has the right to regu
late its own concerns, make its own laws and
act as it pleases generally so long as it does
not infringe any provision of the Constitution?
No man knows, but if it shculd it would be the
death knell of Popular Sovereignty.
The New Methodist Episcopal Church at
"Meeks," Sp uce Creek Valley, will by Divine
permission be dedicated t the worship of
Clad on Sunday the Sib February. The Rev.
Dr. Bowman, the Rev. John Guyer of Belle
fonte Station, and others are expected to offi
ciate. The ministers, members and friends of
the 11.8. Church and the public generally
are cordially invited to attend.
G. OrtER, P, C.
6enerai Etins.
ler A deer was killed near Baraboo, Wis.
cousin, a few days since, weighing 225 lbs.
I& . Pullers are swindling in bogus Brussels
and Chantilly laces in Ohio. They profess to
be connected with respectable city houses.
An entirely new route over which a
journey from the Carson Valley to Salt Lake
was made in only IT days, has just been disco.
vered. The distance is said to be three bun.
dred miles shorter than any route previous.
ly discovered.
COAL IN CiNOINNATL—The City Council of
Cincinnati have appointed a committee to pur
chase half a million bushels of coal, to be ship
ped by railroad to that city, and sold in small
quantities for family use at cost.
OLD HCNDRED.—The dispute whether Pur
cell or Handel was the author of "Old Hun.
dred," has been decided by the discovery in
Lincoln Cathedral library of a French Psalter,
of 1596, with the psalm in it, precisely as it is
now snug. This was printed before either of
the composers above named, lived.
Mr The Boston Traveller mentions having
seen some apples of good size and flavor, and
the flesh blood red, although the skin was a
bright yellow, showing no trace of the red un •
demised), which surprised every one who cut
into the fruit. These apples caine from
Cmek, Michigan. The tree is said to be
productive, and well worthy of cultivation.
of Louisiana has decided that the factor who
charges his principal a rate of insurance dif.
ferent from that which lie himself pays the un•
derwriters, thereby becomes the insurer of the
principal. The custom is almost universal
among the Now Orleans merchants to charge
their consignees one•fourth one per cent, a
mouth for insurance. Every merchant thus
becomes an underwriter, and many of them will
In startled to learn their new obligations.
said to be the intention of the President to re•
eiprocate in every proper way the attentions
manifested toward Lieut. Hartstene and hie
associates, soon to arrive in a British war stet
mer. Instructions will be issued to receive her
with proper salutes at the New York Navy
Yard, and the British officers will be invited to
Washington to be welcomed by the hospitality
of the President and Cabinet.
Breach of Promire.—A clerk in New York
has got himself into a fine fix by lowing too
many strings to his bow. On the evening of
his marriage ton charming heiress of that city
he was arrested and taken to the tombs, on a.
suit for a breach of promise to a lady of New.
ark, N. J., and his bridal tour indefinitely post.
potted. The injured lady lays her damages at
ten thousanll dollars.
Ste 'rho "unt3n" is always getting into
danger. It was again knocked into a cocked
hat last Tuesday by the election of Simon Ca
meron to the U. S. Senate. It will take a mon
strous deal of patriotic exertion on the - part of
our Locofoco friends to set things once more to
rights. What a country I What a beoples, we
have to be sure!
The Missouri Compromise.—The Judges of
the Supreme Court held a conference not week
on the Dred Scott case, and agreed that Chief
Justice Taney should prepare the opinion of
the Court, pronouncing the unconstitutionality
of the Missouri Compromise. Justice McLean
prepares the dissenting opinion. Judge Greer
is opposed to giving an opinion, thinking it im•
politic, hut will coincide with the Chief Justices
making the Court stand as predicted: seven to
Der Congress is trying to get rid of the de•
predated shillings and sixpences, and in corn.
mon with the rent of the public, we hope the
effort will be successful. With one of the most
convenient fractional pieces in the world, we
have a mean and troublesome currency for the
small transactions of trade, which cannot be
subdivided without entailing loss npon some.
body. It is time that trade was relieved of the
nuisance, and the pretty and convenient coins
substituted for the old Spanish inflictions.
Air one of the most hopeful signs of a re•
turn to healthy state of affairs by those who are
charged with the administration of justice, is
the conviction of Huntington, the great ew
York forger, and his sentence to four years' im•
prisonment in Sing Sing prison, where lie is
now engaged in learning the trade of cabinet.
making—not being further ..dvanced as yet,
however, than the firstrudiments of flawing and
planing beards, for which he was supposed to
be particularly fitted, from his long experience
in shoring. The conviction' of Tuckerman,
the Eastern Railroad defaulter, is also another
notable instance. Let it once becomes settled
thing that neither position nor money will se•
cure immunity to crime. and we shall hear no
more of speculation and defaulting in high pla
lifir The following is an account of the ter
rible sufferings of a hunting party from Atchi.
eon, Kansas Territory, two of whom were
South Carolinians, and the third a Missourian,
named James Stringfellow. The letter says :
"When th6y reached the Big Blue they fixed
their encampment, but finding only a few buff:,
to, they left their camp in charge of a negro
man belonging to Mr. Van Dotter, and pro.
seeded over to the Little Blue. Ott the first
evening nut they were overtaken by a storm of
wind and anew, and lost their way. They wan
dered for eight days without fire or food.
They blew the tubes out of their guns in their
efforts to kindle a fire, and then threw their
guns away. The feet of Van Dorset. and Mor
rell became so frosted, and they were so exhaue•
ted flow fatigue and starvation, that Mr. Sty ing•
fellow, who had some mountain experience,
was scarcely able to get them to move along.
He encouraged them by every means, until
they finally reached a habitation, and were ea.
ved. Mr. Morrell and Mr. Van Durser, how.
ever, will lobo their feet, and Mr. Stringfellow
some of his tees. Their sufferings were be
yond description, and they will be ill for some
weeks to come. The negro who remained in
camp is uninjured, although he suffered a geed
deal from the severity , of the cold and anxiety
for his master and friends. They are all now
safely lodged in Atchison."
Two U. S. surveying parties were reported
to be murdered by the Vamanehe Indiana.
1 Speaking of hoops, Punch flays that a
I man who wants to got around hie wife must
•'start very canto in the morning.
New Counterfeits.
Bicknell's Reporter publishes a lbng list of
new counterfeit bank notes, from which we se•
lest the following, which circulate to some ex•
tent in this county :
Ono on York County Bank, of the denomi
nation of five dollars, has made its appearance.
It is a good imitation of the genuine, with the
exception of the engraving being badly exec.•
ted, and the paper is of an inferior quality.
Girard Bank Philadelphia.—slo. Gener
al appearance of the note good; can be detect
by noticing on right end there are two fig.
me., male and female, embracing. On the
genuine there is a medallion head of Girard;
also on the same notes. the word Ten around
the margin is in large letters; on the coon•
tmfeit they are quite small.
Merchant's Bank, Newark, N. .T.—s2o's al
tered from 2's. Vignette, three men.
Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Easton, Pa.
--slo's spurious. Vignette, State Arms of
Pennsylvania, on right end Indian female, on
the left end a portrait. Locomotive between
officers' names.
Harrisburg bank.—slo's spurious. Vig•
nette, female, shield, figures 10 above, male
and female on the right, canal on the left.
Warren Co. Bank, Warren co., Pa.—sso's
altered from s's. This Bank has not issued
any fifties.
Southwark Bank, Philadelphia.—Ws imi•
tation of the genuine; engraving quite coarse
the lathe work around the figure 6 shows no
white spots like the genuine.
Bank of Germantown, Pa.—s2o'u altered
from 3'e. Vignette, boy on horseback, cattle,
Princeton Bank Princeton, N. J.—s2o's
spurious. Vignette, two females &c.
"Politioai' Praying.
The Harrisburg correspondent of the Pitts.
burg Chronicle, commences his Letter of the
16th inst., with the following paragraph
"Rev. Bell made an eloquent and touching
prayer in which he took occasion to hint deli.
cutely at the conduct of the trios." [meaning
the th ec who voted for Cameron] "What the
politics of the Rev. gentlemen is, I cannot say
at this writing. But from what fell from him
I am lead to believe that he goes for regular
Our opponents raised a terrible hue and
cry during the campaign about ministers
preaching politics which bore against them.—
What nay they now to this? Is this wrong?
We wager they will got out of it by saying the
case is not analagous—this is praying. Is it
any better."
Occupation of Members of the Legisla-
The occupations or professions of the mem•
hers of the present Legislature have been as.
certained to be as follows
Senators. Reps.
Farmers 8 36
Attorneys 17 16
Merchants 3 8
Physicians 1 4
Editors 4
Printers 5
Carpenters 5
Surveyors 2
Druggists 2
Irommastersl 1
Iran-founder 1
Commission Merchan:, 1
Artificial Legmaker 1
Blacksmith, I
School Teacher 1
Moulder t
Drover 1
Mason 1
Cabinet•makor 1
Potter 1
Contractor 1
Shoemaker 1
Gentlemen 2 3
Violations of the Mails in Kansas.
It has been notorious ever since the settle.
tnent of Kansas from the states commenced,
that the mails to and from that territory have
been systematically violated. Gov. Geary
finds this to be the fact, and says in one of his
official despatches:
Every package addressed to nit through the
mails is broken and inspected before it reaches
my hands. It is entirely unsafe to send infer
motion through the post office, and more espe
cially so to use that medium to forward any.
thing of pecuniary value. Postmasters are
either ignorant of their duty and obligations.
or,beingarquainted with these, act in violation
of both. Indeed, I have been credibly inform.
ed that in some places persons not connected
with the offices aro permitted to enter and
overhaul the mails, previous to their distribu
tion. This is a serious evil, upon which some
prompt action is needed.
juir The Troy Times tells a sad story of
the destruction of a young and lovely woman,
by intemperance. A few month since, a young
lady of one of the first famine. of that city,
was married to a New York merchant, under
circumstances most auspicious, for the happi
ness of both. Lately, she returned to her
home is Troy, discarded by het husband an
account of her mania for intoxicating drinks,
and in a few weeks she diod of brain fever in
duced by -her bad habits. The father of this
young lady has been called upon within three
mouths, to mourn the death of a wife and
daughter by intoxication ; and a son, once no•
ble and manly, whose highest nature has been
perverted by the same cause.
Good Epitaph.—We will not attribute the
subjoined to John Saxe, but it is good enough
to have emanated from his fanciful brain. It
may be used as an epitaph on Geu. Cass, who
was last fall politically killed by Mr. Douglas,
alias Doughfuceioni :
Drifted Relive in a national gale,
The veteran Cass lies below,
Whose political life was a musical noel°,
Beginning and ending Do(ugh.)
gar To break up the taste for suicide, the
Christian Advocate of New York proposes the
enactment of a law consigning to the schoolsof
anatomy the body of every individual of what.
ever rank in life, whom a Coroner's jury should
declare to have committed filo de so. This
idea is utterly ridiculous. The man who cares
nothing for his soul, will not bo inclined to place
any great value on his body. The proposed
platform would do no more good than McGraw's
plan, which was to make suicide a felony, sub•
jecting the offender to incarceration in the
State Prison for the term of tie natural life.—
Chrirtizn Advocate please copy.
Last week I took eomo notice pi our poet.
master's official misconduct in what may be
called its political aspect, that in, hie delaying
or suppressing newspapers opposed to the in•
terms and exposing the corruptions of his
party. I promised to follow up the subject and
exhibit to the public some of his other glaring
violations of law and justice, more especially
the extortion. he has, some time, practiced or
attempted to practice, on myself. But Lewis,
finding that his unprovoked and brutal assaults
on my character as a man and citizen, had awn.
honed a becoming epithet' resentment, cringed
beneath the uplifted lash, and conscience emit•
ten, confessed the principal charge made against
him in my first, introductory article. He now
attempted to arrest, at its commencement, the
merited Chastisement impending over his guilty
head. With this view he made to me, on Thurs.
day last, the crafty proposition and confession
which he printed and circulated on Friday to
divert public attention from his true position.
This proposition I could not accept for reasons
fully elated to the gentlemen who presented it,
and which my readers will sufficiently under.
stand by the following note, sent to Lewis on
Saturday, in reply:
LIENTINIIDON, January 24, 1857.
Sin :—I could not agree to your propasition
of the 22d inst. presented t o me by Messrs.
Port and Miller, because you proposed to inves•
tigate only one or two of my charges against
your official conduct, and that in such a mnn•
ner as to exclude a number of other charges
equally serious and susceptible of proof, lam
not to be diverted from a full discharge of any
duty to the public and myself by any such half.
way measure. But, whilst I would prefer an
investigation before n legal tribunal, I will, ne
vertheless, accept your proposition if you will
make it include all the well•fonnded charges,
I am willing to sustain against you as postmas•
ter up to this date. Do this, and I will prompt.
ly take you at your offer. and name the other
members of the proposed Committee, a majors.
ty of whom shall decide on void
Name your charges and I will undoubtedly
accept. WM. LEWIS.
hin. 24, 1857,
Lewis having thus agreed to include in the
proposed investigation "all the well.fouuded
charges I make against him no postmaster,"
on condition that I "name the charges." I will,
of course, comply with the condition in proper
form and without unnecessary delay. And
though I would prefer, as stated in the above
note, to establish my charges before a legal tri
banal, I believe the cause of troth ..nd justice
will be materially served by the mode of trial
which he appears to fear less. I shall therefore,
at once, set about making the necessary prepa•
rations, meanwhile withholding any further ex.
pour° of the culprit, leaving that act ofjus.
tice to the r..port of the Committee.
Hunt. Jan. 26'37. WM. BRE:WSTEIt.
Court Affairs—January Term.
Pnlrmantisnonlik stv AliehrtPl Aram".
Indictment, Larceny. True 13ill. De.
fondant pleads not guilty. Verdict, gull.
Sentence—Pay a fine o f $5, and under.
go an imprisonment of 3 months in the
County Jail.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Cook
Indictment, /Windt and Battery. True
Bill. Deft pleads not guilty. Verdict
Sentence—Pay a fine of $5, and two
weeks imprisonment in the County Jail.
Commonwealth vs. Patrick Smith
Indictment, Murder. True Bill. De.
fendant pleads not guilty. Verdict, guilty
of murder in the second degree.
Sentence—l'ay a fine of 111, and under.
go an imprisonment of 4 years in the Wes.
tern Penitentiary.
Commonwealth as. George Gordy :
Indictment, Larceny, Trim Bill, Dc.
fendant pleads guilty and submits to the
Sentence—Pay a fine of •1 and under.
go an imprisonment of 18 months in the
W— • Penitentiary.
Commonwrallk vs. Wm. S. Lilly, and
Cornelius Dougherty, alias, Ned D.
Indictment, Larceny. True Bill. De
fendants plead not guilty. Verdict, guilty.
Sentence—Pay a fine of $1 each, and
undergo an imprisonment of 18 months in
the Western Penitentiary.
Commonwealth vs. Christian Souders
Indictment, keeping a Tippling fiance.
True Bill. Def't pleads guilty and sub-
Sentence—Pay a fine of $25; $5 for
the use of John Vandevander, and $2O to
be paid to the Directors of Public Schools
of Brady township; and costs.
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Megahan :
Indictment, keeping a Tippling House.
True Hill. Deft pleads guilty on Ist and
2d counts.
Sentence—Pay a fine of $25; $5 for the
use of John Vandevander, prosecutor, and
$2O to the Directors of the Brady town
ship school district. And the costs.
Commonwealth W. the same :
Indictment, selling liquor, &c. True
Bill. Def't pleads guilty on Ist count.
Sentence—Pay a fine of $25; $lO to J.
Vandevander, prosecutor, and undergo an
imprisonment of 80 days in the County
Commonwealth vs. Jas. Moore and John
Indictment, Malicious Mischief. Bill
ignored ; county pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. Within D. Briggs :
Indictment, Larceny. True Bill Den
pleads not guilty. Verdict, not guilty.
C , ,nnnontornlth vs. John Johnston, Chas.
Brown and Samuel Irvine :
Indictment, Larceny. True Sin. J.
Johnson and C. Brown, plead guilty and
Sentence deferred.
Same vs. the same
Indictment, Torceny. 'free all. John
ston and Brown plead not guilty. Verdict
guilty. Sentence deferred. - -
Irvine, one of the above def'ts escaped
from prison before his trial. Ihe sentence
on the other two is postponed, to enable
them to act as witnesses against another.
party implicated in the larceny.
Commonwealth vs. Henry Mureis and ?I.
Indictment. Affray. True Bill. Dens
plead guilty and submit.
Two other cases were postponed until
next session.
New Hand• Books for Herne Impove•
We have in' the course of preparation a ee
ries of Pocket Manacle of Practical Life, with
the foregoing general title. the convenient form
and low price of which will commend them to
every body, and bring them within the reach
of all cisme.
Flow To Write ; a Pocket Manual of Compo.
sition and Letter• Writing. Price, paper, 20
cents ; muslin. 60 cents.
How to talk ; Or Hints towards a. Gram
mntieal and Graceful Style in Conversation
and Debate ; with more than Five Hundred
Common Mistakes Corrected. Price, paper,
30 rents; muslin, 60 cents.
Haw to Behave ; a Manuel of Republican
Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Hab
its; with Rules for Debating Societies and
Deliberative Assemblies. Price, paper, 80.
cents ; muslin, 50 cents.
How to Do Business; n Guide to Success
in Practical Life. and Hand , Book of Legal
and Commercial Forms. Price, paper. 30 cts
muslin. 50 cents.
"How to Write" is now ready, and may Lir
ordered by mail or otherwise. It will he rap,
idly followed by the other number of the sa
ries. One dollar will pay for the four works
in paper or $1.75 in muslin. and they win lw
sent to subscribers as fast as issued.
FOWI.ER & Wet.ta
308 Broadway New Yore.
gi c el - - Will Messrs. Fowler & Tells pirate
send us their two works on Phonography.
PREPARE Torn Pctdes!--We hove the
pleasure of announcing to our friends and the
public generally, that the 2d cotillion Party cf
the season, will come off at the Broad Top
City Hotel : Broad Top, on February 27th, 1857.
This will be t' e greatest ball ever held in this
section of country. Excursion tickets will ha
issued over the Huntingdon & Broad Top
Railroad. The most extensive preparations
are being mnde by the gentlemanly and whole
smiled proprietor of the splendid House, Joe
Morrison, for making this "the beat of the tea.
son." The cars now run within a quarter of
a mile of the Hotel, and splendid hacks wiil
he in readiness td convey the visitors to the
House apes the occasion. Let all the invited
guests turn out en mane. and we will pledge
our vord that they will be delighted, invigora
ed and "generally improved.
T... managers are determined on making
this excel all others, and Mr. Morrison is ma.
king such gigantic preparations as will aston.
ish all who "go up" on the 27th. Joseph is the
man "what can do it." We shall notice this
further next week.
MARRIED.—Neur Alexandria;o7lTties,?;;,
the 20th inst., by Rev. P. A. Ruptey, Mr. t
vid Neff to Miss Mary Jnne Knode, both of Pwr.
ter township.
Illechanichburg, Cumberland Cu, Pa.
Mir F. S. delivers work to the ears. He liar
alwsys ready made work on hand. All orders
by mail shall receive prompt attention.
Jan. 28, lBB7.—Gmo.
(Estate of rPilltam Flute, deed.)
THE undersigned Molitor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to
distribute the balance in the hands of Levi
Evans, Esq. and Samuel Yingling, executors
of last will and testament of William Flinn,
late of Tod township, dec'd, amongst those
entitled therm ), hereby give,E notice to all per.
sons interested, that ho will attend for the pm ,
pose of making said distribution, at the Tlekis•
tar's oilier, in the borough of Huntingdon, on
eatimiay the 28th of February next, at 10 o'.
clock, A. 21., when and where all persons inter•
cited are required to present their claims to the
undersigned auditor or be debarred from com•
ing in upon said fund.
• THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor.
Wattle of William Houck, deed.]
THE undersigned Auditor. appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdor. County, to
distribute the balance in the hands of Geo. M.
Green, Esq., and Henry S. Green, Adminivtra•
tore of William Houck, late of Tod township,
dee'd., amongst those entitled thereto, hereby
gives notice to all persons interested, that ho
will attend for the purpose of making said din.
tribution, at the Register's otßee, in the - bor.
ough of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 28th of
February next, at one o'clock, P. M , when and
where all persons having claims are required to
present them to the undersigned Aud itor, or be
dbarred from coming in upon said fund.'
THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor.
The Juniata Flour and Plaster Mills, one
mile below Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa.,
will have on hand after the 10th of February
next, Ground Plaster, for which Grain of all
kinds, will be taken in exchange at market
prices. Also, Salt in Sacks. •
Jan.28,'57..4t. SAMUEL HATFIELD.
- •
The property known as "Jackson's Hotel"
in the borough of Huntingdon now occupied
by Win. B. Zeigler, EN. A lime, on tavern torms, will be given for ono or more
years, commencing on the first day of April
next. This has always been the beat patroni•
zed house in the place, and presents an excel
lent opening to any one who is willing to keep
a good Hotel. Nor further information ad.
dress or call upon, SCOTT & BROWN
Huntingdon Pa.
T())1E1 Br oadTipp:F - I — u• - t — reC and
91_, for sole by rITNNACHAbf & 1.1./N147.