T i kk, • ' fB-41" 1;:: : ( \.. its) 1 ) t• 11' IV • 4 1 ' ' I ' . '••0` r i' - ,. , ~,, ...,,, ~, : , ~,i i ~ 1 , 1 1.,,, o,ii ,1 ... 1 '. li 1 1 '''' k 11 ri° • i • i :. r.' - 4 Y3c 01 ,it. • ) V _, ,':.• j, /-.! V. ,- • ---- -- WILLIAM BREWSTER, EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, i.,, i * . 1 whose hand some think they see to the ' evening when the news came to N. York buliehed Slavery . Isedell, Of 'North Car- 1 Iltepusuitrauls.m . I Message, who knows full well the charac i that Pennsylvania was carried in October, ohms, had declared that when the ebb I ter of this production 11. mean the learned the Empire Club came out with cannon, ; tion of ;slavery took place, it would he en Position of the Republican Party.' Attorney General. fits vast acquisitions' banners and transparencies. The Five ! act pleasing to nll generous minds, and he Senator Wilson's Speech on the Presi- and tireless industry, his early associations Points, where the waves of Abolition Its. : was made a Judge of the Supreme C urt. dent's Message. and corrsseondence with the Abolitionists' ntacistn have never reached—the inhabi • Wilson, of Pennsylvania, in the Colleen -... . . „ .... ecceseeroxs AOAIN9T THE RENON:CAN:S. of New England, all teach him that these ! tants of that locality, like the inhabitants of ! tion for the adoption of the Federal Con , If Mr. Webster, for a simple and beau-1 accusations against the people of the North the Lower Egypt of the West, stood fifty stuution had'avowed the doctrine that the - slut ttihute to the beneficent effects of the are without foundation. Fer years he was ! to one by the Democracy—the Five Points ' new States were to be under the nuthority Ordinance of 1787, was arraigned on this in correspondence with the Abolitionist and the Sixth Ward were out ; and upon 'of Congress, and that Slavery would nee tloor in 1830 by one of the most accem. of the North. I remember,sir, the public ' a transparency borne through the streets er go there; and yet he, too, was placed P halted statesmen of the South ; if there letter penned in his night dress, dictatedth e - 'of great commercial capital of the • mart the bench of the Supreme Court wore theta found Northern inert ready to by the poet Whittier, which he wrote to Western'evorld, was the picture of three Gouverneur Morris, who was sent abroad 'echo his words, surely the men who now secure :sholition votes. I remember, too, . scourged black men, and on that transpar- to represent this country,declared Slavery tote to apply the principle of that great or. ' sir, that when Wise made the insolent ency were the words eßleoding Kansas." to he a nefarious institution. "tiatlison, l odinance -to the vast territorial possessions threat that thef would introduce S every t thought then that it was It dvgradutioll Sherman, Ellsworth, Gerry, Patrick lieu ere( the Republic cannot hope to escape the into the North, he indignantly answered which had reached the profoundest depths ry-- all the great men of the country misrepreeentaticn, censure, and reproach that before they could introduce Slavery of humiliation, but even that degradation North and Vouch, with the exception of of Southern men, who see in the expan.l into the North, her cities and vii ages would has been surpassed here in the National Fire eaters in South Carolina end Georgia Dion of Freedom the Si g" of their waning 'be leveled i n t h e d ust , so out squadrons or. capital. In that procession which passed I held the doctrine that Slavety was a local power, or of that class of Northern men i cavalry could gallop over them unimpeded along these avenues but a few evenings institution, existing only by the force of mho i' as the steeds s'voeP over the boundless : before we came here—a procession formed local lowa : that the National Government' In the dust are g, oping i prairies of tho West. lie should have ne. ' under the immediate eyes of the chiefs of hod no connection with it; and that it was For the largess, haw and small, i strained the pen which libels more than the executive depertinents of the Govern- ian institution which would peas away Le- WhiCchmb the ha h nd of p ntth ower e ita s scble g I one hundred thousand sons of his native atterin anent, and hlled with their retainers, led by fore our higher civilization Mid our pu• rus wich fro fall. ; But, sir, I can stand we can stand here to-day and say, as the great New En , resolved it shall never be i ntro d uce d "into the transparency the words, "Sumner and curry us back and place us' where we stood g.land the North " • Kansas — let them bleed." when we made the ;onetitution mid In orator then said, ilia : their accusations end , TUN SLAVERY' AGITATION. I ~ a worm eon NIL Cuss. augurated the thiverninent, Then we euspicieas are wholly groundless—that na Sir, Senators who have undertaken to I listened the other day with eurprise were not reponsibie for the existence of a ttempt has ever been made, since Wash. suetain, or rather to apologia! for this ex- I and pain to the allusion made by the vene• slavery anywhere on earth outside of our engton took the oath of office on the 80th traorclinary course of the President have ruble Senator from Michigan [Mr. Cuss] own Commonwealths. of April, 1789, to this hour, to interfere condemned the discussion of the Slavery to my colleague [Mr Sumner] whose far- , with the legal and constitutional rights of question during the past few years. I cad absence from this body the people of the Southern States in their for the last se I commend to Senators who censure the pea- yen months must have touched the sensi domestic concerns. i pie for these discussions the words of Ins. bil•ties of every !enterable man in ettiori. On the 4th of November last more than Madison. that ...E"q t b"3 w h i ch tends to ca. Sir, he is not h. re to speak for him• 1,300,000 'nen—intelligent, pa' riotic. h. i ncret ,,,. d anger , i nvo l ve ' , te e the d expeeri , self. If he were here, his physical con• berty-loving, law-abiding citizens of Now or safety, becomes of concern to every (lith) is such that he could not speak fur England, the go-at Central States and of part of the Union, and is a proper subject . Lit:lst:lf with safety ; hut he will come here the North Wes', holding with our Repub. for the consideration of those charged with again, if trod in his providence shall re- Lean fathers that all roan are created equal the general adininistrwion of the Govern• ' stem lien to health, by the elinost mini and have an inalienable right to liberty : ' meat." Surely Senators cannot be stir- ,sous voice of his node,- Stte, to whine that the Constitution of the United tetates prised at the discussion of questions so er cherished sentiments noel opinions he Ens as ordnined and eitablished to . vast as those which' grow out of the. Slav- tee,, true, lie rusty not coins wail the sent that inalienable right everywhere under er yof 'Healy four millions of men in A 111 IA hich I,C , W knows the venerable Senate'. its exclusive authority; denying ethe au thorit erica. American Slavery, our cennections from el Mogan shall know Idea no more . . y of Con gress, of a Territorial Le gis- 'with it, anti our reletions to it, and the eh- The venerable Senator retires from this future, or any individual, or association of , lig:miens obese coni t ectiens a w l ovlittiOns body by the Inexorable decree of his ;Elmo Individual., to give legal evistence to el, : impose US ten ~,,, Art cit i zen . ~,,,,e , ,,_e „ 3 „ . tad State. 1 linow m colt's tie Welt, very in any Territory of the gaited ...,.5.. ...,, ~,,,, ~....,... .., ~,.. ~„....,...,.... . ~_,.... y while the present Constitution shall be its:: issues of the age in which we hoe.— maintained”—pronounced through the bal.. Philanthropists who have sounded the 1 T HE OLD LANDMARKS. lot box that "the Constitution confers upon depths and shoals of huinunity ; echolars The Seisatur from South (lamina lold Congress sovereign power over the Terri-' who have hid under contribuiton the do-' DJ some days ago, that in the Revolution unties of the United States, and that in the ' main of 'natter and of mind of philiteoph- ' when the Govetninent was first framed, exercise of this power it is both the right is itirlutry and historical research ; states' they were all patriots— they did not year end duty of Congress, to 'imbibe In the ' men who are impressing their genius uP- rehover these sectional questions The Territories those twin relics of barbarism • Polygamy and on the institutions of their country end Senator from Texas, I think, held the Franklin that Slavery."lary Believisg with is an atrocious de- : their age—all are ewe illustrating, try ge- : same language ; that we of this degener "S ' nius, learning and eloquence, the vast and ate age, were raising these sectional is that of Human nature"—wish Adams complicated issues involved in the great , ,u. a I would ask these Senators who that "consenting to Slavery was a sacrile•l ' Problems we, of this age. In emetic., are forced these issues upon us t In 1774 eels breach of trust"—with Jeliersun, that "one hour of American Slavery is working out. The transcendent umeni- . when the old Congress 'net and framed ' fraught with more misery than ages of OM tude of the interests involved in the vote- the Articles of Association, the second , which we tarter and expansion of the system of let- . article was a pruhibitiou of the Slave , an bondage in America is arresting the l Trade which bud been fumed upon the with Madison rose t h at esNeery is a dreaee"e in rebellion to oppose"— !, ;tun attention oh the people, and stirring the 1 e n i„„i ee by th e policy of the British Gov calamity, and imbecility is ever attendant 1 upon a country filed with slaves''—with country to its profoundest depths. ! eminent. That prohibition of the Sieve , TUE NEAL DIANA loNISTS. ( ' !'rude was sustained by time North and Monroe, that . 'biave" has preyed upon This charge cf distteion made ngainst by the South ; even South Carolina indor the vitals of community in all the States ' the Republican party by the President, sed it y„ 1787, whenyour Constitution where it has existed"—with Nent ' ac l uie " cmies with an ill grace from the chief of that "seen the v er y earth w hi c h t e em s was framed, we or the North were not e putty which has in its reeks every polio responsible for the existence of a slave with proftiaion under the cultivating hand , 'cal disunionist of the United States. The any where under the authority of Congress. of the freeborn laborer, shrines into bar- IS. 'emir from Georgia [Mr. Toombs] not tost of the Northern States had telten rut:nese from the contantinuting aweat of now here, declared : 011 Fremont were e nwheures in mete - of, tending to melee a slave ,"—they pronounced their intention !acted. the Union would be dissolved, and pation in their States. hi lien the Con te be to MIND Bataan, now in peril, und all ' i ought to DO " The Senator from Louisia• titution was framed, there was not a man the Territories of the Republic, for the tut [Mr. Slidell] the organizer of Mr. Bu s in America who believed that the idea of 1 chanan's wing of the democratic party and property in man, to use the words of Mr. its acknowledged leader, during the can• Madison, was embodied in tent Constitu • wars avowed the acme sentiments Gov Lion When Washington entered upon te ise, whose indecent assaults upon Col. his duties as President, there was no ac- Fremont and limo mother, shocked the feel tion of the, National Government which ings of every gentleman in America, three- . had made the people of Nitosachusetts, trued to dissolve the Union. He was era or of any Suite, responsible fur Slavery dy to organize the militia of Virginia, to . anywhere out of their own jurisdiction.—. place them upon a war footing, and they Were men proscribed then who held the were ready, he said, to "hew their bright' views that we on this side of the Chain• teeny" through all opposing legions. We her now hold ? No, Sir ; the men who are now told by the Richmond Enquirer. , promulgated the Declaration of Indepen that Wise—who made the tour to Rah igh deuce ; who curried us through the Rev who called epee the grand juries and the olhtion ; who framed the Conetitution of courts to indict Betts for defending the U the United States, and who held the first nion to his doininions—that he only made these tholes to preserve the Union. The ' Richmond Enquirer of the 6th of October last, declared that if Fremont was elected it would be the duty of the South to dis solve the Union and form a Southern Con federacy ; and we are told, further Sete h that if Fremont were elected, it would be their duty "to march on Washington and take possession of the archives and Treas ury of the United States," forgetting that the treasures of the Treasury were et Bos ton, New Yurk acid Philadelphia, "in the enemy's count ry'l the North. "LNT TIMM BLNED." Sir, the Senator from Texas spoke snee Tingly of "bleeding Kansas." Through out the canvass our efforts in favor of ma_ king Kansan a Free State and protecting the legal rights of the people were sneered at, us "shrieks for Freedom" and for "Wee ding Kansas .. 1 " Urentember that on the free•lamitig men of the 'North and South, their children and their children's children forever, Accepting the Declaration of Indepen dence and the Constitution of the United States as their political chart—avowing their purposes to be to maintain the Cun t.:;..ttion, the Federal Union and the Rights I . 1., :4!Attos—proclaiiiiing everywhere their purpose not to make war upon the South. nor to interfere with the legal and consti tutional rights of the people of oily other Etates--they gave their votes with the pro foundest conviction that they were dis charging the duties sanctioned by huutani• ty,. patriotism and religion. Youth, with its high hopes aid aspirations—manhood, in the vigor and maturity of its powers— with its rich and ripe experiences, red with the spirit of Washington, w en he sunounced to Robert Morris that his "suffrage should nut be wanting to of tact the &theta on of Slavery in my nails,. Virginia, in the only proper and edemal moats in which it could be accomplished .—that is, by legislative authority"—se eared the tire which had bound them to other organizations and united to prohibit Slavery everywhere outside the Stave States, where it exists under the exclusive Itiphority of Congress. 'lbis is the offence of nue million three hundred thous- Vid eons of the free North, upon whom the nukennelled hounds of the slave prop agandists have been unleashed. A woad roe CALLUCUaLIING. Them is tine smasher of timeihiPet, LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1857. nacitnous, to hurl a shatt at the olht nt. offices, were all men opposed to Slavoiy. Washingtun was President.—He had do elated that no man in America was more' in favor of the abolition of Slavery than himself, and his vote should never be wan ting to effect that object. John Adams had declared that consenting to Shivery wan a sacriligious breach of trust. Thom as Jefferscn had proclaimed, over and over again, his views in favor of emancipation that "the aoolition Slavery was the first object of desire." _ Alt-xau Hamilton was remuved from the l'residency of an abolition Society in New York to the head of the United States Treasury. John Jay was taken front an Abolition Society in New• York and made (Thiel Justice •f the Supreme Court of the United Staten; yet he had proclaimed to the world that our "prayers to Heaven would be impious" until we a. WHO ARE VANATIOi ? Cast your eye over the ;North ; take New England, with her one hundred and fifty thou...and popular majority ogain.A your candidate; take the great State of Now York ; take the whole line of North ern Slates; nod whoa you lock st them remember that we hove n lame plurality in them. except in a small portion inclu ded within about forty thousand square miles of territory. end that we intend to burn over in the next four years. I dim!, to Eastern end Central Pennsylvarm, Southern Indiana. Southern and a small portion of New Jersey. There we mean to discuss the question, and hate it w•e•lf and clearly defined ;JAW S he rue a the io-v\--cnot tyre - perloe are ino.tirs, or LEI, their leaders deceive them. remember nit thing, that in 1850 there it in the tini ted States nearly eight hundred thousand free persons above twenty years of acre who could not read or write. Only rtiho• ty four thousand out of this eight hundred thousand happen to live in the states which Fremont has Calmed. Remember another thing, that the etate of Massachu setts which you .consider so ultra.• o peo ple ro easily deluded—prints within a few thousand, and circulates more newspapers within the State, than all the fifiven Sou thern States, Remember they hai,, more volumes in their public libraries than all ,the`Live Statue. Beim/110,er they give away more money to the Bible and Missionary and other He tie volent Societies every year, than the en tire slave holding States; and they have done so during the last quarter of u century. "sEci ioNALIsTs." Senators can see nothing to the consti tution of the committees of this body. When that subject was referred to a lea• days since, the Sern.tor front Alabama (Mr Clay) told us in the Rouse of R presenta tires, where the Republicans have tip Speaker, there the South was proscribed on the committees. 1 have examined those commit'ees, and I find that of the twelve important committees, consisting of one hundred and eight members, fifty Of them are Southern men, or else o them nien, with Southern views who affiliate with them. I have looked at the eleven limper- tent committees of this body, nod 1 liiid that the Republicans have nine Out of six ty-fire members I did not expect any ' thing, very liberal in the formation of the committees. The Senator train Maryland (Mr. Pearce) brought iu the list. Thar Senator, in a published address to the l country. refers to the Republican parry a, , a "motley alliance," as u "pernicious par ty and he spoke of its leaders as "mad agitators," men ut "inflamed passions" and "perverted judgement " lie classed d- , Senator from 'New York and myself among the leaders. Entertaining this opinion of the t arty and of its leaders, it could not be expected that he would be overlrener ous. As the Senator's own State seems to have paid but little heed to his denuncia• lions of the Repuldicun party and its lead• era, I am sure we can he equally indiffer. e..t to his cenFures KANSAS AS A SLAVS SrATII. Berieuire desired to know how we should vote on thy• admission of Kansas as a slave holding State? I answer, for myself, if Kansas applies for admission as a Slave Slate, t will reply in the words of Caleb Cushing, the law officer of this Govern• ment. In arguing the question of th" mi,ion of Arkansa,, he said, speaking in rt,,iird to the power of Congress over the suhj ct "Ile Constitution confers upon us the ; dorn shall be the inalienable birthright of discretion to admit new sates at will. It ; every roan who treads the soil of the North limits, in cerin'n respects, our powers to ; American Continent. act uffirmatively : but it Ours not limit, in any respect, our discretion. on the nega tive side, ore refusal to admit now States." iiiistrilanD. ~.....,.., Rostiter upon this authority of the dis- tinguished legal adviser of the Administra. . Discovery of the Tower of Babel. ikon, I will answer your question, woeth- A correspondent of the Bowen Tried!, er I will vote:for the admission of Kansas ler; writing from Beirut, under date of De as a Slave State in his words: ! comber sth, says chat Mr, Place, the French ..1 do not oersumle myself that liberty Consul in Mosul, noted for hOtexplomtion it an evil, or that Slavery is a blessing ! of Nineveh, has discovered what he con. When culled upon to accord my " i ' ini skiers the ruins of the Tower of Babel. mulct! n to a form of government which not merely permits .but expressly perpet ; ;The account of the discovery is rather con fusel. and it is difficult to make out wh , re uates Slavery, I should be false to all the ! the alleged ruins were found, but as near opinions and principles of my life if I did as we can guess from the letter, they are not promptly return a peremptory and i either in or near the famous field of Arbela. eindlimic No !" • ton which the decisive battle was fought witAvriat ttEemmtcata SENATORS wILL Do. ! between Darius and Alexander. We quote The Scott it from Texas commends our 1 front the letter devotion to the. Union. It' ha" e "" I Six of its eight stories have crumbled supported Union, and I tell you, Sir what ! fallen into dust; but the two which we intend to do in regard to its support. ;andremain are so high that they nay be seen • The Senator from Pennsylvania, the other tley. denounced the Barnwell Rhett schooll for fifty or sixty miles around. The base of politicians, I suppose be thought it I of the tower is quadrangular.aed each side about six hundred feet long. The tower safe to ettnek that little squad of fanatics, 1 is wide of bricks of the purest clay, and of as he cads them, in South Carolina; but Sir, we, the Repuh!ienns, do not confine I a white color, which is a little shaded with a yellow tint. Coder a clear sun, and as our d en un c iations to I hnt little faction.— i a whole, this ancient monument of human We denounce your Governor Wkes—oll your chosen leaders, who have threatened I skill nod daring presents a line blending of ! colors which sets the painter's pallet at de• to destroy the Union. If the for tines of 1 fiance. Before being bake I, the bricks the election went against them—the men t is to go to Whieuland, and have the car of i i had been covered with characters traced , Y . a "" w , nmi " g E , x " a" "' I give Y" CO , ut=ter. Near the top '„f the letters th„ 1 with the accuracy of the hand of a writing tire to 'Jay, gentlemen, what we intend to 1 straight strokes were adurned with flour- do. If the inemningit dministration wilds: in to this bid) the nomination of a iSII - eS .. ;;;nbling the heads of nails. All ,tigle until, who ever threatened the dis- MIS neat, regular and severe ; and indeed i those who saw these ancient specimens of ~.,li tt .c m of the Union, we intend to camp callturaphy affirm that the fathers of the ~., :1., floor, and to resist his confirmation lituti;tn race wrote a better hand than their t.) the bitter end !give roe notice now chii,iren.., rc .ha I resist the coining into power We have an idea that this discovery is °1tlile4111i"P"1" ' "-" " ;;:1-1 have Itmg been supprif ed .- to be 1. rther. Vie mean to bold the dininistrittion responsible, if it a scertained in a certain ruin, bearing the t 'Sirs Nemrnud," the tower of or patronage t I your ices and Examiners, Nimrod. Has Mr, Place discovered the Niciittiond Enquir same over again, or is this another your Charleston Mercuries and Standards. ! D,L,i? vour New Orleans Deltas, and your :;oath s,,le Democrats, or any Democratic jour- The Bottomless Pit. undo in the United States which threaten- I The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, is ed the di,solution of the Union in the event suspected by many to run through the our success. We intend here in our pia. I whole diameter of the earth. The branch ces to defend that Union which makes us terminates in it, and the explorer sudden one people opinet the inn of your party ly finds himself brought upon its brink, who have threatened to subvert and des standing upon tho projecting platform, our troy it. We intend to go a little further. rounded on three ,:des by darkness and Your slat, propagandist journals have terror, a gulf on the right and a gulf on the denounced the independent laboring men j left, and before hint what seems an inter_ of the North no icgreney mechanics." t•fil nal void. Ile looks aloft; but no eye has thy operators," ,mall fisted farmers," reached the top of the over-arching dome; "moon struck theorists." We mean to i nothing is there seen but the flashing of hold you' responsible, if you bestow your I he water dropping from above, smiling as confidence and patroange uponjouriials that it shouts by in the unwonted gleam of the raaintain that "ate principle of slavery lamp. Fie looks below, and nothing there is itsself right; mid does not depend on meets his glance save darkness as thick ference of complexion." as lampblack, but he bears a wild, mourn- DO VOL DESIRE PEACE ? ful melody of water, the o ailing of the Senators have told us they' want peace brook the green and sunny channel —they want repose. Well Sir I want left hi the upper world never more to be peace, nod I want repose. The Suite I revisited. Down goes a rock, tumbled represent wants it. Tens of millions of over the cliff by the guide, who is of thel our property are scattered broadcast over °Pinion that folks come here to see and the Southern States. The business men hear, not to muse and be melancholy.— the merchants, the inauuhicturers of lily There it goes—crash ! it has reached the State want peace as much as you can bottom. No—hark, it strikes again ;once most it. You ran have it. 13ut you can more and again still falling. \VIII it nor• nut have it if you went to extend Slavery er stop? One's hair begins to bristle as over the Free Territories. You cannot Ihe hears the sound re,teated, growing less have it if you continue your .ports to and less, until the ear can follow it no lon. bring Kansas here as a Slave State. ger. Certainly if the pit of Frederick If you want peace abandon your policy shall be eleven thousand kits deep the Bet e? Slavery extension. Cease all efforts to tomless Pit of the Monunoth Cave Inms control the politi6l destines of the coil. b e it, equal. try through the expansion of Shivery as - SOLDIERS or 151.—While we are gra an element of political power. Phut 2 yourselves upon your reserved constitu. ttfi"d to se, that the old heroes of the war tional rights, sun we will Rid you in. the of 1812 annually meet in convention, to vindication of those rights. 'Turn your deliberate upon matters connected with atteution front the forbidden fruits of Cu- their interests, we notice that in the senate of New York, the Comptroller sent in a ba, Central American or %tem= aqui• statement that the amount of money paid anions to your own dilapidated fields, where the reveg tutin4furests are spring. these noble tacit during the pant year was $150,420,98. But a very few years hing ing up and where, in the language of Guy, er these old soldiers will have passed to Wise, , tyou have the owner. skinning tire t the endless sleep, but negrous skinning the land, until all grow While the lir tree is grden, pour together." Erase from your statute Aud tits Wind rolls a wave, books those cruel taws which shock the The tear drop shall brighten sensibilities of mankind. Place there hu. • The turf's the brave. matte and beneficent legislation, which I sir A Bible was raffled off at a collet, shall protect the relations of husband and house in Louisville, a few days ago. It wile, parent and ehila—which shall epru tuts put up at COO, and won by a Ken dal keoed minds to the elevating influence tuckian, who threw 44. of Christian culture. You will then have t What a conunentary cm the demomliza the generous sympathies, the sincere pray- t tion of site age, We have read that the erg of men who reverently look to Hiin Saviour drove money changers from the whose hand guides rho destinies of the Temple, at Jerusalem, but it was left for world. You will have the best wishes of 'the gamble lima •1 d wor the friemdt all , o r the g lobe.— • of and, humanity and Christianianity ;vill sanction and b:vsa your efforts to hasten on that day, though it may be distant, when Free• VOL. XXII. NO. 4. A Street Incident Poetically Desoribed. A full rigged maid of fashion, with hoops all boldly set, moved or the sidewalk gai ly, observed by all she met, l'he walk was very wide, but the hooped skirts were much wider, and 'twere useless e'en to think of walking up beside her. Her cheeks were "red as ruses," her face was all a smile; and her tread it was as dainty as though the earth was all "too vile." It was her hour of triumph, and she didn't seem to know that a coast sleigh was coin ing at a speed not very slow. But it came, and era she knew it, her "props" were knocked away, and she was g..ing down the street with a boy upon his sleigh. The wind it blew quite roughly, turning all the hoops aback, and of partly smothered screams there wasn't arty lack; while tho maiden didn't know what she was or want about, her person much resembled on umbrella turned inside out. The passers stopped and wondered, as the swiftly speeding sleigh devoutly kept onward, rushing past and fast away ; the buy cried "road," and liked it, add safely , ''shied" hitt sled. with his own feet point ing backwards, and the maid's thrown out ahead. They gained the level safely, and the maiden, full of wruth, looked back in angeted silence upon their travelled path. "You good-for-nothing scamp," she said, ' , l've a mind to shake you well." "Your face was covered u l ', tnem, and you know I II never tell," said the coasting lad quite boldly, and in a jovial timed, lie bowed and said 'Good morning, mem ; you held your fe,_.t tip good—you did .' PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. Result of the Presidential Elections in the United States tram 1796 to 1856. Yr. Name of Candidates Electoral Vote 1706—John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, 1800—I human Jefferson, John Adams, 1801—'Thomas Jefferson, Charles C. Pinckney, 1808—James Madison, Charles C. Pinckney, 1810—James Munroe. llufti King, 18.0—Janies Monroe, No opposition but ono vote, 1821—Andrew Jackson,* John Q Adams, W. H. Crawford, Henry Clay, 1828--John Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson, 1832—Andrew Jackson.. Henry Clay, John Floyd, William \Virt, 1836—Martin Van Buren, Wm. fl. Harrison, Hugh L. White, Willie Mangum, Daniel Webster, 1840—Win. 11. Ilarrison, Martin Van Buren, 1844—James K. Polk, Henry City, 1848--Zachary Taylor, Lewis Cass, 1852 Franklin Pierce, Gen. \\'intieid Scott, 1856—James Buchanan, John C. Fremont, Dullard Fillmore, .No choice by the peoplo—John Quincy Adams elected by the House of Represen. tatires. Death of a Celebrated War• Horse. Black Warrior, a celebrated war horse, died in New York last week. He was twenty eight years old, and it is stated that he served thro'• out the Florida war, subsequently was used in the chase of wild Mimes, horse thieves, border ruffians and a r t odd wells, of foxes, deer cad Buffalo es at the entices military posts on the prairies west of Arkansas. Having marched all over the country, and swam all the princi pal ricers between St. Augustine Florida, and Mexico, ho was in the whole of the Mexican war, and tools an active part in nine general battles, having beets wounded by a musket ball at Molino del Hey, and again by a piece of shell at Chapeltepee. nu was ridden by Kossuth, and also by President Pierce, on the occasion of their entries into New York a few years since, and was never in harness, but was unequalled for discipline and grace of movement under the saddle. 1 1 : 7 7' A correspondent of the San Fran cisco Herald furnishes the foliowing as the polygamous state of Cho Government of Utah: Courlil, 18 members House, members, 05 - Ificeis, Guvcrnor Young, Total, 44 tnen, 450 wivva. lu Utah, a man is sueired at as an "old bachelor" if he bas less than five wives. To Harden Wood Jro Pulleye.—After finishing the pulley, boil it seven or eight minutes in olive oil, and it will become as uard as copper. air Charity is the b r i g tq e3t ge, 162 11 128 45 83. 171 wives• 159 wives, 22 wive*. 68 wives
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers