Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 21, 1857, Image 3

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To Tam PCl3LlC.—Being naturally averse to 1
strife and inclined to retirement and repose I
entered upon the trying duties of an Editor, de. '
tarmlned to avoid, so far as possible, all mere
personal controversy and contention with my
trethren of the press. The readers of the '
Journal will bear me witness that I have this. '
tar maintained this determination, giving no
offence to any honorable cotemporary, and co.
ming in collision only with the Jesuitical pub.
Esher of the Huntingdon Globe, and one or
two other.), equally unprincipled and depraved,
the eiders and abettors of hie fiendish attacks
on me. Those who know Lewis and his lac.
'keys, who know their utter want of integrity,
truth--everything dint can renrain the passions
or commend respect—will not wonder that they
have slimed my path and compelled me, in self.
defence, sometimes to defile my columns with
their Lifitmous names and conduct, I have no
apology to offer on this score. None is needed,
and that, is not the object of this paper. lily
object is to show in a dispassionate statement,
how my difficulties with Lewis originated, and
to expose once more the villainy Of their author.
I shall not Oct down aught in malice; but state
fairly what I positively know to be true and
most of which I can prove. I shall write as in
the presence of the Great Judge at whose bar
all things shall be revealed ; where expert rag.
ettlity shall not be able to hide its infamy ;
where even petty officials shall be called to am
count for duties neglected, unjust feesextorted
and oaths of office violated. Having in this
spirit laid the troth before the public, I Khali
have discharged my duty, and will henceforth
leave the miscreant Lewis, to wallow in hie
shame, until fresh villainy on his part shall de•
wand of roe a similar exposure.
In entering on this unpleasant duty, I re•
mark in the first place, what many in this corn•
enmity will probably remember, that my diffi.
.culties with Lewis did not arise out of his con.
duct as publisher of the Globe, but his conduct
as postmaster at Huntingdon. In the former
unpacity, knowing the character of the man, I
expected of him no fair or honorable treatment,
.and therefore held myself prepared to answer
his abuse with silent contempt. But as post.
master, the sworn agent of government, I put
ant of view his want of personal integrity, and
Looked for perniniary justice, at least, in the dis
charge of his official duties. Here I was die.
appointed, and felt it my duty to expose his
ehortcominge to the public and also to the dte
part tnent at Washington. For this I have been
assailed with a tissue of unfounded, base, ma•
lignaut slanders, clothed in the foul and fiend
lob language whiCh Popery invented, and which
Jesuits only know how to use. To show that
I could not, as a public journalist, permit the
official misconduct of Lewis to pass unnoticed
without indirectly sharing his guilt while I eel
feted from it, I submit the fallowing facts to a
eandid public.
Shortly after I took charge of the Journal, a
slumber of my subscribers complained that they
did not get their papers until a week or more
after the regular time. On investieating the
matter I found that while the Journal was-thus
delayed, the Globe came to the same offices re•
gularly and in doe time every week. Now I
oan prove, and offered to do Ito at the time, that
during this very period, the Journal was inva.
fifthly sent to Lewis' office the evening before
his paper was streets off. I leave honest rea•
ders to judge how the Globe, printed a day /a•
ter than the Journal and mailed at the same
office, could be carried in the mails to various
parts of the county, a week in advance of the
For this detention of my paper I submitted
for a long time till the evil became intolera
ble, and failing to have it corrected here, I ap.
plied to Ike Postmaster General for redress.—
Vain application I I might as well have ap
pealed to Satan to reprove sin, as. to James
Campbell to reprove the mideondurt of his pa.
pal subordinate. True, I was informed, after
a time, that an agent was sent to investigate
the matter. But if such agent came, he did
not call on me, and whatever conference he
may have had with Lewis resulted in no good ;
Tor the wrong wen still perpetrated, and as the
presidential election approached, became even
more seriously annoying. For now his overt
acts were not confined to his own office, but ex
tended to others in the county, as the following
"order" in his own handwriting, and already fa•
miliar to our readers, will show
Post Office, Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 3,185 G.
Post Master at Coffee Han—You will give Mr.
all printed mail matter lying at your of
See for the offices beyond it.
Here official rascality, blended by success and
emls,l.lpned by impunity in wickedness, over
reached itself; and there, reader, stands the
damning evidence of the crime,—the crime of
not merely "detaining or delaying" newspapers
in his own office, but of taking them out of oth•
er offices and suppressing them The penal.
ties for this crime will be found in the sections
of the poet office laws on the 4th page of this
paper. The fact that these penalties were no
restraint on Lewis, shows pretty clearly the en.
derstanding he had with the head of the De•
partment, and goes far to prove the collusion of
that corrupt official. Read the law.
Rut to say nothing of these penalties, which
in this case had no terrors for the evil•doer,
where, let me ask, was the conscience of the
illikwho could thus trample on laws which
mpg solemnly sworn faithfully and truly to
observe and administer ? I will not attempt
to answet this question, but leave it to the mo•
set sense of every honest man. I shall make
no comments upon this crime, except to ex
plain the motives that actuated the criminal.
To understand these, it must be borne in mind
that the deed was perpetrated on the day be•
fore the presidential election, and that the pa.
per. suppressed were the Journals which con
tained an expose of the infamous treachery of
Sanderson and other Arnolda in the American
party : and also a statement of the terms on
which the Republicans and the honest portion
of the Americans had agreed to unite; togeth•
er with the Union Electbral Ticket and other
matter highly important at that particular cri
sis. To disseminate this information, on which
hundreds of votes in this county depended, the
Journal was printed and sent out on Monday
before the election. Thin Lewis knew, and to
prevent these facts reaching the people, he ig
nored his oath of office, braved the threatenings
of the law and the execration of the public,
and sent his order of suppression.
Iniquity triumphed. The order was execut•
ed by agents who no doubt thought they were
obeying the lawful demand of a public officer s
and thus numbers of patriotic citizens were de
handed of their votes, one of the dearest rights
of freemen. I will only remark, that so cor
rupt is the head of the post office department,
and so strong the political and religious (1)
sympathy sof postmaster general James Camp
bell for postmaster deputy Wm. Lewis, that
this great wrong must go uawhipt of justice,
whilst the guilty perpetrator still occupies the
place he has disgraced and may at any time
repeat the transgression. There remains only
this consolation, viz: that this reign of corrup
tion will soon end by the expiration of the com
missions whirls have been uaedto screen it from
penal justice.
Want of apace compels me to close here for
the present. Next week I shall pursue the sub
ject is some of its other startling aspects.
Huntingdon. January 21, 1857.
Agricultural Meeting.
An annual meeting of the Huntingdon Co.
Agricultural Society, was held in the Court
House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tues.
day evening, January 13th, 1837. The meet•
jog was called to order, and the Constitution of
the Society read, when the following persona
were proposed and elected officers fortho enau•
ing year :
lPresident —Hon. Jonathan McWilliams, of
Franklin township. s
Vice Presidents—John S. Isett, Franklin ;
Gen. John C. Watson, Brady ; James Wilson,
Henderson ; IVrn. lineman, Morris ; Gen. G.
W. Speer, Cassville ; Henry Wilson, Oneida;
A. W. Benedict, Huntingdon ; Israel Graffito,
Alexandria ; A. B. Sangree, \Volker ; Jacob
H. Miller, Union ; Geo. Hawn, Juniata ; Tho•
nuts Hamer, West ; Geo. Swine, Shirley ; Ken
zie L. Green, Clay ; lion. B. F. Patton, War
riorsmark ; Brice Blair, Dublin ; George W.
Whittaker, Esq., Petersburg; Robert Goshorn,
Tell ; Geo. Jackson, Jackson ; Gideon Elias,
Tod ; John Hirst, Barren ; James Eutrekiu,
Hopewell ; Vim. B. Leas, Shirleysburg ; Jas.
Clark, Birmingham ; Robert Madden, Spring.
Recording Secretaries—R. E. McDivitt and
Sanfl G. Whittaker.
corresponding Secretary—A. W. Benedict,
Treasurer—Hon. James Grin,
Librarian—Theo. H. Cremer,
Mr. McCollister, of Centre county, being call
ed upon, then addressed the meeting at some
length ; setting forth the advantages to be de
rived from County Agricultural Societies, treat
lug briefly the history, the design and the pros.
pects of the Pennsylvania Agricultural College,
and urging the propriety of memorializing the
State Legislature for assistance in the erection
of the same. As an evidence of the public
sentiment on the subject, a number of papers
wore produced by Mr. M., in which it had been
favorably noticed, which were requested by the
Society in order that the same might be pub•
fished in the papers of the county.
It was on 'notion, Resolved, That petitions,
asking for aid in behalf of the Pennsylvania
1 Agricultural High-School, be circulated duo'.
out the County, and forwarde-1 as soon as
practicable to our State Legislature.
The following resolutions were then offered
by Gen. S. Miles Green, and unanimously adop.
Resolved. That the Agricultural Society of
Huntingdon County highly nod cordially ap
prove of the recommendation of the Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in his
lust official message, that the Agricultural Cid•
lege or High School now being erected in Celt•
tre C nutty. receive the special aid and protec
tion of the L •gislature.
Resolved, That this Society as such, do most
respectfully solicit the Legislature to pass an
act making an appropriation to aid the said
High School in carrying out the design of the
institution ; such a sum as they in their wisdom
may deem proper.
Resolved, That our Representatives from
Blair and Iltiniingdon Counties, be most re.
spectfully but earnestly requested to lend all
honorable aid in obtaining said appropriatiou.
Ott motion of Mr. McDivitt, Resolved, That
the thankS of this Association are due, and are
hereby tendered to 11. N. McAllister, Esq., of
Centre Cu., for his able, eloquent and interes•
ling address.
The following question was proposed by T.
H. Cromer, Esq., and adopted for discussion at
the next meeting of the Association. "What
is the most expedient and economical fence for
the Hautingdon county farmers?
wOn motion of Gen. S. Miles Green, Resolved,
That Mr. R. McDivitt be requested to address
the Society at the neat meeting, on the subject
of Lunar influence on vegetation, &c.
Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing reso
lutions and proceedings be furnished to the
county papers for publication,—also that a co
py be sent to our Senator and Representatives
at Harrisburg.
On motion the Society adjourned to meet on
the second Tuesday of the April Court.
below the receipts from, and payments to the
State Treasury by the County .of Huntingdon,
during the last fiscal year t
Tax on Real and Personal Estate, $4,750 00
Tavern Licenses, 615 00
Retailers' Licensee,
Distillery and Brexery Licensee, 45 00
Eating-houses, restaurants, he., 110 00
Patent Medicines, 9 50
Militia Tax, 526 78
Millers' Tax, 20 95
Tax on write, wills, deeds, ,he., 693 59
Collateral Irlieritanee
Pensions and gratuities 8 , 10 00
Common Schools, 113 75
sor We are glad to learn that our enterpri•
sing townsmen Port & Maguire have again em.
barked in the coal business. They are open•
iug new mines.
Will he Do it 1
We some weeks ago offered to wager $lOOO
with the Jesuit of the Huntingdon Globe, that
his oft-repeated assertion that ono of the editors
of the Huntingdon Journal was guilty of "per
jury and illegal voting," was a Jesuit lie; this
be has refused to accept, whilst, at the same
time, he persists in his assertion. What is left
us inn case of this kind ? Leave the animal
in its mire? Well, we shall after one more or .
fer. If it is a want of money that influences
hie non-acceptance, we will make this proposi.
Lion, and if he refuses to accede, let him for
ever be written a Jesuit, malignant serpent.
We will place $5OO in the hands of any honest
man in the borough, and let him put up $2OO.
If he succeeds in proving his assertion to the
satisfaction of a Court and Jury, he keeps the
money, if not we take the same. Now, too the
mark or take the water.
And further, we will bet the same amount,
and in the same manner, that all we have said
r elative to the "mail" business, is the solid
truth, and that the Jesuit wrote the order for
the matter in the poet office at James Creek,
as published outside.
Slir We notice in several of our exchanges
an item, copied from the Huntingdon Globe, to •
the effect that the Presbyterian congregation
of this place had reduced the salary of the . pas•
for from $lOOO to $BOO. We have been re.
quested to state that this is a bold and malig.
nant misrepresentation. It appears that at a
congregational meeting, called for the purpose
of arranging some matters, a motion had been
made to fix permanently the salary of the pas.
tor, in view of the completion of the parsonage.
The salary of the minister had been raised in
July last, from $BOO to $lOOO, and the arrange•
meat now concluded is precisely the same, the
parsonage being made free. These statements
are made, not because the public have any
right to pry into and know the business of a
congregation, but merely to correct a base
misrepresentation gotten up by a hired Jesuit
laequey, with the purpose ot injuring the repu•
taticn of one of the most able and eloquent iii•
vinmiu the county, or of casting ridicule upon
a religions Protestant congregation. We hope
our brethren of the press, who have been decei•
ved into a publication of this matter, by the
sneaking, foxy cunning of a Jesuit, who can
parade such falsehoods before the public, with
the view of injury, will make the anteade hono.
What will not o Roman Jesuit do to injure
JIB We now frequently meet with teen and
boys staggering through the streets in a beau•
tial state of intoxication; but we d 3 not hear
of their being arrested, though we believe the
present law inflicts a heavy fine and requires
the constable to execute it. It is astonishing
that•the commonity can be hood winked by
license laws; we do not believe that a single
drunkard was ever saved by them. Men and
boys can get liquor and get drunk when they
choose notwithstanding the certified character
of the tavernekeepers. We see by the Phila
delphia papers that a man named Clark was
stabbed so that he soon died, by a gang of
drunken men on Christmas night. Several
other stabbing cases occurred and these things
are of daily occurrence. ?Just this state of
things be handed down ns a legacy to the next
generation ?
g6rWe hare received a treatise or. the Chi•
nese Sugar cane ; its history, mode of culture,
manufacture of the sugar, etc. With reports
of its success in different portions of the Lisi.
ted States, and letters from distinguished men.
Written and compiled by James F. C. Hyde,
of Walnut Grove Nursery, Newton Centre
John P. Jewett A co., Publishers, Boston
Mass. Price 25 cents. The object of this
work is to supply the public with an accurate
knowledge concerning this new and valuable
plant,—Chinese Sugar Cane. It is satisfacto.
rily ascirtained that the Chinese Sugar Cane
can be perfectly acclimated in any state that
Indian corn can, and every farmer will be ena•
Lied to manufacture his own sugar and syrup.
The juic ,fields from a fifth to a fourth of its
bulk in good syrup. And, then, the seed which'
it yields so promptly possesses all the rich
qualities of rice, or other grain, to feed out to
cattle, mvine, or fowls. It yields froth 25 to
50 bushels per acre. And, lastly, the fodder
moat be quite valuable, on account of its con
taining so much saccharine matter. It may
be sown for fodder, like corn, and will give two
P. S. Will the gentlemen be so kind as to
send us some seed.
Abp` A gentleman who has been paying some
attention to the matter, hand. us the following
note, which he de'clares a correct meteorologi
cal journal of his wife's temper ;
"Monday, rather cloudy; in the afternoon,
rainy. Tuesday, vaporish; brightened up a
little towards evening. Wednesday, cbangea
able, gloomy, inolined to rain. Thursday,lii,gh
wind, and some peals of thunder, Friday, fair
in the morning, variable till afternoon, cloudy
all night. Saturday, a gentle breeze, hazy, a
thick fog and a few flashes of lightning. Sun
day, tempestuous and rainy ; towards evening
somewhat calmer."
Isar Godey's Lady's Book for February, a
capital number, containing magnificent engra
yings, reading, &e., is on our table. Those
wishing a good magazine cannot be be batter
supplied than by subscribing fur Godey. $3
per year. Address L. A. Ondey, Phila.
480 00
liar Graham's Magazine for February is be.
fore us. and a more welcome, interesting and
useful visitor we cannot name. The engra•
rings aro superb, reading unsurpassable, and
appearance beautiful. Subscribe for it. Ad
dress Watson & Co., Phila. $3 pe: annum.
100 00
87350 82
lir The valuation of Real and Personal
Estate in Huntingdon County, taxable. for
State pnrposes, assessment of tax thereon for
1856, &e., we give in the Mowing table:
Valuation of real and personal estate, 85,417,844
Assessment of tax, 16,746:33
Too ~ A ll.—Two paupers at present in uur
poor house, and known to many of our readers
by the names of Billy Dunn and John Hatfield
—sassafras peddler and violinist—had a law.
suit the other day, resulting from a quiet little
knock down between them. When paupers
become so hearty and strong as to Indulge in
"sporting" amusements and have cash enough
to go to law, wo think it high time they be ta•
ken out of the poor house chimney corner
Beside this, we believe these two persons are
able to earn their own livink, and that much
easier that many people imagine.
BRUTAL. Muntifit.—Altoona. Jan. 16.—The
body of a well dressed man won found this tune
ning two miles above this place, with his throat
cut and hands and feet frozen. The appear
ance indicated that a brutal murder has been
perpetrated. A letter was found in his pocket
directed to Samuel L. Norcross, Dunleith,
A man by name of James Mel:iuney has
been arrested On suspicion of having eommit•
ted the horrible deed. A large amount of mo•
ney was found upon him.
DEAD.-h is with painful emotion that we
this week chronicle the death of our worthy
yountfriend, Dr. John Hudson of Cassville.
Hedied on Friday last of brain fever, afte r
an illness of one week. Young, talented, and
to all appearances healthy, his sudden and un•
expected departure from oil the stage of life,
fulls like a heavy cloud over our spirits. Let
his early demise teach us the uncertainty of
life. Peace to his ashes.
SKATINO.—This healthful and exhilarating
exercise has been a great source of enjoy.
meet to our youngsters, who have been indul
ging in this sport on the canal and river to
their henna' content for several weeks past.
Messrs Editors
Please call on the Teachers, Directors, and
all interested in the cause of education, to at
tend an educational meeting to be held at Spruce
Creek, on Friday evening and Saturday, of Ja•
nuary 30th and 31st. Addresses are expected
from Messrs. Stoddard, (the educationalist)
Lane, Hall, Barr, and others.
Spruce Creek, Jan. 20th, 1857.
Se- Read the advertisement of new books
in another column. Geo. Bergstreaser, Mill
Creek, is the only agent in this county, for their
'par We invite attention to the card of Ja•
cob ➢tiller, Esq., in to-day's paper.
Cheapest "Job Printing" Office
We hare now made such arrangements in our
Job ggice as will enable us to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any (mice in the County.
Give us a call. Jr we don't give entire satisrao
Lion, no charge at all will he made.
mil TONS Broad Top Coal just received and
for gala by CUNNINGUAM dr. DUNN.
All persons indebted to Henry C. Walker,
either oy note or book Recount, will take no
tice that they are in my hands and that it will
be a matter of economy on their part to settle
the same in a reasonably abort time.
D. HOUTZ, Assignee
of IL C. Walker.
n FFIOE removed to the cooing
liodjoining the restderiee of Dr. I j c ;- .. .
R. Allison Miller, noar the Pres.
by tut. Chereh.
Jan. 14, Ibs7.—tf.
The M. E. Church in Huntingdon will be de•
dicated to the service of Almighty God on Sun•
day, February the lst, at 11 o'clock, A. M.
Services will be conducted by Rev's Bishop
Waugh, J. A. Collins, Dr. T. Bowmen, J. Poi•
sal, sad others. A cordial invitation is eaten•
ded to preachers and people ofeont iguons char
ges. D. SHOAFF, Pastor.
Huntingdon, Jan. 14, 1857.
THE undersigned, accompanied by Prof J. F.
STODDARD, the distinguished scholar and
friend of Popular Education, will be pleased to
meet the teachers, directors and citizens in
their several localities, as follows
At Orbisonia,Tues day evening, 13th inst.
At Shirleysbarg, Wednesday evett'g, 14th.
At Scottsville Thursday & Friday 15th St 11;th.
At Court4tonse, Huntingdon, Saturday, 17th.
At Alexandria, Monday evening, 13th inst.
At Shaver's Creek Bridge, Tuesday, 201.11.
At Manor Hill, ‘Vednesday evening, 21st.
At Ettaisville, Thursday evening, 22nd.
Lectures will be delivered on educational
subjects at each of the above places by Prof.
Stoddard, of the highest importance to the com
munity. Prot Stoddard has probably had
more experience in Normal Schools and Nor.
mal instruction than any matt its the State.
Our friends in each of these places will fa
vor us by procuring suitable places for our
Hunt.,Jan.l2,'s7.-2t. Co. Supt.
111. URAFT.
i t a No. 124 Wood Street,
Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Parlor
Stoves, Box Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and
Fancy (bates & Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons,
Portable Forges, Sugar, Tea and Stove Kettles,
Wagon Boxes, &c.
Nov. 26, 1856.-Iy.*
Stray Heifer,
A red heifer, supposed to be 1 year old last
spring, came to the plantation of the subscriber,
living on the Rayatown Branch, Juniata twp.,
Huntingdon County. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove properly, pay charges,
and take him away, otherwise he will be dieps•
aed of according to law.
tar A splendid lot. of Fancy and Striped
Silks, French Meriuo,Cashmere, Lyonese Cloth,
Robes, Fancy and Striped Delames,'Persian
Twills. Also, a handsome assortment of Col.
Undereleeves and Mitts, just received and
Mr sale cheap, by J. k W. SA,XTON.
The tansas Question Settle .1 1
By latest arrival from the East, the subscri•
bers have just received .d are now opening
the largest and moot judiciously selected assort•
meet of
ever brought to Huntingdon. Our stock con•
obits in part, of
Building Material,
such aslocks, hinges, screws, bolts, glass, oils,
and paints, (White lead, fire proof and zinc
Mechanics' Tools,
in great variety ; including many new inven
tines and late improvements.
We invite ~the attention of Saddlers and
Coach•makers to ohrlarge and splendid stock of
Saddlery lir-Coach Trimming
such as saddle-trees, gig , trees, self•udjusting
pad trees, homes, of 20 kinds, !at ist styles of
buckles, stirrups, girthing Hog skins, pa
tent and enameled leather, enameled muslin,
coach lace, h übs, spokes, fellows, shafts, springs,
axles. &c., &v.
Ladies and housekeepers generally, will find
it greatly to their advantage to call and exam
our new stock of silver and common spoons,
fine table cutlery, scissors,.hollow.warc, lain; a,
patent sausage grinders, and all other house.
furnishing goods ; including many new and Use
ful inventions.
In our recent purchases, we have bought at
such rates as enable us to sell even lower than
heretofore. No charge for showing goods.—
All orders promptly attended to.
October Bth, 1856.
New Good's ! New Goods :1
P. I'. Gain has just received from Philadel
phia a large and beautiful assortment of
WAZIA i WINTZR '0.00D6. 1
Qo,,sistin g of the most fa,hionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen. such as Mad( Silks,
Chameleon & Fancy Silks, Dutch Mormons,
All Wool de Loins, Persian Twills, Coburg
Ch.:01,1.01'01a Cloth, Miim, Debaia, Madon
na Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of
Pitney Deloins. Prints of any description.
ALSO, a largo lot of dross Trimmings, dr ess
Datums, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts,
Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Maim;leeves,
Chimazetts, Mohair head dresses. Gam Belts,
Whalebones for Skirts, Silk and Linen Hose,
French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls,
and a variety of Fancy Goods too nuinerons '
to mention. _ _ _
Also, Cloths black and hlue, black and limey
Cassimer, Cashnets, K. Jeans, Vestings, Flan
new, Wt. Red and Yellow, Suck Flannels of all
colors. Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills. Nam
keen, Linsey, Muslim+, blenched and unbleach
ed, Ticken, Checks, Table Diaper, Woolen nod
Linen Table Covers,Sheeting Muslin tti yards
wide,Woollen Coats, Caps and Comforts,
Woolen yarns •cf dißrent colors.
Silk Bonnets of the latest styles of every color.
Largest assortment in town and at prices that
cannot be beat.
Hats di. Caps, of the htiest
- •
Boots and Shoes, lIARDWAREI,
QunE wswisatit, Buctcts, Tubs, Bas
kets. Oil Cloths• Groceries, 31 the hest
quality, Salt and all goods usually tept in a
country Store,
1113141dCustOmers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in aro respectfully requesteli to come
and examine my goods No chargifor looking.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
Oct. 8, 1856.
: I should be uupatuftil for thu to yrur
skill lins iirmight me if I did :lot sersrt my rues to you.
A cold settled lu bulbs and biourld nn sserucistlus
ueurultn rains, slash sudsy cla unit: thil:iiUtlisul.
Nutult situating I Ltd Ihr Inks ii I.l.ystasus. the db.*.
grew worse Pall Wolit , Nun. I. Ow pa% I, .1. y.nir ours -
letit split In lkdtllnoro. tut. 311s . kr uses. I trail put .
00 4 ,cl2E4Olk, rbelr sfreins WON WOW. 1 , 111 surf, 1:y roVE stviu:lit the
use of I bon 1 MU uov enttely
Gas 1 Gas-Lights are Coming I
But with an entirely new and well assorted stock
and every other article usually kept inn coun
try store. We have one of the hest selected
storks of DRY GOODS ever offer. d to the
citizens of this place and vicinity. and are doter
mined to sell lower than can be purchased cast
ado, Allegheny. Give use call and be antis
fled of the fact. We will sell our old stork at
cost. Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan
before purchasing at any other Douse. We also
purchase And store Grain, and it is admitted by
all that we have the safest place of unloading in
town. All kinds of produce tabcn in exchange
fur Goods.
Prof. DeGrath's Great Electric OIL
NEW HAVEN, May 19th. MG.
Prof. DeGrath—My brn'ther . has been deaf
three years. After trying many things, he used
your Oil a few times and it cured hint entirely.
Currotn R. SIY.ANTON.
Ask Mr. Scranton, who afterwards bought
$3O worth to sell, My .blecttic Pit removes
all pain al once, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, &e.
Afflicted 13 years and Cured in one week!
Read letter from Rev. James Temple :
PumkuA.,,!ukie 9th, 1836,
Prof. DeOrath—fhave been afflicted 13
years with Neuralgia and other very paintl3l
complaints, and I have been unable to sleep
soundly or walk any distance for many years
past. Last week I got a bottle of your '-Elec
trie Oil." The first night I slept soundly and
well, and today lam like a new Irian. My ,
wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec
tric Oil has done in one week what the physi
cian of Philadelphia failed to do in 13 years.
Uratefully, yours, Rev. JAm ES TEMPLE.
310 South of.
Call and see other certificates and names of
thousands 1 have cured for three years past.—
The public for safety, must not believe imps.
tors and imitators of my oil. My Depot is at
the same old place 39, South Eighth street, and
not removed, as a base scamp advertised, who
is afraid to publish his real name.
.1 refer to 3,000 Philadelphians who have
used my Oil—and all real Electric Oil ever
sold lies my name blown in every bottle. All
others are cheats. All orders must be address
John Read Agent, Huntingdon.
Nov. 26, 1836-3 m.
Coom Ouse I and Get Good Bargains 11
. „
J. & W. SAXTON have received from the eats.
tern cities an assortment of Silks, Shawls, w
ats, Dress Goods and Embroideries. They
have adopted the motto—"quick sale* and
small profits." Give them a cell.
t hade Gap, Uuintingdon•Connty; pa.
• W. EL WOODS. A. M., Patprietor & Principal. • •
J. A. SRA PE, Lecturer on Anatomy Ifyyeana, I
Rim. J. CAMPBELL, Leotswer on emend
SAMUEL CAMPBELL, Assistant Literature
JOHN M. CAUSLAND. Toachir in Preparatory 'Department.
1 t FIE annual exhibition will take place the let Wednesday of October. An address by the
Rev. D. X. Junkin, D. D.. will be delivered before the Philo and Diaynathian Societies, at!
ecluck, P. N. The Exhibitions! performances will take place at 61 o'clock, P. N. The ex
aminations the week previous. These exercises the friends of education are respectfully invi
ted to attend. The next session opens on Wednesday, the 29th of October. This institution
holds out peculiar inducements to young men Reeking an education. The Board of Instruction
is composed of gentlemen of high literary attainments and skilled in their profession. The le
cation is very healthy, having the pure mountain air, and free from all noxious vapors arising
front stagnant water and marshy ground.. Those subject to ague could not and a more desire
hie place. The course of instruction is such as is best calculated to prepare young men for
business, for teaching, and for taking a high stand in College. For those desiring to become
Teach", a Normal Class will be formed, in which practical instruction will be given in the art
of Teaching. To this class, lectures will be given on the subject of Teaching. The tempta
tions to vice. idleness and dissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the mind of the stu
dent from his books, it is quiet and retired, just such a situation as a young man desirous of
improvement would seek. The societies are in a flourishing condition, and each has a Leek
brary of choice works. The buildings are large and commodious, an additional building is in
the course of erection, which will be finished this fall. Shade Gap is situated on the mop.
route between Chambersburg and Mount Union Station on the Penn. Rail Road.
TERMS :—For Session of five months, $52 50. %Yashing, light, and fuel, extra. Students.
are charged from the time of entering until the close of the Session. Payments half in ad
balance at the middle of the session. For catalogues and further particulars, address
Shade Gap, Hunt. Co., Pa.
September 17, 1550.-3 m.
ty Cathartic Pills
il.ll io
Iff vulid, vnit...r.. moth., Piii.ici.n•
Philatttliropletoi, mail their ICirectx.
Judge or their Vittitts.
!Mt TIIt: CURE Iri
entivichr, Sick Heald itch e, F:on!St(THlck
I'III,IIUX , I PA.. Nilur I. i 8,15.
iht.J.r. AVM. Sir: I have I.een .11 ,, a
the aunt headache any lolly can nave hr n Jose or two
of your 11111. It 1.1-11111 10111 . 11,11 . 1111118 .111 1111111.1•11, 1 1111A1
tho,; elennse nt onen. If they ml/I et, tot here nu they do
one, no, fowlnorth knowing.
'Vol. with great respect, P.A. T. Pnr.Hr.r.
ter,l , of Straw.. Clan..
Bilious Disorders and Liver Comoirrints.
DRPARTMEI3 or TIC /,Ellll.l,
WASHINGTON, D. C. 7 Yell., 1556.
t hookah, rT
Sln : I LIM! Iv
rartice mer sin
!hurtle wr "tuvloy
. _ .
yield to them.
Physician Vthe Marine Hosinsial
Dyeentery, Relax, and Worms.
Ur. CO., Men.. Mn,. ln. 11465.
onr rill, aro thr 1441M:0n a 111.11V1..
!Illy wife. 11100 1,04 than I ran tell you.
dck end pining away for 'eolith.. Went
nt gresit expo, but got too bettor. I.llle
onotenr,l toklng vour 1.1118,w101e/o soon cured loer,
by exrlllog quenlitlee of wore!. Need) front het
belt. They dt..ewar.lx cone.l her tel our two eblldtYu
)I,.tinid, that , C
intl.tffilTy your,
Avon: Y
Bove doll
hfol het.
off In lot doom°
my wig 6.081 Liva ,111 two ,Inaoi: of yonr NHL 1;•1111,
alll ra around it, Imtd f,, ay.• to twenty dollars Iloctuie
MI., nn,t bat mach tlinc, willioat Wog rated i•iAllrely
even Own. Surlt a ni,llrlno sn yoar, bleb In actually
good 1111111111110M,ill
11110. .1. OILIPCIN. Flu wader.
Indigestion nud Impurity of the Blood.
FYnm Err. J. I * . 111,11, Pastor Admot Chum%
Tr.. Ayr.s I liner thrA your 1914 with extraentielary
xnecew in Hoy family end among tit,. I mu rolled to
in 11rotrup. T.. rrgulistr 11, t0,tn...1f and pnrlry
thy 14.4 tin, we the Aory beot teilmy a I have es,
.I them to m~
W OVIANT, W P.M?. Co.. N. Y.. Oct. 24. Itt3s.
IR 2111! I POI nothe your cuthertl, iu my vac.
DWI find thous on ot.col.‘nt 1.1,11.1 r.• to cloame the
'Won Antl purify tLe il7e
JOIIN O. 511:ACI1171, ! , t. P.
EryNipelto, Scroftiln, Evil, Tetter,
'Pinion. and Salt Rheum,
From n ir,,..,;;;li;,; " ,tie;ch., f,b. 4, lat,Ml.
Dn. Arm: Your the pr.razon of nll that II
great In lose rur...l toy Nit, Oar ;Bloc
ur tileet 011.1 1,1111, M. 11,111111 ft,t itnt had re!
incurable, for yoarn. Her muilior boo, Ion;
dud in
hor hair. After our child wan ctirod..llo Alpo tried your
11.11 a, and they hare cured her. 310It0 11l
Rheaa;atism, Neuralgia, and Goat
P. MC Rel . . 1)r. lAiuktra. qrti4Metiindia
Vyt Atxt 3,11. 6 2
. 1 tr,'.6.
Dn. AYD T 1 h.,.
Rhattuuttlo Gout —a piLful kllstare that lia.l afFlvtot wo
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com
plataa, moiling an active inow, cln.) sur sn marl.
fent remedy.
For Costiveness or Conslipntion, nod or
R Danner Pill, tit, me npßoal., efßetiml.
Fitz, Suppresbion, Fart.lye's. Inflammn.
'ton, nth! um, Dentures, and Parthi. Mind.
nem., tin‘e been cured I.y the tultrrit:l7o action of Om
Most of dm io tooth, eootolo Moreoro, .1144,1.
YR111.11 , 10 lo ikilfol lama, Is do,rous
lu a 11111.11 C 1.111. 1,0111 ,11,111f111 olumplenem tb,t fr
quently follow Do invootious be, cul.l4ill uo Mel ,
.ry or mineral okay, rei.
and for tlos retiof of Clinflll/Itrilte plitit.l.4 adraocul
btop.s 0( the
We need not enent In tl.e tont.lle of Re Itto.,
Thrt.1101011; vlply I.IWII. it. I tvi, 11,1111. I I: the
American Ntn•es. lig M1,111,3t . fi1l CM, I f tottreettnry ret
nittinto hay., tory,. ,Iren.l3 knuau. hay. i..x art the
fantlll.l In ;try ei,111 . /...ir011i.) .P,l at ,1010111
801110 14.11.11,111 T (1••••• , 1 ;;•4 en , chi; 11”il fewer yet the
rtatonuoiltlia any ahem. aldelt have tot °Wong them
trotdg of it. *tory 1.101 11. e mobile and dun.
Ferotot dteeexes or the threat and 111110. II line It ix the
moat powerfni skutidote ,t knueh to nom for the forml
&We nod dallt; the litilinellar) 01 . .11114 it
7 . . .
14111... dd. plomult...! stud .4,1 teniNly Ow t.t , VIII.
ployed for WWI.. and ,onnx 1 . " r".
burn It in linen n,,nlnet Ike itandione.e....nty Mut otenli
111,41 010.111 1111,11,411‘11. I. hale fttaill.blltt ground.. to
billeve the CIIT.III, 1,11 , 71 t ottVoll More lilt* I.y the con.
.11111ittintin It prevents 11.1.11 010 , It CILII•lt. K., It by
VOII. MI. VI, par 11.) 01 , 1 c uee ty tom tit,.
ivet thew 1111111110 illlllll4ll kkai 11111 muster the Ittexurable
rttlikvr rule your lite ewtry.
All km,w the amen,' (debit , of Intr.ll...nler, end es
they know ton the tirtuM. of lido mittody, we ...ea not do
inn.. than 'll L.., thew it to etlll 1011111. the i.e.t it 111 u
be. We spare Ito colt. Ito rare.. 101 l b.t yn.luce It the
meet prefect toommible.llll.i thus ttlf,tl (home who rely on
It the beet agent whlrh our mklll sett ft...lmh for their cure
Praotioal and Analytical Clemlet, Lowell, Yu*
JOHN READ, Huntingdon, ani dealers in
medicine everywhere. '
October 16, 1856.—1 y.
No. 191 North Third St., above Wood, Phila.
ary, Jujube Paste, Dora Drops, Chocolate
ops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cakes, Cteam Chocolate, French Tcys, White
Sugar Toys. Ac., he.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fit.
berth, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack.
ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can.
dy, Ac., Ac.
The attention of Dealers is requsted to an
examination of my stock, which will bo found
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. 13.—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt•
ly attended to.
A ug.6;66.—1y..
35„ttar.a.:ectINTitgatair,ruz l ie.
50 0 Chesnut Pests tux sale by
Prospectus for 185'1.
Established August 4th, 1821.
THE publishers of this old end firmly
I established paper take pleasure in calling
the attention of the public to their progt smme
fin; the coming year. Surfeited with politics,
the claims o literature will be more than ever
appreciated by the reading world. We have
therefore already made arrangementi with the
following brilliant list of writers:
William Howitt, of England ; Alice Cary, T.
S. Arthur, Mrs. Southworth, Augustine Dugane,
M. A. Denison, the Author of 'Zillah,' Stc.
We design commencing, in the first number
in January next, the following original novelet:
'Mileage(la, or the Squatter's Home. By Wm.
llowitt, anther of "Rural Life in England,"
"Homes of the Poets," the., dc.
This siory of Australian Life, 3fr. Ifoivist
lhaving visited Australia expressly with the ob.
ject of acquainting himself with the novel and
romantic aspects under which nature and socie
typresent themselves in that singular region.
The foilowing novelets will then be given,
though probably not iu the exact order here
The Story of a Country Girl. By Aline
Wry. An original Novelet, written expressly
for the Post.
The Withered Heart. An original Novelet,
written expressly fOr the Post, by T. S. Arthur.
Lighthouse Island. An original Novelet, by
the author of "My Confession," "Zillah, or
the Child Medium," kc.
The Quaker Protege. An origival govelet,
by Mrs. M. A. Denison, author of "Mark, the
Sextur," "Home Pictures," &c.
_ .
An 'Original Nardet. By Augustine Da•
game, author of .1 he Lost in the W adernese,"
&c., is also in course of preparation for the
We have also thepromise cf a Shur! and
Condensed Norelet, by Mrs. Southworth, to run
through silt or eight numbers of the Post.
...In addition to the above list of contribu•
dons, we design continuing the usmal amount
of Foreign Letters, Original Sketches, Choice
Selections front all sources, Agricultural Arti•
des, General News, Humorous Anecdotes,
View of the Produce and Stock Markets, the
Philadelphia Retail Markets, Bank Note List.,
Editorials, Sc., &c., our object being to give a
Complete Rectal, tts flit as our limits will
mit, of the Great World.
ENGRA VINGS,— , In the way of Engravings
we generally present two weekly —oue of an in
structive, and the other of a humorous charac-
The Postage on the Post to any pelt of the
United States, paid quarterly in advance, at
the office where it is received, is only 2fi ceute
a year.
'forme (Cash in Advance) Single Copy $3 a
4 copies, $5,00.
8 erd one to getter up of Club, 10,00
14 "
~! 0 a 11 41 IS If if II
Address, always postpaid,
No. 66 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Dar Sample Number sent gratis to any oaa
when requested. • •
drdr Edit . ors publishing the above a few time.,
will be entitled to an exchange one year.
c u a N v. N ,, l l N t :G se tt t A e l d & st l2 k N o N t. h; a 7 l j a u n e c l received
Goode, consisting of
Dry Goods, Hard-ware, Grocerielk,
Queens-ware, Cedar-scare,
Slats, boots and shoes.
Crockery-ware, stone and earthen
Ready Made Clothing always on hand.
and in short everything that is ssnally kept in
country store.
kept constantly for Sale.
Call and examine our Goods and judge for
All kind, of country produce taken in ex
change for Goods at the highest market prices..
The highest market prices paid for all kinds
of Grain.
IroWipt at tent ion paid to storing an d forward
ing all kinds of merchandise, prodace,&c.
Huntingdon, Nov, 14, 1806.
Huntingdon , 1, 64;';" •
-1 thod of inlorming their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are uow in successful v
oration, and are prepared to famish casting of
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no
tice and most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine ear
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, ((this plough took the premium at the
Elimilugdon County Agricultural Pair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't be heat, together with the Keystone, Hill
side, and Barahear Ploughs. We have on hued
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Oook,
Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers ' S killet, de., all
of which will be sold cheep for cash or in ex
change for country prodice. Old metal taloa
Ifor new castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive A
share of public patronage.
Apt4l 30. 1.858.--ti.