, - 4)F •. • „ 14 1 1 4 • .. . It' ti 1 • , . ••.! if‘• • - - WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 EDITORS, SAM• G. WHITTAKER, *tiert Vottru WITRi Seleeted.for the Journal. als OW 161081216. "And he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, over against Beth:poor ; but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.— [Dent. xxxtv., 6. By Nebois lonely mountain, On this side Jordan's mire, In a vale in the laud of Moab, There lies a lonely grave. Awl no man dug that sepulchre, And no nun saw it e'er ; For the angels of God upturned the sod, And laid the dead man there. That was the grandest funeral That ever passed on earth, But no man heard the trampling— Or saw the train go forth, Noiselessly as the daylight Comes when the night is done, And the crimson streak on ocean's cheek Grows into the great sun. Noiselessly as the spring time Ifer crown of verdure waves, And all the trees on all the hills Open their thousand leaves ; So, wittiest sesud of music, Or voice of them that wept, Silently down from the mountain's crown, The great pr cession swept. Perchance the bald old eagle, On grey Beth-peor's height, Out on his rocky eyrie Looked on the wondrous sight. Perchance the lion stalking, Still shuns the hallow'd spot; For beast and bird have seen and heard That which man knoweth not. But when the warrior dieth, Ms comrades in the war, With arms reversed and muffled drum, Follow the funeral car. They show the banners taken, They tell his battle won, And after him lead his masterless steed, While peals tip minute gut, Amid the noblest of the land, Men lay the sage to rest, And give the bard nn honor'd place With costly marble drest. In the grant minister transept, Where lights like glories fall, And the sweet choir sings, and the organ Along the emblazoned wall. [rings • This was the bravest warrior That ever buckled sword ; This the most gifted poet That over breathed a word ; And never earth's philosopher Traced with this golden pen, On the deathless page truths half so sago As he wrote down for men. And had be not high honor ? The hillside' fur his pall, To lie in state while angels wait With stars for tapers tall. And the dark rock pines like tomdng plumes Over his bier to wave, And God's own hand in that lonely land To lay him in the grave I In'lhat deep grave without a name, Whence his uncoflin'd clay Shall break again, moat wondrous thought Before the Judgment Day; And stand with glory wrapt around On the bill he never trod. And speak of the strife that won our life With th' Incarnate Son of Cod. O lonely tomb iu MoaWs land, 0 dark Bett.peor's bill, Speak to these curious hearts of ours, And teach them to be still. God bath his mysteries of grace, Ways that we cannot tell. He hides them deep like the secret sleep Of him lie loved so well. 6pob (storg. UNEXPECTED RACE. BY SYLVANt'S COBS, JR. In one of our large towns of Worcester County Massachusetts, used to live a cler gyman, whom we will call Ridewell. He was of the Baptist persuasion, and very rigid in his ideas of moral propriety. He had in his employ an old negro, named Pompey, and if the latter individual was not so strict in his morals as his master, he was at least a very cunning dog, and Aid in the reverend household for a pat of propriety. Pomp was a useful servant, and the old clergyman never hes listed to trust him with the most import ant business. Now it so happened that there were, dwelling in and about the town, sundry in dividuals who had not the fecr of dreadful penalties which Mr. Ridewell preached a bout before their eyes, for it was the wont of these people to congregate on Sabbath evenings upon a level piece of land in the outskirts of the town, and there race hor ses. Thiaapot was hidden from view by a dense.piocs of woods, and for a long while the Sunday evening races were car- ried on there without detection by the of• ficers, or others who might have stopped them. It also happened that the good old cler gy Man owned one of the best horses in the county. This horse was of the old Morgan stock, with a mixture of the Ara bian blood in his veins, and it was general ly known that few beasts could pass him on the road. M'. Ridewell, with a digni ty becoming his calling, stoutly declared that the fleetness of his horse never afford ed him any gratification, and that, for his own part, he would as lief have any other. Yet money could not buy his Morgan, nor could any amount of argument persuade him to swap. The Church was so near to the good clergyman's dwelling that he always wstik ed to meeting, and his horse was conse quently allowed to rem ain in the pasture. Pompey discovered that these races were on the tapis, and he resolved to enter his master's horse on his own account, for he felt sure that old Morgan could beat any thing in the shape of horseflesh that could be produced in that quarter. So on the very next Sunday evening, he hid the bri dle under his jacket, went out into the pas ture and caught the horse, and then rode off towards the spot where the wicked ones were congregated. Here he found some dozen .horses assembled, and the racing was about to commence. Pomp mounted his beast, and at the signal he started. Old Morgan entered into the spirit of the thing and came out two rods ahead of everything. So Pomp won quite a pile, and before dark he was well initiated in horse-racing. Pomp succeeded in getting home with out exciting any suspicion, and he now longed for the Sabbath afternoon to come, for he was determined to try it again. He did go again, and again he won ; and this course of wickedness he followed up for two months, making his appearance upon the racing ground every Sunday afternoon as soon us he could after "meeting was out." And during this time Pompey was net the only one wno had learned to love the racing. No, for old Morgan himself had come to love the excitement of the thing, too, and his very motion when upon the tracts, showed how zealously he enter ed into the spirit of the game. 13ut these things were not always to re main a secret. One Sunday a pious den con beheld this racing from a distance, and straightway went to the parson with the alarming intelligence. The Rev. Mr. Ride well was utterly shocked. His moral feel ings were outraged, and he resolved at once to put a step to the wickedness. Dur ing this weelc he made inquiries and learn• ed the thing bud been practised all sum mer on every Sabbath afternoon. He bade his parishioners keep quiet, and he told them that on the next Sabbath he would make his appearance on the very spot and catch them in their deeds of iniquity. On the following Sabbath, after dinner, Mr, Ridewell ordered Pomp to bring up old Morgan and put him in the stable. The order was obeyed, though not without ma ny misgivings on the part of the faithful negro. As soon as the afternoon services were closed, the two deacons and some of the other members of the church accompa nied the minister home with their horses. 'lt is the most flagrant piece of abomi nation that ever came to my knowledge," said the indignant clergyman, as they rode 'lt is, most assuredly,' answered one of the deacons. •Horse racing on the Sabbath l' uttered the minister. 'Dreadful !' echoed the second deacon. And so the conversation went on until they retched the top of a gentle eminence which overlooked the plain where the ra. cing was carried on, and where some do. zen horsemen, with a score of lookers•on were assembled. The sight was one which chilled the good porton to his soul. Ile remained motionless until ho had made out the whole alarming truth then turning to his companions : 'Now, my brothers,' said he !let us ride down• and confront the wicked wretches, and if they will down upon their knees and implore God's mercy, and promise to do so no more, we will np) - ilake legal ac• tion against them. 0, that my land should be desecrated thus!' for it was indeed a section of his fartn. As the good clergyman thus spoke, he started on towards the scene. The horses of the wicked men were just drawing up for a start as the minister approached, and some of the riders who at once recognized ''old Morgan," did not recognize the rev erend individual w h o ro d e him. 'Wicked me•n !' commenced the parson, us he came near enough for his voice to be heard, 'children of sin and shame—' 'come on, old hos,,' cried one of the " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1857. jockeys, turning towards the minister. 'lf you are in for the first race, you must stir your stumps. Now we go.' 'Alas !0, my wicked—' s. 'All ready !' shouted he who led in tho affair, cutting the minister short. lind off it 41' And the word for starting was given. Old Morgan knew that word too well, for no sooner did it fall upon his ears than he stuck out his nose, and with one wild snort he started, and the rest of the racers, twelve in camber, kept him company. 'Who oft ! who oa oa ! cried the parson, at the top of his voice. .Ily the powers, old fellow, you're a keen one !' shouted one of the wicked men who had thus far managed to keep close by the side of the parson. 'You ride well.' , Who.ho-ho•o•o ! who a on' yelled the clergyman, tugging at the reins with all his might. But it was all of no ovail. Old Morgan had now reached ahead of all competitors, and h‘ , came up to the judge's stand three rods ahead, where the petrified deacons were standing with eyes and mouths wide open. 'Don't stop,' cried the judge, who had now recognized Parson Ridewell, and sus pected his business, and who also saw at once into the secret of old Illorgn's joining the race. Don't stop,' he shouted again, 'it's a two mile heat this time, Keep right on, parson. You are good for ano ther mile. Now you go and off it in !' These last words were of course known to the horse and no sooner din Morgan hear them, than he stuck his nose out again, and again started off The poor parson did his utmost to stop the bewitched ani mal, but it could not he done. The more he struggled and yelled, the faster the ani mal went, and ere many moments ho was again at the starting point, where Morgan stopped of his own accord. There was a hurried whispering among the wicked ones, and a succession ---- winks sod Knowing nods seemed to indi cate that they understood. 'Upon my soul, parson,' said the leader of the abomination, approaching the spot where the minister still sat in his saddle, be not baring yet sufficiently recovered his presence of mind to dismount, 'you ride well. We had not looked for this honor.' , Ilonor, sir!' gasped ltidewell, looking b!aukly into the speaker's face. .Ay—for 'ds an honor. You are the first clergyinan who has ever joined us in our Sabbath evening entertainments.' 4I—I, sir ! I joined you .11a, ha, ha !0, you did it well. Your good deacons really think you tried to stop your horse; but I now through it; I saw how slyly you put your horse up, But I don't blame you fur feeling proud of old Morgan, for I should 'feel so myself if I ownea him. But you needn't fear; 1 will tell all who may ask me about it, that you did your best to stop your beast ; for I would rather stretch the truth a little than have such a good jockey as you suffer.' This had been spoken so loudly that the deacons had heard every word, and the poor parson was bewildered ; but he soon came to himself, and with a flashing eye, he tried : 'Villains, what ramp you t iyhy do ye thus—' "Hold on," interrupted one of the par ty, and us he spoke, the rest of the racing men had all mounted their horses, 'hold on a moment, parson. We are willing to allow you to carry oil the palm, but we wont stand your abuse. When we heard that you had determined to try if your horse would not beat us all, we agreed among ourselves that if you came we would let you in, We have done so, and you have won the race in a two•mile heat. Now let that satisfy you. By the hookey but you did it well. When you Want to try it again, just send us word, and we'll by ready for you. Good-by 1" As the wretch thus spoke, he turned his horse's head, and before the astounded preacher could litter a word, the whole party had ridden away out ,of hearing.— Ir. was seine time before one of the church men could speak, They knew not what tt. say. Why should their minister's horse have joined in the race without some permision from his master? They knew how much store he sat by the ani• oral, and at length they shook their heads with doubt. "It's very very strange," said one "Very," answered a second. “Ilemarkab!e," suggested a third. 4, 0 u my soul, brethren, apoke Ridewell, "I can't make it out." The brethren looked at each other, and the deacons shook their heads in a very solemn and impressive manner. to the party rode back to the clergy- man's house, but none of the brethren would enter, nor would they stop at all.— Before Monday bad drawn to a close, it was generally known that Parson Ridewell raced his horse on the Sabbath,and a meet. ing of the church was appointed for Thurs day. Poor Ridewell was almost crazy with vexation ; but before 'Thursday came, Pompey lound out how matters stood, and he assured his master that he would clear the matter up ; and after a day's search, he discovered the astounding fact that some of those wicked men had been in the habit of stealing Old Morgan from the pasture, and racing him on Sabbath after noms ! Pomp, found out this much—but could not find who did it !" As soon as it became known to the church, the members confered together, and they soon concluded that under such circumstances a high 'nettled horse would be very apt to run away with his rider when he found himself directly upon the track. So Parson Ridewell, was cleared, but it was a long while before he got over the blow, for many were the wicked wags who delighted to pester him by offering to "ride a race" with him, to "bet on his head," or to "put him again,t th• world on a race." But Ridewell grew older, his heart grew warmer, and finally he could laugh with right good will when he spoke of his unexpeclel race. Besure there was no more Sabbath racing in that town. 'Ajoustivife. To Extract Grease front Clollt.—The following is infallible : To sixteen ounces of rectified spirits of wine add ten grains of carbonate of potash, (pure) half an oz. of essential oil of bergamot, and one ounce of sulphuric ether; mix and keep in a glass stoppered bottle. Apply with a piece of crtnnt.. • • --• •• when the grease is recent. The mixture emits a peculiarly fragrant odor, and being a fluid soap, chemically combined, will be found a perfect solvent of oily matter.—N. Y. Tribune. CHEAP DYE.—Chestnut bark boiled in water, in an iron vessel, makes a kind of stone color more permanent for either cot ton or woollen goods than some more ex• pensive dyes. Dip the goods in a solution of copperas and alum, in water, then in the dye ; stir constantly until the color is deep enough, and dry before washing. APPLE PumaNa.—Put a pint of sour, sliced apples in n small pudding dish, and corer with a batter made of one cup and a half of sour cream, one egg, two cups and half of flour, and a tea spoonfull of saler• atus. Bake a dun hour; eat with cream and sugar. WHITE CUP CAKE.--One cup of white sugar, one half cup of butter, the white of four eggs, hnlf a cup of sour cream, hnlf n tea-spoonful of saleratus, and three cups o , flour. Or one cup of sugar, one of butter, the whites of eight eggs, and one cup of flour. AtujinB.—Melt hall a teacup of butter in a pint and half of milk ; add a little salt, a gill of yeast and four eggs ; stir in flour enough to make a batter stiffer than for griddle cakes ; if kept in a moderately warm place it will rise sufficiently in eight or nine hours. To Clean Black Silk Gloves, Kid Boots and Shoes.—To three parts of white of egg, add one part of ink. Nlix it well, then damp n sponge with it, and rub it over the gloves, &c. • C, wain Cure pr Sures and Runnings. —Wash them in brandy, and apply elder leaves, changing them two or three times a day. This will dry up all the sores, though the legs were like a honeycomb. To Clean Black Silk.—Take an old kid glove boil it in a pint of water for an hour. Then let It cool, and, when cool, add a lit tle more aliter, and sponge the silk with the liquid. Tu make Yellow Butler in Minter.— Put into the cream, just before churning, the juice of grated carrots, and it will itn provcnot only the color, but the quality of the butter. Fried Cakes = oae cup of sugar, ono of sour cream, two eggs, a tea spoonful of saleratus dissolved in a half cup of boiling water, and a little cinnainod or nutmeg. Btsekwheat daes.-13uckwheat cakes are improved by soaking fine the cakes lift at one meal, and putting them into the batter for the next. H. M. D., Gansvort, N. Y. ' 11 ..' 1 7 1211 ' • T*4l # ' ~~x xtllaii:. Questions for the Thoughtful. There are seven hundred thousand pia. nos in use in the United States, according to authentic statistics. At $3OO each, they would amount to over two hundred million dollars. This sun; would endow twenty a gricultural colleges and experimental farms with a capital of $lOO,OOO each—Which would tie of the greatest benefit to the coun. try ? Or it would build two thousand handsome and commodious school houses, costing one thousand dollars each—which would be the most useful ? Or it would build a Pacific railroad; would this be ns advantageous as the music machines? Or it would provide a splendid library, each of a thousand volumes or more, to one thou sand neighborhoods—would this be a bet ter outlay? Or it would provide every his man being in the world with a cheap copy of the Bible, or a goon Testament—would this he a profitable substitute ? Every one, however, thinks that he or she is excusable in his or her very panic ular case. Drops make the ocean—rivu• lets the mighty river, There are, in the United States, at least fifteen thousand steeples to places of wor ship, costing on an average, six hundred dollars each. This sum, nine millions, ex pended in their erection, would give a Tes• l tament to every human being to Africa or a Bible to every adult ; or thitty pages of tracts to every person in Asia ; or a Sab•l bath.school library of fifty volumes each, to nine hundred Sabbath schools ; or pay the schooling for one year of a thousand orphans. Would any of those objects be really worth more than the steeples, the houses of worship being equally comforts-' ble in all other respects without thera Could there not possible by any improve ment in the way in which our good citi zens expend some of their money 1 And are we as a people, sufficiently removed feting all provided for; so far as our scant y means will admit 1 The Reported q!eat Lake in Africa is Nowhere. The Westminster Review for October notices , 'Explorations and Discoveries du ring four years' wanderings in the wilds of South-Western Africa, by C. J. Anderson" —from which we extract this paragraph :1 "C. J. Anderson has put an end to a lie which was beginning to gain credence a mong us. African missionaries, penetra ung some little distance inwards from the southwestern side of the continent, recent. ly brought information, which they recei ved second-hand from Arab travellers, of a vast fresh water lake far in the interiOr, described as being of enormous dimensions —as nothing less than a great inland sea. Frequenters of the Geographical Society's meetings at Whitehall have observed in consequence, on the site which used to be marked in the maps as a sandy desert, n blue spot, about the size of the Caspian, in the shape of a hideous inflated leech. We trusted that a more accurate survey. would correct the extetne frightfulness of the supposed form. Mr. Anderson, how ever, has spared us further excitement. The lake turns out to be a mirage—a my thus with the smallest conceivable nuclus of fact. On the very spot occupied by this great blue leech—long. E. from Green wich 23, lat. 20 21— he found a small speck of hitter water, (not fresh) something more than twenty miles across, or the size of Lnugh Corrib, in Galway. So perishes a phantom which has excited London geo graphers for a whole season." A Sacred Band of Friends. In ancient Thebes a phalanx of warn• ors was formed numbering one thousand members, composed of pairs of friends, each pair consisting of n veteran and youth. The whole company was called the "Sa• crud Band of Lovers and Friends." They were pledged never to forsake one another ho matter what the emergency. In a bat tle with Philip of Macedon, they all per. ished together, every man of them, side by side, in one place, surrounded by heaps of their foes. Atter the conflict Philip re.' cognized them, and was so moved by the pathos of the scene, and the sublimity of their devotedness, that—alluding to the scandalous rumor concerning them—he ex claimed, while the tears ran down his face —"Let no one dare to any that these were dishonored men." Now the plainest prin• ciples of social polity require that the whole world should be one sacred hand of lovers and friends, inseparably united, sus taining ono another through the trials of this tempted and faltering life, rind beneath the eye of their Almighty Friend. dwel ling together all around the rege-nerated earth in the bonds of peace, the beauty of holiness, and n community of weal. Studying Grammar. Joseph 'l'. StickTnghatn, one of the best of living writers and grammarians, once said that "Not a child in a thousand ever received the least benefit from studying the rules of grammar before he was fifteen years old." We believe chat countless thousands of dollars are more then thrown away, in de fective modes of modern school teaching. Children are put to studies long before their time—long before their minds are ca pable of comprehending their nature—and in the vain and painful effort to do it, dis ease is often engendered, by the premature and undue straining of the brain, to say no. thing Of that distaste and utter aversion to study, which is a very natural result, last ing sometimes for life, thus destroying, in embryo, minds which, had they been duly led, might have beep the ornaments of any age. We consider it a radical defect in our schools, that children are made to study branches which are above their compre hension, allied to an errur not less mischie vous, of being sent to school too early, A child should never be allowed to enter a school-room, not even a Sunday-school, if it has religious parentr, until the seventh year, and for the next three years, should be allowed to study but one branch at a time, for a period of not over two hours at a time in the forenoon, and one in the al ternoon; to have no studying to do at home ' and be compelled to play in the open air, at least three hours after breakfast and two hours after dinner ; the remainder of the time acing expended in some pleasurable and useful handicraft. From ten until sixteen, we would have them give four hours daily to brain work, learning one thing at a time. making thor ough work of that one thing, so as never to have to learn it again, or unlearn a por tion of it. • lk assured, it is for the wont of some M!9 , l l 4 l je,tki %RfrS, risme* of many things, but knowing nothing critically or thoroughly; for after all, that's only knowledge which makes us acquain ted, with the minutite of any subject. POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. The following table, compiled from °tit dal sources, and which is entirely correct, will be an interesting and useful table for preservation. It gives the votes cast in the several States on the 4th of November last for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States . States. Buch'n. Fillm' r. Frem't. , Maine, 38,038 • 3,235 65,514 N. Hampshire, 32,567 414 38,158 Vermont, 10,577 511 39,561 Massachusetts, 39,240 19,726 108,190 Rhode Island, 6,680 .1,675 11,467 Connecticut, 84,995 2,615 42,715 New York, 135,878 124,667 874.705 New Jersey, 46,943 24,115 28,351 Pennsylvania, 230,154 82,178 147,350 Delaware, 8,933 6,175 306 Maryland, 39,115 47;462 281 Virginia, 00,352 60,132 286 North Carolina, 48,246 36,886 - 56,617 42,429 6,358 4,833 Georgia, Florida, Alabama, 46,639 28,552 Mississippi, 35,393 24,213 . . • Louisiana, 22,109 20,731 Tennessee,73,o3B 60,178 . , Kentucky, 69,509 63,891 Texas, 28,757 10,21.1 Arkan . sas, 21,e99 10,706 - Aissouri, 58,104 48,524 - lowa, 36,241 9,444 44,126 Wisconsin, 52,07 579 66,092 Illinois, 105,344 37,451 96,180 Indiana, 118,672 23,386 94,370 Ohio, . 170,903 28,125 187,07. M ichigan, 52,119 1,560 71.762 California, 51,925 35,131 20,839 1,828,022 570,,58 1,437,625 The Electoral Colleges of the different States, with the exception of Wisconsin, met pursuant to law on-the 3d ultimo, and cast their votes in accordance with the ex. pressed will of their respective constituent Slates. The electoral votes will therefore wand thus: For Buchanan and Breckinridge, 174 For Fremont and Dayton, 108 For Fillmore and Donelson,. 8 These votes will be canvassed by the two Houses of Congress on the 9.cl Wednos, day of February next. pc7. The late eccentric Dr. Abernethy, silenced a loquacious woman by the lollow ing expedient : your tongue cut, Madam." The lady complied. ..Now keep it out nail I am doae talking." . _ _ car Prentice says, ['resident Pierce its a letter to the New York Agricultural I Society, declares his preference far a far. mar'. life. He will have a chance to go to raising potatoes after the 4th of Match, and even though he may be as miserable a farmer as he is a President, we don't believe he will ever be able to rain os small a potato as himself. wr& - e* VOL. X.XIL, NO. 3. Agricultural. "He that by the plough would thrive Himself must either hold or drive." How Deep Should Name be Buried. This is a question which is still unsettled and there's as many different opinion, on the subject now as as any former time, before it had been so much discussed. It is still a question with many farmers, whether much is lost by evaporation, when manures are only partially hurried in the soil. It is contended that nothing but wa:er evaporates, and that all the real essence is left behind when the manure seems to be drying up, on the surface or very near to it. It is also asserted that no loss is sustain ed when they are spread broadcast in Os• tober, over mowing grounde, and that more benefit is realized by this mode of application than by any other. It is dif ficult to settle such questions satisfactori ly. Seasons and circumstances alter ca ses. We know that manures are often buried too deep, and we are not quite sure that any other covering than that tvhich is done by the hnrrow is useful. We have now a heavy field of corn of eight acres. It was planted late in May. All the manure was from the winter heaps, made by horned cattle and a horse, and a small quantity from a oowyard. This manure was carted out in the spring, and all of it spread over the field on the green sward furrows that were turned last fall and last May. No time was found to bury this manure otherwise than with a harrow-20 oxcart loads were put on each acre—and though the weather was rather dry till the middle of July; the corn lathe heaviest that we have had for many years. —Massachusetts Plowman. New Process of Making Butter. Mr. D. M;nthern, of Jefferson County, exhibited nt our late State Fair at Water f men era., rote e a'new ye- .A.a.,,tica--as. follows: This sample of butter is made by my improved method, whereby every drop of water is.taken out of it by solar evapora tion. In this process I claim to have so perfected butter•making that butter can be kept sweet several years without the ran cid odor caused by the decomposition of water and buttermilk that prevades most of the butter at the present time. '.The following is an outline of my improved process: Firstly, in churning the cream, enough ice should be put into it occasionally to make the butter come in crumbs; pour b oil the buttermilk, and wash the butter several times in soft ice water until there ceases to be any milky apnearance, During the process of wash ing, should there be a solid lump of but ter large enough to contain a cell of fluid, that lump should be crushed. while in the water, and broken into a correspon ding size with the other crumbs. Lastly, wash it in brane made of rock salt, saltpe tre, soft water and ice; skim the crumbs out of the brine with a skimmer, drain each skimmer full well, and spread the crumbs of batter on zinc plates On cold weather wooden tables will do instead.)— In very warm weather the zinc plates should be set on ice water. While the crumbs are spread out thinly, -place the butter in the middle of the milk-room; o pen all the windows, and a current of air passing over it will evaporati all the mois ture in warm weather, if the room is suit ably ventilated. Care should be taken not to have any other moisture like water on the floor, or wet dairy furniture, in the room. When the butter is perfectly dry, pack it down immediately; let there be no more working of it than is necessary to puck it solid in a jar or tub. This will se cure unbroken the crystals of butter and its original flavor. As near as I can as certain, there will not exceed one ounce of salt to ten pounds of butter by the pro cess of brine salting, As a general thing in making for hospitals, gouty invalids and sick persons, the salting process should be omitted altogether. Butter made in this way (without salt,) if sealed in cans or jars and placed in an atmosphere or chamber of bin-oxide of nitrogen, I be lieve will keep any number of years," Frosted Peet.—A writer in the New York Journal of Commerce says the fol lowing is a simple and effectual remedy against frosted feet, and one that will afford immediate relief :—Heat a brick very hot, and hold the foot over it as closely as it can be held without burning. Cut an on ion in two, and dipping repeatedly in salt, rub it ell over the foot. The juice bf the onion will be dried into the foot aa4 Iffe c t a cure in a very short time. U this is done I for a few times, it is almost certain torture your feet entirely,