, 7; . •4 o. , ti 4 , , . A ~,, .sk 1/ ~.7 ,/,.....: / ~.. i i ~, , ' $ . 1,, , ,, i ~.i . ' .., i:-,.: ' 1 l' . . I .'" ' , ' li . R; i , ) 1 .., tii, : ji '4 . 1 1 ~.,,, i' , - . lt 1 I 1 I ! 0 . , • . t,,, iit t.. 11' :%. 1/ j' a I . •,` , , A L' ~,. ; • Alk;. WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 EDITORS, SAM. G. WHITTAKER, * , titct 33,ottrg. "ONLY WAITING." An aged man in an alms-house, was asked. wliat he tras doing now? lie replied : "Only waiting r Only waiting 'till the shadows Are a little longer grown ; Only waiting 'till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown ; 'Till the night of Earth is faded From the heart once full of.day ; 'Till the stars of Heaven are breaking Through the twilight soft and gray. Only waiting 'til the reapers Hove the last sheaf gather'd home, For the Summertime is faded, And the Autumn winds have come. Quickly; teapots ! gather quickly The last ripe hours of my heart; For the bloom of life is withered, And I hasten to depart. Only waiting 'till the angels Open wide the mystic gate, At whose feet I long have lingered, Weary, poor, and desolate. Even now I hear the footsteps, And their voices far away ; If they call Inc, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. Visrcilanß. the ry spice et/ LeYe• Manchline Kirk Alloway and the Doon. The next morning was clear, cool, and charming in every respect. At ten o'clock our carriage, an open vehicle, with two good horses was at the door, to transport us to the places which were memorable front their associations with Me poet Burris. Our first drive was to Mauchline, twelve miles from Ayr. The road wns like a beautiful garden walk, aver which a heavy roller had passed until it was an level as a floor and hard as cement. The scenery along the whole drive is beautiful. The absence of foreatsJeares b.c...y.i.eur. u.nob• structed, and on either side of the road undulating plains stretch away to tho liori con, all in the highest state of cultivation, and sprinkled with picturesque cottages. Mauchline is an ancient town in which Burns once resided. We visited the Inn which was in the place of the revels of the Begga Ts," and the churchyard, which was the scene of the "Holy Fair." Hard by the inn in which Burns had a room. commanding a close view of Miss Jane Armour, with whom he carried on a clandestine correspondence, and whom he finally married. From Mauchlino we drove to BeHoch : myle, long the pop.'rty of a family of Al exander's. The grounds surrounding the mansion are romantic in the extreme.— The little river Ayr (lows around one side of them, beneath the hills that nre almost precipitous, down the sides of which zigzag terraced walks conduct the visitor to .he stream which leaves their base. It was, while strolling through these Braes, one Summer evening, that Burns, then youth, met Miss Alexander, the sister of the proprietor, in one of the narrow and deeply shaded walks. The impressible poet, struck with her beauty, returned home a sadder if not a wiser man, and com posed as he went, the beautiful song en. titled the "Lass of Ballochmyle." We also visited an eminence which commanded a view of the "Castle of Mont gomerie," where Highland Mary lived, and then we went to the spot where she and Burns had their last meeting. A lit tle brook separated them, across which they extended their hands, holding be tween a Bible, over which they made their vows of constancy. Shortly after High land Mary died. I saw the Bible, a rel. is of the kind, and read on the fly leaf a verse taken from Leviticus. I think a bout fidelity in keeping vows, written by Burns for Mary. Fastened to the same leaf was a yellow ringlet. To me it was something to see a lock of Highland Ma. ry's hair. So accurately are all the localities des cribed, that as the traveller passes the faro of Shanter, once the residence of Douglas Graham, the Original "ram,"— and then by the graveyard where the ver itable , Souter Johnny" is buried, and then by "Kirk Alloway," the walls of which still stand, and so on to the Auld Brig, which yet spans the Doon, he begins to feel that Tarn O'Shanter is not so much of a fiction after all. One of the most agreeable evenings I spent in Scotland, was in wandering a mong thew fancy ins,iiring localities. If ever a river deserved the name of "bon nie" then the Doon merits the epithet. It is neither wide nor deep, but flows over the pebbly bed with a intoical murmur, while its gently sloping banks are Iris. I ged with pensive willows and graceful ash and elder trees. rho rose and woodbine were still there, the flowers were still blooming as "fresh and fair," and the little birds were sing ing as sweetly on "flowering thorn," as when the forsaken maid reproached them for their gaiety as she wandered forlorn, "weary, full of care," and broken hearted. It was within Alloway Kirk, that Tani saw the fearful vision of warlocks and witches dancing strathspeys and reels, while the fearful musician, . -"Screwed his pipes and girt them skirl Till ',amid ratter a'did dirt" But note not only warlocks and witches but roof and rafters and all are gone; the stone walls only remain, with a little tower in which hangs a ropeless bell rung only bysthe wind. Upon this road stands, the birth-place of Burns. It is a long low cottage with mud plastered walls. Here under a thatched roof, in a tenement of the very humblest class, Burns first saw the light. Returning to Ayr, we passed a very pretty little residence half hides by shrub. bery, in which Mrs. Begg, the only sur viving sister of the poet resides. Arrest ing our carriage at the door I 'rang the bell. A pleasant looking young woman answered it. Said I, would it be agreea ble to Mrs: Begg to receive a call from some travelers from the United States, who wish to pay her their respects? 'Oh yes,' the prompt answer was, "my aunt . is always delighted to see visitors from N merica." She ushered us into the parlor and after waiting a few moments, a little bright-eyed, quick moving old lady came rustling in I excused our visit on the ground of natural desire to see so near a relative of one whose writings were known and admired in every part of the United States. She was evidently pleased with the compliment, and answered .I'm think• to ye ken a great deal about Robert in , America,' and added that she received. wore calls Fran gentlemen from ".is Uni• ted States" Liam from any other part of the world. She showed us some letters of her brother, written in a bold round hand, ids.> an original portrait which she declared was a correct likeness. Mrs. Beggs is the Jenny of "the Cot. ter's Saturday night." ..Dot hat's. ! a rap comes gently to the d nor ; Jenny who ken 3 the meaning oftheattioe, Tells'how a neelmr came o'er the mour To do some erramds, and convey her home." One of my friends made an allusion to the fact she was original of this picture. She only laughed and answered, the less that is said about that the better. Rich mono! Pres.bl. SUGGESTIONS TO MECHANICS. We find bhe following good advice to mechanics in the Cotton Plant of Baltimore end Washington. Mechanics, read : I noticed in the last issue of the [liven. tor, an invitation to mechanics to contrib ute to your valuable journal, articles of general interest to that class of your read ers. Ido not know that I can vend any thing that will be particularly interesting, but Ism going to try, and you may "print" what I send, or not, as you shall judge proper. Mechanics, as a general thing, sadly neglect their own interests, by not reading themselves up" in their several professions. Thu mechanic thinks and feels (and r;ghtly too,) that after the toil of the day is over he needs some recreation for his close application to business, But the difficulty lies in the choice of his recre ations. I have heard it said, and I think it true, that anything which will direct the mind to any other channel than the one which has occupied it during the day, will tend to recreate it. It is the same with the body. The carpenter will shove the plane all day, and then walk two miles to his home, and feel fresher than when he loft his work, I once had an invitation to juin a gym nastic club which met two evenings in a week. The reply I gave was, that my la. buur of ten hours a day was work enough for me. My friend said that the extreise in the club room actually relieved hilts of all weariness. NOW, think that after the toil of the day, if the work is sedentary or confining, a walk of a mil, or too, and then an hour or two spent in reading—first the news of the day, then some scientific work, of which there are many different subjects within the reach of the working man—would be a recreation to both body and mind. Too many mechanics choose for recreation, places of resort, where they not only throw time away, but much of their money, and oftentimes their health. The money and the time thus thrown away would be sufficient to purchase all the scientific works that the mechanic would need, and at the same time his mind would be stored with woeful knowledge. It " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1856 is not to be supposed that the mechanic is going to vie with those who make learn ing their life's business ; but we can take the advantages which are presented to us by those who have devoted their life to study, and have placed the fruits of their labors before the world. The mechanic can get the general principles of all the sciences, which would have a tendency to elevate him in the scale of society, by a lit tle extra exertion in the way of econotni zing his leisure hours. One dollar a month will, if rightly np. plied, purchase all the books and papers that the mechanic can profitably peruse' and digest, and furnish a fund of informa tion that would astonish a person who is not in the habit of reading. I venture to say, that two thirds of the mechanics of this country spend twice that sum that is not only profitless, but positively injurious. The mechanic will fina a cour c of resi ding not only interesting and recreative, but he will find it a money-making busi ness. The well read mechanic will always command at least one•thtrd higher wage, that those who do not read, unless to per use some "love-sick" romance filled with disgusting nonsense. I have never heard of an inventor who wits sat well read in the great principles of the sciences, think such a one would be a great anomaly. The reading mocha. Inc is much more observant of passing e• vents than the anti reader. When some• thing is read that is new to him, he takes the first opportunity to see if the book or paper told him true, and so he accumulatt, new ideas, and many new ones (to him at least) may originate from his brain. The free laboring mechanic is the steatn_ engine or the world ; then, how accessary that all its parts be well toted, so that the governor, Science, may have full control of the mighty structure. The mechanic may and I believe yet will, takes his place a ' 'mug the highest in society. Etc does not yet see what he may be, if he toll only 'Bake the trial. Then arouse, brother me• chunks, and commence a course of reading ' in the arts and science!, and I will wager a volume of the Inventor that you will not regret it.. . It will bring information to your mind, health to yt ur body and money to your pocket. It will give you a character mong.men, that will enable youto stand with the proudest of them. It will give you the power to converse readily on dif t-ereut topics which may come up before you when in company or elsewhere. Now is a good dine to commence ; the long eve• 'lingo are at hand. Get your books and journals, and I warrant you will find it to be a paying operation at the end of the The Late Charleston Duel, A correspondent of Thomas F. Nleagli er's paper, furnishes the only full account of the late fatal duel near Charleston, S.C., which has been published. Hu says: .Mr. Tuber was a young man, influen tially connected. His abilities were of the first order, and his prospects of attain ing future distinction as a public man, bril liant to the extreme. He was fearless, al most to audacity, and enjoyed considerable reputation as a duellist. Magrath, though a young man of a family remarkable for talent, was regarded as one of those quiet, easy, harmlesq, good natured fellows, who never trouble themselves about anything, and glide so smoothly down the stream of life, that not a ripple is left to mark their track. Magrath knew little or nothing of the management of a pistol, and nothing what ever of duelling. Both he and his oppo nent exhibited the utmost sang froid. The distance between them was but ten paces. It was arranged that they should fire °on the rise," that is, when in the act of rais ing, instead of whilst lowering their wea pons. Just imagine the scene. The sec. ends take their places. Tho trembling spectators retire still further from the neigh borhood of the duellists. "Gentlemen," suy the seconds, "are you ready ?" "Yes," is the reply. °Prepare to fire !" '4'4c!—one—two—three !" The reports are heard almost simultane ously, a slight smolce envelops the comba tants, and their friends run up to them. Neither is found to be hurt. An effort is made at reconciliation, but without effect. The pistols are again loaded ; the princi pals again take their places ; and again the words, "Fire l—one—two— three !" are heard. This time Magrath's bullet raised the dust, near 'l'aber's foot, possibly striking his boot, but no further injury is done. A second and more prolonged effort at an sin. icable adjustment follows. "What do you require 1" is asked of Mcgrath. "I shall be .tatiefi,d," says he, • with a withdrawal of the objectionable articles, and the expression, on the part of the edi tors of the Mercury, of regret at their ap- pearanco." , 'No, no," Taber replies in his quick, nervous tnanner—“no regret—never, sir —lshii disclaim them, but never express regret at their publication !' All peaceful interference is now seen to be futile. Again the pistols are loaded, and the principals walk up to the posts. The crowd recede—the seconds take their stands ; the pistols were presented; the order "Fire! —ore—two—three !" is given ; the quick rat-tat is heard before the last word is ut tered, and Tuber is seen to stagger back wards, reel and fall. The people rushed up and see the blood oozing out of his fore head. "Back. gentlemen," shouts the surgeon "clear oft, that we may have room to aid the wounded man." Alas, poor fellow, he is now beyond the aid of human agency. A spa3m or two and all was over with him—hare, AGITATION OF THE SLAVERY QUES• TION. The inconsistency of the so called De mocratic party, which has been filling the land for so many months withalolefill cries about the agitation of the slavery question, which declared in its Cincinnati resolutions that it would oppose the agitation both in . .longress and out of it, is pretty well laid bare by that able and excellent paper the Pittsburg Gazette. It calls attention to the fact that notwithstanding Buchanan is elec ted and Isis friends will be in the ascend ant in both Houses of the national legis lature, we have a most bitter, uncalled for and unprecedented attack upon SOM. two millions of the citizens of the United States in the executive message, followed by sup plementary taunts and goadings from the fire eating sons of chivalty, from seceding South Carolina, and repudiating Mississip• pi. For our own t art we care not how much the question is agitated. It is our belief that in a ceits:itutimml and popular government there should be no matter per• twining to the public weal, no institution recognized by law, no interest which makes its influence apparent in the fram ing of our statutes and which is represen• ted in the Halls of Legislation, so tender us to shrink from investigation, or so pow. erfnl as to forbid it. Let the galled jade wince. If there he a sere somewhere, it is the physician's duty to probe it. It is therefore with no intention of finding fault that we refer to this agitation, but to call attention to the fact dint it commenced welt this ''quiescent democracy," and is continually fermented by them. We need I not refer to that hated Nebraska cheat a gain. Let it pass for the moment, and see what wanton malice Mr. Pierce has flung a new fire brand into the magazine as if to blow the whole concern sky-high at his own heels.l.l. • I and "11, successor ! the pleasant task of reconstructing from the scattered material another concern dubbed "Democracy" or the "house that Jeents built." Let 'em work. But the indignation of honest men is with difficulty represented when they, they who have no part or lot in the ntat• ter of agitation, who have been virtually ostracised from all share in the govern• meat as for as the Executive influence could efloct it, are charged with lining the agitators, and with n desire to disrupt the Union and subvert the Constitution Aye ! the fact that the Republican party stand opposed to the admission of White• field to n seat in the is urged a gainst them with almost malignant vehe mence by the unscrupulous partisans of the South. Although he studs there as the legitimate fruit of that whole sys• tem of injustice which we have been con• tending opinet during this campaign, and which even wrung a note of deprecation from the most facile of the Democratic sa ges; the Republicans aro charged with wicked design for agitation" in fight ing him out, although they adopt only constitutional and parliamentary means, and if lie shall be admitted to a seat, will never silence his lips by a bludgeon. Ver ily, politics have talren a new phase, when constitutional opposition to the dem ocratic party becomes treason to the Re public, and a stand for right on the floor of Congress, injurious 'agitation' against the rights and interests of the people. De — A lady of wealth put her daugh ter who had been pampered by indolence, under a governess . Upon calling to in quire how her daughter progressed in hor studies she was told. "Not very well.'— .Why, what is the reason ?"She wants capacity.' 'Well, you know, I don't re gard expense; purchase one immediate ly,., 142ry A 0 1 trn.• Visit of Republicans to lion. John C. Fremont. The New York Republican Central U nion met last Thursday evening at Acade my Hall, for the purpose of organizing and proceeding in a body to the residence of Col. Fremont This is the first visit they have paid him since :he election, and there was a more numerous attendance of [nem hers than on any previous occasion. Mr. Edgar Ketchum called the meeting to or der, and a motion having been made that they should proceed at once to Col. Fre mont's residence, they formed in order of procession and marched up Broadway and down Ninth street, to their place of desti nation. On their arrival they were shown into site reception parlor, where they were warmly welcomed oy Col, Fremont, who expressed himself highly pleased with the visit When the usual ceremony of intro duction and handshaking was over, he thanked the members of the Union for the sincerity with which they had worked in the cause of which it had pleased them and a large mass of his fellow citizens to snake him the representative during the last Presidential campaign. 'Allow me gentlemen," said he, "to re turn you my - sincere and heartfelt thanks I for the efficient and powerful aid which you I gave to the support of republican princi. pies in the late Presidential canvass. I feel profoundly grateful, as the humble re-1 presentative of those principles, for that support and for the solid vote which was cast by the State of New York. I stn glad to have an occasion of saying this much at least, and of adding that it will be the principal object of my life to promote the great cause for whirls you have all la bored with so much zeal. 1 shall continuo to be a member of the party, and to do all Ithat I can to athiance its principles." plause ) At the conclusion of the foregoing re- ' I mnrks the Republican Glee Club sung the following uppropriute song : Beneath thy skies, November Thy skies of cloud and rain, Around our blazing camp fires, We close our ranks again. Then sound again the bugles, Call the battle roll anew : [field If months have well nigh won the What may not four years do ? For, God be praised 1 New England Takes otter more her ancient place: Again the Pilgrim s s banner Leads the vanguard of the race. Then sound again the bugles, &c. Along the lordly Hudson A shout of triumph breaks : The empire State is speaking, From the ocean to the lakes. Then sound again the bugles, Se. The Northern bills are blazing, The Eastern skies are bright; And the fair young West is raising Iter fbrehead to the light ! Then sound again the bugles, &e. Push every outpost nearer, Press hard the•hnstile towers ! Another Balaklava, And the Malakoff is ours I Then sound again the bugles, he. But keep the same old banner, For none eon better be • Pass on the same old wat chword Fremont and Victory ! And sound again the bugles • Call the battle roll anew; [Geld, If months have well nigh won the What may, .not four years do ?" At the request of Col. Fremont the Glee Club sang the popular song entitled "Ad. ants end Liberty," written in 1774,. by Robert Treat Paine. The members of the Union then took their leave much pleased with their visit. A Glass of Brandy Can't hurt anybody ! Why I know a person, yonder ho is now, on high change, i a specimen of manly beauty, a portly six footer. He bus the bearing of a prince, for he is one of our merchant princes. lace wears the hue of health, and now, at the age of fifty odd, he has he quick, elas• do step of our young men.at twenty-five, I and none more full of mirth and wit than he, and I know he never dines without brandy and water, and never goes to bed without a terrapin or oyster supper, with plenty of champagne, and more than that he has never been known to be drunk, So here is a living exemplar and disproof of the temperance twaddle about the danger- I ous nature of an occasional glass, and the destructive effects of it temperate use of good liquors. Now it so happened that this specimen of safe brandy drinking was a relation of ours. He died in a year or two after that of Chronic Diarrhma, a common end of those who are never drunk, nor even out of liquor. He left his widow a splendid mansion up town. and a clear fire thousand a year, besides a large fortune to each of his six children ; for he had ships on eve ry sea and credit at every counter, but which he never had occasion to use. For months before he died—he was a year in dying—he could eat or drink nothing with , out distress, and at death, the whole ali• mentary canal was a mass of disease; in the midst of his mil lions he died of inani i tion. Thai is not the half, reader. He had been a steady drinker, a daily drinker, for twenty.eight years. Ile left a legacy to • his children which we did not mention. 1 Scrofula has been eating up one daughter I for fifteen years ; another is in the mad house ; the third and fourth of unearthly beauty, there was a kind of grandeur in that beauty, but they blighted, and paled and faded, into heaven we trust, in their sweetest teens ; and only one is left with all the senses, and each of them is weak as water. Why, we came from that dissecting room and made a note of it, it was so hor- • rible- A gePtleman of thirty-five Wan sitting on a chair, with no specially critical symptom present, still he was known to be a 'Dissi pated young man" as the saying goes. lie rose, ran fifty feet, fell down and died.— The doctors see a beauty in death, the chance of cutting up a fellow and looking about for sights. the whole covering of the brain was thickened, its cavities were filled with a , fluid which did not belong to them, e- nough to kill half a dozen of men with apoplexy ; a great portion of one lung was in a state of gangerene, and nearly all the other was hardened and usel. ss ; blood and yellow matter plastered the in- ; ner covering of the lungs, while angry red patches of destructive inhumation were scattered along the whole alimentary ca nal. Why, there was enough of death , in that one satin's body to have killed forty. I The doctor who talks about guzzling li quor every day, being 'healthy,' is a perfect disgrace to the medical name, and ought to be turned out to break rock for the turnpike for the term of his natural life at n shilling a day and find himself.—Hall's Journal of Health. More Bete• Since Major Lien Perley Poore gained so much eclat by working out his Wheelberrow I bet, several other noodles have sought fame Ila t h e same way. The latest eases are to lows: • Brsgadier-General Spoon, of Hog Hollow, "N. J.. bet with a neighbor, to t.die a quid of to Lamm ' without the aid of penkuro if Bochon• i an was elected—the conditions to be reversed in case of Fremont's election. On Saturday :net he paid his wager—by the side of the pig' pen in his back yard. He bit off the quid of cavendish amid the applause of the starrround• ing poultry, and the approving grunts of the porker. After the feat had been accomplish ed, he formed a procession, composed of him self, Carlo, (a small female dog) and Carlo's pups. He marched into the house. to dinner with Mr. Spoon, in which many of the mem- hers of the procession participated. After the cloth was removed the General made a speech iu his usual strain of eloptence. He said : 'Where's my hat, Polly?' To which Mrs. Spoon responded in a vein , of mingled pathos and humor: 'On the peg, Due t. The rest of the afternoon was spent by the I General in greasing his boots and making 4 new hog trough! Ourselves. The poorest blind horse, in the most uncom• promising bark mill, has his momenta of re laxation. To him the sound of the tannery bell, announcing noon, is a tocson of joy, and he looks forward with grateful anticipation to his prandial oats and feed. The wearisome round is stopped ; the unlubricated gudgeons quaver out a lust squeak and cease their com plaining ; the trace chain ratt et over the ani• atal's back, and he attempts a youthful canter as he moves off, a happy old horse. With him there are no anticipatory woes ; he works cir• etc, but a certain number of turns are sure to bring a respite. Put with the editor it is otherwise; his life is, as Mantilini feelingly remarks, "one &mid grind;' his machine never stops. llot weather, headaches, sick. ness at home are no relietto his perpetual row tine, the paper must come out, and copy must be furnished. ONE OF TILE BOYS.—'Where have you been, Charley ?" ..In the garden, ma." "No, you have been swimming ; you know I cautioned you about going to the creek. I will have to correct you. Look at your hair, how wet it is." .'O no, ma, this is not water, it is sweat !" "A h, Charley, I caught you fibbing, your shirt is wrong side out." (Boy, triumphantly,) 4.0, 1 did that just now, ina, climbing the lence!" sa- Here is a brief but pointed "essay ou man :" At ten, a child; at twenty, wild; At thirty, tame, if over; At forty, wise; at fifty, rich ; At sixty, good, or never. Here is a brief "essay on woman:" At ten, a bud; ut twenty, in bloom ; At thirty, married, if over; At forty, mother; at fifty, aunt; At stxty— The probabil:ty is that the old lady is u.little the worse for 'year. SIIIPWIMCK.—Loos OF 35 LIFE. —The steamer Superior was lost in a stem on Lake Superior, on the 29th ult., near Grand Island. Her rudder was carried away, and she becoming unmanageable, fell in the trough of the sea, when the water commenced making over her, despite the efforts to prevent it—ex tinguishing the fires. She struck on the reeks and went to pieces. Thirtc•five person, were Mist and sixteen An- VOL. XXI.. NO. 52. Abstract of the Report of the Secretary of War. The authorized strength of the army is now 17,894 men. The actual strength at the date of the returns, July 1, 1856, was 15,662. The number of enlistments made during the twelve months ending September 30, 1856, was 4,540. The number of offers refused on account of mi nority and unfitness for service was 5i594. Tho number of easualities during the saute time was 6,696, of wkich,3,223 were by desertion. All our Indian troubles in the West have ceased except with the Cheyennes. The disiosition of the 'loops is given in do. tail. • It is recommended to extinguish the posses sory rights of the Hudson Bay Company, as they owe no allegiance to our government, and would be disposed to exercise a powerful info. once among the Indians against our people if occasion required. A vigorous campaign has been projected a. gaiust the Florida Indians, General Harney emnmanding . the military posts. Much space is devoted to the consideration of the present system of military posts on the West e rn frontiers, and: a complete revoluio, the whole system is urged. 'the expenses are enormous, without any corresponding benefit to the country or frontier. The great number of resignations in the ar. my show the necessity for an increase of pay. It evidences a policy injurious to professional pride. while the hard service and frostier sta tions of the officers require of them sacrifices which no other office', of the thwernment are called upon to make. The expense of living has been greatly augmented. and the pay is a bout the same as it was fifty years ago. It is bad economy, the report continues, to drive the active and intelligent from the service which they adorn. Abstract of the Report of the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior's report states that the quantity of laud surveyed since the last report and up to the 20th of September last, at 16,873,699 acres, exclusive of the Sa line sections. The execution of the graduation act has raised many grave questions, which call tar the intcrpositiou of Congress. Ile says it is an important matter, and should be promptly disposed of, either by sanctioning and affirming the action of the Land Office, or directing the patents to be issued sailboat further require. meats. The quantity of land sold for cash during the fiscal year, amounts to over nine and a quarter million acres, and the receipts therefor arc 58,021,414, The total amount of land disposed of is over thirty-nine millions of acres. lie suggests the necessity of further power i being granted to the Commissioner of Pen sious to suspend, diminish and discontinue pen ! sloes when the reason for granting them hat r wholly or partially ceased. Tho number of patents issued within the year will probably reach 2300. The report says that during the present ad. ministration 52 Indian treaties have Leon nog°. tinted, 20 of which remain to be acted epee by the Senate. By these treaties the Indian .title' as been extinguished to nearly 175,000,000 acres. The aggregate of money consideration paid therefor is $ll,lB-1,203 80. The Indittns within our borders arc supposed to number about 300,000. The process of the colonization of the In dians has already been attended with the hap piest resnits, and gives promise of steady pro gress in the amelioration of their physical tsnl moral condition. Abstract of the Report of the Secretary of the Nayy. The report of the Secretary of the Navy gives a detailed view of the operations of the Navy during the last year and its present strength. Among his recommendations are, for another sotutdron in the Pacific, rendered necessary by our extending commerce; for the adoption of the English and French system of gunnery in Practice ships, and for the despatch of small steamers to survey the guano Islands en which Commodore Mervtne made an unsatisfactory report. The Secretary regards the construction of six war steamers as inaugurating a sew era in the Naval service, and repeats his former re. commendations for building steam sloops-uf• war of small draught. The sending out of seamen to relieve distant crows, is spoken of as an experiment and will be vontinued if it shall work well. The Secretary likewise recommends the employment of assistant pursers, with mo. derate compensations. A Mao WISUISIi TO BUY 1118 MOTHER.— Some years ago, Isaac IL thaw, a slave boy in North Carolina, by sale was separated (rem his mother. At a later period Inane sue ceeded, in the city of New Orleans, in purcha sing his own freedom. He is now a Methodist preacher in the city of Detroit, a very excel. lent and upright man of reputable talents.— He has recently ascertained the location of his mother, now owned in Alabama, and from her master obtained permission to be her per. chaser. To buy her and get her into a free State, will cost about $4OO. Isaac has already received $175, and is now in ear neighborboo4 soliciting furthersubseriptions. We commend him and his humane charity to the kind con siderations of our citizens. We can assure them that his case is altogether as presented above. A Foct.y or TOO Ttnes.—The Plymouth County Agricultural Society in Massachusetts, at its recent fair, awarded a premium of thirty six cents to a lady for making good bread, and thirty dollars to another for riding horseback. This inequality between bread 4 t equestrianism is quite equal to that between the "halt penny worth of bread" and the "marvelous quantity of sack" in the tavern score of the redoubt.tble knight, Sir John Falstaff. But 89 , , we go. Whatever is of real value we esteem as not worthy of encouragement, while that which in reality, for all practical purposes in these days, is useless, carries away the public applause, and while cents are doled out to the makers of bread, dollars are lavished upon the female ri dors of horses. THE PENALTY OF27;I . ‘COMINO Dowx."--A Washington letter dated last Friday says: 'Mr. Pennington, Chief Clerk in the Second Audi tor's °dice, was decapitated to-day, and the al leged cause was that when asked to subscribe for electioneering purposes he flatly declined, saying that he was a Republican, and in favor of Fremont's election. Dr. Cathcart' was ap. pointed in his place. WY'The Democratic party now consists of the Slave Power of the South, allied with the Catholics of the North, with just enough of douglifaces throwu in to give a triangular fa rietv to the mixture