Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 17, 1856, Image 4

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Perfidy of no Account with a Jesuit!
The most startling developments are being
brought to light in different sections of our
country, showing the manner in which the so.
called Democracy have elected their President
and the means resorted to. The mails have
been stopped, votes illegally polled, &c., be.
In this county, the lowest and most startling
tricks have been perpetrated, and the system
of mail depredation carried to an alarming ex
teat. The postmaster in Huntingdon Borough
—William Lewis—has been playing a high.
heeded game in one matter, and we hope, for
the sake of justice, that sympathy will not so
far work upon the feelings of the gentlemen
who have his case in hand, as to induce them
to let him go nnrebuked and unpunished. We
give below a copy of one of his letters, now in
possession of one of our most excellent citi
tens. We copy it verbatim. Read it
Post Office, Huntingdon, Pa.
Nov. 3J, 1816.
You will give Mr. ALL
office for the offices beyond it.
Paradise Furnace, Maddensvillo Three Springs.
The story invented, that it was to hasten on
'the American hevrepaper's circulars, urging all
Americans to vote the straight.out Fillmore
tickets is simply untrue ; Mr. Gillum informs
us that according to these instructions to deli
ver "all printed mail matter," he gave up all GRAND JUROR 8
in the office, and all "printed mail matter" was ' David Anrandt, J. P. Tod,
taken, with the exception of a bundle of the A. C. Blair, merchant, Tell.
American newspaper's circulars! Now, if the G o rge
Bare,Be rkstresmse. me, Clay addler, Brady.
circulars were the articles William Lewis the Thomas Covenhoven, farmer, Butree.
Postmasters, wished to have sent on trifle speed William Christy, Esq., surveyor, Palter.
why, should they be the only articles left? Ilenry Davis, blacksmith, West. Joseph Douglass, merchant, Welker.
The note as published in last week's Han• John Davis, Jr., Morris.
tingdon Globe, is not correct, as will be seen James Fields, farmer, Union.
by comparing it with the original. The above Benjamin Grafi., sinner, Huntingdon.
G laborer, Brady.
is a correct copy as taken from the order now
William enter,
John B. Given, contractor, Huntingdon.
in good hands. Abraham Grubb, farmer, Penn.
The laws of the United States speak in en, Samuel Harvey, Shirleysberg.
Finale terms. Hear .iota' Hampson, farmer, Union.
"If any person employed in any department John Lute, Sr. gent., Shirley.
Simnel Lemon, farmer Warriorsmark.
of the post office shall improperly keep, detain Joseph Miller, farmer, Shirley.
or delay any newspaper, or permit any other John McPlierran, merchant, Clay.
person to do it, or permit any other to open C. W. H. Moore, M. D., Tod.
any mail, or packet of newspapers, NOT I• Thomas Schell, tailor, Warriorsmark.
RECTED TO THE OFFICE WHERE HE John Silverthorn, farmer, Tell.
IS EMPLOYED, for every such offence he David Thompson, farmer, Henderson.
shall forfeit fifty dollars. And if any person
shall take any mail of newspapers from or out I TRAVERSE JURORS.—FIRST WEEK
of any post office, or from any person having David P. Brumbaugh, farmer, Hopewell.
custody thereof, he shall be imprisoned at hard !Jacob E. Bare, farmer, Springfield,
labor for a term of three months." I David Boring, farmer, Union.
"If any person shall take with or without the Brice S . Blair, tull"°'!"blin.
consent of the person having custody thereof ( ,`ftr e : l ii l o er, e 'a r o lner , .
, Shirley
any packet from any post office, such gam " hel Cld • Il x f " "C •o •11
fencer shall be imprisoned for not less than 2 • ' e ' " m "" • ' ' 1 "
Valentine Crouse, mechanic, Cassville.
nor exceeding 10 years." John Dean, farmer, Walker.
" Every person who shall advise or assist in Samuel Eyer, farmer, Warriorsmark.
perpetrating any acts by this Act forbidden. Oliver Etnier, merchant, Shirley.
shall be subject to the same penalties as if he Alexander Ewing, teacher, Franklin.
were the actual transgressor. Samuel Friedley., butcher, Henderson.
Samuel Grove, farmer, Union.
'The Huntingdon Journal was issued AA 11. James Galbraith, termer, Shirley.
An i l in oBaljpe r illiMer, Franklin. .
sisal on Wednesday."—Hunt. American of the
12th inst. ob a d, gentleman, Huntingdon.
David Hicks, blacksmith, Cl
"The Journal and Globe editions were mail. Joseph P. Heaton, fa mer, enn.
ed in the Huntingdon office, on Wednesday of wini„ m m en ,. ir.mer, Morris.
ternoon."—Hunt. Globe 12th inst. John Hight, sr., Liner, Houlerson.
Now this proves the old adage, one lie pro• John Harper, J. P., B a rs or.
duces another. ,To prove these gentlemen mis- Igrelpugljlos curpmtter , Porter.
i l b st c o r t
drust, West.
taken, we have only to produce the following Samuel Kerr,wagonm ' aker, Penti.
"I hereby certify that a part of the edition Abraham Lias, farmer ' Tod.
of the Huntingdon Journal was worked off on Lewis Knode, farmer, Porter.
Monday, November 3d, and mailed the same George Leas, merchant, Shirley.
day. The remaining part of the edition was Jonathan Murphey, carpenter, Shirley.
panted on Tuesday morning, and put in the Charles Mickley, manager, Tod.
office of Huntin don, in time for both mails. J. Wareham Mutters, mechanic, Franklin.
Huntingdon, Nov. 18,183 G. W. MILLER. Henry B. Mytinger, gentleman, Morr • .
, Ca.
Now this certificate proves conclusively that John icholas
Minnid, sinner,i D
üblin. ss
Mr. Lewis has criminally kept hack the Jou., I Dutton Madden, merchatirt, Brady.
als in his office, for one day—after the election l i a t e a l t u r r i rk r r r eh ( l .3 l l ,Y acks ' n •
or, that he is telling a deliberate untruth ; we George Quairy, farmer, Cass.
cannot say which, but it must be one or the Gee. W. Speer, gentleman, Cassville.
other. Here is the law, relative to this ease,
l l:o n oc id rt Stitt, er'farmer, Cass.
clerk. Franklin.
which we give without charge. Samuel A. Sprankle, farmer, Porter.
NI any person employed in any of the de. Benj, E. Stitt, farmer, Dublin.
partanents of the Post Office Establishment WilliamiThompson. saddler, Shirley.
shall unlawfully detain, delay, or open, any let- Edmund Trumbath, sr., minor, Cromwell.
ter, packet, &c., with which he shall he entrus• John C. Wilson, clerk, West.
led, or shall come to his posse • d which Henry Zimmerman, Esq., farmer, Hopewell.
are intended to be conveyed b7 w) poa n t ' nn
,° o w .7° John V andevander, Esq., Walker.
every such offender, being convicted, shall be TRAVERSE JURORS.—SECOND WEEK
fined not exceeding three hundred dollars, or
imprisoned, not exceeding six months, or both Henry Herrick, merchant, Walker.
David Brumbaugh, farmer, Hopewell.
according to the offence." Samuel Coen, gentlema, Barr..
"If any postmaster shall unlawfully . detain William M. Chilcote, farmer, Cromwell.
in his o ffi ce any newspaper, Sc., with intent to
prevent the arrival and delivery of the same to Christian Ceuta, inn-keeper, Huntingdon.
Gilbert Chaney, J. P. Barre°.
the person or personsto whom such newspaper Frederick Crissman, fanner, Franklin.
Ac., may he directed, or if any postmaster David Campbell merchant, Pone.
give preference loony newspaper over another Jonathan Cree, farmer, Dublin.
forwarding the one and retaining the other, on John Eyer, farmer, Warriorsmark.
conviction thereof he shall be fined not over five Michael Funk, farmer, Warrinr , n.ork•
hundred dollen!, and imprisoned for a term not Isaiah Fleck, farmer, Cromwell.
exceeding six months, and 8110 forever there- Abraham L. Funk, farmer, Shirley.
after be incapable of holding said office in the James E. Glasgow, J. P., Clay.
Unitei States." Henry S. Green, fernier, Tod.
John Grove, farmer, Cromwell.
Adam Heater, tanner, Tod.
Thomas Hooper, Jr.. farmer, Cromwell.
William Harper, mason, Cromwell.
Jacob Hunt, J. P., Dublin.
Maize S. Harrison, sinner, Shirleysburg.
Samuel Harnish, farmer, Morris.
William Lyons, farmer, Tell.
Henry Lee, farmer, Jackson.
George W. :Slattern, farmer, Franklin.
Samuel Neff, farmer, Porter.
George \V. Patterson. former, Burree.
Elliott Ramsey, farmer, Springfield.
Jesse Rutter, farmer, Springfield.
Samuel Stewart, farmer, Cromwell.
Benjamin Sprinkle, farmer, Morris.
Jacob Stever, farmer, Cass.
David Tussey, farmer, Morris.
George Wilson, Esq.,
J. P., Tell.
Daniel Womelsdoif, J. P., Franklin.
James McCracken, farmer, Henderson.
December la, 1856.
P. M. Coffee Run.
HAS just returned from the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion nnp
in the most durable manner. Who over wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call at Wrm.ovenev's
CHEAP CLOTHING Syrian, one door west of T.
Read & Son's drug store, Huntingdon.
Callan(' see for yourselves
Oct. 11, 1854.
Are you sufrering with the Piles, inwardly
or outwardly?
If so, use Dr. Dupries' Celebrated Remedy.
Warranted to cure in all eases.
The above is the ouly remedy that has over
cured effectually. City references and teati.
menials given.
If you have the Piles inwardly, ask fora box
of Dr. D.'e Pills—only 60 cents.
If you have the Piles outwardly, ask for a
box of Dr. D.'s Ointment—only 50 cents.
For sale by JOO5 READ, Huntingdon, Pa.
June 4,'56.
Offices on Hill Street, opposite
the Court Home, and North Nast
hlia aa.• Corner of Hill and Franklin etc
$3.1:56. tf.
Robert Wilson vs William Foster's Ex'rs.
D. P. Shoenberger vs A. P. Wilson, Esq., et al.
Stevens for use of Myton vs Smith & Henry.
John Fleming vs B. X. Blair. et al.
John Miller vs Andrew Smith.
Thomas Clark's heirs vs Brison Clark.
George McCrum vs Thomas Wilson.
Isabella Hirst vs John Hirst & J. Carmont.
David Grow's Adm're. vs Abednego Stevens.
David Whitesel vs Andrew Walker.
George Otenkirk vs E. Sellers.
Sterling & Alexander vs Bracken, Stitt & Co.
Jacob H. Sex vs Samuel Caldwell.
Jobn H. Wheeler vs Moses Greenland.
Isaac Wcolverton vs James Irvin, et al.
Marqunnds vs. Penn'a R. R. Co.
Landis & Molson vs John Snyder.
James 801 l vs John S. Miller.
John Savage vs Reed & Entrikin.
John Penn Brock vs John Savage.,
John G. Orlady vs John Gabbs.
Amhew P. Wilson vs M. Buoy.
' John Lee vs Joseph P. Moore.
Geo. W. Pheasant vs R. H. rowel.
Michael Quarry vs Wise & Buchanan.
Patrick Kelly vs Penn'a B. R. Co.
George Lane vs Michael Hawn.
John Penn Brock vs John Savage.
Nicholas C. Decker, vs Boat & Buckingham.
Henry D. Moore, et al vs John Savage.
Elizabeth Keith vs Price & Keith.
Leonard Weaver vs Lock & Snyder.
A Patterson vs J. S. P. & W. W. Harris.
1 Saxton for use vs Couch, Reed & Co.
Jacob Cresswell vs R. 11. Powell.
Crownover vs Cummin's Adm'rs., et al.
John Dougherty vs Abraham Taylor.
Weiler, Kline & Ellis vs Christain Coats.
Miller & Kinchart vs Burns & Bogle.
Goshorn & Eby for use vs Dr. Robert Baird.
George Couch vs Farmer's Mutual Ins,,. Co.
James Stewart's Adm'rs. vs John S. Miller.
Jenkins for Goodfellow vs John Montgomery.
Joseph Ake vs Thos. Clerk.
James M. Stuukard vs Glasgow & Bro.
____ _.......... ....._
No. 26, South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals,
, and American White ZINC,
Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments,
Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other
articles usually kept by Druggists, including
t Borax, It.digo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c., &c.
All orders by mail, or otherwise promptly at
tended to. Country merchants are invitedto
call and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves
or railroad stations. Prices low and goods war
Twv Splendid Parlor Engravings,
L 'IV TITLED "Bolton Abbey in the Olden
12.4 Times," a splendid steel engraving, from
the celebrated painting by Lands - eer ; and the
"Departure of the lraelites from Egypt," a large
and beautiful engraving from n painting by D.
Roberts. The retail price of the above engra
ving is $3, per copy, but will be sent free of
charge as follows:
THE subscribers have established a Book
.lAgency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any
book or publication nt the retail price free of
postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub
scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such
as Harper's, Godey's, Putnam's, Graham's, or
Frank Leslie's Fashions, &c. will receive the
magazines for one year and ri copy of the above
beautiful engravings, free of charge, or if sub
scribing to a $2, and a $l, Magazine, such as
Peterson's. and Challen's Ladies' Annual, they
will recive both magazines and a espy of either
of the ab7e engravings.
Every description of Engraving on Wood ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of
Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates,
Business Cards, All orders sent by mail
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of their buildings engraved can send a Daguer
reotype or sketch °fill° building by mail or ex
press. . . . . .
Persons at a distance having saleable articles
would find it to their advantage to address the
subscribers, as we would act as agents for the
sale of the sante BYRAM & PIERCE,
50 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
• •
Nov. 28, 1555.-Iy.
Sebastopol Taken ! !
30,000 MEN KILLED.
The undersigned has just rettirued from the
city with a large and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
which he is now prepared to dispose of at very
low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to
purchase will find it to their interest to give him
call before purchasing elsewhere; as he studies
only to please. His stock consists of a large lot of
Dry Goods, Hardware,
400' N & SUOZN 4 SAWS &
Glass & Queensware,
a large and splendid assortment of ready made
which he it prepared to sell in lots to suit porch•
asnin. JOHN HUYETT,Jr.
N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Moorssille, Nov. 7, 18.15.—tf.
Of the National Safety COnipany.
Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Street.
Incorporated by the State of Penn
Toney is received in any sum large or small
115511 and interest paid from the day of deposit.
The Office is open every clay, from 9 o'clock
in the scorning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock
All sums largo or small, aro paid back in gold
on demand without notice, to any amount.
President, lion HENRY L. BENNER,
Secretary, Wot J. REED.
Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Minns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, Ilen. L. Churchman,
James B. Smith. Fronds Lee.
The investments of the Fond now amounting
to more than ova MILLION of dollars, in accor
dance with the net of incorporation are made in
Moitgages, Ground Rents, and in such first-class
securities as must always insure perfect security
to the depositors, and place beyond all risk the
permanency and stability of this old and well
established Institution.
Feb. 20, 1856.
The Lost is Found;
RC. McGILL wishes to inform his
• friends nod the public generally,
that he has bought the above-named
Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its
contents, and from his long experience in the
hilliness he hopes to obtain a share of the public
patronage. As he has the Foundry in full ope
ration, he can furnish all who may give him a
call with all kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling
Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill
Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting;
and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of va
rious fixer and improved patterns for wood and
coal; also ten-plate atrres, Air-Tight, Parlor,
and Bar-room stoves, of all sizes for wood or
coal. Also Castings for house; cellar grates;
such as Lentels, Sills, Sush-Weights, he. Plows
3f every description of the latest and most im
proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes,
oven frames, large bells and cast water-pipes.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn
ing -lathes, ho will be able to furnish any of the
shove-named articles, either wood or iron ; and
he has all• kinds of -Castings too numerous to
mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than
ever for C 3511 and all kinds of country produce.—
Also old metal will be taken in exchange for cas
ting. Hurry up your old metal and country pro
duce when any articles are wanted.
In the healing art. Those afflicted with all
kinds of Tumors, Wens, Cancers, Fungus,
littimutodes, Sehorrus, Goiter, Polypus, &c.,
or any growth or Sores, no matter on what part
of the body, can be cured by an entirely new
method, without cutting, caustic or pain, (if cu
rable). Those afflicted with Blindness, Deaf
ness, and other Diseases, no matter what their
name may be, can rest assured of finding relief,
and therefore should not delay s moment. Write
disease and symptoms full and you can receive
t an answer by return mail; to insure an answer
I enclose the small sum of Twenty-five Cents, to
warrant him in spending his time for your bene
fit. All other letters must have a post stamp en
closed to pre-pay answers. N. B—Dr. IC. is a
regular Graduate.
There is no need to visit distant places, to
undergo a painful operation, and spend a fortune
when you can be cured with little expense, and
without suffering, near home.
Address, Dm C. L. KELLING,
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa.
Adams A. Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Iluntingdon.
Money, Packages, and goods of all kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at t he rink of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
state May 1,.52.
Dr. John McCulloch,
nffere his professional services to the citizens of
Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr.
brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson'.
Huntingdon, Aug. `n, 1655.
Ile has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never
tailed except intwo cases. (both thunder humor.)
He has now in his possession over two hundred
certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles
of Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing
sore mouth.
One to three bottles will cure the worst kind
of Pimples on the fate.
Two or three hottles will cure the system of
Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst
rase of Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to cure running of
the ears and blothes among the heir.
Four to six bottles are warranted to cure
corrupt and running, ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the
Too to three bottles are warranted to cure
the worst case of ringworm.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure
the most desperate case of rheumatism.
Three to four bottles are warranted to cure
the salt rheum.
Five to eight bottles will cure the worst ease
of scrofula.
A benefit it always experienced from the' first
bottle, .d a perfect cure is warranted when
the above quantity is taken.
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles
of this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the
effect of it in every case. So sure as water will
extinguish tire, so sure will this cure humor.—
I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another;
after a trial it always speaks for itself. There
are two things about this herb that appear to
me surprising; first it grotto in our pastures in
some places quite plentiful and yet its value
has never been known until I discovered it in
1840—second that it should cure all kinds of
In order to give some idea of the sudden rise
and great popularity of the discovery. I will
state that in April, 1803, I peddled it and sold
oboist six bottles per day—in April, 1854, I sold
over one thousand per day of it.
Some of the wholesale Druggists who have
been in business twenty anti thirty years, say
that nothing in the unintis of patent medicines
was ever like it. There is a universal praise
ni it from all (porters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly
for humor—hut since its introduction as a gen
eral family medicine, great and wunderful vir
tues have been found in it that I never suspect
Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr &
Calico Mill Stones. Corn Cole and Plaster which was always considered incurable, have
Crushers. been mired by a few bottles. 0, what a mercy
if it will prose effectual in all cases of that
ALSO SOLE OWNER OF dreadful malady—there are but few who have
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con- more of it than I have. _
\'DOOD7/21EVii - i3
Corner of of Germantown Road and New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly on hand or made to older, the fol.
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Brass Dus
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Picrson's Patent Barrel Hoopand Moulding
Improved Bridge Stops and Bushes for Mill
-- cave ---- -- , I know of several mules of Dropsy, all of
' DRAIN TAMllitUlf, whom aged people eared Ey it. For the vari
ous diseases of the Liver, Sick Ileadsiehe, Dys
pepsia. Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in th e
East and South .East of the Ohio and Mississiir 4 side, Disc ... of the spine. and particularly Rivers. n diseases of the Kidneys, &c., the discovery
Warranted to take out of the offal of every h as done morn good than any medicine ever
Bushel Ground, from I to 21 lbs, of standard known.
floor, which could not be bolted out on account N,, change of diet ever necessary—eat the
of the electrical adhesion, to the Bran. I best you can get and enough of it.
. . .. ..
---.--- I DIRECTION; FOR lise: . —Adults one table
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against , spoonful per dav—Children over ten years des
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa- : sort spoonfull—Children frost five to eight years
tent as above, as Fwill prosecute all persons tcaspoonfull. As no directions can be npplica
malting, selling, or using any Bran Dusters hie to all constitutions, take safficient to oper
whh an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio- ate on the bowels twice a day,
lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph John- ; Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY,
10.510 t., dated April 24th, 1854.
'o. 120, Warren St. Rexburg, Mass.
N. B.—State and County abut Rights for T. W. D Price $l.OO.
yott , General Agent for Pennsylva
all the above Machines for Sale. , roa.
August 29, 1855. tf
40000 VOLUMES of new and popular
Books, embracing every variety
usually kept in n Philadelphia Book Store, and
many of them at half the Publisher'sretail price,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All school books used in the county can be
had in any quantities at retail and wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold
Cases, from $1 upwards.
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and
others' best manufacture.
100 splendid Port Monnitiesand Pocket Books
at 20 eta. and upwards.
the latest and prettiest styles, just received from
Philadelphia nod New York, prices from 10 Ms.
a piece and upwards.
500 beautifully painted and gold gifted Win
dow Shades at 44 cts. and upwards.
The public I live but to call and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the above stock
they w•1I be pleased and also save money. Re
member the place, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad atreeta WM. COLON.
9111 E undersigned 'wishes to inform his friend.
1 and the public generally that he has moved
his shop to the building of And. Ilarrison, for
merly occupied by him as Collector's office ;
Hill St.
Where he intends carrying on the Tailoring
business on such terms as will not fail to give
satisfaction to all that may favor him with their
- - ii;NVISIICB to return thanks for the liberal pa
tronngo heretofore received and hopes by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of
the same. ENOS H. KULP.
Aprillo, 1855-tt.
Wholesale Dealers in Provisions,
Commercial Row,
May 21, 1.856.-6 m.
. _
JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention
•of the farming community to a quality of
Ploughs which he is now manufacturing, and will
have ready for sale in a few days, he is also pre
pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel
barrows, &c., &c., and to do all kind of repairing
at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial
. •
Shopon N. W. corner."' Montgmery and Wash.
ington Its.
March 27 1855—tf.
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct. IS, ista,
Greatest Medical Discovery of
the Age.
Dr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, hat discovered in
ono of our common pasture weeds a remedy that
EMIIIV MELD OR 11010311 i,
from the worst scrofula down to • common pim•
holesalo Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click
nor, 01 Barclay Street—B. H. Ring, 192 Broad
way.—Rusitton and Clark, 275 Broadway.—A.
& I). Sands, 100 nulton Street.
}'or sale by O. W. Brehman, MeVeytown ;
El tn. Mary Marks, Lewistown; T, Read & Son,
And sold by-Agents generally.
Slay 28,'56.—1y.
No. 6, South Third Street,
Importer of French Calf Skins ;
gaItLIVEMI [3lBAllallll.
Has Constantly on Hand, and Always
Finishing, all kinds of
Leather, Morocco, Calf Skins. Sheep
skins, dte•, dac,
The attention of Country Merchants and Man
ufacturers, is solicited.
January 2, 1856.-Iy.
(WEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re
l./spectrally informs the public in general that
he is prepared to manufacture at his shop on
Washington street, ou the property lately and
for many years occupied by Alex. Carmen,
and in short every kind of vehicle desired.—
Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufac
ture and finish always on hand and for sale at
fair prices.
Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest no
tice and most reasonable terms.
C. WELLS. I Huntingdon, May 28,1856.—1 y.
Hill Street, Huntingdon, Hunt. County, Pa.
rpm; proprietor would respectfully an
nounce to all his old customers and the g
"rest of mankind," that he has retitled his
house, and is prepared to accommodate strangers
and travellers, and the public generally. Ho has
also attached a
and ho will hire horses, carriages, &C., on the
moat reasonable terms.
April 9 1856.-Iy.
Something New at Huntingdon.
The celebrated Centre County Iron fogy sale
at the following prices:
Four cents per lb for common assorted from
I Mlles square and round up.. 44 cents for
Horseshoe and Spike-rods, including I and
inches square, and 5 cents for Nail-rods, at the
cheap store of
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
sale, as oheap as they can in the cities, as I have
a Wholesale si ire in Philadelphia.
Apr.O,'s6. 11. ROMAN.
LEAH PIPE for sale ut the Hardware Store of
,I MNS A . 13110 WN & CO.
rpm founder of tillA Celebrated Institution,
I offers the most certain, speedy, and only
effectual remeny in the world for (Meets, Stric
tures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins,
Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness
of tho Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid—
neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia; Ner
vous Irritability, Disease of the head, Throat,
Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melan
choly disorders arising from the destructive
habits of Youth, which destroys both body and
mind. These secret and solitary practices are
more fetal to their victims than the song of the
Syreas to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their
most briliiant hopes of anticipations, rendering
marriage, hc.,:impossible.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
thousands of young men of the most exalted
talents, and brilliant inteliect, who might oth
erwise have entranced listening senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy
the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
Married persons, or young men contempla
ting marriage, being aware of physical weak
ness, organic debility, deformities, &c., should
immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
Ile who-places himself under the care of Dr.
Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as
a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill
as a physician.
Organic Weakness.
immediately cured, and full vigor restored,
This disease is the penalty Most frequently
paid by those who have become the victim of
improper indelgencies. Young persons are too
apt to commit excesses from not being aware of
the dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
Now, who thut understands the subject will pre
tend to deny that the power of Procreation is
lost sooner by those fulling into improper habit
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se
rious and destructive symptoms to mind and bo
dy arise. The system becomes. deranged , the
physical and mental powers weakened, nervous
debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp
toms of Consumption.
. . .
sr Office N 0. . -7, South Frederick Street, se
ven doors from Baltimore street. East side, up
the steps. Be particular in observing the name
and number, or you will mistake the place.
A Cure warranted, in Two Days.
Dr. Johnston,
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
London, graduate from one of the most eminent
Colleges of the United States, and the greater
port of whose life has been spent in the first Hos
pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else
where, has effected some of the most astonish
ing cures that were over known, many troubled
with ringing in the heed and ears when asleep,
great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden
sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing
attended sometimes with derangement of mind,
were cured immediately.
A Certain Disease.
When the misguided and imprudent votary
of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this
painful disease. it to too often happens that an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery,
deters him from applying to those who from ed
ucation and respectability, can alone befriend
him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms
of this horrid disease make their appearance,
such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose,
nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness
of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin hones, and
arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities,
progressing with frighttui rapidity ; till at last
the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose
fall in, and the victim of this awful clisease be
comes a horrid object of commiseration, till
death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by
sending him to "that bonnie from whence no
traveller returns," To such, therefore, Dr.
Johnston pledges himself to I.teserve the most
inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive prae
tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and Ameri
ca, ho can confidently recommend a safe and
speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this hot
rid disease.
It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vic•
time to this horrid disease owing to the unskil
fulness of ignortint pretenders who by tire use of
that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the ennui
lotion, and either send the unfortunate suflerer
to an untimely grave, or make the residue of his
life miserable.
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. J.. addresses ell those who have injured
themselves by improper indulgenci es.
These aro some of the sad and melancholy
effects produced by early habits of youth, via
Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the
head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow
er, Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous
Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive
Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Con
sumption, &e.
MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind
are much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Con
fusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For
bodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., aro some of the
evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages, can now
fudge what is the cause of their declining health.
Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and
emaciatail, have singular appearance about the
eyes, tough nod symtoms of consumption.
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Reme
dy for Organic Weakness.
By this great and important remedy, weakness
of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re
stored. Thousands of the moat debilitated and
nervous, who had lost all hope, have been im
mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar
riage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner
vous Irritability, Tremhlings and Weakness,
or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily
cured by Doctor Johnston.
Young Mien,
who hove injured themselves by a certain prac
tice indulged in when alone—a habit ftequently
learned from evil companions, or at school—the
effects of which are nightly felt, even when a
sleep, and if not cured renders marriage impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young Dian, the hope of his
country, and the darling of his parents should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence older iating from the path
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit
Such persons before contemplating
should reflect that a sound mind and t ody are
the most necessary requisites to promote connu
bial happiness. Indeed without these, the jour
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
To Strangers.
The many thousands cured at this Institution
within the last 15 years, and the numerous im
portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr.
Johnston witnessed by the Reporters of the pa
pers, and other persons, notices of which
have appeased again and again before the pub
lic, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
N. B. There aro so many ignorant and
worthless quacks advertising themselves as
Physicians, ruining the health of the already ef
tlicted. Dr. Johnen deems it necessary to sty to
those unacquainted with his reputation that his
Diplomas always hang in his office.
TM NOTWE.-All letters must be post
paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply,
or no answer will be sent.
June 18, 1856,1 y
The "Titm•lnonon JOURNAL" is published at
he following rates :
it paid in advance 01,50
If paid within six months after the time of
. .
If paid at the end of the year 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till
after the expiration of the year. No subscription
will be token for a less period than six mouths.
and no paper will ho discontinued, except at the
option of the Editor, after it has went over the
time of subscribing, until the end of that year.
Snbscribers living in distant counties,or in other
States, will be required to pay invariably In
cr The above terms will be rigidly adhered
to In all cases.
Will he charged at the following rates
1 insertion. - 2 dn. 3 do.
Six lines or less,s 25 $ 371 50
One square, ( 16 lines,) 50 75 100
Two " (32 " ) 100 150 9 00.
Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300
Business men advertising by the Quarter, Ball
Year or Year, will be charged the following rates:
3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo.
One square, $9 00 $5 00 22 00
Two squares, 500 650 12 50
Three squares, 750 10 00 15 00
Four squares, 900 14 00 29 00
Five squares, 15 00 25 00 38 00
Ton squares, 25 00 40 00 80 00
Business Cards not exceeding six linos, one
year, $4.00.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid ou sub
scription, and to take the names of new entail'''.
hers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
JOHN W. TIIOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
GEORGE W. Conxnuirs, Cromwell township.
HENRI( Huoriox Clay township.
Dr. J. P. Asucom, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township.
SAMUEL STEFFET, Jackson township,
Col. Jxo. C. WATSON, Brady township,
blonnis BnowN, Springfield township,
Wsi. Hurcnisrsox, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
lixtray Nerr, West Barran.
JOHN BALSBACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES Micitzsv. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tall township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. Moon; Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON %lour, Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Case township.
SAMUEL WicroN L Esq., Franklin township.
GEORGE SHANK, E sq ., Warriorsmark.
DAvio AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
Die. J. ALFRED SHADE, Dublin township.
The "JOVICSAL” has 800 Subscri
bers snore, than any other paper
in this county.
11. K. NEFF, NI. D.,
LTAVING located himself in Wannionsunic
. 1 - 1 . in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that plasm
and the country adjacent.
J. B. Luden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, Wm. P. Orbison, Esq,
J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gide.,
Stewart, 4. John Scott, Esq
lion. George Taylor.
Huntingdon, Pa
Jacob M Gummill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, " Petersburg.
Fish, Baron, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Lard, Lard
Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Whits Lead, Pig Lead, Win
dow Glass, Glassware, Iron and Nails, Star and
Tallow Candles, Variegated and Rosin Soap, and
Pittsburg manufactures generally.
No. 27 Wood St.,
Particular attention given to the sale of Pig
Metal and Blooms, and liberal advances made
Feb. 13, t856.—1y.
Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast T. I E. T.
Train leaves P.M. A.M. P,M. P.M.
Petersburg, 2.19 4.18 9.45 12,20
Huntingdon, 2.36 4.34 10.01 1.06
Mill Creek, 2.49 4.44 10.11 1,36
Mt. Union, 3.07 4.57 10.25 2,56
Train leaves P.M P.M. P.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.46 6.45 8.10 5,20
Still Creek, 5.03 6.58 8.22 5.50
Huntingdon, 5.18 7.12 8.35 6.18
Petersburg, 5.34 7.25 8.47 6.45
MRS. SAKAI! KULP wishes to inform the
ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding
country that she has moved next door to Charles
Miller above the Presbyterian Church, Hill St.,
where she intends carrying on the fancy and
straw Millinery business. Having received the
latest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to
all that may favor her with their custom.
April 10, 1855—tf S. A. KULP.
A. P. Wagon. R. Banos Pumices
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Coun
ties. March 23, 1333.
THE library will be open every Saturday af•
1 ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the
Court House. Subscription 50 cents a year.
New books have been added to the former ex
cellent collection:—Gillfillen's works, Hugh
Miller's. Mrs. Ellet's &c.
By order of the
Huntingdon, Oct. let, 1856.
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Myron and Mosser is by mutual consent dis
solved, and all persons knowing themselves in
debted to the said firm, will please call and net
tle their accounts without delay.
Sauleburg, April 2, 1855.—tf
Dissolution of Partnership.
The Partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent
dissolved. The beeline. wtll bo carried on
hereafter, by John Huyett, Jr., at the old ataud.
Om. 31, 1855.—tf.
BLANDIBrAIwaya buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Office." We hare now prepared are -
ry superiorarticlo of BLANK DEEDS, DONDE,
*MONS, dc.