MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED IN THE T H E COSMOPOLITAN ART ARSOCIADN SATCRIAY EVENING POST, FOR Tllli THIRD YEAR f Established August 4th, 1821. SEE THE RABE INDUCEMENTS! THE publishers of this old and firmly H E Managers have the pleasure of an j established paper take pleasure in calling I 'Jouncing that the collection of Works of the attention of the public to their profit mute Art designed for Distribution among the sub. for the earning year. Surfeited with politics, scribers, whose names are received previous to the claims o literature will be more than ever the 28th of Junto ry, '37, is much larger and appreciated by the reading world. We have more costly than on any previous year. Among therefore already made arrangements with the the leading works in Sculpture—executed in following brilliant list of writers the finest marble—is the ore and beautiful William Howitt, of England, Alice Cars, T. Statue of the S. Arthur, Mrs. Southworth, Augustine Dugnne, 447 . 702yEs rxtlid yid h Y. A. Denison, the Anther of 'Zillah,' Ice: We design commencing, in the that number The Busts of the Three Great American States iu next, the following original novelet: men, Tuttenyella, or the Squatter's Some. By Wm. I CLAY, WEBSTER, AND CALHOUN, Hewitt, nuthnr of ''ltural 7.ife in England," Also the exquisite Ideal Bust, "Homes of the Poets," Ac., Ac. This Ica Wary of Australian Life, Mr. Howitt "SPRING." having visited *Australia expressly with the ob. APOLLO AND DIANA, in marble, hie size, ject of acquainting himself with the novel and Together with the following Groups and romantic aspects under which stature and socie• Statues in Currant Marble—of the ty present themselves in that singular region. i STRIItiO LE FOR THE HEART; The following novelets will then be given, v enu , an d th e Apple ; Fayette i'Magdalen ; though probably I.ot in the exact order here Child of th, Sea ; I nn o cence ; Proopeotuo for 185.7. i . mentioned :- I • Captive Bit; ; and ott e 'Preset • • a I I F rke st,,, T o a Ceenicy Gi r l, By Alice 1 With numerous works in Bronze, and a collee Cary. An original Novelet, written expressly I lion of SOVCrer hundreil FINE OIL P.4INr • ; for the Post. /NOS, by leading'artist, The Withered Heart. An original Norelttt, The whole of which are to be distributed or written expressly for the P,,,,t, by T. S. Arthur. , allotted among the subscribers whose names Liyhthot, hbva. An original Novelat, by I tire ,received !Nei ins to the i the author of "My Confession," "Zillah, or 1 • 2 I ' tbe Child Iderhum,".&o. ITM E \ TY-EIGHT Or JANUARY, um, ! The Quaker 1 ,,,, eue. - A . origim a Novel i st, I when the distiniution will tithe film, TERMS OF SE llliCtll l'i I ON. • by Mrs. B. A. Denison, author of ...Mark, the ' . Sexton " "Home Pictures " Ac. Every subscriber of thrwdellves is entitled to An , Oriyihal Sorad. , • By Augustine a ropy ur the splendid Steel Engraving. "Sat. 15n ganne,aulltor of ...lila Lost in the Wilder n ees," lo:thq/ Nwidi" or, a copy of any of the ca.,. he., is also iu coarse of preparation fur tiro I' li g '' . .' W Muill.i.. one year; also, a copy of PO4. 1 the ART JOURNAL one year, and, a Ticket in W bare also the prom i se 01 a Short and' the Annual Distribution of Works of Art. e Condensed Norekt, by Mrs. Southworth, to run I That, fur every 13 paid, a Perm.. 1 .4 only through six or eight numbers of the Post.; getb a beautiful Engraving or Mogtioil e nee ...in addition to the above list of contribu• I Y ear, b" t al" receiv Annual e s eAr I year, and a Ticket in the Annual t Distribution, tions, we design cutainaing the neeei amount of Foreign Letters, Original Sketches, Choice I making .14", dollars of reading intear s , lecootia from ail sources , Agricultural At . ii j besides the ticket, by which a valuable painting ekes, General News, humorous Anecdote, ''- - thee" 'r n'a . ."'T cony be ret:',"(l in "di - View of the Pryliee nod Stock Markets, the j - b:".„ . r, ~ Philadelphia licmil Markets. Bank Note lost. ! ''.' "'" \'`"'-• i l , "-teeloz.. 10 , to the Engraving Ed imr i uk, j...v., Sec., our object 'semi, to e h., i s I 'Saturlay Night,' candor., either of the follow• c omplete i t „,,, ord. ng titian our limit, will ~,d • lug one year : Harper 's Magazine i Goiley'l mit, or the Great World. Lady's Book, United States Magazine, Knick• ENGR A vlNO.s.. _ lit the wits of Eugruvioi .„ erbocker Magazine, G raham's Magazine, South• we generally pr,teut two weekly—one or an itt• I ton Literary th essenger. etrurtire, and the other if a humorous charac No Per." is "44'3'0 too eine' , " Olitro• -- ter. j Those taking five iiieuil;ersliips, remitting $l5, The Postage on the Post to any part of the 1 are e thi 11"1 to e k tc I'"gt." rigs, and to six tick united State's, paid quarterly in advance, nt ! eta io thedistribution, or any five of the Mar the offieu where it is received, is only iti emits I "zthes, one year, nand l' i ' it " / "'''' a year. . Persons, in remitting funds for membership, hernia ( Cash i„, Advance ) Single Cupp 5i a I will please register the letter att he Post (Mice. year. I to prevent loss ; on receipt of which, a certifi• 1 copies, $ 5.00 I cote of Membership, together with t he I:ngra• 8`• cod one to gutter up of Club 10,00 I Vieg or Magazine desired, will bo forwarded to 14, it,':,.• II I. •'' 1 . 5 , .00 1 any pert nt the country. s r ) o o f , I. . 44 II ~ , , C ,, , ,0 1 ' Fur furthrt particulars, see the Nocer g hee AR:cts, aloays yost•pal,l. ' Art Journal, scot lice (in application. DP.AC(IN A 'PETT.T,iIf),<. ; Fur membership. address No. bli South Third Strict, Pidhole:pilio. I ;‘... ~ ,C. L. 1)10,11Y, Aetunry C. A. A. utni,er Kent gy „ tis Drowilway, New York, or Weiiterri Office, • '}t'.l Witter Street, Sitedtiiky, Ohio. 11 R WWI ER, Honorary ~ c crfhtry, Hunt ingtion, 11ee...1,'56.• '2 in. When requested --- • - 110 NET I MONEY : MONEY 1!! wrinotyr moNEY? wl.cm it :a TUE ATVIERYCIIN PR A.CTECILL WV just an easy tar any "tie to I, avientl with t .fts poeket art. if they only thi.th nn. I tre uoon, have got a new artielc,trotti which from five t, , °N IX 44 - itM ) . twenty dullaya a duo made. eitie.r by I 1.5 - -Ir .fi . ce nro , .male ur fetnale. It it highly respectable ltti. r.ct•ipt nt this price. br ness ' and an article which is wanted in every & lamile in the United State, Ettelose me tw.3 , Ly mail, tit my risk. and 1 will Ibrward j --- tiy• return mail a Circalar, with full instructions ; WRICHTS AMbiIUCAY PRACTICAL in the art. Ihe business b, very easy. Try it, RECEIPT BOOK—For the Housekeeper, Ag if you are out or emplovineut, and you will tier rivaitmast, Manufacturer and Druu;gist, cot, ver forget it; for it will be better fcr vim n.t you I b,inittg thOU Receipts, in all the itneful nod the above sum, nod insure a good buqihris, lbimestie Arts. ifv A. S. Viniturr, M. D. in than to pay twenty•tive cents fur a spurious ad- ono volume, cloth. Prier, vertiscmcm. This is no humbug. I I la preparing dd.; work for the• . public, he Pry! Try Address vour totters to aim of the !If. been to turnkh, in fl iiwtuirr stoNitoE, New York. I small eninpe, and at a reasonable rate, a hook comprehending the must recent diseuverieis of I sent one of my circulars to nit Editor in ; art, mrt form convenient for practical use.— Georgia, and he gave me a notice in his paper With this view, the editor has drawn freely op• I like the following: on the most distinguish,l end noivernally en ei)lr. Munroe sent me one of his Circulars, ; ceivcd Pharmacoprcias bud Dictionaries of •nil 1 will just say to my readers that whoever ; griebc , i vi Landonauntof you nreoutorti'mplo;unent that Mr. Monroe's burgh, as well; us the most authentic works of business is a good 'uuinuesii, and money coo be • the bind publinhed in thin country. Prom nit made out of it toy soy ono wits engages in it, ; them sources, Ito has taken whatever could be fur it is no humbug." ; cf practical use"—/ etrucl li•em the Peeftee. IMPORrAN'r TU DAGUNIUMOTYNSTS MARBLE DEALEUS AND (TILERS. MONUMENTAL DAGUERREOTYPE CASES. I, MID - MOWS sortor. TrIF, undersigned Auditor appointed by the A METHOD Lon long been song,ht for, to in! ! - hans' Court of Hntingdon Count, to scrt in a durable manner ' IM P err ` m ' , YP c ' distrib Orp ute the balance in the hands of Alexan y der "'nesse° tollead Stuues and luntununts ' -- purl, administrates rd . .limes McCartney Sao -1 have been manufacturing these Cases fur the ! key. decd., =wigs, those entitled therein, loot two Year°, and co" °°"aid- than to secure 1 bemby gives entice to all persons interested, 'I!" Picture I' ura lu ng " mid) " Y ears ' that he all attend fur the purpose of making The outside ease Is made of Purina Marl, , said diet, on wodinoin ,, , the :um of and the hex which toueluses the picture and ' ! December, A. I/. 183 ti, at 1 o'clock, keeps it tea state of great preservation tbr a !at his office in the beroughof Huntingdon, when ban g number M 3ears' is made of bra". --- it and there all persons interested may attend Nercio box. It makes a very Lent jib on It andpresent their claims, &e. Head Stone or Monument. They are used in JOHN HEED, Auditor. Greenwood Cernetry, Mount Auburn, Laurel ! Dee.3,'Sde4 t. Hill, and many other Cemetries in the United . _ States. i VALUABLE A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers ! 1 and Dagnerreetypists. !' rice from 1 4 2,25 each . 1 17,11,11142 701{%A11. to $9,50. A circular of engravings will be THE undersigned offers at private sale, his sent ,•-• ~y address, free, with price lielt. Ad• form in West township ' Huntingdon county, 5 tlre ~, miles front llnntingdon borough, containing a- A. L. DALDw IN, A gent , o f mansoletun bout 200 acres, 100 of which is (leered nail in Dti,, ,, . Cu., 335 Broad Way, New York: a good state of cultivation ; 50 acres excellent 1 iec. :ht. 11356--:im. bottom lima and the must of it in timothy ; the . . . - • ! remainder of the lOU acres is well thnhered with 011PHANB , COURT BALE. white pine, oak and hickory, and is within hall IN PURSUANCE el an orderof the Orphans' I a mile of a saw mite. The improvements con ' Court of Huntingdon County to the iintler• aim of a two story log hon., n hang,. ss signed Trustee to sell the real estate of Amen hank barn, and oilier necessary out-buil- iii Lovell, deed, will expose to salo by public ven• dings. A never-foiling spring of excel- 11 lent water convenient to the house. Also a good due, on the premises, on Saturday the 27th day I orchurd of tall and minter fruit. The of December inst., at 10 o'clock, a. in., all that ;Tit:l e is patented and on undisputed title will he certain tract of land in Tod township, in said given. Any further information desired, will be county, adjoining lauds of John McLain. Lewis given 1.) the subscriber. Corbin, Mordecai ehilcote, Samuel Sailer and ADOLPHUS r WHITE. ' , there, containing November 12,1856.-30 90 ACRES -- - -- and allowance ; of which about 40 acres are I Orphans' Court Sale. cleared, with a house, barn, out•buildinga and I Y virtue of an order of Orphans' Court the ( e re n h i e T :o the hious i t hersoi.l o . . hers is a good spring ern ' . i t .4 undersigned will expose to public Hale on the ,). premises. latent' the estate Ullman. Enyeart, TERMS OF SALE i f Est.. deed., en Saturday, the 20th day of De- One-third of the purchase money to be paid coulter text. at lo o'clock, A. M., oil that mor on contirmati. of the sole, One third in one tutu parcel and year thereafter with interest, 'and the other I Tra c t of Land third ut death of Wealthy Baird, widow of said , • (part of the mansion faun) situate in Penn tp, (We'd., to who , . interest is to be paid Year'y. Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Jacob to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of and Andrew (truce, and others, containing 61 eve purchaser. JOSHUA OREENLAN I), arena, and 102 pereies, nett measure , About 'l5 Dec.3, 1 56.•t5. Trustee. :ter. cleared. Th. NO& IWO all the best river ' , -bottom on Itaystown Brunch, and would suit STR A Y BUL L. - any eta wanting a small farm. About one tulle Pau. to the residence of the from station of Huntingdon Br. Broad Top Rail _ , ro In.. Veubscriber, in Penn township, 1 1 1114 , 0, .`• . ft:RMS . —One-half of thepurchase money on or about the lot of October, t e , , i to tie paid on continuation of sale, and the bal a Black Bull. The owner is re. ----- '-'"'" . sore in one year with {merest, to he secured by c l u " ..d .. P.'. Int'Perth pay ti.... , :' , a". the bend and mortgage of purchaser. take him away, otberwi. be will•be sold poem , ,TAMES E.. OLA SOW, digg to law, JACOB FIN IC. i DAVID H. CAMPBELL, Little Valle, Penn tp., Nev. 4, '06.-tt. November tO. Illsn. - it. A P Wit, 1.0.?,s of nil kinds for sale cheap by • LIN USAY•& 131,AKISTUN, Publishers and BooksoHers, &c.. 23 South 6thsU•eet, Philadelphia. D0c,3:56..4t. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. T. R. GRAFF Y. GRAFF & CO. WESTERN FOUNDRY, 0,4 No. 124 Wood Street, PITTSBURG, P.l. MANUFACTURERS OF Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Strives, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Grates & Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Portable Forges, Sug.r, Tea and Stove Kettles, Wagon Boxes, &e. • Nov. 26, 1856.—1y.* [Estate of Nimey dee'd.j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Iluntingdoe County, to die. ; tribute the balance iu the hands of Jacob Hero. came, Executor of the last will and testament , of Nancy Neff, late of West township, deed. in discharge of Trust for Belling real estate of said deceased, and also to distribute the butane, ' in the hands of Raid Executor in the admiuis tratien of the personal estate of snid deceased, : hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he old attend tA the duties of his appnint• meat ut the office of Messrs. Scott & Brown, in ; the borough of HuntinAtlon, On Saturday, Me , 27th day of December next, at 3 o'clock, p m., ! when mid where all persuns must present their claims to the undersigned auditor, or be debar red from coming in upon said fraud. 'l'llEO, U. CREMEII, Auditor. Hum., N0v2t4'56.4t. [Estate of John &adley. deed.] AUDITOR'S NOTICE. • The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County to din tribute the beance is the hands of Jouna J. Reed and Thomas G. Stupli ton, ailtninistra;urs I of John Bradley, deceased, hereby gives nut.ve that lie will attend to the duties of his appoint. , went at the office of Metiers. Scott Brown, in j the borough of lluntingchm, on Saturday, the' 127th day of December next, at 2 o'clock, p. when ono where all persons interested must present their claims before the undersigned auditor, or be debarred from coming in itpun ! said fund. THEO. 11. CREMEII, Hu.a., N0v.53,'311.4t. Audit., HUNT ING DON • COMMZ/10141i. SC;SZO*Xf. Has been removed to a large .d emnitiodi. nos room in the "Town Hell," and is open day ! and evening for the reception of Students:— The course of iiwtruction, embracing Single and Double-Entry Buolc•Keeping, is neeompri• nied by daily Lectureson Commercial Sciences. A department has also been opened which is devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by Prof. Nlounisusi, of Pittsburg. I Lectures on Commercial Lute, Ethics and ! Political Ectitioiny are delivered periodically to tbo students by members of the Huntingdon 1 Bor. For tiny other pertieulurs, address pen...unity or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Ptineipul. Atiiusteuee given when required in opening and cluing hooks. [April 2,1956.—1 y. [Real Estate of Dawson C. Smawley, Dee'd.ll f)3I I HANO ,4 .0. OUR SAYA, nr virtue of an order of Ihe Orphans' NIA of north:pl. County will be expotod to sale L} wns of public vendue or outcry, on the pre mises on Tuesday, 233 of December next, a tract el fund situate is Shirle) tee 'lshii), lla J n tingdon county, bounded by Juniata river en the cast and north east : be land or Swisheart hdirs un the north ' • by A ughwick Creek en the nertlewest ; by lands of James M. Bell, on the south, and by lands ef.Bell's heirs atel Oliver Etnier sits the anutleeind, containing ahem two hundred and fortvdiotr (214) acres, suers or les; ; shout Line hundred acres tit which are cleared end under eultivalien : having thereon erected a (we story dwelling house, with stone kitchen attached. A stuns bank barn, stone spring house, stone tenant house, she. Also on said premises is an Iron Use flank, ike„ l' E It M S OR S A I. E One•third the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the midue in two e. quid annual payments, with interest, to be se eared by the Bonds and Mortgazes or the par chaser. By the Court, ' IJENI(T GLA Z I ER, Clerk, N. U.—Any person wishine. to view the pre mises con 110 NO hr cn!iing• ni l Mr. Hen. Smith, the present oceupiti.t. Those desirous of rur ther information can call with the mitlersiglied residing in the butough of Shirl.eychitrg, and who will give due attends nee no the day or Rule. HENRY intims . rEit. Administrator of Dawson C. timaiwley, de'd. Shirleystiurg, Nov. 19th, '511.-3i. kimr. I,ewiatown Gazette, York Repablican, and Lancaster Whig, publish 'until sale ; and send Lill to this taco. [llea! Estate of Samuel 11,c't1.] onrgAtrat cotrav sAloc. Ito virtue of 3 ill order of the Orphans' Court of timitingdon county, will be exposed to talc by way of public vendue or outcry, us the preini• sea, on • Thursday, 18th of December next, a:•sc ollend.ilitate in Shirley town:3ll4i, Hun. tie,,iien county, bounded by land of Roy. It. H. Collins ou the south.; by laude of James Clark atvl Abut. L. Funk on the east ; by hind 01 Grultlll Myers on the north, and by Chesnut Ridge on the wet.; ; about one hun dred and thirty acres, wore or lose; about ser eutt• acres or which are cleared and under tente. tinning thereon erected a two story lug dwelling house, log liarn, TERMS OF SALE: One•third of the pnrehttse money to be paid on eoI litmutiou asale, and the residue in two equal annual payntents, with interest, to he so. cured by the bonds and mortgages of the put , chaser. By the Court. HENRY GLAZIER, Clerk. Any p erson dehilims of furtla.i. can be informed by calling withthe unclorsign• ed residing in Shirleyslairg, and who will give due attendance on don of sale. HP.sity BREWSTER, Administrator of Samuel Williamson. dee'd. Sl Eburg, Nov. 19, 1856.-3 t. STRAY HORSE. AMI to the plantation of the subscriber a. U. bout the 10th day of October, a Gray Horse, said to be about 20 opera of age, having a halter un. The horse is a too little sprung is the knees. The dam owner will please coati. forward prove property, pay charges and eve. him a. way, otherwise ho will be disposed of according Ito law. AIIM. CRAIN. Franklin tp., N0v.20,'50.-40 Da. D. it. GOOD, Having located in Petersburg, Huntingdon co., Pa.. respectfully oilers his protessiorml services to the citmuns of that. place, and surrounding country. November 19, I CM. en,' MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Prof. lieGrath% Great Electric Oil. DEAFNESS (AIRED. NEW litres, May 19th, 1856. Prof. DeGrath—My brother has been dryti three years. After trying ninny things, be used your Oil a few limes al.& it cured him entirely. el.teronn It. Su ANTON. Ask Mr. Scranton, who afierwards bought $5O worth to sell, ily Verdrie Oil removes all pale at once. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, b.:. Afflicted 13 years and Cured in one reek Read letter from Rey. James Temple : Pmbsns., Juno 9th, 1856. Prof. DeGratli-1 hove been afflicted 13 years with Ne.:raLia and other very painful complaints. midi have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years ! past. Last week 1 got a bottle of your "Lice. I trig Oil." The lirst night I slept soundly and ; well, and to-day I not like a now man. My wile could not believe hrtr eyes. Your Rlee. trio Oil has done in one week what the physi• elan of Philadelphia foiled to do in 13 years. Gratefully, yours, Rev. JANIES Tnuri.E. • 310 South at. Call and see other emliticates and names of tholisands 1 have cured for three years past.— The public for safety, lutist not believe imps. torn and imitators of lay oil. My Dept is at the same old place 39, South Eighth street, aid not removed, as a hose ECILIIIp advertised, who in afraid to publish his real name. I refer to 3,000 Philadelphians who have used my Oil—and all real Electric Oil ever odd has my name blown in every bottle. All others are cheats. All orders must be address. ed to Pao, CIIAS. IAGRA:I'II, Philadelphia. John Rend Agent, Cuntingdon. Nov. 26, 1856-3 m. ORPHANS' COURT SAVES - In pursuance of orders of the Orphans Court of the enmity of Huntingdon, the tracts of ! land &c., hereinafter dcserittetl, situate in said 1 county, and near the borough of Huntingdon , will be exposed to pithie ',le on the premises i 'rut Friday the Ifni] day of December 111PXt. no the property of John ICer, late of said county, !, deed., by his adminintrator. to wit : I. All that tract marked (1) in the I)iagratn 11t1111 , Xed to the Itutttttof the Inquest. contain lug 237 'terns and 130 perches—it I clog the "Mansion Farm" of said dcecaned. About one half of thin tract is cle tratl nod miler cultism lion almitt 40 tieres of which k 'dog water.fur Cattle In may he readily in troduced into almost every field upon this ions. There aro upon it a two spiry frame dwelling House, a large brick b..rn and other buildings also u good apple Orchard. 2. All that Tract marked (C) in said Dia gram containing '237 estrus 11161 68 perches and coiled the "Iloore !'arm.." Somewhat Inure than hull id' this Tract is cleared mid under cultivation a fair proportion of which in mead ow—On atecount of the nearoeon of these two farms to the hurongit of Huntingdon and the large quantity of meadow upon each they woold be well suited bur grazing or Stun I: farms. . -.. 3. All that Tract marked (D) in said Dia gram eontaining Ids neves 132 perches about the one-half of this 'lnlet is cleared and un der cultivation and lias thereon erected TA 0 IC:l -uta Ile.wes. that tract ;narked (E) in said I)iagrart containing - 214 acres 87 lulrcl/a 4 ; about 100 a" efts of tract are clenred and under cultiva tion; Nu 101 l oldion, thereon. S. All that tract malted (G) in said Dingrnin COlltaill lug. 119 nures. Woodluntl. G. All that tract marked ( in said Diagram culititining acres 131 pc, es. %Vuoillitild. . All that tract marke.l :II.) in sail I)l.lgram, containing 148 acres, p, Woisilan.l. st, All that tract marked (NI) in :Aid Diagram containing 117 acre;, 117 uoielies. Woodland. 9. A tut. nt gru n t in the viliAge S.111t11• field, marked (N) iu said liiagrain. Upon this lit there is erected it two story lug house . 10. A lot ground in tin 'tillage of Smith • field. market. (U) in said Diagram, and having dime. erected a small log Aahle. . ' lleo7ll3gittht (ledf u nrtli part of tire ad joining tracts of land, situate ill llenticestm & Porter townships, containing together about su von huttdrett acres, he the same more or less. liptin these tracts or within their boundaries, there is a large amount of water power, for Lny kind of works ; inexhau-tahle quaries of lime stone null other I.lle, tar hnat lutg. A dwel lit arid t,rlcr luil,lilp s ituve ! w ee rrect ell thercoti. Upon trued.; there is oh./ forge amount 01 timber. 12. An wide, 111 interest in Milnwood Aca demy, iti 1,1,3 10 tna iithip, the extent of which iotet est will be wade bilou 11 upon the nity ofsale. All these lauds excepting the last mentioned, lie within it talon ths once of the borough of Huiltingtion. g: skin s BALM. One third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of the sale,--nne-rhled within one year then tiller with the interest : then:owning one. 'hint at anal immediately af ter the occease of Mary C. her, widow of said deceased. The purchaser paying to the said widow, annually and regularly, during her nat ural life, the legal interest it the said one-third part. to be oecured by the humid and mortgagee of the parehasere respectively. Solo to cont inence at 10 o'clock. of said they. Evil, nuntingtion. Nov. 19, 1851i,-4.1t. - ikqual \V l E e Luuli n l iz otier fur tutu the pro. A Ism of 90 Acres, of land in GormanY Valley, Bout. cu., it being tine half or the Forte thrtnerly owned tv Ueu. Ely. Nearly all dent ed awl in 0 line state ot cultivation. Choice Linie•tone Land with House owl Stable erected thereon, oitli running ...or. own SlorlQ shin anti 5 miles from Penna. entail and Itiilroad at Mt. Union. Also It) Acres tf choice land adjoining the above, sin whirl' is erected two good Houses, small Barn, Wood (louse, S:c., with a naver-fail hig. spring ut•Rowl water, and tine Orchard, with choice fruit. Thi• is a very desirable property, and would be suitable for a maeliartie, ay stay person dewing to r, time from airline life. 4\l.mo—A hula in Union 'Vowisship, Hunt. no., cementing 65 Aei'cs, one halt of which is cleared, and the balance firxt soak) of Tunlier land, situated within sine mile of the Penna Ca nal mitt Railroad at Mill Creek. Ealiertit the above properties will he sold low and on reasonahl, terms, apply to the sub serii,ers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon eu., Pa. & BRO. Sept.lo;s6.—tf. lthal 2:I`JD l'eXlsilt CLOTHING! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER ir II A Pi TIIIIEt II E A PEST! kt)Mlkl%l respeettullv norms ensto- AA, niers and the public generully, that he hes just opened at his store-roots in Market Square .Hutitingdonot splendid new "toil of Ready made - - - -- Clothing for Fall and Winter. which he will sell uheaper than the same quality .of Goods can be purelini.eil at retail in Philadel phia or any idiom establishment in the countr. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would du well to call and examine his stuck before purcha sing ekeAvlicia• Also Hats, sad Shoes, which will be ho ld lower than at any other es. tablisitusent in the manly. Huntingdon Het. 0. 1956. MIK ELLANEORS ADVERT/3EIIEI7N. ORPHANS . GOURfgALE 1)Y virtue of an ordev of the Orphans' Court 1) of Huntingdon County, I will offer at pub. lie sale on the pretnisea on . FRIDAY, 12th of December, 1856, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the following described real estate, late of David Graham. deed., viz: One tract situate in Dublin township, Hut, tingdon county, adjoining land of William Mills, land of the helm of John Appleby, deed., and the tract hereinafter mentioned, containing 79 ACRES, 113 PERCHES, and allownnen, he it more or less,having there. on a log house, log barn, orchard, .Ic.; about one half or this tract in cleared and cultivated. Another tract situate in the same township, adjoining that above mentioned, lands ofJosepb Nelson, and Dr. J. A. Shade, containing Fifty-Five Acres, nod allowance, more or less, having thereon a log house, lug barn, some out buildings, and a variety of choice fruit trees. At least three• fourths of this tract is cleared and cultivated. TERMS OF SALE:—One third of the per. chase money upon confirmation of sole, the residue in two equal annual payments, with in. terest to be secured by bonds aniLriory!ge. TiA NIEL TEA I?, Adm'e., de boni3 non l of I). G raham, thm'd, t. Th. Kansas Question Settlel! PEACE RESTORED 131 latest arrital from the East, the etbseri here have just received and era now• opening the lar , eat cued most judiciously selected assort• Hardware, ever brought to Huntingdon. Uur stock cam riots in part, of Building 'Material, such aS belts, hing, screws, baits, glass, oils, and paints, (White lead, fire proof and 'zinc paints.) Mechanics' Tools, in great variety ; including many new invert' tions and late improvements. We it. ite Cm . auentian of Saddler; and Coaeintiathers to our large and splendid stoe's Saddlery & Coach Trimming anel us sacidle•treee. gig.trees, selradjusting pad trees. battles. of. 20 kind, latest styles of beek:es, stirrups, girthing Uog skins. pa tent and enameled leather, enameled muslin, coneh Ince, helm, spokes, fellows, shafts, spriag4, asks, &e. and housokeepem generally, w•iil it grestly to their itilvautage to call and exam ine our new stock of silver and common spoons, line tulle, cutlery, neitsura, hollow.ware, lamps. ',MPH; sausage grinders, and all other house furnishing gouda Oncluditig many new and use• fol inventions. .. I II our pnrcliase,, Ismght at such rob, as enable tom to sell even tewm than beretotere. No charge fur alma Mg goods.-- All orders promptly attended to. JAMES A. BROWN tv CO. October fitly 1856. Gas: Gas-Lights are Coming I AND So ARE NOT WITH GAS! Mat with au cutaely new and well assorted stock of FALL& WINTER GOODS, SUCH AS D 1 GOODS, GROCDRIZIff , QUEENSW.A.RE nartnw.anz BooTs 2, SHOES, HATS sormras, CARPZiTS, andeOsl Cloths. WOOD, WILDOWW.S.RII and every other article usually kept in a coun try stole. We have one of the best selected ',rock,. of DOI( GOODS ever often dto the eitizeits of chin place and vicinity, and are ,tenor lower ;hall Coe be purchased cost orthe Allegheny. (live us ft coil end be Fa ti 'hid of the rum. We will sell our old Korit at cost. Don't li•rg,t to rail at the Metnunditun hen ) , purchasing at any other Moue. We also purchase Ind store Grain, and it in admitted by all that we have the safest place of unloading in wive. All kinds of produce taken in exchange ror Goods. New Goods New Goods I D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE. D. P. C; win has just received from Plilladel phia a large and henutiful assortment of FALL. de WINICZ3, consisting tit' the most faiihionnhle Dress Goods far ladies awl Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, Chameleon & Fancy Silks, Frfneb St ensues, All Wool de Loins, Persian Twills, Coburg 01,11,Levella Cloth, Alpacca, Mth, Madon na Cloth, Wool Plaids, Ru t, oi t y quantity of Fancy Detains. Prints of any description. ALSO,,large lot of dress Trimmings, dross Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitt , , Veils, Collars, Undersleeves, Chi t naaetts, Mohair head dresses. Gum Belts, Whalebones for Skirts. Silk and Limn Hose, Frond. Working Cotton, Fall nod Wool Shawls, and a ,nriety of Fancy Goods ton numerous to mention. Alse, Cloths, black and blue, black and faecy Cassimer, Cassinets, K. Jeans, Vestings, Flan nels, Wt. lied and Yellow, Sack Flannels ol• all colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton \an• keen. Linsey, Milslins, blenched and unbleach ed. Tieken. Cheeks, Table Diaper, Woolen and Linen Table Covers, Sheering Muslin 21 yarns wide, Woollen Coats, Caps and Cmfurts, Woollen )erns cf different colors. Silk Sonnets of the latest styles of every color. Lnrgest nssortment in town and at prices that cannot ho beat. ALSO; Fiats & Caps, of the latest styles, Boots and Shoes. x 411.DWARZI, QUEENSWARE, Buckets, Tubs, Bus kvt, OH Cloths. Groot/sits, It the best quality, Salt and all gutuls usually kept in a maiutry :item. „ ..... Aly old customers, and as many new ones us can crowd in are respectfully requestml to crone and examine my goods No charge tot. looking. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex ellange for goods, at Oho highout market pricos. Oct. 8, Ma. Consmisoioners , Sale. The following tracts of land will be exposed to public sale by the Conintiesioners of Hunt. County, on Tuesday, the 13th of January, 1057, according to the several acts of Asseuibly in curb ease in tile and provided, viz : Walker 7'otondsip. John Carson, 446 Acres. .4';unklin 7brnahip. 60 Acre.. Mary Jordea, j Springfield Dnenship. Stacey. Young, 414 Acres. By Order of Commissioners. Hn;Nn W. ?bursa, Clerk. N0v:24.'5G.5.0. MILN WOOD ACADEMY, --0 telluride Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa. W. H. WOODS, A. M., PTcprietor & .1, A.SHADE,Lertorer on Anatomy& ilyyeana, I Rev. J. CAMPBELL, Lecturer en General SAMUEL CAMPBELL, Agsimlant. Lilorolure, JOHN M. CAUSLAND, 74a,/ter in Pieparatory Department. THE annual exhibition will take place the Ist Wednesday of October. An address by the 1 Rev. D. X. Junkie, 1). I)., will be delivered before the Philo and Dittynathian Societies, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Exhibitional performances will take place at ti/ o'clock, P. B. The ex• toninations the week previous. 1 hese exereices the friends of education are respectful!, invi. 41 to attend. The next session opens on Wedoesdny, the 29th of October. This institution holds out peculiar inducements to young men seeking no education. The Board of Instruction is composed of gentlemen of high literary itttaiiiments and skilled in their profession. The lee cation is very healthy, having the pure toontitain air, and free from all noxious vapors arising from stagnant water and marshy ground. Those subject to ague could not Sad a more desirm ble place. The course of instruction in such as is best calculated to prepare young men for business, for teaching, and for taking a high stand in College. For these desiring to become Teachers, n Normal Clans will be formed, in which practical instruction will be given in the art of Teaching. To this elms, lectures will be given on the subject of Tenching. The tempts• lions to vice. idleness nod dissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the mind of the stu• dent from his books, it is quiet and retired, jmt such a initiation ns a young man desirous of improvement would seek. The societies ore in a flourishing condition, and each has a fine bratty of choice works. The buildings are large and commodious, an additional building is is the course of erection, which will be finished this fall. Shade (lap is situated on the mail route between Chambemburg and Mount Union Station on the Penn. Rail Road. TERMS :—For Session of five months, $52 50. Washing, light, and fuel, extra. Students are charged from the time of entering until the close of the Session. Payments half in ad• venue, balance at the middle of the session. For catalogues and further particulars, address W. H. WOODS, She& Gap, fleet. Co., Pa. September 17. AYER'S CHER RI PECTORAL, FOR TRW. RAPID CURE or Colds, Coughs. and lionrseitespi. Pnwirin, 19. T.„ •2,q1 . 11.2-., 7W. nut hoult . i . ;tv t?s,i J. ' do 1. rt•lnety I Lyre ..r.sr foond liontx:no.at, I tinaznxn. mei On r,,nminitlutt ur a Cold, ill yu 1r ettutiti vollstant Iwo - . . it niv fnnillv~f.r tine teat 4y prrt,le.c -tt . :l; if m;r; hr.! olltnin it to; 1104110.02 1,1 pO 1,r...f10w SIT t1....0 Ks 1)111 . f. NI. I). A: B. m,,wri.Ey. V. ~, of It rirt.N. Y.. wrltmit "T hame itmtl y•mr ram myrelf and in my family otter ,tote ittro•ntr I It. at, 1 , 1 i,, It the broil tatoltritto for it. paw., rver pat nit. With a 1.40 cold 1 .fhoithi enemy Ixly 1. onty.tivo .1011arA .r • bottle than ;1.5 without It, or 141.. 1111 y tabor retamly.“ Croup, Whooping COligh, Influenza. 51.1.11111.1., 311113., lAA,. 7. lbLe. 11.111 En T will cheerfully certify your PreTORAL IA On Nut reinedv wo ~..oefeee for.the curs of Whoopow 'I,M, Coup. mil lho claret disuse. of children. 11e of flutvrnity in Co. Aoith oppreciete your dclll. awl ounonotol pow medUne to our people. ........ ItIAZOSILI,II . I, M.D. - AMOS T.P.l{, MeNtertUr. TA., write., M Jan.,lBlo: "1 lad n lotions 11111.141 M, *1116:11 confined me in doom etc wc , lto; tout many medicines without relief: finally tri.id your Prerossi. by the advice of our clergyman. The first doe mlitived the sureness In nay throat and lungs: Ina then .e half site bottle made tee completely well. Your medicines an the chrspest eA we!! r.s the best • con hay. wit 11'11 , siteenkyou, Doctor, and your 1,11111- d,..11 the 1,01,1:111.11 . 111 . 1 . 1011 , 1. 11 Asthma or Phthisie, and Bronchitis. W. sr MANetineTsS. PA.. Feb.l. Ink , . Ma: Your encmcr Peceonm. le performing turtreeliou. cure% h 1 thl`eliectton. rt hroi mitered scrrral from Worm. III ' : I.l%Tir a nano lam forty years. HENRY 1,. PARKS, Nlorclumt. A. A. ItASI,I,Y, )1.1.1., ALM, MoNuoit Co., loWt, writ. m. 1,11 1 .1 1 . 1,51 Iliteltig may prartlet of ninny year. bare found walking equal to your onuntv Pxornßat. 11/: W.llO. 1,1.11: .11 , 1 r1, 1 .11:111. 0./11 1 ,1111111111, WWI., !Cling surlk as aro ettrotri.." Ve might rtki.lltito. ipmt riming proof of thf: •iitiool of this temniy to frond in its et•CtS np~n trial. Consumption. one remedy Ilivl ever Leen known which clued An ninny 411.1 ouch 11P111,1,1111 CAXMI ti 111111 501110 no humftd .lit roe reach; but even tu tittles the C.hllll' PECTOItAL afford* relief and cohlfor.. Arum Muss, New YONR Ctri. March 5. 1565 D 41,14511 ATE, 1.0W.U.: I teal It a duly and a phatenne I. Inf unu yon whet your Carnal . Prema.u. ham done for my wife. She heil been nee month% laherlng under the dung...one rymprome of Common ion, (runt which too aid we retail procure gave her numb fell. f. w.te /deathly fdlit .1. nutli Dr. Strung. of this rity. where we have rose 5.r milieu, recommended a 51161 of your nwaielne. '0 to blow IM.k.induvw. ex we do Itatr skill, for eh. hart recur. . 1;:7 iC:;l7tl;Tir; She ie 110 t ~ 1711. ;iron); am she v.wal to 1... ina in free ftent her rough. anti calla herald( well. • • Sourw il;gr. titudo awl re, 4, 01I ' LANDU PHELPS, or Sert.tqvn.t.x. Mnsumptires, do not tlesinlr till you have tr 14.4 At Ws Cnennr PnITRAL. It it envie by otwnft. nu. 11,41 e.tnloto in t. unrl.l.l4tul ita inn,l2.ll.urns.n.i.u..lmer•tak ii;T:iii:;ll;.;Fii;Viiitl;::::iiii.;friph,,l , J,,! flyer's Cattartic Pills, riiiir. h.,111, 4 chen,irr, have le•rn taxed their utmost to produce this beAt. most pot f...et purgative Wilieh 14 k IluMll to 111:111. itlllllllll.l,in ptruifs are shown that these Into have virtues which turves in excellence the ordinary nietlichtea. and that they win 111. precctleutedly upon the esteem oral! men. They oto cafe and plemeut to take,hut powerful Pr cute. Th.., pow Intl lug pmpert lea Piilllll!nte the vital 110th -ft'. et the body, remove the obstructioto of its urgent, purify thu blood. and expel disease. They ,111 ge out the foul humor. hlch breed and grow distemper. stimatate it it a talt or dew. dered organs Into their 1111,111,111.011.1110 ille fat. healthy Pine with atreagtla to the whole eyx,to. hot only do they cure the eve,..itty complaints of every bedy, but Mae fothlidable and dangerous diseases that have hatted the best of human Mill. While they produce powerful effects. they tweet the stow timo, in diminished dorm the Weed and best physic that can be entritye.t for clan.... Rebut anger-routed, they are !dement. W take; and holm, purely Vl•getal,le, are free Irma soy rink of harm. Cone have born made which wpm. Is.lief were dry nut sub. etentiatell by men of such malted Nation. and character an to forbid the auspic.o of notru'rb. Natty tomcat clergymen and physicians have lent thew 11.1 s to t era fy to the public the reliability of my renisillea, while nth. em have scut me the aentranco of the, rouvielion that toy Preparationa contribute inanumsoly to It. teliai of my afflicted, entfeting fellow-men. The Agcnt I,lllUMUlled le gratis my A mouton Almonor, containing dirertiono for choir 11.0 otol tortitiontro of tlp•tr curet. of the following vemplatots : Contivenesa, bilious Compton., Nhonmarinn. liropoy. Ilea.ta..he wiping from II f,otl 74tmomeh. Non. era. Imhßr.tlun. Nlurbid Inaction of ths: Yowvh and l'uns ariping therefrom. Flat oloncy, I,oto. or Appetit., All l'lror 01111 and Vidaneona Inspn,ne, a hndk require nn 0r0,,,0t0 Scivfolo or King, hrli. Ttwy Woo, by orit) - in t t rho Mood end ollinol.,ting Iho care man, . . X...t;111 a la stpp...r.l thee reach, mot me flatfoose. Partial Illindne, Neurtfkin sal Nervous IrrititbilitY.ltorangomente of the Lie, and .eye. aunt. and odier kindred complanits front low stale of the body or obstruction of its (linen... Do not ho put off by unprincipled &Were with aunt other pill they tusk° moo profit ou. Ask foe Arti., CILIA. and take nothing eine. No Oilier they ran air• you compare. With this in Its intritaic value or corm... powers. Tito mirk wont the beet aid there is for thee, and they ehoul.l hats it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Nam nurs 35 Ors. mu Box. l'iva Beau p.m $l. 801 V BY JOHN READ, Huntingdon, at 3 dealers in medicine everywhere. October 15, 1956.-Iy. CO ATE CTI VAIIY & FRUIT STORE. ILLIAM N. 8111 GARD. THOMAS FRY, WHOLESAIX CONFECTIONER k FRUITERER, Nit. 191 North Third St., aborc Wood, Rita. 'HE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS Mr 1 thud of iniorming their IfitliHie and the pub- HANUFACTURER OF CONFECTION• lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt- II ary, Jujube Paste, Gum Drops. Chocolate ingoloit Foundry, and are now in successful 2p- Drops, Brandy Props, Liquor Bail., Jelly oration. and are prepared to furnish casting of Cakes, Clean' Chocolate, French Tcys, White all ktulls, of the best quality on the shortest no- Sugar Toys, Ac., ikc. tice and most reasonable terms. AND DEALER IN Farmers are invited to call and examine oar Oranges, Lemons, nuisi., Currants, Citron, Ploughs. W. arc manufacturing the Hooter Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil. l Plough, (this plough took the premium et the beets. Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack. Huntlnlni"" County Agek"ltue"l Fair, in 5855 ) ere, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can-- lalso Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can t he heat. together with the Evystuue, Hill ay, A., dc. side. and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand Tl ' ettenn't of Dealers iBreVated to an and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, examination of my stock, which be found Parlor and Mike stores for coa l cr weed. equal to any in Philadelphia, ELOWAINT W &YAM N. B.—Orden by mail or otherwise prompt- co . „. ... ~ ~ .. ly attmided to. misting ofSettles , mutters, Sk ill ets , b e., a il A ug.9,'54.-Iy.* of which will be sold cheap for cash or in ex change fur oountry produce. Ow metal tattle iet att.tion to bust 35„tikes..F.°.!..e°ctiPtZtIVAZI`Oty• 7:. filocrseheawndeltretAirrgesio ple y a s a e, " w r s hope t o receive share of public patronage, 500 Chesnut Posts for sale by J. M. CUNNINGHAM ft PRO, CrNNINGHAM .11 GL`NN. , April *O, lißia.-If NISI ELLASEOES ADVERTISEMENTS. Pennsylvania Magistrate Law Library. BIN fic JITSTICE, AND BUSINESS MAWS LEGAL GUIDE. Ntw and Sixth Editio7,hringing the Law down so A Thatise on the office and duties of Alder men and Justices of the Peace in the Common wealth of roomylvania, betting full the re quired Forms of process and Docket Entriei ; and embnding not only whatever mar be deem ed valuable to Justices of the Peace but to land ' lords Tenntuts and General. Agents ; and ma king this column what purports to he a safe Le gal Guide for Business Men. By John Baena, bite Alderman of Walton Ward, in the eiy of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised,. corrected and greatly enlarged by Frederic C. Brightly. Esq., Author of ...A Treatise on the Law at (704tf1, " nEquity Jurisprudence." "Ni• ri p r i u , Report.," Mitor of ..Purion's Digest" &e. In one Clutch volume Octavo. Pram only $4,00. ALSO, COMPANION. , TO DINN'S JUSTICE,. G R AYiSONS FORMS. Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice iu courts of Common Pleas, quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, various Civil otheers end Justices of the Pence. Fourth edition. revised corrected, and enlarged, and adapted to th• present state of the law. with copies explana tory Notes anti preferences, and it new, full and eomprehensive Index. By Robert F. Wright, Eati. In uge thick Octavo vulume.—Price STIIOI I II AND DRIGIITLVS PURDONS DIGEST—I7OO to 1855. A digest of the laws of Pennsylvania, from the veer One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the Eight day of blay, Ono Thousand Eight Hun dred and Fifty-five. The first four editions by the latc John Purdon, Esq. The Fifth, Edition Revised, with Alarginal References. FuobNotas to the Judicial Decisions ; Analytical Contents a DigeFted Syllaluis of each Title and a new, lull atp,i exhoostita Index. By Erederio C. Brightly. Esq., Author of 'A Treatise on the Law of Costs." "Nisi Prins" Editonof Blen's Justica, e. One thick Huai Svc,. Price only $l.OO. ISrThe freshness and permanent value of Pardon's Digest are preserved by the publica tion annually of a Digest of the laws enacted in each year. These annual dignats are arranged in precise conformity to the plain of Pardon's Digest . They are, each tj ti eta republished annually are connected together by a gets. eel Index (prepared stieW each year.) which embra ces the contents the laws of reels year since the publication of Purdon's Digest, in one al plinhnt ; awl are !sound up with Pardon's Di. gest. and also sold separately. Thus the purchaser of Portion's Digest will. always be in possession of the complete body of the Statute Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when he purchase. it. Those who have alreutiv purchns'd Purdutes Digest may al ways complete the date for the small. mon of Fjl, ()eats, the pries of valise containing all the annual Digest* issued sines the first publication or the present mitifion of Portion's Digest, as heretofore stated. KAY BROTIIES. Law Booksellers and Publishers 17 & IA South Fifth Street. First Store above Chesnut. ligr Orders or letters of inquiry Mr Law Book. from the country promptly attended to. Sept. IP, IO G.-3m. LATEST ARRIVAL• OF nil 21LOCO:J(0@A Vl' THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. C L' a N ‘ N ce l l 1 : G s c l l l 4 ‘ t .‘ c 17a71 justno t received Goot , s, consisting of Dry Goode, Hard. Ware. Groceries, Quet•us-ware, Cedar-In are.. Hate, boots and shoes. Nv Mow-ware. Crockery-wale• Stone and earthen Tia•ware, Ready Matte Clothing always on hand, nod in.short everything that is usually kept in a eimitry ittOr 0. BACON. SA LT, AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our Cootia and judge for you twelve, All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market pi ices paid for all kinds of (:rein. Prompt attention paid to storing an forerard ing all k inds of merchandise, pmiuce,&e. Iluntingdon, la, I Fr 6. IN BLAST AGAIN ! 11 um i ligdon ..‘• • _ ' Foundry. d."