Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 26, 1856, Image 4

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    --- - -
Two Splendid Parlor Engravings,
Li?iTITLED "Bolton Abbey in the Olden
.11,4 Times," a splendid steel engraving, from
the celebrated painting by Landseer ; and the
"Departnre of the [mates from Egypt," a large
and beautiful engraving from a painting by 1).
Roberts. The retail price of •the above engra
sing is $3, per copy, but will be sent free of
charge at follows:
THE subscribers have established a Book
I Agency in Philadelphia, and will hernial, any
bookor publication nt the retail price free of
posta4e. Any persons. by forwardin4 the sub
scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such
as Earner's, Godey's, Putnam's, Graham's, or
Frank Leslie's Fashions, &c. will receive the
magazines for one year and 'e copy of the above
beautiful engravings, free of charge, or if sub
scribing to a $2, and a $l, Magazine, such as
Peterson's, and Challen's ',edits' Annual, they
will recive both magazines and a eopy of either
of the abcee engravings.
Every description of Engraving on Wood ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of
Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book illustrations, Lodge Certificates,
Business Card*, &c. All order. sent by mail
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of their buildings engraved con send a Daguer
reotype or sketch of the buildiug by mail ur ex
Persons at a distance having saleable articles
would find it to their advantage to address the
subscribers, as so would act as agents for the
sale of the same . BYRAM & PIERCE,
50 South Third M., Philadelphia, Pa,
Nov. 28, 1855.-Iy.
ITIVD&112;;:11 `212:11 , ,
Sebastopol Taken ! !
The undersigned hoe just returned front the
city with a large and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
which he is now prepared to dispose of at very
low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to
purchase will find it to their interest to give him
a cull before purchasing elsewhere; as he studies
only to please. Ms stock consists of a large lot of
Dry Goods, Hardware.
IfOOTO & sl“t" . tB• I: HATS
Glass & Queensware,
a Imp and splendid assortment of ready made
Which ho is prepared to sell in lots to suit purcl,
--- N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Mooraville, Nov. 7, 1855.-1.1.
Of the National Safety Company.
Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Street,
Incorporated by the State of Penn.
11/I°."„Wiii,lerreeeset i gi d dTroamn'tguL l y".l°deProslt"."
Tire Office is open every day, from 9 o'clock
iu the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock
MI sums large or small, are paid back in gold
on demand without notice, to any amount.
President, Hon HENRY L. BENNER,
Secretary, Wit J. Boon.
limy L. Benner, C. Landreth Manus,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel IC. Ashton, Hen. L. Churchman,
James B. Smith. Francis Lee.
The investments of the Fund now amounting
to more than ONE MILLION of dollars, in accor
dance with the act of incorporation are made in
Mot tgages, Ground Rents, nd in such lirat•elass
securities as must always insure perfect security
to the depositors, and place beyond all risk the
permanency and stability of this old and well
established Institution.
Eels. 20, 1850.
001VtiviL3ick8u scilGOVe.
Thisbehool has been opened in the hell for
merly occupied by the "Sons of Temperance,"
on hill street. 'I be course of instruction em
braces Single and Double Entry book-keeping,
lectures on commercial science. and also lectures
on commercial law, Ethics, and political econo
my, delivered by members of the Bar.
The student passes through a course compri
sing over four hundred forms, writing out, jour
nalizing, posting and closing four entire sets of
books, solving problems, &e., precisely as in re
al business, and in addition to this he has large
practice in oral and blackboard exercises, in o
pening and closing Single and Double Entry
Books, in Partnership, Administration, Joint,
and Compound Company settlements, in recei
ving a partner into copartnership, and settling
with a retiring oue, all of which, together With
various other exercises and calculations cannot
fail to give full satisfaction and profit the learn
er. Students can enter at any time a day or e- •
vening class or both if they wish, the time is
unlimited, they can leave at arty time and re
turn at pleasure without additional charge.
For any other particulars, address personally
or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal.
Assistance given when required in opening
and closing books. [April 2, 1856.-ly.
The Lost is Found;
C. McGILL wishes to inform his
R .1
friends and the public generally,
that he has bought the above-named
Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its
contents, and from his long experience in the
business ho hopes to obtain a share of the public
patronage. As he has the Foundry in full ope
ration, he can furnish all who may give him a
call with all kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling
Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill
Casting, improved Thrashing Alachine Casting;
and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of va
rious Ozer and improved patterns for wood and
coal; also ten-plate strves, Air-Tight, Parlor,
and Bar-room stoves, 01 all sizes for wood or
coal. Also Castings for house; cellar grates ;
such as Lentels, Sills, Sash-Weights, &c. Plows
of every description of the latest and most im
proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes,
oven frames, large bells and cast water-pipes.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. haring turn
ing•lathes, he will be able to furnish any of the
above named articles, either wood or iron; and
he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to
mention, all of which will be sold cheaper titan
ever for cash and all kinds of country produce.—
Also old metal will be taken in exchange for cas
ting. Harry up your old metal and country pro
duce when any articles are wanted.
R. C. Bic GILL.
A pr.23,' 56.-1 y.
Dr. John McCulloch,
Offers his prafesslonal services to the citizens of
fluntingdonand vicinity. Office, Mr. Ude
brand's, betweeu the Exchange and Jackson's
Tiuntlngdon, Aug. 29, 1566
REARM rtMVOra - o
Corner of Germantown Road and New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly on hand or made to order, the fol
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Due.
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoopand Moulding
Machites. _ _ _
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr &
Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster
Johnston's Patent Cast MOM Can-
East and South• East of the Ohio and Mississip•
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from Ito 2,1 lbs, of standard
flour, which could not be bolted out on account
of the electrical adhesion to the Bran.
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
• infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters
with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio
lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John-.
ator., dated April 24th, 1854.
N. 13.—State and County Patent Rights for
all the above Machines for Sale.
August 29,1855.
40,000 VOLUMES of new and popular
Books, embracing every variety
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
many of them at half the Publisher's retail price,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All school books used in the county can be
had in any quantities at retail and wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold
Cases, from $1 upwards.
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers* and
others' best manufacture.
100 splendid Port Monnaicsand Pocket Books
at 20 cts. and upwards.
the latest and prettiest styles, just received from
Philadelphia and New York, prices front 10 cts.
a piece and upwards.
500 beautifully painted and gold gilled Win
dow Shades at 44 cts. and upwards.
The public I Ave but to call and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the above stock
they will ho pleased and also save money. Re
member the place, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad street, WM. COLON.
rI IIE undersigned wishes to inform his friends
and the public generally that he has moved
hisshop to the building of And. Harrison, for
int:Hy occupied by him as Collector's office,
Hill St.
Where he intends carrying on the Tailoring
business on such terms as will not fail to give
satisfaction to all that may favor hip with their
custom. _ .
Ile wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa
tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of
the same. ENOS 11. KULP.
April 10, 1855-11.
IVholesale Dealers in Provisions,
etitZlL& COMMIS OlOtt
Commercial Row,
May 21, 1856.-6 m.
JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention
•of the farming community to a quality of
Ploughs which he is now Manufacturing, and will
have ready for solo in a few days, he is Also pre
pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel
barrows, &c., &c., and to do all kind of repairing
at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial
__ .
... - 61;OPOn N. W. corner of Plontgmary and Wash.
In ta n rctt7 1855-tf.
@Aar? 4.1.-111CM41 0
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct. 19, 1853,
Greatest Medioal Discovery of
the Age.
Dr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, hat discovered in
one of onr common posture weeds a remedy that
272E7 ElgE) liMilt3lll D
from the worst scrofula clown ton common pin•
He has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never
haled except in two eases. (both thunder humor.)
Ile has now id his possession over two hundred
certificates of its virtue, all within. twenty miles
of Boston.
Two bottles aro warranted to curd a nursing
sore mouth.
One to three bottles will cure the worst kind
of Pimples on the Mee.
Two or three bottles will cure the system of
Two bottles aro warranted to cure the worst
case of Erysipelas.
One to two bottles aro warranted to cure all
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles aro warranted to cure running of
the ears and blothes among the hair.
Four to six bottles are - warranted to cure
corrupt and running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the
--- TWo to three bottle's arc warranted to cure
the worst case of ringworm.
Two to three I•ottles are warranted to cure
the most despereth core of rheumatism.
Three to tour bottles are warranted to eare
the salt rheum.
Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst case
of :scrofula. . .
A benefit it always experienced front the first
bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted When
the above quantity is taken.
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles
of this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the
effect of it in every ease. So sure as water will
extinguish tire, so sure will this cure humor.—
I never sold a bottle of it but that sold soother;
after atrial it always speaks for itself. There
are two things about this herb that appear to
me surprising; first it grows in our pastures in
some places quite plentiful and yet its value
has never been known until I discovered it in
1846—second that it should cure all kinds of
humor. . .
laai.der to give some idea of the sudden rise
and great popularity of the discovery. I will
state that in April, 1893, I peddled it and sold
about six bottles per day—in April, 1954, I sold
over one thousand per day of it.
Some of the wholcsala Druggists who have
been in business twenty and thirty years, say
that nothing in the annals of patent medicines
tens ever like it. There is a universal praise
of it from all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly
for humor—but since its introduction as a gen
eral family medicine, great end wonderful vie-
toes have been found in it that I never suspect
ed. _ . _
Several cases of epileptic fits—n disease
which was always considered incurable, have
here cured by a few bottles, 0. what a mercy
it it will prove effectual in all cases or that
dreadful malady—there are but few who have
more of it than I have. _ _
I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of
whom aged people cured by it. For the vari
ous diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dys
pepsia, Asthma, Fever and Apse, Pain in
Side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly
in diseases of the Kidneys,. &e., the discovery•
has done more good than any medicine ever
No change of diet ever neeessnry—eat the
best you car get and enough of it.
Dius.cttmis FOR USE.—Adults ono table
spoonful per day—Children over ten years des
sert spoonfull—Children freer lire to eight years
teaspoonful'. As no directions eau be uppliest
hie to nil constitutions, take sufficient to oper
ate on the bowels twice a day,
No. 120, Warren St., Roxbury, Moss.
Price $l.OO. _
T. w. Dyott, General Kieut for Peunsc hna
Wholesale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click
nor, 01 Barclay Street—B. H. Ring, 192 Brood
way.—Rushton and Clark, 275 Broadway.--A.
& 1). Sands, 100 .9 ulten Street.
For sale by C. W. Breinnan, MeVeytown ;
IMlrs. Mary Marks, Lewistown; T, Rend & Son,
And sold by Agents generally.
May 28,'50.-Iy.
No. 6, South Third Street,
Importer of French Calf Skins ;
Has Constantly on Hand, and Always
Finishing, all kinds of
Leather, Morocco, Calffikins.Sheep
skins, dits.,
The attention of Country Merchants and Man
ufacturers, is sohcited.
January 2, t856.—1y.
WENinforms the public e E c isi tf , u , ?y o past n
ggonoral that
he io prepared to manufacture at 15s shop on
Washington street, on the property lately and
for many years occupied by Alex. Cartoon,
and in short every kind of vehicle desired.—
Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufac
ture and finish always on hand and for sale at
fair prices.
Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest no
; tice awl most reasonable terms.
I Huntingdon, May 28,1856.—1 y.
Hill Street, Huntingdon, Hunt, County, Pa.
TILE proprietor would respectfully an
nuunce to all his old customers and the g
"rest of mankind, that he has refitted hie
house, and is prepared to accommodate strangers
and travellers, and the public generally. Ile has
also attached a
and he will hire horses, carriages, Pao., on the
moat reasonable terms.
April 9 1856.-17.
Something New at Buntingdon,
The celebrated Centre County Iron for sale
at the following prices:
Four cents per lb for common assorted front
1 inches square and round up. 41 cents for
Horseshoe and Spike-rods, including ¢ and
inches square, and 5 cents for Nail•rods, at the
cheap store of
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
sale, as cheap as they can in the aides, as I have
a Wholesale st >re in Philadelphia.
Apr.9,'SG. H. ROMAN.
LEAD PIPE lot sale at the Hardware Store of
THE founder of this Celebrated Institution,
offers the most certain, speedy, and only I
effectual remeny in the world for Gloats, Stric
tures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins,
Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness
of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid—
neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner
vons Irritability, Disease of the head, Throat,'
Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melon- !
eholy disorders arising from the destructive
habits of Youth, which destroys both body anti
mind. These secret end solitary practices arc
more fatal to their victims than the song of the
Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their
most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering
marriage, &c. ;impossible.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
thousands of young men of the most exalted
talents, and brilliant intellect, who might oth
erwise have entranced listening senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to testacy
the living lyre, may cull with all confidence.
Married persons, or young men contempla
ting merriege,4ieing aware of physical weak
ness, •orlianie debility, deformities, &e., should
irnmediately consult Dr. Johtiston. •
Ile who places himself under the core of Dr.
Johnston may religiously conlide in his honor as
a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill
as a I,llysician.
Organic Weakness
immediately mired, and full vigor restored
'Phis disease is the penalty must frequently
paid by those who have become the victim of
improper indulgencies. 'Venlig persons are too
apt to commit excesses front not being aware of
the dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
New, who that'undertitunds the subject will pre
tend to deny that the power of Procreation is
lost sooner by those.falling itite improper habit
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se
rious and destructive symptoms to nand and bo
dy arise. The system becomes deranged , the
physical and mental powers weakened, nervous
debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp
toms of Consumption.
g• Other No. 7, South Frederick Street, se
ven deers from Baltimore street. East side, up
the steps. Be particular in observing the name
tind number, or you will mistake the place.
A Cure warranted, in Two Days.
Dr. Johnston,
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
London, graduate from me of the most eminent
Colleges of the United States, and the greater
part of whose life has been spent in the first Hos
pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else
where, has effected some of the most astonish
ing MO that were ever known, many troubled
with ringing in the head and ears when asleep,
great nervousness, being alarmed at sudtlen
sounds ' and bashfulness, with frequent blushing
attended sometimes with derangement of mind,
were cured immediately.
A Certain Disease
When the misguided and imprudent votary
of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this
paintul disease. it to too often happens that an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery,
deters hint from applying to th os e w h o f rom e d.
amnion and respectability, can alone befriend
him, delaying'till the 'constitutional syinptoms
of this horrid disease snake their appearance,
such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose,
nocturne] pains in the head and limbs, dimness
of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones, anti
arms, blotelies on the head, face and extremities,
progiessing with frighttul rapidity, till at last
the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose
fall in, and the victim of this awful disease be
comes a horrid object of commiseration, till
death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by
sending him to "that bourne front wheatce no
traveller returns," To such. therefore, Dr.
Johnston pledges himself to ;.reserve the most
Inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive prac
tice iu the first Hospitals of Europe and Anieri.
en, he can confidently recommend a safe and
speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this hot
rid disease.
It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vic
tims to this horrid disease owing to the unskil
fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of
)hat deadly poison Mercury, ruin the cons.i
and either send the unfortunate suflerer
, to an untimely grave, or make the residue of his
l life miserable.
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. J.. addresses all those who babe injured
themselves by improper indulgenci es.
These are some of the and and melancholy
eftbets produced by early habits of youth, vie
Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Finns in the
head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow
er, Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous
Irritability, . Derangements of the Digestive
Functions, General Debility Symphonic of Con
sumption, &c.
MENTALLY-I'llo fearful effects on the mind
are meal' to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Con
fusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For
bodings, Av,ersion to Society, Self Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some of the
evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages, can now
ledge what is the cause of their declining health.
Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and
emaciated, have singular appearance about the
eyes, tough and sprat:ems of consumption.
Dr. Johnstott , s Invigorating Reme
dy for Organic Weakness.
By this great and important remedy, weakness
of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re
stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and
nervous, who had lost all hope, have been im
mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar
riage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner
vous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness,
or exhaustion of the must fearful kind, speedily
cured by Doctor Johnston.
Young Men,
who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice indulged in when alone—a habit frequently
learned from evil companions, or at sehool—the
effects of which are nightly felt, even when a
sleep, and if not cured renders marriage impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, and the darling of his parents should he
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence of deviating from the path
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit
Such persons before contemplating
should reflect that a sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote connu
bial happiness. Indeed without these, the jour
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with oar own.
To Strangers.
The many thousands cured at this Institution
within the last 15years, and the numerous im
portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr.
Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa
pers, many other persons, notices of which
have appealed again and again before the pub
lic, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
N B. There are so many ignorant and
woialless quacks advertising themselves us
Physicians, ruining the health of the already of
Dr. Johnien deems it necessary to any to
those unacquainted with his reputation that his
Diplomus always hang iu his office.
lIWTAKM NOTICE.—AII letters must be poet
paid, and contain a postage stamp fur the reply,
or no mimes will be sent.
June le, 1856,-Iy.
In the healing art. Those afflicted with all
1 kinds of Tumors, Wens,Cancers, Fungus,
Haimatodee,, Schorrus, niter, Polypus, &c.,
or any growth or Sores, no matter on what part
of the body, can be cured by an entirely new
method, without cutting, caustic or pain, (if cu
rable). Those afflicted with Blindness, Deaf
ness, and other Diseases, no matter what their
name may be, can rest assured of finding relief,
and therefore should not delay a moment. Write
disease and symptoms foil and you can receive
an answer by return mail; to insure an answer
enclose the small sum of Twenty-five Cents, to
warrant him in spending his time for your bene
fit. All other letters tnust have a post stamp en
closed to pre-pay answers. N. B—Dr. K. is a
regular Graduate.
'there is no steed to visit distant places, to
undergo a paintul operation, and spend a fortune
when you can be cured with little expense, and
without suffering, near home.
Address, .Du. C. L.KIiLLING,
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa.
A pr.V3,'66.-10ni:
Nu. 26, South Second Street, Philadelphi
Tinporter, Mantifilurer, and Dealer in Drugs,
1-Medicines, Chemicals,
COLORS, \MM.: LEAD, French
and American White ZINC,
Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments,
Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other
articles usually kept by Druggists, including
Borax, fi.digo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c., Sze.
All orders by mail, or otherwise promptly at
tended to. Country merchants are invited to
call and - examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves
or railroad stations. Prices low and goods war
HAS just returned from the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion anp
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
to he dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him mall at Wm.Louonny's
Cit.'. CLOTHING STORE ' one door west of T.
Head & Son's shrug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see fur yourselves
Oct. 18, 1854.
Are you suffering with the Piles, inwardly
or outwardly? _ _ _
Irso, use Dr. Dtipries' Celebrated Remedy
Warranted to cure in all cases._ . .
The above is the only reined) that has ever
cured effectually. City references and testi
menials given.
If you have the Piles inwardly, ask for a box
of Dr, D.'s Pills—only 50 cents.
If you have the Piles outwardly, ask for a
box of Dr. D.'s Ointment—only 50 cents.
For sale by JOHN READ, Huntingdon, Pa.
. .
Juno 4,'5g.
Offices on Hill Street, opposite
47—r ia . the Court House, and North East
.• Corner of 11111 and Franklin sts.
Adams k Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon,
Money, Packages, and goods of all kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the cities and principaltowns in the United
State May 1,'52.
(alopt - taa.
Willatteud to all businoes entrusted to Lim.Of
ticeyarlyopposite the Court House
May a, '5B
Register's Notice.
persons interested that the following named
persons have settled their accounts in the lteg
ister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said
accounts will ho presented for confirmation and
allowance, at an Orphans' Court to he held at
Huntingdon, in and for the County of Hunting.
don, on Wednesday, the 12th day of November
next, to wit:
I. Benedict Stevens,Esq., Administrator and
Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Ludwick
Keister, late of Springfield township, dee'd.
2. George Lang, surviving Administrator of
Patrick Lang, late of Walker township, deed.
Henry M. Ker, Administrator of John
Ker, (who Was in his lifetime one of the Admin
istrators of Patrick Lang, doe'd.,) this being
an account of the Administration of the Estate
of Patrick Lang, deed., by said John Ker in
his lifetime.
4. John Henderson and Harriet Henderson,
Administrators of George Henderson, late of
West township, deed.
G. David Thompson and Martha Thompson,
Administrators ofJohn Thompson, late of Hen
derson township, dee'd.
6. David Mountain, acting Administrator of
William Dean, Esq., late of Walker township,
Regisler'n (Vice.
lititilingdon, Oct. 10,'56
WHERRAl,l;i;Wecept tn Tie directed by
the Judges of the Common Pleas of the
county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 22d day
of August, 1850, I am commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be
held in the Court noose in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and 17th day) of
November, A.D., 1856, for the trial of all issues in
said Court which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required
to appear.
Dated at lluntingdon, the 22d day of August,
in the year of our Lord 1850, and the 81st year
of American Independence.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend Exp. and
FL Fa., issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Iluntiugdon County, and to me direc
ted, I will expose to public sale, at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tues
day the 11th of November, 1856, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., Druid day, the following described Real
Estate, to wit
All the right, title, interest and claim of the
defendants of, in and to one house and lot in
the borough of Petersburg, front sixty feet on
Main street and extending back one hundred
and twenty feet to a street, bounded on the east
b_y Abraham Reimer, on the North by Abraham
Cresswell. having thereon erected a two,tor
fratso house, ptlillted white, and a shop.
Seized, taken to execution, and to he sold as
the property of John G. and Rebecca Ritter.
- - -
ALSO; , be following rates:
All the right, title and interest of the defen. n Paid in advance $ VW)
dant of, in and to a certain lot of ground adjoin- , If paid within six months after the time of
ing the borough of Birmingham. containing n- ' subscribing 1,7.,
bout one acre more or less, adjoining a lot of If paid at the end of the year 2,00
John Owens, Esq., on tho west, the public road And two dollars and fifty cents if rot paid till
leading from Birmingluim to Waterstreet on I after the expiration of the year. No subscription
the north and east, on which Is erected a brick I will ho taken for a less period than six months,
building seventy feet in length and thirty-five I and no paper will be diseontinned, except at the
feet in depth, three stories high, with a stone' option of the Editor, after it has went seer the
basetnent known as "the Alountain Female Sem- time of subscribing, until the end of that pear.
inary." Subscribers living in distant connties,or in other
Seined, taken in execution, and to be sold as 1 States, will be required to pay invariably is
the property of "the Mountain Female Semi- I advance.
nary." ce The above terms will he rigidly ndls.rtd
in all cases.
All the right, title and interest of the defen- ----.------ -
dant of, in and ton lot of ground in the borough
of Shirleysburg, lying on the west side of Alain Will be charged at the following rates:
street, fronting sixty feet on said street and ex-1 insertion. 2 do. 3du
tootling back 140 feet to land of Samuel Caro- Si. hoes or less, $ 25 $ 374 $ 5‘,.•
there, bounded on the North by a lot of the One square, (16 lines.) 50 75 1 Liu
widow Bicket, south by a lot of the heirs of Two " (32 " ) 100 150 2Ou
James Carothers, dee'd., halving thereon erected I Three " (48 " ) 150 225 9 i.O
a two story log house, a small kitchen log stet- Business men advertising by the Quarter, Halt
ble, and other buildings. I Tear or Year, will ho charged the following rates:
Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo.
the property of James Smith. One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
ALSO; Two squares, • 500 650 12 Su
All the right, title and interest of the def.- t T hree '1"""' 750 10 OU 15 uu
dant of. in and to the following tract of land sit- ~1"-;12. s qua r e s, 900 14 00 23 00
nate in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, r'!`f IS 00 25 00 38 Ou
and kenneled by John Long on the west, Bohan I ‘.'“ 9 25 00 40 00 Out uu
T .
Butn u ;s7Carils not exceeding six lines, e
Bigham on the north, Black Log mountain on
the east, containing two Imam,' acres more ur .ea1 . r.' ,,,,, •
less, about one hundred of which is cleared, ha- Agents for the Journal.
ring thereon erected two small log dwelling , the following persons we have appointed Agents
houses and a log barn. (or the IluxitNotioN Jon lINAI., who see author•
Seized, taken in cxecutirn, and to be sold 0. ire,. to _
treceive end receipt for money paid on sub
the property of David Knepp. seription, .d totake the names of new subscri •
... .
•-- - -
ALSO; I lien at our published prices.
All the right, title and interest of the defen- • We do this for the convenience of our subs.
dant of, in and to two small parcels of land sit- 1 hers living at a distance frotn Huntingdon.
tutted in the town of Scottsville, Clay tp., Hun- I Joan W. 1:11031TBON, Esq., Hollidays'iurg,
tingdon county, bounded on the east by a lot of i Oconee W. CotatEmus, Cromwell to ••:tioliij
Adam Curfman, north by David Heck, west by 11.. ilonsost, Clay township.
Samuel Smith, south by Pollock road, contain- • DAVID Rm., Cromwell township.
ing in all one acre and a half snore or less, with i Dr. J. I'. ARIICOM, Penn township,
the following improvetnents thereon, a two stor3 J. WAncitAtt MATTERN, Franklin township,
log house. • SAMUEL STEFFY, ' Jackson township,
Seiacl, taken in execution, and to be sold as i Col. ;No. C. WATSON ' Brady township,
the property of Joseph Banks. ' Mounts Bnowx, Springfield township,
ALSO; \Vet. Ilurctuttsort, Esq., Warriorsinark t p.,
Montle W. WHITTAKER ' Petersburg,
All the right, title and interest of John Don- J
oists NEFP, West Barree.
aldson, one of defendants. in end to all shot ltti.snAc Waterstreet,
inessuage, parcel or tract ofland situate in Un- Maj. CHARLES MICICLEY. Tod townslaip,
ion township, Huntingdon county, on the wes- , A. H. BLAIR ' Dublin township,
terly side of the Juniata river, and bounded by i I Deanna WILSON ' Esq., Tell township,
lands of Matthew F. Campbell, James 'lamp- •
JAMES Cc.tnx, Birmingham.
son, John AleCembe and others, containing one •
NATHANIEL LYTLE ' Esq., Spruce Creek.
hundred and forty acres, be the same more or Maj. W. MOORE ' Alexandria.
less, being the same lands mentioned in an art i
,VALVATitAcicaEtt UnionEq . ,U l l ' i , it t i r o n ' i 't.' t ' OW i i i.. li . i p .
ele of agreement, dated March 19, 1850, between '
t.: I,IOION, ti.sq., Loss township,
John IL Cos.'', John Donaldson, James Don- '
' ( 7 ,... 3 0 f i r cu 1: E 1. IV i ii i c A tz .. o:t, E F,4q ., .. s , v tr r it r at a to rk w . nship.
aldson .d Michael Dennis.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Quindy Taylor and John Don- 1) tvin Autumn, Esq., Todd township.
aldson. I fa. J, AL.. SHALE ' Dublin township.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of the
defendant of, in and to a certain lot of ground
No. situated on the corner of Market and
Commerce (now called Lyon) Sts., in the bar
of Birmingham, in the county of Bunting
don, being GO feet on Market street and extend-
ing back 165 feet, more or less, of Commerce.or
Lyon street, adjoining John Grafts on the north
cast, having thereon erected a two story log
dwelling house, plastered, with a brick store
house, a frame came building, a stable and other
Select!, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of lir. J.T. McVey.
. .
All • the right, title, claim end interest of ;be
defendant 01, in and to a lot of ground in the
village of Shade Gap, Huntingdon connty,nun ,
bored 18 in the plan of said village, mittleiby ,
J. W. Matthias, the 14th day of March, 1849,
lying and being on the west side of the road or
Main street of said village, which runs at i •
degrees north ; said lot being 60 feet its front on
said street, and extending back at right angles '
thereto 140 feet to a line parallel to said street,
laving thereon erected a small house and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
I the property oflunes Wilson.
All the right, title, interest and claim of the
defendant of, in and ton Owe and parcel of land
sitnato on the margin of Standing-Stone Creek,
in the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining a lot
of GeOrgo Jackson on the north, a lot of Wm.
Dorris, Sr., on the south, another lot of said de
fendant in the same enclosure on the west, and
said Creek on the cast; containing seven acres
and sixty four perches, be the sonic more cr
ALSO-A lot of ground situate at the south—
eastern corner of Church and St. Clair streets
in said borough, fronting about seventy-four
feat on St. Clair street, and extending bark
from the same two hundred tees to the old line
of the said borough, and western boundary of
The above mentioned and described lot, bounded
on the north by Church street, and on a South
by a lot owned by the widow Hawn, including
the whole of lot No. 172, in the recorded plan of
said borough.
Auto—Four contiguous lots of grotind situate
in the said borough, bounded on the north
and west by the 'Renner farm, on the east by
the Warm Spring Road, and us this .0 1 . 01 by
lot of Ilan. James Gwin. Nos. 1: 2. &8, as re
presented on a map of said lots, divided on the
1 ells day of October for the defendant by J.
Simpson Africa, County Surveyor, contain each
four acres, No. 4 containing about 3 acres be
the same more or less.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
rho property of Thornton Wallace.
All the right, title and interest of the defen
dant of,- in and to the tollowing described pro•
perty, to wit :—A tract of laud known us the
Henry lionpt tract, containing about 270 acres
on Broad Top, Tod tp., adjoining lands of H.
Hare Powell, Gou'l. A. I'. Wilson, and others,
hawing thereon erected a two story log house,
barn and other hnproyements and almost 100
acres cleared there..
ALBO—A tract of land known as the Corbin
tract, containing 300 acres and allowance, situate
in Rocky Ridge, Top tp., adjoining land of Tay
lor's heirs and others.
Azno—A tract of land adjoining the above,
known us the Cornelius tract, containing 395 a
cres, 5 perches and allowance.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the a bovo,
warranted in the name of Speer and Martin, con
taining 96 acres, 159 perches, and allowance.
ALSO-A tract of land adjoining the same,
warranted in the Immo of Ebel Smith, contain
ing 152 acres, 98 perches, and allowance.
ALso—A tract et land situate on Broad Top,
Tod tp., warranted in the name of Speer and
Dougherty, containing 439 acres, 51 perches and
allowance, adjoining the William Bench Coal
Bank tract, John McLain, Michael J. Martin
and others.—All the interest of said defendant in
the land of Michael J, Martin and Joseph S.
Martin, dee'd., which he holds under certain ar
ticles of agreement for the same, with John
Dougherty ad George W. Speer or otherwise,
as the same appears on record in Huntingdon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Gent William 11. Irwin.
All tho right, title, interest and claim of the
defendant, to a lot ofgrnund situate in the town
of Barnett, Tod tp., Huntingdon County, fron•
ling 50 feet on llamilton Street, and extending
back 140 feet to an alloy, bounded on thu East
by a lot of Michael McCabe, and numbered 26
in plan of said town, having thereon erected a
two story log house 16 by 26 feet with oilier int
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as
the property of Thomas McGillen.
Sheriff's Office. 1 t
Hunt., Oct. 8, 185,;.
Thr "IlexTI:CIII,ON JOURNAL" 19 pobliAltot at
The ' , JOURNAL' , has 300 Subscri
bers more, than any other paper.
in this county.
11, K. NEFF, NI. D.,
LTA VING located himself in WAIIIIIC,VA Rh
11 - in this county, would respectfully his
professional services to the citizens enlist plass
and the country adjacent.
J. B. T.uoleu, M. D. Geu. A. I'. Wil.oa,
M. A. Henderson, " I'. Orhison, 1,4
.1. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James
'M. Stewart, " John Scull, Es
Hon. George lur
Iluntingtl,,,, I
Jacob M M. 1)., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, " Peterslntrp.
GU©Ct'!l(u17:~~1J:~1 fill~Q~~a~u'9'~,t.;
Fish, Bacon, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Lard, Luid
Oil, Flaxseed Oil, While Lead, Pig Lead, Win
dow Glass, Glassware, Iron and Nails, Star and
Tallow Candles, Variegated and Basin Soap, sod
Pittsburg manufactures generally.
No. 27 Wood lit.,
Particular attention given to the dale or l'ig
Aletal and Blooms, and liberal advances mud..
Feb. 13, 1856.—1 y,
Tit:tiNs Homo Loan.
Mail T. I Ex. T. I East T. E. V.
Train leaves P.M. A.M. P,M. P.M.
Petersburg, 2.19 4.10 9.45 12,30
Huntingdon, 2.36 4.34 10.01 1.05
Mill Creek, 2.49 4.44 10.11 1,38
Mt. Union, 3.07 4.57 10.2:1 2,29
Train leaves P.M P.M. P.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.46 6.45 8.10 5,20
Mill Creek, 5.03 6.58 8.22 3.50
Huntingdon, 5.18 7.12 8.35 6.1
Petersburg, 5.34 7.25 8.47 6.45
MRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the
ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding
country that the has moved next door to Charles
Miller above the Presbyterian Church, Hill St.,
where the intends currying on the fancy and
straw Millinery business. Having received thu
Intent city fashion, she is prepared to attend ur
all that may favor her with their custom.
April 10, 11355-tf S. A. M.71.P.
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingrim
Blair,Camliria, Centre, Militia end Juniata Coin,
ties. March 23, 1853.
THE library will he open every Saturday al
ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in their room is the
Court House. Subscription 'on cents a yea•.
New books have been added to the forum ex.
collect collection:—Cilltillen's works, Huai.
Miller's. Mrs. Ellet's &c.
By order of the
Ilunlitigdou, Oct. lat, 1856.
THE partnership lerei;f7reeTistilg between
Myton and Mosses is by mutual consent dis
solved, and all persons knowing themeelves in
dated to the said firm, will please call and set
tle their accounts without delay.
Sauleburg, April 8. 1855.—tf
Dissolution of Partite'sLip.
The Partnership heretofore existing 1_ ctn.°eo
the undersigned, is this day by multi., ,cnsent
dissolved. The business will be carried on
hereafter, by John Ruyan, t the old stand.
ROBERT C Jr., UNN 011 AM ,
JOHN 111.71:ETT, Jr.
0.. t. 91, 1855.-tf.
BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Office." We have now prepared gae -
ry superiorartiele ofBLANKPEEDS.BONTS.
JuillniENT NoTus,Mmoys ,
,'l'lll\F. &e.