~-y UttntinOon WILLIAM BREWSTER, t EDITORS. BASF. R. WHITTAKER. Wednesday Morning, No.. 20,1850. "BLEEDING KANSAS." Such is the mocking, sneering term ap plied by the Pro-Slavery, Border•Rufian Press, both North and Souih, to suffering, chain-bound, ravished Kansas. They tell us the cry was got up by "Black Republi cans" to carry the Presidential election ! They assert in the face of fact, that Kan sas outrages are "bugbears" manufactured to order and in "quantities to suit the oc casino." Poor, miserable, naked hypoc risy! /lave not these damning outrages, been proven to have been committed by the very men who uphold them as right— by the evidence of impartial witnesses— and by a Congressional Committee. And yet, with all this overwhelming proof— with the very death groans of men, women and innocent children striking on the ear, and the smoke and flames of their burning dwellings arising before their very eyes, there are men (!) to be found, who can calmly look on, and in a mocking, brutal manner, cry ' , Bleeding Kansas." ' We have several times been shown let. te rs from persons in Kansas to their friends In thil.county, corroborating all the state mentsispde relative to the shocking con dition of that territory, but refrained from makiiiipch letters public, from fear of bringing the ire of border ruffians upon the writers, by such accounts coming to their ears. But for the purpose of proving the fact we publish a short paragraph of a letter received on Saturday the 15th inst., from a brother now in Kansas : —, November 1, 1856. --It is the richest and most pre. ductive soil I have ever seen, and the ve ry spot of all God's beautiful earth that I would select as a freeman's home. And yet, boasting as we do of living in "the land of the free," and under a free govern ment, which recognize. and Secures free dom of thought, word and action—what is a freeman's privilege in Kansas? Why sim~l the onl~ ririlege we have, is of .-- simply says that slavery does not or should not exist in Kansas, he is a doomed man, and the terrible "ball and chain" his por tion. Where I live, is the most quiet part -of the territory, end yet even here is no security. Some two weeks ago, having occasion to go to Doitiphan, it happened that in conversing there with several men used treasonable language; that means I declared my intention of doing all in my power to prevent Kansas becoming a slave state; this was sufficient. Five days after a company of some seventy border ruffians were encamped near and fearing they . might pay me a visit, I secreted myself. and remained hid three days. These Mis sourians are not unlike wolves : too cow ardly to attaok a man evenly, they prowl about in gangs, and overcome by numbers. My precaution was well-timed, as they did make a move to capture me but mista king the "claim" carried off to their camp my nearestneighbor, an excellent old Nor- r wegian. They afterwards released him, 1 finding him to be the wrong man. Ido not fear them ; and shall defend myself as becomes a Pennsylvanian. &c., &c. "Bleeding Kansas!" Shame on the heartless, soul-leas wretch, who can find no other balm for a crushed and bleeding country than mockery ; cursed be the inhuman heart that can mock at the suffer ings and sneer at the bloody wounds of a helpless territory. The justice of an 'Om nipotent God will not slumber forever, and the outstretched arm of. Divine wrath will yet be seen and felt. The soul-less mon sters who put out the eyes of human rea son by their cry of t'peace, peace ; when there is no peace," shall yet reap the whirl wind of wrath of an insulted God and it crushed and ruined country. A Few Facts. We regard the large vote given to Fre mont in New England as the very best evi mince of the grandeur and magnitude of the Republican movement In New Eng land, New York and the enlightened Wes tern States, Fremont has received large , majorities, and if we come down to Penn. Sylvania we will find the most enlightened portions of our State have gone for Fre mont, and the dark regions and the besot ted cities have given majorities for Bucha nan. There is a meaning in this, which it would be well for the Democracy to un derstand. We want but MOOT, and the blackness of despotism will disappear for ever. Let the people of Pennsylvania but comprehend the diabolical designs of the slave power, and they will rise up sad re buke it as they did in Massachusetts, in New York, in Maine, in Vermont, in Ohio, in Michigan ! The Sbamocracy ono ceeded in pulling Wan and Coma over the eyes of their deluded followers here because of their ignorance, but when they see clearly the real purposes of the Black Power, the) will crash the tyrants into the dust. When Pennsylvania becomes as enlightened as Matinchusette the reign of despotism it over. SEEING THEIR FOLLY. We publish in this number a letter, or rather as we should call it, a complaint from one of the Straight-Fillinoritcs. The facts.given by our correspondent as to the votes of this State cannot be denied, fur they are supported by figures. Undoubt edly if the Straights had acted like honest and sensible men, Buchanan would not have been elected, snit the three candidates must have all gone into the house, on equal terms. Buchanan certainly owns his elec tion to the Straights of Pennsylvania, But we have all along believed and yet be lieve that Sanderson of Philadelphia, and some of the other leaders of the. Straights were in immediate combination and con cert with Fillmore himself, who has been all the while the mere cat's paw and im plement of Buchanan ; though had Fil more been able to perceive beforehand the issues of the election in the several States, we opine that he would have deserted Bu. chanan and instructed Sanderson and his other tools in Pennsylvania to go heartily into the Union Ticket. Had this been done. Buchanan would have been beaten in this State and in the Electoral College. The election must have gone to the House and no one can tell what might have hap pened there. If gratitude forms any par of Buchanan's nature, he would confer sig nal favors on the Pennsylvania Straights. No doubt he has made their leaders large promises ; but to these promises the old adage of pie -crusts, may well be applied. The poor rank and file of the Straights, are left to shift for themselves, without being made acquainted with the price for which they have been sold. The Presbyterian quell on the Side of Freedom. In 1787, the Synod of New York end Philadelphia, then the highest body in the Presbyterian Church, recommended, “in the warmest terms, to every member of their body, and to all the churches and fa milies under their care, to do everthing in their power, consistent with the rights of civil society, to promote the .lbolition of Slavery, and the instruction of negroes, whether bond or free." Agrin, in 1818, the General Assembly took unanimous action on the merits of the Slavery question ; and a resolution offered, that any person selling a Slave who should be a member of the church, should be de barred from the communion of the church, a long report was presented, written by Vh late t?'eeenneem. ble r'r n l d n c d jtO n, rem which we extract the following conclusioas : "From this view of the consequences result.' ing front the practice into which Christian peo ple have most inconsistently fallen, of enslaving a portion of their brethren of mankind—for God bath made of ono blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth—it is manifestly the duty of all Christians whc enjoy:the light of the pres• ent day, whets the inconsistency of Slavery, both with the dictates of humanity and religion has been demonstrated, to use their honest, earnest and unwearied endeavors to correct the errors of former times, and as speedily as tos. Bible to alter, this blot on our holy religion, and to obtain the complete abolition of Slavery throughout Christendom, and, if possible, thro% out the world. "We rejoice that the church to which we be. long commenced as early as others the good work of endeavoring to pet an end to Slavery. and that in the same work many of its mem• bers have ever since been, and now are, among the most active, vigorous and efficient Itiborera." This report was unanimously adopted, has never since been rescinded, and will remains us the recorded opinion of the Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church on the Slavery question, Gov. Geary the United States army, and the Missiouri militia have succeeded at length it appears, in establishing ' , or- I der in Warsaw," after a fashion, by the law and order expednnent. Everything on behalf of Kansas as a slave State works beautifully. The free State colonists have been, at a great extent, destroyed, or , starved out; and under the benign dispen I sation of Mr. Pierce, his man Geary his Missouri code. his dragoons and the bor der volunteers; another Missouri pro•sla very Legislature has been elected, with Gen. Whitfield returned es their delegate to Congress. The next step will be a State Convention for Kansas framed by Missouri delegates under the protection of the United States troops ; and the next, a bill by the next Congress for the admission into the Union of Kansas as a slave State by force of arms. The whole issue for the fourth of November now turns upon the man who is to sign or veto the bill.— AU the rest is settled—fixed as fate. Intelligent Vetere. In 18 counties of Southern Illinois, for ming a large part of what is familiarly known as "Egypt"— the land of darkness —there are 11,186 males over 21 years of age who can neither read nor write. These counties give Buchanan over 10,000 majority. Of coutse. The ignorant and degraded are jolt the men to be made tools of by suoh demagogues as Douglas. It seems to us but natural and right that such tellows should vote the Democratic ticket. A party that thrives on passion and preju dice ought to succeed best where the people are the most ignorant, Take up tha census of any State, and find any coun ty in which there are large numbers of adults who can neither read or write, thee turn to the election returns, and you will see in that county a large majority for Bu chanan. The majority, too, will be found prep:aria:tad to the sum total of such yotere. The Banner County. It was often asserted during the Presi dential contest that in certain counties in Pennsylvania and New York the Repub lican party would almost entirely absorb all other parties. This was stoutly dent ed by the Buchanan and Fillmore men.— The election returns show that the absorp tion of the old Democratic party is great er than anticipated by the most zealous Fremont man. In Wilmot's district, com posed of the counties of Bradford, 'flogs and Susquehanna, heretofore strongly de mocratic, Fremont has a majority of up wards of 9,000 ! Crawford county, once Democratic by 1,000, gives Fremont 2,000 majority. In some other of the western counties in this State, the change is equal ly as great. In some counties in New York the revolution in politics is even greater than in Pennsylvania. Witness the following : ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Correspondence of the Even ing Journal. COOLIZNSBORG, Nov. 10, 1856. We have returns from 25 of the 28 towns or glorious old St. Lawrence county, and the re• suit is as follows : Fremont, 9,649 Buchanan, 1,170 Fillmore, 1,483 Fremont ever Buchanan, 7,769 ; over Fil. more, 0,146: over both, 6,479. The two towns to hear from have about 230 votes. They will increase Fremoat's majority 100. You see we are the banner county of the State. The town of Stoclsholm of this county, is the banner town of the banner county; . and is also the banner town of the State, we opine. Her vote in : Fre mont, 779 ; Buchanan, 24 ; Fillmore, 24. If not, on the next occasion we will vote all Re publican. John Van Buren's mission here was of great value to tie. A DIRECT VOTE. The tune has manifestly arrived when . the present mode of electing the Chief Magistrate of the Union should be so chan ged as to secure a more fair and explicit expression of the public sentiment. To this end the Constitution should be amended so as to give the election directly to the people, and then the majority would rule, u they should do. Under the present sys tem a minority may elect, as is seen in the recent election, in which the States cast ing their votes against Mr. Buchanan gave probably not less than several hundred thousand majority for the majority for the other candidates, and yet by the system of choosing by Slates Mr. Buchanan is made President. Each State has, in the electoral colleges, one vote for every Representative and Senator in Congress, by which method the lesser States cast as many Senatorial • ' ' 11:An wa reo fur example, with but one Representative, has 2 Senatorial votes, whilst New York, with 33 Representatives, has but two Senatorial votes, the same as Delaware, The unfair ness of this system is too obvious to re quire elucidation. Other good reasons might be given in favor of popular suf frage—whereby a candidate receiving the highest number of votes should be elected —but we shall let these suffice for the present and will only add that we hope Congress may take action on this subject at an early day, and that State Legislatures will sustain, by resolves, such of the Na tional Senators and Representatives as may move in the matter. Naseachusetts. Every man of sense and information in the civilized world will say the Common wealth of Massachusetts is the most per fect specimen of Republican civilization. Massachusetts comes tolerably near reali zing the dreams and hopes of John Milton, Algernon Sidney and Thomas Jefferson. Massachusetts, is, by universal consent, absolutely unequalled for her universal in telligence, theoretical and active Democ racy and general virtue. Massachusetts furnishes a principal part of the brains, books, teachers, poets, historians, orators, savans, inventors, thinkers, preachers,' philanthropists, missionaries, great minds, and great men of this whole country. The abuse of Massachusetts by such fellows as Brooks, (Preston S.) Forney & Co., is like the yelping of flute curs at the bright stars. She was loved by Edmund Burke, in ear lier days, and she is admired and revered by e-ery good and true man now. Mas sachusetts is so overwhelmingly Republi can, that Buchanan is hardly a spot on the sun's face. It looks as if Charles Sumner will be unanimously re-elected to that seat to Ma Senate which he fills so splendidly and virtuously. A Free Soil Stratum. The Northern tier of counties to Penn sylvania all gave majorities for the Union ticket. Erie gives 2572, Warren 850,' M'Kean 298, Tioga 8152, Bradford 4655, Susquehanna 1323, Wayne 89, and Potter 601. Here is an aggregate of 13,535 ma jority against Buchanan in this range of counties. Taking in Crawford county, which really formed part of what was for merly the Connecticut Reserve, the aggre gate would be 15,508. The southern tier of counties in New York State, go for Fre mont in the same style as our northern tiers including a majority for every county from the Causkill to Lake Erie. my The vote for Preeident at the Five Points, New York, stood : Buchanan, 510 Fremont, 17 Fillmore, THE RESULTS-TM FUTURE. There is now no doubt of the election of James Buchanan to the Presidency. The result" is a sore disappointment to the friends of freedom; but it'should not and will not dishearten them. To them it is not a defeat, but a v:ctory, for it gives as surance of an ultimate triumph which is only postponed. They have condemned the iniquities of the Blave.Democracy by heavy majorities in all but three of the Northern States, and have only failed of executing the sentence, by the interposi tion of a third party. The election of Bu chanan could never have been accomplish ed by his own adherents. He owes his success to Fillmoreism in Pennsylvania. Look at the result in Illinois, the home of Douglas ! Look at the result in Michi gas, the home of Cass !—at the result in New Hampshire, the home of Pierce !—at the result in New York, the home of Fill. more! Ihems are among the substantial triumpt of the Republicans—an earnest of what is in store in the future, for all the enemies of freedom ! Never was a contest more gallantly fought, ngainst stronger odds. Republican ism is still but an infant Hercules; scarce ly two years of age. Another four years and in the maturity of vigorous manhood, it will cleanse the Aegean stables, as did its prototype, with scarcely an effort. In the vote of Massachusetts, of Maine and New York, and of all the New Eng land States representing the extreme Eas tern section of the confederacy; in the vote of lowa, Illinois and Wisconsin on the West, and of Ohio and Michigan in the great central region, the condemnation of more than one half of the nation, is record. ed against the sectional policy of the Slave Democracy. Nothing but concealment and evasion of the true issue by the Buch anan leaders in the North and the Fillmore diversion to Pennsylvania and Indiana pre vented that condemnation from being uni vernal and final. More than half of the votes cost for Mr. Buchanan in the North ern States were given in the belief that he would reverse the policy of Mr. Pierce, and that Kansas would bit admitted into the Union os a free State. The future will show how utterly false are such hopes —and then will come the triumph of truth and freedom ! Those who have been de ceived now, will not again listen to the voice of the tempter. The Republican party has entered upon a glorious career, whose first repulse has pale netitd it for future triumnha It is based tiptop indestruttible , Freedom, 'Justice and Trtah. it is sup ported by,the intelligence, the religion and the true cliservative patriotlain of the land. It is fortified by the teachings of the pa triots who achieved our National Indepen dence and framed our Constitution, it has attained a more rapid, and more vigorous growth than any former party since the organizatipn of the government, and com bines within i:self more-substantial and en during elements of strength than any po litical coObination since the day when Patrick Henry proclaimed the immortal sentimen, which would now be treason in Virginia, 'Give me Liberty or give me Death !' It is not only the party of Free dom, but of Progress ; and until its object is accomplished, its permanency is as well assured as the imperishability of the prin ciples upon which it is based. Its nominal defeat in the contest just closed, will, as we have said at the outset, we an ultimate victory. Even James Buchanan subservient and truckling as he has always been, dares not entirely disre gard the thunder toned protest of an over whelming majority of the Northern peo ple. The Fillmore faction has by its own act been crushed by the pillars of political Dagon, which with suicidal hand it has pulled down upon its own head, Fillmore is dead, dead—and buried in an ignomini ous grave, beyond the hope of resurrection. Thus every obstacle to the unobstructcd triumph of Republicanism in the next na ! tional contest is removed. Third partyism has died the usual death of the traitor and the spy, riddled with the bullets of the contending armies of Slavery and Freedom. The two remain masters of the field—the one of the North, the other of the South. Let Republicans, therefore, rejoice at the noble results they have achieved, rather than mourn over those they have failed to accomplish. In future contests, they will have but one enemy—instead of two—to combat, and their remaining foe will then no longer be able to fight from its ambush of false professions, and false issues. Mr. Buchanan will be compelled to carry on the pro Slavery war opened by Pierce, and there will then be no room to doubt under which banner his forces are marshalled, that of freedom orslavery. The people of the North will never again rally to the support of the latter. It has won, after a hard contest, its last meagre victory. _ _ Mit. FOWL= IN PRII.ADCLPHIA.-A course of scientific and popular Lectures on Phrenolo• gy and Physiology is announced by Mr. Fow. ler of New York, to be given in Philadelphia, commencing early in December. All who are interested will find the present opportunity most favorable to obtain full and accurate information on these interesting and important subjects. Mr. Fowler elands at the head of his profession, and will instruct anti interest his bearers. The Thirty-Fifth Congress of the Unl sea fait& The next Congress will contain a Democrat. ic majority in both branches. It will date its existence on the 4th of March 1857, when the new President will enter upon the duties of his office. The Senate, when full, comprises sixtytwo members, or two from each of the thirty•one States. The recapitulations to as follows: Democrats, Opposition, Vacancies and doubtful, Total, The House consists of 234 member. id all, and thus far the opposition majority is 24. There are 84 yet to be elected or ascertained, including the two who were elected in Califor nia on the 4th inst. The results to the present time are ae follows: Democrat., 63 Opposition;B7 The chances are, that at leak 49 more Dem• ocrate will be, elected, or will be heard from, while the Journal of Commerce give. 23 more, as likely to act with that party. This bower• er, is yet to be ascertained. That paper makes this recapitulation: . Democrats in the above lid, 63 Democrats in States yet to elect or heard - from 49 Southern Know-Nothings, including two in Missouri, embrac ed in the above list, 28 Total conservative members, All other members, Conservative majority in a fall House, 46 It should be remembered, however, that the Journal is a Buchanan print, and it speaks of the Democrats as “Conservatives"—a singular misnomer I All but Pennsylvania and Indiana have gone over to the Abolitionists of the North —and Pennsylvania and Indiana were only saved from thus going by the resolute ac tion in those States of the friends of Mr. Fillmore, New Jersey goes for Buchanan only because of the like resolute action of Mr. Fillmore's friends. But for the Ante ican party Abolitionism would have swept every Northern State, and elected a 'sec tional and geographical' President —N. P. Express, This is a confe.sion which should re ceive the attention of the American party, What we charged before the election is here boastfully admitted, that Fillmore was only kept in the field to secure the elec tion of the Dimocratic Pro-Slavery candi date for the Presidency. Kr Among the counties in this State deserving special mention and commends!. lion, Somerset is not the least. The Bu chaniers confidently counted on a majority there. Wm. B. Reed was imported front Philadelphia to win over its old-line Whigs; Balsam Black was let loose upon it to take it by storm ; Judge Block and Judge Kim mel prophesied wondrous things concern ing it; and yet in the face of all the efforts to change it, is has given 1100 majority against Hu c nanan. Irer at uruy could not be won from their old allegiance. Iler gallantry in the well contested fight challenges our admiration. War The other day we dropped in Pretty. man's Atnbrotype and Daguerreotype Gallery, up stairs in the Station House, and were shown some of the neatest and best executed pictures we have over seen. They cannot be beat.— We would suggest to all our friends that if they want a superb likeness, now is the time, for Prettyman can do it better, cheaper and quick er than any other man. .And that's so too. Parrittr, While.—Munfain.—ln this borough on Thurs. day, the 20th inst., by Rev. R. Fletcher, Mr. Nathan White to Miss Mary J. Mountain of Hunt. co. Musselnian.—Fleck.—On the 19th inst.. by the Rev. P. M. Rightmyer, Mr. Daniel Musnelman to Miss Enna C. Fleck, both of Sinking Valley. Speck.—Brennantan.—On the 20th hut , by the same, Mr. William Speck of Hunt. co,. to Mies Jane Brenneman ct Raystown Branch. Holidays burg papers please copy. Teacher's Institute. The teachers and friends of education throughout the county are hereby notified that the next annual meeting of the Hunting. dun County Teacher's Institute, will be hold in HuntingdOn on Wednesday the 22d of Decent. her, 1836, at 10 o'clock, A. N. By order of the Board of Managers R. McDIVITT, Sec. Huntingdon Nov. 24 1856. Prof. DeGrath% Great Electric Oil. DEAFNESS CURED. New HAVEN, May 19th, 185 G. Prof. DeGrath—My brother has been deaf three years. After trying many things, he used your Oil a few times ar.d it cured him entirely. CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. Ask Mr. Scranton, who afterwards bought $5O worth to sell. My Electric Oil removes at pain at once, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sze. Afflicted 13 years and Cured in one week! Read letter from Rev. James Temple : Putt.sns. June 9th, 1856. Prof. DeGrath—l have been afflicted 13 years with Neuralgia and other very painful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many rears past. Last week I go t ' a bottle of your 11lee. trio Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and to day lam like • new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec. tric Oil has done in one week what the physi cian of Philadelphia failed to do in 13 year, Gratefully, yours, Rev. J•mss TEMPLE. 310 South lit. Call and see other certificates and names of thousands I have cured for three years past.— The public for safety, must not believe impos tors and imitators of my oil. My Depot is at the same old place 39, South Eighth street, and not - removed, as a base scamp advertised, who is afraid to publish his real name. I refer to 3,000 Philadelphians who have used my Oil—and all real Electric Oil aver sold has my name blown in every bottle. All others are cheats. All order, must be address. ad to Pxor. CHAS. DOORATH, Philadelphia. John Read Agent, Huntingdon. Nov. 26, 1856-3 m. D. D. A. ce•on, Having located in Petersburg, Huntingdon cu., Pa., respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of that place, aid surrounding country. Novcmber IC, I PS6. - to • . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 111. OR A VV. T. R. GRAFF GRAFF & CO. WESTERN FOUNDRY, • No. 124 Wood pir S r t s r ,B oet, URIC, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Boa Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Orates & Fenders, Sad and Dog . Irons, Portable Forges, Sugar, Tea and Stove Kettles, Wagon Boies, &c. NOV. 26, 1856.—1 y.. CoMmissionero Oak. The following tracts of land will be exposed to public sale by the Commissioners of Hunt. County, un Tuesday, the 13th of January, 1857, according to the several acts of Assembly in such case m ode and provided, viz : Walker Anonskip. John Carson, 446 Acres. Franklin 2inenship • - Mary Jorden, . 60 AcreB Springfield Dnenship. Stacey Young, 414 Acres ' By Order of Commissioners HENRY W. HILLER, Clerk. N0v.26;56,61. [Estate of Nancy Neff, dec'dd AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to die. tribute the balance in the hands of Jacob Hero. came, Executor of the last will and testament of Nancy Neff, late of West township, deed, in discharge of Trust for selling reel estate of said deceased, and also to distribute the balance in the hands of said Executor in the adminis. tration of the personal estate of said deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend to the duties of his appoint. meet at the office of Messrs. Scott & Brown, is the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 27th day of Decent bee next, at 3 o'clock, p. in., when and where all persons must present their claims to the undersiNied auditor, or be debar. red from coming in ion said fund. THEO. I; CHEMEB, Auditor. Hunt., N0v2ti,'56..4t. [R,lale of John Bradley, dec'd.j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County to die. tribute the balance in the bands of Jonas Reed and Thomas G. Stapleton, administrators of John Bradley, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint. meat at the office of Messrs. Scott & Brown, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 271 k day 9/'December next, at 2 o'clock, p. when ana where all persons interested must present their claims before the undersigned auditor, or he debarred from coming in upon said fund. THEO. H. CREMER, Hoot., N0v.26,'36...1t. Auditor. STRAY HORSE. fIANIE to the plantation of the subscriber a• („; bout the 10th day of October, a Gray Horse, said to be shout 20 rears of age, having a halter on. The horse is a e 71( little sprung in the kneed. The „ L a.. owner will please come forward . 179 prove property, pay charges . rd . take - hin!• ff h• h • 714 nAI : 4 r Franklin tp., N0v.26;56.-4t.. ASSESSORS, TAKE NOTICE . You are required to make immediate return to the Commissioners' Office, of the two lists of taxable inhabitants in your township, with the occupation of each person, required of you ky the circular you lately received. The law is imperative, and a failure to comply may involve you in a penalty of one hundred dollars. The return must be made by Saturday the 29th inst. By order of Commissitmerr, HENRY W. Mit.i.et, Clerk. N0v.26'66. • - - [[teal Estate of Dawson C. Smawley, Deed.] ORPHAttat COURT- SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Hurtingdon County, will be exposed to sale by way of public voodoo or outcry, on the pre• miles on Tuesday, 23d of December neat, a tract of land situate in Shirley township, Hun tiugdon county, bounded by Juniata river on the east and north-enst ; by land of Swisheart heirs on the north ; by Aughwick Creek on the north-west ; by lands ofJames M. Bell, on the south, and by lands of Bell's heirs and Oliver Etnier on the southeast, containing about two hundred and fortyfour (244) acres, more or less ; about one hundred acres of which arc cleared and under cultivation ; having thereon erected a two story dwelling house, with stone kitchen attached. A stone bank barn, stone spring house, stone tenant house, &e. Also on said premises is an Iron Ore Bank, &e., &c. TERMS OP SALE. One-third the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two e• qual annual payments, with interest, to be se cured by the Bonds and Mortgages of the pur chaser. By the Court, HENRY GLAZIER, Clerk. N. IL—Any person wishing to view the pre mises can do so by calling on Mr. Geo. Smith, the present occupant. Those desirous of fur ther information can cell with the undersigned residing in the borough of Shirleyrburg, and who will give due attendance on the day of sale. HENRY lIREWSTER, Administrator of Dawson C. Smawley, de'd. Shirleysburg, Nov. 19th, '56.-3t. Admr. Lewistown Gazette, York Republican, and Lancaster Whig, publish until sale, and send bill to this office. [Real Estate of Samuel Williamson, Doc'd.] ORPNARST govair SASS. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to rate by way of public venclue or outcry, on the prenii• dOs, Oil Thursday, lath of December next, a tract ofland situate in Shirley township, Hun tingdon county, bounded by land of Rev. B. E. Collins on the south ; by lands of Jame. Clark and Alum L. Funk on the east ; by land of Grabill Myers on the north, and by Chesnut Ridge on the west ; containing about one bun• deed and thirty acres, MOM or less ; about sev enty acres of which are cleared and under fence. Having thereon erected a two story log dwelling house, log barn, &c. TERMS OF SALE; One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation ofsale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be se cured by the Wilds and mortgages of the par chaser. By the Court. HENRY GLAZIER, Clerk. Any person desirous of further particulars, can be informed by calling withtho andersign ed residing in Shirleysburg, and who will give due attendance on day of sale. HENRY BREWSTER, Administrator..of Samuel Williamson, dee'd. vdiirletsborg, Nov. 19, 1936.-3 t, • MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS' COURT SALES, In pursuance of orders of the Orphans Court of the county of Huntingdon, the trams of laud &c., hereinafter described, situate in raid county, an ear the borough of Huntingdon, will be expoied to puhl:c auto on the premises on Friday the 19th day of December next, as the property of ' John Est., late of sold county, deed., by his administrator, to wit 1. All that tract marked (A) in the Diagram annexed to the Return of the Inquest, contain ing 237 acres and 130 perches—it leing the " , Mansion Farm" of said deceased. About one half of this tract is cleared and under eultims• tion about 40 acres of which is meadow. Hen ning water far Cattle gic may be readily in troduced into almost every field upon this term. There are upon it a two story frame dweßieg House, a large brick barn and other buildings also n good apple Orchard. 2. All that Tract marked (C) in said Dia gram containing 237 acres and 68 perches and called the "Moore Farm." Somewhat morn than half of this Tract is cleared and under cultivation a fair propor glen of which is mead ow—On account of the nearness of those two farms to the borough of Huntingdon and the large quantity of meadow upon each they would be well suited for grazing or Stoc ► farm. 3. All that Tract marked (D) in said Die gram containing'lBs acres 132 perches above, the one-half :of this Tract is cleared and e*l• 1 der cultivation and has thereon erected two ten ant houses. 4. All that tract marked (E) in said Diagram containing 214 acres 87 perches ; about 100 a- ores of this tract are cleared and under cultiva • tion No bu ildings thereon. 5. All that tract marked (0) in said Diagram containing 119 acres. Woodland. 6. All that tract marked (K) in wild Diagram containing 87 acres 131 perches. Woodland. 7. All that tract marked (L) in said Diegtaw,, containing 148 acres, 83 perches. Woodland. 8, All that tract marked (M) in said Diagram containing )17 acres, 147 perches: WOodland. 9. A lot of ground in the village .1 Smith field, marked (N) in said Diagram. Upon this lot there is erected a two story log house . 10. A lot of ground in the village of tii.nitt. - field, marked (0) in said Diagram, arid thereon erected a small log stable. It. The one undivided fourth part of fire ad joining tracts of land, situate in Henderson , Porter townships, containing together abou. 'e ven hundred acres, be the same more or ~s. Upon these tracts or within their boundeiic,,, there is a large amount of water power, fur any kind of works ; inexhaustible queries of lime stone and other stone, for building. A dwel ling house and other buildings have heeu erect ed thereon. Upon these tracts there is also a large amount 01 valuable timber. 12. An undivided interest in Milnwood Aca demy, in Dublin township, the extent of which I interest will be made known upon the'day ofsale. All these lauds excepting the last mentioned, lie within a short distance of the borough o Iluntmgdon. TERMS or BALM. One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,—one-third thereof, within one year thereafter with the interest ; the remaining one-third at and immediately af ter the decease of Mary C. tier, widow of said deceased. • The purchaser paying to the said widow, annually and regularly, during her nat ural life, the legal interest of the said one•third part, to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchasers respectively. Salo to com mence at 19 o'clock of said day. ' 1 Huntingdon, Nov. 19, 1815165. tr ORPHANS'COURTSALE BY virtue of an ordo , of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, 1 will offer at pub. lie sale on the promises on FIIIDAY, 12th of December, 1850, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., tits following described real estate, late of David Graham, deed. , via: Ooe tract situate in Dublin township, I]en• tingdon county, adjoining land of William Mills, land of the heirs of John Appleby, dec'd., and the tract hereinafter mentioned, containing 79 ACRES, 113 PERCHES, and allowance, be it more or less, having there• on a log lime, log barn' orchard, &c.; abort one half of this tract is cleared and cultivated. Another tract situate in the same township, adjoining:that above mentioned, lands of Joseph Nelson, and Dr. J. A. Shade, containing Fifty-Five Acres, and alloy/once, more or less, having thereon a log house, log barn, some out buildings, and a variety of choice fruit trees. At least three• fourths of this tract is cleared and cultivated . TERMS OF SALE:—One third of the p, chase money upon confirmation of sale, tn.: residue in two equal annual paymente, with forest to be secured by bonds and =Amu. DANIEL TEALUE, Adm'r., de toms non, of D. Graham, dec . & N0v.19,'56..3t. VALUABLE A•R VIC NOIL SAL M. THE undersigned offers at private sale, his farm in West township, Huntingdon county, 5 miles from Huntingdon borough, containing a bout 200 acres, 100 of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; 30 acres excellent bottom land and the most of it in timothy ; the remainder of the 100 acres is Well timbered with white pine, oak and hickory, and is within half a mile of a saw mile. The improvements con sist of a two story log house, a large bank barn, and other necessary out-buil- ;r dings. A never-failing spring of excel- II lent water convenient to the house. Also a good apple orchard of fall and winter fruit. The land is patented and an undisputed title will be given. Any further information desired, will be given by the subscriber. ADOLPHUS W HITE. November 19,1838.-31.• Orphans' Court Sale. DY virtue of an order of Orphans' Cuurt the ii undersigned will expose to public sale on the premises, late of the estate of Thomas &viral, Esq., doc'd., on Saturday, the 20th day of De cember next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. all that cer tain parcel and Tract of Land (part of the mansion farm) situate iu Penn tp., Huntingdon county, aijoining lands of Jacob and Andrew Grove, and others, containing Cl acres, and 102 perches, nett measure , about 40 acres cleared. The lauds are all the best river bottom on Raystown Branch, and would suit any one wanting a small farm. About one mile from station of Huntingdon & Broad Top Rail road. TERMS:—One•balf of the putehase monoy to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the bal ance in one year with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of purchaaer. JAMES E. GLASGOW, DAVID H. CAMPBELL, November 19, 1856.-91. BELL UANGING. —• The subscriber offers his services to the edi tions 'of Huntingdon, 4.1 a Ball•hunger. I will furnish all the material and complete the job of putting up door bolls at private residen ce., bowls, &c., for $5 each. Repairing alt. done. Orders left et the office of the Hentiugtturt Jourpul, will bo promptly attended to by Nor. IC, 1/136.-:lt. ANDREW ußoßp.x.