at Hun ingDort . • 7nructi. WILLIAM BR7WSTER,} EDITORS. SAX. G. WHITTAKER, titrt Voctrß. " HE BORTH ALL THING 8 WELL. I romembet how I loved her, wheat a littleguile• leas child, Ili* her in the cradle, as she looked oat me and smiled 3 Iffy cup of hap was full, my joy words cannot tell ; And I blessed the glorious Giver, 'lathe doeth • all things well."' /loathe passed, that bud of promise was unfold• big every hour, I thought that earth had never mailed upon a fairer dower t du beautiful, it well might grace the bowers where angels dwell, And waft its fragrance to His throne blab° do eth all things well." Years fled—that little sister then was dear as life to me, Aud woke iu my unconscious hewn a wild idol atry ; I worshipped at au earthly shrine, lured by some magic spell, Forgetful of the praise of Him “who doeth all things well." kihe was the lovely star whose light around my pathway shone, Amid this darksorne vale of tears thro' which I joruner on ; Its radiance land obscured the light which round lilt throne cloth dwell, And I wandered far away from Idiot "who do• eth all things well." That star went down in beauty, yet it shinath sweetly now, Iu the bright and daszline coronet that decks tho Saviour's brow ; Sine bowed to the Destroyer, whose shafts 4011 e may repel, Ekt we know, for God bath told us, "110 doeth all things well." I remember well my sorrow as I st:Aorl beside bee bed, And my deep and heartfelt anguish when they told me she was dead. And oh that cup of hitterneas—letnot toy heart rebel: God gave—he took—he will restore—"lle do• eth all thing& well." Mani pistourzt. The Prophet Jeremiah UPHOLDING THE HIGHER LAW. -............ The Rev. Dr, Cheerer, who is one of h' few city clergymen who believe in and greet rethe mithful and searching applies• Lion of Divine injunctions and eternal prix cotes of Mehl to existing wrongs and e.• vii., no matter how respectably supported, lately preached a sernion based on the prophet Jert nub's denunciation of law ., etioned sin', which has been repetilel to a ',ended and deeply interested and to ry. We print below the substance of this tier non end commend it to the attention of those who hold the Christian religion to he the natural and implacable adversary of ev ery fcrm and shade of injustice and evil e rejoice that men of such unquestioned and trenchant orthodoxy as Dr. Clwever, are thus instant in the application of Di. y'ne t.tith. since thereby hastened "the grad time coming" wherein a man may be inflexibly faithful to Humani y without be ing therefore accused of infidelity to God. If the truths set forth in this ser nun e'mul I be epplicah'e to current iniquities, that only invests them with additional iin• portance and value. Dr. C treys': The indictment of Clod against the Jewish government was for the iniqui•y of unrighteous statutes compelling the people into sin. TI e indictment against the peo ple was for obeying such statutes instead of obeying God. The voice of every peal of accusing tl under, and the sentence taught by every flash of lights ing. is the earns dn'al fu I accusation, Thou host made sty people. brad te, sin I But how could any wicked im narch or government thus (wry all Israel IA I It th. to in their wick edness I 'Their example could not have done it, bribes could not have dove it, nor p remotion nor the inherent tem,!tations of Devil worship. No! But in league with sfl these influences unrighteous laws could do it ; the State power could forcibly per suade, and if the people would yield up their conscience, then the government wo'd find not ppositit n to its moat impious en actments. "The statutes of Oinri are kept awl ye walk in their counsels. Ephraim is broken in judgment, because he willing. ly walked after tl s commandment " was thus that the king, the princes, the government. by their unconstitutional sod infamous legislation, by new enuot- Puente, tweed on purpose. made Israel to sin. It eau s usurpation, under Color of kw, forced upon the prop e ; and because tbey teillingip w Ik. d ,yta. the ommand aunt, renouncing Midi allegiance to God, tivey Weessi.insed all their liberties. '1 hey should have resisted at the outset ; but . there are never wanting those who 'Aral, that law if , to be obeyed at all hazards, the moment it is I lw. nn 'natter how unconsti tu•i vial or wicked in its char teter Si,. by the power and majesty of UNRIMITEOVA La r, wlich is as when starry angel, first in heaven's oinks. brightest of the sons of the morning, drew after him the third part of heaves in his rebelli in, the king and th • government comielled the people F. r because of the original maj a y the aw fulness, the reverential glory, the transcem dent importance of law as God h.ts estab lished it, even its pert:ll,on bears the sem b ante , . of Its atakority. even bad law, wicked law. appears in many minds not, less titan archangel ruined. as l men bow down trait, and worahip it. and range them • selves under its banners, especially when popul ur and profitable sins are protected by it. Sometime', under its pressure men must have the firmness of Abdiel to stand up against, and nothing but God's Word. and His right,nusness in their hearts, will enable them to do it. Now, it is impossible to find anything in all history more terribly instructive than all this It shows among other things. that wicked laws are no excuse for personal wickedness, nor any apology for disobeili. once to God. l'hey are not to be obeyed, but, on the contrary, denounced and rejec ted ; and only by being thus faithful to Gud can a pe•gtle keep their freedom. And, while it ahows, that a people ore on the high rood to ruin who will suffer and obey wicked statutes. it also shows the terrific r •sponsibthty and wick. driest; of those who incuct arid endeavor to enforce such sm ut it and who set the example of such ini quity. If there be a lower deep in hell than a , y other deep, such men will, beyond a 1 question occupy it, along with those who have put out or contented the lights of God's Word, and have put up false lights to lure men to perdition. It is such as those, whom God given judicially over to a reproba o mind, to be filled with all'un rigaoousa .ss, who, knowing the judgment of God, that they who commit such things are worthy of death not only du the same but have pleasure in them that do them. ..Nothing ran go beyond this wicked ness. It it a fountain sin, a germinating sin, an accumulating and multiplying sin, a sin that causes arid coinpels others ti • in, a sin that enlarges from generation to gen eration all the way to the eternal world.— If it brings a million under its power this year, it may bring two millions next ; thi s gerteration ten. the next generation twenty. Cursed be he that neiketh the blind to wan der out of the way. and all the people shall say amen I But he that strikes out the eyesight of a whole nation ; that nhliter a•es the law of justice arid humanity ; arid sets in its place statutes of injustice arid in humanity, and thus compels a nation so blinded, to wander in iniquity, what shall be said of such a monster i What curse is heavy enough tor such an incarnation of nisi tiny. or what curse can measure in retrilitLion the dreadful consequences of such a crime I Of all evil thing. law that emitbudi• a to itself the ex ,topic of wrung ; the instruction, the authority. rra tact i in, jus tification and command of injustice and oppression, in principle and in act, is the highest and the worst. It is worse than arsenic iu the - fountain ; it .is poison fur the souls of inert, ponon fur the great heart of society—.running through all the veins sod corrupting the whole system. Well did Kdwin Burke any, that of all bad things bail haws are the very worst, an I that they derive a particular inalLpiity front the good laws in their company, under which they take shelter. If a system of wicked laws be deliber ately contrived, and fastened on a people for the purpose of consolithving and rend ering immovable the governmental despo tiro, nod if. u tiler those laws, a system of immorality and murky is inaugurated us the central fountain of the country's poll ,lcy, to enter into both the domerio ao l ca vil life of the peip!e, to regulate all their institutions. to impose conditions on the Gorpel itself ; to compe. men in every sphere of society, every branch of com merce, every agency of active business, to swear faithfulness to that immortal in erect; and if the Word of God itself for the suke of shielding all.this iniquity is either sup prussed or perverted, what really is the at titude of such a people toward God, and what their character in his sight t Cala anything cover up this wickedness? ('an professions of rel' inouce him to wink et it, or to connive at the prostitution of religion itself for its support ? God's own voice shall answer; you shall have his own judgment Irma the proidae ta. ..Woe unto them that decree unr;ght cots demws, that writs grieviousness which they have prospribed, to turn aside LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREVER, ONII AND Is.SEPARABLZ. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1856. (rain judgment. and so take away :he right front the poor o' my people. Shall the throne of iniquity have tell with thee, which frau e,ll iiii.chief by a law ?" If a man could take the colt of God's thus. der it his hand and could flush the light nine ri.rht into the face of a tyrannical, u surping legislator. there con!! not be any thing at r•• direr t than this Ala is not this to be pri a •lied ? And if the govern in , of of any mill in he guilty of 'Ws sin. is it nut to be chased upon them ? In not the country where this wickedites, is per petrated the very place. a nil the. genera lion in which. nnd against which it in r er pet toted. the very time to rebuke it. and in the name of God to declare his te.-4 , t ati y against It ! And on whom rests the re sponsthility of doing this, and who hove the right and atithinny from 0.1 to do it, ,but 11 is own appointed preachers n , the word ? Aod will any man dare to call this political preaching? It is indeed the t.ring• ing of religion into politics, according to God's command, and the application of the instructions and principles of God's o ord to the cr-oduct of the nation and the ',envie. And ~ttch application the prophets Isaiah and Jr remitth were commanded to inake, And our Lord Jesus enjoined upon the preachers of the gospel the same faithful nets. Cry aloud, spare not, lilt up thy voice like a trumpet, show my people their transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sins. " In the 54th chapter of fereiniah. the deliberate establishment of Slavery i.i the nation i• shown tii have been the one cii niacteric cause and o.casion of the• w-ads of Gist coining down upon the whole land and people without remedy. Aial if Gail sees a single merchant in this city. with whom the reason. for example. why he is untt•illing that any Mi•Ill1011 of the sin or slavery should resound from the pulpit, or that any agitation in regard to its wicked ness should be kept up, is a regard to his and its profits, or a tear of revulsion and disturbance distressing to the. prosperous course and turn:nt of cuentue•rcial affairs. that coucealment and opposition of ilia light, and the motive for it. are as hid. in his case, with his increased knowledge, in the blaze of the• whole Word of G id, as the idolatry of the Israelites It is the gol. den calves :01, and s ill there is the wor ship of them, and Dan and Bethel are in this city with %brit Dog. ns and their altars and their priest:•, nut auto ig the lowest merely, but the highest of the ,seople. ••Anil the forced concealment of truth on this subject ; the voice to the s.•ern, See not, and ty the proph. ts, Prophesy not; the h.O upon the. light., the oreracisto of opiui• n, the re' ression of freedom in the pulpit, the Accusal.) and the out cry of political preaching if the light of Guti he turned upon it. extreme fastidiousness and fear in our fashionable. congregations, sit like a nightmare on the genius of the Gos pel It is a mountain of despoinini, and of the fear of man thrown upon the truth. I be p. each, is like the fabled giant tinier his volcano. If the giant will be quiet, the mountain will be quiet, and sinse green things may grow upon it in pi ace and freshness. Ifut the moment he turns ua his anguish or strives to flee himself ul Lis load, the mountain belches forth its fire and fury, and rolls down sir•nuts , 1 lava, nud the pane be•mountained giant is the cause of it. The giant 1,1111111 stir neither 11111.1 UT 11/01, WI lil the least can Irks.) of re gniitiog his freed, in but Etna rages. Agri s and again have fatthful and behove I pa-tors been driven from their pulpits. just barely fur giving a single utterunce of Bud's word against them of slavery At the South a man has been driven from his church simple for refusing to add his saute ton commendation of the dastardly and tour dermas outrage in the Senate of tie United States. In ‘Vashin o ton, u pastor has been recently dismiss, d far one single sermon ago Last slavery; in Phda.!elp i . It: ; have demanded the resignioion of a pastor for the same offence. Every wt. cr. al most, there is this attempt to muzzle pulpit, this impious reluial to listen to God's word on this one sin Now this ee • nut be right in the ef,4,ht. of God; send Gmd. perhaps, has buffered us to come to our present crisis in the aftors of this nation, on purpose, in part, to deliver tile pulpit from such bonelag-. Titers is a I,onit where the life is reached, and men feel it, and now they begin to speak out. whether men will hear or forbear. Arid if we would be faithful we mu I speak out; . for we 'kno►v that this God's truth, and that what. ever plausible motives of expediency may induce either us to refrain from uttering it, or you to shrink from hearing it, it con not be right in Glad's sight to hearken unto men more than unto God. "Thu conservatism thut would prevent the utterance of God en this subject is a conservatism that steads in the way of righteousness, and yet makes great pre tertsion• to sobriety and uprightne.u. I t reminds on. of Jeremiah's satiric II &scrip. , ' lion They are it right as the palm tree, but speak not It preserves a ember and , dignified silence. whets God enfant win a fearless. nut spoken rebuke of cherished bins. It iw i rutes the violence of men's passions its deter.° • of such sins to the rush. 5,3 ant impertinence of those who lave dared to rebuke them. It is always say. ' ing to those who open the ba !cries of truth. when noise and fury ferny the cannon... ding. Had you be t silence , 'here would , have beets nothing of all this agitation ; you are stirring imp nothing but contention and wrath. Ibis was the very accusation bro . ( cminst dereinieh himself when he p•oclrti• ti a %% ors f God in Jerusalem sad Judea against sins whieh the Government commanded and which the people declares' they would defend and practise. and which not a few among prophets and priests themselves affirmed were no sins at all. but a justifying policy. Wo is me, for urn become a man of contention arid strife. I love peace. arid I love my people. and I lave my country. and out of leve I speak to them this Word of the Lord ! I have nei ther lent nit usury. nor hare nn n lent to toe on usury, yet every one of them cloth curse me. Alt, Jeremiah, there are other ! ways to touch men's pockets, and invite their nintriee. beside charging twenty per rem for your money. Ley the tax of the %V, rd of God upon their profitable, legal. is tl cherisht d sins, nod ins.aatly they cry nut vat met. cud Nord, and the 11 tad of God tutu will be made a reproach unto you, and a derision, doily. Then said they, Conte and let us devise devices a. gamut Jeremiah; for the low shall nut per ish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet . Conte and let us smite biin with time tongue ' and let ua not give heed .to any of his words. '6u I heard the defaming of twiny, fear on every aide. Report, soy they , suit lieu will report tt. Ali my Mimi tare watch ed for my hulling. savt ig. l'nradventure he ! will be einiceJ, and we shall preyed a ganist bun stud we shall take our revenge ugutobt hon. and ri;i for what I Had he iojured thou. heirs ved the 11, blundered thew, or delittuded turns ? tti oply and solely because he hod vered auto theta the words of the Lord a ?lutist their sins of oppression and idola try. %%ell, 'fall the Lord's prophet's had been faithful and true, like Jeremiah, they would bane conquers d and Uud's hI ord in them. liut Jeremiah :tool almost alone, and the prophets themselves ,vera against hint the cm,erv.itives of peace and sin, ..Now, it ever there was what is falsely callA political preaching. it was tail prea ching of Jer triah. It was the prettcltiog of religion to politics, God's Word as the ugly authoritative and right gui'iln of !nth. s 11, ore, forbidding a noose's sins. And Got sun touted the prophet in this preaching through a inimstry of forty ! three yet rs' duration. Now, mark my words; it was the preaching of religion i potties, which is God's own cotionu id, bath in the Old ;Oral New TeA.tinetila ; last the pre Thing of pal tics in reli j is quite entailer thing-- the work of intrigu ing politwians nod of man, seeking to bind the minds of men, and p Gotl's light to I god's authority away from their !leans and come races. ti r 4inia be not pis ach d in the politics of a union, that tui tion is or, the I igh road to perdition It is impossible for the timittidua's of a nation to' support a nation's sins, or apologize for them, or ward off the light of God's Word from rebuking them, and not put in peril their own piety and salvation. Already over more than half the pulpita to our land there hangs the ban tat exemumuni cation if a single page of Glad's Wore he applied 6luvery ; the thing moat not be mentioned. and a public silence pre veil:. The (limns of G. utes Word a e instil d .d they heat a funeral march inn t, 0,1 al a (I.,pei t. Our comer alive , Christians have .uraied a OW' s; they are fur burying the quo' mewed of publishing it. Their whole terror is apinst the 1,. Ino truth; dead men's hones and all on cleanliness have less that is repulsive for theta than rousing, cutting, and esti ins truth—the truth of tiod, that brings reli gion into their cotton speculations and their politics. My people mak counsels ask counsel at their sloths, and their staff de ciareth unto them. Ephraiin is a mer chant; the balances of deceit are his hinds; he love hto oppress. Yet be nab• am become rt. ; I have found me out substance ; in all my labors they shall find none iniquity in me that were sin. There may be iniquity in the abstract, but nothing is sin par sr, if there he great refit In it I and when the pecuniary interest of any wicked system become.; vett. there are prop!' is emiugh to ju-tify Ephraim in its pre-et...ion. Now. then. let ouch di al as these bury their dead, but the Gospel is / not to •valk as a mourner, at the grave dig gees bidding. Preach then the kingdom 01 (hal Undertakers for the dead : prea chers fur the living. Let not the first pre. oume to give in,truct ions to the last It is a differ nt precoss, that of ouilioz op truth in ci,flies, and putting it five feet under ground, lest it be a stench in the nostrils of onion meichunts. and Vint of revealing its grand and nub e form,. as glorious lir ing nu • ro-neers from the Lnrd slmighty. We walk with angels not with dead men; ar hike counsel of living. beating hearts, not deed hones and purses 'l'.. those who eon°. .1 or .01 the truth for a present rope chewy. and handle God's it ord by profit and loss and give., in receipt, a whirlwind. Ye shall be ashamed if your revenues, says lie, b. , cause of the fierce anger of the Lnrd. And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them tint have familiar spirits, and onto wizards that peep and mutter, should not a people seek unto , their and ? W.I. they dare so seek fur the living to the lend I To the law and to the testimony ! If your renders speak not according to this word, it is Lecause there is no light in them." niiscrllaw ileriely's the very spice of Life, REMARKABLE CASES. Criminals who have Returned to Life after Execution. The following singular cireurnstanw. is rocorded by Dr. Plot, in his Nittutul Big tory of Oxfordshire ; in the the year 1650, Anne Green, a servant of Sir Too nis R. aI, wait t it'd for murder of her new born child, and found guilty. She wns eft. cuted in the Court yard at Oxford, where she hung about huif an hour. Being cut down. she was put Min a coffin, and brought away to a house to be dissected , where when they opew.d the ceffiin, nothu iihstanding the rope remained inlnosed, and straightabout her neck, they perceived her breast to eke. whereupon one Mason. a taitor, in t. sling only an act of charity, set his foot upon her, and, as some say. one Drum a soldier, struck her again o ith the bul 1 of his•mu,kei Not wilistanding all which , when the learned and eminent Sir Wit limn Perry. ancestor of the present Mar quit. of liandowne, then Anatomy Prr tes or of tbe University. Dr Willis and Dr Clark. then President of \bled .len Col I , ge, and Vice Chaticellor of the Univer say came to prepare the body for diosec• ti,m, they perceived some smn ii rattling iii her throat : hereupon deviating from their former pewee. they presently used means ler her leCOVvry I y opening a vein. hiving her inn warm b.d and also using tiers remedies reap: !ling her senseless• seas. ins() tench, th a widnii fourteen hours she began to speak, and the next day talk ed laid prayed very heartily. Doting the time of this her recovering, the officers concerned in her execution would riti.da have hod her away again to have comple ted it on her, but by the mediation of the worthy doctors, aril emir other friends with the then govenor of the city, t'ol Kehl, there was a pa d pat upon her front all further dint u rtm lice until t hey ha.l sued nut her pardon from the govern in-tit Much WHIM indeed arose as to her actual guilt. Cm ds of people in the meantime caine to see her and many as. ti-rted that it must be the providence of God, who would thus assert her Innocence After seine time. Dr. Perry heating she dinnurse.l woh those about her, and suspect ng that the woman might suggest uteri her to relate something of otruge via imis and apranointis he had seen during t.e time rho see med to be dead, (which 'they already had begun to do, telling that she said she had been in a fine green meadow, having a river running round it, and all things there glittered like silver and gill,) he caused all to depart from the ri oat but the gentlemen of the faculty %lit) wire to have I e.m at the dissection and i.sked her co• ct rning her sense and' apprehensions doting the dine that she was hanged. 'I o which she answered, that she neither remembered how the fetters were knocked off; how she went out of prison when she was turned off the laddir ; whither soy psalm was sung or not; nor was she s.-nsible of any pain, that she could remember. She came to herself as it she had awakened out of a sleep, not recovering the use of her speech by slow &glees, bat in a manner altogeth er, begining to speak just where alts left • ne the gallows. I elm; thus art leigth perfectly recover. eil, f .r thanks given to .3nd, and the per srns initrumenn.l in bringing her to life, and procuring her an I.n utility from fur ther puniph neat. rho retard into the country to her friends at Steeple Burton where she was afterwards married, lived i I gold repute amongst her neighbors, having three children, and not dying till 1659. The following account or the case of a giil who was wrongly executed in 1766, is given by a celebrated French author, as an Instance of the injustice which was of• ten committed by the equivocal mode of trial do n used in France. About seventeen Ca ars since, a young pensm girl was ploy d at Pail.; in the ser vice of a man, who. smitten with her beau ty. irii dt o ente p ler ; but she was vir ttrius, and resisted. 'the prudence of this girl irr;tot 11 the master, and he detemin ed on revenge. He secretely conveyed into her box many things belonging to him, marked with his name. He then exclaimed that he was robbed, called in a commis:lire, (a tninisterial officer of jus tics,) and made his deposition. The girl s box woo searched and the things were din covered. The unhappy Jervant was Mt prisoned She defended herself only by her tears; she bad no evidence to prove that she did not put the property in her box: and her only rnswer to the interrogatories was, that she wan innocent. Ihe judges had no suspicion of the depravity of the accu ser, vt hose station was respectable, and they administered the law in all its rigor. The innocent ti .1 was condemned to be hanged. The dreadful office was ineffict ually performed, as it was the first attempt of the son of the chief executioner. A surgeon had purchased the body for dts• section, and Ft Nat convoyed to hts house. On .h it evening being about to open the head, he perceived n gentle warmth about the body. The dissecting knife tell from his hand and placed in a bed her whom he was attout to dissect His efforts to restore her to life were effectual, and at the lame time he sent for a el. rgyinan on whose discretion and ex pe.lence he could depend. in order to con• s ilt with him on this strange event as well os io hare hint fur a witness to his conduct. 'rile moment the unfortunate girl opened her eyes she believed herself in the other woil.l, and perceiving the figure of a priest. sub., had a murk d and majestic o intitenance she joined her hands trem. bl rilly exclaimed ••Eternal Father, you know it y innocence, have pity on me !" In this ur nm•r she to invoke the e. e e is t e iering i t her sinii 'icily tat she beheld her God. They were lot g in persuading her that she was no: dead—so much had the idea of the pun. ishment and of death possessed her im agination. The girl having returned to Fite and health, •hr ietired to hide herself in a dis- tant village, ruing to meet the judges or officers, who with the drtadful tree con. Hominy It muted her imigina:ion The accuser rein' led unpunished,'because his shl.ough mange:4rd by tto indi vidual witnesses was rot clear to the eye of the av. The people subsequently be came a .quainted with the resurrection of tl i • girl, and loaded with reproaches the author of her misery. Die PCHCeSIC WITTWE.-4 Song for the Guitar.—Dat panty I,ttle widder, vat to &won't vish to name, is sthill leben on cat little sthreet. doinolwes tallest to zame. Die glt rks upon& der korners, zometitns goes down to se how die tarlin little vitchy is, und ax her how she pe. Dry loves her very goot looks, dey loves ter leetle paby, but dry loves die vidder mere. To ualk Inn dot greet vidder, vhen she hands der lager roma yill lanky dat schap dot d oe s it, pe haopy, pound—dat ish, iv vu can yell pelieve, de gierks vat drhinks des peer, who goes in dare for nuthin' elsh, but simply for to see her. Oh, die wunderschcene %Vittwe, mit eyes so pright at.d proven, she is die alien schmnrte Wittwee, rot leaves in die here town. In her pluck silk gownt —mine kracious Buttoned to de neck, und a pooty leetle collar inttuut a supot or shpeck. Ho; clear der track, you ooder fraus, you can't peg's to shine, yen to lofely vidder comes along. I visit dat she was twine ! lio, clear de trek, you Yankee tchaps, you Englisheri end such ; you can', min to cut me ow; m:tout you dalka in Dutch,— Leh bah' die scheme Wittwe echon lunge nicht geisha; lch salt sit gestern Abend wohl bei dem Counter stehn ; die Wanaen rein wie Mitch und Blut, die Augen hell und klar, loh hab' sic seclunnal each ge• itnivet, powtansotao/ des tat waist VOL. XXI. NO. 47. From a Cope of Good Hope piper. PR/OHM:11 DEATH BY A LION. On Friday morning several vta„ , ons for ming n part of the second division of the command, left IVlooi River Dorp for the lager at Mortice. They rode the firm eve ning as far as Rivt 4pruit, a noted place fur lions. Mr. Philip V.w Coder and his brother wis'iing to proceed, inapt oned their wagon, about midnight, they writ, strongly advised c.:m. panions not to ride before y had scarcely ridden an hour, tvilol e oxen were suddenly frigntened. Van Coffer jumped off his wagon and v ..- deavored to turn thew, but, nut succeedit. k : in doing so, sprang upon I to wagon trap, Irem which he must have been iu u nedtate• ly drugged by a large lion witfi such force as to break one of the trap milt. Ile was heard to cry out twice for help, but in the confusion of the 111011 Writ was not missed, his brother Adolphe being buoy ut the time on horseback ende ivoring to scup the oxen, were going at a fearful raw through the veld. With much dttliculty he succeeded in doing soi and the.: return• ed to look for his missing brother, woos' body he found about dayi,reak, oryl the lion crouching about twelve yards insist it. With a feeling of desperation, he lerell.d his gun tad fired at thu annual. The aim was good, and, as the hall pa sod through its head, it fa spot, On coming miarer to his oriiiher's body the poor niim WU sadly shoc eit ita mutilated condition, the lion h r. tied it a long di,lance, and th-ii di ;; the greater portion. The rc• were hastily conveyed to town, and dim,: • .4 eighty persons attended The r..: P.,.)r Philip Van Coller leaves a ,viduw and several children to deplore theft aad his melancholy end. P. S.—We have since learned that. pre. lions 'o the oxen becoming frighte.... , l,the lion first attacked, without provocation, Adolphe Van Coller and three other men who were riding on horseback some dis tance in frost of the wagon. [laving un fortunately no guns with thorn, they jut:w ed WI their horses and stood between them and the lion. The ion, however, appear. ed more anxious to attack them than their horses, on which they shouted and threw •their hats at him, and afterwards fired the grass, when he left them and went to the wagon. The surrounding country being all occupied, the lions appear to have con centrated Oftmselves at this spot, where they are extremely told: • cinvc rit SPEECH OP THE TEMPERA] Tula. They tell us that we are fanati A kind of drone that seeks an In which to lire from others' hard e That all our solemn protestations are To flood the eye of foolish sympathy. But let me tell you, ft iends, if Ilfave Here is this audience—l have pnre dTo To hero appear in thin mistrusted station;— Fur such have been my wretched scene, oi lirei My constant prayer, no others may enact them 1 du Rot come with studied tales of Wale, Reality my own, my sole example, Which truly shows why I'm fanatical. A parent branded as • "bankrupt sot," And in his wild deliri. cruelty, Abuse and curse a fond and denting wotber, Her fond affection changed to constant sorrow Heart broke n6e left for that eternal world,— A little cause to be fanatical. My father died the drunkard's death—alone, Without a friend to soften death's cold pillow. The devlish vision& of delerium Howling his spirit to another world. That morning's dawn, told such a wad tale, You well may say,--1 am fanatical I Should I relate the record of a broths,— Tho blasted allergy of early youth, The purple tints of midnight dissipation, The sickly, rayless eye, the swollen blow. The bloated form, the drowsy intellect; Degeneration of the gifts of God; [oar 11,,t And when the quick disease spread thrni.git How aoou it drank his scanty nap of life; You'd still proclaim, I am fanatical That christened brother of our family, The sacred purchase of a sister's hand, Intemperate; destroyed a princely fortune. Necessity with sookevsunken eye, (red With ghastly brow, and hollow cheek, 8000 AS Him in the face ; a growing family I n want, it hat keener carte can pierce the hear; And be befriend' it with • fatal dagger, And fell a victim, branded suicide. And yet 'tie strange I am fanatical A sister, broken hearted, in despair , For her protector, self torn thus away ; With frantic violence destroyed her child, The only remnant of maternal joy ; And then, alike self vietimed, sought her grave, And I FM left, to be fanatical Climb from the ditch, to be fanatics Use, left the bowl, to be fanatics! A.nd ham open( w yora-v-faaatised on :ha
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers