BUT I'ERNUT I:UST:UM—Take a ffrrcultural. pint of craw an I n quart of milk, stir it _ well together, three eggs and the meats of a dozen butternuts with the milk, stir till well mixed, add nutmeg and bake, and you A WRINKLE ADOUT THE. AOC Or HORSES. will have a very rich custard, old+ Mot Ay the ',Pugh would limb', ' Biowelf mug either hold or drive." —A few days ago we met a gt Barman from Alabama, who gave us a piece of in- TO MAKE TON L tTO WlNE.—Take small ripe tomatoes, pick off the steins, put formation in regard to ascertaining the age of a horse, after he or she has passed the them into a tub, wash clean, then mash ninth year, which was new to us, and will well, and strain through a linen rag, (a be we are sure to meet of our readers. It bushel will m..ke five gallons pure,) then old two and a half to three lbs. of brow. is this: After the horse is nine years old, t su,mr to each gull..u; then put into a cask a wrinkle comes on the eyelid at the upper amid ferment and fine as for rasberry wine. corner of the lower lid, anti every year thereafter he has one well defined wrinkle If two gallons of water be added to each for each year over nine. If, for instance , bushel of tomatoes, the wine will be its a horse has three wrinkles, ho is twelve ; goad. if four, he is th.rteon. Add the number of wrinkles to nine, and you will always TO COOK RIPE ToA TOES Remove the skins and season them to the get it. So Jays the gentleman ;and he is confident it will never fill. As a good ma taste. Roll them in flour, and place them ny people have horses over IMP' it is easily in a deep &Ai , add a litttle water and but , tried. If true, the horse dentist must give ter; PC" , in a quick 155 n rind bake until up his trade.—Southern Floater. I tender. Serve hot and you . : will have a _ delicious dish. DISEASE IN Boosts.--A disease among horses has made its appearance near Bos. ton. The animal loses the use of its limbs, and staggers, and falls. The limbs become cold. The animal suffers but little appa rent pain, and retains its senses to the last. The pulse is low. The disease is attend ed by a pushing of the head forward, and drawing both lips away from the teeth.— The Nett• England farmer stale;, that one case of this nature was successfully treated in the following sooner: The horse wr s rubbed continually, and A pint of otl—par, ly castor oil and portly sweet oil—wits gi• ven It wss intended to give castor oil, but enough was not ut hand. PLANT TREES —Flow many fa"mers are annually deprived of the pl tt,ti re of abundance of fruit. and all front their oven neglect in planting out trees •tProcraai natb,a is the thief of time," So:no, obje,t to planting because they are getting old, and will not live to gather the fruit, never considering that others are to come after • t' ca II ethers that it is some expense, and th tt they can't just afford it ; or that it is so flr to go for'trees, or they will wait ano tUer year, and get bigger trees CLOVER TO ENRICH LASID.—I have not ed cloverseed some fifteen or twenty years. arid find it a very cheap mode of enriching lied. Seine land on my farm, that would not produce over toventy five or thirty bits. of corn per acre when I bought it, will now produce seventy five or eighty bush els per acre,and with a good coat of ma- nure, I have no doubt it could be made to pr.duce in a good season, over 100 bush els per acre.—Ohio HOW TO JEDGE A SADDLE 110129 E —The I editor of the Plow, Loom and Anvil an swers : Do you require a saddle horse If so, just ace that hts head is Well up, and that he has high with, rs, slightly curved hack ; good limbs, forward; slanting pas terns, so that he will not be likely to Jilt you to death ; sea, ale 0, that he is kind and gentle, and sure footed ;then have him ex amined by a veterinary surgeon, as to soundness. WOOD ASHES —Every bushels of wood nshee. applied to the corn crop is worth one dollar. The truth of this assertion has been rereutedly demonstrated by the result of experiments accurately conducted. On all light soils, the action of ashes is highly energetic. arid salutary ; they exert a mine nod invigortvine influence, and promote the rapid growth of almost every species of production. lt6rDig your potatoes when the ground is dry, and be careful in handling them not to bruise them. %nen you hole them, he careful to cover well with straw. `.jousttuift. DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. NVe find the following receipts in the Enrol New-Yorker: CHEAP TEA CAKE.-1 teacup of sugar, 1 4 of cream, teaspot nfill of snlnra• tus floor with nutin.g, ro I thin and bake in a quick oven. GO'ID PLUNI CAKE.-1 erg, 1 tea cup of sugar, 1 of buttermilk. half teacup of butter. 1 tea moohrul of as krauts, flat or with nutmeg; 3 teacups of flour ; beat it well; then add your raisins, rolled in flour butted in a quick oven. GOOD JOHNNY CAKE.-1 quart of in:lk, with 2 tablespoonfulls t f molasses, sc.:Trued to boiling heat. then thickened with Indian meal till stiff, add I pint of butiermilk, with 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 do. of salerutus, bake in a moderato ov BAKED• APPLE DUMPLINGS x your crust the same as for short bus cult; roll cut thin, and 4 quarts in a burs. cult; place them in a pan and bake in a moderate oven; sauce, sugar and butter ; you can use berries or any (bled fruit as well as apples. These are far better than boiled apple dumplings. To PREVENT JAI FROM GRAIN ING.—A correspondent informs us that to prevent jams, preserves, etc., from graining, a teaspoonful of cream of tartar must be added to every gallon of the jam or preserves. VEGETAFLE SEAEONEPE.—Pariie• ly cei ty, iliyme, onions. garlic, and other seasoners, should not bu put into soups or stews unti• the soup is nearly done chip fine. and put in five minutes before the soup is taken from the fire, TO DESTROY NI IT ES IN CHEESE —A piece of woolen cloth should be dip f.ed in sweet oil. which should he rubbed on the cheese. If one application is oot sufficient to destroy the iniies.the remedy way be used as ellen as th, y appear.— The the ese shelv, a should be wasted with snail and %%tot r. lIIISC I.I.I,ANEOUS ADVERTISEMENU DISCOVERYw In the healing it, attia•te,l will all kinilr at Tlllll l lr, Wens. Cum...., Fitti; ! its, Selairras, Gait e r. 1,1y 5a ... or any etsie th ,or Saves. no 'Molter 011 Whitt part of the hale. can he eared I l y 1111 1.111i10', 0. 105%0 i.r train, (iI cu rable). Th”,e Afflicted With (teat , !less, and oil., I.ii,ieases, no matter What their name may Inc. can rest assured of finding relief, nod thereliire should not delay a Inutile!, Write disease and s)uttitoins full and you ean receive au answer by return ,• to insure an answer enclose the small sum of"Tweut s .fire warrant him in spending his time your bene fit. All other letters must h u e,, a p as , staa ,p co, CIOSC , I to pre-pay answers. N. K. is a regular Graduate. fliero is no need to visit distant places, to undergo a painful operation, and spend it fortune when you ran he cured with little expense, anti without suffering, near home. Address, lht. C. L. KELLING, Alechanieshurg, Cumberland county, Pa. Apr.23,'56.-10m. NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. • N. SPENCER THOMAS, No. 26,Suuth Second Street, Phintdelphi , importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, INledichies, Chemicals, ACIDS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, \VIIITE LEAD, French and Ann•riiun White ZINC, Win Dow •01ta1421 Glassware. Varnishes, Brushes, Instraments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by Druggist. including Borax, lidigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &r.. Etc. All orders by mail, or otherwise promptly at totaled to. Country merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any or the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and goods war. ranted. Mar.12,'56.—1y. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER ♦T THE HUNTIN. 0,41.0 THING STORE, A. WILLOUGHBY, 1S j u s t returned trout the cost With a largo H :Lod :pletidia :ts+fftment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for hoy. , , until.; in the latest fashion sup is the most durable manlier. Who seer wants to be dressed better and clasper than anybody else in town, let Wm call at W•l.LOUUlthir'S Cueat• CLOTIIINU SionE, one dour west of T. Read & Son's drug store, Huntingdon. Cull and sue for yourselves Oct. IS, tO5O. PILES I PILES! PILES? Are you eutrering with the Piled, inwardly or outwardly? li so, use Dr. Dories' Celebrated Remedy. Wiirrunted to cure in nil eases. The *above is the only tented 3 that has ever cured Olt etually. City references and testi. monists given. It you have the Piles inwardly, ask fora box of Dr. D.'s I'ill3—only 50 cents. If you hove the • Piles outwardly, ask for a boa of Dr. D.'s Ointment—only 50 cents. For stile by JOHN HEAD, Huntingdon, Pa. J nue 4, '5O, Drs. MILLER & FRAZEB, DENTISTS. muvriniGuos, PENNA. Oakes on 11111 Street, opposite , the Court Muse, and North Last •••• Corner of dill and Frooklin sic. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Aioney, Packages, cud goods of all kinds, re ceived and forwarded at t ho risk lathe company, to all the cities and principaltownc in ths United baste May I ,'Mt. TitElOa. I?. 121E1ff5 , 111. ATTOLLVEY AT LAW, Willattend to all business entrusted to him. of lico nearly opposite the Conrt Hence Mac 'Ol lIIISCELLANEOIIS lIVE.RTISEMF,tiTS. TREE OF CHARGE ! Two Splendid Parlor Fngravings, I. 4 N.TITLED "Holton Abbey in the Olden Li Times," a splendid steel engraving. from the lelebrated painting by Landseer ; and the “Departure of the Iruelkea from Egypt," a large and heuutital engraving filen a painting by D. Roberts. The retail 'price of the above engra ving is $3, per copy, but will be aunt free of, charge as follows % IHE B:lbt , cribers hove established a Book I Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any hook or publi,ntion at the retail price free of postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub scription prier of any of the $3 Magazines, such as limper's. Godey's, Putnam's, Graham's, or Frank Leslie's Fashions, &e. will receive the magazines for one year and ‘t copy of the above beautiful engratinas, free of charge, or if sub wild,: t o a $2, too l a $l, Ylitgazine, such as Peterson's. and Challen's Ladies' Annual, they will recite both magazines and a copy of either of the alive engravings. Every description of Engraving on Wood ex ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, &e. All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their buildings engraved can send a Daguer reotype ur sketch (dale building by mail or ex press. . . . . . . Persons at a distance having saleable articles would fled it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as we would act as agents for the sale attic same BYRAM & PIERCE, 50 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. N0v.28, 155.-11 y. p!1011123 0 41172 Sebastopol Taken 30,000 MEN KILLED The undersigned hp just returned t'rion the city with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which he is now prepared to (lista.° of at very low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to purchase will find it to their interest to give him a call Itelore purchasing elsewhere, as he studies only to please( 11is stock consists of a large lot of Dry Goods, Hardware. OQT 4. &i S 11_0 E.O, OAT'S C A Glass & Queensware, a large (mil splendid assortment el ready made CLOTH ING, which he is prepared to sell in lota to suit porch. anfb. JOHN HUYE'I"I',.Ir. N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange Moursville, Nov. 7, 18.55.-0. THE FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND. Of the National Nafrty Company. Walnut Street, South 11°,4 r Third St ree t . Incorporated by the Sale of Peon ylvanla. . . _ . . flee ()thee is open every day, from 9 o'clock in the nnoning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and . Mowlay awl Thum '. evening s. till 9 o'clock INTEEEsT FIVE PEICCENT. All sums large or small, aro paid buck in gold on demand without notice, to any amount. President, lion HENRY 1,. lIENNER, Vice President, Itt)BERT SELFRIDGE, Secretary. We J. IL,Eu. DIRECTORS. C. Landreth Maims, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Churchman, Francis Lee. Henry L. Benner, Carter, H i Bert Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton, Junks B. Smith. The Mr equients of the Fund now amounting to more than own MILLION of dollars, in occur dunce with the act of incorporation are made in Multuages, Ground Rents, and in such first•clnss securities as must always insure perfect security to the depositors, and place beyond all risk the permanency and stability of this old and well established Institution. Feb. 20, 1856. HUNTINGDON COWSIVIERCTA.I ScHoot. — This school has been opened ii the II:111 t'or- ' merly once tied by the “Sons of Temperance," on Dill street. Ihe course of instrucihm em braces Single ant Double Entry brok keeping, lectures on commercial seience. and also lectures on eionion,,clal law, Ethics, and political econo my, delivered by members tor the Bar. The student passes through II course compri sing over hour hundred forms, writing not, jour— nalizing, posting mad closing four entire sets of hooks, solving problems, &c•,PreMselY ns,in re al business, and in addition to this he hats large practice in oral and blackboard exercises, in 0-1 poling and closing Single and Double Entry Books, in Partnership, Administration, Joint, and Compound Company settlements, in recei ving a partner into copartnership, aunt settling with a retiring one, all of which, together with resit,us other exorcises and calculations cannot fail to give full satisfaction and profit the learn er. Students can enter at any time a day or e vening class or both if they wish, the time is unlimited, they can leave at any time .d re turn at pleasure witbout additional charge. For any oilier particulars, address personally or by letter T. li. POLLOCK,Principal. Assistance given when required in (opening and closing books. [April A, 1858.—1 y. IA II Yi Vat The Lost is Found; TILE DEAD DAVE COME TO LIFE. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY OWNED BY ISRAEL 03.71118, ESQ. RC. McGIL to wishes to inform his • friends and the public generally, thst he has bought the above-named Foundry, Patterns. Flasks, 01111 all its comet., anti frets his long experience in the business he hopes to obtain a shore or the public patronage. As he l o ts the Foundry in full ope ration. he can furnish all who may glee hilll call Oith all kinds of Castings ; such, as Hailing Mill and Forge Castine, Grist and Saw Mill Casting. improved Thrashing Machine Casting ; and in a short time will have Cook Stoves at va riuo arc and improved patterns for wood mod coal; also ten-plate tar , es, Air-Tight, Parlor, and Bar-room stoves, to all start far a rood or coal. •Alsoo Castings far house; cellar grates ; such as Lentels. Sdle,Sosh-Weights. etc. Plows at every descripti o n of the latest and most Mi. proved style. Mae steel soles, wagon boxes, uses frames, large bells and coat water-pipes. HOLLOW— WA UZI consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c., having turn ing•lothes, lie will be able to furnish any of the above-nanied articles, either w ood or iron; and he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for each and all kinds of country produce.— Also old metal will be taken in exchange forma clog. flurry up your old metal and country pro. duce when any articles are wanted A 1 ..23,'56.—1 y. R. C. McGILL. Dr. John McCulloch, nffere hitt professional services to the citizens of U Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. Hi.de brand's, between the Exchange aid Jackson's Hotel. ifuutiugdok Aug. en, 1110. *AAMigetrAttg* 4 ,(E o .,oc..coo:fcco o f; AT g CAL* o o 0 4 : JOB OFFICE g 0 OF THE 0 0 e "RUNT. JOURNAL. "o o The largest and best : 11 JOB OFFICE o r () IN THE COUNTY. u :.t' 4f)::0 JOB-WORIL. : It' 0 OP ( 0 ) .ii . 4' ',.,. :all aanov; .", <,. n o EXECUTED 0 :3:› 1 1 6 As Cheap us the Cheapest, i) k• 4 g AE1521711 • b 1 0 THAN , 17 : Wilt RESII. (lb 4'4, PERFECT SATISFACTION 18 '..'. ‘ 11: f ° WARRANTED. 334. , o .) o All kinds of thi.' BLANKS '1 0 -4)3 g ( 2,: 5 z . n 1,.1t . 0: . 1 . 1 A: T o. 4;YU4t; . .C .. ..; PA r oFC . V.WTIV 34" . IP v r ii .r.r -,04,--4 W/CADVian , -3 MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH BURR I STONE,---- T ALLITD a r AVO Corner of Germantown Itunil and New Market Streets, cm the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand or made to ot der. the fol ios., hi,hlv approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodman's Patent Portable Mills and Surat Machines. • ..... Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Dus. teN. Starer Potent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Picronn's Potent Barrel Iluopand Moulding Maeldt.es. _ _ Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Bnrr Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole und Plaster Crushers. Also SOLE OWNER OF Johnston% !•:tent Cast Metal Con- cal e L'sl.fiA East and South-East of the Ohio and Mississip pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from I to 21 lbs, of standard flour, which could sot be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesim. to. the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all persons against infringing ray rights, secured by Letters Pa tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons nutking 4 tselling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John slot., dated April 24th. 1854. THOMAS 13. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. IL—State and County Patent Rights for all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. tf BOOKS! BOOKS! 40,000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books, embracing every variety usually kept inn Philadelphia Book Store, and min, of them at half the Publisher's retail price, the suliscrilier now offers to the public. All school hooks used in the county can be hail in nny quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, I,tter and Wrapping raper, wholesale or by the ream. lOU superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, Irani SI upwards. lOU Pocket and l'en knives of Rogers' and other,' best metittfeet tire. lOU sun:mild Port Alonnaiesand Pocket hooks at 20 ets. and upward, 3 000 Irli:CL% WALL PAPER, of the latest dna prettie,t styiea, just received from Philadelphia aud New York, prices from 10 as. piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilled Win. dow Shades at 44 eta. and upwards. The public I ace but to cull and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they w II be pleased and also save money. Re member the place, corner of klontgomery and Railroad strenta WM. COLON. Apr.23;56. BEMOVAZ. undersigned m ishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he has moved his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by him as Collector's office, Hill Pt. Where ho intends ram ing on the Tailoring business on such tering as will nut fail to give satistartiou to all that may lover him with their env tem. fle wishes to return thanks fertile liberal pa• tromp° heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the sante. ENOS 11. KULI'. April to, 1855—t1. C. 0. HUSSEY. C. WELLS. UUSSEY & WELLS, PORK PACKERS Wholesale Dealers in Provisions, -A N— ZO XXIAS C.OMMIZSSZOIST MERCSANTS., NO. 325 11.111LIMI STREET, Commercial Row, PITTSBURG, PA. May 21. 1556.—Gin. INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. T N. BALL respecttlilly solicits the attention •of the farming community to a quality 01 Plouylia which he is new manufacturing, and will have ready for sale in a few days, he is also pre pared to make harrows, wugulf., catty, wheel barrows, &c., &c., and to du all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in the must substantial manner. Nimpon N. W. cornerut Montgmery and Wash• lurch 27 1885—tf. Jour SCOTT, SAMUEL T. BROWN 1610T7111 0 Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same ae that formerly occupied by Jobi Scott, Eeq, IN*, to, MOS. ➢IEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Greatest Medical Disoovery of, the Age Dr. Kennedy, or Roxhia;y, hat discovered in one of onr common pasture weeds a remedy that cures VINE/ EYED TY TIORINIft from the worst scrofula down to a common He has tried it in over 1100 eases and never tailed except two roses. (both thunder !mow.) He ha. now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of l'intpl es on the thee. Two or three bottles will cure the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the morst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure ell humor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and hlothes among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure sway corruption of the Two to three bottles are wurranterl to cure the erorst ease ofrinttworm. Two to three Potties are warranted to cure the noel desperate case of rhea aatistn. Three to our bottles ere warranted to curo the colt Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of seroluln. A benefit it always experienced from the first bottle, end a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. Reader, I peddled over n thousand bottles of thi s in she vi , inity of Boston. I knew the effect ot it in every none. ;to gum ns wmer will extinguish tire, so sure will this core humor.— I never sold a hi ttle of it let that tmld another; nfteru trial it aiazo , speaks !or itself. There are two thine ,'bunt this herb thaitt appear to me surpri.ing ; tirst it grows in our pastures in same places quite plentiful and yet its volue has never been known until I discovered it in 1846—second that it should cum all kinds of humor. ..... In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the dkeovery. I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per de.,—in Aprll, 1854, 1 sold over one thousand per clay of it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in lalSini,s twenty anti thirty years, say that wahine in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise , s? it from all quarters. In my own pramice I always kept it strictly for humor—but stn., its hal,ailletiall as a gen eral family medicine, great and wt ntlerlial vie sites Imre been found in it that I never suspect• ed. Several eases ef epileptic fits—a disease which was always considered incurable, have been mired by it n tem battles. 11, what a tnerey it it will prove effectual in all canoe of that dreadful malady—there are lot lew who have more or it than I have. I know of 80,01114 cases of Dropsy, all of wl,am aged potpie cared by it. Far the vitri ol,: diseases of the Liver, Sick Clued whit, Dyt, p,psitt, Asthma, Fever and Ague. Pates in the Side, Discuses of the Spine. and particularly in diseases of the Kidneys, &c., the discovery hue done more Is. od than any medicine ever known. Nu change of diet ever necessary—eat the best you can get and enough of it. Dsitymoss FOR UM—Adult. one table spoonful per day—Children over ten years des sert spoonfull—Children from live to eight years teaspoonful!. As nu directions can be applica ble to all constitutions, take sail:tent to otter ate on the bowels twice a day, Manutiteturcd by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120, Wurrtn St., Roxbury, Mass. Price !MO. T. W. Dyott, General Agent for Pennsy Iva. V h Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click. ner Ot Barclay Street—B. Fl. Ring, 192 Broad. way .—lttistittin and Clark, 27:1 Broad Way.—A. & 1). Sands, too c ulton Street. bur sale ti. W. Wellman, MeVeytowa ; Mrs. Harr Marks, Lewistoim; 'r, Reed & Sou, IlealMO.. And sold by Agents generally. May 28,'56.—1y. HENRY W. OVERMAN, Nu. 6, south Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins; MANI P‘CTURMIt AND 01,1 NAL 12 1 .1'4'11%11 olaln. Has Constantly on lianii, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Leather, Moroccc, Calf Ekins Sheep skins, &c , The attention of Country Mercluints and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AM) OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2, 1856.-Iy. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE & WAGON. M AN UFA (I, he is prepared to manutlicture at his shop on Washington street, on the property WO anti r e ia - t for msny years occupied by Alex. Citruion, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, GERMANTOWN WAGONS, and in short every kind of vehicle desired.— Rockuways and Buggies of a superior manufac ture and finish always on hand and for sale at fait prices. Repairing of all kinds dona at the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Iluntingdon, May 28,1836.—1 y. FARM Eli'S HOME. -n r -11ENItY MeNIANIGILL. Hill Street, Huntingdon, Hunt. County, Pa. tiiitr. proprietor would resvetfully on. nounce to all hlt, old customers cud the t it of mankind," that he has refitted lilt, ti house, and is prepared to acconitinalate strangers and travellers, and the public generally. He has albU latilelled a LIVERY STABLE, and he will hire honots, carriage., ticm, on the must reasonable terms. April a 1856.-1 y. Sometlaing New at Iluntingdon. The celebrated Centre County Iron tut sale at the following prices: Four cents per lb for common assorted front t inches square and round up. 4 cents for Horse-shoe and Spike•rods, including 3 and inches square, and 5 cents fur Nuil-rods, at the cheap store of CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. er COUNT IL T DILAZZIIts can buy cLoTiii NG from nie in Huntingdon at Whole sale, as cheap as they can in the cities as I have a Wholesale al ire iu Philadelphia. ' Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN. L EADPIPE fog Bale at, the Hardware Store of .1 AMES A. BROWN k 00. ItIEDICAL ADVERTISENENTS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DO:, :OR JOHNSTON THE founder of this Celebrated Institution, 1 offers the moat certain, speedy, and only effectual remeay in the world for (Meets, Stric tures, Senthial Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs ' Affections of the Kid— neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous irritability, Disease of the heed, Throat, Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising from the deotiuctire habits of Youth, which destroys both hotly and mind. These secret and solitary practices ore more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrene to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their moat brilliant hopes of anatapations, rendering marriage, &c.,)inpossiltle. Young Men, especially, who have become the victim. of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the must exalted talents, and brilliant inteltect, who might oth erwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to century the living lyre, may call with all confidence. Marriage Married persons, or young men contempla ting marriage, being aware of physical weak. nets, organic debility, deformities, alc.,should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. lle who places himself uodcr the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill at a physician. Organic Weakness. immediately cured, and full vigor restored, This disease is the penalty must frequently phid by those who have become the victim of improper indulgencies. litmus; persons ore too .0 to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequence that nosy ensue.— Now, who that understands the subject will pre tend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those !idling into improper habit thou by the prudent. Besides being deprive . d of the pleasure of healthy offspring. the most se rious and destructive symptom to mind and ho ds arise. The system becomes deranged, the PhYAelti anti mental Powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp toms of Consumption. CO Office No. 7, South Frederick Street, se ven doors from Baltimore street. East side, up the steps. Be parties bir in observing the name and imbiber, or you will mistake the place. A Cure mirronted. in lure Days. NO MERCURY OR NAL'sEOUS DRUGS. Dr. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of Surgeon?, London. graduate l'roin coo la' the um, eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose lite has hero spent in die tirHt Hos pitals of Lomitm. l'aris l'inhalelphia, and else where. bus effected niece of the moat astonish. cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at •}twiden strund4, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A Certain chicane When the inisgudileil and imprudent votary of pleasure finds lie has imbibed the seeds of this paint ul disease. it to too often happens that an sense of shame, or Breed ut 11 iscevcry, deters hint haunt applying to those who from ed ucation and respectability, elle alone befriend hint, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make tlitir appearance, such as ulcerated sore threat, none, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, 1112311. e., MACS on the shift bones and arms, blotches on the head. face and extremities, progiessing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the MOUth Or the bones of the nose full in, and the victim of this awful disease be comes 8 horrid Object Of commiseration, tat death puts a period to hi.s dretniful sutlerings by sending him to •'thaat bunion from whence no traveller returns," 'l•u such. therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges liimsellto I.reserve the nio, iliViolable secrecy, and from his extensive prac tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and Ameii ca, be can confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this but - rid disease. It is u melancholy fact that thousands full vii . nits to this horrid disease owing to the unsk H iltless of ignorant pretenders who by the use of hat deadly poison Mercury, ruin the conm.i. idiom, tool either send the unfortunate Fullmer D 1111 untimely grave, or make the rosidu4 of his ife miserable. lie Particular Notice. Dr. J.. addresses all those who hose inj ure d themselves by improper indulge:Ries. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vin: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pions in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow er, Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Con sumption, &c. MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind m•o much to b e dreaded; Loss of memory, COll - Oridoot, Depression of Spirit, For bodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, are some of the evils prodneed. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Loring their vigor, becoming weak, pale and oi noc i s tad, hare singular appearance shout the eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption. Dr. JOllll.l4lll'S Invigorating Reine d) for big:toile IWeaksiemi By this ,remand important remedy, weakness f the ovimits is speedily mired and fall vigor re drm!. 'thousands of the most debilitated and tervims. who had lost all hope, have been im nediately relieved. All Impediments to Ma, loge, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ner vous Irritability, Trent Wings and Weakness, r exhaustion or the most restful kind, speedily :wed by Doctor Johnston. Young ,:en, who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone--a habit ftequently learned from evil companions,mr at school—the effects of which urn nightly felt, even when a sleep, and it not cured renders marriage impos sible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity theta young man, the hope ofhis . . country, and the darling of his parents should he snatched from all primpects and enjoyments of life by the consequence ot deviating from the path of nature and indulging In a certain secret habit Such persons before contemplating Marriage. should reflect that a sound mindand body are the most necessary requisites to promote cumin happiness. Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the liuppine,e or another becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7, SOOTII FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, MD. To Strangers. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last 15 years, and the numerous im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa pers, and many other persons, notices of which hove appealed again and again before the pub lic, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves us Physicians, raining the health of the already af flicted. Dr. Julins'n deems it necessary to say to clam unacquainted with his reputation that his Diplomas always hang in his office. or TAKE NOTIOE.—A II letters must be poet paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be seat. Jute IS, 1.64,-Ir. TERM OF TOE JOURNAL. TERMS : The "HUNTINGDON JOONNAL" is publitheattA be following rates : 11 paid in advance SM. If paid within six months after the time at' subscribing If paid at the end of the yeur Aud two dollars and lift• cents if not plaid tit] after the expiration of the year. No subscript!oo will be taken for a less period than six months,. end Hopper will he discontinued, except at the option of the Editor, after it brut went ever the time of subscribing, until the end of that year, Snliscribers living in distant conntles,or in other States, will be required to pay invariably is advance. er The LOGY° terms will be rigidly adhered to le all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be °barged et the following reqost I insertion. 2 do. It du, Six lines or less $ 25 $ $ Ike One square, (16 lines,) 50 7 5 1 MC Two " (32 ) 100 150 204 Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300 Business men navertking by the Quarter, Holt Year or Year, will be charged the following eaten • 3 mo - . 6 mo. 12 inc. One square, 13 00 $5 00 SS 00 Two squares, 500 650 12 50 Three squares, 750 10 00 15 00 Four squares, 900 14 00 23 03 Five squares, 15 00 25 00 38 00 Ten squares, 25 00 40 00 60 00 Business Cards net exceeding six lines, one year, $4.00. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the IitNTINGDON JOUIINAI„ who are author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the moon of new subseri hers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri bers living at a distance from Huntingdon. Jotix W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidayshurg, GEORGE W. Como:Lire, Cromwell township. HENRY HUDSON, Clay township. DAvio ETNntE, Cromwell township. Dr. J. I'. Amer., Penn township, J. W...scsAm MATTE., Franklin township, SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jileksoll township, C01..1N0. C. WATtiox, Brady townihip, MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township, We. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Watriorsmark tp., Gtionott W. WIHTTAKER, Petersburg, lIENOY NEFF, West Barre. JOHN HAL/MACH, Waterstreet, Mel. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, GEORGE WILSON, E++. Tell township, JAMES CLARE, Birmingham. NATHANIEL Lnrt.n, Esq., Sprees Creels, Msj. MUORE, Alexandria. 11. F. W Furnace. SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., UlOOll DAVID CLARKSON. Esq., Cass township. SAMUEL WtoroN, Esq., Franklin township. Gxouou t'IIANIC, Warriorsmalk. DAvID AURANDT, EN., Todd township. , J. At.)•«EH Sanss, Dublis township. The "JOURNAL , ' has 300 Stibmerl. berg snore, than any' other paper ill this county'. 0. K. NEFF, 111. D., IsAvnsa; located himself in WARRIORMAIti 1 - 1 in this county, Would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that place and the country adjacent. REFFKIIENCES: J. B. Luden, M. 1). Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, Est J. H. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwinu . M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq Huth George Taylor . Huntingdon, Pe Jucob M Gemmill, M. D., diesundria, John It'Culloch, " Petersburg. Ap7,'34-11 JOHN MOREHEAD. SUCCESSOR TO KING & MOREHEAD, WHOLESALE GROCER AND .LrillillZigiri®Til iffillallArilY, AND DEALER IN Fish, Baron, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Lard, Lard Oil, Flaxseed Oil, White Lead, Pig Lead, Win dare Glans, Glassware, Iron and Nails, Star anal Tallow Candles, Variegated and Rosin Soup, and Pittsbu,g manalactures generally. No. 27 Wood St., PITTSBURG. PA, Particular attention givea to the sale of Pig Metal end Blooms, and liberal advances mane thereon. Rob. 13, 1856.—1 y. RAILROAD HOURS. THAI!. °GING EAST. Mall T. 1 Ex. T. 1 Fast T. 1 E. T. Train learns P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Petersburg, 2.19 4.18 9.45 12,56 Huntingdon, 2.3 G 4.34 10.01 108 51111 Creek, 2.49 4.44 1(1.11 1,36 Mt. Union, 3.07 4.57 10.25 2,9* TRAINS GOING WEST. Train learns P.M P.M. P.M. A.M. Mr. Union, 4.16 6.40 8.10 5,28 Mill Creek, 5.03 6.58 8.22 1.5111 Huntingdon, 5.18 7.12 8.35 6.13 Petersburg, 5.34 7.25 8.47 6.49 ntmovAri. Afilts. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the 11 ladies nt Huntingdon and the surrounding country that she has moved next door to Charles Miller n;tove the Presbyterian Church, Hill St., where site intends carrying on the jitney and straw Minium" , business. Having received the latest city titshiun,'she is prepared to attend tit till that may favor her with their eustum. April 10, 1055—tf S. A. KULP. A. P. Wicsou. R. BnucE Plasma WILSON & PETRIKIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of lluntingdoa Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Junistu ties. March 28, 1853. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE library will be open every Saturday ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the Court House. Subscription 50 cents a year. New books have been added to the former ex• eellent collectiont—Gillfillen's ranks, Hugh • Millers, Mrs. Ellet's &c. By order of the President. Iluntingdoo, Oct. Ist, 1856. lITIMOACTION. THE partnership existingheretotbre between Myton and Musser is by mutt. , consent did- Inbred, and all persons knowing themselves in debted to the said firm, will plouse cull mill set• the their accounts without delay. MYTON do MOSSER. Saulsburg, April 2. 1b55.-tt Dlssolution of Parinership. The Purtnership Ileretufore existing between the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. The business will be carsied on hereafter, by John Huyett, Jr., et the old stand. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, JUHN HUYETT, Jr. Ont. at, 1835.—tf. BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at the " Jourual Office." Wo havu now preeared ave ry• superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS. JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMON', Error! TIONS,