Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 12, 1856, Image 3

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    ,i ,--1 =- • •- - - •—
_Y)untingVon #onvital. Andrew C iMherry, Farmer, Hopewell ! -------='- PIiOiLAiIAi'ION: --.
Henry Cornprobst, Innkeeper, Huntingdon
____ ' • — . 7 :taints by n prece p t to ma directed, dated
N ABOUT la oinz. ?sow W. Cuhel, Farmer, Clay W
at Huntingdon, the 22d day of August.
John M. OuntiinAtitn, Carpenter, Huntingdon A. 1). 18SG, under the hands; null seals a the
- -"!.1 0 ." -- I John Curfatan,Tarmer, Union •- • 11. m. George Taylor, President of the Court 'of ‘;
"FORGERY" AND JESUITISM. Jacob Duff, Blitcksmitb, West , , Cnnlmun Pleas, Oyer and T,;rminer. and genet.
Our attention has been called by a friend David Dunn, Merchant, Huntingdon ' al jail delivery of the 24th judicialdi-trict ull'enn..
Alexander Ewe. , Farmer West ' ' sylvania composed of Huntingdon Blair and Cam
to a libelous attack upon the ~ .I.eurnal," in :.- - ~ ,^' J .
, Janinel 1, - ,r, 1 armer, NI arriersmark lain,. and the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart mid Jona-
a newspaper in this place. Nl'e merely Nii . ,b o i n ,! 60sItorn ' Farmer, Tidl thaw - McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the '
notice it to correct any wrong impression .local, Gooduirin Mill Wright, Henderson county aII antingtion4 ,tiees assigned, appoint.'
it may produce. 'rho "Secret Circular" Samuel Hemphill Carpenter, Liontingdoii eterinine all 1111,1 CVO . ) . m
t 9 her, try and ,I
is . .
dictrunts made or ta •en for or concerning all
to which that paper refers, wits published 11e4ry Isenberg:, Farmer, Walker
, crima,,yhicli by . the laws of the State are mad s
in ilia. Journal before Mc election, :Ind .r Nichdllw Is...burg, Curil , itter, PorLur
capital Or 'felonies of death and other offences
subscribers all have seen it. This certain- Andrew Li " , ' Farmer, 7.. ' d iirnites . Mid Misdemeanor!, which have heel' or
JOhll P. Lee. Fortner, Jackson sliall hyreafter bra committed or perpetrated for
ly was no secret. The circular was I Saud IV. Myton, Merchant; Barree criineVitfoNniil--1 ram cum:meted m mike pub
-to the Journal office on Saturday morning Heel,. I. McCarthy, Teacher, Brady lie pivelatinition throughout any whole bailiiicll
November Ist, by one of the leading mein- I I se .; m. Neff, Fa nne r, ____ that tirourt of Oyer and Terminer, of Cott - teni 1
bees of the American Order in this place. Henry Putt, , do Hopewell 1'1,.., and Quarter sessions. will be held at tic
Ile requested us to strike all two hendre.l Peter ~,i , . ., d. Shirley ; Court Home hi the Brifbitr,..ll 4 llantin;,,lmt• (.11
du do . , the: l . l, , ,it Mcanlay (atal.t oth day) , tI Nat end, or, i
copies for the Americans of the borough, J.llli 5h.01),, ~,,t. and !!!.!, elo! , ill pro,enie lllf, sold rri-
Alexander . Stewrot. do Franklin
and hand our bill over to another premi ••!!..!!!,, le tia a ~,,•1 .: ~,,, to proseentotinan a, it
James Shively, do I\ est .
nent American here, whom he. named. , shad 1,.. J ., t. ~, , ni that all Justices of the Pettee,
'Fitts is the plain fact, and if any debased Traverse Jorors.--First Week. 1 t ( h ' 7,r t is' a l e n
t! '.! ' t i l ' i ' t ' tr ( e '‘ i ' l l t '' t t' l ' l l t ) . l i i r ' proper ‘'.i' : i4' said ites o 'm r, t ,, I t t i 3 t . IT,
debauched, degraded, vagrant Jesuit, who Rudolph Brenneman, farmer; Walker 1 o'clock, A. .M. of said day, with their records, ill-
knows no glory but beastly intoxication, Abraham B o linger, of John, thriller, Tell ! rmisitions, examinations and remembrances. la
would say to the contrary, he becomes a Elias Brown, Mriner,Spritigfield ido those things which to their ofllecs respectfully .
wilful liar. And so We mark him. Adam Black, farmer. Ulm' . : appertain. ,
John Baker, jr., carpenter, Clay , Bated at Huntingdon 41c 22,1 day of Atignst,
-.-- -- • Jahn Cresswell, ,merchant, West in We rear of our 'Lord ' 1050, and the, St,
r ,t year of American Independence.
ifor At the polls in this borough, on election
day, we noticed no less than live hitter Roman
Catholics, including hewis the editor of the
Globe, and his hireling. We also: noticed au
ignorant crratnce, who waylaid one of the ed
itors of this paper, some weeks ago, for pub
lishing something concerning his creed,and all
electioneering for Buchanan, with might and
'main. This - latter Jesuit, who waylaid on,
would make an excellent tool for torturing Pro•
tcstants, as he looks like n scoundrel, acts like
a scoundrel, and is a notorious scoundrel. And
yet Protestants will leave such a bloodthirsty
villain dictate to lhem how they should vote !
Per If Philadelphia hasher "confidence.
man" Huntingdon has her "conscience mon:
There me men who would not hill a flea from
"conscientious scruples," but would plunder a
blind negro's pocket, fur two twitiLs of tobacco.
- -
Sir The lost Efuntiegdon Glob, inn hor
der ruffian spirit, brings the names of some.
of our most worthy citizens into its columns,
in a moaner which the editor, we suppose, tho't
very smart. Perhaps it may be as well to give
the crew that hove 'rowed them up Solt River.'
Look at, :hat picturemnd then on this— William
Dunn, Esq., Willitun Lewis, Michael O'Fla.
berty, Dennis O'Shano, ke.
/Fir Yon te.iti nee in another column freer,:
Low you have been swindled and cheated by tin
Pierce Border Audis ns in the courtly.
XV.The Seim' Journal for November is of
our tulle. It contains various matters or im
Baum: PET mungst those
did peat service in the 'went. unpa•n!'••.
campaign, is the gentleman whose name 11•
this paragraph. The gratifying re, :•
Huntingdon sad Bedford were, to a rotti'o
We degree, produced by his . elTortt, and
- , .
pleasure in malting the arknowledgemeot.'
We clip the above from the Pennsiy/e,e:.,•.
and insert it to correct is mo t gross err,. it
bears upon its face. The "gratifying tent i,'
are not entirety owing to Nit. Bruce Peticken,"
but several other prom i neat men here are equal.
ly entitled to Democratic Itallelujahs. Amongst
than we might mention Mr. George Jackson.
Wm. Colon, Esq., &e, The latter gentl.nan
id also presumed to have contributed largely in
bringin4 about the "gratifying results" in Cop
tre, Mifflin, Philadelphia, and other small phi.
HENRY 1). Mono VlMACrry.—This gentle.
man gene his solemn pledge at Altoona, as a
man of honor, previous to the election, that
NOV York State would go for Fillmore by a
triumphant majority I Did hekoow no better,
or is he a common bar room politician of the
"side door Sanderson" school ?
fl The members of the Agricultural So•
ciety tvilll meet in the Court House Ibis eve.
miug at 6 o'clock. The Executive Committee
will meet at 3 o'clock, P. M. to transuct busi•
Ou the 21St tilt., by Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr.
Henry L. Stouffer to Mon Catharine A. Mega•
On the 30th ult., by the same, Mr. Peter
lieifber to Mies Mary Stover.
On the 30th ult., by David Attrandt, Mr. Ja.
cob G. Park, of Hunt. Co. to Miss Sophia; Eli.
zabeth Long, of Bedford Co.
On the 13th ult., by Rev. W. W. Robertson,
Mr. John E. York, of Hunt. Co., to Miss Sarah
'turner, daughter of J. Turner, of Fulton, Cub
:uwuy Co., Mo.
flour continues 101 l ; alien 800 barrels
standard shipping brands have been sold nt
$6,82i, and 200 linrrols lust evening nt 6,75.
There is n steady demand for wheat nt yester
day's quotations, with a fair amount offering ;
tdes of :1500 bushels prime southern and
Pennsylvania at $1,62 per bushel for Red, and
White at $1,83, afloat and in store. Rye
comes in slowly; and commands 78a89 cents.
Corn continues in good demand, with further
sales of 10,000 bushels Yellow ut 68 cents a.
float, and 2300 bushels White, part at 66 cents
and part on private terms. Oats are less ac•
tive and lower; 600 bushels prime Delaware
sold at 43045 cants per bushel.
Pennsylvania Railroad Coinpauy.
PHILADELVIIJA, Nov. 5, 1855.
NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have
*Vey declared a Dividend for the six months,
ending Ist inst., of FOUR TEN c NT, On the Cap.
ital Stock of the Company clear of State" Tax
out of the net prolit of the Company, payable
on and after the irith inst.
To prevent errar, Sti-elcholders and other
persons collecting dividerda, are requested to
present their certificates, or powers of attorney,
and those holding old certificates are requested
to presont them to he exchanged f,r new ones.
Blank powers of attorney can be had on op.
plication at this office.
THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer.
N.B.—Stockholders on the ilinitingdon List
will please present their Certificates when they
call for their Dividends.
Traverse Jnrors.--First Week.
Rudolph Brenneman, former; Walker
Abraham Bolinger, of John, partner, Toll
Elias Brown, Inrmor, , Springileld
Adam Black, farther, Clay
John Baker, jr., carpenter, Clay
John Gresswell, merchant, West
Soloman Chileote , miner, Tod
Enoch Chileote, i '
farmer, Springfield
SumnerCummins l farmer, Jon
t Jackson
William Cunningham, jr., farmer, Clay
Willi a m Dysart, farincr, Franklin
John Decker, farmer, Hopewell
Levi Evans, merchant, Tod
John Edwards, farmer, 'red
Samuel Fleming, laborer; Barrett
Daniel Finkjarmer, Penn
George Garner, farmer, Penn
George W. Glazier, carpenter, Huntingdon
Jolart. Gorsuch, jr., farmer, Cass
John Hutchison, fanner, Warriorsmark
Frederick Ile, !cr, farmer, Porter
William Huffman, carpenter, Huntingdon
Healy Ear, do
Peter Kesler, merchant. Bradv
Caleb Kelly, laborer, Cromwell
John Deport, farmer, Franklin
William Lightner, laborer, Brady
Christian Long, Grocer, Huntingdon
Adatn Leffert, jr., Reno r, Potter
Samuel Miller, of Sam'', farmer, Barr,
Wiliam Moore, farmer, Wc•it
John - S. Miller, manufacturor, Jackson
David B. Mum', farmer, Warriormark
Benjamin L. Megsbw,, plasterer. Walker
A. B. SangarCe, farmer, Witfker
Bet.j . atain Sprangle, farmer, Morris
Dame! Showalter,. flirnicr, Hendermn
Jacob Summers, Jr., farmer Hopewell
David Shultz, lamer, Hopewell
Abraham Shoenfelt, rilrlliCr, Walker •
David S. Tusscv. farmer, Porter
Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin
George Whittaker, farmer, Porter
Simeon Vilright Esq., farmer, Union
Samuel Wigton rmnidin
Jor , lci, Wright, farmer, Union
I,•i,ae Wolverton, milhir, Brady
Dahiel Womeisdorr, .1. I'., Franklin
Ttavoree Jurors.—Seeoud Week,
Jacob Anvillt, I:tnner,
111 , Ii, I roimmit,r, Shir!,y
Sarinvil Dueler, farmer Shirley
!lur•t, fanner, Shirley
J , ;:••• 1'!.,,••,! Ihrincr, Penn
i; m. fanner, Barree
.'.•. • ••• •••• limner Penn
m rv. manufacturer Franklin
laborer, Shirley
Duren, hirmer,•littblin
,:••;... '. 1 /axis, fanner, West
Even.', merchant, Cass
I. manufacturer, 'rod
; , farmer, Shirley
1 '';•'' 1., Tell
; ; ;-; •
':-.err, Crete cell
J., • ;:,,J;•,•• .ever, Warriorstmirk
iiallaaitil, Winer, Cromwell
farmer, Pueta
fie,, [fawn, farmer, 13rady
Janice Hirst, farmer, Jackson
John Householder, J. P. Penn
Andrew S. Harrison, J. P., Iltintingdou
John NePherren ' J. P. Franklin
itielinrdson Read, merchant, Vass
George Roluirtson, farmer Springfield .
William Rothrock, plasterer, Huntingdon
Jacob Stover, farmer, Warriorsinftrk
Samuel Shearer, funnier, Shirley
Henry Shaffer, fanner, Cass
Alexander Stitt, fanner, Porter
Jonathan Tongue, farmer, Cromwell •
Francis 11. Walluee, Flack - smith, Huntingdon
Thomas Weston, merchomt,Warrior,matk
John Wry, farmer, Franklin
R. 13. Wigton, ironmaster, Cromwell
'MIAI, LlST.—November Term,
Mary Stinky vs Hugh Mot in's Mint.
Taylor for use vs David Hudson's Admr.
John Lukens Admx vs John and Hat. Madden,
John Sitroge vs Henry Davis.
John Conritd's mime vs John 11. Stonebraker.
Matthews heirs vs G. R. & J. H. Sheenherger.
11. Caldwell vs Samuel Bolinger.
Charles Britton vs William Corldn's Mmr.
,Matthews heirs vs E. S. Plowman.
George MeCrum vs Thos. Wilson.
Gomm vs Shomilierger.
George Otenkirk vs E. Suitors.
Stirling & Alexander vs Hearken, Stitt & Co.
John 11. Wheeler vs Moses Graeiliml•
I. Wolverton vs Irvin Green of al.
Marquands vs Penida H. Co.
Jacob 11. Sex vs Samuel Caldwell.
James Bell vs Julius S. Miller.
George W Pheasant vs Hubert Hare rowel.
Dr. Shoonhorger!s cxr vs A. P. Wilson et al.
A: P. Wilson vs M. Buoy.
John Leo vs Joseph P. Moore.
Michael Quarry vs Wino & Buchanan.
elenicn - rriliett4 vs Brown & States.
l'etriek Kelley ‘s Pe-na. R. R. Co.
George Lune vs Michael [lee n.
IsiniAtaieht Vi A. Wise, .Jr., nn , l Jacob Wisc.
Jos. W. Riley fin• use vs H. & 11. T. M. B. R.
C. Co.
Nicholas C. Decker vs Boat & Buckingham.
U. W. Wagoner vs W. Garver.
I.:lizabeth Heine vs A. Ptire & Samuel Neitte.
Samuel Stewart ra Shia'Her &
Leon.' Wcnrc• vs Lul,y. & tinytio!. let..'raelieli vs Wm. 14;ter's exrs &
Ado plats Patterson v 8 J. S, H. & W. W. Harris.
Fisher & MeMurtrie vs Shoop & Wharton.
George Couea fur use vs Couch, Rued, & Co.
Jacob Cres,veii vs Robert Hare Vowel.
Samuel Beatty vs IV. 11. Wharton & NI. Wharton
Andrew Crown., vs Wm. Cummins +ulna• &
M. Cummins.
precept to me directed by
.W i t i b E e ß li A d s g i . . l} Y.;
eaunty of Huntingden, bearing test the 22,1 day
of August, 1856, I am commanded to nutitit
Public Proclamation througholit Inv whole baill- •
wick, that a Court of Connium I'leas will be
held In the Court House in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and 17th day) of
November, A.D., 1856; fur the trial Of allissnes in
said Court which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required
to appear.
Dat r e'd at Huntingdon, the nd day of August,
iu the year of our Lord 1856, and the Blet year
of Antoriean Intlopeudenee.
Register's . Notioo.
.I.`t persons interested that the 11,1h:wine, intinNt
persons have nettled their amnia:: in the Reg
ister's Office at Huntingdon, and that t h e said
nee.,unts will be presented for eonlirinntionand
nllor,nee, nl na Otplians' Court :6 In! held at
Hunlingdon, in natal Cr tin , Counir ant:nth,
don, on Weltie,lay, the 12th dcv or November
nest, t!' wit :•
. .
nettoliet Sievens,Esri., Aklininistrator ,i;o1
Trustee Lowell the Real Eituto of I.,:wick
Keister, late of Spriag field towu,,liip,
2 George I.:lng, surviving A,lutinistraior of
Putriels Lung', lute of - Walker t..wm,hip, dee?,
3. Henry XI. Ker. Adininistrathr of John
illA iirt.ttl I:1, 011 , Or .‘11111ill•
i•lrnt to Or I'll, II•4
un nevonnt o!' Adtilini,tratioo orthe Emoi,
or Patrick bang. hy said John Kor in
.1. .101 in Hcn li.rson null Ilarriotilmodir - mii,
Administrators of Georg, Irrn lerson,
11'iist townzliip,
5. David Tlipitti,Sllll and Nrart.lid. Timm
AtlininiAtittors Illintipson,ltito
Lier f mntownsltiii, d eta il .
. . .
G: David Mountain, nc:in c A. 11111111 ,, Li,lt Or Of
Wi!Eam Dean, Esq , Into uf
ITENfIy GLAZIER, Regi,ter.
1.0, 10, 'sc; f
Th , . Kau-as Question Settle
1N: nrri,H.l from. 1':,.• •
1 . .
l'lst reer•irt,l • .
en, 1,,;;t.,1 mill most judit :
liardu are,
cvcr 61.1,iight toltiogiton. (tor stock• con•
stita in port, of
Building 'Material,
such an toet., hinges, wrens, glass, oi!i,
and paints, (While Imul, lire proof and 7.;.ae
Mechanics' Tools,
it; great varivty ; including twiny new invert.
tit ns widlate iiniwnvenr•ws.
the att,ition or Saddlers and
a,1,1 stuel:of
Sandier)" it Coax Tri nallkiarg
such as saddle IN,. gig.t rips,
pad trees, limn e. 4 of 20 1{01(1,4, lilies, et
stirrupA, &c..: girthing ra .
teat and emtm,lort
conch Ince, hubs, spokes, rellows,
axles, &e.
...... „.,
Ladies and huu,elteopers gunuroll, will
it grooly to their advantage to call uii 1 exam.
hie our now.tocA of silver awl cuunnou spnnu,,
fine table .outlery, ecisuora, hollow•WIll,, Innip,
patent sausage grititlts, and all other hou,
furnishing g.ds i including ninny lieu , and use•
fulinventious. "
Lt our recent purchases, wo have bought nt
such rates as enable ns to sell even lower than
heretofore. No chttr,re flw showing goods.—
All orders promptly rommie , 3 to.
Oetoher Bth, 18:A.
Gas Gas-Lights are Coming
AND SO A>:1:
04 VI El iS 1) IN
Mit with en entirely new end well assorted stock
21Cionrs & SHOES, iiscrs & cups,
and every other article usually kept in a Toile
try store. We have ore of the best selected
stocks of my coons ever otrer tl to the
citizens of this plies and vicinity, and are deter
mined to tell lower than eon Lc purchased east
oftho AllegliettY•
Give us a .11 :Mil
liril el the finit. We will sell dor old stook at
asst. Don't Ilnigtit to c.tll at the Metrotiolitini
elore pitrehashig at any other Muse. We also
purchase store Grain, aril it is admitted by
all that wo have the platqf of neloa~liuy is
town. All kinds of produce taken in .exelimige
for Goods.
utter for stile the following prb
_ _
A iimm of 90 Acres, of land in Germany
Valley, Mint. PO., it being one half of the Finn
torinaly owned by lien. Eby. Nearly all clear
ed and in a fine tqate CUM Vitt
Limestone Land with House and Stehle erected
themin, with tootling water. miles front
Sltirleysburg and 5 miles from Penna. Canal stud
Railroad at Alt. Union.
Also 15 Acres at' choice laud adjoining the
above ' on which is erected two flouted,
small BON - Weed House, ac., with a nover4ail-
Mg spring or good water, and line Orchard, With
choice fruit. This is a very desirable property,
nod would be suitable far a mechanic, ur any
person desiring to retire from active life.
Atso— A farm in Cajun Township, Hunt. co,
containing or, Acres, one half of which is
cleared, at t d the tallith co first quality' of Timber
land, situated within ono mile of the Penns Ca
nal and Railroad at Mill Creek.
Either of the above properties will be sold
low and on reasonable terms, apply to the sub
scribers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon co., Pa.
50 0 Chesnut Posts for stile by
Colds, ColiOis, , nod
Hoarseness. 4r.
Beal MI. ,1 .20th Doc., 1555.
• !. .116 Ulteallato te,voy
111, 1 1 4 11 t ( . fomol f
Cmgl3. 1.11,1.11.M.,11,410111Z, qlll the we
0 1 1 1, 01t1i1.1h1 ,•yotptoin.? of It Cold. nor
Cur.R.Nt ts ctivetatit uxo io • ,OF
my p.t leo no•I faudlrtio the 154
1.•1, 11. 6110W11 it tO 110.0. 11111.0• 4-
rior virtu. the idlintlitent-pc.theie
complaint*. 1'.13 EN IT:: NI IT, .1). ••••
A. 11. mowri.musscraor a.oug. Y., wilt.: "I hove
used your P1,1,1A1. toyEelf 111141 In my fondly ever mince
y nt , t‘ nd bellow, It the best Intt•littine (Or IIA
1:111:14.11:, ever lit not. IVIIII n bad cold I ',mild Eooner
nay twenty-lite dulled tl.i 1 / 4 ,t1101111111 du without 11, Or
1:11:14 ally nth, rertiody.'!
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza.
Feb. 7, Ifiso.
BROTH:, ATV::: I will elwerfnlly certify your PACrOPAL
1,4 the,l/ remeiy we pristietw for the core of IV7ioyi,
Conyle, C.q.. nn I the cheat of children. e ..1
your fret: the &nth Opproclote your skill, to
470111111011 f 3,11 r hic.lichic to uar,ople.
illltAM COX litTN, D.
Ant, 1.011 lldo.,,lttfirma,r. Id., writes. :II tion.,ltififi:
-I hod d o u.I Ittlintlifid, eottllta 11 me ht doora
mic wett, 1•. It many in •...elo. iih. at culla; filially
hind your l'fiwoitti. by the n•lvlde of oar chwanum.
The lived dt rtllevotl Hot tmr•tatt..s in my throat mid
lone; . tltdt •41(' I,llr lite bottle utp•le me completely
well. Yten• III , • 11,1 IVOit r114414ed
• run 1411 V. ‘V.4 1:41,11 you, Doctor, owl your rem. ,
rtA thi; rum!, filch I." •
Asthata or Plithisie, nod Bronchitis.
IVirr )4a4u.rlas,f,.. Yoh. 4,1,550.
Slit: 1 cur C:re.fir 01.1,00.01, ifi pert. .rmlng morvellonS
Plll,llll 111, WHIM: It Inl.v 1:1411 , ,W4411 W.'1.1111..m111u . ..
0r 144 41 , A:1:111111g n man
who hawlabored under tot elittetion Wet Ittn,
loot holy yeti:.. 11 ENII Y 1,. 1,11,, Machold.
A. A. 11A Mfil,Y. M.I/.. Atni, MONIIO6 CO.: lOWA,
writeth hop, t'. •• tho tog toy yr...clic, of many yearn
• ea,. 1111.1 n, to cot log
such 4:111::1,1•4."
uttl volomad evl4oll4e, but 1110 c„10
vls,ting pts•d'or lye vi: tues of tldit rsmedy Is 191,0110 llv
effects upin Übe . ' 4
na ono romody 1135 ever 1,0.11 kmmt, 011,11
ettr,4l NO III:I, 011.1.111011 C. 1,1 ns thl.: ..I11(1
no Inunan ni.l ran roach: NA , P.. 11 10 010. the CITERRY
r6CIOR.II. olThr.ll. relief end r.,:nfort.
Awron Y. , 111S V. 11111,111 5, lAt.
Podian Avrtt. I 11 ••1 IL u ,hty nnal n plerumro
ray i:Al.m you ,or I ',11,7,Y 11,1
had It, months In'orlll, tho
dangt.l.ll,lll,l,ollK C, , 11,111111 , ,i011. ;:',ll 1.111,1 11,, aid
WO raffia privuro pi, her I,llch Sin , "11 , ,toadily
110.1:4 . ..III Dr. °C O, city. v•• n•ine
r,. a tr,.l ..r 11...
Nit ,1,13,ur $.
It OA, i
,;11.+1 , 1%. enl:ll,revlf
iOlll6 111111 g;1114:11.,
Ito 1.111%
•:. A
.r 1`~..~. r..
,13.1nist,11 a. ••111;
Ayer's Cattartia Pills,
,t. •7 ; .7 7 • •
Lace tren
nt , Nt perfoct
•1,11.1 r pnvre
width rnryass In
nlrl that 111, y min tin.
inn 01 aII 1114.11. 'l'l, arc ),tfu
nnd ylettnn, pnwet rot to CIO,. Their
t. sting • t*.•• .•• is eilnl net,' itio , of 1120,, , 1y,
• luny... r : • its or,nn.. pltrlfc 111.. Hood,
on 1 , on. tin , to ore xlllcL
..... ~ frci~~~;
~. ~„.~
staatinlett by
as to
my Propowntiunu c lo . • .
&finch., sufterlisg
The Agent 11:11.1141 la plemeti to
Antillean A dlr.:ill:II , .1: ll.t it n
certificates et their cures, of the 1,.11 . 1! .
Coln1vonesr!,1,1111119 011101119 i
licartlt+:. ~i, llc~,ulacl~„ m•i.+i~~4 fn:i:i
F~'l1~1" li„
c .
Cl'7ll,.lilltS Wlll.ll It WOIIIII 11141 Im worpo,i co,Col
Nei. to , It 11F. boofto.., Partial 111.11,.4, Nevin.. art]
No w nons Pontogoownts 1, , 1 1.1.
tow', :,/ I kiwiroti rompl.ont food II
low slot,. vf the lyvly or 01*(111,11m or iii tnnitinux.
Do not hr pul oir by tinprioripled dealeri with .1.111
other pill they tool.° noir° profit on. A•li for Mt,
nud tali° nothing doe. by other thry ran ;tit
you stun urea ulth thhi in its intrinsic valor or matt,
powers. The rick want the best aid thero IA for thew
and they Should hare it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A] ER,
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mesa
Puce *5 ers. sea Box. Fru Bous eon $l.
JOHN READ, Hantingdun, unit dealerd in
medicine everywhere.
October 15, 185;;._1 3 •,
- New 4400ds New Goods!
D. J'. (:V'l 'S CHEAP STORE.
D. I'. Ga•in loin just received from Philtitlel•
..... _
plait a large and beautiful to sortinent of I ALSO;
T rAt t & , vrz lii Tr , xi; go ono i All the right, title, Interest end claim of the
1 ! defendant of, in and to a certain lot ot ground
consisting of tho most fashionable Dress Goods ! No. situated on rho corner of Market and
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, , ( ~,,,,,,.u n („ o „. n a n o L ynn ) s o., i n o n b or .
C1...0rr. . 4 Fancy Silks, French Mull""ra , ' ,ugh of Birmingham:, in the county of Hunting-
All Wool de Lulus, Persian Twills, Co! ' l l r l , , don, being no feet on Market street and extend-
Clctli, Levella Cloth, Alpacea, Delmiz, Motion- • itit; back too feet, more or less, on Commerce or
no Chilli, WOol Plaids, and any quantity hf 1,,,,,, ~erect, ni ti„i„i„,,li in Grafton no the north
Falle, DClaillS, • Prints of one IICSCI iptifill. 1,1, having thereon erected a two story log
AY,SO,' it large lot of dress Trimmings.dre, dwelling house, plastorml, with a brick store-
Buttons, Bonnet Silks,Thlthons, Moves. -,,,1itt.,, house, u frame OffiCl3 building, a stiblo awl other
ii„,i ni , ', o res, Veils, Collars, L1i010rdr...,,, lo omi ng ,.
Chitur.,l,, Mohair head decrocs. (lima Bo I t 4, s,,ixt,-,,, taken in execution, uni t to 1,, ~,Id ~,
wi 11 ,1,.1.,,,,, Sir Skirts. Silk and Linen lis , e, ii, ,, 1 ,, m ,,,,,,, o f Th., J, T. Ai n v o y,
Prent•l, Working Cotton, Fall null Wool Shawl, ' ALSO t
and a salary of Fancy Goods too numerks, All Ilia right, title, claim and interest of the
to mention. defendant of, in and ton lot of ground in thC
Also, Cloths, black and 'dna, black and faccy • vii , go of shoo° Clap, J o ni i„ g o on CR.,. MI. .
Cit "'""''' ('""i"er'• K. Jr"h'l, Veiling, "al" laved IS in the this of said village, made he
tick, Wt. Bed and Yellow, Sock Flannel,. of .:11
.i. w, noti o ns,
colors. C anton I , lAm:obi, Cotton D ~
rills. N. the Ittli day of March, 1845,
, Icing an d being on the wort side of the road or
L '''"' Ll: '''' • ' 1 " 1619 ' 11eached " oil " I '''''" . "" . .';lttiii street of said cilla,c, ,:hick rocs at 12+
c.l. 'l'icketi. Checks, Told, Diaper, W.ll.leu nod
‘ l,-,est, surd t oilid lilt I•ciiit; 68 reet in front on
Linen 'rabic Covers, Slicetitig ,Marlin, 4 '"''' ,iiiit ,trect, and ...mending back at right angles
aids. Woollen Coats, . Caps and Conduits. thereto No fest too line parallel to ~,,I1 street,
11'111,11ot are' ct' dillbrent colors. having there. ..cote.' a small hues° and other
Silk Bonnet,: 01 the latest styles of every color. , buildings,
l '"g'''' """'"'1" in '"." ""'l at prices that Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
c,ound be heat. •
, the properly ofJames Wilson.
lints d. Cape, of the latest styles, All the eight, title, interest and claim of the
Soots and Shoes, IX .".`,11,32V1TAR:12, dol'etclunt of, in nod to a pique and parcel of land
QuEIZIrdaWS.RE, Buckets, 'rutin, Ras.. situate MI the margin of Standing-Steno Crock,
k e , oti cl ot h s . 0 1 ' c o. ti l t s, 31 t h e 1,„, 1 hi the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining a 101
lilla Il't i , Snit an. I all goods usually kept in a of George Jackson on the north, a lot 01 Wm,
Dorris, Sr., on the south, another lot of said de
cancontory Store.
l, „id eastowers , un d n s m any pew alien ng I fellthtet le the same cnclemre . on thin west, ai:il
Q1,1,J11 ill are respectfully requestell lo come , ruld Cruel , pit ll'. cost; cOotultling sore. acr •
and examine my goods Nu charge tor looking. I and sixty lour pei•chcs, be the same
All kinds of Country produce taken in ox. l 105 , 5 . . ;
. 0,
tho south-
for goods, at the highest murkot prices. .I t x I if, 1 sit
8, 1856, eastern corner of Chu r ch and St. Clair streets
• in said borough, fronting about seventy-lour
THE SIIIRLLYSBURG FEMALE SEMI- . f e e t on sc. Clair street, and extending beck
NARY from the same two hundred acct to thc old lane
of the said borough, and western boundary of
Will commence ;ta winter session of five motilbs i the above mentioned and described lot, hounded
on Monday, Nov. 3d. It is hoped that, the .on the north by Church street, and on a South
pleasa n t, silouhian a nd salubrity of the village, l by a lot owned by the widow Hawn, inch oiling
the convenience nod spaciousness of the Semi. , the whole of lot No. 172, in the recorded plan of
nary,' and the establialted•character of the In. i said borough.
structurs will secure the attendance of a Mrge I Acso—Four contiguous lots of ground situate
in the said borough, hounded on the north
nuinher of pupils.
Terms—For Board and Tuition per session, and west by the 'termer faun, op the , out by
the Warm Spring Ilona, and on the south by a
5G2,50 lot of Hon. James (loin. Nos. 1. 2. &3, as 'li
nty Tuition front SU to 12,00 presented on a map of said lots, divided on the
Apply to J. H. KII)DHH. 16th day of October for the defendant by J.
•Shirleyshurg, Hunt. Co., Pa. Simpson Africa, County Surveyor s -contain each
Sept.:-l;30.-6C four acres, No. 4 containing about 3 acres be
the sumo more or less.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Thomas Wallace, . ..
3M Sucks Coffee just remiss(' and for sal;
U holosalo by CUNNINGHAM es DUNN.
- 0 --
!.'lliade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
W. H. WOODS, A. M., Proprietor & PrinolpaY.
('llgv. .1. cAMPHELI.; Lerturer on General
SAMI - El, CAMl , lll , ,ti, Lim.. him . •
.1()1IN M. CAL - BLANI). Tearher in l'reparolory Department.
T 11.14 numtel exhibit'. will take the lot Weduesdav of October. An address by the
Her. D. X. Junkie, D. I)., will be delivered before the Philo and Dinynathian Societies, at 2
o'cleek, P. M. The Exhibitional performances wilt take plain at G 7. o'clock, P. M. The ex
ainistations the week previous, These exerciSes the frig do of education are respectfully
ted in, attend. The next session opens ou Wednesday, the 20th of October. This institution
holds out peculiar inducements to young men seeking an education. The Board of histreetion
is composed of giintlemeu of high literary attainments and skilled in their profession. 'the
canion•ia very healthy, having the pure mountain air, find Rec Rom oil noxious vapors arising
nom stagnant water and marshy ground. Thosesebjeet to a p se could not lied a more desire.
lie place. The course of instruction is suck no best eitßulated to prepare young men for
for teaching, and tier taking u high stand in College. Per those desiring to become
Tenehers, a Normal CIA. Will be formed, in which pray t Teal instruction will be given in the art
of Toathing. To this class, lectures will he given on tide subject of Teaching. The tempts
,•. ice, idleness and dissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the mind of the stn.
• • •.: lAMB, it is quiet and retired, just such a situation s as a young nun desire.; of
• ..v.•suit would seek. The sot:miles are inn flourishinp; condition, and each has a line
. • ,•li
d clinics l wurlts, The are large and einninod:ousont additional building is in
. er , e.tion, which will be finished title fall. Shade Gap is situatett on the snail
• ,• , • diantbersburg and Mount UM. Station nn the Pot. u. Rail Road.
: i•'or Session 01 five months, u 52 50. Winibing, light, ;led fuel, extra. Students
• the time of mitering until the close of the Session. Payments half in ad
, cat the middle of the session. For catalogues and (nether particulars, address
W. 71. WOODS,
Shade limit. Co., Pa.
, •.: ,q• 17. 1856.-am
13 . '11\ i rn7, : f sta ' e l, l " :!t7t t 7 wr i of ts
t ri : l 4 l ( l ' x o l i ) t . n o tt i o ' i l t
~ f Huntingdon County, and to me diree
iod, I sill expose .to public rule, nt the CI,IIII
limise, in the borough of Huntingdon, on l'u , s-
Ju 111 I' • Norembe , r, 1056, ait 10 o'clock.
A of said tidy, the following described Real
in wit
ri , ,,,111, title, interest and claim of the
.f. in and to one 1101110 and lot in
cr Petersburg, front sixty beet on
Main street and extending bark one hundred
11, enty feet to tt ',ever, bounded on the east
li d bruit,. Renner, on the North by Abraham
Cre,.. , ..11. baring thereon ereeted n two-story
rralo, hour, painted white, told u shop.
: , eized, taken in execution. anti to be sold as
Ow poi:ell,. of bun G. owl Rebecca Ritter.
All the right, title and interegt of the defen
dnnt ,d; in and ton certain lot of ground adjoin
ing the borough or 13 i rinitigharn, containing a
hoot one acre more or leen, nil joining a lot of
.loan (woe., Gzr l ., on the west, the !labile rood
Ivadirg from Birmingham to Waterstreet an
the nor!) :Ind east, on which is erected a brick
!wilding seventy feet in length and thirty-live
feet in depth, linen stories high, with a stove
basement kno , n as "the i\lotintain Female Seat-
47. ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as
property of “the Mountain Female Send-
All the right, title and interest of the Wen
dam u l , i n nod to a l ot ,:•t* ground in the borough
of :fllirleyshorg, lying on west side of Mein
street, fronting sixty feet on earl streLt unit ex
tending back 140 Feet to land of iNmitel Caro
thers, bounded ou the North by a of the
widow tooth by a lot of the heire of
Jome, Carothers, dee'd., having thereon er,,tet:
log house, a sun til itehen log sta..
•. ~:bet buildings.
.. taken iu execution Mid to be sold as'
rty of James Smith.
. , .” right, title and hitt:re:A of the def.
II and to the feliowing tract of kn.' sit.
hirley township, Iltaningdon comity,
~olcal by John Long on the west, Robert
on the north, Black Log mountain on
• : amomining two hundred acres more or
]. o.'llooo hundred of which is cleaned,
thereon erected two small log
and a log barn.
taken'io oxecidi , n, and to be sold no
,roperty or David jKnepp.
All the right,-title and interest of toe defen
dant of, in and to two small parcels of land sit
ttittei in the town of Scottsville, Cloy tp., Hun
tiitmlon comity, hounded no the root by a lot of
Atom Corfman, north by David Beek, west by
Samuel Smith,' south by Pollock road, contain
ing in all one acre and II half more or less, with
ti7e following improvement , ' thereon, a two story
log lIOURC.
Soloed, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Joseph Banks.
- - -
All the right, title and interest of John Don
ttlikun, one of defendant, in mid to nil that
nte•snage, parcel or tract Mined situate in Un
ion township, Huntingdon roomy, on the wes
terly side of the mints river, and hounded by
lands of Matthew F. Campbell, James !Imp
son—John MeCembe and others, containing one
hundred and forty acres, be the same more or
less, being the same lands IT)Olti011ell in no arti
cle of agreement, dated March 19, 1850, between
John it. coßnen, John Donaldson, James Don
aldson and Michael Ilennig.
Seised. taken in execution, nod to be sold as
the property of Quito). Taylor and John Don
_ _
All the right, title tool interest Of the defen
dant of, in and to the tollowing described pro.
perry, to wit :—A tract of land known as the
lien, How tract, containing about 270 acres
en limn! Top, Tod tp., adjoining lantba of R.
Hate Powell, Gcn'l. A. I'. Wiltom, and others,
hartng thereon erected a two story log house.
barn and other improvement,: and almost 100
acres (leaven thereon.
Atsn—A tract of land known am the Corbin
tract, containing 300 ogres and ollowonce, tit unto
in Rocky Ridge. Top t p., adjoining land of Tag -
Ines heirs and others.
AL.—A tract of land adjoining the adov,
Ittioun as the Cornelius Inlet, containing 395 a
cres. 5 perches and 11110,111 C.
AL-O—,l tract Of land adjoining th...
I warranted in the ntc of Si.eer and
tattling :Pi acres, 153 ',ache:. and a
ALSO—A tract of land a..j.idiing the Eatue,
warranted in the name of Eliel Smith, eontaht
ing 152 acres, 98 perches, and allowatti:e.
tract o 1 land situate on Broad Top.
Tod tp., warranted in the name 01 Speer and
Il,tougherty, containing 439 sereft, 51 perches and
allowanee, itdjoining the William lieneli Coal
IBank trace, John Alet.ain, Michael J. Martin
and others.
A Lso—All the interest amid tlefeminnt in
rho heel of Michael .1, Martin and Joseph S.
Martiedce'sl., which he holds under certain sir
tieles of agreement for the same, with John
Dougherty and George \V. Sneer or °tiles wise,
no the snow appeal's en recersl in Huntingdon.
Se;zed, taken in execution, cod to be sold as
Ono proporty of Gen'l William 11. Irwin.
All the right, title, interest and claim of the
(kleinlaut, to a it of ground situate in the town
of Harnett, Tod tp., Huntingdon County, frau •
Ong 50 feet on Hamilton Stieet, and extending
Lack 140 reet to an alley, hounded nn tho East
by u lot a Michael McCabe, and nundlored 20
in plan of said town, having thereon crewed a
two story log house to by 26 feet with other
ti,„l z ed, taken in exemt ion, and to be sold n
tha prnpb:ly fit. Thomas Mettillan.
,;:.)S1.11.;21. GREENLAND
Sheriff's (Alice, I.
Hunt., ()et. 8, 1851%
'fr 211 ,;i'l YE . ) 'Oil eti2 al
A New Asstirlment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 per cent.
t hroTi etlitlly i tn rt. " , ' t
lust opened at his store-room in i‘lnrket, Square-
Iluntingdonot splendid new stuck of Ready
, made
clothing for Fall and Winter.
which he will sell cheaper than the same putlitT
of Goods ran he purchased at retail in Philadcf
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would' do
well to roll and examine his stock before purcha
sing ei.ewhera.
Hats, Caps, goats, and Shoes,
whia will he mild lower than at any other es•
tablislninnt in the county.
Iltmtingdott Oct. 8. 1856.
The subscriber will offer at public sale. on
Tuesday, November 11, his farms situate! in
Morris township, and containing 205 acres.-
250 acres under fence and in good cultivation,
the balance timber land. This property is db
vided about equally into two farms, with n lam
evArbrick house and frame tenant house ,
slaita large barn, wagon shed and corn=l 2 n
crib, carpenter and blacksmith shops on one,
and a estoll frame house tool barn on the other;
with good water and fruit on both places, and
in n healthy neighborhood.
Al a at the sante time ar.dplace, I will offer
4 i
91i acres of mountain land, n lots or I'rom•so
to 1110 a , ,,, to suit purchasers. This laud is
sell ,t with thrifty young Chesnut, white and
yellow pine, and oak titular, and convenient to
the fern,?, with good roach; to and through
saw. 1140 :lbove mporty is within tn'.to of
the Pcnti'n It. It and 2.3 unite canal e;,, Water
Strut. Fur toe d,er particulars, t 0!;,,.„,
Spruce Creek, P. it. Et nut. co. Sep.:!;s6-2tu.
[ESTA,TE OF' sYd'Er. srrrz, DEcui
Adio ; oistrator's Notice.
OTICL' is hereby given that letters of Ad.
inumtra don on the estate of Samuel Kerr,
late of P.m,' towtothip. dec . d., have lien gran•
tea to u‘lersigutd,vesiding in said tern•
to wham those indebted will plea, mai,
l'ainediale payment, and tutor having claims
will present than duly atitheidivated litrsettle•
October 1,1856.-6 t. 'r.
LEsTATE ul' 'mos. Gottsucti, DEc.D.I
Admiubtrator's Notice.
OTIOE is hereby Oven that letters of AJ•
... ministration on the estate of Thomas Gor
such, late of Penn township, deed., have been
granted to the undersig.d, residing in said
township, to whom, those indebted will please
make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them duly authenticated for
October 1,1856.-6 t. Abler.
lame to the residence of the
k, , subseriber, in Penn township,
on or about the Ist of October, t e a ,/
a Black Bull. The owner is re. •
quested to prOvo pioperty,
tithe hint away, otheraise - ho . will he sad neeot ,
ding to law, JACOB FINN.
Little Valley, Penn tp., Nov. 4, '36.-4t.
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
sale, as cheap as they can in the citioi, an 1 have
a Wholesale al ire inn Philadelphia.
Apr.9,'513. H. ROMAN.
LEAD PIPE lot sale at the Hardwate Store of
Pennsylvania Magistrate Lay Library.
New and Sixth Edition, bringing the Ent r r down to
A Treatise on the office and duties of Alder
men end Justices of the PC,I,C in the Common
ifeelth of Pennsylventa. inelnding nll the re
quired Forms of process end Docket Entries;
and ondmiling not only whatever me , he deem
ed velnable to JUStiCeP of the Peace Sat to land-
Tenanus and General Agents ; and ma
king this volume what purports to be a safe Le
gal Gnide for Business Men. By John Binne,
late Alderman of Walnut Ward, in the city of
Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised,
corrected end greatly enlarged by Frederic C.
Brightly. Esq., Author of "A TroatiSo on the
Law of Costs," 'Jurisprudence," "Ni
si Prins Beportt," Editor of "Pardon's Digest"
hc.. In one thick vclume Octavo. Price ertilf
Forms of Conveyancing, tout of Practice in.
courts of Common Pleas, quarter Sessions,.
Oyer and Terminer, various Civil officers and
Justices of the Peace. Fourth edition. revised
corrected, and enlarged, and adapted to the
present state of the law, with copies explana
tory Notes and preferanees, and a now, Nil and
emimrelicnsive Index. Ily Robert F. Wright,
Esq. In one thick Octavo volumm—Price on
ly $3,50.
DIGEST-1700 to
A digest of the in., 01 Pennsylvania, fro.
the vcar Dec Tlionsand Seven Hundred. to tho
Eight deny or May, One Thousand Eight Hun
dred and Fifty-five. The lirsr four editions by
the late John Pnrdon, Esq. The Fifth, Edition.
R. 1,001, with Mtireinal References, Foot Note:,
the Judicial Decisions ; A nalytical Contents
a Digested Syllahus of each Tide and a new,.
frill not( exhaustive Index. 13c Erederic C.
Brightly. Esq.. .Inthor of •./t Treatise on tilt
Law or Cost," "Nisi Prins" Editor of Bion'o
•Ittotive. hr. (We thick Royal nvo. Price only
fkii7 -. The fresimess and permanent value of
Pu•lu's Digest are preserved by the politica.
tion immolly or u3t or the laws enacted in
each scar. These annual diypds are nrrapodi
in precise conformity to the plan of Purdon's
Digol . They are, each if dune republished
annually are connected together by a gem cal
Index (prepared anew each year.) which embro-•
cos the contelitS or the laws of each year since
the pablication of Pardon's Digest, in one al
phabet ; aud are bound up with Puritan's Di—
gest, and also sold separately.
Thus the purchaser of Puritan's Digest will
always he in possession of the complete body of
the ttiatute Laws of Pennsylvania down to the
very hour Mice be perd., it. Those who
have already purchas'd Puritan's Digest may al
ways complete the date tier this small sum of
Fill/ Cents, the price or value containing all the
atmual Digests issued since the first publication
of the present edition of Purdon's Digest, as -
licrootorc stated. KAY & BROTHER.
Law Booksellers card Publishers 17 & IV
/filth St,•cct. First Store above Chesnut.
Orders or letters of inquiry for Law Books
epuutry promptly attended to.
Sept. 10, 1055.-31 u.
'.'l'l , ' ,- ill'ili',..',., .'ltill,Pl_te6l L-V3KISI,'
Sheri Ir.
Al' T ii.o7
Gout's, consisting of
vey Goods, Ilard-nate, Groceries,
tineens-ware, Cedar-ware,
Oats, boots and shoes.,
Crockery-ware, i!onc and earthen
Tin-ware, Cane nail:Jig-rods.
Ready Made Clothing always on hand,
/tad in short everything that is usually kept in a
kept constantly for Sale.
Call and examine our Goods and judge for;
All kinds 01 country produce taken ih ex
change l'or Goods itt tho highest market prices.
The highest market pile. paid Inc all kinds
of Grail,
Prompt attention paid to storing and forward•
ing all kinds amen:handle°, produce, &c.
Ilnntingdon. 111ny, 14, 1856.
a.n Fo
, -don liir/FL.
timd or informing their trionds and the pub
lic generally, that they 'earn rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, nn':, are now in successful 3p
oration, and are 1 2.repared to furnish casting of.
all kindp, of th',, best quality on Cho shortestno—
tire nod nfo , :c reasonable terms.
Former, ti;;;;ited to calltind examine our
M.O.s. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plor,gh, (this plough took the premium at tho
P.autingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1835).
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which_
can't ho beat. together with the Keystone, Hill-
side, and 13urahear Ploughs. Wo have on ha 94-
and nre manullicturing stoves, ellCh as Cook,
Parlor end ollire stoves for cool cr wood.
consisting or Nettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., alt
of +hieb will he sold cheep for cash or in ex
chnuee for eunutry produce. Old metal taken
for new castings. By n strict attention to busi
ness told desire to please, e hope to receive a
share of puoie pUtrlingo.
April 30, ltt36.—tr.
CONFECT/VIVA/4Y & 17:177' S TORIi,
traw,Estix cam:MOM:a t Flturrenr.S,
NO. 191 North Third St., above Wood, Phila.
M ary, Jujube Paste, Curt Drops, eltteolate
Drops, Broody Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cubes, Cimu Chocolate, French Toys, White
Sugar Toys. &c. ' &o.
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil.
hem, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack
ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock. Can
dy, &e., &e.
The attention of Dealers is reqested to an
examination of toy stock, which will be Pound
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. D.—Drders by mail or otherwise prompt
ly amended to.
A ukti,'36.-Iy..
Cheapest "Job Printing" Office
IN TIM cousin.
Wit lane now made such arrangements in our
Job o.ldee us will enable us to do all kinds of
i Job Printing at 20 per cent,
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County.
Give us a call. If we don't give entimatiafay.
tion, no eltargc at all will be made.