Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 05, 1856, Image 2
-;--- '---- ----=---- - , -= -- s• - • - = - • - . --•- - . • - 1 To Americans. - .Iflass illeetialg :' To the .inicrica,tts oir I .inn,tingdon d ,:. ~, THE FRIENDS OP TIIE .. 4 ' We regret that the pressure.upon our ( 101.14/54 1 -I '' '4 i',;. *'• L'Hto columns this morning, denieous the oppor- 1 ! , UNION - ELECTORAI On 'tit tbe followieg, circular was issued by the Americans of this borough to ths 1 tunny of presenting the letter of the Hon. l ie I A meri e °guilty. We omit the names for want of room ; it was signed by such nice Kenneth Rayner, of North Carolina, entire! 1 p rp a:, Maj WI. Crewit, .M. It'. Canxbell, T. ix, Cramer, Capt. Dorris, dc., dic e es. T but we give such parts of it as immethate. ! • • - Fee . hesanderrogned toed eee.drthe American order of the borough „, OF ALL PARTIES ! Huntin respectfully address a few words to their fellow Americans of the other por• ly bear upon the canvass here. ETx, I r Li, 1 Lions of t Y• 11A.ozioti, N. C., Oct. 25, 1856. I 1 by" so At the late general elecfop( rite party shogeeded WWI (MIA - Pfplef ticket, by so I meagre is ionjoi•ity, that they hlnhost deqtairml of - carrying the Stile foi'MelThehanan on the ; * * * * * * j.„.• • --- In reply to your second inquiry, Wheth- 1 In Philadelphia_ 4th of 'November, well known] , that the records of former elections all go to show that the Op.. • Et ; TOP AN . D . THINii / _____ ..,...... to that ploy ! is generally stronger ist „ thoPresideutial than nt a llte:mter a id Pl i tTetion, Is?- c , This day de,eides iviiett,a On WILLIAM RR E ENTER,I er the Southern p eople ! sereeu . ely c . ontem.! . . i es „ ei . s e 0 ,..,,, , ,,,, e ,, . t o l vote*. . It was .so m 18..1,, m 1840, m 1848, and it ill b do , it 18¢G, SAM. ibl. Tr WITTA KER. EDITORs i o • i • •-• pate a elssomtion of the Union, in case . In answer ton call omit appeared in :we stand firmly united and get a full turn to the pulls. Actuated, by the Owe of defeat, the • .....-____ Tuesday Morning, Nov. 4, 1856. INo ! .emphatically, No! The masses of Grand Fillmore, Mass Meetin a tar e con- i r eeineli or Slaves to the Southern people, whether. Whigs, gt g le Mr. Fillmore and of the -Wend, of Mr. Fremont, spun the frame pectoral . Picket.. In this . r.,. .., arwo issue the Journal ay., day ..Southern taskmasters. 11. nis daily "I'''. I Americans, or Democrats are devoted to course of people assembled nt Second St. , they have partitdly succeeded; but still the number ut those who refuse to unit,. and intend to 1 I thrOW rittay their votes upon the distinctive Fillibore Electoral Ticket, is so small, that ee trust 1 "! than usual to say one more word to our friends. the Union, and will maintain and defend it and Germantown Road. ; with a hill tern out by the friends of a Union, we may yet succeed Melamine - the State against - n • - t r i e t , .. ,fa '4,sb .. A li, ~.•1 ra he* g 'at the hazard of their lives, and the expen- ' The meeting being organized, the fol. , ei r , s i m ian ., . ! diet lies the IC I IIC Olt 1M...‘..11..1.W v _ 6•'.: ) . dilute of the hearts' best blood. The De ' lowing resolutions were read tool unani- The Union Eleeteed Tick ! et which bears the following mimes, is the ticket wkich we she!! mocratic leaders of the South with but few mously adopted: ! worm on the •Ith of November, to wit: • , , s. t. T. - exceptions, are talking of disunion, anddl 11. LA It D O' 11,1,1d0 R. E , ! 9 are trying • to familiarize the public mind , Wuetteas, Thu old Native American James Irvin, Albert G. Rowlan 1, Simon Cameron, Abraham l'pdegraff Alfred Patterstm I with the idea of disunion in case Fre soot party of 1814, mid the present American dos; Edmi.d , , Caleb N. TeSdor, doleoldeCormick, Joseph D. Summon, 13enair C Sawyer , , r , ~ ~,...1. ' 4 )lii fellow-eitizens pOßlleir sIA 4 v t.DAI ( ~t . l . E i f a k i e , (7 , 1 3 %; .. i Darlington, ii,ie iis),, M.D „B. B Thi . ?mpson,. tleXekialt I . la , stop, :Tee. Pa , inter, , 4,1", St le re I V(Hili * Votes ! should be elected, And, true to their vo• party, have always had one object in view stir T. B. Peterson, No, 102 Chesnut St. cation, they are denouncing as slaves and —the promoton of American men, Ameri- ki , Russell I. Lord, Law. L. AllGulhn, }Award Scull. : •cr, , , 1 IV. Jewell, ' Michael H. Shirk, Fred. E. Smith, Wm. M. Stewart Go. W. Arnold, 1: T, 'ji t - i r l i t I[r ~ . / 1 , 'Philadelphia, has in pre., and to be ready for . submissionials all wluerefuse to unite with can Institationa,and American Protestant , 1 ' Jame:, Skinner. , I i ' • ' I , sale by all bookseller., on :Monday, December them in their mad career, Bat even of ; liberty ; And whereas, having fused at vs.- ! This ticket was lormed by the North American, the .Ropithlicar, .d a portion orate Ameri- \ , Ist. ane Ilium,,, of l'alsoribri(lue by die these who take this rround, Ww are in se- ! riots Political Periods with the old•line eau State committees. A porlien of the American Committee n:iseled every everture tclaile !' I \ I I r , . I I law Jonathan F. Kelley; (better known to riots earnest. There is it mall faction wnig , , fur the destruction of theft cont• by the friends or Me. Fremont fora Mir tee! honorable Uniim, and the other portipa. joined the '- ' j LI-" i oa - oaf Republienne art! North it merien. end :tided in forming the above 'ticket, (13 RirelidV Ruled.— r the reading, public by his signatures of 'Tile in the southern States who are bona fide ' mon enmity, the Locofoco party, and those' /I . - . ! wins Icul led t - - II , •°l, • II • • .' • • • • 'e.of tl • ' cetivetioon t ien ii.. ill I li, 11l g, to VOUS IUI the peptide ot impropre. y us ac• . conbridget," "Jack Humphries," "Stampede," fusions hem , successful and. if carried out • • disunionists—who have been for years ma- , e • •IA ilt tion of these respective committee,. In this Convention this comity wits represented by M. F. I Doi - et fail in yokir i.a;v. &c.) with numerous illustrations. C.oinfileteupon National principles. will eventual! taring their plans, and who would be glad, o ' Y Campbell, 'Esq., and William Dorris, Esq: Thb 000r00,i.,0 woe o how,: and' highly respeetts. , L . • • • 0 see Fremont. elected it they thought it , cruel' the ramp.' stunt of Locofooo mis- the one, nearly every county . ia the State being rep ' , omitted. . . . . ee , ~, , ,3 'tate re ' , omitted. and the'siblivd ticket was latilied sr? r .-,- is c , Hiverl rr i iti ti te , ;4 . 1 tr , EiCe . t°l 1 ' in one large duodecimo volume, neatly bound to . ! . . ould bring about &soul. , 'Phis Ittcuut rule, and, with 0 due regard tu. an boo re- nrominenoly by the Convention. elms formed and thus eustanicd, we are for this ticket, mid n r, in cloth, for $1,25 or in two volumes, paper . °' i " s . inconsiderable in numbers; and bear bit , Union Einrortd rielict, Pennsylvania will use all honotable mei. to insure its 5t1,1,1. A majority of the electors on this tielsettir'scr 5.• cover $l,, about the sante relagwetumer;cally, to Will cast a !urge and increased vote for that' are America., some of whom we :tot - personally, by whom we are assured tied they are such, : -..-.. - the people of the Son , hat the b an d of honest, Millard Fillmore, whew love of • wail "' know deceive ft-iend or his'. Such men are G4:11, James them to be too Scull, the either .. .. . ..,... M. , : .f!ever, since Llll (lays fipa. the, Aaaae.`" How ene i'llEli: Amen Prosoerns ix KANSAS i ARE TREATED.—We have received a copy of crazy fanotics at the North, who denounce country is written in the heart or every ; l e ci . ,: e .t. s ` l ' l . C!! "" C!'""th :Iry ben l li til l' ch..' of ( -.% , ngres , ennt l Pear'et• AN its; sl• mew - ~,,,,• 61 i r, I: , nn,l others. The O'Yity way this State can be carried against Lir. Buchanan is to vote a Ill! , Ultli. the Wyoming Times, pealed ki Nebraska list-, the Ocustitution and ripe Utsiso as aa! man and. boy of the country . Therefore,Revolutioaa ivas there., so for this Ticket. To vote die ' ticket headed by Jos. N. Ingersoll and Andre* Steeitielb!bia ritory, of October Oth, lt says thew is no league with hell," hear to the people. of : RESOLVED, That our only tout is for the throwing, a w a y votes. That Ticket itself has fallen to pieces. Andrew Stewart, one of the elec ... of insPotance, except that the free Shoe the Northern titßti.S. But the goete, major• success of the Am e rie e n n om i nees , m i n e r,' to. Oil it, and President of the Convention that formed it, ,has himself Withdrawn his 'name, , - 111111441 dependilio• 4.1 S ilt thlTresetat - (.., ... prisoners taken by GOV. Geary are Waced un- itv f the Democratic leaders in the South, Fillmore and Andrew Jackson Donelson, and come out in fever of the Union Ticket. e o der the notorious blackguard and horse-thief .• ° ,11 ism. signilicaor Cr,: that Obit ntraightmut Fillmore tickets are advertised in the Lneefoco gale : el; ao El . Tii., who insults and abuts. them incessantly. conadin about whose virtu, and inteerity are more en• who are mouthing and gas , , g , • ' papers of, Philedelphia to be had at the "Democtioic Bowes," and the Buchanan electoral : •••-' ilf ii - ou iae(vlect lb V re''' The Times says t disunion, do so for party effect. I heir ob- during shah monuments of marble. ticket is ekes distributed b' tho Loctifoctis, with the name of John C. Fremont at the bead.—.st, They are nearly starved, as they do not get ' ject is to frighten the timidand wavering. ResciLVED, 'Fr itthe will support the • 'fhis is to deceive anti defraud leesl ii^svon,rs. Ause to dm votri.i) duty k? 0111 . 9. it Wilt enough to eat, and what they do get is of the 'Their purpose Is to drive others to the Union Electoral 'Picket, headed by the The "Aiocrienn,." published in this borough, having been benybi", together with the editor , poorest kind. One who made his escape, and support of Buchanan through their fears.. ~Hume of Millard Fillmore, 'Thereby we and publisher, by the Locefoce party, the event was celebrated last eight by a torch light pro'. : 1 .1 is now in our county, informs us that he did r.ut The approaching election involves con- believe it to be the only sale mode olderea. etissi..• But such a procession ! Would that the Americans tend all others ill the oenity Wit E C illarild_q * 411 Ct itext tillie to burst receive one particle of food for twenty.four could have looked upon thisrmolley group of fourteen former members or iliii American party sequences of the most momentous cheetc-!' wig the enemies of the great American hours at one time. Mingled with about the seine-number of Buell.. men--Irish, Dutch, end native. Worthy . , The mime of :the men who are thus hurls- ter. Much, very , much, almost everything parry. ! ' ••I ' tile , eliallElS—aft IDOSSi!lity tilt ' , ! ?- 411111 companions I 011, what a fusion ! ! What. a . party !!! Not an American in the Wren, 1, . ° 1 oiled, insulted and starved, is, that they were depends tilion leans ylvania. If there is , Rr.soroven, That we disapprove. with nor twee R Liteofoco could be Wield to itotiry the Course of this paper, so that the editor v.:as , settlers in Kansas from the Free States, anti harmony, and concerti, and concert of ac hottest indignation, the conduct of those mtet' the neceasitv of vindienling his conduct hittisolf, Mit speech upon the steps aids office. of Liberty whirl have se,t in theit •" dared to desire to mulei Wet State like unto rho toil, among the conservative men of Penn- Fellew•Citizenst The eyes ot the friends of Millard Fillmore in sister . States, are . ueoti . es. men who disturbed the . meeting. held at ! State of their nativity—free—and when gangs. s yl vort i o , 1 fear not the result. If all those National mil, on ntottaay evening last, of robbers and murderers be 1.110/11.1)13(ause - - 'l ,s' fA Vil - ' 4) j , who are opposed to Slavery ve n a ti on— the ileincOits`ofloppositioh to Mk. Balta., Even in the southern Stat. this is the case. It . fn, B) e it ()al S ates .tii 91-td_dt 4? they presumed to entertain flee sentiments, wherein American personal liberty was en- o. _ .... . o who think that the Pince Buchanan party • , is entirely i.omprehensible to them, how an and intelligent Man, who earnestly 1 • 1 . they took tip arms in sal'-defense, and kiPed a . danoered, end that we heartily approve 01 desires the electiou a hits Fillinow can hesitate hie a moment in voting the union Gel., by , • • Mow of the marauding. propagandists, they are deserves to be rebuked for their ham r o e Tit lON Hee soot' It \ - 01cES COSIE DOWN STII.I, 6 the manly and heroic conduct or G. W. which he makes sure of votes enough to defeat Mr. Buchanan. Every vote given for a slraigl,t AS SNOW-'I,IEF.:"; FALL ['l 1 1 THE :301) ; charged with the crone of murder, and are . brought the cuuntry to its present unhap- Ittied, Hon William Mill ward, and John out Eilltrore ticket in Pennsylvania is ft vote dimwit minty ; it does fiim nn more good than il , guarded by those who (weld have murdered py condition, aril/ unite Cordially in the AND I.:X.r.r.:t; II.: A. FUEL \ lAa i d wil.r„ S. Painter. Their names are coeval with aorta seperate vote were given for some other and aepal-alto man ; whereas, ir given for tie, u: AS LlOl-ITNISU DOES THE WILL OF 001)." if they could, now mustered into the service of support of the. SA „ IVIE e TR , KE.F " eel ,. the Amer • '• 1814 dared wk.. ticket, it must secure to hilt an electotal vote in proportion to the popular vote given fir the U. S. ican spirit •; they in •, . , t , i . ~ , , . , ; country may yes ue Sit Vet, REM peace, ane , • , . • , , Firemen the principle that Americans shall , • believethere is a. It c..,st and calm and sunshine, will return to our bor. expect it. After seeing a Asian inn a Bodo Oct.', they expected to see is union:upon an elee. ff f ii , ou INHUNIAN Ida iii IN Coeveeem,.—The . - ) rule America, and have continued in the . tiers. But, it they ewer on minortotal ticket •; but the folly of u portion dour State Committee has soicly d hqippoiflied them. ' • Cleveland Heraitt gives the !macula. of one • • , d fight• • h goo against the aspersions eta [Sun- Friends t Let us du the best,we run. Let us rally to the polls and deposite the union ticket ' „- s , North - * - . epahr,reetl 111 tgliS TE' ill) " questions to mar their consent, and to par, of the most Whom. murders perpstrated by a derson," who has not only villified the old headed by dlr. • Fillmore. Our allies, the Republicans, will deposits the same ticket, headed. la ri .s. . e s. v 4 AiV el alyze their energies, awful may be the , Catholic Priest of that city, that we ever heard - Arrows Guard, but boasts, as his letter to by Mr. Fremont. Let us do our duty, trusting in the Supreme Ruler of all things for success .. consequences which they will entail their • ' IS i ' l, : ' • Iwrestedl 0•1 ! d f the spoilers. 7oe tfer Union '. Yet.-11 ~ ' the W lags of the Seventeenth Ward, in and she State ant : anon may yet be Iron .mu s o e , of. It appears that ft little girl named Barbara country. Yours truly, Forman, whose parents are German, died in : K. RAYNER. 1855 will show, that he not unly repudi- . e Nov. l' I ' 5 ' ' ..m05e.,..1.,-.....,....5e.a...ta55-senaaraarmialareausader.l:-.•••• . ••,... - }....r ,— .....................• , ates kative Americans, and American par- r Cleveland on Saturday from blows inflicted 1 sNTLREST NO FROM JAVAN.—Libentl Dm I . If 1 7 ()& 1 1 1111 S al 1 , 4) See i • i,:iiistis Fre,e, ! ty, but all secret orders, so clangorous to e ses o f fee (,•,,,,,,,,mat—o tte l as t ace,iontBl Ilea (Li nit% by her teacher, in St. Mary's Catholic school in I PJ.,EDGE OF THE ELECTORS. our institutions., from the China 61,43 .Illeiltioll a flighty hoer- t , -- I T' - k'o • N ? that city. l'he beating was administered on "TO TILE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA.— The Emperur ef dap., being i Ittenstose Oct. 2S, 1850. ' RESOLV4:O, That we are not surprised "' L !'.'g ' 1 " - ' t • '9" i (i.? the ilv io tp ec-, , . the 22d et' Septeiber. The following is the The undersigned, Candidates for Electors, ,at his side deer or Jesuitical movements ..ftere' to adjust various queotioith cumemted • My Dear Stir:-1 not quite Windier aus coulutled with' already writ the condition of parties tu er sox testimony of Olinda Rick, a little girl who • nominated by the "Union State Control. ! for it is in all of his keeping in relation to ' e the reeeet - tieene ' he • .r. r., ~,.. belonged to the school: (ion," held at Harrisburg, on the 21st of the great principles et Americans, tees.. r„I governmeets of tomilie and Ante, ica, I YOU WIShl t() see alik. tyke R. errioi'' held on the 22:1 of June, at Jeddo, the capitol Pennsylvania. and deplore it as profound- .1., . lam acquainted with the deceased, Barbara October, 1/511, do hereby declare that they . BESOLViII, That the time for res'olu- of his empire, a solemn tesembly or the prin. ly as any man' n the country and if I . Forman • have been attending the stone sellout : consider themselves pledged by the pro- •selflcould • • ' e ries sal - ed. t'o freedten ~,,.., h rd: most influential d political r. tip ' rr sb ' o bro i l Irons an I . ea mit e s le einepersonages of could persuade my that tem . - - with Barbara ; i during the last month Barbara , eeedings of said Convention ; to so cast : to a close far this campaign, action is . now had not attended school; we attended school at their rotes in the Electoral College, as to his Court. It was decided at the meetin , that rise the influence you ascribe 1.0 me, 1 two ports of the empire chow of Nang . itsaki would allow neither public engagements , 7. ' • the Catholic church on the Flats, in the city or divide the electoral Vote of the State be- ! required, and . that, when-we adjourn we ride Ito eillaii Tieket! I and llakodadi, should b ' e open to the vessels nor private convenience, to detain me for Cleveland. 'rho teacher of the school whipped- adjourn to meet at the polls, on the election of all nations. There they might repair, Mks nee hoer at home But I fear that I could B e e son by haying c o, it chair eeoi , h er b e e tween JOHN C. FREMONT and el IL. ffi f p ' day to give a strong pull mad ! a pull top- ia provisions, establish depots of coal, dsc— VOU tare 11.1iNilaiS that 11one:A MORE f la, and beat her with a sleek, he made her ta , o LARD FILL ,or the oce o re- tiler, for Fillmore and Boneleon. The ether purte of the empire . moreover are . d , not, and that the attempt • itSell might be ilf ~ ~. hold of the rounds of the smart as he whipped sident of the United States, in proportion ' . ' regaroe ,ae presumptuous and officio s. , iMr. John S. Painter was (hen introdu- t, be accessible to vessels In di tress, vrbielt her; he makes alt the scholars take hold of the to the popular vote given for each by their . mite take refuge in them; but which will have S . 4 - 1 A .11 P This much I. have no hesitatinn in say. _ L in- metia, who ilitl. ' ll IC kAOCia, allqa re (r l l 2l l '6A ronode of the • chair ' , 0. , he Whir , the. , ;he respective friends at the ensuing election ! red, and made a brilliant address, whi c h w p,,t, t 0 ..., the moment the dan g er, i,,, ~,,r , ' ing- - titat it has been , and, is entire': . i ;'."' need it piece or cane having a crook . it; rata —and 11l like :limner and accord lii to the was wceived with much enthusiasm H Nu foreigner is to be allowed to penetrate into comprehentible to me how any reflecting ing hold of the crook, he struck her about the . e some rule to cast the vote or the State, in the interior of the - coentry without a special ' and intelligent man, who earnestly desk's, declared the present state of Milli. a me. permission from the Chief of the Stnte. No the election of Mr. Fillmore, Gun hesitate alkali. and are •z.tive to the re(iiiiree" elubilders and beck and struck here few times " iee.,e. down; ea,,,,'„ say h o w ni nny times h a the same College, for NVILLIA.M L. DAY mentous crisis in the political history of decision lied yet been come to with regard to ' • - ill • ..• • - 1 d • • • struck her; she screamed and hallowed very - TONI and ANDREW J, DON ALDSON, ' for a moment in voting the Union ticket the commercial question. The right of Wit. : • , i- • f votes i InentS l) (_)oit e lS ttlaill ColVitriAltiOn e hard and loud when he was whipping her; his respectively. for the office of Vice-Presi- Pennsylvania. He raid—Liberty of: permit df„ e „id„ j a; „„ i s e on eee i„ s e. e l y mew ., by which means he mattes sum o blows were real hard, and he made ugly races dent of the United States. being suppressed, freemen are deterred in ed in favor of the Dutch and Chinese, who i enough to defeat Mr Buchanan, andsend while he was whipping her; she cried real haul Junes lamin g Smith B. Thompson, the petformance of the political liberty h , should itulkakiikister all the depart " until recess, when she went home with one of Joseph Edwards, Russel F. Ford. ham long possessed it . every onerous terns ~:I Mk. I- illmore to the House, et here, from - t e having but out market open to them, that of I first to last, his only chance for an election , Cunstitution of this republic guarantees. Nangasitki. Th• How policy adopted by the! has rested. Every vote given for the 1 rho other little girls. She tried very hard to ,-. 4 , 0 ,,, IN Eckert, t Frederick E. Smith, litS of ti2e ( - -JR-ol - erpitticirt„ Lug (hi get up When he was whipping, her, but she e •SI I-7 Dickinson,Abraham 1.." 1 • am .p i gra II ' and continued at great length to discuss Wiser...tit or Japan, , rill be productive of , straight oat Fillmore ticket in Pennsylva- Elie__ could not get up, because he was sitting on her • • •, l et results. i s no foreign v.• ! so that she could not get up; site was on her , Wilson Jewell, Joseph D. Simpson, ! the recent movement at National Hall, set mild enter the ports of the country to refit : nia is a vow thrown away ; it does hitn • 0 belly on the chair, holding to the lower found Albert G. Rowland, Ilezekiati Easwn, or take in provisions. The last decision of the , ee.erne. pod than if each separate vote with al your lad ''''' At The speaker concluded with remarks. tn for some other and separate • ,s , ' ` ll of the chair, and Me teacher had hold of hcr Caleb N. Taylor, Edward Scull. Court of Jed& a , corcligly constitutes a grand, w ' - '"' g I " - upon the origin of the American potty in e so . e .„,..__ e v„il e ,. de i c , R oo k, - 2 ;* ' rote -the nton lcket! hair, crushing her down on to it. The teacher Wm. Darlington, Wm M. Stewart, .. ran ; whereas, if given for the Union told Barbara she ought not to have gone to the ; William M. Baird, Alfred Patterson, 1844. , " ticket, it must secure to him an electoral Ragged School, and whipped her for going to ,LI Wheel 11. Shirk, Benair C. Sawyer, ' OttioCO'CRFSSION tf Fl ECTION —Cilleilthati vote in proportion to the popular vote giv- the Ragged Sunday . School.; he called her up . Ho was followed by lion. Wm. Mill- •• . - -• • • • • o r.; - . 7 — t l y Al e s r r,ir.,,,,-„,,.-,,,,--„,,---,,,,---,„ ..,, Simon Ca J • P ainter, meron, awl, on the fluor for going there, and whipped her ~. 1 riD for that. When Barbara went totter seat, atter ._ John McCormick, Law L. MeGultin, ward and Jacob A. J ones , w h o advocated shows the el ec ti o n of eight D e mocrats to the I 1 iinpute unworthy metier. to nobody', i•! l ,.r - i... r:•;: - 1 ,e,\ , q.•.' I e .,E 1 , , ,, ,,' :., •,..•. i 6 i - ; : ,.1 ,', Oct. 21 .—The Congressional vote of Ohio len for him. the Union Electoral Ticket, and denounced nest Congress, and twelve - Republican,. This ' but 1 must say there is somediing in this I ! - ':- ,-- -,, -' t'!'..‘2 , • l e'. I it -,1 t o ....:1 °'' ;:.O . . 1 !'.! of-TO/ e ' - et . the master had whipped her, she could not sit Jatnes Skinner, George W. Arnold. s - e T. does not include dlr. Cnmpbell's ilistriet, whose movement on the part of the friends of t I. - _ !ol ! 44,1 'Ara: i A !to ! • ' lle ! s '' !isis As 1 . c up straij;ht bee.. she got mich n whipping 1 the !proceedings at National Hall on Mon- i 01„!,i0„ will i,,,,,,„ Mr. Vallandiginu r n ! Mr. Fillmore that does not appear cm !1 , 1; ill Ili \ . ! " . i / • lil - I I:5 . \ e es - 1.-- Sees ~ii , -.., on her bars, tool Barbara said it hurt her to i use Dr. J. C. Ayer, the world renowned day night. . . °Lyl, grountlof ille " g t a e l d v b o Y ting. 1 i i i sit np. School commence, about 8 o'clock, wo chemist o f new Knotted is now stoppi e , e t have to go to church first, and Ilavbara was the Burnet House in this city. He has been The meeting then adjourned with h cheers flin tollowit, are the members of Congress 1,1-,-a-ecity \ li - '-' 7l_i \ _ L- 41 se. _ Le a --.. to cmprehend, assuming, as I do, elected t whipped snon after school commenced. lam ' making a tour of the Western Stedes, With Ilk for Fillinete and Donelson and the UNION Die, Dist. that it is all done from honest and upright o • • i There is hut OaC issuein thiseanl• goino on 12 years of age. Barbara has not ;scientific nssseiates, to investigate their rem. ELECTORAL TICKET. • .I. G. 11. Pendleton, D. 12. S. S. Coo, I). purposes. been to school since she got her bard whipping I edial produetions, or such as he eon make re.' , I 2. W. 1,. Grosbeak, D. 13, J. Sherman, R. I cannot, for my life, see that any event ! nt the school. The master used to whip ell the ' medical. We notice he has been received with :'‘i . '4 'O i l r rnrs I a L. 1 1 . Crtall'belli He I -1 - P. Bliss, Its ie so well calculated tu foster and cocotte.. as€ J-1 rrit., _LAX ivENS - 40N (tW scholars es he whipped Barbara, previous to . her marked distinction by my leading citizens of 'NE :\i'AC1 11 ,,,, , , ) ,1),,,,,,,,,, N,,,,f, Op,. 4, M. 11. Nichols, I:. 1 15: C. Thom D. , ,age the spirit of disunion, that has beau " - e - ' 4- -- whipping, hut he has not whipped them so since the West and ace rejoiced to fusd that they it. 13 hsesss. s - G eary must he a man net, 5. It. hi. s in , 11 Barbara was whipped. have shown o proper estimate or the man who Ilechanati's anti Stringfellow's own hearts. Ile u.. 1. R. CeekCrill the Wade., of the . 1 ! s• SII Vll 4 lti—zind to this every Several other witnesses were examined, all bits perhapo dono more for the relief of 1111111.111 'knows how to do it, anti does it, right straight D. 1 17. W. Lawr i e.. i;. '° l' u " l Y ndlwel ' wd. b Y 7. Aaron II .1 it 18 It le Leiter,lt 11.1 UM, • •B. • • I i Buchanan party, as to place the govern- le A I . . I of whom corroborated the testimony of Hinda ills than any other Americam—Dally Journal ,to the Madk. Ile masks his heed, not with the 8. Benj. Stanton, IL 19. ndwit. Wade, It. i intent for the neat lour years in the hands • _ rell •• Hick, and genie of them teitilied that Bower Cie. 0 , crape of the footpad, but with Westminister . beat the deceased several times On the head. ! ! Ball 'terse haw. Ile carries the revolvers of 9. Edgat. Hall, lb 29. J. R. Riddi ng=, it, of the nullifiers, secessionists and clisun • eir 04 - e Is e e of the _ ... -- N 10. Joseph Miller, 1 21. J. A Bingham, IL ionists of the South. If that sutra is not ! ' (virtia tltillct Sti. ° 9' ii( kA P. 5 A Coroner's inquest teas held upon the body of ! ger , 'A snhscriber," (whom we suspect to ! his mission, Oi the scale of Justice, held even IL V, C. Rorton, R. I sternly rebuked by the indignant voice of „ reee - Wet ife 41 e : , , s „ e A ,• the deceased on Sunduy. A number or witnes be some narrow minded leech) asks . why and ostentatiously high. Ermine oonceals his , the people this day, by the defeat of - Mr, tIY3. - J. N %Ate 11 ksMis 4 ' V l' '' %V.; iV • Fieentat? seo were examined, among whom were several , we advertise Dr. t i e s r'a fu r r i i ts, i milwe , o i t t li e llt. i i i i t v .s t . . i I , Ze t -k o niha g t i V i, e .e forraso the Common Law e e Code,hide and fringe the Foams News.--london,Wednesdiy, Oct.. Buchanan, (although I shall not relax my e 15.—A letter front lloinwp giros details exertions to save it,) yet L must say Iles ! I ° ll4)4ll , Sie 3 - e I)et - tv ii. ' 4211 them of the medical profession, who had examined I s l e il L l . l oi7 ' art:l l i:tram lino. we ( a ( 1 1 • 1' e Paid for it. •villainous despotism he Was sent to Kansas to l 'r the dead body. After a long and patient hives- of preparntions 'tusking fur supplying the nit. The fourth is, we know them by experience to du. Plausible, sly, circumspect and spacious, people will have manifested such utter ligation, the Jury agreed to the following, vet b e good. The fifth is flint Ihe Ayer 's pew. this agent or the Propagandists of Shivery r e tl e t i • n on t t o ingency against Persia. I . .here will disregard for the continuance of the Union In‘r„ 11 Tpi. f— 1 i J ad io s teamers, 10 beastly armed , diet t aliens being . recommentledby . better men thate comes the Law and Order dodge, ITe is fur 1 : ) ,.. „ 1 1 t . , las that its fnends Will every Where feel dis. TT tE. . j we—by physician? of highest talent and dvi tuously oway from those grog•lnto t,L, n" bouts,l sett/toners, and other craft for "That the deceased came to her death in lauding troops, besides 20 to 20 transports. !appointed and dismayed, end to a great ! J I il the deepest learning in the land, wo uro well vulgarities of administration which distinguish. consequence of whipping and beating received : Menem, Tuesday.oeThe following additions !extent disarmed for future exertioni, I 1 II 11 stained in our own convictiona of their val. ed his tirade •- • • dc ons i s t ed ll tl f C. 4,501.4 , and 1 un y o from anti by the bawls of Frederick Bower, on ~1 ,in fhe sixth is that they are dice it as well letclug fall the. bars of the Territory and em have bean made to the new ministry i G. lilte I consider rho responsibility for the security I e , or idiom the 21st of 'September, A. D. 18513. e l e :useful. The last but not least is thatthey comet:4 l, n; th e Rat., of Missouri ;„,' rush it , yas. public works, and civil governor of Mad: I. our institutions, and for our future de- ' ti 1 T • • The said whipping and beating bovine been iiirdy and , an you hesitate. VI ill youtyl have done aid are doing . anima or good and shoot, Town, ravish and plunder through rid . ; G. Zroave, Colonies. I votion to the Union as resting done with a stick or other weapon." h p of Ad niral Comma in this community with our old fogy friends Kn.. ad adlllete. Cleary has geared th e I e dateT2B " th rni t thy b ilag a s it ' iou ces that he was !alone, on the shoulders of the Dillmore I • • Comment. is unnecessary. The only charge ' if he Mild repeat himself ten thuusand times machinery of despotism OS legal principles. lle , . g e T er ' '• " ' c, i !men of pennsylvania, who have it in the 11.11 li 9 1 V I)ind tile fetters around your against.. child r s''' "ilia' she was thus i " hu • might never hope to equal, and we trust by is a law-abidieg In", h e i. iflillillig preparations to winter n the o • r) .: ' to the 2Gth da of ,his Gov manly murdered, was that she Inel attended the making them known, to renders some service 1 - 7 P Y , t • I den Horn, .d in consequence of the noioex. I power to roll back the tide that is setting, • •• Ragged Sunday School. The Priest has been Ito oar readers as well as ourselves.—Chrestien emir had caused to be issued 413 warrantsf• fP' b It 1 these' 1 I• f r destruction , b caution o the: treaty co ens, y uss a, 1, rong yin aver o its y over- own Ilintl)s! I[oll cannot vouwill for the arrest of Free State tn. charged at ran- vessels had entered the Black Sea. ; wheltumg the advocates cf dissolution with 1 • arrested, and is now confined in jail, to await! •!"•ucate• dour with felonies. Due hundred and thirteen !discomfiture, defeat and disgrace. / F ., "1 a 1 his exemination tool trial. 1 A NAHUM,. ESCAPnYOII, SENATOR WI I,RON. ' were then minder arrest. The others had fled - Oar Accounts from Ireland state that, the ! I prey God that they twill the cony- 110 t • .1. lien rally, VaDte tor I ree ____............._ the Territory or were cocealed, to avoid re- Potato crop this year will be by no MICR. so , Senator Wihloll has permitted us to take a age the manliness , ss and the patriotism to Isiiie A duel with small swords came off on straitt of their liberty. H ' t • • d t , ow 4, ft Hy . h e e iae ei . grea a. wats anticipate a t to ear likeono , rise au erior to allpattyandpolitical the leth inst. between M.., J. B. Boutin ' copy of the letter, which he It. lately torero tiny disabled, or enallemiadly beioelied since anee of the mysterious blight In districts P ...Louis Friloux, both of the parish of St. ed from Texas. Enclosed in it was a small September 26th, all eau guess. But will it where it was supposed 0, 0 crepe was i„ ur i ta • jealousies, and strike si 'blow for their ° Charles, La., in which Mr. Friloux was se- package. of aches, the result of the arnialilo serve the purpose of . Buelianen, thee to in t bsti. hly tainted it bas been found that the injury .c . .ntry on the .ne_xt o that will bnng Sr'AIVD Tit) 'YOUILI, GUNS ! sorely wounded in the sword arm. tote for blood and violence imi Kantins, the sly never went below the stalk, and that the root dismay to hearts of alltie tremors and lilt. Steno's incendiary operations In the speech. and velvet pawed tyranny of an unprincipled itself remained perfectly sound. !disunioutsts in our free and yet happy liiirA speculator in Liverpool, lie land, Slave property in Texas map now bo consitl. lawyer, desolating. the Territory as effectuallycoun tr . Here we are read to do our liest ;laid leave `ill rest y Y ve has offered the city authorities $5,000 per au- s i tu ; sa f e . Lot es a ll rejoice; • with the forms of Justice as it wets recently with STRAY BULL. • duty —it remains to be seen whether our Do oqi r mum, for the use of lampposts, for ndvertitting E.teott PASS, (Texas, ) Sept. 11, 1856, the knife, rho rifle, and the torch T—A(Geny : We on. The offer mei not accepted. Peen i ng journal. . me to t,e retn.ence o the Ca 1" 'o f, ['fiends in Pennsylvauia will throw an ob- se - 9 Mr. 11. Wilson—Sir : four speeches hove I , subecriber,in Penn township, r 4O ' stacle in the path of victory. 'to G-od. Vote for 14 renitiiit akid been received here, and believing you to be. lon or about the Ist of October, ' s e i le I am, very truly, yours, an unmitigated 13Iaek Itepu'olican scoundrel, I sigrA. young woman tamed Temple died : a Black Bull. The owner is re- ` ' • " !' • LINO. M. 130YY5 1 uneluse some of the ashes, in order that you at Vernon, Connecticut, on Friday last. She quested to prove property, pay charges and • VOlll %VIII have soinetliiii. to he may judge what would be done with you had was at a religious meeting and while laboring , take hint away, otherwise he will be sold acct.. Se" There hart been . change in the unit- . • 1‘ we •you in this part of the world. , • under much excitement, and giving utterance I ding to law, JACOB FINK. beta since oar last. Flour is selling at from :pr - • • "W ILI 'OOl Boos , " to her feelingtrin shouts, fell to the floor dead.: Little Valley,Pe tp Nov 4 '56 it Gto 8 !tailors. 01111 (Dl all the ilay - s ()I votir lifr. • • antiqbn outuat. ~,.' ..r•' , 4 ' Y. ' 4 , _ 9440 , _ .. , 11ekti*A I ..,.....41r. , , „..: - ... 1.4,- -' V I V. V.C.X‘c%':::,T VA , , „ ? , ` .. 'c'e.: •-ilt.l N sear The Farm Journal fur October and November is before us. It now occupies the front rank of agricultural works, mid is pub. lished for $1 a year by S. Emleu and Co. Phil. adelphia. air We would aay to the public that E. P. Prettyman eau beat any one in Huntingdon County taking Daguerreotype and Ambrotype likeneases. Call and examine hie qv:linen., at hie room at the Station Hoene, ttp etaira. . NERICIN i